09-0144 (RER)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: �09-00000144 Property Address: "56840 JACK-NICKLAUS APN: 762-070-046- - - Application description: REMODEL - RESIDENTIAL Property Zoning: -' LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 25000 Tiht 4 4 a" BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Applicant:' Architect or Engineer: HARRY PERKINS MIKEL E. RODIN 22522 AVENIDA EMPRESA 27181 MONFORTE RCH SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 ovtpl� ------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Pr i5Aals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: B -C20 -C36- LicenseNo.: 709903 ate: tractor. - O R- DER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am empt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: 1—) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Owner: BEL ESPRIT BUILDERS 22522 AVENIDA EMPRE RCH SANTA MARGARITA 777-7012 777-7011 777-7153 D e. 3/19/09 VJ a 'p 9268 _ Contractor: BEL ESPRIT BUILDERS INC 22522 AVENIDA EMPRESSA RCH SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 (949)709-3500 Lic. No.: 709903' ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is ioauod. J I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier GEM INS Policy Number WC3428627 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should be sub orkers' compensation provisions of Section �1)y� 3700 of the Labor Code tw' t comp) ith those provisions. DeCa! ' �licant: /WARNING: FAILURE TO SE RS' COMPENSATIO ERAGE IS NLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above informatio ' orrect. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construy1ri , and reby authorize representatives of this yunty to enter Zpon6 above-mentioned property fiction pur ses.ate//(Applicant or Agentl: Application -Number . . . . . 09-00000144 ------ Structure Information FOUNDATION LEVELING/FRAMING REPAIRS ----- Other.struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007CBC Permit . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 252.00 Plan Check Fee 163.80 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 25000 Expiration Date-.:, _ 9/15/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00 23.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,001725,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207.00 Permit . . . PLUMBING Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 27.00 Plan Check Fee 6.75 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 9/15/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 6.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB GAS PIPE 1-4 OUTLETS 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments Applicant missing some paperwork took all plans back. FOUNDATION LEVELING AND STRUCTURAL REPAIRS TO FRAMING DUE TO THE DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT OF STRUCTURE. THE SCOPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED TO LEVEL AND REPAIR THE STRUCTURE IS PER THE RECOMMENDATION FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD (LETTER ON FILE DATED: 2/12/2009) AS ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT STRUCTURAL CONSULTANT. PRIOR TO THE CONCEALMENT OF THE REFERENCED CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE BY A BUILDING OFFICIAL AND ANY SPECIAL INSPECTORS REQUIRED BY THE BUILDING PLANS, AND AN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FINAL OBSERVATION LETTER .CLARIFYING THE REMAINING CONCERNS LQPERMff ON LQPERMTT Application Number . . . . . 09-00000144 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments (LETTER ON FILE DATED: 3/17/2009) SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT. March 19, 2009 10:57:11 AM AORTEGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 1.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 2.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited' Due Permit Fee Total 279.00 .00 •.00 279.00 Plan Check Total 170.55 .00 .00 170.55 Other Fee Total 3.50 .00 .00 3.50 Grand Total 453.05 .00 .00 453.05 1 _ J Bel Esprit Builders, Inc. IConstruction Consulting . Estimating 10/08/08 City of La Quinta " Building Department To whom it may concern, r 1: As a representative of Bel,Esprit Builders, 'Inc., Harry Perkins; Jr, for city permits on behalf .of the company. Please call me i1' you �haVe„any questions. .�KV- Respectfully sui bmitted, David K. Jackson President 22522 Avenida Empresa Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Ph CA Lic# B, HIC, C20, C36-709903 NV Lic # 52453 has be authority to request and ;,gn 949-709-3500 Fx:949-709-3501 ICBO # 0299179-10 � /,e,�„�d'/ ' �: fir! �b1��l�J � ��t.'/Y� ��g /``�`��f�Y . ��`,�rN y� ,k" �'� �''�\i`�`.•�,-�,-- - - - - ri v T� V e- Q rj d I e R April 26 2006 ' Project No. 105502001 6cp 7J7 Mr. Theodore i Howard, Howard, Loveder, Strickroth & Parker, LLP 2677 North Main Street, Suite 800, Lincoln Town Center --- Santa Ana, California 92705 Q Subject: Geotechnical Evaluation FEB 2 4 2009 56840 Jack Nicklaus Boulevard, Lot.42 La Quinta, California By Dear Mr. Howard: f: As requested, we have performed a limited geotechnical evaluation for the subject residence, formallytknown as the Walker residence, located at 56840 Jack Nicklaus Boulevard, Lot 42, in La Quinta, California (Figure 1). The purpose of our services was to evaluate the geotechnically related features observed at the site and to provide appropriate repair recommendations. Our scope of services included review of pertinent background data including: geotechnically-related documents and Teports previously prepared for the site; government groundwater reports and data: geologic maps; performance of a site visit to document the existing conditions; perform- ance of a manometer (floor level) survey across the interior floor; performance of a shallow exploratory boring- laboratory testing of selected, samples obtained- and: preparatioeE of this repffrt aarasenrang Qur # nd1-1nas. oncia� inns; and prejimina� raYair rarrijmmp�daTiragac �...�...... GENERAL SITE COND71TICVNS During our April 5. 2006 site visit, we observed- documented, and ohotoa-dDhed the genera[ site conditions at the subject property. The subject site generajly consists of a rectangular -shaped jot, 4 ;rich fronts on jack Nicklaus Boulevard to the northwest, and is bounded by simiiariy devel- oped residential, properties on the norm- east and soF,Ethwest, and by a golf course fairway on the northeast ffiaure 2). .�----- ' _.- 5710 Rin Road - San Diego, California 92123 • Phone (858) 576-1000 Fax (858) 576-9600 San Diego Irvine Ontario • Los Angeles • Oakland • Las Vegas • Salt Lake City • Phoenix _ 'sh 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 The subject residence is located near the center of the lot and consists of a one-story, wood frame structure with attached garage. The residence is founded on a continuous perimeter footing with a slab -on -grade floor. Interior walls, including the garage, consist of drywall, ,and exterior walls are generally covered with stucco.' Based on our review of available background reports, reportedly the site is underlain by fill ma- terials, which i #urn are underlain by alluvium. Grading plans were not available for our review. During our site visit, we excavated a shallow boring in the front courtyard. Based on visual ob- servations, fill material was encountered to a depth of approximately 5- feet below the existing around surface in the borini3. As part of our evaluation, we noted the general drainage conditions at the subject property. REKIf gutters and downspouts were not observed on the residence. Several areas of potential ponding of water were noted in planter areas near the foundation of the residence. A few depressed ar- eas,zhallow sinal holes were noted hear the front walkway, north of the courtyard, and on both A chronological list of the referenced documents reviewed is, included as an attachment to this repot. A brief summerv:of the more pertinent proiect-related information is presented below. The subject site was graded in 1987. However, the grading plans and as -graded report(s) were notnvnilahle fpr our review, in April, 1986, Buena r-n119E inc. prepared a preliminary engineering report for the proposed deveiopment. I ne report indicated that prior to gradirig part of the site was for- merly utilized for agricultural purposes a_nd the other part was Open desert. In general; the report provided recommendations ndations including: support of the residences on a J-$oot thick, till inat_ a conventional perimeter foupdation with a slate -on -rade (unless _Q£ouridwater was less than 20 feet- deep men they recommended, a slab Sys*ct'I" , �Mld fi 3 1/2-4TCh thick concrete slab, with hX fin- €i104a. Mp we[cfect wire Fahnc- a In Decemoer; 11997, Sladden Engineering lirepared a report indicating that soil and grading 3. iigpior`is, previousiy prepareu by Buena Engineers and Earith Systems Consultants, were valid. /VI#7,ya�/�o®re 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 • On December 12, 2001, Sladden Engineering performed a floor level survey at the subject residence, 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd. The report indicated an elevation differential of just over 1 inch. • On December 19, 2001, Valley Plumbing performed a leak detection test on the residential sewer system and no leaks were reported. • On January 14, 2002, Vandorpe Chou Associates, Inc. performed structural observations at the subject residence. Indicated that observed distress was not related to deficiency of the structure, but foundation/soil related. • On June 17,, 2002, Vandorpe