12-0092 (GRES)Bin# ._ .. .. City of _La E�uinta Building a SaretyDivision illili0l�' I. P.O. Box. 1.504,78-495 Calk Tampico - La.Quinta, CA 92253 -:(760) 777-7012 Building Permit -Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # " Project Address: (pa ZA-C—E LA F r Owner's Name:. DOSE p14 A. P. Number Address: . Legal Description: I FTE1-9�J Contractor.n 2 rc� Al 2 nc +Un 1 City, ST, Zip: Telephone: Address' 3 r 170 U 1 J� Project Description: /✓�L City, ST, Zip: O e -. / �N^ f C 4 2 z -7r, Z -4-,,j O:F 1- D u C r o f Telephone: -?(.03y3 � 8f3 ; State Lia #: �v o° 6 3 /'0 C-� city, Lie'. #; Arch., Eng., Designer. /hin i Li A G S 54� .a r e". GOA*W . OF CON .1AI csi� >t�oK.lja940 ^. Address: �- 'o A)Q tom iz City., ST, Zip: Telephone: Construction Type:. Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n-`" Alter epair Demo Sq. Ft : #Stories: # Units: State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person: Telephone # of Contact Person: 6� . ` 3 y �.. 7ev g Fatihated Value of Project APLICANT; DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE N Submittal Req'd Recd TRACING PERMtP FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Um Amount Structural ("airs Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plaa Check Balance Title 24 CalciL Pians picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted.. Mechanical Grading plan 2" Review, ready for corrutioneiissue Electrical Subeontactor List Called Contact Person Piambtng ' Grant Deed Plans picked up H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Brading IN HOUSE:- ''' Review; ready for correctionsfissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. W.U. Appr Date of permit issue O School Fees Total Permit Fees 12.OD 12 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: CF -1R ADD Residential Additions) (Page 1 of 5 Site Address: WO �' � � n ^ � � Enforcement Agency: Date: 01 u;nta 4-/1-7/12 General Information Project NameC'A`l,�►'l� �, � _ - Climate Zone # i 5 # of Stories , Building Type EdSingle Family O Multi Family Circle the Front Orientation: N, E, S, W or Degrees Nu/ Conditioned Floor Area f Addition �V0 Kew Addition Size: Less than or equal to 100 ft Less than or equal to 1000 (CFA): bF uo not use this form for additions greater than 1000 A NOTE: For Alterations to an existing home, submit a completed CF -IR -ALT Form. Exception: Existing HVAC systems that are replaced or altered to serve the addition may be included on the CF -IR -ADD Form. Wrescri tiviEnvelo° a Re uiremen&for'Addifionslr Option 1: Use Option 1 for standard wood and assemblies meeting the Cavity R -value only. For all other use Option 2. • For 100f? additions; the Proposed values must be equal or greater than the Standard column or when indicated when using Package D, "Pkg D ". Enter all values in the Proposed Columns. • For less than 1,000 f additions must comply with "Pkg D" requirements unless indicated in the Standard Column. To meet "Pkg D" minimum e-nergy compliance rei uirements, see RCMAppendix B, Table 151-C. Or 151 in the RCM. Enter all values in the Proposed Columns. Size of Addition 100 ft2 or less Less than 1,000 ft2 Component Standard Proposed Comment Standard Proposed Comment Ceiling Insulation R-19 Minimum Pkg D 104 Table 151-C Wall Insulation R-13 Minimum R-13 Q. p Minimum Floor Insulation R-13 Minimum Pkg D AAr Table 151-C U- U- U- U- Fill out Fenestration factor SHGC factor . SHGC Enter Proposed factor SHGC factor SHGC Fenestration 0.40 Pkg D 0,40 Pkg D values then Proposed Areas Skip Over .LJ10 .�Ir Below Maximum Glazing 50 ft z To Roofing• Products Package D (20% Fill out Additional Area ft Below of CFA) + Glass ft2 Allowed Removed Fenestration Areas Below Radiant Barrer N/A Pkg D Table 151-C Roofing Pkg D See Roofing Products Below Pkg D See Roofing Products Below (Opaque Surface DetailsjFor the furred portioned of Mass Walls see Furrinp StriiDs Construction Table below. A B I C D E F G I H I I J ProPoSedSeeNote Standard Values From JA4 Table Framing Thickness, Fra JA4 Proposed Tag/ Assembly Name Material Spacing, U- JA4 l - vi )WEA It}a ssembly Assembly IDS or T and Size 2 or Othe? facto ° m e s � ��' � C ll Values —U -factor IO Note: For furred assemblies, accounting for Continuous Insulation R -value, see P ge JA4-3 %AtFor By calcu off rred wal use the Mass and Furring Construction table below. pA 1. For Tag/ID indicate the identification name that matches the building 2. Indicate the Assembly Name or type: Roof/Ceiling, Walls, Floors, Slabs, Crawl Space, Doors and etc ... Indicate the Frame type and Size: For Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 2x4, 2x6, or etc... see JA4 for other possible frame type assemblies. 3. Enter the thickness for mass in inches or Spacing between framing members enter; 16 "or 24 "OC; or Other for all other assembly description such as Concrete Sandwich Panel, Spandrel Panel, Logs, Straw Bale Panel and etc.... 4. Based on the Climate Zone; enter the Standard U factor from Table 151- C for each different assembly Name or type. 5. Enter the Table number that closely resembles the proposed assembly. 