27980T 11111111 a",-+9y 0 11111111 Preliminary Hydrology Report For Arnold Palmers Office Building Additions Prepared By: Essi Engineering Inc. 78080 Calle Amigo, Suite 101 La Quinta, CA 92253 Office # (760) 771 -9993 Fax # (760) 771 -9998 Prepared For: David Chapman Investments LLC 78 -505 Avenue 52 La Quinta, CA. 92253 March 24, 2008 ?QV, ) JAV-65 No. X7834 a c cc Exp 12-31- JK OF_ (; Palmers Office Buildings Preliminary Hydrology Summary This report and attached calculations and exhibits are prepared.to address drainage and runoff issues concerning the development of two additional office buildings on the Arnold Palmers Restaurant Site. Site Observations The two building pads are located east and west of the existing residence, on an existing putting area and driveway and an existing golf tee respectively. The entire site currently drains via surface sheet flow and ribbon gutters to an existing retention basin located at the far east end of the site. It is proposed to enlarge the existing basin and maintain the overland sheet flow and ribbon gutters to convey all runoff from the site after the new improvements to the basin. Since it is proposed to handle the drainage in such a fashion, for preliminary sizing, we have analyzed the entire site as it will ultimately be developed instead of looking at increases from the existing conditions with the proposed improvements. This approach of reviewing the entire ultimately developed site should provide a much better model, and better estimation of the storm runoff. Riverside County Hydrology Manual of 1978 — Rational Method Calculations Soils Type: The Hydrologic Soils Type per the Riverside County Hydrology Manual is "Group B" Soil Cover Type: The soil cover is good, with most of the site actually protected from erosion by existing landscaping. AMC — Antecedent Moisture Condition An AMC number of AMC II has been used for this property. RCFCD Manual Quotation of Page C -4: "AMC II — Moderate Runoff Potential, an intermediate condition." "For the purposes of design hydrology, using district methods, AMC II should normally be assumed for both the 10 year and 100 year frequency storm. Runoff Index Number and Coefficient of Runoff (Rational Method "C" variable): Per RCFCD Manual Plate D -5.5 Sheet 1 of 2, The runoff index for Soil "Group B ", Urban Landscape Covers is 56. The runoff coefficient curve for these variable results in a C value for the Rational Equation of about 0.9. This is the value that will be used in Rational Method Calculations for peak runoff. Tributary Areas (Rational Method "A" Variable): For preliminary study, the entire site has been analyzed as single area. This is acceptable as the site meets the initial area criteria of being less than 10 acres of total tributary area and less than 1000 feet in length. Time of Concentration and Intensity (Rational Method "I" variable): For Area A -1: H = 7' (48.5 FF — 41.5' FL Outlet) L = 995'(Stream from NODE ,1 to NODE 2) Per RCFCD Manual Plate D -3 - T'c = 13 minutes Per RCFCD Manual Plate D -4.1 —1 =3.88 in/hr Rational Method: Q =CIA Where: Q = Peak Runoff C = Runoff Coeffeceint I = Storm Intensity in inches per hour A = Drainage Area in Acres For Area A -1: Q= (0.9) * (3.88) * (4.98) = 17.39 CFS Riverside County Hydrology Manual of 1978 — Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Calculations As was mentioned above, in the Rational Method Summary, the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph method yields the larger peak storage over the Rational Hydrograph, so this will be the controlling storm model. Because the iterative calculations are quite lengthy, only a basic summary will be included here, full calculations are included in the later pages of this report. CIA '5e-3 C. c4t-N- 53 Area A -1: 3 Hour Storm ntrols — Produces 36,905 Cubic Feet of Runoff, all of which must be stored in Rete 'on Ponds. The Proposed Regrading of the existing Retention Basin provides onl 23,379 ubic feet of Storage Volume, and there are no losses from percolation due to the condition of the soils, so this is all the basin can hold. That leaves a shortage of 13,526, cubic feet. It is proposed to store this in Cultech Recharger V8 type chamber system with stone backfill. In stone backfill, each chamber has a capacity of 13.03 cf/lf. Therefore, 1,040 feet of Cultech V8 subsurface storage will be needed to achieve 13,551 cubic feet of storage, to meet the requirement of 13,526 cubic feet, all installed subsurface below the bottom of the retention basin. Preliminary Recommendations and Observations Based on Preliminary design and calculations and observations, the site improvements, as currently proposed, can retain the developed storm water runoff up to the 100 year event. Rational Method Hydrology alc gy ulahons r i PROJECT R'C FC 811 W C D RATIONAL METHOD _�'�� - %�;': HYDROLOGY MANUAL CALCULATION FORM F R E 0 U E N C Y sheet No.— of sheets Calculated by -- 6.v!jc e--- __�. � A�T�` Checked by °--- -- -..— -- 6ryj - -- DRAINACE AREA Sol{ Development A Acres I In /hr. C A® C FS % 0 C FS SLAP SECTION v F PS L FT. T MIN. £ T REMARKS 945 737; 0.9 1 9 I5' ff: ? 600 M 500 x'91 Tc' L 100 1000 90 g'b0 60 600 TO TOO 6 600 M 5 LIMITATIONS: 500 1. Maximum length =1000' 2, Maximum area = 10 Acres Q o H '? . F o Y co 400 400 300 > .2 C N m 350 so 25 � `0 3 c E c :. 300 �E c c c 20 8 19 0 250 (6 t 0 15 14 w 0-200 v- 150 m 9 E i•= 6 7 6 {00 5 LIMITATIONS: 1. Maximum length =1000' 2, Maximum area = 10 Acres Q o H '? . o Y co °m .a 400 300 > 200 C N v 9 E °- = c so ° `c ° 0 `0 60 5q0p E 30 ° c 20 8 I Undeveloped Good Cover Undeveloped Fair Cover Undeveloped. Poor Cover Single Family, (1/4 Acre) c 1,80 Q 3 21 0 .2 i m 1P c 0 m w 12E TC 5-1 6 -4i v VI 7 c 8 0 m 9-0 10 E II 12 c Q {4 "� 15 m I c E IS � 19 z0 ~ c 0 r v C ,f - / 25 KEY L- H- Tc -K -TC o 30 m EXAMPLE: 6 i= (I)L=550', H;--5.0, K =Single Family(1 /4 Ac,) 35 Development, Tc =12.6 min. (2) L =550', H =5.0', K= Commercial 40 Development , Tc = 9.7 ruin. 1-4 RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL Reference: Bibliography item No. 35. PLATE D -3 r rn v .A N O v vCATHEDRAL a 1 U 70 CITY DURATION FREQUENCY MINUTES 10 100 YEAR YEAR S 4014 6.76 RAINFALL INTENSITY- -INCHES PER HOUR CHERRY VALLEY CORONA DESERT HOT SPRINGS DURATION FREQUENCY DURATION FREQUENCY DURATION FREQUENCY KINUTES MINUTES MINUTES 10 100 10 100 10 300 YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR S 3.65 S.49 S 3.10 4.78 S 4.39 606 ELSINORE - WIL00MAR DURATION FREQUENCY MINUTES 10 100 YEAR YEAR 5 3.23 4094 6 7 3.73 3.41 6.08 5.56 6 1 3.30 3.03 4.97 4.S6 6 7 2.84 2.64 4.38 4.07 6 7 3.95 3.62 6.08 5.56 6 7' 2.96 2.75 4.53 6 3015 Sets 8 2.62 4.24 6 2647 3.61 8 3935 5.15 8 2.58 4021 3995 9 2.95 4681 9 2.64 3.97 9 2.34 3.60 9 3.13 4.81 9 2.44 3.73 v 10 207 4.S2 10 2.49 3.7S 10 2.22 3.43 t0 2.94 4.52 30 2.32 3.54 D 11 2.62 4.28 11 2.36 3.56 it 2012 3:21 11 2.78 4028 11 2.21 3.39 12 2649 4.07 12 2425 3.39 12 2.04 3114 l2 2.65 4.07 12 2012 3.2S 2.38 3.88 13 2.16 3025 13 1.96 3.02 13 2.53 3.88 13 2.04 3.13 14 42.38° 'l;y2 14 2001 3012 14 1.89 2.92 14 2.42 3.72 14 1.97 3.02 Is 2.14 3.58 IS 1.99 3.00 15 1483 2082 15 202 3.58 15 1091 2492 16 2.11 3.44 16 1.92 2090 16 1.17 2413 16 2024 3e'44 16 1.85 2.83 11 2.04 3.32 17 1086 2.80 17 1.72 2.66 11 2.16 3.32 tT 1080 POTS 18 1.97 3.22 IB 1480 2.71 18 1068 2.S8 18 2.09 3.22 t8 1.75 2.67 19 1091 3012 19 I.TS 2064 19 1.63 2.52 19 2.03 3.12 19 1470 2.60 20 1.65 3003 20 1.70 2456 20 1.59 2.46• 20 1.97 3.03 20 1.66 2.54 22 1075 2086 22 1.61 2.43 22 1.S2 2.3S 22 1.86 2.86 22 1.59 2.43 24 1.67 2.72 24 1.54 2.32 24 1.46 2.25 24 1.77 202 24 1.52 2.33 26 1.59 2.60 26 1.47 2.22 26 1.40 2.1? 