3111600 ' 32 t .,001 - (316 S�Q '31\6 MEMORANDUM To: David Wilson MS 700 JN 20- 100846 From: Lynn Johnson MS 600 Date: 8/3/2009 .-V ,Subject: ADDENDUM TO "MARCH 2008 UPDATE TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CARE CENTER" HYDRAULIC EVALUATION OF PROPOSED CANOPY AT MAIN ENTRANCE (Revised PSN 08057 — Sheets 2 and 8) The proposed canopy storm water runoff will be picked up with five (5) 10 -inch diameter grate inlets /4 -inch diameter PVC drain pipes. The PVC drain pipes are connected to the existing roof drains L14 and L16, 4 -inch diameter PVC pipes as shown on Sheet 8 of 13 "Precise Grading and Paving Plans Eisenhower Ambulatory Care Center". The proposed canopy area is approximately 2,350 square feet. Using the Zone .4 100 -year 5- minute rainfall intensity of 7.83 inches /hour (per City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletin #06 -16), and a runoff coefficient of 0.9, results in a 100 -year discharge of 0.38 cfs. Assuming an equal distribution of the runoff using the five inlets, results in 0.076 cfs per inlet. There will be no water ponding on the canopy area. Runoff from the canopy area will be conveyed to the 10 -inch grate inlets located at ground level elevation via individual downspouts. The downspouts are not directly connected to the grate inlets (there is a gap between the grate and the end of the downspout, therefore water cannot not back`iip in the downspouts). The existing L14 drain pipe (4 -inch diameter at 3.53 % slope) is at capacity from the 100 -year existing roof discharge. As a result, there will be some minor inlet bypass of flows from the downspouts at the grate inlets. The bypassed flows will travel as surface flow to the two catch basins located at the main entrance street at Seeley Drive. The main entrance street is a 26 -foot wide curb to curb with a minimum slope of 0.0077 %. The street flow capacity evaluated at the curb elevation is 11.25 cfs per side which is more than enough to convey the additional flows from the roof and proposed canopy area. The two 4 -foot catch basins (at Node 2.1) also have enough capacity to accept the additional runoff. In conclusion, as a result of the proposed canopy, an additiona1100 -year (worst case) discharge of 0.23 cfs may bypass the proposed .(L14 drain pipe) grate inlets and travel as surface flow and will be picked up in the two catch basins just south of Seeley Drive. The L14 drain pipe is an existing facility and is not practical to replace. The proposed system should be adequate for the more frequent events (e.g. 1 -year to 5 -year storms) however the more rare events (e.g. 10 -year to 100 -year) may bypass the grate inlets to the L14 drain pipe. The L16 drain pipe has sufficient capacity to adequately collect the 100 -year runoff of 0.15 cfs at the grate inlets. HApdata\20100846Wdmin\08461V1 E M 0 R A N D U M2.doc a oo d�iidla;3 ��? tu 0 F. BF ® s JOB NAME CONSULTING JOB N0. � ®° PLANNING B DESIGN B CONSTRUCTION BD0.47e.380B • — w.RSF.co.a SHEET NO. OF ,s �" G f\ C i� DESIGNED BY DATE S-1- - lI C 5CHECKED BY DATE t pi of si a c9,3 5 c� n:�,::.. e' ::�°° t v '-�, :` 6 ►� 1.� �„ -��� � � 7, 4@3 -it c.I, 3 kt) 1 -.F�r 0 6� %A I Y s EO �� m ®B 0 i' C ®. CA 1 Q HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -2006 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting ' 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 10:01 07/06/2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Descriptions: EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER NORMAL DEPTH ANALYSIS 4" ROOF DRAIN FULL FLOW CAPACITY ***************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** >>>>PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION<<<< PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 0.330 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.330 PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) = 0.0352 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = 0.010000 >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) = 0.45 0846.OUT STORM DRAIN ANALYSIS PLUS original version by Los Angeles County Public works Portions copyrighted by CIVILSOFT, 1986, 1987, 1989 version 1.20 Serial Number 07010231 Jul 6, 2009 15:57:18 Input file : 0846.DAT output file: 0846.OUT INPUT FILE LISTING T1 EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CARE CENTER T2 STORM DRAIN L14 4" DIAMETER PVC PIPE AT 3.52% SLOPE T3 MAXIMUM CAPACITY WHILE KEEPING THE U/S HGL BELOW THE INLET GRATE ELEVATION SO 1000.00 097.46 4 .010 97.79 R 1086.30 100.50 4 .010 SH 1086.30 100.50 4 .010 1 SP WATER SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING PAGE 1 0 CARD SECT CHN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT 1 BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) CODE No TYPE PIERS WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CD 4 4 .33 CD 6 4 .50 CD 12 4 1.00 CD 18 4 1.50 CD 24 4 2.00 CD 30 4 2.50 CD 36 4 3.00 CD 54 4 4.50 CD 1 1 0 .00 4.50 10.00 2.00 2.00 .00 CD 2 2 0 .00 5.00 3.17 .00 CD 3 2 0 .00 5.00 7.63 .00 1 PAGE NO 1 0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - TITLE CARD LISTING OHEADING LINE NO 1 IS - 0 EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CARE CENTER OHEADING LINE NO 2 IS - 0 STORM DRAIN L14 4" DIAMETER PVC PIPE AT 3.52% SLOPE OHEADING LINE NO 3 IS - 0 MAXIMUM CAPACITY WHILE KEEPING THE U/S HGL BELOW THE INLET GRATE ELEVATION 1 PAGE No 2 0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING 0 ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET * * ^ U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1000.00 97.46 4 97.79 0 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1086.30 100.50 4 .010 .00 .00 .00 0 0 ELEMENT NO 3 IS A SYSTEM HEADWORKS * ° U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV Page 1 0846.OUT 1086.30 100.50 4 .00 NO EDIT ERRORS ENCOUNTERED - COMPUTATION IS NOW BEGINNING ** WARNING NO. 2 ** - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION GIVEN IS LESS THAN OR EQUALS INVERT ELEVATION IN HDWKDS, W.S.ELEV = INV + DC 1 _ PAGE 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CARE CENTER STORM DRAIN L14 4" DIAMETER PVC PIPE AT 3.52% SLOPE MAXIMUM CAPACITY WHILE KEEPING THE U/S HGL BELOW THE INLET GRATE ELEVATION 0 STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER 0 L /ELEM SO SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR 0 1000.00 97.46 .33 97.79 .5 5.85 .53 98.32 .00 .32 .33 .00 .00 0 .00 0 86.30 .03523 .04309 3.72 .30 .00 0 1086.30 100.50 1.01 101.51 .5 5.85 .53 102.04 .00 .32 .33 .00 .00 0 .00 1 Page 2 J HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -2006 Advanced Engineering Software i'aes) Ver. 13.0 Release Date: 06/01/2006 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 09:42 07/06/2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Descriptions: EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER MAIN ENTRANCE STREET AT SEELEY DRIVE STREET CAPACITY AT TOP OF CURB ELEVATION ***************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** >> >>STREETFLOW MODEL INPUT INFORMATION <<<< CONSTANT STREET GRADE(FEET /FEET) = 0.007700 CONSTANT STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.50 AVERAGE STREETFLOW FRICTION FACTOR(MANNING) = 0.015000 CONSTANT SYMMETRICAL STREET HALF- WIDTH(FEET) = 13.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 5.00 INTERIOR STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020000 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020000 CONSTANT SYMMETRICAL CURB HEIGHT(FEET) = 0.50 CONSTANT SYMMETRICAL GUTTER- WIDTH(FEET) = 1.50 CONSTANT SYMMETRICAL GUTTER- LIP(FEET) = 0.03125 CONSTANT SYMMETRICAL GUTTER- HIKE(FEET) = 0.12500 FLOW ASSUMED TO FILL STREET EVENLY ON BOTH SIDES STREET FLOW MODEL RESULTS: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.50 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.00 HALFSTREET FLOW(CFS) = 11.25 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 3.41 PRODUCT OF DEPTH &VELOCITY = 1.70 For Property Located at the southeast corner of Washington St. and Miles Ave. City of La Quinta, California CENTRE POINTS PARCEL MAP NO. 31116 February 14, 2005 Prepared for CENTRE POINTE, LL T A CONSULTING, INC. INIFRO, S�71"I H & AssociATE-S, INC. NING, ■ Civn. ■ LAND SURVEYING For Property Located at the southeast corner of Washington St. and Miles Ave. City of La Quinta, California CENTRE POINTS PARCEL MAP NO. 31116 February 14, 2005 Prepared for CENTRE POINTE, LL MSA CONSULTING, INC. SMI "I'I -1 & AssocIATES, INC. 1,4--MAINIE110, LANNING ■ Ovii. ■ LAND SURVI? -.viva N0. 43880 ¢Wp. fp -%6- oT 9l C1VIt. \OF CA0 -ftJ iTable of Contents A. Narrative B. Depth of Flow Calculations C. Catch Basin Capacity Charts D. Storm Cad Analysis E. Storm Drain Plans ie i• C, i• • I_1 ;2 10 Introduction Centre Pointe (Parcel Map No. 31116) is located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Miles Avenue, also situated in the south half of Section 19, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian (see Index Map on Storm Drain Plans). Approved Hydrology Report for Rough Grading Plan On November 4, 2004 the City of La Quinta approved the Rough Grading Plans for Tentative Parcel Map No. 31116. The Hydrology Report submitted with the Rough Grading Plans was approved as submitted. A copy of that report is included for "Reference ". Hydraulic Requirements The hydraulic requirement is to maintain the Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) of storm drains below the openings at catch basins. Hydraulic Methods The Eagle Point Storm -Cad computer program was used to determine the Hydraulic Grade Line of the storm drains. The Catch Basin Capacity Charts were used to determine the required width to capture the 100 -year peak flows. The depths of flow in the streets are calculated using the Rational Method Program; street characteristics, slope and 100 -year peak flows are entered in to the program (see Depth of Flow Calculations). Proposed Flood Control Improvements The Proposed Hydrology Map illustrates the tributary areas that drain to the proposed catch basins. Elevations were extracted from the Street Plans or Rough Grading Plans. As depicted on the map, all storm water runoff will be collected and conveyed in the streets to catch basins and, subsequently, via pipelines to the Whitewater Channel. An approval letter from CVWD has been requested. Results and Conclusion The Storm -Cad results indicate the HGL for all storm drains is below catch basin openings. It is concluded therefore that the Centre Pointe project, Parcel Map 31116, meets the hydraulic requirements. /� - I • L • I 0 0 0 DEPTH OF FLOW CALCULATIONS 6 -1 • Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Soft.ware,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 11/09/04 File:flowdepth.out ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Depth of flow calculations for Catch Basins No. 4 & 5 (Near Washington Street) No. 1 (On Miles Ave.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in -lb) Units used in input data file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mainiero, Smith and Associates, Inc. - SIN 931 Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = 100.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) For the [ Palm Springs ] area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.830(In /Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.000(In /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Storm event year = 100.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 e i a> -tea zk- 4, V-' S +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT * * ** Rainfall intensity = 4.523(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.897 Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 88.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 User specified values are as follows: TC = 10.00 min. Rain intensity = 4.52(In /Hr) Total area = 10.00(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.48(CFS) <-- 6100 Process from Point /Station . 102.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 102.900(Ft.) '> End of street segment elevation = 100.000(Ft.) l Length of street segment = 100.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) I _ Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) — �i�iQ�� ``� ►� �L7 • Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 11.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 C(ps�j O- per. Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street M Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 7.480(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.372(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.368(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpcint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.620(Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.37(Ft /s) Travel time = 0.38 min. TC = 10.38 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.896 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 88.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction Rainfall intensity = 4.426(In /Hr) for a 100.0 Subarea runoff = 0.004(CFS) for 0.001(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.484(CFS) Total area = Street flow at end of street = 7.484(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.484(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.372(Ft.), Average velocity = 4 Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.622(Ft.) = 0.900 year storm 10.001(AC.) 368 (Ft /s) ..4—+ e Process from Point /Station 201.000 to Point /Station 202.000 • * * ** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT * * ** Rainfall intensity = 4.523(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.897 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 88.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 User specified values are as follows: TC = 10.00 min. Rain intensity = 4.52(In /Hr) Total area = 10.00(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.70(CFS)4 --- Q(op +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + +++ Process from Point /Station 202.000 to Point /Station 203.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 101.220(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 100.000( Ft. )� Length of street segment = 100.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(ln.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 43.000(Ft.; Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20. Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) sidets) of the street 000(Ft.) Distance from curb to property line = 7.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 • Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.700(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.453(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.347(Ft/5) 13-'3 Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.100 Area averaged RI index number = 75.0 r 0 Pd-,+ Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16.668(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.35(Ft /s) Travel time = 0.50 min. TC = 10.50 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.896 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 88.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 4.398(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.004.(CFS) for 0.001(AC.) Total runoff = 9.704(CFS) Total area = 10.001(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.704(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.704(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.453(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.347(Ft /s)�e� --► Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 16.670(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 20.00 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.100 Area averaged RI index number = 75.0 r 0 Pd-,+ C • 3 • CATCH BASIN CAPACITY CHARTS 0 G -1 10 a 6 s 4 3 2 W t 0.a = 0.6 � o.s 0.4 0.3 0.2 C�-t��t �orsinl l�n .2 IV -39 Q = t7.5 c P- 9 F-• � Mmm yr sr' , GRATE OPENIN RATI �E P-1-7/8-4 0.8 Reficuline 0.8 Curved van* 0.35 300 tilt-bar 0.34 - Tested 0 WA eI %/ 1� 10A ME U2 VA E 0 CURB A = CLEAR OPENING AREA i ON Mao 0- 1, PAP AV P NA 2 3 4 5 6 8 l0 20 INSCHASIE 0 1" 3/3) 30 40 50 60 80 100 CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) C-3 • i 10 a 6 S 4 L-' 2 • 9 1 it 0.8 0 = 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 • IV -39 Ga.TGN �►si�I �a. 3 c F-5 p. q ter. MEN MENEM 11MINFAmr1r, GRAIL OPENING RATIO P-1-7/13-4 0.8 Reficuline 0.6 Curved van* 0.35 300 tilt-bar 0.34 Tested 0 WAWA � ire A=CLEAR OPENING AREA OAV ON PAO two 2 3 41 6 6 •8 -10 I ISCAAPM Q (FT 3 /=) 20 30 40 50 60 60 100 CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) oa i R • IV -39 C�tiC� 8/4�111� �- Co loo =. 1;5 CFS p 3 4 FT. 10 a 6 5 4 3 2 W 1 1� t it 0.a O = 0.6 46 a 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0110111MINNEIN OPENING RATIO IF -.P-1-7/9-4 0.8 Reticulifis O.S. Curved vGP0 0.35 - Tested 00 rAA FA WS/ PAV CURB A=CLEAR OPENING AREA P=2W+L (WITH CURB) -Pz2(W+L) (WITHOUT CURB) 'PAP 5 2 3 4 5 6 a 10 OISCMAIE n J T 3 /il 20 . 30 40 50 60 190 100 CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) C —' 10 a 6 S 4 3 2 t 0.8 O 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.9 &_j IV -39 a= 5. (JP P= 9 Pr. i 2 3 4 6 6- 8: 10 I 20 auNAItYE 4 IFT 3 /f) 30 40 50 60 80 100 CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. • Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) Rsticuline 0.8 Curved van* 0.35 300 tilt-bar 0.34 - Tested i WANINEIPAIA 11MMEAN HIM s I CURB A = C L AR OPENING AREA A No Pool OM lon, A AP 'PAP 'iii. SA 2 3 4 6 6- 8: 10 I 20 auNAItYE 4 IFT 3 /f) 30 40 50 60 80 100 CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. • Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) FU;.S.- �w �r n L_J • i 10 e 6 5 4 3 2 I 0.6 O = 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 IV -39 ► o 1 4) co —7. P -12 FT. 2 3 4 5. 6 (8- 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 01NMAN 4 (FT 3/ =) CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) G -(O MOMME GRATE OPENING RAT 10 � P-1-7/9-4 Ion Reticuline 0.9 Curved van* 0.35 300 tilt-bar 0.34 WA No! MOMMINEW'O'o 001�1100 CURB W A =CLEAR OPENING AREA ;RF" 2 3 4 5. 6 (8- 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 01NMAN 4 (FT 3/ =) CHART 11. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions. Figure IV -20. Grate inlet capacity in sump conditions (Reference IV -4, p. 71) G -(O • 0 • a • •y STORM CAD ANALYSIS • II user Name: dkorczyk print.txt Date: 01 -20 -05 Project: 1612 LQ DESERT GATEWAY - Storm Drain Alignment and Anno Time: 15:52:46 Network: 20 - storm Drain -Line A Page: 1 Storm sewers Detail Report -------------------- - - - - -- aDESCRIPTION: Pipe 1 = 126.95 cfs RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - inlet Time Current Pipe = Pipe 1 Downstream Pipe = outfall Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 50.41 ft Plan Length = 50.00 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 54.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert slope = 702.01 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 57.00 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 63.43 ft Invert slope = 12.86% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 12.86% Rim Elevation Downstream = 63.00 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 70.84 ft Natural Ground Slope = 15.55% Crown Elevation Downstream = 61.50 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 67.93 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 126.95 cfs rm capacity Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - inlet Time = 0.00 min inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 = 7.98 ft /s Total Time of concentration = 10.77 min Total intensity = 8.28 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Flow = 126.95 cfs rm capacity = 702.01 cfs ped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 72.55 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 72.76 ft HGL Slope = 0.42 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 73.54 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 73.75 ft EGL Slope = 0.42 % Critical Depth = 39.81 in Depth Downstream = 54.00 in Depth Upstream = 54.00 in velocity Downstream = 7.98 ft /s velocity upstream = 7.98 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 15.90 ftA2 Area upstream = 15.90 ftA2 Kj (ILC) = NA Calculated junction Loss = 0.346 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = outfall Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft width = 0.00 ft I e pt Efficiency = * % F1 from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Page 1 Plan Length print.txt Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % c e Efficiency = * % Efficiency = * % Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 72 = 70.84 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 96.08 ft Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 80.48 ft current Pipe = Pipe 72 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 1 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 35.95 ft Plan Length = 33.69 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 54.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert slope = 1161.11 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 63.43 ft invert Elevation upstream = 75.98 ft Invert Slope = 37.23% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 37.23% Rim Elevation Downstream = 70.84 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 96.08 ft Natural Ground Slope = 70.20% crown Elevation Downstream = 67.93 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 80.48 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Flow = 0.00 cfs Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs T9input Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 10.71 min Total intensity = 8.29 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 126.95 cfs uniform capacity = 1161.11 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = undefined C ation case A HGL Elevation Downstream = 73.11 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 79.29 ft HGL slope = 18.36 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 74.10 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 80.88 ft EGL slope = 20.13 % critical Depth = 39.81 in Depth Downstream = 54.00 in Depth upstream = 39.81 in velocity Downstream = 7.98 ft /s velocity upstream = 10.10 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 15.90 ftA2 Area upstream = 12.57 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction LOSS = 0.346 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Elbow 7 inlet Description = <None> Inl t Type = undefined C ation case A = Sag L udinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Ma ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Page 2 Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs print.txt Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs er Flow = 0.00 cfs h at curb = 0.00 in h at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % invert Elevation Downstream Grate Efficiency = * % = 81.22 ft Slot Efficiency = * % Invert slope (Plan Length) Total. Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 2 = 95.42 ft Natural Ground Slope - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Crown Elevation Downstream = 80.48 ft Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 2 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 72 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 14.09 ft Plan Length = 14.09 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 54.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 1199.41 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 75.98 ft invert Elevation upstream = 81.22 ft invert slope = 43.39% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 37.23% Rim Elevation Downstream = 96.08 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 95.42 ft Natural Ground Slope = -4.69% Crown Elevation Downstream = 80.48 ft crown Elevation Upstream = 85.72 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION - - -- - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - coment Area Runoff Coefficient = 0.00 ac = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 10.69 min Total intensity = 8.30 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 126.95 cfs uniform Capacity = 1199.41 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 79.64 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 84.54 ft HGL slope = 40.53 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 80.94 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 86.12 ft EGL slope = 42.87 % critical Depth = 39.81 in Depth Downstream = 43.96 in Depth Upstream = 39.81 in velocity Downstream = 9.16 ft /s velocity upstream = 10.10 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 13.87 ftA2 Area Upstream = 12.57 ftA2 Kj (j LC) = NA Calculated junction LOSS = 0.907 ft - - -INLET INFORMATION--- - tream Inlet DI = Elbow 21 I Description = <None> In Type = undefined computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Page 3 Ponding width = 0.00 ft print.txt Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs sled Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % in Grate Efficiency = * % Total Flow Slot Efficiency = * % cfs Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 3 = 81.33 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.55% Downstream Inlet Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area Current Pipe = Pipe 3 = 0.500 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 2 inlet Intensity Pipe Material = RCP = 0.00 cfs Pipe Length = 19.19 ft Plan Length = 21.19 ft Pipe Type = Circular Total Time of concentration Pipe Dimensions = 54.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Total Flow Pipe capacity at Invert slope = 146.05 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 81.22 ft invert Elevation upstream = 81.33 ft Invert Slope = 0.55% Downstream Inlet invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% = <None> Rim Elevation Downstream = 95.42 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 95.46 ft al Ground slope = 0.21% Elevation Downstream = 85.72 ft n Elevation upstream = 85.83 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 10.64 min Total Intensity = 8.31 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 109.45 cfs uniform capacity = 146.05 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 85.44 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 85.49 ft HGL slope = 0.24 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 86.22 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 86.28 ft EGL slope = 0.31 % critical Depth = 36.94 in Depth Downstream = 50.69 in Depth upstream = 49.97 in velocity Downstream = 7.06 ft /s velocity upstream = 7.12 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s u m velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s A Ownstream = 15.50 ftA2 Ar upstream = 15.37 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction LOSS = 0.257 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION---- Downstream Inlet = MH 1 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Page 4 - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - print.txt Computation Case = Sag = 0,500 Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 = 0.00 cfs Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft er Local Depression = 0.00 in er width = 0.00 ft ing width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % cfs Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet _ 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 4 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - catchment Area Current Pipe = Pipe 4 = 0,500 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 3 inlet Intensity Pipe Material = RCP = 0.00 cfs pipe Length = 116.26 ft Plan Length = 116.26 ft Pipe Type = Circular Total Time of Concentration Pipe Dimensions = 54.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Total Flow P Capacity at invert slope = 138.99 cfs t Elevation Downstream = 81.33 ft t Elevation upstream = 81.91 ft invert slope = 0.50% HGL Elevation upstream invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% = 0.21 % Rim Elevation Downstream = 95.46 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 95.97 ft Natural Ground slope = 0.44% Depth Downstream crown Elevation Downstream = 85.83 ft crown Elevation upstream = 86.41 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0,500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 10.36 min Total Intensity = 8.39 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 109.45 cfs uniform Capacity = 138.99 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 85.75 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 86.00 ft HGL Slope = 0.21 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 86.49 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 86.80 ft EGL slope = 0.27 % Critical Depth = 36.94 in Depth Downstream = 53.05 in Depth upstream = 49.07 in v ty Downstream = 6.91 ft /s v4 upstream = 7.21 ft /s Un rm velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 15.84 ftA2 Area Upstream = 15.18 ftA2 Page 5 Kj (J LC) = NA print.txt Calculated Junction LOSS = 0.257 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Elbow 1 Aftt Description = <None> cfs = undefined = 0.00 W uType tation case = Sag = 0.00 Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 = 0.00 Pavement cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % = 0.00 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % = 109.45 cfs Grate Efficiency = * % skipped flow Slot Efficiency = * % = 0.00 gpd Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 5 H levation upstream = 86.26 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.07 % EaW ievation Downstream Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial -- - -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 96.12 ft Current Pipe = Pipe 5 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 4 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 6.15 ft P Length = 8.15 ft Type = Circular Dimensions = 54.00 in P-1 2 manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 160.01 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 81.91 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 81.95 ft Invert Slope = 0.66% invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 95.97 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 96.12 ft Natural Ground Slope = 2.44% Crown Elevation Downstream = 86.41 ft crown Elevation upstream = 86.45 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 10.34 min Total Intensity = 8.39 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 109.45 cfs uniform capacity = 160.01 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 86.25 ft H levation upstream = 86.26 ft H ope = 0.07 % EaW ievation Downstream = 87.01 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 87.02 ft EGL Slope = 0.17 % critical Depth = 36.94 in Depth Downstream = 52.16 in Depth upstream = 51.72 in velocity Downstream = 6.96 ft /s velocity upstream = 6.98 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /S Page 6 Intercept Efficiency print.txt uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 15.74 ftA2 Area Upstream = 15.67 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.368 ft Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 NLET INFORMATION--- - Bypassed Flow D stream Inlet = Elbow 2 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sail Longitudinal Slope = 0.62 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Rall File Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % = 87.40 ft Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 6 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- Return Period = 100 Year Rall File = Tutorial IPE INFORMATION--- - ac Current Pipe = Pipe 6 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 5 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 186.29 ft Plan Length = 190.29 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 54.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 140.47 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 81.95 ft invert Elevation upstream = 82.90 ft invert slope = 0.51% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 96.12 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 100.40 ft Natural Ground Slope = 2.30% crown Elevation Downstream = 86.45 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 87.40 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 105.15 cfs Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 EGL Total Time of Concentration = 9.87 min Total Intensity = 8.53 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs T Flow = 105.15 cfs rm Capacity = 140.47 cfs 5 TIn ed flow = 0.00 cfs i tration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 86.63 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 87.07 ft HGL Slope = 0.24 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 87.30 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 87.80 ft Page 7 10 Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 7 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- Return Period = 100 Year print.txt EGL Slope = 0.27 % Critical Depth = 36.19 in Depth Downstream = 54.00 in Depth upstream 50.11 in ve gcity Downstream 6.61 ft /s vnoty upstream 6.83 ft /s U m velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Un rm velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /S Area Downstream = 15.90 ftA2 Area upstream = 15.39 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA = 99.68 ft Calculated Junction LOSS = 0.339 ft --- -INLET INFORMATION--- - crown Elevation Upstream = 88.20 ft Downstream inlet = MH 2 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % 10 Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 7 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.500 Current Pipe = Pipe 7 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 6 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 41.52 ft Plan Length = 43.51 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 48.00 in Pipe Manning's W. = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 199.55 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 83.40 ft invert Elevation upstream = 84.20 ft invert slope = 1.93% invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.84% Rim Elevation Downstream = 100.40 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 99.68 ft Natural Ground Slope = -1.73% crown Elevation Downstream = 87.40 ft crown Elevation Upstream = 88.20 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs :inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 T 1 Time of Concentration = 9.78 min intensity = 8.55 in /hr Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs total Flow = 89.45 cfs uniform Capacity = 199.55 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 87.41 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 87.11 ft Page 8 HGL slope = -0.74 % print.txt EGL Elevation Downstream = 88.20 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 88.41 ft EGL Slope = 0.50 % critical Depth = 34.42 in ONh Downstream = 48.00 in Depth upstream = 34.85 in velocity Downstream = 7.12 ft /s velocity upstream = 9.15 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 12.57 ftA2 Area upstream = 9.77 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated junction LOSS = 0.275 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Downstream Inlet = MH 11 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined computation case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.02 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft velocity 0.00 ft /s Efficiency 0 = * % er Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 8 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 194.91 current Pipe = Pipe 8 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 7 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 28.86 ft Plan Length = 28.85 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 48.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert Slope = 194.91 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 84.20 ft invert Elevation upstream = 84.73 ft Invert slope = 1.84% = 0.00 cfs Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 1.84% inlet Hydrograph Flow Rim Elevation Downstream = 99.68 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 100.55 ft Natural Ground slope = 3.01% = 8.57 in /hr crown Elevation Downstream = 88.20 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 88.73 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min I intensity = 10.24 in /hr I Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs In Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 9.73 min Total intensity = 8.57 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 89.45 cfs Page 9 pp Uniform Capacity = 194.91 cfs rint.txt Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 34.42 in Elevation Downstream = 87.38 ft Elevation upstream = 87.60 ft slope = 0.76 % EGA Elevation Downstream = 88.47 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 88.94 ft EGL slope = 1.64 % Critical Depth = 34.42 in Depth Downstream = 38.15 in Depth upstream = 34.42 in velocity Downstream = 8.35 ft /s velocity upstream = 9.28 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 10.71 ftA2 Area upstream = 9.64 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction LOSS = 0.125 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft Downstream Inlet = Elbow 3 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % = 0.00 ft Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs sed Flow = 0.00 cfs ent Flow = 0.00 cfs er Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /S Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 9 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - current Pipe = Pipe 9 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 8 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 16.26 ft Plan Length = 18.25 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 48.