33954IE �3q54- Preliminary Drainage Study For Tentative Parcel Ma p No. 33954 La Quinta, California Prepared for: Scottrade, Inc., Trustee F.H. LaBranche Jr. 25 Bay Street Northfield, NH 03276 Prepared by: FOMOTOR ENGINEERING 225 S. Civic Drive, Suite 1 -5 Palms Springs, California 92262 Phone (760)323 -1842 Fax (760)323 -1742 March; 2007 e PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: FOMOTOR ENGINEERING PHILLIP K. FOMOTOR, R.C.E. 47284 DATE b o -Pti -S3qg� Table of Contents I. Report II. ' Reference Material a. Figure 11, La Quinta Quadrangle (Riverside County, California, Coachella Valley Area) b. Runoff Index Numbers for Pervious Areas (Plate E- 6.1 from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) c. 2 Year, 1 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D- from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) d. 100 Year, 1-Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D- from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) e. 2 Year, 3 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D- from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) f. 100 Year, 3 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D- from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) g. 2 Year, .6 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D- from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) h: 100 Year, 6 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D- . from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) i. 2 Year, 24 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) j. 100 Year, 24 -Hour Precipitation Isohyetal (Plate D -' from RCFCWCD Hydrology Manual) k. FIRM Panel No: 0602570006 D' III. Onsite Unit Hydrograph Analyses a. Pre - Development. b. Post Development. �i Table of Contents (contd ') IV. Figures & Exhibits a. Pre & Post Development Onsite Unit Hydrographs b. TTM 33668 c. Preliminary Grading Plans for TTM 33668 1 rrm oJVuti rr will fit idly nyuruluyy nvpun Preliminary Hydrology Report PROJECT SITE LOCATION The proposed 0.31 acre development is proposed on APN 770 - 182 -004 and lies near the northeast corner of the intersection at Calle Amigo and Avenida Bermudas, in the city of La Quinta, California. The site lies in Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian. PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is comprised of approximately 0.31 acres and consists of undeveloped vacant desert land: The northern boundary of the site meets with Lot 2, Block 3 of the Village Commercial Zone. The western boundary of the site meets with Lot 12 of the Village Commercial Zone. The southern boundary of the site meets with Calle Amigo, a fully improved 29 -foot wide roadway. The eastern boundary of the site meets with Lot 110 of the Village Commercial Zone, which is currently vacant. PRE - DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE PATTERNS The undeveloped site falls to the north and east at approximately 1.8% and is composed, entirely, of Hydrologic Soil Type "A ". Runoff from this property conveys east across the site primarily as sheet flow. Some of the onsite runoff crosses the eastern property boundary and some -discharges onto Calle Amigo., the roadway that meets with the southern site boundary. This project site does not appear to be impacted by offsite flows. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Community Panel Number 060709 0005 B, revised August 19, 1991, the site is located within a Zone X. Zone X is described as an area that is not impacted by the 100 -year event. A copy of the mentioned FIRM Panel is included, herein, as reference material. METHODOLOGY The materials included with this study are presented to satisfy the criteria set forth in the Riverside Flood Control and Water Conservation District's Hydrology Manual. Pre and Post Development peak flows and runoff volumes are determined using the synthetic unit ' hydrograph method. The site is designed to retain the incremental increase. of runoff resulting from development. The 1, 3, 6, and 24 hour storms are modeled for the 2 and 100 -year events. The design storm from which peak flow rates for both pre and post . development conditions are taken from is the 100 -year, 1 -hour storm. Unit Hydrograph Calculations were performed in accordance with RCFCWCD criteria using ' CIVLDESIGN /CIVILCADD, a computer program developed by Joseph E. Bonadiman and Associates, Inc. Fomotor Engineering by CEB on 310112007 i rm �oyvY rrcurruirary nyuwIVyy r%C/wn RESULTS OF UNIT HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS The results of the Unit Hydrograph analysis, which accounted for the entire site (0.31 acres), are as follows: 2 The amount of storm water runoff that must be retained is equal to 0.037Acre Feet, or 1612 ' cubic feet and the increase in the onsite peak flow rate equals 0.03 CFS. SUBSURFACE RETENTION Onsite retention requirements are to be satisfied by way of a Maxwell Type IV drywell system that is to be installed onsite, per request by Mr. Paul Goble from the City of La . Quinta. The proposed Maxwell system will be placed at the southwest corner of the site, at the terminus of the proposed onsite storm drain system. The Maxwell system will serve to.' filter the captured onsite runoff and will allow for infiltration at a rate of up to 0.25 cubic feet ' per second. Calculations which verify the system's capability to process the required runoff volume over a period of time not to exceed 72 hours are included, herein. Preliminary Maxwell Svstem Infiltration Volume Calculations The amount of storm water runoff that must be retained is equal to 1612 cubic feet. ' • The infiltration rate offered by the Maxwell Type IV drywell system is 0.25 cfs. The local agency requires that retained onsite runoff must be designed to percolate or ' infiltrate over a period of time not to exceed 72 hours. 1612 Cubic Feet — 0.25 CFS = Time required for infiltration of Incremental Increase Time required for infiltration =1.8 hours ' 2745 Cubic Feet - 0.25 CFS = Time required for infiltration of Total Hydrogrraph Volume Time required for infiltration = 1.8 hours Based upon the manufacturer's information, which is subject to field verification, the Fomotor Engineenng by CEB on 310112007 Storm Basin Area Frequency. Duration Peak Flow Runoff Volume Area ID Acres ) (Yrs) (hrs) Rate cfs Ac.Ft. K I: PRE -DEV 100 1 1.95 0.031 100 3 0.55 0.028 100 6 0.45 0.025 100 24 0.11 0.026 POST DEV 100 1 1.97 0.033 100 3 0.58 0.034 100 6 0.48 0.04 . 100 24 0.13 0.063 2 The amount of storm water runoff that must be retained is equal to 0.037Acre Feet, or 1612 ' cubic feet and the increase in the onsite peak flow rate equals 0.03 CFS. SUBSURFACE RETENTION Onsite retention requirements are to be satisfied by way of a Maxwell Type IV drywell system that is to be installed onsite, per request by Mr. Paul Goble from the City of La . Quinta. The proposed Maxwell system will be placed at the southwest corner of the site, at the terminus of the proposed onsite storm drain system. The Maxwell system will serve to.' filter the captured onsite runoff and will allow for infiltration at a rate of up to 0.25 cubic feet ' per second. Calculations which verify the system's capability to process the required runoff volume over a period of time not to exceed 72 hours are included, herein. Preliminary Maxwell Svstem Infiltration Volume Calculations The amount of storm water runoff that must be retained is equal to 1612 cubic feet. ' • The infiltration rate offered by the Maxwell Type IV drywell system is 0.25 cfs. The local agency requires that retained onsite runoff must be designed to percolate or ' infiltrate over a period of time not to exceed 72 hours. 1612 Cubic Feet — 0.25 CFS = Time required for infiltration of Incremental Increase Time required for infiltration =1.8 hours ' 2745 Cubic Feet - 0.25 CFS = Time required for infiltration of Total Hydrogrraph Volume Time required for infiltration = 1.8 hours Based upon the manufacturer's information, which is subject to field verification, the Fomotor Engineenng by CEB on 310112007 1rrv1 ooyult rIGennuary nyuruwyy rwjjun ' Maxwell System is capable of storing the volume of onsite runoff produced during the post development condition in its entirety. CONCLUSION Development of this property is proposed in a manner that will not adversely affect ' surrounding or downstream properties. The incremental increase may be fully retained through implementation of the specified underground storage system, as prescribed above ' and herein. The increase in the peak flow rate incurred by the proposed manner of development is considered to be negligible. The onsite storm drain system is designed to capture and store all onsite runoff produced during the 100 -year storm. The site will not ' discharge runoff onto Calle Amigo, unless overflow conditions (clogging of the onsite storm drain system) prevail. Onsite structures will be elevated as may be necessary to ensure protection from flooding by on and offsite flows. I. Fomotor Engineering by CEB on 310112007 II Reference Material 1 ' 78 SOIL SURVEY TABLE 12. —Soil and water features— Continued Soil name and map symbol Hydro- logic group Flooding High water table Bedrock Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth Hardness Ft In aD--- -- - - - - -- MW-C A None - - - - -- -------- - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 1.5 -------------- Apparent----- ----- - - - - -- Jan- Dec >60 >60 - = - -- -------- - - - - - -- None - - - - -- --- ----- -- - - -• ------ - -- - -- -5.0 - - -- -- -- - - - --- Niland: NaB-- -- C None ------ -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - - - -- -- -- ---- - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- --------- - - - - NbB----------------- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -5.0 1.5 -5.0 en APPart - -- Jan- Dec - - -- >60 - -- - - - -- Omstott: OmD---------- - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 4-20 Rippable. Or': Omstott part- - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 4-20 Rippable. Rock outcrop part. Riverwash: RA. Rock outcrop: RO. RT1: Rock outcrop part. Lithic Torripsamments part. D None ------ -------- - - - - -- -- ------------------ - - - - -- 1 -10 Hard. Rubble land: RU. Salton: Sa, Sb--------- - - - - -- D None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - - -- 2.0 -5.0 Apparent ----- Jan-Dec - - -- >60 --- - -- - - -- Soboba: SoD, SpE------ - - - - -- A None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- Torriorthents: TO 1: Torriorthents part. Rock outcrop part. Tujunga: TpE, TrC, TsB- - - - - -- A None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0. -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 - - - -- - -- 'This mapping unit is made up of two or more dominant kinds of soil. See mapping unit description for the composition and behavior of the whole mapping unit. parent; and the months of the year that the water table commonly is high. Only saturated zones above a depth of 5 or 6 feet are indicated. Information about the seasonal high water table helps in assessing the .need for specially designed foundations, the need for specific kinds of drainage systems, and the need for footing drains to insure dry basements. Such information is also needed to decide whether or not construction of basements is feasible and to determine how septic tank absorption fields and other underground installations will function. Also, a seasonal high water table affects ease of excavation. Depth to bedrock is shown for all soils that are underlain by bedrock at a depth of 5 to 6 feet or less. For many soils, the limited depth to bedrock is a part of the definition of the soil series. The depths shown are based on measurements made in many soil borings and on other observations during the mapping of the soils. The kind of bedrock and its hardness as related to ease of excavation is also shown. Rippable bedrock can be excavated with a single -tooth ripping attach- ment on a 200 - horsepower tractor, but hard bedrock generally requires blasting. Formation, Morphology, and Classification of the Soils This section contains descriptions of the major ,fac- tors of soil formation as they occur in the .Coachella Valley Area, a summary of significant morphological characteristics of the soils of the Area, an explanation of the current system of classifying soils by categories broader than the series, and a table showing the clas- { F 3 RUNOFF.INDEX NUMBERS OF" HYDROLOGIC 'SOIL- COVERcOMPLEXES FOR PERVIOUS. AREAS -AMC. Ii. -- Coyer Type:(3) Qua 1 ity,of Soil Group. A' B• C I.D . Cover (2) NATURAL COVERS - .Barren 78 86 91' 93 (Rockland, eroded and graded land) Chaparrel, Broadleaf Poor 53 70 80 85 (Manzonita, ceanothus and scrub oak) Fair' 40 63 75 81 Good 31 57 71 78 Chaparrel, Narrowleaf Poor 71 82 88 91 (Chamise and redshank) Fair 55 72 81 86 Grass, Annual or Perennial Poor 67 78 86 89 Fair 0 69 79 84 Good 38 61 74 80 Meadows or Cienegas Poor 63 77 85 88 (Areas with.seasonally high-water table, Fair 51 70 80 84 principal vegetation is sod forming grass) Good 30 58 72 78 Open Brush Poor 62 76 84 88 (Soft wood shrubs - buckwheat, sage, etc.) Fair 46 66 77 83 Good 41 63 75 81 Woodland Poore 45 66 77 83 (Coniferous or broadleaf trees predominate. Fair 36 60 73 79 Canopy density is.at.least 50 percent) Good 28 55 70 77 . Woodland, Grass Poor 57 73 82 86 (Coniferous or broadleaf trees with canopy Fair 44 65 77 82 density.frcm 20 to 50 percent) Good 33 58 72 79 URBAN COVERS - -Residential or.Commercial Landscaping.. Good 32 56 69 75 (Lawn, shrubs, etc.) Turfs•. Poor 58 74 83 87 (Irrigated and mowed grass) Fair. 44'1 65 77 82 Gogd 33 58 72 79 AGRICULTURAL COVERS - Fallow 76 85 90 92 (Land ..plowed but not tilled or seeded) R C F C A `W C D RUNOFF- INDEX - .NUMBERS HYDROLOGY_ MANUAL FOR PERVIOUS AREAS PLATE E -6.1 (I of 2) „,�r.1„ -. �.� 'r x"CNr ” _ �'Ch<!'.- +c w:� iry �y �� D •r i ?. ^O � r%, 7 T � j 1'o-,. R8i r- eT r!?J 1�i'sip t r cy+a►3i y '' �_t�S.= '� "t' �'+. d -> F � +ate. -.,lZ. a '� .ry e - , t'+ � _�.�,�� `d s? �L ,•€ a' � .. 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C' -^°"' t w mss✓ rkL �! r c �'~ Rwt �ryw, a •%�,- �. f �..N'..' • - .1.:r ' • ,idi4}it '!Oil JI(r rlM��i •'�+rFww+i .ter ►b R4Y i : (?4 T/ �_► _. - "y °, '�' ; •' wsa+ _ j �ti�' RIVERSiDE COUNTY FLOOD� CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ir 2 —YEAR I —HOUR y 5 :� « �avf� N��4�" Mr PRECIPITATION ¢�artu� - .rc .. i wr w- tU� - _ i. r ._ e•. -�'a.= �• - e'° "4� 1.rr'° - -'♦ Y iAi'i -�` ve fct.,x ,.h«F,� „z .i �..,�.�. a. J. �`..- .__......_.�. 'a 1 � ��L �¢u��" � .!•V�' y �. "1, „}.n � `a •0._ t 'JJ.1 CL[h,.Y- .9. \C PLATE D -4.3 i _41 RS RIB r i .. If x T ,� - 7 i,p+' ..'»!d 7 r ; t� ` •� / rruf vi'rr � { , aSrr AD Ayr j N'U'A TtO4At M'0NUI�jfN. Porte • •�►•�+rrrjG. �'yrr�.w•+�r.�1oMr•. .,A � w, ti ', ��,, { }`� _ � ,'�, . � _ �� - ►,< is �' � „ . � — . ,. �,r i t . !C� irdS f '•�. ti. �I. r I(�;.�w <� p`4 r^ •♦ . 1 .. }� • � � • .. ] ,<orrAZ <•'+ ` - r` l�' ~4'. 'R } .. - • lt` J t ...R J�' ar �• t,. ,'! - t ` "6 - ? r ,emu �- `i `,c�• �„ O� y'`•s y y w T �. �� -� � �• `{� � t M �"- " y r'+L""r+ t �+ • . F �.i...4 �_ - t s �� • . �yl,! , + r 1.411 • ;T'. < • 'r.•,-', .r.n , , '� :. �t � "- ti r '11 � x K 'r� +� uor .r� ..Yry • �'_ Mt P + -_r+ • •.�.y , ji`{+ ochi��Tl \., M �� � , 1 5 4A 0 R -t2► i 0 N p L f R F S f, /•` ml AW,., �' 1Y`�' Av ,� .. te rf - f r'M 30 "f�t'r ,i: r. ' `c•s 3Yr• iA,1 ` `"t t -'� »)) 5..t•wr<,•••r , - , �, `,',.l , 2U' 0.0� tap z•4L rxSOciors `bnd an No �. VOW *l I- Colifftio,1973. i r r �.t '- �• ` ,F ` r y Y ,`r.. }iY'Y],,,i.rr ..v +r.. C F C' C D J7 bGY, r icy � { `' � �.� }'• a J'::wt NA 1i!:t -� r- r° •+ ;« '" i' . ,..1 1= 4 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTRC A N D �Y�, Y _ • *• WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2 -YEAR 3-HOUR PRECIPITATION Cct�titUNO 'N,Yr't" •i{ 'Y.• � tt .�el•,• � ..f ,... 1 Tom•%• t- � -�f, P -� C i •.... w. «w n •w<.. w i � = , •�` I•r "YrQ uC1,1NrD!( •tl.4 �40 � •<�.�. G.u,rY \. Aslf ' � — PLATE E -5.1 R8E 1, era ' � .:` t, �, is � •�•"�. _ '�`� ,.T .r*'..- �. _ is� � 6 _ �-, k � IG q.� ', �.,.�. T#°. J:A \} tJATtt�M1�:,At h'GyU��I nil . J si .0 k rH.�[)r 415 tr•s y, fi as`- t�k`i2Rk iq�LNrA tk3 '' } ~ �+ -° f }�.5 mix.•. -T2c a A4 s v" i ,�,s• �. 2•� 2 Jt �4 R t X * • S t y - . 77 � �sc5,e 1 ^.i. pr: " t c • 3 ng d`t "o. ! {: � f 3 w •+y A � `� ' � :.�. � Y V tFl ' ; ' NV� Lr, >r. � �•� ` `' -+ .. "t.i -y ��- - •,ice` - z _ i �• ; \ l 1 _ <t t'rT3 9 m Ct n(} i d .d M'. ° • '`1 - y31 x•. t +�.;�� ��4 / I Y i' `� .5,�,` �y�."`J�owi>.t��'� ., •t t' �� y� {si t1+4 ..iaJ � `�,y�� ..I . K k�, � oA� ! � �� �� _ �•_ -� ra.� -xrnut � nv, _ 1 w�r.rat •- P . -v a`4A�'Fhf <+i ' ��y 1• .��.. aa#itlta e _^ -x 4 S .,..tai. nnwr�T.,.i. --- \ • -�: Yom, -- YJ4...." _ r.s.c.yQ'F arJ j,. E dN v s wit'T 3, 2.5 _ _* . w t� i • ;� + i _... t•0- Y - \,w� „NtJ��ii•`s .'"-`' vh. ° \�,.�. { .�.� .- a �• 'Rt T ' ri ,-,f.- .w. ''0 � � .,�.