26 L.69 2.60 26 1046 2.24 26 1452 2.49 28 1.41 2.13 28 1936 2.09 28 1.62 2.49 28 1041 2.16 30 1.46 2.39 30 1.36 2.OS 30 1.3t 2.02 30 less 2.39 30 1037 2009 32 1041 2.30 32 1031 1.96 32 1.21 1.96 32 1050 2.30 32 1.33 2.03 Z 34 1036 2022 34 1027 1.91 34 1.23 1.90 34 1.45 2022 34 1029 1097 36 1.32 2.15 36 1.23 1.85 36 1.20 1.85 36 1.40 2015 36 1.25 1092 rn 38 1028 2.09 38 1020 1.60 38 1017 1081 38 1.36 2.09 38 1422 1.87 C Z 40 1924 2.02 40 1016 1.T5 40 1.14 1.76 40 1.32 2.02 40 1419 1082 (n (n 4S 1016 1089 4S 1.09 1464 45 1.06 1.66 4S 1.23 1.89 45 1.13 1672 ,..� SO 1009 1.78 SO 1.03 1.55 SO 1.03 1.S8 s0 1.16 1.78 SO 1.07 1.64 55 I-o 03 1.68 SS .98 1.47 55 .98 1051 Ss 1.09 1.66 SS 1.02 1.56 Z 60 .98 1.60 60 .93 1.40 60 .94 1.4S 60 1.04 1.60 60 .48 1.50 D 65 .94 1.53 65 089 1.34 65 090 1.40 65 699 1.53 65 .94 1,44 0 C ; TO 75 .90 1046 1041 70 as 1029 70 087 1035 10 .95 1.46 70 091 1039 .86 1S .82 1.24 15 .84 1.30 75 .91 1.41 75 .86 1.35 D 0 80 .83 1.35 80 .79 t.20 80 .82 1.26 80 .68 1.35 80 .85 1.31 D D --i as .80 1.31 85 07 1.16 84 .60 1.23 as .85 1.31 as .83 1.27 Q SLOPE a .560 SLOPE : .SSO SLOPE • .460 SLOPE s .580 SLOPE • .480 Z Parking Lot Hydraulics - Worksheet Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description 42.59 Project File s: 1pdata\200701801hydrologylprelim g.fm2 Worksheet PARKING LOT FLOW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data 42.59 Channel Slope 0.005000 ft/ft Flow Area Elevation range: 42.16 ft to 43.00 ft. ft= Station (ft) Elevation (ft) Start Station End Station Roughness 0.00 43.00 0.00 97.50 0.013 0.50 43.00 ft 0.52 42.50 0.43 9.50 42.32 Critical Depth 9.51 42.29 ft 11.50 42.16 0.004501 ft/ft 13.49 42.29 2.40 13.50 42.32 Velocity Head 97.50 43.00 ft Specific Energy 42.68 Discharge 17.94 cfs Froude Number 1.05 Flow is supercritical. Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient 01 Water Surface Elevation 42.59 ft Flow Area 7.48 ft= Wetted Perimeter 46.20 ft Top Width 46.06 ft Height 0.43 ft Critical Depth 42.59 ft Critical Slope 0.004501 ft/ft Velocity 2.40 ft/s Velocity Head 0.09 ft Specific Energy 42.68 ft Froude Number 1.05 Flow is supercritical. b' ti � � . '0 � tia 02/05/08 ESSI SHAHANDEH, CIVIL ENGINEERING FlowMaster v5.10 03:10:38 PM Haestad Methods, Inc_ 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Parking Lot Hydraulics - Cross Section Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File s.\ pdata\20070180\hydrology\prelim g.fm2 Worksheet PARKING LOT FLOW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.005000 fttft Water Surface Elevation 42.59 ft Discharge 17.94 cfs 42.S 42.8 42.7 42.6 c 0 cri m 42.5 W 42.4 42. 42.2 42.1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 Station (ft) %k 02/05/08 �✓ ESSI SHAHANDEH, CIVIL ENGINEERING FlowMaster v5.10 03:10:52 PM �1� Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Calculations A B C D 1 RC_FC_D,SYNT_HETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH 2 DATA INPUT SHEET - � - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- - -- 3 4 WORKSHEET PREPARED BY: BDE 5 _ 6 PROJECT _ _ NA_ ME — — PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS 7 ESSI JOB# CONCENTRATION POINT DESIGNATION — 1 AREA DESIGNATION AREA "A -1" - - - - -- 38 TRIBUTARY AREAS ACRES _ - - -- — — — — — — PAViNGJHA_RDSCAPE 5110 ----- _----------- SF - 1 ACRE 40 —.— . —..-- — — `- SF - 1J2 ACRE - - -- — — - -- -- — - -- - - -- 41 - .— _- - -._-- - 1J4 ACRE 75741 - - - -- PERCOLATION RATE (in/hr) _SF DRYWELLS MF -­A- APARTMENTS N_U_MBER_U_SE_D_ MOBILE HOME PARK — — LANDSCAPING — —�— — — - -- 0 RETENTION BASIN GOLF COURSE_ MOUNTAINOUS — __ _ _ LOW LOSS RATE (PERCENT) — — LENGTH OF WATERCOURSE (L) _ _ _ _ TO POINT OPPOSITE CENTROID (Lea) _ _ q9951LENGTH — ELEVATION_OF HEADWATER 48.5 ELEVATION OF CONCENTRATION POINT _ _ 41.5 — AVERAGE MANNINGS'N' VALUE — — 0.015 — — -- — — STORM FREQUENCY (YEAR) — POINT RAIN 3 -HOUR 2.8 6 HOUR 3.4 4.5 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS: — - -- — ELEVATION AREA 36 2263 — 3.35 - - - -- 1.38 -- -. —. — 0.25 —..— -- --------------- 37 3044 - - - - -- 38 3992 _ - - -- 39 5110 ----- _----------- - - 40 6314 - - -- 41 75741 - - - -- PERCOLATION RATE (in/hr) 0 DRYWELLS N_U_MBER_U_SE_D_ 0 LOSS RATE cfs ------ - - - - -_ - - - -- 0 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD PROJECT: BASIC DATA CALCULATION FORM ESSI JOB# SHORTCUT METHOD BY PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS 20070186 BDE DATE 3/24/2008 DURATION 3 -HOUR PHYSICAL DATA 24 -HOUR EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 2.04 1 CONCENTRATION POINT 1.39 FLOOD VOLUME (cu -ft) (acre -ft) 36,905 0.85 1 25,191 0.58 [21 AREA DESIGNATION 36,600 0.84 34,498 0.79 24,983 0.57 AREA "A -1" 12.45 3 AREA -ACRES 1.96 MAXIMUM WSEL (ft) 4.980 41.00 4 L -FEET 995 5 L -MILES 0.188 6 La -FEET 100.00 La -MILES 0.019 (81 ELEVATION OF HEADWATER 48.5 (91 ELEVATION OF CONCENTRATION POINT 41.5 10 H -FEET 7 11 S- FEET/MILE 37.1 [121 S ^0.5 6.09 13 L`LCAIS ^0.5 0.001 [141 AVERAGE MANNINGS'N' 0.015 [151 LAG TIME -HOURS 0.02 [161 LAG TIME - MINUTES 1.3 [171100% OF LAG- MINUTES 1.3 [181200% OF LAG- MINUTES 2.6 19 UNIT TIME-MINUTES (100%-200% OF LAG 5 24 TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 RAINFALL DATA [11 SOURCE (2) FREQUENCY -YEARS 100 (31 DURATION: 3 -HOURS 6 -HOURS 24 -HOURS [4] POINT RAIN INCHES Plate E -5.2 [5] AREA [6] [7] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [81 POINT RAIN INCHES Plate E -5.4 [9] AREA [10] [11] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [12] POINT RAIN INCHES Plate E-5.61 [13] AREA [14] [15] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES 2.80 4.980 1.00 2.80 3.40 4.9801 1.00 3.40 4.50 4.980 1.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUM [5] 4.98 SUM (71 (16] AREA ADJ FACTOR [17 ADJ AVG POINT RAIN 2.80 SUM [91 4.98 SUM [111 SUM [131 4.98 SUM (15] 4.50 1.000 "3.0400, 1.000 2.80 4.50 STORM EVENT SUMMARY DURATION 3 -HOUR 6 -HOUR 24 -HOUR EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 2.04 1.92 1.39 FLOOD VOLUME (cu -ft) (acre -ft) 36,905 0.85 34,785 0.80 25,191 0.58 REQUIRED STORAGE (cu -ft) (acre -ft) 36,600 0.84 34,498 0.79 24,983 0.57 PEAK FLOW (cfs) 12.45 10.11 1.96 MAXIMUM WSEL (ft) 41.00 41.00 Plate E -2.1 Page 2 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD PROJECT PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS CONCENTRATION POINT: 1 BY BDE DATE 3/24/2008 DJUSTED LOSS RATE SOIL GROUP Plate C -1 LAND USE RI NUMBER Plate E -6.1 PERVIOUS AREA INFILTRATION RATE (in /hr) Plate E -6.2 DECIMAL PERCENT OF AREA IMPERVIOUS Plate E -6.3 ADJUSTED INFILTRATION RATE (in /hr) AREA AVERAGE ADJUSTED INFILTRATION RATE (in /hr) B COMMERCIAL 56 0.56 90% 0.11 3.35 0.673 0.0716 B PAVING /HARDSCAPE 56 0.56 100% 0.06 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B SF - 1 ACRE 56 0.56 20% 0.46 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B SF - 1/2 ACRE 56 0.56 40% 0.36 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B SF - 1/4 ACRE 56 0.56 50% 0.31 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B MF - CONDOMINIUMS 56 0.56 65% 0.23 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B MF - APARTMENTS 56 0.56 80% 0.16 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B MOBILE HOME PARKS 56 0.56 75% 0.18 0.00 0.000 0.0000 B LANDSCAPING 56 0.56 0% 0.56 1.38 0.277 0.1552 B RETENTION BASINS 56 0.56 r-C7.7ak 0.56 0.25 0.050 0.0281 B GOLF COURSE 56 0.56 /0 X 0.56 0.00 0.000 0.0000 D MOUNTAINOUS 