2018-21 Microsoft - Office 365Microsoft Program Signature Form MBAIMBSA number Agreement number 01 F73970 Volume Licensing Note: Enter the applicable active numbers associated with the documents below, Microsoft requires the associated active number be indicated here, or listed below as new. For the purposes of this form, 'Customer' can mean the signing entity, Enrolled Affiliate, Government Partner, Institution, or other party entering into a volume licensing program agreement, This signature form and all contract documents Identified In the table below are entered into between the Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate signing, as of the effective date identified below. Enter rise Enrollment (Indirect) X20-10634 Sub290 Form W29 Product Selectinn Form 0704241.003_PSF By signing below, Customer and the Microsoft Affiliate agree that both parties (1) have received, read and understand the above contract documents, including any websites or documents incorporated by reference and any amendments and (2) agree to be bound by the terms of all such documents. Name of Entity (must le a n-tity name)* City of La Quinta Signaturti'�� . SrGijIHE(tF�� Printed First an a Na Frank J. Spevacek Printed Title City N a Signature Date* 431441244,8- 031 !`! ZOtQj Tax ID 95-3740431 * Indicates required field Microsoft Corporation Signature Printed First and Last Name Printed Title Signature Date (data Microsoft Affiliate countersigns) 11 Agreement Effective Date 3 til 1 g (may be different than Microsoft's signatur date) ®eft Microsoft Corporation t� y A razed on beof osoft Corporation ProgramSignForm(MSSIgn)(NA,LatAm)ExBRA,MLI(ENG)(Aug2014) Page 1 ort Optional 2"d Customer signature or Outsourcer signature (if applicable) Name of Entity (must be legal entity name)` Signature" Printed First and Last Name* Printed Title Signature Date' `indicates required field Name of Entity (must be legal entity name)* Signature* Printed First and Last Name* Printed Title Signature Date* 'indicates required field If Customer requires physical media, additional contacts, or is reporting multiple previous Enrollments, Include the appropriate form(s) with this signature form. After this signature form is signed by the Customer, send it and the Contract Documents to Customer's channel partner or Microsoft account manager, who must submit them to the following address. When the signature form is fully executed by Microsoft, Customer will receive a confirmation copy. Microsoft Corporation Dept. 551, Volume Licensing 6100 Neil Road, Suite 210 Reno, Nevada 89511-1137 USA ProgremSlgnForm(MSSign)(NA,La[Am)ExBRA.MLI(ENG)(Aug2014) Page 2 o(2 ■ Insight.' PUBLIC SECTOR Organization: City of La Quinta Date: 2/13/2018 RIVCO-20800-008-12/19 (Riverside County) preliminary ProductPart Number IAAA-11894 0367GCCE3 ShrdSvr ALNG SubsVL MVL PerUsr T2N-00005 0365GCCE5 ShrdSvr ALNG SU MVL 0365GCCE3 PerUsr Requested by: Ben Esparza Prepared by: Chris Beechler Nbr Months Unit Price Qty Extension 182.36 163 29,724.68 :0 1 136.80 1 Yr Total $ 29,861.48 z Microsoft Licensing, GP Document Summary Form * This is for informational purposes only MSE#: (MSCI 3-0000009076682 Tracking Number) °°c TvRe.Master Agreement Do not modify the formatting or spacing of this Form above this text Subsidiarv: Account Manager Name / Alias: Country: United States LAR/LAD/ESA: Proararn/Version SLG 2015 (MSLI Scanning Cade) ACCOUNT: County of Riverside Outsourcer Name: Business Agreement Number: Master Agreement Number: 01E73970 Agreement Number: Purchase Order Number: Comments: Last Saved by Quinn Greenly 8/18/2016 3:48:01 PM 10/12/2005 Revision 3.9 M I C t"o t I't- Volurne l-icensing Enterprise Agreement Mate and Local Not for Use vAth Microsoft Business Agreement or Microsoft Business and Services Agreement This Microsoft Enterprise Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between the entities identified on the signature form. Effective date. The effective date of this Agreement is the earliest effective date of any Enrollment entered into under this Agreement or the date Microsoft accepts this Agreement, whichever is earlier. Any reference in this Agreement or an Enrollment to a "day" means a calendar day, except references that specify "business day". This Agreement consists of ('I) these Agreement terms and conditions, including any amendments and the signature form and ail attachments identified therein, (2) the Product Terms applicable to Products licensed under this Agreement, (3) the Online Services Terms, (4) any Affiliate Enrollment entered into under this Agreement, and (5) any order submitted under this Agreement; Please note: Doct.iments referenced 'in this Agreement but not attached to the signature form may be found at httr):llwyvw.microsoft.comllicensinalcontracts and are incorporated. in this: Agreement by reference, including the Product Terms and Use Rights. These documents may contain additional terms and conditions for Products licensed under this Agreement and may be changed from time to time. Customer should review such documents carefully, both at the time of signing and periodically thereafter, and fully understand all terns and conditions applicable to Products licensed. Terms and Conditions 1. Definitions. "Affiliate" means a. with regard to Customer, {i) any ,government agency, department, office, instrumentality, division, unit or other entity of ,the state or local government that is supervised by or is part of Customer, or which supervises Customer or of which Customer is a part, or which is under common supervision with Customer; {li) any county, borough, commonwealth, city, municipality, town; township; special purpose district, or other similar type of governmental instrumentality established by the laws of Customer's state and located within Customers state jurisdiction and geographic boundaries; and (iii) any other entity in Customer's state expressly authorized by the laws of Customer's state to purchase under state contracts; provided that a state and its Affiliates shall not, for purposes of this definition, be considered to be Affiliates of the federal government and its Affiliates; and b. with regard to Microsoft, any legal entity that Microsoft owns, that owns Microsoft; or that is under common ownership with Microsoft; "Customer" means the legal entity that has entered into this Agreement with Microsoft; "Customer Data" means all data, including all text, sound, software, image, or video files that are provided to: Microsoft by, or on behalf of, an Enrolled Affiliate and its Affiliates through