0202-183 (SFD)CO a LL, oCYLf) ' I,L1 V OZ~ 0- C ~a U) Z Ch N OU� aa ,Z aQo JQ J m<0 D: M H d Z_ 65 d 6' t LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date '7 14188 Date L `4,4Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. �( I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carter OOLDEN MGM! M& Policy No. ' (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions Date- .ft,. ,.y ;.. Applicant �. �. ' +l r Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall.subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers; agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) Date • --' BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE VALUATION LOT til?C1 y `A ri TRACT 2 241' 74 JOB SITE APN ADDRESS 7$-797 DT0.'C1alllRAT1Qi'4 {'CJ lTl 60"72—CMY S OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER./ EN (NEER CWKUR C7R0WF.f_L CUI UNTPMS CF-MID.RY (M..(YW'b11.L . C:t:.3,ltdfs4C7X'1r1'i IS 1535 ;S0, "D o MF..FX. Vrf-. 4200 1535 so, ".D° vnuxm mu inoo SM 13TCkNARDTIM-3 CA 92408 SAX BMIAP-1490 CA 92/309 (909- )3R1-6007 (M.I.X 21.7.11 USE OF PERMIT WNGIL'IrAN&TLY EMLUNG 8M • I n -T 32, b LkN 481tnf. 'PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE 51XX,.:11f WALL;t, P004 VA OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH.M4 4 RPl~ UC I iON O PIA CI;IF[ K PVE FOR HA1Ji.'r1PLY ISSUANCE DF SANIV, PL.KH TYPY. TRACT CONSTRUCTION :41400.00 V Pr Rk,*`1•i1V,AT10 6100 ,`'1P lea Ra hkllgc4.", OIRT 604,00 L • EffM A'd'd'.!? M11QT 01r C','C7NSMliC'I:,i0N 142,'933,00 PERAMF U SCIMA1I11 ZY CONSFRUC91014 ME 101.000.416.000 �er►,6r� PLA14 CHECK FEE 101-000-43Q.1318 MF,C HANICAL M. 101-00"711.000 $60: SO ELECTRICAL 1q: 101-000-:420-000 $144.59 PLUM1I INO FEE 101.000-419.000 V42,00 STrONO MOTION FU - RF41D 101-000-241-.000 00 $14,30 G AD1AiC1KIC 101-000.423.00t1 $20.00 DZVE',-,iJIyER I MF.AC 1' i Z1, $1,40o.00 d1k713T'CYI*AL C°C? rAiUC:°1NOX Mm PI.A11T. ("7 CK $3,ze.ti .ai USS Y11 -PA -11) M, Fey F '",bra, CEJ 1. {� C. RECEIPT DATE BY : DATE FI LED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms $ Footings - — Z Ducts Slab Grade g — Z Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O. K. to Wrap - F.A.U. Framing - Compressor Insulation Z - c2,2 Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath -4g - 2 - Drywall Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final FOOLS a SPAS SLOCPr WALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Pibg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMSING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines /p -- Z Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection — C _ Encapsulation Gas Piping _ Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) .� ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring - Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final 72 Utility Notice (Perm) '" Z INSULATION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that insulation has been Insta9ed In conformance with the current energy regulation. California Administrative Code. Title 24, State•of California, in the building located at 79.797 Declaration Court, Lot 32 Mondaelle-Heritage, La Quinta, California CEILINGS: TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: Catainfeed Thicknow: A-38 WALL TYPE: SATTS ' MANUFACTURER: Certainteed Thickness- R-13 e GENERAL CONTRACTOR: CENTURY'CROWELLCOMMUNITRES LICENSE TITLE: 6�& .Scj� j PARAGON SCHMID BUILDING PRODUCTS, A MASCO COMPANY LICENSE # 632072 TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DATE; 12/12/2002 C 7-_ •%ln+ni rn.ev..nmyr.wr+.