CC Resolution 2014-029RESOLUTION NO. 2014 - 029 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING- THE CITY'S APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 WHEREAS, each year the La Quinta City Council adopts a Budget for Revenues and Expenditures for the upcoming Fiscal Year; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to make provisions for a level of services commensurate with the needs of the City; and WHEREAS, .the City Council has reviewed said budget and has had several public meetings to receive public input; and WHEREAS, the City Council has, after due deliberation and consideration, made such amendments in the proposed budget as it, considers desirable; and WHEREAS, Section 7910 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that each year the governing body of each local jurisdiction shall, by resolution, establish its appropriations limit for the following fiscal year; and WHEREAS, Section 7902(b) of the Government Code sets forth the method for determining the said appropriations limit, to be based upon the limit applicable for the prior fiscal year and adjusted for changes in the cost -of -living and in City population. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of La Quinta to adopt, as follows: SECTION 1. The appropriations limit for the City of La Quinta established in accordance with Section 7902(b) of the California Government Code, for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 is $103,249,837. SECTION 2. It is hereby found and determined that in compliance with Government Code Section 7910, the documentation used in the determination of said appropriations limit for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 was available to the public in the Finance Department of the City and in the Office of the City Clerk at least fifteen days prior to this date. SECTION 3. The Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Budget which is on file with the City Clerk is hereby approved. Resolution No. 2014-029 Budget Approval FY 2014/2015 Adopted June 17, 2014 Page 2 SECTION 4. The Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency agrees to the reimbursement to the City for services performed by the City on behalf of the Agency. Such reimbursement, as computed and included in the budget document, shall include salary, salary related costs, direct costs, and indirect overhead costs. SECTION 5. Continuing Appropriations which remain unspent and were authorized by Council in Fiscal Year 2013/2014 are approved in the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Budget in an amount not to exceed $694,468. Of this amount, $506,650 is in General Fund Continuing Appropriations and will be offset by $71,415 in grant funding (Exhibit A). SECTION 6. Encumbrances for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 for committed appropriations are approved in the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Budget in an .amount not to exceed $30,698. (Exhibit A). SECTION 7. Budget adjustment procedures are approved as follows: A. Additional appropriations and the transfer of cash or unappropriated fund balance from one fund to another shall be made only upon City Council approval. B. Transfers of budgeted appropriations between divisions or capital projects shall be made only upon City Council approval. C. Transfers of budgeted appropriations between accounts within a division or capital project may be made with the approval of the City Manager or his designee. D. Prior year budget continuing Appropriations and Encumbrances for unexpended capital project appropriations remaining from uncompleted prior year capital projects shall be made with City Manager approval. These carry-over appropriations are for prior year Council approved capital projects and shall not exceed the approved project budget.. SECTION 8. The City Council, recognizing the need for maintaining Fund Balance reserves has established a General Fund Cash Flow Reserve for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 of 8.25% of the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 budget which amounts to $2,875,781 for Fiscal Year 2014/2015, and has also established a General Fund Emergency Reserve for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 of 35 % of the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 budget plus $4,000,000 which amounts to $16,581,543. The two aforementioned reserve