PP 1989-410!� Z >' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Case No. Date Received j PLOT PLAN APPLICATION In order to process your application in a timely manner, please complete and sign this form. The information which is required to be shown on the plans and submitted with the application is stated on the back of this form. Failure to provide the required information is justification for rejection of the application. THIS LICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NON- REFUNDABLE FILING FEE F $75.00 AND 4 COPIES OF THE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS. Name of Applicant PGA .NIEST Phone 564 -8180 Mailing Address P.O. BOX 1000 T A ^T1T'TTA Street City Zip Code Legal Owner LANDMARK LAND COiviPAIgY OF CALIFORNIA INC. Address 78 -150 Calle Tmmp; r-r, Proposed Use TFURnR A RY SALES OFF Ins 44D NnTg i �TnnF� �nnr�c Location of Property (Address if known) PGA 31 v d Resort u,. t. .. , Parcel 005t82 CASH i 7 TAL 1 _0 75,{�gi0 Assessor's Parcel Number 761- 080 -025 Legal Description of Property (give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder) -- (may be attached) Portion of the North half of the North East quarter of Section 21. T6S,R7E S.B.M. I Signature of Applicant Signature of Owner Date 310. W Date y VOUCHER INVOICE PURCHASE INVOICE` ORDER DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT NUMBER' NUMBER?y�€$ CASE `NO. P8 03/07/89 $ ;7�5 00� r k PLOT PLAN LANDSCA,P E PLAN A RE ELEVATIONS_ Al A A u, P r K` is i, p W'= �'`?n },�' LANDMARK AND- SUBSIDIARIES DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT 7 5011 THE ATTACHED CHECK IS 1N PAYMENT OF ITEMS ,DESCRIBE[ 005;18.. 10 03 lA QUINTA, CAUFOO IF NOT CORRECT PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY. NO RECEIP nlFiiit" �... �._._•-- •-- •- �, -._-, �.._ ................. .�- �'�"'�_�-- -'- .- .-- *"-. ^--- rte.- ..- .,- <.=- •'- --a^ -. � - , MISC. 1. 75.00, 000400034010 10 CASH i TOTAL 1 75:00 i AMOUNT TENDERED. .75.00 CHANGE .00. THANK SOU RECREATION CORPORATION October 30, 1995 Wallace Nesbit Associate Planner City of La Quinta . 78 -495 .Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 C' Re: Plot Plans 85- 183,87- 377,89- 410,89 -416, and 89 -423 Dear Wallace: This correspondence is provided in response to your request regarding the status of the above referenced plot plan approvals. Please pardon the delay while we researched our prior approvals and current uses. As noted in your letter, Plot Plan 95 -562 which replaced the former Plot Plan 89 -410 is currently used as KSL's corporate offices. The balance of the subject areas of these plot plans are in various uses, all of which should conform to the approved use. As indicated in your meeting with our consultant, Forrest K. Haag, we are currently preparing an application for extension of these uses which will include an illustrative presentation of same. Please respond should you require additional information. Sincerely, Ir S. Chevis Hosea Director of Real Estate cc: Barbara Larsh Forrest Haag Lloyd Watson 56 -140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 • (619) 564 -1088 • Fax (619) 564 -4880 May 18, 1995 Mr. Stan Sawa Principal Planner City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 777 -7000 RE: Plot Plan 89 -410 - Sales Office and Hotel Model Room Complex Dear Stan: 2 2 1995 �, a a W. 64 l f oi1Q PL4fd V;ti ; f1Cg ?G AT As requested in your correspondence to Mr. Chevis Hosea, KSL PGA west Corporation dated May 4th, 1995, this letter is provided in order to indicate that a Plot Plan Application for the existing Sales Office and Hotel Model Room Complex at PGA West is forthcoming and will be submitted upon completion of the drawing package supplementing the submittal. As you are aware, the previous use approval granted to Landmark in may of 1989 under Plot Plan 89 -410 has expired however, the intended (and current) use is consistent with the provisions of the original Plot Plan approval and will form the basis of the new application to be submitted with a request for a two year approval with a provision for reasonable extension. My understanding of the fee schedule indicates that the standard requirement for a Plot Plan submittal is $835.00. I will request the fee check from the applicant, KSL, and continue the preparation of the package for submittal to your department. Thank you for your time and effort in this application process. S' ely, Fo est K. Haag, ASLA Land Planner for Applicant CC: Ms. Nola Dayl, Esq. Mr. Chevis Hosea, Mr. Lloyd Watson, P.E., files Forrest K. Haag, ASLA Design and Land Planning 34 Springacre, Irvine CA 92714 (714) 786 -8943 U l r 