PP 1990-450CITY OF LA QUINT' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 PP CfO- 450 PLOT PLAN APPLICATION Case No. Date Received 3 9 0 In order to process your application in a timely manner, please complete and sign this form. The information which is required to be shown on the plans and submitted with the application is stated on the back of this form. Failure to provide the required information is justification for rejection of the application. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NON- REFUNDABLE FILING FEE OF $ 75.50 AND COPIES OF THE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE pb 1 PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS. $5i$ ASH i�T$TALT_" 75.00"' Name of Applicant ��� �0- �i�1 Phone 7 +A- ZW-gC•��l Mailing Address 8��i ot»•A11J �t Street City Zip Code Legal Owner 5&4 Address n Proposed Use ` OIJS l2'JC� 10,1 L� Location of Property (Address if known) Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description of Property (give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder) -- (may be attached) Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Owner - Date 1� GWR DEVELOPMENT August 13, 1990 M's. Glenda Lanis City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Reference: Plot Plan #90 -450 Construction Trailer Dear Ms. Lanis: AUG 2 0 1990 CITY OF L4 QUINTA °Iq�yMIN(; P �EVE((►POFP1. Due to changes in Coachella Valley Water District requirements, we will no longer be able to place our construction trailer on Lot #22 as requested in our original submission. I would like to amend our plot plan to place the trailer on Lot #17, Phase 6 of Tract #23935. Please refer to the attached sketch for location. I would of course be bound by the original set of conditions. Thank you for your help in this matter. Very truly yours, ( THOHI>6 ,) Gregg Thompson Project Manager GT /lf cc: Dennis Cunningham V "Building Homes of Distinctive Quality Is Our Business" 859 N. Mountain Avenue, #1513, Upland, California 91786 • (714) 276 -9054 • FAX (714) 276 -0841 l :I,, . i � � ... T a -&t 4 Zfv 09&ra 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 FAX (619) 564 -5617 August 4, 1990 Mr. Gregg Thompson GWR Development 859 N. Mountain Avenue, Suite 15B Upland, CA 91786 SUBJECT: REVISED PLOT PLAN 90 -450 CONSTRUCTION TRAILER FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 23935 Dear Mr. Thompson: This Department hereby approved the relocation of the construction trailer on Tentative Tract 23935. The new location will be Lot 17, Phase 6, of TT 23935 on the northwest corner of Desert Crest Drive and Desert Fox Drive. Please note the following conditions still apply to the approval of PP 90 -450. 1. The trailer and associated improvements are in accordance with the attached revised Exhibit "A". 2. A building permit is required for the trailer and for temporary power. Please make an application to the Building Division when you are ready to locate the trailer on site. 3. The trailer must be self - contained with bottled water and a portable restroom facility. 4. The access road should be maintained to an acceptable standard for use by emergency vehicles. 5. A fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A10BC must be mounted by the exit door of trailer. 6. Permits for the storage and /or dispersing of any flammable or combustible liquid shall be obtained from the Fire Department. 7. The construction trailer shall be removed when construction is complete. Please see the attached sheet for additional comments by the Fire Marshal. LTRGL.001 1 • vq03 DIM -4 Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR G,kkk � -& Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL: bja Attachments cc: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Engineering Department Files LTRGL.001 2 s �� a • TW�t " 78 -105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564 -2246 July 5, 1990 Mr. Greg Thompson GWR Development 859 N. Mountain Avenue, #15B Upland, CA 91786 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 90 -450, CONSTRUCTION TRAILER ON TENTATIVE TRACT 23935 Dear Mr. Thompson: Your request to locate a construction trailer on Tentative Tract #23935, is approved subject to the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The construction trailer is 8 -feet x 24 -feet and located - on Desert Stream Drive, Lot 22, Tentative Tract 23935 -1. This lot has been allocated as a future CVWD well site. 2. Parking is provided on the northern side of the proposed trailer. CONDITIONS: 1. The trailer and associated improvements are in accordance with the attached Exhibit A. 2. A building permit is required for the trailer and for temporary power. Please make an application to the Building Division when you are ready to locate the trailer on the site. 3. The trailer must be self- contained with bottled water and a portable restroom facility. 