SDP 07-89006(?, -LO acts Whitewater River Region WQMP Project Specific er Quality Management Plan For: The Shops at Coral Mountain SE & SW Corners of Madison Street & Avenue 58 DEVELOPMENT NO. APN 764- 610 -049, APN 764- 610 -051 DESIGN REVIEW NO. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007 -890 Prepared for: E &M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC /Cristina Agra- Hughes 23622 Calabasas Road, Suite 200 Calabasas, CA 91302 -1549 Telephone: (818) 223 -3500 Prepared by: Lloyd W. Watson, P.E. Watson Engineering 50 -200 Monroe Street Indio, CA 92201 Telephone: (760) 275 -1553 WQMP Preparation/Revision Date: August 20, 2009 r WQ 16�� -11 t 1 1 1 Yz � G recel"ved OCr - 8 2009 City of La Qulnta (Manning Department OWNER'S CER'TIFICATI ®N Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain ' This project - specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for: E&M Coral Mountain, LLC / Cristina Agra - Hughes by Watson Engineering for.the project known as The Shops at Coral Mountain at SW & SE Corners of Madison Street and Avenue 58. J 1 t t This WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of The City of La Quinta for SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2007 -890, which includes the requirement for the preparation and implementation of a project - specific WQMP. The undersigned, while owning the property/project described in the preceding paragraph, shall be responsible for the implementation of this WQMP and will ensure that this WQMP is amended as appropriate to reflect up -to -date conditions on the site. This WQMP will be reviewed with the facility operator, facility supervisors, employees, tenants, maintenance and service contractors, or any other party (or parties) having responsibility for implementing portions of this WQMP. At least one copy of this WQMP will be maintained at the project site or project office in perpetuity. The undersigned is authorized to certify and to approve implementation of this WQMP. The undersigned is aware that implementation of this WQMP is enforceable under The City of La Quinta Water Quality Ordinance. If the undersigned transfers its interest in the subject property /project, the undersigned shall notify the successor in interest of its responsibility to implement this WQMP. "I, the undersigned, certify under penalty of law that I am the owner of the property that is the subject of this WQMP, and that the provisions of this WQMP have been reviewed and accepted and that the WQMP will be transferred to future successors in interest." Owner's Signature Owner's Printed Name Owner's Title/Position Date ATTEST Notary Signature Printed Name Title/Position ' 23622 Calabasas Road, Suite 200 Calabasas, CA 91302 -1549 (818) 223 -3500 Date THIS FORM SHALL BE NOTARIZED BEFORE ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINAL PROJECT SPECIFIC WQMP A 'D�DO' 1li/hitewater River Region WQMP LThe Shops at Coral Mountain Contents SECTION PAGE I. Project Description .......................................................................................... ..............................1 H. Site Characterization ...................................................................................... ................. ............... 4 M. Pollutants of Concern ..................................................................................... ...........................:... 6 IV. Hydrologic Conditions of Concern ............................................................... ............................... 7 V. S Best Management Practices .......................................................................... .........:..................... V.l SITE DESIGN AND TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS ................................ ............................... 8 V. LA SITE DESIGN BMPS ................:.................................................. .............................10 V. LB TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS .....:.......................................:... ............................... 16 V. LC MEASUREABLE GOAL SUMMARY ........................................................ :.................. 18 V.2 SOURCE CONTROL BMPS .................................................................. ............................... 19 V.3 EQUIVALENT TREATMENT CONTROL ALTERNATIVES ...................... ............................... 21 VA REGIONALLY -BASED TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS ........................ ............................... 21 VI. Maintenance Responsibility for BMPs 22 Operation and .......................... ...I............................ VII. Funding ............................................................................................................. .............................23 TABLES TABLE 1. POLLUTANT OF CONCERN SUMMARY 6 TABLE 2. BMP SELECTION MATRD{ BASED UPON POLLUTANT REMOVAL EFFICIENCY 9 TABLE 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF SITE DESIGN CONCEPTS 11 TABLE 4. SITE DESIGN BMPS MEETING THE MEASUREABLE GOAL IN WQMP SECTION 15 TABLE 5: TREATMENT CONTROL BMP SUMMARY 17 TABLE 6: MEASUREABLE GOAL SUMMARY 18 1 TABLE 7. SOURCE CONTROL BMPS 19 . APPENDICES A. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL B. VICINITY MAP, WQMP SITE PLAN, AND RECEIVING WATERS MAP C. SUPPORTING DETAIL RELATED TO HYDRAULIC CONDITIONS OF CONCERN (IF APPLICABLE) D. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS E: SOILS REPORT (IF APPLICABLE) F. SITE DESIGN AND TREATMENT CONTROL BMP SIZING CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN DETAILS - G. AGREEMENTS - CC &RS, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS AND /OR OTHER MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING ONGOING OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, FUNDING AND TRANSFER OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT- SPECIFIC WQMP H. PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT— SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS I. PROJECT- SPECIFIC WQMP SUMMARY DATA FORM August 20, 2009 1 -i Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain I. Project Descripti ®n Project Owner: E & M Coral Mountain, LLC / Cristina Agra - Hughes Formation of Home Owners' Association (HOA) or Property Owners Association (POA): Y ❑ N 0 August 20, 2009 1 -1 23622 Calabasas Road, Suite 200 ' Calabasas, CA 91302 -1549 Telephone: (818) 223 -3500 WQMP Preparer: Watson Engineering 50200 Monroe Street Indio, CA 92201 ` Telephone: (760) 275 -1553 Project Site Address: SW & SE Corners of Madison Street and Avenue 58 La Quinta, CA 92253 Planning Area/ Community Name/ Development Name: Coachella Valley / La Quinta / The Shops at Coral Mountain APN Number(s): 764- 610 -049, 764- 610 -051 Thomas Bros. Map: 5530, 7 -C &D Project Watershed: Whitewater River Sub - watershed: Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel Project Site Size: Insert site size (indicate to 0.1 acres) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code: Insert SIC, code, if applicable Formation of Home Owners' Association (HOA) or Property Owners Association (POA): Y ❑ N 0 August 20, 2009 1 -1 i Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain Additional Permits /Approvals required for the Project: AGENCY Permit required State Department of Fish and Game, 1601 Streambed Alteration Agreement Y NM State Water Resources Control Board, Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Water Quality Certification Y NM US Army Corps of Engineers, CWA Section 404 permit Y NN US Fish and Wildlife, Endangered Species Act Section 7 biological opinion Y EJ NM Other (p /ease list in the space below as required) August 20, 2009 1 -2 Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain Project Description: The project proposes the development of a general retail center. The center named The Shops at Coral. Mountain will provide a wide variety of retail uses including a grocery store, pharmacy, banks, dining and various retail specialty shops. The owner intends to lease the buildings to the proposed users with maintenance of the areas outside of the buildings to be maintained by the owner by charging each lease their prorated cost of the yearly maintenance costs. The project, does not propose any outside use or storage except for the possibility of outside dining areas. The leasing of the proposed retail center is totally dependent upon market conditions. The uses may vary based upon future market conditions but are limited to those allowed by the specific plan and zoning. Anticipated wastes from the operations of the retail center are paper, paper by- products, general office trash, cans, bottles, food waste, etc. Appendix A of this project- specific WQMP includes a complete copy of the final Conditions of Approval. Appendix B of this project - specific WQMP includes: a. A Vicinity Map identifying the project site and surrounding planning areas in sufficient detail to allow the project site to be plotted on Permittee base mapping; and b. A Site Plan for the project. The Site Plan included as part of Appendix B depicts the following project features: ® Location and identification of all structural BMPs, including Treatment Control BMPs. ® Landscaped areas. a Paved areas and intended uses (i.e., parking, outdoor work area, outdoor material storage area, sidewalks, patios, tennis courts, etc.). ® Number and type of structures and intended uses (i.e., buildings, tenant spaces, dwelling units, community facilities such as pools, recreation facilities, tot lots, etc.). n Infrastructure (i.e., streets, storm drains, etc.) that will revert to public agency ownership and operation. ® Location of existing and proposed public and private storm drainage facilities (i.e., storm ' drains, channels, basins, etc.), including catch basins and other inlets /outlet structures. Existing and proposed drainage facilities should be clearly differentiated. Em Location(s) of Receiving Waters to which the project directly or indirectly discharges. ® Location of points where onsite (or tributary offsite) flows exit the property/project site. ® Proposed drainage area boundaries, including tributary offsite areas, for each location where flows exit the property/project site. Each tributary area should be clearly denoted. is Pre- and post - project topography. A endix I to the SWMP is a one page form that summarizes pertinent information relative to this PP P g P project- specific WQMP. 1 ' August 20, 2009 1 -3 l Whitewrater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain II0 Site Characterizati ®n Land Use Designation or Zoning: Commercial Current Property Use: Undeveloped Proposed Property Use: General Retail Center Availability of Soils Report: Y ® N ❑ Note: A soils report is required if infiltration BMI's are utilized. Attach report in Appendix E. Phase 1 Site Assessment: Y ❑ NZ Note: If prepared, attached remediation summary and use restrictions in Appendix H. August 20, 2009 1-4 Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain I� Receiving Waters for Urban Runoff from Site Receiving Waters for Urban Runoff from Site Receiving Waters 303(d) List Designated Proximity to RARE impairments Beneficial Uses Beneficial Use Whitewater River /Coachella Pathogens, FRSH, RECI, RECII, Approximately 8 miles Valle Stormwater Channel Toxa hene WARM WILD RARE Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain III. Pollutants of Concern Table 1. Pollutant of Concern Summary Pollutant Category Potential for Project Causing Receiving Water Impairment BacteriaNirus