2014 06 03 CC MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:03 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Councilmembers Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: Councilmember Evans [arrived at 3:05 p.m.] MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Henderson/Franklin to excuse the absence of Councilmember Evans. COUNCILMEMBER EVANS JOINED THE MEETING AT 3:05 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA — None CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH CITY ATTORNEY, ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (c) (1 MATTER) 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY ATTORNEY 3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL APPOINTED POSITION — CITY MANAGER 4. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, FRANK J. SPEVACEK, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING THE POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION .AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT SILVERROCK RESORT (APN'S 770-200-026; 776-150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060-058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490- 014). PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS: JOHN GAMLIN, MERIWETHER COMPANIES; ROBERT S. GREEN, JR., THE ROBERT GREEN COMPANY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 JUNE 3, 2014 COUNCIL RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION A T 3:05 P. M. MAYOR ADOLPH RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT. City Attorney Jenson reported that the City Council took action on Closed Session Item No. 1 and the resulting settlement agreement will be available to the public from the City Clerk's Office once it has been executed. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Osborne/Franklin to approve the Completion and Settlement Agreement with Bond Safeguard Insurance Company regarding a dispute over the enforcement of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract Map 31852, subject to minor changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Christopher English, La Quinta — Mr. English spoke about the problems that residents will face if Ralph's Grocery leaves the Washington Street/Calle Tampico site. He asked Council to communicate with the company and take action to keep the store in place. . Mayor Adolph explained the city's efforts to retain Ralph's and/or find a replacement as soon as possible. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Sheila Clemens, La Quinta — Ms. Clemens said she does not want the closing of the Ralph's Grocery to cause that center to be a ghost town. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Thomas Allen Worthy — Mr. Worthy said he is homeless .and applied for housing to Coral Mountain Apartments. Mr. Worthy also spoke about his litigation against Eisenhower Medical Center. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Samantha Hoffman, La Quinta — Ms. Hoffman spoke in favor of keeping Ralph's Grocery open and asked residents to contact Ralph's at 800- 576- 4377 or on Ralphs.com. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA • City Manager Spevacek requested that Consent Calendar Item No. 2 be moved to the June 17, 2014 agenda. • Councilmember Osborne requested that Consent Calendar Item No. 8 be pulled for discussion and separate vote. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 JUNE 3, 2014 • Councilmember Henderson requested that Consent Calendar Item No. 13 be moved to Business Session Item No. 4 for discussion. Council concurred. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP PRESENTATION Thomas Flavin, CEO/President of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP), provided an update on programs supported by the City of La Quinta including college scholarship awards, career pathways program, business development business training, and the East Valley Innovation Hub. Councilmember Franklin requested more information and clarification regarding plans for a parcel tax through the school districts to provide ongoing funding to CVEP for the Workforce Jobs Pipeline project; the Federal planning' grant received, and; the Federal grant CVEP will apply for in the fall. 2. LIBRARY & MUSEUM QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JANUARY — MARCH 2014 Sherry Martinez, Desert Zone Manager, presented the report for the library and Anne Phillips, Museum Manager presented the report for the museum; both of which are on file with the City Clerk's Office. 3. PRESENTATION TO RETIRING BUILDING OFFICIAL AND EMERGENCY MANAGER Mayor Adolph and Councilmembers presented a plaque to retiring Building Official/ Emergency Manager Greg Butler in appreciation of more than seventeen years of service to the City of La Quinta. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 20, 2014 2. pulled by the City Manager and rescheduled for the June 17, 2014 Council meeting > > > APPROVE CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH VINTAGE ASSOCIATES FOR PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 3. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS (A) CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 AND (B) REQUESTING THE COUNTY CONSOLIDATE THE NOVEMBER 4, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 JUNE 3, 2014 2014 MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION [RESOLUTIONS 2014-019.AND 2014-0201 4. APPROVE THE REDUCTION OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS TO ONE PER MONTH DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 2014 BY CANCELLING THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF AUGUST 19 AND SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 5. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY: DAVID PLOUFFE; DATE OF LOSS — NOVEMBER 16, 2013 6. APPROVE . AMENDMENT AND CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER WITH KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING SERVICES, INC. FOR CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 7. APPROVE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH A.M. LASALLE ELECTRIC, INC., FOR LANDSCAPE LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVICES 8. , pulled for discussion and separate vote by Councilmember Osborne > > > APPROVE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 9. APPROVE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GRAPHTEK INTERACTIVE FOR DIGITAL MARKETING SERVICES 10. ACCEPT CITY HALL LIGHTING CONVERSION PROJECT 11. ACCEPT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROJECT: REPLACEMENT OF CITY HALL BUILDING HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 1 AND 2 12. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION TO EDWARD, BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM AND ACCEPT FUNDS 13. Pulled by Councilmember Henderson and moved to the Business Session > > > APPROVE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR NORTH LA QUINTA PARKWAYS AND ENTRYWAYS LANDSCAPE CONVERSION PROJECT 14. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO TRILOGY AT LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES ORGANIZATION FOR A NEW CITIZENS ON PATROL VEHICLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 JUNE 3, 2014 15. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 3, 2014 16. APPROVE MUNICIPAL STORMWATER IMPLEMENTATION AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Franklin to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1, 3-7, 9-12, and 14-16 with Item No. 3 adopting Resolutions 2014-019 and 2014-020 as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. Item No. 8 — APPROVE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Osborne/Evans to approve the Consent Calendar Item No. 8 with the addition of the review of Pillars of the Community submissions. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. SELECT A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/ Henderson to select Councilmember Franklin to the Chamber of Commerce Workshop/Information Exchange Committee. Councilmember Franklin accepted the appointment. Motion passed unanimously. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS APPROVING A MAJOR REVISION TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY MULTIPLE SPECIES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN [RESOLUTIONS 2014-021 AND 2014-0221 Community Development Director Johnson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Henderson to adopt Resolutions 2014-021 and 2014-022 approving a major revision to the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan. Motion passed unanimously. 3. APPROVE THE CITY OF LA QUINTA'S LEGISLATIVE POLICY GUIDE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 JUNE 3, 2014 Chris Escobedo, Assistant to City Manager, and Intern Nick Herr-Kostic presented the staff report. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Henderson to approve the City of La Quinta's Legislative Policy Guide. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consent Calendar No. 13: APPROVE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR NORTH LA QUINTA PARKWAYS AND ENTRYWAYS LANDSCAPE CONVERSION PROJECT Councilmember Henderson said it appears from the staff report that the problem on the north side is solved when in fact, it is not. She suggested that approval is premature and could be misleading to the community. Ms. Henderson requested that action on this item be postponed until after the tax measure is on the ballot thereby giving Council greater flexibility for solutions. Councilmember Evans said that developing the landscape concepts does not make the project a done deal because a funding source would still need to be identified. A landscape design would provide more information on what is required. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Henderson/ Osborne to delay action on this item until after the tax measure is on the ballot. Motion passed: ayes 4, no 1 (Evans). MAYOR ADOLPH CALLED A SHORT RECESS AT 5:20 P.M. MAYOR ADOLPH RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 5:29 P.M. STUDY SESSION 1. CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON FISCAL YEAR 2014/15 PROPOSED BUDGET Finance Director Conrad presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Councilmembers received clarification from staff on supplemental requests; information technology reserves; audit expenses; park needs; promotion of Adopt - a -Park program; marketing funds throughout the budget; Community Development Department personnel benefits; water cost increases; East Valley Hub funding; CVEP funding; grant program funding for various groups; emergency services budget reduction; SilverRock Resort budget; cost of public notices and advertising; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 JUNE 3, 2014 police budget increases; council meeting videos; an insurance reserve fund; cash flow reserve; and fund balance. The Council gave staff the following direction regarding the 2014/15 draft budget and the allocation of the estimated surplus of $476,494: • Include the supplemental requests in the amount of $48,140 • Increase marketing by $100,000 and label it economic de ve%pmen t/marketing • Increase the grants budget by $20,000 • Add funding for homeless programs in the amount of $50,000 • Establish an insurance reserve fund with $100,000 if possible • Set aside funds for labor relations in the amount of $120,000 • Reduce CVEP funding by $40,000 • Allocate to reserves: 25% of the beginning surplus = $119,000 • Change the label for the $500 Wheeler Letter to demographic publications • Promote La Quinta as a movie location • Allow special conditions in the grant program that permit grants to exceed $5,000 • Include in final budget, a section showing reserve fund balances PUBLIC SPEAKER: Janet Seto, Principal of La Quinta Middle School — Ms. Seto said that the grant information requested by Council has been submitted and asked Council to consider funding the Middle School programs described at the last Council meeting. MAYOR ADOLPH RECESSED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 6:46 P.M. MAYOR ADOLPH RECONVENED THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 7:12 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dave Heckman, La Quinta — Mr. Heckman said that the tax on landlords he suggested at the last Council meeting may be more accurately categorized as a fee but it would serve the purpose of increasing code enforcement. City Manager Spevacek explained that revenue from such a fee would have to be dedicated to enforcement of landlord -renter matters, not code enforcement in general. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Catherine Goodsell, La Quinta — Ms. Goodsell spoke in opposition to the closing of the Ralph's Grocery store. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 JUNE 3, 2014 PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mark Jucht, La Quinta — Mr. Jucht, who lives on Roadrunner Lane, expressed his opposition to the addition of a roundabout at Westward Ho and Roadrunner. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Renee Jucht, La Quinta — Ms. Jucht said she lives on Roadrunner Lane and is opposed to a roundabout at Westward Ho and Roadrunner. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Christopher English, La Quinta — Mr. English said he is opposed to the closing of Ralph's Grocery store at Washington Street and Calle Tampico. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Eileen Kramer — Ms. Kramer said she is opposed to the closing of Ralph's Grocery store. 2. DISCUSS A SALES TAX SHARING AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL SHOVLIN FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH 111 LA QUINTA CENTER Community Development Director Johnson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. The Council discussed the 50%-50% tax share arrangement; the importance of the new traffic signal; the need to expedite the opening of the Hobby Lobby tenant; the need to address turns in and out from Adams Street to the centers on either side; . and access points for the CVlink project. The Council directed staff to move forward with the 50%-50% tax" sharing agreement provided there is a time limit imposed on recouping the $400,000 in improvements and also provided a specific list and schedule of improvements is included. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1, FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 [RESOLUTION 2014-0231 Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Adolph declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:25 p.m. PUBLIC SPEAKER: None Mayor Adolph declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:26 p.m. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Franklin to adopt Resolution No. 2014-023 entitled: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 JUNE 3, 2014 ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1, FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 Motion passed unanimously. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 THROUGH 2017/2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM [RESOLUTION 2014-0241 Principal Engineer McKinney presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Adolph declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:45 p.m. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mark Riconoscinto, La Quinta — Mr. Riconoscinto owns a home on Roadrunner Lane and spoke against the addition of a roundabout on Westward Ho. Mayor Adolph declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:50 p.m. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Henderson to adopt Resolution 2014-024 with Project No. 201406, the new roundabout at Westward Ho and Roadrunner Lane removed from Exhibit A. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 THROUGH 2017/2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Motion passed unanimously. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta's representative for 2014, Councilmember Evans reported on her participation in the following organizations meeting: • GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU La Quinta's representative for 2014, Councilmember Franklin reported on her participation in the following organizations meeting: • COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP La Quinta's representative for 2014, Councilmember Henderson reported on her participation in the following organizations meeting: • LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES POLICY COMMITTEE La Quinta's representative for 2014, Councilmember Osborne reported on his participation in the following organizations meeting: • IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE • CVAG VALLEY -WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 JUNE 3, 2014 La Quinta's representative for 2014, Mayor Adolph reported on his participation in the following organizations meeting: • CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY DEPARTMENT REPORTS Community Development Department report was received and filed. Copies are available in the City Clerk's Office. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS Councilmember Osborne noted that the net for the SilverRock operation was $86,000 above projections as of April 2014. Mayor Adolph discussed the letter from a Realtor who commented on the quality of La Quinta schools and his response to the Realtor when they met. Mayor Adolph said he received a request from a local teacher and parent for way - finding signs for the schools and suggested the city's policy regarding use of the blue signs be changed to include the schools. Councilmember Evans suggested that this matter be discussed at the next 2x2 meeting between the City and school officials with the offer that the city will install the sign and the school will pay for it. Council concurred to add this matter to the next 2x2 agenda. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Osborne to pull Closed Session Item No. 3 and reschedule to June 17, 2014. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans/Henderson to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, SUSAN MAYSELS, Cit Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 JUNE 3, 2014