6. Enter the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity or between the framing; otherwise, enter "0 ". 7. Enter the Continuous Insulation R -value for the proposed assembly; otherwise, enter "0". 8. Enter the row and column of the U factor value based on Column F Table Number and enter the Assembly U factor in Column J. 9. The Proposed Assembly U factor, Column J, must be equal to or less than the Standard U factor in Column E to comply. Registration Number: Registration Daie/Time: HERS Provider: 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: CF -1R ADD �Residenhal Additions (Page 2 of 5 Site Address: (00 611 �Q r 8 �Qa� � Enforcement Agency: Date "! lJ G La au; n -tot.411- � 2 Furring Strips Construction Table for Mass Walls Onl A I B I C 7-57 E F I G I H I J I K L M Proposed Properties of Masonry and Concrete Added Interior or Exterior Insulation Walls From Reference in Furring Space from Reference Joint Appendix Table 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 Joint'Appendix Table 4.3.13 N r0 V LL N T C .�., jr O O C M L N N Mass Assembly Name or 1A4 Table $ . ° c U y E c E Final Assembly Thickness i T Number' ¢ > c X c a¢ > U factor Comment 1. Indicate the Mass Thickness from Reference Joint Appendix JA. 2. Indicate the Assembly Name or type: Roof/Ceiling, Walls, Floors, Slabs, Crawl Space, Doors and etc ... Indicate the Frame type and Size: For Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 2x4, 2x6, or etc... see J44for other possible frame type assemblies. 3. Enter the Table number that closely resembles the proposed assembly. 4. Enter the row and column of the U factor value. Enter the Effective R -value listed in the JA4 Table Number. 6. The Final Assembly is calculated by using Equation 4-1 or Equation 4-4 of the Reference Joint Appendix J44. Enter the value in Column L. 7. Insert the Final Assembly U- actor value back on to the Opaque Su ace Details table in Column J. (FENESTRATION PROPOSED AREAS Orientation Fenestration Type and Frame (North, East, PropsedAreal Maximum Maximum NFRC or Window, Glass Door or Skylight) South, West ft' U -factor'• s SHGC'- 1,4 Default Values w�N Zu .40 Total 1. Fenestration area is the area of total glazed product (i.e. glass plus frame). Exception: When a door is less than 50% glass, the fenestration area may be the glass area plus a "2 inch frame " around the glass. 2. Enter value from Component Package D Requirements in Table 151-C. 3. Actual fenestration products installed and as indicated in CF-6R-ENYForm shall be•equivalent to or have a.lower U factor and/or a lower SHGC value than that specified on the CF -1R ADD Form. 4. Submit a completed W5 -3R Form if a reduced SHGC is calculated with exterior shading. 5. Ifopplicable at this stage enter "NFRC" for NFRC Certified windows or CEC "Default " valuesfound in Table 116-A or B. Registration Number: 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: August LUUY Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: CF -1R ADD Residential AM66s (Page 3 of 5 Site Address: AM /I ' ^ rn Lmf � cement Agency: qjfj� Date -4411112— 1 1 1 I2— !ADDITION ALLOWED FENESTRATION AREAS, Check applicable box below if the roof addition is exempt from the roofing product "Cool Roof' requirements. Note: If any one of the boxes are checked below, the Aged Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance requirements for roofing products in §118(i) are not applicable. Do not fill A B C D E 17 Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with at least 25 lb/ftz is exempt from the above Cool Roof criteria. F he applicable box below if Exempt from the Roofing Products "Cool Roof' Requirement: CFA of Addition Allowed % Allowed Area Area Removed z Total Area Allowed Proposed Area a 4 ftz of CFA (A x B) ftz C + D Emittance (Table Above) Total Fenestration Area L4 00 '-IG so ❑ So ❑4 West Fenestration Area ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ (Required In CZ's 2, 4 & 7 -15 .05 ❑ T -a ❑ 1. West Fenestration Area includes west -sloping skylights and any skylights with a pitch less than 1:12. 2. West facing glazing area removed cannot be "counted" twice. " In order to distribute the west glazing area removed to the other orientations, input the west glazing area removed in the Total Fenestration Area row, column D. 3. Include the Proposed Area of the West facing fenestration in both Area columns below. 4. To meet compliance, the Proposed Area must be less than or equal to the Total Allowed Area for BOTH the Total and West Fenestration Areas. PROOFING PRODUCTS (COOLROOFS §1510912 Check applicable box below if the roof addition is exempt from the roofing product "Cool Roof' requirements. Note: If any one of the boxes are checked below, the Aged Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance requirements for roofing products in §118(i) are not applicable. Do not fill table below. 