93 0.95 90% 0.18 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 Aff 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 SUM 4.98 SUM 0.2549 VARIABLE LOSS RATE CURVE 24 -HOUR STORM ONLY) Fm= 0.127433735 C= 0.00236 Ft= C(24- (T /60)) ^1.55 - 0.00236 (24 -(T /60 .55 + 0.13 in/hr LOW LOSS RATE (80 -90 PERCENT) = 90% Where: T =Time in minutes. To get an average value for each unit time period, Use T =1/2 the uni a for the first time period, T =1 1/2 unit time for the second period, etc. 100 0 AFA RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 3 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS CONCENTRATION POINT: 1 BY: BDE DATE 312412008 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 4.98 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 5 LAG TIME - MINUTES 1.28 UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG 391.6 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.80. CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in/hr 0.25 LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT 90% TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 cfs Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in/hr Loss Rate in/hr Max Low Effective Rain inthr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 1 5 0.08 1.3 0.437 0.25 0.39 0.18 0.91 271.81 2 10 0.17 1.3 0.437 0.25 0.39 0.18 0.91 271.81 3 15 0.25 1.1 0.370 1 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.57 171.41 4 20 0.33 1.5 0.504 0.25 0.45 0.25 1.24 372.20 5 25 0.42 1.5 0.504 0,25 0.45 0.25 1.24 372.20 6 30 0.50 1.8 0.605 0.25 0.54 0.35 1.74 522.80 7 35 0.58 1.5 0.504 0.25 0.45 0.25 1.24 372.20 8 40 0.67 1.8 0.605 0.25 0.54 0.35 1.74 522.80 9 45 015 1.8 0.605 0.25 0.54 0.35 1.74 522.80 10 50 0.83 1.5 0.504 0.25 0.45 0.25 1.24 372.20 11 55 0.92 1.6 0.538 0.25 0.48 0.28 1.41 422.40 12 60 1.00 1.8 0.605 0.25 0.54 0.35 1.74 522.80 13 65 1.08 2.2 0.739 0.25 0.67 0.48 2.41 723.59 14 70 1.17 2.2 0.739 0.25 0.67 0.48 2.41 723,59 15 75 1.25 2.2 0.739 0.25 0.67 0.48 2.41 723.59 16 80 1.33 2.0 0.672 025 0.60 0.42 2.08 623.20 17 85 1.42 2.6 0.874 0.25 0.79 0.62 3.08 924.39 18 90 1.50 2.7 0.907 0.25 0.82 0.65 3.25 974.58 19 95 1.58 2.4 0.806 0.25 0.73 0.55 2.75 823.99 20 100 1.67 2.7 0,907 0.25 0.82 0.65 3.25 974.58 21 1 105 1.75 3.3 1,109 0.25 1 1.00 0.85 4,25 1275.78 22 110 1.83 3.1 1,042 0.25 0.94 0.79 3.92 1175.38 23 115 1.92 2.9 0.974 015 0.88 0.72 158 1074.98 24 120 2.00 3.0 1.008 0.25 0.91 0.75 3.75 1125.18 25 125 2.08 3.1 1.042 0.25 0.94 0.79 3.92 1175.38 26 130 2.17 4.2 1.411 0.25 1.27 1.16 5.76 1727.56 27 135 2.25 5.0 1.680 0.25 1.51 1.43 7.10 2129.15 28 140 2.33 3.5 1.176 0.25 1.06 0.92 4.59 1376.17 29 145 2.42 6.8 2.285 0.25 2.06 2.03 10.11 3032.72 30 150 2.50 7.3 2.453 0.25 2.21 2.20 10.95 3283.71 31 155 2.58 8.2 2.755 0.25 2.48 2.50 12.45 3735,50 32 160 2.67 5.9 1.982 0.25 1.78 1.73 8.60 2580.93 33 165 2.75 2.0 0.672 0.25 0.60 0.42 2.08 623.20 34 170 2.83 1.8 0.605 0.25 0.54 0.35 1.74 522.80 35 175 2.92 1.8 0.605 0.25 0.54 0.35 1.74 522.80 36 180 3.00 0.6 .0.202 0.25 0.18 0.02 1 0.10 30.12 EFFECTIVE RAIN & FLOOD VOLUMES SUMMARY EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 2.04 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.85 FLOOD VOLUME (cult) 36905.46 REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.84 REQUIRED STORAGE (cult) 36600.31 PEAK FLOW RATE.(cfs) 12.45 Plate E -2.2 Page 4 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS CONCENTRATION POINT: 1 BY: BDE DATE: 3/2412008 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 4.98 UNIT TIME- MINUTES 5 LAG TIME - MINUTES 1.28 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG 391.6 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.40 CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in/hr 0.255 LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT 90% TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 cfs Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in/hr Loss Rate infhr Max LOW Effective Rain in/hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage Cf 1 5 0.08 0.5 0.204 0.25 0.18 0.02 0.10 30.48 2 10 0.17 0.6 '0.245 0.25 0.22 0.02 0.12 36.57 3 15 0.25 0.6 0.245 0.25 0.22 0.02 0.12 36.57 4 20 0.33 0.6 1 0.245 0.25 0.22 0.02 0.12 36.57 5 25 0.42 0.6 0.245 0.25 0.22 0.02 0.12 36.57 6 30 0.50 0.7 0.286 0.25 0.26 0.03 0.15 45.91 7 35 0.58 0.7 0.286 0.25 1 0.26 0.03 0.15 45.91 8 40 0.67 0.7 0.286 0.25 0.26 0.03 0.15 45.91 9 45 0.75 0.7 0.286 0.25 0.26 0.03 0.15 45.91 10 50 0.83 0.7 0.286 0.25 0.26 0.03 0.15 45.91 11 55 0.92 0.7 0.286 0.25 0.26 0.03 0.15 45.91 12 60 1.00 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 13 65 1.08 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 14 70 1.17 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 15 75 1.25 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 16 80 1.33 0.8 0.325 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 17 85 1.42 0.8 0.326 025 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 18 90 1.50 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 19 95 1.58 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 20 lob 1.67 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 21 105 1.75 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 22 110 1.83 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 23 115 1.92 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.87 24 120 2.00 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 25 125 2.08 0.8 0.326 0.25 0.29 0.07 0.36 106.67 26 130 2.17 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 27 135 2.25 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 28 140 2.33 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 29 145 2.42 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 30 150 2.50 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 31 155 2.58 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 32 160 2.67 0.9 0.367 0.25 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 33 165 2.75 1.0 0.406 0.25 0.37 015 0.76 228.76 34 170 2.83 1.0 0.408 0.25 0.37 0.15 0.76 228.78 35 175 2.92 1.0 0.408 0.25 0.37 0.15 0.76 228.78 36 180 3.00 1.0 0.408 0.25 0.37 0.15 0.76 228.78 37 185 3.08 1.0 0.408 0.25 0.37 0.15 0.76 228.78 38 190 3.17 1.1 0.449 0.25 0.40 0.19 0.97 289.74 39 195 3.25 1.1 0.449 0.25 0.40 0.19 0.97 289.74 40 200 3.33 1.1 0.449 0.25 0.40 0.19 0.97 289.74 41 205 3.42 1.2 0.490 0.25 0.44 0.23 1.17 350.69 42 210 3.50 1.3 0.530 0.25 0.48 028 1.37 411.65 43 215 3.58 1.4 0.571 0.25 0.51 0.32 1.58 472.60 44 220 3.67 1.4 0.571 0.25 0.51 0.32 1.58 472.60 45 225 3.75 1.5 0.612 0.25 0.55 0.36 178 533.56 46 230 183 1.5 0.612 025 0.55 0.36 1.78 533.56 47 235 3.92 1.6 0.653 0.25 0.59 0.40 1.98 594.51 48 240 4.00 1.6 0.653 0.25 0.59 0.40 1.98 594.51 49 245 4.08 1.7 0.694 0.25 0.62 0.44 218 655.47 50 250 4.17 1.8 0.734 015 0.66 0.48 2.39 716.42 51 255 4.25 1.9 0.775 0.25 0.70 0.52 2.59 777.38 52 260 4.33 1 2.0 0.816 0.25 0.73 0.56 2.79 838.33 53 265 4.42 2.1 0.857 0.25 0.77 0.60 3.00 899.29 54 270 4.50 2.1 0.857 0.25 0.77 0.60 3.00 899.29 55 275 4.58 2.2 0.898 0.25 0.81 1 0.64 3.20 960.24 56 280 1 4.67 2.3 0.938 1 0.25 0.84 1 0.68 3.40 1021.20 Plate E -2.2 Page 5 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: CONCENTRATION POINT: BY: BIDE PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS 1 DATE: 3/24/2008 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.80 FLOOD VOLUME (cuff) EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM 0.79 REQUIRED STORAGE (tuft) 34497.88 DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES UNIT TIME - MINUTES LAG TIME - MINUTES UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES CONSTANT LOSS RATE -inthr LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT 4.98 5 1.28 391.6 3.40 0.255 90% TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 CIS Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain inthr Loss Rate inthr Max Low Effective Rain inthr Flood Hydrograph Flow crs Required Storage Cf 57 285 475 2.4 0.979 0.25 0:88 0.72 161 1082.15 58 290 4.83 2.4 0.979 0.25 0.88 0.72 3.61 1082.15 59 295 4.92 2.5 1.020 0.25 0.92 0.77 3.81 1143.11 60 300 5.00 2.6 1.061 0.25 0.95 0.81 4.01 1204.06 61 305 5.08 3.1 1.265 0.25 1.14 1.01 5.03 1508.84 62 310 5.17 3.6 1.469 0.25 1.32 1.21 6.05 1813.62 63 315 5.25 3,9 1.591 0.25 1.43 1.34 6.65 1996.48 64 320 5.33 4.2 1.714 0.25 1.54 1.46 7.26 2179.35 65 325 5.42 4.7 1.918 0.25 1.73 1.66 8.28 2484.12 66 330 5.50 5.6 2.285 0.25 2.06 2.03 10.11 3032.72 67 335 5.58 1.9 0775 0.25 0.70 0.52 2.59 777.38 68 340 5.67 0.9 0.367 025 0.33 0.11 0.56 167.82 69 345 5.75 0.6 0.245 0.25 0.22 0.02 0.12 36.57 70 350 5.83 0.5 0.204 025 0.18 0.02 0.10 30.48 71 355 5.92 0.3 0.122 0.25 0.11 0.01 0.05 18.29 72 360 6.00 0.2 0.082 0.25 0.07 0.01 0.04 12.19 EFFECTIVE RAIN & FLOOD VOLUMES SUMMARY EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 1.92 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.80 FLOOD VOLUME (cuff) 34785.50 REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.79 REQUIRED STORAGE (tuft) 34497.88 PEAK FLOW RATE (cfs) 1011 Plate E -2.2 Page 6 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS CONCENTRATION POINT: 1 BY: BDE DATE: 3/24/2008 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 4.980 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15 LAG TIME - MINUTES 1.28 UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG 1174.8 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 4.50 CONSTANT LOSS RATE - in/hr n/a VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG) in/hr 0.2549 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (for var. loss) - in /hr 0.127 LOW LOSS RATE - DECIMAL 0.90 C 0.00236 PERCOLATION RATE cfs 0.00 Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in/hr Loss Rate in/hr Max Low Effective Rain in/hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 1 15 0.25 0.2 0.036 0.450 1 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 2 30 0.50 0.3 0.054 0.445 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 3 45 0.75 0.3 0.054 0.440 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 4 60 1.00 0.4 0.072 0.434 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 5 75 1.25 0.3 0.054 0.429 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 6 90 1.50 0.3 0.054 0.424 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 7 105 1.75 0.3 0.054 0.419 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 8 120 2.00 0.4 0.072 0.414 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 9 135 2.25 0.4 0.072 0.409 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 10 150 2.50 0.4 0.072 0.404 0.065 0.007 0.04 3227 11 165 2.75 0.5 0.090 0.399 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 12 180 3.00 0.5 0.090 0.394 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 13 195 3.25 0.5 0.090 0.389 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 14 210 3.50 0.5 0.090 0.385 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 15 225 3.75 0.5 0.090 0.380 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 16 240 4.00 0.6 0.108 0.375 0.097 1 0.011 0.05 48.41 17 255 4.25 0.6 0.108 0.370 0.097 1 0.011 0.05 48.41 18 270 4.50 0.7 0.126 0.366 0.113 0.013 0.06 56.47 19 285 4.75 0.7 0.126 0.361 0.113 0.013 0.06 56.47 20 300 5.00 0.8 0.144 0.356 0.130 0.014 0.07 64.54 21 315 5.25 0.6 0.108 0.352 0.097 0.011 0.05 48.41 22 330 5.50 0.7 0126 0.347 0.113 0.013 0.06 56.47 23 345 5.75 0.8 0.144 0.342 0.130 0.014 0.07 64.54 24 360 6.00 0.8 0.144 0.338 0.130 0.014 0.07 64.54 25 375 6.25 0.9 0.162 0.333 0.146 0.016 0.08 72.61 26 390 6.50 0.9 0.162 0.329 0.146 0.016 0.08 72.61 27 405 6.75 1.0 0.180 0.325 0.162 0.018 0.09 80.68 28 420 7.00 1.0 0.180 0.320 0.162 0.018 0.09 80.68 29 435 7.25 1.0 0.180 0.316 0.162 0.018 0.09 80.68 30 450 7.50 1.1 0.198 0.312 0.178 0.020 0.10 88.74 31 465 7.75 1.2 0.216 0.307 0.194 0.022 0.11 96.81 32 480 8.00 1.3 0.234 0.303 0.211 0.023 0.12 104.88 33 495 8.25 1.5 0.270 0.299 0.243 0.027 0.13 121.01 34 510 8.50 1.5 0.270 0.295 0.243 0.027 0.13 121.01 35 525 8.75 1.6 0.288 0.291 0.259 0.029 0.14 129.08 36 540 9.00 1.7 0.306 0.286 0.275 0.020 0.10 87.66 37 555 9.25 1.9 0.342 0.282 0.308 0.060 0.30 267.19 38 570 9.50 2.0 0.360 0.278 0.324 0.082 0.41 365.87 39 585 9.75 2.1 0.378 0.274 0.340 0.104 0.52 464.39 40 600 10.00 2.2 0.396 0.270 0.356 0.126 0.63 562.73 41 615 10.25 1.5 0.270 0.267 0.243 0.003 0.02 15.50 42 630 10.50 1.5 0.270 0.263 0.243 0.007 0.04 32.83 43 645 10.75 2.0 0.360 0.259 0.324 0.101 0.50 453.36 44 660 11.00 2.0 0.360 0.255 0.324 0.105 0.52 470.34 45 675 11.25 1.9 0.342 0.251 0.308 0.091 0.45 406.46 46 690 11.50 1.9 0.342 0.248 0.308 0.094 0.47 423.08 47 705 11.75 1.7 0.306 0.244 0.275 0.062 0.31 278.17 48 720 12.00 1.8 0.324 0.240 0.292 0.084 0.42 375.10 49 735 12.25 2.5 0.450 0.237 0.405 0.213 1.06 955.91 50 750 12.50 2.6 0.468 0.233 0.421 0.235 1.17 1052.48 51 765 12.75 2.8 0.504 0.230 0.454 0.274 1.37 1229.54 52 780 13.00 2.9 0.522 0.226 0.470 0.296 1.47 1325.73 53 795 13.25 3.4 0.612 0.223 0.551 0.389 1.94 1744.43 54 810 13.50 3.4 0.612 0.219 0.551 0.393 1.96 1759.56 55 825 13.75 2.3 0.414 0.216 0.373 0.198 0.99 887.07 56 840 14.00 2.3 0.414 0.213 0.373 0.201 1.00 901.81 57 855 14.25 2.7 0 486 1 0.210 0.437 0.276 1.38 1239.05 58 870 14.50 2.6 0.468 1 0.206 0.421 0.262 1.30 1172.72 59 885 14.75 2.6 0.468 0.203 0.421 0.265 1.32 1186.86 60 900 15.00 2.5 0.450 0.200 0.405 0.250 1.24 1120.11 Plate E -2.2 Page 7 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS CONCENTRATION POINT: 1 BY: BDE DATE: 3/24/2008 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 4.980 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15 LAG TIME - MINUTES 1.28 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG 1174.8 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 4.50 CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in/hr , n/a VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG) in/hr 0.2549 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (for var. loss) - in/hr 0.127 LOW LOSS RATE - DECIMAL 0.90 C 0.00236 PERCOLATION RATE cfs 0.00 Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in/hr Loss Rate in/hr Max Low Effective Rain in/hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 61 915 15.25 2.4 0.432 0.197 0.389 0.235 1.17 1053.16 62 930 15.50 2.3 0.414 0.194 0.373 0.220 1.10 986.00 63 945 15.75 1.9 0.342 0.191 0.308 0.151 075 676.59 64 960 16.00 1.9 0.342 0.188 0.308 0.154 0.77 689.67 65 975 16.25 0.4 0.072 0.185 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 66 990 16.50 0.4 0.072 0.182 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 67 1005 16.75 0.3 0.054 0.180 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 68 1020 17.00 0.3 0.054 0.177 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 69 1035 17.25 0.5 0.090 0.174 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 70 1050 17.50 0.5 0.090 0.172 0.081 0,009 0.04 40.34 71 1065 17.75 0.5 0.090 0.169 0.081 0.009 0.04 40.34 72 1080 18.00 0.4 0.072 0.,167 0.065 0,007 0.04 32.27 73 1095 18.25 0.4 0.072 0.164 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 74 1110 18.50 0.4 0.072 0.162 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 