2013 11 12 PC MinutesCALL TO ORDER
A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at
7:02 p.m. by Chairperson Barrows.
PRESENT: Commissioners Blum, Weber, Wilkinson, Vice Chair Wright, and
Chairperson Barrows
STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Les Johnson, Planning
Manager David Sawyer, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Principal
Planner Wally Nesbit, Associate Planner Jay Wuu, City Attorney
Kathy Jenson, and Secretary Monika Radeva
Chairperson Barrows led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright /Blum to
approve the Planning Commission Minutes of October 22, 2013, as submitted.
Motion passed unanimously.
1. Conditional Use Permit 2011-136 submitted by Lowe's HIW, Inc. proposing
permanent outdoor display and sales area for the Lowe's Home Improvement
Warehouse. Location: Washington Park commercial retail center; 78 -865
Highway 1 1 1, La Quinta.
Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file
in the Community Development Department.
Chairperson Barrows noted for the record that staff had distributed a
Memorandum to the Commission indicating that due to further collaboration
with the applicant Condition of Approval No. 15 had been amended.
Chairperson Barrows declared the PUBLIC HEARNG OPEN at 7:13 p.m.
Mr. Jesus Uccles, Store Manager of Lowe's HIW, Inc., La Quinta, CA —
introduced himself, explained the purpose and intent behind the proposal and
the types of merchandise to be displayed, and answered the Commission's
Chairperson Barrows asked Mr. Uccles if he was in agreement with the
amendment to Condition of Approval No. 15. Mr. Uccles replied he was.
Public Speaker: None
Chairperson Barrows declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:16 p.m.
Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Weber /Wilkinson
to adopt Resolution 2013 -024 approving Conditional Use Permit 2011-136, as
submitted with staff's recommendations and amending Condition of Approval
No. 15 to read as follow:
15. Permanent improvements shall be added to the trailer sales area in
order to indicate to customers that the parking spaces utilized for
trailer sales are not for customer parking. Improvements shall include,
but are not limited to, painted stripes, permanent bollards, and
additional landscaping for screening purposes within the existing
landscape planter adjacent to the trailer sales area.
Design specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the
Community Development Director prior to trailers being located within
the sales area.
Motion passed unanimously.
2. Tentative Tract Map 36537 and Site Development Permit 2013 -924 submitted
by Rembold Properties, LLC. proposing the land division of 41.95 acres and the
construction of 230 new single family attached and detached units, and related
project amenities and improvements. Location: in the PGA West development,
along the north and east side of PGA Boulevard, west of the Stadium clubhouse
on the former PGA West resort core site.
Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
Chairperson Barrows declared the PUBLIC HEARNG OPEN at 7:28 p.m.
Public Speaker: Mr. Wayne Rembold, Developer with Rembold Properties, LLC.,
Portland, OR - introduced himself, gave a brief overview of the project, and
answered the Commissions' questions.
Public Speaker: Mr. Howard Culver, PGA West resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced himself, said the applicant has resolved all issues the PGA West
Association and residents had addressed, and was in favor of the project.
Public Speaker: Mr. Steve Weiss, PGA West resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced himself, said the applicant has been extremely cooperative and
responsive in addressing the residents' comments and concerned, and everyone
was very pleased and excited to see this project being built.
Public Speaker: Mr. Robert Thorn, CEO Partner of California West Communities,
Carlsbad, CA - introduced himself as the project developer, thanked staff for
their efforts in cooperation during the application review process, and answered
the Commissions' questions.
Chairperson Barrows declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:37 p.m.
Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson /Blum
to adopt Resolution 2013 -025 recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map
36537 as submitted with staff's recommendations. Motion passed
Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright /Blum to
adopt Resolution 2013 -026 recommending approval of Site Development Permit
2013 -924 as submitted with staff's recommendations. Motion passed
Commissioner Wilkinson recused himself from the next item on the agenda
because of his involvement with the project.
3. Environmental Assessment 2013 -629, General Plan Amendment 2013 -126, and
Zone Change 2013 -144 have submitted by William J. Hammer / Kim M.
Hammer Trustees: Hammer Family Trust, proposing a general plan amendment
from Low Density residential (up to 4 units /acre) to General Commercial and
zone change on 4.35 acres, from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood
Commercial. Location: southwest corner of Avenue 58 and Monroe Street.
Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the staff report, a copy of which is on
file in the Community Development Department.
Chairperson Barrows declared the PUBLIC HEARNG OPEN at 8:00 p.m.
Public Speaker: Mr. Hayward Pardue, Representative of the Applicant, La
Quinta, CA - introduced himself and answered the Commissions' questions.
Public Speaker: Mr. Roger Greenwald, Resident, La Quinta, CA - introduced
himself and said he was not in favor of the project as he was concerned about
possible light pollution and increased noise levels. He said the area is currently
very quiet and suggested the proposed commercial center be built in other areas
further to the west. He noted there were a lot of residents that were opposed
to the proposed project and quoted Mr. Spock from Star Trek that "the needs of
the many should outweigh the needs of the few."
Public Speaker: Mr. Brett Pecano, Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced himself and said even though, Commissioner Wilkinson recused
himself, he found it unethical that Mr. Wilkinson was involved with the
proposed project and at the same time served on the City's Planning
Commission. He stated he never would have purchased a home within the area
had he known that a gas station could be built in proximity to his residence in
the future. He said the area has always been zoned residential and he was
never made aware that it could be rezoned to commercial.