Chou Associates, Inc. performed site visit on May 21, 2002, to determine the cause of the slab cracks at the subject residence. The report also indicated that the garage slab had been removed, as had the floor coverings, and. a 3- by 4 -foot section of the concrete floor slab in the hallway. The report also indicated that an approximately 1 inch wide by 20 feet long slab crack was observed in the living room. In general, the report con- cluded that irrigation water had traveled under the house and caused sail movernent resulting --p -t=t c`•c`-zammF: dc -d dt-c :-E_d per mister f3f3FEFE�'s. o On June 17, 20'02, Sladden Engineering performed a "distress evaluation" at the subject property in order to provide repair recommendations. The evaluation included field ar�<i laboratory testing services. The report did not indicate the primary cause of the observed dis- tress, but suggested contributing factors, such as differential soli movement related to landscaDe irrigation. Recommendations were provided to improve drainage conditions by positive drainage and/or installation of a subsurface drainage system, installation of a mois- t -e ban ieE alGag the perimeter footings, and, closely monitored. fandscape irrigation. T'he reriort aisdi recommended c€ riventiona6 u-ndeminnrreg and rcicvei�rt" `:g�_izing cracks and affected constructionjoints be str�.?ctura�ly nteg ,Je 1. to MtT3irr3ize fiahire 'a a'r^.TP.?ia'B:A� r9'd f'iii F' A7 ii' ,333t� 1'i�i baa .333!`FS� Ci'?'3� `aai �� irf3 iia d`�ar �, a 3:g5J 'n hvir- the. ,.^tall_ n.nn On July 25. 2002_ Vandorpe Cliou Associates_ int., provided crack repair recommendations On June 6. 2003_ (Dost installation of perimeter cutoff wall)_ Sladden Enaineerin2 issued a report indicated t1at additiorJ4 distrers was observed Land die, floor level siirvey reg;�!tc int? a r_gTM ndditinaln] raaravn,mn,nt f i innh) dna flan, rn,r3nrt indirarM that this ariritiaaraa3 t'iictrn,.c e On Julv_ 1.2003_ Sladden Eno-ineerina prepared a report entitled "Recent Site Observations and /y>nyv4*40ore 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 relaxation and/or drying shrinkage of the bearing soils as a result of the installation of the mois- ture cutoff wall." No additional movement was observed between May and June floor level surveys. (Note, the June 6, 2003 report indicated 1 inch of additional differential across the slab.) • On January 30, 2004, Ryland Associates performed a geophysical survey to evaluate local soil subsidence at the subject site area. Seismic refraction lines indicated "not only surface anoma- lies but anomalies at depths on -the order of 200 feet or more." The report indicated that the deep anomalies may be related to fault contact; however it could not be clearly demonstrated. On July 2, 2004, Subsurface Surveys (SSS) at the request of the Homeowner's Association, performed a- seismic refraction survey in the median area on Jack Nicklaus Blvd. The pur- pose was to evaluate the subsurface conditions across the surface failure/street, curb and gutter displacement. SSS concluded that "a fault interpretation is entirely consistent with the local situation wherein the San Andreas Fault zone splays into the valley in many strands, and the SaniAndreas is one of the world's most active fault zones." SUMMARY OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS During our site .visit, we observed and photographed geotechnically-related- distress. features at the subject property. Observed cracks and separations in the interior floors and ceilings and exte- rior flatwork are' -depicted on Figure 2. In general, the observed distress included the following: Interior + i • Several.? hairline (i.e., less than 1/32 -inches wide) up to approximately 1/8 -inch wide drywall cracks were noted, and several hairline to approximately 1/4 -inch wide ceiling cracks/separations were observed in the hallway, living room, and kitchen ceilings. Some of the ceiling cracks extend approximately 20 feet. In addition, several approxi- mately'El /2- to 1 -inch wide cracks and separations were noted on the walls and ceiling of bedroom no. 3, and particularly in the bathroom. Some of the separations included lat- eral off -sets ranging from approximate 1/2- to 1 -inch wide. f, • Several floor tile cracks ranging from approximatlyl/16- to 1/4 -inches wide, and ex- tending approximately 15 feet. An approximately 3/16- to 1/4 -inch wide ceramic floor tile and wall separation was ob- served in the guest bathroom. The guest bathroom door is out -of -square and will not close. /`/in�o�/hooro 0 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 La Quinta, California April 26, 2006 Project No. 105502001 Garage • Up to approximately 1 -inch wide separations were noted between the stem wall and ga- rage slab and between the driveway and garage slab. In addition, an approximately 1/2 - to 1 -inch wide crack, with a vertical differential of approximately 1 inch was also noted in the golf cart portion of the garage. • Several' drywall cracks were observed in the garage, including; an approximately 1- to 1 1/2 -inch wide crack near the upper right corner of the rear access door. Daylight could be seen through this crack, as the crack extended through both the drywall and stucco. • A few ceiling cracks up to approximately 1 1/2 -inches wide were noted above the water heater. Exterior • At the upper left corner, the rear garage access door frame has separated approximately 1/2 -inch. • Several, hairline to approximately 1/4 -inch wide diagonal stucco cracks were noted near the upper left corner of the rear garage access door. Further, the corner roof truss, near the access door, has sheared and pulled apart approximately 1/8- to 1 1/2 -inches. • An up 'to approximately 3/4 -inch wide separation and crack was observed between the stucco and roof truss, to the left of the front entry. • A hairline up to approximately. 3/16 -inch wide stucco crack was noted near the upper left comer of the golf cart garage door. • Numerous hairline up to approximately 1/2 -inch wide stucco cracks were noted near the corners of the northeast facing windows. Some of the cracks extend to the roof trusses. • Several'hairline up to approximately 1/8 -inch wide cracks were noted near the east end of the concrete masonry unit (CMU) privacy wall. • An approximately 1/4- to 1/2 -inch wide separation was noted between the southwest facing exterior garage wall and the block privacy wall. Jack Nicklaus Boulevard As part of our site reconnaissance, we observed and documented asphalt and curb and gutter distress features on Jack Nicklaus Blvd., just west of the subject property. In general, the distress consists of a depressed area with numerous sub -parallel asphalt cracks that generally J/17ff0&*QQre 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 trend in an east -west direction. The asphalt cracks range from hairline, up to approximately 1 inch in width. In addition, up to approximately 1 1/2 -inch wide cracks, with up to ap- proximately 3 1/2 -inches of vertical displacement, and approximately 3/4 inches of lateral ofd set were',observed in the curb and gutter, west of the subject property. Based on a com- parison with earlier observations, the street, curbs and gutters in the area west of the subject property have continued to worsen. FLOOR LEVEL SURVEY As part of our study,.representatives from our office performed a floor level (manometer) survey across the interior floor slab of both the main portion of the residence and the bedroom adjacent to the garage. The results of our survey are presented on Figure 3. The relative elevation differen- tial across the main floor of the residence is approximately 2.9 inches, with differentials approaching approximately 1 vertical inch over 4 horizontal feet in bedroom no. 2 on the north- east side of the residence, and approximately 1 vertical inch over 8 horizontal feet in the master bedroom, located on the northwest portion of the residence. The relative elevation differential across the guestibedroom portion of the residence is approximately 4.4 inches, with differentials approaching approximately I vertical inch over 2 horizontal feet. As noted on Figure 3, in gen- eral the floor level survey results indicate the presence of significant tilting of the northern portion of the residence. In other areas, the results of the floor level survey indicate that the floor is generally within modern construction tolerances. SUBSURFACE EVALUATION AND LABORATORY TESTING As part of our evaluation, a shallow boring (HA -1) was excavated in the courtyard area near the front entry of the residence. The boring was excavated with a hand auger to a depth of approxi- mately 5.3 feet below the existing ground surface. The purpose of the boring was to observe the i subsurface conditions and to collect soil samples for laboratory testing. Bulk samples were col- lected at selected intervals within the boring and were transported to our laboratory for testing. The excavation was then backfilled with the excavated soil. The approximate location of the bor- ing is shown on the attached Figure 2. N��yr&*umrp. 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 t �a Laboratory testing of samples included Atterberg limits, expansion index, and corrosivity includ- ing resistivity, pH, chloride content, and sulfate content. The laboratory tests were performed in our in-house lalioratory. The results of the laboratory tests performed are attached. The geologic units. encountered during our subsurface evaluation included fill overlying alluvial materials. Detailed descriptions of the earth units encountered are provided on the attached bor- ing log. As encountered, the fill generally consisted of brown, damp, loose to medium dense, silty fine sand and fine sandy silt, and brown, damp to moist, stiff to very stiff, silty clay to r clayey silt. Alluvium, encountered underlying the fill, 'generally consisted of light brown, damp, medium dense, silty fine sand. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The subject site; situated near the western margin of the northwest -southeast trending Coachella Valley, is bounded by the Santa Rosa/San Jacinto Mountains on the southwest and the Little San Bernardino Mountains on the northeast. The Coachella Valley is underlain by over 8,000 feet of interlayered sand, silt, clay, and gravel sediments. These sediments, derived from the adjacent mountains, ancient lake deposits, and wind blown material, are generally loosely consolidated. As part of our study, we reviewed background documents regarding faulting and land subsidence I in the vicinity of the subject site. Based on our findings, the site is not underlain by any known active faults. The closest known active fault is the San Andreas Fault, a right lateral strike -slip fault, located approximately 7 miles east of the site. Our review of groundwater reports and data indicate that groundwater levels in the La Quinta area have declined over 30 feet in the last 28 years (MWK Inc., 2005), and as of April, 2005, are at their lowest recorded levels. Studies have shown that groundwater withdrawal can lead to land subsidence and 'ground cracks (fissures). In 1948, an earth fissure was reported near Lake Ca- huilla, southwest of the site. It is believed that this feature may have been the result of heavy groundwater pumping that occurred in the area between the 1920's and late 1940's. 7 W C ., 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 As discussed, geophysical studies were performed in the median area of Jack Nicklaus Blvd., across the zone of subsidence in January, 2004, by Ryland Associates, and in July, 2004, by Sub- surface Surveys Inc. The Ryland Associates report indicated that the subsidence/anomaly zone may be due to a fault,, and that there were indications that the anomaly extended to depths on the order of 200 feet or more. The report by Subsurface Surveys also concluded that the subject subsidence zone was likely due to a fault. In September, 2005, representatives from Ninyo & Moore partici- pated in the excavation and logging of an exploratory trench across the subject zone of deformation in the median area.. The trench was logged by geologists from our office. The result of detailed logging indicated'that the soil bedding within the alluvium was off -set along a fracture feature, and that the fracture extended up into a portion of the overlying fill materials. In addition, the magni- tude of the bedding off -set was similar to the magnitude of off -set observed in the cracks in the street and curb and gutter. Based on the results of the exploratory trench, the zone of deforma- tion/subsidence observed in the street area, is due to the formation of a recent ground fissure. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS As discussed,'the purpose of our services was to evaluate the probable cause(s) of the reported geotechnically related features observed at the site and to provide appropriate repair recommen- dations. To accomplish this, we have reviewed project -related background materials, performed a geotechnical site, reconnaissance, performed a subsurface exploration and associated laboratory testing, and performed a geotechnical analysis of the data collected. In general, the distress to the interior of the residence generally included; several hairline up to approximately 1- inch wide ceiling and wall cracks/separations, with some lateral off -sets ranging from approximate 1/2- to 1 -inch wide, several floor tile cracks ranging from approximately 1/16- 1. to 1/4 -inches wide, and an approximately 3/16- to 1/4 -inch wide ceramic floor tile and wall sepa- ration in the bathroom, adjacent to bedroom no. 3. In addition, the bathroom door is out -of - square and will riot close. The observed distress to the garage generally included, several drywall cracks in the ceiling and walls up to approximately 1- to 1 1/2 -inch wide, up to approximately 1 - inch wide separations between the stem wall and garage slab and between the driveway and ga- 8 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 La Quinta, California April 26, 2006 Project No. 105502001 rage slab, and an approximately 1/2- to 1 -inch wide garage slab crack, with a vertical differential of approximately 1 inch. The distress to the exterior and flatwork generally included, up to ap- proximately 1/8 to 1 1/2 -inch wide separations between the stucco and roof trusses/wood framing, several hairline to approximately 1/2 -inch wide stucco cracks, and several hairline up to approximately 1/8 -inch wide cracks in the CMU privacy wall. The distress observed to the exte- rior flatwork generally included several 1/16- to 1-1/2 inch wide cracks/separations, with up to approximately 3/4 of an inch vertical displacement (Figure 2). The results of our floor level survey indicated a relative elevation differential across the main floor of the residence "of approximately 2.9 inches, with a vertical differential of approximately 1 inch over 4 horizontal feet in bedroom no. 2, and approximately 1 vertical inch over 8 horizontal feet in the master bedroom. The relative elevation differential across bedroom no. 3 was approximately I , 4.4 inches, with differentials approaching approximately 1 vertical inch over 2 horizontal feet (Fig- ure 3). In general, the floor level survey results indicate significant tilting of the northern portion of the residence, which, are not within modern construction tolerances. Based on findings, it is our preliminary opinion that the observed distress to the subject residence is due to the development of a ground fissure and resultant ground subsidence, across the north- ern portion of the property, as a result of regional groundwater withdrawal. Our opinion is based on background information, the location and nature of the observed distress, the results of our floor level survey, which indicates significant tilting toward the north, and on our findings (allu- vium and fill off -sets) with regard to the exploratory trench, excavated in the median area of Jack Nicklaus Blvd. Furthermore, based on the on-going distress to Jack Nicklaus Blvd, as well as the subject property' it is also our opinion that ground subsidence as a result of groundwater with- drawal, may continue. RECOMNM"ATIONS i F We recommend chat the portions of the subject residence that have been adversely affected by the regional subsidence be repaired. As depicted on Figure 3 (Floor Level Survey), the portions of the residence that exhibit floor elevation differentials beyond construction tolerances, including 9 11 #Vh7 v& Nome 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 April 26, 2006 La Quinta, California Project No. 105502001 the bedroom and bathroom areas north of the entry, and the bedroom and bathroom areas adja- cent to the garage, may be repaired by a releveling technique. In addition, releveling may also be extended into the garage area, which was previously replaced. Releveling of the foundation can be accomplished by a combination of mechanical jacking and mud jacking, performed by a spe- cialty contractor. After foundation releveling is complete, for cracks less than approximately 1/4 -inches wide, the cracks may be filled, via injection, with an epoxy grout. For cracks approximately 1/4 -inch or wider, we recommend that a section of the slab 2 feet wide on both sides of the crack be sawcut and removed.,The removed portion of the slab should be replaced with a new slab 5 inches thick. The slab should be reinforced with No. 4 steel reinforcing bars placed at 12 inches on center, both ways. The reinforcement should be located in the middle one-third of the slab height. We recommend that "chairs" be utilized to aid in the placement of the reinforcement. The slab should be underlain by 2 inches of moist sand, a 10 -mil visqueen vapor retarder, and 4 inches of clean sand or crushed rock. The slab should be dowelled approximately 12 inches into the exist- ing slab at an angle of about 45 degrees. We also recommend that Type V cement and a water - cement ratio of 0.45 be used, and that the concrete be placed with a slump of 4 inches. A general- ized detail of.the partial replacement of the floor slab is attached on Figure 4. Cosmetic repairs, such as drywall and stucco repairs, repairs to the CMU privacy wall, painting, etc., may be per- formed upon the completion of foundation releveling. We recommend; that the exterior flatwork and/or the flatwork that is removed as a result of the I foundation repair, be replaced with new concrete slabs. The new concrete slabs should be 6 inches 1 thick and should., be reinforced with No. 4 steel reinforcing bars placed at 18 inches on center, both ways. The reinforcement should be located in the middle one-third of the slab height. We recom- mend that "chairs" be utilized to aid in the placement of the reinforcement. We recommend that the concrete utilized in the new slabs be placed with a slump of 4 inches. Further, adequate expansion joints, not exceeding a 6 -foot spacing, should be constructed in the exterior flatwork. 