PP 1989-422doCITY OF LA QUI PLANNING i DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Case No.: PP <F1_4LQ Date Received: g- 11 -�1j RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL FEE : -7r„,� -- PLOT PLAN APPLICATION In order to process your application in a timely manner, please complete and sign this form. The information which is required to be shown on the plans and submitted with the application is stated on the back of this form. Failure to provide the required information is justification for rejection of the application. THIS APPLICATION MIST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NON- REFUNDABLE FILING FEE OF $ 760.00 AND COPIES OF THE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS. r ----------------------------------------- --------------------- Name of Applicant Landmark Land C6, of CA. Phone (619)564 -4500 Mailing Address 78 -150 Calle Tampcio La Quinta CA 92253 Street City Zip Code Legal Owner Same as above Address Proposed Use Citrus Course Golf Clubhouse The net and gross square footage for etgh 16U proposed use and building. Building gross square footage , The square footage allocated for sidewalks /walkways, parki lar�dscaping� nd building. Parking (215 parking _spacesJg, landscaping �,�19 , hardscape 58,930 building footprint 26,050 Location of Property (Address if known) Citrus Clubhouse, 50 -503 Jefferson Ave. 1 linta. CA 92253, PQ, Box • Assessor's Parcel Number 769 -210 -008 Legal Description of Property (give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder) -- (may be attached) See attached title report. U 5182A H TOTAL 1 4 -8 760.00 i0 Signature of Applicant 'te Signature of Owner NOTE: ;The environmental A"fA Poil O.T.W. Specific Plan amendment ' Date V ger - V.P. LML Date -201� form was submitted with the application..on 7- 21 -89. 9.182. . Applications. Resided and commercial plot plan applications shall be submitted to the planning and development department and provide the following in- formation and exhibits: A. Complete application form; B. One copy of the preliminary title report or deed of O trust to the subject property; C. Sets of the site development plans (number as re- quired by the planning and development department), each set to incorporate the following: O1. Dimensioned floor plan(s) relating to all build- ing layout aspects, showing applicable sales /display, office area, bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, bath /restrooms, etc., for the particular use under review, O2. Four -point elevations of any and all buildings proposed on the site, delineating any outstanding architec- tural feature(s), relationships to any existing structures and /or other adjacent properties, and listing proposed building materials, finishes, colors, etc., O 3. A detailed site plan delineating all siting aspects of the development (i.e., setbacks, topography, fencing locaitons, locations provided for ground- mounted mechanical and heating /air conditioning systems, parking, accessways, adjacent streets, utilities, drainage, and any proposed signage. Note: In some instances, a preliminary grading plan may be required if it is determined to be necessary due to topographic considerations and other related site factors. 4. A complete site landscaping plan, showing a listing of quantities, species, location and plant sizes to be incorporated into the final landscaping of the project. The final approved landscape plan must be stamped "approved" by the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's office O prior to the issuance of a building permit. D. Two sets of all plans reduced to eight and one -half inches by eleven inches, and submitted on acetate or other similar format suitable for presentation. QE. One eight -inch by thirteen -inch color, material and finish sample board for the building's exterior areas, in- cluding, but not limited to, roof covering, facia boards, tile inlays, stucco finish, wood or other plant -on mater- ials, etc. Colors and materials shall be keyed on at least O one set of architectural elevations. F. One colored elevation of all sides of the build- ings, oriented to public view, in accordance with the mater- ials sample board submitted. A colored swatch (band of color on the drawings) may be substituted for a complete Q colored drawing. G. If the application requires a public hearing: A l'i'st of the names and addresses of all owners of real ,property located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be considered, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and any update issued by the City Assessor. The list must be certified by a title company, architect, engineer, or surveyor. , n-Acwm , it W /v : ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 189 -139 ITEMS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT #89 -026 CHANGE OF ZONE #89 -045 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT #1 (85 -006 OAK TREE WEST) APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY LOCATION: ONE QUARTER MILE SOUTH OF THE JEFFERSON STREET AND 50TH AVENUE INTERSECTION, ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, WITHIN THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN. REQUEST. REDESIGNATE THE 36.5 ACRE SITE FROM COMMERCIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ON THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP; CHANGE THE ZONING FROM C -P -S TO R -2; AND AMEND THE SPECIFIC PLAN TO ELIMINATE THE COMMERCIAL LAND USES (EXCEPT CLUBHOUSE), RELOCATE A GOLF TUNNEL FROM 52ND AVENUE TO JEFFERSON STREET, AND OTHER MINOR CHANGES. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5 AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, T6S, R7E, SBBM. The original Specific Plan was approved for: One 27 -hole and one 18 -hole golf course on a total of 400 acres. 2,245 single - family, attached and detached dwellings on 449 acres. A 200 -room hotel, a 200,000 square foot community commercial center with office and retail commercial uses, and a 25,000 square foot golf clubhouse on a total 36.5 acre site. A 200,000 square foot office /commercial center on 3.5 acres. A private golf course club facility. 115 acres of hillside (undevelopable) remaining as natural open space. 16 acres of rights -of -way dedications. BJ /ENVASS.001 - 1 - The current application is to eliminate the commercial uses and rezone the 36.5 acre commercial site to residential. The area will be developed with golf, golf clubhouse and residential uses. A prior Environmental Assessment ##85 -034 (Sch ##85050112) was prepared for the original project. The environmental impacts were fully addressed in this prior environmental review. This proposal eventually will reduce those cited impacts. Mitigation measures were attached to the original Specific Plan to reduce those impacts. A 18 -hole golf course with temporary clubhouse has been constructed on this site. Also an archaeological study and summary has been conducted. III. DISCUSSION OF CHECKLIST EVALUATION RESPONSES: 1. Earth: Soil disruption and displacement, changes in topography, and in soil erosion characteristics will occur primarily due to grading for pad; utility and street improvement; and construction of single family homes and golf course clubhouse. These impacts are not considered significant when addressed by the following mitigation measures to be incorporated into project approvals: Mitigations: a. The applicant shall submit a dust and erosion control program for review and approval prior to issuance of any grading permits, or encroachment permits for work within City rights -of -way. b. Site grading and drainage plans shall incorporate natural drainage flows to the extent feasible, as it relates to the surrounding properties adjacent to the tract boundaries. The site area is in ground - shaking zone IV, as identified by Riverside County Seismicity /Geology Information Maps. No faults exist in close proximity to the tract, and the area is not identified as subject to liquefaction. Some ground - shaking will occur due to fault activity depending upon the richter magnitude, location, etc.- of such activity. Seismic safety requirements set by the VBC will serve to mitigate any substantial impact of quake activity and also to mitigate drainage pattern changes due to site development. 2. Air: The construction equipment used for grading of the site and construction of the single family homes will impact air quality. This is a SIIULL -Lt.Lin impac:L. — BV ENVASS.001 - 2 - 3. Water: When construction takes place, incremental increase in runoff due to site development will occur, which impacts the absorption and drainage patter. Mitigation: a. The developer shall be required to provide adequate drainage provisions on -site to retain the coefficient runoff increase. 4. Plant Life: The current vegetation will be eliminated and replaced with typical residential landscaping. 5. Animal Life: Future site grading /development will cause a reduction of the number of fringe -toed lizards, a rare and endangered species. The Habitat Conservation Plan identifies reductions such as these as "acceptable losses," which are mitigated by payment of the mitigation fee required of projects within the fee area. Development in the fee area will cause a physical barrier to migration of the lizard to other dune areas, possibly causing additional losses which are not directly attributable to the primary impact from actual development. Mitigation: a. The applicant shall be required to mitigate these impacts to the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard ( CVFTL), in accordance with the fees adopted in connection with the CVFTL Habitat Conservation Plan. 6. Noise: Increases in existing noise levels will only result insofar as the conversion of vacant land is concerned. Surrounding properties are developed scarcely with single family homes across Jefferson Street. Mitigation: a. Construction activity will adhere to working hours as set forth by City ordinance, in order to mitigate construction noise on existing nearby residents. More severe noise levels may be created, which would be exposed to future and existing residents. Units adjacent to or near Miles and Adams will be exposed to traffic noise associated with arterial roadway designs. Additional traffic from these tracts will 1^0 4-�n� is-..'' �r.:.��� -.i l.t ..%,c lr+....ln - 3i�.+r. tti,nnn 31J 11VL`J11%. /JL4Li= ma AV i{V 1J lr•\.iJ 1 .ly alt J\r streets. BV ENVASS.001 - 3 - Mitigations: a. The applicant shall be required to submit an acoustical analysis, concentrating on mitigation of noise impacts from perimeter arterial. The study shall incorporate specific recommendations, to be utilized in the tract design. 7. Light and Glare: In the future, incremental increases will occur with respect to light and glare impacts from within the tract. All lighting plans of the development shall be reviewed by the City prior to approval for installation. 8. Land Use The elimination of commercial development and replacement with residential will provide for more housing within La Quinta. 9. Natural Resources: When development takes place, incremental increases in natural resource consumption will occur, associated with development. Consumption /use of resources will occur incrementally, and are not significant. 10. Risk of Upset: A construction accident could involve the release of fuel /oil to a limited extent. This is a normal hazard associated with most construction activity. 11. Population: The proposed tract may alter the distribution and growth rate in the north La Quinta area; however, a market must be assumed to exist. If the project is successful from a market standpoint, additional projects may be proposed. This could alter the growth rate and distribution area of the population, which may have a positive impact relative to diversification of locale (i.e., additional housing opportunities by area). This is considered to be a growth- induced impact already addressed by the (Master Environmental Assessment (M.E.A.) adopted for the La Quints General Plan and is therefore not significant. 12. Housing: Refer to #10 - could result in a slowdown of housing starts in the Cove area due to availability of large lot sizes. This will depend on demand in both the Cove, and in north La Quinta. BVENVASS.001 - 4 - 13. Transportation: Relative to existing conditions (vacant land use), the proposal may generate substantial additional vehicular movement. Adequate capacity exists to facilitate the movement. Impacts resulting from build -out of the land use designations were identified in the La Quinta General Plan M.E.A. The circulation system, as identified in the General Plan, in this area was sufficient to handle build -out of the land use designations of the General Plan. In conjunction with this analysis and the Findings and Statement of Facts adopted for the Final MEA/EIR for the General Plan, cumulative impacts of development induced by the General Plan adoption were found to be acceptable. Also prior traffic studies have been prepared for Avenue 50 and Jefferson Streets. Also, the prior Environmental Assessment addressed traffic. Mitigation: a. Applicant right -of -way roadways to shall dedicate all public street as necessary to develop perimeter current General Plan standards. b. Turning movements in and out of the tract divisions will be restricted where warranted and feasible. C. Applicant may be required to dedicate right -of -way and construct a bus turnout. The construction improvements will be required at such time as service is provided by Sunline. Incremental increase in traffic hazards /conflicts can be anticipated due to increased vehicular activity and volume. These impacts are not considered substantial with mitigation as previously outline. 14. Public Services: Impacts to public services are incremental and were addressed in the M.E.A. and La Quinta General Plan. Mitigation: a. The developer shall comply with the City's adopted infrastructure fee as in effect at the time of building permit issuance. b. The developer shall comply with the City's Parkland requirements, as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code. C. The developer shall be required to comply with the school mitigation fee requirements of Desert Sands Unified School District prior to building permit -- issuance foi-structures. BVENVASS.001 - 5 - d. Applicant shall consent to formation of a landscape maintenance district, or form a homeowners association, in order to set up maintenance for public and private facilities. 