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 206.55 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 84.73 ft invert Elevation upstream = 85.07 ft invert slope = 2.07% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.84% Rim Elevation Downstream = 100.55 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 101.50 ft Natural Ground Slope = 5.84% crown Elevation Downstream = 88.73 ft crown Elevation upstream = 89.07 ft - -FLOW INFORMATION - - -- Cent Area = 0.00 ac Coefficient = 0.500 Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Page 10 - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - print.txt inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 9.69 min Total intensity = 8.58 in /hr I&Lal Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs ' Fl 0 w = 89.45 cfs orm Capacity = 206.55 cfs s ipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 34.42 in HGL Elevation Downstream = 87.73 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 87.94 ft HGL Slope = 1.30 % ft /s EGL Elevation Downstream = 88.95 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 89.28 ft EGL Slope = 2.01 % ftA2 Critical Depth = 34.42 in Depth Downstream = 35.92 in Depth Upstream = 34.42 in velocity Downstream = 8.87 ft /s velocity upstream = 9.28 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 10.09 ftA2 Area upstream = 9.64 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA = 0.00 ft Calculated Junction Loss = 0.428 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft Downstream Inlet = Wye 2 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding Width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs over from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 10 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 10 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 9 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 173.72 ft Plan Length = 177.72 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 47.68 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 86.07 ft invert Elevation upstream = 86.96 ft Invert Slope = 0.51% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% R' levation Downstream = 101.50 ft R evation upstream = 101.34 ft Na al Ground slope = -0.09% Crown Elevation Downstream = 89.07 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 89.96 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION---- catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Page 11 ri nt. txt Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in %hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac hted Coefficient = 0.500 1 Time of Concentration = 9.33 min intensity = 8.69 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 49.70 cfs uniform Capacity = 47.68 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.000 HGL Elevation Downstream = 88.37 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 89.61 ft HGL Slope = 0.72 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 89.51 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 90.49 ft EGL slope = 0.57 % Critical Depth = 27.54 in Depth Downstream = 27.54 in De th upstream = 31.86 in velocity Downstream = 8.57 ft /s velocity upstream = 7.51 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 5.80 ftA2 Area upstream - = 6.62 ftA2 Kj (ILC) = NA calculated junction LOSS = 0.585 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet Downstream Inlet = MH 3 = 0.00 cfs Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Depth at Curb Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft r Cross -slope P = 0.00 ft /ft eent r Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = " % = 100 Year Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 11 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial ----PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 11 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 10 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 65.66 ft Plan Length = 67.66 ft Pipe Type = circular P' imensions = 36.00 in P anning's "n" = 0.013 Pi Capacity at Invert Slope = 47.86 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 86.96 ft invert Elevation upstream = 87.30 ft Invert slope = 0.52% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 101.34 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 99.72 ft Natural Ground slope = -2.47% Page 12 Crown Elevation Downstream = 89.96 ft print.txt crown Elevation upstream = 90.30 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac coefficient = 0.500 t Time = 5.00 min t intensity P = 10.24 in /hr eff t Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 9.10 min Total intensity = 8.75 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 35.20 cfs uniform capacity = 47.86 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet HGL Elevation Downstream = 90.20 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 90.38 ft HGL Slope = 0.28 % = Sag EGL Elevation Downstream = 90.58 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 90.77 ft EGL slope = 0.28 % ft /ft critical Depth = 23.14 in Depth Downstream = 36.00 in Depth upstream = 36.00 in velocity Downstream = 4.98 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.98 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ftA2 Area upstream = 7.07 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated junction Loss = 0.096 ft NLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet tream Inlet = MH 4 = 0.00 cfs t Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Depth at curb Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % = 100 Year Flow from Catchment = 0:00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 12 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - current Pipe = Pipe 12 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 11 Pipe Material = RCP P' ength = 117.50 ft P ength = 119.50 ft P1 Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert Slope = 47.54 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 87.30 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 87.90 ft invert Slope = 0.51% invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Page 13 �J - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - INFORMATION--- - print.txt Rim Elevation Downstream = 99.72 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 100.59 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.74% = 0.00 cfs crown Elevation Downstream = 90.30 ft crown Elevation upstream = 90.90 ft �J - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 8.69 min Total intensity = 8.88 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 33.70 cfs uniform capacity = 47.54 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - velocity Downstream = 4.77 ft /s HGL Elevation Downstream = 90.48 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 90.75 ft HGL Slope = 6.94 ftA2 = 0.23 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 90.83 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 91.12 ft EGL slope inlet Type = 0.24 % critical Depth Longitudinal slope = 22.63 in Depth Downstream Pavement Cross -slope = 36.00 in Depth upstream = 34.20 in velocity Downstream = 4.77 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.86 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ftA2 Area upstream = 6.94 ftA2 LC) = NA lated junction Loss = 0.171 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Downstream Inlet = Wye 3 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 13 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- RJ& Period = 100 Year R 11 File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 13 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 12 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 207.74 ft Plan Length = 211.73 ft Pipe Type = circular Page 14 - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs print.txt Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 inlet intensity Pipe capacity at invert slope = 21.96 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 88.90 ft invert Elevation upstream = 90.86 ft rt slope = 0.94% Total Time of Concentration rt Slope (Plan Length) = 0.93% = 9.06 in /hr Elevation Downstream = 100.59 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 102.38 ft Natural Ground slope = 0.86% Area Downstream Crown Elevation Downstream = 90.90 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 92.86 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 8.13 min Total intensity = 9.06 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 18.10 cfs uniform capacity = 21.96 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 90.92 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 92.39 ft HGL Slope = 0.71 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 91.44 ft EGL•Elevation upstream = 93.16 ft EGL Slope = 0.83 % Critical Depth = 18.39 in De th Downstream = 24.00 in Upstream = 18.39 in ity Downstream = 5.76 ft /s city upstream = 7.01 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 2.58 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.054 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet = HH 5 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PRESCRIPTION: Pipe 14 INFALL INFORMATION- - -- Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial Page 15 print.txt - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Current Pipe = Pipe 14 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 13 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 234.02 ft Length = 238.02 ft Type JW = Circular Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 16.13 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 90.86 ft invert Elevation upstream = 92.05 ft invert Slope = 0.51% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 102.38 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 103.67 ft Natural Ground slope = 0.55% Crown Elevation downstream = 92.86 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 94.05 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 7.50 min Total intensity = 9.27 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 18.10 cfs uniform capacity = 16.13 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 HGL Elevation Downstream = 92.45 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 94.19 ft HGL Slope = 0.75 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 93.16 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 94.71 ft 10pe = 0.66 % cal Depth = 18.39 in D h Downstream = 19.04 in Depth upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 6.77 ft /s velocity upstream = 5.76 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 2.67 ftA2 Area upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (TLC) = NA Calculated junction Loss = 0.421 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH 6 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in De h at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in P nt spread = 0.00 ft T spread A = 0.00 ft Gu er velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 15 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- Page 16 Return Period Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe 0 stream Pipe. Material Length P an Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe capacity at Invert slope Invert Elevation Downstream Invert Elevation upstream Invert slope invert slope (Plan Length). Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation Upstream Natural Ground Slope Crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation Upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area Runoff coefficient inlet Time inlet intensity Inlet Rational Flow inlet input Flow inlet Hydrograph Flow Total Area weighted coefficient Total Time of concentration Total Intensity Total Rational Flow Total Flow uniform Capacity skipped flow infiltration YDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - levation Downstream HGL Elevation upstream HGL slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation Upstream EGL slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream velocity Downstream velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area Upstream Kj (JLC) calculated Junction LOSS - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet inlet Description Inlet Type computation case Longitudinal slope Mannings n -value Pavement Cross -slope Gutter Cross -slope Gutter,Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width intercept Efficiency Flow from Catchment Carr over from previous inlet T Flow to Current inlet F ntercepted by Current inlet s sed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at Curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Pavement spread Total spread Gutter velocity print.txt = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 15 = Pipe 14 = RCP = 161.04 ft = 163.04 ft = circular 24.00 in = 0.013 = 17.37 cfs = 92.05 ft = 93.00 ft = 0.59% = 0.58% = 103.67 ft = 106.22 ft = 1.58% = 94.05 ft = 95.00 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.00 min = 10.24 in /hr = 0.00 Cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 6.63 min = 9.S9 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 9.70 cfs = 17.37 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 94.61 ft = 94.88 ft = 0.17 % = 94.76 ft = 95.03 ft = 0.17 % = 13.37 in = 24.00 in = 22.55 in = 3.09 ft /s = 3.17 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 3.14 ftA2. = 3.06 ftA2 = NA = 0.052 ft = MH 7 = <None> undefined. = Oa02 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /S Page 17 um Curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency DESCRIPTION: Pipe 16 INFALL INFORMATION--- - rn Period Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Pipe Pipe Material Pipe Length Plan Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe Capacity at invert slope invert Elevation Downstream invert Elevation upstream invert slope Invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation upstream Natural Ground slope Crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area Runoff coefficient inlet Time ' Inlet Intensity inlet Rational Flow Inlet Input Flow inlet Hydrograph Flow Total Area weighted Coefficient TOTime of concentration Intensity Rational Flow Total Flow uniform capacity skipped flow Infiltration - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream HGL Elevation.upstream HGL slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation upstream EGL slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream velocity Downstream velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area upstream , Kj () LC) Calculated )unction Loss - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet inlet Description Inlet Type Computation Case Longitudinal slope Manor ngs n -value Pavement Cross -slope Gutter Cross -slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width iggWePt Efficiency F rom catchment Ca over from previous inlet TOta Flow to Current Inlet Flow intercepted by Current Inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at Curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint print.txt = 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 16 = Pipe 15 = RCP = 196.87 ft = 198.87 ft = Circular = 24.00 in = 0.013 = 18.71 cfs = 93.00 ft = 94.35 ft = 0.68% = 0.68% = 106.22 ft = 108.35 ft = 1.08% = 95.00 ft = 96.35 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 0.00 min = 0.00 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.85 min = 9.89 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 9.70 cfs = 18.71 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 94.93 ft = 95.46 ft = 0.27 % = 95.08 ft = 95.91 ft = 0.42 % = 13.37 in = 23.17 in = 13.37 in = 3.12 ft /s = 5.40 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 3.11 ftA2 1.80 ftA2 NA = 0.589 ft = Elbow 22 = <None> = undefined = Oa02 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in Page 18 Pavement spread Total spread Gutter Velocity curb Efficiency • Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 17 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Pipe Pipe Material Pipe Length Plan Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe capacity at Invert slope invert Elevation Downstream invert Elevation upstream invert Slope invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation upstream Natural Ground slope crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area Runoff coefficient inlet Time inlet Intensity inlet Rational Flow inlet input Flow Area raph Flow Area ted coefficient Total Time of Concentration Total Intensity Total Rational Flow Total Flow Uniform Capacity Skipped flow infiltration - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream HGL Elevation Upstream HGL slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation upstream EGL Slope Critical Depth Depth. Downstream_ Deptfi upstream Velocity Downstream velocity upstream Uniform velocity Downstream Uniform Velocity upstream Area Downstream Area upstream Kj (JLC) Calculated Junction Loss - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet inlet Description inlet Type computation case Ludinal slope M gs n -value Pa ent Cross -Slope Gutter Cross -slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width intercept Efficiency Flow from Catchment Carryover from previous inlet p = 0.00 ft ri nt. txt = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft/5 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 17 = Pipe 16 = RCP = 155.59 ft = 157.59 ft = circular = 18.00 in = 0.013 = 7.47 cfs = 94.85 ft = 95.64 ft = 0.51% = 0.50% = 108.35 ft = 105.92 ft _ -1.56% = 96.35 ft = 97.14 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.00 min = .10.24 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.41 min = 10.07 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 9.70 cfs = 7.47 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 96.05 ft = 97.57 ft = 0.98 % = 96.68 ft = 98.04 ft = 0.87 % = 14.43 in =,14..,43 , i n = 18.00 in = 6.39 ft /s = 5.49 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 1.52 ftA2 = 1.77 ftA2 = NA = 0.222 ft = MH 9 = <None> = undefined = Sag = 0.02 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs Page 19 - r.. Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs print.txt Flow Intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs h at Curb = 0.00 in h at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in m spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 19 = 25.00% - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Rim Elevation Downstream Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Natural Ground slope Current Pipe = Pipe 19 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 2 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 10.14 ft Plan Length = 13.56 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 = 5.00 min Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 60.70 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 82.72 ft invert Elevation upstream = 86.11 ft invert slope = 35.46% = 0.500 invert slope (Plan Length) = 25.00% Total Intensity Rim Elevation Downstream = 95.42 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 95.17 ft Natural Ground slope = -2.46% = 0.00 cfs crown Elevation Downstream = 84.22 ft crown Elevation upstream = 87.61 ft 0 fLOW INFORMATION--- - ment Area R ff coefficient - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ac = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 17.50 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration .. =.5.00 min Total Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 17.50 cfs Uniform capacity = 60.70 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 85.44 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 90.52 ft HGL slope = 53.14 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 86.97 ft EGL Elevation upstream., = 92.09 ft EGL'Slo'pe = 53.51 % Critical Depth = 17.35 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 17.35 in velocity Downstream = 9.90 ft /s velocity upstream = 10.02 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.75 ftA2 Kj (7LC) = NA calculated )unction Loss = 1.902 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Dow stream Inlet = MH 1 I Description = CURB OPENING I Type = Curb Computation case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0,016 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Page 20 pp Gutter cross -slope = 0.04 ft /ft ri nt. txt Gutter Local Depression = 0.33 in Gutter width = 4.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % Opening Length = 4.00 ft Throat Type = Horizontal fined Throat Angle = 0.0000 Curb Opening Height = 6.00 in curb weir coefficient = 2.300 curb orifice coefficient := 0.670 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = 0.00 % Grate Efficiency = * % = 12.00 in Slot Efficiency = * % ve city Downstream Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 20 = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Area Downstream = 0.79 ftA2 Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 84*.70 ft crown Elevation upstream Current Pipe = Pipe 20 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 5 Pipe Material = RCP = 5.00 min Pipe Length = 20.67 ft Plan Length = 22.46 ft Pipe Type = Circular Total Area Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Total intensity Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 13.47 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 83.70 ft t Elevation upstream = 86.66 ft t slope = 14.46% I rt slope (Plan Length) = 13.17% Rim Elevation Downstream = 96.12 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 96.23 ft Natural Ground slope = 0.53% Crown Elevation Downstream = 84*.70 ft crown Elevation upstream = 87.66 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration,,. ,. = 5.14 min ... Total intensity = 10.18 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.30 cfs uniform Capacity = 13.47 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 86.63 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 87.53 ft HGL slope = 4.42 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 87.09 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 88.07 ft EGL slope = 4.80 % Cri 'cal Depth = 10.47 in D Downstream = 12.00 in D Upstream = 10.47 in ve city Downstream = 5.47 ft /s velocity upstream = 5.92 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ftA2 Area Upstream = 0.73 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction LOSS = 0.163 ft Page 21 - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet Inlet Description Inlet Type utation case tudinal slope ngs n -value Pavement Cross -slope Gutter cross -Slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width intercept Efficiency Flow from Catchment Carryover from previous inlet Total Flow to current inlet Flow Intercepted by Current inlet aypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at Curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Pavement spread Total spread Gutter velocity Curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 21 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe. Downstream Pipe Pi a Material Length Length P Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe Capacity at invert slope Invert Elevation Downstream invert Elevation upstream Invert slope Invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream, Rim Elevation Upstream Natural Ground slope crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation upstream print.txt = MH 2 _ <None> = undefined = sag = 0.02 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 21 = Pipe 20 = RCP = 44.76 ft = 46.34 ft = circular = 12.00 in = 0.013 = 13.15 cfs = 86.66 ft = 92.76 ft = 13.76% = 13.17% _ .96.23 ft = 96.76 ft = 1.18% = 87.66 ft = 93.76 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 4.30 cfs. Inlet Hydrograph,Elow ., .., - 0.00 cfs ,.,,a.= Total Area` �....,. .. .,. = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.30 cfs uniform Capacity = 13.15 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - H levation Downstream = 87.69 ft H evation upstream = 94.00 ft HG lope = 14.23 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 88.16 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 94.55 ft EGL slope = 14.40 % Critical Depth = 10.47 in Depth Downstream = 12.00 in Depth upstream = 10.47 in velocity Downstream = 5.47 ft /s Page 22 Carryover from previous inlet print.txt velocity upstream = 5.92 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.73 ftA2 Pavement Flow = NA bulated junction Loss = 0.678 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - cfs Downstream Inlet = Elbow 4 Inlet Description = CURB OPENING inlet Type = curb Computation case = Say Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.016 Pavement cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.04 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.33 in Gutter width = 4.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % curb 0 e m ng Length = 4.00 ft curb Throat Type = Horizontal inclined Throat Angle = 0.0000 curb opening Height = 6.00 in curb weir coefficient = 2.300 curb orifice coefficient = 0.670 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = 0.00 % e Efficiency = % Efficiency = * % 1 Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 22 min - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 10.24 Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Current Pipe.. 1 = Pipe-22 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 6 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 84.27 ft Plan Length = 86.27 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 30.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 39.22 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 83.90 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 84.67 ft Invert slope = 0.92% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.89% Rim Elevation Downstream. = 100...40 .ft, . ... Rim Elevation upstream 9833 ft Natural Ground Slope = -2.22% crown Elevation Downstream 86.40 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 87.17 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 in /hr Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac wei tea coefricienrime of Concentration = 5.59 min intensity l = 9.99 in /hr To Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 15.70 cfs uniform Capacity = 39.22 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 87.41 ft Page 23 HGL Elevation Upstream HGL slope EGL Elevation Downstream Elevation upstream EGL Slope critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream velocity Downstream velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area Upstream Ki (jLC) calculated junction Loss - -- -INLET INFORMATION---- Downstream Inlet Inlet Description Inlet Type Computation Case Longitudinal Slope Mannings n -value Pavement Cross -Slope Gutter Cross -Slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width. intercept Efficiency Flow from Catchment carryover from previous inlet Total Flow to current Inlet Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth 'at curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint Pavement spread *spread r velocity Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 26 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Rainfall.File . - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Pipe Pipe Material Pipe Length = 87.54 ft print.txt = 0.15 % = 87.57 ft = 87.70 ft = 0.15 % = 16.05 in = 30.00 in = 30.00 in = 3.20 ft /s = 3.20 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 4.91 ftA2 = 4.91 ftA2 = NA = 0.056 ft = MH 11 = <None> = undefined = Oa02 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 26 = Pipe 11 = RCP = 100.19 ft Plan Length = 101.43 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe ,Di mensi ons r.. = -12.00wi n. • ... . Pipe Manni ng''s 'n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert Slope = 9.48 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 88.30 ft invert Elevation upstream = 95.40 ft invert Slope = 7.10% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 7.00% Rim Elevation Downstream = 99.72 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 103.75 ft Natural Ground slope = 4.02% Crown Elevation Downstream = 89.30 ft crown Elevation upstream = 96.40 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Ru ff coefficient = 0.500 i Time = 5.00 min I Intensity 0 = 10.24 in /hr In t Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 1.50 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Page 24 Total Flow uniform Capacity Skipped flow Infiltration YDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - levation Downstream H levation upstream HGL Slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation upstream EGL Slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream velocity Downstream velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area upstream Kj (JLC) calculated Junction LOSS - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet inlet Description Inlet Type Computation Case Longitudinal slope Mannings n -value Pavement Cross -Slope Gutter cross -slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width Intercept Efficiency Curb opera ng Length Curb Throat Type I lined Throat Angle Opening Height` weir coefficient C orifice Coefficient Flow from Catchment Carryover from previous inlet Total Flow to current inlet Flow Intercepted by Current inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at• curb,• Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Pavement Spread Total spread Gutter velocity Curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 27 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- = 1.50 cfs pri nt. txt = 9.48 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 90.48 ft = 95.93 ft = 5.46 % = 90.54 ft = 96.14 ft = 5.61 % = 6.23 in = 12.00 in = 6.23 in = 1.91 ft /s = 3.64 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.79 ftA2 = 0.41 ftA2 = NA = 0.071 ft = Wye 3 = CURB OPENING = Curb = Sag = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.016 = 0.02 ft /ft = 0.04 ft /ft = 0.33 in = 4.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 100.00 % = 4.00 ft = Horizontal = 0.0000 = 6:00 in = 2.300 = 0.670 = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in-' = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /S = 0.00 % = 0.00 % Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File _. .. = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 27 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 12 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 105.70 ft Plan Length = 108.98 ft Pipe Type = circular' Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 26.63 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 88.65 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 95.45 ft Invert slope = 6.45% I rt Slope (Plan Length) = 6.24% levation Downstream = 100.59 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 102.82 ft Natural Ground slope = 2.11% Crown Elevation Downstream = 90.15 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 96.95 ft Page 25 print.txt - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0,016 Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr In Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs I Input Flow = 15.60 cfs In1w Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 15.60 cfs uniform Capacity = 26.63 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - % HGL Elevation Downstream = 90.92 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 98.78 ft HGL Slope = 7.45 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 92.13 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 100.05 ft EGL Slope = 7.50 % critical Depth = 17.01 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 17.01 in velocity Downstream = 8.83 ft /s velocity upstream = 9.02 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 Area Upstream = 1.73 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated ]unction Loss = 1.513 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet = MH 5 Inlet Description = CURB OPENING Inlet Type = curb Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft ma=ings n -value = 0,016 Curb opening Length, Cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Rent r cross -slope = 0,04 ft /ft uer Local Depression = 0.33 in Gutter width = 4.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % Curb opening Length, = 4...00 ft . Curb Throat Type = Horizontal Inclined Throat Angle = 0.0000 Curb Opening Height = 6.00 in curb weir coefficient = 2.300 Curb orifice Coefficient = 0.670 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth. at. Curb., • f = 0.00 i,n Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0:00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = 0.00 % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 28 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial PIPE INFORMATION--- - PIPE nt Pipe = Pipe 28 Pipe = Pipe 14 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 141.08 ft Plan Length = 145.06 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 13.14 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 92.30 ft Page 26 Inlet Rational Flow print.txt invert Elevation upstream = 94.51 ft invert slope = 1.57% invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.52% Rim Elevation Downstream = 103.67 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 104.94 ft ural Ground slope = 0.90% n Elevation Downstream = 93.80 ft n Elevation upstream = 96.01 ft -- --FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 13.14 cfs Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 4.20 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.25 min Total Intensity = 10.13 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 8.40 cfs uniform capacity = 13.14 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 HGL Elevation Downstream = 94.61 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 95.63 ft HGL slope = 0.72 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 94.96 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 96.18 ft EGL Slope = 0.86 % critical Depth = 13.47 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 13.47 in velocity Downstream = 4.75 ft /s velocity upstream = 5.92 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s rm velocity upstream° = 0.00 ft /s Downstream *Upstream = 1.77 ftA2 = 1.42 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.438 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Downstream Inlet = MH 7 cfs Inlet Description = CURB OPENING inlet Type = Curb cfs Computation. Case.. , . _ = Sag••. in Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.016 ft Pavement Cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.04 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.33 in Gutter width = 4.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % Curb opening Length = 4.00 ft Curb Throat Type = Horizontal inclined Throat Angle = 0.0000 curb opening Height = 6.00 in curb r.Coefficient = .2..300 :,.. _Wei. Curti orifice'coefficieritu = 0.670 Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Tift spread = 0.00 ft G velocity = 0.00 ft /s Cu Efficiency = 0.00 % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION' Pipe 29 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Page 27 Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - current Pipe Downstream Pipe P' Material Length Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe capacity at invert slope invert Elevation Downstream invert Elevation upstream Invert slope invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation upstream Natural Ground slope Crown Elevation Downstream crown Elevation upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area Runoff coefficient inlet Time Inlet intensity inlet Rational Flow inlet Input Flow inlet Hydrograph Flow Total Area weighted Coefficient Total Time of concentration Total intensity Total Rational Flow Total Flow uniform capacity skipped flow infiltration YDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - levation Downstream H Elevation upstream HGL slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation Upstream EGL slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream vel oci ty..Downstream velocity upstream Uniform velocity Downstream Uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area Upstream K) (JLC) Calculated Junction LOSS - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet Inlet Description Inlet Type Computation Case, Longitudinal slope Mannings n -value Pavement cross -slope Gutter Cross -slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width Intercept Efficiency curb o emng Length Curb Throat Type inclined Throat Angle curb opening Height- curb weir Coefficient Curb orifice coefficient Flow from Catchment C ver from previous inlet T Flow to Current inlet F1 Intercepted by Current inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at Curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Pavement spread Total spread = Tutorial print.txt = Pipe 29 = Pipe 28 = RCP = 47.79 ft = 52.00 ft = circular = 18.00 in = 0.013 = 13.51 cfs = 94.51 ft = 95.30 ft = 1.66% = 1.52% = 104.94 ft = 105.63 ft = 1.44% = 96.01 ft = 96.80 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.00 min = 10.24 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 4.20 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.00 min = 10.24 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 4.20 cfs = 13.51 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 96.07 ft = 96.13 ft = 0.12 % = 96.16 ft = 96.44 ft = 0.59 % = 9.42 in = 18.00 in = 9.42 in =•2.38 ft /s = 4.48 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 1.77 ftA2 = 0.94 ftA2 = NA = 0.136 ft =CB 8 = CURB OPENING = Curgrb = 0.016 = 0.02 ft /ft = 0.04 ft /ft = 0.33 in = 4.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 100.00 % = 4.00 ft = Horizontal = 0.0000 = 6.00 in = 2.300 = 0.670 = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft Page 28 •. i. t -t t. .. p..i .y. .... a •�a Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s print.txt Curb Efficiency = 0.00 % Efficiency = * % pe Efficiency = * % total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 23 = 0.500 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - inlet Time Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - inlet Rational Flow Current Pipe = Pipe 23 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 22 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 37.40 ft Plan Length = 40.15 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 30.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 40.16 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 84.67 ft invert Elevation upstream = 85.03 ft invert slope = 0.96% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.89% Rim Elevation Downstream = 98.53 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 90.12 ft Natural Ground slope = - 22.48% Crown Elevation Downstream = 87.17 ft crown Elevation upstream = 87.53 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.500 Time of Concentration Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Total Flow inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow - = 7.85 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac ted Coefficient = 0.500 Time of Concentration = 5.38 min Intensity = 10.08 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 15.70 cfs Uniform Capacity = 40.16 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream .., n. = 87.59 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 87.65 ft HGL slope = 0.15 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 87.75 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 87.81 ft EGL slope = 0.15 % Critical Depth Depth Downstream Deppth upstream velocity,Downstream velocity tip "stream "4," ""' uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area Upstream Kj (]LC) Calculated ]unction Loss - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet inlet Description inlet Type Computation case Longitudinal slope Mannings n -value P nt Cross -Slope G Cross -slope G r Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width intercept Efficiency Curb opening Length Curb Throat Type Inclined Throat Angle Curb Opening Height = 16.05 in = 30.00 in = 30.00 in „.... 3,.20, ft /s;._.,,, 3.20 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 4.91 ftA2 = 4.91 ftA2 = NA = 0.199 ft = Elbow 5 = CURB OPENING = Curb = Oa02 ft /ft = 0.016 = 0.02 ft /ft = 0.04 ft /ft = 0.33 in = 4.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 100.00 % = 4.00 ft = Horizontal = 0.0000 = 6.00 in Page 29 01A Curb weir Coefficient = 2.300 print.txt Curb orifice Coefficient = 0.670 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs F Intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs sed Flow = 0.00 cfs ent Flow = 0.00 cfs Gu ter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = 0.00 % Grate Efficiency = * % Infiltration Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 24 = 90.82 ft ---- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 1.35% Inlet Type Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial ft - -- -PIPE INFORMATION - - -- Current Pipe = Pipe 24 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 23 Pipe Material = RCP Inlet Time Pipe Length = 52.02 ft Plan Length = 57.63 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Total Time of Concentration Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 16.83 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 85.53 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 85.82 ft Invert Slope = 0.55% Infiltration Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 90.12 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 90.82 ft ral Ground slope = 1.35% Inlet Type Elevation Downstream = 87.53 ft Elevation upstream = 87.82 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 7.85.cfs Inlet Hydrograph' Flow = 0.00 'cfs ' Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 Cfs Total Flow = 7.85 cfs uniform capacity = 16.83 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation "Downstream - 87.85:ft�_ - `HGL,"Elevation -' Upstream' ' "�'` °`6 " ° "' ' 87'.92 ft' HGL Slope = 0.14 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 87.94 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 88.02 ft EGL Slope = 0.14 % Critical Depth = 11.96 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 2.50 ft /s Velocity upstream = 2.50 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA 0 Calculated Junction Loss = 0.121 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet = CB 4 Inlet Description = CURB OPENING Inlet Type = Curb Page 30 print.txt Computation Case = Sag Current Pipe Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.016 Pipe Length Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.04 ft /ft Gu er Local Depression = 0.33 in 6 width = 4.00 ft P g width = 0.00 ft inTFrcept Efficiency = 100.00 % Curb opening Length = 4.00 ft curb Throat Type = Horizontal = 108.92 ft inclined Throat Angle = 0.0000 Curb opening Height = 6.00 in Curb weir Coefficient = 2.300 curb orifice Coefficient = 0.670 Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = 0.00 % Grate Efficiency = % Slot Efficiency = " % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 30 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 30 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 16 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 34.47 ft Plan Length = 36.97 ft ype = circular jiTimensions = 18.00 in Manning's "n" = 0.013 Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.69 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 94.60 ft invert Elevation Upstream = 94.78 ft invert Slope = 0.54% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim-'Elevation bownstream = 108.35' "ft' "'" Rim Elevation upstream = 108.92 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.65% crown Elevation Downstream = 96.10 ft crown Elevation upstream = 96.28 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - uniform velocity Upstream Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 0.00 min inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs- mlet'`Hydrograph ~Flow �.. ,_- .. . ,, . ., - 0.00 cfs - ' Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.00 cfs uniform Capacity = 7.69 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 94.60 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 94.78 ft HGL Slope = 0.54 % Downstream = 94.60 ft 6levation levation Upstream = 94.78 ft 10 e = 0.54 % Critical Depth = 0.00 in Depth Downstream = 0.00 in Depth upstream = 0.00 in velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Page 31 Area Downstream = 0.00 ftA2 print.txt Area upstream = 0.00 ftA2 Kj (jLC) = NA Calculated junction LOSS = 0.000 ft INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Inlet = MH 9 Ostream t Description = <NOne> et Type = undefined Computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Pipe Dimensions Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /S Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 18 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs nt Pipe = Pipe 18 stream Pipe = Pipe 17 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 133.06 ft Plan Length = 135.06 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning Is "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert Slope = 7.48 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream 95.64 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 96.32 ft invert slope = 0.51% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 105.92 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 103.75 ft Natural Ground slope = -1.63% Crown Elevation Downstream = 97.14 ft crown Elevation upstream = 97.82 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500, Inlet Time I - 5.00,min Inlet "Intensity`s `'" 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 9.70 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 9.70 cfs uniform capacity = 7.48 cfs s ed flow = 0.00 cfs I ration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 97.79 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 99.20 ft HGL Slope = 1.06 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 98.26 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 99.67 ft EGL slope = 1.06 % Page 32 - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - print.txt Critical Depth = 14.43 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 18.00 in velocity Downstream = 5.49 ft /s velocity upstream = 5.49 ft /s u 'form velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s orm velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 A ea upstream = 1.77 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.585 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft Downstream Inlet = Elbow 20 Inlet Description = CURB OPENING Inlet Type = Curb Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.016 Pavement cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.04 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.33 in Gutter width = 4.