�; �`� •° �, �t -•. o ` is 01973, k ,l '�� «2.., -1. ✓ � ;F •� � l.i afl �,.- Mi`�"n r j. r\ Y � ' •F � Y. ` }K; w , ' �' � � 1r-1 :. ��,F .. ' A �.G Y% t i • « �� ��ey -t� .�_..— "1_f'. � f .�- � /r.:.�yl�x R�t.•ER i:CU Y �'i �' ill'. �{� � `� �'� r'.'�...Ti i..� Y. 's) f l 5 + ` NON L t i,r'l ! ., r, S - `�Iyy���ir.. � � ' 1 •. ,. � i., t. $ R,l'CAi RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT �r xs 100 —YEAR 3 —HOUR AT4R {, i(kAs MRS µNA i .. PRECIPITATION ' w ".� �j rjroACSr xNC s a.. t -,i• -r. 4 .,` r ,�{. ♦-y - i l :��e �•7 f Y1w <' .i eft^ LG. �a�a �a[r Onawn �. fin PLATE E -5.2 RBE Via- y- E R6 I-AlE A lh T94'w"ly( 3 -K T, 4 !'A Irl 0 >r N A T 1,6 N A L M O N U M E A P 41 0 pl at's it At 5 1. 41 kay .4" 1.2 It 1.2 ell Ilk Ll 7, •a, U4 All NJ�4 Aff L Nyj '0rr J c*0 I 2.0 14 T TO ol . w- cchii1l. --Tt D IN"Q1- W -T I N A,4 R 1,-$ 7 1 ' / ^^ ` . �•" � `'i � .' -,n ?� ^aa..t � •'� r ` , i • ' "' "K RkGNA 30010 rz IJ % is\ lidA'4tai s- -4",N OA C Mrn a, %lllim e: M - 2.4 4 OWLbGY:" - AMAt � 1.0 16 I^ Oull RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTRI s,iF�rSr yT;'' LI A N D I CONSERVATION DISTRICT I' N WATER T9$ MV Wr!rT -JUE po6_(a� 2-YEAR — 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION PLATE E-5. t k"' � -Fi �/y('�`\ r y�.y yy.�`-•''♦y p •+' J,�,y �74� � l; s l`�•i tti. � ,r`.,^`'S 1 1 +,ACp j._,r' ,!-rn �• T_ —_- RSE Aia lvf TV7 r �in RIF-, rf. NllA T o w v , J-7 ;It, Eti it 1AIL "or ly NA 14 *7, D.W K4 3t A`: T r r 1 ire 51 HF, 2 r Y. J:,L ki, Ao r) 71-j L( o'd m tn- Ila , ' c i\3 V �e _ j__ _%Q• -1w (J N 7� L1, - 77 ­T-;� iro_ �F 30, C �ON x 4461-A T-1 V A t3 T.U15"Tr QAA, ' r ar 7s v e� =�, r Y 3 P ti4 t t� - .� 2 N4 Y t �, Vti u�ri �I — C, 44. Ir ' `,. - / �• l ,y ` '' +' I� - r 1 \1 r pw" �I, 7 _X, zzn, r1i *4.L z ouN 1�� lo, v u, RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTF Ill 1z T A N D ' j cS }`,- y; r4 WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICI Ao c- 100-YEAR 6- HOUR kP Z `14n w PRECIPITATION FORE5T C IWE PLATE E-5 c yf` 5 nrt, + ZE tz; . ^: -R"4E :.''•R6E ,> 1 - - PIE, '��`}77777 ' � R6E F, ,v-^ -..Sys ��' l f I �- w". r. .fati1�• « ` - f._ - ._9 .•^ % �a'fn1E t +�,� �rT. t)i.:i l f t� '�,,,••1D�`�'y `'2. 4 .t ..xb - !,".c � i ' '� � +. � \, '�• yG )+ :'! £� ...Z � ,�; �'t � ' •;;r �'* , _ ', 'irt. wo., •' i � °`�._ 1 ,J —.._ � _ tai {_ _..— - -`- -- — -`' — — t ^, v�Y�f if K.F ,, '� �, at / .., i, L Lr.. � `:/' ''" 'X•i°,to. T S'�� �. � � a.L .s,y � ` !r F "t'f•'�•�• \ \. •^ i'`. � _ , � T�; I• ._ M�i :. - ;, U-11ji1 Y,!qi v�lav f ..v T, t 'a „< - 1, N• T j . } � � ,{ ✓its. r+. ,,,rrt {p}'j�j,F { ( -}•. r , N�1 I aN'At MONUME. �'4'a"' s• • 4 a. •••` .r �`" r %_ `�" " a., '4/.q r ` a MIX. Syf j•1•� i. r4 A� •� 04 A , 1 M� � �.�(iu•.n '� �' ! rx . t ; .+r.,S �_f ^.• - {: � �.1�. � . ,�t.� ' '�' � " 'n,ri,;;• rt4c f+C ,..ru•• csitR�l- - , .xfq, m .a. ,....r ` c ! T•` �~ `• "{` 'I� 1 `+ x �.�,..• �. yn rk+sor ^;, , -f. .'�i. �, _ ,� _ .s J r 4v ,n is ' y,'' �. .: .", •� , fi' P T- \ , �, A . I r � �,: W:i ..• _+ '240 �:� N ;t .."!. • 'xctfa°� • �.iMt nom~ � '..,NUL .,rs. � - r ^� ,- 1.8 • /• .. `t 4 S � /kl �311c ).r{` � � S. trt •„� �1_ . F`Y / ` 1 l � F(!•Cf' '�L'r+w+irn`;c._ � . �-1tR V:•17-'". ,. + 1 i yKa..- -_a. - _ .ic,.:s. - �\�'S -''"1'' . +"� _' �'"'° +-s rar a^M, ta. ._� � 4 5` � , s �. .. „ ar,„ ?�' 1 ``t.: dl •; - , ' ' � r � .r'S, \ , i i `"'9t- :s<. r * - • ' : �.$y �! � � -: - ..ryn.,rT o....r r ,• q ,ram � �+. '', � '''`�= µca.`- « +r.�ti. ,,,� w .e.' �r,.w �nu+y +y'� "Q '� f. .. +�+�i y}:nr CJ, - i f1:• \rr, `�" = Aw � E %. °g. i4 � ..�- .��-i Q A -F ES �T'.l' , Arla� ,, � �• 9 • . � i�'i � nr� � �,�w \ta '; ^ C '` t .+' 1111 1 a }, ,�(. • �•'.•` . t.... rJ"• j : r:u c;.rotiF•`.3..t..•,'`sF.:. sY' !" �., (, i " . r " •• t` + \t -` '� f- ' -2 5 u �� a r T , 1 �-ti+r _ • : ' . , Cr ..M 30;O `26 isr ��,,,•, 30' 0 . ~, a 2.5 ,'. ' ,� aj p, { 3.J +• _ r ! ! j `nA�yv��''�"'� x ,? l•Iix(11�.. F ., 01R. t •, J u~ t ` .S._ ~` `,•rAFiGWG ~i r. .. r _� r'Jii ;i'� v�y �ti. -PAHr..i' a t,, �,yr' . _a ��, w i \ `r' ' ^1..t5QF1i tai5::fr'omzNOAA`` •S °_ 'i4k r ; v ; ; ' + '� y \ f�... •' r ,alcf. �I — Coli'fif'r n i a ,19,,7 � i - ti t '�:; F.1 in ii )IA aA. � .- � •.5` - 1 ! t z•-+- - `.f,•. � ' t � 't ai s•.L ' T. +n.- 1 .t .i a � .fw MAW_ 4r' • ,_ / fin+ •., ..L 1_ � -f ! a;. � 'r . 3 , •' . TpNR(.ni .y A4tM{ ,''rte j ?.. x +t�f: J3.qF ,, a J• ::� �`„ �,..� `r` + Ld0Y1#�A�. ( . ,,� r`tv'v°(•'7i „� '�J� -73it. ^Ovr.' - cs .: �� 1 , <� "r+ ',r,�- S Nn. +•?_k( +I x, L +�'* .' 9,` .' RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTR+ 'f ✓\.. - .•fi`' <r) �� AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2-YEAR — 24 -HOUR �•` ?ak s �_�`, ucaHa r�iWriArt,4 ?� ,;:� t��`'•'' z '"�; PRECIPITATION .a �. r i���� ,+ :_• l.� -� '��"':il •. v.t; a�`i�.�'»rr, 't`i, .S, , ��, J� It ' �, +'' O o..... .�Q. • ����a� pp2�CC~ � 7r� •, � »'`{` pr f+l._OHhbMf 'flty »1tA �,j+'�, `• n•.. ..� ■. r•nr k, ./. i V I •` . 1'aaY. �. ( L D.,a° Dry DA.ww PLATE E -5 +: k.., 3--,`'fi .i3 4E :, ,,� 5E i '! - ., 'RGE ± ZE, R8E tu '+� - �� /.• r . cc . t r . _ ir..� t �..�;� �._ r+ la.no..ff.. � _• f f.� � «w w � • - - � •I]:r/ tij.lC . _ .. .. ff,,: -t Nr � � H S 1 ".t ••w3 Tl } t�At MONUME,N T �'¢ ♦ ti N V T i't) T �# R ,owf wAft .6 ' +' `- a n " ='� c " J• % T2E "t -h ,.. .n. i .'ri :4 .1 *y,•,�t At r r , 7 4931 R I l ' , bl NQH W � w�*At5 w., rF`� - .t' ' � - - ,� -'°—• - a i t' I r _ r �` � �%O"l n � , �� �� f. `. Ue1e. •iinyr Y' f \ . , � ..,,_ :, .. .._. -r ;.-• ;.;•tom r t ` '� �N lot b ` _ .: —p- -f i .- .. �. R . . - ` ' � �` .. ��p.•n ` + -1 ~-ems �.+a�. M S rx.t'�'S! r 1 ' �' j . A art .�. •� ,•o„Yu• 4 % #va • r, 'v �� — .. I _ ` �a � � �. � , ! � l � - ,.t � . � ittc 4r ter- s ND tit t . 'C�l.' - ^!i �' .f � ,, ra �..+ 1 ..1"•. a ,[. � .. i _ � � ... -+ia �r -1_�.. ,� � `� a achtlla .r • .,{ B 1 tir•A f:1 C} ua..D�.^ �.�+r ' .,y.CriC: nu�•s_'t •� .,f ,+t ., _ . :iir _ µ • •,'� \ - _.A.' .a" - +' r. r a.. ".. ` 1 ,! . .. s:.��p.�}�y+i .••� a.x� }- vyl9'r�rA,n tJ1 »DwN ,. ­MA Tad �' , ., 1 . • llfT \' ;� .. .L!_ ( � ''a 1 A♦ S ►yelvts from OAA A j. _ °1i,m, SE -Ca ornia,197 r a � i v :✓ ♦ ti?t Y4,:*,� �" r'.d �` ,,,y', r rF'' , 1, A*, Kai '"ST'q'`.L .,,• \ - .•v — ^ ;.._f« .: �h -.T r..,a .r -�- ,� ! ' �, wit` tia; a ..�. t •htr �� ..y . -' `, 8 "� . r, r, h #� ,_�: � � � �;• �' RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND �'� `��• }` e., t WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 100 -YEAR - 24- HOUR r PRECIPITATION i::c`K+.n. 3 •? � _ .. ; n t: ' .St �/ .s - rPJhTA� 1 tA.N V•fr 'lit rJ• f i .m u.ar.rn �. � _ R2E N PLATE E -5.6 N 0 Y Y G LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ARE-INUNDATED BY IWYEAR FLOOD ZONE N.pv fla,dd.abmdNNRw. r ZONE AE W fw.a el.wd.v..,tNMw. ZONE AN Fb,..mN, ri b7fa(..ay NN.r ' p.nW1N; m 11,ea Weals 4orRw. ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS ZONE AD MW r l-w 7 t:, j NE, bN, ..r +arbF u..Mh ,er,n .M6. 1N.kw. aw a r .wad rm n..s REFERENCE ELEVATION WWe hP WDNw. MARK (PT. NOVD) DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION U ZONE A99 T. M PrevRN bem 1MTre n.e. ry — Nk N.Ralr rreaN NMN RMID7 .7.898 61lndird dkk,,uAwd x010.10, Nt In top or moor.. pmt, 0.5 mNDPOM:reea NwWmfu�brd. mile rat of La D1n1 Fo,10Mca on Gllo T1.Pko, 70 feet mute ZONE V Cr:W 0w v1m wbexr 4vd of Ne c.nteaim. E,O91I.,. by RI„ 11da Coon1Y Flood Control adMl: .s nw Wwhe, .I- D h1dc1, RlvanM.'(ounty $nr.YOa'Ofnce, Rk, ad, COO., Rood dp Dep—C.I. Gnpa Sn D.P.a.nt of TampouU w U.S. C ., SO— ZONE VE — — II�. i FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE Al RMIW 18.8o1 SNnd,rd dhk, taxad PD10310, MI In top o /edn[rete poet t 1S fttt v and 70!1.1 naN on Ib penterlMv .I i —NOUon of Avcnlda lINI —da -rod Calf, Ta0lpfco, E,t Ib.d Ov R11110da 1 OIHCR FLOODARE4 .Coonlr Fbod Co QW Diaulct, RI —ld, County SO To,- oMC.. ZONE x Arw of SWjw ,00d; M of RberLMe f<unly ROM Dvpanmml. Callfmnla Staa Molnment of la, DlaOrlo 1 }paNOr NN- d.Inp. a1 Tramporutivn;N U.S. C.oloCiml $VIWY. w lax Nan I guard m0e;',nd RM109 .3772 SUnd,M dial, 11NINd PD-102-10,.I In top or mmrem pool. a6 w probeV-0 by b,ea f— 100 w nbod. foot nooN Md 111 fttt rat of ibe «mallna of Inby RI on ,k _ OTHER AREAS UO y F,: anc wanMTmn S-11. E,ubnmed pr al,e.da. ZQNE X `�' Conmr Food C-4-1 DfuNCt, In—lde C—.1, S........ mnC., SVt`:4 >' �,j'•,11", ZONE x Area de.rmMea to b o Mlt Soo- In ,,,enbe C,unn:Road tho. —CU, 011fo I. Sum D,o,nment •fJ. Yw flood pDM, of Tr.,O o .n..AO U.S. ceW,pM S .... Y. `+ij:!-�' # ?�T ZONE D u.. I, 'rhCA Rood board, are .. `py RMt to r. OCk—h OI. 161.)ZS Sundam n 016, aNPFW PD105I0, ut In toD of Conw,m Dml. 7D '�' f�,•� y�'i'1 " % -z2 Flood eound,ry fat nnb of Gly C616pNUa 0.1. Amnb, Rablo and AveOW, "��'� °' f',rt'i. DIAL E—Ibboo by RN11.1d, Co—y Flood Control Dl,ulw, 'k.'ijr'�.`; .`�''�? =` � -''•, �% 7—� —�— Floodrry.BwMary RI.Odd. County R4ary111' Ofn«, RI.nMe co", Road MP_ �'' ' `• �t1T�i i'ti� h111omH you D,puhnent of Tmn0on a us. c.b7ka sdml : � Zn O Bdum,ry i Boudmrr DIvMMp SpatlM Food y%„ 4 1 Hued Zana, d BouM,ry I _, Its ��11RF�yYfz1 p _ p — y � 1. f�• OhWInZ Arw e/ DMFC.n[ Y Y{ �S L�+,`$F \. M4.`%J WINht SWrN FF_ I.,at na a „rF•' Fir`- i } y AftfN4 4., .1 Zma. 573—...__ e,iw� M�F «i baron Llo.: u,, ' ' } '} • , ..� �� E 7' K1T 5 C = \f-- -O Crop Soo_ LhN (EL98N 9— Flood Elantb° M F.t 1••1 6 l.4 1 ,i��✓.j[lS Who'. Uniform WINK Zone 'y RM7x Ek..- R,femna Mark ” Jr •,�L[,i'r144 1 -Rd -MO I m tb NaOlr O, -M V,rNUI O,tum df 1929 3r UL O �r�iT • NA. 11da m+D u mr m, M .dM NO nlebrYe9 IN N. ibpd Inauran« TRAMOMILO Ro° A daa np n.ce[ar11Y M,�diy NI ova, tul•1e0 to dppdirlA 1 a c 'ZO 1 WWlcwmhwnkCaldr.lnaln mmCe.manm.Dtiwau wwmrr�C / .,� Hamra R. Sp J,I F1oppNUad Area ZOJEX \. \' i:ia' ^'• Nwal y.ckl nob" lolo" 000ry BOOM ImWo ZmeA. A7.31). In ti�r z""'' +.� Aj. AN, A0, A99. V, V130AND VE esMtrlrp;`., aI— NUwd A... may bd DrN.eMd pY RS / .•. ''4K•". 1N�erpN. lid ea..allbmran LarrID91m r nde. ,,stun W • t'„inY' .. P tiro.. Tb ndddr+Y, sew. bae0 on MWwlk romps. bro wiN r . m r,duhamCma df Ib FW E✓ZNIN Mar°9.^Nm AZem7•. QPY V';�i�r mry b bo nr1o. m alw m aab. PQ� � tldlM an wwldN I° tb Hood In,lrrPrcD Spy RCIMm lausW boo 6aM.levrkn appN drill' aMrMd dt lb It1.rNlrr i "ifa Fw odH'tM¢mw Dente aea aeparalvN pVdad WDIMm1 — / MAP REPOSITORY t CO, iilmrb m em. mM u QObo . Tapfamb BSp6l IMma aNlatlP lw MwN1a wily, nw bdmOUlbr1J .INITIAL IDENTIFICATION: NNE 19.1986' ' FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP REVISIONS: b OU[Rm 67vcirW Mn goon I FLOOD INSUR ANCE RATE" 'EFFECTIVE: JUNE 18.1866 NeY TD FT 1 A-1.1 VISTA n 11. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP REVISIONS: T —Cs1 LLLA1 a1 n H e 11_:r11 _ 1 a a D rS i Mao e w lw d A— qma r�.rl.qIb. d1 . _om.y da wlfoo a d nW.op.rd am wS s rtw i III a.10 a ke6 ra ..mNo P a . . d LL- . ADA w° tCA YEAR FLOOD W Idewnnnpu P , I , / CONTg1NED IN CHANNEL y 7yD[Afro LN4e 1RNANDO T In uq da Mm n 1M o N tMl°t91ial Fboda I­ nviropam I 61,666Z0.� ZONEX �1 W cA'" APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET I L RM1D8 Tya[nlro D[b MAXATUN ' 3 I ZONE)(r: ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM I ZONEX O FIRM "b " AAj° . FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONEX .fit • ri iaA rw CITY OF V D _ LA QUINTA CALIFORMA a (ZONE �UI I .I ul' u . . .�' ZONEX RIVERSIDE COUNTY aQaa r a •J 6 Q I PANEL5OF10 U E9 MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) ao� __. F F 1 F a > I C TO GTR �HTf ALIa Po = nw x 'O AL"CAD IemT 11 ALL, unclwNA PAx6u°un°x (100YE7 < f < < L e0uAT9MALA 1 OD YEAR _ NU.N.M1 FIOOD a eN1 A c e a b T. CALL ILOILD . COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER CONTAINED I M ' LL9,wwM. 060709 0005 B )CHANNEL CA��a� ' S .. ..._ - a cw,:. xwLN1AA 4 kk!kSSSJJJ' 4 ' AI�'. II < < .< •Z'bNEx;' 100 YEAR FLOOD MAP REVISED: ZONE A 1 ' CO NTAINED INCONDUIT AUGUST 19, 1991 0 ZOEiIEA , ego/ AruASIZZ _._. _ aomsrwnel dojo FLde.1 Enlelgelaly 111-49 cleat AgeDcy Onsite Unit Hydrograph Analyses Calc'd By: Date: Pre & Post Development Onsite Unit Hydrograph Analysis Summary Basin Area Storm Frequency Duration Peak Flow Runoff Volume Area ID fAgres LZ h rsl Rate cfs Ac.Ft.. PRE -DEV 100 Qil 1 1.95 0.031 100 .3 0.55 0.028 100 6 0.45 0.025 100 24 .0.11 0.026 z �ti POST DEV 100 1 1.97 0.033 100 3 0.58. 0.034 100. 6 0.48 0.04 100 24 0.13 0.063 ' In?cre Increase ental Increase' in Rju.noff �/olu'R , e 0:0:37 �4c;,�ti: iinsOnsite Peak Flow R`a +te = 0.0`2 CFS i I.' It Pre- Development Onsite Unit Hydrographs U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM339541100.out +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + ++ -----------------=------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Program License Serial Number 5042 ------------------------------------------------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used "in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Tentative Parcel'Map No. 33954 re— Develop e. • t Onste Uni. Hy zoaraY, P ODE, by CEB on 3/01/2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0.31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 60.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 51.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.011 Mi. _ _ Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.010 Mi. Difference in elevation 1.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 132.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Lag time = 0.009 Hr. Lag time = 0.53 Min. 258 of lag time = 0.13 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.21 Min. Unit time = 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 1 Hour(s). User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 0.50 0.16 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[l *2] 0.31 1.60 0.50 .STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area .Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 0.500(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 1.600(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 1.600(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 1.600(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % ' 0. 310 67.00 0.000 Total Area Entered = 0.31(Ac.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F 0.000 Sq. Mi. AMC2 AMC -2 (In /Hr) (Dec.%) (In /Hr). 67.0 67.0 0.394 0.000- 0.394 (Dec.) (In /Hr)' 1.000 0.394 Sum (F) = 0.394 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.394 ' Minimum soil loss rate ((in /Hr)) = 0.197 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) 0.900 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Slope -----------------------------=---------------------------------------- of intensity- duration curve fora 1 hour storm = 0.5800 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h DESERT S -Curve ------ --------------------- - - - -7- ------------------------------------------------ Unit Hydrograph Data =----------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph ' (hrs) ----------------------------------------------------------- Graph % (CFS) --------- 1 0.083 935. 455 100.000 0.312 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.312 ' Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max I Low -(In /Hr) 1 1 0.08 2 . 0.17 3.60 4.20 0.691 0.394 - -- 0.806 0.394 0.30 0.41 3 0.25 4.40 0.845 0.394 0.45 4 0.33 4.60 0.883 0.394 - -- 0.49 5 0.42 5.00 0.960 0.394 - -- 0.57 6 0.50 5.60 .1.075 0.394 0.68 ' 7 0.58 6.40 ___ 1.229 0.394 0.83 8 0.67 8.10 1.555 0.394 - -- 1.16 9 0.75 13.10 2.515 0.394 - -- 2.12 ' .10.. 0.83 11 0.92 34.50 . - 6.70 .. 6 -..624 0.394 =__ 1.286. 0.394 6.23 0.89 12 1.00 3.80 0.730 0.399 0.34 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 14,.5 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.21(In) times area 0.3(Ac.) /[(In) /(Ft.)) = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 0.39(In) Total soil loss = 0.010(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 1.60(In) Flood volume = 1356.7 Cubic Feet ' Total soil loss- =-- Cubic Feet - - - - -- -443.8 ---------------------------------------- 47 � 1 - H O U R S T O R M --------------------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h ------------ Hydrograph in 5- Minute intervals ((CFS)) ---=---------------------------------------------- Time(h +m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 ------------------------------------------=---------------------------- 7.5 10.0 0+ 5 0.0006 0.09 Q I I I I 0+10 0.0015 0.13 QV ' 0 +15 0.0025 0.14 Q V I I I I 0 +20 0.0035 0.15 Q V I I I I 0 +25 0.0048 0.18 Q V I I I I 0+30 0.0062 0.21 Q V I I I I ' '0 +35 0.0080 0.26 IQ V I I I 0 +40 0'.0105 0.36 IQ I V I I I 0 +45 0:0151 0.66 1 Q I VI I I 0 +50 0.0285 1.95 I Q I I I V I ' 0 +55 0.0304 0.28 IQ I I I VI 1+ y 0<:,,"'�0?3�1�?i ------------------------------------------------------=---------- 0.10 Q I I I V - - - - -- 1 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s 1 Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM339543100.out +++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + ++ + + +++ + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + + + +++ ------------------------------------------------- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Program License Serial Number 5042 ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 Ye- elo • m nt OE151.te Unit H, d o r:a• PRE =D , 1.00„ 3 -h by CEB on 3/01/2007 --------------------------7----------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0:31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. ' Drainage Area,for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0.31(Ac.) - Length along longest watercourse = 60.