75 1125 18.75 0.3 0.054 0.159 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 76 1140 19.00 0.2 0.036 0.157 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 77 1155 19.25 0.3 0.054 0.155 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 78 1170 19.50 0.4 0.072 0.153 0.065 0.007 0.04 32.27 79 1185 19.75 0.3 0.054 0.151 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 80 1200 20.00 0.2 0.036 0.149 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 81 1215 20.25 0.3 0.054 0.147 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 82 1230 20.50 0.3 0.054 0.145 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 83 1245 20.75 0.3 0.054 0.143 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 84 1260 21.00 0.2 0.036 0.141 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 85 1275 21.25 0.3 0.054 0.140 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 86 1290 21.50 0.2 0.036 0.138 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 87 1305 21.75 0.3 0.054 0.136 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 88 1320 22.00 0.2 0.036 0.135 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 89 1335 22.25 0.3 0.054 0.134 0.049 0.005 0.03 24.20 90 1350 22.50 0.2 0.036 0.132 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 91 1365 22.75 0.2 0.036 0.131 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 92 1380 23.00 0.2 0.036 0.130 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 93 1395 23.25 0.2 0.036 0.129 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 94 1410 23.50 0.2 0.036 0.129 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 95 1425 23.75 0.2 0.036 0.128 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 96 1440 24.00 0.2 0.036 0.128 0.032 0.004 0.02 16.14 EFFECTIVE RAIN & FLOOD VOLUMES SUMMARY EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 1.39 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.58 FLOOD VOLUME (cult) 25191'.12 REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.57 REQUIRED STORAGE (tuft) 24982.83 PEAK FLOW cfs 1.96 Plate E -2.2 Page 8 of 14 PROJECT: PALMERS OFFICE BUILDINGS ESSI JOB# 20070186 1 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS CONTOUR DEPTH INCR TOTAL (ft) (ft) AREA INCR TOTAL (so (sf) VOLUME INCR TOTAL (cuft) (cult) (acre -ft) 36 0 0 2263 0 0 0.00 36 0 0 0 2263 0 0 0.00 37 1 1 781 3044 2654 2654 0.06 38 1 2 948 3992 3518 6172 0.14 39 1 3 1118 5110 4551 10723 0.25 40 1 4 1204 6314 5712 164351 0.38 41 1 5 1260 75741 69441 233791 0.54 PERCOLATION CALCULATIONS PERCOLATION RATE 0 in/hr 0.00 cfs MAXWELL IV DRYWELLS NUMBER USED 0 RATE /DRYWELL 0 cfs TOTAL DISSIPATED 0 cfs TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE 0.00 cfs Basin Characteristics Page 9 of 14 TKC JOB # 20070186 100 YEAR - 3 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs) VOLUME IN cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT (cult ) TOTAL IN BASIN (cult ) BASIN DEPTH (ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft) 11 5 0.91 272 272 0 . 272 36.10 2721 0.01 2 10 0.91 272 544 0 544 36.20 544 0.01 3 15 0.57 171 715 0 715 36.27 715 0.02 4 20 1.24 372 1,087 0 1,087 36.41 1,087 0.02 5 25 1.24 372 1,459 0 1,459 36.55 1,459 0.03 6 30 1.74 523 1,982 01 1,982 36.75 1,982 0.05 7 35 1.24 372 2,354 0 2,354 36.89 2,354 0.05 8 40 1.74 523 2,877 0 2,877 37.06 2,877 0.07 9 45 1.74 523 3,400 0 3,400 37.21 3,400 0.08 10 50 1.24 372 3,772 0 3,772 37.32 3,772 0.09 11 55 1.41 422 4,195 0 4,195 37.44 4,195 0.10 12 60 1.74 523 4,717 0 4,717 37.59 4,717 0.11 13 65 2.41 724 5,441 0 5,441 37.79 5,441 0.12 14 70 2.41 724 6,165 0 6,165 38.00 6,165 0.14 15 75 2.41 724 6,888 0 6,888 38.16 6,888 0.16 16 80 2.08 623 7,511 1 0 7,511 38.29 7,511 0.17 17 85 3.08 924 8,436 0 8,436 38.50 8,436 0.19 18 90 3.25 975 9,410 0 9,410 38.71 9,410 0.22 19 95 2.75 824 10,234 0 10,234 38.89 10,234 0.23 20 100 3.25 975 11,209 0 11,209 39.09 11,209 0.26 21 105 4.25 1,276 12,485 0 12,485 39.31 12,485 0.29 22 110 3.92 1,175 13,660 0 13,660 39.51 13,660 0.31 23 115 3.58 1,075 14,735 1 0 14,735 39.70 14,735 0.34 24 120 3.75 1,125 15,860 0 15,860 39.90 15,860 0.36 25 125 3.92 1,175 17,036 0 17,036 40.09 17,036 0.39 26 130 5.76 1,728 18,763 0 18,763 40.34 18,763 0.43 27 135 7.10 2,129 20,892 0 20,892 40.64 20,892 0.48 28 140 4.59 1,376 22,269 0 22,269 40.84 22,269 0.51 29 145 10.11 3,033 25,301 0 25,301 41.00 25,301 0.58 30 150 10.95 3,284 28,585 0 28,585 41.00 28,585 0.66 31 155 12.45 3,735 32,320 0 32,320 41.00 32,320 0.74 32 160 8.60 2,581 34,901 01 34,901 41.00 34,901 0.80 33 165 2.08 6'2- 3 35,525 0 35,525 41.00 35,525 012 34 170 1.74 523 36,047 0 36,047 41.00 36,047 0.83 35 175 1.74 523 36,570 0 36,570 41.00 36,570 0.84 36 180 0.10 30 36,600 0 36,600 41.00 36,600 0.84 Basin Depth Analysis Page 10 of 14 TKC JOB # 20070186 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs) VOLUME IN (cult) TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT (cult ) TOTAL IN BASIN (cult BASIN DEPTH (ft) BALANCE IN BASIN (cult ) (acre -ft 1 5 0.10 30 30 0 30 36.01 30 0.00 2 10 0.12 37 67 0 67 36.03 67 0.00 3 15 0.12 37 104 0 104 36.04 104 0.00 4 20 0.12 37 140 0 140 36.05 140 0.00 5 25 0.12 37 177 0 177 36.07 177 0.00 6 30 0.15 46 223 0 223 36.08 223 0.01 7 • 35 0.15 46 269 0 269 36.10 269 0.01 8 40 0.15 46 315 0 315 36.12 315 0.01 9 45 0.15 46 360 0 360 36.14 360 0.01 10 50 0.15 46 406 0 406 36.15 406 0.01 11 1 55 0.15 46 452 0 452 36.17 452 0.01 12 60 0.36 107 559 0 559 36.21 559 0.01 13 65 0.36 107 666 01 666 36.25 666 0.02 14 70 0.36 107 773 0 773 36.29 773 0.02 15 75 0.36 107 880 0 880 36.33 880 0.02 16 80 0.36 107 987 0 987 36.37 987 0.02 17 85 0.36 107 1,093 0 1,093 36.41 1,093 0.03 18 90 0.36 107 1,200 0 1,200 36.45 1,200 0.03 19 95 0.36 107 1,307 01 1,307 36.49 1,307 0.03 20 100 0.36 107 1,414 0 1,414 36.53 1,414 0.03 21 105 0.36 107 1,521 0 1,521 36.57 1,521 0.03 22 110 0.36 107 1,628 0 1,628 36.61 1,628 0.04 23 115 0.36 107 1,735 0 1,735 1 36.65 1,735 0.04 24 120 0.56 168 1,903 0 1,903 36.72 1,903 0.04 25 125 0.36 107 2,009 0 2,009 36.76 2,009 0.05 26 130 0.56 168 2,177 0 2,177 36.82 2,177 0.05 27 135 0.56 168 2,345 0 2,345 36.88 2,345 0.05 28 140 0.56 168 2,513 0 2,513 36.95 '2,513 0.06 29 145 0.56 168 2,681 0 2,681 37.01 2,681 0.06 30 150 0.56 168 2,849 1 0 2,849 37.06 2,849 0.07 31 155 0.56 168 3,016 0 3,016 37.10 3,016 0.07 32 160 0.56 168 3,184 0 3,184 37.15 3,184 0.07 33 165 0.75 229 3,413 0 3,413 3722 3,413 0.08 34 170 0.76 229 3,642 0 3,642 37.28 3,642 0.08 35 175 0.76 229 3,870 0 3,870 37.35 3,870 0.09 36 180 0.76 229 4,099 0 4,099 37.41 4,099 0.09 37 185 0.76 229 4,328 0 4,328 37.48 4,328 0.10 38 190 0.97 290 4,618 0 4,618 37.56 4,618 0.11 39 195 0.97 290 4,908 0 4,908 37.64 4,908 0.11 40 200 0.97 290 5,197 0 5,197 37.72 5,197 0.12 41 205 1.17 351 5,548 0 5,548 37.82 5,548 0.13 42 210 1.37 412 5,960 0 5,960 37.94 5,960 0.14 43 215 1.58 473 6,432 0 6,432 38.06 6,432 0.15 44 220 1.58 473 6,905 0 6,905 38.16 6,905 0.16 45 225 1.78 534 7,438 0 7,438 38.28 7,438 0.17 46 230 1.78 534 7,972 0 7,972 38.40 7,972 0.18 47 235 1.98 595 8,566 0 8,566 38.53 8,566 0.20 48 240 1.98 595 9,161 0 9,161 38.66 9,161 0.21 49 245 2.18 655 9,816 0 9,816 38.80 9,816 0.23 50 250 2.39 716 10,533 0 10,533 38.96 10,533 0.24 51 255 2.59 777 11,310 0 11,310 39.10 11,310 0.26 52 260 2.79 838 12,149 0 12,149 3925 12,149 0.28 53 265 3.00 899 13,048 0 13,048 39.41 13,048 0.30 54 270 3.00 899 13,947 01 13,9407 7 39.56 13,947 0.32 55 275 3.20 960 14,907 0 14,9 39.73 14,907 0.34 Basin Depth Analysis Page 11 of 14 TKC JOB # 20070186 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs) VOLUME