10 Af�J7gV& boa« 6 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 La Quinta, California April 26, 2006 Project No. 105502001 As previously sfated, the main cause of the slab differential and distress observed in the subject residence is due to regional ground subsidence primarily caused by dewatering. It is our opinion that the subsidence will likely continue to some extent. The timing of the regional subsidence will depend on several factors including the method and depths of dewatering. Accordingly, fu- ture maintenance and repairs to the subject residence should be anticipated. Respectfully submitted, NINYO & MOORE Robert T. Wheeler Avram Ninyo, GE. Project Geologist Principal Engineer RTW/AN/ag , Distribution: (5) Addressee " Attachments: Figure 1 — Site Location Map )Figure 2 — Site Plan Figure 3 — Floor Level Survey Figure 4 — Partial Floor Slab Replacement Detail Referenced Documents Boring Log Laboratory Test Results r JV � �1i 3IIy''3^ � `�.i,rr ,.• A, • . 1 �y,,,j/J � , � " r� .� . '✓ :•� r Mitt "�" � l�ii'IYL91My "� ���LTXi7L1•Ip 'I.I1Y7ikIwNMr .trsac +,;� i` - '� �"''''''''(' jLmC3 LIGq tP } i n • g� R y f` 1 1 %� �.�J � � •'` fs � a �f to � � � aliCtdClti � •� 1 � wAVIL +� tfn� ry l + ,�OiiJA'N71 '� •tfi;711, �' [ J I ONO, rion Hit, ij�t a. ' �^� wy ��1 • U.'.R JNi1'11v1.E •� , .�a Q, -� _ a `•e:. m Hermltege Ir r� 1 r ��� 'm» • t � t UB 1 •.� J t j�J � � ' .444 Qu .�c.c 002o1911o1cioe., �x o•,.,�, /,E--+1 Ir.i 1I1%I V: IN v 21 N m NI 3 V A /8 CRACKS + II t DINING 1/16 /8 LIVING KITCHEN 1/16 1132-1/8 1116 1/16 1/4 ff-1/4 BATH 1/8 J > BATH c� COURTYARD . a 1 1/2 11/2 /l 1/4(3/O DEPRESSED �. AREA BEDROOM 1 GARAGE 1/2 LEGEND : HA -1 L__J PARENTHESES 1/� INDICATE VERTICAL BEDROOM 2 W: .: • ` CEILING CRACKS IN 1/8 INCHES HA APPROXIMATE LOCATION 5 UJ w CMU PRIVACY WALL n U D Q > b; l a MASTER .?/2- PLANTER BEDROOM c7 COURTYARD . a 1 1/2 11/2 /l 1/4(3/O DEPRESSED �. AREA BEDROOM 1 GARAGE 1/2 LEGEND CRACK OR SEPARATION PARENTHESES 1/� INDICATE VERTICAL DIFFERENTIAL IN INCHES CEILING CRACKS IN 1/8 INCHES HA APPROXIMATE LOCATION -1 OF HAND AUGER BORING APPROXIMATE U HIGH CMU PRIVACY WALL 1 , 1/8" STEMWALL CRACK BATH •:314. ti GARAGE 11/4 LAWN & LANDSCAPE , SINK HOLE 1116(1/8) ' f d •a. �• in • V LAWN • . ::: : ! SINK HOLE + ' NOT TO SCALE 1 DIMENSIONS. DIRECTIONS AND LOCATIONS AR AXI A E #1170��OOr@ SITE PLAN FIGURE PROJECT NO. DATE 56840 JACK NICKLAUS BOULEVARD, LOT 42 2 105502001 4106 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA a 0 t 1 DINING i KITCHEN 2.0 ♦ / 2.5 \ ENTRY , 1.5 BATH \ \ 1.0 0.5 \ \ \ 2.0 BkDROQM \� ` \ 0.0 ♦ \ 1.5 r 0.0 0.5 1.0 't 1.5 \ \ \`` ( I t 1 DINING i KITCHEN 2.0 ♦ / 2.5 \ ENTRY , 1.5 BATH \ \ 1.0 0.5 \ \ \ 2.0 BkDROQM \� ` \ 0.0 ♦ \ 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 2.0 \ LIVING \ \ 2.0 /♦ BOH 2.5 2.0 ( 1.5 MASTER BEDROOM \ '-- J 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 't 1.5 \ \ \`` ( I 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 2.0 \ LIVING \ \ 2.0 /♦ BOH 2.5 2.0 ( 1.5 MASTER BEDROOM \ '-- J 2.0 2.0 1.5 \ \ \`` ( I \ �BEDROOA� 4.0 LEGEND 1.0 \ \ ♦ ` \ \\k i -RELATIVE FLOOR ELEVATION 0 5 GARAGE 4 IN INCHES \\ ® INACCESSIBLE AREA ' \ ` 3.5 X. 2.0 3.0 2.5 0.0 BAT4' 1.0 0.0 0.5 GARAGE NOT TO SCALE x NOTE ALL DIMENSIONS, DIRECTIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROAMATE 3 FLOOR LEVEL SURVEY FIGURE n PROJECT NO. DATE 56840 JACK NICKLAUS BOULEVARD, LOT 42 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 3 105502001 4/06 T_ 4' (2' ON EACH SIDE OF CRACK) AREA TO BE REPAIRED EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR SLAB REPAIR (CROSS, SECTIONAL VIEW) STEEL REINFORCING BARS PLACED 12" ON—CENTER, BOTH WAYS, WITHIN MIDDLE ONE— c • . ° .° a' ° o ° : n '° c n e .°' , °° . ° ° THIRD OF SLAB HEIGHT :. •— GRANULAR MATERIAL I8" l. . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAIR NOT TO SCALE 105515002 slabdet fig 4.dwg PARTIAL FLOOR SLAB FIGURE REPLACEMENT DETAIL 4 Project No.: 105502001 Project Name: 105684 Jack Nicklaus Blvd., Lot 42 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 04/26/06 Date Author Subject 12/13/1984 Buena Engineering Soil engineering report 4/17/1986 Buena Engineering Preliminary soil engineering report 11/2/1995 Earth Systems Report of site visit and review of Buena Engineers soils report and Consultants grading report 2/26/1996 MDS Consulting Rough grading verification for Phase 5 of Ryder Tract 28149 including lots 40 and 42 8/1/1997 Earth Systems Consultants Review of prior geotechnical engineering report by Buena Engineers 8/1/1997 Earth Systems Consultants Report concerning lots 33-44 of Tract 28340 9/9/1997 Earth Systems Consultants Report concerning soluble sulfate and EI test results 12/12/2001 Sladden Engineering Report presenting first floor level survey 12/19/2001 Valley Plumbing Report of drain line testing 1/14/2002 Vandorpe Chou Associates Report of structural observation @ 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd 6/17/2002 Vand+orpe Chou Associates Report of second structural observation @ 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd 6/17/2002 Sladden Engineering Distress evaluation for 56840 Jack Nicklaud Blvd (Lot 42) 7/25/2002 Vandorpe Chou Associates Fax recommending slab crack sealants for 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd 6/6/2003 Sladden Engineering Letter report indicating additonal slab movement, recommended additonal 6 months of monitoring. 7/1/2003 Sladden Engineering Report of floor level surveys for 56840 Jack Nicklaus Blvd Report of recent site inspections (incomplete - floor level survey not 7/1/2003 Sladden Engineering attached) 12/1/2003 Ryland Associates Proposal for seismic survey of the former Walker residence (Lot 42) 1/30/2004 Ryland Associates Report of seismic investigation 7/2/2004 Subsurface Surveys Letter report for seismic refraction, PGA West, La Quinta, CA 11/15/04, 12/1/04 Michael Hart Geologic report and addendum and related correspondence 4/26/2005 MWH Inc. Engineer's report on Water Supply and Replenishment Assessment 2001 USGS/Coachella Valley Detection and Measurement of Land Subsidence Using GPS, etc., Water District Coachella Valley, California, 1996-98; Report 01-4193 1998, 2000. USGS/Coachella Valley Detection and Measurement of Land Subsidence Using GPS, etc., Water District Coachella Valley, California, 1998-2000; Report 02-4239. Howard's List of Docs 2.x1s m 0 C: x M D i1 w LU wo ( W D t; a.. � w o 0 Z 0 U 55 55 C6 J U DATE EXCAVATED 04/05/06 HAND AUGER NO. HA -1 GROUND ELEVATION Existing Grade LOGGED BY RTW/CAT METHOD OF EXCAVATION Manual LOCATION Planter in Courtyard HAND AUGER LOG ca c v m cn 56840 JACK NICKLAUS BOULEVARD, LOT.42 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. DATE 105502001 04/06 --- = = i=— _- =t =- i i -r) -r -_ ._ 2 3 a s - — .--SMS; — CL -ML ML FILL: - - Town, damp, loose to medium dense, silty fine SAND; scattered roots. — — — — — — — — — — Brown, damp to moist, stiff to very stiff, silty CLAY to clayey SILT. Brown— damp to moist, loose to medium dense, fine sandy SILT; trace clay. I I i i I SM ALLceous. I' Light brown, damp, medium dense, silty fine SAND; micaceous. Total Depth = 5.3 feet. Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Backfilled on 04/05/06. i �- i SCALE = 1 in./1 ft. i1 SYMBOL LOCATION r DEPTH (FT) LIQUID LIMIT, LL (%) PLASTIC LIMIT, PL (%) PLASTICITY INDEX, PI (%) USCS CLASSIFICATION (Fraction Finer Than No. 40 Sieve) USCS (Entire Sample) HA -'1 i' 2.5-3.0 22 17 5 CL -ML CL -ML NP - Indicates Non -Plastic OU 50 CH or OH 40 0 a 30 20'* y CL or OL MH or OH 10 CL - ML ML or OL 0 0'. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 LL (%) PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 4318-00 #07 ,ff4ff&*1Q0rP. ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS PROJECT DATE 56840 JACK NICKLAUS BOULEVARD, LOT 42 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 105502001 4/06 105502001 ATTERBERG (Walkeh.KL; +I 1 ' FIGURE B-1 SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE DEPTH :, (FT) INITIAL MOISTURE N COMPACTED DRY DENSITY (PCF) FINAL MOISTURE (%) VOLUMETRIC SWELL (IN) EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION HA -1 2.5-3.0 10.2 109.0 17.9 1 0.002 2 Very Low PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH /'/inyo�/�oore PROJECT NO. DATE 105502001 4106 105502001 EXPANSION (Walker)xls ❑� UBC STANDARD 18-2 ❑ ASTM D 4829-03 EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS 56840 JACK NICKLAUS BOULEVARD, LOT 42 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FIGURE B-2 u SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE DEPTH (FT) PH RESISTIVITY' (Ohm -cm) SULFATE CONTENT 2 (%) CHLORIDE CONTENT' (Ppm) HA -1 4.5-5.0 i' .I 1 7.0 5?60 i 1 0.01 250 I PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD 643 2 PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD 417 3 PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD 422 r /�/l�ya��uore PROJECT ;i DATE 105502001 : 4/06 105=001 CORROSNITY (Walkeq.x s i' CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS 56640 JACK NICKLAUS BOULEVARD. LOT 42 LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA FIGURE B-3 r Page 1 of 1 From: Robert Wheeler (rwheeler@ninyoandmoore.coni) To: hperkins@b-esprit.com Date: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:53:01 AM Cc: thoward@hmisp:com; Avram Ninyo Subject: Geotechnical Report - Walker Residence Harry, As requested, please fid attached our preliminary report for the subject residence. As you are aware, we recently performed an additional floor level survey at the site. In general, the distress has increased since our initial report; including an additional 1 1/2 -inches of tilt across