36241 SDP 2007-898 Jefferson Square03 IE -oU Fb �oF"t FINAL HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR JEFFERSON SQUARE SWC JEFFERSON ST. & FRED WARING DR. LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: REGENCY CENTERS 36 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irving, California, 92614 Mr. Tom Middleton Prepared By: DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE CONSULTANTS, INC. 800 S. Rochester Avenue, Suite C Ontario, CA 91761 Tel. (909) 230 -5246 August 29, 2008 Job No. C07 -304 QROFESS/ONq yQ�O� W Sl���oFy2 Uj No. 046216 m Ronald W. Sklepko, P.E. Exv -3( -0$ R.C.E. No. 46216, Exp. 12/31/08 s� M �rFOF CAUF��� A ��EE22' HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction /Summary ll. Vicinity Map III. Drainage Criteria IV. Existing Rational Method Calculations V. Proposed Rational Method Calculations VI. Small Area Unit Hydrograph Criteria VIL Small Area Unit Hydrograph Calculations- Proposed Condition VIII. Retention Basin Design Buoyancy Force Calculations CMP Life Expectancy Calculations Percolation Test Result Reference IX. Inlet/Catch Basin Calculations X. Pipe Hydraulic Calculations Emergency Overflow Route Diagram Street Capacity Calcuations Back Pocket — Existing Hydrology Map Back Pocket — Proposed Hydrology Map Back Pocket - Hydraulic Map DRC&I HYDROLOGY REPORT. JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL. DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA I. INTRODUCTION /SUMMARY DRC �s HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA JEFFERSON SQUARE SWC JEFFERSON ST. & FRED WARING DR. LA QUINTA, CA Project Description ' This report contains the hydrology and hydraulic calculations for a proposed 10.5 acre Commercial Project located west of Jefferson Street and south of Fred Waring Drive in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside. The project location is shown on the attached Vicinity Map. ' Existing Drainage Condition CI I �i I 1 The site is currently vacant and barren with little vegetative cover. Presently, stormwater runoff sheet flows easterly to Jefferson Street. Approx. 4.5 acres of the Site continues in a southerly direction to a 28 ft catch basin located at approx. 500 ft south of Independent Way (Drainage Area "E1 "). The runoff is then conveyed to an open -air retention basin near Independent Way thru a 36" RCP. Approx. 6.0 acres of the Site and approx. 0.3 acres of the street drain to the SWC of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive (Drainage Area "E2 "). According to recorded plans, runoff from Fred Waring Dr. half street drains southerly to Monticello Ave. via curb & gutter. There is no existing cross gutter at the intersection of Fred Waring Dr. & Monticello Ave. If the curb & gutter is overloaded, a high point at the southeast corner of the intersection which allow the runoff to continue draining southerly on the other side of Monticello Ave. Runoff east of the intersection which consist of approx. 1.0 acre of the Fred Waring Drive half street drains easterly towards Jefferson Street (Drainage Area 11E311). Runoff from both Drainage Areas E2 & E3 are conveyed to an temporary open retention basin through two parkway drains. Refer to the "Existing Hydrology Map" for a map of the existing drainage pattern (back sleeve). The results of the Existing Drainage Condition for the 10 -Year and 100 -Year Storm Events are summarized as follows: Drainage Area Area (AC.) 010 (CFS) 0100 (CFS) E1 5.3 5.0 10.8 E2 6.7 6.2 13.5 E3 1.0 3.0 5.2 Total: 13.0 14.2 29.5 Proposed Drainage Condition The Proposed Commercial Development will consist of the construction of paved parking areas and drive aisles, landscaped areas and buildings. The site will be approx. 90% impervious due to building roofs, asphalt paving and sidewalks. In the proposed condition, the site can be broken down into three distinct drainage watersheds, each with individual subareas. Watershed "A" collects runoff from the front parking lot, two out - parcel buildings, and Jefferson Street & Fred Waring Drive. The runoff will be picked up by drain inlets and the existing catch basins in the streets. The storm drain pipes will then discharge into a proposed underground retention and infiltration basin (Basin "A ") at the southeast corner of the Site. Watershed "B" DR u Fi t 1 1 L 1 HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA collects all the runoff from the major building roofs and the rear drive aisle to the west. The runoff will be picked up by drain inlets and storm drain pipe that will discharge into a proposed below -grade open retention basin (Basin "B ") located along the west boundary. Watershed "C" collects runoff from approx. 1.9 acres along the south boundary of the Site and approx. 0.5 acres of Street Runoff. The runoff will sheet flow to a proposed below -grade open retention basin (Basin "C ") located along the south boundary. Refer to the "Proposed Hydrology Map" for a map of the proposed drainage areas and basins (back sleeve). The results of the Proposed Drainage Condition for the 10 -Year and 100 -Year Storm Events are summarized as follows: Watershed Area (AC.) Q10 (CFS) Q,00 (CFS) A 6.8 19.9 34.2 B 3.7 12.2 21.0 C 2.5 7.8 13.2 Total: 13.0 39.9 68.4 Hydrologic Criteria This study will be the basis for the design of the drainage systems within the proposed Commercial Development. The Hydrology Study for this project was performed in accordance with the current Riverside County Hydrology Manual, published in 1978. Peak storm flows were determined using the computer engineering software program developed by Advanced Engineering Software (AES), 2003 version, based on the Rational Method of Hydrology and Synthetic Unit Hydrograph. The program uses a nodal system to define stream routing (in street, pipe or natural stream) and subarea characteristics, (i.e. acres, land use and soil type). Peak flow rates for 10 -year and 100 -year storm events are included in this report. Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Short-Cut Method will be used to determine the required storage volume of the fully - developed site for the 1 -hour, 3 -hour, 6 -hour, and 24 -hour duration events for the 100 - year return frequency. Retention basins are design for the 100 -year storm event and capable of percolating the entire 100 -year storm retention capacity in less than 72 hours. Results As a result of the Rational Method calculations, the existing undeveloped condition for the site and adjacent streets produces 29.5 CFS of runoff during the 100 -year event. In the proposed developed condition, the site produces 68.4 CFS of runoff during the 100 -year storm event (A difference of 38.9 CFS from the Existing Drainage Condition). The entire 100 -year storm runoff volume will be captured on -site and percolated to the subsurface soils, as discussed earlier. On -Site Retention Basin Basin "A" DRC HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA For the purpose of sizing the basin, we determined the total storage volume required by calculating the storm volume of the Proposed Condition Unit Hydrograph for 100 -year storm event, 3 -hour frequency (the worst -case scenario). The total amount of runoff that needs to be stored is 52,933 CF or 1.2 acre -feet. For this Report, we are assuming the use of a combination underground storage system consisting of five barrels of 96" CMP, 79 feet long, 2 — 52 feet long headers for storage only , one 41' deep Maxwell drywell, and 5' -0" deep single storm trap units for infiltration and storage chamber. The chamber will be accessible by two manholes and has sufficient height for a person to enter and perform maintenance procedures. The total storage volume for the combination underground system is 53,000 CF or 101% of the required storage volume. The bottom of the 5-0" deep storm trap units will of native granular material and will be used for infiltration of runoff into the ground soils. The subsurface soils are silty sands and no significant clayey soils were observed based on the borings taken at the job site. A percolation test performed on the project site. The worst -cast percolation rate is 4.2 inch /hour. A conservative percolation rate of 2 inches per hour is being used to determine the draw down time. One drywell is also used to percolate deep storage runoff to subsurface. The calculations show that the basin would infiltrate the stored volume in 46 hours ( <_ 72 hours, therefore O.K.). Refer to Section XIII for the supporting calculations and percolation test results. Basin "B" For the purpose of sizing the basin, we determined the total storage volume required by calculating the storm volume of the Proposed Condition Unit Hydrograph for 100 -year storm event, 3 -hour frequency (worst -case scenario). The total amount of runoff that needs to be stored is 27,010 CF or 0.6 acre -feet. For this report, we are assuming the use of below -grade ' open basin, 3:1 side slopes, 4.2 feet deep and 189 ft x 20 ft bottom. The total storage volume for the open basin is 28,031 CF or 104% of the required storage volume. The subsurface soils are silty sands and no significant clayey soils were observed based on the borings taken at the job site. A percolation test performed on the project site. The worst -cast percolation rate is 5.1 inch /hour. A conservative percolation rate of 2 inches per hour is being used to determine the draw down time. One drywell is also used to percolate deep storage runoff to subsurface. The calculations show that the basin would infiltrate the stored volume in 19 hours (s 72 hours, therefore O.K.). Refer to Section XIII for the supporting calculations and percolation test results. Basin "C" ' For the purpose of sizing the basin, we determined the total storage volume required by calculating the storm volume of the Proposed Condition Unit Hydrograph for 100 -year storm event, 3 -hour frequency (worst -case scenario). The total amount of runoff that needs to be stored is 17,834 CF or 0.41 acre -feet. For this report, we are assuming the use of below -grade open basin, 3:1 side slopes, 4.1 feet deep and 76 feet x 34 feet bottom. The total storage volume for the open basin is 18,937 CF or 106% of the required storage volume. The subsurface soils are silty sands and no significant clayey soils were observed based on the borings taken at the job site. A percolation test performed on the project site. The worst -cast percolation rate is 6.5 inch /hour. A conservative percolation rate of 2 inches per hour is being used to determine the draw down time. One drywell is also used to percolate deep storage DRC & ' HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA ' runoff to subsurface. The calculations show that the basin would infiltrate the stored volume in 17 hours (s 72 hours, therefore O.K.). Refer to Section XIII for the supporting calculations and percolation test results. Storm Drain Improvements ` rThe proposed storm drain system is composed of Storm brain Line 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' & 'E' along with numerous on -site catch basins, grate inlets and laterals. Refer to the "Hydraulic Map" for a ' map storm drain layout and inlet locations. Hydraulics calculations were performed using Los Angeles County Water Surface Profile Gradient (WSPG). As shown on the pipe hydraulic calculation, line 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' & 'E' has the capacity to meet or exceed the runoff generated from the 100 -year storm event. Catch basins and grate inlets are sized to collect the runoff ' generated from 100 -year storm event. Catch Basin sizing and depth of flow calculations were using L.A. County, Design manual, 1972, Plate 2.6 -0651. Grate inlet calculations were performed using the Caltrans Highway Drainage Design Equation 4 -6. ' On -Site Retention Emergency Outlet Basin "A ": At a storage volume exceeding 52,993 CF, discharge will begin to outlet to the proposed 14' catch basin at the SWC of Jefferson St. & Fred Waring Dr. The runoff then will spill over to the other side of Fred Waring Dr. Therefore, all the building structures on -site will be protected. See Section X for a diagram illustrate the emergency overflow route. Basin "B ": At a storage volume exceeding 27,010 CF, discharge will begin spill out at the drain ' inlet (low point) in front of Shop A. The runoff will then sheet flow to Fred Waring Drive. Therefore, all the building structures on -site will be protected. See Section X for a diagram . illustrate the emergency overflow route. Basin "C ": At a storage volume exceeding 17,834 CF, discharge will begin to outlet at the catch basin by the south driveway along Jefferson Street. The runoff then will continue south to an existing 28' catch basin near Independent Way. Therefore, all the building structures on -site ' will be protected. See Section XIII for supporting calculations and diagram. Conclusion tIn conclusion, the proposed development will not adversely affect the existing drainage pattern in the area and will provide adequate protection for the proposed on -site improvements and structures. 1 DRCIL HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA II. VICINITY MAP DRCJ& ANT FRST qTF 10 BERMUDA DUNES COUNTRY CLUB FRED WARING DRIVE F w � � N w �\ o N w N w u- Q o MILES AVENUE ui Q U) J Q N a w z 0 N.T.S. WESTWARD HO DR VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 1 HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA 1 1 1 III. DRAINAGE CRITERIA 1 i 1 1 1 - 1� DRC O R. 6 E. Ell �. 11 KIIEI ■ate R. 7E 1730" P.. AVENG WMEMM. 1� RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, COACHELLA VALLEY AREA , a . I (LA QUINTA QUADRANGLE) f as Mao*, At qu. -z n n 69 Fe Lai Mao ;7.777; Siphon MaB 4;f uj ;Z NA GPA 1S> :,i, SO-LL CjjAS5 I -4 X 5t, PMA a U., r. mau 41" mk-_ A 41. MMM21'1_1 42'30- . 411A St'w 0 , �12 Rio, 0 -'00 At 7 '� v -, ttt j 40' Gg P P .AFC, 0�^� iO ql# A. I It' 92 UV to ",'A A• L tt=tli 24 hr 4.50in 6 h, 3.40 l3b 290 I b; 2:20 .1 IIRI�K V'L� MIN", iA NWM wAY Ai 50 p s olom �A S , d' IW . Aivni 11 iy A , - , '�' �. .1 1, . .1 � , �. I . .1 � . -.1. � - I - - .1, , ., ..".- - . .': - .. I 7_4'11;4 ­Jir��::-. . ,I;.,-" :!� , � , . _ . .. .,. , - I- : -Ir -.: I - ". 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I I I I . . � I . . . ­ - � �- . ______�_ o . . - - ��C Resource Consultants Sht (of �. .�� D�yOIo�PYieYI� —I Project: 'T2 erson. 5fMar& By: y Date: OS Zglo� " Job No: C_ Soy' Ckd: Date: 1 1 1 1 r 1 I 1 1 J 24 -hour 7 N OAA QATA OeterMtoC -tioeL O-�' . - Year l -your �f2c;pi'Fati�- Precipitation Frequency Data Output NOAA Atlas 2 California 33.450 ?N 116.1 ?W Site- specific Estimates No-Ta - (pate, bze on a rata 9aaPi ; eL tole 5 - 6asf c4 T4ersati and Wert- l,n� iW..,,d%J SbA4 weQ� of Calhoun Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - NOAA /National Weather Service 1325 East -West Highway - Silver Spring, LID 20910 - (301) 713 -1669 Wed Aug 1 12:32:08 2007 Z - Ylep r �Y�eci Pi'(�tfidn lOc) -"Year Prec('pita*f e'* M4; a �fl Hour r , - L Nokr For � ftctiecf- , lou -Year - I40' Ltr rveci (�ta4did = Z, I o" 2 ` %A V- r- 0. 30 0,63" PrPG r P) taf 0. 6 3 " W i I I �Y- Ltkc( to 4Y tk_ 2 - Yea r Sfwm ae,wJ Precipitation Precipitation Map (inches) Intensity (in /hr) 2 -year 6- hour 2 -year 0.77 1.20 0.13 0.05 24 -hour 12 59 0.43 100 -year 4.00 0.17 No-Ta - (pate, bze on a rata 9aaPi ; eL tole 5 - 6asf c4 T4ersati and Wert- l,n� iW..,,d%J SbA4 weQ� of Calhoun Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - NOAA /National Weather Service 1325 East -West Highway - Silver Spring, LID 20910 - (301) 713 -1669 Wed Aug 1 12:32:08 2007 Z - Ylep r �Y�eci Pi'(�tfidn lOc) -"Year Prec('pita*f e'* M4; a �fl Hour r , - L Nokr For � ftctiecf- , lou -Year - I40' Ltr rveci (�ta4did = Z, I o" 2 ` %A V- r- 0. 30 0,63" PrPG r P) taf 0. 6 3 " W i I I �Y- Ltkc( to 4Y tk_ 2 - Yea r Sfwm ae,wJ L 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 r pi hTP (1-4 F% HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE 1 SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA 1 1 IV. EXISTING CONDITION RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS EXIST /NO HYDROLOGY SUMMARY FOR JEFFERSON SOUARE LA OU/NTA, CALIFORNIA HYDROLOGY SUMMARY DRAINAGE AREA AREA (AC.) Q10 (CFS) Qloo (CFS) 4.53 4.74 10.18 �Z 6.33 5.87 12.75 &3 0.99 3.05 5.20 PEAK FLOWRATE: 11.85 13.66 28.13 1.15 CFS /AC. 2.37 CFS /AC. RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ' (RCFC &WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 6.OD) Release Date:'06 /01/2005 License ID 1510 '. Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consultants 8175 E. Kaiser Blvd Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 (714) 685 -6860 + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + ++ * C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA, CA * EXISTING CONDIDTION * 10 -YEAR STORM EVENT --------------------------------------=------- ---------- ------ ---- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FILE NAME: 7304EX.DAT tTIME /DATE OF STUDY: 10:37 08/29/2007 USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED -PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.95 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.630 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 ' COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.247 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.6000 RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD ' NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND.IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER - DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR ' NO. -(FT) _ - (FT)_y SIDE - /_SIDE/ -WAY - -(FT)- -(FT) -(FT)- (FT)- _ -(n) -- 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 ' GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth) *(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN t OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* +------------------------------------------------------ ---- ------ --- -- - - - - -+ EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA El + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 2.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- » »> RATIONAL - METHOD - INITIAL_ SUBAREA - ANALYSIS« « <------------------------ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS: UNDEVELOPED.WITH POOR COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 661.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 48.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 43.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 ' TC = 0.533 *[( 661.00 * *3) /( 5.00)] * *.2 = 18.999 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.4.86 UNDEVELOPED WATERSHED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .4206 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" Exss -ri 1(n Goo is ma 10- YMk ' SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.74 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.53 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.74 +------------------------------------------------------ ------- -- ------ --- - -+ EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA t-Z 1 -- FLOW - PROCESS - FROM - NODE - - - -- 10.00 -TO- NODE - - -- _20.00 -IS- CODE -= 21 - ------ - - - - - -- » »oRATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS: UNDEVELOPED WITH POOR COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 926.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 49.20 ' DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 42.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 7.20 TC = 0.533 *[( 926.00 * *3) /( 7.20)] * *.2 = 21.622 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.301 ' UNDEVELOPED WATERSHED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .4033 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.87 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.33 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.87 +---------------------------'----------------------- --------- -------- -- - - - - -+ EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA �3 ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- ' -- FLOW - PROCESS - FROM - NODE - - -- -15.00 TO NODE - - - -- 25.00 -IS 21 -CODE = >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS <<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 907.00 ' UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 55.70 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 16.20 TC = 0.303 *[( 907.00 * *3) /( 16.20)] * *.2 = 10.333 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.583 t COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8603 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.05 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.99 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS 1 5X1511mc Cb 71 RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC &WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling version 6.OD) Release Date: 06/01/2005 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consultants 8175 E. Kaiser Blvd Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 t (714) 685 -6860 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * *• * * * * * * * *. * * **. * * ** * C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA, CA * EXISTING CONDIDTION ' * 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE NAME: 7304EX.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 10:36 08/29/2007 ------- - -------------------------------------=---------------=--- - --- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18. -00 ' SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.95 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.630 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.100 Y SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.6000 RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD „ NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER- DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. SIDE SIDE / (FT) (FT)- (FT)- ' -(FT) -- -WAY - -(FT) -/- - -(n)_- 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 '(FT) GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow•Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth) *(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN ' OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* +- ----------------------------------- -------------- '---- ------ - - - - -+ EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA +---- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -------- - - - - - c- - - - - -- -- --- - - - -- -- - - - ----- ----- - - - --+ ****************************#*****************• * * * * * * *ir* **** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * ** .FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 2.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS <<<<< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM_____ _______________ ________________ . DEVELOPMENT IS: UNDEVELOPED WITH POOR COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 661.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 48.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 43.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 TC = 0.533 *[( 661.00 * *3) /( 5.00)] * *.2 = 18.999 ' 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.187 UNDEVELOPED WATERSHED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .5368 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.18 t TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.53 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.18 +--------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ - - -- -+ EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA Z +---------------------------------------------- ----- ------- ----------- -- - - -+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 20.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS <<<<< ---------------------------=------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS: UNDEVELOPED WITH POOR COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 926.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 49.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 42.00 ELEVATION-DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 7.20 TC = 0.533 *[( 926.00 * *3) /( 7.20)] * *.2 = 21.622 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.874 UNDEVELOPED WATERSHED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 15198 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.75 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.33 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.75• +------- - ------- - ---------------------------------------- --- -- -- --- --- - - - - -+ EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA �3 +----------=------------------------------------- ---- ------ ----------- --- - -+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 15.00 TO NODE 25.