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % Curb ope m ng Length = 4.00 ft curb Throat Type = Horizontal inclined Throat Angle = 0.0000 Curb opening Height = 6.00 in curb weir Coefficient = 2.300 curb orifice coefficient = 0.670 Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs 'total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in ent Spread = 0.00 ft spread i Ir = 0.00 ft velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = 0.00 % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 31 = 18.00 in - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.013 Return Period = 100..Yearx .- Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Current Pipe = Pipe 31 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 10 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 18.49 ft Plan Length = 20.35 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 36.93 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream .,,,, }., •., =,.87.71. ft_., i6iert Elevation•upstream'' 90.00 ft invert slope = 12.47% invert slope (Plan Length) = 11.24% Rim Elevation Downstream = 101.34 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 101.74 ft Natural Ground slope = 2.16% crown Elevation Downstream = 89.21 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 91.50 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs I input Flow = 0.00 cfs it Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs To Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.65 min Total intensity = 9.97 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 14.50 cfs uniform Capacity = 36.93 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Page 33 Infiltration YDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - levation Downstream HGL Elevation upstream HGL Slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation upstream EGL Slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream velocity Downstream velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area Upstream Kj (J LC) Calculated Junction Loss - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet Inlet Description Inlet Type computation Case Longitudinal slope Man m ngs n -value Pavement Cross -Slope Gutter Cross -Slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width Intercept Efficiency Flow from catchment carryover from previous inlet Total Flow to Current inlet Flow intercepted by Current inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow DOr Flow at Curb at Pavement /Gutter Joint Pavement spread Total spread Gutter velocity Curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Ppe'32 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Rainfall File - -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Pipe Pipe Material, "' Pipe Length Plan Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe capacity at Invert slope Invert Elevation Downstream invert Elevation upstream invert slope invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation upstream Natural Ground slope crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation upstream LOW INFORMATION--- - C ment Area Runoff Coefficient inlet Time Inlet Intensity Inlet Rational Flow Inlet Input Flow inlet Hydrograph Flow Total Area print.txt = 0.00 gpd = 90.20 ft = 91.39 ft = 6.50 % = 91.25 ft = 92.51 ft = 6.87 % = 16.73 in = 18.00 in = 16.73 in = 8.21 ft /s = 8.47 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 1.77 ftA2 = 1.71 ftA2 = NA = 0.366 ft = MH 4 = <None> = undefined = sag = 0.02 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 32 = Pipe 31 . ,RCP = 44. "53 ft = 46.23 ft = circular = 18.00 in = 0.013 = 35.92 cfs = 90.00 ft = 95.21 ft = 11.79% = 11.28% = 101.74 ft = 100.40 ft = -3.01% = 91.50 ft = 96.71 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = S.00 min = 10.24 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 7.20 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac Page 34 Area Upstream print.txt weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.56 min Total Intensity = 10.01 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 14.50 cfs uniform capacity = 35.92 cfs flow = 0.00 cfs Oed tration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.015 HGL Elevation Downstream = 91.76 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 96.60 ft HGL Slope = 10.96 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 92.80 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 97.72 ft EGL Slope = 11.11 % Critical Depth = 16.73 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 16.73 in velocity Downstream = 8.21 ft /s velocity upstream = 8.47 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 Area Upstream = 1.71 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction LOSS = 1.308 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Elbow 6 Inlet Description = Grate 19- 3/8x17 -3/4 Inlet Type = Grate computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.015 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.03 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.50 in Gutter width = 1.50 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft I ercept Efficiency. = 100.00 % WLength = 1.627ft G e width = 1.48 ft Grate weir Coefficient = 3.000 Grate orifice coefficient = 0.670 Clogging Factor = 50.00 % opening Ratio = 0.75 splash -over velocity = 1.00 ft /S Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total` Flow to "current= Inlet - 0:00 cfs "' Flow intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = 0.00 % Slot Efficiency _ * % Total" ;Efficiency a. .. c j= 0.00 %_ PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 33 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - current Pipe = Pipe 33 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 32 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 133.82 ft Plan Length = 138.51 ft Pipe Type = circular PiDimensions = 18.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 7.55 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 95.21 ft invert Elevation upstream = 95.90 ft Invert slope = 0.52% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Page 35 "'r. INFORMATION--- - print.txt Rim Elevation Downstream = 100.40 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 100.40 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.00% crown Elevation Downstream = 96.71 ft crown Elevation Upstream = 97.40 ft INFORMATION--- - = Sag chment Area = 0.00 ac 0 PFLOW off Coefficient = 0.500 nlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 7.30 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 7.30 cfs uniform capacity = 7.55 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = Sag HGL Elevation Downstream = 97.91 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 98.65 ft HGL Slope = 0.55 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 98.18 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 98.91 ft EGL Slope = 0.55 % Critical Depth = 12.56 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 18.00 in velocity Downstream = 4.13 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.13 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.77 ftA2 ft Grate weir Coefficient calculated )unction LOSS = 0.331 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = CB 10 Description = Grate 19- 3/8x17 -3/4 Type = Grate Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.02 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.015 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter Cross- slope. = 0.03 ft/ft. Gutter Local Depression = 0.50 in Gutter width = 1.50 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % Grate Type = P-1-7/8 Grate Length = 1.62 ft Grate width = 1.48 ft Grate weir Coefficient = 3.000 Grate orifice Coefficient = 0.670 clogging Factor = 50.00 % opening Ratio = 0.75 splash -over velocity = 1.00 ft /s Flow from Catchment =•0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity. = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = 0.00 % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % P,ESCRIPTION: Pipe 34 INFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial -- - -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Zurrent Pipe = Pipe 34 jownstream Pipe = ,Pipe 9 Page 36 N print.txt Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 137.60 ft Plan Length = 140.09 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 e Capacity at invert Slope = 24.92 cfs rt Elevation Downstream = 86.07 ft ert Elevation upstream = 87.74 ft Invert Slope = 1.21% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.19% Rim Elevation Downstream = 101.50 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 100.16 ft Natural Ground slope = -0.97% crown Elevation Downstream = 88.07 ft crown Elevation upstream = 89.74 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - HGL Slope catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 8.46 min Total intensity = 8.95 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 39.75 cfs uniform Capacity = 24.92 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 88.24 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 92.49 ft HGL Slope = 3.09 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 90.73 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 94.98 ft lope = 3.09 % cal Depth = 23.41 in D h Downstream = 24.00 in De th upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 12.65 ft /s velocity upstream = 12.65 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA" calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH 3 Inlet Description = CURB OPENING Inlet Type = Curb computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.016 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.02 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.04 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.33 in Gutter width' = 4.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = 100.00 % Curb 0pem ng Length 4.00 ft curb Throat Type = Horizontal inclined Throat Angle = 0.0000 curb opening Height = 6.00 in curb weir coefficient = 2:300 curb orifice coefficient = 0.670 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs F1 ntercepted.by current inlet = 0.00 cfs B ed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pa ent Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Page 37 curb Efficiency = 0.00 % print.txt Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 35 RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - rn Period = 100 Year fall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 35 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 2 Pipe Material = PVC Pipe Length = 11.73 ft Plan Length = 16.22 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = undefined Invert Elevation Downstream = 79.22 ft invert Elevation upstream = 78.90 ft Invert Slope = -2.77% invert Slope (Plan Length) _ -2.00% Rim Elevation Downstream = 95.42 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 96.21 ft Natural Ground slope = 6.74% Crown Elevation Downstream = 80.22 ft crown Elevation upstream = 79.90 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs 1 Flow = 0.00 cfs uniform capacity = undefined skippped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 79.22 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 78.90 ft HGL slope. - _ -2.77 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 79.22 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 78.90 ft EGL slope = -2.77 % Critical Depth = 0.00 in Depth Downstream = 0.00 in Depth upstream = 0.00 in velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.00 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.00 ftA2 Kj (JLC)' = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH 1 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft i2lLrcept Efficiency = * % F from Catchment = 0.00 cfs C over from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs To Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Page 38 print.txt Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft ter velocity = 0.00 ft /s catchment Area = * % W toEfficiency Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 36 = 0.00 cfs - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.500 Current Pipe = Pipe 36 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 34 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 11.28 ft Plan Length = 11.78 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 25.23 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 87.74 ft invert Elevation upstream = 87.88 ft Invert Slope = 1.25% invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.19% Rim Elevation Downstream = 100.16 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 101.83 ft Natural Ground slope = 14.81% crown Elevation Downstream = 89.74 ft crown Elevation upstream = 89.88 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity. = 10.24 in /hr' inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs I et Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs 1 Area = 0.00 ac ted coefficient = 0.500 T 1 Time of concentration = 8.45 min Total Intensity = 8.96 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 39.75 cfs uniform capacity = 25.23 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - --- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 92.49 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 92.84 ft HGL slope = 3.09 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 94.98 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 95.33 ft EGL slope = 3.09 % critical Depth = 23.41 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth.Upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 12.65 ft /s velocity upstream = 12.65 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.050 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet -• = CO 2 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Lo tudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mags n -value = 0.000 Pa nt cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gut er cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % =low from Catchment = 0.00 cfs :arryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Page 39 Pipe Material = HDPE print.txt Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in th at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in ement spread = 0.00 ft al spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % ft Grate Efficiency = * % Natural Ground slope Slot Efficiency = * % crown Elevation Downstream Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 37 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - current Pipe = Pipe 37 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 36 Pipe Material = HDPE f Coefficient 0 Pipe Length = 37.28 ft Plan Length = 37.28 ft Pipe Type = Circular = 0.00 cfs Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 = 0.500 Pipe capacity at Invert Slope = 24.69 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 87.88 ft invert Elevation Upstream = 88.33 ft invert slope = 1.19% = 0.00 cfs Invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.19% Kj (JLC) Rim Elevation Downstream = 101.83 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 103.29 ft Natural Ground slope = 3.92% crown Elevation Downstream =.89.88 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 90.33 ft -- - -FLOW INFORMATION - - -- Area = 0.00 ac f Coefficient 0 = 0.500 tment Time = 5.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 8.39 min Total Intensity = 8.97 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 35.35 cfs uniform Capacity = 24.69 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd ----HYDRAULIC-INFORMATION---- HGL Elevation Downstream = 92.89 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 93.80 ft HGL slope = 2.44 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 94.86 ft EGL Elevation Upstream. = 95.77 ft EGL slope = 2.44 % Critical Depth = 23.08 in Depth Downstream 24.00 in De th upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 11.25 ft /s velocity upstream = 11.25 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream _' 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated ]unction Loss 0.062 ft LET INFORMATION--- - Do ream inlet = Wye 4 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined :omputation case = Sag - ongitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft 4anm ngs n -value = 0.000 ),avement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Page 40 rryover from previous inlet = 0.00 pp rint.txt Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % cfs Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs rryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs al Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs w intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % = 90.33 ft Grate Efficiency = * % HGL Elevation upstream Slot Efficiency = * % = 2.17 % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 38 EGL 510pe = 2.17 % - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 22.85 in Depth Downstream Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 38 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 37 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 77.48 ft Plan Length = 77.48 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 24.69 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 88.33 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 89.25 ft Invert slope = 1.19% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 1.19% Rim Elevation Downstream = 103.29 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 104.22 ft Natural Ground slope = 1.20% crown Elevation Downstream = 90.33 ft VElevation upstream = 91.25 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity,. = 10.24,in /hr Inlet Rational Flow, = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 8.27 min Total Intensity = 9.01 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 33.30 cfs uniform Capacity = 24.69 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 93.86 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 95.54 ft HGL slope = 2.17 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 95.61 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 97.29 ft EGL 510pe = 2.17 % Critical Depth = 22.85 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 10.60 ft /s velocity upstream 10.60 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 4r stream = 3.14 ftA2 (j ) = NA :a ated junction LOSS = 0.031 ft --- -INLET INFORMATION--- - )ownstream inlet = Wye 5 :nlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined :omputation case = sag Page 41 Longitudinal slope = 0.00 pp ft /ft rint.txt Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 = 0.00 cfs Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft ding width = 0.00 ft 4§ercept Efficiency = * % = * % w from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 39 weighted coefficient - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - in /hr current Pipe . = Pipe 39 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 38 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 8.92 ft Plan Length = 10.92 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert slope = 27.32 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 89.25 ft Elevation upstream = 89.38 ft t slope F = 1.46% ac rrt t slope (Plan Length) = 1.19% Rim Elevation Downstream = 104.22 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 104.38 ft Natural Ground slope = 1.79% cfs Crown Elevation Downstream = 91.25 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 91.38 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 8.25 min Total intensity = 9.02 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = .33.30 cfs uniform capacity = 27.32 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 95.57 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 95.77 ft HGL Slope = 2.17 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 97.32 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 97.52 ft EGL slope = 2.17 % Critical Depth = 22.85 in D Downstream = 24.00 in D Upstream = 24.00 in ve Ity Downstream = 10.60 ft /s velocity upstream = 10.60 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj ()LC) = NA Page 42 calculated junction Loss = 0.017 ft print.txt --- -INLET INFORMATION---- = 100 Year Rainfall File Downstream Inlet = Elbow 8 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined Case = Sag = HDPE nutation itudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft ings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Rim Elevation upstream Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % = 0.00 cfs Grate Efficiency = * % ---- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION_--- Slot Efficiency = * % = 95.79 ft Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 40 EGL levation Downstream = 96.91 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- = 97.67 ft E ope Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 40 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 39 Pi a Material = HDPE Length = 54.87 ft Length = 56.85 ft P Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert Slope = 35.68 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 89.38 ft invert Elevation upstream = 90.75 ft invert slope = 2.49% invert slope (Plan Length) = 2.40% Rim Elevation. Downstream, = 104.38 ft' Rim Elevation upstream = 104.47 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.16% crown Elevation Downstream = 91.38 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 92.75 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs` Inlet.Hydrograph Flow. = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.5.00 Total Time of Concentration = 8.14 min Total Intensity = 9.06 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 26.69 cfs uniform Capacity = 35.68 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd ---- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION_--- HGL Elevation Downstream = 95.79 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 96.55 ft HGL Slope = 1.39 % EGL levation Downstream = 96.91 ft E evation upstream = 97.67 ft E ope = 1.39 % Cri cal Depth = 21.62 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 8.50 ft /s velocity upstream = 8.50 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /S Page 43 _,t print.txt uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area upstream = 3.14 ftA2 = 21.46 ft Pipe Type = circular Oc(ulat) ed junction Loss = OA 002 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION---- Pipe capacity at Invert slope = 35.05 cfs Downstream Inlet = MH 12 invert,Elevation upstream inlet Description = <None> = 2.40% inlet Type = undefined computation Case = Sag Total Area Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.000 Total intensity Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % AGL Slope Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs sypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 41 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year ' Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION - - -- nt Pipe. • = Pipe 41 tream Pipe = Pipe 40 Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 21.46 ft Plan Length = 21.46 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert slope = 35.05 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 90.75 ft invert,Elevation upstream = 91'.26 ft Invert slope = 2.40% invert slope (Plan Length) = 2.40% Rim Elevation Downstream = 104.47 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 104.86 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.82% crown Elevation Downstream = 92.75 ft crown Elevation upstream = 93.26 ft --- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 8.09 min Total intensity = 9.07 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 21.95 cfs uniform Capacity = 35.05 cfs ski ed flow = 0.00 cfs In ration = 0.00 gpd DRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 96.55 ft 4GL Elevation upstream = 96.75 ft AGL Slope = 0.94 % =GL Elevation Downstream = 97.31 ft =GL Elevation upstream = 97.51 ft =GL Slope = 0.94 % Page 44 - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - print.txt Critical Depth = 20.09 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 6.99 ft /s velocity upstream = 6.99 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s 40form a Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 a Upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated junction Loss = 0.013 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Downstream Inlet = Wye 6 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Pipe Length, Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % cfs Grate Efficiency = * % gpd Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % DESCRIPTION: Pipe 42 RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - current Pipe = Pipe 42 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 41 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length, = 54.97 ft- Plan Length = 54.96 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 35.05 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 91.26 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 92.58 ft Invert slope = 2.40% invert slope (Plan Length) = 2.40% Rim Elevation Downstream = 104.86 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 106.79 ft Natural Ground Slope = 3.51%'• Crown Elevation Downstream. = 93.26 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 94.58 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac W Coefficient = 0.500 *ed T Time of concentration = 7.96 min Tot intensity = 9.12 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 21.95 cfs Uniform Capacity = 35.05 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd Page 45 - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - print.txt -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = Elbow 9 HGL Elevation Downstream = 96.77 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 97.28 ft HGL slope = 0.94 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 97.53 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 98.04 ft Slope = 0.94 % ical Depth = 20.09 in h Downstream = 24.00 in De 7th Upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 6.99 ft /s velocity upstream = 6.99 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated 3unction Loss = 0.037 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Downstream Inlet = Elbow 9 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter 3oint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s C Efficiency = * % = 92.58 ft 40 = 95.42 ft Invert slope " Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 43 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period• = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 43 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 42 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 116.08 ft Plan Length = 118.05 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 35.35 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 92.58 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 95.42 ft Invert slope = 2.44% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 2.40% Rim Elevation Downstream = 106.79 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 109.42 ft Natural Ground Slope = 2.27% Crown Elevation Downstream = 94.58 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 97.42 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac' Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet.Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inl t Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs I Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Ii Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs To Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 7.46 min Total intensity = 9.29 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 12.41 cfs uniform Capacity = 35.35 cfs Page 46 critical Depth = 15.20 print.txt Skipped flow = 24.00 = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 24.00 = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - ft /s HGL Elevation Downstream = 97.32 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 97.67 ft Slope = 0.00 = 0.30 % Elevation Downstream = 97.56 ft Elevation upstream = 97.91 ft EGL slope = NA = 0.30 % critical Depth = 15.20 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth upstream = 24.00 in velocity Downstream = 3.95 ft /s velocity upstream = 3.95 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area upstream = 3.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA = Tutorial calculated Junction Loss = 0.012 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Downstream inlet = Wye 7 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover trom previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs P ement Flow = 0.00 cfs r Flow = 0.00 cfs at Curb = 0.00 in D th at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency 1 = 0100 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 44 = 9$.04 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 5.00 min Current Pipe = Pipe 44 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 43 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 91.65 ft Plan Length = 93.65 ft Pipe Type t = Circular. Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 18.63 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 95.42 ft invert Elevation upstream = 96.04 ft invert slope = 0.68% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.66% Rim Elevation Downstream 109.42 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 110.74 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.44% Crown Elevation Downstream = 97.42 ft Cr Elevation upstream = 9$.04 ft OW INFORMATION--- - catc ment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Page 47 22 Total Area weighted coefficient Total Time of Concentration Total intensity Total Rational Flow Total Flow 0 r Capacity ed flow tration - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream HGL Elevation Upstream HGL Slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation Upstream EGL slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream Velocity Downstream velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area Upstream Kj (JLC) Calculated junction Loss - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet inlet Description Inlet Type Computation Case Longitudinal Slope Man m ngs n -value Pavement Cross -slope Gutter cross -slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Po ing width cept Efficiency from catchment Ca Yover from previous inlet Total Flow to- current Inlet Flow Intercepted by current inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at Curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint Pavement - spread Total spread Gutter velocity curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 45 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe. Downstream Pipe Pipe Material Pipe Length Plan Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe Manning's "n" Pipe capacity at Invert slope invert Elevation Downstream invert Elevation upstream. Invert slope invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Ri levation upstream N1 Ground slope C Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation Upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area Runoff Coefficient print.txt = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 7.07 min = 9.42 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 12.41 cfs = 18.63 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 97.68 ft = 97.93 ft = 0.27 % = 97.93 ft = 98.18 ft = 0.28 % = 15.20 in = 24.00 in = 22.64 in = 3.95 ft /s = 4.04 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 3.14 ftA2 = 3.07 ftA2 = NA = 0.022 ft = MH 13 = <None> = Undefined sa 0.00 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0:00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 45 = Pipe 44 = HDPE = 65.36 ft = 65.36 ft = Circular = 24.00 in = 0.013 = 18.43 cfs = 96.04 ft = 96:48 ft = 0.66% = 0.66% = 110.74 ft = 111.38 ft = 0.98% = 98.04 ft = 98.48 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 Page 48 ,r•.. b- print.txt inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs t Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs 1 191ited Area = 0.00 ac coefficient = 0.500 in Total Time of concentration = 6.82 min Total intensity = 9.51 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 12.41 cfs uniform Capacity = 18.43 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration Pavement Flow = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint HGL Elevation Downstream = 97.95 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 98.05 ft HGL Slope = 0.15 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 98.20 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 98.39 ft EGL Slope = 0.29 % Critical Depth = 15.20 in Depth Downstream = 22.90 in Depth upstream = 18.87 in velocity Downstream = 4.02 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.68 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.09 ftA2 Area Upstream = 2.65 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Pavement Flow calculated )unction LOSS = 0.012 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Downstream Inlet = Elbow 11 inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined computation case = sag = * % Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft G ter cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft r Local Depression = 0.00 in r width W = 0.00 ft ng width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Pipe Length Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency,. = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 46 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe, = Pipe 46 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 45 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 33.38 ft Plan Length = 33.38 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pip Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pi apacity at invert Slope = 18.43 cfs I Elevation Downstream = 96.48 ft Inv t Elevation upstream = 96.70 ft Invert Slope = 0.66% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.66% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.38 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 111.34 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.12% crown Elevation Downstream = 98.48 ft Page 49 Crown Elevation Upstream = 98.70 ft print.txt -- --FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min t intensity = 10.24 in /hr t Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs et Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 = 16.56 in Total Time of Concentration = 6.71 min Total Intensity = 9.56 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 12.41 cfs uniform capacity = 18.43 cfs skipped flow infiltration = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION - - -- cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet HGL Elevation Downstream = 98.06 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 98.08 ft HGL Slope = 0.05 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 98.40 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 98.53 ft EGL slope = 0.39 % Critical Depth = 15.20 in Depth Downstream = 19.02 in Depth upstream = 16.56 in velocity Downstream = 4.65 ft /s velocity upstream = 5.37 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 2.67 ftA2 Area Upstream = 2.31 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.089 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = Pipe 47 Do ream Pipe Downstream inlet = Elbow 12 t Description = <None> Type = undefined utation Case = sag = Circular Longitudinal slope. = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency _ * % "Grate Efficiency * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 47 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION - - -- Cur nt Pipe = Pipe 47 Do ream Pipe = Pipe 46 Pi aterial = HDPE Pip Length = 66.34 ft Plan Length = 66.34 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 8.56 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 97.20 ft Page 50 invert Elevation upstream invert slope invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation upstream Natural Ground Slope 0n Elevation Downstream n Elevation upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area Runoff coefficient Inlet Time inlet intensity Inlet Rational Flow Inlet input Flow inlet Hydrograph Flow Total Area weighted Coefficient Total Time of Concentration Total intensity Total Rational Flow Total Flow uniform Capacity Skipped flow infiltration - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream HGL Elevation upstream HGL Slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation upstream EGL Slope critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream Velocity Downstream Velocity upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area upstream Kj (JLC) • calculated Junction LOSS - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet inlet Description inlet Type Computation Case Longitudinal slope Manor ngs n -value Pavement Cross -Slope Gutter Cross -slope Gutter Local Depression Gutter width Ponding width intercept Efficiency Flow from catchment Carryover from previous inlet Total Flow to Current inlet Flow intercepted by Current inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Pavement Spread Total spread Gutter velocity Curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 48 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Radll File PE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Pipe Pipe Material Pipe Length Plan Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions = 97.64 ft print.txt = 0.66% = 0.66% = 111.34 ft = 111.54 ft = 0.30% = 98.70 ft = 99.14 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.00 min = 10.24 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 6.50 min = 9.63 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 6.42 cfs = 8.56 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 98.17 ft = 98.61 ft = 0.66 % = 98.61 ft = 99.05 ft = 0.66 % = 11.76 in = 11.63 in = 11.63 in = 5.32 ft /s = 5.32 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 1.21 ftA2 = 1.21 ftA2 = NA = 0.018 ft = Wye 8 = <None> = undefined = sag = 0..00 ft /ft = 0,000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs 0'.00 cfs " = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft /s. = 0.00 % . = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 48 = Pipe 47 = HDPE = 25.97 ft = 25.96 ft = Circular = 18.00 in Page 51 Crown Elevation Downstream print.txt Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 8.56 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 97.64 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 97.81 ft Invert Slope = 0.66% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.66% Elevation Downstream = 111.54 ft Elevation upstream = 111.41 ft ural Ground slope = -0.50% Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.14 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 99.31 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 98.80 ft catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 6.42 min Total intensity = 9.67 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 6.42 cfs uniform capacity = 8.56 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 HGL Elevation Downstream = 98.63 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 98.80 ft HGL Slope = 0.69 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.05 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 99.22 ft EGL S10 e = 0.67 % Critical Depth = 11.76 in Depth Downstream = 11.85 in De th upstream = 11.93 in Velocity Downstream = 5.21 ft /s Aftcity upstream = 5.16 ft /s velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Wrm orm velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream 1.23 ftA2 Area Upstream = 1.24 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.018 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Downstream Inlet = Elbow 13 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs aypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint 0.00 in. Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Gr Efficiency = * % S = * % T Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 49 - --- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Page 52 --- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - print.txt Current Pipe = Pipe 49 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 48 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 6.92 ft Plan Length = 8.92 ft Pipe Type = Circular Dimensions = 18.00 in Manning's "n" = 0.013 e Capacity at invert slope = 9.72 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 97.81 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 97.87 ft Invert Slope = 0.86% invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.66% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.41 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 111.37 ft Natural Ground slope = -0.58% Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.31 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 99.37 ft --- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 6.42 cfs uniform capacity catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 6.39 min Total Intensity = 9.68 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 6.42 cfs uniform capacity = 9.72 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - computation Case HGL Elevation Downstream = 98.82 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 98.86 ft ft /ft = 0.59 % levation Downstream = 99.22 ft OtSloslope levation upstream = 99.28 ft pe = 0.83 % critical Depth = 11'.76 in Depth Downstream = 12.15 in Depth upstream = 11.93 in velocity Downstream = 5.06 ft /s velocity upstream = 5.16 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream =.1.27 ftA2 Area Upstream = 1.24 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction LOSS = 0.010 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft G velocity Downstream Inlet = Elbow 14 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = Undefined computation Case = Sag = 0.00 % Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0..00 cfs Gutter Flow 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft TotaL spread = 0.00 ft G velocity = 0.00 ft /s C fficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % Page 53 pri nt. txt PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 50 - -- -RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial INFORMATION--- - QnPIPE ent Pipe = Pipe 50 stream Pipe = Pipe 49 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 20.97 ft Plan Length = 22.97` Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 7.77 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 97.87 ft invert Elevation upstream = 97.98 ft invert slope = 0.55% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.37 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 112.02 ft Natural Ground slope = 3.10% Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.37 ft crown Elevation upstream = 99.48 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 ft inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 in Total Time of Concentration = 6.31 min Total intensity = 9.71 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 6.42 cfs uniform capacity = 7.77 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - Downstream = 98.87 ft *levation levation upstream = 99.02 ft HSlope = 0.70 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.28 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 99.40 ft EGL Slope = 0.57 % critical Depth = 11.76 in Depth Downstream = 12.05 in Depth upstream = 12.44 in velocity Downstream = 5.10 ft /S. velocity upstream = 4.93 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.26 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.30 ftA2 Kj (jLC) = NA calculated junction LOSS = 0.051 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH 14 Inlet.Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope ' = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency _ * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet 0.00 cfs F1 Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs eed Flow = 0.00 cfs P nt Flow = 0.00 cfs Gut er Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Page 54 Grate Efficiency = * % print.txt Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 51 - --- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- rn Period = 100 Year fall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.50% current Pipe = Pipe 51 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 50 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 46.42 ft Plan Length = 46.42 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert Slope = 7.42 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 97.98 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 98.22 ft Invert Slope = 0.50% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 112.02 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 111.85 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.37% Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.48 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 99.72 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 13.05 in catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 Cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.004c weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 6.14 min T 1 intensity Rational Flow = 9.77 = 0.00 in /hr cfs Flow 0 = 5.91 cfs um orm Capacity skipped flow infiltration = 7.42 = 0.00 = 0.00 cfs cfs gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.07 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 99.24 ft HGL slope = 0.36 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.36 ft EGL Elevation Upstream 99.57 ft EGL Slope = 0.45 % Critical Depth = 11.27 in Depth Downstream = 13.05 in Depth upstream = 12.29 in velocity Downstream = 4.31 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.60 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.37 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.29 ftA2 Kj (ILC) = NA ' Calculated junction Loss = 0.043 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet = Wye 9 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gu Local Depression = 0.00 in Gu width = 0.00 ft Po g width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Page 55 a -- --PIPE INFORMATION--- - print.txt Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s = 98.22 ft = * % = 98.43 ft e Efficiency i = * % invert slope (Plan Length) tEfficiency Efficiency = * % = 111.85 ft Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 52 Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.72 ft - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 99.93 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial -- --PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 52 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 51 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 42.01 ft Plan Length = 42.01 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 7.42 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 98.22 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 98.43 ft invert Slope = 0.50% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.85 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 112.68 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.98% Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.72 ft crown Elevation upstream = 99.93 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 12.81 in catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Page 56 17T et Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.97 min Total Intensity = 9.84 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 5.10 cfs uniform capacity = 7.42 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.28 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 99.38 ft HGL Slope = 0.24 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.51 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 99.67 ft EGL slope = 0.38 % Critical Depth = 10.43 in Depth Downstream = 12.81 in Depth upstream = 11.49 in velocity Downstream = 3.79 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.28 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.35 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.19 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated junction Loss = 0.004 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet =.Wye 10 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation case = Sa Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Ma ngs n -value = 0.000 P nt cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft G cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gut er Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet+ = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current I n = 0.00 cfs Page 56 Flow Intercepted by current inlet Bypassed Flow Pavement Flow Gutter Flow Depth at curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint Sement spread al spread Gutter velocity Curb Efficiency Grate Efficiency Slot Efficiency Total Efficiency PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 53 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period Rainfall File - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Pipe Pipe Material Pipe Length Plan Length Pipe Type Pipe Dimensions Pipe manning's "n" Pipe capacity at invert Slope invert Elevation Downstream Invert Elevation Upstream Invert slope Invert slope (Plan Length) Rim Elevation Downstream Rim Elevation Upstream Natural Ground slope Crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation upstream - -- -FLOW INFORMATION - - -- C Oct" nt Area f coefficient Time I I e Intensity inlet Rational Flow inlet input Flow inlet Hydrograph Flow Total Area weighted Coefficient Total Time of concentration Total intensity Total Rational Flow Total Flow uniform capacity Skipped flow Infiltration - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream HGL Elevation upstream HGL Slope EGL Elevation Downstream EGL Elevation upstream EGL Slope Critical Depth Depth Downstream Depth upstream velocity Downstream velocity Upstream uniform velocity Downstream uniform velocity upstream Area Downstream Area upstream Kj (JLC) calculated Junction Loss LET INFORMATION--- - D ream Inlet Inlet Description inlet Type Computation Case Longitudinal slope Mannings n -value Pavement Cross -Slope Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 cfs print.txt = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 % = 100 Year = Tutorial = Pipe 53 = Pipe 52 = HOPE = 43.98 ft = 43.98 ft = Circular = 18.00 in = 0.013 = 7.42 cfs = 98.43 ft = 98.65 ft = 0.50% = 0.50% = 112.68 ft = 112.81 ft = 0.30% = 99.93 ft = 100.15 ft = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.00 min = 10.24 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 ac = 0.500 = 5.80 min = 9.91 in /hr = 0.00 cfs = 5.10 cfs = 7.42 cfs = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 gpd = 99.39 ft = 99.56 ft = 0.39 % = 99.67 ft = 99.88 ft = 0.47 % = 10.43 in = 11.53 in = 10.96 in = 4.27 ft /s = 4.53 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 0.00 ft /s = 1.20 ftA2 = 1.13 ftA2 = NA = 0.008 ft = Elbow 15 = <None> = undefined = 0.80 ft /ft = 0.000 = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.00 ft /ft Page 57 Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in print.txt Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0:00 cfs Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Qal Intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs amssed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 rfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % in /hr Grate Efficiency = * % cfs Slot Efficiency = * % cfs Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 54 = 0.00 cfs - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 gpd Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 54 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 53 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 63.38 ft Plan Length = 63.38 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n'. = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.42 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 98.65 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 98.96 ft Invert Slope = 0.50% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Elevation Downstream = 112.81 ft Elevation upstream = 112.69 ft ral Ground slope = -0.19% crown Elevation Downstream = 100.15 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 100.46 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 EGL Elevation Downstream Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 = 1.14 ftA2 Total Time of Concentration = 5.56 min Total Intensity = 10.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 5.10 cfs uniform Capacity = 7.42 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.57 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 99.88 ft HGL Slope = 0.49 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.88 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 100.20 ft EGL Slope = 0.50 % Critical Depth = 10.43 in Depth Downstream = 11.06 in Depth upstream = 10.96 in velocity Downstream = 4.48 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.53 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.14 ftA2 r pstream = 1.13 ftA2 K Gated junction LOSS = 0.032 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Elbow 16 Page 58 Inlet Description = <None> print.txt Inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft er Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft er Local Depression � = 0.00 in ter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % ft Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 55 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 99.01 ft t slope Current Pipe = Pipe 55 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 54 Pipe Material = HOPE Rim Elevation upstream Pipe Length = 9.73 ft Plan Length = 9.73 ft Pipe Type = circular crown Elevation upstream Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 uniform Capacity Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 7.42 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 98.96 ft i ert Elevation upstream = 99.01 ft t slope = 0.50% inlet Time t slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% = 10.24 in /hr R Elevation Downstream = 112.69 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 111.93 ft Natural Ground Slope = -7.81% weighted coefficient Crown Elevation Downstream = 100.46 ft crown Elevation upstream = 100.51 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION - - -- Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.52 min Total intensity = 10.02 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.59 cfs uniform Capacity = 7.42 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - D Upstream HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.91 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 99.92 ft HGL Slope uniform velocity upstream = 0.15 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 100.15 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 100.18 ft EGL Slope = 0.009 ft = 0.37 % Critical Depth = 9.87 in De Downstream = 11.35 in D Upstream = 10.94 in v ty Downstream = 3.91 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.08 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.17 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.12 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.009 ft Page 59 print.txt - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Downstream inlet = Wye 11 cfs Inlet Description = <None> in inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag = 0.00 Aftgitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft ings n -value = 0.000 = 0.00 ement cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 •t Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % = 0.00 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter 3oint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % = 111.65 ft Grate Efficiency = * % Crown Elevation Downstream Slot Efficiency = * % = 100.58 ft Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 56 = 10.04 in /hr - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial cfs - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 56 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 55 Pipe Material = HDPE P' a Length = 11.53 ft Length = 13.53 ft Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 7.98 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 99.01 ft invert Elevation upstream = 99.08 ft Invert slope = 0.58% invert slope (Plan Length) = 0.49% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.93 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 111.65 ft Natural Ground slope = -2.43% Crown Elevation Downstream = 100.51 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 100.58 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - evation Downstream Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Downstream inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 4.28 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time Of Concentration = 5.47 min Total Intensity = 10.04 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.59 cfs uniform Capacity = 7.98 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - evation Downstream = 99.93 ft evation upstream Jolevation = 99.93 ft ope = -0.02 % Downstream = 100.19 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 100.24 ft EGL slope = 0.43 % Critical Depth = 9.87 in Depth Downstream = 11.05 in Depth upstream = 10.23 in velocity Downstream = 4.03 ft /s Page 60 Carryover from previous inlet print.txt velocity upstream = 4.43 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.14 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.04 ftA2 K• ()LC) = NA ulated ]unction Loss = 0.131 ft INLET INFORMATION--- - cfs Downstream Inlet = Elbow 17 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined computation case = sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency- = * % = 101.45 ft Grate Efficiency = * % HGL Elevation upstream Slot Efficiency = * % = 3.85 % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 57 EGL Slope = 4.29 % - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 2.75 in Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial • - -- -PIPE INFORMATION - --- Current Pipe = Pipe 57 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 56 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 15.92 ft Plan Length = 17.89 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions. = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 8.31 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 99.58 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 100.45 ft invert slope = 5.45% invert slope (Plan Length) = 4.84% Rim Elevation Downstream = •111.65 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 112.58 ft Natural Ground slope = 5.84% crown Elevation Downstream = 100.58 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 101.45 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION - - -- Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet input Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs.. Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.28 min Total Intensity = 10.12 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.31 cfs Uniform Capacity = 8.31 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Iration = 0.00 gpd DRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 100.06 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 100.67 ft HGL Slope = 3.85 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 100.07 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 100.76 ft EGL Slope = 4.29 % Critical Depth = 2.75 in Page 61 Depth Downstream = 5.80 in print.txt De th upstream = 2.75 in velocity Downstream = 0.82 ft /s velocity upstream = 2.28 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s fform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Downstream = 0.38 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.14 ttA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Ca 12 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined computation case = sag = 37.64 ft Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Natural Ground Slope Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % = 0.00 gpd Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - Page 62 DESCRIPTION: Pipe 58 RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 58 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 57 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 37.64 ft Plan Length = 38.10 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert Slope = 7.88 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 100.45 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 102.29 ft Invert slope = 4.90% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 4.84% Rim Elevation Downstream = 112.58 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 114.43 ft Natural Ground Slope = 4.91% Crown Elevation Downstream = 101.45 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 103.29 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10•.24 in /hr ' Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.31 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac w�ted Coefficient = 0.500 T Time of Concentration = 5.00 min To Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.31 cfs uniform Capacity = 7.88 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - Page 62 - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - print.txt HGL Elevation Downstream = 100.67 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 102.52 ft HGL Slope = 4.90 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 100.76 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 102.60 ft EGL slope = 4.91 % Afttical Depth = 2.75 in h Downstream = 2.76 in th upstream 7 = 2.75 in ve ocity Downstream = 2.28 ft /s velocity Upstream = 2.28 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 0.14 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.003 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft Downstream inlet = Elbow 18 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in P ment spread = 0.00 ft 1 spread = 0.00 ft er velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 59 = 18.00 in - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.013 Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 59 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 36 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 12.89 ft Plan Length = 10.97 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at invert slope = 88.99 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 87.99 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 97.25 ft Invert Slope = 103.23% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 84.41% Rim Elevation Downstream = 101.83 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 101.75 ft Natural Ground slope = -0.62% crown Elevation Downstream = 89.49 ft, crown Elevation Upstream = 98.75 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00.ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs In Input Flow = 4.40 cfs I Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs T Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Page 63 / a I, print.txt Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.40 cfs uniform Capacity = 88.99 cfs ._skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 9.66 in Elevation Downstream = 92.89 ft Elevation Upstream = 98.09 ft HGL Slope = 57.99 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 92.99 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 98.41 ft EGL Slope = 60.52 % Critical Depth = 9.66 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in De th upstream = 9.66 in velocity Downstream = 2.49 ft /s Velocity upstream = 4.56 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 Area Upstream = 0.97 ftA2 Kj (]LC) = NA = 0.00 ft Calculated )unction LOSS = 0.120 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Downstream inlet = Wye 4 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation case = sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs G ter Flow = 0.00 cfs at Curb = 0.00 in at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pa ement Spread = 0.00 ft. Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % = 105.10 ft Grate Efficiency = * % crown Elevation Downstream Slot Efficiency = * % = 102.10 ft Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 60 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION - - -- Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Current Pipe = Pipe 60 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 37 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 51.06 ft Plan Length = 51.59 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 17.39 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 88.93 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 101.10 ft Invert slope = 24.54% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 23.59% Rim Elevation Downstream = 103.29 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 105.10 ft Natural Ground slope = 3.54% crown Elevation Downstream = 89.93 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 102.10 ft OW INFORMATION--- - Ca ent Area = 0.00 ac Runo f coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 2.05 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Page 64 Depth upstream print.txt weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 2.05 cfs uniform Capacity = 17.39 cfs flow = 0.00 cfs Wed tration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.50 HGL Elevation Downstream = 93.86 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 101.75 ft HGL Slope = 15.89 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 93.97 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 102.00 ft EGL Slope = 16.20 % Critical Depth = 7.34 in Depth Downstream = 12.00 in Depth upstream = 7.34 in velocity Downstream = 2.61 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.07 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.50 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA ft /ft Calculated Junction Loss = 0.132 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe Downstream Inlet = Wye 5 = Pipe 39 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Pipe Type Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft I rcept Efficiency = * % = 90.88 ft from Catchment = 0.00 cfs over from previous inlet 0 = 0.00 cfs To a Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 61 - --- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 61 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 39 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 20.52 ft Plan Length = 20.70 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions 24.00 in Pipe manning's "n"' = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 172.36 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 88.88 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 100.80 ft In t slope = 71.38% I slope (Plan Length) = 57.59% Rl evation Downstream = 104.38 ft R*m Elevation upstream = 105.80 ft Natural Ground Slope = 6.92% crown Elevation Downstream = 90.88 ft crown Elevation upstream = 102.80 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - catchment Area = 0.00 ac Page 65 Runoff coefficient = 0.500 print.txt Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 6.61 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Area = 0.00 ac 91 hted Coefficient = 0.500 al Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 6.61 cfs uniform Capacity = 172.36 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - -- -HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.000 HGL Elevation Downstream = 95.79 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 101.74 ft HGL Slope = 35.67 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 95.85 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 102.09 ft EGL slope = 37.35 % critical Depth = 10.93 in Depth Downstream = 24.00 in Depth Upstream = 10.93 in velocity Downstream = 2.10 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.74 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ftA2 Area Upstream = 1.39 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.086 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - 0.00 ft /s Downstream Inlet = MH 12 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft ings n -value = 0.000 ent cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft G ter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment 0.00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread. = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 62 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 62 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 40 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 67.73 ft . Plan Length = 69.41 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Papacity at Invert Slope = 32.88 cfs I Elevation Downstream = 91.00 ft I Elevation upstream = 97.64 ft Invert Slope = 9.85% invert slope (Plan Length) = 9.57% Rim Elevation Downstream = 104.47 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 102.14 ft Natural Ground slope = -3.44% crown Elevation Downstream = 92.50 ft crown Elevation upstream = 99.14 ft Page 66 print.txt - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - 0.00 ft Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr 0 = 98.86 ft Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet input Flow = 4.74 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.74 cfs uniform capacity = 32.88 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - 0.00 ft HGL Elevation Downstream = 96.55 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 98.52 ft HGL Slope = 2.93 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 96.66 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 98.86 ft EGL Slope = 3.27 % Critical Depth = 10.04 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth upstream = 10.04 in velocity Downstream = 2.68 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.68 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.01 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated Junction Loss = 0.139 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - 0.00 ft Downstream Inlet = Wye 6 t Description = <None> Type = undefined W tation Case = Sa Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Man m ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency =.0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 63 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 63 Do tream Pipe = Pipe 42 P aterial = HDPE Pi ength = 94.08 ft plan Length = 95.92 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 25.52 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 92.83 ft invert Elevation upstream = 98.39 ft Page 67 Invert Slope = 5.92% print.txt Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 5.80% Rim Elevation Downstream = 106.79 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 103.89 ft Natural Ground slope = -3.08% Crown Elevation Downstream = 94.33 ft wn Elevation upstream = 99.89 ft - -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.91 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.24 min Total Intensity = 10.14 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 9.54 cfs uniform Capacity = 25.52 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 HGL Elevation Downstream = 97.32 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 99.58 ft HGL Slope = 2.41 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 97.78 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 100.21 ft EGL Slope = 2.59 % critical Depth = 14.32 in Depth Downstream = 18.00 in Depth Upstream = 14.32 in velocity Downstream = 5.40 ft /s velocity upstream = 6.33 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s 0 a Downstream = 1.77 ftA2 upstream = 1.51 ftA2 JLC) = NA ca culated Junction LOSS = 0.611 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Wye 7 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sagg Longitudinal slope = 0.00_ft /ft. Manor ngs n -va•l ue = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 64 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial PE INFORMATION--- - C t Pipe = Pipe 64 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 63 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 60.70 ft Page 68 M - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - print.txt Plan Length = 65.00 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe manning 's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 15.37 cfs vert Elevation Downstream = 99.39 ft rt Elevation Upstream = 100.69 ft rt slope = 2.14% ert slope (Plan Length) = 2.00% Rim Elevation Downstream = 103.89 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 105.20 ft Natural Ground slope = 2.16% Crown Elevation Downstream = 100.89 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 102.19 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = S.00 min Inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.91 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.12 min Total intensity = 10.19 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 8.63 cfs uniform capacity = 15.37 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - in velocity Downstream HGL Elevation Downstream = 100.19 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 101.49 ft HGL Slope = 0.00 = 2.14 % Area Downstream EGL Elevation Downstream = 101.44 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 102.74 ft EGL Slope = 0.500 ft = 2.14 % = 0.00 critical Depth Ponding width ' = 13.65 in Depth Downstream = 9.65 in De th upstream = 9.65 in velocity Downstream = 8.95 ft /s V upstream = 8.95 ft /s rm velocity Downstream Virmity = 0.00 ft /s velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.96 ftA2 Area Upstream = 0.96 ftA2 Kj (ILC) = NA Gutter Local Depression calculated ]unction Loss = 0.500 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = CB 17 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width ' = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow. = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement Spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % sufficiency = * % T Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 65 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 65 Page 69 print.txt Downstream Pipe = Pipe 64 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 29.50 ft plan Length = 33.00 ft Pipe Type = Circular P' a Dimensions = 18.00 in Manning's "n" = 0.013 capacity.at Invert Slope = 7.73 cfs Vert Elevation Downstream = 100.69 ft invert Elevation upstream = 100.85 ft invert Slope = 0.'4% invert slope (plan Length) = 0.48% Rim Elevation Downstream = 105.20 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 105.35 ft Natural Ground slope = 0.S1% Crown Elevation Downstream = 102.19 ft crown Elevation upstream = 102.35 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 7.72 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 7.72 cfs uniform Capacity = 7.73 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 HGL Elevations Downstream = 101.99 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 102.27 ft HGL slope = 0.92 % Elevation Downstream = 102.34 ft Elevation upstream = 102.62 ft slope = 0.95 % Critical Depth = 12.92 in Depth Downstream = 15.65 in Depth upstream = 15.40 in velocity Downstream = 4.73 ft /s velocity Upstream = 4.80 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.63 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.61 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated junction Loss = 0.371 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 in Downstream inlet = C8 18 inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag ft Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet. = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs DMft at Curb = 0.00 in at pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in P ent spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % Page 70 pri nt. txt PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 66 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial PIPE INFORMATZON---- = 0.00 cfs *ent Pipe = Pipe 66 stream Pipe = Pipe 46 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 12.42 ft Plan Length = 9.63 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 200.88 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 96.70 ft invert Elevation upstream = 106.50 ft invert slope = 128.49% invert slope (Plan Length) = 101.79% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.34 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 111.50 ft Natural Ground slope = 1.29% Crown Elevation Downstream = 98.70 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 108.50 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs inlet Input Flow = 5.99 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 5.99 cfs uniform capacity = 200.88 cfs flow = 0.00 cfs Wed tration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 98.14 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 107.39 ft HGL slope = 121.28 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 98.23 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 107.72 ft EGL slope = 124.34 % critical Depth = 10.39 in Depth Downstream = 17.26 in Depth upstream = 10.39 in velocity Downstream = 2.48 ft /s velocity upstream = 4.60 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /S uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 2.42 ftA2 Area upstream = 1.30 ftA2 Kj (j LC) = NA Calculated junction LOSS = 0.071 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Wye 8 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs Bed Flow = 0.00 cfs P nt Flow = 0.00 cfs G r Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Page 71 print.txt Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 67 = Pipe 50 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION---- = HOPE • = 20.81 ft Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft /s Current Pipe = Pipe 67 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 50 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 20.81 ft Plan Length = 19.45 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 22.91 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 98.23 ft invert Elevation upstream = 106.84 ft Invert Slope = 45.45% invert Slope (Plan Length) = 44.28% Rim Elevation Downstream = 112.02 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 112.84 ft Natural Ground Slope = 3.94% Crown Elevation Downstream = 99.23 ft Crown Elevation upstream = 107.84 ft -- - -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft /s catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min Inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.51 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total Intensity = 10.24 in /hr 1 Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Flow = 0.51 cfs Orm Capacity = 22.91 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ft /s HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.07 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 107.14 ft HGL Slope = 42.57 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.08 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 107.24 ft EGL slope = 43.09 % Critical Depth = 3.56 in Depth Downstream = 10.11 in De th upstream = 3.56 in velocity Downstream = 0.72 ft /s velocity upstream = 2.62 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream =-0.71 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.19 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA calculated junction LOSS = 0.008 ft --- -INLET INFORMATION---- Downstream inlet = Wye 9 Inlet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = O.00.ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in width = 0.00 ft Vr ng width = 0.00 ft rcept Efficiency = * % Flow from catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs TOM Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Page 72 - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 8.23% print.txt :epth at Curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in lavement spread = 0.00 ft .otal spread = 0.00 ft ;utter velocity = 0.00 ft/5 ur fficiency = * % Invert Elevation Downstream ;r fficiency = * % = 100.78 ft Flo fficiency = * % = 0.00 cfs rotal Efficiency = 0.00 % ?IPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 68 capacity = 10.20 cfs - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - flow = 0.00 cfs Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 8.23% Current Pipe = Pipe 68 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 51 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 28.17 ft Plan Length = 28.07 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 10.20 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 98.47 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 100.78 ft Invert slope = 8.23% Invert slope,(Plan Length) = 8.23% Rim Elevation Downstream = 111.85 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 112.36 ft Natural Ground slope = 1.81% crown Elevation Downstream = 99.47 ft crown Elevation upstream = 101.78 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Area catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff coefficient = 0.500 Inlet Time = 5.00 min i t Intensity = 10.24 in /hr 0 Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs HGL slope Input Flow = 0.00 cfs In et Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.23 min Total intensity = 10.14 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.81 cfs uniform capacity = 10.20 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0:00 gpd, - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.28 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 101.16 ft HGL slope = 6.67 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.31 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 101.30 ft EGL slope = 7.09 % critical Depth = 4.52 in Depth Downstream = 9.78 in Depth upstream = 4.52 in velocity Downstream = 1.18 ft/5 velocity Upstream = 3.00 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.69 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.27 ftA2 Kj (3 LC) = NA Calculated 7unction.LOSS = 0.001 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Wye 10 Inlet Description- = <None> inlet Type = undefined computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft pings n -value = 0.000 ment Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft er cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Page 73 ow from catchment = 0.00 cfs print.txt Irryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs ►tal Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs low Intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs tpassed Flow = 0.00 cfs lvgmt Flow = 0.00 cfs it low = 0.00 cfs Z P t Curb = 0.00 in epth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in avement Spread = 0.00 ft otal spread = 0.00 ft utter velocity = 0.00 ft /s urb Efficiency = * % = 101.78 ft rate Efficiency = * % 9INLET nstream Inlet lot Efficiency = * % = <None> 'otal Efficiency = 0.00 % 'IPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 69 Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft • - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope teturn Period = 100 Year tainfall File = Tutorial -- - -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.500 _urrent Pipe = Pipe 69 ) ownstream Pipe = Pipe 68 Pipe Material = HOPE Pipe Length = 41.09 ft Plan Length = 41.44 ft Pipe Type = circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe capacity at Invert Slope = 10.26 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 100.78 ft Invert Elevation upstream = 104.19 ft invert Slope = 8.33% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 8.23% Rim Elevation Downstream = 112.36 ft Rim Elevation upstream = 114.00 ft Natural Ground slope = 3.99% crown Elevation Downstream = 101.78 ft crown Elevation upstream = 105.19 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 0.500 Total Time of concentration cment A rea = 0.00 ac f coefficient = 0.500 Total Flow Time = 5.00 min Intensity = 10.24 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.81 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.81 cfs uniform Capacity = 10.26 cfs skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 101.16 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 104.57 ft HGL Slope = 8.33 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 101.30 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 104.71 ft EGL Slope = 8.34 % Critical Depth = 4.52 in Depth Downstream = 4,53 in Depth upstream = 4.52 in velocity Downstream = 2.98 ft /s Velocity upstream = 3.00 ft /s uniform velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s uniform velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.27 ftA2 Area upstream =•0.27 ftA2 Kj ()LC) = NA calculated 3unction Loss = 0.021 ft INFORMATION--- - 9INLET nstream Inlet = Elbow 19 nklet Description = <None> inlet Type = undefined Computation case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.00 in Page 74 Grate Efficiency = * % print.txt Gutter width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % = 100 Year Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs T tal Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Intercepted by current Inlet = 0.00 cfs ssed Flow = 0.00 cfs ement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /S curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 70 = 5.00 min - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 10.24 in /hr Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Current Pipe = Pipe 70 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 54 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 21.39 ft Plan Length = 20.54 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert slope = 21.06 cfs invert Elevation Downstream = 99.21 ft invert Elevation upstream = 106.69 ft Invert Slope 37.33% Invert slope (Plan Length) = 36.42% Rim Elevation Downstream = 112.69 ft Elevation upstream = 112.69 ft ral Ground Slope = 0.00% n Elevation Downstream = 100.21 ft crown Elevation upstream = 107.69 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - = 3.56 Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.500 inlet Time = 5.00 min inlet Intensity = 10.24 in /hr inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs. inlet Input Flow = 0.51 cfs inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.500 Total Time of Concentration = 5.00 min Total intensity = 10.24 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.51 cfs Uniform Capacity = 21.06 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 99.91 ft HGL Elevation upstream = 106.99 ft HGL Slope = 35.32 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 99.92 ft EGL Elevation upstream = 107.09 ft EGL Slope = 35.79 % critical Depth = 3.56 in Depth Downstream = 8.40 in Depth upstream = 3.56 in velocity Downstream = 0.87 ft /s velocity upstream = 2.62 ft /s u�rm velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /S u rm velocity upstream = 0.00 ft /S A Downstream = 0.59 ftA2 Area upstream = 0.19 ftA2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction LOSS = 0.008 ft --- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream inlet = Wye 11 Inlet Description = <None> Page 75 _. 