IN (cult) TOTAL IN BASIN cult ) PERC OUT (cuft) TOTAL IN BASIN (cuft) BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 56 280 3.40 1,021 15,929 0 15,929 39.91 15,929 0.37 57 285 3.61 1,082 17,011 0 17,011 40.08 17,011 0.39 58 290 3.61 1,082 18,093 1 0 18,093 40.24 18,093 0.42 59 295 3.81 1,143 19,2361 0 19,236 40.40 19,236 0.44 60 300 4.01 1,204 20,440 0 20,440 40.58 20,440 0.47 61 305 5.03 1,509 21,949 0 21,949 40.79 21,949 0.50 62 310 6.05 1,814 23,762 0 23,762 41.00 23,762 0.55 63 315 6.65 1,996 25,759 0 25,759 41.00 25,759 0.59 64 320 7.26 2,179 27,938 0 27,938 41.00 27,938 0.64 65 325 8.28 2,484 30,422 0 30,422 41.00 30,422 070 66 330 10.11 3,033 33,455 0 33,455 41.00 33,455 0.77 67 335 2.59 777 34,233 0 34,233 41.00 34,233 0.79 68 340 0.56 168 34,400 0 34,400 41.00 34,400 0.79 69 345 0.12 37 34,437 0 34,437 41.00 34,437 0.79 70 350 0.10 30 1, ,467 0 34,467 41.00 34,467 0.79 71 355 0.06 18 34,486 1 0 34,486 41.00 34,486 0.79 72-1 360 0.041 12 34,498 01 34,498 1 41.00 1 34,498 0.79 Basin Depth Analysis Page 12 of 14 TKC JOB # 20070186 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT tuft TOTAL IN BASIN cult BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 1 15 0.02 16 16 0 16 36.01 16 0.00 2 30 0.03 24 40 0 40 36.02 40 0.00 3 45 0.03 24 65 0 65 36.02 65 0.00 4 60 0.04 32 97 0 97 36.04 97 0.00 5 75 0.03 24 121 0 121 36.05 121 0.00 6 90 0.03 24 145 0 145 36.05 145 0.00 7 105 0.03 24 169 0 169 36.06 169 0.00 8 120 0.04 32 202 0 202 36.08 202 0.00 9 135 0.04 32 234 0 234 36.09 234 0.01 10 150 0.04 32 266 0 266 36.10 266 0.01 11 165 0.04 40 307 0 307 36.12 307 0.01 12 180 0.04 40 347 0 347 36.13 347 0.01 13 195 0.04 40 387 0 387 36.15 387 0.01 14 210 0.04 40 428 0 428 36.16 428 0.01 15 225 0.04 40 468 0 468 36.18 468 0.01 16 240 0.05 48 516 0 516 36.19 516 0.01 17 255 0.05 48 565 0 565 36.21 565 0.01 18 270 0.06 56 621 0 621 36.23 621 0.01 19 285 0.06 56 678 0 678 36.26 678 0.02 20 300 0.07 65 742 0 742 36.28 742 0.02 21 315 0.05 48 791 0 791 36.30 791 0.02 22 330 0.06 56 847 0 847 36.32 847 0.02 23 345 0.07 65 912 0 912 36.34 912 0.02 24 360 0.07 65 976 0 976 36.37 976 0.02 25 375 0.08 73 1,049 0 1,049 36.40 1,049 0.02 26 390 0.08 73 1,121 0 1,121 36.42 1,121 0.03 27 405 0.09 81 1,202 0 1,202 36.45 1,202 0.03 28 420 0.09 81 1,283 0 1,283 36.48 1,283 0.03 29 435 0.09 81 1,363 0 1,363 36.51 1,363 0.03 30 450 0.10 89 1,452 0 1,452 36.55 1,452 0.03 31 465 0.11 97 1,549 0 1,549 36.58 1,549 0.04 32 480 0.12 105 1,654 0 1,654 36.62 1,654 0.04 33 495 0.13 121 1,775 0 1,775 36.67 1,775 0.04 34 510 0.13 121 1,896 0 1,896 36.71 1,896 0.04 35 525 0.14 129 2,025 0 2,025 36.76 2,025 0.05 36 540 0.10 88 2,113 0 2,113 36.80 2,113 0.05 37 555 0.30 267 2,380 0 2,380 36.90 2,380 0.05 38 570 0.41 366 2,746 0 2,746 37.03 2,746 0.06 39 585 0.52 464 3,210 0 3,210 37.16 3,210 0.07 40 600 0.63 563 3,773 0 3,773 37.32 3,773 0.09 41 615 0.02 16 3,788 0 3,788 37.32 3,788 0.09 42 630 0.04 33 3,821 0 3,821 37.33 3,821 0.09 43 645 0.50 453 4,274 0 4,274 37.46 4,274 0.10 44 660 0.52 470 4,745 0 4,745 37.59 4,745 0.11 45 675 0.45 406 5,151 0 5,151 37.71 5,151 0.12 46 690 0.47 423 5,574 0 5,574 37.83 5,574 0.13 47 705 0.31 278 5,853 0 5,853 37.91 5,853 0.13 48 720 0.42 375 6,228 0 6,228 38.01 6,228 0.14 49 735 1.06 956 7,184 0 7,184 38.22 7,184 0.16 50 750 1.17 1,052 8,236 0 81236 38.45 8,236 0.19 51 765 1.37 1,230 9,466 0 9,466 3812 9,466 0.22 52 780 1.47 1,326 10,791 0 10,791 39.01 10,791 0.25 53 795 1.94 1,744 12,536 0 12,536 39.32 12,536 0.29 54 810 1.96 1,760 14,295 0 14,295 39.63 14,295 0.33 55 825 0.99 887 15,182 0 15,182 39.78 15,182 0.35 56 840 1.00 902 16,084 0 16,084 39.94 16,084 0.37 57 855 1.38 1,239 17,323 0 17,323 40.13 17,323 0.40 58 870 130 1,173 1 18,496 1 0 18,496 40.30 18,496 0.42 Basin Depth Analysis Page 13 of 14 TKC JOB # 20070186 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 59 885 1.32 1,187 19,683 0 19,683 40.47 19,683 0.45 60 900 114 1,120 20,803 0 20,803 40.63 20,803 0.48 61 915 1.17 1,053 21,856 0 21,856 40.78 21,856 0.50 62 930 1.10 986 22,842 0 22,842 40.92 22,842 0.52 63 945 0.75 677 23,519 0 23,519 41.00 23,519 0.54 64 960 0.77 690 24,208 0 24,208 41.00 24,208 0.56 65 975 0.04 32 24,241 0 24,241 41.00 24,241 0.56 66 990 0.04 32 24,273 0 24,273 41.00 24,273 0.56 67 1005 0.03 24 24,297 0 24,297 41.00 24,297 0.56 68 1020 0.03 24 24,321 0 24,321 41.00 24,321 0.56 69 1035 0.04 .40 24,362 0 24,362 41.00 24,362 0.56 70 1050 0.04 40 24,402 0 24,402 41.00 24,402 0.56 71 1065 0.04 40 24,442 0 24,442 41.00 24,442 0.56 72 1080 0.04 32 24,475 0 24,475 41.00 24,475 0.56 73 1095 0.04 32 24,507 0 24,507 41.00 24,507 0.56 74 1110 0.04 32 24,539 0 24,539 41.00 24,539 0.56 75 1125 0.03 24 24,563 0 24,563 41.00 24,563 0.56 76 1140 0.02 16 24,579 0 24,579 41.00 24,579 0.56 77 1155 0.03 24 24,604 0 24,604 41.00 .24,604 0.56 78 1170 0.04 32 24,636 0 24,636 41.00 24,636 0.57 79 1185 0.03 24 24,660 0 24,660 41.00 24,660 0.57 80 1200 0.02 16 24,676 0 24,676 41.00 24,676 0.57 81 1215 0.03 24 24,700 0 24,700 41.00 24,700 0.57 82 1230 0.03 24 24,725 0 24,725 41.00 24,725 0.57 83 1245 0.03 24 24,749 0 24,749 41.00 24,749 0.57 84 1260 0.02 16 24,765 0 24,765 • 41.00 24,765 0.57 85 1275 0.03 24 24,789 0 24,789 41.00 24,789 0.57 86 1290 0.02 16 24,805 0 24,805 41.00 24,805 0.57 87 1305 0.03 24 24,830 0 24,830 41.00 24,830 0.57 88 1320 0.02 16 24,846 0 24,846 41.00 24,846 0.57 89 1335 0.03 24 24,870 0 24,870 41.00 24,870 0.57 90 1350 0.02 16 24,886 0 24,886 41.00 24,886 0.57 91 1365 0.02 16 24,902 0 24,902 41.00 24,902 0.57 92 1380 0.02 16 24,918 0 24,918 41.00 24,918 0.57 93 1395 0.02 16 24,934 0 24,934 41.00 24,934 0.57 94 1410 0.02 16 24,951 0 24,951 41.00 24,951 0.57 95 1425 0.02 16 24,967 0 24,967 41.00 24,967 0.57 96 1440 0.021 161 24,983 0 24,983 41.00 24,983 1 0.57 Basin Depth Analysis Page 14 of 14 Cultech Manufacturer Technical Data Storage Capacities of CULTEC Contactor® & Rechargee Chambers - Typical Designs Other models are available but not listed. If the following chambers do not fit your design parameters, please call CULTEC, Inc. at 1- 800- 4- CULTEC, Ext. 3 (1- 800 - 428 -5832, Ext. 3) for technical support. Tabie 1. I Recharger° 280 1 8.00 1 7.00 1 1.00 1 47.00 1 26.50 1 6.079 1 3.130 1 9.21 1 64.46 1 30.33 1 54.77 1 321 1 4.33 l Recharger" 330 1 7.50 1 6.25 1 1.25 1 52.00 1 30.50 1 7.459 1 3.864 I 11.32 1 70.77 1 3021 1 60.37 1 3.54 1 4.83 V81 X 8.00 1 7.50 1 0.50 1 54.00 1 34.00 1 8.933 1 4.093 Q 13.03 Y 97.72 1 37.50 1 76.75 1 3.83 1 5.00 All calculations are based on installed chamber length. Assuming 6" stone base and 6" stone above units. Total storage retention is the minimum storage when installed surrounded in stone according to above spacing and burial recommendations. Storage volume may be increased by adding additional stone above or below the units. Other models are available, please call CULTEC's Technical Department at 1- 800 -4- CULTEC if you need further information and assistance. Minimum Effective Depth does not take into consideration any additional fill requirements or final grade materials above the 6" of stone above the units. Please refer to Table 2 on page 13 for total minlmum depth requirements from bottom elevation to final grade. For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cufec.com. 0 CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide v.1 0 1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. 