15. Energy: The construction on the site and the energy used by the occupants, may in the future require the development of energy sources. The local electrical utility has indicated that power is available in the area. 16. Utilities: Coachella Valley water District has commented that additional facilities may be necessary for appropriate expansion /service. Mains can be extended to provide water and sewer service, but additional on -site facilities may be necessary. Mitigation: a. Developer shall provide dedication to Coachella valley water District in order to facilitate any necessary district facilities. Written authorization shall be supplied to the City prior to final map approval. power, natural gas, communication systems and solid waste and disposal can be provided by appropriate company. This is based upon prior comments received for other projects in the area. 17. Human Health No health hazard is anticipated. 18. Aesthetics Future projects will be reviewed. 19. Recreation The development will have recreational amenities for the residents. 20. Archaeological /Historical (See prior Assessment Sch #85050112.) Mitigation Monitoring Future conditions as well as the existing conditions will be attached to the Specific Plan Amendment to require monitoring of these mitigations. BJ /ENVASS.001 - 6 - Case !b. CITY OF LA QUIT. , . Date Received PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LL 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO r +�'►�� {-eZ LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 E]MRORMP. TAL INFORMATION POW Please complete Parts I and II of this form and provide ALL of the additional materials requested in Part III. Failure to do so may delay the review and process of your project. If you are unable to provide the information, or you need assistance, please feel free to contact the Environmental Quality Section of the Planning Department at (619) 564.2246. PAR? I. General Tnform tion 1. Vhat is the total acreage involved? 36.5 ac 2. Is there a previous application filed for the same site? TES NO If 'Teel, provide Case Number. Also provide the Environmentall Aasessaent Number, if known, and Environrental Impact Report Number, if applicable. Case No. (Parcel Map, Zone Change, Etc.) EA No. (it known) EIR go. (if applicable) PART II. Existing Conditions 1. Project site area: _ 1,589,940/36.5 ac Size of property in Sq.Ft. sad acreage 2. Existing use of the project sitar Temporary Clubhouse, Citrus & Date Palms 3. Existing 'use on adjacent properties: (Example: North, Shopping Center; South, Single Family Dwellings; East, Vacant, etc.) North, Citrus=Groves; South, Golf Course - Vacant:- East, Citrus Groves, West, Golf Course - Vacant 4. Site topoE -apty (describe)i (If any portion of the site exceeds 5% slope, attach a topog -apdic display of the proposal site; if lose than 5% slope, please provids elevations at corners of site) Less than 5% 5. Grading (Estimate number of cubic yards of dirt being moved)t 42,500 CY 6. Are there aqy natural or man -made drainage channel areas throng!► or adjacent to the property? Xc_JL Tea (If yes, submit a displq of such drainage channel areas.) *_scribe the disposition of these channels,/arsas should the proposal be Inplemented. 495182 10 8094 27-26-89 60.00 7. Are there any known arehaeological finds near or on the proposed site? No X Teo See Oak Tree West Study 8. Describe any cultural or scenic aspects of the project site: Date Grove and Citrus 9. Describe existing site vegetation and their proposed disposition should the proposal be approved: Grapefruit Trees and Date Palms - the trees i:ot impacted by the site plan will remain. Date Palms impacted will be tranplanted elsewhere on the site. (If any significant plant materials, e.g., mature trees, exist on the site, please prepare a site plan that illustrates their nu71-er, type, size e_^d EMIROR?{F"AL IFS W-ATION TORN, City of La Quanta 10. Describe accessibility of proposal site to the following utilitieal gas, water and electricity. (If proposal site doee not have immediate &cease, further describe asceasar7 extension of services and provide a grapbic display, W x 11" that indicates their rresent location in reference to the subject site): Gas & Electricity have immediate access, water is available on 50th fromapprox. alignment of Park & 50th - extend site along 50th - See exhibit labeled proposed Citrus Clubhouse site. 11. Additional co®ents you say wish to supply regarding your project. (Attach an additional abeet if necessary) NONE PART III. Additional Materials The following items &net be submitted with this fora: 1. At least three (j) pnnor&vdc pbotograpbs (color prints) of the project site, or an aerial photo of the site. Q. l clear pbotocopy (Xerox or 9W I&r copy) of the appropriate portion of the D.S. Geological Survey quadrangle nap, delineating the boundaries of the project site. Also, note the title of the map. I certify that I have investigated the questions in Parts I and I1 and the answers are true &nd correct to the best of aq knowledge. � J ' Tmirr ' , J aquifer by cuts or excavations? (3) rig CM or Ld 0'' A ENVIRONMENTAL CHI 1ST FORM 1. BACKGRW 1. Naae of Proponent:D�,�, 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: 3. Date of Checklist: 46 —,/!/- $ 1. / Agency Requiring Checklist: h� S. / Same of Proposal, if applicable: � C. t firg zhr, II. EWIRONWLNTAL IMPACTS n USA a (Explanation of all "Yes" and "Maybe" answers is required t� on attached sheets.) ys, Gsp f 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Yes Maybe No a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? .� c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? d. the destruction, covering or modification of / any unique geologic or physical features? _ — e. Any increases in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach, sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, ✓ inlet or lake? g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and- slides, ground failure, or siailar hazards? - 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? _ ✓ b. The creation of objectionable odors? / e. Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, / either locally or regionally? T 3. hater. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? ,i ✓ b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? e. 'Alterations to the course of flow of flood waters? ✓ d. Change in the amount of surface water in may .� water body? e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, / dissolved, oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of now of ground waters? S. Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? (3) Yes NavA� u? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? i� Exposure of people or property to water _ related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? / 4. Plant Life. will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? _ b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? _ c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or result in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? S. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals, including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthie organisms, insects or microfauna)? ✓ _ b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of anneals into an area, or result in a barrier to the aigration ✓ or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife ' habitat? / 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? _ _ ,✓ 7. Li t and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? S. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? ✓ r 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of any use of any natural resources? 1/ b. Substantial depletion of any renewable natural resource? _ 10. Risk of set. Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous sub- stances (including, but not liaited to, oil, pesticides, cheatcals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, str ut on, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? 12. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? ✓ _ 13. Transport at Ion/Ci rcul at ion. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicuiar movement? _ ✓ _ b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or ✓ demand for new parking? e. Substantial impact upon exist" transportation systems? d.- Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered govern- mental services in any of the following areas: A. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 1S. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications systems? C. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? 13. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the 35struct on of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result im the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 14. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact 17pme quality or quantity of existing recrea- tional opportunities? 20. Archeological/Historical. Will the proposal result In an alteration o a s gnificant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? 21. Mandatory Finding of Significanu . a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially re- duce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plan or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of Callfornia history or prehistory? (S) Yes HaAbe Ho I _✓ r Yes Na bye No b. Does the project have the potei._ A to achieve short -term, to the disadvantage of long -term, en- vironmental goals? (A short -term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long -term impacts will endure well into the future.) _ ✓ c. Does the project have impacts which are indi- vidually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly.? v" III. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION IV. DETERMINATION (To be completed by the Lead Agency) On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. �I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION MILL BE PREPARED. _ I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRO?0TXrA1 A{PACT REPORT is required. Date: _ 6-- - e � elt (6) NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO: Secretary for Resources FROM: (Public Agency) 1416 Ninth Street, City of La Quinta Room 1311 P. 0. Box 1504 Sacramento, CA 95814 Ta quintal cA 92253 or XX County Clerk County of Riverside SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 22108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. PLOT PLAN No. 89 -422 Project Title N/A Wallace Nesbit (619) 564 -2246 State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) Approximately 14 mile south of Avenue 50, ± 1000 feet west of Jefferson St. Project Location Development of a 40,160 square foot golf clubhouse facility as part of Project Description Amendment to existing approved Specific Plan for a 25,000 square foot facility. This is to advise that the City of La Quinta (Lead Agency or Responsible Agency) has approved the above described project and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: CLERK OF THE BOARD Rea 06*r diawme Wc rMn8 0"11- The project will, yy will not, have a significant Filssdpr P.R.C.21152 effect on the environment. POSTED 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for O CT 2 7 19 this project pursuant to the provisions of CEOA. Y A Negative Declaration was prepared for this X ��; project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. puty The EIR or Negative Declaration and record of 4v 'teasida, Sufosf California project approval may be examined at: City of La Quinta .78 -099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA 92253 JOARD OF SUPERVISOF?a Mitigation measures were, XX were not, made a c6ndition of approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations was, OCT 2 71989 was not, adopted for this project. G Date Received for Filing X1_ %� "'V!­1 ' ­ Signature C. RK of the 20AR0 County of P" ,ide. State f cati!nm ? -' Associate Planner Title uu1Pr)'P l nn1 •.3��Oq�.�ta. ^i€ �`{' fit? f:i�':;.i:3 f. %i:sP1nItY ? ?pC +!? :ef+�4k�itr ti�f��dri ��en �:+��T� f t�: q^ ::� � 3�_� �''.:+ :r''. `ti.F,l juiil➢9 7F1 6'latiM.,� • } ��i«, t.� ', 1 .'yi '�. ... 9. V � j of COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 3, 1989 ITEM TITLE: PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -422 AND ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION - CITRUS COURSE CLUBHOUSE BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: The Planning Commission approved Plot Plan No. 89 -422 at their September 26, 1989 meeting after holding the required Public Hearing. Plot Plan No. 89 -422 is, proposed with a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment for Oak Tree West, for an increase in clubhouse area from 25,000 square feet to 40,160 square feet, deletion of hotel and related commercial uses, and change in clubhouse building design. Environmental Assessment No. 89 -139 was prepared for the amendments, and its scope included consideration of any impacts generated by development of Plot Plan No. 89 -422. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Accept for file the decision of the Planning Commission relative to the Environmental Determination and approval of Plot Plan No. 89 -422. Submitted by: BJ /CC #9/6.F7 Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: APPLICANT/ OWNER: MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OCTOBER 3, 1989 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA LOCATION: WITHIN THE APPROVED OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, GENERALLY IN THE NORTHEASTERLY PORTION OF THE PROJECT, APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF AVENUE 50 AND +1000 FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET (SEE ATTACHMENT #1 OF PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT). PROPOSAL CONSIDERED: NOTICE OF REGARDING CONSTRUCT FEET OF EXISTING TREE WEST 15, 1985. PROJECT DECISION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -422, A REQUEST TO APPROXIMATELY 40,160 GROSS SQUARE GOLF CLUBHOUSE FACILITY FOR THE CITRUS GOLF COURSE, PART OF THE OAK SPECIFIC PLAN APPROVED ON OCTOBER DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSED A 40,160 GROSS SQUARE FOOT CLUBHOUSE FACILITY IN LIEU OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN APPROVED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF 25,000. THIS WOULD INCLUDE APPROXIMATELY 2,000 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE AND 10,000 SQUARE FEET OF RETAIL USE SPACE. THIS WILL BE THE PERMANENT FACILITY TO REPLACE THE EXISTING TEMPORARY CLUBHOUSE AREA. AS PREVIOUSLY NOTED, THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN IS PROPOSED FOR AMENDMENT AND CHANGE IN THE CLUBHOUSE DESIGN CONCEPT, (I.E., DELETION OF HOTEL AND MAJOR COMMERCIAL). BJ /MEMOWN.006 - 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89 -139 WAS PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AND OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS, ALSO PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT. THE IMPACTS DISCUSSED IN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89 -139, WERE IDENTIFIED AS BEING REDUCED FROM THOSE IMPACTS IDENTIFIED IN THE INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 85 -034, PREPARED FOR THE OAK TREE WEST PROJECT. NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS NECESSARY, AND A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION WILL BE PREPARED. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: At their meeting of September 26, 1989, the Planning Commission approved Plot Plan No. 89 -422 subject to the findings and conditions as recommended in their Staff report on the subject. The approval is final unless the City Council chooses to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for further consideration as directed by the Council. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Accept for file the decision of the Planning Commission confirming the Environmental Determination and approving Plot Plan NO. 89 -422 subject to findings and conditions. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Staff Report of September 26, 1989. BJ /MEMOWN.006 - 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -422 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 GENERAL 1. The development of the project comply with approved Exhibits Sample Board, as contained Development Department's file and the following conditions sha event of any conflicts with Plan No. 85 -006. site (in concept) shall A, B, and C, and Color in the Planning and for Plot Plan No. 89 -422, 11 take precedence in the the provisions of Specific 2. Plot Plan No. 89 -422, shall comply with all standards and requirements of the La Quinta Land Use Ordinance unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 3. Plot Plan No. 89 -422 shall comply with the La Quinta General Plan, and development of on -site and off -site improvements shall be consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 4. This approval shall be used within the time limits specified in Chapter 9.182 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 5. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 85 -006, as amended. 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and /or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Engineer o City Fire Marshal o City Planning and Development Department o Riverside County Environmental Health Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above - mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 1 - Soils and Geology 7. Applicant shall submit appropriate soil testing /compaction date for building pad areas as required by the Building Division, prior to issuance of any development permits. 8. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code. Method of dust control shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Traffic, Circulation, and Parking 9. The Applicant shall develop all remaining interior roads, driveways, and parking areas applicable to Plot Plan 89 -422, in conformance with the approved site plan for PP 89 -422, as well as complying with City standards and the design standards specified in Specific Plan No. 85 -006 (Oak Tree West) as amended and conditionally approved and subject to approval by the City Engineer. 10. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: a. Applicant shall prepare street improvement plans and construct interim improvements at Jefferson Street, including any necessary widening for turn lanes, subject to the requirements of the City Engineer. b. Permanent access shall be in accordance with the precise development plans for Specific Plan No. 85 -006, as amended, and the Final Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract No. 24889 and Tentative Tract No. 24890, and shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. C. Applicant shall prepare a grading and drainage plan(s) in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer. Storm drainage system(s) shall be designed to retain runoff from the 100 -year design level storm on- site,inclusive of the Applicant's portion of Jefferson Street frontage. d. All required street improvements, drainage and utility plans, as required by the City Engineer, shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer, and shall be subject to review and approval by Riverside County, Coachella Valley Water District, (CVWD), the City Engineer and any other agencies which may be affected. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 2 - e. An encroachment permit for work in the City of La Quinta and any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements (i.e., County of Riverside). 11. A minimum of 215 parking stalls shall be provided. Up to 43 spaces may be designed to compact car standards, and a minimum of five handicapped spaces shall be provided. The Applicant shall prepare a detailed parking plan (may be part of grading plan) in accordance with the approved Exhibit A for Plot Plan No. 89 -422. 12. Landscaping and striping of the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and standards of Chapter 9.160 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance. 13. Fire protection shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal and in accordance with the City of La Quinta's codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The following requirements shall be met /certified to, except that the City Fire Marshal may approve alternative means of compliance deemed appropriate and equivalent to or better than these standards. a. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3000 gpm for a 3 -hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. b. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant(s) (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2 1/211) located not less than 25 -feet nor more than 165 -feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. C. Applicant /Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." d. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to the start of construction. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 3 - e. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 -feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 -feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check /inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. f. An access road with a minimum unobstructed width of 20 -feet and a vertical clearance of 13 -feet, 6- inches, shall be provided for the cart staging area. Access road and cart staging area shall be designed to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all - weather driving capabilities. g. Certain designated areas may be required to be maintained as fire lanes. h. An interim secondary access road to the site shall be provided and maintained until such time as tract development provides other acceptable means of access. Interim access shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. 14. The Applicant shall comply with requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District as follows: a. The water and sewage disposal systems for the project shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and CVWD. b. Plans for grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems shall be submitted to CVWD for review. This review is for ensuring efficient water management. 15. All on -site utility improvements shall be installed underground. Landscaping /Walls 16. Prior to issuance of any utility release or certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval a detailed plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape areas. Desert or native plan species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 4 - b. Location and design detail of any proposed and /or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. This plan shall be in conformance with the approved Exhibit A for Plot Plan No. 89 -422, as to planting concept. Plans submitted shall bear the approvals from CVWD and the Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner's office. Any deviation in the field from the approved plan must be approved by the Planning and Development Department. The installed landscaping shall be inspected by the Planning and Development Department with an advance request for inspection of 48 -hours minimum. Building Design 17. Any minor changes in the color scheme or building materials may be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department prior to building permit issuance. Archaeology 18. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures will be taken. Miscellaneous 19. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the City's adopted requirements regarding infrastructure fees for public facilities and buildings. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 5 - i PH -3 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 APPLICANT/ OWNER: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA LOCATION: WITHIN THE APPROVED OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, GENERALLY IN THE NORTHEASTERLY PORTION OF THE PROJECT, APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF AVENUE 50 AND +1000 FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET (SEE ATTACHMENT W. PROPOSAL CONSIDERED: PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -422, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 40,160 GROSS SQUARE FEET OF GOLF CLUBHOUSE FACILITY FOR THE EXISTING CITRUS GOLF COURSE, PART OF THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN APPROVED ON OCTOBER 15, 1985. GROSS ACREAGE: +39.09 ACRES NET ACREAGE: LIMIT OF WORK IS +7 ACRES (ESTIMATED) LAND USE PLAN: SPECIAL COMMERCIAL (TOURIST- RELATED FACILITIES)* EXISTING ZONING: C -P -S (SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL)* PROPOSED ZONING: R -2* * NOTE: AT YOUR SEPTEMBER 12, 1989, REGULAR MEETING, THE PLANNING COMMISSION MADE A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 89 -026, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85 -006, AMENDMENT #1, CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 89 -045, WHICH WERE PROPOSED TO REDESIGNATE 36.5 ACRES FROM SPECIAL COMMERCIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ON THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP; CHANGE THE ZONING FROM C -P -S TO R -2; AND AMEND THE SPECIFIC PLAN TO ELIMINATE THE COMMERCIAL LAND USES (EXCEPT CLUBHOUSE), AND RELOCATE A GOLF TUNNEL FROM 52ND AVENUE TO JEFFERSON STREET AND OTHER MINOR CHANGES INCLUDING AN INCREASE TO THE EXISTING APPROVED CLUBHOUSE SIZE, FROM 25,000 TO 40,160 SQUARE FEET, AS WELL AS DESIGN AND LOCATION CHANGES (SEE ATTACHMENT'S 2 THROUGH 10). BJ /STAFFRPT.O11 - 1 - ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89 -139 WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED APPLICATIONS. THE ORIGINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 85 -034 (SCH #85050112) ADDRESSED THE IMPACTS ASSESSED WITH THE ORIGINAL SPECIFIC PLAN. THE AREA UNDER CONSIDERATION WITH THIS APPLICATION WAS IDENTIFIED FOR COMMERCIAL USES. . THE CURRENT REQUEST IS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND CLUBHOUSE USES. THEREFORE, THE CUMULATIVE IMPACT OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN CHANGES, INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO THE APPROVED CLUBHOUSE AREA, WERE ADDRESSED IN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89 -139, AND IDENTIFIED AS BEING REDUCED FROM THOSE IMPACTS IDENTIFIED IN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 85 -034. NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS NECESSARY, AND A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION WILL BE PREPARED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSED A 40,160 GROSS SQUARE FOOT CLUBHOUSE FACILITY IN LIEU OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN APPROVED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF 25,000. THIS WOULD INCLUDE APPROXIMATELY 2,000 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE AND 10,000 SQUARE FEET OF RETAIL USE SPACE. THIS WILL BE THE PERMANENT FACILITY TO REPLACE THE EXISTING TEMPORARY CLUBHOUSE AREA. AS PREVIOUSLY NOTED, THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN IS PROPOSED FOR AMENDMENT AND CHANGE IN THE CLUBHOUSE DESIGN CONCEPT, (I.E., DELETION OF HOTEL AND MAJOR COMMERCIAL). ANALYSIS: 1. The clubhouse area is part of Tentative Tract No. 24890, which was previously recommended for approval by your body on September 12, 1989, for 564 single family lots on 404 acres. The clubhouse site is located at the extension of the main entry road into Tract No. 24890 (see Attachment #11). The current entry for the existing temporary golf clubhouse facility is located approximately 235 feet south of the tract entry off Jefferson. It is the Applicant's intent to phase construction of the parking for use while the permanent clubhouse is being built (see Attachments #12 & #13.) Interim improvements as necessary will be conditioned in lieu of permanent improvements to be established with development of Tract Map No 24890. 2. The Fire Marshal is requiring interim secondary access. Location and design of this access will be reviewed with the required grading plans. BJ /STAFFRPT.011 - 2 - 3. The application indicates that 215 parking spaces will be provided. This is adequate for the clubhouse use. Detailed parking review for stall sizes etc., will be conducted as part of the grading plan review. 4. The preliminary landscape plan is acceptable in terms of plant species used and layout concept. Detailed landscaping and irrigation plans in conformance with the preliminary plan shall be required to be approved by Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and the Riverside County Agricultural Commission office prior to submittal to the City for final approval. 5. No signage has been proposed with this application. The Applicant has indicated that signage requests will be made later. A condition will be placed on this approval to require that a planned sign program be approved prior to installation of any signage not otherwise permitted. 