use, of Online Services: "Enrolled Affiliate" means an entity, either Customer or any one of Customer's Affiliates that has entered into an Enrollment under this Agreement; Y EA2015Agr(US)SLG(ENG)(AUg2015) Page 1 of 11 Documenf X20-12056 "Enrollment" means the document that an Enrolled Affiliate submits under this Agreement to place its initial order; "Enterprise" means an Enrolled Affiliate and the Affiliates for which it is responsible and chooses on its Enrollment to include in its enterprise; "Fixes" means Product fixes, modifications or enhancements, or their derivatives, that Microsoft either releases generally (such as Product service packs) or provides to Customer to address a specific issue. "License" means the right to download; install, access and use a Product. For certain Products, a License may be available on a- fixed term or subscription basis ("Subscription License"). Licenses for Online Services will be considered Subscription Licenses; "Microsoft" means the Microsoft Affiliate that has entered into this Agreement or an E=nrollment" and its Affiliates, as appropriate; "Online Services" means the Microsoft -hosted services identified as Online Services in 'the Product Terms. "Online Services Terms" means the additional terms that apply to Customer's use of Online Services published on the Volume Licensing Site and updated from time to time. "Product" means all products identified in the Product Terms, .such as all Software, Online Services and other web -based services, including pre-release or beta versions. "Product Terms" rneans - the document that provides information about Microsoft: Products and Professional Services available through volume licensing. The Product Terms .document is published on the Volume Licensing Site and is updated from #ime to time. "SLA" means Service Level Agreement, which specifies the minimum service level for Online Services and Is published on the Volume Licensing Site. "Software" means licensed copies of Microsoft software identified on the Product Terms. Software does not include Online Services, but Software may be part of an Online Service; "Software Assurance" is an offering by Microsoft that provides new version rights and other benefits for Products as further described in the Product Terms. "Trade Secret" means Information that is not generally known or readily ascertainable to the public; has economic value as a result, and has been subject to reasonable steps under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy- " use' ecrecy; "use" or "run' means .to copy, install; use, access, display, run or otherwise Interact. "Use Rights" means the use rights or terms of service for each Product published on the Volume Licensing Site and updated from time to time. The Use Rights supersede the terms -of any end user license agreement that accompanies a Product. The Use Rights for Software are published by Microsoft in the Product Terms, The Use Rights for Online Services are published in the Online Services Terms. "Volume Licensing Site" means http:llwww.microsoff.com/licensina/contracts ora successor site. 2. flow the Enterprise program works. a. General. The Enterprise. program consists of the terms and conditions on which an Enrolled Affiliate may acquire Product Licenses. Under the Enterprise program, Customer and its Affiliates may order Licenses for Products by entering into Enrollments. b. Enrollments. The Enterprise program gives Customer and/or its Affiliates the ability to enter into one or more Enrollments to order Products. Subscription Enrollments may be available for some of these Enrollments. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, only Enrolled Affiliates identified in an Enrollment Will be responsible for complying with the terms of .that Enrollment, including the terms of this. Agreemeht Incorporated by reference in that Enrollment EA2015Agr(US)SLG(ENG)(Aug20i5) Paget b1`11 Document X20--12056 G. Licenses. The types .of Licenses 'available are (1) Licenses obtained under Software Assurance (L&SA), and (2) Subscription Licenses. These License types, as welf:as additional License Types, are further described in the Product List. 3. Licenses for Products. a. License Grant. Microsoft grants the Enterprise a non-exclusive, worldwide and limited right to download, install and use software Products, and to access and use the Online Services, each in the quantity ordered under an Enrollment. The rights granted are subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Use Rights and the Product Terms. Microsoft reserves all rights. hot expressly granted in this Agreement. b. Duration of Licenses. Subscription Licenses and most Software Assurance rights are temporary and expire when the applicable Enrollment is terminated or expires, unless the Enrolled Affiliate exercises a buy-out option, which is available for some Subscription Licenses. Except as otherwise noted in the applicable Enrollment or Use Rights, all other Licenses become perpetual only when all payments for that License have been made and the initial Enrollment germ has expired. c. Applicable Use Rights. (i.) Products (other than Online Services). The Use Rights in effect on the:effective date of the Enrollment will apply to Enterprise's use of the version of each Product that, is current at the time. For future versions and now Products, the Use Rights in effect when those versions and Products are first released will apply. Changes Microsoft makes to the Use Rights for a particular version will not apply unless the Enrolled Affiliate chooses to have those changes apply. The Use Rights applicable to perpetual Licenses that were acquired under a previous agreement or Enrollment are determined by the Agreement or Enrollment ander which they were acquired. Renewal of Software Assurance does not change which Use Rights -apply to those Licenses. (ii) Online Services. For Online Services, the Use Rights in effect on the subscription start date will apply for the subscription term as defined in the Product Terms, d. Downgrade rights. Enrolled Affiliate may use an earlier version of a Product other than Online Services than the version that is current on the effective date of the Enrollment. In that case, the Use Rights for the current version apply to the use of the earlier version. If the earlier Product version includes features that are not in the new version, then'the Use Rights applicable. to the earlier version apply with respect to those features.. e. New Version Rights under Software Assurance. Enrolled Affiliate must order and maintain