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 51.00(Ft.) Length.along longest watercourse = 0.011 Mi. .. . ' Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.010•Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 132.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Lag time = 0.009 Hr. ' Lag time = 0.53 Min. 258 of lag time = 0.13 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.21 Min. ' Unit time = 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 3 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: '. Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 0.70 0.22 ' 100 YEAR Area rainfall'data: Area(Ac.)(1] Rainfall(In)(2) Weighting(1 *2] ' 0.31 2.20 0.68 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 0.700(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 2.200(In) ' Point rain (area averaged) = 2.200(In) Areal adjustment factor- = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 2.200(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.310 67.00 0.000 ' Total Area Entered = 0.31(Ac.) I I 0.000 Sq. Mi. U n i t H y d r o g r a p h ' DESERT S -Curve ------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) Graph'% (CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.083 935.455 100.000 0.312 Sum = 100.000 Sum= - - - - -- 0 _312 - ---------------------------------------------------------- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max Low (In /Hr) 1 0.08 1.30 0.343 0.394 0.309 0.03 2 0.17 1.30 0.343 0.394 0.309 0.03 3 0.25 1.10 0.290 0.394 0.261 0.03 ' 4 0.33 1.50 0.396 0.394 =__. 0.00 5 0.42 1.50 0.396 0.394 0.00 6 0.50 1.80 0.475 0.394 0.08 7 0.58 1.50 0.396 0.394 - -- 0.00 8 0.'67 1.80 0.475 '0.394' - -- 0.08 ' 9 0.75 1.80 0.475 0.394 0.08 -_- 10. 0.83 1.50 0.396 0'.394' 0.00 11 0.92 1.60 0.422 0.394 - -- 0.03 12 1.00 1.80 0.475 0.394 - -- 0.08 ' 13 1.08 2.20 0.581 0.394 - -- 0.19 14 1.17 2.20 0.581 0.399 0.19 15 1.25 2.20 0.581 0.394 0.19 16 1.33 2.d0 0.528 0.394 - -- 0.13 17 1.92 2.60_ 0.686 0.394 - -- 0.29 ' 18 1.50 2.70 0.713 0.394 0.32 19 1.58' 2.40 0.634 0.394 0.24 20 1.67 2.70 0.713 0.394 - -- 0.32 21 1.75 3.30 0.871 0.394 - -- 0.48 22 1.83 3.10 0.818 0.394 - -- 0.42 23 1.92 2.90 0.766. 0.394 - -- 0.37 24 2.00. 3.00 0.792 0.394 - -- 0.40 25 2.08 3.10 0.818 0.394 - -- 0.42 26 2.17 9.20 1.109 0.394 - -- 0.71 27 2.25 5.00 1.320 0.399 0.93 28 2.33 3.50 0.924 0.399 0..53 29 2.42 6.80 1.795 0.394 - -- 1.40 30 2.50 7.30 1.927 0.394 - -- 1.53 ' 31 2.58 8.20 2.165 0.394 - -- 1.77 32 2.67 5.90 1.558 0.399 1.16 33 2.75 2.00 0.528 0.394 0.13 34 2.83 1.80 0.975 0.399 - -- 0.08 ' 35 2.92 1.80 0.475 0.394 - -- 0.08 36 3.00 0.60 0.158, 0.394 0.143 0.02 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 12.8 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.06(In) times area - 0.3(Ac.) /[(In) /(Ft.)) = 0.0(Ac.Ft) ' Total soil loss = 1.14(In) Total soil loss = 0.029(Ac.Ft). Total rainfall = 2.20(In) Flood volume 1196.3 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 1279.3 Cubic Feet RI R RI Infil. R Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F ' A AMC2 A AMC -2 ( (In /Hr) (Dec. %) (In /Hr) ( (Dec.) (In /Hr) Sum (F) =. 0.394 Area a averaged m mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.394 Minimum soil loss r rate ((In /Hr)) = 0.197 (for 2 24 hour storm d duration) ' ( Soil l low loss r rate (decimal) 0.900 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Meaklorurteotishyr�o�gah- --=----------=------------------------------------------------------ 055'3 {`CF) . .................................................................... 1 3 - H O U R S T O R M -------------------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals .((CFS)) i --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Time(h+m) Volume ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 1 0+ 5 0 +10 0.0001 0.0001 0.01 0.01 Q Q I I I I 0 +15 0.0002 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +20 0.0002 0.00 Q 0 +25 0.0002 0.00 Q I I I I 0 +30 0..0004 0 ".03 Q I I I 0 +35 0.0004 0.00 Q I I I I 0 +40 0.0006 0.03 Q I I I I 0 +45 0.0007 0.03 QV I I I I 0 +50 0.0007 0.00 QV I I I I 1 0 +55 0.0008 0.01. QV I I I I 1+ 0 0.0010 0.03 QV I I I I 1+ 5 0.0014 0.06 Q V I I I I 1 +10 0.0018 0.06 Q V I I I I 1. +15 0.0022 0.06 Q V I I I I 1 1 +20 0.0025. 0.04 Q V I I I I 1 +25 0.0031 0.09 Q V I I I I 1 +30 0.0038 0.10 Q V I I I I 1 +35 0.0043 0.07 Q V I 1 1 +40 0.0050 0.10 Q V I I I I 1+45 0.0060 0.15 Q V I I I I 1 +50 0.0069 0.13 Q V I I I _ 1 +55 0.0077 0.12 Q IV I I I 2+ 0 0.0086 0.12 Q I V 1 2+ 5 0.0095 0.13 Q I V I I 2 +10 0.0110 0.22 Q I V I I I 2 +15 0.0130 0.29 IQ I V I I I 2 +20 0.0142 0.17 Q I V I I 2 +25 0.0172 0.44 IQ I I V I i 2 +30 0.0205 0.48 IQ I I VI I 2 +35 0.0243 0.55 1 Q I I I V I 2 +40 0.0268 0.36 IQ I I I VI 1 2 +45 0.0271 0.04 Q I I I VI 2 +50 0.0273 0 -03 Q I I I VI 2 +55 0.0274 0.03 Q I I I VI 3+ 0 0.027• 0.00 Q I I I V 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- i I 1 I 1 I .1 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM339546100.out +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + ++ ++ ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Program License Serial Number 5042 -------------------------------------------------------------=------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format -------------------------------------------------------------- =------ Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 �r� -De e..opment Ons•_ e U:t�Tit H�Y�„�rogra,,'.., PRE'DE Q10"0� 6h• by CEB on 3/01/2007 --------------------------=----------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0.31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 60.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 51.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.011 Mi. . Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.010 Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 132.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N.' = 0.030 Lag time = 0.009 Hr. Lag time = 0.53 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.13 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.21 Min. Unit time = 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 6 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)(2] weighting[1 *2] 0.31 1.00 0.31 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)(2) Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 2.75 0.85 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 1.000(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 2.750(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.750(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = '2.750(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % . 0.310 67.00 0.000 Total Area Entered = 0.31(Ac.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F ' AMC2 67.0 AMC -2 67.0 (In /Hr) (Dec. 0.394 0.000 %) (In 0.394 /Hr) (Dec.) (In /Hr) 1.000 .0.394 Sum (F) = 0.394 j Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.394 Minimum soil loss rate ((In /Hr)) = 0.197 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil ---------------------- low loss rate (decimal) - - - - - -- = -- -0_900 ------------------------------- ' U n i t H y d r o g r a p h ' -------- - - - - -- DESERT -- - - - - -- S -Curve Unit Hydrograph --------------------------------------- Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph ---- (hrs)-------------------- -- $ 1 0.083 935.455. - - -- -Graph 100.•000 --- 0.312 ----------------------------------------------------- Sum = 100.000 Sum= - -- - - - - -- 0.312 - Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max Low (In /Hr), 1 0.08 0.50 0.165 0.394 0.148 0.02 2 0.17 0.60 0.198 0.394 0.178 0.02 3 0.25 0.60 0.198 0.394 0.178 0.02 4 0.33 0.60 0.198 0.394 0.178 0.02 ' 5 0.42 0.60 0.198 0.394 0.178 0.02 6 0.50 0.70 0.231 0.394 0.208 0.02 7 0.58 0.70 0.231 0'.394 0.208 0.02 8 0..67 0.70 0.231 0.394 0.208 0.02 ' 9 0.75 0.70 0.231 0.394 ' 0.208 0.02 10 0.83 0.70 0.231 0.394 0.208 0.02 11 0.92 0.70 0.231 0.394 0.208 0.02 12 1.00 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 13 1.08 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 ' 14 1.17 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 15 1.25 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 16 1.33 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 17 1.42 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 ' 18 1.50 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 19 1.58 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 20 1.67 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 21 1.75 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 22 .1.83 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 ' 23 1.92 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 24 2.00 0.90 0.297 0.394 0.267 0.03 25 2.08 0.80 0.264 0.394 0.238 0.03 26 2.17 0.90 0.297 0.394 0.267. 0.03 ' 27 2:25 0..90 0.297 0.394 0.267 0.03 28 2.33 0.90 0.297 0.394 0.267 0.03 29 2.42 0.90 0.297 0.394 0.267 0.03 30 2.50 0.90 0.297 0:394 0.267 0.03 31 2.58 0.90 0.297 0.394 0.267 0.03 ' 32 2.67 0.90 0..297 0.394 0.267 0.03 33 2.75 1.00 0.330 0.394 0.297 0.03 -34 2.83 1.00 0.330 0.394 0.297 0.03 35 2.92 1.00 0.330 0.394 0.297 0.03 ' 36 3.00 1.00 0.330 0.394 0.297 0.03 37 3.08 1.00 0.330 0.394 0.297 0.03' 38 3.17 1:10 0.363 0.394 0.327 0.04 39 3.25 1.10 0.363 0.394 0.327 0.04 40 3.33 1.10 0.363 0.394 0_327 0.04 ' 41 3.42- 1.20 0.396 0.394 0.00 42 3.50 1.30 0.429 0.394 - -- 0.03 43 3.58 1.40 0.462 0.394 - -- 0.07 44 3.67 1.40 0.462 0.394 - -- 0.07 � I � I � I II � I � I I I � I - " � I � I � I � I � I � I 45. 3.75 1.50 0.495 0.394 - -- 0.10 46 3.83 1.50 0.495 0.394 - -- 0.10 47 3.92 1.60 0.528 0.394 - -- 0.13 46 4.00 1.60 0.528 0.394 - -- 0.13 49 4.08 1.70 0.561 0.394 - -- 0.17 50 4.17 1.80 0.594 0.394 - -- 0.20 5.1 4.25 1.90 0.627 0.394 - -- 0.23 52. 4.33 2.00 0.660 0.394 - -- 0.27 53 4.42 2.10 0.693 0.394 - -- 0.30 54 4.50 2.10 0.693 0.394 - -- 0.30 55 4.58 2.20 0.726 0.394 - -- 0.33 56 4.67 2.30 0.759. 0.394 - -- 0.36 57 4.75 2.40 0.792 0.394 - -- 0.40 58 4.83 2.40 0.792 0.394 - -- 0.40 59 4.92 2.50 0.825 0.394 - -- 0.43 60 5.00 2.60 0.858 0.394 - -- 0.46 61 5.08 3.10 1.023 0.394 - -- 0.63 62 5.17 3.60 1.188 0.394 - -- 0.79 63 5.25 3.90 1.287 0.394 - -- 0.89 64 5.33 4.20 1.386 0.394 - -- 0.99 65 5.42 4.70 1.551 0.394 - -- 1.16 66 5.50 5.60 1.848 0.394 - -- 1.45 67 5.56 1.90 0.627 0.394 - -- 0.23 68 5.67 0.90. 0.297 0.394 0.267 0.03 69 5.75 0.60 0.198 0.394 0.178 0.02 70 5.83 0.50 0.165 0.394 0.148 0.02 71 5.92 0.30 0.099 0.394 0.089 0.01 72 6.00 0.20 0.066 0.394 0.059• 0.01 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 11.8 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 0.98(In) times area 0.3(Ac..) /[(In) /(Ft.)) = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.77(In) Total soil loss = 0.046(AC.Ft) .Total rainfall = 2.75(In) Flood volume = 1107.3 Cubic Feet Total soil loss = 1987.3"Cubic Feet --------------------------------- eaR flow rate o,f this h'd- YO.gh 0.4'59 (:CFS) -----------------------------------=---------------7---------------- ' 6 - H O U R S T O R M ------------------------=------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o.'g r a p h Hyarograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 +'5 0.0000 0.01 Q 0 +10 0.0001 0.01 Q 0 +15 0.0001 0.01 Q 0 +20 0.0002 0.01 Q 0 +25 0.0002 0.01 Q 0 +30 0.0003 0.01 Q 0 +35 0.0003 0.01 Q 0 +40 0.0004 0.01 Q 0 +45 0.0004 0.01 Q 0 +50 0.0005 0.01 Q 0 +55 0.0005 0.01 Q 1+ 0 0.0006 0.01 Q 1+ 5 0.0006 0.01 Q 1+10 0.0007 0.01 QV 1 +15 0.0007 0.01 QV 1 +20 0.0008 0.01 QV 1 +25 0.0008 0.01 QV 1 +30 0.0009 0.01 QV .1+35 0.0010 0.01 -QV 1 +40 0.0010 0.01 QV 1 +45 0.0011 0.01 QV 1+50 0.0011 0.01 QV 1 +55 0.0012 0.01 QV ------------------- 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 ,10.0 -------------------------=------ - - - - -- 2+ 0 0.0013 0.01 Qv I I I I 2+ 5 0.0013 0.01 Q V I I I I 2 +10 0.0014 0.01 Q V I I I I 2 +15 0.0014 0.01..Q v I I I I 2 +20 0.0015 0.01 Q V I I I I 2 +25 0.0016 0.01 Q V 2+30 0.0016 0.01 Q V I I I I 2+35 0.0017 0.01 Q V I I I I 2 +40 0.0018 0.01 Q V I I I I 2 +45 0.0018 0.01 Q V I I I I 2 +50 0.0019 0.01 Q .V I I I I 2 +55 0.0020 0.01 Q V I I I I 3+ 0 0.0020 0.01 Q V I I I I 3+ 5 0.0021 0.01 Q V I I I I 3 +10 0.0022 0.01 Q V I I I I 3 +15 0.0023 0.01 Q V I I I I 3 +20 0.0023 0.01 Q V I I I I 3 +25 0.0023 0.00 Q v I I I I 3 +30 0.0024 0.01 Q V 3 +35 0.0026 0.02 Q V I I I I 3 +40 0.0027 0.02 Q V 3 +45 0.0029 0.03 Q V I I I I 3 +50 0.0031 0.03 Q V I I I I 3 +55 0.0034 0.04 Q V I I I I 4+ 0 0.0037 0.04 Q V I I I I 4+ 5 0.0041 0.05 Q V I I I I 4 +10 0.0045 0.06 Q V I I I I 4 +15 0.0050 0.07 Q V I I I I 4 +20 0.0056 0.08 Q V I I I I 4 +25 0.0062 0.09 Q v1 I I I 4 +30 0.0069 0.09 Q V I I I 4+35 0.0076 0.10 Q IV I I I 4 +40 0.0084 0.11 Q I V I I I 4 +45 0.0092 0.12 Q I V I I I 4 +50 0.0101 0.12 Q I V I I I 4 +55 0.0110 0.13 Q I V I I I 5+ 0 0.0120 0.14 Q I V I i I 5+ 5 0.0134 0.20 Q I IV I I 5+10 0.0151 0.25 Q I I V I I 5 +15 0.0170 0.28 IQ. I I V I I 5 +20 0.0191 0.31 IQ I I V 1 5 +25 0.0216 0.36. IQ I I I V I 5 +30 0.0247 0.45 IQ I I I V 1 5 +35 0.0252 0.07 Q I I I V1 5 +40 0.0253 0.01 Q I I I VI 5 +45 0.0253 0.01 Q I I I VI 5 +50 0.0254 0.01. Q I I I V1 5 +55 0.0254 0.00 Q I I I VI 6+ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 025.4 -0.00 Q I I I VI - - - - -- � I ' U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s ' Copyright (c) CI_VILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM3395424100.out ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 re - -v Dopm 1, ent Qnsit Uni H . r�,rapkr PREn DE, 2 �h by CEB on 3/01/2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0:31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 60.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 51.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.011 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.010 Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = .132.0000.Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Lag time = 0.009 Hr. Lag time = 0.53 Min. 258 of lag time = 0.13 Min. 408 of lag time = 0.21 Min. Unit time. =, 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 1.50 0.46 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)'[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 5.00 1.55 . STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 1.500(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 5:000(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 5.000(In). Areai adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted.average point rain = 5.000(In) Sub-Area-Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious 8 0.310 67.00 0.000 .Total Area Entered = 0.31(Ac.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. 0 ....................................................................... 1 . ------------------------------------------------- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC &.WCD Manual date - April 1978 ' Program License Serial Number 5042 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used ' English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 re - -v Dopm 1, ent Qnsit Uni H . r�,rapkr PREn DE, 2 �h by CEB on 3/01/2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0:31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 60.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 51.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.011 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.010 Mi. Difference in elevation = 1.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = .132.0000.Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Lag time = 0.009 Hr. Lag time = 0.53 Min. 258 of lag time = 0.13 Min. 408 of lag time = 0.21 Min. Unit time. =, 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 1.50 0.46 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)'[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 5.00 1.55 . STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 1.500(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 5:000(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 5.000(In). Areai adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted.average point rain = 5.000(In) Sub-Area-Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious 8 0.310 67.00 0.000 .Total Area Entered = 0.31(Ac.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. 0 RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F ' AMC2 67.0 AMC -2 67.0 (In /Hr) (Dec.