PP 1989-420'NNNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPA. 1ENT 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 PLOT PLAN APPLICATION Case No. PP S'a-160 Date Received. '7-51-S-1 In order to process your application in a timely manner, please complete and sign this form. The information which is required to be shown on the plans and submitted with the application is stated on the back of this form. Failure to provide the required information is justification for rejection of the application. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NON- REFUNDABLE FILING FEE OF $ 10 00 AND COPIES OF THE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS. Name of Applicant Mailing Address Street City r1 , Zip Code Legal Owner n( -=WE\ )¢, - QJkV-J'TPL Address (Q� C�4Sl iflt>rvCl� iR CA, -27(7 Proposed Use �i�i�C`� O�M�S (:Ov�iS1 Q -O Ca-' ono_ T 1Lfi LocatTVn of Property (Address if known) CC) C) I:- Assessor's Parcel Number (o\%-qol-co9 . (:A3 - 4,0`_ -CDA Legal Description of Property (give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder) -- (maybe attachipl 16 RJ9-; OR 02-89 10 10 CASH i TOTAL 1 75.00 Signature of Applicant Date - al r Signature of Owner Date is No. pplicant: Jdress: 1514 CASE INFORMATION Application Received'by Date -:?,t Application Checked by G�IAAi Date e 8 4 U Phone: 3,2 ! -F b� AP btretK ® t, 1ty � � %c rate Lip coae Nner:. 714 97 701/ Phone: Jdress: Street Ci ty State Zip Code ?presentative: Phone: - Jdress: .. ' ... . Street Ci ty State Zip Code Subject: Location: ti Environmental Information E.A. No. Notice of Declaration Related Files: S-esz E.I.R.No. �— Fee Information Filing Fee $75 E.A. Fee $ Total S Additional Fees = s Receipts for Fees: . Parcel Size /Acreage 9. Circulation Element General Plan Designation 10. Housing Element Zoning 11. Council District Surrounding Zoning 12. Assessor's Tentative Hearing Date Agency.Deadline Date Plot Plan Checked Legal Description Transmittals Aoencv Ex "A" Notice Hearing Information I Date Action EA PC Aoencv Ex "A" Mnt- Genera Telephone Road Department City o Ca Trans County annin Water Quality VCWD Home Parks Bui din Dept. Health Dept. Fire iF n sneer t er Transmittals sent-by: Date: Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice Mailed by:' Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: Page Parcel By Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: File Closed: Additional Pertinent Information:. T4hf 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564 -2246 August 31, 1989 Mr. Steve Taylor Deane Homes 15 Augusta Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN #89 -420 CONSTRUCTION TRAILER ON TENTATIVE TRACT #23971 Dear Mr. Taylor: In addition to the Conditions of Approval for Plot Plan #89 -420 as stated in our letter to you dated August 22, 1989, the following condition applies: Condition No. 8: Prior to the placement of the construction trailer on the site, the Applicant shall deposit a bond, letter of credit, or certificate of deposit with the City to guarantee the ultimate reversion of the temporary trailer area to a park site. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the Engineering Department and further be subject to their review and approval. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL: bja cc: Engineering Department Finance Department BJ /LTRGLIDIWING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 MILES J 1. OPQ A AWENUE I n 14 of V is INA —aw lk bill -.K 0 i. too 01 7, 12� ILI vXWTY mJW " stfta TYPICAL SECTOW - MMINOR STREETS ;AT TYPICAL SECTION -WES AMEMA RECEIVED TYPICAL NCTOV-Mft PAL" OCT ? 5 1988 CITY Ur Lm YuiNTA TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 23935 OCTOBER 20.1966 -T 11 oft, vXWTY mJW " stfta TYPICAL SECTOW - MMINOR STREETS ;AT TYPICAL SECTION -WES AMEMA RECEIVED TYPICAL NCTOV-Mft PAL" OCT ? 5 1988 CITY Ur Lm YuiNTA TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 23935 OCTOBER 20.1966 sec TENTATIVE TRAIT MAP NO 7"3S (-f06 -T sec TENTATIVE TRAIT MAP NO 7"3S (-f06 S i 4 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 August 22, 1989 Mr. Steve Taylor Deane Homes 15 Augusta Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN #89 -420, CONSTRUCTION TRAILER ON TENTATIVE TRACT #23971 Dear Mr. Taylor: Your request to locate a construction trailer on the western side of the proposed retention basin in Tentative Tract #23971, is approved subject to the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The construction trailer is 8' X 30' and located on the western side of the proposed retention basin on a site measuring 30' X 1401. 2. Parking is provided on the southern side of the proposed site. 3. Temporary access onto Miles Avenue for the construction trailer has been provided for through a 20' strip on the western side of the proposed park. This 20' wide strip will be enclosed by a block wall to the west, where it borders with Lot 16, and a temporary construction fence to the east. 4. A temporary storage area has been located on the northern part of the construction trailer site. 5. The construction trailer site is enclosed on the northern and eastern sides with a temporary construction fence. CONDITIONS: 1. The trailer and associated improvements are in accordance with the attached Exhibit A. BJ /LTRGL.011 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ,l 2. A building permit is required for the trailer and for temporary power. Please make an application to the Building Division when you are ready to locate the trailer on the site. 3. The trailer must be self- contained with bottled water and a portable restroom facility. 