the floor slab on the northeastern portion of the residence. Rob Robert T. Wheeler, P.G. Senior Project Geologist Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants 5710 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 (858) 576-1000 (x1226) (858) 576-9600 (Fax) (619) 972-0338 (Cell) rwheeler@ninyoandmoore.com Experience • Quality • Commitment 6 «105502001 Walker Repair Recs.pdf>> f http://us.f833.mail.,dhoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=Oal9npuolgfna 3/28/2008 _ "FROM :15ANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 03:32PM P2 Dane - Rodin dt Associates, Ine. v TrsrGaLat-As 50AW Be 27!81 Mo►tJorte *1P �„��� &u* To i� Mlrsion Viejo, California, 92692-3 12 Office (949) 582-2746, Fax (949) 34 -,4,18 ''" f aotus�rwvt�d,1• Fe_ brWag X 2_2009 City of Lacinta .A.ttention- Mr, A. J. Ortega Laquinta, California 92677 Mr. A. J. Ortega: rag- 1b ftwice G %l Lam. CITY OF LA QUINTA MIMING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 11A7E.WI&A I-- OQ 12w,% ft T* tjc* fl b At the request ofrBcl Lsprite Builders, on January 31, 2009 we per rmed a structural inspection of both the 2 car and single car garages at the residence at 56840 ,Tac t tchl s Blvd. Uinta, California. The purpose of this inspection was to determine whether or not this garage structure is suitable for occupancy.' This home had experienced between 1 % and 7 inches of differential settlement and under went remediation by means of compaction grouting. That the emmplotion of the remediation process the structure was returned back to within I %a of an inch of its original as constructed elevation? The remediation process injected approximately 6, 500 cubic feet of eementitious grout into the underlying soil at various elevations to fill voids and compact areas of soft soils which otherwise would likely continue to experience varying amounts of subsidence overtime. As the voids were filled and the softer soils re -compacted the structure was gradually back up to the elevation mentioned above. During the remediation process extreme care was taken to monitor the upward movement of the entire structure. Those areas that had experienced the greatest amount of settlement were put at the top of priority list and addressed first. This was done in order to bring those areas with the greatest amount of settlement up to a point where the relationship among all of the foundations was nearly the same. Once this point was reached the remediation process began in earnest. The grouting program called for each area within the structure to he raised individually in a planned and systematic manner that would maintain all of the foundations in this near level relationship during the entire remediation program. This methodology was implemented in order to minimize the possibility of subjecting the structure to additional stresses which could possibly result in additional damage to the structure. As stated earlier at the completion of the remediation. project differential settlement had been reduced down to between %a and 1 A inches over the garage area. After the completion of the remediation program there arc only two conditions remaining that would suggest that some form of structural movement had occurred at this residence. Those two conditions are 1) the small amount of un -restored differential settlement with in the garage foundations, and 2) the 2 car garage outside wall between the right front corner adjacent to the 2 car garage door and the back wall of the garage is out of plumb at the top by approximately 1 to 1 %1 inches. Received Time Feb.17. 2009 2:40PM No.5537 41 'FROM :DANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX No. :949.348 141B . Feb. 17 2009 03:32P1 P3 5 ' To assure that this'out of plumb condition will not become a problem in the future we recommended that the garage shear walls be reworked to bring them back into compliance with the original design drawings for this home. We did not have a set of the original structural drawings for this home at the time of our inspection therefore, we relied on photographs of the garage that we took during our inspection to develop our recommendations. These photos were used to help us develop a set of shear wall strapping and hold down details (i.o., copies of those details aro attached) for Bel Esprite Builders to use in conjunction with the original structural details when restoring the garage shear walls. In developing our,recommendations a seismic analysis of this structure was not perfonred. Our recommendations/opinions are predicated on engineering judgment derived from the detailed visual inspection of the garage, 20 plus years of experience in designing homes in Southern California including the Palm Desert area, and extensive experience in stabilizing foundations by means of compaction grouting. Because this structure was not damaged a'sresult of a seismic event(s), but rather by the naturally occurring subsidence that has been ongoing in the greater Laquinta area for many years, we concluded that a seismic analysis of the structhere would not be . required. Additionally, there was nothing given to us that indicated that the original design and/or construction of this home was not in fu11 compliance with all of the prevailing building codes that were iri affect at that timelhis home was built. '!`herefore, our recommendation to rework the garage shear wails to bring them back into compliance with the original design with the addition of a couple of now drag tie details is in keeping with the facts that this structure had been performing 'as designed for many years with respect to wind and seismic loading criteria as set forth in the building codes. If these recommendations are implemented it is our opinion that this garage is suitable occupancy. If you have any questions regarding what has been provided here or if you need any other additional information please call me at my office. Sincerely, Dane - Rodin & Associatos, Inc. Cnpies attached Mikel E. Rodin P.R. President tXp 3139110 Received Time Feb. 11. -2009 2:40PM No.5531 1 j Da -FROM :DANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 0 Feb. 17 2009 09:31AM P4 Alew pL,j WOOD .5)15ae WAu_` t E�9 . i Tie _l�ae -S L4 -JI r- � il AIkC Kiro Gl past, 441.109& oo gy7Awi Pane�j. i �va�L jj 4-- vIV Fob !� l�/TPC�ti S,d� v�S ear �� wa1-t L_5- f7 FDlU_-- Aga eg . • IN �Nc% a:Y witA �4Z411I.V' i s11hp,60,1 AB a i aVicc-,, 4NFOAgrt . � �, � � 6,� �mX /�•� ^ use 5 a �� YP/ C-': r 15�A,eA eW ' D,c,O,E Ms&D,92 0,=.4AP P _550AMPt eal Se 145 7-0 Ae ,#r 90' YV TY0 &gf_ 4G 1 DOO Z I-I&AD EL z1n • d 11V -a 7"}6 ,P6VA1DA71"0A1. ' ,AT TNN 7'Me rAe l-),6e.Dee e pma r dol• is $Fr7•✓f`."�/ I %z" �`0 2'' eco' !�" PL��� JJ 5 I�S/l•L oL1.a� _K5STDf• 770= S'rrcJD_5. /aero, e TN -g 51, 5,42 JA1 .4AW 1 ;?L 6 -M4 -;D TO 0,0e?1A16 TWi- AcamSu Ppm- COL_ I T)4—P D841 _ 7 D5 AT Tws Flo k RI+�� e- L4 5F ` AM e,?MA/L--Y, A,4(,157" 9,G PH7-4 ptv Eh POGb tVaIA15 /-AS IAIeAu4.6)� 1N 7-14is PACZA4C. j 7/#_ qr; x s ro 130M eye 6ARA6-`; �L 4,;N, Received Time Feb. 17. 2009 8:39AM No. 5533 c 4 It EESS'ON NON s/V/110 g7OH -77VIM a��-/ �v.� (9-7-7 d/Y 7VOId -), W2-1 a3navnx-�jj& o r� Q75_ Jy sYi4N3 �3 �' crrnoa►v' OW 5 Z! 1 s7vJV S17O17/y�1✓ro;7 �7&A>c�� 409o'd 3941-4 I 6001 'LL'gaj aaij pania3aa , �1.0/Y \ 1 a oia'�rs Sd WUZ£:69 6I0Z LT 'Yaj 8TPT 8b£ 6176: 'ON Xdj 'ONI 'S31UIOOSSH 2 NI 08-3NUa: WMU1 ,FROM :DANE-4ODIN & ASSOGIAiES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 O9:32AM P6 Raa� puss � s op 1 , iIf 10 Posru� CMARD Ppt �L' M *r W lc xs�iAr) 11 // JF I Coe i 1 1 �-Lj 2- CA. R G,a. . 1 ; i T- Ilk i i A121AI DD 1 ' 1 i t Received Time Feb. 17. 2009 HUM No.5533 50!�-p A 7- A" n" —J.- Al '71AAO -FROM :DANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2809 09:32AM P7 OUTS ID r LSA PH -619 V4L PZ U -S 5 BOOM '.W46[Da PAC6 -TA(A/AUL MZIS 77#5 p' pl Yu/mD o e OS a A5 wea- /ri IrP AZ 1114 -8 Received Time Feb.17. 2009 8:39AM No.5533 FROM :DPNE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:32AM P8 AT Ll ?" -3- B AV4 1_�FT iOF 7.14-F— Ddba d ldk'J IMM, i �`f0-a L'l ern vp CMG 12 L e -PL aN8 6-F -L he UIP OVER t k a cAe-'0r CDpc n 1 y\g' i s ,Ta �►s i 1 i I i 1 \.Iter >a 1 14 4X W<I 11 DPS 67A P /MI Z I Received Time Feb. 17! 2409 8:39AM No. 5533 M :DANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:33AM P9 Z1 F- me C f '7 /(/ori,' 5r 12 -<TR4 P 40AIr. D V,E2 GAG — Z 5A ys TITLE DAINE•RODIN $ ASSOCIATES, INC. MADE y JOB N0. CHEK' Q BY GATE Z (o A ,� SHEET NO, 6 Received Time Feb.17. '2009 8:39AM No -5533 hu, r 4. I f '7 /(/ori,' 5r 12 -<TR4 P 40AIr. D V,E2 GAG — Z 5A ys TITLE DAINE•RODIN $ ASSOCIATES, INC. MADE y JOB N0. CHEK' Q BY GATE Z (o A ,� SHEET NO, 6 Received Time Feb.17. '2009 8:39AM No -5533 .............................................................................................................................................. ..... 'FROM :iSANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX N0. '949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:33AM Pio Sy:METRICAL- , . ' `Fb ' EDGE - ; PE R PLAN A� R t -BAR rwST-i72,;,DF bST Lu '-":-49 POST - 2X9 KIN6 POST 2X 9 STUDS .. pL y S149AR PAA a -A .' A, B. P6? PMAI I) F-741 L 47 l AEA6E Da!X BaTO -1 tL CAL 64006 TITLE DANE•RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC, MADE- BY JOB N0, CHEW 0 BY. DATE_ 6 . d SHEET NO, Received Time Feb. 11. 