04-3475 (SFD)WC4 'BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1504 (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . . . . '©4-00003475 Date 4/22/04 Property Address . . . 60584 WHITE SAGE DR APN: 764-270-999-108 -300231- Application description DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED Property Zoning : . ... MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RES Application valuation.. .165063 Owner SHEA LA QUINTA C/O. JEFF MCQUEEN 8.860 N GAINEY CENTER 350 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85258 Contractor SHEA HOMES, INC. 81260 AVENUE 62 LA QUINTA CA 9225.3 (760) 777= P.O. BOX 1504cu LA78-495 CALLE 'rAM►II:D LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4 4 Application Number: Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT �� 1 VOICE (760) 777.7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 4: %* —0 ArCnitect Of ineer'S Address'd ku C�� 4 1AM Ic /�,,( Lic. NO.: C� �q � J BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS 1 hereby affirmuncle LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Con&e and Cymyy � iCarsed Order Provision) s Of Ch'1a_pbr 9 (00MIMMnCiN with Section 7000) of Division 3 of lhe Business and Professionals IF -1 No. 1 hereby alum under pensky d pelf my that I wn OWNW-BULDER DECLARATION city or county that requires a permit b lruct iron M10 C r*wk ns' SIVA License Law for the kilawiq reason (Sec. 7031.6. Business and Probssionc Coda: Any stalerrment Meat he or she k iosraed �mn• do.-c*d>, or repair any oucture, prior b les issuance. also requires 01 appiant for the permit b W a signed and Profe that s Code) I Meal he d b the provisions d Aro CW*8CiuW Stab License law (Chapbr 9 (commencing with Section 7000) d Division 3 d the Business the applicant b a aivt penalty d not more Von &#a hunerro k dream WW the bask for Ara alleged exemption. My violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant ler a permit subjects U 1. as owner d the property. or my employees with t>is0o)•r Business and Professions Code: The ContragoW Sbft License t.awir sale � will do the work, and the atructaaa is not Marded er olfered for solo (Sec 7044, himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided ttat the ' �' b an owner d Property who builds or inproves ttwean, and who does the work sold within one year d completion, the ovwroabuwder, will hsve the twrden d rift aro not Mended or aft ler sale. M. Iwweyer. the buiQng or improvement is U I. as owner d the PfOwQ Mat he or she did not build or improve for Mme purpose d sale.). State License Low does not a70 with licensed conlrsftm 10 conte the pact (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Corrracbrs• the Contracbrs• Stale License�Low.) to an owner d property who builds or irtproves lheieon. and who contracts ler the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to U I am exempt under Sec. . B.3 P.C. for this reason Dale owner WORKERS* COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of paiwy one Of Mme "OwkV declarations: _ I have and will maintain this pemmw is issued. ► a certificate of consent b seMansure ler workers' d the wok for oompensadm as provided ler by Section 3700 d the Labor Code. ler the performance r whhich I have and will maintain workers• compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work ler which Mrs permit is b ear compenw!7 mer and �q umb ue: /—' I �yL l {h in he perfur ane d rheewt�iid, pertM hs issued. I shall nd employ any person in any manner so as to becone VA*Oct to the workers' conterhsstiorn laws of California, and agree If 1 should become subject b the workers' compensation provisions d Section 3700 d the Labor Code. l Shaw comply with those --Date I WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFULAND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED E. NTERE DOLLARS (iRNEY'0). E ADDFTION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 37013 OF THE LABOR COOS M�ITEREST. AND ATTORNEY'S FEES.. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury tat there is a Construction CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Wn&h9 89erncY ler the Performance d the work for whiff this perm is issued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address IMPORTANT Appik abon k hereby mode b the Dirocbr dBuwdhnp APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WW Safety ler a pe 1. Eaclh person upon whose Dermot this permit subject b the conditions and restrictions set forth on this appricaGon, Issueach as a repot d this application, and a� personat whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant b any permit officers, Dmfs and employees ler any act or omission related the worach k b. eor phew. defend. indemnity and hold harness the City a L. oulnla. its 2 Any permit issued as a result d this a is of Performed Oder it in 16 d issuance a trf pertNt cessation d work ler 160 d will �b0f becomes nut and void lf work is not commenced within 1 so daiys from date d issuance d such permnit « I certify that I have read this application std Qemmrt b Cancellation. and �� a � awe M On is Correct I agree b Comply with as city and county ordinances and state laws relating 10 buk" upon the above-mentioned property ler inspection purposes. =lApplicant or ): P I �41 12: • � :' 'a,i Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 04-00003475 Date 4/22/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <.=100K 9.00 1.00 16.5000 EA MECH B/C >3-15HP/>10-OK-50OKBTU 16.50 3.00 6:5000 EA MECH VENT FAN 19.50 1.00 6.5000 EA MECH EXHAUST HOOD 6.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELEC-NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 15.24 Plan Check Fee 3.81 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/22/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 .0350 ELEC NEW RES - 1 OR 2 FAMILY .04 10.00 .0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NON-RESIDENTIAL .20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 129.00 Plan.Ch--ck Fee 32.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration.Date 10/22/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 10.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 60.00 1.00 15.0000 EA PLB BUILDING SEWER 15:00 1.00' 7.5000 EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7.50 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALTjREP 3.00 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 9.00 6.00 .7500 EA PLB GAS PIPE >=5 4.50 1.00 15.0000 EA PLB GAS METER 15.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . GRADING PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 15.00 Plan Czeck Fee .00 Issue.Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date,. 10/22/04 Qty, Unit Charge Per Extension Page 3 Application Number . . . . . 04-00003475 Date 4/22/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments SFD LOT 108 PLAN 55058. PERMIT DOEST NOT INCLUDE BLOCK WALL, POOL, SPA OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -RES .00 DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS -RES 97.00 DIF CIVIC CENTER - RES 366.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEF 56.58 DIF FIRE PROTECT=ON-RES 97.00 GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE .00 DIF LIBRARIES - RES 225.00 DIF PARK MAINT FAC - RES 5.00 DIF PARKS/REC - :SES 502.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 16.50 DIF STREET MAINT FAC -RES 15.00 DIF TRANSPORTATION - RES 1098.00 Fee summary Charged ----------------- Paid Credited Due ---------- Permit Fee Total 1096.24 ------------------------------ .00 .00 1096.24 Plan Check Total 618.52 .00 .00 618.52 Other Fee Total 2478.08 .00 .00 2478.08 Grand Total 4192.84 .00 .00 4192.84 PREPARED 3/16/11, 10:58:20 INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT PAGE 1 PROGRAM BP521L 0/00/00 THRU 0/00/00 CITY OF LA QUINTA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPLICATION PROPERTY ADDRESS APN Alternate ID STRUCTR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMIT INSPECTION RESULT DATE/STATUS INSPECTOR 04 00003475 60584 WHITE SAGE DR 764-270-999-108 -300231- 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 120 0001 FOOTINGS 6/17/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 125 0001 SLAB 6/17/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 135 0001 ROOF NAIL 7/22/04 DISAPPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 135 0002 ROOF NAIL 7/23/04 APPROVED DC 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 140 0001 OKAY TO WRAP 7/29/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT iv7 0001 PIImini9 8/04/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 