11-0976 (MECH)P.O. BOX 1504
Application Number:
Property Address:
643-100-035-190 -26152 -
Application description:
Property Zoning:
Application valuation:
Ta�/ 4 4 Q"
Applic nt: Architect or Engineer:
1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury t I am licensed under provisio Chapter 9 (commencing with
Section 7000) of Division 3 of the B loess and Professionals C , nd my License is in full force and effect.
pCl s: 20 ense No.: 489046
Date: L i -/'I Contractor:
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the
following reason (Sec. 703'1 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to
construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the
permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State
License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or
that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by
any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).:
(_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and
the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The
Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,
and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the
improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within
one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or
improve for the purpose of sale.).
(_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.
7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of
property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed
pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.).
( 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the
work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.).
Lender's Name: _
Lender's Address:
VOICE (760) 777-7012
FAX (760) 777-7011
INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153
Date: 9/12/11
78775 DULCE DEL MARLA QUINTA, CA 92253( 2 Ott.
Contractor: I CITY OF si
P.O. BOX 1636
Lic. No.: 489046
I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations:
I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided
for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is
1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor
Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation
insurance carrier and policy number are:
Carrier MAINTSTAY BUSNS Policy Number MBS-SIP0051611
I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any
person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California,
and agreethat, ill shout sub'ect to the workers' compensation provisions of Section
G% 3700 of the Labor Co , I sh f r it hose provisions.
Date: c� Applicant:
IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the
conditions and restrictions set forth on this application.
1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for
whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application,
the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City
of La Quinta; its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being
performed under or following issuance of this permit.
2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced
within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject
permit to cancellation.
I certify that I have read this application and state that t ve information is corre agree to comply with all
city and county ordinances and state laws relating to uilding onstruction, an eby authorize representatives
of this cAou ty to enter upon the above-mentioned pr pert in oses.
Date: ` / L Signature (Applicant or Agent):
Application Number . . . . . 11-00000976
Permit . . .
Additional desc . .
Permit Fee . . . .
Plan Check Fee
Issue Date . . . .
Valuation . . .
Expiration Date . .
Qty Unit Charge
2.00 9.0000
2.00 16.5000
B/C >3-15HP/>100K-500KBTU
Special Notes and Comments
REPLACE (2) 4 TON 16
Other Fees . . . . .
. . . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473)
Fee `summary Charged
Paid Credited
Permit Fee Total
.00 .00
Plan Check Total
.00 .00
Other Fee Total
.00 .00
Grand Total
.00 .00
Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential. CF -111 -ALT
Residential Alterations Pa e 1 of 5
Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories
Beard,Virginia System 2 115 1
General Information
Site Address: 79775 Dulde Del Mar La Quinta CA 92253
Enforcement Agency: La Quinta, City of Date: 8/31/2011
Building Type El Single Family O Multi Family
Circle the Front Orientation:®, E, S, W, or degrees
Conditioned Floor Area (CFA): 1600
Project Type: E]Alterations ❑Envelope []Fenestration []Roof ❑ HVAC
AssembMass ly
Replacement or Change Out ❑ Duct Replacement ❑ Water Heater
NO This form is not to be used for Newly Constructed Buildings or Additions
Insulation Values For Opaque Surfaces (for Furring use the Mass and Furring Strips Construction table below)
Assembly Alteration
❑ Opening of framed cavity alone— Alterations that involve the opening of the framed cavity of a wall, ceiling, or floor must install the
mandatory minimum insulation value per §150 for the altered assembly. Fill in Columns A -C and enter mandatory insulation value in Column H.
❑ Replacement of entire assembly— Replacement of an entire wall, ceiling, or floor assembly requires the installation of Component
Package- D insulation values in Table 151-C. Fill in Columns A —J.
Opaque Surface Details For the furred portioned of Mass Walls see Furring Strips Construction Table below. .
A BI C D E F i G I H I t J
Proposed see Note
Standard Values From JA4 Table
Framingicknes , Framed Continuous JA4 Proposed
Tag/ Assembly Tame Materiall " Sp ct�n�,' oo3r
4 Table (`ifisulationy Assemb{y Assembly
IDS or T'� jdSrk6zez or`Othe7'ac4 umts'R=value 'R/al er� Cell Value" U -factory
1: 1 w► tt ert tI r .�+ �+..� �►. w war ar i r
Note: For furred assei iblies, accowuing for Cori imious b+uulation R -value, see Page JA4-3 and Equatiori'4-l�For"calculating fivred walls use the Mass and
Furri Construction table below�'a^f i €`:
1. For TaglID indicate�the idem fcation ndme thatlmatches the bitildiitg plans. = t �
2. Indicate the Assembly Name or type: Ro j/Celli g Walls, Floors, Slabs,_Craiv! Space. "Doo rs and relic_ atehe{ ,rametype and See: For
Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, en[er 2x4,}2x6, or etc- 'see JA_4 for other possible frame 0?p I gsemblies.