%). 0.394 0.000 (In 0.394 /Hr) (Dec.) (In /Hr) 1.00b 0.39.4 Sum (F) = 0.394 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.394 Minimum soil loss rate ((In /Hr)) = 0.197 (for 24 hour storm duration) ' Soil ------------------------------ low loss rate (decimal) =---0_900 - ------------------------------ i t H y d r o g r a p ------------ - - -U.n - - - -- DESERT S- Curve. --------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Graph % (CFS) 1 0.083 935.455 100.000 0.312 ' Sum = 100.000 Sum= - - - - -- 0 _312 - Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max Low (In /Hr) ' 1 0.08 0.07 0.040 0.699 0.036 0.00 2 0.17 0.07 0.040 0.696 0.036 0.00 3 0.25 0.07 0.040 0.694 0.036 0.00 4 0.33 0.10 0.060 0.691 0.054 0.01 ' 5 0.42 ' 0.10 0.060 0.688 0.054 0.01 6 0.50 0.10 0.060 0.686 0.054 0.01 7 0.58 0.10 0.060 0.683 0.054 0.01 8 0.67 0.10 0.060 0.680 0.054 0.01 ' 9 0.75 0':'10 0.060 0.678 0.054 0.01 10 0.83 0.13 0.080 0.675 0.072 0.01 11 0.92 0.13 0.080- 0.672 0.072 0.01 12 1.00 0.13 0.080 0.670 0.072 0.01 13 1.08 0.10 0.060 0.667 0.054 0.01 14 1.17 0.10 0:060 0.664 0.054 0.01 15 1.25 0.10 0.060 0.662 0.054 0.01 16 1.33 0.10 0.060 0.659 .0.054 0.01 17 1.42 0.10 0.060 0.657 0.054 0.01 ' 18 1.50 0.10 0.060 0.654 0.054 0.01 19 1.58 0.10 0.060 0.651 0.054 0.01 20 1.67 0.10 0.060 0.649 0.054 0.01 21 1.75 0.10 0.060 0.646 0.054 0.01 22 1.83 0.13 0.080 0.643 0.072 0.01 23 1.92 0.13 0.080 0.641 0.072 0.01 24 2.00 0.13 0.080 0.638 0.072 0.01 25 2.08 0.13 0.080 0.636 0.072 0.01 26 27 2.17 2.25 0.13 0.,13 0.080 0.080 0.633 0.631 0.072 0.072 0.01 0.01 28 2.33 0.13 0.080 0.628 0.072 0.01 29 2.42 0.13 0.080 0.625 0.072 0.01 30 2.50 0.13. 0.080 0.623 0.072 0.01 31 2.58 0.17 0.100 0.620 0.090 0.01 ' 32 2.67 0.17 0.100 0.618 0.090 0.01 33 2.75 0.17 0.100 0.615 0.090 0.01 34 2.83 0.17 0.100 .0.613 0.090 0.01 ' 35 36 2'.92 3.00 0.17 0.17 0.100 0.100 0.610 0.608 0.090 0.090 0.01 0.01 37 3.08 0.17 0.100 0.605 0.090 0.01 38 3.17 0.17 0.100 0.603 0.090 0.01 39 3.25 0.17 0.100 0.600 0.090 0.01 40 3.33 0.17 0.100 0.598 0.090 0.01 ' 41 3.42 0.17 0.100 0.595 0.090 0.01 42 3.50 0.17 0.100 0.593 0.090 0.01 43 3.58 0.17 0.100 0.590 0.090 0.01 44 3.67 0.17 0.100 0.588 0.090 0.01 45 3.75 0.17 0.100 0.585 0.090 0.01 46 3.83 0.20 0.120 0.583 0.108 0.01 47 3.92 0.20 0.120 0.580 0.108 0.01 48 4.00 0.20 0.120 0.578 0.108 0.01 4.9 4.08 0.20 0.120 0.575 0.108 0.01 50 4.17 0.20 0.120 0.573 0.108 0.01 51 4.25 0.20 0.120 0.571 0.108 0.01 52 4.33 0.23 0.140 0.568 0.126 0.01 53 4.42 0.23 0.140 0.566 0.126 0.01 54 4.50 0.23 0.140 0.563 0.126 0.01 55 4.58 0.23 0.140 0.561 0.126 0.01 56 4.67 0.23 0.140 0.558 0.126 0.01 57 4.75 0.23 0.140 0.556 0.126 0.01 58 4.83 0.27 0.160 0.554 0.144 0.02 59 4.92 0.27 0.160 0.551 0.144 0.02 60 5.00 0.27 0.160 0.549 0.144. 0.02 61 5.08 0.20 0:120 0.546 0.108 0.01 62 •5.17 0.20 0.120 0.544 0.108 0.01 63 5.25 0.20 0.120 0.542 0'.108 0.01 64 5.33 0.23 0.140 0.539 0.126 0.01 65 5.42 0.23 0.140 0.537 0.126 0..01 66 5.50 0.23 0.140 0.535 0.126 0.01 67 5.58 0.27' 0.160 0.532 0.144 0.02 68 5.67 0.27 0.160 0.530 0.144 0.02 69 5.75 0.27 0.160 0.528 0.144 0.02 70 5:83 0.27 0.160 0.525 0.144 0.02 71 5.92 0.27 0.160 0.523 0.144 0.02 72 6.00 0.27 0.160 0.521 0.144 0.02 73 6.08 0.30 0.180 0.518 0.162 0.02, 74 6.17 0.30 0.180 0.516 0.162 0.02 75 6.25 0..30 0.180 0.514 0.162 0.02 76' 6.33 0.30 0..180 0.511 0.162 0.02 77 6.42 0.30 0.180 0.509 0.162 0.02 78 6.50 0.30 0.180 0.507 0.162 0.02 79 6.58 0'.33 0.200 0.505 0.180 0.02 80 6.67 0.33 0.200 ' 0.502 0.180 °`0.02 81 6.75 0.33 0.200 0.500 0.180 0.02 82 6.83 0.33 0.200 0.498 0.180 0.02 83 6.92 0.33 0.200 0.495 0.180 0.02 84 7.00 0.33 0.200 0.493 0.180 0.02 85 7.08 0.33 0.200 0.491 0.180 0.02 86 7.17 0.33 0.200 0.489 0.180 0.02 87 7.25 0.33 0.200 0.487 0.180 0.02 88 7.33 0.37 0.220. 0.484. 0.198 0.02 89 7.42 0.37 0.220 0.482 0.198 0.02 90 7.50 0.-37 0.220 0.480 0.198 0.02 91 7.58 0.40 0.240 0.478 0.216 0.02 92 7.67 0.40 0.240 0.475 0.216 0.02 93 7.75 0.40 0.240 0.473 0.216 0.02 94 7.83 0.43 0.260 0.471 0.234 0.03 95 7.92 0.43 0.260 0.469 0.234 0.03 96 8.00. 0;43 .0.260 0.467 0.234 0.03 97 8.08 0.50 0.300 0.465 .0.270 .0.03 98 8.17 0.50 0.300 0.462 0.270 0.03 99 8.25 0.5.0 0.300 0.460 0.270 0.03 100 8.33 0.50 0.300 0.458 0.270 0.03 101 8.42 0.50 0.300. 0.456 0.270 0.03 102 8.50 0.50 0.300 0.454 0.270 0.03 103 8.58 0.53 0.320 0.452 0.288 0.03 104 8.67 0.53 0.320 0.450 0.288 0.03 105 8.75 0.53 0.320 0.447 0.288 0.03 106 8.83 0.57 0.340 0.445 0.306 0.03 107 8.92 0.57 0.340 0.443 0.306 0.03 108 9.00 0.57 0.340 0.441 0.306 0.03 109 9.08 0.63 0.380 0.439 0.342 0:04 110 9.17 0.63 0.380 0.437 0.342 0.04 111 9.25 0.63 0.380 0.435 0.342 0.04 112 9.33 0.67 0.400 0.433 0.360 0.04 113 9.42 0.67 0.400 0.431 0.360 0.04 114 9.50 0.67 0.400 0.429 0.360 0.04 115 9.58 0:70 0.420 0.427 0.378 0.04 116 9.67 0.70 0.420 0.425 0.378 0.04 117 9.75 0.70 0.420 0.423 0.378 0.09 118 9.83 0.73 0.440 0.421 - -- 0.02 119 9.92 0:73 0.990 0.419 - -- 0.02 120 10.00 0.73 0.440 0.416 - -- 0.02 121 10.08 0.50 0.300 0.414 0.270 0.03 122 10.17 0.50 0.300 0.412 0..270 0.03 123 10.25 0.50 0.300 0.410 0.270 0.03 124 10.33 0.50 0.300 0.408 0.270 0.03 ' 125 10.42 0.50 0.300 0.406 0.270 0.03 126 10.50 0.50 0.300 0.405 0.270 0.03 127 10.58 0.67 0.400 0.403 0.360 0.04 128 10.67 0.67 0.400 0.401 0.360 0.04 1 129 10.75 0.67 0.400 0.399 0.00 130 10.83 0.67 0.400 0.397 ___ 0.00 131 10.92 0.67 0.400 0.395 - -- 0.01 132 11.00 0.67 0.400 0.393 - -- 0.01 133 11.08 0.63 0.380 0.391 0.342 0.04 134 11.17 0.63 0.380 0.389 0.342 0.04 135 11.25 0.63 0.380 0.387 0.342 0.04' 136 11.33 0.63 0.380 0.385 0.342 0.04 137 11.42 0.63 0.380 0.383' 0.342 0.04 ' 138 11.50 0.63 0.380 0.381 0.342 . 0.04 139 11.58 0.57 0.340 0.379 0.306 0.03 140 11.67 .0.57 0.340 0.377 0.306 0.03 141 11.75 0.57 0.340 0.376 0.306 0.03 142 11.83 0.60 0.360 0.374 0.324 0.04 143 11.92 0.60 0.360 0.372 •0.324 0.04 144 12.00 0.60 0.360 0.370 0.324 0.04 145 12.08 0.83 0.500 0.368 - -- 0.13 146 12.17 0.83 .0.500 0.366 - -- 0.13 147 1 12.25 0.83 0.500 0.369 0.14 148 12.33 0.87 0.520 0.363 0.16 149 12.42 0.87 0.520 0.361 - -- 0.16 150 12.50 0.87 0.520 0.359 - -- 0.16 151 12.58 0.93 0.560 0.357 0.20'• 152 12.67 0.93 0.560 0.355 ___ 0.20 153 12.75 0.93 0.560 0.354 - -- 0.21 154 12.83 0.97 0.580 0.352 - -- 0.23 155 12.92 0.97 0.580 0.350 - -- 0.23 156 13.00 0.97 0.580 0.348 0.23' 157 13.08 1.13 0.680 0.397 =__ 0.33 158 13.17 1.13 0.680 0.345 - -- 0.34 159 13.25 1.13 0.680 0.343 - -- 0.34 160 13.33 1.13 0.680 0.341 0.34 161 13.42 1.13 0.680 0.340 ___ 0.34 162. 13.50 1.13 0.680 0.338 - -- 0.34 163 13.58 0.77 0.460 0.336 - -- 0.12 164 13.67 0.77 0.460 0.334 - -- 0.13 165 13.75 0.77 0.460 0.333 0.13 166 13.83 0.77 0.460 0.331 0.13 167 13.92 0.77 0.460 0.329 - -- 0.13. 168 14.00 0.77 0.460 0.328 - -- 0.13 169 14.08 0.90 0.540 0.326 0.21 170 14.17 0.90 0.540 0:324 0.22 171 14.25 0.90 0.540 0.323 - -- 0.22 172 14.33 0.87 0.520 0.321 - -- 0.20 173 14.42 0.87 0.520 0.319 - -- 0.20 1 174 14.50 0.87 0.520 0.318 0.20 175 14.58 0.87 0.520 0.316 ___ 0.20 ' 176 14.67 0.87 .6.520 0.314 - -- 0.21 177 14.75 0.87 0.520 0.313 - -- 0.21 178 14.83 0.83 0.560 0.311 0.19 179 14.92 0.83 0.500 0.310 ___ 0.119 180 15.00 0.83 0.500 0.308 - -- 0.19 181 15.08. 0.80 0.480 0.306 - -- 0.17 182 15.17 0.80 0.480 0.305 0.18 183 15.25 0.80 0.480 0.303 ___ 0.18 184 15.33 0.77 0.960 0.302 - -- 0.16 185 15.42 0.77 0.460 0.300 - -- 0.16 186 15.50 0.77 0.460 0.299 - -- 0.16 187 15.58 0.63 0.380 0.297 - -- 0.08 188 15.67 0.63 0.380 0.296 - -- 0.08 189 15.75 0.63 0.380 0.294 - -- 0.09 190 15.83 0.63 0.380 0.293 - -- 0.09 191 15.92 0.63 0.380 0.291 - -- 0.09 192 16.00 0.63 0.380 0.290 - -- 0.09 193 16.08 0.13 0.080 0.288 0.072 0.01 194 16.17 .0.13 0.080 0.287 0.072 0.01 195 16.25 0.13 0.080 0.285 0.072 0.01 196 16.33 0.13 0.080 0.284 0.072 0.01 197 16.42 0.13 0.080 0.282 0.072 0.01 198 16.50 0.13 0.080 0.281 0.072 0.01 199 16.58 0.10 0.060 0.279 0.054 0.01 200 16.67 0.10 0.060 0.278 0.054 0.01 201 16.75 0.10 .0.060 0.277 0.054 0.01 202 16.83 0.10 0.060 0.275 0.054 0.01 203 16.92 0.10 0.060 0.274 0.054 0.01 204 17.00 0.10 0.060 0.272 0.054 0.01 205 17.08 0.17 0.100 0.271 0.090 0.01 206 17.17 0.17 0.100 0.270 0.090 0.01 207 17.25 0.17 0.100 0.268 0.090 0.01 208 17.33 0.17 0.100 0.267 0.090 0.01 209 17.42 0.17 0.100 0.266 0.090 0.01 210 17.50 0.17 0.100 0.264 0.090 0.01 211 17.58 0.17 0.100 0.263 0.090 0.01 212 17.67 0.17 0.100 0.262 0.090 0.01 213 17.75 0.17 0.100 0.260 0.090 0.01' 214 17.83 0.13 0.080 0.259 0.072 0.01 215 17.92 0.13 0.080 0.258 0.072 0.01 216 18.00 0.13 0.080 0.257 0.072 0.01 217 18.08 0.13 0.080 0.255 0.072 0.01 218 18.17 0.13 0.080 0.254 0.072 0.01 219 18.25 0.13 0.080 0.253 0.072 0.01 220 18.33 0.13 0•.080 0.252 0.072 0.01 221 18.42 0.13 0.080 0.250 0.072 0.01 222 18.50 0.13 0.080 0.249 0.072 0.01 223 18.58 0.10 0.060 0.248 0.054 0.01 •224 18.67 0.10 0.060 0.247 0.054 0.01 225 18.75 0.10 0.060, 0.246 0.054 0.01 226 18.83 0.07 0.040 0.244 0.036 0.00 227 18.92 0.07 0.040 0.243 0.036 0.00 228 19.00 0.07 0.040 0.242 0.036 0.00 229 19.08 0.10 0.060 0.241 0.054 0.01 230 19.17 0.10 0.060 0.240 0.054 0.01 231 19.25 0.10 0.060 0.239 0.054 0.01 232 19.33 0.13 0.080 0.238 0.072 0.01 233. 19.42 .0.13 0.080. 0.236 0.072 0.01 234 19.50 0.13 0.080 0.235 0.072 0.01 235 19.58 0.10 0.060 0.234 0.054 0.01 236 19.67 0.10 0.060 0.233 0.054 0.01 237 19.75 0.10 0.060 0.232 0.054 0.01 238 19.83 0.07 0.040 0.231 0.036 0.00 239 19.92 0.07 0.040 0.230 0.036 0.00 290 20.00 0.07 0.040 0.229 0.036 0.00 241 20.08 0.10 0.060 0.228 0.054 0.01 242 20.17 0.10 0.060 0.227 0.054 0.01 243 20.25 0.10 0.060 0.226 0.054 0.01 244 20.33 0.10 0.060 0.225 0.054 0.01 245 20.42 0.10 0.060 0.224 0.054 0.01 246 20.50 0.10 0.060 0.223 0.054 0.01 247 20.58 0.10 0.060 0.222 0.054 .' 0.01 248 20.67 0.10 0.060 0.221 0.054 0.01 249 20.75 0.10 0.060 0.220 0.054 0.01 250 20.83 0.07 0.040 0.219 0.036 0.00 251 20.92 0.07 0.040 0.219 0.036 0.00 252 21.00 0.07 0.040 0.218 0.036 0.00 253 21.08 0.10 0.060 0.217 0.054 0.01 254 21.17. 0.10 0.060 0.216 0.054 0.01 255 21:25 0.10 0.060 0.215 0.054 0.01 256 21.33 0.07 0.040 0.214 0.036 0.00 257 21.42 0.07 0.040 0.213 0.036 0.00 258 21.50 0.07 0.040 0.213 0.036 0.00 259 21.58 0.10 0.060 0.212 0.054 0.01 260 21.67 . 0.10 0.060 0.211 0.054 0.01 261 •21.75 0.10 0.060 0.210 0.054 0.01 262 21.83 0.07 0.040 0.210 0.036 0.00 263 21.92 0.07 0.040 0.209 0.036 0.00 264 22.00 0.07 0.040 0.208 0.036 0.00 265 22.08 0.10 0.060 0.208 0.054 0.01 266 22.17 0.10 0.060 0.207 0.054 0.01 267 22.25 0.10 0.060 0.206 0.054 0.01 268 22.33 0.07 0.040 0.206 0.036 0.00 269 22.42 0.07 0.040 0.205 -0.036 0.00 270 22.50 0.07 .0.040 0.204 0.036 0.00 271 22.58, 0.07 0.040 0.204 0.036 0.00 272 22.67' 0.07 0.040 0.203 0.036 0.00 273 22.75 .0.07 0.040 0.203 0.036 0.00 274 22.83 0.07 0.040 0.202 0.036 0.00 275 22.92 0.07 0.040 0.202 0.036 0.00 276 23.00 0.07 0.040 0.201 0.036 0.00 277 23.08 0.07 0.040 0.20.1 0.036 0.00 278 23.17 0.07 0.040 0.200 0.036 0.00 279 23.25 0.07 0.040 0.200 0.036 0.00 280 23.33 0.07 0.040 0.199 0.036 0.00 281 23.42 0.07 0.040 0.199 0.036 0.00 282 23.50 0.07 0.040 0.199 0.036 0.00 283 23.58 0.07 0.040 0.198 0.036 0.00 284 23.67 0.07 0.040 0.198 0.036 0.00- 285 23.75 0.07 0.040 0.198 0.036 0.00 286 23.83 0.07 0.040 0.198 0.036 0.00 287 23.92 0.07 0.040 0.197 0.036 0.00 288 24.00 0.07 0.040 0.197. 0.036 0.00 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 12.3 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.02(In) times area 0.3(Ac.) /[(In) /(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 3.98(In) Total soil loss = 0.103(AC.Ft)" Total rainfall = 5.00(In) Flood volume = 1150.0 Cubic Feet Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- soil loss = 4476.5 Cubic Feet :eak -------------------------------------------------------------------- flow rat o this dr_ -oara h = d.107•(� -F :) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M -------------------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals '((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h +m) Volume A-.Ft - ---- -- 0-------- 2_5------- 5_0------- 7_5 - - - -- -10.0 --------- ------- ------ - - - 0+ 5 0.0000 0.00 0 +10 0.0000 0.00 0 +15 0.0000 0.00 0 +20 0.0000 0.00 0 +25 0.0001 0.00 0 +30 0.0001 0.00 0 +35 0.0001 0.00 0 +40 0.0001 0.00 0 +45 0.0001 0.00 0 +50 0.0001 0.00 ' 0 +55 17F 0 0.0001 0.0002 0.00 0.00 1+ 5 0.0002 0.00 1 +10 0.0002. 0.00 1 +15 0.0002 0.00 1 +20 0.0002 0.00 ' 1 +25 0.0002 0.00 1 +30 0.0002 0.00 1+35 0.0002 0.00 1+40 0.0003 0.00 1 +45 0.0003 0-.00 Q 1 +50 0.0003 0.00 Q 1 +55 0.0003 0.00 Q ' 2+ 0 2+ 5 0.0003 0.0003 0.00 0.00 Q Q 2 +10 0.0004 0.00 Q I 2 +15 0.0004 0.00 Q ! 2 +20 0.0004 0.00 Q 2 +25 0.0004 0.00 Q ' 2 +30 0.0004 0.00 Q 2 +35 0.0004 0.00 Q 2 +40 0.0005 0.00 Q 2 +45 0.0005 0.00 Q 2+50 0.0005 0.00 Q 2 +55 0.0005 0.00 Q 3+ 0 0.0006 0.00 Q 3+ 5 0.0006 0.00 Q 1 3 +10 0.0006 0.00 Q 3 +15 0.0006 0.00 Q 3 +20 0.0006 0.00 Q 3 +25 0.0007 0.00 QV 3 +30 0.0007 0.00 QV ' 3 +35 0.0007. 0.00 QV ' 3+40 0.0007 0.00 Qv 3 +45 0.0007 0.00 QV 3 +50 0.0008 0.00 QV 3 +55 0.0008 0.00 QV 4+ 0 0.0008 0.00 QV 4+ 5 0.0009 0.00 QV 4 +10 0.0009 0.00 QV 4 +15 0.0009 0.00 QV 4 +20 0.0009 0.00 QV 4 +25 0.0010 0.00 QV 4+30 0.0010 0.00 QV 4 +35 0.0010 0.00 QV 4 +40 0.0011 0.00' QV 4 +45 0.0011 0.00 QV 4 +50 0.0011 0.01 QV 4 +55 0.0012 0.01 QV 5+ 0 0.0012 0.01 QV 5+ 5 0.0012 0.00 QV 5 +10 0.0012 0.00 QV 5 +15 0.0013 0.00 QV 5 +20 0.0013 0.00 Qv ' 5 +25 0.0013 0.00 Q v 5 +30 0.0014 0.00 Q v 5 +35 0.0014 0.01 Q v 5 +40 0.0014 0.01 Q v 5 +45 0.0015 0.01 Q V ' 5 +50 0.0015 0.01 Q v 5 +55 0.0015 0.01 Q V 6+ 0 0.0016 0.01 Q v 6+ 5 0.0016 0.01 Q v 1 6 +10 0.0016 0.01 Q V 6 +15 0.0017 0.01 Q v 6 +20 0.0017 0.01 Q v 6 +25 0.0018 0.01 Q V 6 +30 0.0018 0.01 Q v 6 +35 0.0018 0.01 Q v 6 +40 0.0019 0.01 Q V 6 +45 0.0019 0.01 Q V 6 +50 0.0020 0.01 Q V ' 6 +55 0.0020 0.01 Q V 7+ 0 0.0021 0.01 Q v 7+ 5 0.0021 0.01 Q v 7 +10 0.0021 0.01 Q v 7 +15 0.0022 0.01 Q v ' 7 +20 0.0022 0.01 .Q v 7+25 0.0023 0.01 Q v 7 +30 0.0023 0.01 Q V 7 ±35 0.0024 0.01 Q v it 7 +40 0.0024 0.01 Q V I I 7 +45 0.0025 0.01 Q V I I 7 +50 0.0025 0.01 Q V I I 7+55 8+ 0 0.0026 0.0026 0.01 0.*01 Q Q V I I V I I 8+ 5• 0.0027 0.01 Q V I I I 8 +10 0.0028 0.01 Q V I I 8 +15 0.0028 0.01 Q V I I 8 +20 0.0029 0..01 Q V I I ' 8 +25 0.0030 0.01 Q V I I 8 +30 0.0030 0.01 Q V I I 8+35 0.0031 0.01 Q V I I 8 +40 0.0032 0.01 Q v I I ' 8 +45 0.0032 0.01 Q V I 8 +50 0:0033 0.01 Q V I I 8 +55 0.0034 0.01 Q V I I 9+ 0 0.0035 0.01 Q V I I 9+ 5 0.0035 0.01 Q V I I ' 9 +10 0.0036 0.01 Q V I I 9 +15 0.0037 0.01 Q V I I 9 +20 0.0038 0.01 Q V I 9+25 0.0039 0.01 Q V I I 9 +30 0.0040 0.01 Q V I I 9 +35 0.0041 0.01 Q V I I 9 +40 0..0041 0.01 Q V I I 9 +45 0.0042 0.01 Q V I I 9 +50 0.0043 0.01 Q V I I 9 +55 0.0043 0.01 Q V I I 10+ 0 0.0044 0.01 Q V I I 10+ 5 0.0044 0.01 Q V I I 10 +10 0.0045 0.01 Q V I I 10 +15 0.0046 0.01 Q V I I 10+20 0.0046 0.01 Q V I I 10 +25 0.0047 0.01 Q V I I 10 +30 0.0048 0.01 Q V I I ' 10 +35 0.0048 0.01 Q V I I 1.3 +40 0.0049 0.01 Q V I I 10 +45 0.0049 0.00 Q V I I 1Ot50 0.0049 0.00 Q V I I 10 +55 0.0050 0.00 Q V I I 11+ 0 0.0050 0.00. Q V i 11+ 5 0.0051 0.01 Q V I I 11 +10 0.0051 0.01 Q V I I 11 +15 0.0052 0.01 Q V ' 11 +20 0.0053 0.01 Q V I I 11 +25 0.0054 0.01 Q V I I 11 +30 0.0055 0.01 Q V I I 11 +35 0.0055 0.01 Q V I I 11 +40 0.0056 0.01 Q V I I 11 +45 0.0057 0.01 Q. V 11 +50 0.0058 0.01 Q V I I 11 +55 0.0058 0.01 Q V I I 12+ 0 0.0059 0.01 Q V I I 12+ 5 0.0062 0.04 Q VI I 12 +10 0.0065 0.04 Q VI I' 12 +15 0.0068 0.04 Q V I 12 +20 0.0071 0.05 Q, V I 12 +25 0.0075 0.05 Q IV I ' 12 +30 0.0078 0.05 Q IV I 12 +35 0.0082 0.06 Q I V I 12 +40 0.0087 0.06 Q I V I 12 +45 0.0091 0.06 Q I V I 12 +50 0.0096 0.07 Q I V I 12+55 0.0101 0.07 Q I V I 1.3+ 0 0.0106 0.07 Q I V I 13+ 5 0.0113 0.10 Q I v i 13 +10 0.0121 0.10 Q I V 1 13 +15 0.0128 0.11 Q I VI 13 +20 0.0135 0.11 Q I V 13 +25 0.0142 0.11 Q I IV 13 +30 0.0150 0.11 Q I I 13 +35 0.0152 0.04 Q I I V I I 13 +40 0.0155 0.04 Q I I V I I 13 +45 0.0158 0.04 Q I I V I I 13 +50 0.0161 0.04 Q I I V I 13+55 0.0163 0.04 Q I I V I I 14+ 0 0.0166 0.04 Q I I V I I 14+ 5 0.0171 0.07 0 I I V I I 14 +10 0.0176 0.07 Q I I V I I. 14 +15 0.0180 0.07 Q I I V I I 14+20 0.0185 0.06 Q I I V I I 14 +25 0.0189 0.06 Q I I V I I 14 +30 .0.0193 0.06 Q I I VI I 14 +35 0.0198 0.06 Q I I VI I 14 +40 0.0202 0.06 Q I I V I 14 +45 0.0206 0.06 Q I I IV I 14 +50 0.0211 0.06 Q I I IV I 14 +55 0.0215 0.06 Q I I I V I 15+ 0 0.0219 0.06 Q I I I V I 15+ 5 0.0223 0.05 Q I I I V I 15 +10 0.0226 0.05 Q I I I V I 15 +15 0.0230 '0.06 Q I I I V I 15 +20 0.0234 0.05 Q I I I V I 15 +25 0.0237 0.05 Q I I I V I 15 +30 0.0240 0.05 Q I I I V I 15 +35 0.0242 0.03 Q I I I V I 15 +40 0.0244 0.03 Q I I I V I 15 +45' 0.0246 0.03 Q I I I V I 15 +50 0.0248 0.03 Q I I I V I 15 +55 0.0250 0.03 Q I I I V I 16+ 0 0.0252 0.03 Q I I I V I 16+ 5 0.0252 0.00 Q I I I V 16+10 0.0252 0.00 Q I I I V I 16 +15 0.0252 0.00 Q i I I V 16 +20 0.0252 0.00 Q I I I V I' 16 +25 0.0252 0.00 Q I I I V I 16 +30 0.0253 0.00 Q I I I V 16 +35 0.0253 0.00 Q I i' I V I 16 +40 0.0253 0.00 Q I I I V I 16+45 0.0253 0.00 Q I I I V I 16 +50 0.0253 0.00 Q I I I V I 16 +55 