6. Approval of this application shall not be in effect until the Specific Plan Amendment for Oak Tree West has been approved (Note: that item is scheduled for City Council consideration on October 17, 1989). FINDINGS: 1. Plot Plan No. 89 -422, as conditioned, is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, the Oak Tree West Specific Plan as recommended for amendment, and the applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 2. Environmental Assessment No. 89 -139 identified impacts associated with the Oak Tree West Specific Plan Amendment which Plot Plan No. 89 -422 is proposed to implement. 3. Development of Plot Plan No. 89 -422, as conditioned, shall incorporate the mitigation measures identified in Environmental Assessment No. 89 -139 to the degree they apply. RECOMMENDATION: By minute motion, move to approve Plot Plan No. 89 -422, subject to conditions as presented in the staff report. BJ /STAFFRPT.011 - 3 - Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4 -6. 7. 8 -10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Location Map Existing Oak Tree West Approval Proposed Oak Tree West Amendment Existing clubhouse concept approval Proposed clubhouse amendment Plot Plan No. 89422; site plan, floor plan, elevations Clubhouse parcel (from TT #24890) Applicant's letter dated 9/15/89 Proposed interim parking phasing /operation EA #89 -139 BJ /STAFFRPT.011 - 4 - area CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -422 ` toys �►J��'tb`n� LANDMARK LAND COMPANY �- SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 GENERAL 1. The development of the project comply with approved Exhibits Sample Board, as contained Development Department's file and the following conditions sha event of any conflicts with Plan No. 85 -006. site (in concept) shall A, B, and C, and Color in the Planning and for Plot Plan No. 89 -422, 11 take precedence in the the provisions of Specific 2. Plot Plan No. 89 -422, shall comply with all standards and requirements of the La Quinta Land Use Ordinance unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 3. Plot Plan No. 89 -422 shall comply with the La Quinta General Plan, and development of on -site and off -site improvements shall be consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 4. This approval shall be used within the time limits specified in Chapter 9.182 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 5. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 85 -006, as amended. 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and /or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Engineer o City Fire Marshal o City Planning and Development Department o Riverside County Environmental Health Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above - mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 1 - Soils and Geology 7. Applicant shall submit appropriate soil testing /compaction date for building pad areas as required by the Building Division, prior to issuance of any development permits. 8. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code. Method of dust control shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Traffic. Circulation, and Parkin 9. The Applicant shall develop all remaining interior roads, driveways, and parking areas applicable to Plot Plan 89 -422, in conformance with the approved site plan for PP 89 -422, as well as complying with City standards and the design standards specified in Specific Plan No. 85 -006 (Oak Tree West) as amended and conditionally approved and subject to approval by the City Engineer. 10. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: a. Applicant shall prepare street improvement plans and construct interim improvements at Jefferson Street, including any necessary widening for turn lanes, subject to the requirements of the City Engineer. b. Permanent access shall be precise development plan 85 -006, as amended, and Approval for Tentative Tentative Tract No. 24890, review and approval by the in accordance with the s for Specific Plan No. the Final Conditions of Tract No. 24889 and and shall be subject to City Engineer. C. Applicant shall prepare a grading and drainage plan(s) in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer. Storm drainage system(s) shall be designed to retain runoff from the 100 -year design level storm on- site,inclusive of the Applicant's portion of Jefferson Street frontage. d. All required street improvements, drainage and utility plans, as required by the City Engineer, shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer, and shall be subject to review and approval by Riverside County, Coachella Valley Water District, (CVWD), the City Engineer and any other agencies which may be affected. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 2 - e. An encroachment permit for work in the City of La Quinta and any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements (i.e., County of Riverside). 11. A minimum of 215 parking stalls shall be provided. Up to 43 spaces may be designed to compact car standards, and a minimum of five handicapped spaces shall be provided. The Applicant shall prepare a detailed parking plan (may be part of grading plan) in accordance with the approved Exhibit A for Plot Plan No. 89 -422. 12. Landscaping and striping of the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and standards of Chapter 9.160 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance. 13. Fire protection shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal and in accordance with the City of La Quintals codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The following requirements shall be met /certified to, except that the City Fire Marshal may approve alternative means of compliance deemed appropriate and equivalent to or better than these standards. a. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3000 gpm for a 3 -hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. b. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant(s) (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2 1/211) located not less than 25 -feet nor more than 165 -feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. C. Applicant /Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." d. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to the start of construction. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 3 - e. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 -feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 -feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check /inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. f. An access road with a minimum unobstructed width of 20 -feet and a vertical clearance of 13 -feet, 6- inches, shall be provided for the cart staging area. Access road and cart staging area shall be designed to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all- weather driving capabilities. g. Certain designated areas may be required to be maintained as fire lanes. h. An interim secondary access road to the site shall be provided and maintained until such time as tract development provides other acceptable means of access. Interim access shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. 14. The Applicant shall comply with requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District as follows: a. The water and sewage disposal systems for the project shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and CVWD. b. Plans for grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems shall be submitted to CVWD for review. This review is for ensuring efficient water management. 15. All on -site utility improvements shall be installed underground. Landscaping /Walls 16. Prior to issuance of any utility release or certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval a detailed plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape areas. Desert or native plan species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 4 - b. Location and design detail of any proposed and /or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. This plan shall be in conformance with the approved Exhibit A for Plot Plan No. 89 -422, as to planting concept. Plans submitted shall bear the approvals from CVWD and the Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner's office. Any deviation in the field from the approved plan must be approved by the Planning and Development Department. The installed landscaping shall be inspected by the Planning and Development Department with an advance request for inspection of 48 -hours minimum. Building Design 17. Any minor changes in the color scheme or building materials may be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department prior to building permit issuance. Archaeology 18. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures will be taken. Miscellaneous 19. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the City's adopted requirements regarding infrastructure fees for public facilities and buildings. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 5 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -422 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 GENERAL 1. The development of the project comply with approved Exhibits Sample Board, as contained Development Department's file and the following conditions sha event of any conflicts with Plan No. 85 -006. site (in concept) shall A, B, and C, and Color in the Planning and for Plot Plan No. 89 -422, 11 take precedence in the the provisions of Specific 2. Plot Plan No. 89 -422, shall comply with all standards and requirements of the La Quinta Land Use Ordinance unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 3. Plot Plan No. 89 -422 shall comply with the La Quinta General Plan, and development of on -site and off -site improvements shall be consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. 4. This approval shall be used within the time limits specified in Chapter 9.182 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 5. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 85 -006, as amended. 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain permits and /or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Engineer o City Fire Marshal o City Planning and Development Department o Riverside County Environmental Health Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above - mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 1 - Soils and Geolo 7. Applicant shall submit appropriate soil testing /compaction date for building pad areas as required by the Building Division, prior to issuance of any development permits. 8. The Applicant shall utilize dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code. Method of dust control shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Traffic. Circulation, and Parkin 9. The Applicant shall develop all remaining interior roads, driveways, and parking areas applicable to Plot Plan 89 -422, in conformance with the approved site plan for PP 89 -422, as well as complying with City standards and the design standards specified in Specific Plan No. 85 -006 (Oak Tree West) as amended and conditionally approved and subject to approval by the City Engineer. 10. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the City Engineer: a. Applicant shall prepare street improvement plans and construct interim improvements at Jefferson Street, including any necessary widening for turn lanes, subject to the requirements of the City Engineer. b. Permanent access shall be in accordance with the precise development plans for Specific Plan No. 85 -006, as amended, and the Final Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract No. 24889 and Tentative Tract No. 24890, and shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. C. Applicant shall prepare a grading and drainage plan(s) in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer. Storm drainage system(s) shall be designed to retain runoff from the 100 -year design level storm on- site,inclusive of the Applicant's portion of Jefferson Street frontage. d. All required street improvements, drainage and utility plans, as required by the City Engineer, shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer, and shall be subject to review and approval by Riverside County, Coachella Valley Water District, (CVWD), the City Engineer and any other agencies which may be affected. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 2 - e. An encroachment permit for work in the City of La Quinta and any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements (i.e., County of Riverside). 11. A minimum of 215 parking stalls shall be provided. Up to 43 spaces may be designed to compact car standards, and a minimum of five handicapped spaces shall be provided. The Applicant shall prepare a detailed parking plan (may be part of grading plan) in accordance with the approved Exhibit A for Plot Plan No. 89 -422. 12. Landscaping and striping of the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the requirements and standards of Chapter 9.160 of the Municipal Land Use Ordinance. 13. Fire protection shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal and in accordance with the City of La Quintals codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The following requirements shall be met /certified to, except that the City Fire Marshal may approve alternative means of compliance deemed appropriate and equivalent.to or better than these standards. a. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3000 gpm for a 3 -hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. b. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant(s) (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2 1/211) located not less than 25 -feet nor more than 165 -feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. C. Applicant /Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." d. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to the start of construction. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 3 - c e. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 -feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 -feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check /inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. f. An access road with a minimum unobstructed width of 20 -feet and a vertical clearance of 13 -feet, 6- inches, shall be provided for the cart staging area. Access road and cart staging area shall be designed to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all- weather driving capabilities. g. Certain designated areas may be required to be maintained as fire lanes. h. An interim secondary access road to the site shall be provided and maintained until such time as tract development provides other acceptable means of access. Interim access shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. 