continuous Software: Assurance coverage for each License:ordered. With Software Assurance caverage, Enterprise automatically has the right to use: a new version of a licensed Product as soon as it is released, even if Enrolled Affiliate :chooses not to use'.the new version .immediately. (t) Except as otherwise permitted under an Enrollment, use of the new version will be subject to the new version's Use Rights. (ii) If the License for the earlier version of the Product is perpetual at the time the new version is released, the License for the new version will also be perpetual. Perpetual Licenses obtained through Software Assurance replace any perpetual Licenses: for the earlier version: f: License confirmation. This Agreement; the applicable Enrollment, Enrolled Affiliate's order confirmation, and any documentation evidencing transfers of perpetual Licenses, together with proof of payment, will be Enrolled Affiliate's evidence of all Licenses obtained under an Enrollment. EA2015Agr(US)SLG (EN G) (Aug 2015) Page 3 of 11 Document X20-12056 Reorganizations, consolidations and privatizations. If the number of Licenses covered by an Enrollment changes by more than ten percent as a result of (1) a reorganization, consnlid,,ition or privatization of an entity or an operating division, (2) a privatization of an Affiliate or an operating division of Enrolled Affiliate or any of its Affiliates, or (3) a consolidation including a merger with a third party that has an existing agreement or Enrollment, Microsoft will work with Enrolled Affiliate in good faith to determine how to accommodate: its changed circumstances in the context of this Agreement. 4. Making copies of Products and re-imaging rights. a. General. Enrolled Affiliate may make as many copies of Products, as it needs to distribute them within the Enterprise. Copies must be true and complete (including copyright and trademark notices) from master copies obtained from a Microsoft approved fulfillment source. Enrolled Affiliate may use a third party to make these copies, but Enrolled Affiliate agrees it will be responsible for any third party's actions. Enrolled Affiliate agrees to make reasonable efforts to notify its employees, agents, and any other individuals who use the Products that the Products are licensed from Microsoft and subject to the terms of this Agreement. b. Copies for tra'rninglevaluation and back-up. For all Products other than Online Services, Enrolled Affiliate may: (1) use up to 20 complimentary copies of any licensed Product in a dedicated training facility on its premises for purposes of training on that particular Product, (2) use up to 10 complimentary copies of any Products for a 60 day evaluation period, and (3) use one complimentary copy of any licensed Product for back-up or archival purposes for each of its distinct geographic locations. Trials for Online Services may be available if specified in the Use Rights. c. Right to re-image, In certain cases, re-imaging is permitted using the Product media. If the Microsoft Product is licensed (1) from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), (2) as a full packaged Product through a retail .source, or (3) under another Microsoft program, then media provided under this Agreement may generally be used to create images for use in place of copies provided through that separate source. This right is conditional upon the following: (t) Separate Licenses must be acquired from the separate source for each Product that is re-imaged. (ii) The Product, language, version, and components of the copies made must be identical to the Product, language, version, and all components of the copies they replace and the number of copies or instances of the re-imaged Product permitted remains the same. (ili) Except for copies of an operating system and copies of Products licensed tinder another Microsoft program, the Product type (e.g., Upgrade or full License) re -unaged must be identical to the Product type licensed from the separate source. (iv) Enrolled Affiliate must adhere to any Product -specific processes or requirements for re- imaging identified in the Product Terms. Re-imaged Products remain subject to the terms and use rights of the License acquired from the separate source. This subsection doesnot create or extend any Microsoft warranty or support obligation. 5. Transferring and reassigning Licenses. a. License transfers. Enrolled Affiliate may transfer only fully -paid perpetual Licenses to: (i) an Affiliate or EA2015Agr(US)SL6(EN,G)(Aug2o15) Page 4 of 11 Document X20-12056 (ii) an unaffiliated third party in connection with (A) a privatization of an Affiliate or agency or of an operating division of Enrolled Affiliate or an Affiliate, (B) a reorganization, or (C) a consolidation. Upon such transfer, Enrolled Affiliate must uninstall and discontinue using the licensed Product and render any copies unusable. b. Notification of License Transfer. Enrolled Affiliate must notify Microsoft of a License transfer by completing a license transfer form, which can be obtained from htto:llrn iw.microsoft.comlllcensinolcontracts and sending the completed form to Microsoft before the License transfer. No License transfer will be valid unless Enrolled_ Affiliate provides to the .transferee, and the transferee accepts in writing, documents sufficient to enable the transferee to ascertain the scope, purpose and limitations of the rights granted by Mlcrosoft under the licenses being. transferred (including, without limitation, the applicable Use Rights, Liao and transfer restrictions, warranties and limitations of Ilabilky. Any License transfer not made in compliance with this section will. be void. c. Internal Assignment of Licenses and Software Assurance. Licenses and Software Assurance must be assigned to a single user or device .within the Enterprise. Licenses and Software Assurance may be reassigned within the Enterprise as described in the Use Flights, 6. Term and terraination. a. Term. The term of this Agreement will be 36 full calendar months from the Effective date unless terminated by either party as described below. Each Enrollment will have the term provided in that Enrollment. b. Termination without cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement., without cause, upon 60 days written notice. In the event of termination, new Enrollments will not be accepted, but any existing Enrollment will continue for the term of such Enrollment and will continue to be governed by this Agreement. c. Mid-term termination for non -appropriation of Funds. Enrolled