0.0253' 0.00 Q I I I V I 17+ 0 0.0253 0.00 Q I I I V I 17+.5 0.0254 0.00 Q I I I V I 17 +10 0.0254 0.00 Q I I I V I 17 +15 0.0254 0.00 .Q I I I V I 17 +20 0.0254 0.00 Q I I I V 17 +25 0.0254 0.00 Q. I I I V I 17+30 0.0255 0.00 Q I I I V I 17 +35 0.0255 0.00 Q I I I V I 17 +40 0.0255 0.00 Q I I I V I 17 +45 0.0255 0.00 Q I I I. V I 17+50 0.0256 0.00 Q I I I V 17 +55 0.0256 0.00 Q I I I V I 18+ 0 0.0256 0.00 Q I I I V I 18+ 5 0.0256 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +10 0.0256 0.00 Q I I I V I 18+15 0.0256 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +20 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +25 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +30 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +35 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +40 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V I 18 +45 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V I 18+50 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I V 18 +55 0.0257 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+ 0 0.0258 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+ 5 0.0258 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+10 0.0258 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+15 .0.0258 0.00 Q I I I VI 19 +20 0.0258 0.00 Q I I I VI 19 +25 0.0258 0.00 Q I I I VI 19+30 0.0258 0.00 Q 19 +35 0.0259 0.00 Q 19+40 0.0259 0.00 Q 19 +45 0.0259 0.00 Q 19 +50 0.0259 0.00 Q 19 +55 0.0259 0.00 Q 20+ 0 0.0259 0.00 Q 20+ 5 0.0259 0.00 Q 20 +10 0.0259 0.00 Q 20 +15 0.0259 0.00 Q 20 +20 0.0260 0.00 Q 20+25 .0.0260 0.00 Q 20+30 0.0260 0.0.0 Q 20 +35 0.0260 0.00 Q 20 +40 0.0260 0.00 Q 20+45 0.0260 0.00 Q 20 +50 0.0260 0.00 Q 20 +55 0.0260 0.00 Q 21+.0 0.0261 0.00 Q 21+ 5 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +10 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +15 0.0261 0.00 Q 21+20 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +25 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +30 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +35 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +40 0.0261 0.00 Q 21 +45 0.0262 0.00 Q 21 +50 0.0262 0.00 Q 21 +55 0.0262 0.00 Q 22+ 0 0.0262 0.00 Q 22+ 5 0.0262 0.00 Q 22 +10 0.0262 0.00 Q 22 +15 0.0262 0.00. Q 22 +20 0.0262 0.00 Q 22 +25 0.0262 0.00 Q 22 +30 0.0262 0.00 Q 22 +35 0.0263 0.00 Q 22 +40 0.0263 0.00 Q 22 +45 0.0263 0.00 Q 22 +50 0.0263 0.00 Q 22 +55 0.02.63 0.00 Q 23+ 0 0.0263 0.00 Q 23+ 5 0.0263 0.00 Q 23 +10 0.0263 0.00 Q 23 +15 0.0263 0.00 Q 23 +20 0.0263 0.00 Q 23 +25 .0.0263 0.00 Q 23 +30 0.0263 0.00 Q 23 +35 0.0264 0.00 Q '23 +40 0.0264 0.00 Q 23 +45 0.0264 0.00 Q 23 +50 0.0264 0.00 Q 23 +55 0.0264 0.00 Q 24+ 0 -------------------------- 0:0264 0.00 Q - - - - -- VI VI VI VI VI v VI v v1 v VI VI VI v v VI v VI v VI VI VI VI VI v1 VI VI v1 v VI v1 v v1 VI v V'1 VI VI VI v VI VI V1 v v VI v v1 v1 v VI VI VI v1 V1 Post Development Onsite. Unit Hydrographs U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM33954PostDev1100.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++±++++++++++++++ + + + + + ++ + + ± + + + + + + ++ + + + ++++ + + + + ++ ----------------------------------------=------------------------- - - - - -- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Program License Serial Number 5042 -------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 _osa - Deveopmea Onste Un - -t Hydrogap`h, Post De `12100 1 h by CEB on 3/01/2007 ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Drainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0.31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 50.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 48.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.009 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.009 Mi. Difference in elevation = 2.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 264.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.025 Lag time = 0.006 Hr. Lag time = 0.36 Min. 25% of lag time = 0.09 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.14 Min. Unit time = 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 1 Hour(s) User Entered Base'Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1) Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 0.50 0.16 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[l) Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 1.60 0.50 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 0.500(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 1.600(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 1.600(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = .1.600(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.310 32.00 0.650 Total Area Entered = 0.31(AC.) RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% ' F AMC2 AMC -2 (In /Hr) (Dec.%) (In /Hr) (Dec.) - (In /Hr) 32.0 32.0 0.742 0.650 ' 0.308 1.000 0.308 0.000 Sq. Mi. Sum (F) = 0.308 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.308 Minimum soil loss rate ((In /Hr)) = 0.154 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil low loss rate (decimal) = 0.380 Slope of intensity- duration curve for a 1 hour storm = 0.5800 ------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- U n i t H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- DESERT S -Curve ------------------------------------------------------=-------------- Unit Hydrograph Data Unit time'period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Graph % (CFS) 1 0.083 1404.410 100.000 0.312 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum = 100.000 Sum= 0.312 Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain • Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max I Low (In /Hr) 1 0.08 3.60 0.691 0.308 - -- 0.38 2 0.17 4.20 0.806 0.308 - -- 0.'50. 3 0.25 4.40 0.845 0.308 - -- 0.54 4 0.33 4.60 0.883 0.308 - -- 0.58 5 0.42 5.00 0.960 0.308 - -- 0.65 6 0.50 5.60 1.075 0.308 - -- 0.77 7 0.58 6.40 1.229 0.308 - -- 0.92 8 0.67 8.10 1.555 0.308 - -- 1.25 9 0.75 13.10 2.515 0.308 - -- 2.21 10 0.83 34.50 6.624 0.308 - - -. 6.32 11 0.92" 6.70 1::-286 0.308 - -- 0.98 12 1.00 3.80 0.730 0.308 - -- 0.42 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 15.5 Flood.volume = Effective rainfall 1.29(In) times area 0.3(Ac.) / {(In) /(Ft.)) = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 0.31(In) Total soil loss = 0.008(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 1.60(In) Flood volume = 1454.0 Cubic Feet Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- soil loss = 346.5 Cubic Feet ea ------------------------------------ -------------------------------- . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ 1 - H O U R S T O R M -------------------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p.h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) ------------------ Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 ----------------------------------------- Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 -------- 7.5 10.0 0+ 5 '0.0008 0.12 Q I I I I 0 +10 0.0019 0.16 Q V I I I I 0 +15 0.0031 0.17 Q V I I I I 0 +20 0.0043 0.18 Q V I I I I 0 +25 0.0057 0.20 Q V I I I I 0 +30 0.0073 0.24 Q V I I I I 0 +35 0.0093 0.29 IQ IV I I 0 +40 0.0120 0:39 IQ I V I I I 0 +45 0.0168 0.69 I Q I V I I 0 +50 0.0304 1.97 1 Q I I I V I 0 +55 0.0325 0.31 .IQ I I I V I 1+ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- D:3.3' 0.13 Q I I I V - - - - -- i I U n i t H y d r•o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File:.TPM33954POStDev3100.0ut -------------------------------------------------------------------=---- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Program License Serial Number 5042 ---g-Eng ------------------(--------------------------------------------- ' lish (in -lb) Input Units Used En lish Rainfall Data Inches) Input Values Used ' English Units used in output format - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 ' ost Dev to ent 0 sate Un =' "t H ,dro ra -ph os .De 1A00 =h by CEB on 3/01/2007 ------=---------=--------------------------------------- --- ----- Drainage Area = 0.31(AC.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustm----ent = 0.31(AC.) - Length along longest watercourse = 50.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 48.00(Ft.) ' Length along longest watercourse = 0.009 Mi. Length along-longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.009 Mi. Difference in elevation = 2.50(Ft.). Slope along watercourse = 264.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.025 Lag time = 0.006 Hr. Lag time = 0.36 Min. 25% of lag.time = 0.09 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.14 Min. Unit time = 5.00 Min. . ' Duration of storm = 3 Hour(s) . User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)(2) Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 0.70 0.22 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] ' 0.31 2.20 0.68 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 0.700(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall- 2.200(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.200(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 2.200(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.310 32.00 0.650 Total Area Entered = 0.31(AC.) � I 0.000 Sq. Mi. RI AMC2 RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% ''F AMC -2 (In /Hr) (Dec.%) (In/Hr) (Dec.) (In /Hr) 32.0 32.0 0.742 0.650 0.308 1.000 0.308 Sum (F) = 0.308 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.308 Minimum soil loss rate ((In /Hr)) = 0.154 ' (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil --------------------------------------------------------------------- low loss rate •(decimal) = 0.380 ' U n i t H y d r o g r a p h DESERT S -Curve Unit Hydrograph Data I-----------------'-----------------------------------------=---------- Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph (hrs)' Graph % (CFS) 1 0.083 1404.410 100.000 0.312 I--------------------------------- Sum = 100.000 Sum ---------------------- 0 _ - 312 _ - - - - -- Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max I Low (In /Hr) 1 0.08 1.30 0.343 0.308 - -- 0.04 2 0.17 1.30 0.343 0.308 - -- 0.04 3 0.25 1.10 0.290 0.308 0.110 '0.18 4 0.33 1.50 0.396 0.308 0.09 i 5 0.42 1.50 - -_ 0.396 0.308 0.09 6 0.50 1.80 0.475 0.308 - -- 0.17 7 0.58 1.50 0.396 0.308 - -- 0.09 8 0.67 1.80 0.475 '-0.308 - -- 0.17 ' 9 0.75 1.80 0.475 0.308 - -- 0.17 10 0.83 1.50 0.396 0.308 - -- 0.09 11 0.92 1.60 0.422 0.308 - -- 0.11 12 1.00 1.80 0.475 0.308 - -- 0.17 I , 13 1.08 2.20 0.581 0.308 - -- 0.27 14 1.17 2.20 0.581 0.308 - -- 0.27 i 15 1.25 2.20 0.581 0.308 - -- 0.27 16 1.33 2.00 0.528 0.308 - -- 0.22 17 1.42 2.60 0.686 0.308 0.38' 18 1.50 2.70 - -- 0.713 0.308 0.40 19 1.58 2.40 0.634 0.308 - -- 0.33 20 1.67 2.70 0.713 0.308 - -- 0.40 21 1.75 3.30 0.871 0.308 0.56 22 1.83 3.10• 0.818 0.308 =_= 0.51 23 1.92 2.90 0.766 0.308. 0.46 24 2.00 3.00 0.792 0.308 - -- 0.48 25 2.08 3.10 0.818 0.308 - -- 0.51 26 2.17 4:20 1.109 0.308 - -- 0.80 27 2.25 5.00 1.320 0.308 - -- 1.01 28 2.33 3.50 0.924 0.308 - -- 0.62 ! 29 2.42 6.80 1.795 0.308 - -- 1:49 . 30 2.50 7.30 1.927 0.308 1.62 ' 31 2.58 8.20 2.165 0.308 - -- 1.86 32 2.67 5.90 1.558 0.308 1.25 I' 33 2.75 2.00 0.528 0.308 - -- 0.22 1 34 35 2.83 2.92 1.80 1.80 0.475 0.308 - -- 0.475 0.308 - -- 0.17 0-.17 36 3.00 0.60 0.158 0.308 0.060 0.10 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 15.8 I Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.31(In) times area 0.3(Ac.) /[(In) /(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) ' Total soil loss = 0.89(In) Total soil loss = 0.023(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 2.20(In) Flood Total volume = soil loss 1477.9 Cubic Feet = 997.8 Cubic Feet . -------------------------------------------------------------------- e -------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------ 3 - H O U R S T O R M -------------------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) Time (h +m) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume Ac.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 0+ 5 0 '.0001 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +10 0.0002 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +15 0.0005 0.06 Q 0 +20 0.0007 0.03 -Q I I I I 0 +25 0.0009 0..03 QV I I I I 0 +30 0.0013 0.05 QV I I I I 0 +35' 0.0015 0.03 QV I I I I 0 +40 0.0018 0.05 Q V I I I I 0 +45 0.0022 0.05 Q V 0 +50 0.0024 0.03 Q V 0 +55 0.0026 0.04 Q V I I I I 1+ 0_ 0.0030 0.05 Q V I I I I 1+ 5 0.0036 0.09 Q V I I I I 1 +10 0.0042 0.09 Q V I 1 +15 0.0047 0.09 Q V I I I I 1+20 0.0052 0.07 Q V I I I I 1 +25 0.0060 0.12' Q V I 1 +30 0.0069 0.13 Q V I 1 +35. 0.0076 0.10 Q V I I I I 1 +40 0.0085 0.13 Q VI I I I 1 +45 0.0097 0.18 Q IV I I I 1 +50 0.0108 0.16 Q I V I I I 1 +55 0.0118 0.14 Q I - V I I I 2+ 0 0.0128 0.15 Q I V I I I 2+ 5 0.0139 0.16 Q I V I I I 2 +10 0.0156 0.25 IQ I V I I I 2 +15 0.0178' 0.32 IQ I IV I 2 +20 0.0191 0.19 Q I I V I I 2 +25 0.0223 0.46 IQ I I V I I 2 +30 0.0258 0.51 I Q I I V I 2 +35 0.0298 0.58 1 Q I I I V I 2+40 0.0325 0.39 IQ I I I V 1 2 +45 0.0330 0.07 Q I I I V I 2 +50 0.0334 0.05 Q I I I VI 2 +55' 0.0337 0.05 Q I I I VI 3+ 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0.33 , 0.03 Q I I I V - - - - -- IU n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s ' Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESI•GN, 1989— 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM33954PostDev6100.out +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ + + + + + + + + + ++++ + + ++ +++ + + + ++++ ++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 ' Program License Serial Number 5042 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 V, _S Develo -menu Obse Unit r- og.a`pt�, ' ost De Q; 00. •6 -h by CEB on 3/01/2007 -- - - - - -- Drainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0.31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 50.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 48.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse = 0.009 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 0.009 Mi. Difference in elevation = 2.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse = 264.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.025 Lag time = 0.006 Hr. Lag time = 0.36 Min. 25% of'lag time = 0.09 Min. 40% of lag time = 0.14 Min. Unit time = 5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 6 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow = 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 1.00 0.31' 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 2.75 0.85 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 1.000(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 2.750(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 2.750(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 % Adjusted average point rain = 2.750(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(Ac.) Runoff Index Impervious % 0.310 32.00 0.650 Total Area Entered = 0.31(Ac.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. Unit Hydrograph (CFS) --------------- - - -- 0.312: 0.312 Effective (In /Hr) 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.14 0'.14 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16' 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.16 .0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 . 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 . 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.15 RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area% F h AMC2 32.0 AMC -2 32.0 (In /Hr) (Dec.%) 0.742 0.650' (In /Hr) (Dec.) 0.308 1.000 (In /Hr) 0.308 -------------------------------------------------- Sum (F) = 0.308 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.308 -----------------------------------------'--------- (hrs) Minimum soil loss rate ((In /Hr)) = 0.154 (for 24 hour storm duration) ---------------------------------------------------------- ' Soil -------------------=---- low loss rate (decimal) = -- -0_380 - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- Unit Hydrograph (CFS) --------------- - - -- 0.312: 0.312 Effective (In /Hr) 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.14 0'.14 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16' 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.16 .0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 . 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 . 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.15 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------- DESERT S -Curve -------------------------------------------------- Unit Hydrograph Data Unit time period Time % of lag Distribution -----------------------------------------'--------- (hrs) Graph % 1 0.083 1404.410 100.000 ---------------------------------------------------------- . Sum = 100.000 Sum= Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain _ Loss rate(In. /Hr) (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max Low 1 0.08 0.50 0.165 0.308 0.063 2 0.17 0.60 0.198 0.308 0.075 3 0.25 0.60 0.198 0.308 0.075 4 0.33 0.60 0.198 0.308 0.075 5 0.42 0.60 0.198 0.308 0.075 6 0.50 0.70 0.231 0.308 0.088 .7 0.58 0.70 0.231 0.308 0.088 8 0.67 0.70 0.231 .0.308 0.088 ' 1 9 0.75 0.70 0.231 0 ^.308 0.088 10 0.83 0.70 0.231 0.308 0.088 11 0.92 0.70 0.231 0.308 0.088 12 1.00 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 13 1.08 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 14 1.17 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 15 1.25. 