3. Enter the thickness for mass in inches or Spacing between framing members enter ''6 'or>24 -'OC; or Other for all other assembly description
such as Concrete Sandwich Panel, Spandrel Panel, Logs, Straw Bale Pane! and etc....
4. Based on the Climate Zone; enter the Standard U factor from Tabte151-8, C or D for each dierentassembly-Name-or-type.
5. Enter the Table number that closely resembles the proposed assembly.
6. Enter the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity or between the framing; otherwise, enter "0 ".
7. Enter the Continuous Insulation R -value for the proposed assembly; otherwise, enter "0 ".
8. Enter the row and column of the U factor value based on Column F Table Number and enter the Assembly U factor in Column J
9. The Proposed Assembly U factor, Column J, must be equal to or less than the Standard U factor in Column E to comply.
Furring Strips Construction Table for Mass Walls Onl
F I G I H i J I K
Proposed Properties of Masonry and Concrete
Walls From Reference
Joint Appendix Table 43.5 43.6, 43.7
Added Interior or Exterior insulation
in Furring Space from Reference
Joint Appendix Table 4.3.13
AssembMass ly
Nameor JA4 Table a
Type' Number; >
F- 7 aN 7
Registration Number: 311-A0007782A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 08/31/201107:37:29 HERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
�Prescri five Cie tificate of Com' 'fiance.-. Residential ' CF -1:11 -ALT
Residentia/Alterations Page 2 of 5
Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories
Beard,Virginia System•2 15 1
Solid Concrete Walls, Etc. Additional assemblies can I
❑ Replacing window alone — Replacement windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value requirements of Component Package D in
Table 151-C. The Total Fenestration and West facing Area requirements are not applicable.
❑ Adding SOW or less of window area — Newly installed windows shall meet the U -Factor and,SHGC Value requirements of Component
Package D in Table 151-0.
0 Adding more than 50ft2 of window area — Newly installed windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value and the Fenestration
Area requirements of Component Package D in Table 151-0 Complete the Altered Fenestration Allowed Area Table on Page 2 of the CF -IR -ALT
� • Orien tion •
Fenestra'tt On p hand , me (Ib�rth 1 �r ps .-Are t M tn}tm Mmmum NFRC or Default
window, GlassDoororS li t �.—■ .■South, West ft fV-factor2, 3 SHGC� ° Value5
1. Fenestration area is the area of total g1 ed product`(i. e: glass plus jrarite').. Exception *Mherea door is less ihan S0'10 glass, the fenestration
area may be the glass area plus a "2 inch fta l",ar. ouund the glass.
2. Enter value from Component Package D Requirements m Table 151. �
3. Actual jenestrallon products installed and as indicated in CF�6R-ENrV Form sluff be equivalent to or have a lower U factor and/or a lower
SHGC value than that specified on the CF -IR ALT Form.
4. Submit a completed WS -3R Form if a reduced SHGC is calculated with exterior shading.
5. Ifapplicable at this stage enter "NFRC"for NFRC Certified windows or are CEC "Default " valuesfound in Table 116-A or B.
of fenestration is added)
Total Area
CFA of Entire
Proposed Areae
Area Added
A x B
-D + C
Total Fenestration Area
West Fenestration Area
(Required in
CZ's 2,4&7-15
1. West Fenestration Area includes west -sloping skylights and any skylights with a pitch less than 1:12.
2. Wes[ facing glaring area removed cannot be "counted" twice. " in order to distribute the west glazing area removed to the other orientations,
input the west glazing area removed in the Tota! Fenestration Area row, column D.
3. Include the Proposed Area of the West facing fenestration in both Area columns below.
4. To meet compliance, the Proposed Area must be less than orequal to the Tota! Allowed Area or BOTH the Total and West Fenestration Areas.
Registration Number: 311-A0007782A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 081311201107:37:29 HERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
'Prescri tine Certificate, of Compliance: Residential C& R -ALT.
Residential Alterations Page Sof 5
Project Name: " Climate Zone # # of Stories "
Beard,Virginia System 2 . 15 1
When the area of exterior roof surface to be replaced exceeds more than 50% of the existing roof area, or more than 1,000 ,whichever is
less, the new roofing area must meet the roofing product "Cool Roof" requirements of §152(b)IHi, 152(b) M4 or 152(b)IHUL
Check applicable alternative or exception below if the roof alteration is exempt from the roofing product "Cool Roof' requirements. Note: If any
one of the alternatives or exception below is checked, the Aged Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance requirements for roofing products in
§118(1) are not applicable. Do not fill table below.
❑ Cool Roofs Not Required in Climate Zones 1-12, 14, and 16 with a Low Sloped. Less or 2:12 pitch.
❑Cool Roofs Not Required in Climate Zones 1 through 9 and 16 with a Steep -Sloped Roofs (pitch greater than 2:12) and product unit weight less
than 5lb/If.