14. The Applicant shall comply with requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District as follows: a. The water and sewage disposal systems for the project shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City and CVWD. b. Plans for grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems shall be submitted to CVWD for review. This review is for ensuring efficient water management. 15. All on -site utility improvements shall be installed underground. Landscaping /Walls 16. Prior to issuance of any utility release or certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval a detailed plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape areas. Desert or native plan species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 4 - b. Location and design detail of any proposed and /or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. This plan shall be in conformance with the approved Exhibit A for Plot Plan No. 89 -422, as to planting concept. Plans submitted shall bear the approvals from CVWD and the Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner's office. Any deviation in the field from the approved plan must be approved by the Planning and Development Department. The installed landscaping shall be inspected by the Planning and Development Department with an advance request for inspection of 48 -hours minimum. Building Design 17. Any minor changes in the color scheme or building materials may be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department prior to building permit issuance. Archaeology 18. If buried remains are encountered during development, a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately and appropriate mitigation measures will be taken. Miscellaneous 19. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall comply with the City's adopted requirements regarding infrastructure fees for public facilities and buildings. BJ /CONAPRVL.016 - 5 - I] H N 2 O O Z N Q •.•.u• our.• � V AVE 50 e N A CENTER • .,��, LL �W t, t , i AVE. 52 OFFICE COMMERCIAL ,�4 '. •parr •NC•� �p� {7 � ��� �! 4 OAK TREE WEST La Quinta, California me a" Lane Use was 1cr•• anenr trarulsM r•si"ntlel Open space I's Residential 419 s /•e» 2246 "If is nob• 400 Hotel Comrnsrclet 3e.5 200 Office Comm.rCIW s.s R.O.W. to total to2o ��NrII in 14P. m t ,C { PGAVVEST ,477_ACHM0A1 r `2. N C AVE. 54 s 1 AVE. 50 AVE H r y Z 0 F- y r -- INS Z 0 Cc U. Z I AVE 52 1 -- _ AVE 52 ossIu ccr OAK TREE WEST {� La Ouinm Ca®tofNa l r •» o+ P o LOW Lbe was •Wft Mwi1 QM•.•Ir tM10�wllr _ _ r '� Open soon• 110 I etssid6mtd 410.1 !/sots list f j o, Oat 46 hats 400 j • � w omoo Cowenmfr LS AVE par. 10 b" too$ LAND o USE PLAN �tivESI' , J m PrLOPOsfo A�o�� O`3 i I i � ♦10 Too """"7 too •oe 10o boo Lo""re l4M Co-"" W C4wtt.wa. etc. HOTEL /COMMERCIAL CENTER Lane use act*. 4.s• epery "*let 7100 rs" 700 00ff CI.04u.4e ss.000 w 11. Iso office / Con atc"o 100.000 4e. M. No 10441 3e.6 1ts0 typical community commercial center uses •1004.10n14 •.ero 0Lr• •book 41.10 0140.04'110.110. 4, Ito'• •. C• 11.44. 441101 •H4.Ir •410• 01:0.•4 0e•oiellr 010:0 •eUnl a10r0 •e0t •404 .0n• .•0r •ter• •H.41rr 41or• •to-lr •4110. 0101• ••vo ••�n•.�•t • ban• •ool�••C• •tor• •4•n• ••oorlme eo.04 gc -- a !okra ..s at • i pj - � jl • � � 14 .1 r •• .e r � 1 r �� •• iii ���.�� f� .� to • � � M � • i ♦�� �:+ `i�li� iii 1. �i ��' i'r� s• �a' Il':'t'= � t � 9 /4 0201/q - Gac. i' (f L C' rtevs 4f X42" i4mAr,�fmi5vr i se .w t•ws�«� �w Cw.•� w Gn «.� rs. HOTEL /GOLF CLUBHOUSE GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN �I i - v� /ai°r°2 O ✓ � L 14-rnotc.HM4n.,T #�o &JTI T AAL \� �--------- - se .w t•ws�«� �w Cw.•� w Gn «.� rs. HOTEL /GOLF CLUBHOUSE GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN �I i - v� /ai°r°2 O ✓ � L 14-rnotc.HM4n.,T #�o a` I� V-0 'p9 A' A2 A3 A4 i ' RA�'TIC R�EN r #1 TEE � i - - --j LAKE 1 A6 I A /�I A5� �\10 Tee O I t.........� cam...... t CITRUS COURSE GOLF CLUBHOUSE ,e}rrac.-*i.Hs�,vr # 7 tt m m > m n m m m j�m c�)o Z!Z m� Oy u ,s • .: of o 1 1 U i O -- 0 x 0 r" 1 - A. i m z --------------------------------- ----------------------------- Q/W ------------------------------ .--- -- - - - - -- -y -- - - - -. JEFFERSON STREET E) GNrt M� t <: 0 8 d LA OUINTA HOTEL- CITRUS COURSE _ GOLF CLUBHOUSE �c1 i1111m+ Jill 0000 s T T 0 r" 1 - A. i m z --------------------------------- ----------------------------- Q/W ------------------------------ .--- -- - - - - -- -y -- - - - -. JEFFERSON STREET E) GNrt M� t <: 0 8 d LA OUINTA HOTEL- CITRUS COURSE _ GOLF CLUBHOUSE �c1 [ I N �1 • • • D P J( • -- - - - = -- -- - ff ------ d l son�� a' swim x110 r �. •11w 10w rr rye • �� • an Nn _ IrL N09•m1 a!o •••••• A LEE- '�— ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES - -- i --- -- - - -- -- - 8 0 w: ■ J N • 4 ■ O O • CLUBHOUSE LEVEL FLOOR PLAN V O J'. it - I 1 1 • • O ___ O Ab i • L • rrrt � +�+�i`.i� � � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • rr � y'1 CARTBARN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLATT - -ir �r R., QP�� i2 m I rn m I r 1 i `I �L m m Y' _ 1 1 1 I 1 1 4m m I 1 i 1 i i i i 1 I o / O D N LA OUINTA HOTEL- CITRUS.000RSE i i GOLF CLUBHOUSE . ' +; i� S t FLOOR PLANS (' 'L �G�. m 0 AW 00 k") 00 - cl 15 78 L ww CVWD WELL SITE 36 STREET 0 1 c0 " 'A (1402 0 0 A A * 37 i3 G t2 t.4 _ _:"f0e 00 oo 43 att_ ig _j 46 45 509 38 t� C. G43 1. 4 A.0 10,03, N o Gu rs tECVRtTV GAPE c'; SEC URff ig _,p G.ATE:) 0.4 CL 40 k, 'AT ori NJ , 41 0 LJ�/ 570 40.00 iR s _5 0 0 0 • -1 40. W, Cl to 0 140.00' CLUB HOUSE b. "Ac r - -:6- 140.00' - si 568 24 k 32 33 4 'a''\,-1 5 I TA o 140,00' m 4- 563 GOLF COURSE 18.5 AC aim 11 25 - 29 . 769 - 22 T t�._Q.. 7504 2 1� S SEC 5 T.6S. R. 7E. "Notice: This is neither a Flat nor a survey. It is furnished merely ss a convenience to aid you in loca *.': ; v -:� Land indicated hereon whh referenco to st -acts end ether land. No hbi!ltr 2/ is assumed by reason of any reliance hereon'" co / = 400, I /2 I I /7 I Q 6 " Wrtics: This is nehthw a plot nor a survey-'k is futrrished mealy as a ConvQnienc6 to aid yob in tootling the land k%4cet d hereon with reference to streets and other WM. No liab il11 in *aoum&d by rsasan of any reliance here. ' t J : ^L re 01 va NE i HV, I ,I I I LT I I DA Tot R15 9/37 52 n d 60RO peg ir.s' 32692 4/59 29 Jtr) J O �, 28 v Q 0 O ILO W I L4 0 } �- AVE 7 IT/0 ASSESSOR'S Amp &r 76-9 PS 22 RIVERS /OE CSTY, CA41r :.- cam• C • O O I 0 0 0 i . o O 0 /o c O f 11 t J : ^L re 01 va NE i HV, I ,I I I LT I I DA Tot R15 9/37 52 n d 60RO peg ir.s' 32692 4/59 29 Jtr) J O �, 28 v Q 0 O ILO W I L4 0 } �- AVE 7 IT/0 ASSESSOR'S Amp &r 76-9 PS 22 RIVERS /OE CSTY, CA41r :.- cam• ob 1 1 r �L aj4�(�, 1:1 O R A N G E C O A S T T I T LE C O M PAN Y 1060 E. Washington Street, Suite 200 Colton, California 92324 (714) 825 -8800 Landmark land Co 78 -150 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Date: July 31, 1989 Attention: Alex Iandos /Design&Planning Your No. Order No. R- 80174 -8 Dated as of June 12, 1989 at 7:30 A.M. In response to the above referenced application fora policy of title insurance, the insurer hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions frcan the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Schedule 1 and Schedule 1 (continued) attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Cmmitment should be requested. PHIL ERWIAGA Title Officer The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: "a California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy - 1988, owner's policy ". The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested'in: LARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC., a Delaware Corporation M M • Order No. R- 80174 -8 of The land referred to in this Report is situated in the State of California, County of Riverside and is described as follows: PARCEL 1: The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to the Official Plat thereof. At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the Exceptions and Exclusions in said policy form would be as follows: A. General and Special Taxes for the fiscal year 1989 -1990. A lien not yet payable. B. The following taxes have all been paid and are reported for proration purposes only. General and Special Taxes for the fiscal year 1988 -1989. Total Amount $19,218.28, First Installment $9,609.14, second Installment $9,609.14. Code Area 020016, Assessors Parcel No. 769 - 210 - 008 -5. Exemption $none. C. Any additional amounts of general and special taxes which may be assessed by reason of: (a) Reappraisal of the property values as of March 1, 1975; (b) Improvements added subsequent to Mare 1, 1975; (c) Change of ownership subsequent to March 1, 1975; (d) Any final judgment determining Article 13A as added to the Constitution of the State of California, being invalid, unconstitutional, or having been improperly applied. D. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Section 75, et seq. of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. 1. A right of way and easement of the Coachella Valley County Water District in favor of the public for all public roads and rights of way heretofore dedicated, acquired, reserved or accepted for public use, and also any and all private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe line, ditches and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. Continued • M continued: Order No. R- 80174 -8 2. An easement for pipelines and incidental purposes, as granted to United States of America in the deed recorded May 1, 1953 as Instrument No. 21350, of Official Records, along an area 10 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Parallel to and 35 feet South of the North line of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, and extending frcan the West line, to the East line thereof. Also, parallel to and 5 feet East of the West line of said East half of the Northeast quarter, and extending from a point 35 feet South of the South line of said East half of the Northeast quarter, to a point 35 feet North"of said South line. Also, parallel to and 15 feet East of the West line of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, and extending from a point 35 feet South of the North line of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, to a point 50 feet South of said North line." (Affects this and other Ply) 3. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness of $ 82,000.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded Feb. 27, 1959, as Instrument No. 16631, of Official Records. Dated: Jan. 9, 1959. Trvstor: Robert F. Beauchamp and Dorothy O. Beauchamp, his wife; Harry B. Brown and Jeanne Brown, his wife; said Jeanne Brawn being also known as Glena Jean Brawn. Trustee: The Federal Land Bank of Berkeley, a corporation. Beneficiary: The Federal Land Bank of Berkeley, a corporation. (Affects this and other property) Note: Information received by this Coopany, indicates this item has been paid in full, however we find no reeonveyance of record. 4. A Right -of -way for road purposes in favor of the County of Riverside, as set forth in Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, recorded April 17, 1959, as Instrument No. 32692, of Official Records. Affects: The Easterly 30 feet 5. An easement for public utilities and incidental purposes, as granted to Imperial Irrigation District in the deed recorded Nov. 12, 1986 as Instrument No. 286825, of Official Records, affects the South 1/2 of the NE 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of Section 5, T. 6 S. , R. 7 E. , , S. B. B. &M. , the center line of said right of way in the aforesaid land is particularly described as follows: Along a lime which is parallel with and 62 feet west of the East line of the above described property. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the width of said riot of way shall not exceed eight (8) feet in either direction fr the center line. PE:bd Policy Rate: BBR Enclosures: Plats 0 0 • SCHEDULE 1 CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1988 w The following matters are expressly _excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building or zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or.enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) whether or not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy. (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage or for the estate or interest insured by this policy. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with the applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. In addition to the Exclusions, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area. encroachments, o. any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 (AMENDED 10- 17 -70) SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE 1. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the. land, or prohibiting a separation in ownerships or a reduction in the dimensions of area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of. eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured . by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. FTG 3157 -F (Rev 11 -1 -88) M • • SCHEDULE 1 (Continued) • AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY - 1970 WITH A.L.TA ENDORSEMENT FORM 1 COVERAGE (AMENDED 10- 17 -70) SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: 1. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy or acquired the insured mortgage and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to any statutory lien for labor or material or to the extent insurance is afforded herein as to assessments for street improvements under construction or completed at Date of Policy). 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of failure of the insured at Date of Policy or of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness to comply with applicable "doing business laws" of the state in which the land is situated. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY - 1987 WITH A.L.TA ENDORSEMENT FORM 1 COVERAGE (6/87) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise therof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent that this policy insures the priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or material or the extent insurance is afforded herein as to assessments for street improvements under construction or completed at date of policy); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable "doing business laws" of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any statutory lien for services, labor or materials (or claim of priority of any statutory lien for services, labor or materials over the lien of the insured mortgage) arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is contracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance. FTG 3157 -G (Rev 11 -1 -88) M M SCI - {EDUCE l (Continued) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIALTITLE INSURANCE POLICY - 1979 EXCLUSIONS In addition to the exceptions in Schedule 13, you are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees and expenses resulting from: Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of any la%v or government regulation. This includes building and zoning ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning: land use improvements on the land land division environmental protection This exclusion does not limit the zoning coverage described in Items 12 and 13 of Covered Title Risks. The right to take the land by condemning it, unless a notice of taking appears in the public records on the Policy Date. Title Risks: that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you that are known to you, but not to us, on the Policy Date - unless they appeared in the public records. that result in no loss to you that first affect your title after the Policy Date - this does not limit the labor and material lien coverage in Item 8 of Covered Title Risks. Failure to pay value for your title. Lack of a right: to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in Item 3 of Schedule A or in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land. This exclusion does not limit the access coverage in Item 5 of Covered Title Risks. In addition to the Exclusions, you are not insured against loss, costs, attomeys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by making inquiry of parties in possession of the land. 2. Any liens or easements not shown by the Public Records. However, this does not limit the affirmative coverage in Item 8 of covered Title Risks. 3. Any facts about the land not shown by the Public Records which a correct survey would disclose. However, this does not limit the affirmative coverage in Item 12 of Covered Title Risks. 4. (a) Any water rights or claims or title to water in or under the land; (b) unpatented mining claims; (c) reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. FTC 3157 -I1 (Rev 11 -1 -88) r • 25-29. 769-21 T C Q. 020' 0i6 020- 023 r 3.1132 50. L -,vep- si•oa- w rrero. PM/37112- /3 POrCe/ Mop No. 19834 60•Rds. pti, inst. 32692 4139 RS. 73/ 94 RS 75115 • cr o /a�� re Gco me 71 l i +►[r w, io v 13,14 f®r't� 7 n = AD 2aVt s�sB �$ PAP 137111 4 /7, it 0 /' f n , ash /! . za -0 �••= 400 :J, 2t 4.26AC -* i !i• !T vt 31.91 AC-* NO. 2 - o PAP (40.25) �r _ 'f OLD AO JAVW AOV r P6 7 30 • ST v v !St �o . 05 Q� N 2' SEC. 5 T -6S. R. 7E. 6/7 40 AVE - 26d6.6l 22 "Notice: This is neither a plat nor a survey. It is furnished merely as a convenience to aid you is .loceiing the land indicated hereon with reference to street and other land_ No Rabiltty is assumed by reason of any reliance hereon." 32 L-3 NAB 4 I- y� w �I 1. ,�• II Iq h_. J h Q 27 J W �v 3 o� � o 0 Zz 0 W Q, A SS, S OR'S M.dP OK 769 PC 21 R5ERS /OE G044V7Y, CALIr PM/37112- /3 POrCe/ Mop No. 19834 60•Rds. pti, inst. 32692 4139 RS. 73/ 94 RS 75115 • cr o /a�� re Gco me 71 l i +►[r w, io 13,14 4 /7, it / " -n /' f n , ash /! . za -0 21,22 :J, 2t tr Iv !s !i• !T N 2' SEC. 5 T -6S. R. 7E. 6/7 40 AVE - 26d6.6l 22 "Notice: This is neither a plat nor a survey. It is furnished merely as a convenience to aid you is .loceiing the land indicated hereon with reference to street and other land_ No Rabiltty is assumed by reason of any reliance hereon." 32 L-3 NAB 4 I- y� w �I 1. ,�• II Iq h_. J h Q 27 J W �v 3 o� � o 0 Zz 0 W Q, A SS, S OR'S M.dP OK 769 PC 21 R5ERS /OE G044V7Y, CALIr I M 4 4Qumro MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN & MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: JULY 10, 1990 BI-2 SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION ON REVISED ARCHITECTURE FOR THE CITRUS COURSE GOLF CLUBHOUSE PROJECT INFORMATION: REFER TO ATTACHED DESIGN REVIEW BOARD REPORT DATED JULY 10, 1990 BACKGROUND The Design Review Board will have acted upon this item immediately before your meeting tonight, therefore, there is no opportunity to_prepare a Staff report - on their action-(s). Staff will give a brief oral presentation on the Design Review Board actions at your meeting, at which time you may act on their recommendations(s) at your discretion. Attachment: Design Review Board Staff memo dated July 10, 1990 MEMOWN.003 /CS TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: JULY 10, 1990 SUBJECT: REVISED ARCHITECTURE FOR THE CITRUS COURSE GOLF CLUBHOUSE AT OAK TREE WEST APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY ARCHITECT: ROBERT S. RITCHEY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: LANDMARK LAND DESIGN & PLANNING PROJECT: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF DESIGN CHANGES TO PREVIOUS PLOT PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE OAK TREE WEST (CITRUS COURSE) GOLF CLUBHOUSE LOCATION: WITHIN THE APPROVED OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, GENERALLY IN THE NORTHEASTERLY PORTION OF THE PROJECT, APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF AVENUE 50 AND +1000 FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET (SEE ATTACHMENT #1). BACKGROUND Plot Plan 89 -422 was approved by the Planning Commission on September 26, 1989 and accepted by City Council on October 3, 1989. Conditions of approval provided only for minor changes to the approved color scheme, to be authorized administratively. Upon review of the revised concept designs, Staff directed the Applicant to submit the revisions for Design Review Board approval based on the following: 1. Significance of Architectural Design Changes - This is the primary reason that this item is before you, as there is variation between the approved architecture and the proposed revisions. This is most noticeable, on the east and west elevations, in the reduction of window area and increased southwestern architectural appearance and detailing with the revised drawings. Staff offers that this revision is an improvement over the existing approval from a design standpoint. The overall MEMOWN.004 /CS -1- 2. Building Footprint Changes - The revised Clubhouse footprint appears more "squared off" from that previously approved. However, this only alters the approved square footage (40,160) by +100 square feet, according to the Applicant. Staff does not see any problems in this respect. 3. Colors /Materials - The approved incorporated colors and materials are similar to those at La Quinta Hotel. The revised colors /materials do make a little less use of color, but this does not present a conflict within the context of the revised architecture. 4. Landscaping Layout - Some minor changes have been incorporated into the landscaping shown on the revised layout, but Staff offers that these are insignificant and substantially retain the content and provisions of the initial approval. Services, cart staging and landscaping concept are generally in the same configurations as previously approved. In fact, the revised landscaping is more substantial in some areas and adds additional materials to the existing list. RECOMMENDATION By minute motion, recommended to the Planning Commission approval of the revised Oak Tree West Golf Clubhouse architectural design, layout, and landscaping, as submitted by the Applicant. Attachment: 1. Location Map MEMOWN.004 /CS -2- AV L,A OYINTA — 1� LA QUINT ,. ITE'..,, u�iyllun: '/j 89 -027 H 0 O L � . IT = t// ulul><1J111 — Alillll11lllllillll11 l� ¢ 0 T . &7V E N.0 E T H ■" H E DURA A OUINTA TS 25429: RCHARD= >! P ________7T 25389 = I111 =84 -009 Illll�illinillllllll {Ilrrrrlrll� A11111111111 a_ a` Illlllllir>� ~' :� nntnnnrt� � � _.. . ERNS IYJL 52 REALIGNED OAK TREE WEST SP 85 -006 TT 21880 i �IIIIIIIl1111111 - • Il I1 L1U1 11t11JJ111111111111111I11J/J111 /111111111 /1 cIjl {illy= TT 21939 � ♦I !1 /111111111111111111111 U11 /1 �•1 _ E� . Eug lyS 12fs. At- �S9 L2•� c. -aiE Z Nt 3,r, t.6 .?CY, .4r- ,f,16 I- Z- v ,0.4 110.2 ANNEXATi1 Dr� n tnrr c• T I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 4 (m,[ BI -B MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JULY 10, 1990 REVISED ARCHITECTURE FOR THE CITRUS COURSE GOLF CLUBHOUSE AT OAK TREE WEST APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY ARCHITECT: ROBERT S. RITCHEY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: LANDMARK LAND DESIGN & PLANNING PROJECT: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF DESIGN CHANGES TO PREVIOUS PLOT PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE OAK TREE WEST (CITRUS COURSE) GOLF CLUBHOUSE LOCATION: WITHIN THE APPROVED OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, GENERALLY IN THE NORTHEASTERLY PORTION OF THE PROJECT, APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF AVENUE 50 AND +1000 FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET (SEE ATTACHMENT #1). BACKGROUND Plot Plan 89 -422 was approved by the Planning Commission on September 26, 1989 and accepted by City Council on October 3, 1989. Conditions of approval provided only for minor changes to the approved color scheme, to be authorized administratively. Upon review of the revised concept designs, Staff directed the Applicant to submit the revisions for Design Review Board approval based on the following: 1. Significance of Architectural Design Changes - This is the primary reason that this item is before you, as there is variation between the approved architecture and the proposed revisions,. This is most noticeable, on the east and west elevations, in the reduction of window area and increased southwestern architectural appearance and detailing with the revised drawings. Staff offers that this revision is an improvement over the existing approval from a design standpoint. The overall MEMOWN.004 /CS -1- 2. Building Footprint Changes - The revised Clubhouse footprint appears more "squared off" from that previously approved. However, this only alters the approved square footage (40,160) by +100 square feet, according to the Applicant. Staff does not see any problems in this respect. 3. Colors /Materials - The approved incorporated colors and materials are similar to those at La Quinta Hotel. The revised colors /materials do make a little less use of color, but this does not present a conflict within the context of the revised architecture. 4. Landscaping Layout - Some minor changes have been incorporated into the landscaping shown on the revised layout, but Staff offers that these are insignificant and substantially retain the content and provisions of the initial approval. Services, cart staging and landscaping concept are generally in the same configurations as previously approved. In fact, the revised landscaping is more substantial in some areas and adds additional materials to the existing list. RECOMMENDATION By minute motion, recommended to the Planning approval of the revised Oak Tree West Golf architectural design, layout, and landscaping, as the Applicant. Attachment: 1. Location Map MEMOWN.004 /CS -2- Commission Clubhouse submitted by — - - - 4A QYJNTA 1 illy LA OUINT - %•j j 1117 E logo I { { 00 0100 I � JRNS 89 -027 �. ,;�„ ,� Z ,�I�I1111111111111111111 _._ -IoTA A E uE low 171111160.,- �♦ ! tRCHARD= HE DUNAA OUINTA T1 25429 SP '.`TT 25389 aA -oos LAl�- .�;�,,.,,.i — Ilill�llillinllllllllllllllllll 111111111( C C C 5r/L nllllrlllll .. TT 21880 J1JL 62 REALIGNED �� �Il�rrnl OAK TREE WEST SP 85 -008 . � �Illlllllllllill _ : C LpIIII ""IsIslam cl1 ;illllllllilllill � rlllllllllil Sr AT101 lNS /,,is . ,.r- iS9 C., Xsi Z nr 3'M ,£xc,-R-. AC iws' . 1-q " "A c D,2. ANN-EXATIO� PGA WEST : TT 21939 ��IG �G .. E Sr AT101 lNS /,,is . ,.r- iS9 C., Xsi Z nr 3'M ,£xc,-R-. AC iws' . 1-q " "A c D,2. ANN-EXATIO� PGA WEST 1 1 N 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 November 22, 1989 Mr. Dirk Gaudet 5 Landmark Land Company P. O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PGA WEST CLUBHOUSE LANDSCAPE PLANS PLOT PLAN NO. 89 -409 Dear Mr. Gaudet:- This is to follow up on our phone conversation of November 22, 1989, relative to the above subject. As indicated to you, the conditions and plot plan case numbers.' became reversed inadvertently with those for the Citrus Course Clubhouse. Attached are the conditions for the PGA West facility; please disregard the references in our ten =r to you dated November 14, 1989, (copy attached) regarding landscape plans for the Citrus Course Golf Clubhouse. However, please note the following items: 1. Although the conditions' are - improperly referenced in the November 14th letter, the :,parking area' landscape, irrigation and lighting plans are still necessary, as well as those for the entry and access areas. 2. The lighting plan and details required for the clubhouse facility referred to in our November 14th letter also. remain applicable. As also discussed, regarding the recently adopted Outdoor Lighting Control Ordinance, you may request in writing to the Planning Director an exception -.to the Ordinance pursuant to an. interpretation of the intent of Section 9.210.30. For your information, this = Ordinance did become effective on November 17, 1989 ( copy of Ordinance attached-). BJ /LTRWN.032 - 1 - MAILING., ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 k Y Should you have any questions or need clarification on the above items, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:bja Attachment cc: Files: PP #89 -409 PP #89 -422 :. 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 November 14, 1989 Mr. Dirk Gaudet Landmark Land Company Design and Planning 78 -150 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR CITRUS COURSE GOLF CLUBHOUSE Dear Mr. Gaudet: This is to inform you that approved by the Planning aware, however, that a lighting plan for the par required by Conditions #12 (conditions attached). plans at our offices. the and sep, king You above referenced plans have been Development Department. Please be irate landscape, irrigation and area also needs to be submitted as #16 of the plot plan approval may pick up a stamped set of the Also, we will need a lighting plan and details to be submitted for approval for the clubhouse area prior to any installations occurring on site. In addition, we will also need to see the entry and access Iroad landscaping, irrigation and lighting prior to those areas being developed. Please also note the remaining conditions which still need to be addressed. Should you have any questions or need clarification regarding the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:bja Attachment cc: File BJ /LTRWN.027 - 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 q I 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 October 6, 1989 Mr. Alex Londos Landmark Land Company P. O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 02253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 89 -422, CITRUS GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE Dear Mr. Londos: This is to inform you that the following actions were taken with regards to the above referenced subject: 1. At their meeting of September 26, 1989, the La Quinta Planning Commission did, by minute motion, move to approve Plot Plan No. 89 -422, subject to conditions as presented in the Planning Commission Staff Report; and, 2. At their meeting of October 3, 1989, the La Quinta City Council did accept for file the decision of the Planning Commission regarding Plot Plan No. 89 -422. Enclosed for your records is a copy of the final approved conditions. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:bja cc: File BJ /LTRWN.020 - 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 September 15, 1989 SEP 15 1989 Wally Nesbit CITY OF LA QUI114TA Planning Department PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. CITY OF LA QUINTA 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Citrus Golf Course Clubhouse Temporary Entry /Bag Drop Dear Wally, In response to our meeting on 9 -6 -89, here is the information you requested. The Design & Planning Staff at Landmark Land Co. of Calif., Inc., would like to incorporate the existing temporary entry drive with the proposed parking lot layout. This would allow for construction of both the proposed clubhouse and proposed entry drive while still maintaining golfcourse operations. Existing pavement will be integrated with proposed pavement. However, additional temporary pavement will be necessary to accommodate an adequate bag drop off area. (See attached plan). Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Landmark Land of Calif., Inc. Dirk J. Gaudet Design & Planning JG /vlo Enclosure cc: Greg Abadie Keith Christiansen Files LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC., Land Planning, Engineering, Design & Construction 78 -150 Calle Tampico, P.O. Box 1000, La 9uinta, California 92253 (619) 564 -4500 FAX (619) 564 -8052 Planning & Engineering Office 46 -209 Oasis Street, Suite 405 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342 -8886 To: City of La Quinta Planning Division Re: Plot Plan 89 -422 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN..NEWMAN: FIRE CHIEF August 31, 1989 V Planning & Engineering Office 4080 Lemon Street, Suite 11 L Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 787 -6606 With respect to the condition of approval regarding the above referenced Plot Plan, the Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code and /or recognized fire protection standards: This letter supercedes Fire Department letter dated August 18, 1989. 1. Provide or show there exists a water system .capable of delivering 3000 gpm for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 2. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant(s) (6" x 4" x 2}" x 2} ") located not less than 25' nor more than 165' from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. 3. Applicant /developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 4. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to the start of construction. 5. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check /inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. 6. An access road with a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet and a verticle clearance of 13 feet, 6 inches, shall be provided for the cart staging area. Access road and cart staging area shall be designed to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all— weather driving capabilities. City of La Quinta Planning Division Re: PP 89 -422 7. Provide a secondary access road to the site. 8/31/89 Page 2. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (619) 342 -8886. to Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By '. p-- Dennis Dawson Deputy Fire Marshal Vr ATER ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY '01STRIC� COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (619) 398.2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS TELLIS CODEKAS, PRESIDENT THOMAS E. LEVY, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER RAYMOND R. RUMMONDS, VICE PRESIDENT BERNARDINE SUTTON, SECRETARY JOHN P. POWELL KEITH H. AINSWORTH, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER DOROTHY M. NICHOLS REDWINE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS THEODORE J. FISH August 30, 1989 Planning Commission City of La Quinta Post Office Box .1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Gentlemen: %File: 0163.1 ^: PUNK % 011' 4A ofvE,o P4� ��TUT`� o£Pr Subject: Plot Plan 89 -422, Portion of Northeast Quarter, Section 5, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian This area is protected from stormwater flows by a system of channels and dikes, and may-.be considered safe from stormwater flows except in rare instances. This area is designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The district will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this district. These regulations provide for the payment of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. Plans for grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems shall be submitted to Coachella Valley Water District for review. This review is for ensuring efficient water management. If you have any questions please call Bob Meleg, stormwater engineer, extension 264. Y rs very truly, Tom Levy General Manager -Chief ngineer RF:il cc: Don Park Riverside County Department TRUE CONSERVATION of Public Health, Indio USE WATER WISELY SOUTHERN MUMRG A MPANY 1981 LUGONIA AVENUE, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 3003, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA 92373 -0306 August 18, 1989 City of La Quinta Planning Department 78 -105 Calle Estrado La Quinta, California 92253 AUG 2 3 1989 ATTENTION: Wallace Nesbit CITY OF LA QUiNTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. RE: Case #PP89 -422 The Southern California Gas Company has a gas main in Jefferson near the project. Distribution lines could be extended from these mains to serve the proposed development without any significant impact on the environment. The service would be in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission at the time contractual arrangements are made. The availability of natural gas service, as set forth in this letter, is based upon present conditions of gas supply and regulatory policies. As a public utility, the Southern California Gas Company is under the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission. We can also be affected by actions of federal regulatory agencies. Should these agencies take any action which affects gas supply or the conditions under which service is available, gas service will be provided in accordance with revised conditions. Typical demand use for: a. Residential (System Area Average /Use Per Meter) Yearly Single Family 799 therms /year dwelling unit Multi - Family 4 or less units 482 therms /year dwelling unit Multi - Family 5 or more units 483 therms /year dwelling unit These averages are based on total gas consumption in residential units served by Southern California Gas Company, and it should not be implied that any particular home, apartment or tract of homes will use these amounts of energy. b. Commercial Due to the fact that construction varies so widely (a glass building vs. a heavily insulated building) and there is such a wide variation in types of materials and equipment used, a typical demand figure is not available for this type of construction. Calculations would need to be made after the building has been designed. To insure the existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the new development, an engineering study will be required. Detailed information including tract maps and plot plans must be submitted to the Gas Company Market Services Representa- tive, 1 -800- 624 -2497, six months prior to the actual construction of the natural gas pipeline. We have developed several programs which are available, upon request, to provide assistance in selecting the most effective applications of energy conservation techniques for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs, please contact our Area Market Services Manager, P.O. Box 3003, Redlands, CA 92373 -0306, phone 1 -800- 624 -2497. Sincerely, Roger L. B hman Technical Supervisor RLB:vjs CC: Environ Affairs - ML209B i I :' , .. , I Plannin8 & Engineering Office 46 -209 Oasis Street, Suite 405 Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342 -8886 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN- N-EWMAN FIRE CHIEF August 18, 1989 Y Planning & Engineering Office 4080 Lemon Street, Suite 11L / Riverside, CA 92501 f (714) 787 -6606 To: City of La Quinta RIMMED Planning Division AUG 2 3 1989 Re: Plot Plan 89 -422 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. With respect to the condition of approval regarding the above referenced Plot Plan, the Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code and /or recognized fire protection standards: 1. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 1500 gpm for a 2 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 2. The applicant /developer shall be from the water company noting th that the existing water system i for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi system currently does not exist, to provide written certification to provide them. responsible to submit written certification e location of the existing fire hydrant and s capable of delivering 3000 gpm fire flow residual operating pressure. If a water the applicant /developer shall be responsible that financial arrangements have been made 3. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6" x 4" x 2}" x 21 "), will be located not less than 25' or more than 165' from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any two (2) adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. 4. Applicant /developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 5. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to the start of construction. 6. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check /inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. City of La Quinta - Planning Div. Re: Plot Plan No. 89 -422 8/18/89 Page 2. 7. Install a supervised waterflow fire alarm system as required by the Uniform Building Code. 8. Install a fire alarm system as required by the Uniform Building Code, National Fire Protection Association. and Uniform Fire Code. 9. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, Pamphlet #10, but not less than 2A1OBC in rating. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 10. Install Panic Hardware and Exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 11, Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 12. Whenever access into private property is controlled through use of gates, barriers, guard houses or similar means, provision shall be made to facilitate access by emergency vehicles in a manner approved by the Fire Department. All controlled access devices that are power operated shall have a radio - controlled over -ride system capable of opening the gate when activated by a special transmitter located in emergency vehicles. Devices shall be equipped with backup power facilities to operate in the event of power failure. All controlled access devices that are not power operated shall also be approved by the Fire Department. Minimum opening width shall be 12', with a minimum vertical clearance of 13'6 ". 13. Provide additional emergency access for sit. 14. Provide 13'6" clearance at port cochere for emergency vehicles. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (619) 342 -8886. Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief 're Department Planner By MIN► m Reeder re Protection Specialist to To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO Date: S- t'? -89 - -- CITY ENGINEER --- CITY M iAGER - -- FIRE MARSHAL CO tUNITY SAFETY X PRiA10 PAL C /A) --- BUILDING DIVISION From : PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Subject . PROjECT - - _ ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - Case : Pe- or A4,/ 89 -1(Z2 (r" AmAc.,rao) PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY 8l ?0 %9 COMMENTS: To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO Date: e - t-4 - 89 - -- CITY ENGINEER --- CITY MAiJAGER - -- FIRE MARSHAL. -X 121fEc72212 - -- CO�T11JN I TY SAFETY X PRIA/GPk l C /A) - -- BUILDING DIVISION - ASS)f From: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT \-v Sub jest PROJECT- - - -- - -- -- -- Case: Pe- or .• 89- Y22 (s" A- mAc.eco) _ PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE 'ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY _ 6/70/99 tL� EA ` W&V ,/ ✓ .. , rXLAI To • TRANSMITTAL MEMO Pate: I e- 0 - 89 - -- CITY ENGINEER - -- CITY M 4AGER - -- FIRE MARSHAL X DIflE«Q - -- mmN I TY SAFETY X PXlNC A* L C 1 A) --- BUILDING DIVISION -X ASsIf From: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT �v - -- -- -- - - - -Guy jest -- -pf�CT - Case : Pi-or Aoa of 89- Yzz (S" . Sao) - PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY 8/70/89 COMMENTS: ,% / / , �, � .s i�� :�' �t� its ,�.��r ri• .. .��1 f � )EVELOPMENT RE' EW VWVkA MA COMMITTEE REQUEST *10sCl't' ►.0. IN4 F'OR COMMENT VGwift.CA W M PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: (StE) 664-2204 TO: DATE: City Manager _ X Palm Desert Disposal _ Public Works /Engineering X General Telephone _X Fire Marshal _ZC Palmer Cable Vision x Community Safety Department _2, Sunline Transit _ Building Division Caltrans (District 11) > Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Commission .o C) �_ CVWD City of Indian wells <i _ imperial Irrigation City of Indio Southern California Gas Riverside County: DSUSD Planning Department CVUSD Environmental Health Property- - Sheriff's - Department owner's Association Road Department lO,o �L Coachella Valley �4N Archaeological Society `2>,-� SUBJECT: Comments, Findings and Conditions concerning subject project. LA QUINTA CASE NO(S) . /GaT 14 �i' 2 Z PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT LOCATION% The City of La Quint& Development Review Committee is conducting an initial environmental study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the above referenced project(s). Attached is the information submitted by the project proponent. Your comments are requested with reppect to: 1. Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and /or services; 2. Recommended conditions: a.) that you or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects; b.) or should apply to the project design; c.) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is responsible; and 3. If you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may be helpful. / Please send your response by You are invited to attend the DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at the La Quint& City hall scheduled for: Date: —<Cga 6o, /9S9 Time: Z �M Contact Person: ��R« -K.E NcS�3tTt f�ssoc�it7� �it�.� Comments made by: �� N� Date l �� Title Agency /Division Phone DEVELOPMENT RE$ -'EW COMMITTEE REQUEST F'OR COMMENT PLANNING DIVISION OW VLA :INiA *106 Wit bbb rk. son 1 01 LA Qucr b, CA 922MI PHONE: (610) 564 -2246 TO: DATE: X _X— K SUBJECT: City Manager public Works /Engineering Fire Marshal Community Safety Department Building Division Chamber of Commerce CVWD Imperial Irrigation Southern California Gas DSUSD CVUSD _X X _X Property owner's Association Coachella Valley Archaeological Society Comments, Findings and Conditions Palm Desert Disposal General Telephone Palmer Cable vision Sunline Transit Caltrans (District 11) Agricultural Commission City of Indian Wells City of Indio Riverside County: Planning Department Environmental Health Sheriff's Department Road Department concerning subject project. LA QUINTA CASE xo(S). ALoT 0B9- 4 t22 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: _<,A�415 PROJECT LOCATION: -540-1� The City of La Quint& Development Review Cortmittee is conducting an initial environmental study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the above referenced project(s). Attached is the information submitted by the project proponent. Your comments are requested with reppect tot 1. Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and /or servicesi 2. Recommended conditions: a.) that you or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects: b.) or should apply to the project design; c.) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is responsible; and 3. if you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may be helpful. Please send your response by 8 34 $ 9 You are invited to attend the DEVELOPMEM REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at the La Quinta City hall scheduled for: Date: .5L10t°11 61, 11909 Time: Z �M Contact Person: 'W't LLht.E iQl� O r • ��r�s��mm�o�������a�as� ®siw�ssos,smaso�����es�s�s� Comments made b : Date Title f Phone Agency /Division 0 I AM 50 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I N Z F% O N r— r i w 17. 1✓ LL LL W r� OAK TREE WEST U Oui►tL C 1fomi" tame uo. oft AVE > > - AVE 5 \� r ornu CC, `• Yom. r� � , J — �--;� O.7M sosw 110 ll.aaas" 110.1 61=9 1210 0oM si hwo 400 O"ke C mwmtr LA MOM. 10 1" 100! LAND USE PLAN Ism ���• f' f PGAWEST 14rrAcwo -lc yr $`3 Vii: •� .in,� ui•�wa,, _ SOUTH ELEVATION ELEVAPON .o. EAST ELEVATION ------------ -- - -- --+ WEST ELEVATION r a o o o a i a� --- - i- ----------- loam ' - - - - - -- -- voxntnocn " ' ' ow,v own r o•,... �mo ---------- error tuna u e _ . `" , I }r_ moo• ana i ELL . • 7 . ® i — ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES ji ...r. 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I �-�. ; " � t � 1, i I I - � "� I , 10, il " - , - - ,� 1-1 � � - � ,-,i4�,,�i:- ,',,� ; ��, . . -,�w,-"f,l"�,f�-'-,���,,�?,il,""', M, , " � 1, � � , � �:t 1�i',: I ;" 11 .,,� . ��, 1, R - � � � ' i , � , , , ,- Tt" , I T� � , , 'XI, ,.q ., , 1-; "I , -�- , � � \ , , ,�,' , I I � " , , I � I r, - �� � I I i i i I , �'z K A i I , �, 1!�, I � ( , 11 � , , 3 I � �,,'l � ,�­ R", ; 1'1� Y11 WT 11� i­­ r7l��_. _W�Wmr ,T 77 7 7777 ZEE loll ? ? 1 Y W ly Ay Y� -4, A, V n CAILEi Y WIZ A W4U -TON'll" E VATI Idil, 'Q� f M f-lr;v, 'Ir 001, Iw. v" :07 J, ij �j PP "R Oil 2�' j ZI. IN - - - - - - - - - - - - N ,MIMI S 4 TOP -0 Li in, iL �L- IN Am ,MIMI T Lo uj cm Cn fn L�j _vd 4 ;,0 D" 1h V) z z In, V) IT AF� N) in, UJ %ij irx 7 IU; 4", ;V i­ :iz J F-il Z CY ui 'V) V) j �M �fy M. 7fozi, Lo -2i ai� 7 ­_041 Nw 14 V)�I I jy� J` j� 4"r, DiI JI 777 - - ZY- ,V) �A� Z. SCAQ_' Uj DPAWN, By, M. K,.RQ�ERTS -�J �j _J SH 'A, io�,� SHEETS,, S 4 TOP -0 Li in, iL �L- IN Am T Lo uj cm Cn fn L�j _vd 4 ;,0 D" 1h V) z z In, V) IT AF� N) in, UJ %ij irx 7 IU; 4", ;V i­ :iz J F-il Z CY ui 'V) V) j �M �fy M. 7fozi, Lo -2i ai� 7 ­_041 Nw 14 V)�I I jy� J` j� 4"r, DiI JI 777 - - ZY- ,V) �A� Z. SCAQ_' Uj DPAWN, By, M. K,.RQ�ERTS -�J �j _J SH 'A, io�,� SHEETS,, S Li in, iL �L- 7, 1,� < - - , , -, ", " t. "N n , - , -V� , , - , - 0, "�, i-� , -, 1 A .; ; ." . " - 'I , 'i", 1: -�t`,��All *b"', Q f on K , �" a , : 1, �, I ­' , , 11 , 1��, _0 g<, �w l� , A 001 li!'! "rip 0" V, mr, any-1yal %i'­�,­il V, 'I" V 4 T 0, 0 k A U-1-0- 4 ; J) 'a A how, h 7 M WAQ V Vs Wo '.1 "P"I MO- ­cj J., "Ci " i 5 Me an—, &"Zyfma� Ax 'A A"': 4 lasso 16�51 jfv" �Wj,, W" 0% - 1'. 1, 0, M Wo Q Xf V", 4l A way §Wjxq4j MOM M je All, tj LQ Woo r A 1 q un, Xx 0z"T a "n U Ym I 915M NA, � I , ­� "', W", A H—WIM.. -C Te' ol. 1, A, 0.1 QV_M­,. � �j, ­ Z, . Flo A NOW 0, ld� �­­11� , e, I amy"MMU.M.0 _"Ply 'x4e so —e- OKA—" Avn, j A �A.� AW On My, "MJ"T A.I. '1­1 "y T TA A, Latins� A won Wh A V 4 "Al A. A, q A ep %own B T, 7: "4 2 A io Uf ac t ry, 0 V, IN 1, A U - K, N My - VWA� W P;- *l* A o"j—", A 0: A T Ax Iy,, e; 6i9 Z 6 no 't ', - ;, :, - C 0 - T A OQ j I"& nysvAq, VW ljI VIM "D %fj: to A wol,,,,�lvii,n­�`­` 4,44 en, A, �!Z WIN, IA T" -1, �M 7b sm 0.", 11-1 1 1 1 1 '', "'; j, —00M& 0", VV� , , - - - �W go � � "� %. AV owe Ic t tur =Ask A—AV 45 '01". Alow of pROJEC T ARCHITEC Mot stoop Owe -Ao AIA d " - ? Moo! ,.QN I-VA, -10 14 %INV NO— ,Onh low VT " N � — il - I I - A � , ;; -'.1 Vol —VIA qP All 1-- yq- now to -NI powwow Wz"No"Aw, - slow Ilow MN.- 000 KOM- Mtn alp _-"Mato vy"umm Ila, "46 -9 Y4, A mom 4, R-Y, All ow" son A?IVA -0 *""A or '92 a I -off, MOT PH"M .1 - 'Ni 11 Q3 two "AWAR. woo Im pay, a )�.T its" Aow INV ,,I Ask Joe. woo WN MOO rowan Oki its . ......... 'WAN its SIM Vol ENGINEERINO�_,' P SOD 786 S oATWA .-VA IN IVA '-,slot A now" 'I Mo �;Ri 11 , 1 CA oil Nov A, Pot, A tCUR PA 00 MIN r-7 1 Aq wo1juvow Ing; '0 -ciao Nil- iNk &MOAN", air �q Soo. pit" jAdy! ZIA oleo 1-40 ju tie , 0-p- --low top "AMIN 'ILK I Not -""A V was PC" W 0.4 to tART A VON, nAll HMi(� KC too TV MY Soil ...... A "Clor, 004: ANT 5=6VT -Aq 1 a T Ott: of CA QQ� oil Pat, , in�;�!l IVA, Aqjx, otry A16' —own =77 777-77777,7 tow Ayj IBM I All' �%Yyfn� 42 00 'NXT -n up, =Wny r IN AA, too wc owns A� Tilsit 1; lay. Nov, y an 0, vow IN took 0"ir 1 has, AZVI hQ WKY A 40AM Malmo- KgO U'Q�" A vividly! R M W1 1"Al 4 so 11 5, 1 A - I may: on oTom 0 owl also -"owl 1" Me, Yin YWNIAN, x1jul cot 4-110 too! W VT; Nov A swim �jjby"Qqq . n woo-Ad ma, e yrqy" yyNj� Z, "� y"A INV —poll as I I—P, too not 7. ARE of Mme JW 3�A�E "win nor.; �14=jg --now 0 qjoj y"Ay, 500,y, IititIIIitIIIIIIIIell tlIIitIItIItIIit91 IItItItIttItIIIIIIIIIIItIIttIIt7 ItitIIIIIIIIiitIItIIIIIIitiIItIitIIitttI0 IitItII"77 iIiIiIIitIit IItitIIIIfit IIIi'T� IAj iIIIIt! 4" f i, IIIiitei ti -0 1 -41 E IIIIItIIitIIitI28' IIiIIIIiIIitiIitIItiIIII r ittIIIIitIitititIItItliIIIIIIItIIIititIIIititiIilliitIititIittIIIIIIiiIiIIIIIItIU tTT li7-- t7,7 I777, IIIIItitIIIittIIit IIlIII-L.0 iROE, VJQ ttitII17 SE ,lANTRY lNN )CKERS 7777 IttIttittIlII:0 F-, MAA kii� I7r, '77' lltIIIILU II) + IIIItIIitIitr m I7 '-ii`;"WATER­ Lt-06ET IitIIIII_AVNTQRIE IIURI WkZl�� IiIIIIiitIIIiIZ' It00 IIiCART IIiIIitillV�MP tiitB E; LOW, IIIIQ p tFt . . . . . . Itw7i itij, lIIILj js, r I77777 ItIIf IIIIIIIIIititIit7- IHQP,i, tittIII230 Ititititf itIIitTE IIIIt_7, IItIIIIitI�A 71 '77 7'_ 77r 77 7.7 —777 ,777 IM 77, 77 7M �7 I77 7, 7,1 tItIiIIIitItIItIZ IiIitIitIitII. ........ .. IIIIIIII IliIIIlie II�,j 14 IIIlitIIitIIIIIIIIIitIiIitIilliitit I­1 IIIy tIIIIiIIItIIitIItlIIiitIIT IitiIo IIIIIitIItitititIItItIt0 itCL; Itr IitIIIittIti4 ItiiitttIItr ttit........... II lop eqiihioil- A5 yon '4 ozone,, "M 0 ITT `J,J- i�ili Ti it q A� g"qu-i QTF i's Awn Z-V "ELLA '4 ol T: 'fi IV- A00 .,in 5, 2L not 0 `W 4 Z MALT nn, n, IV W� Khoo, % EX ST-tNW-7 'i�T A, n EM R C L-�- d-T 0: U- 3 E17 IV 11 ill JAN t, n,- By 11 01 A L4 Q 1 , 04 Who . . . . . . . . . . . -n 1`5"T N' G' L 7 n, Axi R K N VH_ A, Nip? TAM, w 0. 11yW4 TOW VIVO a i" IN Aw"T STUS man Noy q ... .... z0l� �3, I t l %�T 5, JAA '�� " ", � - A A, - A I -1 'flow TI VAR lot, WA �Q 1 0001, alms! I % in A. AW "by, Q 7, I TNS own, InVA, A= ��Qil I 1;"J ill., 5 wo n; W so A, A, Atoms AAA? ers" 4. V. soon,'" 4 its RUSS &W 0- 1 is, a too; n OAS iiv_� now his n moo _7 I, ot Q� I w A A&M, ­A, b. lot Q, Q:'1:d 0 too "Alf, vat 'ir 7 ANT �,x 1 ominv 17K sill! 01, -solo ISO—- --novel, N­ A - TITI&J- A WWAKWSWA 1. RK IWO a Qxm WASS: 01 -mono "'36MA, =Wow, �'3 q5t,590:JA�' ;, �Z, ";, , 1, ti'� fl. - ''WW", -:,,, , _ , .�w IN,Irk! 00"In-0-F&M hi METRO 1"W"Aq M-Up""N 0"', ­�:'c �Y V! . A A A: 3, -tops now to" 00%;" Vol n �4 MONO Q 0 go,b" Q valy"hy, yof"A"i, ate"S ARAP, A 'C' 60 A 145 w;, "t, AW 1, 7- NQ moo Q QYMAa to )QVI" � , " # I,- out Vvi, j T', t; sn"', a 'i" t Ipproxv way won" R A 1 W: Ky gm,,i t- - �"�# M_ , ­ � �11 ; �, �" � I - . - 1, T, , KQ -wi` UA T,T� At yw"Wif YJ 00. city ry "w'I 1, gas RgISIA 1 :o, tl � ;n VIA MW 4A,n AN nti, ji� Y _�n TO E04 SO 1, T� Vn Nunn, '-w- ?JjAw yonvAWAS U. �tlt;,.­I� 10 VZ U50400"Aym -�Ygo­ T", F Wn. moo Q C J­ 1, I I J. Cox 41 6QU Y n ni -most 1-4. Rwx I Alt, !IT ;" " -L ��'n � � � i, q *0ii `2 Ttl, QV ­11� A Q �­n "I QAT"A Ono 0M A YA"A XW`i j n,, jo, At, AMOK. x Wn"Vot 11 lip 4 To" 1- -0 W", QS 0", 0, or an�.­A;­­,��, "Oz. ty" f n A MIX" 4:1' TVs Q SiWii - Qw "Oky-w- Ar""ney-, QKV_ 0'. Of- WKIPMOMIT ­7111�y 1511", "Apy nt� "i v"t5- of Q-4 ez "M Ti -141 , " , ',,I- I - � Wynn W low it 4 QW,x"V mom amp ti 2d, 71 "xWQJi IQ IA �T.2 i s_7 yf, XNA 11, y 0 W"! T AL -1 a NY 0, 0 4 A A� _0,"' n 1, R,N- P. ING Vol !Alp 2h _A� X,;, 14 gas limit, .. . .. .... QN, mail t: J 0 who �,;71�� 7, 4W A z;�/ 1. f�; Litt' N, InL7 i4f 11Q, Now", t [All "AWN 4 t%�,� KIM ATYS 4 ANN-, in ii" MOO , 4: �4.:: _ -of 04" �n W, I ni�;,- J Z 4 too opt, oat TAX TM a r MOM Q. A _T_ MTJ ­, 'il TA I N" I U00 TWA `7 1019PAT-KA, - a im"YA W W low, �7` i,, Ogg at 1 1 DO 0 '01__ '0 All 1 I.D@ D -0 an W� ."M PMM AS Q1 q van, 'w- ANA my, 00 MW T� _000M, Mq Q4; T. ITJ OR 1 owl Yaw 11" Y, 00 51-n I ­N W QW-0 0- i A 41" %7Z I V, MOM in Inti, %1i; "T 9 A 1- AM- 4 Ann to M., 4 A '0" 1 Q - V too AN- ZW- W- ,J , iI`j­�i' "A ­00 Aw AV Wwq in "M I 1�01 WK Ty IntT N-V n R Avow 4WAn Py Vow "room! N'T" A, W Ad - 01- 'A WAR; to A _�J - ,gout q yipay -MU, Do, Mkii 070- 311­��i wou- A, n. Z,� ij S, T, "M A T�PIRWR 77777 1101177 7 77, At of fmi� A 17 poll ATIATM-­0 A-01 TS py"oAl"M fKAT, 60 - in- N -A 0- ........... �,n &110 joy" >ynyQ"Q§>* ANT A, j�j 010"N" low" T?TK!WW­- I A wills U loss W"W", IWO- V-,, I - MWA-0M Q :too A Vq-_Q V� TU somas VQ e "w" WIN Also :n', In- -101001 '. ". ­ - �h 07, A y NAT"", A,l T'i EXHIB17, A -0 Al 61100 OUR. Q 1-4 tw 7, - -7 _'T: t n V;,� VIAL WMI, "'.k" 'A al Q-" two: a oat "n'' 'A T.: ,in 7:" I Woutm A rsWr� TOO., n ."awk to 11 n ?'a W"Wksxv- OVA Mv Li ED RECEIV M, "Alp 14TV AW -i _J :1989", 16' 77 _U ANTA ITY r A yu, n, K L � A N D' Q �,_Q �, FMNW&0bEWPMMTbUtM - a �f,1ANDWR Qrr) 9 'w opt, A" r_4q, 701 i !P.O.: 86x,�,, 4 VAN, 0 jav,ow T", -SON C619), T; A,4 n:.,!_ WIN amok �n 7n -V" 0 Vl _0 'n I in :T q Y No Nit _0 b"01 0, Ax 1- A AM lots As I NY Alm A iii 'N at lit oqu - A, """T loons 0:40 !M.4,WOvioa min -Wx -Von" q ZOO ShAvy" loll ­j­;" `0­­q­nT11 " It . - .1 nos' WN -owl 4, 'Aw ny aq ON own" w, 4N A A qwn!_ QUAT tj PA- 3­ OW Jow Rx".0 " mhmn ­­P07-An Qt_ MOO ANN, 65 I -A V4­ U." !�g M J; v14, T­ "Gig MEMO too"" '001 5AV 0 q� x BMW NOVA IWO WWL:"�4- 6" Vq U 4 W I WIN v,!i �,g n.­7, Mae My" 0"M Awk QMM-W 71 7 ;1, i 77i,� 27 77 --sit 4KA H hat 0, a -1. "v- T,t� -Ji TAW: 7" x"A G 1 mail MOM a 4�. !too W, 0 An, its W&VT I;, ­k`_ 4"" - , " , v ;-� ;, - 11 T� "'n! -n: W"d SO A VKjamp Ivy 191TAWK, 000 MG-0- J MV -1 NOV. J""-swo A 'no; n ��iA, loom A, �Vt� --e Yjl goat, i, 1� A�, l Alvin QV 7"� `,;" A"Whal A mom". W �10; :11 jolt -lV "May'! q N ii"t-101xv- I " ; .1 .11_11�*, ­­ - - VAN- E, N F, now! 4. 4 D C­bm 55E M BOOK e F t4 A�il 4iTi.-i-­',;- %T, n 4 " -in �i, �P "Tni;'*._'i� n 1 T 1� AM �v TWA ­', Tn: Li OAT, vv >� NG E RL. kN Ono? A n n E. ,X 13 T I -,R U "Armsh" W` 31, Q­Vol .­n,­Lii`,�""�,ti:,!�':�_ w. A U) I-n- ":T, U, AN (i 'AA I I - - __ 36­,�`T,b 0 X )R,Y.�,-"T.RE 2 4 V, Vitt; it 001"HAT Oz: ib� N IT -7 q" Ij, AM ""I I town ti 'T:, sam6no A M 3 -;: 1" "`.� I ::i -',, - � ��' F A WON', 1.1 > VOW An A "�$HW -In T-77-` Itni, ton 1 Qx 9,4 Anyty yaw A ;TTA10 ly"U", noon �'A. 7" 4; WS �:it Yen, on NOT W 07 5; W -a,T 7, 0 MA TWO 6, T r A --t if Fiff 13111(7�� N T"� $-E �,, �,,A P L A�IZ Val N= Mo must 00 W� M-q n. SWISS -TIT-1,t 'ni -,o Aw w- its a ale M _;!RZF4 y -V` - 1 ` ­�' `,, §� 4, B 177 4 zoo,& I., t'iii,�.",,�,"��,, OF UA 01015 ARA' ey anva V "qPYWYNY In "My -M,01 �e_ �rc W VA Ail ;17 boo BNA�QVPP 00O3.1', Its Simon; sq, Of M" "Y' J Wf OW i 00MRA W A U V low WAA 014, "Qw", owl 0 qn!"y na U4 mw�ywqq IS A mmm,, MAN!. 0 KA ""MyQu. A J, rA VF :'IT iW v A" KOO' _4 mill"- -T?�Az Q, al Mo; whiz! 0" ON - A If , ", ­';l,1,.,?, IOWA& TA; ""Koo ji� ixZ I A,� W-0 �B "SAVX4697, WON W At— Ply - 1111 7 1 '11'.� _04m," i�w "Al Nvy"Aij "y; "AN& V A, Y Joy- 109T, was" it A �Tti M SUBE E=M Ins R" � mal, TRW 't J4 4. V" n A A'T", A 1 no", A SAW' "-V­, "M -akoaym" TWA, All ?A I AM J low J NOT WK So M MR 1-1mosmo, OWNS- x I, , I '' -r , . ,, � , "' - 'i. � -1 " in. A.. ?M IN -lown-voo not Maya "'w is, %;T�!;v, A Tyly ANT! ;,;"7 Lit _Q a moo _J weapon Oki MW AW" Min U, . . . .... . �=W_A "M V, slow V "I N �hw Ant" - up RM V W-sm-, - , ;­g6. TO -1-a" ,nq e J" k H, �W, - V&4 -xv A: AS MAPS,- Q QW01 �A_ Xi QUIT AV Ott T fly Y", n"` e :�', A"- Z�S, A of i Ivy to i, W", It" two W9.00, a qp; g"Pl. al", NAM n I� T iI �Un_ OT, 71't,,Vi�. 4, A W T q Q Ong. %%, i"Fe Um 6W -!W,� Qxyvg."�, A too, T r low, Moo its, , 5yo Y�, .7, 4 t, n, rJ t, q i: �WIW I& Aq W, ism OAT COMMON Mi rM W-M-UNA'sms wawwq� low sit No �A q..'"My 170 A 9 AY nkVQ, Oki I, T, , r ��§ MARA its 111-0-01 T 0. V "ATAM V�xqq i:' wt%ii - V 6�_ A in, 40,111.010 sy.wAyi, J-Ajn� 11 e MM"A-4 :aq WZY"Irmn M IM, is A my P7 -,I �14 �'J win all �,n Qv ?An A 141 toy, 011"M VOW i,i n Novi -40, 4AVI n mnbyv�ivn �H' A� - "Now M %xv Ica, 1 ............ Ali 1 Wo iiii `oe ;1 0�, Mys A Al. Pon A-V Vf Won Mom. ­W rot you A Witwhm -J3 Tn,�_ Fla; ymawpq 17 qxoN call How N M &a 1-01 n q Po Koo, y 10.0; An- �AQ n I , opt A yy 'n, . A 4- MOM? lows A rj." e, w;T vow TI fit fit