+wv,ww.rwewwM.ww•ww+wasw.vicwuutuowior.npwveu.nve �.xw✓•w•rriwerri�svvr�nw+trvwsvwi.enwi.>,+.wvwwirrw,r �•wvi,w,w•a.+.rw...:•.• Installation Certificate: Residential Site Address 79-797 Declaration Court 1. WELDER INFORMATION Century Homes 1535 South D St. #200. San Bernardino, CA 92408 INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: 2. -PROJECT INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION TYPE Flexible Ductwork in Attic and Between Floors DUCT OR PIPING R - VALUE Flexible Ductwork Will have a R -Value of 4.2 or Better CF -6R PERMIT # SUBDIVISION: Heritage CITY: La Quinta COUNTY: Riverside WEST PAC AIR CONDITIONING I, the undersigned, verify that the equipment listed in the category above my signature is the actual equipment installed and that the equipment meets or exceeds the requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Standards: In. addition, Ihave verified that the equipment is equivalent to or more efficient than the equipment specified on the Certificate of Compliance submitted to demonstrate compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings. 3. HEATING INFORMATION HEATING MANUFACT HEATING UNIT ACTUAL EFF. HEATING EQUIP HEATING EQUIP. MAKE MODEL # AFUE CAPACITY LOAD Furnace Lennox G40UH-48B-090X 80% 88000 G40UH-36A-070X 80% 66000 4. COOLING INFORMATION COOLING MANUFACT COMPRESSOR ACTUAL EFF. COOLING EQUIP COOLING EQUIP. MAKE MODEL # SEER CAPACITY LOAD ALC Lennox 12ACB42 12 12ACB36 12 The building design.heat loss and design heat gain rate have been determined using a method specified in Section 150(h) of the Energy Efficiency Standards, and are two of the criteria.used for equipment.sizing and selection. 5. SUBMITTED BY (2QaADATE: Signature Installing HVAC Contractor Jan 29 OE 11:37a Richard Simpson 66.1 947-6889 p.4 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Pagc 3 of 8) CF -6R Site Addms 7 9 + -7 c. 14 RAT i d A G.o-jR.To vols er DUCT LEAKAGE AND DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS QUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION Prosmuri=iation Tart Rcstdis (CFM 61) 25 PA) Tcd l.cakep (CFM) Z Fru blow If Fanflaw in CaloabAW aN 400 of flon:x omber of tons, or ar 21.7 x Ilosiiing Capacity in 11MWm& of otwv. ones oakwlstod valuo bora If fan [low in muaamud, tmttt nwanmml valuo hvry l,askagu 1 halon = T*A I.Askapd(Motend or Cdob:tod Fan. Mow) „ Pamirlonkagu No" Stld16 - ati J3� 13 Hess Fail ❑ For AEROSOL TYPE SEALANTS ONLY- Ilio Adlowing dlagnoade twding was eomplefbed: DWI I -on Pmssu radon al rough -in measured kakagc (CFM) CHECK AFTER FINISHING WALL: ❑ Yom ❑ No ❑ lW mu pan taxa or 1 bmwi pmasxuriiration'ion ❑ Yoe ❑ No ❑ Visual ImWmtion of Dud Conn dionx ❑ ❑ PASS Fail THENVOSTAI1C EXPANSION VALVE (i(V) - jg�Y*4 ❑ No '1'henmAsW Ehpm cion Valve (or Canmisaion approved oquivattmt) is iuslallod and Acum in provided ror mapootion ❑ Yui it a pow este fail ❑ DUCT DEeIGN 1. Q yo [3N* RCCA Manual D lkaign calculations hev0 6wn oomplofudr - T— Dout Design in on tho pleas and dual imladdation malchox Pians. 