Alternatives to §152(b)1Hi and §152(b)Hii, Steep -slope roof (pitch > 2:12)
❑ Insulation with a thermal resistance of at least 0.85 hr•ft7"•°F/Btu or at least a 3/4 inch airspace is added to the roof deck
over an attic; or
❑ Existing ducts in the attic are insulated and sealed according to § 151(1)10; or
❑ In climate zones 10, 12 and 13, with 1 ft of free ventilation area of attic ventilation for every 150 f of attic floor area, and
where at least 30 percent of the free ventilation area is within 2 feet vertical distance of the roof ridge; or
❑ Building has at least R-30 ceiling insulation; or
❑ Building has radiant bagir the attic meeting uire ents of § 15 i (f)2; o
❑ Building hasnr. 4�,faa�hc'° ��� ���4A��� or ante
❑ In climate zones 10, 1.1;J3-and,144 R-3 or greater roof deck insulation above vented attic.
, Low -slope roof (pitch < 2✓.N n t r � o r As s o c i a t i o n
Exception to §152=1inSe"attic..-,N
❑ Building has
Other Exceptions
Roofing area covered by�buildi�g-integrated; photon titaic panels ands alar thermal panels.ar�exempt from the below Cool Roof criteria.
❑ Roof constructions that haveAhetmal mass over the roof membrane with ableast 251b/fi is exem t'from.the-below Coot Roof criteria
Note: If no CRRC-1 l'abelliis available 'this lbompliance m6thod cannot be used, use the Pirformance Approach to show compliance, otherwise,
Check the applicable box below if Exempt Som%the Ooofmg Products "Cool Roof . R , uirement--�-�__J 1
. RogfSlope -
tiProduct Weight,,-
Aged So
CRRC Product ID Number'
<"51b/ft2. -a,.51ti!
-._T_ Z,
'Rl flectance3.4,-
❑ %
` ❑�
1 ❑
1 ❑
1. The CRRC Product iD Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www.coolroofs.orgloroducts/search.ohp
1. Indicate the type of product is being used for the rooftop, i.e. single ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, eta
if the Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same
directory and use the equation (0.2+0.7(pi11;1i&- 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where pis the Initial Solar Reflectance.
4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above.
J. Calculate the SRI value by using the SRI- Worksheet at htty://www.enerey.cagovltitle24/arid enter the resulting value in the SRI Column above and attach atopy of
the SRI- Worksheet to the CF -I R
To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage
recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §1 18(i)4. Select the applicable coating:
❑ Aluminum -Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating
Cement -Based Roof Coating
Registration Number: 311-A0007782A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 081311201107:37-.29 HERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
`P. Peri five C&tificate of Com liance: Residential CE -1'R -ALT
Residential Alterations Page 4 of -5)
Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories
Beard,Virgiiiia System 2. 15
List water heaters and hollers for both d6mestic hdi water, (DHW) heaters and hydronic � pace heating. lha' ividual dwelling DHW heaters must be
gas or propane fired and-may.not-exceed 5�0 gallons. flat water pipe ihssulation from the DHW heater to the kitchen(s),and on all underground
Duct or Piping
Heating Equipment
Distribution insulation Thermostat
(Central, Split,
Type and Capacity 1,2.3
Type and Location° R -Value Type
Space, Package or H dronic
Furnace, 60000
Ducted, SetBack
¢ S stem
C aci (gal)
, Thermal'Efficien
1. Indicate Heating Type (Central Furnace, Wall Furnace, Heat pump, Boiler, Electric Resistance, etc.)
2. Electric resistance heating is allowed only in Component Package C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e., if total capacity
2 KW or 7,000 Btulhr electric heating is controlled by a time -limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes). See ,¢151(6)3 exception.
3. Refer to the HERS Verification section on Page 4 of the CF -IR -ALT Form for additional requirements and check applicable boxes.
4. indicate Type or Location.(Ducts, Hydronic in Floor, Radiators, etc.)
1. Indicate Type (Storage Gas, Heal Pump, Instantaneous, etc)
2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of §150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do
Efficiency Duct or Piping
3. The external water healing tank andpipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements o 150 ) .
Cooling Equipment
(SEER/EER or Distribution Insulation
(Central, Split,
Type and Capacity 1�2
COP) Type and Location R -Value
Space, Package or H dronic
AirConditioner, 4x000
16 SEER Ducted,
1. Indicate Cooling Type,(A7C; Ma—rI ump, t v�(iooldrg, etc
iE-_- I w � �,M * r e►4' per* A g ! -�,
2. Refer to the HERS��erifrcat* ions eetionyo} Page 9 0frlhe,GFIRL7,or✓rr, jorgdditiQna! cegrrveme, sgnc! chelc apQlieable koxes.
3. Indicate T or Location(Dttcts it dronic in Floodiators, etc.
WATER HEATING V _' `71 _..i�- . -t-`i ' .!