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS <<<<< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 907.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 55.70 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 16.20 TC = 0.303 *[( 907.00 * *3) /( 16.20)] * *.2 = 10.333 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.033 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8712 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.20 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.99 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.20 ----------------=----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS i ' HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA V. PROPOSED CONDITION RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS I� ■ DRC °ROPOSEL:) HYLDROL OOY CALCULATIONS FOR JEFFERSON SOUARE LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA HYDROLOGY SUMMARY DRAINAGE AREA AREA (AC.) Qio (CFS) Qioo (CFS) Al 1.58 4.87 - 8.31 A2 2.57 7.60 13.02 A3 2.69 7.44 12.84 TOTAL: 6.84 19.90 34.16 B1 1.38 4.83 8.23 B2 2.32 7.40 12.76 TOTAL: 3.70 12.23 20.98 C 2.45 7.76 13.23 TOTAL SITE: 12.99 39.89 68.37 3.07 CFS /AC. 5.26 CFS /AC. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC &WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 6.OD) Release Date: 06/01/2005 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consultants ' 8175 E. Kaiser Blvd Anaheim Hills, CA 92808. (714) 685 -6860 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ * C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA, CA • PROPOSED CONDIDTION • 10 -YEAR STORM EVENT -------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- -- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------------------- I ------------------- FILE NAME: 7304PRO:DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 10:58 02/20/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0:95 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.630 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.247 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.6000 RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER - DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT- /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR .NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) - -- - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- --- - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth) *(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* +-------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------- - - - - -+ I PROPOSED SUBAREA Al + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + -- FLOW - PROCESS - FROM - NODE - - - -- -1.00 TO NODE - - - -- 2.00 -IS CODE = 21 >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS <<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 907.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 55.70 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 16.20 TC = 0.303 *[( 907.00 * *3) /( 16.20)] * *.2 = 10.333 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.583 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8603 PRoPsgo GovbZ7xo�V /0 — ;mIQ 1 i SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.87 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.58 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.87 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE - - - - -- 2.00 -TO NODE - - -- 3_00 IS CODE = 31 --------------------- --------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA <<<<< >>>>>USING COMPUTER - ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON- PRESSURE FLOW) <<<<< REPRESENTATIVE SLOPE = 0.0050 FLOW LENGTH(FEET). = 205.00 MANNING'S N = 0.012 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS, 10.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 4.68 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 4.87 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.73 Tc(MIN.) = 11.06 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 3.00 = 1112.00 FEET. +------------------------------------------------------------------ --- -- - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA A2 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 3.00 TO NODE 3.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW <<<<< --------------------------------------------- - - - - - -- ------------------ 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.439 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8593 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.57 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.60 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.47 TC(MIN.) = 11.06 +++# xk++ a### k+**## k*+++ xx* kk**+++*++ x## x**++* xxx + + +k + + + + #x + + + + +xk # + + + + + + #kkk FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 3.00 TO NODE 4.00 IS CODE = 31 >>>>>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA <<<<< >>>>>USING COMPUTER - ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON - PRESSURE FLOW) <<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPRESENTATIVE SLOPE = 0.0050 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 445.00 MANNING'S N = 0.012 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 5.88 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 12.47 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.26 Tc(MIN.) = 12.32 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 4.00 = 1557.00 FEET. +-------------------------------------------------- ------------------ - - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA A3 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -- FLOW - PROCESS - FROM - NODE - - - - -- 4.00 -TO- NODE - - - - -- 4.00 -IS CODE = 81 >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW <<<<< ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.224 ' COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8579 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.69 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.44 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.8 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 19.90 TC(MIN.) = 12.32 +------------------------------------------------- --- ------ -- ---- -- --- - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA B1 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 20.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- d >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<<<<< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 420.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 49.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.50 TC = 0.303 *[( 420.00 * *3) /( 4.50)] * *.2 = 8.412 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.054 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8630 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.83 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.38 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.83 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 20.00 TO NODE 30.00 IS CODE = 31 >>>>>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA <<<<< >>>>>USING COMPUTER - ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON - PRESSURE FLOW)<<<c< REPRESENTATIVE SLOPE = 0.0050 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 380.00 MANNING'S N = 0.012 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 4.67 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 4.83 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.36 Tc(MIN.) 9.77 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 30.00 = 800.00 FEET. ---------------------- - -------- -------.--------------- -- --- ----- ------- -- - --+ PROPOSED SUBAREA B2 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 30.00 TO NODE 30.00 IS CODE = 81 >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW <<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.706 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8610 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.40, TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.7 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.23 TC(MIN.) = 9.77 +--------------------------------------------------------- '------ -- ---- - - -- -+ PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA C +-------------------------------------------- ---- -- -- ----- ------- ----- - - - - -+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 15.00 TO NODE 25.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------- >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<< <<< - - - - -- -- - - -- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 706.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 48.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 9.50 TC = 0.303 *[( 706.00 * *3) /( 9.50)] * *.2 = 9.893 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.678 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8608 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.76 -- TOTAL -AREA( ACRES)- = - - - - -- 2.45 - -- TOTAL- RUNOFF(CFS)-= - - - - -- 7.76------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS p SS TAW RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON C'"" ' RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC &WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 6.OD) . ' Release Date: 06/01/2005 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: r Development Resource Consultants 8175 E. Kaiser Blvd Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 (714) 685 -6860 + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ * C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA, CA * PROPOSED CONDIDTION * 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT ---------------------------------------------- ---- --- ----- ----- ------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE NAME: 7304PRO.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 10:58 02/20/2008 ----------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.95 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.630 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.100 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.6000 RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER- DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT- /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. -(FT) (FT) -- SIDE -/ -SIDE/ WAY- -(FT)- _(FT) -(FT)- (FT)_ + -(n)__ 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth) *(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* ---------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ---------- - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA Al ------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --- - - - - -+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 2.00 IS CODE = 21 >> >>> RATIONAL_ METHOD - INITIAL - SUBAREA- ANALYSIS<< « <________________________ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = - 907.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 55.70 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 16.20 TC = 0.303 *[( 907.00 * *3) /( 16.20)] * *.2 = 10.333 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.033 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8712 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" L SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.31 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.58 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.31 rar++ r+ aa++ rraarrrrr+++ r+ r+ rrrr+++ a+ rr+ r+ ra+ aarrrr + + + +r + +a + + + + + + +r + + +rr + + + ++ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE -- 2.00 -TO -NODE - - - - -- 3.00 -IS -CODE -= 31 >>>>>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA <<<<< >>>>>USING COMPUTER - ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON - PRESSURE FLOW)<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPRESENTATIVE SLOPE = 0.0050 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 205.00 MANNING'S N = 0.012 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 5.32 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 8.31 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.64 Tc(MIN.) = 10.98 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 3.00 = 1112.00 FEET. +----------------------------------------------------- ------ -- -- ------ - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA A2 ar++ rr+++ aaar+ rrr++ raaaraarrar+. rr+ rr+ a+ aaaaraaaaraara + +a + + +rr + +r + +a +ar + + +aa+ -- FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE - - - - -- 3.00 -TO- NODE - - - -- -3.00 IS CODE = 81 --- - - -- -- ------------------------- >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.819 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8705 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.57 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 21.32 TC(MIN.) = 10.98 a++ rrr+++++ aarr+++ rrrraaar+ rrrrrrr++ r++ rraaa+ + +aaraaaaaa +r + + + + + +arrrrr + +rrr+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 3.00 TO NODE 4.00 IS CODE = 31 -----------------------------------------------------------------'----------- >>>>>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< >>>>>USING COMPUTER - ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON - PRESSURE FLOW)<<<<< REPRESENTATIVE SLOPE = 0.0050 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 445.00 MANNING'S N = 0.012 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 20.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 6.60 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 21.32 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.12 Tc(MIN.) = 12.10 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 4.00 = 1557.00 FEET. t----------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA A3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I rrrr+ arr++ rrr+ rr++ rra+ r+ rr++ rr+++ aaa++++ rr+ r+ r +r + +r +rrr + + +rrrrrr + +r + + + +r +r ++ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.00 IS CODE = 81 >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW <<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.489 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8694 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.69 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.84 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.8 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 34.16 TC(MIN.) = 12.10 +------------------------------------------------- ---- --- ----- -------- - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA B1 +-------=------------------------------------ ---------------- --------- - - - --+ •+ r++ a++ rrr+ rr+ r+ rr++ rr+ arr++++++ aar+ rrrrrr++ r + + + + + + +r +r +arr + + + + + +arrrr + +a +r FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 20.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<<<<< .1 ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS'COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 420.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 49.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.50 TC = 0.303 *[( 420.00 *3) /( 4.50)] * *.2 = 8.412 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.826 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8736 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.38 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.23 ++ r++##+##+++ r+++#+# r+ rrr##++ r+ r++# r#+++++ rrrrr + + +r #r + +rr #r + + + + +r + + + + + #rr + +# FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 20.00 TO NODE 30.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< >>>>>USING COMPUTER - ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON - PRESSURE FLOW)<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPRESENTATIVE SLOPE = 0.0050 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 380.00 MANNING'S N = 0.012 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 5.31 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 8.23 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.19 Tc(MIN.) = 9.60 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 10.00 TO NODE 30.00 = 800.00 FEET. +---------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- -- - - - - -+ PROPOSED SUBAREA B2 ---- - - - - -- +###++ rrr#+ r+++ r++ rrr##+ rrr+ r++++ r++ r# r+++ rr+ + +rrrr +r + + + +r + + +r + *r + # # #r + + +r ## FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 30.00 TO NODE 30.00 IS CODE = 81 >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW <<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.304 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8721 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.76 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.7 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 20.98 TC(MIN.) = 9.60 +--------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------- - - - --+ PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA C +---------------------------------- - --------- ------------- ----- --- ---- -- - --+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 15.00 TO NODE 25.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS <<<<< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 706.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 48.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 9.50 TC = 0.303 *[( 706.00 * *3) /( 9.50)] * *.2 = 9.893 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.193 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8717 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.23 - -TOTAL AREA( ACRES)- = - - - - -- 2.45 - -- TOTAL - RUNOFF(CFS)- = - - - -- 13.23------- - - - - -- END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA VI. SMALL AREA UNIT HYDROGRAPH CRITERIA DRC RUNOFF INDEX NUMBERS OF HYDROLOGIC SOIL -COVER COMPLEXES FOR PERVIOUS AREAS -AMC II Cover Type (3) Quality of Soil Group Cover (2) 1 A I B' I C D AGRICULTURAL COVERS Fallow (Land plowed but not tilled or seeded) RCFC S. WCC HYDROLOGY 1N /1ANUAL Good 133 158 172 179 76 185 190 192 RUNOFF INDEX NUMBERS FOR PERVIOUS AREA P I AT F' tl - ai =i h of 91 NATURAL COVERS - Barren 78 86 91 93 (Rockland, eroded and graded land) Chaparrel, Broadleaf Poor 53 70 80 85 (Manzonita, ceanothus and scrub oak) Fair 40 63 75 81 Good 31 57 71 78 Chaparrel, Narrowleaf Poor 11 82 88 91 (Chamise and redshank) Fair 55 72 81 86 Grass, Annual or Perennial Poor 67. 78 86 89 Fair 50 69 79 84 Good 38 61 74 80 Meadows.or Cienegas Poor 63 77 85 88 (Areas with seasonally high water table, Fair 51 70 80 84 principal vegetation is sod forming grass) Good 30 58 72 78 Open Brush Poor. 62: 76 84 88 (Soft wood shrubs - .buckwheat, sage, etc•.) Fair 46 66 77 83 Good 41 63 75 81 Woodland Poor 45 66 77 83 (Coniferous or broadleaf trees predominate. Fair 36 60 73 79 Canopy density is at least 50 percent) Good 28.. 55 70 77 Woodland, Grass Poor 57 73 82 86 (Coniferous or broadleaf trees with canopy Fair 44 65 77 82 density.from 20 to 50 percent) Good 33 58 '72 79 URBAN COVERS - Residential or Commercial Landscaping Good 3.2 56 69 75 (Lawn, shrubs, etc.) Turf Poor 58 74 83 87 (Irrigated and mowed grass) Fair 44 65 77 82 AGRICULTURAL COVERS Fallow (Land plowed but not tilled or seeded) RCFC S. WCC HYDROLOGY 1N /1ANUAL Good 133 158 172 179 76 185 190 192 RUNOFF INDEX NUMBERS FOR PERVIOUS AREA P I AT F' tl - ai =i h of 91 r ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER Multiple Family Residential: Condominiums Apartments Mobile Home Park 45 - 70 65 - 90 60 - 85 65 80 75 Commercial, Downtown 80 -100 c,) Business or Industrial Notes: 1. Land use should be based on ultimate development of the watershed. Long range master plans for the County and incorporated cities should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions.- 2. Recommended values are based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. The percentage impervious may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences in dwelling size, improvements, etc. Landscape practices should also be considered as it is common in some areas to use ornamental grav- els underlain by impervious plastic materials in place of lawns and shrubs. A field investigation of a study area should always be'made, and a review of aerial photos, where available may assist in estimat- ing the percentage of impervious cover in developed areas. 3. For typical horse ranch subdivisions increase impervious area 5 per- cent over the values recommended in the table above. r: • R C F C &. W C D IMPERVIOUS DOVER HYDROLOGY 1 \ /JANUAL' FOR DEVELOPED AREAS PLATE D -5.6 Recommended Value ,Land Use. (1) Range- Percent For Average Conditions - Percent ( 2 Natural or Agriculture, 0 - 10 0 Single Family Residential: (3) 40,000 S. F. (1 Acre) Lots 10 - 25 20 20,000 S. F. ('i Acre) Lots 30 - 45 40 7,200 - 10,000 S. F. Lots 45 ­55 50 Multiple Family Residential: Condominiums Apartments Mobile Home Park 45 - 70 65 - 90 60 - 85 65 80 75 Commercial, Downtown 80 -100 c,) Business or Industrial Notes: 1. Land use should be based on ultimate development of the watershed. Long range master plans for the County and incorporated cities should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions.- 2. Recommended values are based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. The percentage impervious may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences in dwelling size, improvements, etc. Landscape practices should also be considered as it is common in some areas to use ornamental grav- els underlain by impervious plastic materials in place of lawns and shrubs. A field investigation of a study area should always be'made, and a review of aerial photos, where available may assist in estimat- ing the percentage of impervious cover in developed areas. 3. For typical horse ranch subdivisions increase impervious area 5 per- cent over the values recommended in the table above. r: • R C F C &. W C D IMPERVIOUS DOVER HYDROLOGY 1 \ /JANUAL' FOR DEVELOPED AREAS PLATE D -5.6 0 AVERAGE ADJUSTED LOSS RATE CI ] 121 [3] 141 [5] [6] [T] [8] 193 [101 C7 SOIL GROUP COVER TYPE RI. NUMBER PERVIOUS AREA LAND USE DECIMAL PERCENT ADJUSTED INFILTRATION AREA C87 '1181 AVERAGE ADJUSTED _1 b l7 0 (PLATE C -I) (PLATE E -6.1) INFILTRATION OF AREA RATE -IN /HR INFILTRATION X0 RATE -IN /HR ( PLATE E -6.2) IMPERVIOUS ( PLATE E =6.3) 141 1- .9161) \ �G• 1 A E -9] /HR C 0 r _ r o A CoMMeraad 3 z 0.H4 mera 0.90 = l`f1� 1 4q f �. �� . ~ P g co 7 _ C M a z O g � Cn o c o0 TV/ /�� y M � D D o v 3 O v � 0 CD a —� CL C--A= E[8 J-__ /ail. �rloo - -. v' /�� D VARIABLE LOSS RATE CURVE (24 -HOUR STORM ONLY) Fm= Minimum Loss Rate=-' F/2 =E C103/2= 0.01 3 IN. /HR. v o M C = (F- Fm) /54 = (FC103- Fm) /54= 1)•OoJ3 FT = C(24-(T/60)) 0' = d• 0o� 3 (24- (T /60))i.55+ 0 413 IN. /HR. i Where: U, T =Time in minutes. To get an average value for .each unit time period, Use T= Z the unit time for the _ first time period,T =12 unit time for the second period,etc. — 0 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA, CA DETERMINE 1- HOUR STORM RAINFALL PATTERNS IN PERCENT (For 100 -YEAR 1 -HOUR) Unit [7 Rainfall Pattern % 2 Runoff Ratio [31 Rainfall Ratio Rainfall Pattern % Runoff Adjusted Time Peak 1 Hour Ratio = 31.30 cfs/ 15:84 cfs Ratio = 2.70 "12.10" 1] x 12]x[31 cfs Rainfall Pattern Period For 10 -Year 3 -Hour Storm Event For 100 -Year 1 -Hour Storm Event For 100 -Year 1-Hour Storm Event For 10 -Year 1 -Hour Storm Event 1 3.1 1.98 1.29 7.9 12.28 3.0 2 2.9 1.98 1.29 7.4 11.47 3.1 3 3.0 1.98 1.29 7.6 11.87 12 4 3.1 1.98 1.29 7.9 12.28 3.2 5 4.2 1.98 1.29 10.7 16.71 3.5 6 5.0 1.98 1.29 12.7 19.94 5.0 7 3.5 1.98 1.29 8.9 13.89 5.2 8 6.8 1.98 1.29 17.3 27.20 17.0 9 7.3 1.98 1.29 1 18.5 29.22 18.5 10 8.2 1.98 1.29 20.8 32.85 20.8 11 5.9 1.98 1.29 15.0 23.57 14.5 12 2.0 1.98 1.29 5.1 7.84 3.0 100.0 Note: 1). Qpeak For 100 -Year 3 -Hour Storm Event is 15.84 CFS, Rational Qpeak is 31.30 cfs (V4Iersh42J A) 2) Rainfall For 100 -Year 3 -Hour Storm Event is 2.70 ", Rainfall For 10 -Year 1 -Hour Storm Event is 2.10" 3) Adjusted Rainfall Pattern ( %) in the beginning and end of the rain in order to obtain 100% rainfall pattern r M m 1 (D Z NOTES: I. 3 and 6- hour.potter.ns.bosed,on'the Indio area. thunderstorm,:of September 24,1939. 2. 24 -hour patterns based on. the geri. storm of March 2 a 3,1.938. . CN) RAINFALL PATTERNS IN :P:ERCENT G 3 - HOUR STOW.— H.OUR ... 6.:..: STORM:. 24 =-HOUR STORM ..� :.:: '...:.. TIME 5 -MIN 1.0 -MINIS -MIN 30 MIN TIME PER I�00 ' S -NIN PERIOD -.30 MIN 15 'NIN PER I00 PERr00 30 MIN' PERIOD. TIME PERIOD : 5-NIN' P,ERIOD° TIME ,. PERIOD. 1S -MIN 30 =MIN PERIOD. PERIOD' 60 -MIN PERIOD PERIOD TIME 1S -MIN. PERIOD 49 2.5 PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD. FERI00 PERIOD 1' 2 .:5 '.'6 :49 I 1 1 7'- 3 '6 ^'" 7 2 1.9 4 3 ' 50 1.j 1.8` b 1 1.3 2.6 3.7 '8:5 1.51.2.. 