PP 1990-434CITY OF LA QUINIA PLANNING i DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Case No.' PP q0.4 �-- Date Received,. CZ 2—,g RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL FEE 'LOT PLAN APPLICATION In order to process your application in a timely manner, please complete and sign this form. The information which is required to be shown on the plans and submitted with the application is stated on the back of this form. Failure to provide the required information is justification for rejection of the application. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NON- REFUNDABLE FILING FEE OF $ 6,304.00 AND 6 COPIES OF THE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS. Name of Applicant MCG Architects Phone (714) 553 -1117 Mailing Address 18201 Von Karman Ave. #250, Irvine, CA 92715 _ Street City Zip Code Legal Owner Washington /Adams L.P. a limited partnership c/o ranspaci is Develo pmen ompany Address 2 77 nshaw Bolli ey rct, Sul t-P -1000 Tnrranc -c-, C'A 90501 Proposed Use Retail /Commercial Center The net and gross square footage for each proposed use and building. See Me P1dn5 pruMed under separate covel. The square footage allocated for sidewalks /walkways, parking, landscaping, and building. 61.7 acres or 2,687,652 square feet. Location of Property (Address if known) Northeast corner of Hiahyaay 111 & WasbjM- -on Street, Ta pCiiiynpta qq pf Assessor's Parcel Number PR5i7�a CA 1WT2 �9- gOg35.0010 Legal Description of Property (give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder) -- (may be attached) Please see attached Exhibit A, Parcels 2 through 5. Parcel 1 is not part of this application. Signature of Applicant Signature of Owner Date • Date 1p� O i EXHIBIT A L7 nNRCEL 1: That p tion of -the Northeast quarter of the Northeast qua r of Section Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernar o Base and Meridian, ac rding to the Official plat thereof, scribed as follows: BEGINNING at the rtheast corner of said ction; THENCE Southerly 34 8. feet on the E t line of said section to the intersection with the No heaster line of the Coachella Valley County Water District Flood Contro annel, as described in deed recorded March 23, 1961 as instrum No. 24680 in Book 2872 page 509 of Q Official Records of Ri rside Coun California, being a point on a 1 curve concave Nort asterly having a ius of 4,000 feet and with a tangent bearin t this point of North 67 '32" West; THENCE Nort sterly on the arc of said curve ugh a central angle of 10°35' ' for an arc distance of 739.88 feet to oint on the North line said section; THE Easterly on said Northerly line 652.46 feet to the P t of ginning. PARCEL 2: That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to the Official Plat thereof, lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly line of the Coachella Valley County Water District Flood Control Channel, described in deed recorded March 23, 1961 as Instrument No. 24680 in Book 2872 page 509 of Official Records of Riverside County, California, and lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly line of that portion described in deed to the State of California, recorded December 14, 1937 as Instrument No. 844 in Book 352 page 522 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; EXCEPT that portion described in parcel 1 of the deed to the State of California recorded October 9, 1967'as Instrument No. 88602 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; ALSO EXCEPTING a parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, more i particularly described,as follows: f I - continued- Uj EXHIBIT A CONTINUED co ri BEGINNING at a point on the North line of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, 1465.95 feet West of the Northeast corner; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the left whose tangent bears South 48 °20'12" East having a radius of 4,500.00 feet through a central angle of 10 °59'53" a distance of 863.79 feet; THENCE North 71 °20'15" West a distance of 1565.51 feet to the said North line of said Section 30; T1iENCE North 89 °31'44" East along said North line, a distance of 786.38 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL 3: A parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the North line of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, 1465.95 feet West of the Northeast corner; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the left whose tangent bears South 48 020112" East having a radius of 4,500.00 feet through a central angle of 10 °5953" a distance of 863.79 feet; THENCE North 71 °20'15" West a distance of 1565.51 feet to the said North line of said Section 30; THENCE North 89 °31'44" East along said North line,.a distance of 786.38 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL 4: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to an Official Plat of said land filed in the District Land Office, described as follows: BEGINNING on the South line of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said section, at the point of intersection with the Northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to the State of California, for highway purposes, by deed recorded February 17, 1938 as Instrument No. 1044 in Book 363 page 490 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; THENCE North 89 031'35" East 859.93 feet on the South line of said section, to a point on the Southwesterly line of that certain parcel conveyed to the Coachella Valley County Water District, by deed recorded June 17, 1960 as Instrument No. 53916 in Book 2715 page 466 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; said Southwesterly line being on a curve, concave Northeasterly with a radius of 4500 feet, with a tangent which bears North 48 °20'12" West; — continued- EXHIBIT A CONTINUED 1I� THENCE Northwesterly on the arc of said curve through a central angle of 2 °15'52" for an arc distance of 177.85 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE North 46 °04'20" West 584.27 feet on said Southwesterly line, to the beginning of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2000 feet; THENCE Northwesterly on the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 20 °44'21" for an arc distance of 723.93 feet, to a point on the Easterly line of Marshall Street (Washington Street); THENCE South 00 °19'30" East 701.09 feet on said Easterly line to the Northeasterly line of that certain parcel conveyed to the State of California, for highway purposes, by deed hereinabove referred to; said Northeasterly line being on a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2550 feet, a radial line at said point bears North 34 °3224" East; THENCE Southeasterly on the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 8 °16'52" for an arc distance of 368.56 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said property is also shown on Record of Survey on file in Book 18 page 55, of Records of Survey, Records of Riverside County, California; EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the State of California, by deed recorded July 30, 1968 as Instrument No. 73496 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; ' ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the County of Riverside, by deed recorded March 19, 1975 as Tnstrument No. 31422 of ! Official Records of Riverside County, California. ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of La Quinta, by deed recorded December 13, 1982 as Instrument No. 214686 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: I BEGINNING at the South quarter corner of said Section 19; THENCE along the South line thereof, North 89 °31'35" East 377.19 feet; THENCE North 0 02825" West 44.00 feet to a point on a line parallel with and 44.00 feet North, measured at right angles, from said South line; said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE along said parallel line, North 89 °31'35" East 128.57 feet; THENCE North 38 °06'54" East 77.31 feet; THENCE North 51 053'06" West 147.03 feet; THENCE South 38 °06'54" West 157.50 feet; THENCE South 51 °53'06" East 46.53 feet to the TRUE. POINT OF BEGINNING. - continued- EXHIBIT A CONTINUED PARCEL 5: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: BEGINNING at the South quarter corner of said Section 19; THENCE along the South line thereof, North 89 °31'35" East 377.19 feet; THENCE North 0 °28'25" West 44.00 feet to a point on.a line parallel with and 44.00 feet North, measured at right angles, from said South line; said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE along said parallel line, North 89 °31'35" East 128.57 feet; THENCE North 38 °06'54" East 77.31 feet; THENCE North 51 °53'06" West 147.03 feet; THENCE South 38 °06'54" West 157.50 feet; THENCE South 51 °53'06" East 46.53 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. rICE OF DETERMINATION TO: Secretary for Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1311 Sacramento, CA 95814 [ *N X County Clerk County of Riverside P. 0. Box 431 Riverside, CA 92502 r' FROM: (Public Agency) city of ta Qaimta Pu x La Quinta, CA 922b3 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 22108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Specific Plan 89 -014, Plot Plan 90 -434, Parcel ,Map 25865 (EA 89 -150) Project Title SCH # 90020162 Lynn Coughlin 916 -t45 -0613 State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) Northeast corner of Highway 111 & Washington Street Project Location Commercial project with 617,595 ± square feet of floor area. Project Description This is to advise that the City. of La Quinta (Lead Agency or Responsible Agency) has approved the above described project and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project: 1. The project will, XX _ will not, have a significant effect on the environment. 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. XX A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. The EIR or Negative Declaration and record of project approval may be examined at: City of La Quinta Planning & Development Department 78 -105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA 92253 3. Mitigation measures XX were, were not, made a condition of approval of the project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations was, XX was not, adopted for this project. Date Received for Filing Signature T Title —r Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 Apri -1 17, 1990 *67. The Applicant may obtain reimbursement from the Mello -Roos District for those portions of the improvements specifically noted in these Conditions as eligible for reimbursement, if the District is successfully formed and if the improvements are installed at the Applicant's expense prior to availability of bond proceeds. If the improvements are funded with bond proceeds from the Mello -Roos District, the Applicant is relieved of the special tax for those portions of the improvements specifically noted in these Conditions as eligible for reimbursement. * *68. The Applicant shall dedicate land for an Imperial Irrigation District substation and Coachella Valley Water District well site (per CVWD letter dated January 5, 1990) prior to final approval of any land division map prepared for this commercial site. 69. Applicant shall pay all fees and and overhead, incurred by the City commercial development as it pe Agency role in plan preparation, checking and inspection of the Highway 111. * * * *70. All roof and be installed materials s properties Planning and Commission. equipment an submitted a permit. costs, including wages attributable to this rtains to the City Lead administration, plan public improvements on wall mounted mechanical type equipment shall or screened with architecturally compatible o as not to be visible from surrounding and streets to the satisfaction of the Development Director and /or the Planning Working drawings showing all proposed d how they will be screened shall be nd approved prior to issuance of building * * * *71. No drive -thru facilities (except for medical uses) shall be permitted within Specific Plan. RJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 12 - Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 60. The Applicant shall pay 7.25% of the cost to design and construct the Washington Street bridge expansion across the Whitewater Channel. 61. The Applicant shall provide subterrain storm drain facilities that will remove run -off from the 100 -year storm without causing ponding or flooding of the on -site parking lots and access roads, Highway 111, Washington Street, and Adams Street. 62. Applicant shall provide 20 -foot wide drainage easement(s) as required by the City Engineer that cross the site from Highway 111 to the Whitewater Channel to permit installation of a subterrain storm drain pipe to drain the property south of Highway 111. Easement(s) will not interfere with any structures shown on the approved Specific Plan. 63. The Applicant shall relocate all existing overhead utility lines that are adjacent to the site on the "development" side of the street centerline, or cross the site, to underground facilities. All future utilities that will serve the site shall also be located underground. Power lines rated above 12,500 volts are excluded from the undergrounding requirement. 64. Applicant shall design loading docks that front along the Whitewater Channel in a manner that ingress to the docks occurs only from Adams Street and egress occurs only at Washington Street. 65. Trash dumpsters located in within public view shall be partially recessed below grade and aesthetically landscaped on three sides and aesthetically gated on the fourth, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department. 66. The Applicant shall dedicate easements for public landscape and sidewalk purposes between the street right - of -way and parking lot edge and /or building along the site boundary streets. The landscape improvements shall be designed and installed by the Applicant in accordance with the City Engineer's requirements. The width of the landscaped easement /setback areas shall be as follows: A. Washington Street - 34 -feet B. Highway 111 - 50 -feet C. Adams Street - 10 -feet. The Applicant, through C.C.& R.'s placed on future property owners located in the development, shall implement a method to fund and administer maintenance of the landscaped setback area and contiguous parkways. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 11 - Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 B. Washington Street: From Highway 111 to the Whitewater Channel bridge: half -width General Plan street improvements and appurtenant conforms and amenities including an 8 -foot wide sidewalk, plus additional turning lanes at the Highway 111 intersection in accordance with the Washington Street Specific Plan. *C. Highway 111: From Washington to Adams Streets: as a minimum, Caltrans may require more, half -width General Plan street improvements and appurtenant conforms and amenities, plus turning lanes at the intersections, plus transitions as needed beyond the limits of the development site. The transitions are eligible for reimbursement. * *D. Adams Street: From Highway 111 to Westward Ho Drive: half -width General Plan street improvements including all appurtenant conforms and amenities, plus a 14 -foot wide northbound travel lane, plus turning lanes and appropriate transitions as needed at the Highway 111 intersection to match the Primary Arterial street improvements on Adams Street south of Highway 111. 56. Applicant shall accept responsibility for preparation of street plans at locations determined by City Engineer. 57. Applicant shall participate in 50% of the cost to design and construct a low water crossing through the Whitewater Channel on Adams Street; half of the Applicant's cost responsibility is eligible for reimbursement. 58. The City reserves the right to add additional public facilities as needed to the Mello -Roos District being formed to fund the public facilities in the project area. The Applicant has no fiscal responsibility for improvements added to the District by the City that are not a Condition of Development for this Specific Plan. 59. Traffic signals, including interconnect, are required at the following intersections; the Applicant shall pay a proportional share for the design and construction of these signals as follows: A. Highway 111 /Washington Street 100% front -end funding, 75% reimbursement B. Highway 111 /Simon Drive 100% front -end funding, 50% reimbursement C. Highway 111 /Washington Square 100% front -end funding, 50% reimbursement D. Highway 111 /Adams Street 100% front -end funding, 75% reimbursement BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 10 - Condition §'of Approval - SP 89 -014 C. Adams Street: right -of -way for lanes at the required by the future Primary of Highway 111. April 17, 1990 44 -feet half- street plus additional appropriate transition and turning intersection of Highway 111 as City Engineer to compliment the Arterial street improvements south 54. Access to the site from public streets shall be as follows: A. Highway 111, as approved by Caltrans. B. Adams Street 1.) Full access three locatio closer than intersection access shall that provides directions. * *C. Washington Street to Adams Street shall occur at ns only, none of which may be 250 -feet from the Highway 111 centerline. The northerly be constructed at a location adequate sight distance in both 1.) Right turn -in only access from Washington Street may be allowed in conjunction with the access described in 2) below, subject to satisfaction of safety concerns of -_the City Engineer. 2.) The City will allow a full four way turn access at Washington Street at the northerly boundary of the site near the bridge, provided all traffic safety concerns of the City Engineer are adequately addressed, and subject to any required approvals from Riverside County or other applicable agencies. Intersection improvements including signals shall be installed by Applicant as required based on traffic loads, as determined by the City Engineer, subject to reimbursement of 50% of the cost thereof. 55. Applicant shall pay 10.0% of the cost for design and construction of the following street improvements: A. In general, the Applicant is responsible for all street improvements on the "development side" of the street centerline for all streets adjacent to the development site, unless specifically conditioned otherwise. All street improvements, including street lighting, shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer and Caltrans where appropriate. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 9 - Conditions of Approval --SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 47. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological, and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted with a report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and /or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. 48. All underground utilities located in the right of way shall be installed, with trenches compacted to City standards, prior to construction of any street improvements. A soils engineer retained by the Applicant shall provide certified reports of soil compaction tests for review by the City Engineer. 49. The Applicant shall pay all fees charged by the City as required for processing, plan checking and construction inspection. The fee amount(s) shall be those which are in effect at the time the work is undertaken and accomplished by the City. 50. A Caltrans encroachment permit must be secured prior to construction of any improvements along State Highway 111, and all Caltrans requirements shall be implemented. 51. An encroachment permit for work in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements. 52. Prior to issuance of any building permit, any existing structures which are to be removed from the property shall have been removed or there shall be an agreement for the removal which shall be secured by a faithful performance bond in a form satisfactory to the City and granting the City the right to cause any such structures to be removed. 53. The right -of -way dedications for public streets shall be as follows: A. Washington street: 60 -feet half- street plus additional right -of -way for extra lanes at Washington /Highway 111 intersection, all as needed on eastside of the centerline of the adopted Washington Street Specific alignment. B. Highway 111: 60 -feet half - street minimum, or as required by Caltrans, plus additional right -of -way for extra lanes at Washington /Highway 111 intersection as needed. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 8 - Conditions of ApproGal - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 37. Temporary access from signalized Highway 111 access to Phase 1 shall be paved as required by Engineering Department and Fire Marshal. 38. All outside storage areas shall be completely screened with architecturally compatible materials, so as not to be visible from adjacent streets, properties parking lots. 39. "Plaza" area shall be provided in front of shops between Major "A" and "B ". Plaza to include landscaping, hardscape, street furniture, and accent feature(s). 40. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked "compact cars only ". 41. Circulation of aisle next to pads in Phase 1 parallel to Washington Street and Highway 111 shall be revised to eliminate all 90- degree and abrupt turns to satisfaction of Planning and Development Department. FIRE MARSHAL: 42. All water mains and fire hydrants providing the required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the City Fire Code in effect at the time of development. 43. Buildings shall be constructed so that the required fire flow does not exceed 3500 - gallons per minute, or- additional mitigation measures approved by the Riverside County Fire Department and the City of La Quinta will be required. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 45. The Applicant shall have a registered civil engineer prepare the grading plan. The engineer who prepares the grading plan shall: A. Provide written certification prior to issuance of any building permits that the constructed rough grade conforms with the approved grading plans and grading permit. B. Provide written certification of the final grade and verification of pad elevations prior to receiving final approval of the grading. 46. The Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to the Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to the District's Water Management Program. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 7 - Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 Aprki 17, 1990 d.) Sign fascia to be dark brown in color. Accent bands above and below the fascia shall be "peach" in color. 28. For major tenants and TBA's other than pedestrian doors, no overhead or similar door shall open to the north or towards any residentially zoned property unless adequately screened from noise and visibility to the satisfaction of the Planning and Development Director. * *29. Applicant /Developer shall work with City and provide and install a fountain at the theme plaza at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street. The theme plaza shall be approved by Art in Public Places Commission or other body as determined by City. 30. Decorative screen wall shall be provided around recycling center. 31. Variety in setbacks and siting shall occur in development of pads. 32. Walkway for pedestrian access from public sidewalk to parking lot shall be provided at intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 and Adams Street and Highway 111. 33. No outside cart or other storage shall be permitted unless completely screened in a City approved area, excluding cart return areas within parking lot area. 34. Parking lot stripping plan including directional arrows, stop signs, no parking areas, parking spaces shall be approved by Planning and Development and Engineering Departments prior to issuance of building permits. 