List water heaters and hollers for both d6mestic hdi water, (DHW) heaters and hydronic � pace heating. lha' ividual dwelling DHW heaters must be
gas or propane fired and-may.not-exceed 5�0 gallons. flat water pipe ihssulation from the DHW heater to the kitchen(s),and on all underground
hot water pipes is required in all eom new ka es`in all climate zones -!+'
Water Heater Type/Fuel
External Tank'
Distribution Type
Ener or
(Standard Recirculating)Z
¢ S stem
C aci (gal)
, Thermal'Efficien
1. Indicate Type (Storage Gas, Heal Pump, Instantaneous, etc)
2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of §150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do
not allow the installation of a recirculating water heating system for single dwelling units.
3. The external water healing tank andpipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements o 150 ) .
SPECIAL FEATURES The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Special Features specified in this checklist below.
These items may require written justi cation and documentation and special verification.
NEW ROOF ASSEMBLY - Radiant Barrier
The radiant barrier requirement of §151(02 does not apply to roof alterations.
Slab Edge (Perimeter) Insulation ❑ YES 0 NO
YES: In Climate Zone 16 in Component Packages D, R-7 insulation is required.
Heated Slab Insulation O YES 0 NO
YES: Slab edge insulation required for all heated slabs in all Climate Zones. See details in Table 118-A of the standards.
Raised Slab insulation E3 YES 0 NO
YES: In Climate Zones 1, 2, 11, 13,14 & 16, R-8 insulation is required; in Climate Zones 12 & 15, R-4 is re uired under com nent Package D.
Thermal Mass
To obtain Compliance Credit for the installation of thermal mass, use the Performance Approach.
Registration Number: 311-A0007782A-000000000-0000 Registration DatelTime: 08/31/2011 07:37:29 KERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
rescriptive'Certificate'of.Coiiipliatice: 'Residential CF -IR -AL
esidential Alterations Page 5 of
oject Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories
ard,Virginia System 2 15 1
HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the HERS Measures specified in this
checklist below. A completed and signed CF -4R Form for all the measures specified shall be submitted to the building inspector before final
Duct Sealing & Testing KERS verification is required for this measure.
M YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if more than 40 linear feet of new or replacement ducts are installed in unconditioned
space, the ducts are to be sealed per §152(6) IDii and the newly installed ducts are to be insulated per § 151(f)10.
❑ EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos.
❑ YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced, the
ducts are to be sealed per § 152(b)1 Di.
❑ YES ❑ NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including the replacement of the air handler,
outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) the ducts are to be
sealed per §I52(b)IE.
❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems that are documented to have been previously sealed confirmed through HERS
verification in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3.
❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space.
❑ EXCEPTION: Existing ducts stems constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos.
Refrigerant Charge -Split System HERS verification is required for this measure.
0 YES 13 NO YES: to urate Zones,2 and 8=15 whomthe•existing HV a ui ment is replaced including the replacement of the air
�6ap �e[�q�idor rc�on ns�gt�o as�pt sy�e!m� A�C ori rt p tnp,'cc�o�ing or hie �t nI, or the furnace heat
. exchan er a refri emnt char a measurement shatt'be verified per J,52(b)1 F.
Central Fan Integrated (CFI) Ventilatib Sy't"�eml�an1"IMODt�a`` 5 i sociation
The ventilation re wrements
M§1,50(9)ID not I to existin residential homes.
Ducted Split SysFtems -}Air Conditioners add�Heat Pumps: Aftbow '`HERS erfcatron4s required for this measure.
YES 0 NO YES: In Cl e Zones 10 through 15, when the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is
re laced; the airrflow and fan watt draw shall(be veiified i1�2(b)1 Ci'to meet.the re uir`ements of §151(f)7B.
1 0 1 l t 4 t /
Documentation Author's Declaration Statement
• I certify that this Certificate of Com liance`documenta'tioo is"a`ceurateae'complete.
Name: Lydia Garcia
Signature. Lydia Garcia
Esser Air Conditining
Date' 8/31/2011
Address: 36665 bankside Dr,Drive OFC,OFFICE
If Applicable ❑ICEA or MCEPE
(Certification ft
City/State/Zip: Cathedral City California 92234
Phone: 760-324-0550
Responsible Building Designer's Declaration Statement
• I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on
this Certificate of Compliance.
• I certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform
to the requirements of Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations.
• The building design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this
building design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksbeets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement
agency for approval with this building permit application.
Lydia Garcia
Lydia Garcia .
Company: Esser Air Conditining
Date. 8/31/2011
Address: 36665 bankside Dr,Drive OFC,OFFICE
License. 489046
City/State/Zip: Cathedral City California 92234
Phone. 760-324-0550
For assistance or questions regarding the Energy Standards, contact the Energy Hotline at: 1-800-772-3300.