Affiliate may terminate this Agreement or an Enrollment without liability, penalty or further obligation to make payments if funds to make payments under the .Agreement or Enrollment are not appropriated or allocated by the Enrolled Affiliate for such purpose. d. Termination for cause. Without limiting any other remedies it may have, either party may terminate an Enrollment if the other party materially breaches its obligations under this Agreement, including any obiigatlon to submit orders or pay invoices. Except where. the breach is by its nature not, curable within 30 days, the terminating party must give the other, party 30 days' notice of its intent to terminate and an opportunity to cure the breach. If Microsoft gives such notice to an Enrolled Affiliate, Microsoft also w 1l give Customer a copy of that notice and Customer agrees to help resolve the breach. If the breach affects other Enrollments and cannot be resolved between Microsoft and Enrolled Affiliate, together with Customer's help, within a reasonable period of time, Microsoft may -terminate this Agreement and all Enrollments under it. if an Enrolled Affiliate ceases to be Customer's Affiliate, it must promptly notify Microsoft, and Microsoft may terminate the former Affiliate's Enrollment. If an Enrolled Affiliate terminates its Enrollment as:a result of a breach by Microsoft -,.or if Microsoft. terminates .an Enrollment because Enrolled Affiliate ceases to be Customer's Affiliate, then Enrolled Affiliate will have the earlytermination rights described in the Enrollment. -e. Early termination. If (1:) an Enrolled .Affiliate terminates its Enrollment as .a result of a breach by Microsoft, or (2) if Microsoft terminates an Enrollment because the Enrolled Affiliate has ceased to be an Affiliate of Customer, or (3) Enrolled Affiliate terminates an Enrollment for non -appropriation of funds, or (4) Microsoft terrhinates an Enrollment for non- payment due to non -appropriation of funds, then the Enrolled Affiliate will have the following options: JEA2015Agr(US)SLG(ENG)(Aug2015) Page 5 of 11 Document. X20.12056 (1) It may immediately pay the total remaining amount due, including all installments, in which case, the Enrolled Affiliate will have perpetual rights for all Licenses it has ordered; or (ii) it may pay only amounts due as of the termination date, in which case the Enrolled Affiliate will have perpetual Licenses for;. 1) all copies of :Products (including the latest version of Products :ordered under SA coverage in the current term) for which payment has been made in frill, and 2) the number of copies of Products it has ordered (including the latest version of Products ordered under Software Assurance coverage in current term) that is proportional to the total of installment payments paid versus total amounts. due (paid and payable) if the early termination had not occurred: (iii) In the case of Early Termination under Subscription Enrollments, Enrolled Affiliate will have the.following options: 1) For eligible products Enrolled Affiliate may obtain perpetual Licenses as described in the section titled "Buy-out Option," provided that Microsoft receives the buy-out order for those Licenses within 60 days after Enrolled Affiliate provides notice of termination. 2) Where not exercising buy-out option, in the. event of breach by Microsoft, Microsoft Will issue Reseller a credit for any amount paid in advance that would apply after the date .of termination. Nothing in this section shall affectperpetual License rights acquired either in a separate agreement or in a prior term of the terminated Enrollment. f. Effect of termination or expiration. When an Enrollment expires or is terminated, (i) Enrolled Affiliate must order Licenses for all copies of Products it has run for which it has not previously submitted an order. Any and alt unpaid payments or any order of any kind, including subscription services, remain due and payable. Except as provided in the subsection tilled "Early termination," all unpaid payments for Licenses immediately` become due and payable. (it) Enrolled Affiliate's right to Software Assurance benefits under this. Agreement ends if it does not renew Software. Assurance. g. Modification or termination of an Online Service for regulatory reasons. Microsoft may modify or terminate an Online Service where there is any current or future government requirement or obligation that: (1) sub)ects Microsoft to any regulation or requirement not generally applicable to businesses operating there; (2) presents a hardship for Microsoft to continue operating the Online Service without modification; and/or (3) causes Microsoft to believe these terms or the Online Service may conflict with any such requirement or obligation. h. Program updates. Microsoft may make changes to this program that will make it necessary for Customer and its Enrolled Affiliates to enter into new agreements and Enrollments at the time .of an Enrollment renewal. 7. Use, ownership, rights, and restrictions. a. Products. Unless otherwise specified in a supplemental. agreement, use of any Product is governed by the Use Rights specific to each Product and version and by the. terms of the applicable supplemental agreement. b. Fixes. Each Fix is licensed under the sante terms as the Product to which it applies. If a Fix is not provided for a specific Product, any use terms Microsoft provides with the Fix will apply. EA201 5Agi(US)SLG(ENG)(AuVQ1 5) Page B or 11 Document x20.1205ti l c, Non -Microsoft software and technology. Enrolled Afil ate is solely respon, ible for any non -Microsoft software or technology that it installs or uses with the Products or Fixes. d. Restrictions, Enrolled Affiliate must not (and must not attempt to) (1) reverse engineer; decompile, or disassemble any Product or Fix, (2) install or use non -Microsoft software or technology in any way that wpuld subject Microsoft's intellecutal property or technology to obligations beyond those included in this agreement, or (3) work around any technical limitations in the Products or restrictions in Product documentation. Except as expressly permitted in this agreement, Customer must not (i) separate and run parts of a Product on more than one device, upgrade or downgrade parts of a Product at different times, or transfer parts of a Product separately; or (ii) distribute, sublicense, rent, lease, lend, or use any Product or Fix to offer hosting services to a third party, e. No transfer of ownership; reservation of rights. Products and Fixes are ;protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights laws and international treaties: Microsoft (1) does not transfer any ownership rights in any Products or Fixes and (2) reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement. 