Potential X Heavy Metals Nutrients " Pesticides Organic Compounds (Toxaphene) Potential X Sediments Trash & Debris " Oxygen Demanding Substances " Oil & Grease " Other (specify pollutant): Other (specify pollutant): The projects pollutants of concern are bacteria, viruses and organic compounds since they are potential pollutants that are impairing the proximate receiving waters. Due to required on -site retention, the project does not have activities that contribute to the receiving water impairment. August 20, 2009 1 -6 t 5 I , 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 Whitewater River Region WQMP The Shops at Coral Mountain Hydrologic Conditions of Concern Local Jurisdiction Requires On -Site Retention of Urban Runoff, Yes ® The project will be required to retain urban runoff onsite in conformance with local ordinance (See Table 6, Permittees Requiring Onsite Retention of Stormwater, of the Whitewater River Region WQMP). This section does not need to be completed. ^ No ❑ This section must be completed. This Project meets the following condition: Condition A: Runoff from the Project is discharged directly to a publicly - owned, operated and maintained MS4; the discharge is in full compliance with Permittee requirements for connections and discharges to the MS4 (including both quality quantity requirements); the discharge would not significantly impact stream habitat in proximate Receiving Waters; and the discharge is authorized by the Permittee. Condition B: The project disturbs less than 1 acre and is not part of a larger common plan of development that exceeds I acre of disturbance. The disturbed area calculation must include all disturbances associated with larger plans of development. Condition C: The project's runoff flow rate, volume, velocity and duration for the post- ;V\1 development condition do not exceed the pre - development condition for the 2 -year, 24 -hour and. I 0 -year 4 -hour rainfall events. This condition can be achieved by minimizing impervious area on a site and incorporating other site -design concepts that mimic pre - development conditions. This condition must be substantiated by hydrologic- modeling methods acceptable to the Permittee. None Refer to Section 3.4 of the Whitewater River Region WQMP for additional requirements. Supporting engineering studies, calculations, and reports are included in Appendix C. August 20, 2009 1 -7 2 year — 24 hour 10 year. — 24 hour Precondition Post - condition Precondition Post - condition Discharge (cfs) Velocity (fps) Volume (cubic feet) Duration (minutes) August 20, 2009 1 -7 Whitewater River Region WQMP IV. Best Management Practices This project implements Best Management Practices (BMPs) to address the Pollutants of Concern that may potentially be generated from the use of the project site. These BMPs have been selected and implemented to comply with the Section 3.5 of the WQMP and consist of Site Design, Source Control and, if /where necessary, Treatment Control BMPs as described herein. V.1 SITE DESIGN AND TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs Local Jurisdiction Requires On -Site Retention of Urban Runoff: Yes ® The project will be required to. retain urban runoff onsite in conformance with local ordinance (See Table 6, Permittees Requiring Onsite Retention of Stormwater, of the Whitewater River Region WQMP). Section VA does not need to be completed. No ❑ Section VA must be completed. This section of the Project - Specific WQMP documents the Site Design BMPs and, if /where necessary the Treatment Control BMPs that will be implemented on the Project to meet the requirements within Section 3.5.1 of the WQMP. Section 3.5.1, includes requirements to implement Site Design Concepts and BMPs, and includes requirements to address the project's Pollutants of Concern with BMPs. Further sub - section specifically requires that the projects Pollutants of Concern be addressed with Site Design BMPs to the extent feasible. This project incorporates Site Design BMPs to fully address the Pollutants of Concern where and to the extent feasible. If and where it has been acceptably demonstrated to the Permittee that it is infeasible to fully meet this requirement with Site Design BMPs, this section includes a description of the conventional Treatment Control BMPs that will be substituted to meet the same requirements. In addressing pollutants of concern, BMPs are selected using Table 2 below. August 20, 2009 1 -8 Whitewater River Region WQMP �£ a Siao s a Co l; m oun4r 0 Table 2. BMP Selection Matrix Eased Upon Pollutant Removal Efficiency9) (Excerpted, with minor revision, from the Orange County Water Quality Management Plan dated September 26, 2003 and the San Bernardino Water Quality Management Plan dated April 14, 2004) ' Wet Water Hydrodynamic Manufactured Detention Infiltration Ponds Filtration Quality Separator, or Proprietary Pollutant of Biofilters Basins (3) BMPs (4) or Systems (6) Inlets Systems (1) Devices (8) Concern (2) Wetlands (s) Sediment/Turbidity H/M M H/M H/M H/M L - H/M U '(L for Turbidity) Nutrients L M H/M H/M UM L L U Organic U U U U H/M L L U Compounds Trash & Debris L M U U H/M M H/M U Oxygen - L M H/M H/M H/M L L U Demanding Substances Bacteria & Viruses U U H/M U H/M L L U Oil & Grease H/M M U U H/M M UM U Pesticides U U U U U L L U (non -soil bound) Metals H/M M H H H L L U Abbreviations: L: Low removal efficiency, H /M: High or medium removal efficiency U: Unknown removal efficiency Notes: (1) Periodic performance assessment and updating of the guidance provided by this table may be necessary. (2) Includes grass swales, grass strips, wetland vegetation swales, and bioretention. (3) Includes extended /dry detention basins with grass lining and extended /dry detention basins with impervious lining. Effectiveness based upon minimum 36-48 -hour drawdown time. (4) Includes infiltration basins, infiltration trenches, and porous pavements. (5) Includes permanent pool wet ponds and constructed wetlands. (6) Includes sand filters and media filters. (7) Also known as hydrodynamic devices, baffle boxes, swirl concentrators, or cyclone separators. (8) Includes proprietary stormwater treatment devices as listed in the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks, other stormwater treatment BMPs not specifically listed in the WQMP, or newly developed /emerging stormwater treatment technologies. August 20, 2009 1 -9 !I!i'hitewater River Region WQMP V.1.A► SITE DESIGN BAPS This section documents the Site Design BMPs that will be implemented on this project to comply with the requirements in Section 3.5.1 of the WQMP. Table 3 herein documents the implementation of the Site Design Concepts described in sub - sections and Table 4 herein documents the extent to which this project has implemented the goals described in sub - section August 20, 2009 1 -10 Whitewater River Reqion WQIVIP Table 3. Implementation of Site Design Concepts August 20, 2009 1 -11 Included Brief Reason for BIVIPs Design Concept Technique Specific BMP Yes No N/A Indicated as No or N/A Conserve natural areas by concentrating or cluster development on the lease environmentally sensitive portions El ❑ of a site while leaving the remaining land in a natural, _ undisturbed condition. Conserve natural areas by incorporating the goals of the Multi- Species Habitat Conservation Plan or other natural ❑ ❑ ❑ resource plans. Preserve natural drainage features and natural depressional ❑ ❑ ❑ storage areas on the site. Maximize canopy interception and water conservation by .► +� Minimize Urban preserving existing native trees and shrubs, and planting ❑ ❑ ❑ additional native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs. v G p Runoff, Minimize Impervious Use natural drainage systems. ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Footprint, and C Conserve Natural Increase the building floor area ratio (i.e., number of stories 11 El 11 .N Areas above or below ground). a) O (See WQMP Construct streets, sidewalks and parking lot aisles to minimum widths necessary, that safety ❑ ❑ ❑ Section provided public and a ywalkable environment for pedestrians is not compromised. Reduce widths of streets where off - street parking is El 11 El available. - Design driveways with shared access, flared (single lane at ❑ ❑ ❑ street), or wheel strips (paving only under the tires). Minimize the use of impervious surfaces, such as decorative El 1:1 El concrete, in the landscape design. Other comparable and equally effective Site Design BMP (or BMPs) as approved by the Permittee (Note: Additional ❑ ❑ ❑ narrative required to describe BMP and how it addresses site design concept). August 20, 2009 1 -11 Whitewater River Reqion WQMP Table 3. Site Design BMPs (continued) August 20, 2009 1 -12 Included Brief Reason for Each BNiP Design Concept Technique Specific BMP Yes No N/A Indicated as No or N/A Residential and commercial sites must be designed to contain and infiltrate roof runoff, or direct roof runoff to vegetative swales or buffer ❑ ❑ ❑ areas. Drain impervious sidewalks, walkways, trails, and patios into adjacent ❑ ❑ ❑ landscaping. Incorporate landscaped buffer areas between sidewalks and streets. ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ Uncovered temporary or guest parking on residential lots paved with a ❑ ❑ ❑ permeable surface or designed to drain into landscaping. Rural swale system: street sheet flows to vegetated swale or gravel shoulder, curbs used at street corners, and culverts used under ❑ ❑ ❑ N driveways and street crossings. Urban curb /swale system: street slopes to curb; periodic swale inlets ❑ ❑ ❑ a Minimize drain to ve etated swale or biofilter. Directly Dual drainage system: first flush captured in street catch basins and o U Connected discharged to adjacent vegetated Swale or gravel shoulder; high flows ❑ ❑ ❑ Impervious connect directly to MS4s. Area Maximize the permeable area by constructing walkways, trails, patios, y overflow parking, alleys, driveways, low- traffic streets, and other low- (See WQMP traffic areas with open - jointed paving materials or permeable surfaces ❑ ❑ ❑ w Section such as pervious concrete, porous asphalt, unit pavers, and granular C/) materials. Use vegetated drainage swales in lieu of underground piping or ❑ ❑ ❑ imperviously lined swales. Incorporate parking area landscaping into the drainage design. ❑ ❑ ❑ Where soil conditions are suitable, use perforated pipe or gravel ❑ ❑ ❑ filtration pits for low flow infiltration. Construct onsite infiltration BMPs such as dry wells, infiltration trenches, and infiltration basins oonsistent with vector control ❑ ❑ ❑ objectives. Construct onsite ponding areas or detention facilities to increase opportunities for infiltration consistent with vector control objectives. ❑ ❑ ❑ August 20, 2009 1 -12 M M to gem M m� '-M �I `i !1110 1=1 Whitewater River Region WQMP Table 3. Site Design BMPs (continued) _ Included Design Technique Specific BNIP Yes No N/A Concept N 4 Minimize Direct roof runoff into cisterns or rain barrels for reuse. D D D Directly Use vegetated drainage swales in lieu of underground piping or 1:1 ❑ 1:1 o U r„ Connected Impervious tZ Area imperviously lined swales. Incorporate tree well filters, flow- through planters, and /or bioretention ❑ ❑ ❑ (See WQMP y O Section areas into landscaping and drainage plans. Other comparable and equally effective Site Design BMP (or BMPs) as ar approved by the Permittee (Note: Additional narrative required ❑ ❑ ❑ describing BMP and how it addresses site design concept). August 20, 2009 Brief Reason for Each BNIP Indicated as No or N/A a 1 -13 Whitewater River Region