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 4,1995 Mr. Chevis Hosea KSL PGA West Corporation 56 -140 PGA Boulevard La Q,uinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: EXPIRATION OF PLOT PLAN 89-410 (TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE AND HOTEL ROOM MODEL COMPLEX Dear Chevis: In reviewing our records for Plot Plan 89 -410 which was approved on May 5, 1989, it has come to our attention that the approval for the temporary sales office and hotel room model complex on PGA Boulevard just southwest of the existing Jack Nickolaus Clubhouse has expired. The plot plan approval, which was granted in May,1989, had an approval period of two years with an extension of one year upon written request prior to the expiration date. According to our records, no extension was ever granted. Since its use as a sales office and hotel room model complex has expired and the hotel has not yet been built, it is necessary that either the facility be removed or new approval be obtained for its continued operation for a different permissible use per the Zoning Code. Attached is a copy of the May, 1989, letter which granted approval for its use. We would appreciate a written response to this matter as soon as possible but no later than May 19, 1995. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planer SBS:bjs Attachments c: Mr. Forrest Haag, ASLA, Design and Land Planning MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRSS.618 r. �� ',. V i 4 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO -. LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564 -2246 May 5, 1989 Forrest.Haag Landmark Land Company Post Office Box 1000 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -410: TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE AND HOTEL ROOM MODEL COMPLEX Dear Mr. Haag: This is to advise you that the proposed temporary Sales Office and Hotel Room Model Complex at PGA West is approved in accordance with the following conditions: 1. Use of the facility -shall be restricted only as a Hotel Room Model Unit and booking for future rental units for the PGA West Hotel. 2. Installation of the temporary facility shall conform with Exhibits A, B, and C, as contained in the Planning Department's file for Plot Plan No. 89 -410. 3. This approval.is limited to a period of two (2) years from the date of this letter. Upon a written request received prior to the approval expiration date, the Planning and Development Department will consider time extension approvals of up to one year. 4. Colors for the exterior of the facility shall be consistent with the color scheme for PGA West. 5. All signing for this project shall be subject to a separate review and approval by the Planning and Development Department. 6. Comply with the Fire Marshal's letter dated April 10, 1989 (attached). AD /LTRJH.029 -],- MAILING ADDRESS - .P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I 7. The Applicant shall obtain building permits from the Planning and Development Department, Building Division, for project construction. Prior. to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall obtain permits and /or clearances from the following agencies: A o City Fire Marshal o Desert Sands Unified School District, or Coachella Valley Unified School District o Coachella Valley Water District Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, J,err Herman Planning and Development Director JH /ad attachments: Approved Exhibits A, B, and C Fire Department Letter of 4/10/89 cc: City Building Official AD /LTRJH.029 -2- ' K, N 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 December 19, 1989 Mr. Shawn Chandler Landmark Land Company P. 0. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN #89 -410, PGA WEST RESORT HOTEL, MODEL ROOMS AND TEMPORARY SALES FACILITIES LANDSCAPING PLANS Dear Mr. Chandler: This is to inform you that the Planning and Development Department has reviewed the above referenced items, and. have approved the plans for landscaping, lighting, and irrigation as submitted, with the following revisions /notations: 1. Fluorescent lighting, as shown on Sheet L -3, is to be replaced by incandescent "bullet" lighting at 100 watts, as per detail submitted December 19, 1989, (replaces Enertron floodlight #8800B -L). 2. This approval does not apply to design of parking area as proposed or required, or to any other aspects of the project except landscaping, irrigation and lighting as shown on the plans. You may pick up a stamped, approved copy of these plans at the Planning and Development Department offices. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:bja cc: Dirk Gaudet, Landmark Land Company BJ /LTRWN.042 - 1 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LANDMARK LAND OF CALIORNIA INC. P.O. Box 1000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 DESIGN & PLANNING (619) 564.4500 TO City of La Quinta WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ L7IEUTEL oU ILIUUZEDUML DATE 12/19/89 JOB NO, 1450/1442 ATTENTION WallV Nesbit RE: PGA West Model Rooms and TemporarV Sales Center 12/19/89 Lighting details and specifications following items: ❑ Samples )a Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 12/19/89 Lighting details and specifications THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use M As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE • Approved as submitted • Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections 19 ❑ Resubmit copies for approval • Submit copies for distribution • Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS If you have any questions, please call me at 564 -8194. RIECEIVE0 OR 19 1989 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. COPY TO_ SIGNED: Shawn Chandler If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify as at once. � �u �� 'v • ��. `•.. �.�� 1 ��.. .1� 1 �.; t '� i. ,.. ,Zpecitications Housing--4e-cast urninimconstruction bronze thermoset powder coat finish-, BM4 Socket-4 KV rated porcelain medium with non-ferrus fasteners' with lockable has a black, bronze or gray thermoset 1. ��*, !�k base; YL20 double spay terminal. • internal swivel which is fully adjustable, with powder coat finish. Wiring— Incandescent fixtures are pre- serrated vibration -proof locking teeth. Lens-4030 has temple Fllnish—Y20 have red glass lens with wired with high temperature #18 wire. Law abronzeorblack '-graduated screen. 131144 have tempered .a. . --r . I - voltage fixtures are pre-wired a 3 ft pigtail thermoset powder coat finish; 4030 has a ' ` ens . clear glass I and a quick connector for easy hook-up to A. AN V - the supply cable. ht 7 Photometry and.Spacing Charts: 'wrtical fc: Calculations Based Upon el Setback With 45* Tilt BM4 lull t ATT I N C A N D F. S CV NT P1FDIIIPI F I XT t, R F I ITP I - 1, C E V E OOD 9,?,10,20 YIA20A-175 DEC 19 1989 CITY OF LA quINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. YS-ZUA-70 •iitmed. sphere­�V M.- black77; .;Tglass `1k)VRV:K120 tn 175MV i 70 HOI Double End HFS-4050 .V- 'i .bronze _ � 'glass Square -'W .b 120 V-'� -41 50HPS O W .7;� 7-7 E-17 HFS-4070 _ .Square -'*bronze VI- glass "e-VtO-t 120 4 o z 70HPS E 7 HFS-4150 - - `Square `*,�' , &:bronze ,I 4" *­glass so HPS E/B17 HFM-4100 _ "Square glass !T�ATN, 120 it 00 1 mv 4 13 7 SMI HS-50 Small Bullet '!* 4-k'bro n*ze ' ;A- ..-4,*.`glass 50MV ER20 short BM /HL-50 ��. Small Bullet glass 50MV V120 long 3MIAS-50 Small Bullet 'Jz#fblack 't -:,;M'- glass :120 L 50MV ER20 short OMIAL-50 Small Bullet Vvw7black 'i-e4 V4 "''glass 00;�M.t 120 50MV ER20 long -BMIIS-50 -Xt, Small Bullet gray 120. 50MV y ER20 short BMIIL-50 J;&6ray J�N,'f;,4 lass Small Bullet - -114tzf n .. " 9 -�f X 50MV ER20 long BM4MS-175 "Large Bullet ., '�'bronze 1 g ass 120 I 175MV R-40 short SM4HL-175 Large Bullet 'r" bronze z-.'glass 120 175MV R-40 long BM4AS-175 Large Bullet black glass 120 175MV R-40 short SM4AL-175 Large Bullet black glass 120 175MV R-40 long BM41S-175 Large Bullet gray glass 120 175MV R-40 short LIGHT DETAIL DEC 19 1999 CITY OF Ldp► QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. LIGHT FIXTURE & LAMP BM4 1011 1tiATT INCANDESCFNT MF.DIIJM FINISH GRADE POST STABILIZER COMPACTED SUBGRADE ROCKET PERMA- -POST Locke t P ermcl= ostTM _P LIGHTING STANDARD PATENTPENDING E115775 HEAVY WALL PVC — WILL NEVER NEED REPLACING NO NEED FOR RIGID STEEL RISERS, CONDUIT CONNECTORS OR WEATHER PROOF BOXES. OLISTED Suitable For Wet � Locations Stabilizer included For greater stability � _ without concrete Sprinkler & Lawnmower Resistant Threaded 1/2" hub with ground wire Schedule 40 PVC Risers Slanted Bottom to accept conduits of different depths To be used with a U.L. Listed Wet Location Fixture SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Model 30 3" 0. D. Model 35 3 1/2" O.D. Shipped 1 to 12 per carton — Unpainted Any paint may be used — Best Results with water base latex. Paint with cap on — Paint buildup can make cap difficult to remove Length 19" — Longer post available on special n� AVAILABLE THROUGH LOCAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIERS or 'Tee" Two Lights cluded) OEC 19 1989 CITY OF LA QUINTA -0; 1 �{ ItlI gIP7t; l� � 1)1111.1 Ur �C;III�UL I UI(l�I. CU�It`115SIUI�IL•I( AN MAGI I IS b. WASURES 10 -613 IINy 116, 11"Ite II -12 'C01101ello, CA 92ZJ6 619 -342 -0291 ' E. l[()IJ SPAIRW �o•.1a�S ;inr.ln ZANIES Q YUMACE ASSISIA',l 1 :.4'.11SPUNIA CEEMENI t1r.WEMSIE Suttm CASC IIU. to nl)111tE55 t lo V War wvelupert >reviewill your lalltlsct1111.11c1 111s1►►1, till Illallt Material lis�CJsIn IIQlutlivlls A[ ter 9 vlolativll of: yuata111111e ltrks1190vemIl ylIII! 