4. The access road should be maintained to an acceptable standard for use by emergency vehicles. 5. A fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A10BC must be mounted by the exit door of each trailer. LTRGL.06WL §NG ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA'GUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 0 0 I • 6. Permits for the storage and /or dispersing of any flammable or combustible liquid shall be obtained from the Fire Department. 7. The construction trailer shall be moved to a location approved by the Planning & Development Department when the Coachella Valley Water District commences well construction on this lot. 8. The construction trailer shall be removed when construction is complete. Please see the attached sheet for additional comments by the Fire Marshal. Should you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR k n.( S Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachment cc: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Engineering Department Files LTRGL.069 /CS -2- 0 0 a 100- 00 V too. OO RE -57RIC o — 3 TI�A Acc Z 3 t, DEaCATED '4E Q N 17 N • Z r., p UJ. go z N.BP�'4bSOE. + N.8V43 SO E. } 100.00 100.00 0 a Pu Buc uTl LITY N Q 1 t 12 Z E1A5 EMENT C OED I CATED 3 • g 3 g NeReoN � � N N O 'O r N r SEE r- r 18 Gw-e N . &DO45 50 E. O b N . 8V W!4 SO E . b OL 100.00 Z Z +00.00 3 C so I 0 , Ic 2S ZS � 9 I° g 2 $ $ 17 $ z a ° n Ic a N.Wf4S56E.. N.&?f 4S50E. S O 100.00 I 100 00 0 tS Oa * 20 � � 11 1� E r N. 4° f!-7* 30 E . I t N. SOP2S SO' W. O 23.43 f 2.43 ' �� Co 82.00 4300 43.00 G°�.00 a 130-Pn' 86 OQ 0 N. 874S;S e. N. 89'45 50 E LOT 75.5a •� gff N.42•SI O�' W 75.5 78,50 13. rooSO .;Z 244' 0ecL4A 14.17• ` 3 rrfla 3 8�M a°m c.Kwca ••�� 6i �. oouNm • ]t ' N (1 Cal W G ftaR 9!w/Ex Mrf �• , �, sm[ s7cri►11oa AND MIRtL + . '� d f•o6ES�8 JWM Pum vies. ~ kY +,Sp t JqM : L T3L80 -M'sCO 73.50 73•`30 N.amlom�"3 z3 "E. 4's .?.A EXHIBIT ,.. PP CASE NO, 90 QV.ED Sd ' �S't r� To • ' RECtIdtU JUN 141990 TRANSMI AL MEMO Pate: �' ?,/qcl K --- CITY ENGINEER - -- CITY MA wkA FIRE MARSHAL - -- - -- COtmlITY SAFETY - -- - BUILDING DIVISION --- JUN 1'9 From : PLANNING & DEVEL N OF LA QUINTA 6 E Df�1EIf?PMF'rT D.cPI. Subject: PROJECT REVIEW Case : _ PE-> PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY=...:" COMMENTS • / :2-#tAv 11 9-1;c F n 'rifer ,y YA 2.v4 /a Sc. . /+ e llo ) 4D mk2z,� FvZ-e IkAkfe 7(�- 0 0 From • TRANSMITTAL MEMO ;ITY ENGINEER - -- FIRE MARSHAL C"l I TY SAFETY - -- CITY MAiJAGER BUILDING DIVISION --- PLAN M & DEVELOPMENT Date Subject: PROJECT REVIEW Case ca'n_ -rT- PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY • S- a •P . COMMENTS : P>21*910-6*10 RELtItltU JUN 14 1990 TRANSMITTAL MEMO Date: i3 /qC To: K - -- CITY ENGINEER - -- CITY MA04U � - FIRE MARSHAL - -- RErOVFD - -- C"l l TY SAFETY - -- x JUN 1-9 %W - BUILDING DIVISION --- From : G DLO OF LA QuINTA NG t DEV! nPNE. Subject : PROJECT REVEW Case: PP c--?0 -4 �_ 7T 3q 3 S PLEASE REVIEW AN-D PROVIDE ANY_ COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY C O M M E N TS vi Ey 71, /O 8c lJ -AE-W II a a IA, 17 10 ra e O 13 to I DUERT ROCK CO O 17 77 29 o Oil 20 26 IL .. 7.5 I,PSrs IrJC� 3 r�.S L"'V.,J), .AA., .. _ RASED. �� IE-cASE X60. -- ... ..... .; Gn�sM- �c- �►'o -� TruriOcr- I- L-1 y. u 74.44• -72.00 Tr-oO 1010. 5w fn ou �rfppl U• W1� $• �. m m U 0. V N.& 1.4 WW. ' o. — 5.44 —7P.00 -T 2.00 72.00 1 — �, . 1Q0.32. b I N N. o• 4�L' 10' w �zl 11 �; 0 ul �, 'LOT SIC N OAS,, 0 N O. ►�+ . o' �.► o W. N �. 4d — 7Z. 00 72.00 72.00 N 4.Z f11 A > Iq :O�p !� Z Z _ Z 0 D W. Z Q� rn loo Op a Z u. g N 0 A o J� C o 7� I N= l9 PN N A Z w�. © 8. �. 0 �. 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