WQMP Proiect Site Design BMPs: Insert text here describing how each included Site Design BMP will be implemented. Alternative Proiect Site Design BMPs: Insert text here describing any other comparable and equally effective Site Design BMP (or BMPs) as approved by the Permittee, or indicate N /A. August 20, 2009 1 -14 Whitewater River Region WQMP r Y,�e S�op� ,� Gora1IW,�ori . . . .;in� Table 4. Site Design BMPs Meeting: the Measureable Goal in WQMP Section (�) DRAINAGE SUBAREA ID OR NO. (2) SITE DESIGN BMP TYPE " (See Table 2) (3) POLLUTANTS WITHIN SUBAREA CAUSING RECEIVING WATER IMPAIRMENTS (refer to Table 1) (4) RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF BMP (COLUMN 2) AT ADDRESSING IDENTIFIED POLLUTANTS (COLUMN 3) (U, L, M, HIM, H; see Table 2) (5) BMP MEETS WHICH DESIGN CRITERIA? (identify as VBMP OR QeMP) (6) BMP TRIBUTARY AREA (nearest 0.1 acre) TOTAL AREA TREATED WITH SITE DESIGN BMPS NEAREST 0.1 ACRE)** * Site Design BMPs included in this table are those that completely address the Treatment Requirements for their tributary area. August 20, 2009 1 -15 Whitewater River Region WQMP Justification of infeasibility for sub -areas not addressed with effective Site Design BMPs in Table 4: Insert text here listing each sub -area wherein the Pollutants of Concern are not fully addressed with Site Design BMPs as required in WQMP Section, and provide justification of infeasibility for each. V.1.113 TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs Conventional Treatment Control BMPs shall be implemented to address the project's Pollutants of Concern as required in WQMP Section 3.5.1 where, and to the extent that, Section VA.A has demonstrated that it is infeasible to meet these requirements through implementation of Site Design BMPs. ❑ The Site Design BMPs described in Section V.1.A of this project - specific WQMP completely address the Pollutants of Concern for the entire project site as required in Section of the WQMP. Supporting documentation for the sizing of these Site Design BMPs is included in Appendix F. *Section V.1.13 need not be completed. ❑ The Site Design BMPs described in Section V.1.A of this project - specific WQMP do NOT completely address the Pollutants of Concern for the entire project site as required in Section of the WQMP. *Section V.1.13 roust be completed. The Treatment Control BMPs identified in this section are selected, sized and implemented to address the Pollutants of Concern for all project sub -areas where these pollutants were not fully addressed with Site Design BMPs. Supporting documentation for the sizing of these Treatment Control BMPs is included in Appendix F. August 20, 2009 1 -16 001 w, �w .w aw me Whitewater River Reaion WQMP Table 5: Treatment Control BMP Summary DRAINAGE SUBAREA ID OR NO. (2) TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TYPE (SEE TABLE 2) (3) POLLUTANTS POTENTIALLY GENE. RATED WITHIN SUBAREA CAUSING RECEIVING WATER IMPAIRMENTS" (REFER TO TABLE 1) (4) RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF BMP (COLUMN 2) AT ADDRESSING IDENTIFIED POLLUTANTS (COLUMN 3) A L, M, H /M, H; SEE TABLE 2) (5) BMP MEETS WHICH DESIGN CRITERIA? (IDENTIFY AS VBMP OR QBMP) (6) BMP TRIBUTARY AREA (NEAREST 0.1 ACRE) TOTAL AREA TREATED WITH TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS NEAREST 0.1 ACRE *" August 20, 2009 1 -17 Whitewater River Rection WQMP V.1.0 MEASUREABLE GOAL SUMMARY This section documents the extent to which this project meets the measureable goal described in WQMP Section of addressing all of the projects Treatment Requirements with Site Design BMPs. Table 6: Measureable Goal Summary (�) (2) (3) % of Treatment Total Area Treated with Total Area Treated with Requirement addressed Site Design BMPs Treatment Control BMPs with Site Design BMPs I i - i Ji August 20, 2009 1 -18 Whitewater River Region WQMP ,V 2 SOURCE CONTROL BMPs This section identifies and describes the Source Control BMPs applicable and implemented',on this project. { Table 7. Source Control BMPs ' a q ! • i • _BMP Name . Check One If not applicable, state - brief reason ' Included Not Applicable '�`;� „�'. ,, `.za✓`: =� ,> +...,3. _,iT€; �4 . -x:. �s''b+s, '4.. x � o- fi i *� .�:k >15 r .: µ.. � ✓� , ���'.i�w ��`''; �' F . . Education for Property Owners, Operators, Tenants,' Occupants, or Em to ees - i ❑ Activity Restrictions ❑ ❑ ` Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance' ❑ ' ❑ Common Area Litter Control - ❑• ❑ k 'Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parkin Lots' ' •' ❑ ❑ Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance ❑ ❑ - `d Stuctural�Sauree Contrgf BMPs_ ., i k} _ "Y. i`', 'Xt9 .4 c MS4 Stenciling and Si na e ❑ ❑ ` Landscape and Irrigation System Design ❑ ' ❑ Protect Slo es.and Channels ❑ ❑ Provide Community Car Wash Racks ; ❑. El Properly Design*:, j�..�Y w f a 1 ' Fueling Areas , : ” ` ' ❑ ❑ 'Air/Water Suppl k6a Drainage ❑ ❑` Trash Storage Areas ❑ ❑ r Loading Docks ❑ ❑ Maintenance 6; s ❑ ❑ Vehicle and Equipment Wash Areas • ❑ ❑ ' Outdoor Material Storage Areas ❑ ❑ Outdoor Work Areas or Processing Areas ;, ❑ ❑. Provide'Wash Water Controls for Food Preparation Areas ❑ ❑ Whitewater River Region WQMP Provide a narrative describing how each included Source Control BMP will be implemented. Appendix D includes copies of the educational materials that will be used in implementing this project - specific WQMP. August 20, 2009 1 -20 Whitewater River Region WQMP V.3 EQUIVALENT TREATMENT CONTROL ALTERNATIVES Insert Text or state "Not applicable." Note: The Project Specific WQMP Preparer should refer to Section 3.5.4 of the Whitewater River Region WQMP V.4 REGIONALLY-BASED TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS Insert Text or state "Not applicable." Note: The Project Specific WQMP Preparer should refer to Section 5.0 of the Whitewater River Region WQMP. August 20, 2009 1 -21 il Whitewater River Region WQMP V. Operati ®n and Maintenance Responsibility f ®r BMPs Appendix G of this project - specific WQMP includes copies of CC &Rs, Covenant and Agreements, and/or other mechanisms used to ensure the ongoing operation, maintenance, funding, transfer and implementation of the project - specific WQN P requirements. Insert text as instructed above. August 20, 2009 1 -22 Vilhitewater River Region WQMP Wer Otlgl = . �I o Funding Insert text identifying the funding source or sources for the operation and maintenance of each Site Design and Treatment Control BMP included in the project. .L August 20, 2009 1 -23 Whitewater River Reqion WQMP Appendix A Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Resolution Dated t t t t 1 1 1 t 1 Whitewater River Reqion WQMP Appendix A Conditions of Approval Planning Commission Resolution Dated Whitewater River Region WQMP �i�k�ehopsa. Appendix B Vicinity Map, WQMP Site Plan, and Receiving Waters Map Whitewater River Region WQMP OVIII M' NNOWN Appendix C Supporting Detail Related to Hydraulic Conditions of Concern 4 Whitewater River Region WQMP at�. WNIIIIRONNUM�mlfm Appendix D Educational Materials 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 Whitewater River Region WQMP at�. WNIIIIRONNUM�mlfm Appendix D Educational Materials Whitewater River Region WQMP Appendix E Soils Report Whitewater River Region WQMP • �heiaops���a�,or�il��o���t Appendix F Site Design and Treatment Control BMP Sizing Calculations and Design Details r r r r i Design Procedure for DIP Design Volume Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location:,, , ,+ 1. Determine the Tributary Area to the BMP (A,,b) AV;b= s—, Z acres (1) 2. Determine the impervious area ratio (►) a. Determine impervious area within (Av;b) A;mP acres (2) b. Calculate i = (2) / (1) acres i = D % acre° (3) 3. Determine Runoff Coefficient (C) C = 0.858•:3 — O'78•i2 + 0.774•i + 0.04 C = 0.858•(3)3 — 0.78•(3)2 + 0.774•(3) + 0.04 C (4) � 8'Z � �� 1 • X34 ' 4. Determine Unit Storage Volume (V„) V,,=0.40 -C R' acre -in V,,=0.40 J (4) Vu _ g 4 acre (5) 5. Determine Design Storage Volume a. Vamp = (5) x (1) [acre -in] VBMP = j , l v �- acre -in (6) b. VBMP = (6) / 12 [acre -ft] VBMP = G - 2 acre -ft (7) c. VsMP = (7) x 43560 [ft3] VBMP = �, C> ft 3 (8) Notes: Worksheet 2 Design Procedure Form for Design Flour Uniform Intensity Design Flow Designer: Company: .5e,m �n , c� ►� Date: 16 ey Project: % Sly s �+ Cdr o ✓r1 �e Location: � 1 1. Determine Impervious Percentage a. Determine total tributary area A.tai = 5 acres (1) b. Determine Impervious % i = �� % (2) 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient Values Use Table 4 and impervious % found in step 1 a. A Soil Runoff Coefficient Ca = (3) b. B Soil Runoff Coefficient Cb = , G 7 (4) c. C Soil Runoff Coefficient cc _ (5) d. D Soil Runoff Coefficient Cd = (6) 3. Determine the Area decimal fraction of each soil type in tributary area a. Area of A Soil / (1) = Aa = (7) b. Area of B Soil / (1) = Ab = I (8) c. Area of C Soil / (1) _ _ (9) d. Area of D Soil / (1) = Ad = (10) 4. Determine Runoff Coefficient a. C = (3)x(7) + (4)x(8) + (5)x(9) + (6)x(1 0) = C = 6 7 01) 5. Determine BMP Design flow a• \bBMP- CxIxA= (11)xO.2x(1) QBMP- 3 �� s (12) , Worksheet 3 Design Procedure Form for Extended Detention Basin Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (minimum 5 ac.) Atrib = acres b. Design Volume, VBMP VBMP = W 2. Basin Length to Width Ratio (2:1 min.) ' Ratio = L:W 3. Two-Stage Design a. Overall Design 1) Depth (3.5' min.) Depth = ft 2) Width (30' min.) Width = ft 3) Length (60' min.) Length = ft 4) Volume (must be >_ VBMP) Volume = W b. Upper Stage 1) Depth (2' min.) Depth = ft 2) Bottom Slope (2% to low flow Slope = % channel recommended) c. Bottom Stage 1) Depth (1.5' to 3') Depth = ft 2) Length Length = ft 3) Volume (10 to 25% of VBMP) Volume = ft 3 4. Forebay Design a. Forebay Volume (5 to 10% of VBMP) Volume = W b. Outlet pipe drainage time (- 45 min) Drain time = minutes 5. Low -flow Channel a. Depth (9° minimum) Depth = ft b. Flow Capacity (2 * Forebay QouT) QLow Flow = cfs 0 r t t 1 1 r t t 6. Trash Rack or Gravel Pack (check one) Trash Rack Gravel Pack 7. Basin Outlet a. Outlet type (check one) Single orifice ❑ Multi- orifice plate ❑ Perforated Pipe ❑ Other b. Orifice Area Area = ft c. Orifice Type Type d. Maximum Depth of water above Depth = ft bottom orifice e. Length of time for 50% VBmp Time 50% = hrs drainage (24 hour minimum) f. Length of time for 100% VBMP Time 1001/6 = hrs drainage (between 48 and 72 hours) g. Attached Documents (all required) Attached Documents (check) 1) Stage vs. Discharge 1) ❑ 2) Stage vs. Volume 2) ❑ 3) Inflow Hydrograph 3) ❑ 4) Basin Routing 4) 8. Increased Runoff (optional) Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this basin also mitigating increased' (if No, skip to #9) runoff? Attached Documents (all required) for 2, 5, & 10 -year storms: Attached Documents (check) 1) Stage vs. Discharge 1) ❑ 2) Stage vs. Volume 2) ❑ 3) Inflow Hydrograph 3) ❑ 4) Basin Routing 4) ❑ 9. Vegetation (check type) ❑ Native Grasses ❑ Irrigated Turf ❑ Other 10. Embankment a. Interior slope (4:1 max.) b. Exterior slope (3:1 max.) Interior Slope = % Exterior Slope = % 11. Access a. Slope (10% max.) b. Width (16 feet min.) Slope = % Width = ft Notes: 4. Size Filter Basin a. Determine Filter Basin Area, Af Af = VBMP / 18 b. Determine Filter Basin Volume Vf = Af x filter depth (part 2c) c. Determine Required Volume, Vr Vr = 0.2 X VBMP d. Check if Vr _< Vf If no, redesign with an increased filter depth or increase filter area. Af = ftz Vf = ft3 Vr = ft3 Check Vr < Vf Notes: , Based on these elevations, is there a sufficient elevation drop to allow gravity flow from ' the outlet of the control measure to the storm drain system? If no, investigate attemative on -site locations for treatment control, consider another treatment control measure more suitable for site conditions, or contact the District to discuss on -site pumping ' requirements. 11 Worksheet 4 Design Procedure Form for Infiltration Basin Designer: Company: Z>A Date: S/19 /'D.5 Project: 71._ 56•zvs orf Grog l ddlov,n7tl N Location: J- e,,- Q , ^-+c, - 5-r 451N 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 50) b. Design Storage Volume, VBMp Anb = acres 3 VBMp = 00 $ ft 2. Maximum Allowable Depth (Dm) a. Site infiltration rate (1) b. Minimum drawdown time (48 hrs) c. Safety factor (s) d. Dm = [(t) x (I)]/[12s] 1 = ! in/hr t = hrs s = 3 Dm = I, 23 ft 3. Basin n Surface Area Am = VBMp / Dm A/� Am = 3 3 ft2 4. Vegetation (check type used or describe "other") ❑ Native Grasses ❑ Irrigated Turf Grass Other Lvry w a,'� r d 5� ��t of 5Ca 6a O n g Notes: 0 ti Worksheet 5 Design Procedure Form for Infiltration Trench Designer: Company: Dater Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 10) . b. Design Storage Volume, VBMp Atr;b = acres VBMp = ft3 2. Maximum Allowable Depth (Dm = tl /12s) a. Site infiltration rate (1) b. Minimum drawdown time (t = 48 hrs) c. Safety factor (s) d. Dm = t1/1 2s I = in /hr t = hrs s = Dm = ft 3. Trench Bottom Surface Area Am = VBMp / Dm n A _ ' ft2 . Notes: Worksheet 6 Design Procedure Form for Porous Pavement Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design.Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 10) b. Design Storage Volume, VBMp Ab;b= VgMp = acres ft3 1. Basin Surface Area a. Detention Volume VBMp b. Am = VBMp / (0.17 ft) VBMp = Am = ft3 ft2 2. Block Type a. Minimum open area = 40% b. Minimum thickness = 4 inches Block Name = Manufacturer = Open Area = Thickness = % inches 3. Base Course a. ASTM C33 Sand Layer (1 inch) b. ASSHTO M43 -No.8 Gravel Layer (9 inches) Sand Layer ❑ Gravel Layer ❑ (check) (check) Notes: Worksheet 7 Design Procedure Form for Austin Sand Filter Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 100) Ab;b = acres b. Design Storage Volume, VBMP VBMP = W 2. Maximum Water Height in Sedimentation Basin* a. Invert elevation at connection to storm Elev. Storm Drain = ft drain system. b. Sand Filter invert elevation (consider min. grade (1 %) from storm drain). Elev. Pt A = ft Point A, Figure 9. c. Estimate filter depth or use min. (3'). Filter Depth = ft d. Top elevation of filter bed. Point B, Elev. Pt B = ft Figure 9. e. Surface elevation at BMP inlet. Point C, Elev. Pt C - ft Figure 9. f. Determine max. allowable height (2h) of water in the sedimentation'basin using the elevation difference between points 2h - ft C and B. (min. 2', max. 10') 2h = [(C-B) -1' Freeboard] 3. Size Sedimentation Basin a. Find Sedimentation Basin Area, AS AS = VBMP / (2h) AS = ft2 b. Determine basin length and width, using a length to width ratio ? 2:1 As =2xV' width= ft length = 2 x width length = ft Worksheet 8 Design Procedure Form for Delaware Sand Filter Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum Ab;b = acres 100) VBMP = ft3 b. Design Storage Volume, VBMP 2. Maximum Water Height in Sedimentation Basin* a. Invert elevation at connection to storm drain system. Elev. Storm Drain = ft b. Sand Filter invert elevation (consider min. grade (1 %) from Elev. Filter Bottom = ft storm drain). c, Estimate filter depth or use min. Filter Depth = ft (3')- d. Top elevation of filter bed. Filter bed top elev. (pt B) = ft e. Surface elevation at BMP inlet. BMP inlet Elev. (pt C) = ft f. Determine max. allowable height (2h) of water that can pond over the filter using the elevation 2h - ft difference between the filter bed top and the BMP inlet. 2h = [(C-B) -1' Freeboard] 3. Minimum Surface Area of the Chambers If 2h < 2.67 feet (2' -8 °) Af =AS= VBMP /(4.1h +0.9) If 2h > 2.67 feet (2' -8 ") Af = AS = [VBMP x d5] / [k(h +d5)t ] a. Sand bed depth, ds ds = ft b. Filter Coefficient, k k = ft/hr c. Draw -down time, t t = hr d. % max. allowable water depth h = ft over filter, h e. Sediment Chamber Area As, and AS and Af = ft? Filter Surface Area Af 4. Sediment Chamber and Filter Dimensions a. Select width (Ws = Wf = 18" to 30 ") Ws = Wf = ft b. Filter length (Ls = Lf = Af dWf) LS = Lf = 4 ft c. Adjusted length (rounded) Ls = Lf = ft d. 'Adjusted area (As = Af = Wf x Lf) As = Af = ftz 5. System Storage Volume a. Storage in fitter voids (V„ = At x V1 = ft3 b. 0.4(d9 +ds) Volume of flow through filter (VQ = VQ = ft3 c. k x AKds +h) 1 hr / ds) Required net storage (Vr = VBMP— Vr = ft d: VV—VQ) Available Na 2h (Af +A storage = )) g s Va = W If Va >_ Vr, sizing is complete Check V, >_ Va ❑ If Va < Vr, repeat steps 4 and 5 Notes: * Based on these elevations, is there a sufficient elevation drop to allow gravity flow from the outlet of the control measure to the storm drain system? If no, investigate alternative on -site locations for treatment control, consider another treatment control measure more suitable for site conditions, or contact the District to discuss on -site pumping requirements. Worksheet 9 Design Procedure Form for Grassed Swale Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Flow (Use Worksheet 2) QBMP = cfs 2. Swale Geometry a. Swale bottom width (b) b. Side slope (z) c. Flow direction slope (s) b = z = s = ft % 3. Design flow velocity (Manning n = 0.2) v = ft/s 4. Depth of flow (D) D = ft 5. Design Length (L) L = (7 min) x (flow velocity, ft/sec) x 60 L = ft 6. Vegetation (describe) 1. Outflow Collection (check type used or describe "other') ❑T Grated Inlet' lJ Infiltration Trench Underdrain ❑ Other Notes: Worksheet 10 Design Procedure Form for Filter Strip Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Flow (Use Worksheet 2) QBMP = cfs 2. Design Width Wm = (QBMP) /0.005 cfs/ft Wm = ft 3. Design Length (15 ft minimum) Lm = ft 4. Design Slope (4 % maximum) So = % 5. Flow Distribution (check type used or describe "other") ❑ Slotted curbing ❑ Modular Block Porous Pavement ❑ Level Spreader ❑ other 6. Vegetation (describe) 5. Outflow Collection (check type used or describe "other") Grass Swale El Street Gutter ❑ Storm Drain ❑ Underdrain ❑ Other Notes: r, Worksheet 11 Design Procedure Form for dater Quality Inlets Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Flow Rate (Use Worksheet 2) QBMP = cfs 2. Water Quality Inlet Manufacturer Name Model Flow Capacity of Model Please include a technical sheet from the manufacturer with information on this model. Make Model Capacity cfs Notes: 0 Worksheet 1 Design Procedure for BMP Design 'Volume ' Designer: GQet'f 'Sy r Company: Date: g c Project:_ Location: L,,- W �5 i IA.) 1. Determine the Tributary Area to the BMP (AWO Ab;b= 9 , 13 acres (1) 2. Determine the impervious area ratio (i) a. Determine impervious area within (Atr;b) A;mp = G acres (2) acres b. Calculate i = (2) / (1) acre (3) 3. Determine Runoff Coefficient (C) C = 0.858•x'3 — 0.78•i2 + 0.774•i + 0.04 C = 0.858-(3)'— 0.78•(3)2 + 0.774•(3) + 0.04 C = ABC) } (4) 1@x22 - .56 3 + .5-91 4. Determine Unit Storage Volume (V„) V, =0.40•C V,r0.40•(4) V„ _ 19 a, acre -in acre (5) 5. Determine Design Storage Volume a. VBMP = (5) x (1) [acre -in] VBMP = li j acre -in (6) b. VBMP = (6) / 12 [acre -ft] VBMP = , / (o acre -ft (7) C. VBMP = (7) x 43560 [ftl VBMP ft3 (8) Notes: i Worksheet 2 Design Procedure Form for Design Flow Uniform Intensity Design Flow Designer: 1 A W +5c , Company: LJ �, _ I Date: W U Project: 7b c SAop6 4VT Oor'r. n Location: Agn- l GJ,E'S IL51A) 1. Determine Impervious Percentage a. Determine total tributary area Atot., _ cf, / acres (1) b. Determine Impervious % i % (2) 2. Determine Runoff Coefficient Values Use Table 4 and impervious % found in step 1 a. A Soil Runoff Coefficient Ca = (3) b. B Soil Runoff Coefficient Cb = r ice°' (4) c. C Soil Runoff Coefficient Cc _ (5) d. D Soil Runoff Coefficient Cd = (6) 3. Determine the Area decimal fraction of each soil type in tributary area a. Area of A Soil / (1) = Aa = . (7) b. Area of B Soil / (1) = Ab = 1 (8) c. Area of C Soil / (1) _ & _ (9) d. Area of D Soil / (1) = Ad = (10) 4. Determine Runoff Coefficient a. C = (3)x(7) + (4)x(8) + (5)x(9) + (6)x(10) = C = r' (11) 5. Determine BMP Design flow a.QBMP= CxfxA= (11)x0.2x(1) QBMP= !� 2�Q 3 S (12) Worksheet 3 Design Procedure Form for Extended Detention Basin Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Volume (Use Worksheet 1) ' a. Total Tributary Area (minimum 5 ac.) A :rib = acres b. Design Volume, VBMP VBMP = ft3 2. Basin Length to Width Ratio (2:1 min.) Ratio = L:W 3. Two -Stage Design a. Overall Design 1) Depth (3.5' min.) Depth = ft 2) Width'(30' min.) Width = ft 3) Length (60' min.) Length = ft 4) Volume (must be VBMP) Volume = ft3 b. Upper Stage 1) Depth (2' min.) Depth= ft 2) Bottom Slope (2% to low flow Slope = % channel recommended) c. Bottom Stage 1) Depth (1.5' to 3') Depth =, ft 2) .Length Length = ft 3). Volume (10 to 25% Of VBMP) Volume = ft3 4. Forebay Design a. Forebay Volume (5 to 10% of VBMP) Volume = ft3 b. Outlet pipe drainage time (a 45 min) Drain time= minutes 5. Low -flow Channel a. Depth (9" minimum) Depth = ft b. Flow Capacity (2 * Forebay QOUT) QL.R.= cfs 6. Trash Rack or Gravel Pack (check one) Trash Rack Gravel Pack 7. Basin Outlet a. Outlet type (check one) Single orifice ❑ Multi- orifice plate ❑ Perforated Pipe ❑ Other b. Orifice Area Area = ft2 c. Orifice Type Type d. Maximum Depth of water above Depth = ft bottom orifice e. Length of time for 50% VBMP Time 50% = hrs drainage (24 hour minimum) f. Length of time for 100% VBMP Time 100% = hrs drainage (between 48 and 72 hours) g. Attached Documents (all required) Attached Documents (check) 1) Stage vs. Discharge 1) ❑ 2) Stage vs. Volume 2) ❑ 3) Inflow Hydrograph 3) ❑ 4) Basin Routing 4) 8. Increased Runoff (optional) Yes ❑ No ❑ Is this basin also mitigating increased (if No, skip to #9) runoff? Attached Documents (all required) for 2, 5, & 10 -year storms: Attached Documents (check) 1) Stage vs. Discharge 1) ❑ 2) Stage vs. Volume 2) ❑. 3) Inflow Hydrograph 3) ❑ 4) Basin Routing 4) ❑ 9. Vegetation (check type) ❑ Native Grasses ❑ Irrigated Turf ❑ Other 10. Embankment a. Interior slope (4:1 max.) b. Exterior slope (3:1 max.) Interior Slope= % Exterior Slope = 11. Access a. Slope (10% max.) b. Width (16 feet min.) Slope = % Width = ft Notes: Worksheet 4 Design Procedure Form for Infiltration Basin Designer: Company: Date: g Project: %ham 5A0 ,Qzg cc, Location: c,„ aw. I .I -� l-1g!� 7- BA 6 //J Cara, 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 50) b. Design Storage Volume, VgMp Atr;b = `7 i /3 VgMp =T acres ft3 2. Maximum Allowable Depth (Dm) a. Site infiltration rate (1) b. Minimum drawdown time (48 hrs) c. Safety factor (s) d. Dm = [(t) x (I)] /[12s] I = I t = s = 3 Dm = /,33 in /hr hrs ft 3. Basin Surface Area Am = VBMP / Dm Am= e+ 5'17_ ft2 4. Vegetation (check type used or describe `other") ❑ Native Grasses ❑ Irrigated Turf Grass Other Notes: Worksheet 5 Design Procedure Form for Infiltration Trench _ t Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 10) b. Design Storage Volume, VBMP Aft = acres VBMP = W 2. Maximum Allowable Depth (Dm = fl /12s) a. Site infiltration rate (1) b. Minimum drawdown time (t = 48 hrs) c. Safety factor (s) d. Dm = tl /12s - I = in /hr t = hrs s = Dm= ft 3. Trench Bottom Surface Area Am =VBMP / Dm Am= ft2 Notes: Worksheet 6 Design Procedure Form for Porous Pavement Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 10) b. Design Storage Volume, VBMp Atr;b= VBMp = acres W 1. Basin Surface Area a. Detention Volume VBMp b. Am= VBMP / (0.17 ft) VgMp = Am = W ft2 2. Block Type a. Minimum open area = 40% b. Minimum thickness = 4 inches Block Name = Manufacturer = Open Area = Thickness = % inches 3. Base Course a. ASTM C33 Sand Layer (1 inch) b. ASSHTO M43 -No.8 Gravel Layer (9 inches) Sand Layer ❑ Gravel Layer ❑ (check) (check) Notes: Worksheet 7 Design Procedure Form for Austin Sand Filter Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum 100) At6b = acres b. Design Storage Volume, VBMP VBMP = ft3 2. Maximum Water Height in Sedimentation Basin" - a. Invert elevation at connection to storm Elev. Storm Drain = ft drain system. b. Sand Filter invert elevation (consider min. grade (1 %) from storm drain). Elev. Pt A = ft Point A, Figure 9. c. Estimate filter depth or use min. (3'). Filter Depth = ft d. Top elevation of filter bed. Point B, Elev. Pt B = ft. - Figure 9. e. Surface elevation at BMP inlet. Point C, Elev. Pt C = ft Figure 9. f.. Determine max. allowable height (2h) of water. in the sedimentation basin using the elevation difference between points 2h - ft C and B. (min. 2', max. 10') 2h = [(C -B) -1' Freeboard] 3. Size Sedimentation Basin a. Find Sedimentation Basin Area, As As = VBMP / (2h) As = ft2 b. Determine basin length and width, using a len. th to width ratio >- 2:1 As = 2 x V width = ft length = 2 x width length = ft 4. Size Filter Basin a. Determine Filter Basin Area, Af Af = VBMP / 18 b. Determine Filter Basin Volume Vf = Af x filter depth (part 2c) c. Determine Required Volume, Vr V, = 0.2 x VBMP d. Check if V,5 Vf If no, redesign with an increased filter depth or increase filter area. Af = ft2 Vf = ft3 Vr = ft3 Check V< <_ Vf Notes: * Based on these elevations, is there a sufficient elevation drop to allow gravity flow from. the outlet of the control measure to the storm drain system? If no, investigate alternative on -site locations for treatment control, consider another treatment control measure more suitable for site conditions, or contact the District to discuss on -site. pumping requirements. Worksheet 8 Design Procedure Forma for Delaware Sand Filter Designer: Company: Date: Project: ..Location: 1. Determine Design Storage Volume (Use Worksheet 1) a. Total Tributary Area (maximum Abib = acres 100) V BMP = W b. Design Storage Volume, VBMP 2. Maximum Water Height in Sedimentation Basin' a. Invert elevation at connection to storm drain system. Elev. Storm Drain = ft b. Sand Filter invert elevation ,(consider min. grade (1 %) from Elev. Filter Bottom = ft storm drain). c. Estimate filter depth or use min. Filter Depth = ft (3'). d. Top elevation of filter bed. Filter bed top elev. (pt B) = ft e.. Surface elevation at BMP inlet. BMP inlet Elev. (pt C) = ft f.. Determine max. allowable height (2h) of water that can pond over the filter using the elevation 2h = ft difference between the filter bed top and the BMP inlet. 2h = [(C -B) — 1' Freeboard] 3. Minimum Surface Area of the Chambers If 2h < 2.67 feet (2' -8 ") Af= As= VBMP /(4.1h +0.9) If 2h > 2.67 feet (2' -8 ") Af = As = [VBMP x ds] / [k(h +ds)tf] a. Sand bed depth, ds ds = ft b. Filter Coefficient, k k= ft/hr c. Draw -down time, t t = hr d. '/2 max. allowable water depth h = ft over filter, h i e. Sediment Chamber Area As, and Filter Surface Area Af AS and Af = ft2 4. Sediment Chamber and Filter Dimensions a. Select width (Ws = Wf = 18" to 30 ") b. Filter length (LS = Lf = AfM Y •f) c. Adjusted length (rounded) d. Adjusted area (As = Af = Wf x Lf) Ws = Wf = Ls = Lf = Ls = Lf = As = Af = ft ft ft ftz 5. System Storage Volume a. Storage in filter voids (V„ = Af x 0.4(dg +ds) b. Volume of flow through filter (VQ = k x AKds +h) 1 hr / ds) c. Required net storage (V,.= VBMP- VV-VQ) d. Available storage (Va = 2h(Af +As)) If Va >_ Vr, sizing is complete If Va < Vr, repeat steps 4 and 5 V„ = VQ = Vr = Va = Check Vr >_ Va ❑ W ft3 W W Notes: * Based on these elevations, is there a sufficient elevation drop to allow gravity flow from the outlet of the control measure to the storm drain system? If no, investigate alternative on -site locations for treatment control, consider another treatment control measure more suitable for site conditions, or contact the District to discuss on -site pumping requirements. Worksheet 9 Design Procedure Form for Grassed Swale Designer: Company: Date: - Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Flow (Use Worksheet 2) QBMp = cfs 2. Swale Geometry a.. Swale bottom width (b) b. Side slope (z) c. Flow direction slope (s) b = z = s = ft % 3. Design flow velocity (Manning n = 0.2) v = ft/s 4. Depth of flow (D) D = ft 5. Design Length (L) L = (7 min) x (flow velocity, ft/sec) x 60 L = ft 6. Vegetation (describe) - 1. Outflow Collection (check type used or describe "other") ❑ Grated Inlet' ❑ Infiltration Trench [� Underdrain ❑ Other Notes: Worksheet 10 Design Procedure Form for Filter Strip Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Flow (Use Worksheet 2) QBMP = cfs 2. Design Width Wm = (QBMP) /0.005 cfs /ft Wm = ft 3. Design Length (15 ft minimum) Lm= ft 4. Design Slope (4 % maximum) Sp = % 5. Flow Distribution (check type used or describe "other") ❑ Slotted curbing ❑ Modular Block Porous Pavement ❑ Level Spreader ❑other 6. Vegetation (describe) 5. Outflow Collection (check type used or describe "other') ❑ Grass Swale ❑ Street Gutter ❑ Storm Drain ❑ Underdrain ❑ Other Notes: 0 Worksheet II Design Procedure Forts for Water Qualify Inlets Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Determine Design Flow Rate (Use Worksheet 2) QBMP = cfs 2. Water Quality Inlet Manufacturer Name Model Flow Capacity of Model Please include a technical sheet from the manufacturer with information on this model. Make Model Capacity cfs Notes: 4 THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN Prepared by: . W &W Design Development, Inc. 81735 Levy 111, Ste. B Indio, CA 92253 (760)3 42-7766 September 2008 (\CFESS /C Wq O � o.26662 z uARCH 31, 2010 a C I V 11. OF CA0 1!/2� °£3 i 1 f i 1 I 1 1 1 '1 1 �1 1 i 1 1 THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN Prepared by: . W &W Design Development, Inc. 81735 Levy 111, Ste. B Indio, CA 92253 (760)3 42-7766 September 2008 (\CFESS /C Wq O � o.26662 z uARCH 31, 2010 a C I V 11. OF CA0 1!/2� °£3 11 THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN The Shops at Coral Mountain is a commercial project located at the southeast and southwest comers of Avenue 58 and Madison Street. The parcel on the east side of Madison Street consists of 5.69 acres and the parcel on the'west side of Madison Street consists of 9.12 acres. The portion of the project east of Madison Street will drain to a detention basin at the southerly portion of the property. There is ari existing 18" storm drain that was installed with the construction of Tract 31681 -2 that was constructed to provide for drainage from the commercial site to the golf course. The proposed detention basin will provide temporary storage for the stormwater that exceeds the capacity of the stormdrain. A Maxwell drywell will be constructed in the bottom of the basin at an elevation of 0.50 feet below the invert elevation of the outlet pipe to allow for disposal of nuisance flows. The portion of the project west of Madison Street will drain to a proposed detention basin at the southern portion of the property. A 36" stormdrain will be constructed from the detention basin to the future golf course or a temporary retention basin within the future golf course. The detention basin will detain that portion of the storm water that exceeds the capacity of the pipe. A Maxwell drywell will be constructed in the bottom of the basin at an elevation of 0.50 feet below the invert of the outlet pipe to allow for disposal of nuisance flows. --------------------------------- �I PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN - PS -6 THE SHOPS AT .CORAL MOUNTAIN SEC & SWC AVENUE 58 & MADISON STREET LA QUINTA7 CALIFORNIA I Summary — Phase Land t4.84AC t211,0123F Building Land —to —Bldg Ratio 36,871 SF 4.72/1 —=. Coverage 17.43 Parking Required: ** General Retail (including REIA7�talls @ 1/250 N fl D E L �— Parking Provided 184stalls �— Parking Ratio 4.99/1000 I Summary — Phase 2 Land f8.07AC f351,67'SF Building 68,200SF Land —to —Bldg Ratio 4.16/1 Coverage 19.39% Parking Required: ** General Retail (including R & stalls @ 1/250 Parking Provided 314stalls Parking Ratio 4.60/1000 * *Parking Required per Specific Plan 03 -067 Z® 60 ALL 9IIaws� MRIO043M sm voolpa 5 AID 1w 0ss As sow 91 71B {4N1 ARE PWASIAR7 AND 98AiC 10 M;OEICAROI AT K ONER1 DWOM WMff WICE 7f5 WfllD1ARY 9E RJRI 6 6Ag OI YaONmI RH6® 10 YAOi IETAL AROIt&i75 LLP AND 6988.7 1D 11Ei6iG901 BT IECAIS 9Y815 AND MM36" AGOUES EC 16 DWW 6 WT "MeSSM A REPil6B�TA10 AS 10 Ma= TIM 1 9S, LWA7W WAS OR O1:PDILY 6 MC A 99SIC f7iM B6 03iR:R. - . DATE• 0415.07 .� MADa JoBjt 05560.A0 MARINO INVESTMENTS MARM KADM RETAIL ARCHrrM-5. UP 3080 BF3SRX ST. SUM S00 N fl D E L . - 3636 MCH ST SUM 100 I- COSTA MESA, CA 92625 T.714540.5000 F.714.755.=3 R E.T fl I L 1410 RT BEACH. CA 92650 T (949) 973 --0242 F (949) 975-0213 VWXADElARGCOM J 85TE BBRIAVE 1U''IrjPL _ -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..- EXISTING ACWSS -78.01 -- —~ FL 451.80 N 41�� —�_ AAM NORTH ® _./ �'S8351N SBJ ._ ..,....emu....— ...,.��T ,1 _ 15s,2,w B'iT� _ _ - �- - - - .� �---�- - - - _ _ • N AVENUE 58 60T11AVE - - - -! _ - -- -- -- �' .. -N'89' 7N .t7EL00 .. �7 1! i li llilillllll l xr.y 1. N _•_ _ y VICINITY MAP _ —I� ( i II Bey t PE 157m — I I i 1 P PE ® I i I: 1 p PE 4553. 4 ,� ° FL ! I B sl I I I ICI T�i.eB I OWNER/DEVELOPER _ / - I B , ,i 5 eF.' zres l PROP IB' STORM DRAOV E 8 M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC $ R \ �/ I C � t —.� I PE 45650 T� 'Au .NIPS MARINO `�. 2 FL \ �j PE 155.00 I�T,-C14.173 t�P�T eF���CA� ! {' 111 11. 1 I I I I 4 r— ` / I nY i PE 454M ,� T(17W)0T80Q42 F(B/8)9150263 _ WwwiNRWO7NVESTWENT&COM LEGEND: \ PE 45550 s\� B 40' i J N 3T58121N / la 100E PROPOSED ELEVATION 1 �.�J,J X00.0) E703TIN0� ATION + ( '�{" FL naw 6WE �, , \ l WI CENTERUNE (` RAY FINISH SURFACE NGH POW FF FINISHED FLOOR 1 ,� F/ L EG FISHD PE 45450 FO FINISHED GRADE Pip GB 0U` �f BREAK CURB AND GUTTER EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT 06V INVERT GUTTER FL 75.48 t $ 1 B b p PE H 45T � , \ ' Zn { t S T=D ,jDg 60 x T7'2307E A �T N �a2�£ I 5§ 1 �o Ex t DiTAN� p D�� PEit TR 31fi&IQ as . /+56 0 g� f � � \ fl D 38'STO 017NN +53 n p SCALE: 7- W p n fl D W 00 0 60 131 780 n n D 1! FUTURE OR TQA'DnARY I fl ® Q 117 I t a RETENnON BASIN BTM- 441.00 5 IL t. THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN PRELI M I NARY ��4� ®� �� ®o�e�po�® GRADING PLAN LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA � °��•�°°� � fV 7o-r�s a p8aa -n,I FOR: E & M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA w VICINITY MAP OWNERMEWLOPER E 6 M CORAL MOUNTAIN. LLC 9888 BRCN ST. SURE 700 NEWPORT BEACK CA82NO T WM ff7"M F WO) 87"M WWWAWiNOINVESTMCNTLOO LEGEND: 100.0 PROPOSED ELEVATION (IODA) E00STING ELEVATION TC TOP OF CURB \ FL FLOW LINE CA. RAW CENTEMUNE RIGHT OF WAY ` ) HP NP FF HIGHNSURFACE 4S POOR F0 FLOOR / EO E)aSNEO E70ST0/D GRADE _ FO FINISHED A O G13 GRADE BREAK C8O CURB AND GUTTER EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT INV OVERT O GUTTER �r +5- a 7 [PUT SCALE: 1' =6O . 60 m D 6D 120 ISO FUTURE OR TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FOR: E& M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC w -�'� REMOVE 6 REPLACE rr a fFRG . WO R/A1MD � In91Pr�+1. so � Jo-rA m PRELIMINARY- GRADING PLAN LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA lHauls NOSI(IVW AO ISVH t t i t t 1 1 1 1 I i 1 A A J�l� E 10 T 113 123 133 143 153 163 I IT 183 C93 1103 0 SOIL GROUP COVER TYPE RI. NUMBER PERVIOUS AREA LAND USE DECIMAL PERCENT i ADJUSTED INFILTRATION AREA i AVERAGE ADJUSTED -� C) ( PLATE C -1) ( PLATE E -6.1) INFILTRATION OF AREA I RATE-IN/HR gcee;s INFILTRATION � X0 RATE -IN /HR f PLATE E -6.2) IMPERVIOUS ( PLATE E -6.3) 143(1 - ,9063) RATE -IN /HR C73oC93 0 C r-- ��f3 8 Ga�►1 cl•cQ 85% I O 5j ` I < 0 I va z u (� az Cil) 0 0 0 D o —I 3 rn o 0 iC83- 11103- I VARIABLE LOSS RATE CURVE (24- HOURISTORM ONLY) FM =Minimum Loss Rate = F/2 =E [103 /Z = , o t-0 IN. /HR. S S C = (F— Fm) /54 = (1CI0]— Fm) /54= ,owI FT = C(24— (T/60))1.55 +FM= (24— (T/60)).55+ I IN./HR, Where: T =Time in minutes. To get an average value for each unit time period Use T= 2 the unit time for the first time period,T =I- unit time for the second period,etc. EAST OF MADISON STREET Site Area = 247,690 SF 5.69 AC % Impervious: 85% Soil group `B" Rainfall 1 hour —100 year = 1.6" 3 hour — 100 year = 2.5" 6 hour —100 year = 3.0" 24 hour —100 year = 3.75" Low loss rate: 0.9— (.8x.85)= .22 =22% n I� { OUTFLOW AND PERCOLATION {� Percolation r Maxwell drywell: 0.10 CFS = 360 CF/hr = 30 CF /5 min. Outflow above elevation .445.00 (18" pipe) Elev. Q (CFS) CF /5 min. Maxwell Total Discharge t; 446 10.5 3,150 30 3,180 447 12.0 3,600 30 3,630 448. 13.5 4,050 30 4,080 449.3 15.8 4,740 30 4,770 • I� r r r RETENTION BASIN VOLUME Elev. Area Volume Acc. Volume 445 2,896 3,278 446 3,659 4,071 447 4,482 4,921 448 5,360 5,829 449 6,298 6,795 450 7,291 7,816 451 8,340 18" PIPE OUTFLOW INVERT: 445.00 3,278 7,349 12,270 ' 18,099 24,894 32,710 f 1 t t t A E t RC C & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN Sheet By Date Checked Date [1) CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET [2) AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA 5.69 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HR.S/IN (645' (3]) [5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 5 MIN. [6) LAG TDAE- MINUTES [7) UNIT TRvIE- PERCENT OF LAG (100 ;[5) /[6) [8) S -CURVE [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR I HOUR [10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN -INCHES 1.6 IN. [1]] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR [13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14) LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIMER PERIOD m (16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [1)115) [17) CUMULATTVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) (18) DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m- [19) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS/IN r41118 100 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN IN/HR 60 f)01[201 100 [5) [227 LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN IN/FIA [27) -[22) [24) FLOW CFS 1 3.6 .691 .571 3249 -2 - 42- - -686 -- -3-.903-'--' - -- -- - -- -- - 806 - - -- - - 3 4.4 .845 .725 4.125 4 4.6 .883 .763 4.342 5, 5.0 .960 .840 4.780 6 5.6 1.075 .955 5.434 7 6.4 1229 1.109 6.310 8 8.1 1.555 1.435 8.165 9 13.1 2.515 2.095 11.921 10 34.5 6.624 6.504 37.008 11 6.7 1.296 1.166 6.635 12 3.8 .730 .610 3.471 E= 17.459 _ ._.._.. ........ ................ ..... _..._ ]7.459x:083.. °1,449.- .._....... _.- ............ FLOOD VOLUME =1.449 - 12 x 5.69 = .687AF SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) CFS Outlet CFS Required Detention (CFS) Required Detention (CF) 1 34249 10;5 0 0 2 3.903 10.5 0 0 3 4.125 10.5 0 0 4 4.342 10.5 0 0 5 4380 10;5 0 0 6 5.434 10.5 0 0 7 6310 10.5 0 0 8 8.165 10.5 0 0 9 11.921 12.0 0 0 10 37.008 15.8 21.208 6,362 11 6.63.5 15,8 12443 35733 12 3.471 15.8 0 0 Volume required above elev. 449.3 6,362 _Area 49.0 6,298 6,795 50.0 7,291 7,816 51.0 8,340 Volume above 4493 = 12,579.3 Maximum water surface: 50.21 t I t s fl r 1 1 e t RC C & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL. SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project MARINO Sheet By Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET [2) AREA DESIGNATION [3) DRAINAGE AREA 5.69 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645* [3))- (5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10 AM. [6] LAG T11,1E- MINUTES [7] UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[5) /[6] [8] S -CURVE [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 3 HOUR [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES : 2.5 IN. [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR .026 (13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHESMOUR 0.120 [14) LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD M (16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]•(15) [17] _ CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) (18) DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]a [17]� 1191 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS/1N r4l*r)81 100 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN/HR 60001f201 100 [5) . [22) LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [23) FFFECTTVE RAIN INIER [211 -[22) [24) FLOW CFS 1 2.6 .390 .120 .270 1.536 2 2.6 .390 .120 .270 1.536 3 33 .495 .120 .375 1.992 4 3.3 .495 .120 .375 1.992 5 3.3 .495 .120 .375 1.992 6 3.4 .510 .120 .390 2.219 7 4.4- .660 .120 -540 3.073 8 42 .630 .120 .510 2.902 9 53 .795 .120 .675 3.841 10 5.1 .765 .120 .645 3.670 11 6.4 .960 .120 .840 4.780 12 5.9 .885 .120 .765 4.353 13 73 1.095 .120 .975 5.548 14 8.5 1.275 .120 1.155 6.572 15 14.1 2.115 .120 1.995 11.352 16 14.1 2.115 .120 1.995 11.352. 17 3.8 .570 .120 .450 2.561 18 2.4 .360 .120 .240 1.366 E =100 E =12.84 12.84 x 167 = 2.144 FLOOD VOLUME = 2.144 = 12 x 5 -69 AC = 1.017AF SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograpb) Required Detention (CFS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Required Detention (CF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CFS Outlet CFS I 1:536 10;5 2 1.536 10.5 3 1:992 10:5 4 1.992 10.5 5 1.992 10..5 6 2.219 10.5 7 3..073 10..5 8 2.902 10.5 9 1841 IM 10 3.670 10.5 11 4:780 IM 12 4.353 10.5 13 5z548 10:5 14 6.572 10.5 15 11352 12...0 16 11.352 12.0 17 1561 10.5 Required Detention (CFS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Required Detention (CF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 7 t t r 1 'I RCjFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograpb and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project MARINO Sheet BY Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA 5.69 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS -HRS/IN (645# [3)) [5] UNIT TIME- MINUTES 10 MIN. (6) LAG TIME - MINUTES [7] UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (100;[5]/[6) [8] S -CURVE [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 6 HOUR [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.0 IN. [11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR LOSS) -IN/HR [13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14) LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN ' FLOOD HYDROGRAPH- 1151 UNIT TDAE PERIOD M [16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]•[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [18) DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17)m417)m- (191 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS -HRS/IN 4 • 8 100 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN/HR 60 F)0 1r20 100 [5) [221 LOSS RATE Dim MAX LOW [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN INAM [211 -(221 (24) FLOW CFS ' 1 1:1 .198 .120 .078 .444 2 1.2 .216 .120 .096 .546 - - 3._..------ __ .... . .... .- -- -- - -. _....._ 4 1.4 .252 .120 .132 .751 5 1.4 .252 .120 .132 .751 6 1.5 .270 .120 .150 .854 7 1.6 .288 .120 .168 .956 8 1.6 288 .120 .168 .956 9 1.6 .288 .120 .168 .956 10 1.6 288 .120 .168 .956 11 1.6 .288 .120 .168 .956 12 - 1.7 .306 .120 .186 1.058 _ 13. 1.7 .306 .120 .186 1.058 14 1.8 .324 120 .204 1.161 15 1.8 .324 .120 .204 1.161 16 1.8 .324 .120 204 1.161 17 2.0 .360 .120 .240 1.366 18 2.0 .360 .120 240 1366 .19. A.450 ..378 _. ....120 .258. _ .. .. -1.468 ....... 20 ...2..1 2.2 .396 :120 .276 1.570 21 2.5 .120 .330 1.878 22 2.8 .504 .120 .384 2.185 23 3.0 .540 .120 .420 2.390 24 32 .576 .120 .456 2.595 SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) ) CFC & WCD HYDROLOGY DUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograpb and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project MARINO Sheet By Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA 5.69 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645• [3]) [5] UNIT TIME-MINUTES 10 MIN. [6] LAG TIME- MINUTES [7) UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[5) /[6] [8) S -CURVE [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 6 HOUR [I O] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN-INCHES 3.0 IN. [11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR LOSS) -IN/HR [13] CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14] LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 1151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]1[15] M9 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE _ DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) 1181 DISTRM GRAPH PERCENT (17)m-[17)m- [19) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS11N 4118 100 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN IN/HR 60 QJT2 0 ]00[5) [22) LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN INIER [21) -[22] [24) FLOW CFS 25 3.5 .630 .120 .510 -- 27 4.2 .756 .120 .636 28 1 4.5 .810 .120 .690 29 4.8 MA .120 .744 30 5.1 .918 .120 .798 31 6.7 1.206 .120 1.086 32 8.1 1.458 .120 1.338 33 10 -3 1.854 .120 1.734 34 2.8 .504 .120 -384 35 1.1 .198 .120 .078 36 0 -5 .090 .120 .026 .064 E =100 E= 13.774 ..13.774x_ 167_= 2.300 . - _... FLOOD VOLUME = 2.300 12 x 5'.69 AC = 1.091AF SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) i I t RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Forin Project MARINO Sheet By Date Checked Date [I] CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3) DRAINAGE AREA 5.69 AC [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS -HRS/IN (645' [3)) [5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 30 MIN. [6] LAG TIN E-MINUTES [7) UNIT TRY E- PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5)/[6) [8) S -CURVE [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN-INCHES 3.75 IN. [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG )-INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR [13] CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14] LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH . EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [16 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S�iRAPH) [18] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17)- (17)m- (19) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS/1N F41'[181 100 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN W/HR 60 f 102 0 100 [5) [221 LOSS RATE INAIR MAX LOW [73) EFFECTIVE RAIN IN/HR [211 - [221 [24) FLOW CFS . . 1 .5 .038 .209 .008 .030 .171 2 .7 .053 .204 .012 .041 .233 .200- .005 .018 .102 4 .7 .053 .195 .012 .041 233 5 .8 .060 .190 .013 .047 .267 6 1.0 .075 .186 .017 .058 .330 7 1.0 .075 .181 .017 .058 .330 8 1.1 .083 .177 .018 .065 .370 9 1.3 .098 .172 .022 .076 .432 10 1.5 .113 .168 .025 .088 .501 11 1.3 .098 .163 .022 .076 .432 12 1.6 .120 .159 .026 094 .535 13 1.8 .135 .155 .030 .105 .598 14 2.0 .150 .151 .033 .1.17 .666 15 .2.1 .158 .147 .011 .063 16 2.5 .188 .143 .045 .256 17 3.0 .225 .139 .086 .489 18 3.3 .248 .135 .113 .643 19 . 