4, 4 6. Overall hfstalMd Chamber Chamber Chamber Charmer 40% Min tow Mira Surface Min Mm Min Chamber Charmer h Width ►t Volume Retention Area Stone Effective Center to Model �� R<ah I �� �R �' 9 Piece UnVdT.Pfth) ft R ft. in. n ft'/ft f tft Wit W /unit fe /unit ft/unit ft It Contactor8 100 8.00 7.40 0.60 36.00 12.50 1.961 1.938 3.90 28.85 24.67 35.85 2.04 3.33 Contactor* 100H0 800 7.50 0.50 36.00 12.50 1.866 1.976 3.84 28.81 25.00 37.05 2.04 3.33 Recharger� 150 1 8.50 1 7.50 1 1.00 33.00 18.50 2.650 2.244 4.89 i 36.71 1 24.38 42.08 2.54 3.25 I Recharger° 280 1 8.00 1 7.00 1 1.00 1 47.00 1 26.50 1 6.079 1 3.130 1 9.21 1 64.46 1 30.33 1 54.77 1 321 1 4.33 l Recharger" 330 1 7.50 1 6.25 1 1.25 1 52.00 1 30.50 1 7.459 1 3.864 I 11.32 1 70.77 1 3021 1 60.37 1 3.54 1 4.83 V81 X 8.00 1 7.50 1 0.50 1 54.00 1 34.00 1 8.933 1 4.093 Q 13.03 Y 97.72 1 37.50 1 76.75 1 3.83 1 5.00 All calculations are based on installed chamber length. Assuming 6" stone base and 6" stone above units. Total storage retention is the minimum storage when installed surrounded in stone according to above spacing and burial recommendations. Storage volume may be increased by adding additional stone above or below the units. Other models are available, please call CULTEC's Technical Department at 1- 800 -4- CULTEC if you need further information and assistance. Minimum Effective Depth does not take into consideration any additional fill requirements or final grade materials above the 6" of stone above the units. Please refer to Table 2 on page 13 for total minlmum depth requirements from bottom elevation to final grade. For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cufec.com. 0 CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide v.1 0 1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. 4, 4 6. L]; CULTEC HVLV- V8- Header System Specification Information Available in heavy -duty only. Length 61" 55" 40" 55" Width 54" Height 34" Storage Capacity 8.933 ft'/ff Min. Storage Capacity Surrounded in Stone when used with Recharger• V8" I Intermediate' 13.03 ft'/ft Max. Inlet Opening' 24" dia. Sidewall connector dimensions to accept HVLV' F -110° Feed Connector' 18" x 21" Max. pipe opening = 12" Based on installed length. Stone void is calculated at 40 %. Includes 6" stone base, 6" above chamber and stone around units based on min. center to center spacing. Based on HDPE pipe. ' Sizing when trimmed on -site. CULTEC No. 20LT" Polyethylene Liner Specification Information Density ASTM D -1505 0.949 9/cc Melt Flow Rate ASTM D -1238 (F) 10.0 g/10 min. Tensile Modulus ASTM D -638 120,000 psi Tensile Strength 0 Yield ASTM D -638 3,600 psi Flexural Modulus ASTM D -790 165,000 psi Tensile Impact ASTM D -1822 170 ft -Ibs/irt2 Impact Brittleness Temperature ASTM D -746 < -105 °F Heat Deflection Temperature I ASTM D-W (66 psi, urtarneaW 157 °F Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ASTM D-696 7.0 x 105 InArLPF Hardness ASTM D-2240 68 Shore "D" Environmental Stress Crack Resistance ASTM D -1693 >800 Hours SRI • • CULTEC For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cultec.com. © CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide 0 ©1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. SCYULT�EC�RE�,C INTERMEDIATE SPECIFICATIONS General J.j CULTEC Recharger® V8°' chambers are designed for �ry= underground stormwater management. The chambers may be used for retention, recharging, detention, or controlling the flow of on -site stormwater run -off. Chamber Properties 1. The chambers will be manufactured by CULTEC; Inc. of Brookfield, CT (203 - 775 - 4416). 2. Contact CULTEC, Inc. at 203 - 775 -4416 for submittal packages and to purchase product. 3. The nominal chamber dimensions of the CULTEC Recharger® V8 "shall be 34 inches tall, 54 inches wide and 8 feet long. The installed length of intermediate units shall be 7.5 feet. 4. The heavy -duty version does not come with a pre - drilled inlet/outlet. Maximum inlet opening is 24 inches. 5. The heavy -duty chamber will have 17 corrugations. :1 It 6. The nominal storage volume of the Recharger® V8" will be 8.933 ft3 /ft. 7. The chambers will be vacuum thermoformed 'of black high molecular weight high - density polyethylene (HMWHDPE) in an ISO - 9001:2000 - certified facility. 8. Chambers are manufactured with an open bottom, integrally formed endwalls and perforated sidewalls. 9. The chambers will be joined using an interlocking overlapping rib method. Connections must be fully shouldered overlapping ribs, having no separate couplings or separate endwalls. 10. The chamber's endwall will be an integral part of the continuously formed unit. Separate inlet or end plates cannot be used with this unit. 11. The Recharger° V8-I intermediate chamber must be formed as a whole chamber having at least one fully formed integral endwall and one partially formed integral endwall with a lower transfer opening of 18 inches high x 42 inches wide. 12. All chambers will be arched in shape. The heavy -duty chamber will have sixty -four 3/4 inch round discharge holes bored into the sidewalls of the unit's core to promote infiltration/eAltration. 13. Chambers must have horizontal- stiffening flex - reduction steps between the ribs. 14. Recharger® V8'" heavy -duty chambers are designed to withstand AASHTO H -20 load rating (32,000 lbs. /axle) when installed according to CULTEC's most current Installation Instructions. Recharger® V8° heavy -duty units are designated by a colored stripe formed into the part along the length of the chamber. 15. Polyethylene chambers must have the ability to accept and carry pipe through its integrally formed vertical support wall without the use of separate pipe hangers. 16. Units will have a raised integral cap at the top of the arch in the center of each unit to be used as an optional inspection port or clean -out. 17. The units may be trimmed to custom lengths by cutting back to any corrugation. 18. Repeating support panels and endwalls of the elongated chambershall be spaced every 7.5 feet. C! • .: CULTEC For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cultec,com. © CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide v.1 ©1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. CULTEC HVLW V8" HEADE General CULTEC HVW (high volume, low velocity) V8 T' header system polyethylene chambers are designed for underground stormwater management. The chambers may be used to manifold CULTEC Recharger® V8'" chamber systems for retention, recharging, detention, and controlling the flow of on -site stormwater run -off. HVLV'" V8 "S and HVLV°' V8-E units are required to be used as the starter and ending sections for Recharger"I V8' systems. Chamber Properties 1. The chambers will be manufactured by CULTEC, Inc. of Brookfield, CT (203 - 775 - 4416). 2. Contact CULTEC, Inc. at 203 - 775 -4416 for submittal packages and to purchase product. 3. The nominal chamber dimensions of the CULTEC HVLV' V8'" shall be 34 inches tall, 54 inches wide and 61 inches long. Maximum inlet opening is 24 inches. 4. The nominal chamber dimensions of the CULTEC HVLV- F -110 feed connector shall be 18 inches tall, 27.5 inches wide. The HVLV" F -110x2 is 18.5 inches long, HVLV" F -110x4 is 39 inches long. 5. The nominal storage volume of the HVLVV' V8- will be 8.933 ftt /ft. 6. The nominal storage volume of the HVL\f- F -110 feed connector will be 1.968 ft3 /ft. 7. The chambers will be vacuum thermoformed of black high molecular weight high - density polyethylene (HMWHDPE) in an ISO- 9001:2000-certified facility. 8. Chambers are manufactured with an open bottom and integrally formed endwalls. 