35. Plot Plan or Conditional Use Permit applications, as deemed necessary by C -P -S Zone requirements, shall be processed for each pad site. 36. The Planning Commission shall conduct annual reviews of this Specific Plan. During each annual review by the Commission, the Developer /Applicant shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Specific Plan. The Applicant /Developer of this project hereby agrees to furnish such evidence of compliance as the City, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, may require. Evidence of good faith compliance may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, good faith compliance with the requirements of the Specific Plan. Upon conclusion of the annual review, the Commission may extend the approval period for 12 months at a time. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 6 - Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 -'April 17, 1990 .� 23. Southerly access of Washington Street service station to main driveway shall be relocated further to the east or otherwise modified to minimize traffic movement, turning, and stacking conflicts to satisfaction of the City. As requested by the City Engineer, the Applicant will provide a three car stack for the right out exiting the site onto Washington Street. 24. On -site intersection located between pad "N" and "A" in Phase I area shall be redesigned to eliminate intersection which crosses in front of pad "N" (creates traffic confusion and hazards) to satisfaction of Engineering and Planning and Development Department. 25. In Phase 3 area, short parking aisles near Highway 111 (perpendicular) shall be revised to align with long aisles to north (to eliminate traffic movement conflicts). *26. All pad buildings in project shall be designed with unified architectural theme utilizing matching exterior materials, colors, roofs, etc. 27. All conditions of the Design Review Board shall be met as follows: A. Architect to provide a more detailed sketch of the sections. B. More, and possibly a rounding of the arches. C. Details to be provided for the fast food stores. D. Blow up the design details (vignettes). E. Detailed security lighting on the rear buildings. *F. Major building on the east end to be designed to be integrated with the other buildings. ** 1.) Wal -Mart architectural considerations: a.) Entry bulkhead, shall have "double diamond" concrete block detail. b.) Right side of entry (to east) shall have pilasters as shown on February 27, 1990, elevations. c.) Bands shown at top and midway point of building wall are to be painted only wihtout the "double diamon" detail with color to be dark brown. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 5 - Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 19" 17. Prior to issuance of any land disturbance permit, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation fees for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conservation Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. 18. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to submission of building plans for plan check or issuance of grading permit, whichever comes first. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on building interior areas from perimeter streets, and impacts on the proposed residential uses to the north across the Wash and provide mitigation of noise as required in the General Plan. The study shall recommend alternative mitigation measures for incorporation into the project design. Study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers, (berming, landscaping and walls, etc.) and other techniques. 19. Street dedications, bikeways, easements, improvements, landscaping with permanent irrigation system and screening, etc., to satisfaction of City, shall be provided by Applicant /Developer for any site(s) where dedication of land for public utilities and /or facilities is required. 20. All air quality mitigation measures as recommended in the Negative Declaration shall be complied with. 21. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval and mitigation measures of SP 89 -014 and EA 89 -150 which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those Conditions of Approval and mitigation measures of EA 89 -150 and SP 89 -014 which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit. Prior to final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with all remaining Conditions of Approval and mitigation measures of EA 89 -150 and SP 89 -014. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. 22. The 24 -foot wide aisle next to satellite pads, that runs parallel to Highway 111 shall be widened to 26 -feet, with aisle adjacent to south side of main building narrowed from 30 -feet to 28 -feet. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 4 - Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 11. Prior to issuance of first building permit, parking analysis shall. be submitted to Planning and Development Department to verify compliance of parking spaces provided based on Urban Land Institute Guidelines. Prior to each subsequent phase beginning construction a new parking study based on existing usage and potential demand shall be submitted. In each study, building size adjustments shall be made if it is determined that a parking deficiency exists. 12. Project may be constructed in phases. Plans showing exact phasing shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. All perimeter street sidewalks, landscaping, and screening along Highway 111 shall be put in with the applicable phase, except at the time the first two phases are complete, the last phase improvements shall be completed. This will also apply to landscape buffer and /or walls along north property line. 13. Bus turnouts and bus waiting shelters shall be provided on Washington Street and Highway 111 as requested by Sunline transit when street improvements are installed. 14. Minimum landscaped setback along Washington Street shall be 34 -feet. 15. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire site which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blowsand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: A. The use of irrigation during any construction activities; B. Planting of cover crop or vegetation upon graded but undeveloped portions of the site; and C. Provision of wind breaks or wind rows, fencing, and /or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The land owner shall comply with requirements of the Director of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily during construction to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand. 16. Construction shall comply with all local and State building code requirements as determined by the Building Official. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 3 - ''Conditions of Approval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 o City Fire Marshal o Caltrans o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning and Building Divisions o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above - mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 7. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 8. Prior to issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plan types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated - into the landscape plan. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and /or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. ** Preparation of the detailed landscape and irrigation plans shall be in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary landscape plan on file with the Planning and Development Department. All tree sizes shall be a minimum of 24 -inch box size or 2 -1/2 inch caliper (measured 24- inches above root ball), and all Palm trees shall be minimum 12 -feet in height (brown trunk). The plans submitted shall include the acceptance stamps /signatures from the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's Office and Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). 9. Screening of parking lot surface shall be provided from all adjacent streets through use of berming, landscaping and /or short decorative walls. 10. Handicap access, facilities and parking shall be provided per State and local requirements. BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 2 - -el .i CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 90 -027 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 APRIL 17, 1990 * Amended by Planning Commission on February 27, 1990 ** Amended by City Council on April 17, 1990 * ** Deleted by City Council on April 17, 1990 * * ** Added by City Council on April 17, 1990 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1. The development shall comply with Exhibit 1, the Specific Plan for Specific Plan 89- 014,the approved exhibits and the following conditions, which shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. Exterior lighting for the project shall comply with the "Dark Sky" Lighting Ordinance. Plans shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. All exterior lighting shall be provided with shielding to screen glare from adjacent streets and residential property to the north, to the satisfaction of the Planning and Development Department. Parking lot light standards shall be a - maximum 30 -feet in height. _ 3. Plan for adequate trash provisions for each phase as constructed shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. Plan to be reviewed for acceptability by applicable trash company prior to City review. *4. Comprehensive sign program for center (business identification, directional, and monument signs, etc.) shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permit. Included in approvals shall be applications for any adjustments to sign provisions required. 5. Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, mitigation measures as recommended by Archaeological Assessment UCRARU #1023 shall be completed at the Applicant /Developers expense. 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and /or clearances from the following public agencies: BJ /CONAPRVL.038 - 1 - APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California BJ /RESOCC.036 - 3 - 1. The proposed Specific Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan and adopted Specific Plan. 2. The Specific Plan is compatible with the existing and anticipated area development. 3. The project will be provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 89 -150, indicating that the proposed Specific Plan will not result in any significant environmental impacts as mitigated by the recommended Conditions of Approval; 3. That it does hereby approve of the above - described Specific Plan request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular- meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 17th day of April, 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BJ /RESOCC.036 - 2 - CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 90 -27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COMMERCIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION. CASE NO: SP 89 -014 - TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY WHEREAS, the City Council of the,City of La Quinta, did on the 20th day of March, 1990, hold a duly- noticed Public Hearing and continued to the hearing to the 3rd day of April, 1990, and the 17th day of April, to consider the request of TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY for a commercial shopping center on 60+ acres located on a site bounded by the Whitewater Storm Channel on the north, Highway 111 on the south, Adams Street on the east, and Washington Street on the west, more particularly described as: A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, T5S, R7E, S.B.B.M. AND PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, T5S, R7E, S.B.B.M. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta did on the 13th day of February, 1990, continued to the 27th day of February, 1990, hold a duly - noticed Public Hearing and by adopting of Planning Commission Resolution 90 -008, recommend approval of said Specific Plan to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, said Specific Plan request has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82 -213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has conducted an initial study and has determined that, although the project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment, the mitigation measures incorporated into the Conditions of Approval will mitigate those project impacts to levels of insignificance; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and incorporated into the approval conditions for Specific Plan 89 -014, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts and reasons to justify approval of said Specific Plan: BJ /RESOCC.036 - 1 - LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 1990 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Kiedrowski asked that Items 4, 5 6 & 7 be removed from the Consent Calendar, as the paper work has not been completed. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pena presented the following La Quinta Beautiful awards for the month of March: MOST BEAUTIFUL: Robert & Ellen Pelletier, 54 -275 Avenida Obregon MOST IMPROVED: Robert & Elizabeth Powley, 52 -690 Avenida Mendoza ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Pena advised that the City Council earlier today, dedicated Phase I of the Cove Improvement Project and also the Cove Mini -Park. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 FOR A COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER WITH APPROXIMATELY 618,000 SQ. FT. OF FLOOR AREA ON 60+ ACRES AND ACCEPTANCE OF PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT OF ACTION FOR PLOT PLAN 90 -434 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I & III OF THE PROJECT (FIVE MAJOR STORES AND RETAIL SHOPS) IN THE C -P -S ZONE AND CONFIRMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. PROPERTY IS BOUNDED BY WHITEWATER STORM CHANNEL: HIGHWAY 111: ADAMS AND WASHINGTON STREET. APPLICANT: TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT CO. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Bohnenberger /Sniff to continued this hearing to April 17, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90 -31. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS- None 1. LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 20, 1990 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Rushworth, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: Council Member Bosworth CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Kiedrowski asked that the following items be added to the Business Session Agenda: 5. Authorization of Appropriation for Traffic Signal Design - one by the school and the other on Washington St. 6. Consideration of General Fund Reserve Appropriation to Contingency Account. 7'. Consideration of Low - Moderate Set -Aside Program. MOTION - It was moved bv Counc" Members Sniff /Rushworth that items 5, 6 & 7 as outlined be added to the Business Session Agenda, noting that the need to take action arose after the posting of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tom Freeman, Emergency Services Coordinator for Riverside County introduced himself to the Council advising that he will be working with the City. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 FOR A COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER WITH APPROXIMATELY 618,000 SQ. FT. OF FLOOR AREA ON 60 + ACRES AND ACCEPTANCE OF PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT OF ACTION FOR PLOT PLAN 90 -434 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I & III OF THE PROJECT (FIVE MAJOR STORES AND RETAIL SHOPS) IN THE C -P -S ZONE AND CONFIRMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. PROPERTY IS BOUNDED BY WHITEWATER STORM CHANNEL; HIGHWAY 111; ADAMS AND WASHINGTON STREET. APPLICANT: TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT CO. Mr. Herman presented staff report advising that Phase I consists of a grocery store, drug store, a major and some smaller shops and Phase III at Adams and Highway 111 consists of a Wallmart Store. He briefly reviewed the proposed projects. City Council Minutes Page 2 March 20, 1990 The Planning Commission and Design Review Board have reviewed this application and both recommend approval subject to various conditions. There was discussion regarding the proposed elevations of the Wallmart building. PETER ADAMS, President of Transpacific Development Co., addressed the Council advising that Michael Shovlin is a partner in the project. They have been working on this project for about a year and have about $3,500 - $4,000 per day into it. Their approach to the project has been to fulfill the desires of the City as expressed in the Highway 111 Corridor Specific Plan. They're plan is for a regional center that would draw from other areas. RICK MANNERS, representing MCGR, the architects for the project reviewed the site plan and elevations. He advised that Phase I is basically a "neighborhood center" - a market, drug center with outlying pads and Phase III is more of a "power" center with anchor tenants and free - standing pads. The parking provided is 5 per 1,000 when built out. There is 50' of landscaped area on Highway 111, including a low wall and landscaped berm to screen parking from the street. Three "theme plazas" - seating, and landscaping are planned. He then described the elevations as having a southwest theme. GEORGE PARMETER, representing Barton Ashton, Assoc., Traffic Consultant, advised that the major consideration was that this center be an easy place to get in and out of. He then explained the circulation advising that there is a signal planned at Simon Drive and at Adams and one in between. They are planning an additional lane on Highway 111 (in addition to the three lanes) for ingress and egress. They are requesting a left -turn lane southbound on Washington to allow access to the western area of the center but limiting a right -in and right -out from Washington. PETER ADAMS presented their time schedule advising that they hope to get approval soon and are anticipating closing with the anchor tenants in May or June and start construction at the same time and begin opening in December or January. He added that Payless has stated they would have to reconsider if they don't get the left turn on Washington. They are also working with Albertsons and they are ready to begin working drawings, however, they too, feel it's important to have a left -turn on Washington. He advised that they are going to be requesting a development agreement with the City so that they have a vested right in the project and will be discussing participation with regard to infrastructure costs. Regarding Condition No. 29, he advised that they plan to put a fountain in the theme plaza and asked that the word "art work" be replaced with fountain. Regarding No. 44, City Council Minutes Page 3 March 20, 1990 he asked that it be deleted. Regarding No. 68, he advised that there is a 2 1/2 acre parcel on the other side of the storm channel which they own and will be dedicating it to the Coachella Valley Water District and Imperial Irrigation District. With regard to the Wallmart design, they have not officially approved what was approved by the Planning Commission. Finally, Mr. Adams asked for a continuance to the next meeting in order to finalize some environmental work for Caltrans. In response to Council Member Bohnenberger, Mr. Adams advised that all frontage improvements on Highway 111 will be completed at once and there will be a connection between Phase I and Phase III on -site. Council Member Bohnenberger commented on a recent ruling by the South Coast Air Quality Management District eliminating drive -thrus and Ms. Brady believed that it goes into effect in 1991, but would check on it. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. GARY BEALS, 891 Via Monte Vista spoke in favor of the project. He advised that a recent survey clearly shows that we need to add retail in the City. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Rushworth that this matter be continued to April 3, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 90 -24. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 25237 FOR RE- SUBDIVISION OF TRACT 14496 -6 AND 14496 -7 CONSISTING OF 26.81 ACRES, INTO 54 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENIDA FERNANDO ABOUT 1/4 MILE WEST OF EISENHOWER DRIVE AND CONFIRMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. APPLICANT: LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE. Mr. Herman presented staff report advising that this is an application for re- subdivision of a previously approved tract. It proposes 54 single family lots for custom home development. The entry is from Avenida Fernando 250+ feet west of Obregon. The proposed map shows the current guardhouse /gate on Fernando relocated to approximately 85 feet west of Obregon. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - APPROVED PLOT PLAN 90 -434 FEBRUARY 27, 1990 * Deleted by City Council on April 17, 1990 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: 1. The development of the site shall generally be in conformance with the Exhibits contained in the file for Plot Plan 90 -434, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved Plot Plan shall be used within one ( 1) year of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated b this approval, not including grading, which is begun within the one -year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. A one year time extnsion ma be requested as permitted by Municipal Code. 3. All applicable conditions of Specific Plan 89 -014 which pertain to this Plot Plan shall be met prior to issuance of any permits. 4. This approval is for Phases 1 and /or 3 as noted on approved plans for Specific Plan 89 -014. All pad structures including service stations shall be subject to approval of separate plot plan or conditional use permit applications as required by Municipal Code. 5. 46th Avenue right -of -way shall be vacated prior to issuance of any building permits. CITY FIRE MARSHAL: Access 6. Prior to the use /occupancy of the "Major A" building of Phase III, the access road proposed along the northern boundary of the project shall be completed as required to provide through circulation. 7. All future building expansions shall be subject to a site plan review /approval prior to issuance of building permits. 8. A minimum unobstructed width of 24 -feet shall be maintained for all access roads, with certain areas designated as fire lanes. BJ /CCONAPRVL.039 - 1 - c� �. Conditions of Appi al - PP 90 -434 April 17, 1990 Water 9. The water mains shall be capable of providing a fire flow of 5000 gpm and an actual fire flow available from any two adjacent hydrants shall be 2500 gpm for 2 -hours duration at 20 psi. 10. A combination of on -site and off -site Super hydrants (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2 -1/2 ") shall be located not less than 25 -feet or more than 165 -feet from any portion of the buildings(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. 11. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the Coachella Valley Water District prior to any combustible material being placed on the site. 12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant /Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location spacing, and the system shall be designed to meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by the local water company and a registered civil engineer with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." *13. 