2009 8:39AM No -5533 1� . . .. ..... . ................. . .......................................................................................................................................... I . .. . ............................................. FROM :DANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:33AM I'll MM. 4X4 "T MR PLAN,KATE To PpM%$I?q%M W" V" OP PM PLAK MST Ig I p 5WAM" GRALL a C4XnWCW MM T (ALT) M 1/4' PLA11E IF RD 16 Mo IN wou OJT pw p WET "IRMMD INS 9"WRAXV POM IN PER �MS 90'M AM LATMT CATALOO SPE41FICAMNS AW ftypAlom" 5/DO BG IT KIT W L ",'v-pwMM'-6WMW6lAL Wool SIT AMMOKAL P$TgWff " OR nM Mo WkP* P" 100 0 5926 1000 1 ER rypr SILL PLATE aj DRILL. FP2'j /A - 0 A R SIZE OF BOLT / ROD rwnN& PER KM VMM MW MWIRED TO A"fpT LON62R Hp poLT MM TM6 DETAIL ALSO AMi!s TO NO" BOLT REMPITs IMM W CMTRAC-TOR %A" MWZ INAT AL4 MMP PoW6 ARE pp4pEfty DOTAILW A?o rffAT RWRED BMT $120, RMM To THE LAYNT WITION 0 ENROMEM AV I'WT#* D" 19, IN pLACe. F IM $1 PPWq CATALOSSPCGft I)PORMATIM ;./HOLD DOWN TO FOOTING I t ITLE Received Time Feb.17. 2009 8:39AM No.5533 DANE-kODIN & ASSOCIATES, . INC. CHEIC 0. By —4 - -, DATE; -7 SHEET NO.- 8 PMM :6WE—RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:33AM P12 Sti-ong Tie° C0NNECTOAq. !I 1111111111111110W I TECHNICAL BULLETIN PHD Predeffected Holdowns & Screws City of Los Angeles. RR Values Loads have been reduced for Sec. 2314.5.6 of 1996 City of L.A. Building We Typical PHD Installation as a Holdown PHD5 (others similar) Patent 1`61109 Peg• 1 of 9 NEWT The Ptedellected Hotdown (PHD) is arevotutlonarydevelopment In Doec"n hotdown eonnedons. This connector Is predefiected during manufactudrig, Dlrtte to virtually eliminate deflection from material stretch. Light 011 s same U Gau 3 Dau PHD SPECIAL F>EATURHB: fwteners • Wood screws reduce allp due to overdrilled Dolt holes. a.1 X 78.2 ZINC ■ Smeller centedlne reduces eccentricity In the stud. Iloldoxn • No stud bolts to cotmiersink. • The slot to the sent provides anchor bolt o4umtment. 2.2xend • PHD holdowWa width fits easily on a 4x wall. NO -Of MATERIAL: See table FINISH: Galvanized INSTALLATIONt v Use all spadtled fasteners. Rotor to the current H wood Conatnrc(lon Coaneorom catalog for General Notes. SO ■ Place the PHD over the anchor boll. (See 13M tables). Maher 111amater ■ install Simpson's S1381/44 Wood snows (sold separately). UIt • For an Improved connection, use a steel nylon looWng ntn or a the bolt. n thread adhesive on anchor • To tie double 2x members together, the designer must determine the fasteners req►drad to bind members to act as one unit without V splitting the wood. No extra washer required. !7 • Loads based on using Simpson 9139 screws. CODESt City of L.A. RR25300. 1. Allowable toads have been fnaeased M fa eerlfwake or wN loading with no Mgrer increase dt ow aft reduce where olhor foods govern. 2. The anchor embadment and ootid lion mist be spedlod. (Sae SSTB). 3 Wada are based an City of LA. Na ItA2t =values mid Sec. ave2314 6 of the T City uced a �A t as mq*W > Code. 4. Deflection at Highest Allowable Design Load: The donedton of a hddown measured between the anchor bolt artd fire a9op pardon of the hofdtwi n when badsd b 019 hfptdest allowable load fisted In the catalog table. Thb movement is strkdty due to the holdown defotmallon W40 a 31M bad test conducted on a steel erg. 6 The SDSY4x3 haft beet wh h a low speed le r0I an* drm wflh s49" hex head driver. NSW! The 9lmpeon Sirong•Dd"'01/4 x 3 wood eorew has a hex washer head -for easy driving whh a socket wranoh. The buNt4A reamer and typo 17 tip cuts a holo to allow 3 installation without preddiling. preddAing may be necessary depending on the type and moisture content of wood. Other screw sizes available; contact factory. Idertlificatt0n MATERIAL: 1022 Steel, SAE Grade 5. on all OODES: Cily of L.A. AR23291. at m heads 8061/4X3 Palm Pending model Doec"n Equivbat fMis1►s (MM) Dlrtte Lora Light 011 s same U Gau 3 Dau til Gauge Sl�u ttlatur OMW 8tNoor fwteners t/,r x 3' Wood Screw a.1 X 78.2 ZINC Allowable Loads Iloldoxn Medal Avg 2.2xend Deflection at NO -Of No. W H 0 SO CL Maher 111amater 8ltrupOon SDSt X3 UIt yMol AIC"" Wood Screws Wood Member Design Load pHD2 14 3 9%s 274 1 1% 1a/e 04 10 10 283 2486 .024 PHDS 1 14 1 3 11%a 27 i' 1% 4.i 14 13,692 1 3375 .09E M 12 31Ar 1342/1• 1 274 7 18 1181,000 1 4190 .093 PHDs 10 3% 17%e 1 27/s 1% fah rib1 24 123,203 1 5340 .043 1. Allowable toads have been fnaeased M fa eerlfwake or wN loading with no Mgrer increase dt ow aft reduce where olhor foods govern. 2. The anchor embadment and ootid lion mist be spedlod. (Sae SSTB). 3 Wada are based an City of LA. Na ItA2t =values mid Sec. ave2314 6 of the T City uced a �A t as mq*W > Code. 4. Deflection at Highest Allowable Design Load: The donedton of a hddown measured between the anchor bolt artd fire a9op pardon of the hofdtwi n when badsd b 019 hfptdest allowable load fisted In the catalog table. Thb movement is strkdty due to the holdown defotmallon W40 a 31M bad test conducted on a steel erg. 6 The SDSY4x3 haft beet wh h a low speed le r0I an* drm wflh s49" hex head driver. NSW! The 9lmpeon Sirong•Dd"'01/4 x 3 wood eorew has a hex washer head -for easy driving whh a socket wranoh. The buNt4A reamer and typo 17 tip cuts a holo to allow 3 installation without preddiling. preddAing may be necessary depending on the type and moisture content of wood. Other screw sizes available; contact factory. Idertlificatt0n MATERIAL: 1022 Steel, SAE Grade 5. on all OODES: Cily of L.A. AR23291. at m heads 8061/4X3 Palm Pending model Doec"n Equivbat fMis1►s (MM) Feskilltt Doug Fir-Urc So. Pins PhtaPtr Ailowabl4a".0 flow Lads ' Light 011 s same U Gau 3 Dau til Gauge Sl�u ttlatur OMW 8tNoor SD8t/4x3 t/,r x 3' Wood Screw a.1 X 78.2 ZINC 2716 303 10 I927 261 10 284 1. AEovrable loads are based on gig 1991 N98. Adunbnenls ere made for use 2. MetAe tigidvalenta are Ilemd by Diameter x Lenglit, vdih metal aide plates, Fa • 45 ksl Loads under tit gauge are fa gauges 3 72no o Y" Ov dichromate, Gated through 22 gauge. Allowable lode for geugee riot Indicated must be 4. Insla4 beef with • low rp•ed bb" right angle calculated accordig to the code. Canted factory for more det•>fa. drip Wth a sib" hex head dr1m, r �jt� Re c e i v e d T I me6� e b, •1—. to 009"r 8: XA RR 0. "M3 aCopyrlpid1997SIMPsottUMONGiWCO. ao. Foes T• 4D.Ul MYa*11sa Web Site: n11p* 3tfAge9 cum 'FROM :DANE—RODIN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX N0. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:34AM P13 SIMPSON TECHNICAL BULLETIN HD/HDA Holdowns . City of Los Angeles RR Values stroil•i Moropegs 2 of B ® 1 HD10A B} (HPGA, HD®A, H014N and 00" Holdowns are used to anchor shearwalls, transfer tension loads between floors or to tie purlins to masonry or concrete . FEATURES Use HDAs for overturn requirements and other applications tminimume 7 bol dl mater spacing 1rom91ensuring �end ofwood meember. ted MATERIAL: Seo table FINISH: lo re SplD!-9ahalze$ alhermods-Simpson graY point- INSTALLATION: a Use all speditad fasteners. Rater to the oumsnt Wood Condnwdon connectors catalog for General Notes and warranty intormatlon. s For an improved oonnectlon use a nylon locidng nut or e thread adhesive on the anchor bolt. N Bolt holes shall be a minimum of 'A? to a meldmunt of %e IMOT than the bolt diameter (per the 1goI NDS, $Won 8.1.21). Standard washers are required between the base plate and anchor nut (HD models only). stud belle require bearing plates opposite all holdowne. The load transfer plate Is an Integral part of the HDA; no additional washer is required. a Locate the holdown on the wood member to maintain minimum of the member to thevWien eAlne of the timt bolt. t diameters from e end ■ To tie double 2x members together, the designer must determine the fasteners required to bind members to act anyone unn without splitting. C0�6s 9 i2 15), AR28 B9 (ARBA), RR261b9 (HDBA-104 6, i. Typical HD2A installation HB Is the,00de-required minimum distance, of 7 bolt diameters trom the mudslll to the Canter at the firut bolt. HDA sell-pggtng heldowne automatically malntAln this distance. HDA's Inetalledlrelsed off the mudelll may have larger defleotlon values. Received TimettFeb.17.02009N0:39AV'No.553T'9 web site: http:/Mnv Won scout D15 D/6 foatur" a 51e1doff aaetlor greater values end plov rmst be Inrtobd Enwan OoN p tsvAwood T'yyypplosl HDIG Installation 0Con*l1987 WAPSOH STROROW C0. DIM FaMT-140-LA ON em 10 FROM :DANE—RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 Feb. 17 2009 09:34AM P14 i I SIMPSON Strong'I'ie mirururn-tn6 s t� TECHNICAL BULLETIN - HD/HDA Holdowns — City of Lou Angeles RR Values Loads have boon reduced for Sec. 2314.6.6 of 1996 City of L.A. Building Code pogo 3 of e Ilwd rto. llstufd 9Rse body H®4 88 w H D 80 CZ or earlbqueke loading wi0 no further Ittcrasso t� A r� tiny Z W Largo of Mh tnlYoodflambs, Ptt, 3 3% lily Dollacti dHvm tes�htoad H02A 7 a 12 s 4°/1• 2% 2VA 9 2'A. '/. 1'A. 64 2.% IM0 1480 1940 2275 2460 2476 2476 0.043 H03A 3 ga 10 pa 6'/4 3 314 D7/j. 3b. '/ 2'Yi '/� oI °h 2•'4 20787 1780 2390 2880 3280 3600 3600 0.047 MA '4 7 a 8'A4 31A 31/4 1114. MA& 34 2' • 74 2-1A 27333 1708 2240 2788 3308 3825 4130 0.024 MA $ 706 6'/14 31,4 3V4 14'/• 37A• '/. 2%& 74 3•TIi 28687 2428 3896 4930 8040 6680 8060 OA92 HD10A % '7 o 8'A• 31,6 31/4 181/u 374. 114 2%o 14 4A 28887 2655 4866 6025 7165 7188 7165 0497 HD2oA % 3 go 1. 