categories cannot be appropriated without the explicit approval of the City Council. Resolution No. 2014-029 Budget Approval FY 2014/2015 Adopted June 17, 2014 Page 3 SECTION 9. The City Manager shall render a monthly report to the City Council on the status of City operations as it relates to the approved budget and any amendments thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 17th day of June, 2014, by the following vote: AYES: Council Member Evans, Franklin, Osborne, Mayor Adolph NOES: Council Member Henderson ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None D N ADOL H, Mayo City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SUSAN MAYSELS, Ci Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS VYFORM: MI KAITHERINE J,LNSON, City Attorney City of La Quint . , California EXHIBIT A City of La Quinta Fiscal Year201312014 Continuing Appropriations/Encumbrances - Note 1 Department, Account - Destx ,' n Cvitttot..tin� .. Appr=, an Revenue. ir�rf5(ers iNOut _,.. : Ezru t re'€ce& T3 tir Revenue _. 101-0WO.49500 .... 101-0T 0-49500 'Ttansf rs irb`(from COPS 7 .: .... Trenstei',In(fronJAGj; 1 f (65,227) € _ . '... .. '. (60,227). T1 a15 City Manager jE l:. 101-1002-60101 101-1002-60101Administrative, 101-1002-60103 Total Administrative (Fox Lawscn Study) (Actuarial Valuation) Professional (Police Services Study) �'; ..22,000 3.000 50.O W 22,000 Um 75.0W i,. (__ _ 3=' 75=. ._ City Clerk 101-1005.60103 Tolal Professional (Scanning Services) 1 ..10,G00 1 10,000 i' 1 :20,000 .Fire 101-2002-E0101 Total . , _ ;<rfvtiiCompliance - _. .... 35.281 S 1 • ; ._..: .. .. :; ;, 35281' 35.281 JCorllmitnit}._Services 1013001-60532 101-3003-60420 101-3005-80104 101-3008-60665 .Total_106,100. Coachella Valley Rescue Mission50,000 Operating Supplies (DSUSO Rental Fees) Consultants (Sales Tax Study) Maintenance Other Equipment (Signs) 50.000: 3,1 W . 30,000 : ... 23.OW 3,100 30 WO _Police ...,, . 101-2001-60176 101-2001-60179 101-2001-60180 101-2001-60175 ...,_ Total RobberyPr°vention Burglary Prevention Justice Assistance Grant Special Enforcement Funds 41,064. v 24,163' 3,540 12.000 _. . - 41.064 163 3,24,540 163 � 12.D00 80,767 . - ., ..:". -:;: : 80,767' Community Development ndmrn ' a1 diti Planning Code 101-6001-60103 101.6002.60103 101-6004-51071 Professional -General Plan Consistent; Professional -Terra Nova County of Riverside Field Services Contract 6,937 23,535 8,030 6,937 23.535 8.= 38.502 1 .. ..._.. _. .-. 38,5029 :. Public Works Administration Development Services Streets Maintenance '. Lighting 8 Landscape Engineering Services 101-7001-60104 101-7W7-80164 Subtotal 101-7002-60183 1017002-50103 101-7002.60104 101 7002-80100 Subtotal 101-7003-564g0 1G17003-60141 101-7003.60431 Subtotal 101-7aWW573 Subtotal 101-7006-W104 Subtotal :.; Total Government Outreach - PO#1751 Consultants Map7Pian Checking - Professional Consultants Innovative Document Solutions - PO#1752.... Asphalt StreetSriping Materials Palm Trees Contract Services .. _:,_.. 50,0W -- ' 3,000 3,000�„- 50,D00. € :-=50.0W-: ,_,.., �.,�. .,.._.3.000. ` 53000'. 11,000. 5,00D 15.000' t1,OW 5000 16:OW 9,600• 3,6W 31.000 , - ( - 9.600:. .. 40.600:' 3,000 ' 20,000 6,OW 31000. 20,OW -29,000.. - .1 - _.29.000 13.OW 13,000: 13006 t 1: 13<000 €i 38 OpO .... 38,Opp;, _,__,38,000 ,. , 38,000. ._._...-161.000J'' : .. ( ..,.,�:::: .-.[ -:":. .12i600,:;'._.--173,600 Total General Fund: 506,650 r (714415 12.600` : 306:454 COPS 212.0000.43116 i 212-0000-99900 Total .. COPS Grant Transfer Out (to General Fund) _ (53 623) 65 227 ..,9 99 (53,623j 65.227 (53.6pl 65227 JAG 213-000043120 '. 213-0000 99900 Total JAG Grant Transfer Out (to General Fund) (6,188) - (6188j 6,188 6,it181_ > AB 939 221-OD0033220 - DisposallLandfi€I Fees I 2„000. 2 OW �NeusingAuthority 241-9101-60103 Total Professional-BeckyCaha 15.365 t5365: SilverRock 6D1-0000 0214 ' MI-OWDro0214 _ ,_. Tota3: Orange Coast Petroleurn'Ecu€pme it PO# 1712 Orange Coast Petroleum Equ?pment PO# 1713 a 6,811 9,286: 6,611 9,2a6. f; 16,098 t6,096 Information Technology Fund 502-000E3-00100 " Total >..:.. tU}arJ117p1Y &:E gr2ipq€0trt.. t.. :.. .._ :.::.,,,. ..:-__ ,,..._172453 ;.,'. -r.::E :-..- ...::., .._...-172,453": ---.172,453 '. "( ': - d.._l: ':; . _:17?.;453-:. Grand Total 114.4681 _ (59.8111 30,698 1 521. 4,' Note 1 -The appropriations and encumbrances Iisted will oe-:"ao`lusta<! 1oriE'' a: t;u!'exFendi(u2s as r#yJrirae;"�'j 2c314'n- S Yaat2t1'i:r0