14. Buildings shall be constructed so that the fire flow required for any individual building or unseparated area does not exceed 3500 gpm. 15. Final conditions and requirements with regards to type of construction, area separations, or built -in fire protection systems will be addressed when the building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. BJ /CCONAPRVL.039 - 2 - r. DATE: CASE NO: APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: BACKGROUND: L E C46 l l STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 11, 1992 PLOT PLAN 90 -434 QUIEL BROTHERS FOR-WAL -MART B1#3 APPROVAL TO INSTALL A FLAG POLE AND AMERICAN FLAG ADJACENT TO STORE ENTRY. NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111 BETWEEN ADAMS STREET AND WASHINGTON STREET A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WAS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON APRIL 17, 1990, ON THE ORIGINAL SPECIFIC PLAN AND PLOT PLAN APPLICATIONS. THIS REQUEST IS. MINOR IN NATURE AND WOULD NOT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. THEREFORE, NO FURTHER DOCUMENTATION IS DEEMED NECESSARY. Wal -Mart stores wishes to install a flag pole and flag adjacent to their store entry which faces Highway 111. Presently the building is under construction and scheduled for completion sometime around late September. The building is located on the west side of Adams Street just south of the Whitewater Storm Channel. The Municipal Code requires that on commercial property the Planning Commission review all flag pole requests. Therefore this request has been forwarded to you. REQUEST: The Applicants wish to install a flag pole on top of the building near the main entry. The flag pole would be mounted on the main part of the building approximately ten feet to the east of the entry canopy. The 20 foot high pole would be mounted 16 feet above the highest point of the building. The overall height from the ground would be approximately 46 feet. The Applicants propose to install a 5' by 8' American flag on this flag pole. The Applicant's representative indicates that this is typical of all Wal -Mart stores. They indicate that since this store is an American based business, they are proud to utilize a flag pole and American flag. STAFF COMMENTS: Staff has no objections to the flag pole being utilized. The height proposed is not excessively higher than the building. As an alternative, the Applicant's could utilize a free standing flag pole. However, Staff has no objection to the building mounted flag pole. PCST.073 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission should review the request and determine acceptability. Action may be taken by Minute Motion 92- Attachments: 1. Location map 2. Letter of request 3. Plan exhibit PCST.073 Q :1'L 1 � .., :7• I,Syt •r •� 1�J,1 • iy r 21 � � _ _..� �T, .... � � v. v� . •. • • •.1 - \ ♦♦ �. .'� fir_ �.' • .• • : r. q.. �' /..� • • • • : / wr ,� Y', •� .1.O..,h. \, fr :T:• �� i i' � tI: Y X ••' • t� :I .. '�• r•y . • . 1 • \'1• . • • . •� •� r \ ir `� -- - -- J 1••i � I �.rl T3, m 1 •' Witl PHASE $-A j i - m PHASE 11-0 »:.. . »..•• w . »..•• r '` •• M A� r.»• M r•N••� • ...r•• •41w •••• »w.0 .••..� N..4 1 • Otf •• 100 ��� ^'•••`�•�•• ••+•+ ^•••••• `�• VICINITY MAP SITE SUMMARY 0U.f00 f7. IROWANKO 04.00. AREA • � �' • 0f1.7N f/. 0100. AREA OI IM (.IANf ION .... �. �•` � »f7 rARRIRp ►ROVloco �•- ..—• .. .. A 4.0/1000 !TALL! POOr10(O PHASE ! .. •\ ., 1. -'• 4.4/1000 OITH [XPAwsla• PARKING STALL Trsn,�aelts• savolopment Company •• 2377 CRENSHAW DOULCVARO. fU1T( TORRANCE. CA •0501 -)325 `•Y ....w» « (310) 618-3420 ONE ELEVEN-LA QUINTA HIGHWAY 111 & WASHINGTON STREET LA OUINTA. CALIFORNIA , SIGNS BY _ 272 SOUTH I STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92410 PH. 714 - 885 -4476 FAX 714-888-2239 July 27, 1992 City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La,Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Stan Sawa Principal Planner Dear Stan: Per our conversation today, we are requesting to go through the Planning Commission process to have the proposed flag pole approved. We have proposed a building flag pole which will be located at the front elevation. The flag and pole are typical of all "Wal Mart" stores. This is an American based business which makes them proud to fly the U.S.A. colors. If you have any further questions, please call. 1 JUL 2 8 1992 CITY OF LA OUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Sincerely QUIEL BROS. ELECTRIC SIGN SERVICE CO., INC. Nancy Ka hey Permit Coordina r SALES • SERVICE • LEASING • MAINTENANCE • CRANE SERVICE • NEON Calif. Contractors License No. 217345 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Dowd, Mosher, Barrows, & Chairperson Steding. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Ladner. ABSTAINING: None. IV. PUBLIC COMA Mr. John Lucas, S nta Rosa Cove resident, noted the Obregon gate was left opened and asked the Co imission if they could give any assistance in obtaining the closure of the Obregon to that the developers installed recently. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated a would contact the developer and have the problem taken care of. Ms. Audrey, strowsky, Cove resident, addressed the Commission regarding the problem of est houses, businesses being conducted in residential areas, and a problem vv) (h children riding bicycles unsafely in the Cove. Planning Director Jerry He tated that issue of guest' houses was in process with Staff developing regula ons to be brought before the Planing Commission. Commissioner Mosher point d out to Ms. Ostrowsky that the enforcement of businesses being conducted in t e Cove is not a function of the Planning Commission. This would fall under the C de Enforcement Department. Chairperson Steding suggested that Ms. Ostrowsky o! rk wish tha �nl district to put on safety demonstrations for the children with bicvcles . V. BUSINESS SESSION Specific Plan 89 -014 and Plot Plan 90 -434; a request of Transpacific Development Company for a one year time extension of a plot plan approval and an annual review of the specific plan for a commercial shopping center on 60+ acres. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions of Staff, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Dowd to adopt Minute Motion 91 -011 approving the Annual Review for Specific Plan 89- 014, and Minute Motion 91 -012 approving a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 90 -434. Unanimously approved. B .- y wy of Sin Program; a request of Robert A. Barnes and Be ' min Urmstrom for a modification to an approved sign program for the b *ding located at 51 -370 Avenida Bermudas. 1. Plan g Director Jerry Herman presented the information contain d in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning nd Development Department. PCMIN4 -23 -1--t 1 2 STAFF REPORT HLE � (� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (�j p w DATE: APRIL 23, 1991 CASE NOS: SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014, PLOT PLAN 90 -434 APPLICANT: TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (WASHINGTON ADAMS, L. P.) REQUEST: ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF PLOT PLAN APPROVAL AND ANNUAL REVIEW OF SPECIFIC PLAN FOR COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER ON 60+ ACRES. LOCATION: AREA BOUNDED BY WHITEWATER STORM CHANNEL ON THE NORTH, HIGHWAY 111 ON THE SOUTH, ADAMS ON THE EAST, AND WASHINGTON STREET ON THE WEST. BACKGROUND: This specific plan and plot plan was approved on April 17, 1990, and allows a shopping center of approximately 617,000 of floor area. Included in the center is a supermarket, drug store, several department stores or other large users, a number of pad buildings, and two service stations. One of the requirements is that the Planing Commission annually review this specific plan. During each annual review the Applicant is required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms and conditions of the specific plan. A plot plan was also approved for the first phase of the project which includes the market and drug store and several retail shops on the west side, and a large department.or discount store on the east side of the property. The plot plan was approved for a one year period and can be granted annual extensions. In response to the requirement that the Applicant demonstrate good faith compliance, a letter has been submitted by the Applicant outlining what progress has been made. To date the following has been done: 1. Washington /Adams, L.P. entered into an Owner Participation Agreement with the City of La Quinta to provide for the necessary infrastructure cost sharing. This Agreement was approved on March 5, 1991. If 2. The Albertson's building plans have been submitted for plan check. 3. The Pay Less building plans have been submitted for plan check. 4. The on -site drawings, including grading and utilities, have been submitted for second plan check. STAFFRPT.064 A \ -/ 1 -i r - v 6-19 .. , 5. Drawings have been submitted to Imperial Irrigation District for plan check. 6. Drawings have been submitted to Coachella Valley Water District for plan check. 7. Drawings for Washington Street and Adams Street are in progress. 8. TDC has worked with the City's Engineering Department for the past year to process the Caltrans Project Study Reports /Project Report necessary for approval of this project. TDC will coordinate the bidding and award of the construction drawings and the contract with the City based on the City's Engineering Department's requirements. 9. The parcel map has been through two plan checks and TDC will be requesting the City Council approval with a month. TDC is currently working on the subdivision improvement agreement with the City Engineering Department. 10. Washington/ Adams L.P. has not started work on the fountain theme plaza at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street as the dimensions of the Caltrans right -of -way were undetermined. Caltrans has only recently approved the Project Study Report. This work will start during the next few months. ANALYSIS: Staff feel that the Applicant has demonstrated good faith and compliance with regard to the specific plan. The Applicant is moving ahead with plans to construct the center. With regards to the plot plan, Staff sees no reason not to grant the one year time extension. At this time the Conditions of Approval for both the specific plan and plot plan as currently written are acceptable to Staff. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the substantial evidence given by the Developer, as noted in the attached letter, the Applicant has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the specific plan. Additionally, .Staff feels that a one year extension of time for the plot plan is warranted. Therefore, Staff recommends the following: 1. Adopt Minute Motion 91- accepting the annual review of the specific plan. 2. Adopt Minute Motion 91- approving a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 90 -434, subject to the original Conditions of Approval be granted. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. Plot Plan for approved center 3. Letter from Applicant dated April 3, 1991 4. Conditions of Approval for Specific Plan 89 -014 and Plot Plan 90 -434 STAFFRPT.064 I 1• r ilk < V �9' 1 1' LWES, � CASE MAP `"M"° SPO"1.89-014 TP 90-434- W1 reo .%0, , ,' .F. r ;'ragt w4 o A4' • 41ll�jp jjpp � tiff. ���•; �d�O *V: i J, °''IY n - d � � -c]I.• trTP_ li�iF'_`�i/1� I /" �Ir. i. PHASE I Summary (NET) 769,132 sf land area n T «,.. •• 162,8199f gross bldg area 3.2 /1 land –to –bldg ratio • 731slolls req'd 799 stalls rov'd N! NIe .NI I utr � a•[ u.n• r rrT r r . , 010101.•...1 •r ar�rft rsfof�sr 1`^`� PHASE II Summory (NET) 864,686sf land area 19.9 _- so 214,3999f gross bldg area 3.0/1 land -to -bldg ratio • 858 atolls req'd 1140 stollso&rov'd 5.7 /1 er•.•d taro s11• .un .:,. • seu u • IR C. Y M r r • rersrr 'p aT. ALL 9 .011 N•M01 • CRIT[�IA •n . i1 ia•.,l i u1w. r • o ° �o ° _ Ok �'', ° so .. t9W tip..: 4 i _ a1► R, ;t 'C ! RL R PHASE iii Summory (NET) 943,737 sf land area = •• 220,3769f gross bldg area 3.3/1 lond -to -bldg ratio • 882stolls req'd 1220 stalls�rov'd e.! /� ".•r•e 1132eF1a .1011 ..,.193 ea a 5■*erw «1 • n .. ,400 v ' •.e•o", ., h iR a •nm. a. ,rao•r r01u .vua1 A Co. TERT nu..., rI • • • /•.r ...• na1. •ro :M loo Summory (NET) 2.577.555 sf land area " 2 .r... s• 617,594 sf gross bldg area 3.211 land –to –bldg ratio • 2471 stolls req'd 3159 stolls�rov'd 1/1 N•.'• • /I— v r., r . � +mof�.1•r Rr •r •. •.4i01. 011 r�r•r iY Tronspacilic 0evelopssnt Company TOOMAMCC. CA. :3" Cac »3wr 9"'At"" w11t 300 12131 61e -3w COMMERCIAL PROJECT HIC -HWA\ I I I & WASHINGTON STREET -LA QVINTA, CALIFORNIA t SV == L I, Transpacific Development Company April 3, 1991 Mr. Stan Sawa CITY OF LA QUM= 78 -105 Calle Estado P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: One Eleven La Quinta Center. Specific. Plan 89-014 Dear Stan: Corporate Headquarters 2377 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90501 (213) 618 -3600 (213) 320 -9242 Fax REuVita APR 0 8 1901 CITY OI LA QUANTA °LANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. In response to your letter of March 14, 1991 we understand that our Specific Plan 89-014 will be subject to an annual review on or about April 17, 1991. In response to your letter, we offer the following: Washington/Adams, L.P. have demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of this Specific Plan approval based on the following actions: 1. Washington/Adams, L. P. entered into an Owner Participation Agreement with the City of La Quinta to provide for the necessary infrastructure cost sharing. This Agreement was approved on March 5, 1991. 2. The Albertson building plans have been submitted for plan check. 3. The Pay Less building plans have been submitted for plan check. 4. The oar -site drawings, including grading and utilities, have been submitted for second plan check. 5. Drawings have been submitted to III) for plan check. 6. Drawings have been submitted to CVWD for plan check. 7. Drawings for Washington Street and Adams Street are in progress. Transpacific Development C o m p a n y Mr. Stan Sawa April 3, 1991 Page 2 8. TDC have worked with the City of La Quintals engineering department for the past year to process the Caltrans Project Study Reports/Project Report necessary for approval of this project.. 4DC will coordinate the bidding and award of the construction drawings and the contract with the City of La Quinta based on the City of La Quinta's engineering department's requirements. 9. The parcel map has been through two plan checks and we will be requesting Council approval within a month. We are currently working on the subdivision improvement agreement with the City Engineering Department. 10. Washington/Adams, L.P. have not started work on the fountain thane plaza at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street as the dimensions of the Caltrans right- of-way were undetermined. Caltrans have only recently approved the Project Study Report. 'Ibis work will start during the next few months. At this time, WashingtorVAdams, L.P. request an extension of the plot plan approval (Plot Plan 90 -434) for a period of 12 months. We thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, WASHIMTWADAMS, L. P. By: Transpacific Development Company Colm Macken Vice President, Development CM:mak CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 90 -27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A COMMERCIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AND ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION. CASE NO: SP 89 -014 - TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, did on the 20th day of March, 1990, hold a duly- noticed Public Hearing and continued to the hearing to the 3rd day of April, 1990, and the 17th day of April, to consider the request of TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY for a commercial shopping center on 60+ acres located on a site bounded by the Whitewater Storm Channel on the north, Highway 111 on the south, Adams Street on the east, and Washington Street on the west, more particularly described as: A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, T5S, R7E, S.B.B.M. AND PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, T5S, R7E, S.B.B.M. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta did on the 13th day of February, 1990, continued to the 27th day of February, 1990, hold a duly- noticed Public Hearing and by adopting of Planning Commission Resolution 90 -008, recommend approval of said Specific Plan to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, said Specific Plan request has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82 -213, adopted by reference in City of La Quints Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has conducted an initial study and has determined that, although the project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment, the mitigation measures incorporated into the Conditions of Approval will mitigate those project impacts to levels of insignificance; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and incorporated into the approval conditions for Specific Plan 89 -014, thereby requiring that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts and reasons to justify approval of said Specific Plan: o T I"vC.rwnr. n -) c _ 1. The proposed Specific Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan and adopted Specific Plan. 2. The Specific Plan is compatible with the existing and anticipated area development. 3. The project will be provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No. 89 -150, indicating that the proposed Specific Plan will not result in any significant environmental impacts as mitigated by the recommended Conditions of Approval; 3. That it does hereby approve of the above - described Specific Plan request for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 17th day of April, 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilman Bohnenberger, Bosworth, Rushworth, Sniff and Mayor Pena NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None JOHN PENA, ayo City of La Quinta, California City of La Quinta, California dw APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,l 41h fA-ulp DAVN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 90 -027 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 APRIL 17, 1990 * Amended by Planning Commission on February 27, 1990 ** Amended by City Council on April 17, 1990 * ** Deleted by City Council on April 17, 1990 * * ** Added by City Council on April 17, 1990 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1. The development shall comply with Exhibit 1, the Specific Plan for Specific Plan 89- 014,the approved exhibits and the following conditions, which shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. Exterior lighting for the project shall comply with the "Dark Sky" Lighting Ordinance. Plans shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. All exterior lighting shall be provided with shielding to screen glare from adjacent streets and residential property to the north, to the satisfaction of the Planning and Development Department. Parking lot light standards shall be a maximum 30 -feet in height. 3. Plan for adequate trash provisions for each phase as constructed shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. Plan to be reviewed for acceptability by applicable trash company prior to City review. *4. Comprehensive sign program for center (business identification, directional, and monument signs, etc.) shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permit. Included in approvals shall be applications for any adjustments to sign provisions required. 5. Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, mitigation measures as recommended by Archaeological Assessment UCRA.RU #1023 shall be completed at the Applicant /Developers expense. 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and /or clearances from the following public agencies: __I .T A -) 4 - 1 - Conditions of Alproval - SP 89 -014 FAN - , April 17, 1990 . 0 City Fire Marshal o Caltrans o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning and Building Divisions o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above- mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 7. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 8. Prior to issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plan types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system for all landscape areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and /or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. ** Preparation of the detailed landscape and irrigation .plans shall be in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary landscape plan on file with the Planning and Development Department. All tree sizes shall be a minimum of 24 -inch box size or 2 -1/2 inch caliper (measured 24- inches above root ball), and all Palm trees shall be minimum 12 -feet in height (brown trunk). The plans submitted shall include the acceptance stamps /signatures from the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's Office and Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). 9. Screening of parking lot surface shall be provided from all adjacent streets through use of berming, landscaping and /or short decorative walls. 10. Handicap access, facilities and parking shall be provided per State and local requirements. Conditions of ApAval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 11. Prior to issuance -of first building permit, parking analysis shall- be submitted to Planning and Development Department to verify compliance of parking spaces provided based on Urban Land Institute Guidelines. Prior to each subsequent phase beginning construction a new parking study based on existing usage and potential demand shall be submitted. In each study, building size adjustments shall be made if it is determined that a parking deficiency exists. 12. Project may be constructed in phases. Plans showing exact phasing shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of building permits. All perimeter street sidewalks, landscaping, and screening along Highway 111 shall be put in with the applicable phase, except at the time the first two phases are complete, the last phase improvements shall be completed. This will also apply to landscape buffer and /or walls along north property line. 13. Bus turnouts and bus waiting shelters shall be provided on Washington Street and Highway 111 as requested by Sunline transit when street improvements are installed. 14. Minimum landscaped setback along Washington Street shall be 34 -feet. 15. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire site which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blowsand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: A. The use of irrigation during any construction activities; B. Planting of cover crop or vegetation upon graded but undeveloped portions of the site; and C. Provision of wind breaks or wind rows,.fencing, and /or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The land owner shall comply with requirements of the Director of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily during construction to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand. 16. Construction shall comply with all local and State building code requirements as determined by the Bu4lding Official. Conditions of Ap,_oval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 17. Prior to issuance of any land disturbance permit, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation fees for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conservation Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. 18. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to submission of building plans for plan check or issuance of grading permit, whichever comes first. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on building interior areas from perimeter streets, and impacts on the proposed residential uses to the north across the Wash and provide mitigation of noise as required in the General Plan. The study shall recommend alternative mitigation measures for incorporation into the project design. Study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers, (berming, landscaping and walls, etc.) and other techniques. 19. Street dedications, bikeways, easements, improvements, landscaping with permanent irrigation system and screening, etc., to satisfaction of City, shall be provided by Applicant /Developer for any site(s) where dedication of land for public utilities and /or facilities is required. 20. All air quality mitigation measures as recommended in the Negative Declaration shall be complied with. 21. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval and mitigation measures of SP 89 -014 and EA 89 -150 which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those Conditions of Approval and mitigation measures of EA 89 -150 and SP 89 -014 which must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit. Prior to final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with all remaining Conditions of Approval and mitigation measures of EA 89 -150 and SP 89 -014. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. 22. The 24 -foot wide aisle next to satellite pads, that runs parallel to Highway 111 shall be widened to 26 -feet, with aisle adjacent to south side of main building narrowed from 30 -feet to 28 -feet. ' Conditions of Apk oval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 23. Southerly access of Washington Street service station to main driveway shall be relocated further to the east or otherwise modified to minimize traffic movement, turning, and stacking conflicts to satisfaction of the City. As requested by the City Engineer, the Applicant will provide a three car stack for the right out exiting the site onto Washington Street. 24. on -site intersection located between pad "N" and "A" in Phase I area shall be redesigned to eliminate. intersection which crosses in front of pad "N" (creates traffic confusion and hazards) to satisfaction of Engineering and Planning and Development Department. 25. In Phase 3 area, short parking aisles near Highway 111 (perpendicular) shall be revised to align with long aisles to north (to eliminate traffic movement conflicts). *26. All pad buildings in project shall be designed with unified architectural theme utilizing matching exterior materials, colors, roofs, etc. 27. All conditions of the Design Review Board shall be met as follows: A. Architect to provide a more detailed sketch of the sections. B. More, and possibly a rounding of the arches. C. Details to be provided for the fast food stores. D. Blow up the design details (vignettes). E. Detailed security lighting on the rear buildings. *F. Major building on the east end to be designed to be integrated with the other buildings. ** 1.) Wal -Mart architectural considerations: a.) Entry bulkhead shall have "double diamond" concrete block detail. b.) Right side of entry (to east) shall have pilasters as shown on February 27, 1990, elevations. c.) Bands shown at top and midway point of building wall are to be; painted only wihtout the "double diamon" detail with color to be dark brown. Conditions of A :oval - SP 89 -014 d.) Sign fascia to color. Accent below the fascia in color. April 17, 1990 be dark brown in bands above and shall be "peach" 28. For major tenants and TBA's other than pedestrian doors, no overhead or similar door shall open to the north or towards any residentially zoned property unless adequately screened from noise and visibility to the satisfaction of the Planning and Development Director. * *29. Applicant /Developer shall work with City and provide and install a fountain at the theme plaza at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street. The theme plaza shall be approved by Art in Public Places Commission or other body as determined by City. 30. Decorative screen wall shall be provided around recycling center. 31. Variety in setbacks and siting shall occur in development of pads. 32. walkway for pedestrian access from public sidewalk to parking lot shall be provided at intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 and Adams Street and Highway 111. 33. No outside cart or other storage shall be permitted unless completely screened in a City approved area, excluding cart return areas within parking lot area. 34. Parking lot stripping plan including directional arrows, stop signs, no parking areas, parking spaces shall be approved by Planning and Development and Engineering Departments prior to issuance of building permits. 35. Plot Plan or Conditional Use Permit applications, as deemed necessary by C -P -S Zone requirements, shall be processed for each pad site. 36. The Planning Commission shall conduct annual reviews of this Specific Plan. During each annual review by the Commission, the Developer /Applicant shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Specific Plan. The Applicant /Developer of this project hereby agrees to furnish such evidence ok, compliance as the City, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, may require. Evidence of good faith compliance may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, good faith compliance with the requirements of the Specific Plan. Upon conclusion of the annual review, the Commission may extend the approval period for 12 months at a time. Conditions of AP oval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 37. Temporary access from signalized highway 111 access to Phase 1 shall be paved as required by Engineering Department and Fire Marshal. 38. All outside storage areas shall be completely screened with architecturally compatible materials, so as not to be visible from adjacent streets, properties parking lots. 39. "Plaza" area shall be provided in front of shops between Major "A" and "B ". Plaza to include landscaping, hardscape, street furniture, and accent feature(s). 40. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked "compact cars only ". 41. Circulation of aisle next to pads in Phase 1 parallel to Washington Street and Highway 111 shall be revised to eliminate all 90- degree and abrupt turns to satisfaction of Planning and Development Department. FIRE MARSHAL: 42. All water mains and fire hydrants providing the required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the City Fire Code in effect at the time of development. 43. Buildings shall be constructed so that the required fire flow does not exceed 3500 gallons per minute, or additional mitigation measures approved by the Riverside County Fire Department and the City of La Quinta will be required. * * *44 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 45. The Applicant shall have a registered civil engineer prepare the grading plan. The engineer who prepares the grading plan shall: A. Provide written certification prior to issuance of any building permits that—the constructed rough grade conforms with the approved grading plans and grading permit. B. Provide written certification of the final grade and verification of pad elevations prior to receiving final approval of the grading. 46. The Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to the Coachella Valley Water District for review and : comment with respect to the District's Water Management Program. Conditions of A�___oval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 47. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological, and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted with a report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and /or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. 48. All underground utilities located in the right of way shall be installed, with trenches compacted to City standards, prior- to construction of any street improvements. A soils engineer retained by the Applicant shall provide certified reports of soil compaction tests for review by the City Engineer. 49. The Applicant shall pay all fees charged by the City as required for processing, plan checking and construction inspection. The fee amount(s) shall be those which are in effect at the time the work is undertaken and accomplished by the City. 50. A Caltrans encroachment permit must be secured prior to construction of any improvements along State Highway 111, and all Caltrans requirements shall be implemented. 51. An encroachment permit for work. in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements. 52. Prior to issuance of any building permit, any existing structures which are to be removed from the property shall have been removed or there shall be an agreement for the removal which shall be secured by a faithful performance bond in a form satisfactory to the City and granting the City the right to cause any such structures to be removed. 53. The right -of -way dedications for public streets shall be as follows: A. Washington street: 60 -feet half- street plus additional right -of -way for extra lanes at Washington /Highway 111 intersection, all as needed on eastside of the centerline of the adopted Washington Street Specific alignment. B. Highway 111: 60 -feet half- street minimum, or as required by Caltrans, plus additional right -of -way for extra lanes at Washington /Highway 111 intersection as needed. ' Conditions of App,,val - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 C. Adams Street: right -of -way for lanes at the required by the future Primary of Highway 111. 44 -feet half- street plus additional appropriate transition and turning intersection of Highway 111 as City Engineer to compliment the Arterial street improvements south 54. Access to the site from public streets shall be as follows: A. Highway 111, as approved by Caltrans. B. Adams Street 1.) Full access three locatio closer than intersection access shall that provides directions. * *C. Washington Street to Adams Street shall occur at ns only, none of which may be 250 -feet from the Highway 111 centerline. The northerly be constructed at a location adequate sight distance in both 1.) Right turn -in only access from Washington Street may be allowed in conjunction with the access described in 2) below, subject to satisfaction of safety concerns of the City Engineer. 2.) The City will allow a full four way turn access at Washington Street at the northerly boundary of the site near the bridge, provided all traffic safety concerns of the City Engineer are adequately addressed, and subject to any required approvals from Riverside County or other applicable agencies. Intersection improvements including signals shall be installed by Applicant as required based on traffic loads, as determined by the City Engineer, subject to reimbursement of 50% of the cost thereof. 55. Applicant shall pay 100% of the cost for design and construction of the following street improvements: A. In general, the Applicant is responsible for all street improvements on the "development side" of the street centerline for all streets adjacent to the development site, unless specifically conditioned otherwise. All street improvements, including street lighting, shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the, City Engineer and Caltrans where appropriate. Conditions of Al oval - SP 89 -014 N April 17, 1990 B. Washington Street: From Highway 111 to the Whitewater Channel bridge: half -width General Plan street improvements and appurtenant conforms and amenities including an 8 -foot wide sidewalk, plus additional turning lanes at the Highway 111 intersection in accordance with the Washington Street Specific Plan. *C. Highway 111: From Washington to Adams Streets: as a minimum, Caltrans may require more, half -width General Plan street improvements and appurtenant conforms and amenities, plus turning lanes at the intersections, plus transitions as needed beyond the limits of the development site. The transitions are eligible for reimbursement. * *D. Adams Street: From Highway 111 to Westward Ho Drive: half -width General Plan street improvements including all appurtenant conforms and amenities, plus a 14 -foot wide northbound travel lane, plus turning lanes and appropriate transitions as needed at the Highway 111 intersection to match the Primary Arterial street improvements on Adams Street south of Highway 111. 56. Applicant shall accept responsibility for preparation-of street plans at locations determined by City Engineer. 57. Applicant shall participate in 50% of the cost to design and construct a low water crossing through the Whitewater Channel on Adams Street; half of the Applicant's cost responsibility is eligible for reimbursement. 58. The City reserves the right to add additional public facilities as needed to the Mello -Roos District being formed to fund the public facilities in the project area. The Applicant has no fiscal responsibility for improvements added to the District by the City that are not a Condition of Development for this Specific Plan. 59. Traffic signals, including interconnect, are required at the following intersections; the Applicant shall pay a proportional share for the design and construction of these signals as follows: A. Highway 111 /Washington Street 100% front -end funding, 75% reimbursement B. Highway 111 /Simon Drive 100% front -end funding, 50% reimbursement C. Highway 111 /Washington Square 100% front -end funding, 50% reimbursement D. Highway 111 /Adams Street 100% front -end funding, 75% reimbursement Conditions of Apr.oval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 60. The Applicant shall pay 7.25% of the cost to design and construct the Washington Street bridge expansion across the Whitewater Channel. 61. The Applicant shall provide subterrain storm drain facilities that will remove run -off from the 100 -year storm without causing ponding or flooding of the on -site parking lots and access roads, Highway 111, Washington Street, and Adams Street. 62. Applicant shall provide 20 -foot wide drainage easement(s) as required by the City Engineer that cross the site from Highway 111 to. the Whitewater Channel to permit installation of a subterrain storm drain pipe to drain the property south of Highway 111. Easement(s) will not interfere with any structures shown on the approved Specific Plan. 63. The Applicant shall relocate all existing overhead utility lines that are adjacent to the site on the "development" side of the street centerline, or cross the site, to underground facilities. All future utilities that will serve the site shall also be located underground. Power lines rated above 12,500 volts are excluded from the undergrounding requirement. 64. Applicant shall design loading docks that front along the Whitewater Channel in a manner that ingress to the docks occurs only from Adams Street and egress occurs only at Washington Street. 65. Trash dumpsters located in within. public view shall be partially recessed below grade and aesthetically landscaped on three sides and aesthetically gated on the fourth, or as otherwise approved by the Planning and Development Department. 66. The Applicant shall dedicate easements for public landscape and sidewalk purposes between the street right - of -way and parking lot edge and /or building along the site boundary streets. The landscape improvements shall be designed and installed by the Applicant in accordance with the City Engineer's requirements. The width of the landscaped easement /setback areas shall be as follows: A. Washington Street - 34 -feet B. Highway 111 - 50 -feet C. Adams Street - 10 -feet. The Applicant, through C.C.& R.'s placed on future property owners located in the development, shall implement a method to fund and administer maintenance of the landscaped setback area and contiguous parkways.. •'� Conditions of A, :oval - SP 89 -014 April 17, 1990 *67. The Applicant may obtain reimbursement from the Mello -Roos District for those portions of the improvements specifically noted in these Conditions as eligible for reimbursement, if the District is successfully formed and if the improvements are installed at the Applicant's expense prior to availability of bond proceeds. If the improvements are funded with bond proceeds from the Mello -Roos District, the Applicant is relieved of the special tax for those portions of the improvements specifically noted in these Conditions as eligible for reimbursement. * *68. The Applicant shall dedicate land for an Imperial Irrigation District substation and Coachella Valley Water District well site (per CVWD letter dated January 5, 1990) prior to final approval of any land division map prepared for this commercial site. 69. Applicant shall pay all fees and and overhead, incurred by the City commercial development as it pe Agency role in plan preparation, checking and inspection of the Highway 111. costs, including wages attributable to this rtains to the City Lead administration, plan public improvements on * * * *70. All-roof and wall mounted mechanical type equipment shall be installed or screened with architecturally compatible materials so as not to be visible from surrounding properties and streets to the satisfaction of the Planning and Development Director and /or the Planning Commission. Working drawings showing all proposed equipment and how they will be screened shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of building permit. * * * *71. No drive -thru facilities (except for medical uses) shall be permitted within Specific Plan. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - APPROVED PLOT PLAN 90 -434 FEBRUARY 27, 1990 * Deleted by City Council on April 17, 1990 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: 1. The development of the site shall generally be in conformance with the Exhibits contained in the file for Plot Plan 90 -434, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved Plot Plan shall be used within one (1) year of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated b this approval, not including grading, which is begun within the one -year period and is thereafter diligently pursued to completion. A one year time extnsion ma be requested as permitted by Municipal Code. 3. All applicable conditions of Specific Plan 89 -014 which pertain to this Plot Plan shall be met prior to issuance of any permits. 4. This approval is for Phases 1 and /or 3 as noted on approved plans for Specific Plan 89 -014. All pad structures including service stations shall be subject to approval of separate plot plan or conditional use permit applications as required by Municipal Code. 5. 46th Avenue right -of -way shall be vacated prior to issuance of any building permits. CITY FIRE MARSHAL: Access 6. Prior to the use /occupancy of the "Major A" building of Phase III, the access road proposed along the northern boundary_ of the project shall be completed as required to provide through circulation. - - 7. All future building expansions shall be subject to a site plan review /approval prior to issuance of building permits. 8. A minimum unobstructed width of 24 -feet shall be maintained for all access roads, with certain areas designated as fire lanes. BJ /CCONAPRVL.039 - 1 r Conditions of Ar`` - -ival - PP 90 -434 April 17, 1990 rl Water 9. The water mains shall be capable of providing a fire flow of 5000 gpm and an actual fire flow available from any two adjacent hydrants shall be 2500 gpm for 2 -hours duration at 20 psi. 10. A combination of on -site and off -site super hydrants (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2 -1/2 ") shall be located not less than 25 -feet or more than 165 -feet from any portion of the buildings(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. 11. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the Coachella Valley Water District prior to any combustible material being placed on the site. 12. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant /Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location spacing, and the system shall be designed to meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by the local water company and a registered civil engineer with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." *13. 14. Buildings shall be constructed so that the fire flow required for any individual building or unseparated area does not exceed 3500 gpm. 15. Final conditions and requirements with regards to type of construction, area separations, or built -in fire protection systems will be addressed when the building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. 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J •• - . - - C . ^ ri r :1 .y Jr , — r ` f , , J J- t^ �. — _ ..t k " 'i y J !. � �; ` - `) r [ •' ' 13, �. i , .. . y :; - " _ I r 1 �� . -, . i_ ., r . - — - .r r _ 4 ti- o _ . - f !41 � T/11/ as MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNERS DATE: DECEMBER 24, 1992 SUBJECT: SHOP BUILDINGS IN 111 LA QUINTA CENTER (PLOT PLAN 90- 434) With regards to the shop buildings in the 111 La Quinta Center, Planning and Development Department Staff has made a field inspection and find that they meet with our requirements at this time except that the mechanical cabinets and roll-up door near Albertsons supermarket must be painted to match the adjacent walls. They should be properly painted by first being primed and then painted. r Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. MEMOSS.122 1 -" H E C I T Y 0 T La,Quinta 1982 - 1Ten Cara Decade December 23, 1992 Mr. Norman Schoen The NADEL Partnership, Inc. 3090 Bristol, Suite 200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SUBJECT: ALBERTSON'S SUPERMARKET IN LA QUINTA (PLOT PLAN 90 -434) Dear Mr. Schoen: Upon final inspection of the Albertson's supermarket in the 111 La Quinta Shopping Center, it came to our attention that the exterior security lights on the rear of the Albertson's building that have been installed are not approved by our Department. As you will recall, during July, 1992, we informed you that an alternate light fixture would need to be chosen. To the best of our knowledge, this has not yet been done and an unapproved light fixture has been installed. Prior to us granting final clearance for occupancy the light fixtures will need to be changed to an approved fixture. MCG has installed a light fixture in the adjacent shop building which has been approved by our Department. This light fixture is a Floodmite FMD lighting fixture. Please use this light fixture in place of the existing light fixtures. The 42" high chain link fence at the rear of the store is required to be properly primed and painted to match the adjacent walls. This was noted in our plan check correction memo of April 27, 1992. When the trash compactor was allowed to encroach into the rear drive aisle (with subsequent reduction in rear planter width) a 6 foot high decorative wall was required for the length of the modified curb (approximately 75 feet). This wall is not constructed and will need to be provided prior to our release. The wall should be placed so that some small shrubs can be provided on Hwy the south side of the wall. The wall color should match the adjacent big wall and be approved by our Department prior to construction. z, RM LTRSS.276 City of La Quinta AY- La M; Post Office Box 1504 • 78 -105 Calle Estado Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design A Producuo, Mark Palmer Deson. 619 -346 0772 d�., -: :� Please inform us when this work will be completed so that we may notify the Building and Safety Department. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBStbja 41 cc: Mr. Dave Wilcox, Director of Architecture, Design & Engineering, Albertsons Building & Safety Department fi f" -42-� 4`-1 Im LTRSS.276 1 T H E� 1982. 1992 TO: 4 MEMORANDUM . I T Y OF l Ten Carat Decade TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: eTAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE: DECEMBER 22, 1992 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION FOR ALBERTSON'S SUPERMARKET (PLOT PLAN 90 -434) On December 21, 1992, at the request of the Building and Safety Department, this Department inspected the Albertson's supermarket site for final occupancy and would note the following corrections: 1. The exterior security lights on the outside of the sides and rear of the building are not the correct approved fixtures. A modification to the originally approved fixture was approved by this Department for the adjacent shops. Those same light fixtures should be used. 2. The 42" high chain link fence at the rear of the store is required to be properly primed and painted to match the adjacent walls. This was noted in our plan check correction memo of April 27, 1992. 3. When the trash compactor was allowed to encroach into the rear drive aisle (with subsequent reduction in rear planter width) a 6 foot high decorative wall was required for the length of the modified curb (approximately 75 feet). This wall is not constructed and will need to be provided prior to our release. The wall should be placed so that some small shrubs can be provided on the south side of the wall. The wall color should match the adjacent big wall and be approved by our Department prior to construction. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. I will send a letter to the architect for Albertson's informing them of the corrections. ASSBSSIV%EN :L S ALAN EHRENHALT Up Against The Wal -Mart Even in the path of a $42 billion steamroller, a community isn't powerless. obody did more to unsettle rural America than Henry Ford, but that didn't prevent him from pining after the small -town values and traditions he and his auto- mobile disrupted. Late in the 1920s, long after his own cars and factories had made the village life of Ford's boyhood all but obsolete, he spent millions re- creating it in a park on the outskirts of Detroit, complete with dirt roads, gas street lamps, horse -drawn carriages and a grassy town square. "I am trying in a small way," Ford said, "to help America take a step toward the saner and sweeter idea of life that prevailed in the pre -war days." If there is.a Henry Ford of the late 20th century, it is Sam Walton of Bentonville, Arkansas, the creator of Wal -Mart stores. His new autobiography, Made in America, published shortly after his death this past April, all but gushes with praise for the small -town values that he says made him a business success and kept his head on straight long after he had become a billion- aire. "We thrive on a lot of the traditions of small -town America," Walton wrote of his $42 billion, 1,800 -store empire. He says he and his wife kept the corporate headquar- ters in Bentonville "so we could raise our kids with the same values she and 1 had been exposed to in our youth." Walton never had his bovhood home made into a theme park, the way Ford did, but he did install a Wal-Mart museum on the Bentonville town square, in a restored version of the old Five -and -Dime Building where he first opened up for business in 1951. What he wanted, Walton said, "was to capture a little bit of the old dime store feel." That dime store is the 1990s equivalent of the buggies that still trudge up and down the roads of Greenfield Village, Henry Ford's ersatz hometown. It is a relic of the world that Sam Walton both loved and helped to destroy. There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of Walton's old - fashioned values. He was a genuine Rotarian, Presbyterian deacon and small -town Chamber of Commerce president. But there is also no mistaking the legacy of the Walton era: boarded -up stores and deserted ':Main Streets in just the sort of towns he cared most about, towns that fell victim to giant Wal-Mart stores that came in and priced their goods so low that the independent merchant never had a chance. This is a familiar enough story by now; it has been the subject of quite a few- newspaper and magazine articles over the past decade. But the issue seems to have stung Sam Walton to the end of his life. "Nobody has more love for the heyday of the small -town retailing era than I do," he protests in his autobiography. "Of all the notions I've heard about Wal -Mart, none has ever baffled me more than this idea that we are somehow the enemy of small -town America." Walton mounts a reasonable enough defense —he didn't kill Main Street, change killed it. If he hadn't dropped Wal - Mart stores all over the landscape, then K mart or Target or Woolco would have come along and done the same thing. From the point of view of the druggist or hardware dealer forced out of business, it would have amounted to the same thing. 'The small stores were just destined to disappear," Walton wrote. "It was as inevitable as the replacement of the buggy by the car." He goes further. Not only was the Wal - Mart phenomenon inevitable, he says, but it has been a good thing for the communi- ties it has hit. There are 400,000 Wal -Mart employees, and the full -time ones are eli- gible for profit sharing. A significant num- ber have become rich by investing in com- pany stock. Most important to Walton, though, his low prices have kept money in the pockets of ordinary rural people like the ones he grew up with. The dimes they save on socks and toothpaste make it that much easier to get through the week on a tight budget. "Millions of people," he ar- gues, "are better off today than they would be if Wal-Mart had not existed." Fair enough. But one still has to balance those gains against losses of a staggering dimension. It is not just a matter of nostalgia for the days when locally owned stores competed with each other for business across a thriving town square. It is a matter of numbers. Kenneth Stone, an economics professor at Iowa State University, used sales tax data to study what happened to the economies of 30 Iowa towns in the years after Wal-Mart located there. In every town Wal-Mart entered, total sales went up. But Wal-Mart was about the only beneficiary. Almost evervbodv else lost. If new Wal-Mart store does $17 million worth of business in the first year -the average in Iowa during the period Stone studied —and total sales in the community increase by $7 million, it doesn't take much imagination to guess what has happened to the other busi- nesses in town. Thee have lost $10 million. "It steamrolls local business," says Doug Bachtel, a rural sociologist at the Uni- versity of Georgia. "It just steamrolls them flat." But it goes beyond numbers, and beyond boarded -up windows on Main Street. Gone with those dollars, within a few years, are most of the local merchants who provided the civic and political leadership. "If a family gets put out of business," one storekeeper in Maryland told a reporter last year, "you lose a community leader. It means we have fewer GOVERNING September 1992 i store owners and more cashiers and clerks." Meanwhile, the profits made by the new Wal -Mart (or K mart or Target or whatever) do not stay in town. They make a brief stopover at a local bank, then depart for the corporate treasury hundreds of miles away. "That basically takes money out of the area," says Kenneth Stone. "It's that much less money in local banks that could be loaned to the community." To say that is not to accuse Wal -Mart of a crime. Wal -Mart is in business to make money. Keeping the downtown drug store operating is not its responsibility. But local govern- ments do have a responsibility—to learn to cope with the Wal -Mart era and manage it in a way that preserves as much of a town's identity and character as possible. Theoretically, at least, the range of options includes keep- ing the discount store out of town altogether. A new 100,000 - square -foot store nearly always requires some zoning changes, and a community determined to keep Wal -Mart out has the legal leverage to do it. "If some community, for whatever reason, doesn't want us in there," Sam Walton said, "we aren't interested in going in and creating a fuss." He could afford to say that because, in most places in America, the political pressure is on the side of bringing the discount store in. It's not that people want their downtown to dry up; it's just that those problems are off in the distance, and bargain prices are just one simple rezoning away. This year, Wal -Mart is opening more than 150 new stores. Many of them are in places that have so far escaped the discount invasion — places like Omak, Washington, an iso- lated town of fewer than 5,000 people in the rugged north- eastern part of the state. Downtown Omak has stayed alive. But by next year, if all goes according to plan, this tiny town will have two huge discount stores staring at each other across the highway. "After Wal -Mart and K mart fight it out, you aren't going to have a downtown Omak," says Kenneth Munsell, director of the Small Towns Institute in nearby Ellensburg, Washington. Nevertheless, the approval for the giant stores made it through the town planning commission in two days. "They are blithely unaware of the consequences," Munsell says. But as Wal -Mart expands ever further, into more sophisti- cated suburban territory, it will meet some different re- sponses. Last year, Wal -Mart announced plans to build two giant stores in Ellicott City, Maryland, between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. The construction required a zoning variance, and Wal -Mart hired a lawyer to argue for it. But local residents were able to afford two lawyers to argue the opposing side, and packed Howard County council hearings with citizens saying it was the wrong store in the wrong place. The zoning board turned Wal -Mart down. This wasn't so much a matter of merchant opposition as it was homeowners worried about noise and congestion. But the message was clear: Comfortable Howard County didn't need Wal -Mart badly enough to let it come in and take any piece of land in the county it happened to be hungry for. THAT IS NOT GOING TO BE THE TYPICAL CASE IN most of the country. Most communities are not going to tell Wal -Mart to go away. But zoning power gives them much more leverage over a giant retail company than most of them realize they have. If they use it, they can squeeze concessions that can prove important to community life in the long run. The local government of Carroll, Iowa, told Wal -Mart that it was welcome to come in, but it had to locate within close proximity to downtown, where there happened to be a large piece of land available. Wal -Mart normally doesn't like to build downtown, but it did so in Carroll, three blocks from the center, and thereby minimized the damage to the Main Street retailers, who are.benefiting from the additional traffic and avoiding the isolation that normally sets in when the new Wal -Mart is out on the highway, five miles from town. "Just because a Wal -Mart wants to come to a community," says Kenneth Munsell, "doesn't mean you have to let them in on their terms. You have options, and you should stand up for them. A lot of places just cave in. But if you have strong laws and you force them to do things, they will do them." The current head -to -head competition between Wal -Mart and K mart makes the opening for a smart local government that much bigger; if it tries hard enough, it may be able to play one against the other for the community's advantage. On the fundamental point, Sam Walton was right: Change was inevitable. Main Street couldn't survive forever as it was a generation ago. If you want to see an American small -town dime store, circa 1951, the best place to see it is probably Bentonville, Arkansas, at Sam Walton's museum. But the reality of the destruction wrought by the Wal -Mart era does not mean that communities have to march into it blindfolded, lambs to the slaughter. Leaders can lead; gov- ernments can govern, even when their town budget is $5 million and the company they are negotiating with is worth. $42 billion. That is what governments are there for. in QuickView features: High speed Scan, Display, Print & FAX Use standalone or with your database. Seabreeze Engineering Associates, Inc. Orlando, Florida USA , 800/277 -3086 • 407/331 -1996 • FAX 407/331 -1589 GOVERNING September 1992 11/19/92 14:42 7149636351 DAY CONSTRUCTION CO PAGE 01 Toa Att CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A CALIFORWA CORPORATION FAX TRANSMITTAL From,.,---- -4364 (Jars Date: Z/1 f q ' � � Time: Number of Pages (Including Transmittal). Memo: ** If you don't receive all2ages Tease contact the number listed below. 113448 WARD STREET o FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708.6890 • (714) 963 -0971 6 FAX (714) 963 -6351 i 11/19192 14:42 71496-6351 DAY CONSETRUCTION CO PAGE 02 t CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION November 19, 1992 Mr. Stan Sawa City of Tea Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, Calif. 92253 Re: Wal -Mart La Quinta Dear Stan; Per our telephone conversation this date, this letter is a notice that Day Construction has authorized our electrical subcontractor to order and install new exterior security lights at the above - named location. The new fixture is a Hubbell RCJ- 01509 150 watt fixture with a flat plate for wall mounting. This is the same fixture you have approved from the cut sheet faxed to your office. There are 13 of these fixtures, and they are available only in Virginia. We will have them air- freighted out to California, and installed upon arrival. We expect installation to be complete by December 1, 1992. Based on this schedule, we request that you release the Certificate of occupancy for the store as per our conversation. If there are any other items you need addressed, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely; Bob Wilson cc: Ron Cloer /Wal -Mart 18446 WARD STREET • FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA 92708 -8890 5 (714) 963 -0971 0 FAX (714) 963 -6357 Ilk f 11/19/92 12:51 7149636351 DAY CONSTRUCTION CO PAGE 01 s TO: CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION FAX TRANSMITTAL Attn:� ►.,Are /�' -� SL�`��La! -- From: Date:-�_'2, Time: Number of Pages (Intl ding Transmittal): .. Memo: ** If you don't receive al a es lease contact the number lisTed below. 18448 WARD STREET 0 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708•G99Q , (714) 963.0971 a FAX (714) 963-63W 11/19/'92 12:51 7149636351 DAY CONSTRUCTION CO r � RCT RCS i FtCJ 1 ACM f ROL i W DIMENMIAL DATA i� nIw � A tom,. 2ft. 413011 SnMM M tam M MM r RC RECTANouLAFt The Marubm It Dries 04ws v ago kaTd � of for mylii dw RC ' *M ft ter Magrtotrcr otfsu>g sit YAM Hl6 �i i t� H" of up to 1 OW van HP$ wV WL cor�s�ucttars � we - iraey�rity. BROW -- i WC MWOPOM, .20aF M avaftbla - cwtW faawy. owl pwo whteh is held in piece by sj ft-YAW wNh gtlM dlsemw* pits. 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I" go aws1w biRtno Imp, rs>.aa �akee t>maeile �1orl�tac� oaoot•t .•� +s s�i�►e $7 $5.4 27: Sit 254 W, z so 272 2F 3 AG 27.2 27; z w �t e, MUM OR f1 OD- S as fL For 600 ffwbe maan I i M It 0034 N-_ MAA -4-1 -1*1 ) -24125 SID-904 x d ;2bOmma MAL -KF -i � f1'Sleeut MAA -WP -1 Ir fMAA -211.1 2) ACT L MfNRIRES mu and o2phn am monxW or c 9w � ny ptnn. bra �R m appmprW sit nwydw,, Black -L - 1 1 F1 ff VLrA 0* S_Itl� ®t!, aTRI fAr f G10N�4 9 1'1. mAI ii' t -1 ° _ SDDt�a ter n 1' Rf± 4fC for q gpoke 18 des fang. f'ha 991'' 4D. � Aftlable for Hubbell Sclume MrA t 1 of t lard pt to Won t* AN muLTA" hwdwa a. 44 'II Extended Page 2.1 Nov 9199 Im � . d��eu3 tar clean frappae�au>ce sftd Arm aMrribrfes can 66mt In v'niBRy To spe* an aftmativ4 finish, add -4, R 11r4A -� -1 a� arm i" flat aura Kmcwo R& 19 a - 1 1 F1 ff VLrA 0* S_Itl� ®t!, aTRI fAr f G10N�4 9 1'1. mAI ii' t -1 ° _ SDDt�a ter n 1' Rf± 4fC for q gpoke 18 des fang. f'ha 991'' 4D. � Aftlable for Hubbell Sclume MrA t 1 of t lard pt to Won t* AN muLTA" hwdwa a. 44 'II Extended Page 2.1 Nov 9199 Im � . d��eu3 tar clean frappae�au>ce sftd Arm aMrribrfes can 66mt In v'niBRy To spe* an aftmativ4 finish, add -4, � I M wiftm above � A�oue amts t 5 _7 t.g t.2 12T- 4711 Q.D. !9 EB suadr►�a► RSA � X19! d' NMI ' I 10.7 nu�wnq 1$ 1 nnare 3 G3 7 3.1 f � m ai120' 13 5� n►r��es es t 1.2 ,12 is 7a 1'S, the $S'-T41WO ailw§ 4AR OMVOMtO 1 Ids of heavy MW and aWW With All t�s ao ggwhro pole. 1'47.9 tww$ asme pose. e.9 N i WA � I M wiftm above � A�oue amts t 5 _7 t.g t.2 12T- 4711 Q.D. !9 EB suadr►�a► RSA � X19! d' NMI ' I 10.7 nu�wnq 1$ 1 nnare 3 G3 7 3.1 f � m ai120' 13 5� n►r��es es t 1.2 ,12 is 7a 1'S, the $S'-T41WO ailw§ 4AR OMVOMtO 1 Ids of heavy MW and aWW With All t�s ao ggwhro pole. 1'47.9 tww$ asme pose. e.9 N i 11/18192 11:05 7149636351 DAY CONSTRUCTION CO t' CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A GALlFOF2NIA GORPORATIaN PAX TRANSMITTAL To., PAGE 01 Attn: ' From:�� Date: Time: 10=05 Number of Pages (Including Transmittal ): Memo: Crrt,T.s f d rJ ,&.11 ll,rhr Wk :# /J __ . %',*:s L Y46 Li-I 7741' ** If You don't receive all pages please contact the number listed below. 3 PL.ZA}M1MG vv- DEPARTgTE T 18448 WARD STREET + FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92709.8690 • (714) 9630971 • PAX (714) 963.6351 r��� � ��� .� . . ;,,.`; ;,, , _\ . , �� ��t • r� �' � r . �. 1 11/18/92 11:05 7149636351 DAY CONSTRUCTION CO PAGE 02 y November 18, 1992 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Mr. Stan Sawa City of La Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, Calif. 92253 Re: Wal -Mart La Quinta Dear Stan; Per our telephone conversation this morning, this letter is a notice that Day Construction has authorized our electrical subcontractor to order and install new exterior security lights at the above -named location. The new fixture is a Lithonia TWP 70S HPS 277 which is what is approved for the Al,bertsons store. I am including a cut -sheet of this fixture for your approval. Upon approval, we can order the fixtures this date, and install on Monday, November 23, 1992. Installation will be complete by Tuesday, November 24, 1992. We have informed the store personnel of your request to have the signage and materials stored outside removed. As of this morning, the signs were removed, and the storage was being moved inside. Based on these dates, we request that you release the certificate of occupancy for the store as per our conversation. If there are -4ny other items you need addressed, please feel free tp contact our office. Sin rely, Bob Wilson Encl /by fax 19443 WARD STREET 9 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708.6950 9 (714) 963 -0971 • FAX (714) 963 -6351 K: 11/18/92 11:05 7149636351 DAY CONSTRUCTION CO PAGE 03 3 322- 60 WISE ELECTRIC`Al it DAY �1002!QQ2 pas SERIES 7YYYY0 /175 ttU�V� W. HID Wet IACatons ME) USING - Dit- a Wurninum rear housing. SWMIOss sted external hardware. Dark bronze polyester powder finish Vt indard. C)PT= -White painted alurntinurn reflectot Front housing and refractor is one,plece, fnieCtion•molded, UV- stsb'dized polycarbonate, sealed and ga*eted. BALLAST- Hlgty power factor, autotransformer- (NSTALBATit?N- A=modatw > ack and top w1ring. Use condulet tee for feed -thru wiring. Mounts on any flat surface. APPLICATIONS - Pedestrian areas. underpasses, tunnels, garages. ORDERING INFORMATION Lamp Type ' Catalog Voltage Baltiset Camp Weight & wauge NNf er, (Speary) Type Cle=1plan L1r. -Ks. !MWtL W I9wddn tlt/tm 1Ow arardemd as 12 vtam -11 277 vK wk 4x4 pry wkh t=W? duel tap bake. For additional information and photomett#c data, refer to 111-Tek �fn Sheet_ TWP OOP�+�T�-iIO� -N--S � ptp, 2�� 70 TWP 7US40W -OF HX4iPFdW- -TB 13.6 -6.174k -FE+ 70 TWP 705M - � won R -h'PF Ar0*vdLW CCW. Madam Omme 13.6 -5.17 Aro t01 Ookw. ELMO, 70 TWP 708A R-HPF 13.6 -6.17 High 190 TWP 10"t HX-HPF 13.8 - 6.28 Pressure 100 TWP tQ0$N* R -NPF [vihdrCAeor 113.5-6.26 scdium 100 TWP 100Sf1 12n R-HPF 13-8-528 ISO T111dP 160:3'• +* 208 HX -WPF 15.1 -6.65 150 TWP ISM* 240 R•NPF 1511 -6-83 15p TWP ism Zn A- PF 15.1 -B,s5 Metal Home 175 _ TWP 175M* -- — Peak Lead Mog.'Clear 15.6 -7.08 Mercury 100 TWP INH, GWA M dated 10.8"4,81 Vam V5 T" ITSH* 21.1 -5.49 !MWtL W I9wddn tlt/tm 1Ow arardemd as 12 vtam -11 277 vK wk 4x4 pry wkh t=W? duel tap bake. For additional information and photomett#c data, refer to 111-Tek �fn Sheet_ TWP OOP�+�T�-iIO� -N--S � ptp, 2�� -BF %rVe Fog 1m),2F7V -OF DOP> 0 AM 2W. M. 4MV -TB Muit6up aww for 110.20.240 3 2M -FE+ Pra bftpic 00" 90, M L 2-IV - - — - � won -0ma Ar0*vdLW CCW. Madam Omme —OCR Aro t01 Ookw. ELMO, to w em ftm% For mw* dsuft, see 4utdoar +C9nsutt ta�v*y tot uae wsm E/►ultFtap LeAAat f . ACCESSORIES _ \ AfifC Pnotoef9�ic CONrot Kn f120V1 U 1 �� D�, �•; .� V ®,®s♦ C i r r F Uinta Ten Carat Decade TO: FROM DATE: SUBJECT: a fit! 2"fonla MEMORANDUM BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ,; NOVEMBER 13, 1992 PLOT PLAN 90 -434 (WAL -MART SITE) The Planning and Development Department on this date re- inspected the Wal -Mart site. On an earlier preinspection, we noted that the outside building lights were not approved, and that unapproved and unpermitted advertising was placed on the outside of the garden sales area fencing. The lighting must be changed to a lighting fixture which is down shinning and does not shine outward. The Albertsons Supermarket has such a light which we have approved and should be used in this case too. Additionally, the signage on the garden sales area fencing must be removed. Additionally, we noted that garden soil, manure, etc., has been stored outside the garden area fencing. This is not permitted by Code or approval of the center and ' must be immediately and permanently removed. These items must be corrected prior to a permanent certificate of occupancy being issued. MEMOSS.108 1 r MCG architects p{ q F Rj� a OV 0 4 111, to VI Mr. Stan Sawa City of La Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Regarding: One Eleven La Quinta - La Quinta, California MCG Project No. 89.156.02 Dear Stan: McClellan / Cruz / Gaylord & Associates 18201 Von Karman Avenue Suite 250 Irvine, California 92715 714 / 553.1117 Architecture Planning Interiors Pasadena Irvine San Francisco November 3, 1992 Enclosed for your review please find one copy of L.M. Scofield's concrete color chart. We are proposing to use a Slate Pattern stamped concrete at the main driveway entrances as shown on approved drawings. The concrete color is to be Classic Gray A -33 which is highlighted for your reference. Also, we have included a colored elevation of a typical entry monument wall per the approved plans. The colors noted to the left of the legend are referenced to the color and material board on file with the City. So as not to delay construction progress we would appreciate your prompt review and approval of these submitted items. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. MBM:cr Enclosure cc: Coln Macken Rick Gaylord John Baker Yours truly, MC ARIL TS Mark B. Mikelson Director of Architecture ZZ =�F rn ARCHITECT ARCHITECT APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVEWPMW DEPAIT MT By siTT..�IIA lT�i DATE EXHIa11 CASE M0. 35'-0" GOL°� LEGEND ELEVATION 1 PRE -CAST CONCRETE CAP. CORDINATE COLOR W/ ARCHITECT %b 2 WROUGHT IRON FENCE SEE DETAIL 'A' THIS SHEET 3. 4"x4" ACCENT TILE # TO MATCH ENTRY MONUMENT SIGN 4. 4"x4" ACCENT TILES. TO MATCH ENTRY MONUMENT SIGN Z& 5• STUCCO SIDING W/ SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH. CORDINATE COLOR W/ ARCHITECT /17 6. T' RELIEF W/ SMOOTH TROWEL FISH ON THE EDGE / ? 7. STUCCO SIDING W/ SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH CORDINATE COLOR W/ ARCHITECT 8. 4"x4" ACCENT TL.ES. TO MATCH ENTRY MONUMENT SIGN "r MCGMcClellan/Cruz/Gaylord & Associates Architecture* Planning • Interiors 18201 Von Karman Ave. a Suite 250, Irvine, California (714) 553 -1117 92715 -1028 ;C4�L__ -- "�I MON IDRI\JE i �l i It Al roil lmr'r-o MCGMcClellan /Cruz /Gaylord & Associates Architecture ® Planning a Interiors 18201 Von Karman Ave. O Suite 250, Irvine, California (714) 553 -1117 97715 -1028 --- - - - - -_ --, -t .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In MCGMcClellan /Cruz /Gaylord & Associates Architecture • Planning 0 Interiors 18201 Von Karman Ave. a Suite 250, Irvine, California (714) 553 -1117 92715 -1028 1'.11 {.alaL LL.L.aYG wil'a 10/ MEMORANDUM1 E 1. TO: TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: 45�0 STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1992 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION FOR WAL -MART (PP 90 -434) The Planning Department has reviewed the Wal -Mart site and feels that several items still need to be addressed. Those items are as follows: 1. . Parking lot and sidewalk areas need to be cleaned of debris and dirt. 2. Advertising signs have been placed on the wrought iron surrounding the garden area. These signs are not permitted by this approval or by Code and must be removed. 