2 y3. •7 - 1.3 1:8. 50 51 2.6 2.8 2 3 1.3 1.1 2.6 3:3 4.8 10-.0 5.1 13:9 3 ..6. - 1.3: 2.1. .. 4.8 51. ; 1.9 2.0 3 3. .6 .t .) 2..1 '2.8' 52 53 2.9 3.t L ® 4 1.5 3.3 4.9 17.4 ♦ 5 ..6 .6 1'. ♦- 2.2,. -1.4 2.4 .4:9 5:3 .52 53 2.1 5 6 3 ,8. :3 1.0 2.9 54 3.4. 5 6 1.5 1.8 3.3 3.4 6.6 29.9 7.3 20.3 6' ..) - 1..5• 2:4' 1.6'. 2.4 .._5;:g :6.8. 54 :55' 2.1 2:2 7 -..4 .3 1.0 '1 3.R 4:6 55 56 2.3 2.3 1- 7 1.5 4.4 8.4 7 B ...7 ,A 1 .6.. '' 2 :5 - 9:A' ' S6 2:3 8 9 ..1 1 ;.3 '6:3 .SY 2.7 8 0 1.8 1.8 t..2 5.3 0 0 12.3 o .7•..1.6. '.2.6. 1.6' 1.1-.6.. U:.4 • 57 -58' 2.4 2.4 10 .4 '.♦ 1.5 1.3 8:2 1 +� 58 59 2.6 2.6 IO 1.5 1.6 5.1 6.t 17.6. 16.1 30 I1 .T .7 ,2.7 .1.6 . -2.8 -25.1 :59 2.5 1.1. 12 ,5 ,5 1.6 -•7.3 60 2:5 11 12 L.8 S.o 4.2 P2 .8 1.7 :3. :0 4.4 -. 60.' 2.6 13 .5 1.8 10.8 61 2.4 13 2.2 7.3 13- 1♦ .8- ..B 1:7 3.2 1.B 3:6. 61 -62 3.1 3.6- 14 ]5 ..5 . 2.0 '.5 2.1 ''1'0:4 11.4 62 63' 2.3 1:9 1t IS 2.2 2.2 8.5 14.1 -1.5" .8' 1.8 '4.3 63 3.9 .16 ,6 2:5 "3'.0 B.S 64 1.9 15 2.0 14.1 16. 1T .8 t e; 1.8 ♦:7.,' ' 2.0 ...:5.4 - :'64 :65 4.2' 4.7' 17. is ' .6 .. ...7 3.3 - 1:4 1 .9 65 66' .4 .4 1 7 2.6 2.7 3. 8 2.4 18 .8 2.0 .,. ..6:2 -. 66 5:6 _ _ 19 _ ,7 '3:,9' 1.3 6T :3 . 18 2.4 1.9 :8'.... 2. 17'6..9 -. -: 67; -.' .1.9 20.. .8 4.3 1.2 .68 .3 19 20 2.7 20 21. -.B .8 .. 2.2. ...77568. 2..5 10.6',,'_ '69 ...9. _ .6 21 22 - .6" 3.0 .7,* 4.0' .1.1' 1.0 69 TO •5 .5 21 3.3 3.1 '22' `.8' .;2:8.. 14.5.. '.70 .5 23 .e 3.8 •9 71 .5 22 23 2.9 23 24.9. :8: 3.0 .3.4- 3.2 1.0: 71. 72 - •3 •2 '24 25 .e 3.5 .9 .5.1 .B 72 73 .4 :4 24 25 3.0 3.1 '. 25 -.8 ..9:. .3.5'. - 3.9 .. 26 .ZT' •9 5_•7., 1.0. 6.8 .74 75 .4 .3 25 2T ♦.2 5.0 .26 27 28 ..9 :9 <, 4.4,. 4.:5 28 29 1.0 . 4:6. 1.0 5.3 T6. 7T .2 .3 28 7.9 3.5 6.8 29 30 .9: t9' 4.8. 5.1. _ :30 31 1.1 5.1. 1.2 4.7 78 70 •4' .3 30 31 7.3 8.2 31 .9' ';6.7 .32 1.3 3.8 80 .2 .3 _ 32 5.9 32 33'. ':9. 1:0: 8.1' 10.3 33 34 1:5 .0 1..5 .6 B1 82 .3 •y L. 33 34 'c.0 1 0, 34 .1:0 2.8 ' _ 35 1.6: 1'.0 " " 83 •3 Z -� 1.6 35',. 36 "1�. 0 1.:0 1:1' 5 . 36 . 37 1:.7 ..9 1.9'. B 84 BS .2 3 lv Yom' 36 37 =1':0.` 3B 2.0 .5 B6. •2 I-- 1 38. 39 d.1 .l.F: 30. 40 .2.1. �•7: .2.2 ". ..5" B7 BB .3 ..2 .40 - 1.:$.. .. .. _ _. 41 1.5 ...6. 89 .3. m 41' 4 2'. 1..2. 1:3. .42. 43 1:5 ' 5 2.0. .5 90 91 .2 •2 43 44 1..4 '1.4: 44, .45. 2.0 .5. 1..9 .5.. q2 93 .2 .'2. 45. .. -. -1...5 1 .5 - .46' ' 477 1.9 •4. 1 :7- .4 - 94 95 .2 •2 T 1 • 1 _�46 4:7. 'l.b 48'.. 1.8 '.4: .96 .2 Z 48 I.6.. . .. Z NOTES: I. 3 and 6- hour.potter.ns.bosed,on'the Indio area. thunderstorm,:of September 24,1939. 2. 24 -hour patterns based on. the geri. storm of March 2 a 3,1.938. . HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA ' VII. SMALL UNIT HYDROGRAPH CALCULATIONS - PROPOSED CONDITION DRC JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 1 Area, acres: 6.84 Point Rainfall, inches: 2.10 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial �flC53A R I o 0 Y-bPA 1 Oaf Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain inlhr Max. Loss Rate in/hr Low Loss Rate in/hr Effective Rain inthr Flow Rate CFS Flow Volume CF Perc. Volume CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage Volume CF 1 3.0 0.756 0.1430 - 0.613 4.19 1,258 83 1,175 1,175 2 3.1 0.781 0.1430 - 0.638 4.37 1,310 83 1,227 2,401 3 1 3.2 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 4.54 1,361 83 1,278 3,680 4 3.2 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 4.54 1,361 83 1,278 4,958 5 3.5 0.882 0.1430 - 0.739 5.05 1,516 83 1,433 6,391 6 5.0 1.260 0.1430 - 1.117 7.64 2,292 83 2,209 8,601 7 5.2 1.310 0.1430 - 1.167 7.99 2,396 83 2,313 10,913 8 17.0 4.284 0.1430 - 4.141 28.32 8,497 83 8,414 19,327 9 18.5 4.662 0.1430 - 4.519 30.91 9,273 83 9,190 28,517 10 20.8 5.242 0.1430 - 5.099 34.87 10,462 83 10,379 38,897 11 14.5 3.654 0.1430 - 3.511 24.02 7,205 83 7,122 46,018 12 3.0 0.756 0.1430 - 0.613 4.19 1,258 83 1,175 47,193 100.0 23.5 48,189 47,193 Effective Rain 1.96 Inches 6,900 CFIAC Storm Volume 1.08 Ac -Ft Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time Based on using 5' deep single trap standard storm trap unit, 6" stone below the bottom, effective percolation area = 5,980 square fee' Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *5,980 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches = 83 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 2.10 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.252 x %Pattern JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 3 Area, acres: 6.84 Point Rainfall, inches: 2.70 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial 6As-J.► A ( oo Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in/hr- Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Flow Volume CF Perc. Rate CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 1.3 0.421 0.1430 - 0.278 1.90 571 83 488 488 2 1.3 0.421 0.1430 - 0.278 1.90 571 83 488 976 3 1.1 0.356 1 0.1430 - 0.213 1.46 438 83 1 355 1,331 4 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 2.35 704 83 621 1,951 5 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 2.35 704. 83 621 2,572 6 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 3.01 903 83 820 3,393 7 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 2.35 704 83 621 4,013 8 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 3.01 903 83 820 4,834 9 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 3.01 903 83 820 5,654 10 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 2.35 704 83 621 6,275 11 1.6 0.518 0.1430 - 0.375 2.57 770 83 687 6,962 12 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 3.01 903 83 820 7,782 13 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 3.90 1,169 83 1,086 8,869 14 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 3.90 1,169 83 1,086 9,955 15 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 3.90 1,169 83 1,086 11,041 16 2.0 0.648 0.1430 - 0.505 3.45 1,036 83 953 11,994 17 2.6 0.842 0.1430 - 0.699 4.78 1,435 83 1,352 13,347 18 2.7 0.875 0.1430 - 0.732 5.01 1,502 83 1,419 14,765 19 2.4 0.778 0.1430 - 0.635 4.34 1,302 83 1,219 15,984 20 2.7 0.875 0.1430 - 0.732 5.01 1,502 83 1,419 17,403 21 3.3 1.069 0.1430 - 0.926 6.34 1,901 83 1,818 19,221 22 3.1 1.004 0.1430 - 0.861 5.89 1,768 83 1,685 20,905 23 2.9 0.940 0.1430 - 0.797 5.45 1,635 83 1,552 22,457 24 3.0 0.972 0.1430 - 0.829 5.67 1,701 83 1,618 24,075 25 3.1 1.004 0.1430 - 0.861 5.89 1,768 83 1,685 25,760 26 4.2 1.361 0.1430 - 1.218 8.33 2,499 83 2,416 28,175 27 5.0 1.620 0.1430 - 1.477 10.10 3,031 83 2,948 31,123 28 3.5 1.134 0.1430 - 0.991 6.78 2,034 83 1,951 33,074 29 6.8 2.203 0.1430 - 2.060 14.09 4,228 83 4,145 37,218 30 7.3 2.365 0.1430 - 2.222 15.20 4,560 83 4,477 41,695 31 8.2 2.657 0.1430 - 2.514 17.19 5,158 83 5,075 46,771 32 5.9 1.912 0.1430 - 1.769 12.10 3,629 83 3,546 50,317 33 2.0 0.648 0.1430 - 0.505 3.45 1,036 83 953 51,270 34 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 3.01 903 83 820 52,090 35 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 3.01 903 83 820 52,911 36 0.6 0.194 0.1430 - 0.051 0.35 105 83 22 1 52,933 100.0 19.3 55,921 1 1 52,933 ' Effective Rain 1.61 Inches 7,739 MAC Storm Volume 1.22 Ac -Ft ' Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate *effective percolation area * unit time 'Based on using 5' deep single trap standard storm trap unit, 6" stone below the bottom, effective percolation area = 5,980 sgwte Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *5,980 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches '= 83 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 2.70 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.324 x %Pattern f> T PEAK J i 11 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storrs Period, hrs: 6 Area, acres: 6.84 Point Rainfall, inches: 3.20 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.1425 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial LX1SAJ A Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in/hr Low Loss Rate in /hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Runoff Volume CF Perc. Volume CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 0.5 0.192 0.1425 - 0.050 0.34 102 83 19 19 2 0.6 0.230 0.1425 - 0.088 0.60 180 83 97 116 3 0.6 0.230 0.1425 - 0.088 0.60 180 83 97 213 4 0.6 0.230 0.1425 - 0.088 0.60 180 83 97 311 5 0.6 0.230 0.1425 - 0.088 0.60 180 83 97 408 6 0.7 0.269 0.1425 - 0.126 0.86 259 83 176 584 7 0.7 0.269 0.1425 - 0.126 0.86 259 83 176 760 8 0.7 0.269 1 0.1425 - 0.126 0.86 259 83 176 937 9 0.7 0.269 0.1425 - 0.126 0.86 259 83 176 1,113 10 0.7 0.269 0.1425 - 0.126 0.86 259 83 176 1,289 11 0.7 0.269 0.1425 - 0.126 0.86 259 83 176 1,465 12 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 1,720 13 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 1,975 14 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 2,230 15 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 2,485 16 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 2,740 17 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 2,995 18 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 3,250 19 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 3,505 20 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 3,760 21 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 4,015 22 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 4,270 23 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 4,525 24 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 4,858 25 0.8 0.307 0.1425 - 0.165 1.13 338 83 255 5,113 26 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 5,447 27 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 5,781 28 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 6,115 29 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 6,448 30 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 6,782 31 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 7,116 32 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1 1.39 417 83 334 7,450 33 1.0 0.384 0.1425 - 0.242 1.65 496 83 413 7,862 34 1.0 0.384 0.1425 - 0.242 1.65 496 83 413 8,275 35 1.0 0.384 0.1425 0.242 1.65 496 83 413 8,687 36 1.0 0.384 0.1425 - 0.242 1.65 496 83 413 9,100 37 1.0 0.384 0.1425 - 0.242 1.65 496 83 413 9,512 38 1.1 0.422 0.1425 - 0.280 1.91 574 83 491 10,004 39 1.1 0.422 0.1425 - 0.280 1.91 574 83 491 10,495 40 1.1 0.422 0.1425 - 0.280 1.91 574 83 491 10,987 41 1.2 0.461 0.1425 - 0.318 2.18 653 83 570 11,557 42 1.3 0.499 0.1425 - 0.357 2.44 732 83 649 12,206 43 1.4 0.538 0.1425 - 0.395 2.70 811 83 728 12,933 44 1.4 0.538 0.1425 - 0.395 2.70 811 83 728 13,661 45 1.5 0.576 0.1425 - 0.434 2.97 890 83 807 14,468 46 1.5 0.576 0.1425 - 0.434 2.97 890 83 807 15,274 47 1.6 0.614 0.1425 - 0.472 3.23 968 83 1 885 16,160 48 1.6 0.614 0.1425 - 0.472 3.23 968 83 885 17,045 49 1.7 0.653 0.1425 1 - 0.510 3.49 1,047 83 964 18,009 50 1.8 0.691 0.1425 - 0.549 3.75 1,126 83 1,043 19,052 51 1.9 0.730 0.1425 - 0.587 4.02 1,205 83 1,122 20,174 52 2.0 0.768 0.1425 - 0.626 4.28 1,284 83 1,201 21,374 i L� I 7 . I 53 2.1 0.806 0.1425 - 0.664 4.54 1,362 83 1,279 22,654 54 2.1 0.806 0.1425 0.664 4.54 1,362 83 1,279 23,933 55 2.2 0.845 0.1425 0.702 4.80 1,441 83 1,358 25,291 56 2.3 0.883 0.1425 0.741 5.07 1,520 83 1,437 26,728 57 2.4 0.922 0.1425 - 0.779 5.33 1,599 83 1,516 28,244 58 2.4 0.922 0.1425 - 0.779 5.33 1,599 83 1,516 29,759 59 2.5 0.960 0.1425 - 0.818 5.59 1,678 83 1,595 31,354 60 2.6 0.998 0.1425 - 0.856 5.85 1,756 83 1,673 33,027 61 3.1 1.190 0.1425 - 1.048 7.17 2,150 83 2,067 35,094 62 3.6 1.382 0.1425 - 1.240 8.48 2,544 83 2,461 37,556 63 3.9 1.498 01425 - 1.355 9.27 2,781 83 2,698 40,253 64 4.2 1.613 0.1425 - 1.470 10.06 3,017 83 2,934 43,187 65 4.7 1.805 0.1425 - 1.662 11.37 3,411 83 3,328 46,515 66 5.6 2.150 0.1425 - 2.008 13.73 4,120 83 4,037 50,553 67 1.9 0.730 0.1425 - 0.587 4.02 1,205 83 1,122 51,674 68 0.9 0.346 0.1425 - 0.203 1.39 417 83 334 52,008 69 0.6 0.230 0.1425 - 0.088 0.60 180 83 97 52,106 70 0.5 0.192 0.1425 - 0.050 0.34 102 83 19 52,124 71 0.3 0.115 - 0.02 0.094 0.65 194 83 111 52,235 72 0.2 0.077 - 0.01 0.063 0.43 129 83 46 52,281 100.0 1 1 22.51 1 58,257 52,281 ' Effective Rain 1.87 Inches 7,643 CF /AC Storm Volume 1.20 Ac -Ft ' Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time ' Based on using 5' deep single trap standard storm trap unit, 6" stone. below the bottom, effective percolation area = 5,980 square f Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *5,980 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches 83 cubic feet per unit time ' Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 3.20 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.384 x %Pattern 1 1 p 1 C JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 24 Area, acres: 6.30 Point Rainfall, inches: 4.25 Unit Time, min: 15 Loss Rate, in /hr: F7= 0.0013 *((24- (T /60)) ^1.55 +0.0713 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial BASS R Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Time (T) Minutes Max. Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in /hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Runoff Volume CF perc. Rate CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 0.2 0.034 7.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 158 0 0 2 0.3 0.051 22.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 237 0 3 0.3 0.051 37.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 237 0 4 0.4 0.068 52.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 316 0 5 0.3 0.051 67.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 237 - 0 6 0.3 0.051 82.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 237 - 0 7 0.3 0.051 97.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 237 - 0 8 0.4 0.068 112.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 67 9 0.4 0.068 127.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 134 10 0.4 0.068 142.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 202 11 0.5 0.085 157.5 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 348 12 0.5 0.085 172.5 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 494 13 0.5 0.085 187.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 640 14 0.5 0.085 202.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 786 15 0.5 0.085 217.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 933 16 0.6 0.102 232.5 - 0.0184 0.084 0.53 474 249 225 1,158 17 0.6 0.102 247.5 - 0.0184 0.084 0.53 474 249 225 1,383 18 0.7 0.119 262.5 - 0.0214 0.098 0.61 553 249 304 1,687 19 0.7 0.119 277.5 - 0.0214 0.098 0.61 553 249 304 1,992 20 0.8 0.136 292.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.70 632 249 383 2,375 21 0.6 0.102 307.5 - 0.0184 0.084 0.53 474 249 225 2,600 22 0.8 0.136 322.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.70 632 249 383 2,983 23 0.8 0.136 337.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.70 632 249 383 3,367 24 0.8 0.136 352.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.70 632 249 383 3,750 25 0.9 0.153 367.5 - 0.0275 0.125 039 711 249 462 4,212 26 1.0 0.170 382.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.88 790 249 541 4,754 27 1.0 0.170 397.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.88 790 249 541 5,295 28 1.0 0.170 412.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.88 790 249 541 5,837 29 1.0 0.170 427.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.88 790 249 541 6,378 30 1.1 0.187 442.5 0.173 - 0.014 0.09 81 249 168 6,210 31 1.2 0.204 457.5 0.170 0.034 0.21 191 249 58 6,152 32 1.3 0.221 472.5 0.168 0.053 0.33 300 249 51 6,203 33 1.5 0.255 487.5 0.166 0.089 0.56 506 249 257 6,460 34 1.5 0.255 502.5 0.163 0.092 0.58 519 249 270 6,731 35 1.6 0.272 517.5 0.161 - 0.111 0.70 1 629 249 380 71110 36 1.7 0.289 532.5 0.159 - 0.130 0.82 738 249 489 7,599 37 1.9 0.323 547.5 0.157 - 0.166 1.05 943 249 694 8,293 38 2.0 0.340 562.5 0.154 - 0.186 1.17 1,052 249 803 9,096 39 2.1 0.357 577.5 0.152 - 0.205 1.29 1,161 249 912 10,008 40 2.2 0.374 592.5 0.150 - 0.224 1.41 1,270 249 1,021 11,029 41 1.5 0.255 607.5 0.148 - 0.107 0.67 607 249 358 11,387 42 1.5 0.255 622.5 0.146 - 0.109 0.69 619 249 370 11,757 43 2.0 0.340 637.5 0.144 - 0.196 1.24 1,113 249 864 12,621 44 2.0 0.340 652.5 0.142 - 0.198 1.25 1,125 249 876 13,497 45 1.9 0.323 667.5 0.140 - 0.183 1.16 1,040 249 791 14,288 46 1.9 0.323 682.5 0.137 - 0.186 1.17 1,052 249 803 15,091 47 1.7 0.289 697.5 0.135 - 0.154 0.97 870 249 621 15,712 48 1.8 0.306 712.5 0.133 - 0.173 1.09 978 249 729 16,441 49 2.5 0.425 727.5 0.132 - 0.293 1.85 1,664 249 1,415 17,857 50 2.6 0.442 742.5 0.130 - 0.312 1.97 1,772 249 1,523 19,379 51 2.8 0.476 757.5 0.128 0.348 2.19 1,975 249 1,726 21,105 52 2.9 0.493 772.5 0.126 0.367 2.31 2,083 249 1,834 22,939 53 3.4 0.578 787.5 0.124 0.454 2.86 2,575 249 2,326 25,265 54 3.4 0.578 802.5 0.122 N 0.456 2.87 2,586 249 2,337 27,602 55 2.3 0.391 817.5 0.120 0.271 1.71 1,536 249 1,287 28,889 56 2.7 0.459 832.5 0.118 0.341 2.15 1,932 249 1,683 30,571 57 2.6 0.442 847.5 0.117 0.325 2.05 1,845 249 1,596 32,168 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 58 2.6 0.442 862.5 0.115 0.327 2.06 1,855 249 1,606 33,774 59 2.5 0.425 877.5 0.113 0.312 1.97 1,769 249 1,520 35,294 60 2.4 0.408 892.5 0.111 0.297 1.87 1,682 249 1,433 36,727 61 2.3 0.391 907.5 0110 0.261 1.77 1,595 249 1,346 38,073 62 1.9 0.323 1 922.5 0.108 0.215 1.35 1,219 249 970 39,043 63 1.9 0.323 937.5 0.106 0.217 1.36 1,228 249 979 40,023 64 1.9 0.323 952.5 0.105 0.218 1.38 1,238 249 989 41,012 65 0.4 0.068 967.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 41,079 66 0.4 0.068 982.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 41,146 67 0.3 0.051 997.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,134 68 0.5 0.085 1012.5 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 41,280 69 0.5 0.085 1027.5 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 41,426 70 0.5 0.085 1042.5 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 41,573 71 0.4 0.068 1057.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 41,640 72 0.4 0.068 1072.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 41,707 73 0.4 0.068 1087.5 0.0122 0.056 0.35 316 249 67 41,774 74 0.3 0.051 1102.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,762 75 0.3 0.051 1117.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,750 76 0.2 0.034 1132.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,659 77 0.3 0.051 1147.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,647 78 0.5 0.085 1162.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.44 395 249 146 41,794 79 0.3 0.051 1177.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,782 80 0.2 0.034 1192.5 0.0061 i 0.028 .0.18 158 249 91 41,691 81 0.3 0.051 1207.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,679 82 0.3 0.051 1222.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,667 83 0.3 0.051 1237.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,655 84 0.3 0.051 1252.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,643 85 0.3 0.051 1267.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,631 86 0.2 0.034 1282.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,541 87 0.3 0.051 1297.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,529 88 0.2 0.034 1312.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,438 89 0.3 0.051 1327.5 0.0092 0.042 0.26 237 249 12 41,426 90 0.2 0.034 1342.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,335 91 0.2 0.034 1357.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,244 92 0.2 0.034 1372.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,153 93 0.2 0.034 1387.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 41,062 94 0.2 0.034 1402.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 40,971 95 0.2 0.034 1417.5 0.0061 0.028 0.18 158 249 91 40,880 96 0.2 0.034 1432.5 0.0061 0.028 '0.18 158 1 249 91 40,789 100.0 1 11.4 64,610 1 1 40,789 Effective Rain 2.85 Inches 6,475 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.94 Ac -Ft Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate ' effective percolation area ' unit time Based on using 5' deep single trap standard storm trap unit, 6" stone below the bottom, effective percolation area = 5,980 square feet Unit time = 30 minutes ' 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.25 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour `5,980 square feet " 0.08333 hours ' 1 feet / 12 inches 249 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. T = time in minutes. To get an average value for each unit time period, Use T =1/2 the unit time for the first time period, T= 1 -1/2 unit time for the second period,etc. 2. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 4.25 x %Pattem) / ( 100 x 15) = 0.17 x %Pattem JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 1 Area, acres: 3.70 Point Rainfall, inches: 2.10 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial loo '(?*R - I oou Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in/hr Max. Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in/hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Flow Volume CF Perc. Volume CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage Volume CF 1 3.0 0.756 0.1430 - 0.613 2.27 680 81 599 599 2 3.1 0.781 0.1430 - 0.638 236 708 81 627 1,227 3 1 3.2 0.806 0.1430 1 - 0.663 2.45 736 81 655 1 1,882 4 3.2 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 2.45 736 81 655 2,538 5 3.5 0.882 0.1430 - 0.739 2.73 820 81 739 3,277 6 5.0 1.260 0.1430 - 1.117 4.13 1,240 81 1,159 4,436 7 5.2 1.310 0.1430 - 1.167 4.32 1,296 81 1,215 5,651 8 17.0 4.284 0.1430 - 4.141 15.32 4,597 81 4,516 10,166 9 18.5 4.662 0.1430 - 4.519 16.72 5,016 81 4,935 15,101 10 20.8 5.242 0.1430 - 5.099 18.86 5,659 81 5,578 20,680 11 14.5 3.654 0.1430 - 3.511 12.99 3,897 81 3,816 24,496 12 3.0 0.756 0.1430 - 0.613 2.27 680 81 599 25,095 100.0 1 1 23.5 26,067 25,095 Effective Rain 1.96 . Inches 6,782 MAC Storm Volume 0.58 Ac -Ft Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 6,500 S7;� Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *6,500 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches = 90 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 2.10 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.252 x %Pattern 2. Effective percolation area = Average basin area @2.1' LI u JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 3 Area, acres: 3.70 Point Rainfall, inches: 2.70 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial W4 is )0 YMK - -SHt ut, Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in/hr Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in/hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Flow Volume CF Perc. Rate CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 1.3 0.421 0.1430 - 0.278 1.03 309 90 219 219 2 1.3 0.421 0.1430 - 0.278 1.03 309 90 219 438 3 1.1 0.356 1 0.1430 - 0.213 1 0.79 237 90 147 584 4 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 1.27 381 90 291 875 5 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 1.27 381 90 291 1,166 6 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.63 489 90 399 1,565 7 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 1.27 381 90 291 1,855 8 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.63 489 90 399 2,254 9 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.63 489 90 399 2,653 10 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 1.27 381 90 291 2,943 11 1.6 0.518 0.1430 - 0.375 1.39 417 90 327 3,270 12 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.63 489 90 399 3,669 13 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 2.11 632 90 542 4,211 14 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 2.11 632 90 542 4,754 15 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 2.11 632 90 542 5,296 16 2.0 0.648 0.1430 - 0.505 1.87 561 90 471 5,767 17 2.6 0.842 0.1430 - 0.699 2.59 776 90 686 6,453 18 2.7 0.875 0.1430 - 0.732 2.71 812 90 722 7,175 19 2.4 0.778 0.1430 - 0.635 2.35 704 90 614 7,790 20 2.7 0.875 0.1430 - 0.732 2.71 812 90 722 8,512 21 3.3 1.069 0.1430 - 0.926 3.43 1,028 90 938 9,450 22 3.1 1.004 0.1430 - 0.861 3.19 956 90 866 10,316 23 2.9 0.940 0.1430 - 0.797 2.95 884 90 794 11,110 24 3.0 0.972 0.1430 - 0.829 3.07 920 90 830 11,941 25 3.1 1.004 0.1430 - 0.861 3.19 956 90 866. , 12,807 26 4.2 1.361 0.1430 - 1.218 4.51 1,352 90 1,262 14,068 27 5.0 1.620 0.1430 - 1.477 5.46 1,639 90 1,549 15,618 28 3.5 1.134 0.1430 - 0.991 3.67 1,100 90 1,010 16,628 29 6.8 2.203 0.1430 - 2.060 7.62 2,287 90 2,197 18,825 30 7.3 2.365 0.1430 - 2.222 8.22 2,467 90 2,377 21,201 31 8.2 2.657 0.1430 - 2.514 9.30 2,790 90 2,700 23,902 32 5.9 1.912 0.1430 - 1.769 6.54 1,963 90 1,873 25,775 33 2.0 0.648 0.1430 - 0.505 1.87 561 90 471 26,245 34 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.63 489 90 399 26,644 35 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.63 489 90 399 27,043 36 0.6 0.194 0.1430 - 0.051 0.19 57 90 33 27,010 100.0 19.3 1 30,250 1 1 27,010 Effective Rain 1.61 Inches 7,300 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.62 Ac -Ft ' Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = Percolation rate * effective Percolation area * unit time 'Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 6,500 SF Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *6,500 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches = 90 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 2.70 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.324 x %Pattern i n 11 1 is JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 6 Area, acres: 3.70 Point Rainfall, inches: 3.20 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial �5 is 16b Y 6 Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in /hr Effective Rain in/hr Flow Rate CFS Runoff Volume CF Perc. Volume CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 0.5 0.192 0.1430 - 0.049 0.18 54 54 - 2 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.32 97 90 7 7 3 0.6 0.230 0.1430 1 - 0.087 0.32 97 90 7 14 4 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.32 97 90 7 21 5 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.32 97 90 7 28 6 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.47 140 90 50 78 7 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.47 140 90 50 127 8 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.47 140 90 50 177 9 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.47 140 90 50 227 10 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.47 140 90 50' 276 11 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.47 140 90 50 326 12 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 418 13 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 510 14 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 603 15 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 695 16 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 787 17 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 879 18 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 972 19 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0:164 0.61 182 90 92 1,064 20 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 1,156 21 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 1,249 22 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 1,341 23 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 1,433 24 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 1,568 25 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.61 182 90 92 1,660 26 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 1,795 27 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 1,930 28 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 2,065 29 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 2,200 30 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 2,335 31 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 2,469 32 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0103 0.75 225 90 135 2,604 33 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.89 268 90 178 2,782 34 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.89 268 90 178 2,959 35 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.89 268 90 178 3,137 36 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.89 268 .90 178 3,314 37 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.89 268 90 178 3,492 38 1.1 0.422 0.1430 0.279 1.03 310 90 220 3,712 39 1.1 0.422 0.1430 - 0.279 1.03 310 90 220 3,932 40 1.1 0.422 0.1430 - 0.279 1.03 310 90 220 4,152 41 1.2 0.461 0.1430 - 0.318 1.18 353 90 263 4,415 42 1.3 0.499 0.1430 - 0.356 1.32 395 90 305 4,720 43 1.4 0.538 0.1430 - 0.395 1.46 438 90 348 5,068 44 1.4 0.538 0.1430 - 0.395 1.46 438 90 348 5,416 45 1.5 0.576 0.1430 - 0.433 1.60 481 90 391 5,807 46 1.5 0.576 0.1430 - 0.433 1.60 481 90 391 6,198 47 1.6 0.614 0.1430 - 0.471 1.74 523 90 433 6,631 48 1.6 0.614 0.1430 - 0.471 1.74 523 90 433 7,064 49 1.7 0.653 0.1430 - 0.510 1.89 566 90 476 7,540 50 1.8 0.691 0.1430 - 0.548 2.03 609 90 519 8,059 51 1.9 0.730 0.1430 - 0.587 2.17 651 90 561 8,620 5 2 2.0 0.768 0.1430 1 - 1 0.625 2.31 694 90 604 9 ,224 53 2.1 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 2.45 736 90 646 9,870 54 2.1 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 2.45 736 90 646 10,516 55 2.2 0.845 0.1430 - 0.702 2.60 779 90 689 11,205 56 2.3 0.883 0.1430 - 0.740 2.74 822 90 732 11,937 57 2.4 0.922 0.1430 - 0.779 2.88 864 90 774 12,711 56 1 2.4 0.922 0.1430 - 0.779 2.88 1 864 90 774 13,485 59 2.5 0.960 0.1430 - 0.817 3.02 907 90 817 14,302 60 2.6 0.998 0.1430 - 0.855 3.16 949 90 859 15,162 61 3.1 1.190 0.1430 - 1.047 3.88 1,163 90 1,073 16,234 62 3.6 1.382 0.1430 - 1.239 4.59 1,376 90 1,286 17,520 63 3.9 1.498 1 0.1430 - 1.355 1 5.01 1,504 90 1,414 18,934 64 4.2 1.613 0.1430 - 1.470 5.44 1,631 90 1,541 20,475 65 4.7 1.805 0.1430 - 1.662 6.15 1,845 90 1,755 22,230 66 5.6 2.150 0.1430 - 2.007 7.43 2,228 90 2,138 24,368 67 1.9 0.730 0.1430 - 0.587 2.17 651 90 561 24,929 68 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.75 225 90 135 1 25,064 69 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.32 97 90 7 25,071 70 0.5 0.192 0.1430 - 0.049 0.18 54 90 36 25,035 71 0.3 0.115 - 0.02 0.094 0.35 105 90 15 25,050 72 0.2 0.077 - 0.01 0.063 0.23 70 90 j 20 25,030 100.0 22.5 31,475 25,030 ' Effective Rain 1.87 Inches 6,765 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.57 Ac -Ft ' Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 6,500 5F Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *6,500 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches = 90 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 3.20 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.384 x %Pattern 2. Effective percolation area Average basin area @ 7. ' JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH i 1 n Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 24 Area, acres: 3.70 Point Rainfall, inches: 4.25 Unit Time, min: 15 Loss Rate, in /hr: FT= 0.0013 *((24- (T /60)) ^1.55 +0.0713 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial UA 5vJ 9 �ob '(W 2T Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Time (T) Minutes Max. Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in /hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Runoff Volume CF perc. Rate CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 0.2 0.034 7.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 93 0 0 2 0.3 0.051 22.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 139 0 0 3 0.3 0.051 37.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 139 0 0 4 0.4 0.068 52.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 186 0 0 5 0.3 0.051 67.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 139 0 0 6 0.3 0.051 82.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 139 0 0 7 0.3 0.051 97.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 139 0 0 8 0.4 0.068 112.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 186 0 0 9 0.4 0.068 127.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 186 0 0 10 0.4 0.068 142.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 186 0 0 11 0.5 0.085 157.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 232 0 0 12 0.5 0.085 172.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 232 0 0 13 0.5 0.085 187.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 232 0 0 14 0.5 0.085 202.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 232 0 0 15 0.5 0.085 217.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 232 0 0 16 0.6 0.102 232.5 - 0.0184 0.084 0.31 279 271 8 8 17 0.6 0.102 247.5 - 0.0184 0.084 0.31 279 271 8 15 18 0.7 0.119 262.5 - 0.0214 0.098 0.36 325 271 54 69 19 0.7 0.119 277.5 - 0.0214 0.098 0.36 325 271 54 123 20 0.8 0.136 292.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.41 371 271 100 223 21 0.6 0.102 307.5 - 0.0184 0.084 0.31 279 271 8 231 22 0.8 0.136 322.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.41 371 271 100 331 23 0.8 0.136 337.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.41 371 271 100 432 24 0.8 0.136 352.5 - 0.0245 0.112 0.41 371 271 100 532 25 0.9 0.153 367.5 - 0.0275 0.125 0.46 418 271 147 679 26 1.0 0.170 382.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.52 464 271 193 872 27 1.0 0.170 397.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.52 464 271 193 1,065 28 1.0 0.170 412.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.52 464 271 193 1,258 29 1.0 0.170 427.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.52 464 271 193 1,451 30 1.1 0.187 442.5 0.173 - 0.014 0.05 48 271 223 1,228 31 1.2 0.204 457.5 0.170 0.034 0.12 112 271 159 1,069 32 1.3 0.221 472.5 0.168 0.053 0.20 176 271 (95) 974 33 1.5 0.255 487.5 0.166 0.089 0.33 297 271 26 11001 34 1.5 0.255 502.5 0.163 0.092 0.34 305 271 34 1,035 35 1.6 0.272 517.5 0.161 0.111 0.41 369 271 98 1,133 36 1.7 0.289 532.5 0.159 0.130 0.48 433 271 162 1,295 37 1.9 0.323 547.5 0.157 - 0.166 0.62 554 271 283 1,578 38 2.0 0.340 562.5 0.154 - 0.186 0.69 618 271 347 1,925 39 2.1 0.357 577.5 0.152 - 0.205 0.76 682 271 411 2,336 40 2.2 0.374 592.5 0.150 - 0.224 0.83 746 271 475 2,810 41 1.5 0.255 607.5 0.148 - 0.107 • 0.40 357 271 86 2,896 42 1.5 0.255 622.5 0.146 - 0.109 0.40 364 271 93 2,989 43 2.0 0.340 637.5 0.144 - 0.196 0.73 654 271 383 3,371 44 2.0 0.340 652.5 0.142 - 0.198 0.73 661 271 390 3,761 45 1.9 0.323 667.5 0.140 - 0.183 0.68 611 271 340 4,101 46 1.9 0.323 682.5 0.137 - 0.186 0.69 618 271 347 4,447 47 1.7 0.289 697.5 0.135 0.154 0.57 511 271 240 4,688 48 1.8 0.306 712.5 0.133 0.173 0.64 574 271 303 4,991 49 2.5 0.425 727.5 0.132 0.293 1.09 977 271 706 5,698 50 2.6 0.442 742.5 0.130 0.312 1.16 1,040 271 769 6,467 51 2.8 0.476 757.5 0.128 0.348 1.29 1,160 271 889 7,356 52 2.9 0.493 772.5 0.126 0.367 1.36 1,223 271 952 8,308 53 3.4 0.578 787.5 0.124 0.454 1.68 1,512 271 1,241 9,550 54 3.4 0.578 802.5 0.122 - 0.456 1.69 1,519 271 1,248 10,797 55 2.3 0.391 817.5 0.120 0.271 1.00 902 271 631 11,428 56 2.7 0.459 832.5 0.118 0.341 1.26 1,134 271 863 12,292 57 2.6 0.442 847.5 0.117 0.325 1.20 1,084 271 813 13,104 1 n 1 58 2.6 0.442 862.5 0.115 0.327 1.21 1,090 271 819 13,923 59 2.5 0.425 877.5 0.113 0.312 1.15 1,039 271 768 14,691 60 2.4 0.408 892.5 0.111 0.297 1.10 988 271 717 15,408 61 2.3 0.391 907.5 0.110 - 0.281 1.04 937 271 666 16,074 62 1.9 0.323 1 922.5 0.108 - 1 0.215 0.80 716 271 1 445 16,519 63 1.9 0.323 937.5 0.106 - 0.217 0.80 721 271 450 16,969 64 1.9 0.323 952.5 0.105 - 0.218 0.81 727 271 456 17,425 65 0.4 0.068 967.5 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 271 85 17,340 66 0.4 0.068 982.5 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 271 85 17,254 67 0.3 0.051 997.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 17,123 68 0.5 0.085 1012.5 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 271 39 17,084 69 0.5 0.085 1027.5 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 271 39 17,045 70 0.5 0.085 1042.5 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 271 39 17,006 71 0.4 0.068 1057.5 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 271 85 16,921 72 0.4 0.068 1072.5 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 271 85 16,835 73 0.4 0.068 1087.5 0.0122 0.056 0.21 186 271 85 16,750 74 0.3 0.051 1102.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 16,618 75 0.3 0.051 1117.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 16,487 76 0.2 0.034 1132.5 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 16,308 77 0.3 0.051 1147.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 16,177 78 0.5 0.085 1162.5 0.0153 0.070 0.26 232 271 39 16,138 79 0.3 0.051 1177.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 16,006 80 0.2 0.034 1192.5 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 15,828 81 0.3 0.051 1207.5 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 15,696 82 0.3 0.051 1222.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 15,564 83 0.3 0.051 1237.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 15,433 84 0.3 0.051 1252.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 15,301 85 0.3 0.051 1267.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 15,169 86 0.2 0.034 1282.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 14,991 87 0.3 0.051 1297.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 14,859 88 0.2 0.034 1312.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 14,681 89 0.3 0.051 1327.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.15 139 271 132 14,549 90 0.2 0.034 1342.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 14,371 91 0.2 0.034 1357.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 14,193 92 0.2 0.034 1372.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 14,015 93 0.2 0.034 1387.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 13,837 94 0.2 0.034 1402.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 13,659 95 0.2 0.034 1417.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 13,480 96 0.2 0.034 1432.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.10 93 271 178 13,302 100.0 11.4 37,946 13,302 Effective Rain Storm Volume 2.85 Inches 3,595 CF /AC 0.305 Ac -Ft Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 6,500 Sf Unit time = 15 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.25 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *6,500 square feet * 0.25 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches 271 cubic feet per unit time ' Note: 1. T = time in minutes. To get an average value for each unit time period, Use T =1/2 the unit time for the first time period, T= 1 -1/2 unit time for the second period,etc. 2. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 4.25 x %Paftem) / ( 100x 15) = 0.17 x %Pattern 3. Effective percolation area = Average basin area @ 2.1' 1 JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storrs Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 1 Area, acres: 2.45 Point Rainfall, inches: 2.10 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial W-:W c /A7`(TAk - i HotAk Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Max. Loss Rate in/hr Low Loss Rate in/hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Flow Volume CF Perc. Volume CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage Volume CF 1 3.0 0.756 0.1430 - 0.613 1.50 451 81 370 370 2 3.1 0.781 0.1430 - 0.638 1.56 469 81 388 758 3 3.2 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 1.63 488 81 407 1,164 4 3.2 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 1.63 488 81 407 1,571 5 3.5 0.882 0.1430 - 0.739 1.81 543 81 462 2,033 6 5.0 1.260 0.1430 - 1.117 2.74 821 81 740 2,773 7 5.2 1.310 0.1430 - 1.167 2.86 858 81 777 3,550 8 17.0 4.284 0.1430 - 4.141 10.15 3,044 81 2,963 6,513 9 18.5 4.662 0.1430 - 4.519 11.07 3,321 81 3,240 9,753 10 20.8 5.242 0.1430 - 5.099 12.49 3,747 81 3,666 13,420 11 14.5 3.654 0.1430 - 3.511 8.60 2,581 81 2,500 15,919 12 3.0 0.756 0.1430 - 0.613 1.50 451 81 370 16,289 100.0 1 1 23.5 17,261 1 1 16,289 Effective Rain 1.96 Inches 6,648 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.37 Ac -Ft Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 8,400 sr- Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours ,Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *4,360 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches = 61 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 2.10 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.252 x %Pattern 2. Effective percolation area = Average basin area @2' ' JEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH 1 -1 Storrs Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 3 Area, acres: 2.45 Point Rainfall, inches: 2.70 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial rEffective Rain 1.61 Inches 7,279 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.41 Ac -Ft ' Percolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time 'Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 4,360 S¢ Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *4,360 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches ' = 61 cubic feet per unit time Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 2.70 x °loPattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.324 x °loPattern r 6flsIA c /00 - 3 tWK, Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in/hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Flow Volume CF Perc. Rate CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 1.3 0.421 0.1430 - 0.278 0.68 204 61 143 143 2 1.3 0.421 0.1430 - 0.278 0.68 204 61 143 287 3 1.1 0.356 0.1430 - 0.213 0.52 157 61 96 383 4 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 0.84 252 61 191 574 5 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 0.84 252 61 191 765 6 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.08 .324 61 263 1,028 7 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 0.84 252 61 191 1,219 8 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.08. 324 61 263 1 1,481 9 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.08 324 61 263 1,744 10 1.5 0.486 0.1430 - 0.343 0.84 252 61 191 1,935 11 1.6 0.518 0.1430 - 0.375 0.92 276 61 215 2,150 12 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.08 324 61 263 2,412 13 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 1.40 419 61 358 2,770 14 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 1.40 419 61 358 3,128 15 2.2 0.713 0.1430 - 0.570 1.40 419 61 358 3,486 16 2.0 0.648 0.1430 - 0.505 1.24 371 61 310 3,796 17 2.6 0.842 0.1430 - 0.699 1.71 514 61 453 4,249 18 2.7 0.875 0.1430 - 0.732 1.79 538 61 477 4,726 19 2.4 0.778 0.1430 - 0.635 1.55 466 61 405 5,131 20 2.7 0.875 0.1430 - 0.732 1.79 538 61 1 477 5,608 21 3.3 1.069 0.1430 - 0.926 2.27 681 61 620 6,228 22 3.1 1.004 0.1430 - 0.861 2.11 633 61 572 6,800 23 2.9 0.940 0.1430 - 0.797 1.95 586 61 525 7,325 24 3.0 0.972 0.1430 - 0.829 2.03 609 61 548 7,873. 25 3.1 1.004 0.1430 - 0.861 2.11 633 61 572 8,445 26 4.2 1.361 0.1430 - 1.218 2.98 895 61 834 9,279 27 5.0 1.620 0.1430 - 1.477 3.62 1,086 61 1,025 10,304 28 3.5 1.134 0.1430 - 0.991 2.43 728 61 667 10,971 29 6.8 2.203 0.1430 - 2.060 5.05 1,514 1,453 12,424 30 7.3 2.365 0.1430 - 2.222 5.44 1,633 1,572 13,997 31 8.2 2.657 0.1430 - 2.514 6.16 1,848 1,787 15,783 32 5.9 1.912 0.1430 - 1.769 4.33 1,300 1,239 17,022 33 2.0 0.648 0.1430 - 0.505 1.24 371 161 310 17,332 34 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.08 324 263 17,595 35 1.8 0.583 0.1430 - 0.440 1.08 324 263 17,857 36 0.6 0.194 0.1430 - 0.051 0.13 38 23 17,834 100.0 19.3 1 20,030 1 1 17,834 u JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Stone Period, ears: 100 Stone Period, hrs: 6 Area, acres: 2.45 Point Rainfall, inches: 3.20 Unit Time, min: 5 Loss Rate, in /hr: 0.143 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial IGb Y - 6 4W Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in/hr Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in /hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Runoff Volume CF Perc. Volume CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 0.5 0.192 0.1430 - 0.049 0.12 36 36 - - 2 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.21 64 61 3 3 3 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.21 64 61 1 3 6 4 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.21 64 61 3 10 5 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.21 64 61 3 13 6 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.31 92 61 31 44 7 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.31 92 61 31 76 8 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.31 92 61 31 1 107 9 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.31 92 61 31 139 10 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.31 92 61 31 170 11 0.7 0.269 0.1430 - 0.126 0.31 92 61 31 202 12 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 261 13 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 1 121 61 60 321 14 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 381 15 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 440 16 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 500 17 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 560 18 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 620 19 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 679 20 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 739 21 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 799 22 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 858 23 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 918 24 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,006 25 0.8 0.307 0.1430 - 0.164 0.40 121 61 60 1,066 26 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,153 27 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,241 28 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,329 29 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,417 30 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,505 31 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,593 32 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 1,681 33 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.59 177 61 116 1,797 34 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.59 177 61 116 1,913 35 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.59 177 61 116 2,029 36 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.59 177 61 116 2,145 37 1.0 0.384 0.1430 - 0.241 0.59 177 61 116 2,262 38 1.1 0.422 0.1430 - 0.279 0.68 205 61 144 2,406 39 1.1 0.422 1 0.1430 - 0.279 0.68 205 61 144 2,550 40 1.1 0.1430 - 0.279 0.68 205 61 144 2,695 41 1.2 0.1430 - 0.318 0.78 234 61 173 2,867 42 1.3 P0.4422 0.1430 - 0.356 0.87 262 61 201 3,068 43 1.4 0.1430 - 0.395 0.97 290 61 229 3,297 44 1.4 0.1430 - 0.395 0.97 290 61 229 3,526 45 1.5 . 0.1430 0.433 1.06 318 61 257 3,783 46 1.5 0.576 0.1430 0.433 1.06 318 61 257 4,041 47 1.6 0.614 0.1430 - 0.471 1.15 346 61 285 4,326 48 1.6 0.614 0.1430 - 0.471 1.15 346 61 285 4,612 49 1.7 0.653 0.1430 1 0.510 1.25 375 1 61 314 4,925 50 1.8 0.691 0.1430 0.548 1 1.34 403 61 342 51 267 51 1.9 0.730 0.1430 0.587 1 1.44 431 61 370 5,637 52 2.0 0.768 0.1430 0.625 1.53 459 61 398 6,036 I 53 2.1 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 1.63 488 61 427 6,462 54 2.1 0.806 0.1430 - 0.663 1.63 488 61 427 6,889 55 2.2 0.845 0.1430 - 0.702 1.72 516 61 455 7,344 56 2.3 0.883 0.1430 - 0.740 1.81 544 61 483 7,827 57 2.4 0.922 0.1430 - 0.779 1.91 572 61 511 8,338 58 1 2.4 0.922 0.1430 1 - 0.779 1.91 1 572 61 511 8,849 59 2.5 0.960 0.1430 - 0.817 2.00 600 61 539 9,389 60 2.6 0.998 0.1430 - 0.855 2.10 629 61 568 9,957 61 3.1 1.190 0.1430 - 1.047 2.57 770 61 709 10,665 62 3.6 1.382 0.1430 - 1.239 3.04 911 61 850 11,515 63 3.9 1.498 0.1430 - 1.355 3.32 996 61 935 12,450 64 4.2 1.613 0.1430 - 1.470 3.60 1,080 61 1,019 13,469 65 4.7 1.805 0.1430 - 1.662 4.07 1,221 61 1,160 14,630 66 5.6 2.150 0.1430 - 2.007 4.92 1,475 61 1,414 16,044 67 1.9 0.730 0.1430 - 0.587 1.44 431 61 370 16,414 68 0.9 0.346 0.1430 - 0.203 0.50 149 61 88 16,502 69 0.6 0.230 0.1430 - 0.087 0.21 64 61 3 16,506 70 0.5 0.192 0.1430 - 0.049 0.12 36 61 25 16,481 71 0.3 0.115 - 0.02 0.094 0.23 69 61 8 16,489 72 0.2 0.077 0.01 0.063 0.15 46 61 15 16,474 100.0 22.5 20,841 16,474 r Effective Rain 1.87 Inches 6,724 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.38 Ac -Ft rPercolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate * effective percolation area * unit time rBased on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = 4,360 S-F Unit time = 5 minutes * 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.08333 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour *4,360 square feet * 0.08333 hours * 1 feet / 12 inches 61 cubic feet per unit time r Note: 1. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 3.20 x %Pattern) / ( 100 x 5) = 0.384 x %Pattern r r . r r r r r r r tJEFFERSON SQUARE SHORTCUT SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH Storm Period, ears: 100 Storm Period, hrs: 24 Area, acres: 2.45 Point Rainfall, inches: 4.25 Unit Time, min: 15 Loss Rate, in /hr: FT= 0.0013 *((24- (T /60)) ^1.55 +0.0713 Low Loss Rate: 18% Land Use: Commercial 6P'V j C- / W '(?-AK - NOU K Unit Time Period % Pattern Storm Rain in /hr Time (T) Minutes ) Max. Loss Rate in /hr Low Loss Rate in /hr Effective Rain in /hr Flow Rate CFS Runoff Volume CF perc. Rate CF Volume To Store CF Total Storage CF 1 0.2 0.034 7.5 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 61 0 0 2 0.3 0.051 22.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 92 0 0 3 0.3 0.051 37.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 92 0 0 4 0.4 0.068 52.5 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 123 0 0 5 0.3 0.051 67.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 92 0 0 6 0.3 0.051 82.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 92 0 0 7 0.3 0.051 97.