4 414 2017A• 414 14 274 11/• 4-1 $1333 — — 10035 10026 0.130 Hb2 7 a 7 4' 2'4 2% 6% 2'4 2% 1% % 8- 10918 1476 '18901190011800 1800 1980 0460 1@6 128 7 ga 614 3 274 6% 314 3 21 34 2.34 19000 1730 2260 2710 2710 2710 2710 OA31 HDa 3 pa 8 ga 6V4 3 274 12'4 31/4 3 11 1 3-% 18800 2080 2750 4080 4000 4000 4080 OA64 R07 'At 3 0% 314 31 11% 3'/• 37A• 215 114 3 28600 2426 3866 4815 6626 6826 6025 0.026 IID1 Si '908 7 4 314 16%047Ass"As 214 161 3.1 43626 -- — — 7209 8886 0011 H012 % 3 s .7 4 3Va 201Yra 214 1'4 44 43750 — — — 9816 10680 OA82 HD16 '4 3pa 7 4 014 24% 214 1'/4 6-f 55333 — — — — — 10680 OA87 1. Atbwabb bads are bailed an City of LA Noe, dealgner trust detamline the eflecd onacs of the system. At models except lim. NDS and HD? proidde RR24818, FIR26M and RR28156 vrdhms- Contact your Shmpsan representadv9 for test data. an o*nsta► to the base to do proal bolt Hddown defleDdon to phren la the NOW 01110WRI)b 2 AllowNs toads have been tncteased 337. for wind and spacing. End ditdance may be lnueased bad charm for that hotdotA», e7d b meaeure0 using or earlbqueke loading wi0 no further Ittcrasso as necessary for iter hoon. oxckmW of stud bob . To a standard tort Ng alp allowed; reduce where other toad durations govem. S. Sally the anchor embedment and coMfpuradan. eftiate deflecdate olewtmrral systema (sue) 3. The wood membermust be shed for the bad is An MDA I nat Bleed off the mudstf may hevo as dwrmlls), add the dellodlon of the holdown to the oumulaft deAeollm of the other elements of eenying rap * at the aitieal net seedoh, redudog the gross section area fortales or other removed alngardeflactlan. 7. VeMms sh m M not be used for wet the system acowdi g to the code (for stheatwats, wood as specified In the node, wwwage with horhontal wood dWwaga tL Allomble loads have been reducedby 259', as soe Boa 23.223 of the 1967 USO, Vol a, 610dNNs)• Actual deflecdons of struc nelAratema A Vary; the 4. N8 Is the required minimun distance from the and of the stud to ore center of the ttan stud bolt holo. required byS 23114.5.6 01 the 1596 City of u. Sources of Deflection at the Shearwall Holdown Conneotlons The3a are some of the source of defleal m that ahordd be evafwW bytle designer. See fro thn3tratcn, whkh Miles to other holdown configvretimL A. Stud boh halos: boll nio can ooarr at holtim etud bots. 8.OwsDed$tttd bon hoteai Increased bolt slip can occur it oversized holes are doled throo the stud for hoedown sate bops (oversized holes are when the diameter of the hots Is Wester than the bolt diameter plus 1/16 Inch per 1991 NDS, seWon G Eclmntrklly In stud: *ban a holdown Is InoWled on only one side at Il,* sad, an aocentdcify exists d ft bading wft can cause addMmW movement In the epeotwalt system, D. Nut a* unrestrained anchor bolt rage can spin boas during *Ito loading; the use of stool ngion loaidng nub or thread a")" may proverd nut spfh. E Look of rwt Illld IrC. addldonat movement an coda when nuts wa not tightened awdenty. . F. Delleetton of fro hofdown: do%cUon eon oxer to the hoedown order load caused by stresses due to asrthgtlft or high w1M. Q. Varded deflection tl fine hotdam SM caused by 6W rotatlml lateral dlWlacement at the lap of The well rotates the stud around Its bass causing 1M hoM m base plate to dleplace vertically. III. SfubkW. wood stvintage can am due to dtyhtg of rte s1t plate, rim )cis! wWor top plate; nub may require retightening atttter wood W*kage. 1. Iralized wood cruMing of stun baft holem upM forces an ire bogs can cause beat29d wood crushing at On bolt bearing bcedons. Tina use of largo bea" Plates may prsvad ids. J. Loalbed arushIng 9At9ed by dead and Ileo loads: wood at the and of the studs (sEl plates, rim )aisle, oto.) nay crush under normal dead ane the ba ft. admoonal comp uta forces due to ovadun ft during wdxM tris and wM loads add to fro dano4don. National Toll FVee Number. 8001999.5009 Received Time):Feb. lVm2009% 8:39AM No. 5533 ocapirw too? ewpa N BfpG amst oo., w0. BEARING PLATES _ SILL PLATE -FOUNDATION HOLDOWN -ANCHOR Fbon TMU 1197 eap 1100 `FROM : DANE -ROD I N 13, AS'SOC I ATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 3413 1418 Feb. 17 2069 09:35AM P15 TECHNICAL BULLETIN SET and ET EPDXY-TIFY"ADHESIVES SET Epoxy -Tie is the first anchoring adhesive to be recognized by a model code agency for resisting earthquake and wind loads. Simpson's line of Epoxy -7107m adhesive has expended with the introduction of the 13ET High Strength Epoxy formula. Available In 1.7, 22 and 66 fluid oz. cadddgsa for all anchoring needs. FEATURES: ■ Meets model building code odtorts for high wind and seismic resistance. ■ Provides the highest load values OVOIMle for concrete etefn wall applications. ■ A 30% increase In strength over exlefing formulas. • Side•byalde cartridges for easy dispensing. • Working temperature 46 to 100* OF. ■ Tested to eelemlo and high wind requirements eel forth by AC68. 0OD8St City of L.A. RR25279. High Strength Epoxy SET Epoxy provides a significant Increase in bad capaclly over the closest comparable adhesive. TesRiirtp under elmutatod earthquake and wind stresses show no loss of bond strength. The SET Epoxy can develop a high load capacity even when Inatalled In less than ideal conditions. Testing In worst ossa Inetaltadon conditions where the We was not blown or brushed of concrete dust shows SET develops 63% of Its full bond strenifft This data helps specifiers determine allowable loads under varying field conditions. Epoxies offer stronger bonding, shorter cure time and less hydrolizatiolt than other types of resin anchors. The Epox070 is a low cost, high performance epoxy that provides excellent bonding and requires less curing time. ET to supplied in 22 fl. os., cartridges or 66 fl, oz. cartridges. Order dispensing tools, mbdng nozzles and screens (for Installation Into brick or masonry) separately. FEATURES: • Easy mixing and reliability: resin and hardener mix autotnallceDy in the disposable stallo mbdng nozste, etimMsting Inconsistent performance. ■ Easy to use: gal consistency allows horizontal and vertical use. • Reduced shrinkage: shrinkage during cure to from 1 to 2%. • Moisture realstant: ET Is a chemical anchor that is resistant to hydrotizetion. • Oonosfon protection: ET compound seals the hole and encapsulates the embedded portion of the threaded rod. • VWbla supply level: the transparent meaeuring gauge allows for easy, dispensing. INSTALLATION: • ET may be Installed In concrete, brick or masonry. Check for proper mixture, a uniform gray color. before using. ET will not form an adhesive bond when dispensed as black or white. CODES: City of L.A. RR26120, 26185 (ET22). Page 4 of 8 uNnn 1 nil tt��ttUm or- $0 AD -502-9 p�Mt10V81MPMVRONOfif1'CO W0. FamT�HbLA&9?GViM Received �TimetEe. 1,f0U9uk :�9A o. 5533 4 4 tROM-:DANE—RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 348 1418 s� kyl w .11, F' AD CONNECTOPS • n Feb. 17 2009 09:35AM P16 TECHNICAL BULLETIN • SET and ET ADHESIVES — City of Las Angeles RR Values Pap 6 of o Loads have been reduced for Sec. 2314.6 6 of 1996 City of L.A. Building Code Epoxies offer stronger bonding, shoter cure time and less hydloihntion than other types of mein anchors. SET and ET 8BLEICTION TABLE FOR USE WITH NOLDOWN DEVICES IN WOOD CONSTRUCTION Howalm 1lodol NO. MOM DID., Hamm PAY Load Epoxy Mh Edge olq �" � beftent 0"M an SET AI ETI! r0 a 2600 p11 r0. � pal • SET r0.20` (Al roe 4000 pal 1i132A 64. - 2476 64 13/4 — 10 3075 3076 MA ahs 2476 % 35/4 5 5 2260 2260 2070 2425 KDSA 6 3600 64 lab 10 — 3076 3076 6A % 360D ° 3% 6 6 2250 2250 2070 2426 HPOA d/i 3800 1 7+ b — 3076 8600 HD5A 34 3600 34 134 63/ — 8026 2400 HD5A $/ 3500 1/ 8 83/4 83 3376 3376 2810 3330 HD9A 3/1 3500 94 I 10+/ — 03/4 4050 4800 HDBA ,1 4130 134 15 — 3826 3828' HDBA 4130 66 7+14 7% 4800 4800 2866 2886 HDOA 7 4130 7 1164 73/. — 3826 3826 HEMP,_. '14. 0960 74 13/ 15 3826 3825 HDBA 8960 % 6% 71/2..71/, 4800 4800 2665 2665 HDBA 74 8960 14 1164 714 — $828 3028 HD10A 7 7186 714 13/ — 18 — — 9825 3825 HD10A 'A 7186 % 8114 7114 73/4 4800 4000 2886 2666 HD20A 1 V4: 4 15306 1 13+ — 9 — — 4276 6476 H52 % 1890 e4 1°/ 6 — — 1685 1800 HD2 1880 1i4 13/4 10 — 3076 3076 Ht logo 6 33/ 6 6 2250 2260 2070 2425 H 6 2710 14 144 10 — 3078 3076 D5 �4 2710 3/4 3 63/ 034 3375 3375 2810 3330 1 4080 % 1316 — — 3825 3826 D6 1 4060 6614 7'/: 73/4 4800 4800 2886 2686 HD7 5625 1 19/4 9 — 2140 2740 HD7 1 + 8826 1 8i/4 8'4 9 4800 4800 2985 3786 PHD2 114 2466 1 11/4 — 10 3076 a676 PHD2 % 2488 $A 33/ B 6 2250 2260 2070 2425 PH 6i 3378 % lab 10 3076 8075 PHD6 44 3376- % 39'4 6 5 2260 2260 2070 8426 PHD5 1 3375 % 7+ — 5 — — 3075 3600 PHD6 74 4190 a 13/ 15 — 3826 3825 P Do 1/4 419p I '14 I b64 1 7+4 73/ 4800 4800 2886 8686 PHD6 1 7/0 4190 714 1 111 73/4 — — 3825 9828 PHOS 114 6340 "14 1 13/4 15 — — $826 3026 PHD6 74 8340 ' /4 814 1 71g 73/4 4800 4800 1 20(18 2886 1. Allowable loads are based on City o1 LA. AR28185 MT22) and RR2b278 (8% 2 The allowable We have been reduood by 25% as requtled by Seo. 2314SA of Ore IM CRy of LA. 6 )ft Code formas In om*moflon with haldown dWm& 3. Satsotad HDMDA models have been tooted wAh amater andtor bolt oitee lorcompatfy.- 4. The 0ndwa cannot be used to resbt pullout forces fn overhead trtsteAations unleee proper correideretlal N given � Are condBbne. S. H09. HD12 and HD16 not 8510d because MOM vblt a SMASH 1" dprMW endtOt 6011 Bite t0r COtnpaaw, was 1101 avdable. National TOR Free Number: 800/999.5099 eOankm to" "MMM eTaor,p rco.IN. FamT•HDA RX sip IN Received Time):Feb. 17.4009e• 8:39AM No. 5533 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT C.J. HAT Inspection Services, Inc. 8246 Oakdale Ave. Winnetka, Ca. 91306 Office: (818) 709-4076 PermitNo. d / 1 �' Date.q&/ 0 -P Type of Inspection A�/LXAW Project . F� IL 1 � " t'L Owner B 6 L W P?' IT Address !/J 7� _A(L�., sV Q,_)IWOLA S -B CL) DA City, State / 14 I t 17//i �k(A ���� � Architect ! Engineer�r()i� { General Contractor r L.