1 inlet Type = undefined pri nt. txt Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal slope = 0.00 ft /ft Manor ngs n -value = 0.000 Pavement cross -slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gu Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft G Local Depression = 0.00 in G width = 0.00 ft Ponding width = 0.00 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow intercepted by current inlet = 0.00 cfs. Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at curb = 0.00 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter joint = 0.00 in Pavement spread = 0.00 ft Total Spread = 0.00 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % r• • Page 76 _• • n STORM DRAIN PLANS E-► Qcal 07 z 5 9 3r•{ 9C UPDATE TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER La Quinta, California March 2008' Prepared for. Eisenhower Medical Center 39000 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, Ca. 92270 Phone (760) 773 -1273 Fax (760) 773 -1449 ATTN: Ali Tourkaman Revision History Date Comment Report Prepared C 74130 CoLintry Club Drive, Suite 201 Desert, a ¢a M 760.346.8315 e Engineer of Work/ Contact Person: gPAFE David Wilson, P.E. �\OSGOTT�.y��l� Frank Gerard, Hydrologist o �' C7� 2`r No. C70343 S RBF JN 20- 100846.002 Exp.9 /30 /Og �c F1VIL 3r CAI M/ 9 (74% -VITO LU 1�r �s�i • • • TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER Table of Contents Main Report Introduction Hydrologic /Hydraulic Methodology Hydrologic Analysis /Hydraulic Analysis: Conclusions References Appendix A: 10- and 100 -year Rational Hydrology Onsite Post - Developed Conditions Appendix B: Street Capacities Catch Basin Analysis WSPG- Private Onsite Storm Drains Appendix C: Referenced Information: Supporting Data from the RCFC &WCD's Hydrology Manual Supporting Data from the City of La Quinta Supporting Data from the Hydrology Report for Centre Pointe Parcel Map No. 31116 List of Figures: • Figure -1: Vicinity Map • Figure -2: Hydrology Map - Proposed Onsite Development • Figure -3: Hydrology Map — Roof Drainage TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER • I. INTRODUCTION The .Eisenhower Ambulatory Center, comprising a portion of the Centre Pointe Parcel Map No. 31116, is located in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California. The site is located. southeast of the Washington Street/Seeley Drive intersection. Figure 1 shows the location of this project. This study, Which accompanies the precise grading plans, specifically accomplishes the following tasks: ❖ Determine the peak developed onsite 10 -year and 100 -year runoff. ❖ Propose catch basins to intercept the tributary flows. Propose a private onsite storm drain system, which will discharge to the existing storm drain at various locations. • II. HYDROLOGIC /HYDRAULIC METHODOLOGY The methodology presented in this study is in compliance with the RCFC &WCD 1978 Hydrology Manual (Reference 1, hereinafter referred to as the Manual) and the City of La Quinta's Engineering Bulletin #06 -16 (Updated 1/29/07). Model Descriptions -The Integrated Rational Method Hydrology System Model (Reference. 2).within the Advanced Engineering Systems Software (AES) was used to generate the peak 10 -year and 100 -year onsite flows. The AES Hydraulic Elements Program Package (HELE1) (Reference 3) was used to size the catch basins. The FlowMaster computer model (Reference 4) was used to determine street and. interior drainage capacities, as well as the normal depth in the minor laterals conveying the roof drainage. • 2 TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER The Los Angeles County Flood Control District's Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPG) computer program (Reference 5) was used to determine the hydraulic grade line in the private storm drain main lines. Soil Type - The Manual utilizes the .Soil .Conservation Service (SCS) soil classification system, which classifies soils into four (4) hydrological groups (HSG): A through D, with D being the least impervious. The soils map for La Quinta indicates this project is located in soils designated as Myoma (MaD) and Coachella (CpA). The soils table for Riverside County indicate that MaD and CpA are in Hydrologic Soil Groups "A" and "B ", respectively. For conservative purposes, HSG "B" was used for this project. All referenced information is included in Appendix C. Development Type- This project will be will be commercially developed. Intensity = The intensity values for this project were. obtained by using. the precipitation maps (Plates D -4.3 & D -4.4) in the Manual. The 2 -year, 1 -hour and 100 -year 1 -hour intensity values are 0.5 " /hr and 1.6 " /hr, respectively. However, according to the above- mentioned bulletin, the City requires a 100 -year 1 -hour intensity value of 2.1 "/hr. This value was used in the Rational models. The slope of the intensity duration curve as found on Plate D -4.6 is 0.59. See Appendix C for all referenced information from the Manual. Drainage Areas and Flow Patterns - The drainage areas and flow patterns were determined using the precise grading plans. The areas were measured using the computer capabilities of AutoCAD. Ill. HYDROLOGIC/ HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS- PROPOSED ONSITE CONDITIONS As previously mentioned, this project comprises the southeastern portion of Centre Pointe Parcel Map No. 31116. The drainage issues for Centre Pointe were addressed in the approved Hydrology Report for Centre Pointe Parcel Map No. 39116 (Reference 6). The drainage facilities in Reference 6 were designed to convey fhe 100' ear flows from this project. A copy of the hydrology map from Reference 6 is included in Appendix C. • 3 • • TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER The proposed onsite drainage patterns for this project, presented on Figure 2, generally follow those in Reference 6. This figure also includes the roof drainage basins as well as their discharge locations to the storm drains. All onsite runoff will be intercepted in catch basins and conveyed in private storm drains, all of which, will discharge to the existing storm drain system, designed in Reference 6. As shown on Figure 2, there are no offsite drainage impacts to this proposed development. There are five sump catch basins serving this project. The 10 -year and 100 -year flows at each catch basin are summarized in Table 1. Since all catch basins are in a sump condition, the entire 100 -year flows require total interception. Per the City of La Quinta's Standard 300, the minimum length for a catch basin is 4 -feet. The maximum flows intercepted in standards 4 -foot, 7 -foot, and 10 -foot catch basins are approximately 9.3 cfs, 16.3 cfs, and 23.3 cfs, respectively. All supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations are included in Appendices A and B, respectively. TABLE 1 SUMMARY'N CATCH BASIN HYDRAULICS , Node* Drainage Basins* Q10 cfs) Q100 (cfs) Basin Size r ft 1.1 west A +B)/2 2.3 4.2 14 1.1 east A +B /2 2.3 4.2 14 3.1 C 7.6 13.8 17 4.1 D -1, D -2, E -1; E -2 ** 9.3 17.2 10 5.1 1 0.4 0.4 14 *See Figure 2. ** Street slopes towards Node 4 -1 (no crown). Only flow (0.4 cfs) to Node 5.1 is in gutter. It is noted that in an emergency situation, the flows at the low point of this project (Node 4.1) would be conveyed to the Whitewater Channel via the concrete -lined side- slopes. In addition to the catch basins, this project proposes 3 grated inlets designed to intercept nuisance flows only. The 2 -year frequency storm was used in the Rational model to stimulate the nuisance flows. The Rational output and the inlet analysis are included in Appendices A and B, respectively. in • • :7 TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER As requested by the City, the street capacities and the hydraulics of the valley gutters at locations were they turn 90 degrees were determined. Reference 4 was used to determine the hydraulics at Cross Sections A -A through F -F. The analysis was conservative as the total flow for the drainage basin was used whereas in actuality only a portion of the flows are conveyed in the cross section. The results of the hydraulic analysis are summarized in Table 2. The hydraulic calculations are included in Appendix B. TAB L E.2 , (SUMMARY; STREET & VALLEY GUTTER - APACITIES�} Cross Section Drainage Basin* Q100 cfs) Depth ' ft ) V (fps) V *D A -A D -2 5.30 0.33 1.65 0.54 B -B D -2, E -2 12.08 0.46 3.66 1.69 C -C C 13.76 0.43 2.38 1.02 D -D C 13.76 0.45 2.22 1.00 E -E B 7.15 0.35 1.86 0.65 F -F B 7.15 0.36 1.81 0.65 *See Figure 2. l According to the values in Table 2, the cross sections meet the criteria set forth by the City of La Quinta (100 -year .flow depth is below the top of curb and the V *D product is less than 6.0). The Eisenhower Ambulatory Center will have several roof drains that will discharge directly into laterals and, therefore, will not impact any catch basins. Figure 3 shows the roof drainage patterns, which are based on the Architectural Plans, as well as a runoff summary table. The roof drains directly discharge into minor laterals, which join the private onsite storm drain system. The hydraulic calculations, included in Appendix B, verify that these minor laterals have the capacity to convey the roof drainage. The hydraulic grade lines in the private..storm drain system were determined using the WSPG computer model. The initial water surface elevations in Lines A, B, and C were approximated using the approved storm drain plans for Parcel No. 31116 (See Appendix C). The initial water surface elevations in the laterals were obtained from the WSPG output using the higher of the two values at the junctions. The headwater elevations for 5 • TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER all WSPG models were established using the energy grade elevation at the furthest upstream station plus an entrance loss (0.5 *velocity head). The WSPG input and output files for the onsite storm drains are included in Appendix B. IV. CONCLUSIONS 1. The methodology used in this report is in compliance with the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District's and the City of La Quinta's drainage criteria. 2. This proposed drainage patterns generally agree with the Hydrology Report,for Centre Pointe Parcel Map No. 31116, of which this project is a. part. 3. All onsite runoff will be intercepted in catch basins and conveyed to the existing storm drain system, designed in the above - mentioned hydrology report. Hence, no adverse downstream impacts are anticipated. V. REFERENCES 1. Riverside Flood Control District and Water Conservation District (RCFC &WCD) Hydrology Manual, 1978. 2. Advanced Engineering Systems Software (AES), Rational Method Hydrology System Model Version 8.0, January 1, 2001. 3. Advanced Engineering Systems Software (AES), Hydraulic Elements Program Package (HELE -1), Version 8.0, January 1, 2001. 4. Bentley, Inc. FlowMaster Model,.Nov. 11,2005. 5. Los Angeles County Flood Control District, Water Surface Pressure Gradient • (WSPG), January 1979. L TECHNICAL DRAINAGE STUDY EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER 6. MSA Consulting, Inc. Hydrology Report for Centre Pointe Parcel Map No. 31116, • September 15, 2004. • � ST�TF � JFRANK SINATRA �O \ a COUNTRY CLUB DR \ 40TH AVE d W H N 2 Q om w Palm Desert �— — — �° 42ND AVE M of g o Bermuda r C) x o ~ Z Dunes f0 T9� 0 0 of 0 0 I <Q I X:, FRED WARING DR 000 3 3 -Q v~i �� Olt HWY 111 w NILES AVE FAIRWAYq DR Em L N Indian d Wells J iii y z City Limits I Y Indio La Quinta cn 50TH M ZO AVE , `G to V) zo I GC �ti Iw F- w rn w N 3 0 Of VICINITY MAP NTS PLANNING ■ DESIGN ■ CONSTRUCTION C1bV4HUWtK AMATORY CARE CENTER 74 -130 COUMRY CLUB DRIVE,SURE 201 FIQLK 1 N N N PALM DESERT, CA 92260 -1655 CONSULTING 760.346.7481 • FAX 760.346.8315 • www.RBF.com VICINITY MAP 411" 16, i` O (D 04 rn O H S 0 d Q Z_ U / .O / J O • Z Q J O Q U (D 00 O O O N / Q a O d an • is LEGEND A DRAINAGE ID J. -r F1 NODE NUMBER PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LATERALS:,- FLOW TRAVEL PATH DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY :; y RUNOFF SUMMARY DRAINAGE BASIN AREA (ac) Qio (cfs) Q100 (cfs) A 0.13 0.6 1.1 B 0.15 0.7 1.2 C 0.05 0.2 0.4 D 0.03 0.1 0.2 E 0.03 0.1 0.2 F 0.17 0.8 1.4 G 0.02 0.1 0.1 H 0.08 0.4 0.7 I 0.04 0.2 0.3 J 0.10 0.5 0.8 K 0.12 0.5 1.0 L 0.03 0.1 0.2 M 0.01 0.1 0.1 N 0.04 0.2 0.3 0 0.01 0.1 0.1 m ■ ■ ■ CONSULTING Kim 30 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1 " =30' PLANNING ■ DESIGN ■ CONSTRUCTION EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CARE CENTER 74 7130 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, SUITE 201 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 -1655 FIGURE 3 760.346.7481 • FAX 760.346.8315 1xww.RBF.com BUILDING DRAINAGE co N Q c- c� S O O I J O 0 I Imo, 00 O Of 0 0 0 z U cD co O O 0 N Q Q • APPENDIXA.. 10- and 100 -year Rational Hydrology Onsite Developed Conditions E�] raaaa +aa + + + *RATIONAL a METHOD + HYDROLOGY +COMPUTER +PROGRAM +BASED +ON +aaaa +aa+ +aaa RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL 6 WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC6WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 5.9D) Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 r _:•ia.a a.a.a.«a ;aaaaaa DESCRIPTION OF STUDY aaaa+ +aaaaaa +aaaaaaaaaaaaa �± ­EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER + O10 _ 1 a `PROPOSED CONDITIONS aaaaaa+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +aa ++ aaa +aaaraaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FILE NAME: 84610.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 16:01 03/27/2008 _______________________________________________ __________________________ ___ -- USER -SPECIFIED -HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.90 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.500 ­ 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH)'� 2.100 , COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.170 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5900 RCFC6WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC6WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER. CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER- DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth)-(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *s I'LE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* aaaaa•+ +aaaa +aaa ++ +aaa + + + +a +aaa ••aaaaara +a + +aa + +aaa +aaa +aaaaa + +a + + +a +aa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 1.10 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 t INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 200.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.19 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.31 TC = 0.303*(( 200.00 * *3) /( 1.31)] * *.2 = 6.898 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.192 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8820 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.74 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 0.20 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.74 +• aaaa+ a + +aa +as + +aar•a•••••aaaaaaaaaar +aaa + ++ aaa+ +aaa + + + ++ +rar + +aaaaaaraaaaa -- FLOW_PROCESS -FROM NODE - - - - -- 2_00 -TO NODE______ 2_10_ IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ff Printed: 3/2712008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 3/27/2008 4:01:23 PM PM Page 1 of 4 g�hyd ftN�so(184610RES .° __________________ _______________________________ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 350.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 103.88 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.23 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 2.65 �� 6, �� TC = 0.303 *[( 350.00* *3) /( 2.65)) * *.2 = 8.383 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.736 , COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8803 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.95 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.20 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.95 aaaaa+ aa+++ a+ rrraa+ aa+ araaaaaaa+ aaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaa + + +aaa•raaaaaaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 3.00 TO NODE 3.10 IS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +raaaaa CODE = 21 »» >RATIONAL_ METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS« «< _ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 475.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 104.53 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.10 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.43 TC = 0.303 *[( 475.00 * +3) /( 3.43)) * *.2 = 9.562 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.457 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8791 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.60 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.50 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.60 a + +a + + + ++ aaa+ aarat+ a+ aa+• raa+ a + + + +ar•aa + + + +aa +aaaaaaaaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.10 IS _____________________________________________ ++ +aaaaa + ++ +aaaaaa CODE = 21 _______ ___ __________ » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ______ _ _ _ __ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)]+ *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH - 700.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION - 97.88 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4.62 ' TC = 0.303 *[( 700.00 * *3) /( 4.62)] * *.2 = 11.369 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.121 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8774 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.83 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.40 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.83 as aaaa +aaaaaa +a ++ aaaa. aar +++aaaaaa as +ar+aa.aaaaaaa+a+ +aaaaa +aaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.10 TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- » »>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.37 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.12 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE 3.83 C P-1 +++ ++ aaa+ aaaa ++•aaaaa + +a + + + + +a + ++ aaaaa++• rarraaaaaaraaaaaaaaaa +•aaaaaaaaaaa+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.20 TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K +[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 560.00 (mss UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.93 Printed: 3/27/2008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 3/27/2008 4:01:23 PM PM Page 2 of 4 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION 97.88 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE _ - 4.05 TC = 0.303`[(• 560.00 "3) /( 4.05)]•`.2 = 10.210 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 3.326 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8784 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ - 2.92 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.92 aaa ••aaaaa +••aaaaa +aa + ++ +aaa + +aaaaaaaaaa +aaaaaaaaaaa +aaaa +a + +a +aa + + +a ++aaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.10 TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 1 _____________________________________________ ________ ____ ___ ________________ » » >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< » »>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER.OF STREAMS - 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.21 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.33 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.92 CONFLUENCE DATA " STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) (ACRE) 1 3.83 11.37 3.121 1.40 2 2.92 10.21 3.326 1.00 aaaa + ++ +•aaaaa ++ aaaa+ aaaaa +a +••••WARNING" "aa+ +aa +aaa+i +aaaraa + + + + + + + + + ++ IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFCSWCD FORMULA OF PLATE D -1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. as +aaa+ aaa ++ aaa+ aaa + :+ aaaa. aaaaa +aa + ++ aaa ++ aaa +aaaa +aaa+ +aaaa +aaa +aaa+ +aaa RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. " PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE " RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 4.41 ' STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE - 0.39 1 6.36 10.21 3.326 a + + +ra +i+ aaa+ aaa ++ aaa + + + + +ra + +rra + +r +aaaa +aaaaaar +aaaraa• +aa +aa+ +aaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE. 5.20 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 6.58 11.37 3.121 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: -- _- _---- ASSUMED.INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.58 Tc(MIN.) = 11.37 DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.40 TC = K`[(LENGTH" 3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) " .2 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.10 = 700.00 FEET. aaa +aaaaaaaa+ aaa+ aaaa+ aaaa +•aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ aaa+ +aaaa +aa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.00 TO NODE 5.10 IS + +a + + +aa ++•aaaaa + ++ CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93 ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = 0.303`[( 450.00--3)/( 3.93))``.2 = 9.008 DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.581 TC = K`[(LENGTH" 3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] " .2 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8796 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 240.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.57 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS).- 2.83 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93 Y TC = 0.303`[( 240.00" 3)/( 3.93)] " .2 - 6.178 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.473 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8829 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 as ++aaaaaaaaaaa+ ++aaa aaa +.. +aaaaaaaaaaaaa +aaaa + +raaaa +a+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.10 TO NODE 5.10 IS ________________________________________________ ____________________________ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa++ CODE = 1 »» >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 6.18 E 1 • d�ft :;l;ll � •"` N: i3as�r+ iw: i:.... . m... �aiia:. r.: ;:, 5,`Sw.'�.... »s�t.:...�«�wiw.�: ��.M...wJ.:/4.:.� �r�awi.d..sn...'Y........ RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 4.41 ' TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE - 0.39 a + + +ra +i+ aaa+ aaa ++ aaa + + + + +ra + +rra + +r +aaaa +aaaaaar +aaaraa• +aa +aa+ +aaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE. 5.20 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +•+aaa »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< -- _- _---- ASSUMED.INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K`[(LENGTH" 3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) " .2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW - LENGTH = 450.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.57 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93 TC = 0.303`[( 450.00--3)/( 3.93))``.2 = 9.008 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.581 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8796 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS).- 2.83 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.90 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.83 •+aaaa + + + +a+ +aaa + +aa ++ aaa + +.a ++ aaa +aaaa+ +••aaaaa +iaaa +•.aaaaa +aaaa+ +aaa +aaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.10 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = 1 »» >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.01 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.58 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.90 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS),AT_CONFLUENCE = 2.83 " CONFLUENCE DATA " STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) (ACRE) 1 0.39 6.18 4.473 0.10 2 2.83 9.01 3.581 0.90 + ++ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa++ aa++ aaaaaaaaWp� ,�ING`aaaa.aaaa«a+aaa. aaaa +•aaaaa.+ + +aa IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D -1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. aaa + +aaaaaaaaa +aaaa + ++aa + ++ aaa+ aaaaaaaaaaa + +a + + + +aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +aaa RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. " PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE " - STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) 1 2.34 6.18 4.473 2 3.15 9.01 3.581 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) 3.15 Tc(MIN.) = 9.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 5.20 TO NODE 5.10 = 450.00 FEET. END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 TC(MIN.) = 9.01 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.15 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Printed: 3127/2008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 3/2712008 4:01:23 PM PM Page 3 of 4 1 Printed: 3127/2008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 3/2712008 4:01:23 PM PM Page 4 of 4 - Y +�"z."�', e.6.., < srv:.3 .,z�..: ✓-. •1 t s. r+u, .;i ,Y ,�`,�.,a ,��� ,-� C1aes20014�sa184�6;100 RES. � ' aaaaa.aaaaa RATIONAL+ METHOD *HYDROLOGY *COMPUTER *PROGRAM +BASED *ONaaaa+ aaaaaaaa RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL S WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 5.9D) Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 .as +a..«aa +a- aa+ +aa DESCRIPTION OF STUDY *aaaaaaaaaaaaaa +araaaaaaaa ** ENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER F* 0100 C *aPROPOSED CONDITIONS aaaaaaaaaraaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + +aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ +aaaaaaaa +aaaaa + +a+ + +aa FILE NAME: 846100.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 16:02 03/27/2008 --------------------------------------------- --- ------ ----- ---- ------- - - - - -- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.90 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = .0.500' ' 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT - 100.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.100 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5900 - J RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES 'USER-DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 =30 0 0.0 = 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: _C!aes200 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET ..z as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) _= _____________ 2.,(Depth)- *(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN _ , OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* ' aaaaa +aaaa aaaaaa +aaaaaraaa a aaaaaaaaa + +aa+ «aaa + +ar+ «raa +aaaaaaaaa +aaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 1.10 IS CODE - 21 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 350.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< _°___°=°=== s------------------------------- -------- --------------- -- --- --- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM , DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.23 TC = K *((LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 2.65 TC = 0.303 *[( 350.00 * *3) /( 2.65)] * *.2 = 8.383 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 200.00 , t 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.707 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 13.76 A- DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.19 ' » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.31 .ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = 0.303 *[( 200.00**3) /( 1.31)) * *.2 = 6.898 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.15 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 7.524 TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8890 7.15 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B"' UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.34 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.88 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.20 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 1.34 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE— 4.62 TC = 0.303 *[( 700.00 * *3) /(. 4.62)]* *.2 = 11.369 as aaaaaaaa +aaaaaa +raa+ +aaaaa aaaaaa +a+ aaaaa + + +arraaa +aaa + +aa ++ +aaaaaaaa +aaaa -- FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 2.00 TO NODE 210 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------- » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< • NIX, �'a4 'J"'1j."uS y i . [ , 4e 1!h 4atso(1846100.RES r< x� ;; _C!aes200 - -FLOW - - - -- -3_00 - -IS ------- ------- - - - - -- - »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ..z °------°____°---------- - --- --------------°__ _______________= ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM _= _____________ DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 _ , TC = K *[( LENGTH* *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) **.2 ' UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 104.53 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 350.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.10 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 103.88 TC = 0.303 *[( 475.00 * *3) /( 3.43)) * *.2 9.562 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.206 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.23 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8870 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 2.65 TC = 0.303 *[( 350.00 * *3) /( 2.65)] * *.2 = 8.383 , t 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.707 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ 2.50 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.76 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8878 N » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" .ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.15 TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 TOTAL ARFA(ACRES). =.. 1.20 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.15 r ++ aaa+ aaaaa + + +a + + + + + + +aa+ +aaa +r + + + + +raara+ rasa + +a + +aaaaaaaaaaaaa+ PROCESS FROM NODE TO NODE 3_10 +aaaaaaaaa = 21 - -FLOW - - - -- -3_00 - -IS ------- ------- - - - - -- - »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< -CODE ------------------ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM .. DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 _ , INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 475.00 ' UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 104.53 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.10 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 3.43 TC = 0.303 *[( 475.00 * *3) /( 3.43)) * *.2 9.562 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.206 6A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8870 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 13.76 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ 2.50 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.76 i + +iaaaaiaaa +rata +aaaaaaa +aaaiaaaaaa+ aaaaaa +aaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaa+aaaaaaaa FLOW. PROCESS FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.10 IS ---- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +aaaaa CODE - 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ' .ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 700.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.88 \ ELEVATION DIFFERENCE— 4.62 TC = 0.303 *[( 700.00 * *3) /(. 4.62)]* *.2 = 11.369 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.603 ' COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8858 SOIL CLASSIFICATION "IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ 6.95 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.40 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.95 aaaaaaa +aa +a + + +a «a «« +aaaa +'aaa + ++ aaaa +aaaaaaar +aar +aaa +aaaaaaa «aa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.10 TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 1 » » >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE « « <' TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 ' CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDFPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.37 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 5.60 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE _ 6.95 ++ +aaaaa + + +aa +aaaa +a +a + ++ aaa + +a ++ aaaaaaa +a ++ aaaa .aaaaaa ++ +++ +aaaa ++ +aaa +aaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.20:TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 21 »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT'IS COMMERCIAL TC =-K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 �� P INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 560.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.93 Printed: 312712008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 3/27/2008 4:02:18 PM PM Page 1 of 4 1 Printed: 3127/2008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 312712008 4:02:18 PM PM Page 2 of 4 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.88 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 4.05 TC = 0.303 *[( 560.00 * *3) /( 4.05)) * *.2 = 10.210 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.971 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8866 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.29 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.29 iii # #ataaai+ii + +aaaaaaaatttaaaa#+ rasa+++ iiiaaaaa +ta +a+a+aa +a + #++tta«ataaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.10 TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 1 --'-""'---------------------------- --'------------------------------------ »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< _» » >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED _ STREAM _VALUES<<<«_____ TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.21 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 5.97 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.29 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** ' STREAM RUNOFF TC INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) (ACRE) 1 6.95 11.37 5.603 1.40 2 5.29 10.21 5.971 1.00 aaaa #a aaaaaaaa +aara#aia # +aaa #aa WARNING * * *a +ataaa + +rf taa +aaa +aaa +aaaa +aaa IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC6WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D -1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS'FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. # aaaa++ aaaaaaaatiiiiaa # +aaaaaaaaaaa#aaa+ tai + + « #a +aiaara +ttaaariaa +rr +aaaa+ RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) 1 11.53 10.21 5.971 2 11.92 11.37 5.603 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 11.92 Tc(MIN.) = 11.37 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.40 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.10 = 700.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.00 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = 21 ___________________________________ ___________ __________________ » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 240.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 \ ` 1 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION =, 98.57 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93 ^l ((J '1'C = 0.303 *[( 240.00 * *3) /( 3.93)] * *.2 = 6.178 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 8.030 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8896 . SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.71 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.71 +taa« aaaa +aaaaa +a##af aa++ taataaaaa+«# iiiaa +aaarr#a #taaaaaaa #a + +taaar FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.10 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = +aaaa + ++ 1 -""--"""------------------------------"'------------------------------ »» >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE« «< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 6.18 Printed: 312712008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 312712008 4:02:18 PM PM Page 3 of 4 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 6.03 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.71 a +ata aa # ata++ aaa# r+ a++ r##+++ rfa+++++ a##+ aaaaaa + +aa #aaaaaaa +aaa #artaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.20 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = 21 _____________________________________________ _______________ ________ ____ _ ___ » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 450.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.57 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93 TC = 0.303 *[( 450.00 * *3) /( 3.93)) * *.2 = 9.008 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 6.428 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8874 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS).= 5.13 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ 0.90 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.13 + raa +# aaaa + +a #ataaaaaiaa + +aaa +atara ++ aaaa# #+ aaaa +a + + + +a #aaaaa#aaaaaaaiaaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.10 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = 1 - - - - -- » » >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< » » >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) - 9.01 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 6.43 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = •0.90 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.13 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) (ACRE) 1 0.71 6.18 8.030 0.10 2 5.13 9.01 6.428 0.90 ++ a++ a+ a+ t++# t+ t# a##+ a++# i++ aaa## WARNINGtaaa #r +a +aarta +a#iaaaaaa#aaaaraa ++ IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC6WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D -1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. + ttata#+ +«ti +taa + # #att#aa #ttaa + +traa + ++ raa + + #f tataaai+aaakrataaaaaa#aaaasa RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF, _ Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) 1 4.24 6.18 8.030 2 5.71 9.01 6.428 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.71 Tc(MIN.) = 9.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 5.20 TO NODE 5.10 = 450.00 FEET. END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 TC(MIN.) = 9.01 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.71 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Printed: 3127/2008 4:03:02 PM PM Modified: 3/27/2008 4:02:18 PM PM Page 4 of 4 ��r(. G�1. �rtsx184610R.RES +aa * +a+r aaa TIONAL+ METHOD+ HYDROLOGY + COMPU TER aPROGRAMaBASEDaON + + ++a + ++ + + ++a RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC &WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 5.9D) Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ZD 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ' EISENHOWER AMBULATURY CENTER * ROOF DRAINAGE + 010 aaaa +aaaaaa +aaaa aaa+ aaaaaa+ aaaaaa +iara +aaa +aa +aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ++ +aaa +aaaa FILE NAME: 84610R.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 16:00 03/26/2008 _____________________________________________ __________ _______________ _ _ ____ USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: _____________________________________________ _______________ __________ _ _ _ ___ USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.90 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) - 0.500 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 1.170 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE - 0.5900 RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES 'USER- DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW-DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth) *(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT +FT /S) 'SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.' + aaaa+ aaaaaaaaaaa +a +a + + + + + +aaaaaaaaaaa +a +a ++ aaaaaaa +a + +ar + + +aarraaa +aaaaaaa+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 11.00.TO NODE 11.10 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * -3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE))* *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 60.