003580 (SFD)Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FACILLILY FEES NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT CAWKVI TO: City (qELpg?nQCATED% DATE� Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 This is to cer.tify developer of As�-�, located - 77,,?X-Ne this District, has paid aut.hority anerated by $ 4 a &j " (4,-": . 0 � 1� aza which is —, within school facility f-6es imposed pursuant to the overnment ,.Cod5 Section,53080 in the amount of I r I covering a total ofU �f�tU square ( ) industrial/commer"cial development and ON feet of residential or that bui�diVngf permits for this rootage in this development may now De issueG Dy your jurisdiction. o DESERT SANDS.UWIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White Building Department 0 Yellow - Facilities Planning 0 Pink - Accounting 0 Gold - Developer e,4 1337 (10)-37 International Conference of Building ' Officials EVALUATION REPORT Report No.2417 Fling Category: SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS ":t'i:ly, 1984 FIBERGLASS ONE-PIECE SWIMMING POOLS SAN JUAN PRODUCTS, INC. POST OFFICE BOY 652 HEMET. CALIFORNLk M43 I. Subject: Fiberglass One-piece Swimming Pools. 11. Description: General: The swimming pools consist of one-piece fiberglass construcdon, shop -farmed over mold. The model numbers and sizes am shown on Table No. 1. The itbergiass pool is formed against aone-piece interior form ormold in the following manner. The form is treated with at parting agent to assure separation of the liner from the mold afte r fabrication. A isophthaliclneo- perityI-glycol Zed coating 30 raiis thick is spray -applied to the surface of the form. A tibergfass hand favup constsdne or a l'/:-0unce mat ar einforctag random chopped strands of fiberglass is applied to the cured gel coating, which is then ueated with an isopnthalic polvester resin applied with a 35 percent minimum saturation factor A second laver consisting of I'1/ u seinrvrcing mat is laince d over the previous layer and saturated with isophthalic polyester resia. The third layer consisting of a 24_.ounce woven roving is applied over the previous construction andsatunled with anothereoahne of isophthalic polyester and "poet resin. The process of alternating Sayers of 5bcrglass mat roving saturated with resin is continued until a total of Five layers has been built up. The completed pool has a minimum cured thick - the of 3/1s inch. The woven roving and reiutiotring mass are aapcd so that the lapped splices fxrween the individuai rolls of the material occur at the same locations and are 6 to 8 inches wide. This provides an additional Thickness to total of IO niies) to the liner in the form at periodic stiffening elements. The Fiberglass has a minimum tensile strength of 11,360 pounds per square inch and a modulus of rupnire of 23.5OU pounds per square inch. The pools have a fiberglass coping appmximucly 6 inches wide around all sides, the ex tenor edge of which is bent down or depressed to engage the poured -in -place concrete cooingtiuring rieid installation. Qne corner of the pool end is provided with, curved steps for access to the pool_ A main drain is built into the Sberglass pool at the deep end. Extending from the main drain box are the necessary service lines to the filter Nuipment. A gravel sump is provided beneath the main drain base to collect any ground water or drainage from the sand bed on which the pooi is installed. Leading from this gravel sump is a l i-inch plastic pipe extending to ground Ievel which is utilized to relieve hydrostatic pressure by caliecting and dispos- ing of ground or seepage water when it becomes necessary to empty the pool. The pool is provided at the deep end with an underwater recessed light pocket and Hoodlight. The floodligftt and all electrical apparatus in connection p with the pop} are re- ately d electrical v work is uired to be required to comniyowithed. All the codes n6 efectnat the on- struction site. The pool design requires it to remain Full of water at all times. A fop { piws*a donee—Poolis dtsigned to'remain tstobe`utq bed to the all of water all UiDrnent and is Pool shell may be damaged if water level is allowed to drop below the pooi skimmer. when appreciable drawdown is noncedorif it becomes necessary to drain the pool, contact San Juan Products, Inc., or their agents for intructioris." A pressure -sensitive plastic slicker will be installed adjacent to the above sign by the manufacturing licensee, giving his name, address and telephone number. Installation: The Pool may he installer) without a soil investiga- tion by a qualified engineer, providing; none o1 the following tiocon- dins are ancountered and thu site is approved by the huiidsn>a ❑ifftriul: 1. The existence of ground water within the depth of the pool excavation. 