3. The wall mounted building lights along the exterior sides and rear are not approved. These lights shine outward onto adjacent streets and properties and are not in compliance with the Conditions of Approval for this shopping center. They need to be replaced with approved lights (i.e., Albertsons has approved lights). These items need to be corrected prior to final occupancy. MEMOSS.101 September 28, 1992 T H E C I T Y 0 AL La Ouinta 1982- 1991 Ten Carat Decade Mr. David Wilcox Director of Architecture, Design & Engineer Albertson's, Inc. 250 Parkcenter Boulevard P. 0. Box 20 Boise, Idaho 83726 SUBJECT: SIGNAGE FOR ALBERTSON'S #1627 IN LA QUINTA (PP 90 -434) Dear Mr. Wilcox: In response to your letter dated September 14, 1992, this is to inform you that in order to install any additional signage beyond the Albertson's logo and "Albertson's ", an amendment to the sign program will be needed. Amendment to the sign program requires review and approval from the Design Review Board and Planning Commission. As you know, your original request for ancillary signage for "Liquor" and "Food -Drug" was not approved; This is because this is felt that such ancillary signage is not necessary. Wal -Mart requested ancillary signage but was only permitted one small "Auto Center" sign facing Adams Street on the wall of the Auto Center. However, this sign is not visible from the front of the building. In order to apply for an amendment to the sign program, the enclosed sign application must be filled out, an $80.00 sign request fee paid and 15 folded sets of plans showing the building (site and elevation) and specific sign locations, sign details, and sign colors submitted. Once we have received this information, we will schedule it for the appropriate meetings. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bja Enclosures 3 cc: Colm Macken, TDC City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 LTRSS . 2 30 Design d Production: Mark Palmer Design, 619 - 346 -0772 r .r 'R �S a s� �Y?L A kg� dcG 1 xN H E C I T Y .e4' on A Lainta N I?;? - 199 Ten Carat Decade September 16, 1992 Mr. Mark P. Mikelson MCG Architects 18201 Von Karmon Avenue, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92715 -1028 SUBJECT: LIGHTING FOR 111 LA QUINTA CENTER Dear Mr. Mikelson: D s l�U,ll,i� In response to your letter dated September 1, 1992, proposing a Flood Mite FMD lighting fixture, Staff has determined that this lighting fixture is acceptable provided it is mounted horizontally. Additionally, the fixture colors should match other light fixtures utilized in the center. Attached is a cut sheet for the light fixture that we are approving. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, STAN B. SAWA, Current Planning Principal Planner cc: Mr. Colm Macken, Transpacific Development Company Building and Safety Department LTRSS.228 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design 7 ?roduc:.c, Mark Palmer Design. 619 346 -0772 . N tr 4- I w� �, �, �� F�rrl , • J �''� 1'' - � FLOOD MITE Features ... • FLOOD MITE is available for Medium Base High Pressure Sodium Lamps. Rugged, Long Lasting, Quality Construction • FLOOD MITE features a die cast aluminum lamp and ballast housing. • A tempered glass lens securely set in a die cast aluminum lens frame. • Pulse- rated, medium base, porcelain socket with nickel plated, screw shell and center contact, for positive, secure lanip contact. • Neoprene gaskets seal the FLOOD MITE frorn dust and moisture. • U.L. Listed for Wet Locations. Vandal Resistant • The cast aluminum lamp and ballast housing, and cast alumi- num lens frame are secured with 4 stainless steel, slotted hex retaining screws, insuring proper gasket sealing. • Optional vandal resistant screws are avaiiable — consult factory. Versatile Mounting Positions /Easy Installation • FLOOD MITE can be mounted vertically, or horizontally; wall, davit, yoke, or extension arm mounted. Photometrically Efficient • The faceted, hydroformed, Alzak finished aluminum reflector evenly spreads the light. Economical Operation • FLOOD MITE provides precise, even light distribution. • Even light distribution means optimum lighting efficiency with fewer fixtures when compared to other area lighting sources. • Fewer fixtures, and the energy savings of low to medium H.I.D. provides a double action saving to the user. Attractive Appearance • The attractively designed FLOOD MITE features a weather resistant, durable, "polymer" duronodic bronze, polyester, powder coating finish. SECTION 2 PAGE 21 NORTH STAR LIGHTING FOR PARKING FACILITIES • SECURITY AREAS • ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING • RECREATION AREAS • OFFICE BUILDINGS �e IIbrW 1 FMD - 259H - 120H -/� *\�. oY....�b uSG ��, . .1 t, H E C I T Y 0 September 16, 1992 La guinta 1982 - 1992 Ten Carat Decade Mr. Colm Macken Transpacific Development Company 2377 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90501 SUBJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE 111 LA QUINTA CENTER Dear Colm: Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the revision you have made to the site development plans and would offer the following comments: 1. The steel pole bollards utilized to protect the trash compactor are suppose to angled with stripping painted on the ground to direct traffic around the bollard. The Albertsons architect has prepared an exhibit for this. Therefore, we will expect the bollards to be placed as noted by the Albertson's architect. Landscaping and irrigation plans for the area between the sidewalk and future curbs will need to be approved sometime in the future prior to planting. The original concept approved for this area will be required. ` It should be noted that the Engineering Department recently instituted a new requirement that perimeter landscaping plans be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department. If you have not yet initiated this yet you should begin the procedure by contacting the Engineering Department.. Other concerns regarding the Theme Plaza and perimeter landscaping have been discussed on September 15, 1992, and are being addressed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, , - �C���». 'v STAN B. SAWA, Current Planning Principal Planner cc: Mr. Mark Mikelson, MCG Architects Engineering Department Building and Safety Departmen&ty of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 LTRSS.227 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design 8 Production: Mark Palmer Design, 619 346 0772 -1 MCG architects Mr. Stan Sawa City of La Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 922_` Regarding: One Eleven La Quinta - La Quinta, California MCG Project No. 89.156.50 Dear Stan: McClellan / Cruz / Gaylord & Associates 18201 Van Karman Avenue Suite 250 Irvine, California 92715 714 / 553.1117 Architecture =;'� f•� •'� F Planning, ,;) t,t• ' Interiors a ♦n II Pasaden` �P O 4 Irvine San Francisco = y' September 1, 1992 Enclosed please find two copies of the cut sheet for the Flood Mite FMD lighting fixture. We propose to utilize this fixture at the rear of the shops as an alternate to the Bieber fixture you previously rejected You will note this cut sheet indicates high pressure sodium, however, we will be using Metal Halide lamps to maintain a consistent light source with the balance of the parking lot areas. I believe this fixture satisfies the shielding requirements we discussed. Again, this fixture will be mounted at approximately 12 feet. 0 Please let us know of your acceptance as soon as possible so that the contractor may order the fixture. Shouid you have any further questions please do not hesitate io contact our office at your convenience. Yours truly, MC ARCH ECTS ark B. Mikelson Director of Architecture MBM:cr Enclosure cc: Colm Macken Joe Knotts Lino Palmieri Rick Gaylord John Baker FLOOD MITE Features ... • FLOOD MITE is available for Medium Base High Pressure Sodium Lamps. Rugged, Long Lasting, Quality Construction • FLOOD MITE features a die cast aluminum lamp and ballast housing. • A tempered glass lens securely set in a die cast aluminum lens frame. • Pulse- rated, medium base, porcelain socket with nickel plated, screw shell and center contact, for positive, secure lamp contact. • Neoprene gaskets seal the FLOOD MITE from dust and moisture. • U.L. Listed for Wet Locations. Vandal Resistant • The cast aluminum lamp and ballast housing, and cast alumi- num lens frame are secured with 4 stainless steel, slotted hex retaining screws, insuring proper gasket sealing. • Optional vandal resistant screws are available— consult factory. Versatile Mounting Positions /Easy Installation • FLOOD MITE can be mounted vertically, or horizontally; wall, davit, yoke, or extension arm mounted. Photometrically Efficient • The faceted, hydroformed, Alzak finished aluminurn reflector evenly spreads the light. Economical Operation • FLOOD MITE provides precise, even light distribution. • Even light distribution means optimum lighting efficiency with fewer fixtures when compared to other area lighting sources. • Fewer fixtures, and the energy savings of low to medium N.I.D. provides a double action saving to the user. Attractive Appearance • The attractively designed FLOOD MITE features a weather resistant, durable, "polymer" duronodic bronze, polyester, powder coating finish. ` SECTION 2 PAGE 21 NORTH STAR LIGHTING FOR PARKING FACILITIES • SECURITY AREAS • ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING • RECREATION AREAS • OFFICE BUILDINGS a y/' 1 FMD - 259H - 120H H E C I T Y 0 �M AL La,92 uanta <r „, 1982 - 1 Ten Carat Decade August 17, 1992 �y. Ms. Nancy Kachey Quiel Bros. s« 272 South "I" Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 SUBJECT: FLAG POLE FOR WAL -MART IN LA QUINTA Dear Ms. Kachey: This is to inform you that the Planning Commission at their meeting of August 11, 1992, reviewed and approved your request for a flag pole at the Wal -Mart at Adams Street and Highway 111. The flag pole was approved as shown on the attached exhibit. It will be necessary for you to obtain a building permit for the installation of the pole. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1b. STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bja 0 LTRSS.220 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design & Produciion: Mark Palme• Desgn. 619.346 -0772 OUZEL BROS. ELECTRIC SIGN SERVICE CO.. INC 2rO� FLAU Qo�..E T'�O��TED -'U \"/t%,\-L- . ............. FLAA r0t,11I, ':Ou 0 4't,M ,Ww c 4d1V Mst'o -W Now L/4X W F^ft WM#M1 %.--01 r i+0lla�5� W/ ex zo too r32`. S� t a � :12ti.� fo•. rii:.41Mi. i S A aor� MEMBER OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC SIGN ASSOCIAI.1)N axis &K, 54 "r Nuns 1$14 . ..+•aka ; h OkATS.4 �1 .j t� f� kMTAIL. I unpua�strod drawrrnq Is Created by and is the sae properly of Ou,cf Bros n $ervrce Co. Inc., eacepirng only included nlsllng Trademarks and IA Plrnli 5110 drawing Is SuWlnlled only in connection with a protect being ptarwd Id you and the fwsrness you repesem. •nd rs nd ro e.nlWted to anyone onside your agarozatrorn a reproduced, a coped by anYOne. unless authorizalwn is pbNmed from >n a1Ker d I]ybI Broe. EnettrK Spn Ssrylce Co., Inc,. in widmg. CLSOZZ7 BdyC ' I i(,' ExPOSED y' APPROVED LA QUINTTA PLANNING COMMISSION BY . DA N� i 11 OUIEL BROS ELECTRIC SIGN SERVICE CO. INC I. 4' w W4.4 .• s' t ,o rn 1 �i. M. .. APP—eC Bn Dale Appoved Purcnasrr Phpne Number Assessors Parre; Number Name of Display and Address of Installation Date Drawn [J.Ob te Number SIGNS BY Dr awn By 2�� a �.'V Number t SINCE 1961 Salesperson 272 SOUTH I STREET. SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92410 Drawnn9 Number i -v c 1� PH. 714 -885 -4476 FAX 714 - 888 -2239 n ///�'���' �G Cam Contraciors License No 217545 -7 f.�•��� Revision Desarptron Requested By Date Revised ffirr.rrr J I witty MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: %SSTAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE: AUGUST 12, 1992 SUBJECT: FLAG POLE AT WAL -MART Wal -Mart received Planning Commission approval on August 11,, 1992, to install a flag pole for a 5'8" American flag adjacent to the east side of the entry. The pole is to be installed on the inside of the parapet so that the top is 16 feet above the parapet of the building. Attached is a copy of the plan approved by the Planning Commission. MEMOSS.094 McClellan / Cruz / Gaylord & Associates 18201 Von Karman Avenue MCG Suite 250 Irvine, California 92715 aI c I I l ects 714 / 553.1117 Architecture Planning Interiors Pasadenag Irvine d ``�. �i�, t -.. _ `.• .iii3 . -s..�� San Francis I� Ir B AUG 0 3 C'khl�'Vf " F LA E C l��'t1e�'1tl�u t!i �tf: .C�atl,�'�`p�r�,.A•y' July 30, 1992 Mr. Stan Sawa City of La Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Regarding: One Eleven La Quinta Center - La Quinta, California MCG Project No. 89.156.01 Dear Stan: We are pleased to provide the enclosed plant material information for Viguiera Deltoidea (desert sunflower) you requested after your review of the site development drawings. I trust this information will satisfy your immediate needs, however, if you have any other questions regarding this material please do not hesitate to call me or our landscape architect, Gary Begin. MBM:cr Enclosure cc: Colm Macken Gary Begin Rick Gaylord John Baker Yours truly, MCG ARCHITECTS Mark B. Mikelson Director of Architecture r- I JUL 28 '92 19:35 tom-- . _ .10 . PAGE.992 482 Viguiera dentate Vigulera . Sunflower Southwest U.S.A., Mexico A large group'of evergreen herbs and shrubs, including some 150 species, five of which are native to dry land- scapes in California. These plants are distinguished by their bright yellow, daisy-like flowers, which grow on long stems above the foliage. Most species show good toler- ance of heat, sun, and drought. They are most often planted from seed to stabilize slopes and revegetate disturbed areas. V. deltoidea var. parishfi, Desert Sunflower, is a broad, mounding plant, 2 -3 ft, high, S-7 ft. across. It ,grows throughout the Mojave and Colorado deserts into areas of San Diego County. Yellow flowers contrast nicely with blue-green foliage. 483 Viguiera /aciniats V. laciniata San Diego Sunflower, is a low growing shrub 18.24 in. high, spreading 4 -6 ft. This is a commonly used species which provides bright flower accent character and erosion control uses, Plate 483 V. dentate, is a species from Mexico, It develops into a medium-sized shrub, 3 -5 ft, high,'6 -8 ft, across. It shows good performance on dry slopes, in full sun, and accepts heat, aridity, and wind, Showy yellow flowers accent the plant from early spring through summer. Plate 482 ** TOTAL PAGE.002 ** .. -� --1 July 27, 1992 0 F, Mr. Mark Mikelson MCG Architects 18201 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 250 r. Irvine, CA 92715 SUBJECT: ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER (PLOT PLAN 90 -434) Dear Mr. Mikelson: Regarding your letter dated July 20, 1992, for a Beiber light fixture, Staff has already written Norman Schoen of the Nadel Partnership regarding the Albertsons supermarket. They were proposing to utilize the same light fixture after discussions with you. The Planning Department feels that the light fixture should not be adjustable. This would eliminate any unauthorized readjusting of the light fixture towards the north (zoned residential) . Therefore, an alternate light fixture which is shielded and not adjustable should be utilized. Attached is the letter to Mr. Schoen for your use. Please coordinate your choice of a light fixture with Mr Schoen and resubmit a cut sheet for our review and approval. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bjs cc: Mr. Colm Macken, TDC Building & Safety Department LTRSS.212 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design 8 Proaucnon. Mark Palmer Design. 619 -346 -0772 H E C I T Y *611 ,T La Qu inta 1982 I��2 Ten Carat Decadt July 27, 1992 0 F, Mr. Mark Mikelson MCG Architects 18201 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 250 r. Irvine, CA 92715 SUBJECT: ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER (PLOT PLAN 90 -434) Dear Mr. Mikelson: Regarding your letter dated July 20, 1992, for a Beiber light fixture, Staff has already written Norman Schoen of the Nadel Partnership regarding the Albertsons supermarket. They were proposing to utilize the same light fixture after discussions with you. The Planning Department feels that the light fixture should not be adjustable. This would eliminate any unauthorized readjusting of the light fixture towards the north (zoned residential) . Therefore, an alternate light fixture which is shielded and not adjustable should be utilized. Attached is the letter to Mr. Schoen for your use. Please coordinate your choice of a light fixture with Mr Schoen and resubmit a cut sheet for our review and approval. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bjs cc: Mr. Colm Macken, TDC Building & Safety Department LTRSS.212 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design 8 Proaucnon. Mark Palmer Design. 619 -346 -0772 T_. 0 H E C I T Y ILE i La Ouinta F 1982 -1992 Ten Carat Decade July 22, 1992 Mr. Norman L. Schoen The Nadel Partnership, Inc. a 3090 Bristol, Suite 200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SUBJECT: ALBERTSONS SUPERMARKET IN LA QUINTA Dear Mr. Schoen: We have received your cut sheet regarding the revised exterior security lights for the Albertsons market. As we have previously indicated, our major concern is minimizing light over spill and glare towards the residentially zoned property. With the adjustable light fixture you have submitted, Staff feels that the problem of light glare and spill over will stil exist because the fixture can be turned. Please pick a fixture which meets our requirements and is not adjustable. Please submit a cut sheet on the revised light fixture for our review and approval. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the R undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bja cc: Engineering Department LTRSS.208 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design 8 Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619 - 346.0772 � .d ff MCG architects Mr. Stan Sawa City of La Quinta 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 � by 1 JUL 2 2 1992 �" CITY 0 PLANN NS _'.PAR :PAENT Regarding: One Eleven La Quinta - La Quinta, California MCG Project No. 89.156.50 Dear Stan: McClellan / Cruz / Gaylord & Associates 18201 Von Karman Avenue Suite 250 Irvine, Calibrnia 92715 714 / 553.1117 Architecture Planning Interiors Pasadena Irvine San Francisco July 20, 1992 As requested in your letter to Colin Macken dated July 9, 1992 enclosed please find the Bieber light fixture cut sheet. This is the exterior light fixture we propose to use at the rear of the shops building along the service drive. This fixture is to be installed at approximately 12 feet. Our electrical engineer informs us this fixture is adjustable and shielded and, therefore, we believe this fixture satisfies your requirements. Please let us know of your acceptance as soon as possible so that the contractor may order the fixtures or, if required, we will look for an alternate. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. MBM:cr Enclosure cc: Colm Macken Joe Knott Lino Palmieri Rick Gaylord John Baker Yours truly, MC ARCH CTS Mark B. Mikelson Director of Architecture iL- FROM LINO PALMIERI & RSSO i r /6 7.20. 1992 10.'37 �x P. 2 Ar • ALU��u -� po- 12v D� L'AT. NO. NDUj /�L/6: ,�/EAYr G.�1UesE D /E' �FDPMf,� wEL DED ALUM /A / / /tit. LEANS ARAME : f x rZl1DdW ALUM1N414f, FULL Y li4SX'Lt'r l SNS.' PEAL EC T4,e : .01r rac ep /f l l/NIIAI/i4✓I 4 [ Z.4�', .50C& ,F7: 44D6�Ui BASF PDPrFi,oI�t/; BALlA5%; ,yPrIeWA. SPA!_• /rY 1/DC 1Ar � (15r 07ASC5) + i S AUfn WV*1 -► A,P_ M 5 ' 9"X %e LID F. D .4LUM/A/1144 / (- 40" Aa7 /,/,;WENT) BALLAST l�MOA PTMf_il1 r.' //E,QVY G.o. DEG- FD,PMDI� AL UM. f hu /S /! ; . ■�•rwl.ri ■vwa. No.! ..,�■.. DATE one U IL PRAWN : RI E13ER LIGHTING CORPORAVON BY use SOUTH 1 616 AV6TdUK I NOLOWOOD. CALL FORNIA @*Sol NO.I 3090 Bristol July 9, 1992 Suite 200 Costa Mesa California 92626 714 •540 5000 The FAX 714 755 3013 Nadel Partnership Inc. Mr. Stan Sawa Principal Planner Architecture Planning CITY OF LA QUINTA Interiors 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Albertsons #1627 La Quinta, California Exterior Security Lights Dear Mr. Sawa: (`� a fry,? '4; ``5, :.� _,-�._, •. JUL 93W2 1 As you requested in your recent letter, we are submitting a different type of exterior lighting fixture for your approval (fixture cut attached). Our office has coordinated this fixture with the site architect (MCG Architects) so all building exterior lighting should be consistent. Please advise if further information is required. Very truly yours, PARTNERSHIP INC. rvvr r r rar r L- hoen Project Manager cc: File NS- JM.237 .1► t AWP SERIES juw 2 41992 N11 Z EMlIOE K NK. ,--W. 7# . A WPL- 0 _A?o V — i THE ADJUSTABLE 'WALL PACK IS SUITA13LY DESIGNED FOR SHOPPING CENTERS, BUSINESS PARKS AND OFFICE BUILDINGS. THE FIXTURE CAN BE MOUNTED AGAINST THE WALL, CEILING, OR AT GROUND LEVEL. SPECIFICATIONS DOUSING: Heavy gauge die - formed welded aluminum (weather proof) .LENS FRAME: Extruded Aluminum, fully gasketed LENS: ; Clear tampered glass or diffused REFLECTOR: Diffused Aluminum Alzak SOCKET; Mogul or. Medium Socket Lamps BALLAST: HPF /CWA, specify voltage AVAILABLE FINISHES: Black, Bronze, Brown, White, Green, Silver and Dark Bronze I Iowa• No w DATA: 33 X E.33 IE R LIGHTING c6nPo14AT10N o ' A 970 West Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90.101 CAY. N0•1 JUN 24 192 14:34 1 213 937 7016 PAGE.002 sew mo I� T H E C I T Y It AIL M,,Quinta 1982 - 1Ten Carat Decade June 1, 1992 Mr. Norman L. Schoen Nadel Partnership, Inc. 3090 Bristol, Suite 200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SUBJECT: ALBERTSONS #1627 (PLOT PLAN 90 -434) Dear Mr. Schoen: 0 F We have received your letter dated May 26, 1992, regarding plan check items from this Department. Recommendations given in the letter are acceptable. However, we do need to see a manufacturer's cut sheet for the exterior light fixtures that are to be used on the outside of the building. Please submit this to us as soon as possible. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ' 45-�Ap� )�; 0 STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bja ,t cc: Building & Safety Department LTRSS.182 4`Z City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Desgn 8 Production: Mark Palmer Design, 619- 346 -0772 T H E C I T Y 0 64; "; a ♦�' O • 9yinta MEMORANDUM rn a,u poor TO: TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER 42�b5 DATE: JUNE 1, 1992 SUBJECT: ALBERTONSONS SUPERMARKET (PLOT PLAN 90 -434) Attached is a letter from Norman L. Schoen, project manager for the Nadel Partnership, architects for the Albertsons supermarket on Highway 111. The letter notes five items which Staff had a previous concern with during the plan check. Please note these items for future inspection. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. MEMOSS.081 3090 Bristol May 26, 1992 Suite 200 Costa Mesa California 92626 714.540 5000 The FAX 714 755 3013 Mr. Stan Sawa Nadel Principal Planner CITY OF LA QUINTA Partnership Inc. 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Architecture Planning Interiors Re: Albertsons #1627 La Quinta, California Dear Mr. Sawa: �ett rim [ly'f �t� �i Zf MAY 2 8 1891' cIT d� a� Pl/3idPilfd G DC-PAR A NT As we discussed recently, you indicated that there are several items that you need to have addressed before issuing a building permit for the Albertsons store referenced above. Please refer to the following for our response to your concerns. Note: A copy of your memo has been included for your convenience. 1. All exterior fixtures will be of the type that has the bulb shielded and pointed in a downward direction. 2. Paint striping and pipe bollard will be placed as indicated on the enclosed sketch. 3. Albertsons will obtain a separate permit for signage. These plans show signage only as a means to locate electrical and structural connection points. 4. The 42" high chain link fence at the delivery ramp will be primed and painted to match the exterior of the building. 5. All shopping carts will be stores inside of the Albertsons building. Please see the attached sketch for location of cart storage. If additional items need to be addressed, please contact me. Very truly yours, TH L PARTNERSHIP INC. Norman L. Sch Project Manager cc: File "t. } 4 2 t• . x; SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 5-20 -92 9:24AM 5645617 -714 755 3013 :# 2 ;V .0 - > 44 i MEMORANDUM 04%, r� TO: TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: STAN SAWA PRINCIPAL, PLANNER DATE. APRIL 27, 1992 SUBJECT: ALBERTSONS SUPERMARKET PLAN CHECK RP 90-434) The Planning and Development Department has reviewed the working drawingS and has the following comments: 1. ...11 exterior light fixtures including those on. the rear and sides must be of the type that has the light bulb source shielded and pointed in a downward (11rection . 