9. CULTEC HVLVV' header system chambers will be joined using an interlocking overlapping rib method. Connections must be fully shouldered overlapping ribs, having no separate couplings or separate endwalls. 10. The chambers must not utilize separate end plates or separate endwalls. The chamber's endwall, if present, will be an integral part of the continuously formed unit. ECIFICATIONS 11. The HVLVV' V8' "R must be must be formed as a whole chamber having two fully formed integral endwalls, and having no separate end plates or separate endwalls. The unit will also have two side portals and two end portals to accept CULTEC HVLV' F -110 feed connectors. 12. The HVLV' V8-S starter must be formed as a whole chamber having at least one fully formed integral end wall and one partially formed integral endwall and having no separate end plates or separate endwalls. The unit will also have two side portals and one end portal to accept CULTEC HVLVV' F -110 feed connectors. 13. The HVLV' V8-1 intermediate must be formed as a whole chamber having one open endwall and one partially formed integral endwall and having no separate end plates or separate endwalls. The unit will also have two side portals to accept CULTEC HVLVV' F -110 feed connectors. 14. The HVLVV' VVE end must be must be formed as a whole chamber having one fully formed integral end walls, and having no separate end plates or separate endwalls. The unit will also have two side portals and one end portal to accept CULTEC HVLV' F -110 feed connectors. 15. The HVLV' F -110 feed connector must be formed as a whole chamber having two open endwalls, and having no separate end plates or separate endwalls. The unit will fit into the side portals of the HVLV'° V8°'. 16. All chambers will be arched in shape. 17. Chambers must have horizontal- stiffening flex - reduction steps between the ribs. 18. Heavy -duty units are designed according to AASHTO H -20 load rating (32,000 Ibs./axle) when buried according to CULTEC's most current Installation Instructions. 19. Heavy -duty units are designated by a colored stripe along the length of the chamber. 20. Separate inlet or end plates cannot be used with this unit. • • 9FARMERM CULTEC For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cufec.com. 0 CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide v.1 © 1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. . 3echarger' V8- Interme tail and Installation Information The following information has been compiled to help identify the various endwall details of the Recharger® V8'". Recharger® V8'" is available in Model I only. Large Rib End Detail Small Rib End Detail Model I is an intermediate. They are used to extend the length of a Recharger® V8" chamber run. HVLV- V8' Header System End Detail and Installation Information The following information has been compiled to help identify the various endwall details of the HVLV" V8" chambers. These units can only be used with Recharger° W. HVLVV' V8'" is available in Models R, S, I and E. Model R is a stand -alone unit. They can be used singularly. Running a pipe between units may also interconnect them. Model S is a starter unit. They are used to start a run of Recharger® V8" chambers. Model I is an intermediate. They are used when a header pipe is required in the center of a Recharger° V8'" chamber bed. Model E is an end unit. They are used to end a nun of RechargerO V8" chambers. For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cultec.com. 0 CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide 0 ©1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. " -�g �[} `e�nfrrnaf�on - = _ r . 3echarger' V8- Interme tail and Installation Information The following information has been compiled to help identify the various endwall details of the Recharger® V8'". Recharger® V8'" is available in Model I only. Large Rib End Detail Small Rib End Detail Model I is an intermediate. They are used to extend the length of a Recharger® V8" chamber run. HVLV- V8' Header System End Detail and Installation Information The following information has been compiled to help identify the various endwall details of the HVLV" V8" chambers. These units can only be used with Recharger° W. HVLVV' V8'" is available in Models R, S, I and E. Model R is a stand -alone unit. They can be used singularly. Running a pipe between units may also interconnect them. Model S is a starter unit. They are used to start a run of Recharger® V8" chambers. Model I is an intermediate. They are used when a header pipe is required in the center of a Recharger° V8'" chamber bed. Model E is an end unit. They are used to end a nun of RechargerO V8" chambers. For further information contact CULTEC at (203) 775 -4416 or visit www.cultec.com. 0 CULTEC, Inc. Quick Stormwater Design Guide 0 ©1986 -2006 CULTEC, Inc. All rights reserved. 1$ Typical Installation Methods for CULTEC Rechargee V8' and HVLV"" V8'°: I Option 1: (Default recommended method of installation) Rib -lock HVLV" V8' Model S to Rechargee V8'" Model I, using the patented overlapping rib connection finish line with HVLV" V8'" Model E. • Start each line with an HVLV" V8' "Model S. • Use Recharger® V8' Model I to continue the length of your line. • End your line by using HVW- V8'" Model E. Option 2 (Typical method of installation when a header is required in the center of a chamber bed.) Rib -lock HVLV" V8" Model S to Recharger® V8- Model I; using the patented overlapping rib connection, insert HVLV`" V8'" Model I where required, continue length of line with Recharger® V8' Model I, finish line with HVLV" V8'" Model E. • Start each line with an HVLV" V8'" Model S. • Use Recharger® V8'" Model I to continue the length of your line. • Use HVLV" V8'° Model I where header is required in center of bed. • Use Recharger® V8'" Model I to continue the length of your line. • End your line by using HVLVV' V8'° Model E Also refer to CULTEC's most current Installation Instructions for Recharger® V8'" and HVLV" V8T" |y ' - ________________i | || |\ Pr | / ' | LANDSCAPING 0.25 ACRES m � \ 4 45--eel \ \ _-_-~ � law- NOT TO SCALE APN: 770-190-001 BASIS OF BEARINGS: FOR: DAVID CHAPMAN Underground Service Alert 78080 CALLE AMIGO, SUITE 10 1 J:�FESS/ DESIGN: DRAFT: OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 7, T.6S., R.7E., SBM, AS F ESSIn �EssN' GNEERNG LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THE BEARING HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE WEST LINE NR (760) 771-9993 OFFICE BDE BIDE SHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY, RS 67/76, RECORDS < (760) 771-9998 FAX Call: TOLL FREE OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING — No. 47834 IN C. CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - PLANNING - SURVEYING PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY MAP CHECK: DATE: BENCHMARK: I w rn LOT 90, TR 28470-1 MB 263/79-90 1-800 RIV. COUNTY BENCHMARK 103-3-70, TOP OF CONCRETE APPROVED BY: CITY,'OF LA OUINTA Ev. 12/31/09 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: ESSI 03/24/08 FILLED 1" I.P. :B50' N'LY OF OLD AVE. 52 AND 30' E'LY ARNOLD PALMERS RESTAURANT 227-2600 OF CL OF WASHINGTON AVE., 6- S'LY OF POWER POLE TIMOTHY R. -JONASSON, P.E. DATE: LOCATED IN A PORTION OF SECTION 6, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., S.B.M. DWG No. CC186001 #989270 ELEV.=40.11. NO. DATE INIT.1 1APP'V'b PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER cp�\i DATE: SHEET 1 OF 1 ESFANDIAR SHAHANDEH, R.C.E. NO. 47834 EXP. 12/31/09 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG REFERENCES REVISIONS RCE NO. 45843 EXP. DATE 12/31/2008 CITY OF LA QUINTA ,