Registration Number: 311-A0007782A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 08/31/2011 07:37:29 HERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
rfesCri tive Certificate ofCotn nation Resit
Residential Alterations
Project Name:
Beard,Virginia System 1
Climate Zone #
age 4 of 5
# of Stories
List water heaters ander ilers for both domestic hot water (DHW) heaters and hydronic 'space heating. Individual dwelling,DHW heaters must be
gas or propane fired, and-may.not-exceed 50 gallons. Hot water pipe insulation from the DHW heater to the kitche`n(s) and on all underground
es all
Minimum Duct or Piping Configuration
Heating Equipment
Efficiency Distribution Insulation Thermostat (Central, Split,
Type and Capacity 1,2,3
AFUE or HSPF Type and Location R -Value Type Space, Package or H dronic
Furnace, 60000
78 AFUE Ducted, SelBack Split
Water Heater Type/Fuel
Distribution Type
1. Indicate Heating Tvpe (Central Furnace, Wall Furnace, Heat pump, Boiler, Electric Resistance, etc.)
2. Electric resistance heating is allowed only in Component Package C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e., if total capacity
< 2 KW or 7,000 Btu/hr electric healing is controlled by a time -limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes). See §151(b)3 exception.
3. Refer to the HERS Verification section on Page 4 of the CF -IR -ALT Form for additional requirements and check applicable boxes.
4. Indicate Type or Location (Ducts, Hydronic in Floor, Radiators, etc.)
Capacity (al
„ ThermalyEfficien
Duct or Piping
Cooling Equipment (SEER/EER or
Distribution insulation
Thermostat (Central, Split,
Type and Capacity 1,2 COP) -
Type and Location R -Value
Type Space, Package or H dronic
AirConditioner, 4-, P. 16 SEAR
�„* Ducted, rte+ �,
SetBack Split
2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of §150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do
not allow the installation of a recirculating water heating system for single dwelling units.
3. The external water heating tank and pipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements o §1506).
1. Indicate Cooling Type-(A7C Heat pump, Evap. Co ling, etc
2. Refer [o the HERSrverifiart�ion! section Page of Q -IR AL7d Forr�mfbr iQnal erre e��`nls ancichetik ttpp�ltcab bozes.
3. Indicate T or Location Ducts_H dronic in F�to Radiators, etc.
1 ( t -� v ,V • N1" 1
List water heaters ander ilers for both domestic hot water (DHW) heaters and hydronic 'space heating. Individual dwelling,DHW heaters must be
gas or propane fired, and-may.not-exceed 50 gallons. Hot water pipe insulation from the DHW heater to the kitche`n(s) and on all underground
es all
hot water pipes is required in all com nerit ka in climate zones:' 3
External Tank
Water Heater Type/Fuel
Distribution Type
bef In
Factor or
g) _
� System
Capacity (al
„ ThermalyEfficien
R -Value
1. Indicate Type (Storage Gas, Heat Pump, Instantaneous, etc.)
2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of §150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do
not allow the installation of a recirculating water heating system for single dwelling units.
3. The external water heating tank and pipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements o §1506).
SPECIAL FEATURES The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Special Features specified in this checklist below.
These items may require written justi cation and documentation and special verification.
NEW ROOF ASSEMBLY - Radiant Barrier
The radiant barrier requirement of §151 2 does not apply to roof alterations.
Slab Edge (Perimeter) Insulation ❑ YES M NO
YES: in Climate Zone 16 in Component Packages D, R-7 insulation is required.
Heated Slab Insulation O YES ONO
YES: Slab edge insulation required for all heated slabs in all Climate Zones. See details in Table 118-A of the standards.
Raised Slab Insulation Q YES 0 NO
YES: In Climate Zones 1, 2, 11, 13, 14 &.16, R-8 insulation is required; in Climate Zones 12 & 15, R-4 is required under component Package D.
Thermal Mass
To obtain Compliance Credit for the installation of thermal mass, use the Performance Approach.
Registration Number: 311-A0007781A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 08/31/2011 07:33:25 HERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
Preseri tive Certificate of Com liance: Residential. CF--Ilk-ALT
Residential Alterations Page 5 of 5 .
Project Name: Climate Zone # _ # of Stories
Bei rd,Vrginia System 1 Ti5 i
KERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the HERS Measures specified in this
checklist below. A completed and signed CF -41? Form for all the measures specified shall be submitted to the building inspector before final
Duct Sealing & Testing HERS verification is required for this measure.
0 YES 13 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if more than 40 linear feet of new or replacement ducts are installed in unconditioned
space, the ducts are to be sealed per § 152(b) I Dii and the newly installed ducts are to be insulated per § 15l(f)10.
❑ EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos.
❑ YES 13 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced, the
ducts are to be sealed per § 152(b) I Di.
❑ YES 13 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including the replacement of the air handler,
outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) the ducts are to be
sealed per §152(b)IE.
❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems that are documented to have been previously sealed confirmed through HERS
verification in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3.
❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space.
❑ EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems constructed insulated or sealed with asbestos.
Refrigerant Charge -Split System HERS verification is required for this measure.
13 YES 13 NO ES: In mate Zones,2 and 8.35 whemthe�e:cistin HVA uipment is replaced including the replacement of the air
4a"nv e u�tc ogr eco dent# t�oY ri Wt� Al100, eytp►Gr► , ia"p of h ating Mil,o, the furnace heat
—exchanger) a refri etmnt charge measurement shall be verified r ,152(b)iF.
t y� iscrta
Central Fan Integrated (CFI)"Yaentilati�ti�Sygtem' and agW-W6,Wa5;w
The ventilation req,uuemeats fo §i50 o. _dotnot a I to existin residential homes.
Ducted Split Systems Air Conditioners an"d`Iteat Pumps: Air7low ;`HERS-verficati"orhis required for this measure.
13 YES 13 NO YES: In Climate -Zones 40 throu"'S, when the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is
relaced the airflow and fan watt thaw shall be verified i 152(b)1Ci'to meet.the' uirements of § 15l 7B.
Documentation Author's Declaration Statement
• I certifythat this Certificate of Com 6anee�documentation is accu6te4n&com fete.
Lydia Garcia
Signature: ,t
Lydia Garcia
Company: Esser Air Conditining
Date: /318/ 2011
Address: 36665 bankside Dr,Drive OFC,OFFICE
If Applicable CBCEA or MCEPE
(Certification #):
City/State/Zip: Cathedral City California 92234
Phone: 760-324-0550
Responsible Building Designer's Declaration Statement
• I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on
this Certificate of Compliance.
• I certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform
to the requirements of Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations.
• The building design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this
building design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement
agency for approval with this building permit application.
Name: Lydia Garcia
Signature: Lydia Garcia
Esser Air Conditining
Address: 36665 bankside Dr,Drive OFC,OFFICE
License 489046
Cathedral City California 92234
For assistance or questions regarding the Energy Standards, contact the Energy Hotline at: 1-800-772-3300.
Registration Number: 311-A0007781A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 08/31/2011 07:33:25 HERS provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
Piescri tive-.Certificate of Cote fiance: Residential CF-1R=ALT
(Page 1 of 5
Project Name:.' Climate Zone # # of Stories
Beard;Virginia Systeml 15 1
General information
Site Address: 78775 Dulde Del Mar La Quinta CA 92253
Enforcement Agency: La Quinta, City of I Date: 8/31/2011
Building Type p Single Family ❑ Multi Family
Circle the Front Orientation: (D, E, S, W, or degrees
Conditioned Floor Area (CFA): 1600
Project Type: ID Alterations ❑Envelope ❑Fenestration [I Roof [I HVAC
Replacement or Change Out ❑ Duct Replacement ❑ Water Heater
NO This form is not to be used for Newly Constructed Buildings or Additions
Insulation Values For Opaque Surfaces (for Furring use the Mass and Furring Strips Construction table below)
Assembly Alteration
❑ Opening of framed cavity alone- Alterations that involve the opening of the framed cavity of a wall, ceiling, or floor must install the
mandatory minimum insulation value per §150 for the altered assembly. Fill in Columns A -C and enter mandatory insulation value in Column H.
❑ Replacement of entire assembly- Replacement of an entire wall, ceiling, or floor assembly requires the installation of Component
Package- D insulation values in Table 151-0. Fill in Columns A - J.
Opaque Surface Details For the furred portioned of Mass Walls see Furring Strips Construction Table below.
A B I C D E F I G I ft I I J
Proposed bee Note Standard Values From JA4 Table
Tag/ Assemb y " atne
Framing 'Fpckness� Framed Continuous JA4 Proposed
to "ani i • t Sp g, 1A41T csavt s a6on Assembly Assembly
S � df' �
OR �aiue7�
1D� or T
_ an ` orOth'e t�4 NumNe v�alu ""R� Cell Value' U -factor'
Walls From Reference
a X 4, ti W.1%0 M 010 it dell il. J VAI LS.W
Joint Appendix Table 43.5 4.3.6, 4.3.7
Joint Appendix Table 4.3.13
Note: For furred assemblies, accounting for Coruimmus I illation R -value; see P-ageitA4-3 and on 4-1. For'calculating furred walls use the Mass and
r ,`""'-"y
Ftvrin Construction le belo'.-00' / ' 1 ., _( 1' . , 'I
1. For Tag/ID indicate`Yhe tdentiftcation" name thatlmatches the buildi»g plans
2. Indicate the Assembly Name type: Ro f/Ceifi g.Xdlls, Floors, Slabs„C awl Space, From SLe. For
or Doors and etc... iiiii�hefe'type and
Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 2x4n2r6, or etc - see JA4 for other possible frame o ppassemblies.