8. Confidentiality. "Confidential Infonnation" is non-public information that is designated "confidential" or that a reasonable person should understand is confidential, including Custorner Data. Confidential Information does not include information that (a) becomes publicly available without a breach of this agreement, (b) the receiving party received lawfully from another source without a confidentiality obligation, (c) is independently developed,. or (d) is a comment or suggestion volunteered about the other party's business, products or services. Each party Will take reasonable steps to protect lice other's Confidential Information and will use the other party's Confidential Information only for purposes of the parties' business relationship. Neither party will disclose that Confidential Information to third parties, except to its employees, Affiliates,: co:ntraclots, advisors and. -consultants ("Representatives") and then only on a need -to -know basis under nondisclosure obligations at least as protective as this agreement, Each party remains responsible for the use;of the Confidential Information by its Representatives and, in the event of discovery of -any unauthorized use or disclosure, must promptly notify the other party. A party may disclose the others Confidential I nformation if required by law; but only after it notifies the other party (if legally permissible) to enable the other party to seek a protective order. Neither party is required to restrict work assignments of its Representatives who have had access to Confidential Information. Each party agrees that the use of information retained in Representatives` unaided memories in the development or deployment of the parties' respective products or services does not create liabilityunder this agreement or trade secret law, and each party agrees to limit what it discloses to the other accordingly. These obligations apply (i) for Customer Data until it: is. deleted from the Online Services, and (ii) for all other Confidential Information, for a period of five years after the Confidential Information is received. 9. Privacy and Complian,.ce and Laws. a. Enrolled Affiliate consents to the processing of personal Information by Microsoft and Its agents to facilitate the subject matter of this Agreement. Enrolled Affiliate will obtain all required consents from third parties under applicable privacy and data protection law before providing personal information to Microsoft. b. Personal information collected under this agreement (i) may be. transferred, stored and processed in the United States or any other country in .which Microsoft or its contractors maintain facilities and (ii) will be subject to the privacy terms specified in the Use. Rights. Microsoft abides by the EU Safe Harbor and the Swiss Safe Harbor frameworks as set forth EA201 5A9r(US)SLG(ENG)(Aug2015) Page 7 or 11 Document x20-12056 by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of data from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland. c. U.S, expoil Jurisdiction. Products and Fixes are subject to U.S. expoil julisdicliali. Enrolled Affiliate must comply.with all applicable international and national laws, including the U.S, Export Administration Regulations and International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and end-user, end use and destination restrictions issued by U:S. and other governments related to Microsoft products, services and technologies. 10. Warranties. a. limited warranties and remedies. (f) Software. Microsoft warrants that each version of the Software will perform substantially as described in the applicable Product documentation for one year from the date the Enterprise is first licensed for that version, If it does not and the Enterprise notifies Microsoft within the warranty term, then Microsoft will, at its option (1) return the price Enrolled Affiliate paid for the Software license, or (2) repair or replace the Software. (ii) Online Services. Microsoft warrants that each Online Service will perform in accordance with the applicable SLA during the Enterprises use, The Enterprise's remedies for breach of this warranty are in the SLA. The remedies above are the Enterprise's sole remedies for breach of the warranties in this section. Customer waives any breach of warranty claims not made during the warranty period. h. Exclusions. The warranties in this agreement do not cover problems caused by accident, abuse, or use in a manner inconsistent with this Agreement, including_ failure to meet minimum system requirements. These warranties do not apply to free, trial,, pre-release, or beta Products, or to components of Products that Enrolted Affiliate is permitted to redistribute. c. bISCLAIMER. Microsoft provides no other w.arranf ei s or conditions and disclaims. any other express, implied, or statutory warranties, including warranties of quality, title, non -infringement, merchantability, acid fitness for particular purpose. 11. Defense of third party claims. a. By Microsoft. ,Microsoft will defend Enrolled Affiliate. against any cfaims: made by an unafriliatdd third party ('I) that any Product or Fix infringes its patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its Trade Secret; or (2) that arises from Microsoft's provislon .of an Online Service in violation of laws applicable to all online .services providers. Microsoft will pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment or approved settlement. This does not apply to claims based on (t) Customer Data; (ii) non -Microsoft software; (iii) modifications to a Product or Fix Enrolled Affiliate makes or any specifications or materials Enrolled Affiliate provides; (iv) Enrolled Affiliate's combination of the Product or Fix with (or damages based on the value of) a non -Microsoft product, data, or business process; (v) Enrolled Affiliate's use of a Microsoft trademark without express, written consent: or the use or redistribution of a Product or Fix in violation of this Agreement; (vi) Enrolled Affiliate's continued use of a Product or Fix after being :notified -to stop dile to a third party: claim; or (vii) Products or Fixes provided free of charge. b. By Enrolled Affiliate. Enrolled Affiliate will defend Microsoft against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that: (f) any Customer Data or non -Microsoft software