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 92 0 0 8 0.4 0.068 112.5 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 123 0 0 9 0.4 0.068 127.5 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 123 0 0 10 0.4 0.068 142.5 0.0122 1 0.056 0.14 123 123 0 0 11 0.5 0.085 157.5 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 154 0 0 12 0.5 0.085 172.5 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 154 0 0 13 0.5 0.085 187.5 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 154 0 0 14 0.5 0.085 202.5 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 154 0 0 15 0.5 0.085 217.5 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 154 0 0 16 0.6 0.102 232.5 0.0184 0.084 0.20 184 182 2 2 17 0.6 0.102 247.5 0.0184 0.084 0.20 184 182 2 5 18 0.7 0.119 262.5 0.0214 0.098 0.24 215 182 33 38 19 0.7 0.119 277.5 0.0214 0.098 0.24 215 182 33 71 20 0.8 0.136 292.5 0.0245 0.112 0.27 246 182 64 135 21 0.6 0.102 307.5 0.0184 0.084 0.20 184 182 2 138 22 0.8 0.136 322.5 0.0245 0.112 0.27 246 182 64 201 23 0.8 0.136 337.5 0.0245 0.112 0.27 246 182 64 1 265 24 0.8 0.136 352.5 0.0245 0.112 0.27 246 182 64 329 25 0.9 0.153 367.5 0.0275 0.125 0.31 277 182 95 424 26 1.0 0.170 382.5 0.0306 0.139 0.34 307 182 125 549 27 1.0 0.170 397.5 0.0306 0.139 0.34 307 182 125 675 28 1.0 0.170 412.5 0.0306 0.139 0.34 307 182 125 800 29 1.0 0.170 427.5 - 0.0306 0.139 0.34 307 182 125 925 30 1.1 0.187 442.5 0.173 - 0.014 0.03 31 182 151 775 31 1.2 0.204 457.5 0.170 0.034 0.08 741 182 108 667 32 1.3 0.221. 472.5 0.168 0.053 0.13 117 182 65 602 33 1.5 0.255 487.5 0.166 0.089 0.22 197 182 15 617 34 1.5 0.255 502.5 0.163 0.092 0.22 202 182 20 637 35 1.6 0.272 517.5 0.161 0.111 0.27 244 182 62 699 36 1.7 0.289 532.5 0.159 0.130 0.32 287 182 105 804 37 1.9 0.323 547.5 0.157 0.166 0.41 367 182 185 989 38 2.0 0.340 562.5 0.154 0.186 0.45 409 182 227 1,216 39 2.1 0.357 577.5 0.152 0.205 0.50 451 182 269 1,485 40 2.2 0.374 592.5 0.150 0.224 0.55 494 182 312 1,797 41 1.5 0.255 607.5 0.148 0.107 0.26 236 182 54 1,851 42 1.5 0.255 622.5 0.146 0.109 0.27 241 182 59 1,910 43 2.0 0.340 637.5 0.144 0.196 0.48 433 182 251 2,161 44 2.0 0.340 652.5 0.142 0.198 0.49 437 182 255 2,416 45 1.9 0.323 667.5 0.140 - 0.183 0.45 405 182 223 2,639 46 1.9 0.323 682.5 0.137 - 0.186 0.45 409 1'82 227 2,866 47 1.7 0.289 697.5 0.135 - 0.154 0.38 339 182 157 3,022 48 1.8 0.306 712.5 0.133 - 0.173 0.42 380 182 198 3,221 49 2.5 0.425 727.5 0.132 - 0.293 0.72 647 182 465 3,686 50 2.6 0.442 742.5 0.130 - 0.312 0.77 689 182 507 4,193 51 2.8 0.476 757.5 0.128 - 0.348 0.85 768 182 586 4,779 52 2.9 0.493 772.5 0.126 - 0.367 0.90 810 182 628 5,407 53 3.4 0.578 787.5 0.124 - 0.454 1.11 1,001 182 819 6,226 54 3.4 0.578 802.5 0.122 - 0.456 1.12 1,006 182 824 7,050 55 2.3 0.391 817.5 0.120 - 0.271 0.66 1 597 182 415 7,465 56 2.7 0.459 832.5 0.118 - 0.341 0.83 751 182 5691 8,034 57 2.6 0.442 847.5 0.117 0.325 0.80 718 182 536 1 8,570 1 58 2.6 0.442 862.5 0.115 0.327 0.80 722 182 540 9,109 59 2.5 0.425 877.5 0.113 0.312 0.76 688 182 506 9,615 60 2.4 0.408 892.5 0.111 0.297 0.73 654 182 472 10,088 61 2.3 0.391 907.5 0.110 0.281 0.69 620 182 438 10,526 62 1.9 0.323 922.5 0.108 0.215 0.53 474 182 292 10,818 63 1.9 0.323 937.5 0.106 0.217 0.53 478 182 296 11,114 64 1.9 0.323 952.5 0.105 0.218 0.53 481 182 299 11,413 65 0.4 0.068 967.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 182 59 11,354 66 0.4 0.068 982.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 182 59 11,295 67 0.3 0.051 997.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 11,205 68 0.5 0.085 1012.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 182 28 11,177 69 0.5 0.085 1027.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 182 28 11,149 70 0.5 0.085 1042.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 182 28 11,120 71 0.4 0.068 1057.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 182 59 11,061 72 0.4 0.068 1072.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 182 59 11,002 73 0.4 0.068 1087.5 - 0.0122 0.056 0.14 123 182 59 10,943 74 0.3 0.051 1102.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 10,853 75 0.3 0.051 1117.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 64 76 0.2 0.034 1132.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 43 77 0.3 0.051 1147.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 VO',"" 553 78 0.5 0.085 1162.5 - 0.0153 0.070 0.17 154 182 28 525 79 0.3 0.051 1177.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 435 80 0.2 0.034 1192.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 315 81 0.3 0.051 1207.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 10,225 82 0.3 0.051 1222.5 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 10,135 83 0.3 0.051 1237.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 10,045 84 0.3 0.051 1252.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 9,955 85 0.3 0.051 1267.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 9,866 86 0.2 0.034 1282.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 9,745 87 0.3 0.051 1297.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 9,655 88 0.2 0.034 1312.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 9,535 89 0.3 0.051 1327.5 - 0.0092 0.042 0.10 92 182 90 9,445 90 0.2 0.034 1342.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 9,325 91 0.2 0.034 1357.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 9,204 92 0.2 0.034 1372.5 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 9,083 93 0.2 0.034 1387.5 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 8,963 94 0.2 0.034 1402.5 - 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 8,842 95 0.2 0.034 1417.5 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 8,722 96 0.2 0.034 1432.5 0.0061 0.028 0.07 61 182 121 8,601 100.0 11.4 25,126 8,601 Effective Rain 2.85 Inches 3,511 CF /AC Storm Volume 0.197 Ac -Ft tPercolation Calculations: Percolation volume = percolation rate " effective percolation area ' unit time ' Based on the layout, 3:1 slope open -air basin, effective percolation area = feet Unit time = 5 minutes' 1 hour / 60 minutes = 0.25 hours Percolation Volume = 2 inch /hour `4,360 square feet' 0.25 hours ` 1 feet / 12 inches = 182 cubic feet per unit time ' Note: 1. T = time in minutes. To get an average value for each unit time period, Use T =1/2 the unit time for the first time period, T= 1 -1/2 unit time for the second period,etc. '2. Storm Rainfall = (60 x 4.25 x % Pattem) / ( 100 x 15) = 0.17 x %Pattern 3. Effective percolation area = Average basin area @ 2' HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA VIII. RETENTION BASIN DESIGN BUOYANCE FORCE CALCULATIONS CMP LIFE EXPECTANCY CALCULATIONS PERCOLATION TEST RESULT REFERENC DRC BAs 'fl' RETENTION BASIN SIZING (BASIN 'A 7 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QU/NTA, CA USE DESIGN VOLUME: 52,993 CUBIC FEET 1. CON /SPAN LENGTH (INFILTRATION BASIN) USE 5' DEEP SINGLE TRAP STANDARD STORMTRAP UNITS: TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED = 27,000 CF (SEE ATTACHED DETAIL BY MANUFACTURER) 2. DRYWELL ONE MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL, 41.3' DEEP, 34 FT BELOW WATER SURFACE AT 96" CMP STORAGE BASIN STORAGE IN THE 6' DIA. SHAFT: VOLUME = 3.14 x (3 FT) 112 x 24'= 678 CF STORAGE IN THE 4' DIA. SHAFT: VOLUME =.3.14 x (2 FT) ^2 x 10'= 126 CF TOTAL VOLUME = 6-48 SF + 138 SF = 804 SF 3. CMP PIPE 2- 5 LF 48" CMP, Volume = 10 x 3.14 x 2 ^2 = 126 CF USE 96" CMP PIPE WITH TWO MANIFOLD: REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME = 52,993 CF - 27,000 CF - 804 CF - 126 CF = 25,063 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED = 25,082 CF (SEE ATTACHED EXCEL SHEET) THEREFORE, FOOTPRINT = 95'x 52' DRAW -DOWN TIME TOTAL DEAD STORAGE VOLUME = 52,993 CUBIC FEET AVG AREA = 4,648 SF, 1 DRYWELL PROPOSED USE PERCOLATION RATE OF 2 INCH /HOUR AND 0.1 CFS PER DRYWELL: TOTAL PERCOLATION = 4,648 SF x 1/12 x 2 INCH /HOUR x 1/ 3,600 + 1 DRYWELL x 0.1 CFS /DRYWELL = 0.315 CFS DRAW TIME = 52.993 CUBIC FEET 0.315 CFS' 3,600 S / 1 HOUR =46 HOURS (< 72 HOURS, THEREFORE, O.K.) BILL OF MATERIALS OTY. PART N0. DESCRIPTION 29 TYPE 1 5' -0" DEEP STORMTRAP SYSTEM '1' BILL OF MATERIALS OTY. PART N0. DESCRIPTION 29 TYPE 1 5' -0' SINGLETRAP 9 TYPE II 5' -0' SINGLETRAP TYPE 11 12 TYPE III 5' -0" SINGLETRAP TYPE III 3 TYPE IV 5' -0" SINGLETRAP 2 TYPE V 5' -0" SINGLETRAP 23 JOINT TAPE JOINT TAPE - 14.5' PER ROLL 9 JOINT WRAP JOINT WRAP - 150' PER ROLL TOTAL VOLUME STORAGED IN CHAMBERS = 21,253 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME STORAGE IN STONE (40R VOID) = 5,747 CUBIC FEET TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED - 27,000 CUBIC FEET V III III III V 41' -3 3/4" 48' -2 MH MH I V V III III III 'I, I V 8' -10 3/4' 84' -4 1/2- 14' -1" 98' -5 1/4- 1/2" ' BAS-nW `A' Footprint Calculator - Underground Detention Systems ' Input In Yellow Yoluine Requiremi�rits a A or Req'd acre -ft 0.58 Req'd cu.1 25063.00 ' Target Volume 25063.00 cu. ft. jinches # of Barrels 5 Shape or Dia. 96 Volume /LF 50.27 cu. ft. ' Enter Spacing 3.00 ft. Manifold Width 52.00 ft. # of Manifolds 2.00 LF of Manifolds 104.00 ft. ' R . Barrel Length 78.92 q 9 tEnter Valid Length 79.00 ft Total Linear Feet 499.00 LF �° otal Vo unteProxiided' a: GOOD 25082.48 cu.ft. System Length= 95.00 ,I ' 52.00 Manifold Width Barrel Length I i Footprint Dimensions Project ID #6554 Sales Engineer Jason Autry Project Name Wildwood Office Park Project City Roswell Project State Georgia Customer Contact Notes: OWWW i MIMLO r! CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS INC. Engineering Services 1 Version 1.1 DRCDevelopment Resource Consultants Sheet I of I 'Project: JEFF SON s"Al2& By: Date: SI ZgAB Job No.: a-4 - 3 o4- Ckd: Date: 7 p6tF,RM2}/A TioN Of QuoYANCY p1gc& onl gA5ZN RAs-1 -AI 'A c M P S'fvnW 5Ys7EM CS 1 -d( Z� S7o? M TRAf 7,144t17,144t10114") SY�r�M - �c� ✓A��rl D�Ffi�►t� &�Zw�N trl� Tub sYs'7�Is � 3 F��? A) uQwARp Quo`lA+J C,Y FoKc1 u ?wARD Ot4symo( lift: 3 ' x Z. 3i ' = 6.93 PsY = 99F # /or- �) n�wAIWARn fo�lc� oral sToa�7iaAP s�sT� PowvwARo TwLa u�w�oT 1%?P -roAM TRAP SYMrA 067 To - SC*413 — Gbv�lt � tN� S ?oRM'fR�P sisz� = IZ F7• S� (.1aTls'Z7Y = 120 4 /Cf YIOWtJWAAO fvA-Cg - 12 FT x i7,- */If po-w N w AP, r) —ke*,Cg -�- &,YwAtO ?ill&Z • O, K , I JDC Development Resource ConsulitanIcs Job roject: -T-6FFEP,5oA) ! &ctAkZ- By: Y N. Job No: Col Ckd: 11 !il '1 1 - W'&c ON Sht /-Of /. - 7 Date: /2 Date: 6� CMP'S16RA61 blFZ-: T I HE (nbO74FckAjUAL 51j6' "tR;W6; lA1VtS"%6A 1-tv►) fbR #T ftrzlc--r Re 57, s-+ , vi -fj z 12, -5-w Oh.r✓s —"K L-60 In Rom CA (IKPrN s M 6-T06 V 10 C ;(inq 9,Vfo A 1 *6 YORS 10 7W4 6u 45eg FIC/AtAK0 �o p, P H of Diu V-WaJmWf NORM AW 6XW% Q 7Hhfi 3 0141 6, q0l I _use 14 qA6;i C--MP 5-10-pk,66, 6&�W� 6,4seo cvv j_' . Yes = q0 x er*'br�,, /4 6�P P� T-Ri - of �� CHART FOR ESTIMATING YEARS -TO PERFORATION OF STEEL CULVERTS 50 W 4C U J LLf W F-- U Q3C co T z F 2C CC 0 LL W D_ O 1-- (D 1C w r C • • PH OF ENVIRONMENT NORMALLY 1' GREATER THAN 7.3 R =MINIMUM RESISTIVITY PH OF ENVIRONMENT NORMALLY LESS THAN, 7.3 Log (2160 -2490 Loglo PH)] YEARS= 13.79[Log,OR- 10 GAGE 18 16 14 1'2 10 8 FACTOR MULTIPLY YEARS TO PERFORATION BY FACTOR FOR THE VARIOUS METAL G AGE S. � A� d 100 ivuu MINIMUM RESISTIVITY (R) -ohm Cm FIGURE 1 )0 i t GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE ., . JEFFERSON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 1 PROJECT No. 112 -67036 MAY 25, 2007 PREPARED FOR: ' REGENCY CENTERS, INC. 36 EXECUTIVE PARK, SUITE 100 ' IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92614 ATTENTION: MR. THOMAS MIDDLETON PRE, PARE D 'BY: KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ' 4221 BRICKELL STREET ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91761 (909) 974 -4400 1 i ti Offices Serving the Western United States C KA No. 112 -07036 Page No. 5 SEtSMICITY, LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL AND SEISMIC INDUCED SETTLEMENT Seismicity is a general term relating to the abrupt release of accumulated strain energy in the rock materials of the earth's crust in a given geographical area. The recurrence of accumulation and subsequent release of strain have resulted in faults and fault systems. Fault patterns and density reflect relative degrees of regional stress through time, but do not necessarily indicate recent seismic activity; therefore, the degree of seisinic risk must be determined or estimated by the seismic record in any given region. Soil liquefaction is a state of soil particle suspension caused by a complete loss of strength when the effective stress drops to zero. Liquefaction normally occurs under saturated conditions in soils such as sand in which the strength is purely frictional. However, liquefaction has occurred in soils other than clean sand. Liquefaction usually occurs under vibratory conditions such as those induced by seisnuc events. To evaluate the liquefaction potential of the site, the following items were evaluated: 1) Soil type 2) Groundwater depth 3) Relative density 4) Initial confining pressure 5) Intensity and duration of ground shaking The soils beneath the site consist predominately of dense and stiff materials. Groundwater is expected to be a depth of greater than 50 feet. The potential for liquefaction is considered to. be low based on the absence of shallow groundwater and the relatively dense and stiff materials underlying the site. One of the most common phenomena .during seismic shaking accompanying any earthquake is the induced settlement of loose unconsolidated soils. Based on site subsurface conditions and the moderate to high seismicity of the region, any loose granular materials at the site could be vulnerable to this potential hazard. Our analysis of dynamic densification of "dry" soil above the water table in the upper 50 feet of existing soil profile was performed. The seismic densification of dry to damp alluvial sandy soils due to onsite seismic activity is calculated to have total settlements of approximately 2 to 3 inches. To reduce the effects and magnitude of the seismic induced settlements, remedial grading is recommended, as discussed later in this report. Following completion of the recommended remedial grading and foundation design, we estimate that differential settlements of approximately 1/2 inch in 20 feet laterally may result from seismic densification. SOIL CORROSIVITY Corrosion tests were performed to evaluate the soil corrosivity to the buried structures. The results of the tests are included as follows: iiiameter :.;.':.:;.:::.' .:.::.::.::..R, s...............,:... .....,....: eS.M....hod.:.::..:.::.:..... :: Resistivity 12,500 ohms -cm Caltrans Sulfate Less than 5 mWkg EPA 9038 Cliloride 23.4 mg/kg EPA 9253 PH 9.02 EPA 9045C Krazau & Associates, Inc. offices Serving The Western United States 11207036.doc )3Ant,J "13' RETENTION BASIN SIZING (BASIN 'B9 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QU/NTA, CA ON -SITE RETENTION VOLUME CALCULATION AVERAGE END AREA METHOD Elevation F Area SF Avg Area SF Depth F Avg Volume CF 0 3,579 4,240 1 4,240 1 4,900 5,600 1 5,600 2 6,300 7,055 1 7,055 3 7,810 8,578 1 8,578 4 9,345 9,500 0.2 1,900 4.2 9;655 TOTAL (CF): 27,372 DRYWELL ONE MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL, 30' BELOW BASIN BOTTOM STORAGE IN THE 6' DIA. SHAFT: VOLUME = 3.14 x (3 FT) ^2 x 18'= 508 CF STORAGE IN THE 4' DIA. SHAFT: VOLUME = 3.14 x (2 FT) ^2 x 12' = 151 CF TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED TOTAL VOLUME = 27,372 CF + 508 CF + 151 CF = 28,031 CF PERCOLATION CALCULATION: TOTAL DEAD STORAGE VOLUME = 27,010 CUBIC FEET AVG AREA = 6,500 SF, 1 DRYWELL PROPOSED USE PERCOLATION RATE OF 2 INCHIHOUR AND 0.1 CFS PER DRYWELL: TOTAL PERCOLATION = 6,500 SF x 1/12 x 2 INCH /HOUR x 1/ 3,600 + 1 DRYWELL x 0.1 CFS / DRYWELL = 0.4 CFS DRAW TIME = 27,010 CUBIC FEET 0.4 CFS* 3,600 S / 1 HOUR =19 HOURS (< 72 HOURS, THEREFORE, O.K.) 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6A -nl C" RETENTION BASIN SIZING (BASIN 'C7 JEFFERSON SQUARE, LA QUINTA, CA ON -SITE RETENTION VOLUME CALCULATION AVERAGE END AREA METHOD Elevation FT Area SF Avg Area SF Depth FT Avg Volume CF 0 2,575 2,988 1 2,988 1 3,400 3,880 1 3,880 2 4,360 4,855 1 4,855 3 5,350 5,908 1 5,908 4 6,465 6,483 0.1 648 4.1 6,500 TOTAL CF : 18,278 DRYWELL ONE MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL, 30' BELOW BASIN BOTTOM STORAGE IN THE 6' DIA. SHAFT: VOLUME = 3.14 x (3 FT) ^2 x 18'= 508 CF STORAGE IN THE 4' DIA. SHAFT: VOLUME = 3.14 x (2 FT) ^2 x 12' = 151 CF TOTAL VOLUME PROVIDED TOTAL VOLUME = 18,278 CF + 508 CF + 151 CF = 18,937 CF PERCOLATION CALCULATION: TOTAL DEAD STORAGE VOLUME = 17,834 CUBIC FEET AVG AREA = 4',360 SF, 1 DRYWELL PROPOSED USE PERCOLATION RATE OF 2 INCH /HOUR AND 0.1 CFS PER DRYWELL: TOTAL PERCOLATION = 4,360 SF x 1/12 x 2 INCH /HOUR x 1/ 3,600 + 1 DRYWELL x 0.1 CFS / DRYWELL = 0.3 CFS DRAW TIME = 17,834 CUBIC FEET 0.3 CFS* 3,600 S / 1 HOUR =17 HOURS (< 72 HOURS, THEREFORE, O.K.) -_.. aZ & ASSOCIATES, IN C. 9. GEOTECiiNICAL ENGINEERING e ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING & INSPECTION IJuly 8, 2008. KAY- roject No. 112 -07036 IDear Mr. Middleton: In accordance with your request, we have performed percolation testing at the subject site. This report ' documents. the services and'provides the results of our field and laboratory study., PURPOSE AND SCOPE This study was conducted to measure the approximate. percolation rates within the near- surface strata of the site. iris our understanding that the data will be used by the project design teaman their development of the on site storm water disposal system. The. percolation testing conducted At the subject site. was performed in general accordance with the City of La Quinta, Public Works Department, Engineering Bulletin #06- 16.:Hydrology and Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems, USBR Percolation ' Test Standard. Our scope of services was outlined in our change order dated June l l:, 2008 (KA Project No. 11.2 707036) and included the following: ' O Conducting three :(3) percolation tests within the area of the proposed detention basins at the subject site. Two of the percolation tests were performed at depths of approximately 10 to. 13 feet below existing grade. The percolation test for the underground basin was performed at a rdepth. of approximately 20 to 23 feet below the. existing grade. v A total of three exploratory borings were performed adjacent to the percolation tests. These exploratory borings were extended to a depth of at least 15' feet .below the bottom of each test. ' O Preparation of this report summarizing the-results. of our investigation. Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Street, Ontario, California 91761 a (909) 9744400 o Fax: (90919744022 Mr. Thomas Middleton :Regency Centers Inc. 36 Executive Park, .Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 rR>G: Percolation Rate Study Proposed Shopping Center Jefferson .Street and Fred Waring Drive La Quinta, California IDear Mr. Middleton: In accordance with your request, we have performed percolation testing at the subject site. This report ' documents. the services and'provides the results of our field and laboratory study., PURPOSE AND SCOPE This study was conducted to measure the approximate. percolation rates within the near- surface strata of the site. iris our understanding that the data will be used by the project design teaman their development of the on site storm water disposal system. The. percolation testing conducted At the subject site. was performed in general accordance with the City of La Quinta, Public Works Department, Engineering Bulletin #06- 16.:Hydrology and Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems, USBR Percolation ' Test Standard. Our scope of services was outlined in our change order dated June l l:, 2008 (KA Project No. 11.2 707036) and included the following: ' O Conducting three :(3) percolation tests within the area of the proposed detention basins at the subject site. Two of the percolation tests were performed at depths of approximately 10 to. 13 feet below existing grade. The percolation test for the underground basin was performed at a rdepth. of approximately 20 to 23 feet below the. existing grade. v A total of three exploratory borings were performed adjacent to the percolation tests. These exploratory borings were extended to a depth of at least 15' feet .below the bottom of each test. ' O Preparation of this report summarizing the-results. of our investigation. Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Street, Ontario, California 91761 a (909) 9744400 o Fax: (90919744022 1 LI u it 1 1 1 KA No. 112 -07036 Page 2 of 4 SITE LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION The .proposed site is located at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive in La Quinta, California. The site is roughly rectangular in shape and roughly sloping to the north and east. At the time of our field investigation and testing program, the site was undeveloped and. covered with sparse bushes and exposed soil.. SOIL PROFILE .AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface profile generally consisted of loose to dense fine sand and fine silty sands extending to the maximum depth explored. During the excavation of the borings, continuous visual and physical examination was conducted on the soil cuttings. Significant silt or clay.layers /lenses were not identified as being encountered in any of the borings at the site. Corrosion tests were performed to evaluate the soil corrosivity to the buried structures. The results of the tests are included as follows: tx �w,c x, a { f -� '� � lam' � ,,. ., o a� n" � � - t � x � -�` �°• � ,.. •. �Parametcr< �„ { nResalts Y �� -Nest Method£' s t..- ft ✓.i,�..�t, �:..Y . e.L Cba.:n�. .X. � >ra...N., � v«. F.N.'r✓ t?`.:fKK "5„ v. A�z.+i� r.:4'X .6S..i f.f...iyr _:. YcFY -Z..^S _YY F.: °. .S� ,.. ,Art: Resistivity 2,460 ohms -cm Caltrans Sulfate 258 mg/kg EPA 9038 Chloride 117 mg/kg EPA 9253 pH 7.52 EPA 9045C Excessive sulfate or chloride_ in. either the soil or native water may result in an adverse reaction between the cement in concrete and the soil. California Building Code has developed criteria for evaluation of sulfate and chloride levels and how they relate to .cement reactivity with soil and /or water. The soil samples from the subject site were tested to have a low sulfate and chloride concentrations. Therefore; no special design requirements are. necessary to compensate for sulfate or chloride reactivity with the cement. Electrical resistivity testing of the soil. indicates that the onsite soils may have a mild potential for metal. loss from electrochemical corrosion process. PERCOLATION TESTING Two methods for percolation testing are given in the City of La Quinta, Public Works Department, Engineering Bulletin ##06 -16, Hydrology and. Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems, USBR Percolation Test Standard. Either ASTM Double Ring Infiltrometer Test or U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Test were recommended by the City of La Quinta as approved test methods. The U.S.. Bureau of Reclamation method was determined to be the most prudent for the subject site. The test locations are presented on the attached site plan, Figure 1. Detail results of the percolation tests are attached. The data is presented in tabular format. The soil .percolation rates are based on tests conducted with clean water. The infiltration rates may vary with time as a result of soil clogging from water impurities. A factor of safety should be incorporated into the design of the basins to compensate Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Stieet, Ontario, California 91761 • (909) 974 -4400 • Fak: (909) 974 -4022 112 -07036 La Ouinta Perc :12 1 KA. No. 112- 07036 Page 3 of 4 for these.factors...In addition, periodic maintenance consisting of clearing the bottom of the basins, should be expected. The highest P ercolation rate ranges from 4.25 inches to 6.5 inches .per hour. A minilnuin factor of safety of 2:0 should`be assigned to'this value. The recommended design percolation rate:sliould.be a maximum ' of 2.0 inches 'per hour. MUTATIONS ' Geotechnical. Engineering is one of the newest divisions of Civil Engineering: This branch of Civil. Engineering is constantly improving as new technologies and understanding of earth sciences advance. Although our services were conducted in accordance with current engineering practice,. undoubtedly there will. be substantial future improvements in this branch of engineering. In addition to advancements in the field of Soils Engineering, physical changes in the site, either due to excavation or fill placement,, tnew agency regulations, or possible, changes in the proposed .structure after the soils report is completed may require the soils report to be professionally reviewed. In light of this, the Owner. should be aware that there is a.practical limit to the usefulness of this report without critical review. Although the time limit for this review is strictly arbitrary, it. is suggested that 1 year be considered :a reasonable .time for the usefulness of this report.. ' The scope of our .services did not include a .groundwater study and was limited to the performance of percolation testing and .the submitted of the data only. Our services did not include those associated with an Environmental Site Assessment for the presence or absence of hazardous and/or toxic materials in the ' soil, groundwater.; or atmosphere; or the presence of wetlands. Any statements, or absence of, statements,, in this report regarding odors, unusual or suspicious items, or conditions observed, are strictly fora descriptive purposes and are not intended to convey engineering judgment regarding potential hazardous and/or toxic assessment. The geoteclmical engineering information presented herein is based upon professional .interpretation utilizing standard engineering practices. The work conducted through. the course of this .investigation, including the preparation of this .report, have been ,performed in accordance with the .generally accepted standards of geotecbnical engineering practice, which existed in the geographic area at the time the report was written. No other warranty, express or implied, is .made. ' It is not warranted that such information and interpretation cannot be superseded by future geotechnical engineering. developments. We emphasize that this report is valid for the project outlined above and should not be used for any other sites. 