4. The access road should be maintained to an acceptable standard for use by emergency vehicles. 5. A fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A10BC must be mounted by the exit door of each trailer. 6. Permits for the storage and /or dispersing of any flammable or combustible liquid shall be obtained from the Fire Department. 7. Access to the approved by the Should you have any above, please contact Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN' C,t & s Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL:bja Attachment temporary construction - trailer must be Eningeering Department. questions of need clarification on the the undersigned. r DIRECTOR cc: Tom Hartung, Building Official Jerry Coffey, Engineering Supervisor File: PP #89 -420 Final Map TT 23269 BJ /LTRGL.011 rOR a E ry i ry �� m 140' 2 IA5 rn rn r < N ( � � rOR a E ry i ry �� m 140' 2 . .......... 7t PROP TRACT NO-E3eaa IA5 rn r < . .......... 7t PROP TRACT NO-E3eaa T-itit 4 04� " 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 August 17, 1989 Mr. Steve Taylor Deane Homes 15 Augusta Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN #89 -420, CONSTRUCTION TRAILER ON TT #23971 Dear Mr. Taylor: -- - - This Department does not feel it would be advisable to locate the proposed construction trailer on the future park site and have access through the future storm water retention basin area. The reason for this is that construction of the park and storm water retention basin should commence before the use of the trailer has terminated. Please submit an alternative location for the construction trailer. The location of the access point to the proposed trailer should be discussed with our Engineering Department prior to your submittal of an alternate location. In addition, any proposed temporary storage yard should be noted on the plan. The Department suggests that you contact the City's Engineering Department in connection with the phasing of the storm water retention area. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL: bja cc: Jerry Coffey, Engineering Department BJ /LTRGL.009 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 --- 36 51 R-2 I OTH rl i T I CF) Iki fA 0 /X , N", j40" ci ,4 d A NR-. I A V:tv , ' ;. .5 6 i 4t JL- 'I r ! r r r � ,! r r sa , J( 71, Id � co .5 6 i 4t JL- 'I r ! r r r � ,! r r sa , J( 71, Id To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO - CITY ENGINEER X FIRE MARSHAL. x- COhT`1L l I TY SAFETY Dd4@ - -- CITY K4AGER -X- �(, �- X X- BUILDING DIVISION - /-L P(-, From : PLANNNG & DEVELOPMENT Subject :­PROJECT REVEW -- -- Case 0� -4ajo — PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY 1 COMMENTS: /?,/) ��— 5 To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO Date : � z � - x CITY ENGINEER - -- CITY MAiJAGER X EIRE MARSHAL. x- - COF 1U I I TY SAFETY - X- BUILDING DIVISION From: PLANNING & DEVELOPMLNT Subject Case: 0� --A-ajo PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY g I i i '.ice � : / ..• . �� � /� .t � � i Jlv� e r f v r 7 01, c7. r To • From : TRANSMITTAL MEMO Pate x CITY ENGINEER - -- CITY MAiJAGER X FIRE MARSHAL x- x- MMI 1ITY SAFETY pC- X- BUILDING DIVISION- ?G�tr4 -�� PLANNING & ®EVELOPMEW - Subject : PROJECT REVIEW -- - - - - - -- - _ _ Case: PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY g 1 COMMENTS: I mcl AUG - 7 9989 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING - To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO - x CITY ENGINEER X FIRE MARSHAL x- COMWN I TY SAFETY - -- CITY MAi JAGER -X- -PL - _ Date -�— BUILDING DIVISION PC, From : PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT - Sub ject- : PROJECT W - - Case: LEI -4-2 PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY � ! COMMENTS : /� P rIAZI-D2 ti n; 9 A 7��''��'Uti'%`�`1 d�T� -� Y�.o .fin Gam✓ - 8rr c �rwh�.�rr�r? To • fltf;tIVED kUG 91989 TRANSMITTAL MEMO 'I- Date - X CITY ENGINEER --- CITY MAiJAGER X FIRE MARSHAL -X- �,L . �- x- COtMI I TY SAFETY 'LX � N, X- BUILDING DIVISION -1L From : PLANNING & DEVELOPNENT Subject Case: PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY � I I COMMENTS: 1. Install a fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A10BC arl;arant- to the exit door. 2. Maintain access roads for use by emergency vehicles. 3. Permits must be obtained from the Fire Dp arrinnnt { ^r th® st—ngg and /or dispensing of flammable /combustible liquids. CITY OF LA QUINTA EP . Subject • Case : TRANSMITTAL I'J��Y Date :ITY ENGINEER - -- CITY M iAGER IRE MARSHAL -X- ;OMMl I TY SAFETY X X { ti ` r-(- 3UILDING DIVISION PC- P"NG & DEVELOPMENT PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY I �3 COMMENTS: r r To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO - x CITY ENGINEER X -L From Subject Case: FIRE MARSHAL - -- CITY MX4AGER X- �'(, Date : 4 COMWI I TY SAFETY --- P-- BUILDING DIVISION -x- ?