2. In a letter to the architect on January 28, 1991, Staff approved a modification along the rear of the store to allow the trash compactor to encroach into the 1riveway. In that letter we indicated that directional measures to guide traffic around the compactor location and some type of protection is needed so that traffic going from a westerly to. easterly direction does not hit the compactor (gee attached letter) • The plans do not currently show this. 3. The elevation sheet shows two additional signs in addition to the "Albertson" �:ign. The Planning Commission and Design Review Board only.approved one +31gn saying "Albertsons" with a logo. 4. If a 42 -inch high chain link fence adjacent to the ramp is utilized, it muE ;t be properly primed and painted to match the adjacent walls, 5. The shopping carts cannot be placed or stored outside. If outside, must be screened. Plans for outdoor storage shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department as soon ag possible. These items should be corrected. The Planning and Development Department does not feel that the building permit needs to be withheld as long as these iteme; are Complied with at the time of construction with the exception of cart storage. cc: Mr. Norman Schoen, The Nadel Partnership MEM088.078 D 3 z c� N D � o n � ^90 J � zz t REMOTE 7�44- z Z' LIN I 4_ I� :I ice' N �T) .,I C c, E,:- CLI DES �R�A u Ft -YWoop w/ PLAS -T +- ^ _ _ I �_�i}�LVa✓� I.AMI►JAre WEB 'oR - nr•I� =S �%- 6RdIGE GOLD 5�e5 ^ ��11LE 1 Z- - td' P SELF bar S�f2VIGE r2C--l-1 WORK AREA A' r7l LLJ mss— SLIGG� EdGKTi4�L�S- U)i2�S�'? /�,�l -IGfcR A►UI% I OL I�( I � N. K -1 �JLtz vI nRlrJlu.ly - - NK I I OveIJ I - -_ _- �o'i% u IOt'D IO O ID O • FE:S = _t �� wQLL ►�D�rl fop c uRD CART BUMPER (pQ�gl�gy -�� of ePA,11,,is CoLt7 [ ) 7' F,-T. GoL11 N I-I �d.11 M F� 4,ow6 o 01 . ft, 0 I MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR FROM: STAN SAWA, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE: APRIL 27, 1992 SUBJECT: ALBERTSONS SUPERMARKET PLAN CHECK (PP 90 -434) ` s� �w The Planning and Development Department has reviewed the working drawings and has the following comments: 1. All exterior light fixtures including those on the rear and sides must be of the type that has the light bulb source shielded and pointed in a downward direction. 2. In a letter to the architect on January 28, 1991, Staff approved a modification along the rear of the store to allow the trash compactor to encroach into the driveway. In that letter we indicated that directional measures to guide traffic around the compactor location and some type of protection is needed so that traffic going from a westerly to _ easterly direction does not hit the compactor (see attached letter) . The plans do not currently show this. 3. The elevation sheet shows two additional signs in addition to the "Albertson" sign. The Planning Commission and Design Review Board only.approved one sign saying "Albertsons" with a logo. 4. If a 42 -inch high chain link fence adjacent to the ramp is utilized, it must be properly primed and painted to match the adjacent walls. 5. The shopping carts cannot be placed or stored outside. If outside, must be screened. Plans for outdoor storage shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department as soon as possible. These items should be corrected. The Planning and Development Department does not feel that the building permit needs to be withheld as long as these items are complied with at the time of construction with the exception of cart storage. cc: Mr. Norman Schoen, The Nadel Partnership MEMOSS.078 �� Cf .. i., r' �. J. . i ._ .,, 1_� 10 in June 19, 1991 �� sjJ o. 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 Ms. Vera Demciuc MCG 199 South Los Robles Avenue, Suite 400 Pasadena, CA 91101 -2457 SUBJECT: PAYLESS DRUG STORES IN LA QUINTA Dear Ms. Demciuc : The Planning and Development Department has reviewed the working drawings for the Payless Drugs at Washington Street and Highway 111. A number of revision or clarifications are needed before we can grant clearance for issuance of a building permit. Those items are as follows: 1. Increase 40- inches high concrete block wall around outdoor sales area to 60- inches in order to screen sales merchandise. 2. Submit sample of "Frazee" #5335A, "ranch mink", which is used on the accent strip metal reveal. 3. Submit sample of "Mission tile" 8" X 8" Portland cement, pattern "Ritz" (4) borders with corner, color C -107 "Terra Cotta ", C -103 "Naranja", C -114 "Sage ", and C -113 "Taupe" which is used on the exterior walls. 4. Submit manufacturers cut sheet for exterior light fixtures used on north, east i and west exterior walls. 5. Provide line of sight drawing from far side of channel to north or provide other plans to verify that air conditioning units and satellite dish on roof will be screened from view of residential properties to the north. 6. A separate sign permit for "Payless Drugs" will need to be obtained from the Planning and Development Department prior to installation. While these items must be clarified or submitted, it should be noted that other items pertaining to the overall site and may not be your responsibility must be complied with prior to issuance of your building permit. These requirements result from approval of the Specific Plan and Plot Plan for the site. LTRSS.078 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 i r a Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS : bja cc: Colm Macken, TDC Development Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director File LTRSS.078 t / I 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 April 16, 1991 Mr. Colm Macken Transpacific Development Company 2377 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90501 SUBJECT: 111 LA QUINTA CENTER, SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 & PLOT PLAN 90 -434 Dear Mr. Macken: This is to notify you that we have received your letter dated April 3, 1991, regarding the annual review of Specific Plan 89 -014 and time extension request for Plot Plan 90 -434. We have scheduled these items for the Planning Commission meeting of April 23, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. You should plan to be present to answer any questions that may arise. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bja cc: Tom Genovese, Assistant City Manager LTRSS.059 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ceity� 4 4 Q" F�LE cupw 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 February 4, 1991 Mr. Greg Gastelum California Department of Transportation District 11 PO Box 85406 San Diego, CA 92186 -5406 SUBJECT: ADDENDUM TO NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR 111 LA QUINTA CENTER AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET (SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 & PLOT PLAN 90 -434) (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 89 -150) Dear Mr. Gastelum: The Director of the Planning & Development Department has approved an addendum to the previously granted Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the above project. This addendum allows the inclusion of a 1,000 foot wide by 50 foot deep parcel at the northwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street to be included as a part of this project. A full description of this minor project change is contained in the enclosed addendum. Staff has determined that this addendum is appropriate due to the minor nature of the project change, the disturbed condition of the site, and location adjacent to the paved Highway 111 travel lanes. Therefore, no further Environmental Review or mitigation measures is deemed necessary. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1:% Stan B. Sawa Principal Planner SBS:ccs cc: Lyn Calerdine; LSA Associates Colm Macken; Transpacific Development Company Steve Speer; Senior Civil Engineer LTRSS.062Y&ING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • ` '1� f ADDENDUM TO NEGATIVE DECLARATION TRANSPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (EA 89 -150) STATE ROUTE 111 WIDENING: WASHINGTON STREET TO 1.000 FEET WESTERLY This Addendum to the Negative Declaration based upon Environmental Assessment 89 -150 for the La Quinta Center has been prepared by the City of La Quinta. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15162, subsequent changes can be made to a project and, if no new significant impacts occur and no additional mitigation is required, no additional EIR is required. This Addendum describes the minor project changes proposed and addresses two areas of potential concern; cultural resources and biological resources. BACKGROUND On April 17, 1990, the City of La Quinta certified a Negative Declaration (ND) for an approximately 618,000 square foot shopping center located on a 62 acre site bounded by State Route (SR -) 111, Adams Street, Washington Street, and Whitewater Wash. The project location is shown in Figure 1. The Negative Declaration also addressed the widening of SR -111 between Adams Street and Washington Street, a 3,600 foot distance along the shopping center project frontage. After application of mitigation measures, no significant adverse environmental effects were identified for either the shopping center or the roadway widening. The State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) was identified as a Responsible Agency under CEQA and reviewed the ND for the shopping center. PROPOSED PROJECT CHANGES Subsequent to the approval of the Negative Declaration, Caltrans and the City have determined that minor modifications to the improvements to SR -111 would result in • public benefit. This modification would extend the widening of SR -111, providing • tapering additional lane for 1,000 feet west of Washington Avenue. Existing SR -111 provides two travel lanes in each direction in the project vicinity. The shopping center project will be widening SR -111 along the project frontage to provide three westbound through lanes, plus additional turning lanes. The benefits of the additional westbound lane can be enhanced by extending this lane through the Washington Street intersection for 1,000 feet and then tapering back to two westbound lanes. This extension will increase the capacity of, and result in a higher level of service at the SR- 111 /Washington Street intersection. This widening requires the acquisition of an approximately 1, 000 foot long by 50 foot wide parcel on the north side of SR -111. This parcel is currently vacant and disturbed. DOCSS.001 ,# j� 9 IMPACTS After reviewing the Negative Declaration for the project, it was determined that the original review adequately addressed the following potential impacts, inclusive of the lane extension: * Landform/ Geology/ Soils * Hydrology * Land Use * Light and Glare * Risk of Upset * Traffic * Air Quality * Noise * Public Services * Aesthetics CULTURAL RESOURCES The additional 1,000 foot long area was surveyed for cultural resources by the University of California at Riverside (UCR) . UCR conducted the original cultural resources survey of the SR -111 widening between Adams and Washington. Two subsequent surveys were conducted. The first (March, 1990) extended 500 feet west of Washington; the second (November, 1990) extended an additional 1000 feet. The expanded survey reports are contained in Attachment One. No additional cultural resources were discovered on the site, and no additional mitigation measures were recommended. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES The additional area was surveyed for biological resources on November 1, 1990, by LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) of Irvine, California. LSA conducted the original biological resources survey on the SR -111 widening between Adams and Washington. The expanded survey report, dated November 5, 1990, is contained in Attachment Two. In summary, the site was surveyed for three sensitive species known to occur in the area and possibly occurring on the site: Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard (Uma Inornata), a Federally threatened and State endangered species; the Flat - Tailed Horned Lizard (Pbrynosoma m'calli) , a candidate for listing on the Federal and State levels; and California ditaxis, a perennial shrub. The site is highly disturbed, and no evidence of any of these species was found on this site. No additional mitigation was recommended. CONCLUSIONS The additional widening of SR -111 for 1,000 feet west of Washington Street constitutes a minor change to the previously approved widening of SR -111 and construction of the La Quinta Center. No additional environmental impacts or additional mitigation measures have been identified. The conclusions of the original Negative Declaration remain valid. DOCSS.001 w r FM - �M�t i �� MAL � I I M � Stan Sawa, Principal Planner City of La Quinta Attachments: 1. Cultural Resource Surveys 2. Biological Resource Survey DOCSS.001 3 A y o DA%R V Re wa cl 01 i f4 A� Tri wr . . . . . . . . . . 4 A VeNut ndian Wellis V 80 K.- 'T Shopping Center /SR -111 eT Widening Site 0" •Additional SR- III f_*'... Widening Limits 0 V d . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . 'Mt + 6m Al -ao v r p. OIL. C2 :e: U309 Quad 7.5' - La —Ca. FIGURE I PRO ECT LOCATION/ADDITIONAL WID NING PROJECT LIMITS V SENT BY :TDC ;11- 9 -80 ; 3 :53AM 56456174 6 UNINIERSITY OF CAU'rQRNIA, RWERSIDE , ATTACHMENT 1 HERI<E1 EY • DAVIS • IR`'INE • L08 ANGSI %8 • Hry RUDE • SAN bIE[Ip •SAN FItANCiSCO " BANTA DARSARA • SANTA CRLZ ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH UNIT (714) 787.9885 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 82521 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT EVALUATION: An Archaeological Assessment of A Portion of the Washington Plaza Project, Located in La Quinta, Riverside County, California Prepared for: Steven Schafenacker Transpacific Development Company 2377 Crenshaw Boulevard, Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90501 Prepared by: Karen K. Swope, Project Director Bruce Love, Director Archaeological Research Unit University of California Riverside, CA 97521 UCRARU #1023 November 1990 SENT BY:TDC ;11- 8 -80 ; 3 :53AM 56456174 7 .1 KMAENENT SUKKARY In October, 1990, an archaeological assessment was conducted on a right -of -way corridor located in the City of La Quinta in Riverside County, California. The objective of this study was to locate, record, and evaluate archaeological resources on the subject propertte , and to determine to what extent such resources, if any, would affected by proposed development. A records search revealed no previously recorded archaeological or historical resources on the property. An on -foot archaeological survey of the subject property revealed one previously unrecorded archaeological site. No further archaeological investigation is recommended. However, a halt -work condition should be placed on construction permits so that in the event buried cultural resources are found during construction, work would be stopped or diverted until a professional archaeologist can evaluate the finds and make recommendations. I. INTRODUCTION In October, 1990, Transpacific Development Company requested the Archaeological Research Unit (ARU) to conduct a cultural resources assessment of a right -of -way corridor located at the western extent of the Washington Plaza Project. The corridor is located along the north side of Highway 111, from 500 to 1000 ft. (152 to 305 m.) west of the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 in La Quinta, (the SE 1!4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19, T.5S9 R.1E, SBBM, as shown on the La Quinta, Ca if. 1.5' series USGS quadrangle). This phase of the project is in addition to two previous cultural resource assessments conducted by the ARU on the Washington Plaza project. The first (McCarthy 1989) comprised the bulk of the Plaza property, and the second (Arkush 1990) consisted of a 500 -ft. (152 -m.) right -of -way corridor extending west from the Plaza property. The present study is an additional 500 -ft. (152 -m.) westward extension of the right -of -way surveyed by Arkush. The corridor surveyed during this phase of research lies from a point 500 ft. (152 m.) west of the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 west to Point Happy. T h i s report should be considered as a second appendix to the report by McCarthy (1989). The cultural history and environmental setting of the project area were discussed by McCarthy (1989) and are not detailed in this report. The purpose of the study was to satisfy the requirements of the Riverside County Planning Commission with regard to the identification and protection of archaeological or significant historical materials on lands proposed for de- velopment in the unincorporated areas of the county. II. RESEARCH GOALS AND OBJECTIVES . The objectives of an archaeological assessment are to locate, interpret, and evaluate the indications of past human activities in the study area. The indicators of past human activities are labelled archaeological resources and can consist of any visible remains of human use of the environment. The locations of such resources can be defined by the presence or significant occurrence of one or more of the following categories of archaeological remains: food waste, 1 SENT BY:TDC ;11- 8 -80 ; 3:54AM ; 2 56455174 8 fragmentary or whole tools, tool manufacturing waste, concentrations or alignments of stone, trails, modifications of natural rock surfaces, soil discoloration and/or its accumulation, or human skeletal remains. All such types of remains are known to exist in the region. SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA For the purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Appendix K, an 'important archaeological resource" is one which: A. Is associated with an event or person of: 1. Recognized significance in California or American history; or 2. Recognized scientific importance in prehistory; B. Can provide information which is both of demonstrable public interest and useful in addressing scientifically consequential and reasonable or archaeological research questions; C. Has a special or particular quality such as oldest, best example, largest, or last surviving example of its kind; D. Is at least 100 years old and possesses substantial stratigraphic integrity; or E. Involves important research questions that historical research has shown can be answered only with archaeological methods. SITE DEFINITION For the purpose of the California Archaeological Inventory, Office of Historic Preservation, has defined an archaeological "site" as the location of associated artifacts and features, regardless of temporal placement or complexity. Minimally, a "site" must meet two criteria: A. It must consist of at least three associated artifacts or a single feature. B. A site must be a t determined by artifactual site to others which have PROCEDURES least 45 years of age. The age of the site may be evidence, documentary evidence, or similarity of the firm dating. In standard archaeological procedure, the following phases are recognized: A. Phase I: Perform a records search and field survey. (If a site is found, Phase II follows. If no sites are found, the field survey completes the necessary archaeological investigation.) B. Phase II: Conduct a testing program to determine the "significance" of the site based on CEQA guidelines and the horizontal and vertical extent of the remains, using one or more of the following means: test excavation units, trenches, surface collection, auguring, and documentary and archival research. (If the site is determined to be "significant', Phase III follows. If the site is determined not to be "significant', the data recovered' in Phase II is considered sufficient mitigation.) C. Phase III: Conduct a mitigation program. This program may consist of data recovery excavation, site preservation, or a combination of both. SENT BY :TDC ;11- 8 -80 ; 3:55AM 56456174 8 3 III. SURVEY PROCEDURE An on -foot survey of the property was conducted by the author on 18 October 1990. Transects were walked parallel to Highway 111, and were spaced approximately five meters (16 feet) apart. In this way, the corridor was given thorough coverage. Ground visibility was excellent due to lack of vegetal cover close to the ground. Rocky outcrops along the base of Point Happy were closely inspected for evidence of grinding. IV. RESULTS One previously unrecorded archaeological site was discovered during the survey. The site, temporarily designated 1023/3/A, may be characterized as a sherd scatter. It contains four sherds of Tizon Brownware pottery. Three of the sherds were found in very close proximity to one another, and appear to have come from one vessel. Another sherd, although of the same type, appears to have come from another vessel and was located approximately 16 m. (50 ft.) northeast of the other sherds. No madden, other artifacts, or features were found in association with the pottery sherds. VII. SITE SIGNIFICANCE Sherd scatters of this type are quite common in the region, and are usually surface phenomena. Generally, test excavations at such sites reveal no subsurface deposit. It is believed that further archaeological investigation at site 1023 /3 /A would yield no additional information concerning our understanding of the prehistory of the area. An archaeological site record was prepared for this site, and was filed with the California Archaeological Inventory (CAI). It is judged that future development of the property should have no direct or indirect adverse impact on cultural resources. VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that no further archaeological investigations be required prior to development of the property. However, a halt -work condition should be placed on construction permits so that if, during the process of development, any archaeological resources are located, work would be stopped or diverted until a qualified archaeologist is consulted for further evaluation. SENT BY :TDG ;11- 9-90 + 3 :55AM ; -0 5645617;910 a REFERENCES Arkush, Brooke S. 1990 Letter Report: Archaeological Assessment of the Cal Trans Right of Way North of Highway Ill Associated with the Washington Plaza Project. MS on file at the Eastern Information Center of the California Archaeological Inventory, University of California, Riverside. McCarthy, Daniel F. 1989 Environmental Impact Evaluation: An Archaeological Assessment of the Alta Survey Washington Plaza, Located in the City of La Quinta in Riverside County, California. MS on file at the Eastern Information Center of the California Archaeological Inventory, University of California, Riverside. SENT BY:TDC -;11- 9-90 3:56AM WaIr 5645817411 CAR Y Wee( Teller 21 SO 74 &&n Wells "' 3/. Cl to PP 2 Ip 2! "F 30 d .. .... pop ........... 01 -7- o Figure 1. Location of project area, showing location of site 1023/3/A. Adapted from La Quinta, California, 7.51 series USGS quadrangle. n• YI•IVV 4 $1 ;11- 9 -90 3 :56AM ; I Attachment A Personnel Qualifications and Experience 5645617 ;#12 SENT BY:TDC Current Position Past Positions 1987 -1990 ;11- 9 -90 ; 3 :57AM Bruce William love, Ph.D. Archaeological Research Unit University of California Riverside, CA 92521 Director: Archaeological Research Unit, UCR. Owner, Pyramid Archaeology, a CRM company, Palmdale, CA. Coordinator, UCLA Archaeological Information Center. 5645617;413 Education Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles; Anthropology, 1986. M.A. University of California, Los Angeles; Anthropology, 1981. B.A. University of California, Los Angeles; Anthropology, 1976. Research California archaeology, cultural resource management. Ten years Field experience in Southern California. Memberships Society of Professional Archaeologists, Certified. American Anthropological Association. Society for American Archaeology. Society for California Archaeology. Publications Over 125 Cultural Resource Management Reports. 1990 Archaeological Testing of a portion of LAn -618, the Escondido Canyon Site, near Agua Dulce, Los Angeles County. Antelope Valley Archaeological Society Occasional Papers, II. 1990 Antelope Valley Archaeological Society Occasional Papers, II. General Editor. 