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.13 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.87 TC = 0.303 *[( 60.00 -*3) /( 1.87)] * *.2 3.120 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.59 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 0.13 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.59 aaaaaaaaaa+ aaaaaaa +a + +aa aarrraaaraaaaaaa+ aaaaa +aaaaaa +r+a+ aaaaaa +aaa ++ +aaaa+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 12.00 TO NODE 12.10 IS CODE = 21 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/2612008 4:00:17 PM PM Page 1 of 5 �.�z��pwg�. -'°'�""Ta` - .'vs^'�"'- ,�,W,- +�.'.�„�.w =1x4H' :'• s - :c.'�'�' o'F,I!,l�"' r �' ', y . �.� » »'RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< _-_____________==__==== = = = = ==== = = = == = = = = = = == == = = = = = = == ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH + *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH $5.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.28 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.72 TC = 0.303 *[( 55.00 *'3) /( 1.72)] + -.2 = 3.011 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.54 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.12 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.54 aaaaaa+++ +ar + + + + + +r + +x +a +xxx *xxxxxxa + + ++ +art + + ++ aa+aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 13.00 TO NODE 13.10 IS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE = 21 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< , ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] *'.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 30.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION - 99.06 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.94 TC = 0.303 *[( 30.00 * *3) /( 0.94)1 * *.2 = 2.362 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8846 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.22 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _, 0.05 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.22 a +a +raa + ++ aaaaaa+ +.aaa +a+ +aaa +aaaaaaraaaa +a +aa +aaaaa +aaaaaaaaaaaara FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 14.00 TO NODE 14.10 IS ------------------ +aa +raaaa CODE = 21 ---------------------- ------------------------------------ » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ' ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) - *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 55.00 ' UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.28 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE _ . 1.72 TC = 0.303 -[( 55.00 - *3)/( 1.72)) * *.2 3.011 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.68 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ 0.15 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.68 as + + +ar ++ aaaaaa ++ aaaaa+ aa+ aaaaaar +raaaaaaa + +aaaar + +aarrrra FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 15.00 TO NODE 15.10 IS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +a +aaaa+ +aaaa+ +aaa CODE = 21 »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< --- - -__ -- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 80.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE - 2.50 TC = 0.303 *[( 80.00 -*3)/( 2.50)) * *.2 = 3.498 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT - .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.77 Printed: 3126/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3126/2008 4:00:17 PM PM Page 2 of 5 • TOTAL AREA(ACRES) - 0.17 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.77 aaaaa •a•«a•a.aa•aaaaaa + + +a +aa + + + + + +aa :r +rat +aa aaaa +a +aaaaaaa + +arraaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 16.00 TO NODE 16.10 IS CODE = 21 -------------------------------------- _ ------------------------------------- » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *((LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 50.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.44 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE - 1.56 TC = 0.303 *[( 50.00 * *3) /( 1.56)] * *.2 = 2.900 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" - - SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.36 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.36 + aaaaa+ aaaaaa+ a+ aarrrrraa +a +aa +r +a + +++a +aa +rr+aa «aaa +aaaaa +a +aaaaa +a + + + + + +aa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 17.00 TO NODE 11.10 IS CODE - 21 --------------------------------------------- ----- ----- -------- ---- -- --- -- -- » »>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)]* *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 25.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = . 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.22 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.78 TC - 0.303 *(( 25.00* *3) /( 0.78)] **.2 = 2.198 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.07 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.07 r+raaaraarra+raa+ aaaaaa + + ++a +aarrrraaaaar+ +aaaa+ +aaa +aaaaa + +aa + + + + +a + ++ +aaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 18.00 TO NODE 18.10 IS CODE = 21 » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 30.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.06 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.94 TC = 0.303 *[( 30.00 * *3) /( 0.94)] * *.2 = 2.362 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" - SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0,07 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 0.01 aaaa+ aaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaarraaaaaa+ +aaaa+ +aaa+ +aaaa +aaaaaa +aa +arr + + ++ +aaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE _19.00 TO NODE 19.10 IS CODE = 21 » »>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< - -------_____-'- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 35.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.90 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.10 TC = 0.303 *(( 35.00 * *3) /( - 1.10)] * *.2 = 2.510 Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:00:17 PM PM ', C�a�s2001�[#oepatsoc184610R RES'. x > ..............,:_ w COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT - .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D ". SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ -40.14 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 0.14 aaa+ aaaa + +aa+ aaaa +aaaaa.+a «.aaaaaaaaaaa««« aaaaaa •aaaaaaaaaa«aaaaa««aaaaaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 20.00 TO NODE 20.10 IS CODE = 21 » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS« «< --- - -_ - -- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 35.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.90 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.10 TC = 0.303 *[( 35.00 * *3) /( 1.10)] * *.2 = 2.510 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.14 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) ° 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.14 a « «« aaa +a + + +a+aaaaaaaaaaaa+ aaaa +aaaaaaaaaa+ aaaaa +aaaaa +aaa«aaaaa.aaaaraaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 21.00 TO NODE 21.10 IS CODE = 21 »» >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE))* *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 30.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.06 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.94 TC = 0.303 *[( 30.00 * *3) /( 0.94)] **.2 = 2.362 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.05 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 0.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 0.05 + + +ar aaa + :r +aaaaaaraa+ +aaaa + « + + +aaarrraa « «arr +aaaaaa +aaa +aaaa +r+aaaaaaaraaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE ,22.00 TO NODE 22.10 IS CODE = 21 --------------------------------------------- »» >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ' ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL . TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)]* *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 50.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.44 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.56 TC = 0.303 *(( 50.00 * *3) /( 1.56)]'•.2 = 2.900 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT - .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.18 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.18 a + + ++ +aaaaa+ ++a **aaaaaaa +++ a« +aaa. +aaaa aaaaa + « +a + +aaaaaaaaaaara + +«+aa+a FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE *23 00 TO NODE 23.10 IS CODE - 21 » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS« «< = ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL ' TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 Page 3 of 5 Printed: 3/2612008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:00:17 PM PM Page 4 of 5 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 55.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION - ..100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.28 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.72 TC = 0.303 *.[( 55.00 * *3) /( 1.72)] * *.2 = 3.011 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.45 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.45 } ti+ tta+ i + +a + #+t + + + ++aiaaaitaakit } +at #a# tat+ ttaa #t +i +itt +ii +ttaaaa + + #attaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 24.00 TO NODE 24.10 IS CODE = 21 ------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------- »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH* *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 60.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION - 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.13 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.87 TC = 0" 303 *[( 60.00 * *3) /( 1.87))* *.2 = 3 "120 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.14 . TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 0.14 +____________________________________________ ___________ _________ _______ _ __y I ELEVATIONS FROM GRADING PLAN - I I I I +------------------------------------------------------- =-------- ----- -- - - -+ a+ at #}a +aa +aa +artiaa +aaaattt+ tat +aaa + +a +a #a # +ttt + +a +t #t + + + +ta +rata +} +aaa+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 25.00 TO NODE 25.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC - K *[(LENGTH* *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 45.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION - 102.72 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.17 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 0.55' TC = 0.303 *[( 45.00* *3) /( 0.55)] **.2 = 3.353 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 5.068 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8927 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" " SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.18 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 0.18 BNU OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TC(MIN.) = 5.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 0.18 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Printed: 3126120084:05:33 PM PM Modified: 312612008 4:00:17 PM PM Page 5 of 5 • * + +a*a* * *** +RATIONAL +METHOD *HYDROLOGY *COMPUTER +PROGRAM *BASED *ON * * * * * * * * * * * ** RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC &WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 5.9D) Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: ' RBF Consulting. . 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 r +a«aa #a +aaa +a + + +r +a +ira+ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * *EISENHOWER- AMBULATORY CENTER * ROOF DRAINAGE + ! 0100 + �t _mar*. ++ + +a ± +ai +aai +araa + +aaia+ aaa + + + « + + +riaaaaaa + +aa + *raii +i «aaa +tr +a + + « «+ FILE NAME: 846100R.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 16:02 03/26/2008 ____________________________________________________________________________ USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: _____________________________________________ _______ __ ____________ ___ _______ USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.90 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.500 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) 2.100 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.100 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5900 - - I RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C"-VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER- DEFINED STREET- SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: 'CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR N0. (FT) (FT) SIDE'/ SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0. 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth - 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth)-(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* a + aaaa++ aa** i+ aarrr + +iaa + + + +rar + ++ + +aaaaaar *iai +aaa + +a +aa + +ra + +a+ +aaa +r ++ *FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 11.00 TO NODE 11.10 IS CODE = 21 7» »RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 60.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.13 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE - 1.87 TC = 0.303 *[( 60.00* *3) /( 1.87)] **,2 = 3.120 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ . 1.06 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.13 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.06 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE *12 }00 TO NODE 12.10 IS CODE = 21 _____________________________________________ ____________ ____________ _______ Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:02:41 PM PM M RX, �aK��Ct�.a.wes20it0,MEN 011,E:S .:. »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< ------------------===== === ------ ______________________ ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *((LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)]--.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 55.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.28 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.72 TC = 0.303 *[( 55.00 * *3) /( 1.72)] * *.2 = 3.011 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.98 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.12 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.98 L # + ++ +aaaa* + ++t # +++ tail +ii++ tali +a# aaa+ iiii t+ # #arrtaaaar ++aaaat +tiaiaaaa+aaa __FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 13.00 TO NODE 13.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)]--.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 30.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.06 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.94 TC = 0.303 *[( 30.00 * *3) /( 0.94)) * +.2 = 2.362 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8907 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.41 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.05 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.41 + a+# aa++++ iirra++++++ i+# a#+ a++++ ara+ iaaaaa+ aaaai + +aaii # + +a #aaaiaaa+ataaaaaat FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 14.00 TO NODE 14.10 IS CODE = 21 ____________________________________________________________________________ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * +.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 55.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.28 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.72 TC = 0.303 *[( 55.00 * +3) /( 1.72)] * *.2 = 3.011 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.22 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.15 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.22 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 15.00 TO NODE 15.10 IS CODE = 21 ____________________________________________________________________________ » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 80.00 UPSTREAM'ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 2.50 TC = 0.303 *[( 80.00 + *3) /( 2.50)]* *.2 = 3.498 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.39 Page 1 of 5 Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:02:41 PM PM Page 2 of 5 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.39 aaaa +aaaaaaaa +aa + ++ aaa+ aiaaa. aaaa + # #aiaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +aaasaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 16.00 TO NODE 16.10 IS CODE = 21 _________________________________ _________________ ______________ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *((LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA.FLOW- LENGTH = 50.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = . 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.44 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.56 TC = 0.303 *[( 50.00* *3) /( 1.56)] * *.2 = 2.900 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL. DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.65 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 0.08 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.65 aaaiaa i+ ara «aa.aawaaa + +rraaia + +aa+aaaaa+ aaa + +a #aaaaaa +aaaari +aaa +r}ria + +ra+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 17.00 TO NODE 17.10 IS CODE = 21 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 25.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.22 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.78 TC = 0.303 *[( 25.00 * *3) /( 0.78)] * *.2 = 2.198 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.12 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.12 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 18.00 TO NODE 18.10 IS CODE = 21 ------------- _-------------------------------------------------- » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH - 30.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.06 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.94 TC - 0.303 *(( 30.00 * *3) /( 0.94)) * *.2 = 2.362 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.12 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) - 0.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = U.12 + # }aai #t #awa+ aaa++++« aaaiaa+ a+«« aaaaa++ a« at+ r + +rraa + # #aa + ++ +iaa + +traa +taaaa+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 19.00 TO NODE 19.10 IS CODE = 21 » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC - K *[( LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION'CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 35.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.90 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.10 TC - 0.303 *(( 35.00 * *3) /( 1.10)] * *.2 2.510 Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:02:41 PM PM Page 3 of 5 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) - 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 0.24 ............. aaa.aaaa...aa .+ aa. aaaar. is +.aaaa + + + + FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 20.00 TO NODE 20.10 IS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :aaaia.aa +..raaaaaaaa CODE = 21 » » >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 35.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.90 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.10 TC = 0.303 *[( 35.00++3)/( 1.10)] * *.2 = 2.510 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 as + + +ttaaa+ +.aaa + # #a # +a #... aaa+... taraaaaaaaaa + +aaaa.araaaa#aaaa.aa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 21.00 TO NODE 21.10 IS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +a+ *..a. CODE = 21 »» >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 30.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 99.06 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.94 TC = 0.303 *[( 30.00 * *3) /( 0.94)] * *.2 = 2.362 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.08 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.08 + tii+ t+} aa++ k# iitaaaa+ a++#+ aiii+++a aa+ raa.♦ aaai + +aa+t +aataaair#karaatiaaaaa. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 22.00 TO NODE 22.10 IS ____________________________________________________________________________ CODE = 21 » »>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) **.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 50.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.44 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.56 TC = 0.303 *(( 50.0n * *3)/( 1.56)] * *.2 = 2.900 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098' COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 0.04 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 ata + + #raa + + +ar +araaaa+ aaa + +a« aaa++ raaa+# aa..as + +aaaaaraaaaar. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 23.00 TO NODE 23.10 IS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +aa.aaaaa +agar CODE = 21 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS ««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:02:41 PM PM Page 4 of 5 « «« « «aaaa+ + + + +aaaaa +aa + + + + +aaaa+ + ++ +aaa ++ +aaa + « « « « + ++ ++ +aaa «aa + + +a +aa +a « «aa .FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 24.00 TO NODE 24.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 60.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 - DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.13 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.87 TC = 0.303 *[( 60.00 * *3) /( 1.87)) * *.2 = 3.120 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 - - - -" COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 « aaa+ aria+ aaa+ a+ as + + +aa «aaaaaa+ + +aaaaaa+ + + +a +aa+ +aaa++ +a +aaa + + +a FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 25.00 TO NODE 25.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM . DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 45.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.72 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.17 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.55 TC = 0.303 *[( 45.00 * *3) /( 0.55)) * *.2 = 3.353 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL' AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TC(MIN.) = 5.00 PERK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 0.33 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:07:41 PM PM Page 5 of 5 �r��������s�� C1aesZ001Ury�sfflraf 46.100R�RES r�� .;, INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 55.00 ' UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.28 - ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.72 TC = 0.303 *[( 55.00 * *3) /( 1.72)] * *.2 = 3.011 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 - COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.81 TOTAL AREA(ACRES). = 0.10 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.81 « «« « «aaaa+ + + + +aaaaa +aa + + + + +aaaa+ + ++ +aaa ++ +aaa + « « « « + ++ ++ +aaa «aa + + +a +aa +a « «aa .FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 24.00 TO NODE 24.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH = 60.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 100.00 - DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.13 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 1.87 TC = 0.303 *[( 60.00 * *3) /( 1.87)) * *.2 = 3.120 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 - - - -" COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 « aaa+ aria+ aaa+ a+ as + + +aa «aaaaaa+ + +aaaaaa+ + + +a +aa+ +aaa++ +a +aaa + + +a FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 25.00 TO NODE 25.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM . DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 45.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.72 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.17 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 0.55 TC = 0.303 *[( 45.00 * *3) /( 0.55)) * *.2 = 3.353 COMPUTED TIME OF CONCENTRATION INCREASED TO 5 MIN. 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 9.098 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8958 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "D" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL' AREA(ACRES) = 0.04 TC(MIN.) = 5.00 PERK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 0.33 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Printed: 3/26/2008 4:05:33 PM PM Modified: 3/26/2008 4:07:41 PM PM Page 5 of 5 • « « «aa +aa « « + +*RAA IONAL «METHOD'HYDROLOGY« COMPU TER *PROGRAM «BASED «ONa +a +*aaaaaa +a RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL 6 WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational .Tabling Version 5.9D) Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 a+aa aa+ _ as +*•aaaa+ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY as a+ +aaaaaa +aaaa + +aa+a * EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTTER -_ + NUISANCE FLOWS - * +2- *ERA a a aaa+ aaaa+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + +aaaaaaraa +aa +aa +a+ +aaaaaa +raaa + +a+ +a FILE NAME: 84602.DAT TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:51 03/28/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 2.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.90 2 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 0.500 100 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR PRECIPITATION(INCH) = 2.100 ,COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 2.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 0.500 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.5900 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C "- VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER- DEFINED STREET - SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET- CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER - GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT - /PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) �(n) 1 30.0 = =20 0 0.018/Oc018/0.020 0.67 2.G0 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth ° 0.00 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth)-(Velocity) Constraint = 6.0 (FT *FT /S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* aaaa +aaa+ aaaaaa ++aaaaara+aa +aaaaaa + + +a +aa aaaaaa ++ + +a +ar +*aaaa ++ *aaaaaa +*aaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1.00 TO NODE 1.10 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *((LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 200.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.19 ELEVATION.DIFFERENCE = 1.31 TC = 0.303 *(( -200.00 * *3) /( 1.31)) * *.2 = 6.898 2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.792 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8660 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) 0.31 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.20 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.31 aaaaaaaaaaaaa+ + +a ++ *aaaaaa +aa+ +a aaaa. aaa+ a•a +aaaaaaa+aaa +a• + +aaaaaaaaaaa +aaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 2.00 TO NODE 2.10 IS CODE = 21 » » >RATZONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< Nut 5A '7a N �Rta2 Flows • Printed: 31281200811:52:55 AM AM . Modified: 31281200811:51:15 AM AM Page 1 of 4 1P 1 tls ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC - K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATI0N CHANGE)) * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 350,.00 .UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 103.88 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.23 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 2.65 TC = 0.303*[( 350.00 * *3) /( 2.65)) * *.'2 = 8.383 ...2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR), = 1.597 .. COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT - .8643 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF.(CFS) 1.66 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.20 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) -= 1.66 , ++ +*aaaaaa ++ +aaa +tar +*aaaa +a ++ rasa + +•+ aaa +a•raaaa +aaaaa+aaaaaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE .,3.00 TO NODE 3.10 IS ____________________________________________________________________________ +.•+aaaa. ++ CODE = 21 »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM •, DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC ='K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)) * *.2 ' INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 475.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 104.53 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION,- 101.10 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.43 TC = 0.303 *[( 475.00 **3) /( .3.43)] * *.2 = 9.562 2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.478 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT - .8627 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) 2.50 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.19 + aaaa +a + +aaaaar+ +aaaa + ++ aaaaaa + +araaaaaar +aaaa +a +aaaa +a FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.10 IS ____________________________________________________________________________ +aaaaaa+ +aaaaaaaaaaaa CODE = 21 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC - K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 700.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.88 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4.62 TC 0.303*[( 700.00 * *3) /( 4.62)) * *.2 - 11.369 2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.334 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8604 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.61 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.40 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) 1.61 + + +a +a + +aa + +aa + aaaa +aaaa+** ++ aaaa: +aaaa+ + +• +aaaaaa +aaaa+* FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.10 TO NODE 4.10 IS -------------------------------------------- + +a+aaaaaaaaaaaaa CODE = 1 -------------------------------- »» >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE« «< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.37 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 1.33 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.61 +aaa ++ ++ +aaa ++ aaa+ aaa + + + + ++ aaa++ aaaraaaaaa +as + + + *aaaa+aaaa +aaa+aaaaaa+ aaaaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.20 TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *[(LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 560.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 101.93 Printed: 31281200811:52:55 AM AM Modified: 31281200811:51:15 AM AM Page 2 of 4 r s �, ;�� r C!aes2001V]yli�ftY�sod8. S, ; , DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 97.88 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 4.05 TC = 0.303 *(( 560.00 * *3) /(. 4.05)] * *.2 = 10.210 2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.422 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = -.8618 , SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.23 ++ + +raaaaaa #aaa ++a+a +a aaaaaaaaaaa raaaa #a.a aar + + +a. +a ++ +aaar +aa + + +a + +raaaa FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 4.10a TO NODE 4.10 IS CODE = 1 _____________________________________________ _________ ___ _____ ____ ____ ______ » » >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE « «< » » >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED. STREAM VALUES « «< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT, STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.21 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 1.42 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.23 ** CONFLUENCE DATA +* STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.61 11.37 1.334 1.40 2 1.23 10.21 1.422 1.00 +aaar +aaaaaaa +aaaaaf+a aa+ aaaaaaaWp� ,�INGaaaaaa+aar +aa +aaaaaar +aaa + ++ +aaa ++ IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D -1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. as +aaaaaaaaaaa+aaaaaa +aa aaa + + + + +rar +aaaaaarraaaa +a# +aaaaa +aaa + + ++ +aaaaa +aa RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. . ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) 1 .2:67 10.21 1.422 2 2.76 11.37 1.334 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) _ 2.76 Tc(MIN.) = 11.37 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.40 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 4.00 TO NODE 4.10 = 700.00 FEET. aaaaaaa +aaaaaaat +aa aaa +araaafa +aaa +ar #a+ aaa :+ aaaaa# # + #a+r+ +i +taa +r #raarr +ara FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE .5.00 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = 21 » »> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS « «< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *((LENGTH * *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL-SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 240.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = 102.50 ' DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 90.57 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93, - TC = 0.303 *(( 240.00 * *3) /( 3.93)] * *.2 - 6.178 2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 1.912 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .8681 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.17 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.10 ' TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.17 aaaa+ +aaaf +aa+ aaa+ rasa+ a +aa + + + +aa + +ara +aaaaaaaraaaaaa +a #aaa aarararaaa +a +ra FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.10 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE = 1 -__--------..____________________________________ __________ ____ ________ _ _ __ __ »» >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 6.18 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 1.91 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) 0.10.. .PEAK FLOW.RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.17 aaarraaaa# araaaaaaaaaaaa+ aaataaaaaraaat #ar +.aaaraaaraaaaa.. ++.ra FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.20 TO NODE 5.10 IS CODE - 21 ___________________________________ ________ _____ _____ _____ ______ »»> RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< . ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT IS COMMERCIAL TC = K *((LENGTH! *3) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] * *.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH = 450.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION = ' 102.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION = 98.57 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE = 3.93 TC = 0.303 *[( 450.00 * *3) /( 3.93)] * *.2 = 9.008 2 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) - 1.531 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF COEFFICIENT - .8634 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "B" SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ 0.90 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ - 1.19 as +at + + #raa +a +a +aaa +a+arra +aaa as + +a ++ +aaa +a a +aaa +aaaa + ++aaaraaaata FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 5.10 TO NODE 5`10 a IS CODE = 1 »» >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »» >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< ________ _______________________________ _______________________________ TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.01 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 1.53 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.90 , PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.19 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) ,(MIN.) (INCH /HOUR) (ACRE) .1 0.17 •6:18 1.912 0.10 2 1.19 9.01 1. 531 0.90 a +aaaaaa +r aaaa +aaa ++ a+ aaa +WAIyNING *aa a,a aaaa +aaaaaiaaafraaaaaaaaa +aaa IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFCSWCD FORMULA OF PLATE D -1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF,PEAK FLOW. a+ aaaaa +a + +ar +rasa ++t+ +aaa # +aaarraaaa aaaaaa +raaaaaaaa+aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaara RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR ** PEAK FLOW RATE -TABLE ! + STREAM RUNOFF Tc ' NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) 1 0.98 6.18 2 1.32 .. 9.01 OF CONCENTRATION RATIO 2 STREAMS. INTENSITY (INCH /HOUR) 1.912 1.531 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CF5) = 1.32 Tc(MIN.) = 9.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 5.20 TO NODE ..5.10 = 450.00 FEET. END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 TC(MIN.) = 9.01 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS). = 1.32 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Printed: 31281200811:52:55 AM AM Modified: 31281200811:51:15 AM AM Page 3 of 4 I Printed: 31281200811:52:55 AM AM Modified: 31281200811:51:15 AM AM Page 4 of 4 • • I I* . .. APPENDIX B • Street Capacities: FlowMaster Output • Roof Lateral Connector Pipes: FlowMaster Output Catch Basin Calculations: HELE -1 Output • Hydraulics- Private Storm Drain Main Lines: WSPG Output C`J � 0 I_I -11 I -11I -1 I.I 1 =1 11= Ln m u C� Ln C-) CD =1 �- III =III =1 m W I= CD rl m U P\ c / I m O r n� V J � 7 I i 1 r' f f i 1 } 4 . 1 tt t t 't 4 � v I ,l C� 'j�Ijo ' W IT• I CD C n O 'Ef::JJ � v I (SECTTIONWAV 1.0.0 • ri. }s y - 11 Pro ect, Desen tl o TZ p :i8 "..�..�.�".e�,Y��� ..:.��.,.e`..�A r��:�' �+r..eitt a''if a<i a�a �,��,:.?rru�', ta,� �i°"y�..,r `i-�` �' �•,. - .4T u: x ii ,�e��S: � �.. ,8 ' Friction Method Manning Formula 8A, :4;�= (f 1I60A 2 1 Q�� Solve For Normal Depth Ill Ut =aData °�`x >ss��3�:r ya r>ttrtaz; a7 z� ys .z�r."x.3ts , , -i; ION- Ell +.�uts� � �,i<~:.��s w..:�..ra =� � � - '� "��.:''auE Channel Slope L-.o06bo,fA Discharge �5. 30,-s,'ft'%s Section Definitions � 0 1+00.00 100.84 1 +00.00 100.34 -p ` 1 +24.00 100.10 s'0 2 (a11�2LAiV�J �.�. 1 +24.00 100.08 �A 1 +26.00 100.00 F 046 r. 1+26.00 100.50VJ Roughness Segment Definitions (1 +00.00, 100.84) (1 +26.00, 100.50) 0.016 Results g Of IMIM 11 Normal Depth 0.33 ft Elevation Range 100.00 to 100.84 ft Flow Area 3.21 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 25.27 ft Top Width 24.92 ft Normal Depth 0.33 ft Critical Depth 0.31 ft Vx _ v� 5 4 T Critical Slope 0.00774 ft/ft Velocity 1.65 fus Velocity Head 0.04 ft Specific Energy 0.37 ft Froude Number 0.81 RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/27/2008 2:25:29 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 2 • SECTION A A Q100 ' � �`i'�S � # �""�i�c �' ``':i*'��. "5�'�" a '"� x'zt `:�`•r n , x r 3,.`""% .. . t �- ?�.'.!+ rv<r� -;t Results >�h� �''�c� x�� Y yt,�Srtt z.., �y £� }Y��. ��s�, a;,,}� '^`'�'�`���•(���� � � °, �_...�__ e��`� �' � �� '� ' a, ,b� � }*. 5;..: ��::. L�M��.:. �,;:. Rr z��" s __;..- •v'A..�`���.stt�..'�:::cv x'c��.' R;�•�, ���,?ea�1�^�„aic��:sg���, 7��i'�g6 .�f�,p7�` ��_;,.�r� .�as. �; �s 'bar�_kr'«� Flow Type Subcritical ¢^�`^'.'°?'°.� ',s-� - MKS ..' e; t,`;,�,..., .��; ar•-^r -^ '.' "T�'*" ,��'' ,`a'� . �i_.� _ �y.�,_ r_� c- '�3F?a' s�'�ys�ai zi$,:;�?yi �i`�.��sb� s� rte' "�''�n�* ..�''t�+di,a Y� k. �.:. z�s s ?�h�,�. -��t 3���s`c� ss�r.�: W -�;� `�r -.•-0 Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length; 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GOR a;� 4,, mss, mss,. Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft. Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.33 ft Critical Depth 0.31 ft Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00774 ft/ft RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/27/2008 2:25:29 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 I• t: SECTION A -A Q100 "i� :fY rrm. �".� 'F `S` �.��� Project Descnptlon ..:,.�..t ..z. ,..�;•.� v -✓.A.a ,.�.=.�3.:.i �.: ., �A. x, r.. �.: fi: .:.. x '^.x�'Y:.;�::s:�P.3:.��x,...�,: ,.W . saa�:.c.. �•,...,r�i. ��;�..,:L 'v;g kt .Y .....a?'? 2 ` �.:.....<fi::ia{•w'1�: "..:5� Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth ,'�'�Y� ,� .,g? �3. L � 'r'� � 5�' e ��. •,�c �- t ,r�i� ��npUt ®8t s ja r5svn�fi r -t <, ix yu i -'F_`. c.T {4 tf i Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.33 ft Discharge 5.30 W/s 101.00: 100.90: 100.80 100.70: 100.60: 0 100.50: m 100.40 RBF • ' Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/27/2008 2:27:38 PM' 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertowri, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 SECTION-9--0-0106-1 S.`};"F. �` s d� `,, .. 3'q', t6. "^'i .?•.'S'"......�:LtN P[o ec De cRr'iptlon a � r 1 q.77P ��� ���� �. �.. � �"� �� ��� rte, r� Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth i EMr dace w �rxs_m' Y Fl 4 Yz� Channel Slope 0:01290- --•ft/ft �� s D J -tY u7' Discharge 1pb2:68 _ft s/ Qzj", Section Definitions ���' •' s Sfation (ft)� . ; ,� r� �' �" Ele�vafiion (ft) _ - ��_ N Pia 1+00.00 99.24. . . 1+00.00 98.74 .. .. . 1 +02.00 98.87 1+02.00 98.90 1+24.00 98.32 1+24.00 98.30 1+26.00 98.22 1+26.00 98.72 .. Roughness Segment Definitions ,y • `' x Stara z Station � _� "' Ending Statlom Roughness'�oefficerita "- �'�' � (1 +00.00, 99.24) (1 +26.00, 98.72) Normal Depth 0.46 ft Elevation Range 98.22 to 99.24 ft Flow Area 3.30 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 16.15 ft. \ ! AL Top Width 15.66 ft V Normal Depth 0.46 ft Critical Depth 0.52 ft Critical Slope 0.00624 fUft - Velocity 3.66 ft/s Velocity Head 0.21 ft RBF Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center' . Bentley FlowMaster [] ... ,: 3125/2006 4:12:57 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite.200' W Watertowri, CT 06795 -USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page _ 1 of 2 : ' • RBF •' Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 4:12:57 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite`200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 SECTION B -B Q100 • *»steA�xF �' --w�.!•.�- 'sL' Y �., -- •f ".- -< ..........._����",", �t Y Cr dvN 'Resultsv; ,��,'���, � �, ;�,r� � �-�, x. ��.�x,� ��,r��r�• 3F�,�,}� �:�4 �.��"'�,� r {,'"�,_{y,;:s 1 %' i •.. c-'. �u. ��� ......:..:....rr-?'Y''�..:�...s ; G", s3. �. �+ i..e..�...��.tt`�s.