� � -PC, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY �I �- COMMENTS: •aye _� ,., _, .�� :. � �, . •� :_ <<���i -� �Li1.:''�ri:. PLOT PLAN APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE SUCH INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, IN ADDITION TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, that shows the following: a. Boundary and dimensions of property. b. Topography of the property. C. Location of adjacent streets, drainage structures, utilities, buildings, signs, and other features that may affect the use of the property. d. Proposed development, including planned buildings and structures, access, drainage, yards, drives, parking areas, landscaping, signs and walls or fences, with dimensions. 2. A complete set of elevations of the proposed buildings. 3. A landscape plan showing size, type (botanical and common name), and location of proposed plant material. 4. A list of the exterior materials and colors to be used, including identification of where each will be painted or used; also, an 8" X 13" color and materials board which contains color swatches and representative likeness of the materials to be used. 5. The net and gross square footage for each proposed use and building. 6. The square footage allocated for sidewalks /walkways, parking, landscaping, and building. 7. If the application requires a public hearing: a. One complete set of colored renderings for the elevations, plot plan and landscape plan. b. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of real property located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be considered, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and any update issued by the City Assessor. The list must be certified by a title company, architect, engineer, or surveyor. MR /DOCJH.001 e,� "TATE OF eA-HF,6R -N1A PY- -44, O)OUNTY OF n Q,�fwf 7. 1 ;?fY " .aid State, personally appeared } SS. ))) befdre me, undersigned, a Notary Public in and for ersonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satlstyktory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the President, and . personally known to me or proved to me oq � �g bgsi&,of satisfactory evidence to bete person who executed the within instrument as the �e���Y "'�f', Secretary of 0 ri a Q �i� _ C• . . • t the corporation that executed the within instrument on ���,l� .pRi Pi`�'••f behalf of 121uf r�i7tres rs : Zo i� the partnership that executed 7. the within instrument, and acknowledged to nle that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. r '• OF WITNESS my hand and official seal, �i�� :FkPiRG ;•4_r1, rj Signature G ham; (This Brea or _fficial- notarial seal) _ • ; " %ip' z rtl t,,'H[: x- }xi's.��sYes.o�a.� 'iTss-ai �aF: • _,.-. �. - :�' %P��;if�!15�"!�'�c}{�l ee �S�:M1�� �'Ta��_i r EXHIBIT "A" 4 r� �t That portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township- S'South, Range 7 Ease, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of Riversides State of ' Calif ornia, according to the official plat thereof, lying Easterly and Northeasterly of the Easterly line of the 80,00 feet wide strip of land described in the deed to the County of Riverside, recorded March 16, 1948 in Book 899, Page '.200 of.Official Records of Riverside County, California; CZ ci EXCEPT the North 62.00 acres thereof 'as conveyed to Kathryn B. Schlegel, a widow, by dead recorded December 21, 1964 as Instrument No. 150881:of Official Records of Riverside County, California, ALSO EXCEPT the South 50,00 feet as conveyed to the County of Riverside by deed recorded August 30, 1933 in Book 134, Page 297 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. PARCEL 2: The Westerly 330,00 feet of. the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, 5 Scud:, Range 7 East.,. San, gcna;r_di: o- Maria.an;= _i.n -t_.h~ @ounty,,F it .trk rt:; Riv. ern id ,' ' 9 c n o.•�TLeYr� b.►1 sa ;,.w EXCEPT that portion described do.follOwsl The North half quarter of the Meridian. e PARCEL 3: of the Westerly 330,00 feet of the Section 19, Township 5 South, Rang North half of the Northeast 7 East, San Bernardino The Westerly 330.00 feet of the South half of the Northeast quarte, San Bernardino meridian, inthe County Of 19, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, Rivereide, State Of California, according to the official plat thereof; -•- ------- - - - - -- __- .... deeds �- EXCEPT the South 50.00 feet Book 133 pa eh292oandpinf Book e134dPage 298, recorded August 301 1933 in Book 13 page California. respectively, of Official Records of Riverside County, Said land is located in the City of La4uyn� .x•.351 7 5,, -., / s ff NAWA1•-' A V V V U �JH tu 111000 11pNAN1�i t ' mo,wa�J tDONCi� NNNNH '•tAIUio I O O i i' • i i ^i ♦ 11� � '� 311 N II ` ♦�. °�` Y ' I� 1, a� ` •, �l C 101. e r j / ♦ I ♦ / \� IL 1. a JI ■Le ;!s.,. ♦�� ;, Ak il I sm IT • � I I liti I � 1 C-1 R� �7 D C7 I O O i i' • i i ^i ♦ 11� � '� 311 N II ` ♦�. °�` Y ' I� 1, a� ` •, �l C 101. e r j / ♦ I ♦ / \� IL 1. a JI ■Le ;!s.,. ♦�� ;, Ak il I sm IT • � I I liti I � 1 C-1 R� �7 D C7 NO v _0077 NI�Ull_ &CLU M� "