3. Enter the thickness for mass in inches ofSpoc ng betwe�rt6ming members enter"�ts-"or 24 ocO or Other:for all other assembly description
such as Concrete Sandwich Panel, Spandrel Panel, Logs, Straw Bale Panel and etc....
4. Based on the Climate Zone: enter the Standard U factor from-Tablel151-B, C or D for each different assembly hnie-or type.
5. Enter the Table number that closely resembles the proposed assembly.
6. Enter the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity or between the framing; otherwise, enter "0".
7. Enter the Continuous Insulation R -value for the proposed assembly; otherwise, enter "0".
8. Enter the row and column of the U factor value based on Column F Table Number and enter the Assembly U -factor in Column J
4. The Proposed Assembly U factor, Column J, must be equal to or less than the Standard U factor in Column E to comply.
Furring Stfi s Construction Table for Mass Walls Onl
Proposed Properties of Masonry and Concrete
Added Interior or Exterior insulation
Walls From Reference
in Furring Space from Reference
Joint Appendix Table 43.5 4.3.6, 4.3.7
Joint Appendix Table 4.3.13
m e Ir v
��"� 3
Name or JA4 Table a —'R
;, ° m a m ;
T: Number' >
U -factor'
Registration Number: 311-A0007781A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 081311201107:33:25 HERS Provider:, CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
Prescriptive, Certificate,of'Com liancec Residential CF -IR -ALT.
Residential Alterations
(Page 2 of 5
Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories
Beard,Vrginia System 1 . 15 1.
ass and Furring Strips Construction(footnotes)
1. Indicate the type of assembly to include; Hollow Unit Masonry Walls, Solid Unit Masonry Solid Concrete Walls, Etc. Additional assemblies can
be found Reference Joint Appendix JA4.
2. This is the U-Faclor based on the thickness of the assembly in inches.
3. The R -value of the insulation to be added on the interior or exterior of the assembly.
4. The Calculated R- Value is the R -value of the furred out section of the assembly.
5.-6. The Final Assembly is calculated using Equation 4-2 or Equation 4-4of the Reference Joint Appendix JA4. The equation is the inverse of Column
D added to Column 1. Column K is the inverse from column J.
7. Insert the calculated U- actor value on to the Opaque Surface Details in Column J
0 Replacing window alone — Replacement windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value requirements of Component Package D in
Table 151-C. The Total Fenestration and West facing Area requirements are not applicable.
❑ Adding 50ft2 or less of window area — Newly installed windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value requirements of Component
Package D in Table 151-0.
❑ Adding more than 50ft2 of window area — Newly tnstalled windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value and the Fenestration
Area requirements of Component Package D in Table 151-C.Complete the Altered Fenestration Allowed Area Table on Page 2 of the CF- JR -AL T
• • en hon •
Fenestra ftots'T�YRe andrameft I't'�r psedArea,d�axtmumMatnmum NFRC or Default
Window, Glass [)ooi`orS li t fir. -r --"ii 4South, Weg tftx-factorz ; SHGC,� .° Value
1. Fenestration area is the area of total glazed producP(i.e. glass plus frame). F.xception:4Wherfa door "s less than 50% glass, the fenestration
area may be the glass area plus a "2 inch frame `around the' glass.'
-v,r li
2. Enter value from Component Package D Requirements in Table 151 . -
3. Actual fenestration products installed and as indicated in CF4R-ENV Form shall be equivalent to or haves a lower_U factor and/or a lower
SHGC value than that specified on the CF -1R ALT Form. LLD
4. Submit a completed WS -31? Form if a reduced SHGC is calculated with exterior shading.
5. applicable at this stage enter "NFRC" or NFRC Certified windows or are CEC "Default" valuesfound in Table 116-A or B.
(Complete if more than 50f?offenestradon is added)
Total Area
CFA of Entire
% of
Proposed Area
Area Added
A x B
-D + C
Total Fenestration Area
West Fenestration Area
(Required in
CZ's 2,4&7-15
1. West Fenestration Area includes west -sloping skylights and any skylights with a pitch less than 1:12.
2. West facing gla<-ing area removed cannot be "counted" twice. " In order to distribute the west glazing area removed to the other orientations,
input the west glazing area removed in the Total Fenestration Area row, column D.
3. Include the Proposed Area of the West facing fenestration in both Area columns below.
4. To meet compliance, the ProposedArea must be less than orequal to the Total Allowed Area or BOTH the Total and West Fenestration Areas.
Registration Number: 311-A0007781A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 08/31/2011 07:33:25 HERS Provider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -IR -ALT
Residential Alterations ti e 3 of 5
Project Name:. Climate Zone # # of Stories
3eard,Vrginia System 1 115 1
When the area of exterior roof surface to be replaced exceeds more than 50% of the existing roof area, or more than 1,000jf, whichever is
less, the new roofing area must meet the roofing product "Cool Roof" requirements of §I52(b)1Hi, IS2(b) IHfi, or 152(6) Mill.