Microsoft hosts .on Enrolled Affiliate's behalf infringes the third party's patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its -Trade Secret; or EA7015Agr(US)SLG(ENG)(Aug2015) Page a of 11 Document x20-12056 (ii) arises from use of an Online Service in violation of applicable laws and regulations;. a violation of the legal rights of others; or unauthorized access, to or disruption of any service, data, account, or network in connection with the use of the Online Services. Enrolled Affiliate will pay the amount of any adverse final judgment .or approved settlement resulting from a claim covered by this section titled "By Enrolled Affiliate! c. Rights and rernedies in case of possible infringement or misappropriation. If Microsoft reasonably believes that a claim under this section may result in a legal bar prohibiting Enrolled Affiliate's use -of the Product or Fix, Microsoft will seek to obtain the right for Enrolled Affiliate to keep using it or modify or replace it with a functional equivalent, in which case Enrolled Affiliate must discontinue use of the prior version immediately. I( these options are not commercially reasonable, Microsoft may terminate Enrolled Affi.l.iate's right to the Product or Fix and refund any arnounts Enrolled Affiliate has paid for those rights to Software or Fixes and, for Online Services; any amount paid for a usage period after the termination date. d. Other terms. The party being defended under this section 11 must notify the other party promptly of any claim subject to the subsection titled °8y Microsoft," give the other party sole control over the defense or settlement, and provide reasonable as in defending the claim. The party providing the protection will reimburse the other party for reasonable out of pocket expenses that it incurs in providing assistance. Any settlement must be approved in writing by the defending party. The remedies provided in this section 11 are the exclusive remedies for the claims described in this section. 12. Limitation of liability. For each Product., each party's maximum, aggregate liability to the other under this Agreement is limited to direct damages finally awarded in an amount not to exceed the amounts Enrolled Affiliate was required to pay for the applicable Products during the term of this Agreement, subject to the following_ a. Online Services. For Online Services, Microsoft's maximum liability to Enrolled Affiliate for any incident giving rise to a claim will not exceed the amount Enrolled Affiliate paid for the Online Service during the 12 months before the incident. b. Free Products and Distributable Code. For Products provided free of charge and code that Enrolled Affiliate is authorized to redistribute to third parties without separate payment to Microsoft, Microsoft's liability is limited to direct damages finally awarded up to USS5,000. c. Exclusions. In no event will either party be liable for indirect, incidental, special., punitive, or consequential damages, including loss of use, loss of profits, or interruption of business, however caused or on any theory of liability. d. Exceptions. No limitation or exclusions will apply to liability arising out of either party's (1) confidentiality obligations (except for all liability related to Customer Data, which will remain subject to the limitations and exclusions above); (2) defense obligations; or (3) violation of the other party's Intellectual property rights. 13. Verifying compliance. a. Right to verify compliance. Enrolled Affiliate must keep accurate and complete records relating to all use and distribution of Products by Enrolled Affiliate and its Affiliates. Microsoft has the right, at its expense, to. the extent permitted by applicable law, to verify Enrolled Affiliate and its Affiliates' compliance with the Product's license terms for the Products. b. Verification process and limitations. Microsoft will -provide Enrolled Affiliate at least 30 days' notice of its intent to verify compliance. Verification will take place during normal business hours and in a manner that does not interfere unreasonably with Enrolled Affiliate's operations. Microsoft will engage an independent auditor, which will be subject to a confidentiality obligation. Enrolled Affiliate must promptly provide the independent auditor EA2015Agr(US)3LG(ENG)(Aug2015) Page g'of 11 Document X20-12056 with any informatipn the auditor reasonably requests in furtherance of the verification, including access to systems running the Products and evidence of Licenses for Products Enrolled Affiliate hosts, sublicenses, or distributes to third parties. Enrolled Affiliate agrees to complete Microsoft's self -audit process, which Microsoft may require as an alternative to a third party audit. Any information collected in the self -audit will be used solely for purposes of determining compliance. c. Remedies for non-compliance. If verification or self -audit reveals any unlicensed use or distribution, .then within 30 days, (1) Enrofled Affiliate must order sufficient licenses to cover that use or :distribution, and (2) if unlicensed use or distribution is 6% or more, Enrolled Affiliate must reimburse Microsoft for the cost Microsoft has incurred in verification and acquire the necessary .additional licenses at 125% of the price based on the then -current price list and Enrolled Affiliate price level. The unlicensed use. percentage is based on the total number of licenses purchased compared to actual install base. If there is no unlicensed use, Microsoft will not subject Enrolled Affiliate to another verification for at least one year. By exercising the rights and proeedLires described above, Microsoft does not waive its rights to enforce this Agreement or to protect its intellectual property by any other means permitted by law. 94. Miscellaneous. a. Notices. Notices to Microsoft must be sent to the Microsoft address on the signature form with a copy sent to the address below. Notices must be in writing and will be treated as delivered on the date shown on the retrirn receipt or on the courier or fax confirmation of delivery. Microsoft may provide information to Enrolled Affiliate about upcoming ordering deadlines, services, and subscription information in electronic form, including by email. to contacts provided by Enrolled Affiliate. Emails will be treated:as delivered.on the transmission dale. Microsoft Corporation Legal and Corporate Affairs Volume Licensing Group One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 USA b. Assignment. Either party may assign this Agreement to an Affiliate., but m.ustnotify the other party in writing of the assignment. Any other proposed assignment must be approved by. the other party in writing. Assignment will not relieve the assigning party of its obligations under the assigned agreement. Any attempted assignment without required approval will be void. c. Severability. If any provision in this agreement is found unenforceable, the balance of the agreement will remain in full force and effect. d. Use of contractors. Microsoft may use contractors to perform services, but will be responsible for their performance subject to the terms of this Agreement. e. Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver. Any waiver must be in writing and signed by the waiving party. f. Applicable law; dispute resolution. The terms of this Agreement will be governed by the laws of Customer's state, without giving effect to its conflict of laws. Disputes relating to this Agreement will be subject to applicable dispute resolution laws of Customer's state. EA2015Agr(1J8)SLG(ENG)(Aug2015) Page 10 cif 11 Docum5n[ X20=12056 g. This Agreement is not exclusive. Customer and its Affiliates are free to enter into agreements to license, use or promote non -Microsoft products. h. Management and Reporting. Customer and/or Enrolled Affiliate may manage account details (e.g:, contacts, orders-, Licenses, software downloads) on. Microsoft's Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC") web site (or successor site) al: ltttos:llvrvnv.mlcrosoft.cornflicensinalservicecenter. Upon the effective date of this Agreement and any Enrollments, the contact(s) identified for this purpose will be provided access to this site and may authorize additional users and contacts. I. Order of precedence. In the case of a conflict between any documents in this Agreement that is not expressly resolved in those documents, 1helr terms will control: in the following order from highest to lowest priority: (1) this Enterprise Agreement, (2). any Enrollment, (3) the Product Terms, (4) the Online Services Terms, (5) orders submitted under this Agreement, and (6) any other documents in this Agreement. Terms in an amendment control over the amended document and any prior amendments concerning the same subject matter: j. Survival. All provisions survive termination or expiration of this Agreement except those requiring performance only during the term of the agreement.. k. Free Products. It is Microsoft's intent that the terms of this Agreement and the•Use Rights be in compliance with all applicable federal law and regulations. Any free Product provided .to Enrolled Affiliate is for the sole use and benefit of the Enrolled Affiliate, and. is not. provided for use by or personal benefit of any specific government employee. I. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement must be executed by both parties, except that Microsoft may change the to, Terms and the Use Rights from time to time in accordance with the'terms of this.Agreement. Any conflicting terms and conditions contained in an Enrolled Affiliate's purchase order will not apply. Microsoft may require- Customer to sign a new agreement or an amendment before an Enrolled Affiliate enters Into an Enrollment under this agreement. m. Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates. Microsoft supports the government's obligation to provide accessible technologies to its citizens with disabilities as. required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 197,3, and its state law counterparts. The Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates ("VPATs") for the Microsoft technologies, used in providing the online services can be found at Microsoft's VPAT page. Further information regarding Microsoft's commitment to accessibility can be found at hlto:l/www.microsoft.comlenable. n. Natural disaster. In the event of a "natural disaster," Microsoft may provide additional assistance or rights by posting them on htta://www.microso€t.com at such time. o. Copyright violation. Except as set forth in the section above entitled "Transferring and reassigning Licenses", the Enrolled Affiliate agrees to pay for, and comply with the terms of this Agreement and the Use Rights, for the Products it uses. Except to the extent Enrolled Affiliate is licensed under this Agreement, it will be responsible for its breach of this contract and violation of Microsoft's copyright in the Products, inetuding payment of License fees specified in this Agreement for unlicensed use: p. Calendar days. Any reference in this Agreement or an Enrollment to a ".day" means a calendar day, except references that specify "business day". EA2015Agr(US)SLG(ENG)(Aucg2415) Page 11 or 11 Document X20-42056 Microsoft I Volume Licensing Supplemental Contact Information Form State and Local This form can be used in combination with Agreement and Enrollment/Registration. However, a separate form must be submitted for each Enrollment/Registration, when more than one is submitted on a signature form. For the purposes of this form, "Entity" can mean the signing Entity, Customer, Enrolled Affiliate, Government Partner, Institution, or other party entering into a Volume licensing program agreement. Primary and Notices contacts in this form will not apply to Enrollments or Registrations. This form applies to: ® Agreement ❑ Enrollment/Affillate Registration Form Insert primary entity name if more than one Enrollment/Regis.tration Form is submitted Contact information, Each party will notify the other in writing if any of the information in the following contact information page(s) changes. The asterisks (*) indicate required fields; if the Entity chooses to designate other contact types, the same required fields must be completed for each section. By providing contact information, entity consents to its use for purposes of administering the Enrollment by Microsoft and other parties that help Microsoft administer this Enrollment. The personal information provided in connection with this agreement will be used and protected according to the privacy statement available at hiti)s://Iicensinq.microsoft.com. 9. Additional notices contact. This contact receives all notices that are sent from Microsoft. No online access is granted to this individual. Name of (entity* County of Riverside Contact name*: First Melissa Last Etter Contact emall* melissa.etter@rivcoil..org Street address* 3450 14th:Sireet City* Riverside State* CA Postal code* 92501-3862 Couritry* US Phone' 951-955-7731 Fax ❑ This contact is a third party (not the Entity). Warning: This contact receives personally identifiable information of the Entity. 