0 Roofing compliance Not Required in Climate Zones 1-12, 14, and 16 with a Low Slope. Less or 2:12 pitch. ❑ Roofing compliance Not Required in Climate Zones 1 through 9 and 16 with a Low -Sloped. Roofs pitch greater than 2:12 and product weight less than 51blf O Roofing area covered by building integrated; photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels are exempt from the above Cool Roof criteria 17 Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with at least 25 lb/ftz is exempt from the above Cool Roof criteria. Note: If no CRRC-1 label is available, this compliance method cannot be used, use the Performance Approach to show compliance, otherwise, check he applicable box below if Exempt from the Roofing Products "Cool Roof' Requirement: Roof Slope Product Weight Product Aged Solar Thermal CRRC Product ID Number < 2:12 > 2:12 < 5lb/ft> 5lb/ftz T z Reflectance 3.4 Emittance SRIS �7CKrh Mei I9F ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑4 1. The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www.coolroofs.ore/products/search. 2. Indicate the type of product is being used for the rooftop, i.e. single ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc. 3. If the Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same directory and use the equation (0.2+0.7(pi itiat - 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where pis the Initial Solar Reflectance. 4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above. 5. Calculate the SRI value by using the SRI- Worksheet at htW:11www. enerev.ca.govltitle24/and enter the resulting value in the SRI Column above and attach acopy of the SRI- Worksheet to the CF -IR. To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in § 118(i)4. Select the applicable coating: 13Aluminum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating TOCement-Based Roof Coating ❑ Other Registration Number: 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: CF -1R ADD JResideiiffid Addidois (Page 4 of 5 Site Address: Enforcement Agency: �00�1L. � C�-z OVACSYSTEMS - HEATING) List water heaters and boilers for both domestic hot water (DHW) heaters and hydronic space heating. Individual dwelling DHW heaters must be gas or propane fired, and may not exceed 50 gallons. Hot water pipe insulation from the DHW heater to the kitchen(s) and on all underground Minimum Duct or Configuration Distribution Piping (Central, Split, Heating Equipment EfficiencyType and Insulation Therostat nsumSpace, Package or Type and Capacity i z a AFUE or HSPF Location' R -Value Type H dronic N�GIt- turn l3 Wall wn'Ducrrl Fss Nth 041 6P4 r u Ws Thermal Efficiency R-Value3 1. Indicate Heating Type (Central Furnace, Wall Furnace, Heat pump, Boiler, Electric Resistance, etc) 2. Electric resistance heating is allowed only in Component Package C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e., if total capacity < 2 KW or 7,000 Btulhr electric heating is controlled by a time -limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes). See §151(6)3 exception. 3. Refer to the HERS Verification section on Pages 3 and 4 of the CF -IR -ADD Form for additional requirements and check applicable boxes. 4: Indicate Type or Location(Ducts, H dronic in Floor, Radiators, etc. 'HVAC SYSTEMS= COOLING) Cooling Equipment Minimum Distribution Duct or Piping p� S Configuration (Central, Split, Type and Capacityl.2 Efficiency Type and Insulation Thermostat Space, Package or SEER/EER or COP Location R -Value Type H dronic 1. Indicate Cooling Type (A/C, Heat pump, Evap..Cooling, etc). 2. Refer to the HERS Verification section on Pages 3 and 4 of the CF -IR -ADD Form for additional requirements and check applicable boxes. 3. Indicate Type or Location(Ducts, H dronic in Floor, Radiators, etc. WATER HEATING? List water heaters and boilers for both domestic hot water (DHW) heaters and hydronic space heating. Individual dwelling DHW heaters must be gas or propane fired, and may not exceed 50 gallons. Hot water pipe insulation from the DHW heater to the kitchen(s) and on all underground hot water pipes is required in all com onent packqges in all climate zones. Water Heater Type/Fuel Distribution Type Number In Tank Energy Factor or External Tank Insulation T Standard, Recirculatin Z System Capaci al Thermal Efficiency R-Value3 1. Indicate Type (Storage Gas, Heat Pump, Instantaneous, etc.) 2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of §150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do not allow the installation of a recirculating water heating system for single dwelling units. 3. The water heating tank and pipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements o 150 ' . {SPECIAL FEATURESthe enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Special Features specified in this checklist below. These items may require written justification and documentation and special verification. Radiant Barrier (Roof) O YES El NO. YES: Required in Climate Zones 2, 4, and 8-15 for additions larger than 100 ft Slab Edge (Perimeter) Insulation 0 YES 0 NO YES: In Climate Zone 16 under Component Package D, R-7 insulation is required. Heated Slab Insulation 0 YES 0 NO YES: Slab edge insulation required for heated slabs in all Climate Zones. See details in Table 118-A of the standards. Raised Slab Insulation 0 YES 0 NO YES: In Climate Zones 1, 2, 11, 13, 14 & 16 R-8 insulation is required, and in Climate Zones 12 & 15 R4 insulation is required under Component Package D. Thermal Mass - To obtain Compliance Credit for the installation of thermal mass, use the Performance Approach. Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Com fiance: CF -1R ADD Residential Addttionsl (Page 5 of 5 Site Address: �� /,, I n � � �� ^�_ Enforcement Agency: Date: U .L V Z -- HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARµRr-- The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the HERS Measures specified in this checklist below. A completed and signed CF -4R Form for all the measures specified shall be submitted to the building inspector before final inspection. Duct Sealinpy & Testing HERS verification is required for this measure. ❑ YES 12 NO YES: in all Climate Zones, if a new space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is installed to serve / the addition alone, the ducts are to be sealed and tested per § 15l(f)10. 13 YES IBJ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if more than 40 linear feet of new or replacement ducts are installed in unconditioned space to serve the addition, the ducts are to be sealed and tested per §152(b)ID. 1 ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos. 13 YES h0 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) and will serve the addition, the ducts are to be sealed and tested per § 152(b) I E. ❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems that are documented to have been previously sealed confirmed through HERS verification in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3. ❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space. ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing ducts stems constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos. Rgfrigerant Charge - Split System HERS verification is required for this measure. 19 YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 8-15, if a newly ducted split A/C or heat pump is installed to serve the addition alone, a 1 refrigerant charge measurement shall be verified per §151(t)7A. U' YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 8-15, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) and will serve the addition, a refrigerant charge measurement shall be verified per § 152 IF." Central Fan Integrated Ventilation System — Airflow and Fan Watt Draw - do not apply for additions 1,000 fig or less. Ducted Sot Systems - Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: Airflow and Fan Watt Draw HERS verification is required. C1 YES NO YES: In Climate Zones 10 through 15, if a new space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is installed to serve the addition alone, the airflow and fan watt draw shall be verified per § 151(f)7B. ❑ YES EJ NO YES: In Climate Zones 10 through 15, if the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced and will serve the addition, the airflow and fan watt draw shall be verified per § 152(b)IF. iDocumentation Author.'s.D'&Iat rtition Statement} • I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is curate and complete. Name: A,�y* (1 d'1 K7� Signa re Company: W ^,,, w ; U 1 m Date: Address: 31 �10 ay,,�,,^ �r• �1Cn7`�1 �J'� If Applicable ❑ CEA or ❑ CEPE (Certification #): City/State/Zip:T( , ��l Ch Ot T^ ^ I ` �p `Declaration Phone: '3U,d 3- h `a Responsible Building Designer's Statement • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. • I certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The building design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this building design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. Name: - Signature: Company: Date: Address: License: City/State/Zip: Phone: For assistance or questions regarding the Energy Standards, contact the Energy Hotline at. 1-800-772-3300. Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSULATION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy regulation California Administrative Code Title 24 State of California in the building located at: 60612 Laceleaf Court, La Quinta CA 92253 GARAGE CEILINGS: TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: OWENS CORNING Thickness: R-38 GARAGE EXTERIOR WALLS: TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: OWENS CORNING Thickness: R-19 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: JOE REYES LICENSE # BY: TITLE: MASCO CONTRACTOR SERVICES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. LICENSE # 221517 BY: TLE: ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE DATE:09104/2012 13