0.80 0.264, 0.308 0.100 16 1.33 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 17 1.42 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 18 1.50 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 19 1.58 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 20 1.67 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 21 1.75 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 22 1.83 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 23 1.92 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 24 2.00 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 25 2.08 0.80 0.264 0.308 0.100 26 2.17 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 27 2.25 0., 90 0.297 0.308 0.113 28 2.33 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 29 2.42 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 30 2.50 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 31 2.58 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 32 2.67 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 33 2.75 1.00 0.330 0.308 - -- 34 2.83 1.00 0.330 0.308 - -- 35 2.92 1.00 0.330 0.308 - -- 36 3.00 1.00 0.330 0.308 - -- 37 3.08 1.00 0.330 0.308 - -- 38 3.17 1.10 0.363 0.308 --- 39 3.25 1.10 0.363 0.308 - -- 40 3.33 1.10 0.363 0.308 - 41 3.42 1.20 0.396 0.308 - 42 3.50 1.30 0.429 0.308 - -- ' 43 3.58 1.40 0.462 0.308 - -- 44 3.67 1.40 0.462 0.308 - -- Unit Hydrograph (CFS) --------------- - - -- 0.312: 0.312 Effective (In /Hr) 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.14 0'.14 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16' 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.16 .0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 . 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 . 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.15 45 3.75 1.50 0.495 0.308 - -- 0.19 46 3.83 1.50 0.495 0.308 - -- 0.19 47 3.92 1.60 0.528 0.308 - -- 0.22 48 4.00 1.60 0.528 0.308 - -- 0.22 49 4.08 1.70 0.561 0.308' - -- 0.25 50 4.17 1.80 .0.594 0.308 - -- 0.29 51 4.25 1.90 0.627 0.308 - -- 0.32 52 4.33 2.00 0.660 0.308 - -- 0.35 53 4.42 2.10 0.693 0.308 - -- 0.39 54 4.50 2.10 0.693 0.308 - -- 0.39 55 4.58 2.20 0.726 0.308 - -- 0.42 56 4.67 2.30 0.759 0.308 - -- 0.45 57 4.75 2.40 0.792 0.308 - -- 0.48 58 4.83 2.40 0.792 0.308 - -- 0.48 59 4.92 2.50 0.825 0.308 - -- 0.52 60 5.00 2.60 0.858 0.308. - -- 0.55 61 5:08 3.10 1.023 0.308 - -- 0.72 62 5.17 3.60. 1.188 0.308 - -- 0.88 63 5.25 3.90 1.287 0.308 - -- 0.98 64 5.33 4.20 1.386 0.308 - -- 1.08 65 5.42 4.70 1.551 .0.308 - -- 1.24 66 5.50 5.60 1.848 0.308 - -- 1.54 . 67 5.58 1.90 0.627 0.308 - -- 0.32 68 5.67 0.90 0.297 0.308 0.113 0.18 . 69 5.75 0.60 0.198 0.308 0.075 0.12 70 5.83 0.50 0.165 0.308 0.063 0.10 71 5.92 0.30 0.099 0.308 0.038 0.06 72 6.00 0.20 b.066 0.308 0.025 0.04 Sum = 100.0 Sum = 18.8 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 1.57(In) times area 0.3(Ac.) /[(In) /(Ft.)] = 0.0(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 1.18(In) .Total soil loss = 0.031(A6.Ft) Total rainfall = 2.75(In) Flood volume = 1764.1 Cubic Feet ^Total ------------------------ soil loss = '1330.5 Cubic Feet W eak, --------=----------------------------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------------------------- h 0.98ri1 (�CFSJ f�1o. Ya =t'e o th -'s h,drogra +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + +++++ 6 - H O U R S T O R M --------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) - ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 0+ 5 0.0002 0.03 Q I I I I 0 +10 '0.0005 0.04 Q I I I I 0 +15 0.0007 0.04 Q I I I I 0+20 0.0010 0.04 QV I I I I 0 +25 0.0013 O.b4 QV I I I I 0 +30 0.0016 0.04 QV I I I I 0+35 0.0019 0.04 QV I I I I 0 +40 0.0022 0.04 Q V I I I I 0 +45 0.0025 0.04 'Q V I I I I 0 +50 0.0028 0.04 Q V I' I I I 0 +55 0.0031 0:04 Q V I I I I 1+ 0 0.0035 0.05 Q V I I I I 1+ 5 0.0038 0.05 Q V I I I I 1 +10 0.0042 0:05 Q V I I I I 1 +15 0:.0045 0.05 Q V I I I I 1 +20 0.0049 0.05' Q V I I I I 1+25 0.0052 0.05 Q V I 1 +30 0.0056 0.05 Q V I I I I 1+35 0.0059 0.05 Q V I I I I 1 +40 0.0063 0.05 Q V I 1 +45 0.0067 0.05 Q V I I I I 1 +50 0.0070 0.05 Q V I I I I 1 +55 0.0074 0.05 Q V I ( I I 2+ 0 0.0078 0.06 Q V I I 2+ 5 0.0081 0.05 Q V I I 2 +10 0.0085 0.06 Q V I I 2+15 0.0089 0.06 Q V I I 2+20 0.0093 0.06 Q VI I 2 +25 0.0097 0.06 Q VI I . 2+30 0.0101 0.06 Q. VI I 2+35 0.0105 0.06 Q V I 2 +40 0.0109 0.06 Q V I 2 +45 0.0109 0.01 Q V I 2 +50 0.0110 0.01 Q V I 2 +55 0.0110 0.01 Q V I 3+ 0 0.0111 0.01 Q V I 3+'5 0.0111 0.01 Q V I 3 +10 0.0112 0.02 Q IV I 3 +15 0.0114 0.02 Q IV 3 +20 .0.0115 0..02 Q .I V I 3 +25 0.0117' 0.03 Q IV I 3 +30 0.0119 0.04 Q IV I 3 +35 0.0123 0.05 Q I V I 3 +4'0 0.0126 0.05 Q I V I 3 +45 0.0130 0.06 Q I V 3 +50 0.0134 0.06 Q I V I 3 +55 0.0139 0.07 Q.. I V I 4+ 0 0.0143 0.07 Q I V I 4+ 5 0.0149 0.08 Q I V I 4 +10 0.0155 0.09 Q I V I 4 +15 0.0162 0.10 Q I V I 4 +2.0 0.0169 0.11 Q I V I 4 +25 0.0178 0.12 Q I V 4 +30 0.0186 0.12 Q I V I 4 +35 0.0195 0.13 Q I VI 4 +40 0.0205 0.14 Q I V 4 +45 0.0215 0.15 Q I IV 4 +50 0.0226 0.15 Q I I V 4 +55 0.0237 0.16 Q I I V I 5+ 0 0.0249 0.17 Q I I V I 5+ 5 0.0264 0.22 Q I I V I 5 +10 0.0283 0.28 IQ I I V I 5 +15 0.0304 0.31 IQ I I 5 +20 0.0327 0.34 IQ I I I 5 +25 0.0354 0.39 IQ I I I 5+30 0.0387 0.48 IQ I I I 5 +35 0.0394 0.10 Q 5 +40 0.0398 0.06 Q I I I 5 +45 0.0401 0.04 Q I I I 5 +50 0.0403 0.03 Q I I I 5 +55 0.0404 0.02 Q I I 6+ 0 ------------=---------=-----------------=----------------- :;0.405 0.01 Q I I I - - - - -- I I I I I I V I V I V I V I VI vI VI VI V 1 1 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s ' Copyright (c) CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 03/02/07 File: TPM33954PostDev24100.out 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++±++++++++++++++++++ + + + + +++ + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ---------------------------------------------------------=-------------- Riverside County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method RCFC & WCD Manual date - April 1978 Program License Serial Number 5042 --------------------------------------------------------------------- English (in -lb) Input Units Used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input Values Used English Units used in output format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tentative Parcel Map No. 33954 ost. D welop ent On *it -e Unit H, dro ran Po De B150.;0, 2;4;„ -;he by CEB on 3/01/2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DYainage Area = 0.31(Ac.) = 0.000 Sq. Mi. Drainage Area -for Depth -Area Areal Adjustment = 0.31(Ac.) _ Length along longest watercourse = 50.00(Ft.) Length along longest watercourse measured to centroid = 48.00(Ft.) Length alon§, longest watercourse = 0.009 Mi. Length along longest watercourse measured to.centroid = 0.009 Mi. Difference in elevation = 2.50(Ft.) Slope along watercourse 264.0000 Ft. /Mi. Average Manning's 'N' = 0.025 Lag time = 0.006 Hr. Lag time = 0.36 Min. 258 of lag time = 0.09 Min. 408 of lag time = 0.14 Min. Unit time = .5.00 Min. Duration of storm = 24 Hour(s) User Entered Base Flow 0.00(CFS) 2 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 1.50 0.46 100 YEAR Area rainfall data: Area(Ac.)[1] Rainfall(In)[2] Weighting[1 *2] 0.31 5.00 1.55 STORM EVENT (YEAR) = 100.00 Area Averaged 2 -Year Rainfall = 1.500(In) Area Averaged 100 -Year Rainfall = 5.000(In) Point rain (area averaged) = 5.000(In) Areal adjustment factor = 100.00 8 Adjusted average point rain = 5.000(In) Sub -Area Data: Area(AC.) Runoff Index Impervious 8 0.310 32.00 0.650 .Total Area Entered = 0.31(AC.) 0.000 Sq. Mi. 1 RI RI Infil. Rate Impervious Adj. Infil. Rate Area %, F AMC2 AMC -2 (In /Hr) (Dec. %) (In /Hr) (Dec.) (In /Hr) 32.0 32.0 0.742 0.650 0.308 1.000 0.308 Sum (F)'= 0.308 Area averaged mean soil loss (F) (In /Hr) = 0.308 Minimum.soil loss rate ((In /Hr)) =. 0.154 (for 24 hour storm duration) Soil -------------------------------------------------------=------------- low loss rate (decimal) = 0.380 ' U n i t H y d r o g r a p h ------------------------------------------=------------------------- DESERT S -Curve Unit Hydrograph Data ------------ Unit ----------- time period =--------------------------------------------- Time % of lag Distribution Unit Hydrograph --------------------------------------------------------------------- (hrs) Graph % (CFS) 1 0.083 1404.410 100.000 0.312 -------------------------------------------------------- Sum = 100.000 Sum = -------- 0 _312 - Unit Time Pattern Storm Rain Loss rate(In. /Hr) Effective (Hr.) Percent (In /Hr) Max Low (In /Hr) 1 0.08 0.07 0.040 0.546 0.015 0.02 2 0.17 0.07 0.040 0.544 0.015 0.02 3 0.25 0.07 0.040 0.542 0.015 0.02 ' 4 0.33 0.10 0.060 0.540 0.023 0.04 5 0.42 0.10 0.060 0.537 •0.023 0.04 6 0.50 0.10 0.060 0.535 0.023 0.04 7 0.58 0.10 0.060 0.'533 0.023 0.04 8 .0.67 0.10 "0.060 0.531 0.023 07.04 9 0.75 0.10 0.060 0.529 0.023 0.04 10 0.83 0.13 0.080 0.527 0.030 0.05 11 0.92 0.13 0.080 0.525 0.030 0.05 12 1.00 0.13 0.080 0.523 0.030 0.05 ' 13 1.08 0.10 0.060 0.521 0.023 0.04 14 1.17 0.10 0.060 0.519 0.023 0.04 15 1.25 0.10 0.060 0.517 0.023 0.04 16 1.33 0.10 0.060 0.515 0.023 0.04 ' 17 1.42 0.10 0.060 0.513 0.023 0.04 18 1.50 0.10 0.060 0.511 0.023 0.04 19 1.58 0.10 0.060 0.509 0.023 0.04 20 1.67 0.10 0.060 0.506 0.023 0.04 21 1.75 0.10 0.060 0.504 0.023 0.04 22 1.83 0.13 0.080 0.502 0.030 0.05 23 1.92 0.13 0.080 0.500 0.030 0.05 24 2.00 0.13 0.080 0.498 0.030 0.05 25 2.08 0.13 0.080 0.496 0.030 0..05 26 2.17 0..13 0.080 0.494 0.030 0.05 27 2.25 0.13 0.080 0.492 0.030 0.05 . 28 2.33 0.13 0.080 0.490 0.030 0.05 29 2.42 0.13 0.080 0.488 0.030 0.05 30 2.50 0.13 0.080 0.486 0.030 0.05 31 2.58 0.17 0.100 0.484 0.038 0.06 32 2.67 0.17 0.100 0.482 0.038 0.06 33 2.75 0.17 0.100 0.480 0.038 0.06 34 2.83 0.17, 0.100 0.478 0.038 0.06 ' 35 2.92 0.17 0.100 0.476 0.038 0.06 36 3.00 0.17 0.100 0.474 0.038 0.06 37 3.08 0.17 0.100 0.472 0.038 0.06 38 3.17 0.17 0.100 0.471 0.038 0.06 39 3.25 0.17 0.100 0.469 0.038 0.06 ' 40 3.33 0.17 0.100 0.467 0.038 0.06 41 3.42 0.17 0.100 0.465 0.038 0.06 42 3.50 0.17 0.100 0.463 0.038 0.06 . 43 3.58 0.17 0.100 0.461 0.038 0.06 44 3.67 0.17 0.100 0.459 0.038 0.06 45 3.75 0.17 0.100 0.457 .0.038 0.06 46 3.83 0.20 0.120 0.455 0.046 0.07 47 3.92 0.20 0.120 0.453 0.046 0.07 48 4.00 0.20 0.120, 0.451 0.046 0.07 49 4.08 0.20 0.120 0.449 0.046 0.07 50 4.17 0.20 0.120 0.447 0.046 0.07 51 4.25 0.20 0.120 0.445 0.046 0.07 52 4.33 0.23 0.140 0.444 0.053 0.09 53 4.42 0.23 0.140 0.442 0.053 0.09 54 4.50 0.23 .0.140 0.440 0.053 0.09 55 4.58 0.23 0.140 0.438 0.053 0.09 56 4.67 0.23 0.140 0.436 0.053 0.09 57 4.75 0.23 0.140 0.434 0.053 0.09 58 4.83 0.27 0.160 0.432 0.061 0.10 59 4.92 0.27 0.160 0.430 0.061 0.10 60 5.00 0.27 0.160 0.428 0.061 0.10 61 5.08 0.20 0.120 0.427 0.046 0.07 62 5.17 0.20 0.120 0.425 0.046 0.07 63 5.25 0.20 0.120 0.423 0.046 0.07 64 5.33 0.23 0.140 0.421 0.053 0.09 65 5.42 0.23 0.140 0.419 0.053 0.09 66 5.50 0.23 0.140 0.417 0.053 0.09 67 5.58 0.27 0.160 0.416 0.061 0.10 68 5.67 0.27 0.160 0.414 0.061 0.10 6.9 5.75 0.27 0.160 0.412 0.061 0.10 70 5.83 0.27 0.160 0.410 0.061 0.10 71 5.92 0..27 0.160 0.408 0..061 0.10 72 6.00 0.27 0.160 0.406 0.061 0.10 73 6.08 0.30 0.180 0.405 0.068 0.11 74. 6.17 0.30 0.180 0.403 0.068 0.11 75' 6.25 0.30 0.180 0.401 0.068 0.11 76 6.33 0.30 0.180 0.399 0.068 0.11 77 6.42 0.30 0.180 0.397 0.068 0.11 78 6.50 0.30 0.180 0.396 0.068 0.11 79 6.58 ` "0.33 0.200V "0.394 0.076 0.12 80 6.67 0.33 0.200 0.392 0.076 0.12 81 6.75 0.33 0.200 0.390 0.076 0.12 82 6.83 0.33 0.200 0.389 0.076 0.12 83 6.92 0.33 0.200 0.387 0.076 0.12 84 7.00 0.33 0.200 0.385 0.076 0.12 85 7.08 0.33 0.200 0.383 0.076 0.12 86 7.17 0.33 0.200 0.382 0.07.6 0.12 87 7.25 0.33 0.200 0.380 0.076 0.12 88 7.33 0.37 0.220 0.378 0.084 0.14 89 7.42 0.37 0.220 0.376 0.084 0.14 90 7.50 ' 0.37 0.220, 0.375 0.084 0.,14 91 7.58 0.40 0.240 0.373 0.091 0.15 92 7.67 0.40 0.240 0.371 0.091 0.15 93 7.75 0.40. 0.240 07370 0.091 0.15 94 7.83 0.43 0.260 0.368 0.099 0.16 95 7.92 0.43 0.260 0.366 0.099 0.16 96 8.00 0.43 0.260 0.364 0.099 0.16 97 8.08 0.50 0.306 0.363 0.114 0.19 98 8.17 0.50 0.300 0'.361 0.114 0.19 99 8.25 0.50 0.300 0.359 0.114 0.19 100 8.33 0.50 0.300 0.358 0.114 0.19 101 8.42 0.50 0.300 0.356 0.114 0.19 102 8.50 0.50 0.300 0.354 0.114 0.19 103 8.58 0.53 0.320 0.353 0.122 0.20 104 8.67 0.53 0.320 0.351 0:122 0.20 105 8.75 0.53 0.320 0.349 0.122 0.20 106 8.83 0.57 0.340 0.348 0.129 0.21 107 8.92 0.57 0.340 0.346 0.129 0.21 108 9.00 0.57 0.340 0.344 0.129 0.21 109 9.08 0.63 0.380 0.343 - -- 0.04 110 9.17 0.63 0.380 0.341 - -- 0.04 111 9.25 0.63 0.380 0.340 - -- 0.04 112 9.33 0.67 0.400 0.338 - -- 0.06 113 9.42 0.67 0.400 0.336 - -- 0.06 114 9.50, 0.67 0.400 0.335 - -- 0.07 115 .9.58 0.70 0.420 0.333 - -- 0.09 116 9.67 0.70 0.420 0.332 - -- 0.09 117 9.75 0.70 0.420 0.330 - -- 0.09 118 9.83 0.73 0.440 0.328 - -- 0.11 119 9.92 0.73 0.440 0.327 - -- 0.11 120 10.00 0.73 0.440 0.325 - -- 0.31 121 10.08 0.50 0.300 0.324 0.114 0.19 122 10.17 0.50 0.300 0.322 0.114 0.19 123 10.25 0.50 0.300 0.320 0.114 .0.19 124 10.33 0.50 0.300 0.319 0.114 0.19 125 10.42 0.50 0.300 0.317 0.114 0.19 126 10.50 0.50 0.300 0.316 0.114 0.19 127 10.58 0.67 0.400 0.314 - -- 0.09 128 10.67 0.67 0.400 0.313 - -- 0.09 129 10.75 0.67 0.400 0.311 - -- 0.09 130 10.83 0.67 0.400 0.310 - -- 0.09 131 10.92 0.67 0.400 0.308 - -- 0.09 132 11.00 0.67, 0.400 0.307 - -- 0.09 133 11.08 0.63 0.380 0.305 - -- 0.07 134 11.17 0.,63 0.380 0.304 - -- 0.08 135 11.25 0.63 0.380 0.302 - -- 0.08 136 11.33 0.63 0.380 0.301 - -- 0.08 137 11.42 0.63 0.380 0.299 - -- 0.08 138 11.50 0.63 0.380 0.298 - -- 0.08 139 11.58 0.57 0.340 0.296 - -- 0.04 140 11.67 0.57 0.340 0.295 - -- 0.05 141 11.75 0.57 0.340 0.293 - -- 0.05 142 11.83 0.60 0.360 0.292 - -- 0.07 143 11.92 0.60 0.360 0.290 - -- 0.07 144 12.00 0.60 0.360 0.289 - -- 0.07 145 12.08 0.83 0.500 0.287 - -- 0.21 146 12.17 0.83 0.500 0.286 - -- 0.21 147 12.25 0.83 0.500 0.285 - -- 0.22 148 12.33 0.87 0.520 0.283 - -- 0.24 149 12.42 0'.87 0.52.0 0.282 - -- 0.24 150 12.50. 0.87 0.520 0.280 - -- 0.24 •151 12.58 0.93 0.560 0.279• - -- 0.28 152 12.67 0.93 0.560 0.277 - -- 0.28 153 12.75 0.93 0.560 0.276 - -- 0.28 154 12.83 0.97 0.580 0.275 - -- 0.31 155 12.92 0.97 0.580 0.273 - -- 0.31 156 13.00 0.97 0.580 0.272 - -- 0.31 157 13.08 1.13 0.680 0.271 - -- 0.41 158 13.17 1.13 0.680 0.269 - -- 0.41 159 13.25 1.13 0.680 0.268 - -- 0.41 160 13.33 1.13 0.680 0.266 - -- 0.41 161 13.42 1.13 0.680 0.265 - -- 0.41 162 13.50 1.13 0.680 0.264 - -- 0.42 163 13.58 0.77 0.460 0.262 - -- 0.20 164 13.67 0.77 0.460 0.261 - -- 0.20 165 13.75 0.77 0.460 0.260 - -- 0.20 166 13.83 0.77 0.460 0.258 - -- 0.20 167 13.92 0.77 0.460. 0.257 - -- 0.20 168 14.00 0.77 0.460 0.256 - -- 0.20 169 14.08 0..90 0.540 0.254 - -- 0.29 170 14.17 0.90 0.540 0.253 - -- 0.29 171 14.25 0.90 0.540 0.252 - -- 0.29 172 14.33 0.87 0.520 0.251 - -- 0.27 173 14.42 0.87 0.520 0.249 - -- 0.27 174 14.50 0.87 0.520 0.248 - -- 0.27 175 14.58 0.87 0.520 0.247 - -- 0.27 176 14.67 0.87 0.520 0.245 - -- 0.27 177 14.75 0.87 0.520 0.244 - -- 0.28 178 14.83 0.83 0.500 0.243 - -- 0.26 179 14.92 0.83 0.500 0.242 - -- 0.26 180 15.00 0.83 0.500 0.241 - 0.26 181 15.08 0.80 0.480 0.239 - -- 0.24 182 15.17 0.80 0.480 0.238 - -- 0.24 183 15.25 0.80 0.480 0.237, - -- 0.24 184 15.33 0.77 0.460 0.236 - -- 0.22 185 15.42 0.77 0.460 0.234 - -- 0.23 186 15.50 0.77 0.460 0.233 - -- 0.23 187 15.58 0.63 0.380 0.232 - -- 0.15 188 15.67 0.63 0.380 0.231 - -- 0.15 189 15.75 0.63 0.380 0.230 - -- 0.15 190 15.83 0.63 0.380 0.228 - - -. 0.15 191 15.92 0.63 0.380 0.227 - -- 0.15 192 16.00 0.63 0.380 0.226 - -- 0.15 193 16.08 0.13 0.080 0.225 0.030 0.05 194 16.17 0.13' 0.080 0.224 0.030 0.05 195 16.25 0.13 0.080 0.223 0.030 0.05 196 16.33 0113 0.080 0.222 0.030 0.05 197 16.42 0.13 0.080 0.220 0.030 0.05 198 16.50 0.13 0.080 0.219 0.030 0.05 199 16.58 0.10 0.060 0.218 0.023 0.04 200 16.67 0.10 0.060 0.217 0.023 0.04' 201 16.75 0..10 0.060 0.216 0.023 0.04 202 16.83 0.10 0.060 0.215 0.023 0.04 203 16.92 0.10 0.060 0.214. 0.023 0.04 204 17.00 0.10 0.060 0.213 0.023 0.04 205 17.08 0.17 0.100 0.212 0.038- 0.06. 206 17.17 0.17 0.100 0.211 0.038 0.06 207 17.25' 0.17 0.100 0.210 0.038 0.06 208 17.33 0.17 0.100 0.208 0.038 0.06 209 17.42 0.17 0.100 0.207 0.038 0.06 210 17.50 0.17 0.100 0.206 0.038 0.06 211 17.58 0.17 0.100 0.205 0.038 0.06 212 17.67 0.17 0.100 0.204 0.038 0.06 213 17.75 0.17 0.100 0.203 0.038 0.06 214 17.83 0.13 0.080 0.202 0.030 0.05 215 17.92 0.13 0.080 0.201 0.030 0.05 216 18.00 0.13. 