2.. ❑ Ym ❑ No TXV is haaallad orl'au Mrr has bvoa vvtirwd, if as TXV, vail`wd fan flow matches: 4W* fiem Glt-llZ Moasumd Fan blow ❑ ❑ Yon for both 1 aad 2 iF a nm POtSS Reil. 1. tho uadargaod, god idol above di g toil r=11W and the work I pmfornuxd awmaieted witb mo tcnt(n) in in 6dbnwam with to tvgoi muents ror comphanoc modit I'lity builder shall pmvido lho MGM GM pmvider a tx►py of fho Cl; -GR siMW by tho bu!W-r employees or sub-oontraotom codifying drat ding wok tv dq and.acdallation MM tho mgoir<nn fit for co..plianoc cn-d;t.J 02. . 7 Csfs Sigoatmc,l?alc Iaatalling . r (Co, Naqua) Pcrrorino d (i�aacenl Contrsct+n (Co. Name) COPY TO: Buildiur, Depndment 1110W Pmvidor (irappouffi1c) Building Owner at Occupancy Jieutuy 4, 2,001 j Jan Es Oz 11:37a Richard 51,mpson 661 847-6888 p.4 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (Page 3 of 8) CF -6R Site Addta& 9 _ RTiow <.o v n.T• ierm um DUCT LEAKAGE AND DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS LEAKAGE. REDUC710H on TcA,Rc sWLs (CTM fd 25 "roast Leakage (CFM)_ Fan Flow If Iran Flow is Caloulatod as 400 aAn%n x aumbor of tons, or as 21.7 x I foaling Capsobyy in Tboutunda of 0ttaV. on1gr oabulntcd value bore If Can flew in meanaued, anter num a ccl value h= Loakaago Fraction ='fart IAwkagd(Mc&vnvd or C"Istod Fan flow) r Paeva if loakbgo fraction 5 0.06 QC E3 Pass Fail ❑ For ASkOSOL TYPE SEALANTS ONLY - The following dlnpuoxdc testingwas completed: - Duol Fan Pmourienlion al mugh-in measured leakage (C -FM) CHECK AFTER FINISHING WALL: ❑Yox E3No 13Prcxanm pa tea[ or I lonso prvaoaaarirnlion toxo (3 Yon ❑ No ❑ Visual Inspectiem'ef Ihnol Gennualions ❑ ❑ N -W Fail P-l"Fu 11lOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE MM Yaz ❑ No 'Ibniostalic law m,aon Valve (or Commiwiwa approved oquivalent) is installed and Aa:araa in provided for fiLVwlift ❑ Yes is a pasta 1180 ❑ DUCT DESION I ❑ Yana ❑ No ACOA Manual D Design calculations have bum oouupla>tnd, Dunt Datip it on the plans and,duct installation malohon PIN". 2. ❑ Yea (3 No TXV is m:dallod or Fan flow hax`bovn.wjrifted. Ifao TXV, vinifiiml tan Dow matchw dwagp ftm CF -IL Mcaamed.Naan.ilow = ❑ ❑ Yen ror both I and 2 be a Pnsaa Pus Fell 1, Wo amdwsigaerl, vwW Oast the abovo diagtuD4o iaat roaultd ad the work I perfon=A aamooiatod with the tang%) is in ountbrmwo with iho tagger amts for comptisame emdit_ I'Ma buihier shall provido dao l D4it3' pmvWa ra wpy or iho Cl,* -6R siSaW by tho builder amploymn or amb-contractm antilying that dmp m4k t0aing and iratall+tion sym the nsyuuva=fi4 for ownpliance aodit.I 'l cats signatum. Data v e Hing WWooalraotor (Co. ) OR Nwrorma d General Contractor (Co. Name) COPY TO: llaai dinS,lkpnrhnout 11104 Pcovidw (if applicable) Building Owner ut~ Occugarcy January 4, 2001 2 Certificate of Occupancy City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department . This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 909 of the Uniform Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: BUILDING ADDRESS: 79-797 DECLARATION COURT Use Classification: Occupancy Group: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Bldg. Permit No.: 0202-183 R-3 Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RL Owner of.Building: CENTURY CROWELL COMM. r&4 -t Building Official Address: 1535 SO. "D" STREET #200 City: SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 By: STEVE TRAXEL Date: 10-22-2002 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE