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Fire Station-Maint Soils Rpts
r y .7 y . � � � - LANDMARK CONSULTANTS; -INC: CLIENT: City of La Quinta PROJECT: Proposed Fire Station & Mai' tenance.Facility - La .Quinta; CA" JOB NO: LP08129 DATE: 07/28/08 CHEMICAL ANALYSES Boring:. B -1 CaITrans le e � Sam D t P.. P h ft: 0 =5 Method 1 pH: 7.79 J 1. Resistivity (ohm- cm):.. 3,200 Po/°'o 643. Chloride:-.CI... m: ( ), PP 80...�QU� 422 �DlN `.105 sulfate'(SO4), PPm: 417 _... General Guidelines for Soil Corrosiviiy ; jMaterial Chemical: Amount in Degree of Amsted Agent:'-. Soil.�DDm) CCorrosi t�( j Concrete Soluble ' 0,4000 Low Sulfates 1000 = 2000 . Moderate 2000.- 20,000 Severe > 20,000 Very Severe Normal Soluble' .:` .: 0 = 200 ..Low, Grade .. Chlorides.. 200-300 700 Moderate Steel 700-1500, Severe: > 1500. Very. Severe Normal Resistivity' .. 1 -1000 - Very "Severe .. Grade 1000 -2000 :Severe 1 Steel 2000- 10,000 'Moderate'. 10,000+ Low , LAND Selected Chemical Plate Project No: LP08129 Analyses Results C -9 517105 P &-Mintene- Facity L- QintC- LReport No: Lroposed-Fie Station n - P- 081 -29= __ . -= to prevent moisture, .vermin, or foreign material intrusion. Precautions should be taken- to prevent curling of slabs in this .arid desert region (refer to ACI guidelines). All. independent concrete flatworks should be underlain.by 12 inches of moisture conditioned and compacted soils. All flatwork should be jointed in square patterns and at irregularities in shape at a maximum spacing of 10 feet or the .least width of the sidewalk. 4.4 Concrete Mixes and Corrosiyity Selected chemical analyses for corrosivity were conducted on bulk samples of the near surface soil from the project site (Plate C =9). The native soils have low levels of sulfate ion concentrations (1 U5 ppm), and low levels of chloride ion concentrations (80 ppm). Resistivity'deterniinations °on the soil- indicate a moderate potential for metal loss because of electrochemical corrosion processes.. p In consideration of general corrosive environment in the vicinity, it is. recommended that concrete should use Type V Portland Cement with a maximum:water /cement ratio of .0:45 by weight); and a minimum compressive strength of 4,500.psi, should be used for concrete ;placed in contact'. with native soil on this project (sitework including.streets, sidewalks, driveways, patios, and foundations). A minimum concrete cover of three.(3) inches is recommended around steel reinforcing or embedded:? components (anchor bolts, hold - downs, etc ..) exposed to native soil :or landscape water (to. l 8:inches above grade). The concrete should also be thoroughly vibrated during placement. Landmark does not practice corrosion engineering: We recommend that a .qual f ed corrosion . ; engineer evaluate the corrosion potential on metal construction materials and concrete at.the 4.5 Excavations All site excavations. should conform to CalOSHA requirements. for Type C soil. The contractor is solely responsible for the safety of workers entering trenches. Temporary excavations with depths of 4.feet or less may be cut nearly vertical for short duration. Temporary slopes should be no steeper LandMark Consultants, Inc. Page .15 LANUMAR* Geo- Engineers and Geologists May 5, 009 Mr. Brian McKinney, P.E. City of La Quinta — Public Works Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 Subject: Reference: 780 N. 4th Street El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 370 -3000 (760) 337 -8900 fax 77 -948 Wildcat Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 360 -0665 (760) 360 -0521 fax Soil Infiltration Testing Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility La Quinta, California LCI Project No.: LP09055 Geotechnical Investigation Report for the project site; prepared by LandMark Consultants; Inc .', dated April 14, 2008. Dear Mr. McKinney: As requested, we have conducted soil infiltration testing for the proposed dry well and storm- . water retention basin located on Avenue 52, west of Washington Street, in La Quinta, California. The proposed system will consist of dry well(s) and storm -water retention basin(s) for the proposed fire station and maintenan ce facility. Site Conditions The project site is irregular shaped in plan view, elongated in the north -south direction, is relatively flat - lying, and consists of approximately 4- acres. The site is currently an existing city maintenance yard and fire station. Several portable buildings, metal storage containers, and fire /maintenance equipment and vehicles are located throughout the southern and northwestern portions of the site. Landscape vegetation, consisting of trees, grasses, and small and large bushes are located along the margins of the site. Several chain -link fences separate and divide the southern portion of the site. Frances Hack Lane, a paved 2 4ane roadway, travels in an east - west direction across the .southern portion of the site. A block wall separates the site from the Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility — La Quinta, CA LCI Report No. LP09055 adjacent properties to the east. The project site is bounded by Avenue 52, a paved 4 -lane roadway, on the north. � I i Adjacent properties are flat -lying and are approximately at the same elevation with this site. Commercial businesses are located across Avenue 52 to the north. Fritz Burns City Park is located to the west and Traditions Country Club is located to the east and south. Single family residences are located further to the west and northwest. The All American Canal is located approximately 2'/4 miles to the east of the project site. The project site lies at an elevation between. approximately 50 and 56 feet above mean sea level (MSL) in the Coachella Valley region of the California low desert. Annual rainfall in this and region is less than 4 inches per year with four months of average summertime temperatures above 100 °F. Winter temperatures are mild, seldom reaching freezing. a Geologic Setting The project site is located in the Coachella Valley portion of the Salton Trough physiographic province. The Salton Trough is a geologic structural depression resulting from large scale regional faulting. The trough is bounded on the northeast by the San Andreas Fault and Chocolate Mountains and the southwest by the Peninsular Range and faults of the San Jacinto Fault Zone. The Salton Trough represents the northward extension of the Gulf of California, containing both marine and non - marine sediments since the Miocene Epoch. Tectonic activity that formed the trough continues at a high rate as evidenced. by deformed young sedimentary deposits and high levels of seismicity. The surrounding regional geology includes the Peninsular Ranges (Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains) to the south and west, the Salton Basin to the southeast, and the Transverse Ranges (Little San Bernardino and Orocopia Mountains) to the north and east. Quaternary fluvial, lacustrine, and aeolian soil deposits, ranging from hundreds to several thousand feet in thickness, underlay the Coachella Valley. Landmark Consultants, Inc. Page 2 Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility — La Quinta, CA LCI Report No. LP09055 The southeastern part of the Coachella Valley lies below sea level. In the geologic past, the ancient Lake Cahuilla submerged the area. Calcareous tufa deposits may be observed along the ancient shoreline as high as elevation 115 feet Below Mean Sea Level (BMSL) along the Santa Rosa. Mountains from La Quinta southward. Lacustrine (lake bed) deposits comprise the subsurface soils over much of the; ea oac kValley with alluvial outwash along the flanks of the valley. t Field Exploration Subsurface exploration was perfo on April 28, 2 09 using a hand auger to advance one (1) i�°nfilation est orn th of eet �' ` ow the existun ground surface and one (1) dry well test boring to a o -et elowex groan One 3 -inch diameter o id was placed iri a infiltration test hole and one 3 -inch perforated pipe was placed in the` dry well test hole. The approximate infiltration and dry well locations were established in the field and .plotted on the site map by sighting to discernable site features. A staff geologist observed the hand auger operations and visually classified the soil encountered in the infiltration and dry well test holes in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. A previous geotechnical investigation conducted by LandMark Consultants, Inc. on July 21, 2008 for the project site consisted of drilling six (6) test borings to depths of 18.5 to 51.5 feet below the existing ground surface using a CME 55 drill rig. Borings B -1 and B -2, the closest borings to the 'infiltration and dry well locations, were used in this report to show the subsurface soil strata. The borings, infiltration, and dry well locations are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan (Plate A -2). The subsurface logs are presented on Plates B -1 and B -2 in Appendix B. A key to the log symbols is presented on Plate B -3. The stratification lines shown on the subsurface logs represent the approximate boundaries between the various strata. However, the transition from one stratum to another may be gradual over some range of depth. Landmark Consultants, Inc. Page 3 Pro -posed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility — La Quinta, CA LCI Report No. LP09055 Subsurface Soils Soils encountered during the time of field explorations conducted on July 21, 2008 and April 28, 2009 consists of sandy silts, silty sands, and sands. The near surface soils at the project site are non - expansive in nature. The subsurface logs ' (Plate B -1 and B -2) depict the stratigraphic relationships of the various soil types. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in the infiltration and dry well test borings during the time of exploration on April 14, 2009. According to the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) readings of groundwater levels from nearby wells, groundwater is located at a depth between approximately 175 and 183 feet below the ground surface in the vicinity of the project sate. There is uncertainty in the accuracy of short -term water level measurements, particularly in fine - grained soil. Groundwater levels may fluctuate with precipitation, irrigation of adjacent properties, drainage, and site grading. The groundwater level noted should not be interpreted to represent an accurate or permanent condition. Based on the regional topography, groundwater flow is assumed to be generally towards the northeast within the site area. Flow directions may also vary locally in the vicinity of the site. Historic groundwater records in the vicinity of the project site indicate that groundwater has fluctuated between 60 and 105 feet below the ground surface within the past 70 years according to a report -"Coachella Valley Investigation" conducted by the Department of Water Resources, Published July 1964. Landmark Consultants, Inc. Page 4 n Fire Station & Maintenance Facility — La Infiltration Test for Dry Well(s) An infiltration test for dry well(s) was performed on E A -2. The test was performed usin a 3 -inch diameter depth of 8 feet below the exis ' g ground surface, w depth of the dry well(s). Afte o initial 30 minute fall in water level to be less half the wetted dept] for a total elapsed time of 3 minutes until a stabilize Taking the average of last three. r infiltration rate.in the soil is 6.86 gallons soil infiltration rate of 6.8 gallons per used for the dry wells) desi Infiltration Test for Retention Basins) An infiltration test for storm -water retentio this site, as shown on Plate A -2. est inside a borehole made to an a ximate which corresponds to the an " ted bottom with 12 inches of water an ccessive rea time intervals for a total el sed time o 0 CA LCl Report No. LP09055 CO i '128, 2009 at this site, as shown on Plate ie orated pipe inside a borehole made to a is corresponds to the anticipated bottom e dings of drop in water level showed the e readings were taken every 30 minutes i drop was.recorded. the test results 'pour per square per square foot that the stabilized inutes per inch. A ;s per inch may be L� V OP., cG� � r �� 1 n as also performed on April 28, 009 at, was perfo ed using a 3 -inch diameter solid pipe. depth of feet below the existing ground surface, dept of the retention basin(s). The pipe was filled gs of drop in water levels were made a different minutes until a stabilized drop was recorded. I, Taking the average of the last three readings, the test results in " infiltration rate in the soil is 1.02 gallons per hour per square foo .or.36.67 mi soil infiltration rate of 1.02 gallons per hour per square foot 36.67 te; the utes per inch. A' per inch may be used for the retention basin design. Ci Sc t�� v. T The field test results are summarized with the infiltration rate calculations in Appendix C of this report. Landmark Consultants, Inc. Page 5 Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility — La Quinta, CA LCI Re ort No. LP09055 We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services. If you have, any questions or comments regarding our findings, please call our office at (760) 360 -0665. Respectfully Submitted, LandMark Consultants, Inc. Q ,ROFESS/p, , ;1i Greg Chan a P.E. M.ASCE c No. C 34432 a - ' ' EXPIRES 09 -30.09 Princip En ' eer CIVIL �P 9 aF CA��F�� Attachments: Appendix A: Vicinity and Site Maps Appendix B: Soil Boring Logs and Soil Key ll Appendix C: Soil Infiltration Test Results l� Landmark Consultants, Inc. Page 6 . , � e: �. Aym \ ,.ye 9�� .. HIIITe rAM 4vPO 67 �\ < SP &1411. -NATIONAL 6 3 E \� d r </� �i+ SITS' Lap Hvea. M la.eOfa N Al 9: rtIONUMENF" E "" n AAw!ID'ii` / b�2 / .... 0 /Ar . - O �CNF Moo VAUD . °.° \� j 9 lAHlrAnvFltx �s' °2� E ,; '.'• Fm TO� =. F'�. xau- �• � $ /-- \m' \ \)) CCii-- .aa. . " _ C7'= 1 y� ., ` "' ". �! ,,. rm,>n �iV� DNS — ,uvn•>= v�s..c.v.u.y. y..,.. valr..u.vcvu:v. ' it ELLA ,,,. -.� 6 v m °•imv m= ..�: 'r_VAtIEY� m '� 1 � ° ArA gnAxusA Y�,' ,_, � � 6 E`FRING[D•TOE UZARU �ES'. ...amad .. 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R.,...,mn.i 9rz .. uc..v. LANDMARK Plate Project No.: LP09055 Vicinity Map A4 r+ 4 ! a Project Site Lb J�Jrl> I -1 Proposed Dry Well SOLAR CW�,V, � I I cwroKac +,� i i� I ! i i I OMCF, ! �acis I 3 ? SnEPRY ,[HfyE u.-`:T 4T9Q! S'�71 7UU1; i I Su,C. PARK A:.n .E.e --r r - -1 iluwvxl - I �— I( -� I LEODU cNao:Fo {.+a lI i 1 Y�JnCIt S+OTACE 7) c� i •.L.aQL I C. nO. ) E \CL0�+7 I -A+MC1J:. I I I I .STONACE ENCLOWWO I AY.11lil CO'1 n t��� I - I I i EtiCLOiO I I I STOiACE Lam. I C= to ! I [ 04AZE I� ...:.. I S iln I wA91 EO ' I ' I wA!i+ I I � ru 7iry EVCLOSF0 7tL I STW.a ^.f. r,P.0 5rS1aOi Legend Approximate Boring Location (typ) - 07 -21 -08 Approximate Dry Well Test Location (typ) - 04 -28 -09 ® Approximate Infiltration Test Location ' (typ) - 04 -28 -09 Li V, Proposed Retention Basin 0 65 130 Scale in Feet LANDMARK Plate Project No.: LP09055 Site and Exploration Plan L A -2 IL •;l .i .1 VIIAS GLIEPAT: City of La Quinta METHOD OF DRILLING: CME.55 w /autohammer PROJECT: Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility - La Quinta, CA DATE OBSERVED: 07/21/08 LOCATION: See Site and Exploration Plan LOGGED BY: T.B.F. Z LOG OF BORING B -1 W �`¢� a LL w d SHEET 1 OF 1 K °w H = W ~ o > U. LL d Y DESCRIPTION QF MATERIAL 0 a a 3 a W m 0 d SURFACE ELEV. +/- 52 feet 0 0 v LL it 0 o z 0 0 ii 3 3 a U, a Asphalt: 3" Base: 4" SILTY SAND (SM): Light brown, damp. 23 5 M 20 medium dense 8.5 104.2 SANDY SILT (ML): Brown, medium d se, damp, fine grained. 10 0 - 29 SILTY SAND /SAND (SM /SP): Light b own, medium 4.2 108.0 dense, damp. 15 22 SILTY SAND /SANDY SILT (SM /ML): ight brown, 8.3 97.5 39 medium dense, damp. 20 0 86 SANDY SILT (ML): Olive brown, very erase, damp, 5.2 101.6 fine grained. 25 52 dense, humid 1.4 101.0 60 SILTY SAND (SM): Light brown, dense, damp. 30 18 SANDY SILT (ML): Light brown, mediu ense, I, M damp, fine grained. r 35 24 NR 4. 40 a � 24 �o 45 27 SILTY SAND /SAND (SM /SP): Light brown, medium dense, damp. 5 0 - 26 9 End of Boring at 51.5 feet. 55 No groundwater was encountered at the time of drilling. ** Blows not corrected for the presence of gravel, overburden pressure, sampler size or increase drive energy for automatic hammers. Project No: LANDMARK Plate LP09055 n Geologists B-1 / kV CLIENT: City of La Quinta METHOD OF DRILLING: C 55 w /autohammer PROJECT: Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility - La Quinta, CA ATE OBSERVED: 07/21/08 LOCATION: See Site and Exploration Plan LOGGED BY: T.B. Z LOG OF BORING B -2 O xt W O F 'W O i d SHEET 1 OF 1 W CL ° o 2 Wy a W d 3 Y DESCRIPTION OF MATERI L N od e F z SURFACE ELEV. +1- 53 feet 00 2" ° zo ' V J d Aspahlt 3" Base: 6" SILTY SAND /SANDY SILT (SM/ML): Light brav & dam . 12 --:` SANDY SILT (ML): Brown medium dense .hoist. 7.5 95.5 73 SILTY SAND (SM): Brown, medium dense damp. 5 111116118 SANDY SILT (ML): Light brown medium dens moi t. 13.3 94.6 SILTY SAND (SM): Light brown, medium dense, da p- -10- SANDY SILT (ML): Light brown, medium dense, 48 15 damp, fine grained. -'IN 10 SILTY SAND (SM): Light brown, medium dense, da p. 20 15 SANDY SILT (ML): Light brown, medium dense, d mp, 47 fine grained. 25 QS 30 Q„ C`-14) of :sS� ec �r 35 40 End of Boring at 23.5 feet. No groundwater was encountered at the time of drilling. Blows not corrected for the presence of gravel, overburden pressure, sampler size or increase drive I energy for automatic hammers. ! Project No: LANDMARK Plate LP09055 Geo-Engineers and Geologists B -2 ., 4 DEFINITION OF TERMS PRIMARY DIVISIONS 04 SYMBOLS I SECONDARY DIVISIONS Coarse grained soil More than half of Gravels More than half Of coarse fraction is larger than No. 1 4 sieve Clean grevels (less than: * c GW GP Well graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines Poorly graded gravels, or gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines Gravel with fines I �� I� NI GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixtures, non - plastic fines (y�� GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines material is larger than No. 200 sieve • Sands More than half °f coarse fraction is smaller than I No. 4 sieve Clean sands (less than 5% fines) . - SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines Sands with fines U-1-1 Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures, non - plastic fines ��!"f': ''�' SC Clayey sands, sand -day mixtures, plastic fines Fine grained soils More than half of Silts and clays Liquid limit is Less than 50% ©ML Inorganic silts, clayey silts with slight plasticity CL Inorganic days of low to medium plasticity, gravely, sandy, or lean days U... OL Organic silts and organic days of low plasticity material is smaller than No. 200 sieve Silts and clays Liquid limit is more than 50% Mmfl Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous silty soils, elastic silts cH Inorganic days of high plasticity, fat days OH. Organic days of medium to high plasticity, organic silts Highly organic soils [Ell Peat and other highly organic soils GRAIN SIZES Silts and Clays Sand Fine Medium Coarse Greve Fine Coarse Cobbles Boulders 200 4 10 4 US Standard Series Sieve Sands Gravels etc. Blows/ft. ` Very Loose 04 Loose 4A0 Medium Dense 10-30 Dense 30-50 Very Dense Over 50 ' 3/4" 3" 12" Clear Square Openings CI &Plastic Silts Stren " Blows/ft. ` Very Soft 0- 0.25 0-2 Soft 0.25-0.5 2-4 Finn 0.5 -1.0 4-8 stiff 1.0 -2.0 B-16 Very Stiff 2.0-4.0 16-32 Hard Over 4.0 Over 32 Number of blows of 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches to drive a 2 inch O.D. (1 3/8 in. I.D.) split spoon (ASTM D1586) Unconfined compressive strength in tons/s.f. as determined by laboratory testing or approximated by the Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D1586), Pocket Penetrometer, Torvane, or visual observation. Type of Samples: aRing Sample 19 Standard Penetration Test I Shelby Tube 0 Bulk (Bag) Sample Drilling Notes: 1. Sampling and Blow Counts Ring Sampler - Number of blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches. Standard Penetration Test - Number of blows per foot Shelby Tube - Three (3) inch nominal diameter tube hydraulically pushed. 1 P. P. = Pocket Penetrometer (tons/s,C), 3. NR = No recovery. 4. GWT= =Ground Water Table observed Q specified time. LANDMARK 1 Geo-Engineers and GeologistMp Plate Project No.: LP09055 Key to Logs . B -3 , LANDMARK CONSULTANTS, INC. SUMMARY OF DRY WELL TESTING Client: City of La Quinta Project: Proposed Fire Station 8 Maintenance Facility Job No.: LP09055 Test Hole No.: P -1 Date Excavated: 0428109 Date Presoaked: o4/28io9 Date Tested: 0428109 Presaturation (hrs): I Technician: Todd Location: See Site and Exploration Plan Soil Type Silty Sand (SM) LandMark Consultants, Inc. Total Total Initial Final Fall Reading Depth of Time Elapsed Water Water in Water No. Time Test Hole Interval Time Level Level Level in min min in in in. 1 8:55-09:25 96.00 30 30 0.00 36.00 36.00 2 09:25-09:55 96.00 30 60 0.00 24.00 24.00 Total Total Initial Final Fall Reading Depth of Time Elapsed Water Water in Water Stabilized Stabilized No. Time Test Hole Interval Time Level Level Level Drop Drop in min min in. in. in. (min/in) aVhr /sft .1 09:55 -10:25 96.00 30 30 0.00 14.00 14.00 2.14 17.46 2 10:25 -10:55 96.00 30 60 0.00 12.00 12.00 2.50 14.96 3 10.55 -11:25 96:00 30 90 0.00 13.00. 13.00 2.31 16.21 4 11:25 -11:55 96.00 30 120 0.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 12.47 5 11:55 - 12:25 96.00 30 150 0.00 6.50 6.50 4.62 8.10 6 12:25 -12:55 96.00 30 180 0.00 7.00 7.00 4.29 8.73 7 12:55 -13:25 96.00 30 210 0.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 7.48 8 13:25 -13:55 96.00 30 240 0.00 5.50 5.50 5.45 6.86 9 13:55 -14:25 96.00 30 270 0.00 5.50 5.50 5.45 6.86 10 14:25 -14:55 96.00 30 300 0.00 5.50 5.50 5.45 6.86 11 14:5515:25 96.00 1 30 330 i 0.00 1 5.50 1 5.50 1 5.45 6.86 12 15:25 -15:55 96.00 1 30 360 0.00 5.50 5.50 5.45 6.86 5.45 6.86 LandMark Consultants, Inc. r .L 11 ' LANDMARK CONSULTANTS, INC. SUMMARY OF INFILTRATION TESTING Client: City of La Quinta Project: Proposed Fire Station & Maintenance Facility Job No.: LP09055 Date Excavated: 04 /28/09 Test Hole No.: i -1 .. -0- rT> Date Presoaked: 04/28/06 <<.? Date Tested: 04/28/09 - Presaturation (hrs): I Technician: Todd Location: See Site and Exploration Plan Soil Typ Silty Sand (S d.oZ7Z y.^v� LandMark Consultants, Inc. C -2 Total Total Initial Final /all Reading Depth,of Time Elapsed Water Water in Water Stabilized Stabilized No. Time Test Hole Interval Time Level Lev Level Drop Drop in min min in. in. min /in al /hr /sft 1 8:50-09:05 48 15 15 36.00 2.00 6.00 2.50 14.96 2 09:05 -09:20 48 15 30 36.00 42.00 6.00 2.50 14.96 3 09:20 -09:35 48 15 - 45 36.00 39.00 3.00 5.00 7.48 4 09 :35 -09:50 48 15 60 36.00 38.50 2.50 6.00 6.23 5- 09:50 -10:20 48 30 90 36.00 41.25 5.25 5.71. 6.55 6 10:20 -10:50 48 30 120 36.0 38.00 2.00 15.00 1 2.49 7 10:50 -11:50 48 60 180 36.0 38.50 2.50 24.00 1.56 8 11:50 -12:50 48 60 240 36.0 37.50 1.50 40.00 0.94 9 12:50 -13:50 48 60 300 36 0 38.00 2.00 30.00 1.25 10 13:50 -14:50 48 60 360 3600 37.50 1.50 40.00 0.94 36.67 1 d.oZ7Z y.^v� LandMark Consultants, Inc. C -2