1 Offices Serving The Western United States 4221 Brickell Street, Ontario, California 91761 0(909) 9744400 a Fax: (909) 9744022 112 -07036 La.Ouinw Pere n2 1 1 1 K.A No. 111-01036 Page 4 of 4 If you have any questions regarding theservices, performed or the data reported herein, or if we may be of - further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (909) 974-4400. Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN &..AS.SOCIATES,' INC. tjAL stop rRo. o I; is To, r-.- E FI n, Project Geo 0 s(Z' PG No. 8420 No; 8420.. (P EXP CR/fMK:rm CA Attachments: Figure 1, Site Plan Results of Percolation Tests. Boring Logs ESS/ JM�ej-.M. Kell Project Engin AVIESM.MLOGG RCE No. 650 N(i 65092 cMr_ Sap :0.2009 CIVIL Offices *Serving The Western United States 4221 BTkkell Street, Ontario, California 91761 0 (909) 974-4400 • Fax: (909) 974A012 112-07036 La Quinta Pert #2 II ------------ ---------_ZE --------- .. --------------- Z LL Is W. > LD n 'rT A*. LADING. up Lj Ix -:.q LL. -2 j El 0 0 F_ +P —5+B 17 B-18 Lj n ULLLLLI]iL['- u LLLLLLI—U-LL LEGEND JEFFERSON ST B -18 APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION P-7 APPROXIMATE PERCOLATION TEST LOCATION PROPOSED JEFFERSON SQUARE Scales NTT Dates JULY 2008 LA QUINTA, CA Drawn byi Approved by, RM JK SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS' SITE PLAN Project No. 112-07036 Figure No. 1 Offices Serving the Western United States l UN LJ .1 1 Log of Drill Hole B -17 Project: Proposed Jefferson.Square Project No: 112 -07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A -17 Location: La .Quinta, CA Logged By: WP Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion: SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE ° Water Content ( %} :. Description c L 0 N C N o U) o H m - ._.._._1 _....._2030 -- 40- Ground Surface SILTY SAND. (SM), fine grained, light brown, slightly moist 2. _.._._ ....__._�.._.._.._.. ; ........_..... i ' SILTY SAND /SAND(SM/SP), fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist 4 j : ___...._....._...._ .... ;..__. -.___ :..___........; SILTY SAND /SAND (SM /SP), fine grained, brown, slightly moist, medium dense __ _'.. __..._._�........- ._.....__.;._ _. 8. i 1 10 _.. ... '... --- .._,__._... .... _. _,j.... .:: • SAND (SP), very fine grained, yellow -tan, slightly moist., medium .............__..._ _; ....._. ._ _.. . ' � • • dense _ :._._.... ._ .... :..._..._, __ ............. _._..- ..._.. SILTY SAND (SM), medium to coarse grained, tan, medium dense SILTY SAND /SAND (SMISP), 16 :' fine to.medlum grained, light brown, slightly moist _. ..._..._._.: .__._.__...__._..._._.._...... i 18. SILTY SANDISAND (SMISP), 20 :. fine grained, tan -brown i i 22 _i_...._ .. :.......: ....:..:. ': • :.�. SAND (SP), . medium. to coarse grained, light brown, dense 24— i - SAND (SP), medium to coarse grained, light brown, dense _._ ....._.;....___,_._,._....__... __._..__ -_ ._...,.. j 26 _... E 1... t_:.... End of Borehole Total Depth =.25' ...... ....._...... _.__._._ ........ _....... _. ....__ ? 28 No groundwater was encountered: during drilling ......._...._ ._..._._.._.,..____.__.._....__ _... ; I Hole, backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 30 06/26!08 _ .._4...__..... .... .... ..._.,,.___ .......__.._ Drill Method: Hollow Stern Auger Drill RIg: CME 55 Driller: JG Kroan and Associates Drill Date: 06/26/08 Hole Size: 6" Elevation: See Site Plan ShP.P.t: 1 of 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Log of Dril[ Hole B-18 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112 707036 Client:, Regency: Centers Figure'No.: A -18 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By:. WP Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion:. SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE Water Content ( %) -� Description E c N D .> U) Z o 0 �. I= ° m - ._�0... -.._2� 30 - - -_A Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, 'slightly moist ..... ; �.._ • SILTY SAND /SAND (SM /SP), fine grained, light brown, slightly moist _._.___...._._....... ...... .......__.:..,_...__....__., 4 ..._._....._......_._.__.__ ,.._... - '. -- SILTY SAND /SAND (SM /SP), • fine grained, brown, slightly. moist _._._....._- .,.._. _.. ... ..._ . - -___ : E i � 8 { i !...:.. ' • • . • SAND (SP), 12 % fine grained, yellow -tan, slightly moist 14. i ...... i SILTY SAND /SAND (SM /SP), fine to. coarse grained, light brown, slightly moist t : 18 _ _ _.__..._. L___.__._ ±__ _ ..__._ <_._ ........ ..._.__.._.._ SILTY SAND (SM), .. fine grained, tan -brown s ! . _ ... _`..... ..._, ............._._ SAND (SP), 22 •' • •' •, medium grained, light brown ;.____.,. _._._._....._. .... _ ......... _.._ :.. SAND (SP), 26 medium to coarse grained, light yellow, dense __.:.._ ........ .:... ...... .................:........... i Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Rig: CME 55 KraZan and Associates ml Driller: JG Drill Date.: 06/26/08 Hole Size: 6" Elevation: See Site Plan ChnuF• 4 of 9 Log of Drill Hole B-18 Project: Proposed Jefferson Square Project No: 112 -07036 Client: Regency Centers Figure No.: A -18 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged ay: WP Depth to Water> Initial: At Completion:. SUBSURFACE. PROFILE SAMPLE ' U ° Water rContent' ( %) .� Description a� 3 o cn o in 10 20 3040_._..__ . SAND SP , medium grained,.,grey- yellow, dense _---.....__..._._._ f___..._.__ ..._._......I .................. 32 _ .____...;_..__.._..... _ .......... ..t_._..._S,._......_ 34 ! '. SAND SP , :: .. fine to medium grained, brown -yellow ___.__.� _..___ 1__.... _.._....i..._..- :._....i.__._.. _.. SAND SP, tine to medium grained, yellow -tan I i 38 -- SAND (SP), 40 fine rained, white -tan g :...._.... - End of Borehole + 42 Total Depth =.40' _....__....._ ...:_.._.__ ....__..f_._.._:..-- ,,.__._..,. No groundwater was encountered during drilling _.._.._:1.._.._.._ _.;> _......_L.._. ,... ._...._.. Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped i 44 06/26108 _...._ - -- ---- ..........___..._,_ ...�_�:........._.:.... _._...�. .............. -- ....._..........__.__ ..... ____._ 46 . ....... _......_ ....._.___._ ..... v_.,..._...... L ...........:.._.: 48 s : ! s 52 I 54 ...__..._...... L__ .._...- _:...i ... ........... .._; _.:.,:..._..,:...,........ 56 I 58 } ! ! 60. t __._ ...:.. ..... .._. ; Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger Drill Date: 06/26/08 Drill Rig: CME 55 Krazan and Associates Hole Size: 6° Driller: JG Elevation: See Site Plan ShPpt- 2 of 7 n . - I Log of Drill Hole B -'19 Project: Proposed Jeffers on Square Project No: 112 -07036 Client: Regency;Centers Figure No.: A -10 Location: La Quinta, CA Logged By: WP Depth.to Water•> initial: At Completion: SUB. SURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE. g Water Content Description 0 c o °' P N . E w 10 20 30 40 Ground Surface SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, light brown, slightly moist 2- _.._... �..:. i.._.._.._:.:_ .. ..... .... .. ........ .. i ; : . SILTY SAND /SAND (SMJSP), fine to medium grained, light brown,, slightly moist _...- _�__.,._..__ .._...... _.__._._..__._.....1.._- ...__:. i SILTY SAND (SM), fine grained, brown, slightly moist . 6 i t 1.0 _......... i ! r :.. ; .SAND (SP),. 12 fine grained, yellow -tan, slightly moist, dense ! i _._:............._._.._ .__...._..._....._.__._......_ .:- SILTY SANDJSAND (SMJSP), s s medium to coarse grained, tan, dense - ---- ------ .._ _..._...,._ ..__,__..._. l i 14 .z _.........._...... ............._.:._..._....: -._. W........ ...........:..... ! ! SILTY SAND /SAND (SNVSP), 16 fine to medium grained, light brown, slightly moist -- : - - - -� -- .-- __.:__._..... !...._._.._..__.;.__ -_... : 18 _.. SILTY SANDJSAND (SM/SP), fine grained, brown -tan _.-_..._....._...._...__:._.... _.- ..'___......_;........_.__ -. 20 22 _ . _i...._._......� _._....._. ._f..:........_.._ +_......_._.. SAND (SP), medium grained, light brown; dense _._. ...__:._......_....�..-- . -. -. -. _.._...__.........,.. 24 26 _.._._.._. __.._.. v . End of Borehole Total Depth = 25' ... . ....... .......... 28 No.groundwaterwas encountered during drilling ! Hole backfilled with soil cuttings and tamped 06!26108 30-- _...� _ I ................?.._..._. . Drill Method: Hollow Stem Auger ' Drill Rig: CME 55 Driller: JG Krazan and Associates Drill Date: 06/26/08 Hole Size: 6" Elevation: See Site Plan RF+nnf• `1 of I :RESULTS :OF Projcict # 112-07036 =Date Jul 3, 2008 PiAd N lJefferson Rec. arges i . pr" d. Project Address Street and Fred Waring Drive Test No: JR.6 ITotal Depth 113 feet I Test Size 16 inches De"tfi,To Wafer 1U feet.... ]Soil 1Gal, rons -,'I hbU f6- 16:T6h rs:., i Riadlng Elasped T!"r jhbrem6fiWl Tihb. -Z keep Constant ead(rlh incremental :p :. ry i Start 0 0.00 0.0 10:00: .10:00' 3 20.00 10.00 0.4 9.8 47 -- 0 . 60.00 30.00 0.7 5.7 0' 311 0 0 7 120.00 30.00 1.4 5.7 ,30 Q 0 71. 2. 9 180.00 30.00 1.8 4.9 10. 4:,Y20,00 2:2...... . . 11 300.00 60.00 2.8 4.5 : ::12 360100 "6000: 13 ,14 15 'Pee kitloh ftb0h. lh6hOs 4.22 . - -I U 98 99 8 7 6 %E, 41 5 4 3 0 2 0 P-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 Time (minutes) . . . . 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 Time (minutes) RESULT,$ OF:PERCOWIQNfTES,-TS,: "' Pro ect.# - 112-07036 Mate jEuly 3, 2008 Pro I Jp ff erson,S Bechar a 124'.ht Orb>s6turdted, Project Address Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive Test No: I P-6 ITotal Depth 113. feet Rest Size --T6 -inches IDeAth 20.00 10.00 IGil N ons1,hours. 3.75-'Gbltf6-htt: .. Reading Elasped Tlm:�' th O(M f��T61 twe ip. . Al on6;td-. 460 ,-.Wad 16reffidntail, rc kaw Start 0. 0.00 0.0 .00 QiOO 3 20.00 10.00 0.6 13.5 ,3M00* 5 60.00 30.00 1.3 10.2 -,30. 0,7: 9. 7 120.00 30.00 2.0 8.2 6WOO 730.00 -2-3 9 180.00 30.00 2.8 7.5 10 .440, 0 0 .0 0. 11 300.00 60.00 3.3 5.3 .1 -360 1. 60: 00 3 .8 13 15 lAtIdn Rate .'Ihinches per Hdijt' 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 10 9 8- 7 6 5 .2 4 3 0 2 as 1 n P-2 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 Time (minutes) 7 --- --- - 5.3 ,r, 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 Time (minutes) RESULTS OF PERCOLATION WN TS Project # 1112 -07036 JDate IM . y 3, 2008 Pro ldbtNdfti6��.CL'- ljdffbfsdnS4 'I R6ch a 2 0.00 Project Address IJefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive ITest No: IP-6 ITotal Depth 113 feet ITest Size 16 inches 3 20.00 10.00 0.6 14.7 "Re'aiding d,� anhd, Time A GO o 0. ;pH ohstaht,� 7.1 4^ incremental. R Percolation Rate Start 0 0.00 0.0 0,00"', 2"3 3 20.00 10.00 0.6 14.7 -L�30'oa n'. 0'. 141" 5 60.00 30.00 1.3 10.6 6 0 7 -120.00 30.00 2.1 8.6 -"8 ABOW,' `8 9 180-00 30.00 3.1 8.4 -24 f 11 300.00 60.00 4.1 6.7 .zl6 -2- 360.00- 60.00 13 � 15 1 Percolatibri.'Rate lifindh"'. jier'.Hour, 15 14 13 U) 2 1 11 10 9 -E, 8 JS 7 m 0: 6 c 5 .0 4 3 0 2 2 n P-3 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240-00 300.00 360.00 420.00 Time (minutes) fi 1 � 1 ii 1f -5 6 J 0.00 60.00 120.00 180.00 240-00 300.00 360.00 420.00 Time (minutes) JAW -04 =2008 0:34 ENVIRO- CHEII, INC 9095905905 P.02/07 Enviro - Chem, Inc. 1214 E Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 590 -6906 Fax (909) 590 -5907 L"ORATORY REPORT CUSTOMER:. Rrazan a Associates, Inc. 4221 Hrick611 St. Ontario, CA 91761 Tel(909)974 -4400 Fax(909)974 -4022 PROJECT: La Quint& MATRIX:SOII, DATE RECEIVED:01 /02/08 SAMPLING DATE:12 /24/07 DATE ANALYZED. ;01/02- 03/08 REPORT T6.-M. 'SCOTT_KU&OGG DATE REPORTED:01 /0 J08 SAMPLE I.D.: 112 -07036 / B- 1 60 -3' LAB I..D.: 080102 -1. EPA PARAMETER SAMPLE RESULT UNIT PQL DF =MOD RESISTIVITY 2 2460 O OHMS -CM 100000* - C C_niLTRANs SULFATE 2 26.8 M MG /KG 10 1 E EPA 9038 CHLORIDE 1 117 M MG /KG 10 1 E EPA 9253 aH 7 7.52 P PH/UNIT E EPA 9045C COMMENTS DF = DILUTION >;ACTOR PQL ,= PRACTICAL QUANTITATION LIMIT ' ACTUAL DETECTION LIMIT = DF X PQL MG /.KG = MILLIGRAM PER KILOGRAM = PPM. OHMS -CM = OHMS- CENTIMETER ' RESISTIVITY = 1 /CONDUCTIVITY = HIGH LIMIT D1e,TA REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: CAL -DHS ELAP CERTIFICATE No.: 1555 7� .10" HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA IX. INLET /CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS 0 DRC INLET SUMMARY FOR JEFFERSON SQUARE LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA INLET SUMMARY INLET NO. INLET TYPE Q10 (CFS) 0100 (CFS) CONDITION Cl COMBINATION INLET W= 2.95', SINGLE GRATE 1.3 2.0 FLOWBY C2 18 "X18" GRATE 0.8 1.2 SUMP C3 4' CURB OPENING 2.3 3.5 SUMP C4 COMBINATION W = s-15 1, 511 4Lv 'f-r 1.0 1.5 SUMP C5 7' CURB OPENING 5.0 7.5 SUMP C6 4' CURB OPENING 2.5 4.0 SUMP C7A 18 "X18" GRATE 0.15 0.2 SUMP C76. 18 "X18" GRATE 0.15 0.2 SUMP C7C 6" ATRIUM GRATE 0.07 0.1 SUMP C8 18 "X18" GRATE 0.8 1.2 SUMP C9 24 "X24" GRATE 1.2 1.8 SUMP C10 COMBINATION INLET W= 2.95', SINGLE GRATE 2.3 3.2 SUMP C11 7' CURB OPENING 1.2 1.8 FLOWBY C12 COMBINATIOIN INLET W= 2.95', SINGLE GRATE 1.2 1.8 FLOWBY C13 18 "X18" GRATE 0.8 1.2 SUMP NOTE: 1. ALL INLETS SIZED FOR 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT fM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FLOW BY INLET TYPICAL CROSS SECTION TYPICAL PLAN VIEW SWEEPER INLET SWEEPER INLET Flowl Direction W (ft) Curb +I r I I a (in) Qw I Os I ----T Lc =Curb Opening FS, Sx = 2.0% SL = Road Gmde ♦- i Lg = Grate Length Se = Equiv C.. Sbr. i Li = Curb Open Length I'm IM Int=plion GRATE (Eq 4 -22, pp 4 -48) k n = 0.016 W (ft) = 2.00 kNo n S( %)= 3.6 Determine Grate Q 8, Bypass Q e, S w = Sw - Sx Trial Error w /Bypass Qs a in = 2.0 Assum Qs = 0.01 L (ft) = 2.95 8.1 ga Wg(ft)= 2 33' fco "3txi Grate No. 1 bOpening Info ahNlSx� 93 V �_ , set 0 6 5v� (3 sz ass L fty= 1by' 1(ft} �Rf= 099 . T4 I - t�tbfs) T Okay Os :locity talc in cell Z120u I N LET c I jlnpurt for Grate No I Graph Drawing Open I Mo. type Name Name Bike Rank (1 Grate Area 1 P -1 -7/8 P -50 Not Safe 3.60 1 2 P- 1 -7/8 -4 P- 50000 1 (Best) 3.20 I 3 P -1 -1/8 P -30 3 2.40 4 Curved Vane 6 1.40 5 45 Tilt Bar 4 and 5 1.60 6 30 Tift Bar 7 1.36 L _ 7_ _ Reticuline_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 3.20 t I.96 ifs Effla, OCY_ � - q8 0 Ie Intercept Flow ; , 0• K . Inlet Bypass Flow Inlet Interception I N LET c I jlnpurt for Grate No I Graph Drawing Open I Mo. type Name Name Bike Rank (1 Grate Area 1 P -1 -7/8 P -50 Not Safe 3.60 1 2 P- 1 -7/8 -4 P- 50000 1 (Best) 3.20 I 3 P -1 -1/8 P -30 3 2.40 4 Curved Vane 6 1.40 5 45 Tilt Bar 4 and 5 1.60 6 30 Tift Bar 7 1.36 L _ 7_ _ Reticuline_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 3.20 t I.96 ifs Effla, OCY_ � - q8 0 Ie Intercept Flow ; , 0• K . Inlet Bypass Flow Inlet Interception I.96 ifs Effla, OCY_ � - q8 0 Ie Intercept Flow ; , 0• K . Inlet Bypass Flow Inlet Interception GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: INLET LOCATION: JEFFERSON SQUARE SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) "(1/2) *H ^(3/2) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 4.00 FT Effective Perimeter H = 0.40 FT; : Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 3.03 CFS Calculated Discharge l0�T Gz NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. Select Grate Size: Grate Length 1:50 FT `? Grate Width 1.'50: l0�T Gz NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS I COMPUTER PROGRAM (HELE1) (c) Copyright 1983 -2004 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 10.0 Release Date: 01/01/2004 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consulants 8175 East Kaiser Blvd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714- 685 -6860 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ • C07 -304 JFEEERSON SQUARE • CATCH BASIN SIZING • 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT FILE NAME: CB.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:12 05/26/08 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION« << --------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --- - - - - -- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 3.50 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.50 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.50 » »CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 3.21 0�lC 2 'f (7 ut S(+ I., W ;: q' 1 t GuRS °� G' �L� l �J fl r++ rrrrrrr+++ r++ r+ rrrr+ r++ r++ rrr+++++ rrr+ rr+ rrrrrr +r +r + +rrrr + +r +r +r + + + +rrr ++ HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS I COMPUTER PROGRAM (HELE1) (c) Copyright 1983 -2004 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 10.0 Release Date: 01/01/2004 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consulants 8175 East Kaiser Blvd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714- 685 -6860 + + + +r +rrrrrrrrr + + +rrr + + +rr DESCRIPTION OF STUDY +rr +r +r + +rrrr +rrr + +rrr + +r • C07 -304 JFEEERSON SQUARE • CATCH BASIN SIZING • 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT rrr+++ r++ rrrr+ r+ r+++++ rrr++++ rrrrrr+++++ rrr + +rrrr +r + + + + +rrr + +rrr + + + +rr +rrr FILE NAME: CB.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:12 05/26/08 rrrrrr++++ r+ rr+ r+ rrr+ r+ r++ r+++ r++ rrrr+ rrrrr+ rrrr +rrr +r + +rr +rr +rr +rr + + + + + +rr+ >> »SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION <<<< --------------------------------------------- --- -------- ------- ------ - ---- -- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 1.50 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.50 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.50 » »CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.37 Il,li T-o 7W C-4 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS I COMPUTER PROGRAM (HELE1) (c) Copyright 1983 -2004 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 10.0 Release Date: 01/01/2004 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consulants 8175 East Kaiser Blvd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714- 685 -6860 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ • C07 -304 JFEEERSON SQUARE • CATCH BASIN SIZING • 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT FILE NAME: CB.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:12 05/26/08 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION <<<< -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----- ----- - - - - -- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 7.50 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.50 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.50 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 6.87 1 --------=-------------------------------- 0, K• 7a use - - - - -- Gv� C" aaaaaaaaa++++++++ aa+++++++ aaa+ a++ aaa++++ aaa++ + + + + + +a +aa + +aaaa + + + + +aaa + + +aaaa HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS I COMPUTER PROGRAM (HELE1) (c) Copyright 1983 -2004 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 10.0 Release Date: 01/01/2004 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consulants 8175 East Kaiser Blvd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714- 685 -6860 + +a + + + + + +aaaaaaaa + + +aaa +a+ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY + + +a + +a +aaaa + + + +aaaaa +aaa+ • C07 -304 JFEEERSON SQUARE • CATCH BASIN SIZING • 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT ++++++++ aa++++++++ a+++++++ a++*++ aaaa++ aa+++ + + + + +aaaaa + +aa + + + + +aaaaa +aaa + ++ FILE NAME: CB.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:12 05/26/08 ++++ a+++ aa+ a+ aa+ aaaaaaaaaaaa+ aaa+ a+ aa+ a+ aaaaa + + + + + +a +aaa + +aaa +a + + +aa + + + +a +a+ >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION <<<< -------------------------------------------------- --- ---- ------------- - - - - -- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. -I� t7 cog BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 4.00 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.50 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.50 » »CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH (FEET) = 3.66 L'IS& GLOB O i1Tl�1G 1 C,'IVsYU GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: JEFFERSON SQUARE INLET LOCATION: SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) "(1/2) *H "(3/2) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 4.00 FT Effective Perimeter H = 0. 10' FT Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 0.38 CFS :.: Calculated Discharge Select Grate Size: Grate Length Grate Width 1.50 -7 . Design Q: I -0 20 Cr FS Check Capacity: I O.K. -- Green Cells are User Input. NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: JEFFERSON SQUARE INLET LOCATION: SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) ^(112) *H "(312) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 4.00 FT Effective Perimeter H = 0:10 FT;'' Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 0;38 CFS Calculated Discharge :UltzT Of Select Grate Size: Grate Length 1:50 .FT _ , Grate Width 1:50 FT:. Design Q:. 0 20 CFS. Check Capacity: O.K. -- Green Cells are User Input. NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: INLET LOCATION: JEFFERSON SQUARE SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) "(1/2) *H "(3/2) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 1.33 FT Effective Perimeter H= 0:20 FT. Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 0.36 CFS lCalculated Discharge -- Green Cells are User Input. IN t1F, T q NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. Select Grate Size: Grate Length 0:50 FT `. Grate Width 0.50 F..T : Design Q: 0:1.0 CFS Check Capacity: 0. K. -- Green Cells are User Input. IN t1F, T q NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: JEFFERSON SQUARE INLET LOCATION: SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) ^(112) *H "(312) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 4.00 FT Effective Perimeter H = 0 30 FT - Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 1..97- CFS_,. .. ,' .:: ` :Calculated Discharge Select Grate Size: Grate Length 1 50 FT Grate Width 1.50. FT . Design Q: 1 20 CFS Check Capacity: O.K. -- Green Cells are User Input. NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. 1 1 1 GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: INLET LOCATION: JEFFERSON SQUARE SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) "(1/2) *H "(3/2) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 5.33 FT Effective Perimeter H = 0:30 FT Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 2:62 CFS Calculated Discharge -- Green Cells are User Input. NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. Select Grate Size: Grate Length 2:00 FT Grate Width 2:00 FT_; Design Q: 1,80 CFS'* Check Capacity: O.K. -- Green Cells are User Input. NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS I COMPUTER PROGRAM (HELE1) (c) Copyright 1983 -2004 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 10.0 Release Date: 01/01/2004 License ID 1510 Analysis prepared by: Development Resource Consulants 8175 East Kaiser Blvd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 714- 685 -6860 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + +a+ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + ++ * C07 -304 JFEEERSON SQUARE * CATCH BASIN SIZING * 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT FILE NAME: CB.