06215 (SFD)Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT AA07.lcie. OF %.PA THIS SCHOOL FACILITY FEES BE L)qP()C1J/W'e'V-r CA TE- 614(a C30 , / 3eq TO: City of La Quint LICA7' "VIV Ir 9PI t 0 Department of Community De opmen 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 This is to certify thatjowo o-ew '00w�& 014 developer of --4QAZVL _�f - �:��,PAAk, , which is located at within this District-, has paid sch - ool facility��es imposed pursuant to the au,J�Pority ge eratl by G rnment Cold g ction 5308 nt of �b�te amou J $ alto . /,)-n '----t Co`vdr'1hcY a' total of sq'uare feet of (y ' ' e / Q;W ) resid ntial or industrial/commercicfi,8eve-lopment and that building permits for this footage in this development may now be issued by your jurisdiction. for DESERT !�I(NDS,UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White - Building Department * Yellow - Facilities Planning 0 Pink - Accounting 0 Gold - Developer (10)-37