2. Software Assurance manager, Thts contact will receive online permissions to manage the Software Assurance benefits under the Enrollment or Registration. Name of Entity* Contact name": First Last Contact email* Street address* City* State* Postal code'' Country* Phone* Fax SupContectintoForne(US)SLG(ENG)(Oct201U) Page 1 of 3 ❑ This contact is a third party (not the Entity). Warning: This contact receives personally identifiable information of the Entity. 3. Subscriptions manager. This contact will assign MSDN, Expression, and TechNet Plus subscription licenses to the individual subscribers under this Enrollment or Registration. Assignpleni of the subscription licenses is necessary, for access to any of the online benefits, such as subscription downloads. This contact will also manage any complimentary or additional media purchases related to these subscriptions. Name of Entity* Contact name'. First Last Contact email* Street address* City* State* Postal code* Country* Phone* Fax ❑ This contact is a third party (not the Entity). information of the Entity. 4. Online Services manager. Warning: This contact receives personally identifiable This contact will be provided online permissions to manage the Online Services ordered under the Enrollment or Registration. Name of Entity* County of Riverside Contact name*: First Jenifer Last Rutherford Contact email* jenifer.rutherford@rivcoit.org Street address* 3450 14th Street City* Riverside State* CA Postal code* 92501-3862 Country* UA Phone` 951-955-7785 Fax ❑ This contact is a third party (not the Entity). Warning: This contact receives personally identifiable information of the Entity. 5. Customer Support Manager (CSM): This person is designated as the Customer Support Manager (CSM) for support -related activities: Name of Entity* Contact name*: First Last Contact email* Street address* City* State* Postal code* Country* Phone* Fax ❑ This contact is a third party (not the Entity) information of the Entity. 6. Primary contact information: Warning: This contact receives personally identifiable An individual from inside the organization must serve as the primary contact. This contact receives online administrator permissions and may grant online: access to others_ This contact also receives all notices unless Microsoft its provided written notice of a change. Name of Entity* County of Riverside. Contact name*: First Jim Last Smith SupConlac11nfoForrn(US)SLG(ENG)(Oc12010) Page 2 of 3 Contact ei*nail'jim.sniith@rivcoit.org Street address; 345014th Street City* Riverside State' CA Postal code" 92501-3862 Country': US Phone* 951-955-1000 Fax 7. Notices contact and online administrator information: This individual receives online administrator permissions and may grant online. access to others. This contact also receives all notices. ❑ Same as primary contact Name of Entity' County of Riverside Contact name': First Jenifer Last Rutherford Contract e.inail'.jenifer.rutherford@rivcoit.org Street address' 3450 14th Street City" Riverside State' CA Postal code 92501-3862 Country': US Phone* 951-955-7785 Fax ❑ This contact is a. third party (not the Entity). Warning: This contact receives personally identifiable information of the Entity. SupConlacHnfoForm(US)SLG(ENG)(002010) Page 3 of 3 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 16, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE PURCHASE WITH DELL MICROSOFT LICENSING FOR MICROSOFT 365 LICENSES AND AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY RECOMMENDATION Approve the purchase of a three-year license from Dell Microsoft Licensing for Microsoft Office 365 and Azure Active Directory licenses, for a total not to exceed amount of $116,694, whereby utilizing the County of Riverside Microsoft Enterprise Agreement as an enrolled affiliate; and authorize the City Manager to execute related documents. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The City has used Microsoft products for twenty years and has been satisfied with the products’ reliability. •Office 365 is the foundation of the City’s communication infrastructure that provides enhanced security features, productivity, and collaboration tools. •Due to Office 365 being dependent upon Azure Active Directory services, subscriptions to both are necessary. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to purchase the licenses is $116,694 ($38,898 per year for three (3) years) (Attachment 1). Funds for the first year are budgeted in the Information Technology Fund (502-0000-60301, Software Licenses). Funds will be requested in fiscal year budgets 2022/23 and 2023/24 for years two and three of the licenses. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2018, staff recommended moving forward with a three-year subscription agreement with Insight Public Sector for licensing of both Office 365 and Azure Active Directory. The terms of the initial agreement expire March 31, 2021, CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 7 227 and staff is seeking approval of a new three-year subscription with an expiration date in 2024. Staff reached out to alternate vendors for product pricing and discovered that Dell Microsoft Licensing provided a more cost-competitive rate for Office 365 and Azure Active Directory while still utilizing the County of Riverside’s (County) Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (Attachment 2) as an enrolled affiliate. By utilizing the County’s agreement, the City is able to take advantage of the County of Riverside’s discounted licensing rate with Microsoft. Attached for Council review and approval are the Microsoft Enterprise Enrollment Form (Attachment 3), Program Signature Form (Attachment 4), M97 Form (Attachment 5), Product Selection Form (Attachment 6), Discount Transparency Disclosure Form (Attachment 7) and the Enterprise Sub 250 Program Form (Attachment 8). To ensure continuity of service, staff recommends moving forward with Dell Microsoft Licensing. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve this purchase, but as these are essential services for City Hall’s communication infrastructure, staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Angela Ferreira, Management Analyst Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachments: 1.Dell Licensing Quote 2.County of Riverside Microsoft Enterprise Agreement 3.Microsoft Enterprise Enrollment 4.Program Signature Form 5. M97 Form 6. Product Selection Form 7. Discount Transparency Form 8. Enterprise Sub 250 Program Form 228