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:12 05/26/08 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ >>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION« << ----------------------=----------------------------- ------- ----------- - -- - - -- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. lot-bi C-10 BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 3.20 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.50 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.50 » »CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.93 Q 'o LA St 2 -rj S �. Ift i - Ic' L x Z' GRAi'k vvzu PiUVM AD017PVAL CAPAC11Y. W (ft) �►0 • FLOW BY CURB OPENING OR SLOTTED S Ts (ft) Sx SL = Road Grade Se = Equiv Cross Slope LT = Curb Open Length for 100% Interception S'w Determine Note, S'w = Sw - Sx a (in) = 2.0 W-7 % MMI0123 For slotted Inlets, Let S'w = 0 or a = 0" (Min slot width = 1.75 ") (Eq 4 -2, pp 4 -9) Q (cfs) = 1.8 D.K. To US6 41 GUK9 OP& CAV44 FBAs -M M M M M MM M M M MM M MM-MM M M M CbARMAIIO� SNO-1 FLOW BY INLET TYPICAL CROSS SECTION TYPICAL PLAN VIEW SWEEPER INLET SWEEPER INLET W (ft) Curb F �ii ction T- a (in) Qw '�7 os W Lc Curb Opening hm Sx = 2.0% 2 i Lg Grate Length Sr � RmdGmde Se = lEqW� C.. SI.j. L, = cb op. Lngth ro int—piu. GRATE (Eq 4-22, pp 4-48) Graph Note, S = Sw - Sx Trial Error w/Bypass Os Open I n = 0.016 Name a (in) 2.0 Assum Qs 0 . 01 L (ft) = W (ft) = 2.00 P-50 33 a a 1 79' Wg (ft) = S = 4.9 P-50x100 1 (Best) No. 10330 Sx = 2.0 P-30 5vVl5x 52 Curb Opening Info 4 Curved Vane 6 1.40 5 71 Eo (Upstream) 0.7 4 and 5 —j" X, 'k 30 Tilt Bar Lc (ft) 7 1.36 L — 2— — Ettnuline — — — — — — — _2 . . . 3.20 Lg (ft) = 2.95 "0.00", "do 7e k 0101 - Okay Qs 0 cfs = 1.8 must enter a to solve for Sw. Note a is used in Velocity talc in cell Z120 70(AT C- I I- ji7p7rtloR G—Faie— No I Graph Drawing Open I I No. type Name Name Bike Rank (1 Grate Area i P-1-7/8 P-50 Not Safe 3.60 2 P-1-7/8-4 P-50x100 1 (Best) 3.20 3 P-1-1/8 P-30 3 2.40 4 Curved Vane 6 1.40 5 45 Tilt Bar 4 and 5 1.60 6 30 Tilt Bar 7 1.36 L — 2— — Ettnuline — — — — — — — _2 . . . 3.20 2 1 O'k A�Grate Intercept Flow Tot Inlet Bypass Flow Tot Inlet Interception GRATE INLET WEIR CALCULATION PROJECT: INLET LOCATION: JEFFERSON SQUARE SEE PLAN Using Weir Equation: Q = C *B *(2g) "(1/2) *H "(3/2) C = 0.373 Discharge Coeff. Of Weir g = 32.2 FT /FT /S Acceleration B = 4.00 FT Effective Perimeter H = 0:3q FT;::` Depth (Head) at Weir Q = 1 1.97 CFS lCalculated Discharge -- Green Cells are User Input. - j,(��7 G 13 NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. Select Grate Size: Grate Length 1.50 FT Grate Width 1:'50 FT. Design Q: 1-.20 CFS Check Capacity: 1 0. K. -- Green Cells are User Input. - j,(��7 G 13 NOTE: 1) Use the Weir Equation when the head over grate is 0.4 ft or less. 2) Effective Perimeter is half (50 %) of the total perimeter to account for clogging. 1 4� ( illy 99,�� -} 1 VIP —� 69'6 / 1 SVAO Tdx7 -.jU 62) 1 1 d:l 1 o POt M4 NQ r4tvyo \vm-4wd , k - z U) �n -Tt, 1 MI CURB OPENNING ONLY StSTTED OPEN ONLY (WEIR OR ORFICE) Input Output Input Output L (ft) = r 14 (Eq 4 -28 to 4-31, pp 4 -62) L (ft) = (Eq 4 32 pp 4 -65) - Ts (ft) = 20.0 5 = 2.� W (in) = 1.8' W (ft) _ 2.0 qit = 0.42 ft Sx ( %) _ 4.0 ince d iy than .4' Sx ( %) = 1.9 ip = 0.75 ft T (ft) = 1 Orfice Governs Sw ( %) = 18.6 Since h is > than d % CIO = 0.0 Q c% •, 3: h (in) = 10.0 Weir Governs 7 8 -35 c{S jJaT • tls�p Sw Determine �m >eir a(in)= 4.0 GLafha i C4 u0 U-6VA (;W Al HUM. poU4 c{o: is . iG Cv�ttr f I� - .z, � 0.-169-'_ j � � V � � � 0019 _ � . ,• - � •' • " 4 $� � i HYDROLOGY REPORT JEFFERSON SQUARE SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS LA QUINTA, CA ' X. PIPE HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS& EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ROUTE DIAGRAM ' STREET CAPACTITY CALCUATIONS DRC z. fAANNIOG' M = v,olz (Wt- ATWAZ-n) CFAs �D P'& M A'f'WAI, 4 M ANufAcTuflZit ; R aov�A mlll DA 71-,aJ T1 C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE 0 T2 100 - YEAR, LINE 'A' T3 7304LINEA.WSW BY Y.H., DATE: 04/23/08 SO •1004.720 29.950 1 33.440 R 1012.680 30.070 1 .012 .000 90.000 1 JX 1022.040 30.140 1 2 .012 7.500 38.510 90.0 .000 R 1204.250 31.150 1 .012 .000 45.000 0 R 1211.210 31.180 1 ,.012 .000 45.000 0 JX 1216.180 - 31.540 1 6 .012 4.000 39.330 -90.0 .000 R 1302.450 31.630 1 .012 .000 90.000 1 JX 1322.400 31.910 3 6 .012 1.200 32.290 -45.0 .000 JX 1370.280 32.410 3 6 .012 2.000 32.790 -45.0 .000 JX 1392.720 32.620 3 5 .012 1.650 38.510 -45.0 .000 JX 1538.400 34.430 3 2 .012 5.000 35.550 -45.0 .000 JX 1561.610 34.720 3 3 .012 8.310 35.200 -45.0 .000 JX 1576.850 34.910 3 6 .012 4.500 38.320 -45.0 .000 R 1582.470 34.990 3 .012 .000 .000 0 SH 1582.470 34.990 3 34.990 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 1.250 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q .001 .0 plhs*, 9A� -�cl uroRsT cA� SC�IVARZo WS Ws �7 c16,� �Q (• ��tr�� THE , �v� . s-r�2AGa �l3AssiJ �� NO" Ws = 33•Y�' AT q6,t C.MP (n" awl _ T-q. qs' (nP� WIT - 324--�-' PTP� sftiT :. M� G�tJ ✓� , ws 7 , z. fAANNIOG' M = v,olz (Wt- ATWAZ-n) CFAs �D P'& M A'f'WAI, 4 M ANufAcTuflZit ; R aov�A mlll DA 71-,aJ FILE: 7304LINEA.WSW W S P G W - EDIT LISTING - Version 12.99 Date: 5 -28 -2008 Time:10:29:43 WATER 'SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING PAGE 1 CARD SECT CHN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT 1 BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) CODE NO TYPE PIER /PIP WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CD 1 4 1 2.500 CD 2 4 1 1.500 CD 3 4 1 2.000 CD 5 4 1 2.500 CD 6 4 1 1.250 W S P G W PAGE NO 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - TITLE CARD LISTING HEADING LINE NO.1 IS - 007 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE HEADING LINE NO 2 IS - 100 - YEAR, LINE 'A' HEADING LINE NO 3 IS - 7304LINEA.WSW BY Y.H., DATE: 04/23/08 W S P G W PAGE NO 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1004.720 29.950 1 33.440 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1012.680 30.070 1 .012 .000 .000 90.000 1 ELEMENT NO 3 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1022.040 30.140 1 2 0 .012 7.500 .000 38.510 .000 90.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 4 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1204.250 31.150 1 .012 .000 .000 45.000 0 ELEMENT NO 5 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1211.210 31.180 1 .012 .000 .000 45.000 0 ELEMENT NO 6 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1216.180 31.540 1 6 0 .012 4.000 .000 39.330 .000 - 907000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 7 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1302.450 31.630 1 .012 .000 .000 90.000 1 ELEMENT NO 8 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1322.400 31.910 3 6 0 .012 1.200 .000 32.290 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 W S P G W PAGE NO 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 9 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1370.280 32.410 3 6 0 .012 2.000 .000 32.790 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE - - .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 10 IS A JUNCTION * * * * + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 W S P G W WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING .ELEMENT NO 14 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N 1582.470 34.990 3 .012 ELEMENT NO 15 IS A SYSTEM HEADWORKS U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT 1582.470 34.990 3 PAGE NO 4 RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H .000 .000 .000 0 W S ELEV 34.990 1392.720 32.620 3 5 0 .012 1.,650 .000 38.510 .000 745.000 000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 11 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4_ INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 - 1538.400 34.430 3 2 0 .012 5.000 .000 35.550 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 12 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1561.610 34.720 3 3 0 .012 8.310 .000 35.200 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE _ .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 13 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1576.850 34.910 3 6 0 .012 4.500 .000 38.320 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000_ W S P G W WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING .ELEMENT NO 14 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N 1582.470 34.990 3 .012 ELEMENT NO 15 IS A SYSTEM HEADWORKS U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT 1582.470 34.990 3 PAGE NO 4 RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H .000 .000 .000 0 W S ELEV 34.990 ML,v") FILE: 7304LINEA.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 12.99 PAGE 1 Program Package License Serial Number: 1232 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 5 -28 -2008 Time:10:29:45 C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE 100 - YEAR, LINE 'A' 7304LINEA.WSW BY Y.H., DATE: 04/23/08 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia. -FTIor I.D.1 ZL ,IPrs /Pip L /Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1004.720 29.950 3.490 33.440 34.16 6.96 .75 .34.19 .00 1.99 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 7.960 .0151 .0059 .05 3.49 .00 1.43 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1012.680 30.070 3.678 33.748 34.16 6.96 .75 34.50 .00 1.99 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0075 .0048 .04 3.68 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1022.040 30.140 4.240 34.380 26.66 5.43 .46 34.84 .00 1.76 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 182.210 .0055 .0036 .66 4.24 .00 1.70 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1204.250 31.150 3.954 35.104 26.66 5.43 .46 35.56 .00 1.76 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.960 .0043 .0036 .03 3.95 .00 1.88 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1211.210 31.180 4.017 35.197 26.66 5.43 .46 35.66 .00 1.76 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0724 .0031 .02 4.02 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1216.180 31.540 3.927 35.467 22.66 4.62 .33 35.80 .00 1.62 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 86.270 .0010 .0026 .22 3.93 .00 2.50 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1302.450 31.630 4.176 35.806 22.66 4.62 .33 36.14 .00 1.62 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0140 .0051 .10 4.18 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1322.400 31.910 3.668 35.578 21.46 6.83 .72 36.30 .00 1.66 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0104 .0070 .33 3.67 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1370.280 32.410 3.738 36.148 19.46 6.19 .60 36.74 .00 1.59 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0094 .0058 .13 3.74 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: 7304LINEA.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 12.99 PAGE 2 Program Package License Serial Number: 1232 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 5 -28 -2008 Time:10:29:45 C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE 100 - YEAR, LINE 'A' 7304LINEA.WSW BY Y.H., DATE: 04/23/08 + a++ aa+ asaaaaaaaaa+ aaaaaaa+++ a+ a+++ aa++++++++++++ aaaaaa+++++ aa++++++ a++ aa+ a+ a++ aa+++ a++++++ + + + + + + +aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + +a + + + ++ a + +aaaaa Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth .1 Width IDia. -FTIor I.D.1 ZL jPrs /Pip L /Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINOrm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch - aaaaaaa++ I+++++++ a+ I+++++ a++ I++ aaa++ aalaaaa+ aa++ laa+++ a+ laaaaaaalaaaa+++++ I++++++ al+ aa++++ al+ aaaaaa +la+ia + +a +I + + + + + +al + +a +a aaaa +a+ 1392.720 32.620 3.851 36.471 17.81 5.67 .50 36.97 .00 1.52 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0124 .0040 .58 3.85 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1538.400 34.430 3.008 37.438 12.81 4.08 .26 37.70 .00 1.29 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0125 .0015 .04 3.01 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1561.610 34.720 3.053 37.773 4.50 1.43 .03 37.80 .00 .75 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0125 .0002 .00 3.05 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1576.850 34.910 .2.929 37.839 .00 .00 .00 37.84 .00 .01 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.620 .0142 .0000 .00 2.93 .00 .01 .012 .00 .00 PIPE w 1582.470 34.990 2.849 37.839 .00 .00 .00 37.84 .00 .01 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 folk Z, Ws :Ls cd� rAirJ -1n1 Hz left srs-r%,A B�Caw � �Hao suR T1 C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE 0 T2 100 -YEAR LINE 'B' L.=A/& B T3 7304LINEB.WSW BY Y.H., DATED; 04/23/08 SO 1011.470 40.000 1 43.500 R 1047.080 40.370 1 .012 .000 90.000 1 JX 1055.290 40.470 1 2 .012 8.230 43.000 90.0 .000 JX 1074.250 40.670 1 6 .012 .500 41.000 -45.0 .000 R 1085.860 40.740 1 .012 .000 - 45.000 0 JX 1103.330 40.840 1 6 .012 .500 41.500 -45.0 .000 JX 1128.700 40.990 1 6 .012 1.250 44.000 -45.0 .000 JX 1177.060 41.280 1 8 .012 3.200 41.900 -45.0 .000 JX 1299.630 42.120 2 8 .012 3 .750 42.330 .0 .000 JX 1330.130 42.270 2 6 .012 1.250 43.000 -45.0 .000 JX 1425.780 42.750 2 6 .012 1.000 44.000 -45.0 .000 R 1454.450 42.880 2 .012 .000 .000 0 SH 1454.450 42.880 2 42.880 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 .500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 8 4 1 .000 1.250 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q 1.800 .0 As w�2- TO woRsr cAI�a 56WAVO , Ws = ws AT 66A.-(600 t3A�nl w(�1 A. PWao, 13A�1 6 AT Agaig'-690UMD 081t1 411).a' Y j?'6yi 7-- ws --I ?lp� 5�sf fn , . M09 CJ- NWvA1tvZ- z - M ANNA G ' ,�, - o l�W 0 01,) QipZ INR7 � iI �fiC7Gl s iQF�Ca n DA1�or1 FILE: 73041ineb.WSW W S P G W - EDIT LISTING - Version 12.99 Date: 5 -28 -2008 Time:12:47: 1 �- WATER SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING - PAGE 1 CARD SECT CHN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT I BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) CODE NO TYPE PIER /PIP WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CD 1 4 1 2.000 CD 2 4 1 1.500 CD 4 4 1 2.500 CD 6 4 1 .500 CD 8 4 1 1.250 W S P G W PAGE NO 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE.- TITLE CARD LISTING HEADING LINE NO 1 IS - 007- 304.JEFFERSON SQUARE HEADING LINE NO 2 IS - 100 -YEAR LINE 'B' HEADING LINE NO 3 IS - 7304LINEB.WSW BY Y.H., DATED; 04/23/08 W S P G W PAGE NO 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1011.470 40.000 1 43.500 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1047.080 40.370 1 .012 .000 .000 90.000 1 ELEMENT NO 3 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1055.290 40.470 1 2 0 .012 8.230 .000 43.000 .000 90.000 .000 ELEMENT NO 4 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 1074.250 40.670 1 6 0 .012 .500 ELEMENT NO 5 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION 1085.860 ELEMENT NO 6 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION 1103.330 * * INVERT SECT N 40.740 1 .012 * * * * INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 40.840 1 6 0 .012 .500 ELEMENT NO 7 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 1128.700 40.990• 1 6 0 .012 1.250 W S P G W WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 8 IS A JUNCTION * U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 1177.060 41.280 1 8 0 .012- 3.200 ELEMENT NO 9 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 1299.630 42.120 2 8 0 .012 3.750 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 * * Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 .000 41.000 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H .000 .000 - 45.000 0 * * Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 .000 41.500 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 * * Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 .000 44.000 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 PAGE NO 3 * * Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 .000 41.900 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000' * * Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 .000 42.330 .000 .000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE e .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 10 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1330.130 42.270 2 6 0 .012 1.250 .000 43.000 .000 - 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 11 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1425.780 42.750 2 6 0 .012 1.000 .000 44.000 .000 - 45.000 000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 12 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1454.450 42.880 2 .012 .000 .000 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 13 IS A SYSTEM HEADWORKS U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1454.450 42.880 2 42.880 M M M a M M M M M M M M M M M M a FILE: 73041ineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 12.99 PAGE 1 Program Package License Serial Number: 1232 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 5 -28 -2008 Time:12:47: 3 C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE 100 -YEAR LINE 'B' ++++ aaaaaaaaa+ 7304LINEB.WSW BY Y.H., aaa+ aaa+ aa+ a+ aaaa++++++ a++++ a+ aaa++ aaaaa++ aaaaaaa++ DATED; aaa++ a+ a+++ 04/23/08 aa+++++++ a+++++ +aa +aa +aa + + ++a +aaaaaa +a + +aaaaaa + + + + + + ++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl ENO Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia. -FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs /Pip L /Elem ++++ aaa+ al++++ ICh Slope a++++ I I++++++ aal+ I I a+ aaaaaalaaa++ a+ a+ I I++++ a+ al+ SF Avel a+ a+ aalaaaa+ HF SSE aa++ I+ DpthjFroude a+ aaralaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaala NINorm Dp I "N" I +aaaaal X -Fall +a + + + + +Iaaaaa ZR IType Ch Iaaaaaaa 1011.470 40.000 3.500 43.500 21.48 6.84 .73 44.23 .00 1.66 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 35.610 .0104 .0077 .27 3.50 .00 1.43 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1047.080 40.370 3.655 44.025 21.48 6.84 .73 44.75 .00 1.66 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0122 .0053 .04 3.66 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1055.290 40.470 4.498 44.968 13.25 4.22 .28 45.24 .00 1.31 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0105 .0028 .05 4.50 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1074.250 40.670 4.384 45.054 12.75 4.06 .26 45.31 .00 1.28 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 11.610 .0060 .0027 .03 4.38 .00 1.20 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1085.860 40.740 4.383 45.123 12.75 4.06 .26 45.38 .00 1.28. .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0057 .0026 .05 4.38 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1103.330 40.840 4.359 45.199 12.25 3.90 .24 45.44 .00 1.26 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0059 .0023 .06 4.36 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1128.700 40.990 4.358 45.348 11.00 3.50 .19 45.54 .00 1.19 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0060 .0015 .07 4.36 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1177.060 41.280 4.272 45.552 7.80 2.48 .10 45.65 .00 .99 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0069 .0011 .14 4.27 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1299.630 42.120 3.554 45.674 4.05 2.29 .08 45.76 .00 .77 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0049 .0009 .03 3.55 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE M M Lug- 4 FILE: 73041ineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 12.99 PAGE 2 Program Package License Serial Number: 1232 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 5 -28 -2008 Time:12:47: 3 C07 -304 JEFFERSON SQUARE p 100 -YEAR LINE 'B' 7304LINEB.WSW BY Y.H., DATED; 04/23/08 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia. -FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs /Pip L /Elem ICh Slope .1 SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINOrm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch +++++++++ I+++++++++ Ia+++++++ I+++++++++ I+++++++++ I+++++++ I+++++++ I+++++++++ I+++++++ I+++ r++++ I + + + + + + + +I + + + +a ++I + + + + + + +I + + + ++ I + + + + + ++ 1330.130 42.270 3.475 45.745 2.80 1.58 .04 45.78 .00 .64 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0050 .0004 .04 3.48 .00 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1425.780 42.750 3.019 45.769 1.80 1.02 .02 45.78 .00 .50 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 28.670 .0045 .0003 .01 3.02 .00 .49 .012 .00 .00 PIPE 1454.450 42.880 2.896 45.776 1.80 1.02 .02 45.79 .00 .50 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 C�NC,IMSZ aW ; 1• Lov,/Z s-t 13LOG FF = 41,3 o' of -q8 = I.Sz' 0•K . 2 • lA%S I s coN7AUft "J MHz I% - sN ' Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel QI00 Slop= mqs L-c- II� 2 1 z`NMpS . ' Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] ' 05/28/08 01:15:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 tion p ct Description ' Worksheet Flow Element Circular Channel - 1 Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth 1 Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.012 t Channel Slope 0.045000 ft/ft Diameter 12.0 in Discharge 2.20 cfs ' Results `Depth 0.35 ft Flow Area 0.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.27 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.63 ft ' Percent Full 35.4 % Critical Slope 0.006102 ft/ft Velocity 8.84 ft/s Velocity Head 1.21 ft ' Specific Energy 1.57 ft Froude Number 3.06 Maximum Discharge 8.81 cfs Discharge Full 8.19 cfs Slope Full 0.003249 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical QI00 Slop= mqs L-c- II� 2 1 z`NMpS . ' Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] ' 05/28/08 01:15:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel ' Results Project Description 0.28 ft ✓ t Worksheet Flow Element Circular Channel - 1 Circular Channel 0.2 ft2 Method Manning's Formula Wetted Perimeter Solve For Channel Depth Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.41 ft Input Data Percent Full 18.9 % Mannings Coefficient 0.012 ' Channel Slope 0.018300 ft/ft 5.18 ft/s Diameter 18.0 in Velocity Head Discharge 1.20 cfs ' Results Depth 0.28 ft ✓ Flow Area 0.2 ft2 ' Wetted Perimeter 1.35 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.41 ft ' Percent Full 18.9 % Critical Slope 0.004187 ft/ft Velocity 5.18 ft/s Velocity Head 0.42 ft t Specific Energy 0.70 ft Froude Number 2.05 Maximum Discharge 16.56 cfs ' Discharge Full 15.39 cfs Slope Full 0.000111 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical LUZ P Q,100:: (•2 cis SGoP& = 0.0183 MhtiN1Gr W, r,, Ig O' �1 1 8r 1 � DPI I Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] ' 05/28/08 01:16:30 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Worksheet Circular Channel - 1 Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth a.=I,cFs 5LbP -&: a-04,1- M AN W4 `r & = 0.0 I X ( 5-1Z ATiAAM) t 0�" WT Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/28/08 01:16:15 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.042000 ft/ft Diameter 15.0 in Discharge 1.20 cfs Results Depth 0.24 ft ✓ Flow Area 0.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.15 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.43 ft Percent Full 19.6 % Critical Slope 0.004466 ft/ft Velocity 7.09 ft/s Velocity Head 0.78 ft Specific Energy 1.03 ft Froude Number 3.03 Maximum Discharge 15.43 cfs Discharge Full 14.34 cfs Slope Full 0.000294 ft/ft Flow Type Supercritical a.=I,cFs 5LbP -&: a-04,1- M AN W4 `r & = 0.0 I X ( 5-1Z ATiAAM) t 0�" WT Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/28/08 01:16:15 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 0.013 .Minimum Pipe Stiffness (psi) (in") (mm) 4 " -12" 100 -300 i 15" 380 1 12" N-12 i 40 24" 600 1 34 - - - - -- - 24" N -12 ' 22 . 19 - -- 36" N -12 ` 0.012 i._........................_.– ..... ............ ..............._... ... ........... j 1.5 ! N/A i 7 10" 250 2.0 50 9 12" 300 3.2 79 11 15" 380 c ...................... c 0.011 ................ ?. ....... �. -: -� ,..............,.............; ... _=.. . .... . ........ .._.s..._............ 450 6.4 ! 131 16. 24" 600 ; 11.5 264 I 19 30" 760 y 15.4 0.010 :...._...._..: ................._._......_.._............._.. 24 i.. ..................._._..._..... . ; 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 1060 25.3 Velocity, fps 34 Source: Tests at Utah State University Pipe Dia. (in) (mm) 4 " =10" 100 -250 i .010 12 " -15" 300 -380 .012 18 " -36" 450 -900 i .012 42"-60". 