2013 06 18 CCCity Council agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.Ia- quints. org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL, 78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2013 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION 1 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. Persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a), CITY OF LA QUINTA, ET AL. v. MATOSANTOS, ET AL., SACRAMENTO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 34- 2013- 80001485 2. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, FRANK J. SPEVACEK, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND /OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE, EAST OF AVENIDA MENDOZA, SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, WEST OF AVENIDA NEVARRO AND NORTH OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA (APN'S 773 - 076 -002, 773 - 076 -003, 773 -076- 004, 773 - 076 -005, 773 - 076 -010, 773-076-011, 773 - 076 -012, 773 - 076 -013, CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 JUNE 18, 2013 2 773 - 077 -013, AND 773 - 077 -014). PROPERTY OWNER /NEGOTIATOR: HITZKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, GINGER HITZKE. 3. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, FRANK J. SPEVACEK, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND /OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE, EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE, SOUTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, NORTH OF AVENIDA LA FONDA (APN'S 770- 123 -002, 770 - 123 -003, 770 - 123 -004, 770 - 123 -006, 770 - 123 -010, 770 - 124 -002, 770 - 124 -003, 770 - 124 -004, 770 - 124 -007, AND 770 - 124 -009). PROPERTY OWNER /NEGOTIATOR: MARVIN INVESTMENTS, INC., WELLS MARVIN. 4. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, FRANK J. SPEVACEK, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING THE POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND /OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT SILVERROCK RESORT (APN'S 770 - 200 -026; 776 - 150 -021; 776 - 150 -023; 770 - 060 -056; 770 - 060 -057; 770 -060- 058; 770 - 060 -059; 770 - 060 -061; 770 - 060 -062; 777 - 490 -004; 777 - 490 -006; 777 - 490 -007; 777 - 490 -012 AND 777 - 490 -014). PROPERTY OWNER'S NEGOTIATORS: JOHN GAMLIN, MERIWETHER COMPANIES; ROBERT S. GREEN, JR., THE ROBERT GREEN COMPANY RECESS TO HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING AND JOINT HOUSING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. SALTON SEA ACTION COMMITTEE 2. PROCLAMATION IN HONOR OF AMATEUR RADIO WEEK WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 JUNE 18, 2013 0061 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES PAGE NO. 1 . MINUTES OF JUNE 4, 2013 8 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1 . DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 18, 2013 20 2. TREASURER'S REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2013 36 3. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2013 48 4. ACCEPTANCE OF FRED WARING DRIVE MEDIAN LANDSCAPE 62 IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2011-04 5. RESOLUTION TO ADOPTING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE 66 CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 [RESOLUTION 2013- 0291 6. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY 118 7. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 124 2013/2014 8. MUNICIPAL LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CANON COPIERS TO 126 PROVIDE DIGITAL COPIERS, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES 9. RESOLUTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR COMPLETION OF OFFSITE AND 130 ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 30092, PIAZZA SERENA [RESOLUTION 2013 -0301 10. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DECLARATION OF DEDICATION OF A 136 LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ON TRACT NO. 24517 [RESOLUTION 2013 -0311 11. FIRST AMENDMENT TO NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE 144 ELIMINATION SYSTEM STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT (CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD — COLORADO RIVER BASIN REGION) 12. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PSOMAS FOR 154 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES 13. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 512 AND 180 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 JUNE 18, 2013 3 4 ORDINANCE NO. 513 AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE AND CORRESPONDING ZONE CHANGE ACTIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT PROGRAMS IDENTIFIED IN THE 2008 LA QUINTA HOUSING ELEMENT PAGE 14. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 514 252 APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 2013 -143, TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL WITH AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING OVERLAY ZONE AS IDENTIFIED IN THE 2008 LA QUINTA HOUSING ELEMENT 15. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 515 260 ADDING SECTION 9.60.115 TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURAL AND OPERATIONAL PROVISIONS FOR COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONS WITHIN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 16. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT WITH SHARK POOLS, INC. 270 FOR ENTRANCE MONUMENTS AND FOUNTAIN POOLS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 17. OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR INSPECTOR 1 TO ATTEND CALTRANS 274 RESIDENT ENGINEER ACADEMY IN COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 24 -27, 2013 18. EXCUSE COMMISSIONER MARK WEBER'S ABSENCE FROM THE 276 JUNE 25, 2013 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 19. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE AND 278 ADVERTISE FOR BID THE IRRIGATION RELOCATION FOR SILVERROCK CANAL RELOCATION, PROJECT NO. 2013 -06 BUSINESS SESSION 1 . RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 CITY OF LA 280 QUINTA BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S APPROPRIATION LIMIT [RESOLUTION 2013 -0321 2. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.01.020 OF THE MUNICIPAL 330 CODE REGARDING MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS OF BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 JUNE 18, 2013 4 5 STUDY SESSION 1. UPDATE ON THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT FOR THE WHITEWATER RIVER REGION 2. DISCUSSION OF PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1 . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Evans) 2. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 3. CVAG ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Franklin) 6. CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY (Franklin) 7. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (Franklin) 8. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Franklin) 9. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (Franklin) 10. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Henderson) 11. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Henderson) 12. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Henderson) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Henderson) 14. CVAG VALLEY -WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Osborne) 15. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Osborne) 16. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Adolph) 17. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Adolph) 18. SO. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS DELEGATE (Adolph) 19. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Adolph) PAGE 335 N/A 20. PALM SPRINGS AIRPORT COMMISSION REPORT 339 21. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES — MAY 13, 2013 341 22. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES 347 OCTOBER 15, 2012 DEPARTMENT REPORTS CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 JUNE 18, 2013 0 PAGE 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK - UPCOMING EVENTS AND CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR 351 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT — MAY 2013 355 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REPORT — MAY 2013 363 6. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT — MAY 2013 371 7. FINANCE DEPARTMENT MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE NO PUBLIC HEARINGS ARE SCHEDULED, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN AND NOT RECONVENE AT 7 P.M. UNLESS THERE ARE ITEMS FROM THE AFTERNOON SESSION THAT HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on July 2, 2013, commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall, 78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Susan Maysels, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78 -495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78 -630 Highway 1 1 1 , and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51 -321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 14, 2013 DATED: June 14, 2013 SUSAN MAYSELS, City Clerk Public Notices • The La Quinta City Hall is a handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777 -7123, twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 0 JUNE 18, 2013 7 • If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777 -7123. A one (1) week notice is required. • If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. • Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Planning Department's counter at City Hall located at 78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 7 JUNE 18, 2013 7 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2013 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:01 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Councilmembers Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: Councilmember Evans MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Henderson/ Osborne to excuse the absence of Councilmember Evans. Motion passed unanimously. COUNCILMEMBER EVANS ARRIVED AT 3:03 P.M. AND JOINED THE CITY COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION. PUBLIC COMMENT-- None CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a), CITY OF LA QUINTA, ET AL. v. MATOSANTOS, ET AL., SACRAMENTO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 34- 2013 - 80001485 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION - CITY ATTORNEY 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION - CITY MANAGER COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:02 P.M. MAYOR ADOLPH RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:04 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT. NO ACTIONS WERE TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION THAT REQUIRES REPORTING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.1 (BROWN ACT). Mayor Adolph led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. 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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: None. FISCAL IMPACT: Demand of Cash: -- City $898,154.19 -- Successor Agency of RDA $ 3,468.75 -- Housing Authority $ 91.27 -- Housing Authority Commission $ 0.00 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: Between City Council meetings, there is a need to pay some routine bills in order to avoid late fees being charged to the City, as well as payroll and related payroll taxes. These items are listed below: Prepaid Warrants: 99694 - 997111 $ 35,239.34 99712 - 997301 $ 37,420.57 Voids} $ (0.00) Wire Transfers} $274,008.26 P/R 36867 — 368741 $160,372.67 P/R Tax Transfers} $ 42,187.42 Ill îð п§¿¾´» É¿®®¿²¬­ æ ççéíï ççèîç£ üíëîôìèëòçë üçðïôéïìòîï ײ ¿¼¼·¬·±²ô ´·­¬»¼ ¾»´±© ¿®» ¬¸» ³±­¬ ­·¹²·º·½¿²¬ »¨°»²¼·¬«®»­ ¾»·²¹ °¿·¼ ±² ¬¸» ®»¹«´¿® ¼»³¿²¼ ®»¹·­¬»®ò Í·¹²·º·½¿²¬ Û¨°»²¼·¬«®»­æ Ê»²¼±®æ ß½½±«²¬ ýæ ß³±«²¬æ Ы®°±­»æ Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ú¿®³­ ÔÔÝ ïðïóéððêóìíïòíîóïë üîðôêèèòðê Ö«²óÐÓïð ͪ½ò Òß× Ý±²­«´¬·²¹ Ê¿®·±«­ üïçôèéïòêï Ó¿§óݱ²­«´¬·²¹ ͪ½ò Ó¿½¿¼»» Û´»½¬®·½¿´ ïðïóéððêóìíïòëêóðî üîêôçèëòðð Ì®¿ºº·½ Í·¹²¿´ λ©·®» Ê·²¬¿¹» ß­­±½·¿¬»­ ïðïóíððêóìëïòíîóïë üìïôçðîòðð Ó¿§óп®µ Ó¿·²¬ò ׳°»®·¿´ ×®®·¹¿¬·±² Ê¿®·±«­ üïéôíéèòðë Û´»½¬®·½·¬§ ͪ½ò ÝÊ É¿¬»® Ü·­¬·®·½¬ Ê¿®·±«­ üïèôêçíòéè É¿¬»® ͪ½ò Ì»­»®®¿ ïðïóéððìóìíïòíìóðì üçìôèðçòïë Ó¿®óß°® Ô¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ Ó¿·²¬ò ßÔÌÛÎÒßÌ×ÊÛÍæ Ò±²»ò λ­°»½¬º«´´§ ­«¾³·¬¬»¼ô λ°±®¬ °®»°¿®»¼ ¾§æ Í¿²¼®¿ Ó¿²½·´´¿ô ß½½±«²¬ Ì»½¸²·½·¿² λ°±®¬ ¿°°®±ª»¼ º±® ­«¾³·­­·±² ¾§æ α¾¾»§² Þ·®¼ô Ú·²¿²½» Ü·®»½¬±® ߬¬¿½¸³»²¬­æ ïò É·®» Ì®¿²­º»®­ îò Ü»³¿²¼ λ¹·­¬»® λ°±®¬ îð îï îï îî îî îí îí îì îì îë îë îê îê îé îé îè îè îç îç íð íð íï íï íî íî íí íí íì íì 35 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: TREASURER'S REPORTS DATED APRIL 30, 2013 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 2 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments, is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended January 1, 1986, and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACK GROUND /ANAYLSIS: Receive and File Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated April 30, 2013 for the City of La Quinta. ALTERNATIVES: None. Report prepared by: Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachment: 1 . Treasurer's Report, City of La Quinta W íê íê íé íé íè íè íç íç ìð ìð ìï ìï ìî ìî ìí ìí ìì ìì ìë ìë 46 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED APRIL 30, 2013 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and File. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Monthly and year -to -date revenues and expenditures of the City of La Quinta dated April 30, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: Receive and File Transmittal of the April 30, 2013 Statements of Revenues and Expenditures for the City of La Quinta. Attachment 1 compares budgeted revenues versus actual revenues collected and budgeted expenditures versus actual expenditures for all funds. Both revenues and expenditures are 46% of their budgeted amounts. However, the revenues collected to date represent only eight or nine month's activity. In addition, some revenues are seasonal in nature and will be collected in future months. Due to timing differences in billing from various vendors, the expenditures are also significantly below the budgeted amounts. Cfi ìé ßÔÌÛÎÒßÌ×ÊÛÍæ Ò±²»ò λ°±®¬ °®»°¿®»¼ ¾§æ α¾¾»§² Þ·®¼ô Ú·²¿²½» Ü·®»½¬±® λ°±®¬ ¿°°®±ª»¼ º±® ­«¾³·­­·±² ¾§æ Ú®¿²µ Öò Í°»ª¿½»µô Ý·¬§ Ó¿²¿¹»® ߬¬¿½¸³»²¬æ ïò 못²«» ¿²¼ Û¨°»²¼·¬«®» λ°±®¬­ º±® ß°®·´ íðô îðïí ìé ìè ìè ìç ìç ëð ëð ëï ëï ëî ëî ëí ëí ëì ëì ëë ëë ëê ëê ëé ëé ëè ëè 59 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF FRED WARING DRIVE MEDIAN LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2011-04 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 4 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept Fred Waring Drive Median Landscape Improvements, Project No. 2011-04, as 100% complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize staff to release retention 35 days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • This project entailed installation of median island landscape, irrigation, and lighting on Fred Waring Drive from Washington Street to Adams Street. • The City Council must accept the improvements in order to complete the contract and allow final payment to the contractor. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this item will result in the release of retention in the amount of $31,000 to the contractor in 35 days. An additional City landscape maintenance cost of $6,000 was included in the Fiscal Year 2013/14 Landscape and Lighting budget for ongoing City maintenance. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The project is located on Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Adams Street (Attachment 1). The improvements included the installation of plants, irrigation, and low level lighting within the existing median islands. The landscape palette was the approved "desert - scape" theme for primary image corridors. The *1 êð °®±¶»½¬ ©¿­ ·²½´«¼»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ú·­½¿´ Ç»¿® îðïïñîðïî ¬¸®±«¹¸ îðïëñîðïê Ý¿°·¬¿´ ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ Ю±¹®¿³ øÝ×Ð÷ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ±² ß°®·´ ëô îðïïò Ѳ Ò±ª»³¾»® ïêô îðïîô ¿ Ò±¬·½» ¬± Ю±½»»¼ ©¿­ ·­­«»¼ ¬± ÕßÍß Ý±²­¬®«½¬·±²ô ײ½ò ©·¬¸ ¿ ëð ©±®µ·²¹ ¼¿§ ½±²¬®¿½¬ ½±³°´»¬·±² ¬·³» ­¬¿®¬·²¹ Ò±ª»³¾»® îêô îðïîô ¿²¼ »²¼·²¹ ±² Ú»¾®«¿®§ èô îðïíò ̸» °®±¶»½¬ ©¿­ ¼»»³»¼ ­«¾­¬¿²¬·¿´´§ ½±³°´»¬» ±² Ó¿®½¸ ïëô îðïíô îì ©±®µ·²¹ ¼¿§­ ¾»§±²¼ ¬¸» ±®·¹·²¿´ ½±²¬®¿½¬ ½±³°´»¬·±² ¼¿¬»ò Þ»½¿«­» ¬¸»®» ©¿­ ²± ¶«­¬·º·¿¾´» ®»¿­±² º±® ¬¸·­ ¼»´¿§ô ­¬¿ºº ®»½±³³»²¼­ ´·¯«·¼¿¬»¼ ¼¿³¿¹»­ ¾» ©·¬¸¸»´¼ ·² ¬¸» ¿³±«²¬ ±º üîèôððð øüïôîðð °»® ¼¿§ º±® îì ©±®µ·²¹ ¼¿§­÷ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬ ­°»½·º·½¿¬·±²­ò ̸·­ ¿³±«²¬ ·­ ¿´®»¿¼§ ¾»·²¹ ©·¬¸¸»´¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ °»²¼·²¹ ¬¸» ¼»½·­·±² ±º ¬¸» ݱ«²½·´ò ̸·­ °®±¶»½¬ ©¿­ °¿®¬·¿´´§ º«²¼»¼ ¾§ Ü»ª»´±°»® ׳°¿½¬ Ú»»­ øÜ×Ú÷ ¿²¼ ¬¸» Ì®¿²­°±®¬¿¬·±² Ú«²¼ò ̸» °®±¶»½¬ ¸¿¼ ¿ ¾«¼¹»¬ ±º üïôîðìôíéçô ±º ©¸·½¸ üéïêôððð ©¿­ º±® ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ·²½´«¼·²¹ ®»¬»²¬·±² øüíïôððð÷ º±® °®±¶»½¬ ½´±­»±«¬ô üïéðôðçê ©¿­ º±® ¼»­·¹²ô ·²­¬¿´´¿¬·±² ±º «¬·´·¬·»­ô ½±²¬®¿½¬ ¿¼³·²·­¬®¿¬·±² ¿²¼ ·²­°»½¬·±²ñ¬»­¬·²¹ ´»¿ª·²¹ üíîèôîèí ·² ¬¸» ¿½½±«²¬ ¿º¬»® ¿´´ °®±¶»½¬ »¨°»²­»­ ¿®» ³¿¼»ò ̸·­ ¾¿´¿²½» ·­ ¼»­·¹²¿¬»¼ º±® º«¬«®» ¬®¿²­°±®¬¿¬·±² ½¿°·¬¿´ °®±¶»½¬­ò ̸» Ý·¬§ ·­ ­¬·´´ ©±®µ·²¹ ¬¸®±«¹¸ ¬¸» ½´¿·³ °®±½»­­ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ½±²¬®¿½¬±®ô ©¸·½¸ ©¿­ ·²·¬·¿¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ½±²¬®¿½¬±® ·² ®»­°±²­» ¬± ¬¸» ¿­­»­­³»²¬ ±º ´·¯«·¼¿¬»¼ ¼¿³¿¹»­ò ̸» Ý·¬§ ¸¿­ ¿´­± ®»³±ª»¼ ¬¸» ±²»ó§»¿® °´¿²¬ ³¿·²¬»²¿²½» ©±®µ º®±³ ¬¸» ½±²¬®¿½¬±® ¼«» ¬± ¬¸» ½±²¬®¿½¬±® º¿·´·²¹ ¬± ³¿·²¬¿·² ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ¿º¬»® ­«¾­¬¿²¬·¿´ ½±³°´»¬·±² ±º ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬ò õÊÇÝËÝÒËÏÐÙÛÙËËÝÌÅØÏÌÊÖÙûÕÊÅÑË Ó¿·²¬»²¿²½» Ü·ª·­·±² ¬± °»®º±®³ ®»³»¼·¿´ ´¿²¼­½¿°» ³¿·²¬»²¿²½» °®·±® ¬± ¿½½»°¬¿²½» ±º ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬ô ¬¸» ½±­¬ ±º ©¸·½¸ ©·´´ ¾» ¼»¼«½¬»¼ º®±³ ¬¸» ®»¬»²¬·±² ¼«» ¬± ÕßÍß Ý±²­¬®«½¬·±²ô ײ½ò Ю·±® ¬± º·´·²¹ ¬¸» Ò±¬·½» ±º ݱ³°´»¬·±²ô ­¬¿ºº ³«­¬ ®»½»·ª» ¿«¬¸±®·¦¿¬·±² º®±³ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¬± ¿°°®±ª» ¬¸·­ °®±¶»½¬ ¿­ ïððû ½±³°´»¬» ¿²¼ ¿«¬¸±®·¦» ¬¸» Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ ¬± º·´» ¿ Ò±¬·½» ±º ݱ³°´»¬·±²ò ßÔÌÛÎÒßÌ×ÊÛÍæ Í·²½» ­¬¿ºº ¸¿­ ¼»¬»®³·²»¼ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ¸¿ª» ¾»»² ½±²­¬®«½¬»¼ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» °´¿²­ ¿²¼ ­°»½·º·½¿¬·±²­ô ²± ¿´¬»®²¿¬·ª»­ ¬± ¬¸·­ ¿½¬·±² ¿®» ®»½±³³»²¼»¼ò λ°±®¬ °®»°¿®»¼ ¾§æ Þ®§¿² Ó½Õ·²²»§ô Ю·²½·°¿´ Û²¹·²»»® λ°±®¬ ¿°°®±ª»¼ º±® ­«¾³·­­·±² ¾§æ Ì·³±¬¸§ Îò Ö±²¿­­±²ô ÐòÛò Ы¾´·½ ɱ®µ­ Ü·®»½¬±®ñÝ·¬§ Û²¹·²»»® ߬¬¿½¸³»²¬æ ïò Ê·½·²·¬§ Ó¿° êð ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ ï êï [[156,310,388,373][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ [[189,373,322,436][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ÐßÔÓ [[164,436,363,499][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ÜÛÍÛÎÌ [[1314,475,1754,538][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ÞÛÎÓËÜß ÜËÒÛÍ ÐßÔÓ ÎÑÇßÔÛ ÜÎ [[1282,538,1795,601][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]øËÒ×ÒÝÑÎÐÑÎßÌÛÜ÷ ÜßÎÞÇ ÎÜ [[444,700,602,753][9][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ݱ´±²»´ [[436,752,609,805][9][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]Ó·¬½¸»´´ [[724,758,905,811][9][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ر®·¦±² [[461,805,583,858][9][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]п·¹» [[698,811,931,864][9][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]Ø·¹¸ ͽ¸±±´ [[453,858,595,911][9][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ͽ¸±±´ ÚÎÛÜ ÉßÎ×ÒÙ ÜÎ [[193,1610,425,1673][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ [[202,1673,390,1736][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]×ÒÜ×ßÒ [[214,1737,389,1800][11][,I,][Z@R1609.tmp]]ÉÛÔÔÍ Ô»¹»²¼ Ó×ÔÛÍ ßÊÛ ÐÎÑÐÑÍÛÜ ×ÓÐÎÑÊÛÓÛÒÌÍ Ê × Ý × Ò × Ì Ç Ó ß Ð [[1416,2590,1658,2633][9][,I,][Z@R186D.tmp]]Ò±¬ ¬± ͽ¿´» êï 62 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEMTITLE: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 5 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving the Investment Policy of the City of La Quinta for Fiscal Year 2013/2014. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Government Code requires that the Treasurer submit an annual statement of investment policy. The general purpose of the City's Investment Policy is to provide the rules and standards the City must follow when investing the City of La Quinta's public funds. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: Government Code Section 53646 imposes certain reporting requirements on State and local agencies. Specifically, the Code Section requires, in part, that the treasurer of a local agency submit an annual statement of investment policy to the legislative body. As a result of this reporting requirement, in February of 2013 the Investment Advisory Board (IAB) began the process of updating the City's Investment Policy to conform to this legislative requirement. At the start of this process, the Investment Advisory Board believed that only minor changes were needed to the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Investment Policy. ::Pa 63 There were no significant changes proposed in the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Investment Policy of the City of La Quinta. On June 12, 2013, the Investment Advisory Board met with the City Manager, City Attorney and City Treasurer to review the proposed Investment Policy. The IAB recommended the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Investment Policy on a 4 ayes- 0 nays- 1 excused absence vote. The Investment Policy has been presented in both a final version (Attachment 1) and a strikeout version showing the pages that have changed from the prior year (Attachment 2). It is the City of La Quinta's policy to invest all public funds in a manner which will provide a diversified portfolio with maximum security while meeting daily cash flow demands and the highest investment return in conformity with all State and local statutes. This Policy applies to all cash and investments of the City of La Quinta, La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the La Quinta Financing Authority, hereafter referred to as the "City." The primary objectives of the City's investment activity in order of priority shall be: • Safety of principal; • Liquidity to meet all of the City's obligations and requirements that may be reasonably anticipated; • A risk -based market rate of return. It is understood that all investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, by persons with prudence, discretion, and intelligence acting as they would in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, as well as considering the probable safety of their capital and the probable income to be derived. As noted in the policy, authority to manage the City's investment portfolio is derived from the City Ordinance. Management responsibility for the investment program is delegated to the City Treasurer, who shall establish and implement written procedures for the operation of the City's investment program consistent with the Investment Policy. The Treasurer is required to establish and implement a system of internal controls to maintain the safety of the portfolio. The internal control system will also ensure the timely preparation and accurate reporting of the portfolio financial information. As part of the annual audit of the City's financial statements, the independent auditor reviews the adequacy of those controls and advises the City if weaknesses are found. 63 êì ßÔÌÛÎÒßÌ×ÊÛÍæ ̸» ¿´¬»®²¿¬·ª» ¬± ¬¸» ®»½±³³»²¼»¼ ¿½¬·±² ·­ ¬± ·¼»²¬·º§ ³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²­ ¬± ¬¸» ײª»­¬³»²¬ б´·½§ ¿²¼ ®»º»® ¬¸»­» ³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²­ ¬± ¬¸» ×ßÞò λ°±®¬ °®»°¿®»¼ ¾§æ α¾¾»§² Þ·®¼ô Ú·²¿²½» Ü·®»½¬±® λ°±®¬ ¿°°®±ª»¼ º±® ­«¾³·­­·±² ¾§æ Ú®¿²µ Öò Í°»ª¿½»µô Ý·¬§ Ó¿²¿¹»® ߬¬¿½¸³»²¬æ ïò ײª»­¬³»²¬ б´·½§ º±® Ú·­½¿´ Ç»¿® îðïíñîðïì êì êë ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÒÑò îðïíó ß ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ßÐÐÎÑÊ×ÒÙ ßÒÜ ßÜÑÐÌ×ÒÙ ÌØÛ ßÓÛÒÜÛÜ ×ÒÊÛÍÌÓÛÒÌ ÐÑÔ×ÝÇ ÚÑÎ Ú×ÍÝßÔ ÇÛßÎ îðïíóîðïì ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ¬¸» ¹»²»®¿´ °«®°±­» ±º ¬¸» ײª»­¬³»²¬ б´·½§ ·­ ¬± °®±ª·¼» ¬¸» ®«´»­ ¿²¼ ­¬¿²¼¿®¼­ «­»®­ ³«­¬ º±´´±© ·² ·²ª»­¬·²¹ º«²¼­ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ÊÖÙÎÌÕÑÝÌÅÏÜÔÙÛÊÕÈÙËÕÐÏÌÚÙÌÏØÎÌÕÏÌÕÊÅÏØÊÖÙûÕÊÅÏØòÝíÉÕÐÊÝÑË ·²ª»­¬³»²¬ ¿½¬·ª·¬§ ­¸¿´´ ¾»æ Í¿º»¬§ ±º °®·²½·°¿´ ·­ ¬¸» º±®»³±­¬ ±¾¶»½¬·ª» ±º ¬¸» ·²ª»­¬³»²¬ °®±¹®¿³ò 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Interestbearingactivebankdeposits–nonFDICinsuredcollateralizedCurrent/$40million 60%Portfolio 60%Portfolio by110%ofeligiblesecuritiesOnDemandperbank by110%ofeligiblesecuritiesOnDemandperbank <= $250,000, Certificates of Deposit - FDIC Insured 60% Portfolio 5 Years including interest per institution <= $250,000 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit – FDIC Insured 30% Portfolio 5 Years including interest per institution <=$30,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds, and Government National 100% Portfolio 5 Years maturing 3-10 Mortgage Association (GNMA) Securities Yrs. <=$30,000,000 maturing 3-10 Yrs. Local Agency Bonds/California Local Agency Obligations 100% Portfolio 10 Years Long term “A, A2, A” or better U.S. Government Agency Securities and Federal Government Securities (except collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO’s) or structured notes which contain embedded rate options): - Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) $20,000,000 5 Years - Federal Home Loan Bank Notes & Bonds (FHLB) $25,000,000 5 Years - Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB) $30,000,000 5 Years - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) $20,000,000 5 years Prime Commercial Paperincluding Temporary Liquidity Guarantee $5,000,000 per 15% Portfolio 90 Days Program (TLGP) issuer maximum. Current / $50 million Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 30% Portfolio On Demand per account. Money market mutual funds regulated by the SEC that consist only of US Current / Maintain $1 per 20% Portfolio Treasury Securities or GSE's and maintain a par value of $1 per share On Demand share par value $5,000,000 max Corporate Notes 10%3 Years per issuer AA rated or better $10,000,000 max Corporate Notes - Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (TLGP) 20% 3 Years per issuer, AA rated or better. ç éé éè Permissible Investments and LimitationsMaximumMaximum Restrictions (See Appendix A for Additional Information)AllocationMaturity Requires Professionally Managed Account 10%3 Years City Council- Approved RFP Ô±²¹óÌ»®³ ͽ¿´» ÍúÐ ßï ßßßô ßßõô ßßô ßßóô ßõô ß ñÏÏÚÅÑËî ýÝÝýÝ ýÝ ýÝ ý ý  Ú·¬½¸ ßßßô ßßõô ßßô ßßóô ßõô ß ûÖÙÛÓÕÐ×ëÝÈÕÐ×ËÝÐÚëÇÙÙÎýÛÛÏÉÐÊËÔêÖ» Ý·¬§ ©·´´ ±²´§ ³¿·²¬¿·² ½¸»½µ·²¹ô ­¿ª·²¹­ô ¿²¼ ­©»»° ¿½½±«²¬­ ©·¬¸ ÚÜ×Ý ·²­«®»¼ º·²¿²½·¿´ ·²­¬·¬«¬·±²­ò ß­ ¿«¬¸±®·¦»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ô ¿ ËòÍò Ì®»¿­«®§ ¿²¼ñ±® ËòÍò ß¹»²½§ Í»½«®·¬·»­ Ó±²»§ Ó¿®µ»¬ Í©»»° ß½½±«²¬ ©·¬¸ ¿ üëðôðð𠬿®¹»¬ ¾¿´¿²½» ³¿§ 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Credit on limits and bid process requirements. All maturities Unrated better 100% Portfolio <=$30,0000,000 maturing 3-5 Yrs. 3 years 100% Portfolio FDIC In Non-FDIC Insured èé On Demand Current /on Maturity Current / $5,000,000 per issuer maximum 90 days 3 Years 000 including interest per institution 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 3 years lio <= $250,000 including interest per institution 5 years Maximum Demand City Sweep Account: U.S. Treasuries and/or intain $1 per share par value $5,000,000 max per issuer 60% Portfolio 100% Portfolio $40,000,000 per bank Restrictions per account $50,000,000 GSE's City the maximum percentage allocati 60% Portfolio 100% Portfolio <= $250, 20% Portfolio 20% Portfolio Ma State Maximum 85% Portfolio 100% Portfolio 25% Portfolio $50,000,000 30% Portfolio 10% Portfolio 30% Portfolio Allocation 270 Days 30% Portfolio 100% Portfo Surplus Funds pes of investments subject to ÍËÓÓßÎÇ ÑÚ ÐÛÎÓ×ÍÍ×ÞÔÛ ÜÛÐÑÍ×ÌÍ ßÒÜ ×ÒÊÛÍÌÓÛÒÌÍ 15% Portfolio Allocation (Footnote $20,000,000$25,000,000 $30,000,000$20,000,000 Maximum Portfolio City 100% 1) ed mortgage obligations (CMO's) ated by the SEC that consist U.S. Government Agency Securities and Federal Government The City Treasurer will be permitted to invest in the following ty or GSE's and maintain a par must be less than or equal to the maximum maturity allowed. ïç or structured notes which contain embedded rate options): Interest bearing active bank deposits – non FDIC insured Checking & Savings Accounts (FDIC Insured) & Sweep U.S. Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds, and Government Prime Commercial Paper including Temporary Liquidity Permissible Deposits and Investments - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) - Federal Home Loan Bank Notes & Bonds (FHLB) National Mortgage Association (GNMA) securities - Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) collateralized by 110% of eligible securities 4 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) - Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB) Money market mutual funds regul 2 Negotiable Certificate of Deposit only of US Treasury Securities Securities (except collateraliz Guarantee Program (TLGP) Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß value of $1 per share 2 Certificate of Deposit 6 Corporate Notes Accounts èé Process Bid 123335 SEC Reg’d; E&O, At least long term S&P rated AA or “A, A2, A” rating Fidelity Insured better. èè Obligations 100% 100% <=^$30,000,0000 10 years 3 years 20% Portfolio 30% Portfolio $10,000,000 max per issuer 3 years 100% Portfolio Requires Approved RFP 10% Portfolio Corporate Notes - Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program îð 8 Local Agency Bonds/California Agency Professionally Managed Account (TLGP) èè 67 The City Treasurer will not be permitted to invest in the following types of investments (see Footnote 2 and “State Code Permitted Deposits And Investments Not Authorized proceeds. In addition, the State nds, and Asset Backed Securities not otherwise permissible nts listed in the “Permissible Deposits The above list of unauthorized deposits and investments is not meant to be all- ß°°»²¼·¨ ß ø½±²¬·²«»¼÷ èç and Investments” section of the Policy are permissible. - Mutual Funds other than money market mutual funds sh and investments, including bond inclusive. Only those deposits and investme By The City’s Investment Policy”, below). - Reverse Repurchase Agreements Investments - Preferred and Common Stock - Repurchase Agreements - Asset Backed Securities firm which may invest in Bankers Acceptances, Mutual Fu - Bankers Acceptances - State Indebtedness tfolio investments are all ca Unauthorized - Derivatives odian services are so closely ederally chartered and must be insured by the Federal qualify under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule Government Code Section 53601(k). The fund must be qualify under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule F) will be approved by the City Council based upon completion of a request for proposal (RFP) as sooner if considered necessary for lio of investments. Total por rectly from Bond Underwriter, secondary issues ess would include the scope of both services. Financial Institutions” in the appendices. Financial Institutions” in the appendices. registered by the SEC and must include marking the portfolio to market daily. uestionnaire and City Council Approval. The City may engage the services of a professional portfolio management Since banking services and cust The City has imposed a maximum limitation based upon the total portfo least every four (4) years or has adopted limits on the investment of surplus funds. îï the City Treasurer’s recommendation pursuant to outlined in the appendices. See also Footnote 2. The professional portfolio management firm (PPM The financial institutions can be either state or fInitial offerings the Treasurer may purchase di Money Market mutual funds must comply with At least two bids from broker/dealers that At least two bids from broker/dealers that 15C3-1 listed on the “Listing of Approved 15C3-1 listed on the “Listing of Approved Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). related it is anticipated that the bid proc Periodically conduct a bid process at banking and/or custodian services. under the City’s Investment Policy. Completion of Investment Pool Q follow bid process 3. 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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • Twice each fiscal year City departments identify equipment and furniture that is no longer serviceable or needed. • This property is then declared surplus and is offered for sale by placing a notice in the Desert Sun, which invites the public to view the property and submit a sealed bid for the property to the City Clerk's Office. • If the City does not receive bids for some or all if this property, then educational organizations are contacted to see if they need this property. If there is no interest from these entities, the property is then discarded. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The City has accumulated surplus, obsolete and non - functional property items over the last several years. Attachment 1 presents an inventory of the current surplus property. This property has little or no market value. The City's Municipal Code, Section 3.12.300 through 3.12.320, outlines the procedure for discarding surplus property. Basically, this procedure entails: • Departments notify the purchasing agent that specific property is no longer in use or has become obsolete. "vt 113 • The purchasing agent has the authority to exchange obsolete or unused property for new property that the City needs replaced. • In the event that the property is not needed any longer by the departments in the City, the purchasing agent has the authority, with the approval of the City Manager, to dispose of surplus property. • If property is being disposed of, an advertisement is put in the Desert Sun to be bid on by the general public. • If the City receives no bids, property is either donated or disposed of. ALTERNATIVES: Considering the Municipal Code requires the above process to discard property, staff does not recommend an alternative to this action. Attachment: 1 . Declaration of Surplus Property Report prepared by: Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager MCI ïïì ïïì ïïë ïïë ïïê ïïê ïïé ïïé 118 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 7 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Investment Advisory Board Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2013/2014. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The work plan for the Investment Advisory Board is set forth in the City's Municipal Code Section 2.70.030 as outlined below. There are no recommended changes for the 2013/2014 work plan. FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal implications consist of Board Members meeting expenses, budgeted at $4,500, and staff support time. BACK GROUN D /ANALYSIS: Municipal Code Section 2.70.030 sets forth the work plan items for the Investment Advisory Board for each year as follows: The principal functions of the Board are: (1) review at least annually the city's investment policy and recommend appropriate changes; (2) review monthly treasury report and note compliance with the investment policy and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated obligations; (3) receive and consider other reports provided by the city treasurer; (4) meet with the independent auditor after completion of the annual audit of the city's financial statements, and receive and consider the auditor's comments on auditing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and "E. 119 investment activities, and (5) serve as a resource for the city treasurer on matters such as proposed investments, internal controls, use of change of financial institutions, custodians, brokers and dealers. The Investment Advisory Board met on June 12, 2013 and is not recommending that any additional Work Plan Items be added to those outlined in the Municipal Code. ALTERNATIVES: None. Report prepared by: Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager "R, 120 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CANON COPIERS TO PROVIDE DIGITAL COPIERS, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLIES AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 8 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a Lease Agreement with Canon Copiers to provide digital printer /copier services and related, maintenance and supplies to serve the needs of all City departments. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The City leases Canon copiers and Innovative Document Solutions (IDS) of Palm Desert serves as the local distributor of the copiers. IDS has provided this service to the city for the past ten years. The copiers are very reliable and the service on the machines has been minimal. • The City is utilizing the State of California's recent bid to obtain the lowest possible pricing, resulting in substantial savings to the City. FISCAL IMPACT: The monthly lease cost will be $1,500 plus overage charges. The current monthly lease cost is $5,400. The new lease will reduce annual costs by approximately $45,000 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: In July 2003, the City conducted an analysis of various copier manufacturers and selected Canon copiers. Since that time, the Canon copiers and the service and fPR 121 maintenance have been provided by Innovative Document Solutions of Palm Desert, CA. This current lease is set to expire June 30, 2013. Anticipating this, the City elected to use the bid prices from the State California, this contract is a pre- competed bid which drives down the hardware cost, therefore resulting in a 63% reduction in the lease. This will result in lower prices, based upon their larger volumes that would not be available if the City were to bid the contract alone. Attachment 1 is a copy of the Municipal Lease Agreement that has been approved by the City Attorney. ALTERNATIVES: Direct staff to issue a Request for Proposal for copier leasing and services. Report prepared by: Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachment: 1. Municipal Copier Lease Agreement ` AI ïîî ïîî ïîí ïîí 124 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION TO EXTEND TIME TO COMPLETE OFF -SITE AND ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP NO. 30092, PIAZZA SERENA AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 9 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution granting an extension of time to complete the off -site and on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreements for Tract Map No. 30092, Piazza Serena. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The developer of Piazza Serena located north of Avenue 58 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1), Cado La Quinta, LLC, has requested the City Council's approval of a one -year time extension of the Subdivision Improvement Agreements to allow the developer to delay the construction of the required off - site and on -site improvements. • Staff has not received any requests from City residents for the off -site and on- site improvements and therefore recommends approval of this time extension. • Developers are required to make on and off site improvements needed to serve residents and users of the development. Bonds of sufficient value are currently in place to secure these improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: In a letter dated April 30, 2013 (Attachment 2), the developer requests an additional time extension due to the existing real estate market conditions. The remaining on -site 124 125 improvements include capping the interior streets near the vacant lots and minor repairs to some of the completed improvements. The remaining off -site improvements include median landscaping along Monroe Street (required at entitlement to match median landscaping requirements elsewhere along Monroe Street), a traffic signal at the entrance on Avenue 58 (required at entitlement to protect the left turn out of the development when traffic volumes increase on Avenue 58), and minor repair to some of the completed improvements. The attached resolution would allow for an extension to August 2, 2014. Consistent with the developer friendly climate espoused by the Council, staff supports granting a one year extension to allow more time for the developer to recover from the economic downturn before having to fund these required improvements. However, should Council desire to have these improvements installed immediately, a resolution so stating can be brought back for Council consideration at the next meeting. ALTERNATIVES: Deny the request and stipulate that the off -site improvements be constructed by a certain date as a condition of any time extension. If the City Council would like to pursue this option, staff will prepare a conditional time extension resolution for City Council's consideration for the next scheduled meeting. Report prepared by: Edward J. Wimmer, P.E., Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer Attachments: 1 . Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Cado La Quinta, LLC M ïîê ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÒÑò îðïí ó ß ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ÙÎßÒÌ×ÒÙ ßÒ ÛÈÌÛÒÍ×ÑÒ ÑÚ Ì×ÓÛ ÚÑÎ ÌØÛ ÝÑÓÐÔÛÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÑÚÚóÍ×ÌÛ ßÒÜ ÑÒóÍ×ÌÛ ×ÓÐÎÑÊÛÓÛÒÌÍ ßÍ ÍÐÛÝ×Ú×ÛÜ ×Ò ÌØÛ ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ÍËÞÜ×Ê×Í×ÑÒ ×ÓÐÎÑÊÛÓÛÒÌ ßÙÎÛÛÓÛÒÌÍ ÌÑ ßËÙËÍÌ îô îðïì ÚÑÎ ÌÎßÝÌ ÓßÐ ÒÑò íððçîô Ð×ßÆÆß ÍÛÎÛÒß ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¿°°®±ª»¼ ¬¸» Í«¾¼·ª·­·±² ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ ß¹®»»³»²¬ øÍ×ß÷ º±® Ì®¿½¬ Ó¿° Ò±ò íððçîô з¿¦¦¿ Í»®»²¿ô ±² Ú»¾®«¿®§ íô îððëå ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô Í»½¬·±² êò ݱ³°´»¬·±² ±º ׳°®±ª»³»²¬­ô ±º ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª»¼ Í×ß ®»¯«·®»­ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» Í«¾¼·ª·¼»® ¾»¹·² ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ©·¬¸·² ²·²»¬§ ¼¿§­ ¿²¼ ½±³°´»¬» ¬¸» ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ©·¬¸·² ¬©»´ª» ³±²¬¸­ ¿º¬»® ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª¿´ ±º ¬¸» ß¹®»»³»²¬å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô º¿·´«®» ¾§ ¬¸» Í«¾¼·ª·¼»® ¬± ½±³°´»¬» ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ¾§ ß«¹«­¬ îô îðïíô ­¸¿´´ ½±²­¬·¬«¬» ½¿«­» º±® ¬¸» Ý·¬§ô ·² ·¬­ ­±´» ¼·­½®»¬·±² ¿²¼ ©¸»² ·¬ ¼»»³­ ²»½»­­¿®§ô ¬± ¼»½´¿®» ¬¸» Í«¾¼·ª·¼»® ·² ¼»º¿«´¬ ±º ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª»¼ ¿¹®»»³»²¬å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô Í»½¬·±² èò Ì·³» Û¨¬»²­·±²ô ±º ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª»¼ Í×ß ¿´´±©­ º±®ô ¿¬ ¬¸» ûÕÊÅûÏÉÐÛÕÒÑËËÏÒÙÝÐÚÝÜËÏÒÉÊÙÚÕËÛÌÙÊÕÏп² »¨¬»²­·±² ±º ¬·³» º±® ½±³°´»¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ©·¬¸ ¿¼¼·¬·±²­ ±® ®»ª·­·±²­ ¬± ¬¸» ¬»®³­ ¿²¼ ½±²¼·¬·±²­ ±º ¬¸» ß¹®»»³»²¬ò ÒÑÉô ÌØÛÎÛÚÑÎÛô ÞÛ ×Ì ÎÛÍÑÔÊÛÜ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ô ¿­ º±´´±©­æ ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ ïò ̸» ¬·³» º±® ¬¸» ½±³°´»¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ±ººó­·¬» ¿²¼ ±²ó­·¬» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ¿­ ®»¯«·®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª»¼ Í×ß ·­ »¨¬»²¼»¼ ¬± ß«¹«­¬ îô îðïìò ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ îò ̸» ¬·³» »¨¬»²­·±² º±® ½±³°´»¬·²¹ ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ ­¸¿´´ »¨°·®» ©¸»² Ý·¬§ ±ºº·½»­ ½´±­» º±® ®»¹«´¿® ¾«­·²»­­ ±² ß«¹«­¬ îô îðïìò ׺ ¬¸» Í«¾¼·ª·¼»® ¸¿­ ²±¬ ½±³°´»¬»¼ ¬¸» ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ô ·² ·¬­ ­±´» ¼·­½®»¬·±² ¿²¼ ©¸»² ¼»»³­ ²»½»­­¿®§ô ³¿§ ¼»½´¿®» ¬¸» Í«¾¼·ª·¼»® ·² ¼»º¿«´¬ ±º ¬¸» ß¹®»»³»²¬ò ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ íò ̸» °®±ª·¼»¼ ­»½«®·¬§ ¿³±«²¬ ¿­ ®»¯«·®»¼ ·² ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª»¼ Í×ß ·­ ­¿¬·­º¿½¬±®§ò Ò± ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ­»½«®·¬·»­ ¿®» ®»¯«·®»¼ò ïîê ïîé λ­±´«¬·±² Ò±ò îðïíó Ì®¿½¬ Ó¿° Ò±ò íððçîô з¿¦¦¿ Í»®»²¿ ß¼±°¬»¼æ Ö«²» ïèô îðïí п¹» î ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ ìò ß´´ ±¬¸»® ¬»®³­ô ®»­°±²­·¾·´·¬·»­ ¿²¼ ½±²¼·¬·±²­ ¿­ ´·­¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» ¿°°®±ª»¼ Í×ß ­¸¿´´ ®»³¿·² ·² º«´´ º±®½» ¿²¼ »ºº»½¬ò ÐßÍÍÛÜô ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ¿²¼ ßÜÑÐÌÛÜ ¿¬ ¿ ®»¹«´¿® ³»»¬·²¹ ±º ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ¬¸ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¸»´¼ ±² ¬¸·­ ïè ¼¿§ ±º Ö«²» îðïíô ¾§ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ª±¬»ô ¬± ©·¬æ ßÇÛÍæ ÒÑÛÍæ ßÞÍÛÒÌæ ßÞÍÌß×Òæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÜÑÒ ßÜÑÔÐØô Ó¿§±® Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ßÌÌÛÍÌæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ øÝ×ÌÇ ÍÛßÔ÷ ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ßÍ ÌÑ ÚÑÎÓæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Óò ÕßÌØÛÎ×ÒÛ ÖÛÒÍÑÒô Ý·¬§ ߬¬±®²»§ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ïîé ïîè ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ ï éð  níôüããüêøëøïü Ê × Ý × Ò × Ì Ç Ó ß Ð NOT TO SCALE ïîè ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ î ïîç ïîç 130 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DECLARATION OF DEDICATION OF A LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ON TRACT MAP NO. 24517 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 10 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a resolution accepting the declaration of dedication of a landscape easement on Tract Map No. 24517 from Waring -Adams Venture. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • Abutting the Rancho Ocotillo development on Fred Waring Drive, there is a twenty foot wide landscape easement identified as Lot H (Attachment 1). • When the Final Map for this development was approved in 1990, and when the landscape improvements were accepted in 1993, the City Council did not accept the landscape easement that was offered for dedication in 1990. • If this landscape easement is not accepted now, the County will have to negotiate and purchase individual temporary construction easements from adjacent homeowners to facilitate the construction of a sound wall for the Fred Waring Drive road widening project. This would be costly in time and money. • Staff recommends acceptance of Lot H to ensure the continued maintenance of the landscaping of the lot and to facilitate the Fred Waring Drive road widening project. FISCAL IMPACT: None. The City is already maintaining the landscaping improvements. MG 131 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: Lot H is located on the south side of Fred Waring Drive, east of Adams Street. The County of Riverside is widening Fred Waring Drive to six lanes from Adams Street east to Port Maria Drive as part of the regionally identified Measure "A" improvements. During design of the Fred Waring Drive road widening project, the County's right -of- way consultant discovered the City never formally accepted Lot H when it approved the final tract map in 1990 and when it accepted the landscape improvements in 1993. The County's project calls for construction of an eight foot sound wall within Lot H that would require individual easements from the property owners abutting Lot H. In order to avoid the potential time and monetary expense associated with negotiating individual temporary construction easements with the abutting homeowners, as well as to limit the future uses of this lot to landscape purposes only, staff recommends acceptance of this landscape easement. ALTERNATIVES: Since not accepting this easement would add unnecessary cost (the expense associated with negotiating individual temporary construction easements with adjacent homeowners) to the Fred Waring Drive road widening project and possibly delay construction, staff does not recommend any alternatives to the recommended action. Report prepared by: Edward J. Wimmer, P.E., Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer Attachment: 1 . Vicinity Map `K1i ïíî ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÒÑò îðïí ó ß ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ßÝÝÛÐÌ×ÒÙ ÌØÛ ÜÛÝÔßÎßÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÜÛÜ×ÝßÌ×ÑÒ ÚÎÑÓ ÉßÎ×ÒÙóßÜßÓÍ ÊÛÒÌËÎÛô ß ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ß ÙÛÒÛÎßÔ ÐßÎÌÒÛÎÍØ×Ðô ÚÑÎ ÔÑÌ Ø ÑÚ ÌÎßÝÌ ÓßÐ ÒÑò îìëïé ÚÑÎ ÐËÞÔ×Ý ÔßÒÜÍÝßÐ×ÒÙ ÐËÎÐÑÍÛÍ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ¿²¼ ±ºº»® ±º ¼»¼·½¿¬·±² ±º ¬¸» °»®·³»¬»® ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ ±² Ô±¬ Ø ±º Ì®¿½¬ Ó¿° Ò±ò îìëïé ©¿­ ¿ ½±²¼·¬·±² ±º ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ ­± ±ºº»®»¼ º±® ¼»¼·½¿¬·±² ·­ ³±®» º«´´§ ¼»­½®·¾»¼ ·² ùÆÖÕÜÕÊËÏýÎÝÐÚÏüÎÖÙÌÙÊÏÇÖÕÛÖÚÙËÛÌÕÎÊ·±² ·­ ·²½±®°±®¿¬»¼ ¸»®»·² ¿­ ¬¸±«¹¸ ­»¬ º±®¬¸ ·² º«´´ ø¸»®»·²¿º¬»® ®»º»®®»¼ ¬±ÝËÊÖÙÏúÙÚÕÛÝÊÙÚîÌÏÎÙÌÊÅÎÝÐÚ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¿ Ú·²¿´ Ó¿° ©¿­ ®»½±®¼»¼ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ݱ«²¬§ ±º 窻®­·¼» ±² Ö¿²«¿®§ îëô ïççð ¿­ ײ­¬®«³»²¬ íïêðéå ¸±©»ª»® Ô±¬ Ø ©¿­ ²±¬ ¿½½»°¬»¼ º±® °«¾´·½ «­» ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ¿¬ ¬¸» ¬·³» ±º ®»½±®¼¿¬·±²å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ ¿²¼ ·®®·¹¿¬·±² ©»®» ­«¾­»¯«»²¬´§ ·²­¬¿´´»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¼»ª»´±°»® ±º Ì®¿½¬ Ó¿° Ò±ò îìëïé ±² ¬¸» Ü»¼·½¿¬»¼ Ю±°»®¬§ ¿²¼ ¿½½»°¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ±² Ó¿®½¸ îô ïççíå ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ²±© ¼»­·®»­ ¬± ¿½½»°¬ ­¿·¼ ¼»½´¿®¿¬·±² ±º ¼»¼·½¿¬·±² ·² ±®¼»® ¬± ½±²º·®³ ¬¸» °»®³·¬¬»¼ «­» ±º ¬¸» Ü»¼·½¿¬»¼ Ю±°»®¬§ ¿²¼ ¬± »²­«®» ¬¸» ½±²¬·²«»¼ ³¿·²¬»²¿²½» ±º ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ º±® °«¾´·½ ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ °«®°±­»­ò ÒÑÉô ÌØÛÎÛÚÑÎÛô ÞÛ ×Ì ÎÛÍÑÔÊÛÜ ¾§ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ô ¿­ º±´´±©­æ ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ ïò ̸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ¸»®»¾§ ¿½½»°¬­ ¬¸» Ü»¼·½¿¬»¼ Ю±°»®¬§ò ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ îò ̸» Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ·­ ¸»®»¾§ ¿«¬¸±®·¦»¼ ¬± ®»½±®¼ ¬¸·­ λ­±´«¬·±² ·² ¬¸» Ѻº·½» ±º ¬¸» ݱ«²¬§ λ½±®¼»® ·² ¬¸» ݱ«²¬§ ±º 窻®­·¼»ô ͬ¿¬» ±º Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ò ïíî ïíí λ­±´«¬·±² Ò±ò îðïíó п®½»´ Ó¿° Ò±ò îìëïéô É¿®·²¹óß¼¿³­ Ê»²¬«®» ß¼±°¬»¼æ Ö«²» ïèô îðïí п¹» î ÐßÍÍÛÜô ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ¿²¼ ßÜÑÐÌÛÜ ¿¬ ¿ ®»¹«´¿® ³»»¬·²¹ ±º ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ¬¸ ¼¿§ ±º Ö«²» îðïíô ¾§ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ª±¬»ô ¬± ©·¬æ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¸»´¼ ±² ¬¸·­ ïè ßÇÛÍæ ÒÑÛÍæ ßÞÍÛÒÌæ ßÞÍÌß×Òæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÜÑÒ ßÜÑÔÐØô Ó¿§±® Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ßÌÌÛÍÌæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ øÝ×ÌÇ ÍÛßÔ÷ ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ßÍ ÌÑ ÚÑÎÓæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Óò ÕßÌØÛÎ×ÒÛ ÖÛÒÍÑÒô Ý·¬§ ߬¬±®²»§ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ïíí ïíì ïíì ïíë ïíë ïíê ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ ï Ì®¿½¬ ³¿° ²±ò îìëïé Ê × Ý × Ò × Ì Ç Ó ß Ð NOT TO SCALE ïíê 137 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 11 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the First Amendment to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Discharge Permit Implementation Agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • In 2008, the City adopted an Implementation Agreement (Agreement) that fulfills the requirements of the five year National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (MS4). The City joined 12 other public agencies (county, cities, and districts) located in the Colorado River Basin region who are parties to this Agreement. • For the past five years, the City has paid its proportionate share of stormwater programs that this Agreement facilitates, and has enjoyed the savings and other benefits of the economies of scale afforded by this Agreement. • The Agreement expires when the current MS4 expires; this may occur at the next California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting (scheduled for June 20, 2013) when a new MS4 will be considered. • To maintain coverage, the County has requested that all agencies execute a one year amendment to the Agreement. • The new MS4 includes a one year period for agencies to ramp up to implement the new requirements. When these new requirements are finalized, the County will be requesting that all agencies execute a second amendment with a four year term. 137 138 FISCAL IMPACT: The County estimates that implementing the MS4 will cost the City $63,136; this amount is included in the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Budget. If the requirements of the proposed MS4 exceed this budget, staff will request a mid -year budget adjustment. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The following is a list of programs that are implemented through the Agreement: 1) Compliance Assistance Program — all commercial and industrial facilities are inspected. 2) Hazardous Material Clean -up — provides for the response to and clean -up of this public health and safety item. 3) Water Quality Monitoring Program — provides water quality monitoring, testing and chemical analysis for the region. 4) Public Education /Outreach — conducts outreach by providing booths at festivals, conducting school presentations, business presentations, partnering with other agencies, and developing and distributing materials to Coachella Valley residents and businesses. 5) Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) — funds the permanent HHW facility in Palm Springs, and the annual temporary HHW collections throughout the Valley. 6) Semi - annual Water Quality Training — trains the staff who will implement all aspects of the MS4. 7) General Permit Compliance Activities — through cost sharing, the agencies provide funding to develop, revise and submit MS4 compliance documentation, including: annual reports, Reports of Waste Discharge (when necessary), a region -wide Water Quality Management Plan, the Storm Water Management Plan, and NPDES Permit development. ALTERNATIVES: Since no other arrangement is available that would provide the benefits and economies of scale afforded by partnering with the other 12 agencies to fund these federal and state mandated requirements, staff does not recommend an alternative. Report prepared by: Edward J. Wimmer, P.E., Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer Attachment: 1 . First Amendment to NPDES Implementation Agreement 138 ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ ï ïíç ïíç ïìð ïìð ïìï ïìï ïìî ïìî ïìí ïìí ïìì ïìì ïìë ïìë 146 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PSOMAS FOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 12 SERVICES STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Psomas, in an amount not to exceed $130,000, to provide City construction inspection services for one year. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The City relies on consultant inspection services to augment staff levels when several capital projects are under construction simultaneously. • The current consultant inspection contract with Psomas expired on November 16, 2012. • Staff recommends approval of a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Psomas for one year with an option to extend for one additional year upon mutual agreement (Attachment 1). This agreement will allow staff to perform their non - inspection related duties without reducing the level of inspection required on the capital projects. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed PSA with Psomas calls for inspection services to be billed at $100 per hour up to a not to exceed amount of $130,000. The budget for construction inspection is included in the each project budget approved as part of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). `«: 147 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The City has utilized the services of Psomas since 2006. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was sent out in 2010 and Psomas was re- selected from amongst the participating firms. The City's consultant services selection process allows the City Council to approve consultant contracts without an RFP process when warranted. When the RFP was last issued, Psomas was the clear choice to provide construction inspection services. Jim Peters, assigned Psomas inspector, is local and has firsthand knowledge of the City's operations that would not likely be replicated in another construction inspection firm. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this PSA without the time and expense of a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process. City staff has assumed the inspection duties for all of the private development on and offsite construction, which further reduces their availability for capital projects. There are numerous construction projects scheduled for this summer and fall, which will require additional inspection capabilities in order to ensure timely completion. These projects include the following: • Eisenhower and Calle Sinaloa Roundabout • Highway 111 and Washington Intersection Improvements • Avenue 52 Sidewalk Infill Project • SilverRock Parking Lot Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements • Miscellaneous Public Facility ADA Improvements • Adams Street and Corporate Centre Traffic Signal • Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements • Sports Complex Field Lighting Improvements • Sidewalk and Handicap Ramp ADA Improvements The Eisenhower and Calle Sinaloa Roundabout as well as the Highway 111 and Washington Intersection Improvements are both complex high profile projects that will require a high level of inspection. City staff will not be able to provide this level of inspection alone due to the other day to day duties that need to be performed. ALTERNATIVES: Due to the superior service provided by Psomas's inspector and the willingness of Psomas to continue to serve the City at the same inspection rate, staff does not recommend an alternative action. Report prepared by: Bryan McKinney, Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer Attachment: 1. 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AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 13 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: In separate actions, adopt Ordinance No. 512 on second reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 513 on second reading. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed amendments to Title 9, along with the related zone change actions, bring the zoning code and the official City zoning map into consistency with the City's adopted Housing Element. These actions also facilitate the State Housing and Community Development (HCD) submittal and review process for the 2014 Housing Element update currently being drafted. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: On June 4, 2013 the City Council approved a motion to take up and introduce Ordinance No. 512 on first reading by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Henderson, Franklin, Mayor Adolph NOES: Councilmember Osborne ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 1 173 174 On June 4, 2013 the City Council approved a motion to take up and introduce Ordinance No. 513 on first reading by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Henderson, Franklin, Mayor Adolph NOES: Councilmember Osborne ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ALTERNATIVES: Considering the Council's vote at the last meeting to introduce this Ordinance, and the need for the Municipal Code to be consistent with the City's Housing Element, staff does not recommend and alternative to the proposed action. Report prepared by: Pam Nieto, Department Secretary Report approved for submission by: Susan Maysels, City Clerk 2 174 ïéë ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÒÑò ëïî ßÒ ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ßÜÑÐÌ×ÒÙ ßÓÛÒÜÓÛÒÌÍ ÌÑ Ì×ÌÔÛ ç øÆÑÒ×ÒÙ÷ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ÓËÒ×Ý×ÐßÔ ÝÑÜÛô ÌÑ ×ÒÝÔËÜÛæ ï÷ ÛÍÌßÞÔ×ÍØ×ÒÙ ßÒ ßÚÚÑÎÜßÞÔÛ ØÑËÍ×ÒÙ ÑÊÛÎÔßÇ Ü×ÍÌÎ×ÝÌå î÷ ÛÍÌßÞÔ×ÍØ×ÒÙ ËÍÛ ßÔÔÑÉßÒÝÛÍ ßÒÜ ÍÌßÒÜßÎÜÍ ÚÑÎ ÛÓÛÎÙÛÒÝÇ ßÒÜ ÌÎßÒÍ×Ì×ÑÒßÔ ØÑËÍ×ÒÙå í÷ ßÓÛÒÜ×ÒÙ ßÚÚÑÎÜßÞÔÛ ØÑËÍ×ÒÙ ÜÛÒÍ×ÌÇ ÞÑÒËÍ ÐÎÑÊ×Í×ÑÒÍå ßÒÜ ì÷ ÛÍÌßÞÔ×ÍØ×ÒÙ ÐÎÑÝÛÜËÎÛÍ ÚÑÎ ÎÛßÍÑÒßÞÔÛ ßÝÝÑÓÓÑÜßÌ×ÑÒ ÝßÍÛ ÒÑæ ÆÑÒ×ÒÙ ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ßÓÛÒÜÓÛÒÌ îðïíóïïì ßÐÐÔ×ÝßÒÌæ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¬¸» îðíë Ù»²»®¿´ д¿² Ë°¼¿¬» ±² Ú»¾®«¿®§ ïçô îðïíô ¬± ¹«·¼» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¬¸®±«¹¸±«¬ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ô ¿²¼ ³¿·²¬¿·²­ ¿ Ʊ²·²¹ Ñ®¼·²¿²½» ¬± ·³°´»³»²¬ ¬¸» ª·­·±² ­»¬ º±®¬¸ ·² ¬¸» Ù»²»®¿´ д¿²å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ­¿·¼ Ù»²»®¿´ д¿² ¿¼±°¬·±² ·²½±®ÎÏÌÝÊÙÚÊÖÙûÕÊÅÏØòÝíÉÕÐÊÝÑË ر«­·²¹ Û´»³»²¬ô ¿­ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ±² ß«¹«­¬ îô îðïï øλ­ò 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îìí îìí 244 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 514 APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 2013 -143, TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESiDEN T IAL VVI T H AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING OVERLAY ZONE AS IDENTIFIED IN THE 2008 LA QUINTA HOUSING ELEMENT AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 14 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 514 on second reading. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This action relates directly to the zoning code amendment and rezoning actions previously approved under Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2013 -114 and Zone Change 2013 -143. Staff has provided a separate ordinance action under Zone Change 2013 -143 for this particular parcel (Underutilized Site No. U2— a 4.9 acre parcel on the south side of Darby Road, east of Palm Royale Drive.) FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: On June 4, 2013 the City Council approved a motion to take up and introduce Ordinance No. 514 on first reading by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Henderson, Franklin, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Councilmember Osborne 244 245 ALTERNATIVES: Considering the Council's vote at the last meeting to introduce this Ordinance, and the need for the Municipal Code to be consistent with the City's Housing Element, staff does not recommend and alternative to the proposed action. Report prepared by: Pam Nieto, Department Secretary Report approved for submission by: Susan Maysels, City Clerk `z îìê ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÒÑò ëïì ßÒ ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ßÐÐÎÑÊ×ÒÙ ÆÑÒÛ ÝØßÒÙÛ îðïíóïìíô ÌÑ ÎÛÆÑÒÛ ÝÛÎÌß×Ò ÐÎÑÐÛÎÌÇ ÚÎÑÓ ÔÑÉ ÜÛÒÍ×ÌÇ ÎÛÍ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔô ÌÑ ÓÛÜ×ËÓ ÜÛÒÍ×ÌÇ ÎÛÍ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ É×ÌØ ßÒ ßÚÚÑÎÜßÞÔÛ ØÑËÍ×ÒÙ ÑÊÛÎÔßÇ ÆÑÒÛ øßØÑ÷ô ßÍ ×ÜÛÒÌ×Ú×ÛÜ ×Ò ÌØÛ îððè Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ØÑËÍ×ÒÙ ÛÔÛÓÛÒÌ ÝßÍÛæ ÆÑÒÛ ÝØßÒÙÛ îðïíóïìí ßÐÐÔ×ÝßÒÌæ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ßÐÒæ êðçóðëîóððî ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¬¸» îðíë Ù»²»®¿´ д¿² Ë°¼¿¬» ±² Ú»¾®«¿®§ ïçô îðïíô ¬± ¹«·¼» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¬¸®±«¹¸±«¬ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ô ¿²¼ ³¿·²¬¿·²­ ¿ Ʊ²·²¹ Ñ®¼·²¿²½» ¬± ·³°´»³»²¬ ¬¸» ª·­·±² ­»¬ º±®¬¸ ·² ¬¸» Ù»²»®¿´ д¿²å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ­¿·¼ Ù»²»®¿´ д¿² ¿¼±°¬·±² ·²½±®ÎÏÌÝÊÙÚÊÖÙûÕÊÅÏØòÝíÉÕÐÊÝÑË ر«­·²¹ Û´»³»²¬ô ¿­ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ±² ß«¹«­¬ îô îðïï øλ­±´«¬·±² Ò±ò îðïïóðéî÷å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍÊÖÙòÝíÉÕÐÊÝ÷ÙÐÙÌÝÒîÒÝÐÑËر«­·²¹ Û´»³»²¬ ·²½´«¼»­ ­»ª»®¿´ °®±¹®¿³ ±¾¶»½¬·ª»­ ®»´¿¬»¼ ¬± ®»¦±²·²¹ 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COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONS WITHIN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 15 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 515 on second reading. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed amendment to Chapter 9.60 (Exhibit A) brings the Municipal Code into consistency with recently enacted State legislation, pertaining to Assembly Bill 1616 (California Homemade Food Act). The new law requires that all cities and counties allow for the establishment and operation of Cottage Food Operations in any primary dwelling in any residential zone. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: On May 7, 2013 the City Council unanimously approved a motion to take up and introduce Ordinance No. 515 on first reading. ALTERNATIVES: Considering Council's vote at the last meeting to introduce this Ordinance, and the City's interest in the establishment of cottage food operations in compliance with State law, staff does not recommend an alternative to the proposed action. Report prepared by: Pam Nieto, Department Secretary Report approved for submission by: Susan Maysels, City Clerk `psi îëî ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÒÑò ëïë ßÒ ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ßÜÜ×ÒÙ ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ çòêðòïïë ÌÑ Ì×ÌÔÛ ç ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ÓËÒ×Ý×ÐßÔ ÝÑÜÛô ÛÍÌßÞÔ×ÍØ×ÒÙ ÐÎÑÝÛÜËÎßÔ ßÒÜ ÑÐÛÎßÌ×ÑÒßÔ ÐÎÑÊ×Í×ÑÒÍ ÚÑÎ ÝÑÌÌßÙÛ ÚÑÑÜ ÑÐÛÎßÌ×ÑÒÍ É×ÌØ×Ò ÎÛÍ×ÜÛÒÌ×ßÔ Ü×ÍÌÎ×ÝÌÍ ÝßÍÛ ÒÑæ ÆÑÒ×ÒÙ ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ßÓÛÒÜÓÛÒÌ îðïíóïïí ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ͬ¿¬» Ô»¹·­´¿¬«®» ¸¿­ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ß­­»³¾´§ Þ·´´ ïêïê ýü  ÷ÝÊÊÏÇÖÕÛÖÌÙÍÉÕÌÙËÛÕÊÕÙËÊÏÝÒÒÏÇûÏÊÊÝ×ÙøÏÏÚïÎÙÌÝÊÕÏÐËûøïÑË ¿­ ¼»º·²»¼ ¾§ Ø»¿´¬¸ ¿²¼ Í¿º»¬§ ݱ¼» Í»½¬·±² ïïíéëèô ¬± ±°»®¿¬» ©·¬¸·² ¿²§ ®»­·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼©»´´·²¹ «²·¬å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍÊÖÙûÕÊÅÑÝÅÛÏÐÚÕÊÕÏÐÊÖÙÕËËÉÝÐÛÙÏØÝûøïÏÐÏÌÙÝËÏÐÝÜÒÙ ­¬¿²¼¿®¼­ô ®»­¬®·½¬·±²­ô ¿²¼ ®»¯«·®»³»²¬­ ½±²½»®²·²¹ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ º¿½¬±®­æ ­°¿½·²¹ ¿²¼ ½±²½»²¬®¿¬·±²ô ¬®¿ºº·½ ½±²¬®±´ô °¿®µ·²¹ô ¿²¼ ²±·­» ½±²¬®±´ ®»´¿¬·²¹ ¬± ¬¸±­» ÖÏÑÙËÎÝÐÚ ÉØÛÎÛßÍÊÖÙûÕÊÅÇÕËÖÙËÊÏÌÙ×ÉÒÝÊÙûøïÑËÊÖÌÏÉ×ÖÕÊËñÕÐÏÌéËÙîÙÌÑÕÊ °®±½»­­ô ­«¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¬¸» °®±ª·­·±²­ 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FOR ENTRANCE MONUMENTS AND FOUNTAIN POOLS MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 16 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Shark Pools, Inc. to continue services for one additional year for the entrance monuments and fountain pools maintenance services, and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment subject to minor revisions by the City Attorney. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The City has fountains in The Village and at the City entrances on Highway 1 1 1 that enhance and beautify the City. These fountains must be properly maintained and inspected on a regular basis. • The current maintenance agreement with Shark Pools, Inc. will expire on June 30, 2013; therefore, approval of an amendment is necessary to extend the agreement through June 30, 2014. • Staff believes Shark Pools, of Indio, California, provides excellent service and therefore recommends that the City Council approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPACT: This service will cost $15,600 for the year; funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 budget. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: On August 7, 2012, the City awarded a contract to Shark Pools, Inc. for maintenance of seven City fountains: four in The Village, two at the City entrance monuments 014 260 along Highway 1 1 1, and one at southeast corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1 by LG's restaurant. The agreement provides for bi- weekly inspection and service of these fountains. The contract term is for one year with up to four, one -year extensions renewable at the beginning of each fiscal year through Fiscal Year 2016/2017. The agreement allows for termination by the City with a thirty -day notice, and allows the City and contractor to extend the agreement as mutually agreed. Staff believes Shark Pools, Inc. has provided excellent service and has agreed to keep their pricing at the same level as last year. Staff therefore recommends a one -year extension to the agreement, beginning July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. ALTERNATIVES: Because of the time and additional cost to rebid these services, combined with the fact that staff does not believe the City could obtain these services at a lower cost, staff does not recommend an alternative to this action. Report prepared by: James Lindsey, Maintenance Manager Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer Attachment: 1. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement K"I ßÌÌßÝØÓÛÒÌ ï îêï AMENDMENT NO.1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SHARK POOLS, INC. FOR ENTRANCE MONUMENTS AND FOUNTAIN POOLS MAINTENANCE SERVICES THIS AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SHARK POOLS, INC. FOR ENTRANCE MONUMENTS AND FOUNTAIN POOLS MAINTENANCE SERVICES (“Amendment No. 1”) is made and entered into as , 2013 of the _1_day of _July_ (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF LA Shark Pools, Inc. QUINTA, (“City”), a California municipal corporation, and (“Contractor”). R E C I T A L S A. On or about August 1, 2012 the City and Contractor entered into a Contract Services Agreement for Entrance Monuments and Fountain Pools Maintenance Services. The term of this original agreement expires June 30, 2013. B. Pursuant to Section 3.4 Terms of the original Professional Services Agreement, the City and Contractor may extend the term of the agreement upon mutual agreement by both parties. C. Contractor and City now wish to amend the original Agreement to extend the term for one (1) additional year (first extended term) July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 A M E N D M E N T: In consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: As provided in Section 3.4 Terms of the existing Agreement, the City and Contractor have agreed to extend the term of the Agreement for one (1) additional year, commencing July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. In all other respects, the original agreement shall remain in effect. îêï îêî IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Contractor have executed this Amendment No.1 to the Professional Service Agreement with Shark Pools, Inc. for the Entrance Monuments and Fountain Pools Maintenance Services on the respective dates set forth below. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation _______________ _________________ Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Date ATTEST: ______________________ Susan Maysels, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR: SHARK POOLS, INC. By: _________________________ Name: _________________________ Title: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Shark Pools, Inc. 80-975 Indio Blvd., Suite B-9 Indio, CA. 92201 îêî 263 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR INSPECTOR I TO ATTEND CALTRANS RESIDENT ENGINEER ACADEMY IN COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA, JUNE 24 -27, 2013 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 17 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize overnight travel for the Inspector I to attend the Caltrans Resident Engineer Academy to be held June 24 -27, 2013 in Costa Mesa, California. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The Caltrans Resident Engineer Academy provides contract administration, supervisor, liability, and risk management training for the professional development of Public Works staff. • Overnight travel approval is required since the participant would be eligible to be reimbursed for mileage and food costs. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated total cost for the Inspector I to attend this training is $1,055. Funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 budget. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: This four -day course provides practical, hands -on training, which includes presentations by Caltrans program managers and subject matter experts, group discussion sessions, and with question and answer periods. The workshop sessions provide a unique and instructive opportunity to interact with resident engineers from other agencies, Caltrans local assistance representatives, and experts in the engineering field. K"%] 264 Attendees will learn how to efficiently manage a project from the beginning to completion in compliance with state regulations. Sessions covering labor and equal opportunity regulations and compliance, claims avoidance and resolution, and tort liability will address the legal aspect of the Resident Engineer's role. This is important training for development of the Inspector I position to best protect the interests of the City on Caltrans sponsored projects. The Inspector I is responsible for managing all aspects of the construction process on capital improvement projects, including state and federal requirements when the project has funding from those sources. ALTERNATIVES: This academy provides staff with cost effective personal and professional growth opportunities that will not likely be offered at a closer venue; therefore, staff does not recommend any alternatives. Report prepared by: Bryan McKinney, Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer PITY! 265 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: EXCUSE COMMISSIONER MARK WEBER'S ABSENCE FROM THE JUNE 25, 2013, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 18 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a request from Commissioner Mark Weber to be excused from the February 12, 2013, Planning Commission meeting. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: Commissioner Weber requested to be excused from the June 25, 2013, Planning Commission meeting (Attachment 1). La Quinta Municipal Code Section 2.06.020(B) does not allow a member to be absent from two consecutive regular meetings or three scheduled meetings within a fiscal year without causing his /her office to become vacant. A commission member may request advance permission from the City Council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and the absence would then not be counted toward the limitation on absences. Commissioner Weber has had no other absences during this fiscal year and staff recommends his absence be excused by Council. ALTERNATIVES: Deny Commissioner Weber's request to be excused. Denial of the request would result in the absence being counted toward his limitation on absences as noted above. Report prepared by: Les Johnson, Community Development Director Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachment: 1. Request from Commissioner Weber K"R 266 Monika Radeva ATTACHMENT # 1 From: Mark Weber <mweber @cveza.org> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 5:22 PM To: Monika Radeva Subject: Requesting Excused Absence for June 25th Planning Commission Meeting Attachments: AVG Certification.txt Monika, Due to employment obligations I will be unable to attend the June 25th Planning Commission Meeting and am requesting that the Mayor and City Council consider an excused absence for me. I will review the agenda packet and continue to stay up to date on our current issues and topics of discussion. Regards, Mark Weber Manager Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone Authority 45 -125 Smurr Street, Suite A Indio, CA 92201 Tele: 760.391.5176 Cell: 760.399.7224 Fax: 760.391.5178 "It's another beautiful day in the Coachella Valley!" Visit us at www.cveza.org Enterprise Zones = Jobs P in4 us an aabook `P:1: 267 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE IRRIGATION RELOCATION FOR SILVERROCK CANAL RELOCATION, PROJECT NO. 2013 -06 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 19 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate, and authorize staff to advertise for bids to relocate the SilverRock golf course irrigation lines in advance of the canal relocation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • On May 21, 2013, the City Council selected the Parallel Canal Option for replacing the Coachella Canal located within the SilverRock Resort golf course. The Canal has settled, which has reduced its capacity to deliver irrigation water to Coachella Valley Water District's (CVWD's) customers. • Before CVWD may construct the parallel canal the City must relocate the existing SilverRock golf course irrigation main lines; these lines run under the Canal. • Plans and specifications are approximately 85 percent complete. Due to the project's urgency, staff is requesting the approval now so the project may be advertised immediately upon the completion of the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS &E). FISCAL IMPACT: Relocating the irrigation lines is estimated to cost $350,000. The City's total cost to accommodate the Parallel Canal Option is estimated to be $2,533,000; this total cost estimate includes the $350,000 to relocate the irrigation lines. `I MA 268 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: On May 21, 2013, the City Council selected the Parallel Canal Option for replacing the Coachella Canal located within the SilverRock Resort golf course. The Parallel Canal Option involves constructing a new canal approximately 41 feet west of the existing canal, largely within the existing 140 -foot wide easement. Within this easement, approximately 41 feet would be required to accommodate the canal structure, approximately 15 feet to 20 feet of clear space on either side of the canal would be necessary for CVWD's access for maintenance, and an additional 10 foot to 15 foot buffer area would be required on both sides of the canal outside the clear space. In order to accommodate the parallel canal, the irrigation system for the Palmer Classic Course must be reconfigured. This work must commence this summer so that the irrigation lines are in place before the parallel canal construction commences in May 2014. An expedited bid process and closure of the back nine holes from mid - August through September 2013 is necessary in order to finish this work in time for the October overseeding. ALTERNATIVES: Due to the urgency of this project and the City's obligation to CVWD to prepare the golf course for the construction of the parallel canal, there is no recommended alternative. Report prepared by: Bryan McKinney, Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer K"U 269 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S APPROPRIATION LIMIT AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 1 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council approving the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 City of La Quinta Budget and establishing the City's Appropriation Limit. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Proposed Budget consists of the City of La Quinta, the Successor Agency, the Housing Authority and the Financing Authority. • The budget is balanced with projected revenues exceeding projected expenditures by $1,097,800. • Based upon the City Council's June 4 discussion, the projected $1,097,800 surplus would be allocated as follows: 0 $900,000 to relocate the irrigation system at SilverRock Resort and estimated loss in revenue for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 0 $100,000 to hire one Community Service Officer 0 $50,000 for a Police service review 0 $47,800 for unanticipated operating or capital expenses (staff is seeking direction regarding whether or not to allocate $10,000 of this amount to fund additional Chamber of Commerce expenses). KU 270 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: All Fiscal Year 2013/2014 revenues, operational appropriations and capital project funding are included in the Proposed Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Budget which was presented to the City Council on May 21, 2013. The estimated net increase in the General Fund balances for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 is $1,097,800, before any changes approved tonight. BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The 2013/2014 proposed budget was initially introduced at the May 21, 2013 City Council meeting. Subsequently, a follow -up budget report was delivered to the City Council at the June 4, 2013 meeting. A list of the Budget Highlights is listed below: • As discussed at the previous two meetings, the budget is balanced for fiscal year ending 2013/2014. Additionally, the staff is recommending approval of continuing appropriations /encumbrances of $1,072,307 from Fiscal Year 2012/2013. These items are listed in Attachment 2, and represent funds that were appropriated for projects and programs in Fiscal Year 2012/13 that have not yet been completed. • City staff has proactively maintained expenditure levels to less than or equal to previous years. • Funds are appropriated to invest in technology ($850,000) and staff training (approximately $105,000). • The budget includes a $300,000 increase in revenue for the short -term vacation rental program. Since May 21 st, there have been some changes to either correct or adjust the budget. The pages that have been changed or corrected are included as Attachment 1 to this report. These changes are briefly discussed below: • Worker's Compensation — After the May 21 st budget presentation, the City received its worker's compensation and general liability bill. The general liability invoice was zero and the worker's compensation bill was an additional $85,000. The General Liability was zero for the following reason: Each year, the JPIA calculates a retrospective adjustment for each member for both liability and workers' compensation programs. This is based on the ongoing claim development of past coverage periods and can result in either an additional deposit or a refund. As of April 30, 2013, City of La Quinta is due a total refund of $270,586. `pct 271 This refund is then credited against the annual contribution due for the liability and workers' compensation programs for the upcoming 2013 -14 coverage period. This leaves City of La Quinta with a balance due by 7/1/13 in the amount of $166,767. Therefore, the funds previously allocated to the general liability insurance account were shifted to the worker's compensation account. The net result was no increase in the expenditures of the original budget. • Health Insurance — The health insurance allocated for the City Council was misstated by $65,400 due to an error in the budget. This amount was also shifted from the funds not needed in the General Liability account. Therefore, there was no overall cost increase in the budget. During the previous two budget study sessions, City Council discussed several options to be included in the 2013/2014 budget. Those items are listed below: • SilverRock Golf Course — The SilverRock Golf Course canal relocation project will begin in the next fiscal year. Before the canal can be relocated, irrigation lines on the back nine need to be rerouted. In addition, during the time that this project is commencing, there is an estimated loss of revenue. Staff originally requested that $1,081,000 of the projected $1,097,800 projected surplus be reserved to fund these costs. Based upon the June 4 City Council discussion, staff has reduced this amount to $900,000. • Community Service Officer (CSO) — At the June 4 Council Meeting the City Council requested that $100,000 be allocated to the Police Services budget to fund an additional Community Service Officer. Upon approval of the 2013/2014 Budget, $100,000 will be allocated to the police services budget to add another CSO. • Police Service Review — The City Council has voiced concerns regarding ever increasing police service costs. At the June 4 meeting, staff recommended that the City Council consider conducting a police service review. Staff anticipates that this review would cost $50,000 and recommends funds be allocated for this study. • Chamber of Commerce — The Chamber of Commerce has requested an additional $32,500 for the next fiscal year. The City Council has discussed this item in depth and no decision was reached to approve any additional funds. However, Council Members indicated that an additional appropriation of $10,000 for special event police services and to support the Fourth of July Event may be appropriate. Staff is seeking Council direction on this item. • Martha's Kitchen — The Fiscal Year 2012/13 Budget appropriates $50,000 for capital improvements at Martha's Kitchen. Conditions pertaining to this grant were not met and this appropriation will lapse at year end. At the June 4 Council Meeting, the City Council requested that these funds be carried over to the 2013/2014 Budget and reallocated to the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. ` AI 272 These items have not been included in the proposed budget. If the City Council chooses to include these items in the final adopted budget, staff will revise and make these changes. Four of the above five items (SilverRock, Community Service Officer, Police service review and Chamber of Commerce) will reduce the excess revenues over expenditures to $37,800. Staff recommends that these projected funds be held for future unanticipated operating or capital expenses. A summary of the proposed changes to the budget are as follows: Revenues $34,385,700 Expend i t u re s (33, 287, 900) Excess Revenues over Expenditures before any changes $ 1,097,800 Additional Appropriations to be Considered: SilverRock Resort Irrigation System & Loss of Revenue (900,000) Community Service Officer (1) (100,000) Police Services Review (50,000) Chamber of Commerce (10,000) Excess Revenues over Expenditures $ 37,800 Annually, the City is required to prepare the Gann Limit in accordance with Article XIIIB of the State Constitution. The Gann initiative limits growth in government spending to changes in population and inflation. The Gann Limit for fiscal year 2012/2013 is $96,357,500. The amount subject to the Gann Limit is $31,954,838. Therefore, the City is significantly below the limit by a margin of $64,402,662. City staff has prepared this report and submitted to the City auditors for review. The auditors have reviewed and issued their report on the Gann limit (Attachment 3), `I` 273 including verifying the calculation performed by the City. The auditors concluded that the Gann Limit was calculated in accordance with Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and did not report any negative findings. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives to the recommended action would entail further adjusting the various appropriations. Report prepared by: Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Corrected budget pages 2. List of Continuing Appropriations and Encumbrances 3. Auditors Gann Limit Worksheet 273 îéì ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÒÑò îðïí ó ß ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ÛÍêýüòõëöõð÷êöùûõêåÑë ßÐÐÎÑÐÎ×ßÌ×ÑÒ Ô×Ó×Ì ÚÑÎ Ú×ÍÝßÔ ÇÛßÎ îðïíñîðïì ßÒÜ ßÐÐÎÑÊ×ÒÙ ß ÞËÜÙÛÌ ÚÑÎ Ú×ÍÝßÔ ÇÛßÎ îðïíñîðïì ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô »¿½¸ §»¿® ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¿¼±°¬­ ¿ Þ«¼¹»¬ º±® 못²«»­ ¿²¼ Û¨°»²¼·¬«®»­ º±® ¬¸» «°½±³·²¹ Ú·­½¿´ Ç»¿®å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¼»­·®»­ ¬± ³¿µ» °®±ª·­·±²­ º±® ¿ ´»ª»´ ±º ­»®ª·½»­ ½±³³»²­«®¿¬» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ²»»¼­ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¸¿­ ®»ª·»©»¼ ­¿·¼ ¾«¼¹»¬ ¿²¼ ¸¿­ ¸¿¼ ­»ª»®¿´ °«¾´·½ ³»»¬·²¹­ ¬± ®»½»·ª» °«¾´·½ ·²°«¬å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¸¿­ô ¿º¬»® ¼«» ¼»´·¾»®¿¬·±² ¿²¼ ½±²­·¼»®¿¬·±²ô ³¿¼» ­«½¸ ¿³»²¼³»²¬­ ·² ¬¸» °®±°±­»¼ ¾«¼¹»¬ ¿­ ·¬ ½±²­·¼»®­ ¼»­·®¿¾´»å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô Í»½¬·±² éçï𠱺 ¬¸» Ù±ª»®²³»²¬ ݱ¼» ±º ¬¸» ͬ¿¬» ±º Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ °®±ª·¼»­ ¬¸¿¬ »¿½¸ §»¿® ¬¸» ¹±ª»®²·²¹ ¾±¼§ ±º »¿½¸ ´±½¿´ ¶«®·­¼·½¬·±² ­¸¿´´ô ¾§ ®»­±´«¬·±²ô »­¬¿¾´·­¸ ·¬­ ¿°°®±°®·¿¬·±²­ ´·³·¬ º±® ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ º·­½¿´ §»¿®å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô 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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • Currently, the Municipal Code requires that two of the five appeals board members "shall be structural engineers or architects," who "shall be qualified by experience and training." Structural engineers comprise a small, highly specialized subset of the professional engineers registered in California. • The term "structural" engineer unnecessarily limits the potential candidates for service on the Board of Appeals. • The proposed Municipal Code language addresses this issue by allowing any qualified professional engineer to be considered for service. FISCAL IMPACT: None 1911 IV' 317 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The Board of Appeals is established to hear persons aggrieved by decisions of the building official. The Municipal Code currently requires that the board be composed of one general contractor, two structural engineers or architects, one specialty contractor, and one member of the public. The board has convened only twice since La Quinta's incorporation. Infrequent meetings mean that board membership does not provide an avenue for civic - minded volunteers to remain engaged in City activities. Consequently, vacancies are difficult to fill. Because the board rules on the reasonableness of decisions of the building official, any "registered professional engineer" may possess the experience and training required for the technical and logical considerations weighed by the board. Staff believes that Municipal Code language specifying "structural engineer" unnecessarily limits the pool of potential qualified candidates willing to serve the City in this capacity. ALTERNATIVES: Alternatively, the City Council could decline to amend the Municipal Code, finding that any professional whose experience and training satisfy the Council as to that person's ability to decide on matters brought before the Board of Appeals meets the intent of the Municipal Code as currently written. Report prepared by: Greg Butler, Building Official /Emergency Manager Report approved for submission by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager K3`rl íïè ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÒÑò ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ßÒ ÑÎÜ×ÒßÒÝÛ ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌßô ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ßô ßÓÛÒÜ×ÒÙ ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ èòðïòðîð ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ÓËÒ×Ý×ÐßÔ ÝÑÜÛ ÎÛÙßÎÜ×ÒÙ ÓÛÓÞÛÎÍØ×Ð ÏËßÔ×Ú×ÝßÌ×ÑÒÍ ÑÚ ÞÑßÎÜ ÑÚ ßÐÐÛßÔÍ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ´¿© ®»¯«·®»­ ¬¸¿¬ ¿ ´±½¿´ Þ±¿®¼ »¨·­¬ ¬± ¸»¿® ¿°°»¿´­ ±º ¼»½·­·±²­ ®»²¼»®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±ºº·½·¿´å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¿ Þ±¿®¼ ±º ß°°»¿´­ ½«®®»²¬´§ »¨·­¬­ ·² ¬¸» Ý·¬§å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ º·²¼­ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ó«²·½·°¿´ ݱ¼» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ¬¸¿¬ »²¹·²»»®­ ­»®ª·²¹ ±² ¬¸» Þ±¿®¼ ±º ß°°»¿´­ ¾» ­°»½·¿´·¦»¼ ¿­ ­¬®«½¬«®¿´ »²¹·²»»®­ ­»ª»®»´§ ´·³·¬­ ¬¸» °±±´ ±º °±¬»²¬·¿´ ³»³¾»®­å ¿²¼ ÉØÛÎÛßÍ ô ¬¸» Ý·¬§ º·²¼­ ¬¸¿¬ ¿²§ ®»¹·­¬»®»¼ °®±º»­­·±²¿´ »²¹·²»»® ³¿§ °±­­»­­ ¬¸» »¨°»®·»²½» ¿²¼ ¬®¿·²·²¹ ²»½»­­¿®§ ¬± ¼»½·¼» ¬¸» ¿°°®±°®·¿¬»²»­­ ±º ¼»½·­·±²­ ®»²¼»®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±ºº·½·¿´ò ÒÑÉ ÌØÛÎÛÚÑÎÛô ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÝÑËÒÝ×Ô ÑÚ ÌØÛ Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ÜÑÛÍ ÑÎÜß×Ò ßÍ ÚÑÔÔÑÉÍæ ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ ïò ßÓÛÒÜ ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ èòðïòðîð Û­¬¿¾´·­¸³»²¬ ±º ¾±¿®¼ ±º ¿°°»¿´­ ̸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ó«²·½·°¿´ ݱ¼» Í»½¬·±² èòðïòðîðô Û­¬¿¾´·­¸³»²¬ ±º ¾±¿®¼ ±º ¿°°»¿´­ô ·­ ¸»®»¾§ ¿³»²¼»¼ ¬± ®»¿¼ ¿­ º±´´±©­æ ßò Ó»³¾»®­¸·°ò ̸» ¾±¿®¼ ±º ¿°°»¿´­ ­¸¿´´ ½±²­·­¬ ±º º·ª» ³»³¾»®­ô ±²» ±º ©¸±³ ­¸¿´´ ¾» ¿ ¹»²»®¿´ ½±²¬®¿½¬±®ô ¬©± ±º ©¸±³ ­¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¹·­¬»®»¼ °®±º»­­·±²¿´ »²¹·²»»®­ ±® ¿®½¸·¬»½¬­ô ±²» ±º ©¸±³ ­¸¿´´ ¾» ¿ ­°»½·¿´¬§ ½±²¬®¿½¬±®ô ¿´´ ±º ©¸±³ ­¸¿´´ ¾» ¯«¿´·º·»¼ ¾§ »¨°»®·»²½» ¿²¼ ¬®¿·²·²¹ô ¿²¼ ±²» ±º ©¸±³ ­¸¿´´ ¾» ¿ ³»³¾»® ±º ¬¸» °«¾´·½ ©¸± ·­ ²±¬ ±²» ±º ¬¸» º±®»¹±·²¹ò Ó»³¾»®­ ±º ¬¸» ¾±¿®¼ ±º ¿°°»¿´­ ­¸¿´´ ¾» ¿°°±·²¬»¼ ¾§ ¿²¼ ­»®ª» ¿¬ ¬¸» °´»¿­«®» ±º ¬¸» ½·¬§ ½±«²½·´ò Û¿½¸ ³»³¾»® ­¸¿´´ ½±³°´§ ©·¬¸ ¿°°´·½¿¾´» °®±ª·­·±²­ ±º ¬¸» б´·¬·½¿´ λº±®³ ß½¬ ±º ïçéìô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ Ù±ª»®²³»²¬ Í»½¬·±² èïðððô »¬ ­»¯ò ̸» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±ºº·½·¿´ ­¸¿´´ ­»®ª» ¿­ ­»½®»¬¿®§ ¬± ¬¸» ¾±¿®¼ ±º ¿°°»¿´­ò ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ îò ÍÛÊÛÎßÞ×Ô×ÌÇ Ì¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¼»½´¿®»­ ¬¸¿¬ô ­¸±«´¼ ¿²§ °®±ª·­·±²ô ­»½¬·±²ô °¿®¿¹®¿°¸ô ­»²¬»²½» íïè íïç ±® ©±®¼ ±º ¬¸·­ ±®¼·²¿²½» ¾» ®»²¼»®»¼ ±® ¼»½´¿®»¼ ·²ª¿´·¼ ¾§ ¿²§ º·²¿´ ½±«®¬ ¿½¬·±² ·² ¿ ½±«®¬ ±º ½±³°»¬»²¬ ¶«®·­¼·½¬·±² ±® ¾§ ®»¿­±² ±º ¿²§ °®»»³°¬·ª» ´»¹·­´¿¬·±²ô ¬¸» ®»³¿·²·²¹ °®±ª·­·±²­ô ­»½¬·±²­ô °¿®¿¹®¿°¸­ô ­»²¬»²½»­ ±® ©±®¼­ ±º ¬¸·­ ±®¼·²¿²½» ¿­ ¸»®»¾§ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ­¸¿´´ ®»³¿·² ·² º«´´ º±®½» ¿²¼ »ºº»½¬ò ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ íò ÛÚÚÛÝÌ×ÊÛ ÜßÌÛ æ ̸·­ Ñ®¼·²¿²½» ­¸¿´´ ¾» ·² º«´´ º±®½» ¿²¼ »ºº»½¬ ¬¸·®¬§ ¼¿§­ ¿º¬»® ·¬­ ¿¼±°¬·±²ò ÍÛÝÌ×ÑÒ ìò ÐÑÍÌ×ÒÙæ ̸» Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ ­¸¿´´ô ©·¬¸·² ïë ¼¿§­ ¿º¬»® °¿­­¿¹» ±º ¬¸·­ Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ô ½¿«­» ·¬ ¬± ¾» °±­¬»¼ ·² ¿¬ ´»¿­¬ ¬¸®»» °«¾´·½ °´¿½»­ ¼»­·¹²¿¬»¼ ¾§ ®»­±´«¬·±² ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ô ­¸¿´´ ½»®¬·º§ ¬± ¬¸» ¿¼±°¬·±² ¿²¼ °±­¬·²¹ ±º ¬¸·­ Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ô ¿²¼ ­¸¿´´ ½¿«­» ¬¸·­ Ñ®¼·²¿²½» ¿²¼ ·¬­ ½»®¬·º·½¿¬·±²ô ¬±¹»¬¸»® ©·¬¸ °®±±º ±º °±­¬·²¹ ¬± ¾» »²¬»®»¼ ·²¬± ¬¸» Þ±±µ ±º Ñ®¼·²¿²½»­ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ò ÐßÍÍÛÜô ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ¿²¼ ßÜÑÐÌÛÜ ô ¿¬ ¿ ®»¹«´¿® ³»»¬·²¹ ±º ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ ¸»´¼ ¬¸·­ ÁÁÁ¼¿§ ±º ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁô îðïíô ¾§ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ª±¬»æ ßÇÛÍæ ÒÑÛÍæ ßÞÍÛÒÌæ ßÞÍÌß×Òæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÜÑÒ ßÜÑÔÐØô Ó¿§±® Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ßÌÌÛÍÌæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ øÝ×ÌÇ ÍÛßÔ÷ íïç íîð ßÐÐÎÑÊÛÜ ßÍ ÌÑ ÚÑÎÓæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Óò ÕßÌØÛÎ×ÒÛ ÖÛÒÍÑÒô Ý·¬§ ߬¬±®²»§ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ÍÌßÌÛ ÑÚ ÝßÔ×ÚÑÎÒ×ß ÷ ÝÑËÒÌÇ ÑÚ Î×ÊÛÎÍ×ÜÛ ÷ ­­ò Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ Ôß ÏË×ÒÌß ÷ ×ô ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ô ¼± ¸»®»¾§ ½»®¬·º§ ¬¸» º±®»¹±·²¹ ¬± ¾» ¿ º«´´ô ¬®«»ô ¿²¼ ½±®®»½¬ ½±°§ ±º Ñ®¼·²¿²½» Ò±ò ÁÁÁ ©¸·½¸ ©¿­ ·²¬®±¼«½»¼ ¿¬ ¿ ®»¹«´¿® ³»»¬·²¹ ±² ¬¸» ÁÁÁ ¼¿§ ±º ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁô îðïíô ¿²¼ ©¿­ ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¿¬ ¿ ®»¹«´¿® ³»»¬·²¹ ¸»´¼ ±² ¬¸» ÁÁÁ ¼¿§ ±º ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁô îðïíô ²±¬ ¾»·²¹ ´»­­ ¬¸¿² ë ¼¿§­ ¿º¬»® ¬¸» ¼¿¬» ±º ·²¬®±¼«½¬·±² ¬¸»®»±ºò × º«®¬¸»® ½»®¬·º§ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» º±®»¹±·²¹ Ñ®¼·²¿²½» ©¿­ °±­¬»¼ ·² ¬¸®»» °´¿½»­ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ ¿­ ­°»½·º·»¼ ·² Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ λ­±´«¬·±² Ò±ò îððêóïïëò ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ÜÛÝÔßÎßÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÐÑÍÌ×ÒÙ ×ô ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ ±º ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ô ¼± ¸»®»¾§ ½»®¬·º§ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» º±®»¹±·²¹ ±®¼·²¿²½» ©¿­ °±­¬»¼ ±² ô °«®­«¿²¬ ¬± ݱ«²½·´ λ­±´«¬·±²ò ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÍËÍßÒ ÓßÇÍÛÔÍô Ý·¬§ Ý´»®µ Ý·¬§ ±º Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ íîð 321 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: UPDATE ON NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT FOR THE WHITEWATER RIVER REGION AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: 1 PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action is required. This is an information item. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The City along with the other Coachella Valley cities, the County, the County Flood Control District, and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) are permittees on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) Permit which regulates discharges to the City's stormwater system. • The existing permit has expired and the new NPDES Permit is scheduled for public hearing and approval by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board ( "Regional Board ") at its June 20, 2013 meeting. • Some of these new permit requirements (that may or may not be appropriate for the desert) will increase the cost of development in the City. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for the storm water programs administered by the Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District for the Whitewater River Region NPDES is estimated to be $1,098,140. Based on population, the City of La Quinta share is approximately $63,136, which has been included in the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 budget. The cost to developers to implement these measures is unknown at this time. [CPAI 322 BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: As part of the Federal Clean Water Act, agencies are required to regulate their post development discharges to storm water facilities referred to as the Municipal Separate Stormwater System or MS4. To that end, the City has been a co- permittee on the NPDES MS4 permit since 1996. The 3" term permit expired on May 21, 2013. Although the new permit is expected to be adopted on June 20, 2013, the requirements of the new permit are not anticipated to go into effect until the following year, as a one year implementation period has been proposed. The following items have changed in the current new draft permit: Environment — climate, rainfall, land use and soil data were added to the findings section of the permit to accurately characterize our desert environment in the hope that permit requirements would be tailored to be desert appropriate. Excellent Track Record — monitoring data shows that the Beneficial Uses of the regional Receiving Waters (with exception of the Coachella Valley Storm Channel) have been protected throughout the last three permit terms (about 15 years). Iterative Process — the language was amended such that if a pollutant level is exceeded on one sample, permittees will have the opportunity to correct the condition without incurring an automatic permit violation. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects — must now be covered under the Statewide General Construction Permit including additional fees to the State Board. Streamlined Reporting Requirements — include an annual assessment of whether individual programs have achieved stated program goals and would require permittees to track the amount of MS4 inspected and maintained each year. New Development — clarifies implementation of 50 percent rule and definition of redevelopment. One Year Permit Implementation Period — requirements would not become effective until about one year after permit adoption; permittees would continue to implement the requirements of the 2008 Permit until then. The Regional Board could add more requirements during the hearing process. If that occurs, staff will brief Council on those additional items at a future date. Once the permit is adopted, the permittees will have one year to revise the region's Storm Water Management Plan; this Plan must be approved by the Regional Board Executive Officer. KNIA, 323 Staff has been in contact with the Desert Valley Builders Association (DVBA) and the Building Industry Association — Riverside County about these issues. A letter from DVBA will be sent to the Regional Board. Report prepared by: Edward Wimmer, P.E., Principal Engineer Report approved for submission by: Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director /City Engineer 323 324 CITY MEETING DATE: June 18, 2013 ITEM TITLE: DISCUSSION OF PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: 2 PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide staff with direction regarding modifications to how the City Council makes Board and Commission appointments. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • Seven City Commissions /Boards will have vacancies as of July 1, 2013. Fourteen positions must be filled. • The City has received applications from 27 people for these 17 positions. • The City's process to fill Commissions /Board positions entails: • soliciting applications for the open positions, • requesting that the applicants identify their preference and if they have more than one Commission /Board preference, their priority choices, and • City Council interviews the applicants and makes appointments. • Before the City Council conducts the next appointment process staff is seeking Council input regarding whether or not the current appointment process is the best manner to conduct this process. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND /ANALYSIS: The City has formed Commissions /Boards to facilitate broader participation in City governance, to solicit a broad range of opinions on City issues, and to introduce citizens to the municipal government process. The City currently has seven Commissions /Boards as follows: 324 325 • Community Services Commission • Investment Advisory Board • Planning Commission • Architectural and Landscape Review Committee • Building and Construction Appeals Board • Historic Preservation Commission • Housing Commission The City must have a planning commission, housing commission, and historic preservation commission per State Law. The other Commissions /Boards were established to address particular community needs. There is no State - mandated process the City must follow to fill commission /board positions. Each municipal agency basically establishes its own procedures. The City's current practice is as follows: • Solicit applications for the open positions, • Request that the applicants identify their preference and if they have more than one Commission /Board preference, their priority choices • City Council interviews the applicants and makes appointments, and • Council Members cast their ballots for their preference and the person receiving three votes in their favor is appointed to the position. Review of other practices surface the following approaches: • Council members offer a slate of commission /board candidates that are voted upon by the entire council. • A City Council appoints policymaking commissions /board and the city manager appoints technically- focused commissions /boards like the Building and Construction Appeals Board with City Council ratification of the appointees. • Council Members appoint a resident to each commission and the term of their appointee coincides with the term of the Council Member. • Along with that method, Council Members conduct one on one interviews with the applicants in advance of the selection process. • Use of term limits where an appointee to a Commission /Board can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms then must take time off after their term to be eligible to serve again on a Commission /Board. • Establishing a maximum number of years of service someone can serve on a Commission Board. • Make the length of term the same across all Commission /Board. • Consolidation of Commissions /Boards by increasing the scope of work of an existing Commission /Board and eliminating the other one. • Only allowing a resident to apply for one Commission /Board at a time. • Staggering the interview and appointment process so that appointments KYU 326 happen over a series of meetings versus all at once. Study Session Purpose This Study Session was scheduled to provide an opportunity for the City Council to review and discuss the current Commission /Board appointment procedures. Direction we are seeking includes: • Should the current process be changed? • Does the City need the current number of Commissions /Boards? • Should there be Commission /Board term limits? • Should applicants be limited to applying for only one Commission /Board or as is the current practice multiple Commissions /Boards with a stated preference? • Should the City Council interview process be conducted in a different manner? Next Steps Based upon the input staff receives, the next step would entail modifying the Municipal Code with respect to City Commission /Board policies. This would be accomplished and set for Council consideration at the July 2, 2013 meeting. Staff does not recommend that the City re- notice the current vacancies nor re -start the current process. Instead, the current slate of candidates would be retained and if the Council elects to modify current practices, then City Council interviews and Commission /Board appointments would be scheduled for July 16, 2013. Report prepared by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager 16M, 327 Reports/Informational Items: _20_____________ Report to La Quinta City Council Palm Springs International Airport Commission Meeting May 15, 2013 Budget: April’s performance was better than plan: with expenses being under budget, and revenue being over budget. The result is that unrestricted cash is about $1.5m higher than expected. (Detailed report is attached) Passenger Activity: April’s passenger activity was up from last year by 2.2%, making 18 of the last 19 months growth months.