3.9 .293 .131 .162 .922 20 43 .323 .128 .195 1.110 21 3.0 .225 .124 .101 .575 22 4.0 .300 .120 .180 1.024 23 3.8 .285 .117 .168 .956 24 3.5 .263 .114 .149 .848 25 5.1 .383 .110 .273 1.553 SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (]Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project MARINO Sheet BY Date Checked Date [I] CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA 5.69 AC [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645* [3]) [5] UNIT TIME- MINUTES 30 MIN. [6] LAG TIME- MINUTES [7] UNIT TINIE- PERCENT OF LAG (100•[5]/[6] [8] S -CURVE [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.75 IN. [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR [13] CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHESIHOUR 0.120 [14] LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD m 1161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]`[15] [771 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [18] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- (17)m- [19) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS/IN [411181 100 (201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN INIUR 60 f1Q1r201 100 [5] 122) LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN/HR [21] -[22] (241 FLOW CFS 26 5.7 .428 .107 _321 1.827 _.27._._...... - ._......_._._..... __...._ .._...._.._...._... ... _........- ......6.8 .........._.... .510 .104 .406 2.310 28 4.6 .345 .101 .244 1.388 29 5.3 .398 .098 .300 1.707 30 5.1 .383 .095 .288 1.639 31 4.7 .353 .092 .261 1.485 32 3.8 .285 .089 .196 1.115 33 .8 .060 .086 .013 .047 .267 34 .6 .045 .084 .010 .035 .199 35 1.0 .075 .081 .017 .058 330 36 .9 .068 .079 .015 .053 .302 37 .8 .060 .077 .013 .047 267 38 .5 .038 .074 .008 .030 .171 39 .7 .053 .072 .012 .041 .233 40 .5 .038 .070 .008 .030 .171 41 .6 .045 .069 .010 1 .035 .199 42 .5 .038 .067 .008 .030 .171 43 .5 .038 .065 .008 .030 .171 44 .5 .038 .064 .008 .030 171 45 .5 .038 .063 .008 .030 .171 46 .4 .030 .061 .007 .023 .131 47 EFF. RAIN 4.978 IN/HR x. 5 HR = 2.489 .4 .030 .060 .007 .023 .131 48 1 .4 .030 .060 .007 .023 .131 2.489 =12 x 5.69 SF =1.180 AF E =100 E =4.978 SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) 8 S R� M CI] 127 C3] 143 153 163 I 173 181 191 (101 �T- SOIL GROUP COVER TYPE RI. NUMBER PERVIOUS AREA LAND USE DECIMAL PERCENT i ADJUSTED INFILTRATION AREA SO INCHES C8]_ FC87 AVERAGE ADJUSTED (PLATE C -1) (PLATE E-6.1) INFILTRATION OF AREA RATE -IN /HR INFILTRATION Z �0 RATE -IN /HR I PLATE E -6.2) IMPERVIOUSI 1 PLATE E-6.3)' [47(1-.9[6]1 RATE - IN /HR 1739193 Q C �- b Q r- . -0 i z M CID r v Cn C-) 0 0 y 7 o rn 0 6 11e 1 i110 VARIABLE LOSS RATE CURVE (24 -HOUR STORM ONLY) Fm= Minimum Loss Rate = F/2 =I [103 /2 = , o4, 0 IN. /HR. 8 8 C = (F -Fm) / 54 = (l CIO] - Fm) / 54 = , 6n l I FT = C(24— (T/60))1.55 ¢ Fm = (24 —(T /60)) 1.55 ± IN. /HR. Where: T =Time in minutes. To get an average -value for each unit time period,Use•T= 2 the unit time for the first time period,T =12 unit time for the second period etc. _ WEST OF MADISON STREET Site Area = 247,690 5.69 AC % Impervious: 85% Soil Group "B". 1 hr = 2.0 in 3 hr = 2.6 in 6 hr = 3.1 in 24 hr = 4.0 in Low loss rate: 0.9—(.8x.85)=.22=22% OUTFLOW AND PERCOLATION Maxwell Total Discharge 30 30 , 30 4,350 30 14,070 30 18,030 Percolation Maxwell Dry-Well: 0.10 CFS = 360 CF/HR = 30 CF /5 min. Outflow above elev. 444.0 (36 pipe) Elev. Q (CFS) CF /5 min, -445 0 0 446 447 144 468 4,320 14,040 _ 448 60.0 18,000 Maxwell Total Discharge 30 30 , 30 4,350 30 14,070 30 18,030 F RETENTION. BASIN VOLUME Elev. Area Volume Ace. Volume 445 3,144 3,670 446 4,196 3,670 4,761 447 5,325 8,431 5,928 448 6,531 14,359 7,173 449 7,814 21,532 8,494 450 9,174 30,026 36" Pipe Outflow invert: 445.00 t � I v f 1 11 - 11 s t RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Calculation Project Sheet BY Date Date [l) CONCENTRATION POINT WEST OF MADISON STREET [2) AREA DESIGNATION (3) DRAINAGE AREA 9.12 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645* [31): [5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 5 MIN. [6) LAG TIME- MINUTES [7] UNIT TINE-PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[53/[6) [8] S -CURVE [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR I HOUR [10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.0 IN. [11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINMJM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR LOSS) -IN/HR [13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14) LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD m [161 TA4E PERCENT OF LAG [71`[251 [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [18] DISTRM GRAPH PERCENT [17)m- (17)m- [191 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS/IN 4' 18 ]00 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN IN/HR 60 10 20 ]Do [5) [221 LASS RATE IN/HR MAX IOW 1231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN/HR [211-[221 [24] FLOW CFS 1 3.6 .864 .120 .744 6.785 2 4.2 1.008 .120 .888 8.100 -3 4.4 1.056 .120 :936 8.536 4 4.6 1.104 .120 .984 8.474 5 5.0 1200 .120 1.080 9.850 6 5.6 1.344 .120 1.224 11.163 7 6.4 1.536 .120 1.416 12.914 8 8.1 1.944 .120 1.824 16.635 9 13.1 3.144 .120 3.024 27.579 .10 34.5 8.280 .120 8.160 74.419 11 6.7 1.608 .120 1.488 13.571 12 3.8 .912 .120 .792 7.223 E =22.56 22.56 x.083 =1.873 FLOOD VOLUME =1.873 _ 12 x 9.12 = 1.424AF SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2Z used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) Volume above elev. 448.0 Elev. Area Volume (CF) 448 6,531 7,173 449.... 7,814. . Maximum water surface: 448.60 s CFS Outlet CFS Required Detention (CFS) Required Detention (CF) 1 -6.785 14.4 0 0 2 8.100 14.4 0 3 8.536 14.4 0 0 4 8.974 14.4 0 0 5 9.850 14.4 0 0 6 11.163 14.4 0 0 7 12.914 14.4 0 0 8 16.635 46.8 0 0 9 27.579 46.8 0 0 10 74.419 60.0 14.419 4,326 11 13.571 46.8 0 0 12 7.223 14.4 0 0 Volume above elev. 448.0 Elev. Area Volume (CF) 448 6,531 7,173 449.... 7,814. . Maximum water surface: 448.60 s RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project Sheet By Daze Checked Date [I) CONCENTRATION POINT WEST OF MADISON STREET (2) AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA 9.12 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS -HRS/IN (645* [3]) [5) UNIT TRviE- MINUTES 10 MIN. [6] LAG T]IvvfE- MINUTES [7] UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[5) 1[6) [8] S -CURVE [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 3 HOUR [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN -INCHES 2.6 IN. [1]] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR (13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14] LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16) TIAg PERCENT OF LAG [7) *[15) [17) CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (18) DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17)m4]7)m- [19) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS -ID S/JN 4.18 1DD [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN D41M 601020 100 [5) [22] LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN 1N/HR [21) -[22) (24) FLOW CFS , 1 2.6 .401 .120 .281 2.563 2 2.6 .401 .120 .281 2.563 ' 3 3.3 .515 120 395 3.602 4 3.3 .515 .120 .395 3.602 5 3.3 .515 .120 .395 3.602 6 3.4 .530 .120 .410 3.739 7 4.4 .686 .120 .566 5.162 8 42 .655 .120 .535 4.879 9 5.3 .827 .120 .707 6.448 10 5.1 .796 .120 .676 6.165 11 6.4 .998 .120 .878 8.007 12 5.9 .920 .120 .800 7.296 13 7.3 1.139 .120 1.019 9.293 14 . 8.5 1.326 .120 1206 ] 0999 15 14.1 2200 .120 2.080 18.970 16 14.1 2200 .120 2.080 18.970 17 3.8 .593 .120 .473 4.314 18 2.4 .374 .120 .164 1.456 E= 13.341 13.341 x 167 = 2278 FLOOD VOLUME = 2.278 _ 12 x 9.12 AC = 1.731AF SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) Volume.above elev. 446.0 . . Elev. Area 446.0 4,196 447.0 5,325 448.0 6,531 Maximum water surface: 447.12 Required Detention (CFS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.57 9.14 0 0 Volume (CF) 4,760 5,928 Required Detention (CF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,742 5,484 0 0 CFS Outlet CFS 1 2.563 14.4 2 2.563 14.4 3 3.602 14.4 4 3.602 14.4 5 3.602 14.4 6 3.739 14.4 7 5.162 14.4 8 4.879 14.4 9 6.448 14.4 10 6.165 14.4 11 8.007 14.4 12 7.296 14.4 13 9.293 14.4 14 10.999 14.4 15 18.970 14.4 16 18.970 14.4 17 4.314 14.4 18 1.456 14.4 Volume.above elev. 446.0 . . Elev. Area 446.0 4,196 447.0 5,325 448.0 6,531 Maximum water surface: 447.12 Required Detention (CFS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.57 9.14 0 0 Volume (CF) 4,760 5,928 Required Detention (CF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,742 5,484 0 0 1 j CFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project Sheet By Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT WEST OF MADISON STREET [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA 9.12 AC [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645* [3]) [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10 MIN. [6] LAG TRvvTE- MINUTES [7] UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[5] /[6] [8] S -CURVE [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 6 HOUR [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN -INCHES 3.1 IN. [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR [13] CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14) LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH (15) UNIT TIME PERIOD M [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7)'[15) [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [18) DISTRM GRAPH PERCENT [17]m[17)� (19) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS1A1 4.18 100 (20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) (21) STORM RAIN IN/BR 60 D01[20 100 [5) [22) LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN IW 31k [211-[221 [24] FLOW CFS 1 1.1 .205 .120 .085 .775 2 1.2 .223 .120 .103 .939 3 1-3 242 .120 .122 1.113 4 1.4 .260 .120 .140 1277 5 1.4 .260 .120 .140 1277 6 I.5 .279 .120 .159 1.450 7 1.6 .298 .120 .178 1.623 8 1.6 .298 .120 .178 1.623 9 1.6 .298 .120 .178 1.623 10 1.6 .298 .120 .178 1.623 11 1.6 .298 .120 .178 1.623 12 1.7 .316 .120 .196 1.788 13 1.7 .316 .120 .196 1.788 14 1.8 .335 .120 .215 1.961 15 1.8 .335 .120 215 1.961 16 1.8 .335 .120 .215 1.961 17 2.0 .372 .120 .252 2.298 18 2.0 .372 .120 .252 2298 19 2.1 .391 .120 .271 2.472 20 22 • .409 .120 .289 2.636 21 2.5 .465 .120 .345 3.146 22 2.8 1 .521 .120 .401 3.657 23 3.0 .558 .120 .438 3.995 24 3.2 .595 .120 .475 4.332 SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project - Sheet By Date Checked Date [I] CONCENTRATION POINT WEST OF MADISON STREET [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3) DRAINAGE AREA 9.12 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/iN (645* [3)) [5) UNIT TI)vIE- MINUTES 10 MIN. [6) LAG TIME - MINUTES [7) UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[5] 1[6) [8) S -CURVE [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 6 HOUR (10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN-INCHES 3.1 IN. [11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR LOSS) -IN/HR [13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14] LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16) TR.dF- PERCENT OF LAG [7) *[15) [17) CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S-GRAPH [18) DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [l7)w-[17)� [191 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- HRS/AI 4 ` 8 100 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN INM 60 10 20 100 [5) [221 LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN/1•llt [211- [22) [241 FLAW CFS 25 3.5 .651 .120 .531 4.843 26 3.9 .725 .120 .605 5.518 27 _ ..... 42.. .781.. .. ... 