1988a "The Antelope of Antelope Valley." The Journal of the West Antelope Valley Historical Society, 1:1. 1988b 'Archaeological Sites in the Area of the Indian Museum." Docent Chants 1:4. Antelope Valley Indian Museum, Lancaster. 1988c "Local Archaeology." AVAS Newsletter 17:9. Antelope Valley Archaeolgical Society, Lancaster. Teaching 1990 Experience 1989 1986 1986 1985 Field Methods in Archaeology. UCLA Extension. Field Methods in Archaeology. Cerro Coso Colle e. Cultural Anthropology. Teaching Assistant, UCLA. Physical Anthropology (genetics of evolution). Teaching Assistant, UCLA. Physical Anthropology (fossil record). Teaching Assistant, UCLA. SENT BY:TDC Current Position ;11- 9-90 ; 3 :57AM ; Karen K. Swope Archaeological Research Unit University of California Riverside, CA 92521 5645617;14 Project Director, Archaeological Research Unit, UC Riverside. Education Ph.D. In Progress, University of California, Riverside; Anthropology M.S. 1987, University of California, Riverside; Anthropology B.A. 1983, California State University, San Bernardino; Liberal Studies Research California archaeology, with emphasis in historical archaeology. Focus Seven years archaeological experience in interior Southern California. Affiliations Member, Society for American Archaeology Member, Society for California Archaeology Member, Society for Historical Archaeology Member, Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society Appointment Associate Editor, Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology Publications and Selected Technical Reports 1987 Archaeological Investigations at the Pope Adobe, Banning, Riverside County, California. Masters thesis, University of California, Riverside. 1988 Plant Remains Recovered by Flotation from Riv -1179. In: Archaeological Investigations at La Quinta, Salton Basin, Southeastern California, M. Q. Sutton and P. J. Wilke, eds. Salinas: Coyote Press Archives of California Archaeology, MS 1986, 9 pp., in press. 1988 Flaked Stone Artifacts. In: The Cole Canyon Site, by Jean Salpas Keller and Daniel F. McCarthy. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Qu,rtgrly, MS 1985, 13 pp., in press. 1989 (with K. B. Hallaran and P. J. Wilke). Historical and Archaeological Documentation of a Construction Camp ( "China Camp "), on the San Diego & Arizona Railway, Anza- Borreg0 Desert State Park San Diego County, California. MS on file at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of California, Riverside. 1989 with P. J. Wilke). An Archaeological and Historical ocumentation of the C & K Mine Site, Providence Mountains State Recreation Area, San Bernardino County, California. MS on file at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of California, Riverside. 1989 with K. B. Hallaran). An Archaeological and Historical ocumentation of the Zenda Mine Site, Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, Kern County, California. MS on file at the Southern San Joaquin Valley Archaeological Information Center. SENT BY :TDC L ;11- 8-80 ; 3:51AM ; 56456174 2 'UNMRSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE 1=Y=.27f • DAVIS • ntvirt •LOS utOgl,Bd • SIVHiISmt • BAN DffiGC • P FRANCISCO AAM•A HARBA]!A • SANTA CRUX I fix z �ns'A• ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH UNIT RIVSRSIDB, CALIFORMA 89891 (714) 787 -3898 March 26, 1990 (ARU #1023) Keith A. Holmes Project Manager Transpacific Development Company 535 Anton Blvd., Suite 150 Costa Mesa, CA 92625 Re: Archaeological assessment of the Cal Trans right of way north of Highway 111 associated with the Washington Plaza project. Dear Mr. Holmes, This letter report will serve as an appendix to our earlier report (UCRARU #1023, McCarthy 1989) regarding an archaeological assessment of the Washington Plaza property, located in the City of La Quint &, Riverside County, California, as shown on the USGS La Quinta, Calif. 7.5' quadrangle, occupying portions of Sections 19 and 30, T. 5S, R. 7E, SUM (Fig. 1). At the request of Keith A. Holmes of Transpacific Development Company, the Archaeological Research Unit (ARU), University of California, Riverside, conducted an archaeological assessment of the Cal Trans right of way extending northeast from Highway 111 onto the Washi gton 0 Plaza property. This right of way corridor measures approximately 55 x 50ft. (16.6 x 1364 m.). The width of the right of way corridor begins at the center line of Highway 111, and extends approximately 20 ft. (6 m.) onto the Washington Plaza property (Fig. 2). The objective of the study was to locate, record, and evaluate cultural resources that might exist within the right of way corridor, and to determine to what extent these resources, if present, would be impacted by construction activities associated with the development the Washington Plaza property. The scope of this study concerns cultural resources 50 years of age or older. The survey was conducted on March 23, 1990 by myself and two associates. The right of way corridor was systematically covered by two transects spaced approximately three meters apart. As a result, a corridor measuring approximately 15 m. (50 ft.) wide beginning from the edge of Highway 111 was intensively examined. This survey method ensured adequate coverage within the Cal Trans right of way zone extending from the center line of Highway Ill and an additional buffer zone approximately 10 m. (33 ft.) wide beyond the actual right of way corridor. No cultural remains were observed during the course of this field Investigation. Therefore, construction activities within the Cal Trans right of way zone will have no adverse impacts on cultural resources of the area. Im SENT BY:TDC ,11- 9-90 + 3:51AM 5645617;# 3 Keith A.'Holmes March 26, 1990 Page 2 McCarthy, Daniel F. 1999 An Archaeological Assessment of the Alta Survey Washington Plaza, Located in the City of La Quinta in Riverside County, California. MS on file at the Eastern Information Center, Archaeological Research Unit, University of California, Riverside (MF- 2821). cc: Chris White, Chief Environmental Analyst Branch B, Cal Trans, District 11 Sincerely, . V4, e /4� Brooke S. Arkush Acting Administrator and Principal Investigator N SENT BY:TDC i k(I WM V. ;11- 9-90 ; 3:52AM .4 56458174 5 ys Fig. 1. Map showing the location of the Washington Plaza property. Adapted from the USGS La Quinta, Calif. 7.5' series quadrangle. . 7 Summary . Summary we 7od1i989 of Bay p7 Li11.31 of AS W%0 - �i 176E 0f moo DIdO orara 37'! tai �rovra 'too ova 1 3.3 /! i�e4- to-Irlog rVtld ).9/t lsrw-ta -ti10V rvtla 2 01 7160te77a ro0'd 0 1480 atalte raq d 776 f19if✓. ]6 �brY..'y ZAWO sti0.l1 O�yrd • .�.1\ M�. r+1M SVriary MIR - • w~i►i.•�•i� w..�� � • w.�i.. °�'•i.i .."`uo .`...o°w �1i 2.!909:. �5D m0 7Wit: d0 1It47�8 of B D7d�p 47'90 •i.",J.T.Z'�'. =- �— 3./ /t 1�9�v b10� ratio rte' a 219a 6tl rstt'd 71l7� AIL i M a8 . .r.�.r0 Trtnyratlflc �>� ��g V I "" COMMERCIAL. PROJECT' � ra>o�r sibs � Fig. 2. Kap showing the location of the survey corridor associated with the Cal Trans right of way extending northeast from the center line of.Highway.111. y I i m on 0 N 3 I � m z ' 00 v n Fig. 2. Kap showing the location of the survey corridor associated with the Cal Trans right of way extending northeast from the center line of.Highway.111. y I i m on 0 N 3 I .SENT BY :TDC ;11- 7-90 ; 2 :35AM ; _ -+ 5645617;8 1 Nov 05 190 set 5 ASSOC, 0 P02 ATT. CHMENT 2 =Mana&M Lsa CommunlW NWIN. Envknmewtal �tovr 5, 1990 �l { Steven J. Schafenaker TOC 2377 Crenshaw Blvd., Suito 300 Torrance, CA 90501 i SU&3ECTt SUPPLEMENTAL BIOLOGICAL SURVEY ALONG $LATE RWE III. Dear Stevens At your request, LSA Associates, Inc. (L ) has surveyed t. aaddit coal SO -foot wide strip of land north of HIIhWay lI between ®PoiW ll<gpy, and Washington Stmt for additional potential habi t for the two sensitive l zard spac%s that occur in the area: Coachella Valle fringe -toed lizard (Um aor- nets), a federal threatened and State endang red species, and flat-tilled horned lizard (Phrynesoma as callf), a candidate or listing on the.federal and State•levels. This letter report contains our salts. On November It 1990, the entire site was surveyed on foot by Kath'rine Thous, an LSA biologist who is familiar with t is two lizard apecies8 in use - -tion. The two main objectivos of the survey re: 1) to,idantiP pate till habitat for the two lizard species; and Z) to s arch specifically for Cal for• nia ditaxis (Oftaxls calffornfca), a sensitive p ant species potentially "r- ring on the bite. 1 As stated in our first report, signif4Cant biotic'resources located hlonp the shoulder of Highway III are limited to hab tat that 'has not been aitared too extensively to be considered at least anargi al dune habitat. To the east of Washington Street, such habitat was found in he portion of the right -o -way. farthest from the intersection with Highway 1 1. In the vicinity of thia intersection, gravel and dirt were found to mixed with the sand, an the ground scraped and compacted, resulting in a rd surface with sparse lent cover 4approxintely ton percent), dominated plicate coldenis (Col eats plicat a loan herb adapted to such disturbed- as. Plant spocias ivetsity was found to be greater in the relatively intact dune habitat identified i� the• previous survey of the project site; native d a plants noted incli' sand verbena (Abrools villosa), Spanish needles (Pal aa�a liftearis), = a 4ted seltbush (Atriplex polycsrpe) and large dose evening primgto (Oono hers deltaldes). In general, the site surveyed for his report was similar the 11/w/9a(TPOW 410247pi ❑ i Park Plats, Suke 5W ® Irvine, California tl 14 9 1714) 553.0666 0 157 Park Place a Pt. Richmond, California 1 0 14151236-61810 • i ,0 .* I SENT BY :TDC NDV 06 198 M56 11- 7-80 ; 2 :36AM oA ASSOC. saryus were Tne only plant species notes. No extensive areas of fine, wind -blow s d, quirot for both sensitive lizard species, e holes were noted away from these piles; these tail - scrapes as balonging to either desert igu a There were no indications that either fringe- toed;or site, even occasionally. r an essential 'habitat, re- found on the site. Sore identified from.tracksland or a species of whipt il. horned lizards utiliaelthe As discussed in the previous report, sever, other sensitive speciesiare ltated by the California Natural Diversity Oat Base (Data Baso) as ha�ing OCCUrred within a five -mile radius of the prose t sito. Of those, only' one pleat, California ditaxis, was considered 4,a p antially occur on the site.. Although specifically starched for, this perenni 1 shrub was not found on the site. Please reference the first report for cUscussions of the other tat Bass - listed species that do not potentially utilike the site. It is our conclusion that the proposed pjact entails no s4 nifi vat impacts to biological resources occurring on the parcel covered for this re ort MW that no %itigation is required. Thank you for choosing LSA for continued Ork on this project. Plts,ss feel fm ,t* call me if you have further questibns regarding this repo or other rolatud issues. Sincerely, v Robert �1. Ha mi 1 ton Staff biologist, Asst. Proj. Ngr• 11 /0MV000141024nt) 2 56455174 2 �i 78-105 CALLE ESTADO 28, 1991 Mr. Norman Schoen The Nadel Partnership 3070 Bristol Street, Suite 250 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 N LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 SUBJECT: ALBERTSON MARKET IN HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA CENTER Dear Mr. Schoen: This letter is to verify the modification you requested for Albertson's market is acceptable. The modification would reduce the landscape setback along the north property line adjacent to your proposed trash compactor, from nine feet to four feet. With the, reduction in the landscaped area it will be necessary to construct a six foot high decorative block wall along the north property line, adjacent to the area which has been reduced in width. According to your plans, this would be an area approximately 73 feet long. Additionally for safety purposes, adjacent to the compactor area you should provide protection and directional measures to guide traffic around the compactor location (see attached plans) . You should revise any applicable plans to reflect the proposed changes. Additionally, you should see that the appropriate landscaping and other site plans are modified as necessary to reflect this change. Should you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR a-0 Stan B. Sawa Principal Planner SBS:bja cc: Mr. Colm Macken, TDC Mr. David Cardenas, MCG LTRSS.034 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 JAN 19 '91 15:09 FROM NADEL PARTNERSHIP OC PAGE.002 lit dL Ilb% r • J b c4 • Y � 1 i • • I� 414 Q��o 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 5642246 May 7, 1990 Mr. Peter Adams Transpacific Development Company 2377 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90501 -3325 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTION ON SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 AND PLOT PLAN 90 -434 Dear Mr. Adams: This is to inform you that the City Council at their meeting of April 17; 1990, took the following action on your request: 1. Adopted City Council Resolution No. 90 -027 approving Specific Plan 89 -014 for a commercial project, subject to amended conditions; and, _2.__ Accepted report of action of Planning Commission -on Plot Plan 90 -434, with an amended condition. Attached is an unsigned copy of the amended resolution for your records. Should you need a signed one please contact the City Clerk. Also attached is a copy of the amended Plot Plan conditions. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Stan B. Sawa Principal Planner SBS:ccs Attachment cc: Engineering Department City M ADDR Clerk, gCitV�y of La Quinta Rig, LINCi ESPC�.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CS /LTRSS.012 CONFERENCE TELEPHONE INTER- OFFICE MEETING DATE: March 28, 1990 REPORT SENT: April 10, 1990 PROJECT: La Quinta Retail Center North Side of Highway La Quinta, California MCG THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED ON THE DATE ABOVE IN THE INTEREST OF THE PROJECT'S SCHEDULE, IF WE DO NOT HEAR FROM YOU WITHIN 48 HOURS WE WILL PROCEED ON THE BASIS THAT THIS REPORT MEETS YOUR APPROVAL. 111 Between Washington Street and Adams Street MCG Project No. 89.156.02 PRESENT: Keith Holmes, Transpacific Development Peter Adams, Transpacific Development Mike Nelson, Wal -Mart Gary Adams, Wal -Mart Mayor John Pena, City of La Quinta APP 12 1990 Ron Kiedronski, City Manager, City of La QuintaCITY Tom Genevese, City of La Quinta P�NNINCU - L. ti �UINTa Jerry Herman, City of La Quinta & !�` Vr "c_.- Ron Underwood, MCG Architects YT DEpl Rick Manners, MCG Architects The meeting was held at the City of La Quinta offices with the following items discussed: mm 1. Entry Bulkhead: Per Mike the "double diamond" concrete block detail as shown on MCG's previous drawings is to be studied by Wal- Mart's architect. Am 2. Entry Columns: The columns shown on MCG's February 27, 1990 elevation are not approved and Wal -Mart does not want them within their entry area. im 3. Pilasters: As shown on the February 27, 1990 elevation to the right hand side of the entry are approved by Wal -Mart. jam 4. Entry Fascia: Wal -Mart is to study the possibility of recessing the entry area to provide shading as recommended by the City. Mike is to follow up with his in -house architect. am 5. Accent Bands: The bands shown at the top of wall and midway on the wall are to be painted only without the foam double diamond detail. Color to be dark brown. Jerry Herman recommended that the accent bands for phases 2 and 3 be consistent with the Wal -Mart color scheme. MCG to study this item as the project progresses. m0g 6. Sign Fascia: Color to be dark brown. Note that the typical Wal -Mart letters are 5' high. Wal -Mart was made aware that a sign program is to be submitted for City approval by MCG. The accent bands above and below the fascia were approved by Mike Nelson in the "peach" color shown on MCG's sketch. as 7. HVAC Units: Wal -Mart agreed to screen the rooftop units. 8. OSA: This area is typically not covered except at the enclosed portion as shown on Wal- Mart's floor plan. N1CG's sketch to be revised deleting the fascia shown above the screen wall columns. ,. 18201 Von Karman Ave., /Suite 250 • Irvine, California 92715 -1028 • (714) 553 -1117 L .�. .r CONFERENCE REPOR MCG Project No. 89.156.02 March 28, 1990 Page Two 9. TBO: The possibility of a grade break of about two feet between the sales area floor level and the TBO floor level was suggested to Mike at the request of Sanborn Webb, the civil engineer, to accommodate unfeasible grading conditions in the area of the TBO northerly entry doors. TDC to follow up with Wal- Mart's architect's /engineer's comments via Mike Nelson. Richard L. Manners Director of Design RLM:se Distribution: All Present Colm Macken Rob Sanford Bill Shalber, Sanborn Webb, Inc. Rick Gaylord John Baker Mark Mikelson David Cardenas Percy Cheng r �� 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 March 5, 1990 Mr. Peter Adams Transpacific Development Company- - 2377 Crankshaft Blvd. Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90501 -3325 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 & PLOT PLAN 90 -434 Dear Mr. Adams: The Planning Commission at their meeting of February 27, 1990, took the following actions: 1. Adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 90 -008, recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 89 -014, subject to ammended conditions, and confirmation of the environmental ° determination; and 2. Approved Plot Plan 90 -434, subject to conditions, by adopting Minute motion 90 -004. Attached are the Conditions of Approval, as revised by the Planning Commission. This request has been scheduled for City Council consideration at the meeting of March 20, 1990, at 7:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Stan B. Sawa Principal Planner SBS /ccs Attachments cc: Files CS /LTRS®,40..ty19,G ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 45W -LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 N 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 February 15, 1990 State Clearing House 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 89 -014 AND PLOT PLAN 90 -434 To Whom It May Concern: As required by Section 15206(b)(2)(B), of the California Environmental Quality Act, we are transmitting to you ten copies of a draft Negative Declaration for the proposed One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center in La Quinta, California. This commercial project is located at the northeast intersection of State Highway 111 and Washington Street. We understand that there is a 30 -day review period by State agencies, for this Negative Declaration. As required, we will wait for your response to the draft Negative Declaration- Should you have any questions or when you respond, please direct correspondence to the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Stan Sawa Principal Planner SS: bja Attachments BJ /LTRSS.034 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1604 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Planning & Engineering Office 79.733 Country Club Drive, Suite F Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342 -8886 TO: City of La Quinta Planning Division RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF February 13, 1990 RE: Plot Plan 90 -434 Phase 1 and 3 of SP 89 -014 � v FEB 13 1990 CITY OF LA QUINTA KA MM & DEVELOKIENT DEPT Planning & Engineering Office 3760 12th Street Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 787.6606 With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department requires that the following fire /life safety measures be provided in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, Uniform Fire Code and other recognized fire protection standards: ACCESS 1. Prior to the use /occupancy of the "Major A" building of Phase III, the access road proposed along the northern boundary of the project shall be completed as required to provide through circulation. 2. All future building expansions shall be subject to a site plan review /approval prior to issuance of building permits. 3. A minimum unobstructed width of 24 feet shall be maintained for all access roads, with certain areas designated as fire lanes. WATER 4. The water mains shall be capable of providing a fire flow of 5000 gpm and an actual fire flow available from any two adjacent hydrants shall be 2500 gpm for 2 hours duration at 20 psi. 5. A combination of on -site and off -site Super hydrants (6" x 4" x 2 -1/2" x 2 -1/2 ") shall be located not less than 25' or more than 165' from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. v It, Alt. A 1 Planning Division 2/13/90 RE: PP 90 -434 Page 2 6. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the Coachella Valley Water District prior to any combustible material being placed on the site. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant /developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location spacing, and the system shall be designed to meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by the local water company and a registered civil engineer with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." GENERAL S. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall deposit $235,500 as a mitigation for fire protection impacts. 9. Buildings shall be constructed so that the fire flow required for any individual building or unseparated area does not exceed 3500 gpm. 10. Final conditions and requirements with regards to type of construction, area separations, or built -in fire protection systems will be addressed when the building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (619) 342 -8886. Sincerely RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By // fv)ze,o�- Dennis Dawson Deputy Fire Marshal IL LITHOCHROME® D , Hardener or EMERCHROME® Floor Hardener with LITHOCHROME' Colorwax COLOR CHART A-112.07 En LL 0 J 0 U C1 w rC9 UJ Uj C J O U Q Z U) C cC E 0 U v m 0 U J rn CD CD O [g L. V )COFIELD COMPANY MANUFACTUh�. & MARKETER OF BUILDING SPECIALTIES SINCE 1933 6533 BANDINI BOULEVARD • LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 -3182 ® POST OFFICE BOX 1525 • DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA 30133 -1525 District offices and warehouses nationwide. Western Inquiries. So. CA (213) 723 -5285 (619) 271 -1265, No. CA (800) 392 -8300, Outside CA (800) 222 -4100, Fax (213) 722 -6029; Eastern Inquiries: GA (404) 920 -1200, Outside GA (800) 2224107, Fax (404) 920 -1827 Stone Blue Rose Taupe Gray Plum Teal Green Burgundy Mauve f ) I �I 1 I Beige Cream Blue Frost Venetian Pink A -29 Terra Cotta A -25 La Crescenta Brown A -24 Russet A -51 Steadman Buff A -27 Dark Red A -26 Brick Red A -28 Tile Red S A -53 Arizona Tan A -85 Muted Green A -23 Cordovan Brown A -57 Platinum Gray A -55 Pecan Tan A -31 Walnut A -33 Classic Gray , A -50 Slate Gray A -21 Deep Charcoal Suggested Short Form Specification: Color- Hardened Concrete System: All concrete tlatwork kgaoted n the pl ans or specifications as having a colored and hardened surface shall becolor- hardenedwithLITColo, Hardener. color, a dry shake hardener manufactured by L.M Scofield Company6XL 90040, (800) 222.4100. (213) 723 -5285 and Douglasville, GA 30133, (800) 222 -4107, (404) 920.1200. It shall be 40 applied using a minimum of pounds per 100 square feet in accordance with Scofield's Tech Data Bulleti A -104. The finish shall be as designated in the finish schedule. The concrete shall be cured (optional: and finished O v 04 9992 with LITHOCHROME Colorwax, in the matching color, in accordance with Scofield's Application Instruction I A -513. and caulked with LITHOCHROME Colorcalk in accordance with Scofield's Application Instructions A -80 '�J�-cIve G S o-, ClllzT �':1lQ 1 4Z �'EAM4rl U� C N 0 y D � d8 > w M W L 30 �U L a' W aw �o O N U Q pC � U K C A U 3� O M O = U `o wo �U 0w 20 UO O, S = U F —O J = L � 3 J -O O 7 V N � Cl) U C C . O d U = O dM c -O m m � tt U U U w N 7 � In y W 2 U Cr) U a� w� � c w o � E a T � � C U � L C O .2 W tf � O 0 0 O 0 = 0 F U J -0 N C E Un X'0 O O an n L A r 3 3 0 y j i N O U V U a p