`2'J..:.::,:. "�:s"i1�_.�xa.^..i ._:..y..s.�` _,��.h gt3.� £a`m.d^,�,t ,;.{��%7' •i P�°. �3. 41'ri'i� -�'r °i `'� u" „�.•_;g^'4? Specific Energy 0.67 ft Froude Number . 1.41 Flow.Type Supercritical )�'''�"i� `� t 'Xt a.�k e b ri �� P � fi •!}$�i` �+e1i � j: ����y' � Y ` GVF' InputData �� ' -;� z� �"�'�"1' Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft 'Number Of Steps 0 r ” 94P n,,A 5 ni MONSOON Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity. Infinity fUs Normal Depth 0.46 ft Critical Depth 0.52 ft Channel Slope 0.01290 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00624 fUft • • RBF •' Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 4:12:57 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite`200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 SECTION B -B Q100 • o ectDesccl tlon: E �� " �{vs& Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth l �? y j .g.z >s ST T 7 , dry * g ?m T In utData,� �� x r . J �. �.. Pfiq .€� iii L3a ..`..��..mu ti .. �•j,y & ;z, a' .. 4. Xx"'' F�i'7 4k:v".d..Sn.'l�i'*.;.t!�i!.ss�' x.,a°s"t2u�•z....- .3wu...�..r.:.=,:v :.' Channel Slope 0.01290 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.46 ft Discharge 12.08 ft' /s C�O$�S�aa•S�eC.t�0,11 (�g�2 _`��. �. °2 �' p �` �' ' 99.40 99.30 99.20 99.10 99.00 98.90 c ..0— 98.80 > 98.70 u' 98.60 98.50 • 9 98.30 8.40 98.20 98.10 98.00 1 Station RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster ,[08.01.066:001 3/25/2008 4:13:13 PM 27 Siemons, Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT.06795 USA +1 -203- 755 - 1666. 'Page, 1 of 1 . is Iy o p Worksheet for SECTION B= B -MA-X- FLOW =IN =EAST CURB 110 �eCtvDescripfiom���Y Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Discharge L�lltSID4 etai�?� •< �r,rrSY jaav'�:.n _ } `'.r...L Channel Slope 0.01290. ft/ft Normal Depth 0.16 ft Section Definitions 1+00.00 1 +00.00 1+02.00 1+02.00 Roughness Segment Definitions 99.24 98.74 98.87 . . 98.90 (1 +00.00, 99.24) (1 +02.00, 98.90) 0.016 ResultS - -- Discharge 0.39 W/s Elevation Range 98.74 to 99.24 ft Flow Area 0.19 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 2.19 ft Top Width 2.00 ft Normal Depth 0.16 ft Critical Depth 0.17 ft Critical Slope 0.00904 ft/ft Velocity 2.06 ft/s Velocity Head 0.07 ft Specific Energy 0.23 ft Froude Number 1.18 Flow Type Supercritical RBF . • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center ' Bentley FlowMaster [08.01.066:00] , 3/25/2008 4:19:58 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page' ' 1 , of . 2' Worksheet for SECTION B -B MAX FLOW IN EAST CURB �?;r�,.�,"���.,�,"tc•t sx� u r *a`3`� m'3� a T : I„�_..."'-t �k �.�.,< <:�,x t T• � �"'x"..`- .�;'��s��" �,.r � . � - GUFf.InputDataS` „sa �'. �r'. x�. cY�..:. �_ a�. �:; � ::t,�..- ....a.r?..�.���.ii:�•� Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 .z. tGUFOut ut ®ata r K,r �ksr;_� , >p-.: �. a_ :a,,•., : � ?;, > � .•, � �..,,�. xn s, ,. � v ., ��r z° Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.16 ft Critical Depth 0.17 ft Channel Slope 0.01290 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00904 fUft • • - ' ' Bentley Systems, Inc.. Haestad Methods Solution Center I Bentley FlowMaster [08.01:066.00] 3125/2008 4:19:58 PM , ' 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 1 Page 2 of 2 Cross Section for SECTION B -B MAX FLOW IN EAST CURB •• � F-�`�a s .s'.zsi�?%°` �s�# ice'= ;...E_n. � ' r .;I� i��""�r }r, y,".`� ,�'^, °'R.t`�...: x z '.''�'"`, �sr' < T''""'s' -�' �" *a ,. >'Y,' � s i-- .. tPro�ect'Descn t1011'�a�r ;M,�,� �r �^ � , rear �� ;i 'S 3-,5 � � ,,�*� � '� a}';��e,� k ��z' *3�„��'��� i'-r ��` Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Discharge ��l Pt,�t �:�.atw�a�y�'_F.., —�F a?a�,�, ,,��,,,,��yy�,�,;,�" as.,�,�.v:.���ae�:.i�:v�?v�� r.' E'�rs�t���i.,d��'� m-°' .,��.,� `�� �?�E ��. ��s e +,..•., -Channel Slope 0.01290 Wit Normal Depth 0:16 ft - -� Discharge 0.39 ,_ft /s - Cro <s?io }Ima9er�ry, K, x El I• 99.40 99.30 99.20 99.10 C O 'ra 99.00 N w 98.90 98.80 98.70 98.60 98.50 RBF 1 +00 1 +01 1 +02 Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [08.01.066:00] 3/25/2008 4:20:18.PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666. Page 1 of 1 I• SECTION .6 C` Q1 -00 "•Cni�'t"` U„c f�R "'p'� '� �'#'2✓ "`� :�y2.,'.".�. i��. , S."''�" ' ,a'"'�� "'.^i^ :Y C ,s ;.r^a Trzd ..,:a Pro eCt Q��SCfl tl0flx�`r�i�� t� # ±���_�� r. = pe3g � '—"•�; Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Discharge 13.-76 ft3 /s Q � A� S p�'f, Section Definitions - 4JU f 1+00.00 100.84 1+00.00 100.34 b 1+24.00 100.10 1 +24.00 100.08 �� 1+26.00 100.00 !r Rgx,t tA% . �� V V A-U 1 +26.00. 100.50 v. U Roughness Segment Definitions (1 +00.00, 100.84) (1 +26.00, 100.50) 0.01.6, Normal Depth 0:43 �ft Elevation Range 100.00 to 100.84 ft Flow Area 5.79 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 26.54 ft Top Width 26.00 ft Normal Depth 0.43 ft 1 '� V Critical Depth 0.41 ft Critical Slope 0.00648 ft/ft Velocity 2.38 ft/s Velocity Head 0.09 ft Specific Energy 0.52 ft Froude Number 0.89 RBF Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/2512008 3:36:34 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of • 2 SECTION C -C Q100 Y' ?],b!` yyS,is mf Miou'gi.i� 1 'lo'{'v`•^..yig3.Z..L.y.;jFyx �3 �...��"Y'ge�sX�-� jt4 ygfY �.T,i'� ' D�''.' '•"p - yi Sh ip ig .t..k ��". �a .h ^.i r'^ fResttlts _.. S� �` •3 MINE" Lax_ sv� aR :•a� a ' �� �"1 _ j r R =•`"'ME � Flow Type Subcritical GvF�ln ut Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 uF� to p�D`ata"�� � x`...��"� ��� ,�• `� �, � �� �� i�� � ��� Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s. Normal Depth 0.43 ft Critical Depth 0.41 ft` Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00648 ft/ft • RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 3:36:34 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 SECTION C QIOO • Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.43 ft Discharge 13.76 ft3/s RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc: Haestad Methods Solution Center. Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 2:22:48 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 101.00' ........ .... ...... .................... . ..... ........... ....... ... ..... . ............. 100.80 . ......... ...... ...... . 100.70" ...... . ...... . ... ...... . ........ .. ... .... . ...... 100.60- C 0 100.50" 100.40' ... ...... . . ........ (> U................. LLu 100.30 1 100.20' ............. ... ........ ..... 7i'-7 • 100.10 ........ . .... ....... . 10000 9990 .... ........ ..... ........ .... .. ........ ............. 99.80 1+0 0 1 -0S 1I10 1 -15 i +20 1 +25 Station RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc: Haestad Methods Solution Center. Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 2:22:48 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 SE�TIONFD= D�Q100 - • ._ 3� ?^,c`�'u.,.�a,�'t� °.�e"•�'a"`h � - ""�i`.:,�F'_ �" � ,'•n�"'" "a"3"` °'S`"'A .�.�n :.^— „-c t "�°#�'Ak” ..r €:v�°^ �'• r^ 4 r „., 1+00.00 ` f GAS i,) ' ') 0 Friction Method Manning Formula 1+29.00 99.92 Solve For Normal Depth V 2. In ut Data4} r "'� Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter 31.50 ft Discharge 177-1,3:80— ftNs""�"^`"'"` 31.00 ft V Section Definitions 0.45 ft Critical Depth 1+00.00 100.76 1 +00.00 100.26' 1+29.00 99.94 1+29.00 99.92 1 +31:00 99.84 1+31.00 100.34 � 0 Roughness Segment Definitions (1 +00.00, 100.76) (1 +31.00, 100.34) 0.016 Normal Depth 0.45 ft Elevation Range 99.84 to 100.76 ft Flow Area 6.21 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 31.50 ft Top Width 31.00 ft V Normal Depth 0.45 ft Critical Depth 0.43 ft Critical Slope 0.00670 fUft Velocity 2.22 ft/s Velocity Head 0.08 ft Specific Energy 0.52 ft Froude Number 0.87' - RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc: Haestad Methods Solution Center . Bentley FlowMaster [] 3127/2008 3:30:25 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 7755 -1666 :Page 1 of 2 SECTION D D Q100 t�z Results T} w 1£ "'�a fr Flow Type Subcritical TOM ,a '� p ux��,.. =.aua s�..,�.�as,•. �•�°L$`� -r, k -. :artf. �t .e nr�.YS"�,•-,� 3's, r Cap. �, Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 mA GAF ®utpuf Data Upstream Depth i 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.45 ft Critical Depth 0.43 ft Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00670 ft/ft RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3127/2008 3:30:25 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203455 -1.666 'Page 2 of 2 SECTION D -D 0100 .. � 'sq�.'Ey'�' �'� =-=� `K' ,"` x'i7 Kc'�'�i"�p•,� Y�.3'�j�..G C's`.�F'^, : TF"u..F . auk ���.F'�°E ?;,�_,x. § `..t�° ,y 4r"'"'..# � i�����i^Y �� � '� '�'' R4k �`�� ni • 8 �'�1 � r 4s Y,>3.� ��'a` aiN & 3.'£,t `fir ..u§ � �, �� `;. 0 � �.wi,. Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Mw'. i �:Cl utData s 3 q r L� s 3 9 l s 5 w y a z jar C€ '�puner� r. ; e.- �2°. ��r.`` i��..i�G.,srx.a'�'F,,.�•%ti��ya ....- _.. .t} y �"'.`y�?*� tti�.2�,..�.�s z ' ��x�.'.'.',„7'srf,��'�.z .�.� Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.45 ft Discharge 13.80 W/s oss� Sectiom � 0 I• 101 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 100 w 100 100 100 99. 99. 99. 99. Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/27/2008 3:30:43 PM .. 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203-755 -1666 Page ' 1 of 1 SECTION- E= E'- °Q100'° �Fro�ect� ®escnptionu,�e =9q����t�' Friction Method Solve For Normal Cepth Q 7I?C -�� v.vR,r: � sY�y• —ys A ��„� Y'�d. �A�C� �� '{��� Ta` ��Ye�Z?' T�i� ✓5^Y^JF.,'g�'���„Y!'�yt�2�i,.,^ 1 i 5� �'� .a��I ��' w�4��� ?�' t` :�. � �.. rb,. xxx,si'y , .8 �,1a.��.,Li"•:s.� r �, 3 :.'�zrx:....,:.' .��w. Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Discharge 7.1.5ft3/s Section Definitions _ -q, � Station (ft °). � -� �� • Elevation (�ft), 1+00.00 100.50 1 +00.00 100.00 S-- i'L vAne ! Cad'r7t le 1 +02.00 100.08. ¢ 1 +02.00 100.1 <- q G F c7 �d (f e `5L 1+25.00 100.33.) 6 1 14 1+25.00 100.83 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station ,r Roughness Goefficienh; �y (1+00.00,100.50) (1 +25.00, 100.83) 0.016,-` Normal Depth 0.35 ft) Elevation Range 100.00 to 100.83 ft Flow Area 3.84 ft2. Wetted Perimeter 25.40 ft Top Width 25.00 ft \/. �o Normal Depth 0.35 ft Critical Depth 0.34 ft Critical Slope 0.00738 ft/ft Velocity 1.86 ft/s Velocity Head 0.05 ft Specific Energy 0.41 ft Froude Number 0.84 RBF "' • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster] 3/2512008 4:30:06 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1. of 2 _ • SECTION E -E L2100 ' . ' ,R @SUMS- �.::.� ..:���a�- �`'`;•����� ������_ �����r �����ff��,��� �`�'t�°�"� Flow Type Subcritical jai tb y'r�.��n 1GVFInput q ,:.:..;;.,.w Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity fUs Upstream Velocity Infinity fUs Normal Depth 0.35 ft Critical Depth 0.34 ft Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00738 fUft • RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 4:30:06 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 .Page '2- of 2 SECTION E -E WOO • �E!�.� � �...: r �, :.x � -=,..3 =�°;i�.,:?:�t �..s�' ".��.��� .3'...;`��er?�yy'�. F .?� �"`' �S' .�,i i?�ny °,?z � �da?''�e. �� � •�. 1° :r._.�'a`��''xa >.�5: �.°� Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth E �° " `'�xi�'Y' i� nput �ata >�¢�.a Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.35 ft Discharge 7.15 W/s • • 1+00 1+05 1+10 1+15 1+20 1+25 Station Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 4:30 :22.PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown; CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page —1 of ' 1 SECTION F -F Q1 . • _ �o tt ®�esc�i ��tion'� ;•5 ; �� �._ "� �, `�� I���'�°.��°"�" Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth • "w'� k �'� y4s6 g i� iiv 'r >'�3s�'" k'rcNM!'r fi��� "�`y4£i'� {'y" - .� `�"-, . ULYJfF' �'' �Data J 2 "4 C" i'P' J3akX. ''&'?'i pj 1,'2` 'i.sb `"$.' -•Eipi v HFe .1* +a..� '. II <IF. xio Channel Slope ,., 0.00500 ft/ft Discharge 7.15 ft3 /s Section Definitions Stat'ion (fY) Elevafiop (ft� 1 +00.00 100.50 1 +00.00 100.00 <— 1+02.00 100.08 1 +02.00 100.10 1 +27.00 100:35 Swpr _ 8Iw 1+27.00 100.85 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness;Coefficiemt (1 +00.00, 100.50) (1 +27.00, 100.85) .0.016 Normal Depth 0.36 ft Elevation Range 100.00 to 100.85 ft Flow Area 3.95 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 27.39 ft Top Width Normal Depth 27.00 ft 0.36 ft VX Critical Depth 0.34 ft Critical Slope 0.00744 ft/ft Velocity 1.81 fUs Velocity Head 0.05 ft Specific Energy 0.41 ft Froude Number 0.83 RBF • .. Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/25/2008 4`.39:52 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA, +1 -203- 755 -1666 .. Page 1 of 2 • SECTION F -F Q100 . '••`2'T"r"°�, s �# tom`" 1-5 s�•�� ��'h.:�" - �;,?' &�E� � t �'r' . _. S.s�"`�'.•,e -i x c4 •'7`a�"'•.rn'.�>+ �,.,,"�._ .,� �u r� i.`C�3&"tff"' , IResults� ?i x rice:5""?% Ts �✓�_ yk�5rc'i 4srw,. • Lf�= z:�:::�..�.,cF..��3.'''...,,'a1 �S`�.5.,_.. � ,..:SF t 'i� ,tti.,���,.�,3,,:;1- C�.:,.u• axt A,a$' ,�o;,¢w „�. �t.',5:�xi .�a^.v..'�€' Y;,,��+�;� 5�4•” t z ,�i� �s ,7',�C,�s'K?_.�'rf- �,��,,,,,�l Flow Type Subcritical Fr, n � f-" - Kx,Y;,� a i, � mss.. >x> . a -r Y Bn � �'1 � � � -a.'r- . �• .;U• �` . rF.� Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope . Critical Slope RBF • 3/25/2008 4:39:52 PM 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.36 ft 0.34 ft 0.00500 ft/ft 0.00744 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center I Bentley FlowMaster [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA . +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 Tea SECTION F -F WOO - R:ia`3TO..,Y',ti•"'73i".v.kFX G gn,. uK'��':�t't�'i' 4.^'. Sri"' L,.T`!!^?"•r`' -4"Ti. ^yC^•^ iPco'ectDescnr�tton tYrsci iiyr f SS��y x.- 'S�:L^ £ .n..a.). Y x by f:t "x,..ii... %L.. -._., ?-•. ,5 Friction *:mb' "fi,�`tcx?a ;,+.>r x E`.Sr^'= ?�'- '.'`.'j.P..?��'���'..,y'.f� v»... kx?5�1_ h�,N: ..„:TY:BU::- .�. - ?•� Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth r r *y , 'Ss ��r1pUt ®ata s errs J�§�7 n 4s r z ks x � rc h + tiiz�l•`S"%1 u��- .���,.��t 3�� Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.36 ft Discharge 7.15 ft3 /s CroS's Section Image ;� aT y 1x01.00 100.90 100.80 100.70 100.60 0 100.50 100.40 "' 100.30 100.20 100.10 100.00 99.90 99.80 Station RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] '3125/2008 4:40:08 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C).Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) • Ver. 8.0 Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 11:30 11/08/2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * MAX FLOW * 41 Cg * MAX DEPTH TO TOP OF 6" CURB ******************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** >. > ,->.SUMP: TYPE BASIN. INPUT - INFORMATION«c< ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- •Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. • aaaa .aa. aaaaa .aaaa..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.«aaaa.a a.aaaa.aa aaaaaa as ,.....��.. ... _,r.,. ".�snsu:.,sx.:_'__1* I^ ._x °_.:.._..._:.a �: 'HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAMa PACKAGE aaaa (C) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 8.0 Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 - Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting .. 14725 Alton Parkway .. Irvine, CA 92618 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 13:23 03/27/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a.aaaaaaaaaaaa.a . a aaaa DESCRIPTION OF STUDY + + + + +«aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa . • MAXIMUM FLOW INTERCEPTED IN A 7' CATCH BASIN •aa. aaaaa aaaaa.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa »»SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION«« ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------- - - - - -- . Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of - Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS)• = 16.30 - BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.83 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.83 » »CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) 6.98 i aaaaaaaaaaa +aaaaaaaaaaaaaa DESCRIPTION OF STUDY +•aaa as +aaaaaa +aa +aaa i ' • MAXIMUM FLOW INTERCEPTED IN A 7' CATCH BASIN + • »» SUMP• TYPE• BASIN• INPUT• INFO RMATION«« aaaa .aaaaaaaa= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -� Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 16.30 - BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.83 - DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.83 » »CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 6.98 . • Printed: 3/27120081:24 :15 PM PM Modified: 3127120081:23:42 PM PM Page 1 of 1 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE .(C) Copyright 1982 -2001 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) • . Ver. 8.0 Release Date: 01/01/2001 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 13:26 03/27/2008 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * MAXIMUM FLOW INTERCEPTED IN A 10' CATCH BASIN * * * * >> >>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<< « ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- •Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 23.30 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.83 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.83 >> >>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 9.98 • • J INLET ANALYSIS The nuisance flows for the 3 grated inlets, shown on the following exhibit, were determined using the Rational model for the 2 -year event. The flows at the inlets were prorated based the tributary area at the-inlet versus the area for the drainage basin. The Q(nuisance) at the 3 inlets were determined by the following equation: Q= (Tributary Area to Inlet/Area of Drainage Basin) *Q(2) The following table summarizes the nuisance flows: t� Inlet #/ * Drainage Basin Drainage Area Nuisance Nuisance Flow Inlet/ Flow, Q2, Drainage Area Q2 for At Inlet Basin ' Drainage (cfs) (ac) Basin i cfs 1 D -1 0.7/ 1.4= 0.50 1.6 0.8 2 D -2 0.8/ 1.0 =0'.80 1.2 1.0 t 3 E -2 0.4/.90= 0.44 1.2 0.5 • r 2, r -�', �/ , ;_.___.._.._.._..•�.;.,: � ;�)7 ,, ..�•""'• "" _.... - \fix_;._.:.• _. � /�: :1�,i, ��.`�'..:- -,. -,,. - ;` ' ri }i' ' • � it �.� ��.,.�` .� . I f i s :.. , ; ._ter - � �• , � ° --.... I � _ 2 1 I K ♦� J i; % ! /� `"'Y �I i �. ! I 1.__:...s'f �5 21 - Yj Ii i �f -_ •`��,/}�� / �, 1'' % )2'f i v ' C i;� 4.1 \ 1 t r f ti ♦ / ` i �� (; ' �`q�...,, -...J -•.T: ..,�. , i � `fit J o SEE FIGURE ^t FOR aillnifcow3INAcE v'' }/� ' �'✓ �\ ..- j Zi EXISTINS 54- RCP r\ �jY 4.0 ' &/'�'�(�' 44 49 lzo FI m LEGEND \\ / to \ Nu f m"m WIM MIX , �\ i P t7f1 cvrD L MM T1Mtln. FAM ` \ � ? �� `SITE (NOT PART °F ,� J 1\ A M3111 THIS THIS PRMJE=) 6& A eecna Laa►na r\ / } i RUNOFF SI�fLAttY �` \ �`�\ a BASIN a efe (efe ft ft (min) \\`: t�i i:i'•'t' .� `t ` \\ ,r r ,.,'''� __- ^�__._._..�\\ �z, 3 A 0.2 0.7 1.3 200 1.31 8.9 l` �` ` \; ` \ \_,•' f,,,•--- .......�_., -` M ...� \„ o B 1.2 4.0 7.2 350 2.85 8.4 / z \ \ :�� •� ( ,,''� \v-9 "i9\ ¢ C 2.3 7.8 13.6 473 3.43 9.8- D-1 1.4 3.8 7.0 700 4.82 11.4 D-2 1.0 2.9 5.3 580 4.05' 10.2 S E -1 0.1 0.4 0.7 240 3.93 8.2 E-2 1 0.9 1 2.6 5.1 1 450 1.3.93 9.0 i EISENHOWM o 0 v a U /'m�AATVf71 V/YZ VENIQ7 N )v'S Wllll11Y6t8 mre eJlC AI Q F CONSULTING Jm�dJ.p•P.0 Jaul.aaS ...lffmv HYDp/y = W ppOp2�/yym O Z _ _ _ .._ - _ �-Ir -- 0 • .u: ai. �.. .Yiu....'- s. -2.. •. aw i:.:• ::- _. T-I-EISEWHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER .::;..r T2 LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT [BODE 3.1 FILE:846LINEA.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08 T3_�DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN -PLANS ' SO 1000:000083.27 1 .012 86.00 R. 1012.920083.40 .1 .012 JX 1012.920083.40 1 2 .012'" 1.0 83.40 45. R 1029.430083.56 1 .012 R 1043.890083.70 1 .012 _ 45. JX 1043.890083.70 1 2 .012 0.8 83.70 45. R 1091.990084.19 1 .012 45. JX 1091.990084.19 1 2 .012 0.5 84.19 45. R 1187.810085.14 1 2 .012 R 1205.430085.32 1 .012 45. JX 1205.430085.32 1 3 .012 0.8 85.32 90. R 1225.220085.52 1 .012 45. R 1272.170085.99 1 .012 R 1286.240086.24 1 .012 45. JX 1286.240086.24 1 2 .012 0.8 86.24 45. R 1291.810086.48 1 .012 R 1325.610087.32 1 .012 JX 1325.610087.32 1 2 .012 0.1 87.32 45. R 1365.020088.31 1 .0122 JX 1365.020088.31 1 2 .012 0.3 88.31 45. R 1437.860090.13 1 .012 R 1457.490090.35 1 .0122 45. R 1556.820091.50 1 .012 JX 1556.820091.50 1 3 .012 3.5 91.50 45. R 1566.960092.48 1 .012 R 1586.600094.39 1 .012 45. R 1590.380094.76 1 .012 SH 1 CD 1 4 2.00 CD 2 4 0.33 CD 3 4 0.67 • Printed: 312812008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 2:20:27 PM PM Page 1 of, 1 •, ATZ :.u3/28/2008 ❑DATE: 3/28/2008 FA TIME: 14:20 F0515P WATER SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING PAGE 1 CARD SECT CHN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT 1 BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) 'Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) CODE NO TYPE PIERS WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CD 1 4 2.00 CD 2 4 0.33 CD 3 4 0.67 ❑ -0 F 0 5 1 5 P PAGE NO 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - TITLE CARD LISTING HEADING LINE NO 1 IS EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER HEADING LINE NO 2 IS - LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE:846LINEA.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08 HEADING LINE NO 3 IS - DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN PLANS -0 F 0 5 1 5 P PAGE NO 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1000.00 83.27 1 86.00 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1012.92 83.40 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 3 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT- 1 «LAT -2 N 03 04 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1012.92 83.40 1 2 0 0.012 1.0 0.0 83.40 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 4 IS A REACH * * U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1029.43 83.56 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 • ELEMENT NO 5 IS A REACH + + « U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1043.89 83.70 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 ELEMENT NO 6 IS A JUNCTION * * * « + + + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1043.89 83.70 1 2 0 0.012 0.8 0.0 83.70. 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 7 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1091.99 84.19 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 ELEMENT NO 8 IS A JUNCTION * * * + * * * U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1091.99 84.19 1 2 0 0.012 0.5 0.0 84.19 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 9 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1187.81 85.14 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 -0 F 0 5 1 5 P PAGE NO 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 10 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1205.43 85.32 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 ELEMENT NO 11 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N 03 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1205.43 85.32 1 3 0 0.012 0.8 0.0 85.32 0.00 90.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV -WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 12 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1225.22 85.52 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 ELEMENT NO .13 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1272.17 85.99 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 14 IS A REACH • '.0 /S DATA STATION* INVERT« SECT* + N + a RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 45 1286.29 86.29 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 95.00 0 ELEMENT NO 15 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N 03 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1286.24 86.24 1 2 0 0.012 0.8 0.0 86.24 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARMING Printed: 3/28/2008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Pagel of 6 -0 . -0 -0 Printed: 3/28/2008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 2 of 6 ra .,-..:.c�:.sx..-.x�..-;.:.v =.. _ _ .._.. _. - s.. _:..:_..ss�'zs::.ctxx::..;r.:_: _�;___: .. .. ._. s.:..._ a.: c:::: �r=: a_ x.:.;::.xzv- a..�;:a.:::aa:�;�a. n: s.: ur«- su::.: a:xx;_. *:acaa....:as;:;:;:u�::: �� • THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 16' IS A REACH * • ` U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE. ANG PT, MAN H 1291.81 86.48 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 17 IS A REACH • + + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H ' 1325.61 67.32 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 18 IS A JUNCTION * • ' * + - U /S'OATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3+ PHI 4 1325.61 87.32 1 2 0 0.012 0.1 0.0 87.32 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING -0 D F 0 5 1 5 P PAGE NO 4 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 19 IS A REACH • ` ` U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1365.02 88.31 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 20 IS A JUNCTION • + +LAT * • ` ` U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT -1 LAT -2 N 03 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1365.02 88.31 1 2 0 0.012 0.3 0.0 88.31 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ' ELEMENT NO 21 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H ' 1437.86 90.13 1 0..012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ' ELEMENT NO 22 IS A REACH * * + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1457.49 90.35 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 ELEMENT NO 23 IS A REACH • + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1556.82 91.50 1 0.012 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 24 IS A JUNCTION • * * ` * • ' U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 04 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3i PHI 4 1556.82 91.50 1 3 0 0.012 3.5 0.0 91.50 0.00 45.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 25 IS A REACH • + • U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1566.96 92.48 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 26 IS A REACH + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1586.60 94:39 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 ELEMENT NO 27 IS A REACH • • + ' U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H . 1590.38 94.76 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 28 IS A SYSTEM HEADWORKS U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1590.38 94.76 1 0.00 NO EDIT ERRORS ENCOUNTERED- COMPUTATION IS NOW BEGINNING ++ WARNING NO. 2 •`-- WATER SURFACE ELEVATION GIVEN IS LESS THAN OR EQUALS INVERT ELEVATION IN HDWKDS, W.S.ELEV = INV + DC OLICENSEE: R.B.F. d -D -0 ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE:846LINEA.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08 DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN PLANS STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER - L /ELEM SO iaiaa aaa4aaii+ tti# ittiaaa 4aataatat## aa# iatktaaaaaa# aiataiiiiiaiiiaiaat SF AVE HF it# i# iaiaaiaa NORM DEPTH ttittitttiat# iiiia #aaaiati#iiiiiaaaaaaaaaai ZR +i #ti 1000.00 83.27 2.730 86.000 21.6 6.87 0.734 86.734 0.00 1.662 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 12.92 0.01006 .007768 0.10 1.451 0.00 1012.92 83.40 2.700 86.100 21.6 6.87 0.734 86.834 0.00 1.662 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT STR 0.00000 .007416 0.00 0.00 1012.92 83.40 2.751 '86.151 20.6 6.56 0.667 86.818 0.00 1.628 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 16.51 0.00969 .007065 0.12 1.420 0.00 1029.43 83.56 2.708 86.268 20.6 6.56 0.667 86.935 0.00 1.628 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 14.46 0.00968 .007065 0.10 1.420 0.00 1043.89 83.70 2.769 86.469 20.6 6.56 0.667 87.136 0.00 1.628 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT STR 0.00000 .006796 0.00 0.00 • 1043.89 83.70 2.819 86.519 19.8 6.30 0.617 87.136 0.00 .. 1.599 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 48.10 0.01019 .006527 0.31 1.351 0.00 1091.99 84.19 2.734 86.924 19.8 6.30 0.617 87.541 0.00 1.599 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 Printed: 3/28/2008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 2 of 6 `7 R� • �,._::.s_,.....:.x M :, r: � ....,.....?.,..........r,�::z'h ...:.. :..:.�.._:.._:�..._........Z. - x, ..2... <��:......e.,- _5:.u'��.'� #:... z,:.,.... �.......:.... �. �.::;., �. aax.......::..',....,......,^.:,_ 5,,,.. �: ks.. a�.».::... �- s'..,..... m. c.. ,::a:;.��..I?..z.s....�..,M:z. ,�...�:.x.� JUNCT SIR 0.00000 .006365 0.00 0.00 1091.99 84.19 2.775 -86.965 19.3 6.14 0.586 87.551 0.00 1.580 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 95.82 0.00991 .006202 0.59 1.340 .0.00 1187.81 85.14 2.420 -87.560 19.3 6.14 0.586 88.146 0.00 1.580 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 17.62 0.01022 .006202 0.11 1.330 0.00 1205.43 85.32 2.436 87.756 19.3 6.14 0.586 88.342 0.00 1.580 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT STR 0.00000 .005950 0.00 0.00 1205.43 85.32 2.531 87.851 18.5 5.89 0.538 88.389 0.00 1.549 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 19.79 0.01011 .005698 0.11 1.291 0.00 :LICENSEE: -OR.B.F. & ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE;846LINEA.WSP 11/15/07 3J26/08 DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN PLANS STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S.. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER L/ELEM so SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR 1225.22 85:52 2.524 88.044 18.5 5.89 0.538 88.582 0.00 1.549 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 46.95 0.01001 .005698 0.27 1.300 0.00 1272.17 85.99 2.321 88.311 18.5 5.89 0.538 88.849 0.00 1.549 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 8.35 0.01777 .005698 0.05 1.080 0.00 1280.52 86.14 2.277 86.415 18.5 5.89 0.538 88.953 0.00 1.549 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 HYDRAULIC JUMP 0.00 1280.52 86.14 1.004 87.142 18.5 11.72 2.132 89.274 0.00 1.549 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 5.72 0.01777 .022496 0.13 1.080 0.00 •1286,24 81,24 1*004 117,244 18,5 11,72 2,134 89*371 0*00 1*519 2,10 0*00 0*00 0 0,00 JUNCT SIR 0.00000 .023916 0.00 0.00 1286.24 86.24 0.945 87.185 17.7 12.11 2.279 89.464 0.00 1.516 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 5.57 0.04309 .024411 0.14 0.811 0.00 1291.81 86.48 0.966 87.446 17.7 11.78 2.153 89.599 0.00 1.516 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 33.80 0.02485 .022924 0.77 0.950 0.00 1325.61 87.32 0.980 88.300 17.7 11.56 2.075 90.375 0.00 1.516 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT SIR 0.00000 .022627 0.00 0.00 1325.61 87.32 0.970 88.290 17.6 11.65 2.107 90.397 0.00 1.512 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 39.41 0.02512 .021715 0.86 0.942 0:00 1365.02 88.31 1.001 89.311 17.6 11.18 1.941 91.252 0.00 1.512 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT SIR 0.00000 .021241 0.00 0.00 1365.02 88.31 0.972 89.282 17.3 11.42 2.025 91.307 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 29.74 0.02499 .020854 0.62 0.934 0.00 :LICENSEE: -OR.B.F. & ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE:846LINF.A.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08 DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN PLANS STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER L/ELEM so SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR 1394.76 89.05 1.002 90.055 17.3 10.98 1,871 91.926 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 20.62 0.02499 .018577 0.38 0.934 0.00 1415.38 89.57 1.040 90.608 17.3 10.47 1.701 92.309 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 13.20 0.02499 .016375 0.22 0.934 0.00 1428.58 69.90 1.081 60.979 17.3 9.98 1.547 92.526 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 • 9.28 0.02499 .014452 0.13 0.934 0.00 1437.86 90.13 1.124 91.254 17.3 9.52 1.406 92.660 0.00 1.499 2..00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 19.63 0.01121 .014094 0.28 1.192 0.00 Printed: 3/2812008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3128/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 3 of 6 • ! ia. ' �...: at k.x.��« . ,..'. i YY st t i -. tti. .„. ..;.. 6- - .� .. Y. - S .]• ��.. S 3 _X, S T 1457.49 90.35 1.097 91'.447 17.3 9.80 1.492 92.939 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 18.77 0.01158 .015253 0.29 1.180 0.00 1476.26 90.57 1.070 91.637 17.3 10.1, 1.586 93.223 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 22.14 0.01158 .016937 0.37 1.180 0.00 1498.40 90.82 1.030 91.854 17.3 10.60 1.745 93.599 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 17.87 0.01158 .019219 0.34 1.180 0.00 1516.27 91.03 0.992 92.023 17.3 11.12 1.919 93.942 0.00 . 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.,00 0 0.00 15.21 0.01158 i .021829 0.33 1.180 0.00 1531.48 91.21 0.956 92.163 17.3 11.66 2.110 94.273 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 13.32 0.01158 .024805 0.33 1.180 0.00 1544.80 91.36 0.921 92.282 17.3 22.23 2.324 94.606 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 12.02 0.01158 028212 0.34 1.180 0.00 1556.82 91.50 0.889 92.389 17.3 12.82 2.554 94.943 0.00 1.499 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT STR 0.00000 - 1 .041697 0.00 0.00 :LICENSEE: -DR.B.F. & ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 4 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE:846LINF.A.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08 DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN PLANS STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER L/ELEM so SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR 1556.82 91.50 0.673 92.173 13. 1 8 14.87 3.434 95.607 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 4.99 0.09665 .050735 0.25 0.580 0.00 1561.81 91.98 0.691 92.673 13.8 14.33 3.189 95.862 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 6.00 0 0.00 5.15 0.09665 .045142 0.23 0.580 0.00 1566.96 92.48 0.716 93.196 13.8 -3.66 2.899 96.095 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0, 0.00 1.96 0.09725 .040892 0.08 0.572 0.00 1568.92 92.67 0.727 93.398 13.8 13.36 2.771 96.169 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 3.76 0.09725 .037173 0.14 0.572 0.00 1572.68 93.04 0.753 93.790 13.8 12.74 2.521 96.311 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 3.11 0.09725 .032615 0.10 0.572 0.00 1575.79 93.34 0.781 94.120 13.8 12.15 2.291 96.411 0.00 1.338 2.00 6.00 0.00 0 0.00 2.63 0.09725 .028626 0.08 0.572 0.00 1578.42 93.59 0.809 94.403 13.8 11.58 2.081 96.484 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0:00 2.22 0.09725 .025116 0.06 0.572 0.00 1580.64 93.81 0.838 94.648 13.8 11.04 1.893 96.541 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 1.88 0.09725 .022052 0.04 0.572 0.00 1582.52 93.99 0.869 94.862 13.8 10.53 1.721 96.583 0.00 1.338 2.06 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 1.59 0.09725 .019375 0.03 0.572 0.00 1584.11 94.15 0.901 95.049 13.8 10.04 1.564 96.613 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 1.35 0.09725 .017033 0.02 0.572 0.00 1585.46 94.28 0.935 95.214 13.8 9.57 1.422 96.636 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 1.14 0.09725 .014988 0.02 0.572 0.00 :LICENSEE: -o R.B.F. & ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 5 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE:846LINEA.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08 DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 31116 STORM DRAIN PLANS STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. 0 VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER L/ELEM so SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR • l -5 86.60 94.39 0.971 95.361 13.8 9.13 1.294 96.655 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.15 0.09788 .013883 0.00 0.571 0.00 1586.75 94.41 0.976 '95.381 13.8 9.06 1.273 96.654 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.93 0.09788 .012913 0.01 0.571 0.00 Printed: 3128/2008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3128/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 4 of 6 • $1;:'yx. _... `C': Ylk - _ '+ .�.. -.,. - - R....,,n _EN `YA - w � ... ...+ - 1587.68 .94.50 1.013 95.509 13.8 8.63 1.157 96.666 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.75 0.09788 .011378 0.01 0.571 - 0.00 1586.43 94.57 1.053 95.622 13.8 6.23 1.051 96.673 0.00 1.336 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.62 0.09788 .010036 0.01 0.571 0.00 1589.05 94.63 1.094 95.724 13.8 7.85 0.956 96.680 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.50 0.09788 .008856 0.00 0.571 0.00 1589.55 94.68 1.137 95.815 13.8 7.48 0.870 96.685 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.37 0.09788 .007821 0.00 0.571 0.00 1589.92 94.72 1.182 95.897 13.8 7.14 0.791 96.688 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.26 0.09788 .006919 0.00 0.571 0.00 1590.18 94.74 1.231 95.971 13.8 6.80 0.718 96.689 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.15 0.09788 .006131 0.00 0.571 0.00 1590.33 94.75 1.282 96.037 13.8 6.48 0.653 96.690 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.05 0.09788 .005436 0.00 0.571 0.00 1590.38 94.76 1.338 96.098 13.8 6.18 0.593 96.691 0.00 1.338 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00+ EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE A FROM CATCH BASIN AT NODE 3.1 FILE:846LINEA.WSP 11/15/07 3/26/08. DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM PARCEL 311116 STORM DRAIN PLANE 1000.00 .I C H W E L„ \.✓ �"" 1 •R C 1005.52 1011.04 VVV 1016.55 .I C H W E P JX 1022.07 .I C H W E R 1027.59 ) 1033.11 I C H W E ,,,, �� ` r ,y� S"'� �� R 1038.62 1044.14 I C H W E JX 1049.66 I C H W E R • 1055.18 r . 1060.69 1066.21 1071.73 � 0 1077.25 1082.76 1088.28 1093.80 I 1099.32 I 1104.83 1110.35 1115.87 1121.39 1126.90 1132.42 1137.94 1143.46 1148.97 1154.49 1160.01 1165.53 1171.04 1176.56 1182.08 1187.60 1193.11 1198.63 1204.15 1209.67 1215.19 1220.70 1226.22 1231.74 1237.26 1242.77 1248.29 1253.81 1259.33 1264.84 1270.36 1275.88 1281.40 1286.91 1292.43 1297.95 1303.47 ' 1308.98 1314.50 1320.02 1325.54 1331.05 1336.57 1342.09 1347.61 1353.12 C H W E C H W E JX R I C H W E R I C H W E JX I C H W E R I C H W E R I C H W E I C H W E I W C H E I W C H E I W C H E I W C H E I W C H E I W C H E R R R JX R R JX R Printed: 3/2812008 2:24:51 PM' PM Modified: 312812008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 5 of 6 I* Printed: 3/28/2008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 6 of 6 1358.69 • 1369.16 1369.68 I W C H E JX 1375.19 I W C H E R 1380.71 - 1386.23 1391.75 , 1397.27 I W C H E R 1402.78 - 1408.30 .. , . 1413.82 ' ' 1419.34 .I W C H E R 1424.85 , . 1430.37 I W C H E R 1435.89 ' 1441.41 Z W C H E R 1946.92 1452.44 1457.96 I W C H E R 1463.48 , 1468.99 , 1474.51 1480.03 Z W C H E R 1485.55 , 1491.06 , 1496.58 , 1502.10 'I W C H E R 1$07.62 , 1513.13 1518.65 I W C H E R 1524.17 , 1529.69 1535.20 I W C H E R 1540.72 1546.24 I W C H E R 1551.76 , 1557.27 I W C H E JX 1562.79 I W C- H E .. R 1568.31 I W C H E R . 1573.83 I W C H E R 1579.34 I W C H E R 1584.86 I W C H E R 1590.38 I W C H E R 83.27 84.62 85.97 87.32 88.67 90.01 91.36 92.71 94.06 95.41 96.76 N O T E S • 1. GLOSSARY I - INVERT ELEVATION C - CRITICAL DEPTH W - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION H - HEIGHT OF CHANNEL E - ENERGY GRADE LINE X - CURVES CROSSING OVER B = BRIDGE ENTRANCE OR EXIT Y = WALL ENTRANCE OR EXIT ' 2. STATIONS FOR POINTS AT A JUMP MAY NOT BE PLOTTED EXACTLYO INVALID 0 CARD - CAN NOT COMPUTE NEW Q VALUE - STOPPING IN MAIN FOR CODE I* Printed: 3/28/2008 2:24:51 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 2:21:57 PM PM Page 6 of 6 • • GATransf a rlwspgU 6 L I N E B. W S P 0 T1 EISENHOWER AMBULP.TORY CENTER T2 LINE B CATCH BASIN AT NODE 4.1 11/15/07 T3 FILE: 846LINEB.WSP DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM STORM DRAIN PLANS FOR PARCEL 31116 SO 1000.000091.21 1 .012 87.0 JX 1000.000091.21 1 2 .012 1.9 91.22 90. R 1027.000091.32 1 .012 SH 1 CD 1 4 1.50 CD 2 4 1.00 Printed: 312812008 3:30:28 PM PM Modified: 3/28i2008 3:29:39 PM PM Page 1 of 1 V�,u.._ _,.. i:.:.....,..- ra.:..:_.. s.:.... z ....:..s_.......,�,:ae; ..,_... ._..._.. E.:., c. a._..,... w__,.... s2: z..._....,,.,. s: t.A..r..::;- .....__:........... ..:......r_� r :' x ODATE 3128/2008 TIME. 15:27 F0515P WATER SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING PAGE 1 CARD SECT CHN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT 1 BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) CODE NO TYPE PIERS WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CD 1 4 1.50 CD 2 4 1.00 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - TITLE CARD LISTING HEADING LINE NO 1 IS - EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER HEADING LINE NO 2 IS - LINE B CATCH BASIN AT NODE 4.1 11/15/07 HEADING LINE NO 3 IS - FILE: 846LINEB.WSP DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM STORM DRAIN PLANS 0 -0 -0 F 0 5 1 5 P PAGE NO 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET + + + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1000.00 91.21 1 87.00 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A JUNCTION + + + + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -la LAT -2 N Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1000.00 91.21 1 2 0 0.012 1.9 0.0 91.21 0.00 90.00 0.00 THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING THE ABOVE ELEMENT CONTAINED AN INVERT ELEV WHICH WAS NOT GREATER THAN THE PREVIOUS INVERT ELEV - WARNING ELEMENT NO 3 IS A REACH + + + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1027.00 91.32 1 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 4 IS A SYSTEM HEAD470RKS + + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1027.00 91.32 1 0.00 NO EDIT ERRORS ENCOUNTERED - COMPUTATION IS NOW BEGINNING • as WARNING NO. 2 ++ - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION GIVEN IS LESS THAN OR EQUALS INVERT ELEVATION IN HDWKDS. W.S.ELEV = INV + DC ERROR MESSAGE N0. 