120... .661 ._ . ..- 6.028.... 28 4 -5 .837 .120 .717 6.539 29 4.8 .893 .120 .773 7.050 30 5.1 .949 .120 .829 7.561 31 6.7 1.246 .120 1.126 10.269 32 8.1 1.507 .120 1.387 12.649 33 10.3 1.916 .120 1.796 16.380 34 2.8 .521 .120 .401 3.657 35 1.1 205 .120 .085 .775 36 0.5 .093 .120 .028 .073 .666 E= 14.383 14.383x.167=2.402 FLOOD VOLUME = 2.402 _ 12 x 9.12 = 1.826AF SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograpb) RC C & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrogrraph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project Sheet By Date Checked Date [1) CONCENTRATION POINT EAST OF MADISON STREET (2) AREA DESIGNATION [3) DRAINAGE AREA 9.12 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645; [3]) [5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 30 MIN. [6] LAG TIME- MINUTES [7] UNIT TRAE- PERCENT.OF LAG (100'[5)/[6] [8] S -CURVE [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR, [10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN -INCHES 4.0 IN. [I I) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR [13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14) LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [16] UNIT TiME PERIOD m [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7)•[15] [17) CUMULATfVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [18) DISTRM GRAPH PERCENT [17)m- f17)m- 1191 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS- 1_RS1A1 f4l*f]Bl 100 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN IN/HR 60 f101[20 100 [5) [22) LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [23) FFFECrfVE RAIN IN/HR [21] -[22] [24) FLOW CFS .5 .040 .209 .008 .032 .292 2 .7 .056 _204 .012 .044 .401 .. 3.... ._. _ ......_ . ... .. ... _.... .._ _ ....fi..... .048 .. - 200 - . .010 .. .038 .. . .347 4 .7 .056 .195 .012 .0.44 .401 5 .8 .064 .190 .013 1 .051 .465 6 1.0 .080 .186 .017 .063 .575 7 1.0 .080 .181 .017 .063 .575 8 1.1 .088 .177 .018 .070 .638 9 1.3 .104 .172 .022 .082 .748 10 1.5 .120 .168 .025 .095 .866 11 1.3 .104 .163 .022 .082 .748 12 1.6 .128 .159 .026 .102 .930 13 1.8 .144 .155 .030 .114 1.040 14 2.0 .160 .151 .009 .082 15 2.1 .168 .147 .021 .192 16 2.5 .200 .143 .057 .520 17 3.0 .240 .139 .101 .921 18 3.3 .264 .135 .129 1.177 19 3.9 .312 .131 .181 1.651 20 4.3 .344 .128 .216 1.970 21 3.0 .240 .124 .116 1.058 22 4.0 .320 .120 200 1.824 23 3.8 .304 .117 .187 1.705 24 3.5 1 .280 .114 1 .166 1 1.514 25 5.1 1 .408 .110 .298 2.718 SAMPLE CALCULATION NO. 3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) RCFC & WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project Sheet By Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT WEST OF MADISON STREET (2) AREA DESIGNATION [3) DRAINAGE AREA 9.12 AC [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS- HRS/IN (645* [3]) [5] UNIT TRvIE- MINUTES 30 AM. [6) LAG TB 4E- MINUTES [7] UNIT TWE- PERCENT OF LAG (100 *[5) 1[6] [8] S -CURVE (9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR 24 HOUR (10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 4.0 IN. (11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES/HOUR [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR [13) CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES/HOUR 0.120 [14] LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 22% UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15] UNIT TIME PERIOD m (16) TIME' PERCENT OF LAG [7] *[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [18] DISTRffi GRAPH PERCENT [171m [173 1193 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS -IR S/IN 41*r 19 100 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [213 STORM RAIN INM 60 10 20 ]00 [5] [22) LOSS RATE IN/HR MAX LOW [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN 1N/HR (21]-[22) [24) FLOW CFS 26 5.7 .456 .107 .349 3.183 27 6.8 .544 .104 .440 4.013 28 4.6 .368 .101 .267 2.435 29 5.3 .424 .098 .326 2.973 30 5.1 .408 .095 .313 2.855 31 4.7 .376 .092 .284 2.590 32 3.8 .304 .089 .215 1.961 33 .8 .064 .086 .013 .051 .465 34 .6 .048 .084 .010 .038 .347 35 1.0 .080 .081 .017 .063 .575 36 .9 .072 .079 .015 .057 .520 37 .8 .064 .077 .013 .051 .465 38 .5 .040 .074 .008 .032 .292 39 .7 .056 .072 .012 .044 .401 40 .5 .040 .070 .008 .032 .292 41 .6 .048 .069 .010 .038 .347 42 .5 .040 .067 .008 .032 292 43 .5 .040 .065 .008 .032 .292 44 .5 .040 .064 .008 .032 .292 45 .5 .040 .063 .008 .032 .292 46 .4 .032 .062 .007 .025 .228 47 .4 032 .061 .007 .025 .228 48 .4 .032 .060 .007 .025 .228 5.414x.50=2.707 2.707 =12 x 9.12 = 2.057 AF E =5.414 SAMPLE CALCULATION NO.3 SHORTCUT SYTHETIC HYDROGRAPH (Example. of Plate E -2.2 used for Shortcut Synthetic Hydrograph) Whitewater River Region WQMP { Shops Y.a-, Appendix G AGREEMENTS — CC &RS, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS AND /OR 1 - OTHER MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING ONGOING OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, FUNDING AND TRANSFER OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT - SPECIFIC 1 WQMP " 1 1 1 - 1 Whitewrater River Region WQMP he....:.o.�...nhasat sspe a: Mote Appendix PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT — SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS 1 1 1 ' 1 Whitewater River Region WQMP F,Th h-d Appendix I F PROJECT-SPECIFIC WQMP SUMMARY DATA FORM I } Project- Specific WQMP Summary Data Form ;^ q�.+r � 0-_ :' x1''�•'�+.xi y.. i Fr- F Y a i. :d w ,�r . sJn.. ` -3 . ;:$: o:. ;.r;:S. :+m a�_. i, - a.r�. :.: oo4�n5 n Xw.., . : Y y.t... ' . _ ,;°a,. ,. �1>'3 y. �,+'.. _�.. . "% ['a,�4:sCy.�°.N. ' i^' , �';�,.+�n t}r �"* :�,��,�. � `r. -r<af. r"r,•a r i.�d' °t , . ,1 . _ - . � rv.�`fcY >t.'kT?;:�+. .... r..• .- ;x'$ +. r.. >s_,r ,e`" Y^is t Name and Title ' +_ Company , Phone t • , + Email :. 'r:.'.r 'ii ,;•E.ti«.aw.s: -r. r. .. .- .a *s:.yr,s;},:;;: .i [ ` < <il.v �` ` r.L :.:: w_ ; • i ' .u. :.> 9..... . aY �. _ n ..?c}: a _£ __..b ... > : f +; ,t�`r4 ...-_ :' ” h L.v V {,:£4"n:'vS : .�.� 'k �_.�..g.S .. ' ? : >' x 3.a' :- �. :. ,t1,. -c:: t ?.iaJk% x.hj ...m >.: ,: ,a:,a.ra...<�.. i. z:.. ; 1 r...,t., i`rryt_s.x .�. Vj.O'. . ,. j, s•.Ss.., {,...,:! •>. ?...Yu "E ? P .. ' S . L fornat I- { w;i�C,r;: • ^:.':'.`?^3,,F :'.�:a. ° .FEx ..r k ..•. _l:•. .. •. ,4,'•�s... ... :.„„ . S e.,n..,s,..,h.? .. .. ...... L. ., „H ,^ ...Z r.. x.. e.,a: Q:'i . . .r. . . . _,F . ,S ?.ray7:.�'e;..uy� ' „. f tro .� . . ,�tya. .: . �« . . av ' yY _ �':a;f- .- i!� ��( . `(.,...2R. <.' .�A _ .. Project Name r (as shown on project application /project - specific WQMP) E Street Address } - ; Nearest Cross Streets Municipality (City or Unincorporated County) Zip Code .. Tract Number(s) and /or Assessor Parcel Number(s) Other . (other information to help identify location of project) Watershed f �1 Indicate type of project. Priority Development Projects (Use an "X" in cell preceding project type): I k SF hillside residence; impervious area >_ 10,000 sq. ft.; Slope >_ 25% SF hillside residence; impervious area ? 10,000 sq. ft.; Slope ? 10% & erosive soils Commercial or Industrial ? 100,000 sq. ft. , i t Automotive repair shop Retail Gasoline Outlet disturbing > 5,000 sq. ft. f t Restaurant disturbing > 5,000 sq. ft. Home subdivision ? 10 housing units " Parking lot >_ 5,000 sq. ft. or ? 25 parking spaces ' Date Project-Specific WQMP Submitted Size of Project Area (nearest 0.1 acre) +, ` Project Area managed with Site Design or Low y- Impact Development (LID) BMPs (nearest 0.1 acre) Is the project subject to onsite retention by ; ordinance or policy? ' ' Are Treatment Control BMPs required? Name of the entity will implement, operate, and maintain the post - construction BMPs " Contact Name Street or Mailing Address +' 7 } 1 City Zip Code Phone NEW;. Preceding Information Verified by Name: (consistent with information in project - specific WQMP) Date: ' Date Project - Specific WQMP Approved: Data Entered by Name: ' Date: ' Other Comments r f r OFF 60TH AVE. VICINITY MAP NTS OWNER/DEVELOPER E & M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC JAMES MARINO 3636 BIRCH ST. SUITE 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 T (949) 975-0242 F (949) 975-0243 WWW.MARINOINVESTMENTS.COM LEGEND: 100.0 PROPOSED ELEVATION (100.0) EXISTING ELEVATION TC TOP OF CURB FL FLOW LINE C/L CENTERLINE RM RIGHT OF WAY FS FINISH SURFACE HP HIGH POINT FF FINISHED FLOOR EG EXISTING GRADE FG FINISHED GRADE G13 GRADE BREAK C&G CURB AND GUTTER EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT INV INVERT G GUTTER 7 NORTH r7 j- FL 456.00, PE 457.00 ti in Ell co C) 0 0 (D 455.70 Z //FL 4 r5 FL C) 454.50 45 FL FL IL PE 455.50 7zzL;1'--Z 54.50 ,&=22'37'04" R=78.01 . ... ... t- 30:79_ - R/W T 15 60 V 0 1-1541 LFLA D) SCALE: T'= 60' =Ell 60 30 0 60 120 180 FUTURE OR TIEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BTM=441.00 "o J` A- NaH A �='AT 22037'W R=78.01 Z6 L9 -4 N 155'12 W , !�4 �,',j 2.54 8905f'3511 44 .00 N 00,905 J 27.1 \452.75 FL PE 45,6.0o'; s2 - ----- -30081,50" R1,2318'90� LF=127.33 63.68 6" - ----- I!" l&=T15-22'2 --PROP 18" STORM DRAIN R=110.65 1 t_, 1 1 1 L= 29.69 M PE 455.00 1! T=14.93 It 17 26' PE 454.; !!I 1412023-2�"l , _ W _T L' 53095 16035'44" % M, -266'51 0� r PROP 18" (=20.46 0.30 452.38 1 U-) 452.50 FL FL rn \Lv 452.24 2 452.20T -- - -- I i Ili I I111�1 FL 52.26- L FL PE 454.50 t =4028'30 45�. k2325 0 Y FL, %L=181 5 PE 453.00 # T=90. lU El 9 '00"E 0-001 DRUSH 20.23 4," 445,20 N' PE §3.50 1 �'� \ -�� 4�3'491 7" C) 452.50" rq 1% 41 F 7�1 b c� � "M� �\ AX W \ E ^78.23 1 5 452.20 451.0,, C 450.90 v 451 70 FL , rL N 90 °00'00"' 0 00 ';628 11 24000'3 =213.0( =89.25 FL R 29 L=6'e i , �;� / ; 1 _---- _�.� �� '�,1+ i i Il� .,1� t1 ! r �,:��:.:.';� -=' T =31:5( ,1 t 'f --° Q,.=15. CFS 445 ff ji I 445.00 0 • I v INV 7702 07"E -A 63. 9 calo IN EX 18" STOR .i j PER TR 31 \IX J PROPOSED 36" STOR DRAIN --t-- :311 A A \10 A THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FOR: E & M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC FL IN '5 FI k1�Ii rA -,7 PE 454.50 TALI rn 0 a w# ME MUNANK wo CIVIL ENGINEERING 0 LAND PLANNING 81-735 HWY 111, SUITE 0 100, CA 92201 PH: (760) 342-7766 FAX: (760) 342-7716 0 C T 2(y ;q City Of La QuInto Pltlrin'"g Department REMOVE & REPLACE EXISTING ACCESS - --------- AVENUE 58 N 45017'0! 511E FL 451.60 N 88023'57"E 411.77 449.70 F 9.10 INV448.10 _ _ _FFL _ -___ _ _ _ __ f F I 'DRA M 7 \T, I 30' 77' R. -151 -,,&Tt OR \452.75 FL PE 45,6.0o'; s2 - ----- -30081,50" R1,2318'90� LF=127.33 63.68 6" - ----- I!" l&=T15-22'2 --PROP 18" STORM DRAIN R=110.65 1 t_, 1 1 1 L= 29.69 M PE 455.00 1! T=14.93 It 17 26' PE 454.; !!I 1412023-2�"l , _ W _T L' 53095 16035'44" % M, -266'51 0� r PROP 18" (=20.46 0.30 452.38 1 U-) 452.50 FL FL rn \Lv 452.24 2 452.20T -- - -- I i Ili I I111�1 FL 52.26- L FL PE 454.50 t =4028'30 45�. k2325 0 Y FL, %L=181 5 PE 453.00 # T=90. lU El 9 '00"E 0-001 DRUSH 20.23 4," 445,20 N' PE §3.50 1 �'� \ -�� 4�3'491 7" C) 452.50" rq 1% 41 F 7�1 b c� � "M� �\ AX W \ E ^78.23 1 5 452.20 451.0,, C 450.90 v 451 70 FL , rL N 90 °00'00"' 0 00 ';628 11 24000'3 =213.0( =89.25 FL R 29 L=6'e i , �;� / ; 1 _---- _�.� �� '�,1+ i i Il� .,1� t1 ! r �,:��:.:.';� -=' T =31:5( ,1 t 'f --° Q,.=15. CFS 445 ff ji I 445.00 0 • I v INV 7702 07"E -A 63. 9 calo IN EX 18" STOR .i j PER TR 31 \IX J PROPOSED 36" STOR DRAIN --t-- :311 A A \10 A THE SHOPS AT CORAL MOUNTAIN LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA FOR: E & M CORAL MOUNTAIN, LLC FL IN '5 FI k1�Ii rA -,7 PE 454.50 TALI rn 0 a w# ME MUNANK wo CIVIL ENGINEERING 0 LAND PLANNING 81-735 HWY 111, SUITE 0 100, CA 92201 PH: (760) 342-7766 FAX: (760) 342-7716 0 C T 2(y ;q City Of La QuInto Pltlrin'"g Department