(Note: February was being compared to last year’s leap February, otherwise it would have grown as well.) As with other recent months, passenger activity was higher, while seat count was down – making the airlines happy! Industry News: The Los Angeles Times published a study on activities at Southern California airports. Large airports, such as LAX, are down 8.8% since 2007. Medium airports like Ontario, Burbank and John Wayne are down 26.2%, and small airports, such as Santa Barbara and Long Beach are down 18.2%. In view of this market information, it makes the Palm Springs Airport performance even more amazing. Convention and Visitors Bureau: Scott White, President and CEO of the Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the results of past efforts, and the focus of future plans. Key results are: - 43,675 local jobs are in support of visitors - Tourism generates $450 million per year in state and local taxes - Visitors spent $4 billion in 2011 - Lodging has grown by 11.5% - Business sales generated by visitor spending was $5.3 billon - We had over 5.1million visitors in 2011. Even with these results, Scott conducted a national study in order to understand people’s views and opinions of Palm Springs. Generally, people feel that Palm Springs is: “too hot”, just for movie stars, there is “nothing to do here”, and that it was hard to travel here. The CVB has begun a new program to use this information to attract more visitors during the “shoulder months”.80% of our advertising dollars will be spent outside the valley. Some will go to billboards along the freeways in Los Angeles and San Diego during the summer. The rest will go to markets such as Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, etc. So far, it is generating a large growth in web site and Facebook traffic. The hope is that this traffic results in new visitors. íîé 328 General: The perimeter security fence is now complete, and undergoing FAA certification. The iHub incubation project is very successful, with 13 new ventures in operation The Bono Concourse carpeting replacement is now complete. The apron renovation project is proceeding on schedule. A study regarding the viability of ticket counter resource sharing is expected shortly. This will allow us to dynamically assign counter space to each airline according to their needs. . The next Commission meeting will be June 19, 2013. Submitted: _________________________ Robert G. Teal, Commissioner Palm Springs International Airport Email: bob@teal.us.com Phone: 760-899-4171 íîè 329 CALL TO ORDER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 21 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Community Services Commission was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Blakeley, PRESENT: Commissioners Blakeley, Engel, Lawrence, and Leidner. ABSENT: Chairperson Fitzpatrick STAFF PRESENT: Community Services Director Edie Hylton, Golf & Parks Manager Steve Howlett, and Senior Secretary Angela Guereque. Commissioner Lawrence led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Motion - It was moved by Commissioners Engel / Leidner to confirm the agenda as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion — A motion was made by Commissioners Lawrence /Engel to approve the February 11, 2013 Community Services Commission Minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1. Discussion of the Desert Recreation District Master Plan Ms. Barb Adair, Assistant General Manager presented the 2012 Master Plan Survey. Methodology The purpose of this study was to gather public feedback on how well the Desert Recreation District (DRD) is meeting the needs of the residents with respect to trails, parks, recreation, programs, facilities, services and other community COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 13, 2013 329 ííð ííð ííï ííï ííî ííî ííí ííí 334 CALL TO ORDER REPORTS/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: 2 2 ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2012 A special meeting of the La Quinta Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Planning Manager David Sawyer. Planning Manager Sawyer led the Committee into the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Committee Members Richard Gray, Kevin McCune, and Ray Rooker ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager David Sawyer, Associate Planner Jay Wuu, and Secretary Monika Radeva PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA— Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion — A motion was made by Committee Members McCune /Rooker to approve the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee Minutes of September 13, 2012, as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1 . Site Development Permit 2012 -923 submitted by the Master Association of Rancho La Quinta for the Architectural and Landscaping Plans for the Expansion of the Rancho La Quinta Jefferson Street Gatehouse. The project is located at 49 -003 Jefferson Street, within the Rancho La Quinta Development. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES 1 OCTOBER 15, 2012 334 ííë ß­­±½·¿¬» д¿²²»® Ö¿§ É«« °®»­»²¬»¼ ¬¸» ·²º±®³¿¬·±² ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸» ­¬¿ºº ®»°±®¬ô ¿ ½±°§ ±º ©¸·½¸ ·­ ±² º·´» ·² ¬¸» д¿²²·²¹ Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ò ß­­±½·¿¬» д¿²²»® É«« ·²¬®±¼«½»¼ ¬¸» ¿°°´·½¿²¬ Ö»®®§ Í¿²¬«½½·ô Ù»²»®¿´ ݱ²¬®¿½¬±® ©·¬¸ Í¿²¬«½½· Þ«·´¼»®­ô ײ½òô éîóëîç Þ»¿ª»®¬¿·´ ͬ®»»¬ô п´³ Ü»­»®¬ô Ýßô ¿²¼ Ý«®¬·­ η½¸¿®¼ ͸«°»ô ß®½¸·¬»½¬ ©·¬¸ Ý«®¬·­ η½¸¿®¼ ͸«°» Ü»­·¹²ô éîóèèð Ú®»¼ É¿®·²¹ Ü®·ª»ô Í«·¬» ßóëô п´³ Ü»­»®¬ô Ýßô ¿²¼ ­¿·¼ ¬¸»§ ©»®» ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» ¬± ¿²­©»® ¿²§ ¯«»­¬·±²­ ¬¸» ݱ³³·¬¬»» ³·¹¸¬ ¸¿ª»ò Ù»²»®¿´ ¼·­½«­­·±² º±´´±©»¼ ®»¹¿®¼·²¹ ¬¸» °®±¶»½¬ ¿¼¼®»­­·²¹ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹æ ß² »¨·­¬·²¹ ¬®¿ºº·½ ­·¹²¿´ ·² º®±²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¹«¿®¼¸±«­» Ò± °¿®µ·²¹ ±º ª»¸·½´»­ ­¸±«´¼ ±½½«® ¿®±«²¼ ¬¸» ¹«¿®¼¸±«­» ¿­ ¿² ¿³°´» »³°´±§»» °¿®µ·²¹ ´±¬ ©¿­ °®±ª·¼»¼ ·²­·¼» ¬¸» ¹¿¬»­ ±º ¬¸» ½±³³«²·¬§ λ³±ª¿´ ±º »¨·­¬·²¹ °¿´³ ¬®»»­ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ¿¼¼·¬·±² ±º ²»© ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ º±® ¿ º·²¿´ ®»­«´¬ ±º ¸¿ª·²¹ ¬©± °¿´³ ¬®»»­ ¿¬ ¬¸» º®±²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¹«¿®¼¸±«­» ¿²¼ ¬©± ·² ¬¸» ®»¿® Û¨·­¬·²¹ ­«®ª»·´´¿²½» ¿²¼ ¬¸» ¿¼¼·¬·±² ±º ³±®» ­«®ª»·´´¿²½» ½¿³»®¿­ ̧°»­ ±º ­«®ª»·´´¿²½» »¯«·°³»²¬ ¾»·²¹ ·³°´»³»²¬»¼ ̸»®» ©±«´¼ ¾» ²± ½¸¿²¹» ¬± ¬¸» º®±²¬ ­·¹²¿¹» º±® ¬¸» ½±³³«²·¬§ ß¼¼·¬·±² ±º º±«® ´¿²¬»®²­ ¬± ³¿¬½¸ ¬¸» »¨·­¬·²¹ Ô±½¿¬·±² ±º ßÝ «²·¬­ ¿²¼ ¸±¬ ©¿¬»® ¸»¿¬»® ݱ³³·¬¬»» Ó»³¾»® α±µ»® »¨°®»­­»¼ ¿ ½±²½»®² ¿¾±«¬ ¬¸» ¿®½¸·¬»½¬«®¿´ ¼»­·¹² ¿²¼ ¬¸» ´¿½µ ±º ª»¹»¬¿¬·±²ô »­°»½·¿´´§ ±² ¬¸» ­±«¬¸ ­·¼»ò Ø» ­«¹¹»­¬»¼ ¬¸» «­» ±º ®»½»­­»­ô ­¬«½½± ­¬±²»ô ¿²¼ñ±® ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ ¬± ­±º¬»² ¬¸» ·³°¿½¬ ±º ¬¸» ­¬«½½±ò Ó®ò ͸«°» ®»°´·»¼ ¬¸» ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ ©±«´¼ ³¿¬½¸ ¬¸» »¨·­¬·²¹ ¿²¼ ²±¬»¼ ¬¸»®» ©¿­ ¿ º·ª» ¬± ­·¨ º±±¬ °´¿²¬»® ¿®±«²¼ ¬¸» °»®·³»¬»® ±º ¬¸» »¨¬»²­·±² ©¸·½¸ ©±«´¼ ¿´­± °®±ª·¼» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ò Ø» ­¿·¼ ¬¸» ¿°°´·½¿²¬ ©±«´¼ ¿¹®»» ¬± ½±³°´§ ©·¬¸ ¿ ½±²¼·¬·±² ±º ¿°°®±ª¿´ ®»¹¿®¼·²¹ ¬¸» ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ò Ú«®¬¸»® ¹»²»®¿´ ¼·­½«­­·±² º±´´±©»¼ ®»¹¿®¼·²¹ ¬¸» »¨·­¬·²¹ ¿²¼ °®±°±­»¼ ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ò ñÏÊÕÏÐÔñÕÐÉÊÙñÏÊÕÏÐ   ÇÝ­ ³¿¼» ¾§ ݱ³³·¬¬»» Ó»³¾»®­ α±µ»®ñÙ®¿§ ®»½±³³»²¼·²¹ ¿°°®±ª¿´ ±º Í·¬» Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ л®³·¬ îðïîóçîí ÝËËÉÜÑÕÊÊÙÚÇÕÊÖËÊÝØØÑËÌÙÛÏÑÑÙ²¼¿¬·±²­ ¿²¼ ®»½±³³»²¼·²¹ ¬¸¿¬ ¿«¹³»²¬·²¹ ¬¸» °®±°±­»¼ ´¿²¼­½¿°·²¹ ¾» ¿¼¼»¼ ¿­ ¿ ½±²¼·¬·±² ±º ¿°°®±ª¿´ò Ó±¬·±² °¿­­»¼ «²¿²·³±«­´§ò ÝÑÎÎÛÍÐÑÒÜÛÒÝÛ ßÒÜ ÉÎ×ÌÌÛÒ ÓßÌÛÎ×ßÔ ó Ò±²» ßÎÝØ×ÌÛÝÌËÎßÔ ßÒÜ ÔßÒÜÍÝßÐ×ÒÙ ÎÛÊ×ÛÉ ÝÑÓÓ×ÌÌÛÛ Ó×ÒËÌÛÍ î ÑÝÌÑÞÛÎ ïëô îðïî ííë ííê ííê ÜÛÐßÎÌÓÛÒÌ ÎÛÐÑÎÌæ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ííé ñ¼¦Õ¸ÛñâŠÂ ¸ÉÕÜñÛù­ۼ ÖËÒÛïèÝ×ÌÇÝÑËÒÝ×ÔÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ÖËÒÛïçÑÊÛÎÍ×ÙØÌÞÑßÎÜÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ÖËÔÇîÝ×ÌÇÝÑËÒÝ×ÔÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ÖËÔÇíÑÊÛÎÍ×ÙØÌÞÑßÎÜÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ÖËÔÇì×ÒÜÛÐÛÒÜÛÒÝÛÜßǬÝ×ÌÇØßÔÔÝÔÑÍÛÜ ÖËÔÇïêÝ×ÌÇÝÑËÒÝ×ÔÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ÖËÔÇïéÑÊÛÎÍ×ÙØÌÞÑßÎÜÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ßËÙËÍÌêÝ×ÌÇÝÑËÒÝ×ÔÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ßËÙËÍÌéÑÊÛÎÍ×ÙØÌÞÑßÎÜÓÛÛÌ×ÒÙ ßËÙËÍÌîðÝ×ÌÇÝÑËÒÝ×ÔÜßÎÕ ííé ííè ííè ííç ííç íìð íìð íìï  íìï íìî íìî íìí íìí íìì íìì íìë íìë íìê íìê íìé íìé 348 Department Report: 5 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Community Development Director DATE: June 18, 2013 RE: Community Development Department Report — May 2013 Attached please find the following data for the Planning, Building, and Code Compliance Divisions for the month of May 2013: • Exhibit A — Planning Division monthly report outlining the 28 new cases in process by staff and 15 plan checks. • Exhibit B — Planning Commission activity report identifying 290,408 square feet of commercial space approved during the current fiscal year. • Exhibit C — Building permit statistics showing year -to -date building permit valuation of $22,022,299, which includes the issuance of 637 building permits. • Exhibit D — Code Compliance statistical report showing 68 initiated cases, 58 completed cases, and $1,420 generated revenue by garage sale permits. • Exhibit E — Animal Control statistical report identifying that 209 cases were handled by the division. 348 íìç íìç íëð íëð íëï íëï íëî íëî íëí íëí íëì íëì 355 Department Report: D 6 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Timothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director /City Engineer DATE: June 18, 2013 SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR MAY 2013 1. The third week of May, the department celebrated Public Works Week, which has been sponsored by the American Public Works Association since 1960. More than 28,000 members across the nation use this week to educate the public on the contribution of public works in everyday life. Other department activities included a Kick -off Luncheon for the Public Works Volunteer /Internship Program as well as punch, cake and promotional items at the public counter. The internship program will begin in mid -June 2013 with about 15 students attending seven courses that are being offered by Public Works staff. 2. To date, the City's GORequest reporting system has received nearly 2,200 requests from La Quinta citizens as requests for service. A number of citizens are reporting issues with traffic signals, streets, signs, landscaping, and graffiti as they are out and about in the community. 3. Granite Construction, the contractor for the Adam Improvement Project, has completed construction of the bridge and has moved traffic onto the new bridge while eastern half. Granite is currently constructing the forms steel reinforcement for the bridge deck. The bridge deck currently scheduled for June 21, 2013. Progress on the tracked on the Adams Street Bridge Project Facebook page. date for the bridge is September 2013. Adams Street Bridge west half of the constructing the and placing the concrete pour is project is being The completion K1;R íëê ìòݱ²­¬®«½¬·±² ±º ¬¸» Ú®»¼ É¿®·²¹ Ó»¼·¿² Ô¿²¼­½¿°» ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ Ю±¶»½¬ ·­ ½±³°´»¬»ò ̸» °®±¶»½¬ ·­ ­½¸»¼«´»¼ ¬± ¹± ¬± Ý·¬§ ݱ«²½·´ º±® ¿½½»°¬¿²½» ±² Ö«²» ïèô îðïíò ëò̸» Ý·¬§ ±°»²»¼ ¾·¼­ º±® ¬¸» Ý¿´´» Í·²¿´±¿ ¿²¼ ߪ»²«» ëî Í·¼»©¿´µ ײº·´´ Ю±¶»½¬ ±² Ó¿§ ïêô îðïíò ̸» °®±¶»½¬ ©¿­ ¿©¿®¼»¼ ¬± Ù±´¼»² Ê¿´´»§ ݱ²­¬®«½¬·±² ±² Ö«²» îô îðïíò êò̸» Ý·¬§ ±°»²»¼ ¾·¼­ º±® ¬¸» Í·´ª»®Î±½µ λ­±®¬ п®µ·²¹ Ô±¬ ß³»®·½¿²­ ©·¬¸ Ü·­¿¾·´·¬·»­ ß½¬ øßÜß÷ ׳°®±ª»³»²¬­ ±² Ó¿§ ïêô îðïíò ̸» °®±¶»½¬ ©¿­ ¿©¿®¼»¼ ¬± ÞòÉò Í·³³±²­ ݱ²­¬®«½¬·±² ±² Ö«²» îô îðïíò éò̸» Û·­»²¸±©»® ¿²¼ Ý¿´´» Í·²¿´±¿ α«²¼¿¾±«¬ °®±¶»½¬ ©¿­ ¿©¿®¼»¼ ¬± Ù±´¼»² Ê¿´´»§ ݱ²­¬®«½¬·±² ±² Ó¿§ éô îðïíò ß °®»ó½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ³»»¬·²¹ ©¿­ ¸»´¼ ±² Ö«²» ïðô îðïí ¿²¼ ¬¸» º·®­¬ ¼¿§ ±º ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ©·´´ ¾» Ö«²» ïéô îðïíò Ы¾´·½ ±«¬®»¿½¸ º´§»®­ ¸¿ª» ¾»»² ¼·­¬®·¾«¬»¼ ¬± ¬¸» ¸±³»­ ·³³»¼·¿¬»´§ ¿¼¶¿½»²¬ ¬± ¬¸» ·²¬»®­»½¬·±² ·²º±®³·²¹ ¬¸» ®»­·¼»²¬­ ±º ¬¸» ·³³·²»²¬ ·²¬»®­»½¬·±² ½´±­«®»ò èò̸» Ó·­½»´´¿²»±«­ Ы¾´·½ Ú¿½·´·¬§ ßÜß ×³°®±ª»³»²¬ °®±¶»½¬ ·­ ½«®®»²¬´§ ¾»·²¹ ¿¼ª»®¬·­»¼ º±® ¾·¼­ô ©·¬¸ ¿ ¾·¼ ±°»²·²¹ ¼¿¬» ±º Ö«²» îðô îðïíò ̸» °®±°±­»¼ ©±®µ »²¬¿·´­ ½±²­¬®«½¬·±² ¿²¼ ·²­¬¿´´¿¬·±² ±º ßÜß ·³°®±ª»³»²¬­ º±® ¬¸®»» ­»°¿®¿¬» °«¾´·½ º¿½·´·¬·»­æ Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ п®µô Ý·ª·½ Ý»²¬»® п®µô ¿²¼ ¬¸» Ô¿ Ï«·²¬¿ Ô·¾®¿®§ò çò̸» Ø·¹¸©¿§ ïïï ¿²¼ É¿­¸·²¹¬±² ײ¬»®­»½¬·±² ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ °®±¶»½¬ ·­ ½«®®»²¬´§ ¾»·²¹ ¿¼ª»®¬·­»¼ º±® ¾·¼­ô ©·¬¸ ¿ ¾·¼ ±°»²·²¹ ¼¿¬» ±º Ö«´§ íô îðïíò ïðòêÖÙûÕÊÅÑË  ðÝÊÕÏÐÝÒîÏÕÐÊúÕËÛÖÝÌ×ÙÛ´·³·²¿¬·±² ͧ­¬»³ л®³·¬ ·­ ¾»·²¹ ½±²­·¼»®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ɸ·¬»©¿¬»® λ¹·±²¿´ É¿¬»® Ï«¿´·¬§ ݱ²¬®±´ Þ±¿®¼ ¿¬ ·¬­ ³»»¬·²¹ ±º Ö«²» îðô îðïíò Ý·¬§ ­¬¿ºº ·­ ¼±·²¹ »ª»®§¬¸·²¹ °±­­·¾´» ¬± »²­«®» ÊÖÝÊÊÖÙÐÙÇÎÙÌÑÕÊÌÙÍÉÕÌÙÑÙÐÊËÝÌÙÏÚÙËÙÌÊÝÎÎÌÏÎÌÕÝÊÙÎ ïïòêÖÙûÕÊÅÑËÛÏÐËÉÒÊÝÐÊÖÝËØÕÐÕËÖÙÚ¬¸» ¿«¼·¬ ±º ݱ«²¬§ Í°»½·¿´ ß­­»­­³»²¬ Ü·­¬®·½¬ ïëî ø­¬±®³ ©¿¬»®ñ½´»¿² ©¿¬»® ¿­­»­­³»²¬÷ò ͬ¿ºº ·­ ²±© ®»ª·»©·²¹ ¬¸» ®»­«´¬­ò ̸» °«®°±­» ±º ¬¸» ¿«¼·¬ ·­ ¬± »²­«®» ¬¸¿¬ ¿´´ °®±°»®¬·»­ ·² ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ¿®» ¾»·²¹ ½±®®»½¬´§ ¿­­»­­»¼ò ̸» º«²¼­ ¿®» «­»¼ º±® ®»¬»²¬·±² ¾¿­·² ³¿·²¬»²¿²½» ¿²¼ ­¬®»»¬ ­©»»°·²¹ ©¸·½¸ ¸»´°­ °®±¬»½¬ ­¬±®³ ©¿¬»® º®±³ °±´´«¬¿²¬­ò ïîòͬ¿ºº ·­ ©±®µ·²¹ ©·¬¸ ͱ«¬¸»®² Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ Ù¿­ ݱ³°¿²§ ±² ·¬­ ½·¬§©·¼» ¿¼ª¿²½»¼ ³»¬»® °®±¶»½¬ò ͱ«¬¸»®² Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ Ù¿­ ·­ ·²­¬¿´´·²¹ ¬»½¸²±´±¹§ ¬¸¿¬ ©·´´ ¿´´±© º±® ®»³±¬» ³»¬»® ®»¿¼·²¹ ½±´´»½¬·±² ¿²¼ ¬®¿²­³·¬¬¿´ò íëê 1 11 illi 11 lill, S 9 n L'J Trivia and Information bout Chickens Kaleidoscope Acres Trivia about chickens. Facts on chickens, information about chickens. When were chickens domesticated, how long do chickens live? What are the uses of chickens? How do hens lay eggs? How do hens raise chicks? What is the lifespan of a chicken? What is a bantam chicken? Chickens have only been domesticated for 5000 years or so, much less time than sheep, goats, and even cattle. They were probably first domesticated in the area now known as Pakistan, possibly used as fighting animals before they were used for food, or egg production. Chickens still resemble the Jungle fowl, the bird they were created from, and can still interbreed with today. Chickens are the most common bird in the world, for every one human there are three, or more, chickens. There are several hundred breeds of chicken. Chickens are most often used for meat or eggs, but in some areas they are used for fighting, as pets; their feathers are often' used for making fish lures. Some breeds of hens are used to raise eggs of other chickens or even other birds, such as guinea fowl or pheasants. Chicken Terms Chick - baby bird Pullets - young hens Hen - mature female Rooster- male, also called cocks Capon - castrated male Bantam - chickens that mature to a Facts and Information on Chickens small size Hackles - longer feathers on the neck of a rooster Spur - sharp points on a rooster's leg's Contrary to popular belief, chickens can fly. They cannot fly well or for long; and some fatter birds cannot fly for more than a few feet. They naturally would fly into trees to roost for the night. Chickens cannot swim. Chickens are omnivores, they eat plant matter, and insects. They will even eat mice. Many people keep free range chickens to help control insect pests. The diet of the hen determines the color of the yolk, a better diet means a darker ® yolk. Many battery hens are fed yellow dye in their food because their yolk would otherwise be very pale. The breed of the hen, and "specifically her ear color, determines the color of the shell which has no impact on the nutrition within the egg itself. While most eggs are white, or some shade of brown, but some breeds lay green or blue eggs. Hens start laying at around 5 months, but most breeds only