2. The existence of an uncompacted fill in contact widh any portion of the pool. 3. The existence of assay expansive or adobe -type soils, at or within the confines of the pool area. 4. The existence of any soil types whose angle of repose will not support the walls of the excavation at the desired slopes, S. The location of the proposed, pool excavation so that it would have a tendency to endanger adjacent structures. If one or more of the above conditions are encountered, the excavation for the pool shall immediately cease until the specific conditions at the site have been reviewed and recommenspeci is engine review and recommeby a ndation is toons ebeT.ssubrmittttedpto theobuildi brt oJ uilding official having jurisdiction aver the constmucrion site, and has approval obtained pnor to continuance of the wark- The excavation for the pool consists of removing the existing soil from the proposed area, utilizing chain -to a -inch Pe screeds to assure minimum aver-excavanou at the pool bottom and all sides. The required drains and plumbing work are installed and a con- toured layer of clean sand is placed in the lower areas of the pool UP to a point at which " slufiing" would occur. The pool is then placed on this sand bed and careft'lly aligned and leveled to pre- clude any buckling or irregularities in the fiberglass. Water is introduced into the pool prover and up to a level approximately equal with the sand layer. The backiiiling with nand is carefully continued upward, maintaining approximately a uniform height around the four sides of the pool at all times. The sand is consol- idated by doodiaq with water as the work progresses. The pool is simtiltaneousiy Eked with water as the backfillinq progresses. taaintaini'ng appro*auaately equal levels. The sand backfiil is stopped at the level of the bottom of the concrete coping on all sides of the pool. The outside [in of the fiberglass pool coping detail is embedded in a concrete walkway installed around the entire pool. See Figure No. 1 for complete details. The walkway is reinforced with 8-inch by 6-inch No. 14-10 wire mesh. The pools are to be manufactured and installed only by factory - trained and approved agents or franchised installers in accordance with the requirements at this report Identa#Ication. Each pool is identified by a coded imorint above or below the skimmer signufyyirig model and date Or manufacturing. The company name and factory Ierter are also noted. III. Evidence Submitted: An engineering report, detarIed plans specifications and internal quality control manual are suhrattted. Findings TV. Flndings. That the Flhers lass fine -piece Swimming Pools are an alternate method of cortstmetion For swimming pools under the 1982 Uniform Building Code, subject to the followinq conditions: 1. The construction and pool installation camp iy with this report. 2. The electrical and plumbing instaliations comely with the respective codes in effect at the construction site. 3. The pools are installed by a factory -"mined and licensed installer or agent approved by the San 3uan Products. Inc. Ibis report is subject to m-examinadon in two years. ICHO evaluation rrporrs are rxsued solely to provrde irrfarnratian to Class A members of rhr nrgrzn+zntian urili�rtq the code upon which the report is based. vaftwrio on rr use i air not to be cqnsreport. as representing arsrherics or any other am ibcrres nor speciflcaily addressed noras an endarsrmrnr or rrcomnrendaiion for use nj the subject report. This report is bused upon indrorndenr rests or other tech nira(daro strbmiixed Sp the applicant. The !Cap rechreica! staff has reviewed the tear results "Filar other dnra, but does not possess rest facilities to make our independent vrri�calion. Tleere is no a arranry by lCl staff ff has ewed the t st re any "Finding, or other matter in the report ar as to any prmducr covered by the report. This disctaimerr includes. heir is nor limited to. or merchantability. Page t of 2 Page 2 of 2, ReportNo. 2417 TABLE NO. I MODEL NOL WIDTH LENGTH oEPrrt Shallow End [Mao End CAPACITY IN GALLONS 100 12'-0' 27'-0" 3'-F 5'-5" 8,000 150Kt 13'-0" 21 3'-T 6'-T 10.000 200 12'-0" 31'-T 3'-5" 5'-5" 11.000 300 12'-0" 30'-0" 3'-5" 8'-0" 13,000 350KI 14'-0" 33'-0" 3'-5" 81-0" 14,000 400 14'-T 32'-T 3'-5" 5'-5" 12.000 450 14'-0" 32'4r 3'-5" 8'-0" 14,000 500 17'-T 35'-0' 3'-5" 9'-1" 16.000 525 171-0' 37'-T 3'-5" 9'-1' 17,500 550 17'-0" 42'-0" 2'-10" 9'-1" 17,000 600, 650S2 12'-0" 16' 0" 3'-1 V uniform depth 3,800 700 12'-0' 20'-0" 3'-11" uniform depth 4.900 I deeotm kidney shape. 2S denaas pool with seat. 3'- 0"Min! "�h�oLEs o3v O.C. "1 r (6--6 -W/ 4 W/.4) '7 Ile CAMPACTED GRAVEL rCR CLAYMD06E� • ' y' FOR CL.iY (AGt7�ez 4!' SoiL CWCY ICI,MR64,IJ3 '�' �.'GUNPACTED SAND (TI'R) ,OC7004, G" /NJ Tiricr CO3AfMAC7f0 SAND F/L4. EDGE BEAM ;� z1 WA A'WA Y s E c T7 oN NOrFs. /. THIS DRAWING S#4ZL BE USED /N CONJUNCT/ON r-, WIN CONSTRUCT/ON SPEC/F/CAT/OHS. z &ALxwAY SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND R004. REFeR TO Ti/E SPEC/FICAT/OHS FOR EXPAND/O.v JO/Nr SPACINGS. FIGURE NO. 1