Public Speaker: Mrs. Pixie Scott, Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced herself, said her residence would be greatly impacted by the light
pollution, noise levels, and increased traffic from the proposed future
commercial center. She expressed a concern about possible increase in crime
as well as the oil and gas from a gas station being mixed in with the dust and
dirt, and that air would be carcinogenic. She noted the reasons she chose to
purchase her home in Piazza Serena were mainly because of La Quinta's dark
sky ordinance, the lack of street lights and the quietness of the area.
Public Speaker: Mr. Curt Starweather' Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced himself, said the proposed commercial center would have an adverse
impact on the safety and serenity of the community and its property values due
to the increase in traffic, noise levels, light pollution, and possible crime. He
stated that the negative economic impact for the immediate community would
be substantially greater than any possible benefit this project could offer. He
suggested the proposed project be located at either one of the two commercial
sites, already zoned as such, located at the intersection of Avenue 58 and
Madison Street. He requested that the Planning Commission deny the proposed
Public Speaker: Mr. Justin Bert, Senior Vice President with Capstone Advisors,
and representative of the owner of the 60 remaining undeveloped lots at Piazza
Serena, Carlsbad, CA - introduced himself and said the proposed zoning and
general plan designation were not compatible with the surrounding properties,
as the area in question was surrounded by low density residential areas on all
three sides. Mr. Bert noted that there has been no change in circumstance to
warrant a zone change and a general plan amendment. He said during the
recent General Plan Update there were no reasons identified to change the
existing low density residential zoning for that property and there were plenty of
already commercially zoned areas, approximately 70 acres, to the west that
would be more appropriate for the proposed project.
Chairperson Barrows noted for the record that a comment letter from Mr. Justin
Bert, received on November 12, 2013, was distributed to the Commission.
Public Speaker: Mr. Charles W. Clendening, Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta,
CA - introduced himself as the President of the Board of Directors for the Piazza
Serena community and said the entire community was in opposition of the
proposed project. He said any commercial project in such proximity to a
residential development would have an adverse economic impact on property
values in an already troubled property market environment that is barely
beginning to recover. He noted there already was a convenient store located on
Monroe Street. He stated a possible commercial center would destroy the
quietness and serenity of the residential community and would increase crime.
Mr. Clandening said there was no need for a commercial project in the area and
there was inadequate population to support it. He said that residents bordering
Avenue 58 were not notified of the proposed zone change and requested that
the Planning Commission deny the proposed project.
Chairperson Barrows noted for the record that a comment letter from Mr.
Clendening, received on November 12, 2013, was distributed to the
Public Speaker: Mr. David V. Crouse, Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced himself and said he retired to the Coachella Valley because he truly
thought the City of La Quinta was the Gem of the Desert and he liked the
quietness and serenity of the community. He expressed concerns regarding the
potential increase in traffic and noise, and that the placement of a gas station
adjacent to an existing underground power line could be potentially hazardous.
He stated that a commercial center at the proposed site was not warranted.
Chairperson Barrows noted for the record that a comment letter from Mr.
Crouse, received on November 12, 2013, was distributed to the Commission.
Public Speaker: Mr. Joe Hammer, property owner and applicant, Indian Wells,
CA - introduced himself, briefly described the history of the proposed site and
the adjacent vacant land and their existing zoning designations. He said he was
unaware the proposed project would be objected to. He noted he spent a lot of
time speaking with homeowner from the Andalusia residential community and
those residents expressed support for the project. Mr. Hammer explained the
proposed commercial center would be very well architecturally designed and he
would not build anything that would jeopardize the value of the 17.5 acres of
vacant land to the south and additional 40 acres of vacant land to the east that
his family has owned for many years. He stated the northeast and southeast
corners on Avenue 58 and Madison Street, currently under the jurisdiction of
the County of Riverside, would be developed as commercial centers in the
future. He said the proposed commercial project would be beneficial to the
surrounding community and encouraged the Commission to approve the zone
change so he would have an opportunity to move forward with the project.
Mr. Pardue noted there was a lot of interest from developers for a commercial
project in the area. He said the zone change was only the first step of this
process and the surrounding residents would have many more opportunities to
give their input on the project should it go forward.
Chairperson Barrows asked what community outreach was done for this project.
Mr. Pardue said the major adjacent communities were contacted and made
aware of the proposed project, including Trilogy and Andalusia.
Public Speaker: Mrs. Silva Segrist, Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta, CA -
introduced herself, said a future commercial development would not be
beneficial to the existing residential community, but instead it would have an
adverse impact on property values. She requested the Planning Commission
deny the proposed zone change.
Public Speaker: Mrs. Kim Hammer, property owner, Indian Wells, CA -
introduced herself and said that for many years she resided behind a large
commercial center and found it to be an asset and a convenience. She stated
the proposed corner was a perfect location for a well thought out and
aesthetically pleasing small commercial center and would very much benefit the
Public Speaker: Mrs. Pixie Scott, Piazza Serena resident, La Quinta, CA —
reiterated her earlier statement that the surrounding residents were not in
support of a commercial center in such close proximity to the existing residential
community, and would like to keep the area dark, quiet, and serene as it
currently exists.
Chairperson Barrows declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:51 p.m.
Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright /Blum to
adopt Resolution 2013 -027 recommending approval of Environmental
Assessment 2013 -629 as submitted with staff's recommendations. AYES:
Commissioners Blum, Weber, Vice Chair Wright, and Chairperson Barrows.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Wilkinson. ABSTAIN: None.
Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum /Wright to
deny General Plan Amendment 2013 -126 and Zone Change 2013 -144 as
submitted. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Vice Chair Wright, and Chairperson
Barrows. NOES: Commission Weber. ABSENT: Commissioner Wilkinson.
1. Staff noted the City Council meeting of November 5, 2013 was cancelled.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Blum /Wright to adjourn this meeting at 9:16 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully su mitted,
City of La Quinta, California