1 llsleJ� lllls v[[lce rlmst be Ilotl[leJ do occur a11J they dl[[er [ l i1mleJlately . Lvr 1cvlectLly a11J 1lteservilly 1110- Coachella Valley's pest -[I:ee envirvinteut. '1'ltalllc you 1 {, fp riles 011er1s UL[Ic0- ny— u 'turaal Caul cei ludio a11c1 IllvetsiJe U[[lce 16 PGA WEST SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOCATIONS Club Hquse (Outdoor dining on upper floor) Entry Road Parking Entry Paving Planting Lawn Areas Cart Staging Area Cart Paths Sales Center & Model Rooms Parking Planting Lawn 33,300 Sq. Ft. 1,780 Sq. Ft. 28.890 Sq. Ft. 56,700 Sq. Ft. 522 Sq. Ft. 25,569 Sq. Ft. 39,420 Sq. Ft. 13,500 Sq. Ft. 20,746 Sq. Ft. 6,460 Sq. Ft. 23,130 Sq. Ft. 9,054 Sq. Ft. 26,010 Sq. Ft. Entry Paving 792 Sq. Ft. PGA WEST SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOCATIONS Club House (Outdoor dining on upper floor) Entry Road Parking. Entry Paving Planting Lawn Areas Cart Staging Area Cart Paths Sales Center & Model Rooms Parking Planting Lawn Entry Paving 33,300 Sq. Ft. 11780 Sq. Ft. 28.890 Sq. Ft. 56,700 Sq. Ft. 522 Sq. Ft. 25,569 Sq. Ft. 39,420 Sq. Ft. 13,500 Sq. Ft. 20,746 Sq. Ft. 6,460 Sq. Ft. 23,130 Sq. Ft. 9,054 Sq. Ft. 26,010 Sq. Ft. 792 Sq. Ft. PGA WEST SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOCATIONS Club House (Outdoor dining on upper floor) Entry Road Parking Entry Paving Planting Lawn Areas Cart Staging Area Cart Paths Sales Center & Model Rooms Parking Planting Lawn Entry Paving 33,300 Sq. Ft. 11780 Sq. Ft. 28.890 Sq. Ft. 56,700 Sq. Ft. 522 Sq. Ft. 25;569 Sq. Ft. 39,420 Sq. Ft. 13,500 Sq. Ft. 20,746 Sq. Ft. 6,460 Sq. Ft. 23,130 Sq. Ft. 9,054 Sq. Ft. 26,010 Sq. Ft. 792 Sq. Ft. 1• PGA WEST SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOCATIONS J Club House 33,300 Sq. Ft. (Outdoor dining on upper floor) 1,780 Sq. Ft. Entry Road 28.890 Sq. Ft. Parking 56,700 Sq. Ft. Entry Paving 522 Sq. Ft. Planting 25,569 Sq. Ft. Lawn Areas 39,420 Sq. Ft. Cart Staging Area 13,500 Sq. Ft. Cart Paths 20,746 Sq. Ft. Sales center & Model Rag 6,460 Sq. Ft. Parking 23,130 Sq. Ft. Planting 9,054 Sq. Ft. Lawn 26,010 Sq. Ft. Entry Paving 792 Sq. Ft. LANDMARK LAND OF CALIF .NIA INC. P.O. Box 1000 "' LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 DESIGN & PLANNING (619) 564.4500 TO La Quinta Planning Dept ���✓ �GU o,2. FLD G 7' WE ARE SENDING YOU ® Attached ❑ Under separate cover via DATE 12/06/89 JOB NO. ATTENTION Wally Nesbit RE: PGA West model rooms and tem orar sales center the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ® Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 12/6/89 30 x 42 blueprints THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS • Approved as submitted • Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections El ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY r PLANNING Fr pFVFinPmENT QFDT SIGNED: , �I�(�Il 1111 l It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify as of once. I 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 May 5, 1989 Forrest Haag Landmark Land Company Post Office Box 1000 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -410: TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE AND HOTEL ROOM MODEL COMPLEX Dear Mr. Haag: This is to advise you that the proposed temporary Sales Office and Hotel Room Model Complex at PGA West is approved in accordance with the following conditions: 1. Use of the facility shall be restricted only as a Hotel Room Model Unit and booking for future rental units for the PGA West Hotel. 2. Installation of the temporary facility shall conform with Exhibits A, B, and C, as contained in the Planning Department's file for Plot Plan No. 89 -410. 3. This approval is limited to a period of two (2) years from the date of this letter. Upon a written request received prior to the approval expiration date, the Planning and Development Department will consider time extension approvals of up to one year. 4. Colors for the exterior of the facility shall. be consistent with the color scheme for PGA West. 5. All signing for this project shall be subject to a separate review and approval by the Planning and Development Department. 6. Comply with the Fire Marshal's letter dated April 10, 1989 (attached). AD /LTRJH.029 -1- MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 7. The Applicant shall obtain building permits from the Planning and Development Department, Building Division, for project construction. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall obtain permits and /or clearances from the following agencies: o City Fire Marshal o Desert Sands Unified School District, or Coachella Valley Unified School District o Coachella Valley Water District Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, J"errIHerman Planning and Development Director JH /ad attachments: Approved-Exhibits A, B, and C Fire Department Letter of 4/10/89 cc: City Building Official AD /LTRJH.029 -2- Planning & Engineering Office 46 -209 Oasis Street, Suite 405 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342 -8886 To: City of La Quinta Planning Division Re: Plot Plan 89 -410 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT pF CA( /FO y1� 9 IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN NEWMAN_, FIRE CHIEF l *ENT Of April 10, 1989 Planning & Engineering Office 4080 Lemon Street, Suite 11L Riverside, CA 92501 MREC0100 (714) 787 -6606 APR 1 1. 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELONNT DEPT. 1. The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established by I.S.O. A fire flow of 1000 gpm.for a 2 hour duration at 20 psi shall be available from a Super hydrant (6" x 4" x 2j" x 2j ") located not less than 25' nor more than 165' from the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow is based upon the installation of a complete automatic fire sprinkler system. 2. Fire and Life Safety Systems and Appliances.:: shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code in effect at the time of construction. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (619) 342 -8886. Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By Dennis Dawson Deputy Fire Marshal to Rol Al 4(4j Q`' 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 July 16, 1987 Mr. Raymond C. Lopez Landmark Land Company P.O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MODIFICATIONS TO PLOT PLAN 87 -377, TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE & HOTEL ROOM MODEL Dear Mr. Lopez: (619) 564 -2246 The relocation of the hotel room model from 20 feet east of the existing scoreboard to the new location, adjacent to the sales office, has been approved. The original conditions of approval still remain as noted in the March 26, 1987 letter to Mr. Forrest Haag. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR r� k.` Jerry Herman Principal Planner JH /mr cc: Building Official Forrest Haag File PP 87 -377 MR /LTRJH.009 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 June 23, 1987 Mr. Jerry Herman City of La Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Plot Plan No. 87 -377 Re: Temporary Sales Office and Hotel Room Model Dear Mr. Herman, This is to inform you that the Hotel Model Room facility which was originally submitted to the City has been relocated. The original submittal represented the building location 20' to the southeast of the existing scoreboard. The new location now abutts the existing Sales Office to the southeast. Mr. Hartung has been given two sets representing the relocation of the building. If any additional information is needed, please let me know. Sincerely, LANDMARK DESIGN & PLANNING Raymond C. Lopez RCL:lrf cc: Forrest Haag Alejandro Martinez Tom Hartung Files LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC., P.O. Box 1000 La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564 -3044 345 -2702 PLOT PLAN APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE SUCH INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, IN ADDITION TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, that shows the following: a. Boundary and dimensions of property. b. Topography of the property. C. Location of adjacent streets, drainage structures, utilities, buildings, signs, and other features that may affect the use of the property. d. Proposed development, including planned buildings and structures, access, drainage, yards, drives, parking areas, landscaping, signs and walls or fences, with dimensions. 2. A complete set of elevations of the proposed buildings. 3. A landscape plan showing size, type (botanical and common name), and location of proposed plant material. 4. A list of the exterior materials and colors to be used, including identification of where each will be painted or used; also, an 8" X 13" color and materials board which contains color swatches and representative likeness of the materials to be used. 5. The net and gross square footage for each proposed use and building. 6. The square footage allocated for sidewalks /walkways, parking, landscaping, and building. 7. If the application requires a public hearing: a. One complete set of colored renderings for the elevations, plot plan and landscape plan. b. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of real property located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be considered, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and any update issued by the City Assessor. The list must be certified by a title company, architect, engineer, or surveyor. MR /DOCJH.001 Y� 5 rXA/ rS.CALE- ITE PLAN NORT ROPOSED PGA WEST RESORT HOTEL MODEL ROOMS / SALES OFFICE 11 - O.o' DRAWN BY P4-A DATE : 2.20.6 } PLOT PLAN EXISTING TEM ORAR GOLF CLUB H SE ATP ;;:; ;;:f: >;:•> E EXISTING• SALES F I r rl i \ f C GO J i ,i CIP !!r URSE t�tGw `gyp c� NC PLOT PLAN EXISTING TEM\()RAi\i (iOff Ct-UBIR SE T PC GO EXISTING : SALES FIC \FGOURSE ;t v u WEST 4'IOTEL- Rooms-/ S LES OFFICE C;71cc NORT l R G 0 L F- 0 CLUB , 1 , , , ;STAGINGI i Z4-i-6b / ARK I NG LES OF t CE / MODEL ROOMS f �arki�a / / / / / / / Ed 1I TEE U PARN I NG 37 SPACES A`aJi+i° ' Sd.�e s b Ic r�rea. , ` C4� 1Z 0 0 RES\I DENT 4 AL JACK NICKLAUS RESORT COURSE VU / i.� 1I TEE U PARN I NG 37 SPACES A`aJi+i° ' Sd.�e s b Ic r�rea. , ` C4� 1Z 0 0 RES\I DENT 4 AL JACK NICKLAUS RESORT COURSE DATE FEB. 2, 1989 SCALE NOT TO SCALE LML NO. JOB NO. DRAWN BY G.R. OF SHEET NO. VU i.� nonn nn1 O Q a R�j V nn0 1� L�J Q REVISION DATE FEB. 2, 1989 SCALE NOT TO SCALE LML NO. JOB NO. DRAWN BY G.R. OF SHEET NO. T4hf 4 4a Q" 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 March 26, 1987 Forrest Haag, Landscape Architect Landmark Land Company P.O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Plot Plan No. 87 -377 Re: Temporary Sales Office and Hotel Room Model Dear Mr. Haag: This is to advise you that the proposed temporary Sales Office and Hotel Room Model Facility at PGA West is approved in accordance with the following conditions: 1. Use of the facility shall be restricted only as a Hotel Room Model Unit and booking for future rental units for the PGA West Hotel. 2. Installation of the temporary facility shall conform with Exhibit "A" as contained in the Planning Department's file for Plot Plan No. 87 -377. 3. This approval shall be limited to a period of 18 months from the date of this letter. Upon a written request by the Applicant received prior to the approval expiration date, the Planning Department will consider time extension approvals of up to six (6) months. 4. Colors for all exterior portions of the facility shall be consistent with the color scheme for PGA West. 5. All signing for this project shall be subject to a separate review and approval by the Planning Department. 6. The Applicant shall obtain building permits from the Planning Department, Building Division, for project construction. Prior to building permit issuance, the Applicant shall obtain permits and /or clearances from the following agencies: * City Fire Marshal * Riverside County Environmental Health Department MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I Forrest Haag, Landmark Land Company March 26, 1987 Page Two • Desert Sands Unified School District or Coachella Valley Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District It is advisable that a comprehensive sign program be devised for overall project identification and future hotel booking date information using one sign approval process. Attached for your convenience are sign permit and plot plan applications. Should you need further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR Gary W. Price Associate Planner 6- t"I. /�Z-- GWP /mr Attachments: 1. Approved Exhibit "A" 2. Sign Permit Application 3. Plot Plan Application cc: Tom Hartung, City Building Official Files: PP87 -337 PP85 -183 Tickler PP87377 Tiht 4 4a Q" 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 March 25, 1987 Forrest Haag, Landscape Architect Landmark Land Company P. 0. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Plot Plan No 85 -183 Re: PGA West Temporary Golf Clubhouse Dear Mr. Haag: This letter is to inquire about Landmark's plan for use of the above referenced project. The project was approved for use as a temporary facility on July 2, 1985. Since then the permanent golf clubhouse has been completed and is in full use. Based on Condition No. 2d the temporary facility may not be altered or modified nor may the use be changed without prior written authorization by the Community Development Director (Planning Director). Since this relates to the recent Plot Plan No. 87 -377 approval for a temporary hotel room model and booking facility at the same location, we are interested in the current and planned uses of the facility. Substantive changes to the facility may require separate plot plan approvals. We would appreciate a written response regarding this inquiry. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR G-, L4-', - Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:bja Atch: Letter to Forrest Haag dated July 2, 1985 cc: Tom Hartung, City Building Official File, PP85 -183, PP87 -377 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 A LLMAN BIDDISON & LOEVENGUTY Joe ARCHITECT ;/ ' /�. `J�.�,,q �� Cam, �J ...� STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1541 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES 90017 r p! ENGR vl- / / DATE �/Z �/8 b JOB NO.G 0 G- z SHEET NO. zz . ✓= SZp�.' -/7- 2.zS"� = 3.906 � :. - 21 9l`r v �ec1/ L 000f oC�00 -1 79 6 -S Sih ec 7hi Iq Z.s- J . 7c is 7/,r ?- 0 LL = Zo. 0P� ] t p A / /;�; ell oLe. cY-Dr %I / /c: • nc _r De -Y T .�.: 6,)� = Q :7�� zz . ✓= SZp�.' -/7- 2.zS"� = 3.906 � :. - 21 9l`r ARCS.HITECT , `"' J, f "'LLMAN BIDDISON & LUEVENGUTY JOB /� �;ipta 'a,i STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1541 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES ENGR. S N, . DATE Z/ > /�' y 90017 JOe No.�-'- 8C- ? % SHEET NO. Z %= iS"f: (/-0.077 <06i — 3f.6IJ� pre... Fcc / Z / -f- l / �PJ 1r Y /Z' s. Zf 2 Cef �_ x /�.;s�� = 340 p0 =�7� /J4l!- (7 - z I /Z7 _ ' 7C. NG, of �. . %��' /. ?c � ? fl.i'r = /r-, � .;. �'� �o _. �o,• ..... "' .� ARPHITECT JI IT UMAN BIDDISON & LOEVEisk�UP-' JOB s 7- 7- STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 11717 1541 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES 9W17 SHEET NO. ENGR. DATE JOB No� �J4 '!/ i) ��. -I' v=::.:73P'737 W 2 F0 7 F2 7. v �Z ' I-Joao 2 If t,j ARCHITECT � ENGR. DATE 12' -LMAN BIDDISON & LOEVENGUTF- joB f STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1541 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES 90017 JOB NO. 09CI - SHEET NO, /I -/ Zo ,, 7'-/ c--; - ',zj) : 2 C) 2 2. Z7-S-11 /7/ zog > t v Sec FA Z-311 - �ZX z� x loo;plfl bd7 CZ d2- (71 .2 xz/x - I? M ARCHiTE'CT uTLLMAN BIDDISON & LOEVENGUTN - JOB STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1541 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES 90017 ENGR. DATE JOB NO. S SHEET NO. ✓= � L Ems "in "a. J,yyy ;a;, A, -F, A - "M K MV 0 1, 1 A wxb"O�Aqh "Moo! A— 0 n -M 0-.4w 1W QqVA-"%. f ;04� �vt 00 "A A, A� '150"t? 7 W"y 4i i", -q tt V V F xl� 1 Qn Z tr. - A n EXISTING, AR YY MO, it, MP :tEx '"ROM ON �x ylv �T .010 't-, M! 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'nov", "At t it i".., W ATS tv, 01 0 :70, Q QTATW� W V 0 KIM, 1 7, IT 'L, Qggyjy �On�ny�" We, ny "It,ii % 7 110 VQ t A n a A" 0 Q WQ 4 ji; QV 4"- &A .4 00" ""vow WQ 5XV wn ­Am, MM 14 a, A, Q N; !qq ny, qg.-TWAA -OW sy Ono J-05 1-Anwryoz, A it 1� sit 95511yx J `V m =OWE" K A". ­Qf1j�nWy.!WqAgaJ Awn; "y"Ovu'. Owl W&nW& loan 1 w W W NVO A Q too"", -0 -60MV-2 OVA _V0140" "Vq rat 0- �V­ Q-Q ZVI?- 01 '10 E,' P q 7 zrl > Fl­ wk W N ZAN SAM! 1"­t INA VAT! XT 0, , ; , I , ", , ..". ";" ...... n A-00 Qyj -A X �"h by" I V� V"rw -1 A "no WOW!, 9 A.Q01y; a �,, 1: 0.11 TO low n, 4;Fay Q, in", �Q low [tnQn� d, ny! �7,!; "Fit. TQ QT, V�� loss. ""s "YyQQ "Q AA A 01 whaw-SWROOT ovm- -own t,,t ti. J:, F, k1a )Q""QAQQV YW 0i �l, Vol Q Q t';� Q An"Knov Q�Q Aw W- to on X ­.".9 04 all to cons--m-, 00.4MAGOO too., lit IF -Tow RM&W 0 A gun 10: 417 1 > -J,Vpy� 11-46 AWN No", ") WAS Anis Ti, n, . . . ..... 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A" oil irl c t 1 Q �'i, ij n, MAI WA Q, -PRACTICE I U LAE) 4 j. lit ,I� it it, 58 W­­ J-, Ito "J IT, 7 o Ono "X"U V"- no look vi 17 MO— Q, -0- .;V hamom !Awl lom"Vvw-� EMT Wivy A, WAS C;,.: 4" , X ,t: I Ft:\ - �V v", ­Q vn-y- A" no lit HAT ago," Q wq­ ­01f el It, I N not WAYS- 0� NSA AN Q -J,­QJI 1W Q4 of w 'Its -0, yjk PH- "e, i,�`­ ­� moons IF -am TANA -Ap"N N, t" F7 iY, 1% 'A' - 4'. �A too F�, MR �J TP Vow, Awl W.�V- MOO Tst� -A �&X"Wycm AMA? As-AMay p"I "t- him.wJ; . ­ .. 1AV-1- loan :PCVM p 1-60" a -640, " I i J-1 MAI KNAW-Aw "W'V40-0, A V "wz 4 T&jTQ- x, F; 001"- "Wo W Nov kv, - n JAN "NOT-, .0 i)7 ­Jg�- -P q 0 M.0 U,�, Wit 0 Q "c A ice �­, �rtrr,�.77 7 1- % 7 KRA, 5"* vs, A "-A, �wj- I Q k, X, -J QmN t "T t ftlr­'­�,, 7' Wrk-o' �"AW NAT T 7 V Qw. -ink, W" Aq % J, 7,, Onw, kap; A it Rig"; 13NO 'M t" moo- MW n yof AsNA An wW -�p �w- 181�1 02410 IN 31; sum IN it E Ahl- P - l', t , �' ,- NAT, Ofl, ��i 4, V , . R gpm, R. wl",� AWN MA4,44 A w�v­: 1, - y It AJ M. 011Q.-Aw. W" Awn"," W- -U� - M, a, VOW T A M,�-6wm-H Ul-­ A -6, A -too A-, 'Van imm "w, i"V atl -it'll It, orm low Aviv 7Tm, nw, 100- % "as, *Nor KA"n ""polo q Vast 1, an A, 1 - QQ/ <, V�- p- woe sm Q- w LK A c"� --Q J10 1 L 0 A h "TMOI-r-1 n� J 1 Ta XQ40%i f hAV -yo V�Qx Okla Alin y"I"J :1 "AA A-A I I hoo yany!"An DEL lR pis .1 SO A if- ria. AA,l, I 'siz'' cl W 1, t Si 0 0 N A-UNA-1W gy A I Q- "M U-0 Z"i It tl* my T 7, 'V Qfv% tp evil 1? Mn -Ii t 7, A It ­F�' F .1 VI 1 %, 4'f, I t hyr Ito ".0an'l 1 1 -47" 'owl, 21. 