150 0001. INSULATION 8/05/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 160 0001 DRYWALL NAIL 8/16/04 CANCELLED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 155 0001 LATH 8/17/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 160 0002 DRYWALL NAIL 8/17/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 900 0001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FIN 10/06/04 APPROVED GH .000 000 B001 00 BUILDING PERMIT 910 0001 PUBLIC WORKS FINAL 10/06/04 APPROVED GH ' 000 000 B001 -00 BUILDING PERMIT 199 0001 FINAL 10/06/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 E01 00 ELEC-NEW RESIDENTIAL 399 0001 ELECTRICAL FINAL 10/06/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 GP 00 GRADING PERMIT 197 0001 GRADING FINAL 10/06/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 M01 00 MECHANICAL 499 0001 MECHANICAL FINAL 10/06/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 P01 00 PLUMBING 210 0001 SEWER CONNECTION 6/04/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 P01 00 PLUMBING 200 0001 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING 6/04/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 PO 00 PLUMBING 235 000I.GAS LINE / GAS TEST .9/01/04 APPROVED GH 000 000 P01 00 PLUMBING 299 0001 PLUMBING FINAL 10/06/04 APPROVED GH e Installation Certificate: Residential CF -6R Site Address 60-584 Whire Sage Drive L di- /®q, L BUILDER INFORMATION Shea Homes - Trilogy - LaQuinta 60311 Trilogy Pkwy La Quinta, CA 92253-7642 INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: 2. PROJECT INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION TYPE Flexible Ductwork in Attic and Between Floors DUCT OR PIPING R - VALUE Flexible Ductwork Will have a R -Value of 4.2 or Better PERMIT # Z. 6 -3 7 SUBDIVISION. Trilogy (a, La Quinta CITY: La Quinta COUNTY: Riverside WEST PAC AIR CONDITIONING I,. the undersigned, verify that the equipment listed in the category above my signature is the actual equipment installed and that the equipment meets or exceeds the requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Standards. In addition, Ihave verified that the equipment is equivalent to or more efficient than the equipment specified on the. Certificate of Compliance submitted to demonstrate compliance with the Energy Effi:iency Standards for residential buildings. 3. HEATING INFORMATION HEATING MANUFACT HEATING UNIT ACTUAL EFF. HEATING EQUIP HEATING EQUIP. MAKE MODEL # AFUE CAPACITY LOAD Furnace Lennox 80UHG4/5X-100 80% 100000 80% 4. COOLING INFORMATION COOLING MANUFACT COMPRESSOR ACTUAL EFF. COOLING EQUIP EQUIP. MAKE MODEL # SEER CAPACITY A/C Lennox 13ACC-060 12 COOLING LOAD The building design heat loss and design heat gain rate have been determined using a method specified in Section 150(h) of the Energy Efficiency Standards, and are two of the criteria used for equipment sizing and selection. 6.THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (TXV): Thermostatic Expansion Valve (or Commision approved equivalent) is installed and access is provided for inspection. Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ 6. SUBMITTED BY `_TE�9z_ F:'.r.nc �r'a P /L� DATE: Signature Installing HVAC Contractor INSULATION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy regulation, California Administrative Code, Title 24, State of California, in the b.1ilding at 60-584 WHITE SAGE DRIVE LOT 1108, PHASE 6A, LA QUI14TA CA CEILINGS: TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: Certainteed THICKNESS: R-38 WALLS: TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: Certainteed THICKNESS: R-13 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: SHEA HOMES LICENSE# BY: TITLE: PARAGON SCHMID BUILDING PRODUCTS /104, BY TITLE: A MASCO Company LICENSE * 221517 ACCOUNT REPRESENTIVE DATE: � /17/01/ INSULATION CERTIFICATE This is to ce that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy gu lifor mi 9 "1 istr regulation, Califor dministrative Code, Title 24, State of California, in the building located ...... .. . . ... ..... ..... CEILINGS: TYPE: BLOW MAUNFACTURERI�Qertainteed —,—T51-CKNESS: R-38 WALLS: TYPE: BLOW MAUNIF RER: Certainteed THICKNESS: R-13 GENERAL CONTRAG:R: SHEA HOME5S LICENSE # TITLE: AR ON SCHMID BUILDING PRODUCTS A MASCO Company LIC. Eh E # 2>21 TITLE: ACCOUNT REPRESENTIVE DATE: BY