10.60 -1500 ' 01 Reinforced Concretel M N/A .012 .012 .01.3 ' Source: "Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts" Federal Highway Administration, HDS No. 5 2 2 213 x 1/2 corrugation pattern Corrugated �Steel' 2 .024 .024 .024 .024 ' Minimum Cover: H -25 loads: 12" "(300mm) E -80 loads: 24" (600mm) Maximum Cover: Typically 50 -60 (15 -18m) feet but will ' vary depending on application and engineering design. Notes: 1. Cover heights are measured from the top of the pipe. t 2. Calculations based on load factor design per. AASHTO procedures. 3. Assume soil density of 120 lbs. /cu. ft. 4. Backfill compacted to minimum 90% density per AASHTO T -99. 5. If a hydro- hammer is used for compaction, at least 48" (1.2m) of 1 cover must be provided. 60" pipe requires 2'cover for H -25 loads. Pipe Diameter i .Minimum Pipe Stiffness (psi) (in") (mm) 4 " -12" 100 -300 50 15" 380 1 42 18" 450 40 24" 600 1 34 30" 760 28 36" 900 ; 22 42" 1060 19 48" 1200 17 60" 1500 i 14 Glass 8 pipe' 2 '16 gauge steel AASHTO M 252, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 75mm to 250mm Diameter (3" -10 ") AASHTO M 294, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300mm to 1200mm Diameter (12 " -60 ") AASHTO Section 30, Construction Standard, Thermoplastic Pipe ASTM D 2321, Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity Flow Applications ASTM D 3212, Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Joints ASTM F 1417, Standard Test Method for installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low - pressure Air ASTM F 477, Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F 667, Standard Specification for Large Diameter Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings CANICSA 8182.8, Storm Sewer and Drainage Pipe and Fittings Polyethylene Weight Compcdwn Pounds per Foot Pipe Dia. N -12 Concrete i Corrugated Steel 2� (in") 4" (mm) 100 I .45 N/A N/A 6" 150 85 N/A 6 8" 200 j 1.5 ! N/A i 7 10" 250 2.0 50 9 12" 300 3.2 79 11 15" 380 I i 4.6 j 103 ! 13 18" 450 6.4 ! 131 16. 24" 600 ; 11.5 264 I 19 30" 760 y 15.4 I 384 ( 24 36" 900 1 18.1 524 1 29 42" 1060 25.3 686 ; 34 48" 1200 j 31.3 867 38 60" 1500 46.3 11 1295 60 Glass 8 pipe' 2 '16 gauge steel AASHTO M 252, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 75mm to 250mm Diameter (3" -10 ") AASHTO M 294, Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300mm to 1200mm Diameter (12 " -60 ") AASHTO Section 30, Construction Standard, Thermoplastic Pipe ASTM D 2321, Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity Flow Applications ASTM D 3212, Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Joints ASTM F 1417, Standard Test Method for installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low - pressure Air ASTM F 477, Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F 667, Standard Specification for Large Diameter Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings CANICSA 8182.8, Storm Sewer and Drainage Pipe and Fittings Polyethylene ,iEM�ERG?�ENC Y 0 VERI=L 0 W LDIA ORA M ' WELL It SITE M. it It if SHOPS 3 HOPS 2 IL Wwlil tl it if PHAlt ;ffIt iq IF DRUG '25 PAD J PAD A .. .. ....... . i --rm' 7" . ....... .. . . ......... ... . ...... - NIS Sao 71 f F. "ro PAD OF INDEPENDEUCE-WAY--- MR T—. DT TO -CZALE: 5tG77-W A —A STREET FLOW HYDRAULIC CAPACITY CALCULATIONS This program calculates normal depth for street flow based on Manning's equation: Q= (1.486 /n) *A *R(2is )*S(1 i2) assuming flow depth is below top of curb and street crown. in ut Manning's "n" 0.015 0,8 gutter width (ft) 2.00 0.7 gutter depth (ft) 0.17 longitudinal slope 0.03300 0.6 cross slope 0.01800 0.5 depth of flow (ft.) 0.67 0.4 out ut 0.3 Q (cfs) 61.65 0.2 Flooded width (ft.) 30.00 A (so 8.23 0.1 WP (ft) 30.69 0 Hydraulic Radius 0.2683 0 5 10 15 20 25 Velocity (ft/s) 7.49 Velocity *depth (ft 2 IS) 5.05 1-0,—Street section -- -Water surface (optional input) (optional input) Design Q (cfs) 0.00 Design flooded width-(ft.) 30.00 O- cAFU,T-E y hT TC, 4 6 S CkS Q, roo = 3 - ,s-?, c-�S 75r,pkL -rk4ar"Y A0 = 0,, r Ac. 6twa 3a-z- CF-IS STREET FLOW HYDRAULIC CAPACITY CALCULATIONS This program calculates normal depth for street flow. based on Manning's equation: Q= (1.486 /n) *A *R(2 /3 )*Sw2> assuming flow depth is below top of curb and street crown. in of Manning's "n„ 0.015 0.8 gutter width (ft) 2.00 0.7 gutter depth (ft) 0.17 longitudinal slope 0.01700 0.6 cross slope 0.01800 0.5 depth of flow (ft.) 0.67 0.4 out _UtI 0.3 Q (cfs) 44.25 0.2 Flooded width (ft.) 30.00 A (so 8.23 0.1 WP (ft) 30.69 0 Hydraulic Radius 0.2683 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Velocity (ft/s) 5.37 Velocity *depth (ft2 1s) 3.62 —*— Street section Water surface (optional input) Design Q (cfs) 0.00 (optional input) Design flooded width (ft.) 30.00 QCa�G$y At -rG ¢ ds &loo 3 Cr_:5. 2 � 0% CTS Ate. o� = k -7z i 0.90 �,- +3 CF, rm M M M M MM M M M M M M M M M M ! M STREET FLOW HYDRAULIC CAPACITY CALCULATIONS This program calculates normal depth for street flow based on Manning's equation: Q= (1.486/n) *A *R1213)*S(l 12) assuming flow depth is below top of curb and street crown. in ut - Manning's "n" 0.015 0.8 gutter width (ft) 2.00 gutter depth (ft) 0.17 0.7 longitudinal slope 0.00500 0.6 cross slope 0.01800 0.5 depth of flow (ft.) 0.67 0.4 out ut ' 0.3- Q (cfs) 24.00 0.2 Flooded width (ft.) 30.00 . A (so 8.23 0.1 WP (ft) 30.69 0 Hydraulic Radius 0.2683 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Velocity WS) 2.91 Velocity *depth (ft 2 IS) 1.96 —*---street section Water surface (optional input) (optional input) Design Q (cfs) 0.00 Design flooded width (ft.) 30.00 coal J STREET FLOW HYDRAULIC CAPACITY CALCULATIONS - U This program calculates normal depth for street flow based on Manning's equation: Q= (1.486/n) *A *R(213 )*S(1/2) assuming flow depth is below top of curb and street crown. in ut Manning's "n" 0.015 0.8 gutter width (ft) 2.00 0.7 gutter depth (ft) 0.17 longitudinal slope 0.00600 0.6 cross slope 0.01800 0.5 depth of flow (ft.) 0.67 0.4 , out ut 0.3 Q (cfs) 26.29 0.2 Flooded width (ft.) 30.00 ` A (so 8.23 0.1 WP (ft) 30.69 0 Hydraulic Radius 0.2683 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Velocity (ft/s) 3.19 Velocity *depth (ft2 1s) 2.15 —0— Street section Water surface (optional input) (optional input) Design Q (cfs) 0.00 Design flooded width (ft.) 30.00 Cirs Z40U 96c71 -r+1 — Z STREET FLOW HYDRAULIC CAPACITY CALCULATIONS This program calculates normal depth for street flow based on Manning's equation- Q= (1.486/n) *A *R(2i3)*S(1i2) assuming flow depth is below top of curb and street crown. in ut Manning's "n" 0.015 0.8 gutter width (ft) 2.00 0.7 gutter depth (ft) 0.17 longitudinal slope 0.00600 0.6 cross slopel 0.01800 0.5 depth of flow (ft.) 1 0.67 0.4 out ut 0.3 Q (cfs) 26.29 0.2 Flooded width (ft.) 30.00 - A (so 8.23 0.1 WP (ft) 30.69 0 Hydraulic Radius 0.2683 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Velocity (ft/s) 3.19 Velocity *depth (ft 2 IS) 2.15 --*—Street section -- -Water surface (optional input) (optional input) Design Q (cfs) 8.33 Design flooded width (ft.) 30.00 AT 1 Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel - Project Description. 1 Worksheet Irregular Channel - 1 W —W D W Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth 1 x.(00 Section Data AQ t Mannings Coefficient 0.013 9ARt( _ O. Sv -- 1 Channel Slope 0.033000 ft/ft - Water Surface Elevation 100.15 ft Elevation Range 100.00 to 101.00 _ 1 Discharge 2.90 cfs 1 , K i t 1 100.60 100.30 -100.00 1 0 +00 0 +10 0 +20 0 +30 0 +40 0 +50 0 +60 0 +70 0 +80 for V: ' f 10.0N e' ` DW Y ` H:1 1 NTS 1 . 1 Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.1m2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] ' 08/29/08 12:18:47 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet Results Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description (/ Water Surface Elevation —� Worksheet Irregular Channel - 1 100.00 to 101.00 Flow Element Irregular Channel 0.8 ft2 Method Manning's Formula 11.22 ft Solve For Channel Depth 11.22 ft Input Data 0.15 ft Channel Slope 0.033000 ft/ft Discharge 2.90 cfs Options Velocity Current Roughness Method Improved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method Results Mannings Coefficient 0.013 �- Water Surface Elevation 100.15 ft Elevation Range 100.00 to 101.00 Flow Area 0.8 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 11.22 ft Top Width 11.22 ft Actual Depth 0.15 ft Critical Elevation - 100.20 ft Critical Slope 0.005283 ft/ft Velocity 3.59 ft/s Velocity Head 0.20 ft Specific Energy 100.35 ft Froude Number 2.36 Flow Type Supercritical Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0 +00 0 +73 0.013 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0 +00 101.00 0 +52 100.13 0 +57 100.00 0 +62 100.13 0 +73 100.56 Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 08/29/08 12:18:52 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel 1 v _ Project Description 1 Worksheet Irregular Channel - 1 Flow Element Irregular Channel AI� Method Manning's Formula Fib -f (/�� Solve For Channel Depth a ��I2n , t /A` 1 Section Data _ Mannings Coefficient 0.013 �� 1 Channel Slope 0.018000 ft/ft . Water Surface Elevation 100.20 ft .r 1 [� Elevation Range 100.00 to 101.00 �T( 1 Discharge 5.00 cfs 1 _ 1 1 I 100.60 1 100.30 100.00 0 +00 0 +10 0 +20 0 +30 0 +40 0 +50 0 +60 0 +70 0 +80 1 x -(T X?- V:10.0N NY � HA 1 k/ "TS 1 1 1 1 1 Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants ' untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 08/29/08 12:19:55 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Worksheet ' Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description J Z Worksheet Irregular Channel - 1 Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data 0.013 W g tl Channel Slope 0.018000 ft/ft Discharge 5.00 cfs Options Current Roughness Method Improved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting Method Improved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Horton's Method ' Results Mannings Coefficient 0.013 W g tl ' Water Surface Elevation 100.20 ft Elevation Range 100.00 to 101.00 Flow Area 1.5 ftZ Wetted Perimeter 15.86 ft ' Top Width 15.86 ft Actual Depth 0.20 ft Critical Elevation 100.25 ft 1 Critical Slope 0.004958 ft/ft Velocity 3.24 ft/s Velocity Head 0.16 ft Specific Energy 100.36 ft ' Froude Number 1.83 Flow Type Supercritical ' Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient ' 0 +00 0 +73 0.013 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0 +00 101.00 ' 0 +52 100.13 0 +57 100.00 0 +62 100.13 ' 0 +73 100.56 1 Project Engineer: Development Resource Consultants untitled.fm2 Development Resource Consultants FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 08/29/08 12:19:58 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 ' HYDROLOGY REPORT SITE CPAL DRAWINGS a � BACK POCKETS - EXISTING HYDROLOGY MAP - PROPOSED HYDROLOGY MAP - HYDRAULIC MAP JEFFERSON SQUARE LA QUINTA, CA Basin A Precise.XLS Percolation Rate of Retention Basin with Flow. Rate L (ft) = 100 For L, W & b input, see graph Cell Y4 W (ft) _ 193 _ Slope H(all) (ft) = 2 H (ft) = 1.0 • b (ft) = 20 V (ft) = 0.1 Increase H(in) by: 0.25 Ratio = 0.1 Perc Rate (in /hr): 2.0 Time Interval (min): 5 Note, col A & Cell D9 must be same as Syn Hydro Time Use Basin Volume at H(all) = 51920 (cult) A6W-,Rate� Perc Flow Vol Overflow Volume Us`e hydro Lookup Volume minus perc Volume in Basin. Time (min) DataMere Flow Vol Area ( /time int) (ent intial) tF(cfs) ; (cult) (sgft) (cuft) (cult) (cuft) (cult) •': 0 0:0,0 ='i * =Y 0 0 0 5 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 7.3 2194 19915 277 1917.1 0.0 1917.1 15 7.8 4266 20538 _ 285 3980.7 • 0.0 3980.7 20 7.5 6226 21043 292 5933.9 0.0 5933.9 25 10.4 9058 21940 305 8753.7 0.0 8753.7 r 30 11.6 . ' 12240 22723 316 11924.5 0.0 11924.5 35 13.5 15980 23786 330 15649.5 0.0 15649.5 40 14.6 20015 24871 345 19669.6 0.0 19669.6 45 ` 20.2 ° 25742' 26399 367 25375.0 0.0 25375.0 50 29.4 34188 28404 395 33793.1 0.0 33793.1 . 55 26.8 41830 30178 419 41411.0 0.0 41411.0 60' 6.3 43294 30629 425 42869.0 0.0 42869.0 65 OOOR 42869 30478 423 42445.7 0.0 42445.7 , 70 000 -,I, 42446• 30328 421 42024.5 0.0 42024.5 75'003 42024 30328 421 41603.3 0.0 41603.3 80 �.��3d0 00�. 41603 30178 419 41184.1 0.0 41184.1 - 85 0 00 0' . 41184 30028 417 40767.1 0.0 40767.1 90 V ` '0 OU 40767 30028 417 40350.0 0.0 .40350.0 95'0'00` ' 40350 29879 415 39935.0 0.0 39935.0 100.0 X00, 39935 29730 ` 413 39522.1 0.0 39522.1 105.x0-00!,• 4 39522 29730. 413 39109.2 0.0 39109.2 • 110 00 �; ,. � '0 39109 29581 411 38698.4 0.0 38698.4 1 1150 00 38698 29581. 411 38287.5 0.0 38287.5 120 0 004 `. 38288 29433 409 37878.7 0.0 37878.7'' 125 OOO,f� 37879 29285 407 37472.0 0.0 37472.0 130 0 00 37472 29285 407 37065.3 0.0 37065.3 135 000t.. 37065 29137 405 36660.6 0.0 36660.6 140 36661 28990 403 36257.9 0.0 .36257.9 145000 36258 28990 403 35855.3 - 0.0 35855.3 150 �� 0 00° 35855 28843 401 35454.7 0.0 35454.7 155 .':, 0 0,0, : 35455 28697 399 35056.1 0.0 35056.1 ` 160000`"}` 35056 28697 399 34657.6 0.0 34657.6 165 0 00 34658 28550 397 34261.0. 0.0 34261.0 170 '000 t ° 34261 28404 3.95 33866.5 0.0 33866.5 175 33867 28404 395 33472.0 0.0 33472.0 ' • 180 w0 33472 28259 392 33079.5 0.0 33079.5 ; i- Page 1 ' •` , - _ . .' � Lim/ l.Ew �, qA5 tze Basin A Precise 3hr.XLS � Percolation Rate of Retention Basin with Flow Rate L (ft) = 100 '" For L; W &,b input; see graph Cell Y4' W (ft)­ .193 ,� Slope Hall) (ft) = 2 .. H (ft) _, 1.0 b (ft) _ . 20 V (ft.) = 0.1 Increase H(in) by 0.25. Ratio _ 0.1 Perc Rate (in /hr): 2.0 - Time Interval (min): 5 Note; &Cell D9 must be same as Syn Hydro Time Use t "Y .. ' Basin Volume at H(611)(=/'51920 cult "�lw'� oR`ate Perc �_ Flow ,Vol. Overflow " Volume ��� U'se hydro "Flow L up Volume minus. perc Volume : in .Basin " Time (min) Data�Here '' Vol Area ( /time int) (ent intial) . (:cfs)' $, (cult) (sgft) (cult) - (tuft) (tuft) (cuft) f. 0 0 0 ". 5 .. 0.0 0.00,: 0 0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 10 1.9'.. 576 19422 " 270 306.2 0.0 306.2 749 ' . -19422 270 479:4 0..0 479.4 , �:... ' .. 20 2.4 - 1188 19545 271 916.8 0.0 916.8 • °; 25 ; 2.4 1626 19668 -; ,. 273 1352.5 0.0 1352.5 30 30 '.- 3.0�. ��.' 2261•:1.9915 .'., 277 1984:3. 0.0 1984 ;'- 35� 2;4 2693' 20039' 278 2414.9 0.0 2414.9 3:0 3323 _ 20288; :.." 282 3041.4 0.0 3041.4 45 , 3,0 , 3950 . , 20413. 284 3666.3 0.0 3666.3 50:. X2.4 4375 20538 285 4089:9. 0.0 4089.9 ''55 2.6 : 4865 20664 .' 287' 4578.3 ' 0.0 . 4578.3 60' ' 3:0 . 5487 -20916 >; , 291 5196.1' 0.0 5196.1 65 " 3:91 6370: 21170 294 6076.4 0.0 6076.4. . 70? 3.,91 7251 21426 298 6953.1" 0:0. 6953 1 , 75 3:91 .8127 21682 301 7826.2 0.0 7826.2 80 3 47 8868 21811. 303 8564.6 0.0 8564.6 .a 85 4 8U 10005 22200. 308 9696.5 0.0 . 9696.5 90 ..5:02 ' 11203, 22461 312 10891.2 0.0 10891.2 95 4.36 12198 22723 316 11882.9. 0.0 11882:9 100 5.02 13390 231.19. 321. 13068.5 0.0 13068:5 105 �� 635 14974 23518 is 327 14647.5 0.0 14647.5 110 5.91 16420 23920: , 332 16087.9 0.0 16087.9 115 5 4T,, 17128 24325 338 17389.8 0.0 17389.8 120 X599 '19096' "24597 �: � 342. 18754.3 0.0 18754.3 125. 20527 '25008 :. 347 20179.6 0.0 20179.6. 130 8�35� = 22684 - 25560: 355.- 22328.6 0.0 22328.6 135; �r ' 10;1 25364 26258 :" 365 24999.7 ` 0.0 24999.7 140 6.80 > 27038 26681 371 26667:8 0.0 26667.8 145 14':1 30900 27680 _ 384 30515.9 0.0 30515.9 150° 1522 35081 28697 399 34682.3. 0.0 34682.3 155 1417 ; . 39846 29730 413 39432.8 0.0 39432.8 ' 160;1 >2 X11. 43067 30478, 423 42643.7 0.0 42643.7 165 347 43685 30629. ` , 425 '43259.6 0.0 43259.6. " 170, . , 30,3 ' • - 44168. :. 30780 428 43740.5 0.0 . 43740.5 175, " ' 3.0,3_ . 4464930931 ` 430 , 44219.2 0:0 44219.2:. _ 180 0.3v7 44330 30780 428. 43902.2 0.0 43902.2 Page 1 .. Basin A Precise 3hr.XLS Percolation Rate of Retention Basin with Flow Rate G Vr., O L (ft) = 100 For L, W & b input, see graph Cell Y4 f ' W (ft) = 193 Slope H(all) (ft) = 2 ' ` _ H'(ft) = 1.0 b (ft) = 20 V (ft) = 0.1 Increase H(in) by: ,. 0.25 ' Ratio = 0.1 ` Perc Rate (in /hr): 2.0 Time Interval (min): 10 Note, col A & Cell D9 must be same as Syn Hydro Time USE. y Basin Volume at H(all) = 51920 (cult) -Flow, Rate$. Perc Flow Vol Overflow Volume USe' :hydro Lookup p Volume minus erc p Volume in Basin Time (min) Data*He e � Flow Vol Area ( /time int) '(ent intial) ` cfs { ) (cult) (sgft) (cuft) (cuft) (cuft) (cuft) _ .0 a ' =`O00, r, 0 0 p .10 0.0 0.00. 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 20 .0.6 369 _ 0 0 368.8 0.0 368.8 30 0.7 816 19545 • 543 273.5 0.0 273.5 ' 40 0.9 800 19422 540 260.4 0.0 260.4 50 0.9 - 787 19422 540 247.3 0.0 247.3 60 1.0 852 19545. 543 309.5 0.0 309.5 70 1.1. 994 19545 543 450.6 0.0 450.6 80 1.1 1135 19545 543 591.7 0.0 591.7 • 90 1.1 - --1276 19668 546 729.3 0.0 729.3 100 1.1 1413 19668 546 867.0 0.0 867.0 110 1.1 1551 19668 546 1004.7 0.0. 1004.7 120 - . 1.3 1767 19791. 550 1217.7 0.0 1217.7 130" �1 27 _ Is 1980 19791 550 '1430.7 0.0 1430.7 140 �� 1 40 2272 19915 553 1719.1 0.0 1719.1 . 150 y.140,` 2561 20039 557 2004.1 0.0 2004.1 f 170 g1tk67; A 3288 201163 560 2728.11 0.0 2728.11 180 "C . ���1� 67,E k ��: 3727 20413 567 3160.2 0.0 3160.2 190 4238 20538 571 3667.7 0.0 3667.7 200 1 93 4824 20664. 574 4250.5 0.0 4250.5 210 2 32? "'4 5644 20916 581 5062.6 0.0 5062.6 220 i' 6692 21170 588 6104.1 0.0 6104.1 230`.298~ _ , •:, , 2891 21554 599 7292.5 0.0 7292.5- - -• 2403 24 9237 21940 609 8627.8 0.0 8627.8 250 8 3 64 ; 10809 22330 620 10188.7 0.0 10188.7 Y 260 ; 416 12685 22854 635 12050.1 0.0 12050.1 270 ' Y }� 455* # 14783 23518 653 14129.6 0.0' 14129.6 280 '4`9S 17099 - 24055 668 16430.5 0.0 16430.5 2905 34� 19636 24734 687 18948.9 0.0 18948.9 300 5y74u -. 22391 25421 706 21684.6 0.0 21684.6 310 7 84 °;a 26387 26540 737 25650.0 0.0 25650.0 320 4968 31456 -27824 773 30682.9 0.0 30682.9 330 38222 29433 818 37404.6 0.0 37404.6 ' 340 72�. 39034 29581 822 38212.5 0.0 38212.5 35030`48 ` 38502 29433 818 37684.9 0.0 37684.9 360. 0 07� 37724 29285 813 36910.8 0.0 36910.8 . - Page 1 , Basin A Precise 6hr.XLS Percolation Rate of Retention Basin with Flow Rate L (ft) = 100 For L, W & b input, see graph Cell Y4 W (ft) = 193 Slope H(all) (ft) = 2.7 H (ft) = 0.1 b (ft) = 0.27 V (ft) = 1.0 Increase H(in) by: 0.25 Ratio = 10.0 Perc Rate (in /hr): 0.3 Time Interval (min): .15 Note, col A & Cell D9 must be same as Syn Hydro Time Use Basin Volume at Hall) = 52081 (cult) Time (min) 11, 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 . 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480 495 . 510 525 540 i1 Here,;. Flow Vol (cuft) 0 0.0 0.00 0.2 157 0.2 314 0.2 523 0.2 560 0.2 596 0.2 632 0.2 721 0.2 810 0.2 898 0.3 1039 0.3 1180 1321 1462 1603 1797 1990 2235 2481 2779 2972 3218 3516 3814 4164 4514 4917 5319 5722 5702 5801 6020 6461 6917 7492 8185 Page 1 Perc Flow Vol Overflow Volume Lookup Volume minus perc Volume in Basin Area ( /time int) (ent intial) (sqft) (cuft) (cuft) (cuft) (cuft) 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 157.0 0.0 157.0 0 0 314.0 0.01 314.0 19301 121 402.6 0.0 402.6 19301 121 439.0 0.0 439.0 19301 121 475.3 0.0 475.3 19301 121 511.7 0.0 511.7 19301 121 600.3 0.0 600.3 19302 121 689.0 0.0 689.0 19302 121 777.7 0.0 777.7 19302 121 918.7 0.0 918.7 19302 121 1059.6 0.0 1059.6 19304 121 1200.6 0.0 1200.6 19304 121 1341.6 0.0 1341.6 19304 121 1482.6 0.0 1482.6 19305 121 1675.9 0.0 1675.9 19305 121 1869.2 0.0 1869.2 19306 121 2114.8 0.0 2114.8 19307 121 2360.4 0.0 2360.4 19307 121 2658.4 0.0 2658.4 19309 121 2851.6 0.0 2851.6 19310 121 3097.2 0.0 3097.2 19310 121 3395.2 0.0 3395.2 19311 121 3693.1 0.0 3693.1 19312 121 4043.3 0.0. 4043.3 19313 121 4393.5 0.0 4393.5. 19315 121 4796.1 0.0 4796.1 19316 121 5198.6 0.0 5198.6 19317 121 5601.1 0.0 5601.1 19317 121 5581.3 0.0 55813 19317 121 5680.6 0.0 5680.6 19317 121 5898.9 0.0 5898.9 19320 121 6340.6 0.0 6340.6 19321 121 6796.4 0.0 6796.4 19322 121' 7370.9 0.0 7370.9 19324 121 8063.7 0.0 8063.7 Page 1 V F .d co O N 01 N o� z 0 c� z r m 0 0 a. 0 M O O O O N DI N 7 z O 0 n o, o� 0 o� 4a, d = 0 r O. r� U O ¢ v O T . .t -0 I � n� 0 ¢° _+ a T 0 °O I U U C 0 m m t� 00 M J i UM SEE BOTTOM RIGHT MATCH LINE en U V zo wo W N w� �W Z:2 MARK BY DATE w � ENGINEER DESIGNED BY: YH DATE: 08 -12 -07 DRAWN BY: YH DATE: 08 -12 -07 CHECKED BY: RWS APPR. DATE REVISIONS DATE: 08 -12 -07 CITY PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: RONALD W. SKLEPKO 46216 R.C.E. NO. DATE EXPIRATION DATE SEAL- ENGINEER 49 QRpFESS /p�,, _ �o W. Sk��YAI Ei�3 No. 46216 Exp. 12-31-06 F OF C A0 O Development Resource Consult2nts, Inc. DRC . Civil Engin eering • Land Surveying • Land Planning 800 S. ROCHESTER, SUITE C ONTARIO, CA 91761 (909) 230 -5246 I1 PROPOSEO HYOROLOGY MAP FOR JEFFERSON SOUARE LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA D1 SUBAREA 0.73 AC ACREAGE 1 NODE TI 8.88 TIME OF CONCENTRATION IN MINUTES 1 Q,o =10.2, --- -, ;RUNOFF FOR 10 YEAR .STORM EVENT IN CFS god=15.21 RUNOFF FOR 100 YEAR STORM EVENT IN CFS 849.017S ELEVATION - •- •--- • -•• -• - FLOW PATH SUBAREA BOUNDARY DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY DRYWELL C1 INLET #C1 HYDROLOGY SUMMARY DRAINAGE AREA AREA (AC.) Q10 (CFS) Q100 (CFS) Al 1.58 4.87 8.31 A2 2.57 7.60 13.02 A3 2.69 7.44 12.84 TOTAL: 6.84 19.90 3.4..1 fi..:. 131 .. 1-.38- 4. 8.23 82 2.32 7.40 12.76 TOTAL: 3.70 12.23 20.98 C 2.45 7.76 13.23 TOTAL SITE: 12.99 39.89 68.37 3.07 CFS /AC. 5.26 CFS /AC. MATCHLINE SEE TOP LEFT SCALE= 1 =80' .CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSED HYDROLOGY MAP FOR JEFFERSON SQUARE SWC JEFFERSON ST. & FRED WARING DRIVE LA QUNITA, CA SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 SHTS �5 E CL 0 e4 0 a N v z 0 a r M 0 0 0. E CL rn a ao o. N 00 N v z p0 i a N F- N g U a 0 M 0 v c V ..v, in v v x a, rn 0 0 i 0 i v m v c C7 0 J 0 M 0 0 N w a HYDRAULIC MAP FOR JEFFERSON SOUARE % OUINTA, CALIFORNIA D1 SUBAREA 3 AC ACREAGE 849.OFS ELEVATION .......... •- -••- FLOW PATH �■ SUBAREA BOUNDARY DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY ( DRYWELL C1 INLET #C1 - - - PROPOSED STORM DRAIN INLET SUMMARY INLET TYPE Q10 (CFS) Q100 (CFS) CONDITION COMBINATION, W =2.95' 1.3 2.0 FLOWBY 18 "X18" GRATE 0.8 1.2 SUMP 4' CURB OPENING 2.3 3.5 SUMP COMBINATION, W =2.95' 1.0 1.5 SUMP 7' CURB OPENING 5.0 7.5 SUMP 4' CURB OPENING 2.5 4.0 SUMP 18 "X18" GRATE 0.15 0.2 SUMP 18 "X18" GRATE 0.15 0.2 SUMP 6" ATRIUM GRATE 0.07 0.1 SUMP 18 "X18" GRATE 0.8 1.2 SUMP 24 "X24" GRATE 1.2 1.8 SUMP COMBINATION, W =2.95' 2.3 3.2 SUMP 1.2 1.8 FLOWBY COMBINATIOIN, W =2.95' 1.2 1.8 FLOWBY 18 "X18" GRATE 0.8 1.2 SUMP INLETS SIZED FOR 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT ;H BASIN CALCULATIONS SECTION IX FOR SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS 4ULIC CALCULATIONS SECTION X FOR SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS GRAPHIC SCALE (IN S) I Inch = 40 & DESIGNED BY: YH PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: SEAL- ENGINEER CITY OF LA QUINTA SHEET N0. DATE: 08 -12 -07 WESS/ DRAWN BY: YH Development Resource Coawltants, Inc. HYDRAULIC MAP o ?P Civil Engineering • Land Surveying , Land Planning FOR DATE: 08 -12 -07 RONALD W. SKLEPKO DATE No. 46216 0 800 S. ROCHESTER, SUITE C Exp. 12 -31 -06 ONTARIO, CA 91761 (909) 230 - --5246 JEFFERSON SQUARE MARK BY DATE APPR. DATE CHECKED BY: RWS 46216 s�gT�0C`C1 ��Fo��`� SWC JEFFERSON ST. OF 1 SHTS REVISIONS A &FRED WAR/�IG DRIVE ENGINEER CITY DATE: 08 -12 -07 R.C.E. NO. EXPIRATION DATE LA OUNITAY CA w U 0 M IA O_ 00 0 0 N N a' z 0 0 z r M 0 J a. E O M O O O N O N rn _ Q Z O F- U) C7+ 3 QI r It O M O v Cn v � rn 0 o ° v -coo � U U O m � o Or M J U M WU 0 U wo �o wj J W z m, X -+ w� SEE BOTTOM RIGHT MATCH LINE EXISTINO HYE)ROLOGY MAP JEFFERSON SQUARE LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA D1 SUBAREA 0.73 AC ACREAGE 1 NODE 1 Tc= 8.88 ---- -- TIME OF CONCENTRATION IN MINUTES Q0 =10.20 — RUNOFF FOR 10 YEAR STORM EVENT IN CFS god=15.21 RUNOFF FOR 100 YEAR STORM EVENT IN CFS 849.OFS SUBAREA BOUNDARY DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY HYDROLOGY SUMMARY DRAINAGE AREA AREA (AC.) Q10 (CFS) Q100 (CFS) E1 4.53 4.74 10.18 E2 6.33 5.87 12.75 E3 0.99 3.05 5.20 PEAK FLOWRATE: 11.85 13.66 28.13 1.15 CFS /AC. 2.37 CFS /AC. '' �..:.. �a.. � `�.,.Gw- �...,�3��.i��..,�''�9�� s . �., r, �. �2 "`f....r:F�•...�3r....:Z:.ESZ.e � � -� MATCHLINE SEE TOP LEFT � �z GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 it DESIGNED BY: YH PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: SEAT..— ENGINEER CITY OF LA QUINTA SHEET NO. DATE: 08 -12 -07 910ESSIp�,, DRAWN BY: YH �,o W S�� Development Resource Consultants, Inc. EXISTING HYDROLOGY MAP , RONALD W SKLEPKO DATE �P �o Civil Engineering Land Surveying Land Planning FOR W. DATE. 08 -12 -07 No. 46216 t Exp. 12 -31 -06 800 S. ROCHESTER, SUITE C CHECKED BY: RWS 01q cjvj�- �.� ONTARIO, CA 91761 (909) 230 -5246 JEFFERSON SQUARE MARK BY DATE APPR. DATE 46216 rFOF OA��Fo SWC JEFFERSON ST. & FRED WARING DRIVE OF 1 SHTS ENGINEER REVISIONS CITY DATE: 08 -12 -07 R.C.E. NO. EXPIRATION DATE 1 .11 LA QIANITA, CA