0. 0,oh Q� '77 MOW, % - A A", 'Two-up *1 law too . i2 A, I f "Ask -,""K . . .. .. .... Wg y1mv­1 =Awl, M­ ;S of ANT A on, ­m M A— -F. I UPW "'i W- TAY 'Ne- B up M" KV �"Q­ wyy -Mo Now yjq T=-- V 1=" It toy, 00 It Nov A all,wni Q T Q n Wig Q we NOW mx"Q nQX"y- ymw co JTQ et� 1,� V tK OQ"s "moo N", .-tF s J 's A W VIA, '67�, er� -0, 1--yu qm­ �V -A, A- 1, 0 0 "T ?fps, Noh AT T V,, to via 14, WA--A . 4 Q "A - 4 14 .00 WIT, am QQ q IWA ->MAX? 14 1 On Woo 1 ong Q 10. kr, �:i W� n 6 W -4 ""- 16, Q A .tr -Tat El� �7; 7 V J MOW VA A, can 0000�3- Qw� 40 VITO alp swons. '0=4 Not; 5-is �v I "-J moo d,n Wow 0 solos­ ,A, Q,W­ QQ umm, wi Q NVA 96,1ni. ow"i"TNTMOTV 1 Q - If yqw J nmw Q. IM00"NOW "A. AWIND tAh it "nWq"tQwQQ," Q, ow In I �Z W At It F, VOL, out so !QQQ& -,,, X at Wn: !"Q- Q ky, 1, w; Q0 '11140y I, ti 'i-� wc pl,q- A; soon T Thu W on AA 4"A a a waxi K, -J, 4, � � ­t, 'f �i,, !­, -- " � a 2- tam - - M ­"- V 00 W, moo -U-qw� KOM �p 'I Q, I, IS MR— ,,I -n 1 0 : % - J"QQ "T;M T V, J I town, Q-! 0--i- A Ln -,,Qp,v wow V ON, A 1 o;j Quo! I VJ, 100� " �, 0 k" � Q . Mo J wow--" not Q"Qt W-Vin lJoy 2 J. A,?, my !"yon wynny 14� as P % nVA Ono 0 0 W A QQ Q.. Joc-'X"W00 4 4 a, pa ,any, M-kq zi. Ft OWN : " "V-0A,Q2 L;, �� 1 ;11: . 12 e If, : �, � ,� � AV "BOTIV% n"h NMI tl� AV FIT, W, >0 two"! r s' ­F, Wo W A oa,vv 4, Q, �-o 01 A- a,­- out in MR too' r V Q C NOT""-" Ono, ­x"s- tQK -AlSo rVVW 1 1 0 4 W v , I I ` t Qw-T 0, 1 YAW b a 4"Q"- no 10 V, 1=­--1 1. W by!" "F;, nx� 114 wan""', Q4 -,W-W00 VIVO A, "W �- I-y,, 4­0 v y- �A OP , - -- - -q I �Vx RAW- P4 ­Fq"Q Ago ima" h Qyyyy4g�s,h a J xt, .. Q.0,- Ain A, tt; X" � 'ni- , v , , .�� 1�, �­ ". T, ., .,� ­41 C, 'V. -A "w"WA In I 1�, 41 Owl 9-fH �F, y Wil 4,, qi, 0110GREENVIS AXTOK- qQN a 'wo" P "AL 0- -you" wo A "i A WOW— 2 IV" m"N. I nk­ �QAY;71 hown IV 0, TAR Pa.- - Q� . ... ....... . A" oil irl c t 1 Q �'i, ij n, MAI WA Q, -PRACTICE I U LAE) 4 j. lit ,I� it it, 58 W­­ J-, Ito "J IT, 7 o Ono "X"U V"- no look vi 17 MO— Q, -0- .;V hamom !Awl lom"Vvw-� EMT Wivy A, WAS C;,.: 4" , X ,t: I Ft:\ - �V v", ­Q vn-y- A" no lit HAT ago," Q wq­ ­01f el It, I N not WAYS- 0� NSA AN Q -J,­QJI 1W Q4 of w 'Its -0, yjk PH- "e, i,�`­ ­� moons IF -am TANA -Ap"N N, t" F7 iY, 1% 'A' - 4'. �A too F�, MR �J TP Vow, Awl W.�V- MOO Tst� -A �&X"Wycm AMA? As-AMay p"I "t- him.wJ; . ­ .. 1AV-1- loan :PCVM p 1-60" a -640, " I i J-1 MAI KNAW-Aw "W'V40-0, A V "wz 4 T&jTQ- x, F; 001"- "Wo W Nov kv, - n JAN "NOT-, .0 i)7 ­Jg�- -P q 0 M.0 U,�, Wit 0 Q "c A ice �­, �rtrr,�.77 7 1- % 7 KRA, 5"* vs, A "-A, �wj- I Q k, X, -J QmN t "T t ftlr­'­�,, 7' Wrk-o' �"AW NAT T 7 V Qw. -ink, W" Aq % J, 7,, Onw, kap; A it Rig"; 13NO 'M t" moo- MW n yof AsNA An wW -�p �w- 181�1 02410 IN 31; sum IN it E Ahl- P - l', t , �' ,- NAT, Ofl, ��i 4, V , . R gpm, R. wl",� AWN MA4,44 A w�v­: 1, - y It AJ M. 011Q.-Aw. W" Awn"," W- -U� - M, a, VOW T A M,�-6wm-H Ul-­ A -6, A -too A-, 'Van imm "w, i"V atl -it'll It, orm low Aviv 7Tm, nw, 100- % "as, *Nor KA"n ""polo q Vast 1, an A, 1 - QQ/ <, V�- p- woe sm Q- w LK A c"� --Q J10 1 L 0 A h "TMOI-r-1 n� J 1 Ta XQ40%i f hAV -yo V�Qx Okla Alin y"I"J :1 "AA A-A I I hoo yany!"An DEL lR pis .1 SO A if- ria. AA,l, I 'siz'' cl W 1, t Si 0 0 N A-UNA-1W gy A I Q- "M U-0 Z"i It tl* my T 7, 'V Qfv% tp evil 1? Mn -Ii t 7, A It ­F�' F .1 VI 1 %, 4'f, I t hyr Ito ".0an'l 1 1 -47" 'owl, 21. 0. 0,oh Q� '77 MOW, % - A A", 'Two-up *1 law too . i2 A, I f "Ask -,""K . . .. .. .... Wg y1mv­1 =Awl, M­ ;S of ANT A on, ­m M A— -F. I UPW "'i W- TAY 'Ne- B up M" KV �"Q­ wyy -Mo Now yjq T=-- V 1=" It toy, 00 It Nov A all,wni Q T Q n Wig Q we NOW mx"Q nQX"y- ymw co JTQ et� 1,� V tK OQ"s "moo N", .-tF s J 's A W VIA, '67�, er� -0, 1--yu qm­ �V -A, A- 1, 0 0 "T ?fps, Noh AT T V,, to via 14, WA--A . 4 Q "A - 4 14 .00 WIT, am QQ q IWA ->MAX? 14 1 On Woo 1 ong Q 10. kr, �:i W� n 6 W -4 ""- 16, Q A .tr -Tat El� �7; 7 V J MOW VA A, can 0000�3- Qw� 40 VITO alp swons. '0=4 Not; 5-is �v I "-J moo d,n Wow 0 solos­ ,A, Q,W­ QQ umm, wi Q NVA 96,1ni. ow"i"TNTMOTV 1 Q - If yqw J nmw Q. IM00"NOW "A. AWIND tAh it "nWq"tQwQQ," Q, ow In I �Z W At It F, VOL, out so !QQQ& -,,, X at Wn: !"Q- Q ky, 1, w; Q0 '11140y I, ti 'i-� wc pl,q- A; soon T Thu W on AA 4"A a a waxi K, -J, 4, � � ­t, 'f �i,, !­, -- " � a 2- tam - - M ­"- V 00 W, moo -U-qw� KOM �p 'I Q, I, IS MR— ,,I -n 1 0 : % - J"QQ "T;M T V, J I town, Q-! 0--i- A Ln -,,Qp,v wow V ON, A 1 o;j Quo! I VJ, 100� " �, 0 k" � Q . Mo J wow--" not Q"Qt W-Vin lJoy 2 J. 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