0.080 0.200 0.030 0.05 217 18.08 0.13 0.080 0.199 0.030 0.05 218 18.17 0.13 0.080 0.198 0.030 0.05 219 18.25 0.13 0.080 0.197 0.030 0.05 220 18.33 0.13 0.080 0.196 0.030 0.05 221 18.42 0.13 01.080 0.195 0.030 0.05 222 18.50 0.13 0.080 0.194 0.030 0.05 223 18.58 0.10 0.060 0.194 0.023 0.04 224 18.67 .0.10 0.060 0.193 0.023 0.04 225 18.75 0.10 0.060 0.192 0.023 0.04 226 18.83 0.07 0.040 0.191 0.015 0.02 227 18.92 0.07 0.040 0.190 0.015 0.02 228 19.00 0.07 0.040 0.189 0.015 0.02 229 19.08 0.10 0.060 0.188 0.023 0.04 230 19.17 0.10 0.060. 0.187 0.023 0.04 231 19.25' 0.10 0.060 0.186 0.023 0.04 232 19.33 0.13 0.080 0.185 0.030 0.05 233 19.42 0.13 0.080 0.185 0.030 0.05 234 19.50 0.13 0.080 0.184 0.030 0.05 235 19.58 0.10 •0.060 0.183 0.023 0.04 236 19.67 0.10 0.060 0.182 0.023 0.04 237 19.75 0.10 0.060 0.181 0.023 0.04 238 19.83 0.07 0.040 0.180 0.015 0.02 239 19.92 0.07 0.040 0.180 0.015 0.02 240 20.00 0.07 0.040 0.179 0.015 0.02 241 20.08 0.10 0.060 0.178 0.023 0.04 242 20.17 0.10 0.060 0.177 0.023 0.04 243 20.25 0.10 0.060 0.176 0.023 0.04 244 20.33 0.10 0.060 0.176 0.023 0.04 245 20.42 0.10 0.060 0.175 0.023 0.04 246 20.50 0.10 0.060 0.174 0.023 0.04 247 20.58 0.10 0.060 0.173 0.023 0.04 248 20.67 0.10 0.060 0.173 0.023 0.04 249 20.75 0.10 0.060 0.172 0.023 0.04 250 20.83 0.07 0.040 0.171 0.015 0.02 251 20.92 0.07 0.040 0.171 0.015 0.02 252 21.00 0.07 0.040 0.170 0.015 0.02 253 21.08 0.10 0.060 0.169 0.023 0.04 254 21.17 0.10 0.060 0.169 0.023 0..04 255 21.25 0.10 0.060 0.168 0.023 0.04 256 21.33 0.07 0.040 0.167 0.015 0.02 257 21.42 0.07 0.040 0.167 0.015 0.02 258 21.50 0.07 0.040 0.166 0.015 0.02 259 21.58 0.10 0.060 0.165 0.023 0.04 260 •21.67 0.10 0.060 0.165 0.023 0.04: 261 21.75 0.10 0.060 0.164 0.023 0.04 262 21.83 0.07 0.040 0.164 0.015 0.02 263 21.92 0.07 0.040 0.163 0.015 0.02 264 22.00. 0.07 0.040 0.163 0.015 0.02 265 22.08 0.10 0.060 0.162 0.023 0.04 266 22.17 0.10 0.060 0.162 0.023 0.04 267 22.25 0.10 0.060 0.161 0.023 0.04 268 22.33 0.07 0.040 0.161 0.015 0.02 269 22.42 0.07 0.040 0.160 0.015 0.02 270 22.50 0.07 0.040 0.160 0.015 •0.02 271 22.58 0.07 0.040 0.159 0.015 0.02 272 22.67 0.07 0.040 0.159 0.015 0.02 273 22.75 0.07 0.040 0.158 0.015 0.02 274 22.83 0.07 0.040 0.158 0.015 0.02 275 22.92 0.07 0:040 0.157 0.015 0.02 276 23.00 ,0.07 0.040 0.157 0.015 0.02 277 23.08 0.07 0.040 0.157 0.015 0.02 278 23.17 0.07 0.040 0.156 0.015 0.02 279 23.25 0.07 0.040 0.156 0.015 0.02 280 23.33 0.07 0.040 0.156 0.015 0.02 281 23.42 0.07 0.040 0.155 0.015 0.02 282 23.50 0.07 0.040 0.155 0.015 0.02 283 23.58 0.07 0.040 0.155 0.015 0.02 284 23.67 0.07 0.040 0.155 0.015 0.02 285 23.75 0.07 0.040 0.154 0.015 0.02 286 23.83 0.07 0.040 0.154 0.015 0•.02 287 23.92 0.07 0.040 0.154 0.015 0.02 288 24.00 0.07 0.040 0.154 0.015 0.02 Sum = 100.0 - Sum = 29.3 Flood volume = Effective rainfall 2.44(In) times area 0.3(Ac.) /((In) /(Ft.)] _ 0.1(Ac.Ft) Total soil loss = 2.56(In) Total soil loss = 0.066(Ac.Ft) Total rainfall = 5.00(In) Flood volume = 2748.5 Cubic Feet Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- soil loss = 2878.0 Cubic Feet eak -------------------------------------------------------------- *low rate of thin h .droQra h - 0.13.0 CFS))' - - - - -- 24 - H O U R S T O R M -------------------------------------------------------------------- R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) ------------------------------- Time(h+m) Volume Ac.Ft ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q(CFS) 0 7 ------------------------------------- 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 0+ 5 0.0001 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +10 0..0001 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +15 0.0002 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +20 0.0002 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +25 0.0003 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +30 0.0004 0.01 Q I I I I 0+35 0.0005 0.01 Q 0 +40 0.0006 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +45 0.0006 0.01 Q I I I I 0 +50 0.0007 0.02 Q 0 +55 0.0009 0.02 Q I I I I 1+ 0 0.0010 0.02 Q I I I I 1+ 5 0.0010 0.01 Q I I I I 1+10 0.0011 0.01 Q I I I I 1+15 0.0012 0.01 Q I I I I 1 +20 0.0013 0.01 Q I I I 1 +25 0.0014 0.01 Q I I I I 1 +30 0.0019 0.01 Q I I I I 1 +35 0.0015 0.01 Q I I I I 1 +40 0.0016 0.01 QV I I I I 1� 1 +45 0.0017 0.01 QV 1+.50 0.0018 0.02 QV � 1 +55 0.0019 0.02 QV ' 2+ 0 0.0020 0.02 QV 2+ 5' 0.0021 0.02 QV 2 +10 0.0022 0.02 QV 2 +15 0.0023 0.02 QV 2 +20 0.0024 0.02 QV ' 2 +25 0.0025 0.02 QV 2 +30 0.0026 0.02 QV 2 +35 0.0028 0.02 QV 1 2 +40 2 +45 0.0029 0.0030 0.02 0.02 QV QV 2+50 0.0032 0.02 Q V. 2 +55 0.0033 0.02 Q V 3+ 0 0.0034 0:02 Q V 3+ 5 0.0036 0.02 Q V ' 3 +10 0.0037 0.02 Q v 3 +15 0.0038 0.02 Q V 3 +20 0.0040 0.02 Q V 3 +25 0.0041 0.02 _Q V 3+30 0.0042 0.02 Q V 3 +35 0.0044 0.02 Q V 3 +40 0.0045 0.02 Q v 3 +45 0.0046 0.02 Q V 3 +50 0.0048 0.02 Q V ' 3 +55 0.0050 0.02 Q V 4+ 0 0.0051 '0.02 Q V 4+ 5 0.0053 0.02 Q V 4+10 0.0054 0.02 Q V 9 +15 0.0056 0.02 Q V 4 +20 0.0058 .0.03 Q V 4 +25 0.0060 0.03 Q V 4 +30 0.0062 0.03 Q V 4 +35' 0.0064 0.03 Q V ' 4 +40 0.0065 0.03 Q V 4+45 0.0067 0.03 Q V 4+50 0.0069 0.03 Q V 4 +55 0.0072 0.03 Q V 5+ 0 0.0074 0.03 Q V 5+ 5 0.0075 0.02 Q V 5 +10 0.0077 0.02 Q V 5 +15 0.0078 0.02. Q V 5 +20 0.0080 0.03 Q V ' 5 +25 0.0082 0.03 Q v 1 5 +30 0.0084 0.03 Q V 5 +35 0.0086 0.03 Q V 1 5 +40 0.0088 0.03 Q v 5 +45 0.0090 0.03 Q v 5 +50 0.0093 0.03 Q V 1 5 +55 0.0095 0.03 Q V 6+ 0 0.0097 0.03 Q V 1 6+ 5 0.0.099 0.03 Q v 1 6 +10 0.0102 0.03 Q V 6 +15 0.0104 0.03 Q v 6 +20 0.0107 0.03 Q v 6 +25 0.0109, 0.03 Q v 1 ' 6+30 0.0111 0.03 Q V I 6 +35 0.0114 0.04 Q V 6 +40 0.0117 0.04 Q v 6 +45 0.0119 0.04 Q V 1 6 +50 0.0122 0.04 Q V 1 6 +55 0.0125 0.04 Q V 1 7+ 0 0.0127 0.04 Q V 7+ 5 0.0130 0.04 Q v 1 7 +10 0.0133 .0.04 Q v .1 ' 7 +15 0.0135 0.04 Q v I 7+20 0.0138 0.04 Q V 7+25' 0.0141 0.04 Q v I ' 7 +30 7 +35 0.0144 0.0147 0.04 0.05 Q VI Q VI 1� 7 +40 0.0151 0.05 Q VI 1 7 +45 0.0154 0.05 Q VI I 7 +50 0.0157 0.05 Q VI I 7 +55 0.0161 0.05 Q V 1 8+ 0 0.0164 0.05 Q V 1 8+ 5 0.0168 0.06 Q V 1 8 +10 0.0172 0.06 Q V 1 8 +15 0.0176 0.06 Q IV I 8 +20 0.0180 0.06 Q IV 1. 8+25 0.0184 0.06 Q IV I 8 +30 0.0188 0.06 Q' IV 1 8+35 0.0192 0.06 Q I V I 8 +40 0.0197 0.06 Q I V I 8 +45 0.0201 0.06 Q I V I 8 +50 0.0206 0.07 Q I V 1. 8+55 0.0210 0.07 Q I v 1 9+ 0 0.0215 0.07 Q I V 1 9+ 5 0.0215 0.01 Q I V I 9 +10 0.0216 0.01 Q I V I 9+15 0.0217 0.01 Q I V 9+20 0.0218 0.02 Q I v 1 9 +25 0.0220 0.02 Q I V I 9+30 0.0221 0.02 Q I V I 9+35 0.0223 0.03 Q I V 1 9 +40 0.0225 0.03 Q I V 1 9 +45 0.0227 0.03 Q I' V I 9 +50 0.0229 0.03 Q 1 V I 9 +55 0.0232 0.04 Q I V 1 10+ 0 0.0234 0.04 Q I V 1 10+ 5 0.0238 0.06 Q I V 1 10 +10 0.0242 0.06 Q I V I 10+15 0.0246 0.06 Q I V I 10 +20 0.0250 0.06 Q I V I 10 +25 0.0254 0.06 Q I V I 10 +30 0.0258 0.06 Q I V 1 10 +35 0.0260 0:03 Q I V 1 10 +40 0.0262 0.03 Q I V 1 10 +45. 0.0264 0.03 Q I V 1 10 +50 0,0266 0.03 Q I V 1 10 +55 0.0268 0.03 Q 1 V I 11+ 0 0.0270 0.03 Q 1 V I 11+ 5 0.0271 0.02 Q I V I 11 +10 0.0273 0.02 Q I V 1 11 +15. 0.0275 0.02 Q 1 V I 11 +20 0.0277 0.02 Q 1 V 1 11 +25 0.0278 0.03 Q . I v 1 11 +30 0.0280 0.03 Q 1 V I 11 +35 0.0281 0.01 Q 1 V 1 11 +40 0.0282 0.01 Q I V I 11 +45 0.0283 0.01 Q I V I 11 +50 0.0284 0.02 Q 1 V 1 11 +55 0.0286 0.02 Q 1 V I . 12+ 0 0.0287 0.02 Q 1 V 1 12+ 5 0.0292 0.07 Q I V 1 12 +10 0.0297 0.07 Q I V 1 12 +15 0.0301 0.07. 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I I I V 18 +50 0.0590 0.01 Q I I I V. 18 +55 0.0590 0.01 Q I I I V 19+ 0 0.0591, 0.01 Q I I I V 19+ 5 0.0592 0:01 Q I I I V 19 +10 0.0593 0.01 Q I I I V 19 +15. 0.0593 0.01 Q I I I V 19+20 0.0594 0.02 Q I I I V 19 +25 0.0595 0.02 Q I I I V 19 +30 0.0597 0.02 Q 19 +35 0.0597 0.01 Q 19 +40 0.0598 0.01 Q 19 +45 0.0599 0.01 Q 19+50 0.0599 0.01 Q 19 +55 0.0600 0.01 Q 20+ 0 0.0601 0.01 Q 20+ 5 0.0601 0.01 Q 20 +10 0.0602 0.01 Q 20 +15 0.0603 0.01 Q .20 +20 .0.0604 0.01 Q 20 +25 0.0605 0.01 Q 20 +30 0.0605 0.01 Q 20 +35 0.0606 0.01 Q 20 +40 0.0607 0.01 Q 20 +45 0.0608 0.01 -Q 20 +50 0.0608 0.01 Q 20 +55 0.0609 0.01 Q 21+ 0 0.0609 0.01 Q 21+ 5 0.0610 0.01 Q 21 +10 0.0611 0.01 Q 21 +15 .0.0612 0.01 Q 21 +20 0.0612 0.01 Q 21 +25 0.0613 0.01- Q 21 +30 0.0613 0.01 Q 21 +35 0.0614 0.01 Q 21 +40 0.0615 0.01 Q 21 +95 0.0616 0.01 Q 21 +50 0.0616 0.01 Q 21 +55 0.0617 0.01 Q 22+ 0 0.0617 0.01 Q 22+ 5 0.0618 0.01 Q 22 +10 0.0619 0.01 Q 22 +15 0.0620 0.01 Q 22 +20 0.0620 0.01 Q 22 +25 0.0621 0.01 Q 22 +30 0.0621 0.01 Q 22 +35 0.0622 0.01 Q 22 +40 0.0622 0.01 Q 22 +45 0.0623 0.01 Q 22 +50 0.0623 0.01 Q 22 +55 0.0624 0.01 Q 23+ 0 0.0625 0.01 Q 23+ 5 0.0625 0.01 Q 23 +10 0.0626 0.01 Q 23 +15 0.0626 0.01 Q 23 +20 0.0627 0.01 Q 23 +25 0.0627 0.01 Q 23 +30 0.0628 0.01 Q 23 +35 0.0628 0.01 Q 23 +40 0.0629 0.01 Q 23 +45 0.0629 0.01 Q 23 +50 ,0.0630 0.01 Q 23 +55 0.0630 0.01 Q 24+ 0 -----------------=----------- tk0r6�i7 0.01 Q - - - - -- I v I I v I I v I I v I I a I I v I I v I I v I I v I I v i I e I I v I I v I I a I I v I . I a I I e I I v I I v I I v I I e I I v I I � I I v I I v i I v I I v I I �I I �I I vI I vI I vI i vl I vI I vI I el I al I vI I el I vI I vl I vI I vI I vI I VI I VI I VI I VI I VI I VI I VI I VI I v I VI I VI Maxwell System Specifications. & Manufacturers Information RETENTION FACILITY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Most municipalities require storm water be retained on site to minimize the peak flow from storm events and to mitigate flooding. Disposal of the retained water is then required within an acceptable time period. The retention volume required on a given property should be calculated according to the requirements of the municipality or local jurisdiction. Generally, any rainfall in excess of these requirements is allowed to overflow to the streets or storm sewers. Since no allowance is made for soil or drywell transmissibility, the retention facility must be designed to retain 100% of the calculated rainfall volume. Most retention is achieved using parking lots, landscaped areas or a combination of the two. With parking lots, the most important design factor is user convenience. Although most municipalities allow up to 36 hours to dissipate retained water, practical application normally prescribes drainage times of 4 to 6 hours. Parking lot retention should be designed so that most of the water is stored away from. the project's buildings to minimize pedestrian inconvenience during storms and with acceptable depth to allow safe vehicle traffic. Ideally, deeper perimeter landscaped retention combined with even pavement storage provides the best balance. Such decisions should consider parking lot size and loading, kind of business, major storm frequency and the drainage facilities installed for disposing of the retained water. The speed with which water is removed, thus the number of hours acceptable for disposal, is determined by the number of MaxWells.and their transmissibility. See Calculating MaxWell Requirements. ' Landscaped retention areas can contribute significantly to both the aesthetic and functional qualities of the property they protect. Where space permits, ' landscaped retention areas might take the form of a depressed grass area, a rockscape, a playground or even a golf course. ' Unlandscaped retention basins are definitely not recommended since their silt erosion can result in premature aging of drywells. Landscaped retention should be designed to drain quickly so that plants or grass are not damaged. The MaxWell" Plus System allows for nuisance water to be intercepted in the drainage -way, enabling the retention basin bottom to stay dry between storm events and minimizing basin maintenance. To match the appropriate drywell inlet structure to your retention facility, refer to MaxWell and Envibro' System ' Surface Treatments and Details on the following page. CALCULATING MAXWELL REQUIREMENTS I. Determine the total cubic feet of required retention needed to meet code. 2. Determine the number of hours acceptable for disposal of water retained. 3. Determine the TOTAL CFS of disposal needed to drain retention in the hours acceptable. TOTAL CFS = Required Retention (ft3) Hours Acceptable x 3600 4. Determine the appropriate individual well percolation test rate: a) 'For non - critical applications, known soil data can be the basis for estimated percolation rates. Torrent maintains extensive records including maps and related drilling logs from past projects. From this data, Torrent personnel can quickly determine likely soil conditions and an associated individual well percolation test rate for most sites requiring drywells. b) For large projects, sites with critical drainage demands, or to verifywell performance, an actual constant -head percolation test is recommended. Constant -head testing closely simulates actual working conditions and provides data that is accurate for standard MaxWell designs installed in any soil condition. 1t)5 common practice to install one drywell in a required location and then test the completed well. By testing a finished well, performance is optimized and the number of required wells is minimized. Over $135,000 was saved for a major semiconductor facility through this testing method. Because MaxWells will often accept test water faster•than a water truck or . spigot can provide it, Torrent utilizes a percolation testing apparatus that can bring water to the well from a fire hydrant l/2 mile or more away through large diameter lines. Flow rates up to 3.0 cubic feet per second (CFS) are measured . by precision totalizing flow meters to arrive at an individual well percolation test rate. For certified tests, monitoring by a soils laboratory can be arranged. Based upon soil data, either use the general guidelines in (a) or if (b) is appropriate, consult the Torrent Design staff to engineer a design that meets your site's specific requirements. - For assistance in estimating individual well percolation rates or arranging 6. Select and specify the desired MaxWell System based upon the size a percolation test, contact the Torrent Design Staff. and type of property to be drained. Where drainage areas are impacted 5. Determine the Number of MaxWell Systems required using either of the by industrial operations, the Envibro'" System may be recommended. following methods: Please refer to Product Literature for specific MaxWell and Envibro design a) Standard MaxWell settling chamber depths and drainage components requirements. For additional design considerations, CAD drawings, are engineered f disposal rates of from 0.25 io 0.50 CF5 per systerril or site- specific instructions, contact the Torrent Design Staff for no-charge depending on head of water. For general applications draining retained assistance in any phase of your planning. storm water, use (1) standard MaxWell IV for up to 1 acre of paved surfaces and up to 3 acres of land cas ped contributory area. For large STANDARD INLET GRATES 6 COVERS paved surfaces, subdivision drainage, nuisance water drainage or other All inlet castings are clean cast iron with wording "Storm Water Only" in raised dem anding applications, use (1) standard MaxWell Plus for up to 2 acres letters. Rings are cast to fit either 24" or 30" manhole openings. All castings of paved surface and up to 5 acres of landscaped contributory area, or are bolted in two locations for safety unless otherwise noted. Open area of b) Where applicable soil and site conditions permit higher system disposal grates matches capacity of respective drainage system components as follows: rates, or if a percolation test is in order, calculate the number of Manhole Opening Grate Casting Style Matches Drainage Component MaxWells as follows: 24" Traffic 6° Numtier of MaxWell Systems = Total CFS z Af - ' 24 ^R Landscaped 61 Individual Well 30" Traffic, Landscaped 8" or 12" ' Percolation Test Rate "R" denotes reversible inset casting option for landscaped applications. Af = deraiing factor for well aging. Use a factor of 2 for.course grained soils Add a "C" to casting number for M.H. Cover option. and .3 for fine grained soils. Stiff or hard soils may require a higher factor. MAXWELL"' AND ENVIBRO- SYSTEM SURFACE TREATMENTS AND DETAILS Drawing A, B, C or D may be used in place of the top portion of the standard system detail to adapt it to the varying surface conditions shown. A. Adds concrete pad for heavy traffic areas B. For landscaped retention ponds and planters. No paving or pad. In areas where silt might flow to drywell, use C. Manhole opening 8' x 8'x 6" pad M.A.G. Class -B Pavement and base concrete 7 - #3 bars 12" C.C. Manhole opening 'Yd Compact sail material (By others) \ each way Modified Modified manhole cone / manhole cone j\ Moisture membrane \� Moisture membrane min. 18" below rim min. 18" below rim C. Use in landscaped retention /detention basins or where heavy silt flow is anticipated. D. A special design where unstable soil conditions could cause surface subsidence. Height should be 4"i- Also installed with connecting pipes and trenches. Manhole opening p g 1.0 Manhole opening Pavement and base material / Compact soil (by others) Modified manhole cone Moisture membrane Modified manhole. cone \ :. \� Mud all linerjoinls y/ e above perforated min. 18" below rim Concrete slurry section 1 - —11 CHAMBER SEPARATION -- - •- ►, rq� 23j�1 1 C Y 3 110 1� 65\ 1 i f 22 j/ \\ Q J r >, M&Neil' "Plus i Z Z W J \ Manufactured and installed by TORRENT RESOURCES ARIZONA 6021268 -0785 CI- I / > NEVADA 702 /366 -1234 CALIFORNIA 661 /947 -9836 A2 tic. A00070465 A, R00047067 B -4, ADWR 363 CA tic. 528080, C-42, HAL NM Lit. 90504 6F04, NV L c. 0035350 A U.S. Patent No. 4,973,330 - � "trademark 1974, 1990, 2004 20113 "PJ 1 I - �.. The referenced drawing and specifications are available on CAD either through our office or web site. Ask for Drawing TRI 1104P. This detail is copyrighted (2004) but may be used as is in construction plans without further release. For information on product application, ' individual project specifications or site evaluation, contact our Design Staff for no- charge assistance in any phase of your planning. ITEM NUMBERS 1. Manhole Cone - Modified flat bottom. ' 2. Stabilized Backfill - Compacted native in landscaped areas. 