lay eggs in the spring and summer, with production dropping in the fall. Chicken eggs form inside of the hen and are laid even if no rooster is present, a rooster is needed to produce chicks, but hens used for eggs are kept without rooster. A hen would normally lay several eggs, one every day or so, until she has a clutch of eggs, then she stops laying more and will sit on the eggs. Regardless of the day they were laid they will all hatch on the same day, 21 days later — assuming they were fertile and other conditions were right. Some hens never become broody — that is to say, they never sit on eggs other than to lay them, their eggs will not hatch unless cared for by another hen, or placed in an incubator; again this assumes the eggs were fertile. When eggs are removed everyday, the hen continues to lay, with some breeds laying over 300 eggs per year. Hatched chicks still require their mother for warmth but otherwise they feed themselves. Roosters will also care for chicks by warning them when danger approaches and chasing away threats. Chickens used for meat are slaughtered as young as 6 weeks, or slightly older if "organic ". Battery farm laying hens are often slaughtered at the end of their first year lay (or forced into an early moult and kept slightly longer), as laying declines in future years. The normal lifespan of a chicken would be 8 to 10 years. n L J Coachella Valley Backyard Hens (CVBH) " Backvard Hen" Action Plan ®a Coachella Valley Backyard Hens comprises a diverse group of area residents dedicated to awareness, advocacy, nd education concerning urban hens within the Coachella Valley. Supporters believe that responsible urban hen ownership is a vital part of sustainable urban agriculture and can provide Coachella Valley Residents with greater control over their food sources. Objective The main objective of CVBH is to amend local bylaw to allow residents to keep a small number of backyard hens (and no roosters) with the urban area. Benefits of Backyard Hens Chickens have existed in cities since the dawn of time, and they continue to thrive in communities around the world, both large and small, with dozens of cities across North America revising bylaws to allow them once again. The benefits of raising hens include: • The production of affordable fresh, healthy and delicious home -grown eggs, free of pesticides and antibiotics; • The reduction of municipal solid waste through the consumption of table scraps and other organic waste by chickens; • The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from food distribution • The production of rich garden fertilizer via chicken waste by- products, which is high in nitrogen, eliminating the need for petrochemical fertilizers; ®• The reduction of backyard pest populations, through the consumption of bugs by backyard chickens; • Educational opportunities — backyard chickens teach children where our food comes from and provide valuable opportunities for the demonstration of responsible pet ownership; • The addition of great pets to neighbourhood families — chickens make great pets, as their behaviour is interesting and entertaining, They are people - friendly, quiet, and unaggressive. Background In the decades following World War II, suburbanites seeded their lots with grass, installed lawn sprinklers, applied chemicals to their yards liberally, and passed bylaws prohibiting livestock both great and small — including chickens — in urban and suburban backyards. In recent years, many of us have begun to realize that maintaining a close connection to our food is a positive, rather than a negative choice, and is an important part of living a more agriculturally and ecologically sustainable lifestyle. Farmers markets (including the weekly markets in various Coachella Valley Locations) have since experienced a massive revival, people are gardening more, and communities around the nation are changing decades -old laws forbidding the keeping of chickens. Many major cities across North America, including Vancouver, Victoria, New York, Seattle, Chicago and Los Angeles have already allowed the small -scale raising of chickens in a wide range of urban settings. Backyard chickens allow for fresh, extremely local food production on a small, manageable scale. They provide an affordable, healthy source of local organic food in one's own backyard, thereby reducing greenhouse gas Aftmissions and solid waste. The reasons cited for banning these animals from within city limits are unfounded. hey pose no greater health risk than cats (a 2009 report, assessed backyard hens to pose no health concerns) and are not anywhere near the noise disturbance of dogs. Responsible pet ownership makes urban chickens not only efficient food producers, but sensible animals to allow within the city limits of Coachella Valley Cities. Dozens of leading North American municipalities allow backyard hens. 0 Project Plan In the coming months, we intend to accomplish the following tasks: Prepare, distribute, retrieve and tabulate pro- backyard chicken, petitions throughout the Coachella Valley Area area; Ask the following questions of municipalities which allow hens: a. Has there been any increase in predator popu lations/sightings /incidents? b. What was the rationale to pursue /not pursue a formal permitting system? c. What is the general nature of most complaints, and how many complaints are received annually? d. What is the general uptake in hen - raising on a per- capita or per- household basis? Encourage and organize residents in each municipal district (ward) to contact the mayor and their district councilors to discuss the backyard hen proposal,; Contact the City of La Quinta Planning Department and bylaw enforcement officials to gauge their opinions, questions and potential concerns regarding backyard hens proposal; Draft a comprehensive document that lays out in detail the case for city chickens. This document will include the following information: • A short argument of backyard hens; • A detailed summary of which La Quinta bylaws relate to backyard hens; 40 Examples of implemented bylaw changes from other municipalities; • Past municipal precedents (other pro - chicken cities and their experiences, as well as information regarding which cities have rejected proposed backyard chicken plans, and why); • Petitions and support of such to date; Proposed council motions that could be used to modify existing bylaws to allow for small - scale chicken raising; Conceive, plan and execute a minimum of three chicken - related public events in late fall, 2013, and winter /spring 2014. II ® California cities that allow chickens Albany, CA. Allows residents to keep up to 6 hens (no roosters) in their backyard with a permit. ❑ American Canyon, CA. Must keep your chicken coop in the back yard, and 50 ft. away from other houses or dwellings where people reside. ❑Anaheim, CA. Can keep 3 chickens on a 5,000 sq.ft. lot, 6 chickens on a 10,000 sq.ft. lot. ❑ Bakersfield, CA. Municipal code 6.08.010: Any chickens must be "kept securely enclosed in a yard or pen at all times." ❑ Berkely, CA. Chickens must be kept penned and 30 ft. away from any bedrooms. []Campbell, CA. Not more than six animals in all, including hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, feline, bovine, sheep, goat, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, doves, pigeons, game birds, or other fowl or any combination thereof. ❑ Davis, CA. A total of not more than six chicken hens and you have to keep them penned is no less than 40 ft. from neighboring houses. ❑ Downey, CA. Up to five chickens allowed per lot. ❑El Cajon, CA. Allows up to 24 adult poultry on lots over 20,000 sq ft in residential zones. ❑ El Cerrito, CA. Only birds weighing under one -half pound are permitted. ❑ Fairfield, CA. Only 3 hens are allowed in Fairfield, CA. No roosters. Folsom, CA. Not more than any combination of two chickens, ducks, pigeons and rabbits shall be kept within any zoning district of the city other than agricultural or agricultural combining districts; and said animals shall be kept or maintained at least twenty feet from any property line. ❑. ❑Irvine, CA. Two chickens max. allowed, kept in a sanitary, odor free enclosure. No roosters are allowed. ❑ Lakewood, CA. It appears Lakewood says residents can have up to 5 female fowl. ❑ La Puente, CA. Up to 20 chickens allowed for each ten thousand sq. feet of lot area in residential zones. 11 ® Lafayette, CA. Residents can keep approximately 4 chickens. ❑ Long Beach CA. The law is 1 chicken with a 20 feet setback restriction. Twenty chickens are allowed with a 50 feet setback restriction from single and two - family dwellings, and a 100 feet setback restriction from hotels or multiple (3 +) family dwellings. Los Angeles, CA. Number of chickens you can keep is unlimited. Chickens may not be within 20 feet of owner's residence, and must be at least 35 feet from any other dwelling. ❑Los Angeles County, CA. Number of chickens you can keep is unlimited. Chickens may not be within 20 feet of owner's residence, and must be at least 35 feet from any other dwelling. I rooster allowed. (Specific city laws supercede County laws.) ❑ Los Altos, CA. 1 hen per 1,000 square feet of lot space. No restrictions on coop location. No roosters. Mission Viejo, CA. You are allowed up to two chickens, and roosters are not allowed. But city code 9.59.115 -1 says no chickens allowed. ❑ Mountain View, CA. Up to 4 hens without a permit. Keep 25 ft. from residences. Within 25 ft. is o.k. with written consent from residences. No roosters. ❑ ® Oakland, CA. Keep chicken enclosed, & 20 ft. from any dwelling, church or school. ❑Petaluma, CA. Up to twenty animals of mixed combination. Chickens must be kept five feet from a neighbor's fence or property line, and they must be kept 20 ft. from neighboring dwellings. ❑ , Poway, CA. If your property is at least a 6,000 sq.ft. lot, you can keep up to six hens. Must keep chickens 35 feet from neighbors. Don't have your chicken house in any of the set - backs. ❑Redwood City, CA. Maximum of 3 chickens permitted; roosters were recently outlawed. ❑ Riverside, CA. Up to five chickens and /or pigeons allowed. Must be at least fifty feet from any adjacent residence. Up to fifty poultry are allowed if they're at least 100 feet from an adjacent residence. []Source: http://www.riversideca.gov/planning/zoning- residential.asp ❑ Rocklin, CA. City Code # 6.44.010 Allows up to 10 chickens per household. The enclosure must be sanitary and weatherproof and must be kept 20' from the property line ® and from any inhabited building. ® []Rolling Hills Estates, CA. You must keep your chickens 35 feet from any inhabitable building, at least 10 feet from your property side line and 5 feet from your rear property line.. ❑ Roseville, CA. No person shall keep any goose or turkey, or more than 10, whether singly or in combination, of the following: ducks, chickens, or pigeons. (Ord. 1293 § 1 ) with a maximum 10 chickens kept 20 ft. from any property line &/or building. Sacramento, CA. keeping chickens allowed in Sacramento. Sacramento County, CA. As long as your yard is 10,000 square feet or more, you can keep chickens. []San Carlos, CA. Can keep a total number of four (4) poultry. ❑ San Jose, CA. 1 -4 chickens must be kept 15 feet from neighboring structures. 4 -6 chickens must be kept 20 feet away. A permit is required if you keep more than 6 chickens. In any area zoned `residential,' only hens are permitted; no roosters. ❑ San Diego, CA. you can keep up to 15 hens if you keep their pen 15 feet set back from your property line. ❑ ® San Francisco, CA. Up to four chickens allowed. Up to four small animals total. Keep 20 feet from doors or windows in a coop or enclosure of approved type. San Mateo, CA. Keeping chickens requires a permit here. Up to 10 hens per household. Chickens must be kept in an appropriate pen/coop. ❑ Santa Monica, CA. Fowl. No person shall keep more than thirteen fowl. ❑ Santa Rosa, CA. allows chickens, up to 12 in most areas. No roosters, unless zoned rural. ❑ ❑ Temple City, CA. allows two hens per property, but no roosters. ❑ Turlock, CA. Allowed to keep six hens, but no roosters. Pens or other quarters shall be 20 ft. from the rear property line and 25 ft. from the side property line. ❑ Vallejo, CA. You are allowed to keep up to 25 chickens if they are kept 15 ft. from neighboring dwellings. Roosters are allowed but subject to noise nuisance violations. ❑ Woodland, CA. It is OK to keep up to 6 hens provided they are kept over 40 ft. from neighboring residences. City of La Quinta: Amend local bylaw & allow residents to keep backyard lens in the urban area Chickens have existed in cities since the dawn of time, and they continue to thrive in communities around the world, both large and small, with dozens of cities across North America revising bylaws to allow them once again. The benefits of raising hens include: • The production of affordable fresh, healthy and delicious home- grown eggs, free of pesticides and antibiotics; The reduction of municipal solid waste through the consumption of table scraps and other organic waste by chickens; The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from food distribution The production of rich garden fertilizer via chicken waste by- products, which is high in nitrogen, eliminating the need for petrochemical fertilizers; The reduction of backyard pest populations, through the consumption of bugs by backyard chickens; Educational opportunities — backyard chickens teach children where our food comes from and provide valuable opportunities for the demonstration of responsible pet ownership; C'• The Aftk addition of great pets to neighborhood families — chickens make ® great pets, as their behaviour is interesting and entertaining, They are people - friendly, quiet, and unaggressive. Backyard chickens allow for fresh, extremely local food production on a small, manageable scale. They provide an affordable, healthy source of local organic food in one's own backyard, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste. The reasons cited for banning these animals from within city limits are unfounded. They pose no greater health risk than cats (a 2009 report, assessed backyard hens to pose no health concerns) and are not anywhere near the noise disturbance of dogs. Responsible pet ownership makes urban chickens not only efficient food producers, but sensible animals to allow within the city limits of La Quinta. Dozens of leading North American municipalities allow backyard hens. Please reconsider allowing hens for the purpose of household egg gathering as it's a way for people to raise a little of their own food in an uncertain economy and a way to live a more sustainable life in the city. To: City of La Quinta, City Manager City of La Quinta, City Council Members & Mayor Armerid local bylaw & allow residents to keep backyard hens in the urban area Sincerely, '':][Your name] Supporters- Reasons for signing Coachella Valley Backyard Hen Petition ® • David Amcc LA QUINTA, CA "Those Hens are no worse than neighbor's constant yapping dogs ! Roosters, I can understand banning, noisy creatures. Contained in a fenced yard, they remain and bother no one, except vindictive neighbors." • Ramuel Mercado LA QUINTA, CA "It's a good option for food, and there's hardly a reason to ban hen ownership, they don't do anything worse than dogs or cats." • Don Anderson CATHEDRAL CITY, CA " Intead of banning them if they are a public nuisance... regulaye instead! A person should have his or her right to do what he or she chooses in their respected houses or domiciles is written in our co stitution and should be upheld. It is rediculuios to ban self suffucient amd economical ways of living like banning capturing rain water and having chickens" • man• green TAOS, NM "it is more important to be raising our own food than to be limiting the production of home grown eggs (etc). Positive aspects like the reduction of waste by the consumption of table scraps, etc needs to be taken into account in these times. It's sustainable living. It's a win -win situation. I'm hopefid that you will amend the bylaw and allow residents to keep backyard hens. " • Elaine Clermont PALM SPRINGS, CA ® "This is important because La Quinta is my neighborhood here in Coachella Valley. I have a neighbor who has chickens who I enjoy listening to every day. They are less annoying than dogs barking and they are GREAT at eating spiders, especially those Black Widow ones! I wouldn't want a chicken farm in the city, but pet chickens for their companionship AND eggs are the BEST! Chickens are BIRDS, BIRDS can be pets. Please do not discriminate against us who were raised on a farm and enjoy a different variety of pets. Again, if its the noise, dogs make more on a more regular basis. There has to be a better solution than a discriminatory law." • Josahan Jaime INDIO, CA "No reason to ban chickens any more than keeping a pet bird or maintaining a garden." • Ethan Vega DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA "Its a basic rite. If we allow the powers ar be to rum at there free will, soon everything will be illegal" • A Mitchell KANSAS CITY, MO "Make it illegal to put chemicals in chickens then your doing some good keeping people from raising their own is not helping anyone but your big buddys in Monsatano." • Lewis Beck SACRAMENTO, CA "Cities should make policy based on common sense and all of the points listed on the petition make perfect sense." ® • David Amce LAQUINTA, CA "Hens do not crow, they eat bugs and garden pests and they cannot fly. No reason to ban them if contained in high fenced yard."