- 8i P-12 i T Sub Contractor Concrete Supplier "r- Mix Design No. Average Slump — No. Samples Cast Welding: Electrode Design Strength Total Yards Placed _ Type Field Mark No. ` Process ' Material l I Location of work inspected: �'t� S! L �t i j j� j & U ,�,`rl/� 0C I, V7" A,, --r6 AJN "7r5/.Ail11 AI -)AI<A i (A) GASik sitnig�' fi4L) or I eJ nnC✓ r_<OT� J Inspectors Name P 01 /r/i/ lJ jQ T / /)I N /4I Le ) U G. " T til- C: AAW1'( ,l ) J j 7n Ir1 -1-) Signature Lic. No.y"12) iO4;'i I Special Inspectors are licensed by and work tinder the direction of various city and county building authorities. As such, the billing entity disclaims any expressed or implied liability for errors or negligence in fulfilling their inspection duties. Ibis field report represents a summery of observations and tests that the work requiring special inspection was, to the best of the testing and inspection agency inspectors knowledge, to be in conformance with the contract documents and the applicable workmanship provisions•of the governing code. Time In: A tAA Time out: �ij, HOURS: Regular O.T. r— s ! v Authorized By: Representing: F0t4M :DANE-RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FAX NO. :949 :348 1418 Mar. 26 2009 11:28PM P1 DANE - RODIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 27181MONFORTE MISSION VIEJO, CA, 92692 P H 1 0 NE (949) 582-2746, FAX (949) 348-.14.18 YOUR RITHRENGI; NUMI'110t; X.ORGRNT 0 1-1011 RNNTEW ❑ PI-FASI-.- CONIMINT RFTIA' ❑ 111,F -ASU 10:(-,Y(:IX Mr. Aj. Ortega A), here is our fitiql impaction' letter for the tcsidcn6c at the referenc'ed address. The attsiched letr.cr and detail l believe address all of the concerns both you and job.n. hadr.aised during niy p , hone, conversations -with. you on Monday of this week. I have stamped and . signed. theattached letter I have also put a hard copy in the trail to both you and Bel ES-Prite .Builders, sliould ymi jaced any adclitionalinformation please do not hesitate I:(-) lln call ne. The easiest way generally to reach nae is by my cell phone ( Tbonk you for your assistance and have a. good weedend Mike R d4i P , L 4 1(;I -ICK 11FRE, AND TN'pv Rvi'l.1iiN 1kI)I)I(HS8j Dane - Rodin & Associates, Inc. 27181 Monforte Mission Viejo, California, 92692-3212 Office (949) 582-2746, Fax (949) 348-1418 March 24, 2009 City of La Quinta Attention: Mr. A. J. Ortega P.E. & Mr. John Thompson P.E. (Young Engineering) 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Re: Structural inspection of the repairs to the home at 56-840 Jack Nicklaus, La Quinta California. A.J. and John; On March 26, 2009 I inspected the completed repairs made by Bel Esprite Builders to the garage and Casita at the residence referenced above. All of the repairs where found to be acceptable and in accordance with our letter to you dated February 12, 2009 and as we discussed in our phone conversations of March 22, 2009. The shear wall plywood diaphragm was not attached to all of the walls at the time of our inspection to allow us and your selves to inspect the structural rework that would otherwise be covered up if the plywood were nailed off in place. During our phone conversations on Monday March 22, 2009 the primary concern that we discussed was how to rework of the three walls that run from the front to the back within the two garage and Casita (i.e., one exterior wall at two car garage, one interior wall adjoining the two car garage and the Casita, and the short section of the Casita's exterior wall) that were left out of plumb after the pressure grouting. I have attached a copy of the detail that I believe addresses all of the concerns we discussed and which was used to rework/strengthen the three walls in question. It is instructive to note, that both the walls and trusses run in the same front to back orientation with the ends of the trusses bearing on perpendicular bearing walls or beams. Because of this particular orientation the three walls in question do not carry any of the roof load and for all intensive purposes are more like filler walls. The solution that we discussed over the phone was to establish a series of vertical under pins that could be built within the existing walls and attached to the existing studs in order to establish a vertical load path between the double top plate and the foundation. The detail attached represents that connection. It was verified in the field that the added 4x4's (i.e., which have essentially the same load carrying capacity as the 2x6's) do in fact provide the desired vertically plumb load path. With a proper load path established the walls will be re -sheeted following your inspection to restore the original shear wall configuration. Also, as part of the inspection the top plate splices were inspected as were the gang plates on the trusses to ascertain whether or not they had been damaged as a result of the subsidence? Upon inspection it was determined the gang plates had not pulled out nor had the wood truss members split or otherwise been damaged. The new hold downs were also inspected for proper installation and to assure that there was the required third party inspection during the setting of the anchor bolts. It was confirmed that the required third party inspection had been performed. We also inspected the foundations in the area of the garages and Casita to assure that the 4 foundations were not exhibiting visual signs of cracking, spalling, or deterioration. Our inspection did not note any areas of concern. Of concern originally was the extensive racking and movement of the two garage door openings (i.e., the single and two car garage doors). It was confirmed that these doors had been reworked per our recommendations/details, new vertical door header support columns had been added, new drag straps were added to tie the front openings to the adjacent shear walls, and new hold downs were installed at each side of the door openings. The drag strap details provided as part of our original submittal have all been incorporated in the reworking of this garage and Casita. After completing,our detailed, inspection it is our opinion that the rework performed by Bel Esprite Builders is in keeping with the intent of our rework recommendations and the intent of the original design. If you have any questions regarding this or anything else regarding the garages or Casita please or if you need any additional information please do not hesitate to call me. MER/dfr attachment N I Sincerely, Dane - Rodin & sociates, Inc. If Mikel E. Rodin P.E. President 3' 2 E X 15 Ti IV6 DDU ELFis — 4/Tr— OUT,,,O F R UA4,8 WAU-5 N. EW A IA —'TTU DSLI] F, 4 Z - SPIKE THF- NEW 4 X -q STLA-D5 TD EXISTIV& 2XI, S-TUV5 S-TAG.16MD FDR THE FULL - 0,— STU D/ '& PRE—SLS LLM Zl� -SlLL. PLATE F& FD Q, NEWO R 1C D 0 U7 D F 'PLUMB tA[A-LLS --7W GAME AA CA5)TA . i Dane - Rodin & Associates, Inc. 27181 Monforte Mission Viejo, California, 92692-3212 Office (949) 582-2746, Fax (949) 348-1418 March 17, 2009 City of La Quinta Attention: Mr, A. J. Ortega La Quinta, California 92677 Mr. A. J. Ortega: &no, (W CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 3 I-XV1 gy D rANAVC F-14*. LyMAdnit� t�t�6v� A.J. I want to thank you for takin the time to talk 'th th' / g wi me is a regardm e subsidence restoration work that is being performed on the home at 56-8 ickla Quinta CA. After our conversation I did get a hold of John Thompson and we too had a good discussion about what is happening with that home. There has been some confusion as to what actions we need to take next, the conversations I had with both you and John this afternoon were a great help for me in clarifying what I believe are your expectations regarding what it is we are to be doing next. At the conclusion of my conversation with John here, is my understanding of what we agreed to that we would be doing next to complete this project; 1) The drag and shear wall details we provided in our initial submittal will be implement however, before any of the hold downs, drag straps, are covered up with shear wall panels, drywall, or stucco we will re -inspect each location within the garage to assure that the as installed condition matches the detail provided, 2) Before any of the work is covered up we will inspect all of the modifications for compliance to the details provided, 3) We will complete our review of the P -Delta conditions for the walls that are out of plumb in the garage (i.e., primarily the walls running front to back in the garage) and discuss our resolution with John Thompson prior to commencing any work in this area to assure we are all on the same page, 4) A complete inspection of the double top plate splices will be conducted and any required corrective action will be performed and documented as well as being referenced in the final Structural Observation Letter (i.e., the gang plates on the trusses have already been inspected and photographed and were found acceptable) 5) At the completion of all the work out lined here and in our initial submittal we will complete a Structural Observation Letter and forward it to your office, 6) Finally, we will keep you appraised of any changes in our findings and or restoration plans as they occur. I I again want to thank you for the assistance you have provided us and look forward to completing this project to every ones satisfaction. If the foregoing is different from what you thought we agreed to please call me at your earliest convenience. The easiest way to reach me is by cell phone (714) 812-1196 should you not get a response within a couple of hours of calling please call my office number (949) 582-2746. Thank you again for your time as well as John's, if you need any. additional information please call us. Sincerely, ' Dane - Rodin & Associates, Inc. t Mikel E. Rodin P.E. f' President iii