1 sack slurry in pavement. 3. Bolted Ring 6 Grate /Cover - Diameter as shown. Clean cast iron with wording "Storm Water Only" in raised letters. Bolted in 2locations and secured to cone with mortar. Rim elevation ±0.02' of plans. 4. Graded Basin or Paving (by Others). 5. Compacted Base Material (by Others). 6. PureFlo" Debris Shield - Rolled 16 Ga. steel X 24" length with vented anti - siphon and internal .265" Max. SWO flattened expanded steel screen X 12" length. Fusion bonded epoxy coated. 7. Pre -cast Liner - 4000 PSI concrete 48" ID. X 54" OD. Center in hole and align sections to maximize bearing surface. B. Min. 6' 0 Drilled Shaft. 9. Support Bracket - Formed 12 Ga. steel. Fusion bonded epoxy coated. I 10. Overflow Pipe - Sch. 40 PVC mated to drainage pipe at base seal. 11. Drainage Pipe - ADS highway grade with TRI -A coupler. Suspend pipe during backlill operations to prevent buckling or breakage. Diameter as noted. 12. Base Seal - Geotextile, poly liner or concrete slurry. t 13. Rock - Clean and washed, sized between 3/8" and'] -1/2" to best complement soil conditions. 14. Flol'ast'" Drainage Screen - Sch. 40 PVC 0.120" slotted well screen with 32 slots ' per row /fl. 96" overall length with TRI -B coupler. N c� W 3: O J W X W > O 0 0 M 0 0 6 29 8� H O _J W O �. J. W m m W _ Q W 1D U W u a D7 Z J O r Z W Z 13 C/) O _ Q 12 w Z W 0 x CL C i 15. Min. 4' 0 Shaft - Drilled to maintain permeability of drainage soils. 16. Fabric Seal - U.V. Resistant Geotextile - To be removed by customer at project completion. 17. Absorbent - Hydrophobic Petrochemical Sponge. Min. 128 oz. capacity. 18. Connector Pipe - 4" 0 Sch. 40 PVC. 19. Vented Anti - Siphon intake with flow regulator. 20. Intake Screen - Sch. .40 PVC 0.120" modified slotted well screen with 32 slots per row /ft. 48" overall length with TRI -C end cap. 21. Freeboard Depth Varies with inlet pipe elevation. Increase primary /secondary settling chamber depths as needed to maintain all inlet pipe elevations above connector pipe overflow. 22. Optional Inlet Pipe (by Others). 23. Moisture Membrane - 6 mil. Plastic. Place securely against eccentric cone and hole sidewall. Used in lieu of slurry in landscaped areas. W W EX co FL f 22 j/ \\ Q J r >, M&Neil' "Plus i Z Z W J \ Manufactured and installed by TORRENT RESOURCES ARIZONA 6021268 -0785 CI- I / > NEVADA 702 /366 -1234 CALIFORNIA 661 /947 -9836 A2 tic. A00070465 A, R00047067 B -4, ADWR 363 CA tic. 528080, C-42, HAL NM Lit. 90504 6F04, NV L c. 0035350 A U.S. Patent No. 4,973,330 - � "trademark 1974, 1990, 2004 20113 "PJ 1 I - �.. The referenced drawing and specifications are available on CAD either through our office or web site. Ask for Drawing TRI 1104P. This detail is copyrighted (2004) but may be used as is in construction plans without further release. For information on product application, ' individual project specifications or site evaluation, contact our Design Staff for no- charge assistance in any phase of your planning. ITEM NUMBERS 1. Manhole Cone - Modified flat bottom. ' 2. Stabilized Backfill - Compacted native in landscaped areas. 1 sack slurry in pavement. 3. Bolted Ring 6 Grate /Cover - Diameter as shown. Clean cast iron with wording "Storm Water Only" in raised letters. Bolted in 2locations and secured to cone with mortar. Rim elevation ±0.02' of plans. 4. Graded Basin or Paving (by Others). 5. Compacted Base Material (by Others). 6. PureFlo" Debris Shield - Rolled 16 Ga. steel X 24" length with vented anti - siphon and internal .265" Max. SWO flattened expanded steel screen X 12" length. Fusion bonded epoxy coated. 7. Pre -cast Liner - 4000 PSI concrete 48" ID. X 54" OD. Center in hole and align sections to maximize bearing surface. B. Min. 6' 0 Drilled Shaft. 9. Support Bracket - Formed 12 Ga. steel. Fusion bonded epoxy coated. I 10. Overflow Pipe - Sch. 40 PVC mated to drainage pipe at base seal. 11. Drainage Pipe - ADS highway grade with TRI -A coupler. Suspend pipe during backlill operations to prevent buckling or breakage. Diameter as noted. 12. Base Seal - Geotextile, poly liner or concrete slurry. t 13. Rock - Clean and washed, sized between 3/8" and'] -1/2" to best complement soil conditions. 14. Flol'ast'" Drainage Screen - Sch. 40 PVC 0.120" slotted well screen with 32 slots ' per row /fl. 96" overall length with TRI -B coupler. N c� W 3: O J W X W > O 0 0 M 0 0 6 29 8� H O _J W O �. J. W m m W _ Q W 1D U W u a D7 Z J O r Z W Z 13 C/) O _ Q 12 w Z W 0 x CL C i 15. Min. 4' 0 Shaft - Drilled to maintain permeability of drainage soils. 16. Fabric Seal - U.V. Resistant Geotextile - To be removed by customer at project completion. 17. Absorbent - Hydrophobic Petrochemical Sponge. Min. 128 oz. capacity. 18. Connector Pipe - 4" 0 Sch. 40 PVC. 19. Vented Anti - Siphon intake with flow regulator. 20. Intake Screen - Sch. .40 PVC 0.120" modified slotted well screen with 32 slots per row /ft. 48" overall length with TRI -C end cap. 21. Freeboard Depth Varies with inlet pipe elevation. Increase primary /secondary settling chamber depths as needed to maintain all inlet pipe elevations above connector pipe overflow. 22. Optional Inlet Pipe (by Others). 23. Moisture Membrane - 6 mil. Plastic. Place securely against eccentric cone and hole sidewall. Used in lieu of slurry in landscaped areas. LOT 1 BLK 3 COMMERCIAL VILLAGE COMMERCIAL :TW57.3 ON TOS EN RELOCATED EI - - - - - -- ---------------------- T 51.00 5 1 V49.60 r-HP51 EXISTING TO-B€ R EXISTII TO BE O z_ m PR I EXISTING) ROLLED CURB SO & GUTTER 156.74' NIMALERT TOLL FREE Iftillow 1- 800 - 227 -2600 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT BASIS OF BEARINGS BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE CENTERLINE OF WASHINGTON STREET, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP NO. 27131, PER PM 184/87 -91 TAKEN AS N 00 *11'07'E. BENCHMARK RIV. CO BENCHMARK 103 -3 -70 TOP OF CONC. FILLED 1" I.P. ±350' N'LY OF OLD AVE. 52 30' E'LY OF � OF WASHINGTON AVE. 6' S'LY OF POWER POLE #989270 DATE: I BY: I MARK: ENGINEER LOT 2 BLK 3 \J[/ \1 /- \-/I V t_ APPROVED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA APPR. I DATE: TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DESCRIPTION PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR /CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 45834 EXPIRES 12 -31 -06 !11 COMMERCIAL VI LLAGE COM M ER CI AL ZONE ------------------------ TW56.67 _TFp5 -------------- - �-P_L- - - ---------------=-- HP50.7 EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER, TELEPHONE & CABLE TV LINES 50.7 =0.01 L =30' =0.01 L =34' OZ 8.74 0 �� 51 44 ,`• 51.39 �- 1.27 \-PL / INV45.40 TG50.4 MAXWELL TYPE IV -SEE DETAIL THIS SCALE 1 " =10' r. n il. ; �S S - S S XISTING 8" VCP SEWER LINE LEGEN 1 o EXIST. CONTOUR S EXISTING SEWER MAIN W/ EXISTING WATER MAIN OPROPOSED TYPE IV MAXWELL DRYWELL HP PROPOSED 6" DIA. PVC SCHEDULE 40 DRAIN PIPE •S0- -- O PROPOSED 12" X 12" NDS SPEE -D -BASIN AREA DRAIN EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PER ARCHITECT DESIGN TOP OF WALL ( ) PROPOSED DRIVEWAY TUMBLED STONE PER ARCHITECT DESIGN hyY FINISHED GRADE z� PROPOSED :ROOF OVERHANG PER ARCHITECT DESIGN . - SHEET FLOW DIRECTION - - -� - -- FLOWLINE DIRECTION FF FLOW DIRECTION TMH TOP OF MA14HOLE ACCESSIBLE PATH BEGINNING OF A CURB RETURN EMERGENCY. WATER OVERFLOW PATH CONSTRUCTION NOTES Ol CONSTRUCT 6' WIDE SIDEWALK PER CITY OF LA QUINTA STD 240 O CONSTRUCT 6' HIGH DECORATIVE BLOCK WALL WITH 0.5' SOIL COVER OF FOOTING MINIMUM, PER SEPARATE PERMIT U3 INSTALL 6" DIA. PVC SCHEDULE 40 DRAIN PIPE (SLOPE =1.00% MIN.) ® INSTALL MAXWELL TYPE IV DRAINAGE SYSTEM PER SOILS ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION ,177 - - - % - O5 INSTALL AREA DRAIN - 12" X 12" NDS SPEE -D -BASIN © REMOVE EXISTING 3' CMU GARDEN WALL AND 6' HIGH PLASTIC FENCING O REMOVE BLOCK TO ALLOW DRAINAGE SEAL PREPARED BY: O0OFESS /ON >? K FO E` h� �y �� of PHIWP K. FOMOTOR PE., PLS. Q� A R.C.E. NO. 47284 No. 47284 % SOILS ENGINEER Exp. 12 -31 -07 �q CIV11 \P DATE: EXP. DATE: 12/31/07 DATE TF I p� CRAIG S. HILL I I OF CA IFO R.C.E. NO. 38234 EXPIRES 3/31/07 DATE: SS SANITARY SEWER TC TOP OF CURB FL FLOW LINE LP LOW POINT HP HIGH POINT TG TOP OF GRATE EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT TW TOP OF WALL ( ) EXIST. ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE FS FINISHED SURFACE MH MANHOLE TCO TOP OF CLEANOUT FF FINISHED FLOOR TMH TOP OF MA14HOLE SCR BEGINNING OF A CURB RETURN ECR END OF A CURB RETURN PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PA PLANTER AREA SD STORM DRAIN TP TOP OF PAVEMENT CY CUBIC YARDS TFC TOP OF FLUSH CURB FC FACE OF CURB GFP GARAGE FLOOR PAD RG ROUGH GRADING PG PRECISE GRADING TOE TOE OF SLOPE TOP TOP OF SLOPE GB GRADE BREAK C.B.0 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE FOMOTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING DRAWN BY. TITLE SHEET TAP DESIGNED BY: PRECISE GRADING PLAN 225 S. CIVIC DRIVE, SUITE 1 -5 TAP PARCEL MAP N0. 33954 PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 PHOENIX ROW III (760) 323 -1842 FAX (760) 323 -17.2 CHECKED BY: ! PKF SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, T.6S., R.7E., S.B.M. APN 770 - 182 -004 0 ■ n. m 0 0 CD 0 0 CU v rn 3 rn L 0 U 0, L 0- w U w w 0- d The MaxWelITM IV Drainage System Detail And Specifications 3/8' AND 1 -1/2" TO BEST COMPLEMENT SOIL O ITEM N* UMBERS CONDITIONS. DATE: 10 -25 -06 14. FLOFAS`fTM DRAINAGE "0 FILE NO. SCREEN - SCH. 40 PVC SPONGE. MIN. 128 OZ. CAPACITY. u� 0.120" SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WITH 32 SLOTS 4 2 1 16 3 24 5 ELEVATION. INCREASE SETTLING CHAMBER 1. MANHOLE CONE - MODIFIED FLAT BOTTOM. w MIN. 4'0 SHAFT - DRILLED TO MAINTAIN ELEVATIONS ABOVE OVERFLOW PIPE INLET. PERMEABILITY OF DRAINAGE SOILS. 2. MOISTURE MEMBRANE - 6 MIL. PLASTIC. z FABRIC SEAL - U.V. RESISTANT GEOTEXTILE - EXTEND MOISTURE MEMBRANE AND COMPACTED TO BF REMOVED BY CUSTOMER AT PROJECT BASE MATERIAL OR 1 SACK SLURRY BACKFILL 18 COMPLETION. i BELOW PIPE INVERT. PLACE SECURELY AGAINST ECCENTRIC CONE w -U,) \;\ AND HOLE SIDEWALL. OL 6 H41 3. BOLTED RING &GRATE - DIAMETER AS Z SHOWN., CLEAN CAST IRON WITH WORDING "STORM WATER ONLY" IN RAISED LETTERS. �'� 17 _ BOLTED IN 2 LOCATIONS AND SECURED TO 19 -' �� H w O CONE WITH MORTAR. RIM ELEVATION ±0.02' ; % F- - �� w OF PLANS. j w �% 8 w 4. GRADED BASIN OR PAVING (BY OTHERS). '.. {. _ �� °o r M ., 9 = 5. COMPACTED BASE MATERIAL (BY OTHERS). 6. PUREFLO"M DEBRIS SHIELD - ROLLED 16 GA. w 7 J z STEEL X 24" LENGTH WITH VENTED j/ % 12 O `! ;,� 10 z ANTI - SIPHON AND INTERNAL .265" MAX. SWO % ;� w FLATTENED EXPANDED STEEL SCREEN X 12" LENGTH. FUSION BONDED EPDXY COATED. w w 7. PRE -CAST LINER - 4000 PSI CONCRETE 48" ID. �- X 54" OD. CENTER IN HOLE AND ALIGN SECTIONS TO MAXIMIZE BEARING SURFACE. �� y�\ ����� 13 8. MIN. WO DRILLED SHAFT. "0 _ 11 6 9. SUPPORT BRACKET - FORMED 12 GA. STEEL. \ a w FUSION BONDED EPDXY COATED. 15 MiRWell °IV 0 10. OVERFLOW PIPE -SCH. 40 PVC MATED TO �\: r O DRAINAGE PIPE AT BASE SEAL. 14 % Manufactured and installed by TORRENT RESOURCES w 11. DRAINAGE PIPE -ADS HIGHWAY GRADE WITH An evolution of McGuckin Drilling Q TRI- AjCOUPLER. SUSPEND PIPE DURING j/. www.torrentresources.com BACKFILL OPERATIONS TO PREVENT 13 %� ARIZONA 602t268 -0785 W BUCKLING OR BREAKAGE. DIAMETER AS / NEVADA 702/366-1234 NOTED. j/ CALIFORNIA 661/947 -9836 12. BASE SEAL - GEOTEXTILE OR POLY LINER. FOMOTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING DRAWN BY. TITLE SHEET TAP DESIGNED BY: PRECISE GRADING PLAN 225 S. CIVIC DRIVE, SUITE 1 -5 TAP PARCEL MAP N0. 33954 PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 PHOENIX ROW III (760) 323 -1842 FAX (760) 323 -17.2 CHECKED BY: ! PKF SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, T.6S., R.7E., S.B.M. APN 770 - 182 -004 0 ■ n. m 0 0 CD 0 0 CU v rn 3 rn L 0 U 0, L 0- w U w w 0- d K - ..CLEAN AND WASHED, SIZED BETWEEN - - - wars vry 3 3/8' AND 1 -1/2" TO BEST COMPLEMENT SOIL U.S. Patent No. 4,923,330 - TMTradernaik 1974. 1990, 2004 CONDITIONS. DATE: 10 -25 -06 14. FLOFAS`fTM DRAINAGE 17. ABSORBENT - HYDROPHOBIC PETROCHEMICAL FILE NO. SCREEN - SCH. 40 PVC SPONGE. MIN. 128 OZ. CAPACITY. u� 0.120" SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WITH 32 SLOTS 0 SHEET SHEETS PER ROW/FT. 96" OVERALL LENGTH WITH 18. FREEBOARD DEPTH VARIES WITH INLET PIPE s 0 TRI -B COUPLER. ELEVATION. INCREASE SETTLING CHAMBER 3 DEPTH AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN ALL INLET PIPE 15. MIN. 4'0 SHAFT - DRILLED TO MAINTAIN ELEVATIONS ABOVE OVERFLOW PIPE INLET. PERMEABILITY OF DRAINAGE SOILS. I 19. OPTIONAL INLET PIPE (MAXIMUM 4 ", BY OTHERS). 16. FABRIC SEAL - U.V. RESISTANT GEOTEXTILE - EXTEND MOISTURE MEMBRANE AND COMPACTED TO BF REMOVED BY CUSTOMER AT PROJECT BASE MATERIAL OR 1 SACK SLURRY BACKFILL COMPLETION. i BELOW PIPE INVERT. FOMOTOR CITY OF LA QUINTA ENGINEERING DRAWN BY. TITLE SHEET TAP DESIGNED BY: PRECISE GRADING PLAN 225 S. CIVIC DRIVE, SUITE 1 -5 TAP PARCEL MAP N0. 33954 PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 PHOENIX ROW III (760) 323 -1842 FAX (760) 323 -17.2 CHECKED BY: ! PKF SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, T.6S., R.7E., S.B.M. APN 770 - 182 -004 0 ■ n. m 0 0 CD 0 0 CU v rn 3 rn L 0 U 0, L 0- w U w w 0- d C 3 d J i i_ DATE: 10 -25 -06 0 4. N FILE NO. 3 u� 0 SHEET SHEETS Nut 2 2 s 0 i 3 LOT 1 BLK 3 COMMER VILLAGE COMMEI c� z 0 ,m \ IN THE CITY OF LA Q UINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 33954 INCREMENTAL INCREASE EXHIBIT MARCH .1 2007 PRE - DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT LOT 2 BLK 3 f'nlvMFRC'IAI POST DEVELOPMENT PARKING LOT LOT 1 BLK 3 I I ? LOT 2 BLK 3 COMMERCIAL f COMMERCIAL _ -._ - - - - -- . -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL ZONE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL—ZONE ------------ - - - - -- ------------------------- - - - - -- -------- -------------- t Z TW57.33 I S 1.11 lirSi. 6 _M1._ 4 2 9 V 5 pl 7 TN55..87 2 ---------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- — — --- -- - - -- Ex off - -y— —1— c� z 0 J_ .m i — LOT w z O N J J Q Q U � w� �C :E O O O Dot U w Q J \ J 74 Q v �o 4 ill W 0 rwT .1 S— s- BASIN RUNOFF SUMMARY cn 0 AREA 0100 STORAGE VOLUME BASIN ID (AC) (cfs) (Ac*R) PRE —DEV 0.31 1.95 0.026 POST DEV 0.31 1.97 z w V) 0.063 INCREASE IN ONS17E RUNOFF VOLUME = 0.037 Ac.R. (1612 CF) ONSITE RETENTION VOLUME REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED BY MAXWELL TYPE IV DRYWELL SYSTEM, TO BE INSTALLED ONSUE. PLEASE REFER TO HYDROLOGY REPORT. VICINITY MAP NT5 LEGEND �-�-- INDICATES DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW INDICATES TRACT BOUNDARY PROPOSED BASIN BOUNDARY LINE 9 � � nt`a.t"az.i4:�rY.Y , n- FLOW DIRECTION HYDRAULIC SECTION NORTH 40' 0 20' 40' 60' 1 - I w I I I SCALE.- 1 " = 20 ' CALLE TAMPICO cn 0 > o o AVENIDA LA FONDA w m w 0 = � m J z w V) LZ U w Q CALLE HIDALGO CALLE BARCELONA w SITE CALLE o AVENIDA SINALOA AMIGO 52 AVENUE VICINITY MAP NT5 LEGEND �-�-- INDICATES DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW INDICATES TRACT BOUNDARY PROPOSED BASIN BOUNDARY LINE 9 � � nt`a.t"az.i4:�rY.Y , n- FLOW DIRECTION HYDRAULIC SECTION NORTH 40' 0 20' 40' 60' 1 - I w I I I SCALE.- 1 " = 20 ' CD O O N N c n (D NO < N - .. p N O (D O 7 -0 < N v D O � j. N d O O 7 y 3 a n OQ 8 0 'p C d= � V M CO CO 2. Q 0 0 0 0 m N N 3 n ZT o a o a� 04 ID v N n v m 3 ay.o� m 3 3 o V oN 0 3. G u v c O a c w � N O — O N O 3 < v f OG O x N 7; z 0 0 W W W --I -i A N 5n N w o �, 0 ) i i �c A:) r z a m d5 z c f VJ Vn Od 09 c z � y �-3 O O � za �3 �C: tri yx Y s O s 0 A 0o X 0 w 0 0 0 X N O O O T1 O O m o 0 m 0 o O O c Z I n D r O !n L D) � D n N _ O N O O m m O r r D D rr- m m m o o D o Z O 0 0 0 0 m N N 3 n ZT o a o a� 04 ID v N n v m 3 ay.o� m 3 3 o V oN 0 3. G u v c O a c w � N O — O N O 3 < v f OG O x N 7; z 0 0 W W W --I -i A N 5n N w o �, 0 ) i i �c A:) r z a m d5 z c f VJ Vn Od 09 c z � y �-3 O O � za �3 �C: tri yx Y s O