Check applicable alternative or exception below if the roof afteralion is exempt from the roofing product "Cool Roof ' requirements. Note: 1f any
one of the alternatives or exception below is checked, the Aged Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance requirements for roofing products in
§118(1) are not applicable. Do not fill table below.
D Cool Roofs Not Required in Climate Zones t-12, 14, and 16 with a Low Sloped. Less or 2:12 pitch.
OCool Roofs Not Required in Climate Zones 1 through 9 and 16 with a Steep-Sloped,Roofs (pitch greater than 2:12) and product unit weight less
than 5lb/ft
Alternatives to §152(6)1 Hi and §152(b)Hii, Steep -slope roof (pitch > 2:12)
❑ Insulation with a thermal resistance of at least 0.85 heft? °F/Btu or at least a 3/4 inch air -space is added to the roof deck
over an attic; or
❑ Existing ducts in the attic are insulated and sealed according to §151(f)10; or
❑ In climate zones 10, 12 and 13, with 1 fe of fiee ventilation area of attic ventilation for every 150 ft of attic floor area, and
where at least 30 percent of the free ventilation area is within 2 feet vertical distance of the roof ridge; or
❑ Building has at least R-30 ceiling insulation; or
❑ Building has radiant bents of § 151(f)
❑ Building has n u 3 c•ois the
the attic meeting STAIdinq
oa eo r
❑ In climate zones 10, I lolg-and,14, R-3 or greater roof deck ins ation above vented attic.
Exception to §152(b)Ifliii, Low -slope roof (pir <2:. 2 n ra c Association
❑ Building has no' ducts.inMe attic.
Other Exceptions • V .�
❑ Roofing area covered by buildirstg,integr/a�ted; photovoiltaic panels and�solar thermal panels.are exempt from the below Cool Roof criteria.
❑ Roof constructions that h ve-thermal mass over the roof nkrnbrane with atileast 25 Ib/fig is a t-Mbm he-below�Cool Roof criteria.
Note: If no CRRC-1 label is available„this tomplidnec method cannot be used, use the Performance Approach to show compliance, otherwise,
Check thelicable b xo below if Exempt &&the R6ft Products "Coot Roof” Rye uirement r -•-m: 1
Roof Slope
CRRC Product ID Number �< 2f12�'�>-2:12 4
' . Product Weight
< 516/ftw>;,51bl
Product. t
1. The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www. coolroofs. onzloroducts/search.Dhp
1. Indicate the type of product is being used for the roof top, i.e. single ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc.
1f the Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same
directory and use the equation (0.1+0.7(pi„jtiat- 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where p is the Initial Solar Reflectance.
4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above.
5. Calculate the SRI value by using the SRI- Worksheet at hht •//www.enerev.ca.Qov/title24/ and enter the resulting value in the SRI Column above and attach atopy of
the SRA Worksheet to the CF- I R.
To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coatingmust be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage
recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §118(i)4. Select the applicable coating:
❑ Aluminum -Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating
FOCement-Based Roof Coating
Registration Number: 311-A0007781A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 08/31/2011 07:33:25 HERSProvider: CBPCA
2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009
aF, alt' of La Quin��
Building &r Safety Division
Permit # P.O. Boy. 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico
C La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012
\ Budding Permit Application and Tracking Sheet
Project Address: Owner's Name: &A0
A. P. Number: Address: 7 Y-7% c- t' Doi, Afi -4,
Legal Description: City, ST, Zip:
Contractor: 5- kV f L• CS X111 C . / !> > a: ,,;sem% �...���`.
Telephone: ��'. '�`��"f��`��;.�� v <.
Address: v. !3 (-,X /'CS Project Description: ,;/
/fi t w E' � Y1- 01 .4 s 5%roS
City, ST, zip: CAj'dt D AAr. e9 f y C,4-
Telephone: 6 ' • �. i .SG'` : `
State Lic. # : S `1 a City Lic. #;
Arch., Engr., Designer.
City., ST, Zip:
Telephone: `r'
. :;ti �<.� Construction Type: Occupancy:
State Lic. it: . "" Proectn'pc (circle one): New, Add'n Alter Repair Demo
Name of Contact Person: ��4v i D VV 6 �t,IA�� Sq. Ft_: # Stories: #Units:
Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: i Y % 2J
# Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES
Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount
Structural Calcs.
Reviewed, ready for corrections
Plan Check Deposit
Truss Cala.
Called Contact Person
Plan Check Balance
Title 24 Cales.
Plans picked up
Flood plain plan
Plans resubmitted
Grading plan
2" Review, ready for correctionsrkssue
Subcontactor List
Called Contact Person
Grant Deed
Plans picked up
H.O.A. Approval
Plans resubmitted
'`' Review, ready for eorrectionsrmae
Developer Impact Fee
Planning Approval
Called Contact Person
Pub. Wits. Appr
Date of permit issue
School Fern
Total Permit Fees