2 - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION GIVEN IS LESS THAN OR EQUALS INVERT ELEVATION IN OTLTUS, W.S.ELEV = INV + DC OLICENSEE: R.B.F. S -0 a ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE B CATCH BASIN AT NODE 4.1 11/15/07 - FILE: 846LINEB.WSP DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM STORM DRAIN PLANS STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER L /ELF.M SO SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR aa« aaaa+ aaa+ aaaaaaaaa+ aaa« aaaaaa+ aaaaaa«+ aa. aaaaa. aaaa aaaaaaaaaaa++ aaa« aa+ aa« aa« aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa «aaaa +aa«aaaaaaa «aaaaaaa 1000.00 91.21 1.461 92.671 19.1 10.88 1.839 94.510 0.00 1.461 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 JUNCT STR 0.00000 .023897 0.00 0.00 1000.00 91.21 2.175 93.385 17.2 9.73 1.471 94.856 0.00 1.442 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 27.00 0.00407 .022845 0.62 1.500 0.00 1027.06 91.32 2.682 94.002 17.2 9.73 1.471 95.473 0.00 1.442 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00+ EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE B CATCH BASIN AT NODE 4.1 11/15/07 FILE: 846 INEB.WSP DOWNSTREAM CONTROL APPROXIMATED FROM STORM DRAIN PLANS (; A�. x. 07 + 0, >, A ct ) 1000.00 .I XH E JX 1000.55 .I C HE R 1001.10 '*a ^!9� . 1001.65 1002.20 1002.76 1003.31 1003.86 1004.41 1004.96 1005.51 1006.06 1006.61 1007.16 1007.71 1008.27 1008.82 1009.37 1009.92 • 1010.47 1011.02 1011.57 1012.12 1012.67 1013.22 1013.78 Printed: 312812008 3:30:28 PM PM Modified: 3128/2008 3:30:00 PM PM Page 1 of 2 I* 10 • 1014.33 1014.88 1015.43 1015.98 1016.53 - 1017.08 1017.63 - - 1018.18 - 1018.73 1019.29 1019.84 1020.39 - 1020.94 1021.49 1022.04 1022.59 1023.14 1023.69 1024.24 1024.80 1025.35 1025.90 1026.45 1027.00 I CH W E. R 91.21 91.64 92.06 92.49 92.92 93.34 93.77 94.19 94.62 95.05 95.47 N 0 T E S 1. GLOSSARY I a INVERT ELEVATION C r CRITICAL DEPTH W m WATER SURFACE ELEVATION H r HEIGHT OF CHANNEL E ¢ ENERGY GRADE LINE X CURVES CROSSING OVER B a BRIDGE ENTRANCE OR EXIT Y r WALL ENTRANCE OR EXIT 2. STATIONS FOR POINTS AT A JUMP MAY NOT BE PLOTTED EXACTLYO INVALID Q CARD - CAN NOT-COMPUTE NEW Q VALUE - STOPPING IN MAIN FOR CODE _ "* Printed: 3128/2008 3:30:28 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 3:30:00 PM PM Page 2 of 2 .0 • 0 T1 EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER T2 LINE C 11/15/07 3126108 T3 FILE 846LINEC.WSP SO 1000.000088.02 1 .012 R 1025.620089.23 1 .012 R 1045.260090.16 1 .012 R 1115.700093.50 1 .012 WE 2 JX 1118.700093.93 2 1 .012 WX 3 R 1149.700094.08 3 .012 SH 3 .012 CD 1 4 1.50 CD 2 3 6.69 4.0 CD 3 4 1.00 94.00 45. 4.2 95.43 90. Printed: 3/2812008 3:14:37 PM PM Modified: 3 /28/2008 3:13:27 PM PM Page 1 of 1 • ❑DATE: 3/28/2008 TIME: 15:13 FO515P WATER SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING PAGE 1 CARD SECT CNN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT 1 BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) CODE NO TYPE PIERS WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CD 1 4 1.50 CD 2 3 0 0.00 6.69 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CD 3 4 1.00 ❑ o F 0 5 1 5 P PAGE NO 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - TITLE CARD LISTING HEADING LINE NO 1 IS - EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER HEADING LINE NO 2 IS - LINE C 11/15/07 3/26/08 HEADING LINE NO 3 IS - FILE 846LINEC.WSP -0 F 0 5 1 5 P WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT 1000.00 88.02 1 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A REACH « U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N 1025.62 89.23 1 0.012 ELEMENT NO 3 IS A REACH * * + U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N 1045.26 90.16 1 0.012 ELEMENT NO 4 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N 1115.70 93.50 1 0.012 ELEMENT NO 5 IS A WALL ENTRANCE • U/S DATA STATION# INVERT* SECT+ * FP 1115.70 93.50 2 0.500 ELEMENT NO 6 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N 1118.70 93.93 2 1 0 0.012 PAGE NO 2 W S ELEV 94.00 RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 RADIUS' ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 0.00 0.00 45.00 0 RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Q3 * 04 INVERT-3 INVERT-4 PHI 3* PHI 4 4.2 0.0 95.43 0.00 90.00 0.00 ELEMENT NO 7 IS A WALL EXIT ` U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT 1118.70 93.93 3 ELEMENT NO 8 IS A REACH * ` U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1149.70 94.08 3 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 ELEMENT NO 9 IS A SYSTEM HEADWORKS U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 1149.70 94.08 3 0.00 NO EDIT ERRORS ENCOUNTERED- COMPUTATION IS NOW BEGINNING ** WARNING NO.-2 ** - WATER SURFACE ELEVATION GIVEN IS LESS THAN OR EQUALS INVERT ELEVATION IN HDWKDS, W.S.ELEV - INV + DC ❑LICENSEE: R.B.F. 6 -*ASSOC. - SAN DIEGO F0515P PAGE 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE C 11/15/07 3/26/08 FILE 846LINEC.WSP STATION INVERT DEPTH W.S. Q VEL VEL ENERGY SUPER CRITICAL HGT/ BASE/ ZL NO AVBPR ELEV OF FLOW ELEV HEAD GRD.EL. ELEV DEPTH DIA ID NO. PIER L /ELEM SO SF AVE HF NORM DEPTH ZR iiitaai; a;; atiii+;• ii; i# ia;;## ttiti+ iaataaa;## tattiti i+ iaaa#;## ti+ aata;+ a; i;a tiiiaiita++# a## iiia+++ i iiiatta###a## +aiii #iiia + + #ta * ## 1000.00 88.02 5.980 94.000 9.7 5.49 0.468 94.468 0.00 1.202 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 25.62 0.04723 .007266 0.19 0.650 0.00 1025,62 89.23 4.956 94.186 9.7 5.49 0.468 94.654 0.00 1.202 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 19.64 0.04735 .007266 0.14 0.650 0.00 1045.26 90.16 4,238 94.398 9.7 5.49 0.468 94.866 0.00 1.202 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 68.20 0.04742 .007187 0.49 0.650 0.00 1113.46 93.39 1,500 94.894 9.7 5.49 0.468 95.362 0.00 1.202 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 2.24 0.04742 .006731 0.02 0.650 0.00 •1115.70 93.50 1.361 94.861 9.7 5.76 0.515 95.376 0.00 1.202 1.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 WALL ENTRANCE 0.00 1115.70 93.50 2.311 95.811 9.7 1.05 0.017 95.828 0.00 0.568 6.69 4.00 0.00 0 0.00 Printed: 3/28/2008 3:14:37 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 3:14:08 PM PM Page 1 of 2 -0 -0 -0 � 0 I* -- -- ------- ... . . ........... . . ....... --.1.1-- -- ----- JUNCT SIR 0,19333 .000050 0.00 1118.70 93.93 1.904 95.834 5.5 0.72 0.008 95.842 0.00 0.389 WALL EXIT 1118.70 93.93 1.905 95.835 5.5 7.01 0.762 96.597 0.00 0.939 31.00 0.00484 .020306 0.63 1149.70 94.08 2.384 96.464 5.5 7.01 0.762 97.226 0.00 0.939 EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CENTER LINE C 11/15/07 3/26/08 FILE 846LINEC.WSP ' 1000.00 I 1003.06 1006.11 1009.17 1012.22 1015.28 1018.33 1021.39 1024.44 1027.50 1030.55 1033.61 1036.66 1039.12 1042.77 1045.83 1048.88 1051.94 1054.99 1058.05 1061.10 1064.16 1067.21 1070.27 1073.32 1076.38 1079.43 1082.49 1085.54 1088.60 1091.65 1094.71 1097.76 1100.82 1103.87 1106.93 1109.98 1113.04 1116.09 1119.15 1122.20 1125.26 1128.31 1131.37 1134.42 1137.48 1140.53 1143.59 1146.64 1149.70 I CH W E R 88.02 89.28 90.54 91.80 93.06 94.32 95.58 96.84 98.10 99.36 100.62 C H W E R g7.6a':' I C H W E R I C H W E R I C X E R IYYYYYYYYYCWH E WE I C X H JX IYYCYYYYYYYYYYYYXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYiYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYH. WX I X W E R N O T E S 1. GLOSSARY I = INVERT ELEVATION C = CRITICAL DEPTH W = WATER SURFACE ELEVATION H = HEIGHT OF CHANNEL E = ENERGY GRADE LINE X = CURVES CROSSING OVER B = BRIDGE ENTRANCE OR EXIT Y = WALL ENTRANCE OR EXIT 2. STATIONS FOR POINTS AT A JUMP MAY NOT BE PLOTTED EXACTLYO INVALID 0 CARL) - CAN NOT COMPUTE NEW Q VALUE - STOPPING IN MAIN FOR CODE _ •�• t Printed: 3/28/2008 3:14:37 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 3:14:08 PM PM Page 2 of 2 0.00 6.69 4.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 1.000 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00+ C H W E R g7.6a':' I C H W E R I C H W E R I C X E R IYYYYYYYYYCWH E WE I C X H JX IYYCYYYYYYYYYYYYXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYiYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYH. WX I X W E R N O T E S 1. GLOSSARY I = INVERT ELEVATION C = CRITICAL DEPTH W = WATER SURFACE ELEVATION H = HEIGHT OF CHANNEL E = ENERGY GRADE LINE X = CURVES CROSSING OVER B = BRIDGE ENTRANCE OR EXIT Y = WALL ENTRANCE OR EXIT 2. STATIONS FOR POINTS AT A JUMP MAY NOT BE PLOTTED EXACTLYO INVALID 0 CARL) - CAN NOT COMPUTE NEW Q VALUE - STOPPING IN MAIN FOR CODE _ •�• t Printed: 3/28/2008 3:14:37 PM PM Modified: 3/28/2008 3:14:08 PM PM Page 2 of 2 .l • .7 UPSTREAM LATERAL TO LINE A Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth ,In.put ®atak !Fc',_..zce'u y'�. Roughness Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.0.2500. ,_ft/ft Diameter 0:67�O Normal Depth 0.10 ft e � �1 .Flow Area 0:03 ft= " Wetted Perimeter 0.53 ft Top Width 0.48 ft Critical Depth 0.66 ft Percent Full 15.1 Critical Slope 0.06647 ft/ft Velocity 105.62 ft/s Velocity Head 173.37 ft Specific Energy 173.47 ft Froude Number 70.68 Maximum Discharge 76.56 ft3 /s Discharge Frill 71.17 ft -1/s Slope Full 0.07130 fUft Flow Type SuperCritical G�/F Input Data Pill a� Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Lerigth 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 Upstream Depth 0.00 ft .Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 Normal Depth Over Rise 15.09 Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft /S RBF Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad.Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/28/2008 3:54:09 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 2 UPSTREAM LATERAL TO LINE A GVF.;-�r��""�'� r s 4 ,�, ^���� r� �s �+��Ks it;"��.� ``�'�z� "a � � ?z� ,,r�yr'�x�� �ir��a�� z"`�`'t�4• tOut utData.: <. x i ��t A� Normal Depth 0.10 ft Critical Depth 0.66 ft Channel Slope 0.02500 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.06647 ft/ft CJ RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster] 3128/2008 3:54:09 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 � 0 UPSTREAM LATERAL -LINE C Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth NM —W 'nimm 0 150 ............ Roughness Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.00500_.-ft/ft Diameter 0,67 ft— Discharge 1.30—ft-1/s I Re, TM1 I 9— I M. MEN" 111"_1011�1 I I k. Normal Depth —ft Flow Area 0.21 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 1.15 ft Top Width 0.66. ft Critical Depth 0.54 ft Percent Full 57.4 % Critical Slope 0.01011 ft/ft Velocity 6.26 fus Velocity Head 0.61 ft • Specific Energy 0.99 ft Froude Number 1.97 Maximum Discharge 2.23 ft3/s Discharge Full 2.07 ft3/s Slope Full 0.00984 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical GVF `I n�pu't Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GAF Cal Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 57.41 % Downstream Velocity Infinity fUs Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster] 3128/2008 3:57:12 PM 27 Sibmons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA -+1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 • UPSTREAM LATERAL LINE C Normal Depth 0.38 ft Critical Depth 0.54 ft Channel Slope 0.00500 fUft Critical Slope 0.01011 ft/ft • • I Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 312812008 3:57:12 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 4" PVC MAX FLOW (BASIN .K, FIG.. 3) - - • • .iS�"i- s•'�"`f5` .«� '''�• 3° �' i` 3 `«�rid�` 'si3 °`P'�e,'c E.p 'fi.°L,� � � - .. Pro "ectDescrl tlon � � �'� ��- �. � �� ,�� � ��, • fi � .. ��- � �°' � �� k;;. • }�,,��,.r _...:::...sa.Psxnf4 aa�r,xs.�.�":1�a�:�2�r..�.:� -- �1'�ai. %.��;� �...hr„�;:»a...rY.� s�...�. 4`.��r,�;�?:� ��.C.3�'�' Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth r "i 4.". "'�',.i t• i,•,p"'S ,t.�'r i z r •ic s�'• n? -"'Rr�- i .: t'Tti' T" . ` t?' „`�•-�xrz,t e a# F �zag i z u ENO n 7 ,,i.., .. a�:. v;' ��ztuL, ��: �_ a� ."3�- .;3a�::�}.:i:�.•����:,��� • Roughness Coefficient 0•.010 Channel Slope 0.- 11400 �ft/ft. Diameter 0.33_ ft Discharge /s 1:00 ft' Normal Depth C0:20"_ft Flow Area 0.09 Wetted Perimeter 0.76 ft Top Width 0.61 ft Critical Depth 0.47 ft Percent Full 29.4 % Critical Slope 0.00553 ft/ft Velocity 11.66 ft/s Velocity Head 2.11 ft • Specific Energy 2.31 ft Froude Number 5.47 Maximum Discharge 5.71 ft3 /s Discharge Full 5.31 ft' /s Slope Full 0.00404 fUft Flow Type SuperCritical G1/f`Inpu:t ®ataa a Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 Normal Depth Over Rise 29.42 Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center • Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/28/2008 4:01:27 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page . 1 of 2 41' PVC MAX FLOW (BASIN K, FIG. 3) • 1�"2"' ^_?�i�'4+' aq.. a'dC�, }�e �" �i� stu�*'X* 'dP��.. ,� sr g �,t..�'= s su�4�� i by :'`�,�"'�Tni� c`'k._.,.,..��. Normal Depth 0.20 ft Critical Depth •0.47 ft Channel Slope 0.11400 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00553 fUft • • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster 3/28/2008 4':01:27 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2- • Friction Method Solve For 6" PVC MAX FLOW BASINS D+F, FIG.3) Manning Formula Normal Depth Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Discharge 0.010 ------------ 10 0- � ft/ft 'p 1.60 ftl/s ft Profile Description Profile Headloss; 0.00 Normal Depth <� C�071i� 0.00 % Flow Area 0.13 ft' Wetted Perimeter* 0.89 ft Top Width 0.49 ft Critical Depth 0.50 ft Percent Full 60.9 % Critical Slope 0.04463 fUft Velocity 12.79 ft/s Velocity Head 2.54 . ft Specific Energy 2.85 ft Froude Number 4.45. Maximum Discharge 2.51 ft3/S Discharge Full 2.33 ft3/s Slope Full 0.04812 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 -Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss; 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 60.87 % Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s RBF Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center --Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/2812008 4:06:00 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT' 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 • Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope RBF 3/28/2008 4:06:00 PM 6" PVC MAX FLOW BASINS D +F, FIG.3) 0.30 ft 0.50 ft . 0.10200 ft/ft 0.04463 ft/ft Bentley Systems; Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 8" PVC MAX FLOW • (°'<_ eZC�id ^s''.�.`""wj�y�l"w°:4b": m's3y3;i:mml�i�/a.." ��tvXF2�1�. "1,�i1`.��''�ky�,�,' Pro ectDescrl tton�r� �_ g�T3• j�; �. 1 ,�:yi.:� •�,.u.. -�.: r .'- ,W=.,..:�...:. _ ,w •. �.:. T:r:- .,._�,?r�s»...,zti 1 ,s' '�.,"`�&: a;,, <�-: Friction Method Manning Formula . Solve For Normal Depth n mss, � x� Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope Z0t600-- " ft/ft Diameter 0.67 7ft Discharge 0.80 ft3 /s esults� g a MINIMUM pn 22 -AR-00K,291M Normal Depth 0..29: �_ftll Flow Area 0.15 w Wetted Perimeter 0.97 ft Top Width 0.66 ft Critical Depth. 0.42 ft Percent Full 43.8 Critical Slope 0.00481 ft/ft Velocity 5.39 ft/s Velocity Head 0.45 ft • Specific Energy 0.74 ft Froude Number 2.01 Maximum Discharge 2.17 ft3 /s Discharge Full 2.01 ft 3/S Slope Full 0.00253 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical G�U� I,npu.t Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 III` i F`®utputData Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 Normal Depth Over Rise 43.79 % ,Downstream Velocity Infinity fUs Upstream Velocity Infinity fUs RBF • Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/28/2008 4:07:13 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page, 1 of 2 8" PVC MAX FLOW *ra aao�_ ,M ..,w��` _.... +i+..Co :;�._.. x -a �s �_�rr,: �n �,a .a.s'vyu„�k.*°r ts� s,..�:�•�:.:_�X.:.'s^�' '��r'r "k31,t'.��.�3.�.�,.,.1 Normal Depth 0.29 ft Critical Depth 0.42 ft Channel Slope 0.01600 fUft Critical Slope 0.00481 ft/ft • • Bentley.Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Bentley FlowMaster [] 3/28/2008 4:07:13 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA }1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 2 of 2 • � 0 � 0 51 l i i9, 6' , , , o, ?,t? ,� \ PROJECT BOINDARr • _ ) -e. XISSTTINDRAIN PER % /�• /\ \ . � I I CITY QU U W1NTA ' " / �\ ; w... !'. PLAN SET N0. 0523• P°ja'11 \" qa \'. .. , °;\ / _ .�.• d...: ; I I ......... ......___. ...__...... ......._........._ O'_ CR 191ED , /% •S. ,61- a R,. R . 4 . •`'� • •//\ ....._...__ , PUCE) r .\` -'r \� c�0�, `_00' '`. \\ V / �' / { fib > t M (3 p fit.._ 5765 1 \ 111 R XING . ....._._. . ._....._..' •_ a. ',: 1\ 'Z9 TOP : WATER X11.1G I.?1. ' I CONTRACT TO POTHOLE " INV. TYP. INV. TYP. ✓` \ SD 95.51 TO `)i,?_)_k L AFA VERIFY LOCATION q�.�- -.,�,' ;; / ``�, DW 96.86 INV.. ATI N OF EX. SD MAIN ' I'ff�; w :l� T'1 �CD o i / ) 4.73X �•89, 23 J�i/ ^/ "l:vy WATER X NGr .\.% :•:., '7'•/./ •Il, 1 ( if� -1 O' ^___ '•[t , -f... 95.65>70P' ,.! .__ i {- . • / .`�i,t %: ..I., OW 96.81; INV. S'�; J •.�) /> !' I .I 7C 700.45 I I \ •. / '. II A.. .Y'1 :,° `ii: .� o\. /. /' ... 4 1 - ..-- .._...- L._.,, I F 99.95 \ EXISTING 36 _ , .i ,. ,.. I .... _........... � 94,76 r9...._- ......__.,.._; / STORM DRAIN \CITY / ' / < i. I l _ A . ._ _- _ _ P�RR�P I 111 OF U WINfA DWG 05'239 / / �1 r �/Y LA' :` : ". "n,- ....,. %." .. ...� J - __ _ .....Rs9.,B 2 cfs {..__.._. / / t>. I •.f+•: ;q 96.31 :/i .\ .. .: . '-'f:.._e:�'g `XXX. XX TOG. �_�' -''.. - - _ 1 95! _ )_ 1 , , , ' i ' , ` �::: ;• • , ! ,. t .3 _ 97'.45 / :!! / , ; / •. .. <r r , , ' // r ./ w .V, ., . . / <• '.': • .: ' :.;- � /i , . ! p J. X5X..4X4 . X pITN.: Cc i1 VC . . ,. 4 �5 , . ..5: . r7._ . . : ic--;:ro i. s: . . .' ::.: . INV. � <! _ _ IN YP 05 L2 _ 2. SOX � WATER P• \. ` :.,� ! 2.SOX L19 L25 Sa ./�,) .? �11 FEATURE .' "! \'� 2. SOX 'La Y /VO •.� �6 .: %X. X% TO6. 57 p•� ;./ j�/ , ; ', , � '..F.>I<•:. � 31 ir�' ��`'' � � ;��. SD 9 95.03 ! i `-:,, `...iii J , .1, ' : r r c6'... is x: : 1 ,�:• _ 0 31 INV. 0 49 91.67 WATER % NG ... ! 16 INV. �' '__•`,�5- �'\ / _ _ n INV. TYP. ( j 2.84 TOP b f >'., � �• �, .;�\6 �,`�� .'�''� - - � 'l�-- - a 30 Sr � j PROPOSED 12 WATER ��� I i DW 95. ' / ,' • / ', '.� " �y.. • !� •', f' • / 'S .'+'2. > X83• .. .. .:`�o�•� {.` i . '�, ��� P- -�+�k:: \Q� i J0 . 'I �c?� . - . "✓-- : - ---•. ! 1 ` .�, `., '�.'%" � T ''• ,�•" - - .�� : , �1oo.so INV.' .0 �a _' �..� BBr ` �'' •Y'; 97.1 N 4z s7 zxx.xx 00. SO INV. 'o. :_.:: 7 ..: ... .............: „:r .:.sr ".'�'•> J�f•. /1 �✓ � .ocfa oa af.�o••"- �XXX. XX TOC C •A�ZCC` .G ° =� �J • So i ,2 ' 1 ' \\ ', t,Q /' `/ f•:� Je. '� (✓ r /I ,47"XX TOC •x % % %. X% TOC , ,` r, <�, //� \ \\• // I� C'. .'•�r.::..L:�.i • t00.501NV. %''•) S'I "/415 700. NV .. .`' 1N ! / 100.50 IN UJ k7(X. XX TOC (/ TT 50 I ,AMBULATORY CARE lot) � CENTER ........__- , z". , •�: ., ,'i' %�r; �' � � FF= 103.00 F1 r / XXX. %% TDC = 2 S g I I '/ '.• `/• �.i i` ��! -t 4 100.50 [NV.� � •I�• �__ _-... / a�•a fm t F. / [ „ ; .. N • MATCHL/NE - r SEE SHEET 9 { r'; ,. !>llA l!`•r E,11 TTlIAI \ �' �` ✓i .. 57 42 70. J. •I 8 89 INN• .I, 1 I.ca::V. •28 1 C 1�y2tiATA TABLE 1 45'00 00' 25.00' 19.63 2 45 00 00 25.00 19.63 C3 45 00 00 25.00 19.63 LINE DATA TABLE NO. BEARING /DELTA LENGTH L N 66'53'50 W 25.62' L2 N 68'06'10'-E 70.45' L3 N 68'06 10 E 31.00 L4 N 21 53 50 W 62.40 L5 N 23 O6 10 E 65.58 L6 N 23.06'10" E 36.85 L7 N 68'06'10 E 56.39' LB N 23 O6 10 E 44.67 L9 N 21-53-50 W 13.44 LID N 23 O6 10 E 40.57 U 1 N 21 53 50 W 8.35 L12 N 23.06 10 E 25.82' L13 N 21'53 50" W 5.11' L14 N 73-40'1 2 E 86.30 L15 N 61 19'48" W 45.97 LINE DATA TABLE i NO. BEARING /DELTA LENGTH L16 N 73 "40'12" E 74.23' L17 N 61'19'48" W 39.63' L18 N 73 40 12 E 50.17 L19 N 61'19'48" W 12.52 L20 N 73 40 12 E 5.66 L21 N 28'40 12" E 31.89 L22 N 61'19'48" W 23.16' L23 N 28 40 12 E 504 88 L24 N 73 40 12 E 5.66 L25 N 61 19 48 W 110.65 L26 N 73-40'12- E 7.071 L27 N 16'19'48 W 3.79 L28 N 28'40'12" E 10.14' L29 N 28'40'12' E 99.33 UUINJ 1 Muu 11 UIN INU I LJ ZI-f m ® CONNECT TO 4" ROOF DRAIN PER SEPARATE PLAN AND PERMIT. 52 INSTALL 46'' HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS 11865- 0020'18 OR APPROVED EQUAL) N ® CONNECT TO 6' ROOF DRAIN PER SEPARATE PLAN AND PERMIT. O INSTALL 8- HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS 10865- 0020'18 OR APPROVED EQUAL) ® INSTALL a" PVC STORM DRAIN PIPE (SCHEDULE 40) OR APPROVED EQUAL. O INSTALL 8" X a" - 45' WYE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) 31 INSTALL: 6- HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS 10665-0020'18 OR APPROVED EQUAL). O INSTALL 8" X 6" - 45' WYE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) 52 INSTALL'12- HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS 11265 - 0020'18 OR APPROVED EQUAL). 57 INSTALL STORM DRAIN CLEAN OUT PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. (ADS OR APPROVED O INSTALL JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 PER RCFC. EQUAL) a ® INSTALL 18" X 11' RADIUS CONNECTION POINT PER (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) ® INSTALL 18" X 8' - 45' NYE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). ® INSTALL 12' X 11' RADIUS CONNECTION POINT PER (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). 65 INSTALL 6" X 11' RADIUS CONNECTION POINT PER (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). ® INSTALL 8' END CAP. (ADS 01201AN65B OR APPROVED EQUAL) a 42 INSTALL 4" - 45 ' BEND. (SCHEDULE 40) OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 1 47 INSTALL 4" X 4" - 45' WYE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). �o 40 O INSTALL 6" - 45• BEND. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) 20 0 20 60 11111111 11 \taitssraJ 5. eIY J / 45 INSTAII 6' x 4' - a5' WYE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) 0 o SCALE: 1 " =20' 4 \D ^,; oY i •z �I 49 INSTALL 8' - 45' BEND. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). a EIp. 4'79.3C3 +: ®INSTALL 4' EI.O CAP. PVC (SCHEDULE 40) OR APPROVED EQUAL UNAU7HORlIED CH4NGf5 aT USER ME CES TO PREPARING MESS PLANS WaE NOT N aE5PON9BLE FOR. OR 0,0117 NR, UNAVRA7RRED fJW2E5 W OR USES OF.MESE PWfi Kl CHANGES N ME ` \�/� t1V1 \�� \\• `Zv1. CLl\ 51 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER CITY OF LA QU1NTA $7E). DWG. N0. 300 Iff §S' � et#�` "� �". �,$a4 {��((�},��t i PLANS NUSE BE W WR:G AND MUSE BE APPROVED BY ME PREPARER OF MESS PUNS Ski) +/ FT. PA U► Q IMPORTANT NOTICE: M/2' IPIXht 'AO URlRS BASIS OF BEARINGS BENCHMARK -r1oN DESIGN RV APPROVED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA S H E E T CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 4QER 4211 ar DE R IMM mE DESCRIPTION: PuNUU.O ow ■ co Deal .aD.RUL < �'� Rv PRECISE GRADING AND PAVING PLANS EISENHOWER amm'A44anr mvrx NA;w 414m 870'T A{GWN � xE =��WN BASSO ON THE WESTERLY UNE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF BECTON 19 AS PO -3 -IW ELEV. 116.58' LOCATION: 1- I.P. WITH COUNTY TAG IN 7a-CO ep.NfRY pJ1B [NINE StXfE pl p O OEDQDBY: DSW >00EM4AU HeYa 1°f°RMr DLGAI#NI AT AWf OMNI I/RIR'IMS SHOWN ON RECORD SURVEY FILED IN MON. WELL A7 THE INTERSECTION OF • • PALM DESERT, CAUPORt4A 92280.1656 o SCALE- 1 =40' Aff E07M 6YR00OM BOOK 106. PAGE 32 MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET CONSULTING 760-146 -7481- FAX76014&83IS- wwAEFSan DATE: AMBULATORY CARE CENTER OF 13 SHEETS UNDERGROUND SfRWCf ALER1 UNDERGROUND wa4vmmw a, I BY uARN OESCRVWON APPR. DATE DATE* 2008 IIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR F �pg16- pG-0pB,pAC, a o LOLL FREE 1 -800- 111 -2600 fm ApAaacr NCOM rt: STORM DRAIN SHEET TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG BEING: N 00.17'55• IN R.C.E. 45843 GTY ENGINEER EXP. 12 -31 -2006 ENON•EER REVISIONS arr DA DANE) $ VALSON R.C.E. 705.3 • ENP. 9- ]0-2008 201000 X46 E«>: EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER F1� �" r • • 10 La INV. . P. \\ D 54• RCP SO SD PIPE JUNCTION STRUCTURE DETAIL NTS .g 3 y, 20 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1 " =20' LINE DATA TABLE NO. BEARING /DELTA LENGTH L30 N 73'40'12" E 72.84 L31 N 28 40 12 E 5.66 L32 N 16'19'48" W 33.69' L33 N 73'40'12` E 39.41' L34 N 28'40'12" E 5.66 L35 N 16'19'48" W 74.29 L36 N 73'40'12" E 33.81 L37 N 22'54'06" E 5.89 L38 N 19'52'55" W 32.76' L3 9 N 28-40-12- E 46.95 L40 N IS 58 47 W 40.68 L41 N 65'35'3r." W 95.81 L42 N 69'24 24 E 7.07 L43 N 24'24'24" E 84.32' L44 N 65'35'36' W 42.93' L45 N 64 32 59 E 5.89 L46 N 21'45'58" E 80.01 L47 N 69-24'24- E 16.51 L48 N 22'34 25 E 7.07 L49 N 22'25 35" W 36.63 L50 N 22-34-25- E 51.63 L51 N 69'24 24 E 12.92 L52 N 21'05 06 W 38.77 L53 N 74'27'47" E 27.00 L54 N 18'03'58" W 82.47' L55 N 39'49'45" W 66.64' UNAUTHORIZED CMXES & USES THE EACWEER PREPARWC THESE PUWS WILL NOT RE RfSPON 8Lf FOR, OR LMSLE FOR VAAUWMZED CHANCES TO M USES OF DIM PIAAM KL CiW XS 10 THE NO. PLANS MUST BE W WWMC ANO MUST BE APPROVED RY TIP PREPARfR OF THESE PLANS RADIUS IMPORTANT NOTICE: CALL BEFORE YOU DIC RM 4215 a RE mIQCA6{] OZC .COi25 AV AOM IpYniUpI NAHRB t.A��B$5 /6SfU RJDUA¢■L Lr arD rL ■rcLRRE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT TOLL FREE 1 -800- 127 -1600 R71E ULIL9SflTPA UM LLTAT416 A9' RR RAlfD RNS DE EIPW.4ICILW .711(L (BLKEAURWW LTL/V41A1[A�OM77F ■MAUu Y[Pf5 RR LL4q�A(NAIf 0�OYa, In 04DIAGS OF Rgn BASIS OF BEARINGS: DESCRIPTION: BASED ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19 AS SHOWN 6. RECORD SURVEY FILED IN BOOK 106. PAGE 32 BENCHMARK PD-3 -IW ELEV. 116.58' LOCATION: I' I.P. Y4 TH COUNTY TAG IN MON. WELL AT THE INTERSECTION OF MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET 19.63 C5 45'00'00" 25.00 19.63 C6 BY NN TWO V/ORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 37.41' BEING: N 00'1755" W , F1 °"�' CURVE DATA TABLE NO. SEARING /DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C4 45-00-00- 1 25.00 19.63 C5 45'00'00" 25.00 19.63 C6 85'44'12" 25.00 37.41' C7 45600'00" i 25.00 19.63 MATCI-11 SEE SHEET 8 m01 a 5a Q ( qAr _< � AMBULATORY CARE o- CENTER CONSTRUCTION NOTES ® INSTALL 12" X 12" CAST IRON GRATE PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. (NDS OR APPROVED EQUAL.) ® CONNECT TO 4" ROOF DRAIN PER SEPARATE PLAN AND PERMIT. - ® CONNECT TO 6• ROOF DRAIN PER SEPARATE PLAN AND PERMIT. ® INSTALL 4• PVC STORM DRAIN PIPE (SCHEDULE 40) OR APPROVED EQUAL. O INSTALL 12' HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS 81265 - 0020 -IB OR APPROVED EQUAL) O INSTALL 18" X 4• TEE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). O INSTALL JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 PER RCFC. O INSTALL 12• DRAIN BASIN TRAFFIC RATED. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) ® INSTALL 18• X 11' RADIUS CONNECTION POINT PER (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) 88.31 [NV. TYP. PROPOSED CVWD WELL SITE E a 42 INSTALL 4' - 45 ' BEND. (SCHEQULE 40) OR APPROVED EQUAL n 47 INSTALL 18" X 4- - 45" WYE. (ADS OR APPROVED EOUAL). t' 51 CONSTR7UC /T�QURB INLET CATCH BASIN PER CITY OF LA OU[NTA STO. DWG. N0. 300 0 O INSTAL2 !8� HDPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS 81865 - 0020'18 OR APPROVED EQUAL) O INSTALL 8" HOPE STORM DRAIN PIPE. (ADS X0865- 0020'IB OR APPROVED EQUAL) ® INSTALL 18' X 8" TEE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL) 57 INSTAQUAL ) LL STORM DRAIN CLEAN OUT PER DETAIL ON SHEET 2. (ADS OR APPROVED of E °o ® INSTALL JUNCTION STRUCTURE N0. 4 CASE 2 PER RffC AND DETAIL ON SHEET 9. � 67 INSTALL 18• X 6" TEE. (ADS OR APPROVED EQUAL). m i z I� N7. 70313 �� J Lp. >•k :QB o '7440T CON T R uwwi.aa ■ oealaw ■ a°waYwuenoN WF P 74-M COLMM CLUB EMIVE, EXAM 201 PALM DESERT. CALFOFU 92290 -055 C 0 N S.0 LT I N G' 769- 3417as1• FAX 76034MIS • -Rr-- y ' DESIGN BY-. RV APPROVED BY: CITY OF LA OUINTA 9A;E.- CITY OF LA GUINTA, CALIFORNIA S H E E T 9 S OF 3 SHEETS Ham" CRAM Rv PRECISE GRADING AND PAVING PLANS EISENHOWER AMBULATORY CARE CENTER STORM DRAIN SHEET °E D W S `�,. , =40' 9E5Fnwn9w APPiI. DATE DATE MARCH 2008 TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 45843 EXP. 12 -31 -2008 OUTING XAIE a 0846-K-009 DIG a `I`f �" x REVISIONS OTY RAND 5.1 IWLSON 0.4E 7034 • fV 9- ]0-2008 '� 0,00846 FOR EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER ■BI i I� i 0 APPENDIX C • Referenced Information ', . ,, .. _ f• � _. _: no 0 W. 'R'5W­`, PC Wn. '77 J t 7 1� 41! NA R-8 E _4-E- I -f .74 J. d el! 71. w. oft �c T t -Z t. 7�7 Er p.:A. ,50; Ij r BEo, '04 .3i 91 �:V . . . . . . . . . . d 77o7 "S 4M'Al�s �: f Tj 2 8: 55 UNT.Al '�T %b j IL :A'1— 011 g __T p F .1 k", u cH T ,7 41.1 n. v :w.7A,FP *%AfKU ANTMU i BQ 4" k A r93 02 g lit, ly ­01 ts. $ '!j Afjur PWd P, A Wa r.b v gh L JI J VAG,, HtII -r "A 5 5 tki pq T' f�_ U W A T., R AWd ;6- R. :,gl� Tz 7, 1 L.-V, r r_t 6�1 -4 SERVAJIC "b'd dd ur I p-f sjj, u tic S� 4�3:-i co s I A 771 rd 71 �_A Up "A El m. PI" A., N. A, i r1_j "I Faec Rnz .11 I[A" k v -"L, . dc nne te f A; valle gm--�j ' o couqr.-r OF." RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL h'Valle 4T 0�' UP c WATER- CONSERVATION DISTRICT �4�n 5r, V", , . , I �L �V" .` I -* — ni)%X�. �­ . — - , - 1: _. . E - , . _,d, NUILIET - 7i, J­ F A \§ l r SLOPE OF 0 % P, .17, L - T2 v INTENSITY DURATION -a T1 AS' TICNAF,. OREST J 7, vj. pplz C\ CURVE 4—v T L :1 W It- RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 77 TABiz I�.- -Soil d?�d, water f eatures OAbsence of an entry indicates the feature is not a concern. •>See text for descriptions of symbols and such terns, as "rare," "brief," and "perched." The symbol'< means.less than; > means-greater than] , • a f• t y . - Soil name and map symbol Hydra logic group Flooding High water table.. Frequency Duration Months Depth Rind Months Depth Hardness FO Ix .. . Badlands, BA. .. : Borrow pits: B P. Bull Trail:. . . BtE------ -- ---- -- - - -- B None,- -- ---- - --= -- =- -- - - - - =- .... >6.0' ==-=-- --=- ---=--- - - -- -- : >60 . ' Ca D----------------- A None - - - --- ------------- = - - - - -- - -___ >6.0 - --- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- >60 - -- ------ - - ---- Cajon Variant: CbD-- --= ---- - - - - -- A None------- =-=--=- - - - --- --- --- - - -= -- >6.0 --------- - -- --------- : >60 ---- - - -- -- Carrizo: CcC--- =---- -- - = - - -- .. . A a Re__ - - -- ---=- -- - >60 - =---- - - - >60 ----------- Carsitas: CdC, CdE, CW, CkB. A Non - - -- - = - - - - -- ---- : >6.0 >60 ---- - - - - -- • A Nne -- = -= - - - - -- ____ .0-. -DeC(B----------------- Apparent c__:_ >60 Carsitas Variant:. :. ;.CmB, CmE - _____ - :_- C . None - - - >6.0 -- - r-20. Rippable. Chuckawalla: Co B; CoD, CnC, Cn E. B None - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- -=---- - - - - -- >6.0 -=--=--- - - - - -- - - -- Coachella: . CpA, CpB, CsA, - - - -- B None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - >6.0 . -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -= " >60 -- -- - - - - -- CrA----------------- B None ------ - ------ - -- -_ -- ---------- . 3.0 -5.4 Apparent----_ Jan- Dec____ >60 Fluvaquents: .. Fa- --------- --- - -- - -- D Frequent_ -- 'Very long_-- -- Apr- Sep_ -__ .0.5 -2.0 -Apparent -_ -__ Jan- Dec- --- >60 - :-- - - -- -- Fluvents: Fe______________ _ _ ___ AyD Occasional__ Verybrief____ Jaa- Dec____ >6.0 --------------- ------------ >60 Gilman. Ga B, GbA, Gb B, Ge& B Rare >6.0 --------------------------- - >60 ---- - - - - -- GcA, GdA, G1A --- - -_ - -5.0 Apr-06t ---- >60 --- - - -- --- Gravel pits and dumps:. : Impperial: >60 IeA- ----- ----- -- - - --- IIA- _____ :___________ D ' D None- - - - -- None______ = ----- - =__. -- ______________ -=-- -- -- - - -- _ :- ____ - - -__ >6.0 .1 -0� :0 - -- - - -- - - -- .Apparent__.__ - --= - -- -- Jan-Dec___ >60 -- - ----- .. ---------- Imperial. pp Gullied land D 'None-- - - -- - - -- --- --- ---- - - - - - -- __ -_: : >6:0 - .. . - -- - --- - --- -- -- - -- - - - -- >60 --- -- - - -- part. : Imppeerial: ` IoC1: Impperial part___:__- Gullied land D None______ ___ ____ ____ ___ _ ____ _______ 1.5 =5:0 Apparent___ -_ Jan - Dec___'. >60 ......... part. Indio: ' .. . Ip,.. Is ------------------ 1r, - -- - - -- B B None - - - - -- None- - - - -- ------- - - - - - -- - ------ - - - - =- , >6 >6.0 3.0 -5.0 - -- Apparent__ -- --=-- - = ===- Jan- Dec- - --> . >60 fp ---- - - -- - -- - - -- --- Litwe Torripsamments: L R1:: Lithic Torripsamments part. D None ___ -__ __ -_ _____- >.6.4 _ -' ----------- 1 -10 Hard. . Rock outcrop part. E t. .i i • 78 B(`1L`:�1JR VEY - TABLP, 12. Soil and water features — Continued; Soil name and map.symbol Hydro- logic group Flooding . High water table Bedrock Frequency. Duration Months Depth Kind' Months Depth Hardn ` parent; and the months of the year. -that the water and on other observations during the mapping o table commonly is high. Only saturated zones above a soils. The kind of bedrock 'and its hardness as. re Ft to ease of .excavation is also shown. Rippable be( 'I : 'Information about .the • seasonal -high water table In helps in assessing the need. for .'specially designed- Myoma: foundations, the need for specific kinds of drainage generally requires blasting. systems, and the need for footing drains to. insure dry. basements. Such information is also needed to decide whether or not construction. of basements is feasible " Form:ation, - .Morpholo'gy, and and to determine how septic tank'absorption fields and Classification of Llae Soils..; 'other underground installations will function: Also, a . Ma 6, MaD --------- - -- A None - - -- -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - --- >6.0 =------- - - - - =- ------ - - - - -- >60 - - - - - -- McB ------- ---------- A 'None ------ . ---------------- --- --- ,-_ - -- 1',5-5.0 Apparent-- -_- Jan- Dec -- -- >60 Niland: Na B------ '--- =- = _- -- C - None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -= ------ - - - - -- >6:0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 -- -- NbB %--- -- ----- - - ---. C " None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -- - °- - -= --- 1.5 -5.0 Apparent- - - -- Jan - Dec - - -- >60 - - - - - -- Omstott:.. Om D-- ----- - - - = - -- C None-- ---- - ----- -- - -- --- _ >6.0 ---= -- - =. -=- -- --- - - - - -- - 4-20' Rippe Orl; Omstott part - -- - -- C. None - - - -=- -- ----- -- - - °- - --- -- --- --- >6.0 - =--- -- - - - --- ------ - - - - -- 4-20' Rippe. Rock'outcrop part. Riveiwash: : RA. Rock-outcrop RO. RTI Rock outcrop part. ;. ihthic. Torripsamnients part., D None--- - -- - ---- ----- - --- ------ - --- -_ . >6.0. - -- - - - -- 1 -10 Hard Rubble land: RU. t Salton: jj Sa, Sb____ ___________ D None ---- ___ Apparent-'----- Jan - Dec___- >60 Soboba: So D, SpE---- -- - - -- -- A. None - -- - -- - ------- -- - - -- =----- � - - - - -- >6.0 =----- -- - - - - -- ------ -:-: -- >60 . - - - --i Torriorthente: f T01-, Tortiortherits'part. Rock outcrop part. Tu'unga: _ pE, TrC, Ts B-- - - - -- A . None --- : - -. -- >6:0- - -- >60 - - -- t t This mapping unit is made up of two or. more dominant -kinds of soil. See mapping unit description for the compositio:" behavior of the whole mapping unit. ` parent; and the months of the year. -that the water and on other observations during the mapping o table commonly is high. Only saturated zones above a soils. The kind of bedrock 'and its hardness as. re depth of 5 or 6 feet are indicated. to ease of .excavation is also shown. Rippable be( 'I : 'Information about .the • seasonal -high water table can .be excavated with a .singleAooth' ripping at helps in assessing the need. for .'specially designed- merit on a 200- horsepower tractor;" but hard bet foundations, the need for specific kinds of drainage generally requires blasting. systems, and the need for footing drains to. insure dry. basements. Such information is also needed to decide whether or not construction. of basements is feasible " Form:ation, - .Morpholo'gy, and and to determine how septic tank'absorption fields and Classification of Llae Soils..; 'other underground installations will function: Also, a . seasonal high-water table affects ease of excavation. This section.contains descriptions of the majo' } Depth to bedrock is shown for., all soils that are tors of soil- formation as they occur in the Coa underlain by bedrock at a depth of 5 to 6 .feet or less. Valley. Area, a summary of significant mor.phol For many soils, the limited depth to. bedrock .is a part characteristics of the soils of the Area, an expla� #' of the definition of the •soil series. The depths shown of the current system of classifying soils by cater. are based on measurements made in many soil borings broader than the series, and a table showing the 4't k J� 5 / ` �t VENUE APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 1000 0' 1000 <s ?s �ll� NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM - v z� FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP s34ii^�Ali•+«tD '.? {�. f '1�'- •si'>s1- ^�'r�R,�ll%E•. "t isr�i�,r ,r ` {�,.,. "t "•rtt, :i� .i.�.•; k�1vF���;` J. 1 '; }).7 #� } Y5. e15 kZ�S �1 ] it�7r4t lxs�,tn•�"tt k° 0'7 4 5 rr k s a fi �L g y.� ,44""A 11 i s ON .I �� �� �w r t < , �' CITY OF �11�4 a1,1 4 )• , �. F o rr -0.1 T� ti Y4>y� a LA QUINTA, { CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE COUNTY #�'�r.;.rt .��f #� :f' v ro• µtsi l�t t r �� aY i Tw7,'G,t.. r PANEL 5 OF 10 r (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) TRANOUILLO Val ZONE X s 'y r�� _ , �•`• ,:F;���+�'a;$ +:'�; " {ss�a�..:;,� PANEL LOCATION COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 060709 0005 B ry/ sak,w' MAP REVISED: AUGUST 19, 1991 A i Federal Emergency Managemenr.Agency La Quinl2 Evacuation Channel This is an official copy of ,a portion of the above referenced flood map. it was extracted using F-M T On -Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at vwvw. msc.fema.gov N �I 1Y w I La Quinta Evacuation Channel_ APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 1000 0' 1000 LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED BY 100 -YEAR FLOOD ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined. ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of pending); base flood elevations determined. c ZONE A0 Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths 4y Y f 4� t Q! xf i "i •s�t`+8` T 4 P \ti 's { � Z a''�'•n rr fl� t +t Pf -+ - 4 � <� determined. For areas of alluvial fan flood• j r ° Sj iyy q J& Erb } ct ing, velocities also determined. ZONE A99 To be protected from 100 -year flood by p, yj x' Federal flood protection system under y? a. construction; no base elevations determined. vn $ UL ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave �$ k action); no base flood elevations deter. - ',r4'�U mined. r ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave action); base flood elevations determined. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE it OTHCR FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 500 -year flood; areas of 100 -year flood with average depths ; fTRANQUILLO of less than 1 •foot or with drainage ,.�,.;,, ��h;. areas less than 1 square mile;•and t� areas protected by levees from 100- {'.6: [::4e,krit.(.'' % ?1z N• ..,•cam .-.zft .k• _< year flood. rsr OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined . to be outside 500- ^ year flood plain. ZONE D Areas in -which flood hazards Are undetermined. ?�`�'z.:;;:'f�$'i }. }�,�,�; -•r�: � Flood Boundary r :M1p �T�; >, � "yV }�k.' -%`'E� �• ^� :,a — Floodway. Boundary v"t'ti Zone D Boundary Boundary Dividing Special Flood ' Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Different Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within Special Flood Hazard • P Zones. ,,. Base Flood ,Elevation Line;.Ele- vation in Feet* D Cross Section Line (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zone* RM7x Elevation Reference Mark Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 i This is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced flood map. It was extracted using F- MITOn- ine. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title dock. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at ww. w. msc.fema.cov 40 O 40 80 120 p SCALD.: 1"=40' LEGEND A DRA I NAGE NUMBER NODE PROPOS STORM DRAIN EXISTING STORM DRAIN FLOW TW A " A DRAINAGE BASIN � A A -ROSS SEC a,4 LOI A : ON RUNOFF SUMMARY. EjR f E A0E AREA Q 10 Q100 L To BASIN (ac) (cfs) (cfS) (ft) (ft) (min) A Oat 0.7 1,3 200 1.31 . 1.2 4.0 7.2 380 2.65 8.4 C 2.5 7.6 13.8 475 3.43 9,6 D-1 1.4 3.8 7.0 700 4.62 11.4 O-2 `i , 0 2.9 5.3 560 4,05 1 t . 2 ET- 1, 0.1 0.4 0.7 240 3.93 6.2 ---2 0.9 2.8 5. 1 m 450 r3 93 9.O . PL.eANNIN£3. M T8ESMN 12 r,01,4 aTRUCTtom 74-1303 COUNTRY CLUB DRNE, SURE 2£71 . PALM DESERT, cALFCRNIA 922613 -16Ct5 LJ L TI N G 154.3467481 # FAX 760,346.8316 www.RBF.com MA � L E-, n, W El H U [E I__ -__ - --- - - - -- r - -- . -' - -- - --,- F - = = -C -- E - C - - -- E C uv r SCALE 6 -■i. 0013, 1 I ti I 570 ODO T. 5 S. F*6 M 33'37'30" 116'22'30" This soil swiler was coropiled it? 1978 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and cooperating agencies. t =-=x M= 'I REVOMP R. 7 E. 17'30" 1990000 FEET 2 Miles 10000 Feet Orthophotobase compiled from 1975 aerial photography by the U.S. Department of The Interior, Geological Survey. Planimetric detail obtained from Ph minute series maps 10,000-foot grid based on state coordinate system. SHEET NO. 11 OF 11 moNomwAm I I - I "IX �,,- , � \1 \ -, &��,,--.-- �,, ,,x I" x ---�`�,,, " , ,� \\ � , I . I �\ " � , 1� v , � I � , `1. .. , ,\\ "I ,�- ,,� 11 , , , * � .1172 1� -. , , , , , , � `� -�, ,, \ , ,� - , � �, I � I r. "',, ,,,,,,,�6, ) -... ", *1 �, -�,,,�f�,��'-,,�"\-"<,�,'�"-l� -,�-;,-1 17. -.1 C.- I -� �, ," �, �-, I - �,:,, I � 1�- � ,,v- -:-, -. - .. . .... , 11, 1, - --�- " .-.-,- 11 �K` �--,`., 11 �,,-I� ............ . -1-1-1111,-1- 1-11 A ..�-- 40-1 *',,- , - ,-::.. I ---- � ..,-�:�� 7 , -� 11 1� � ,�� ���� -.; �,, � I , I : � ", " -. - --, --11 R(go- -�-��/, , , �� ,,,,�`� �, " "I --- --- - - -,- -"- -, - - -111-1. - -1--1-.---.-.-W,-�--1 -, -1-1 . ,Yi� 1 .-.1--,---,---tJ6.4-- -,-,-,-i1pW 1- me,3" , , , ... � - , ,�, I , I - , � 11- I -11 -. I I � , ,. I ,� I , .116,4 . I ,9.11.111 11 , �� , ", ` --l-, ---- -- --11 1-1 1--.- .- - -- -",.L -, -- - - --, . � --- - --- - , - -, -, --� � i , I ,�: 11 � � gi,;w � : �-,- -�-,� � � , , I ,� - - "? =MR-OX, om :�,�, � �,,, �, ,� , I ` 7 z;;;;; -1- I ,, ,, ",mv, - 11 'Id R", ,-1-1--11 ,,;,.6--- -, 114-7211-Mr,"'Tu � -Vwy"r 11-1--11 , ,,.JIZ4 '�- 'I, --- , "' �, "r , ,.k- --� -, , I , 1.11 ,-_L�� -- 1-11,�'ll""I'll-l�,.,:;�,-���,�-11- "I-,-,,'..,. -, � 1.11,114RC ,;�'116< _� .% a �. A,ph. - , " �,,- ,�,, 1, .1,- _= - ., � , - , ---11 , I -, I 1-11- ­ - � - ------ � ,-,:11-1.-----1- 1-1.111-1.1-1 - ---- , �, 1, -,�, , � ... - I - 1 & -,--.,, � .... -.416's - --------�T16.-1----- " "-'C"&, ­­­­ -".' ' ---.7=7 'N Ir , 1, -, � . 'I i� , - -, " 0 --7- v - --1.1- � 'M " , ,-,- � �, -1 . ., �- ,a,- , i ---,�,�: -�,, , , -77- ---,--- - - -, -- ... 178- --,-,-,,-- �, q,,,v , -1.�11---.��-.-�-"����-,��:-����.,-.-,=-�--,-�,�-.-�-----,�-.-",-,.�', '' -11 �, �---- - ,-- ��., � , � I "I I - lk� < ""'' , ,�-, e, ---- ,; - � -- . - I ,x , V-N " ,, - ,1 1 w-,w-4wA"w-,A � " , ,�,,,, � . 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