9709-132 (SOTB)r LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION -I hereby affirm' under penalty; of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with'.Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in:full force and effect. -" License # Lic. Class Exp. Date tf17"< -NIa t�ffFfsta ate' Sigriature of OWNER-BUILDER,DECLARATION , I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's • - License Law for the following reason: ( ) . I; as owner of, the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec:.7044, Business & Professionals. Code). -- - ( ) I, as owner of the property, am 'exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code), , • ) {) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date" Signature of Owner. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under, penalty of perjury one .of the following' declarations: O I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (1� I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for .the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less).- () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner.so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become 6ject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor ode ,l< t II fort wit comply wrthahose ji�ovision Date: Applicants r� Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and' shall subject an employer to criminal, penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation,_ damages, as provided for in Section 3706 . of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth. on his R• application. °p 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made &.each person at whose request and for whose benefit,work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued'as a resulf'of this applicaton agrees. to, A shall"indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any' permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance ofsuch permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is' correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building , construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon >, /he above-mentioned propertytfforirispection purposeS. i gnature• (Owner/Agent) Datef�1�% 2 r r PERMIT# CONTROLS#•a ` SUILDING PERMIT 9709432 59 2 , L DATE VALUATION. (,(�jj,{f�{t.. LOT TRACTbl J013 SITJ ADDRESS F001 APN - - ` ^ OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER > " 4��i'!.�.47 r4In, `) t , $,+.�\��a elm+ � .• ..i.,�J1 i~Il.:a �xe �d .i: � ��n,'V �� • ��ary3_"+ k4 f z.0 t city ( i'J'�•J:�S i�' t if" i� a�` $s 0115 0i46 t14 USE OFPERMIT, r 'NIy 41Af041"AS O L T.lWIT fd9149-Utl.(i OR, h OCA iQ-0 .[4#4'11.,i'4T AULT ONLY. n t i , 1X"rALL. 26.00 UF Yn.faik�,1�iLMCOST Oir`'� >i.�!'vr��g`.�s.i�� u.�ir�.t 'ii it•�,t.Pei' .' K. AV CRECK_t'hX Z'gar-ti�yt*.',0'$tlre€%{,,"�q`S�'�/litf'�� l)�t•1 -. �t'4t���iry) q�i+,ci(j tr1 ii Aii.\:��64r AV`L✓,L 4..�ltii .�'.i.�ite"ui i i�W .i'(�.��V`i h'��e"VfJ'll:A.i. . ' s titlt:.t-"1Y{.T.C. �-L CONN_ T]RAX-3111* AND ► VT NN (°i�i»,E",'•j� �:i) tS1 - c f .�!_, IM le Ova $ IF, lief?tib JPJ SEP 3.0.1997 4pp ff ` F @.,y@p CEIPT DATE FBY DATE FINALE D INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS steer, Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fodures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: ton ATMAS TER . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , ..K �t 0 n, anon ... _ . _mice Proceduies Heatpm 150A -- jes Pool & 2 "%. 0_ -3 & -0 5 0 BM2 Mo'l 'I iDE51 T. FOR YOUR SAHT-Y5��"�---��; • Do not try, to 1i ht any, appliance • D o not touch any electrical switch; do not L building.:., 'iii any In your 11himedlately call your gas supplier, from I n h eig bor'sphone Follow the gas supplier's instructions.- If you. cannot reach your gas suppl er, call the fire'dioartrfient. Installation anq'�sWvlce must be Z-,for'm'e'd' by ""'alifl6d installer; service .'_ W enc as su ppil6r. Do ftbt'store j ~other l. . gasoineor mmable'Va"porc fla and liquids in the vicinity of this aY 'other'aor . H; WHATTO -SMELL'GAS � -DO IF YOU. = 77, • Do not try, to 1i ht any, appliance • D o not touch any electrical switch; do not L building.:., 'iii any In your 11himedlately call your gas supplier, from I n h eig bor'sphone Follow the gas supplier's instructions.- If you. cannot reach your gas suppl er, call the fire'dioartrfient. Installation anq'�sWvlce must be Z-,for'm'e'd' by ""'alifl6d installer; service .'_ W enc as su ppil6r. ,.C -ON 01,T101 BJE CT.T.O. Llr-APRLIC _ LLAT -10N -.',".AS -PER-.. ABL 00, . ........ a, H; = ,.C -ON 01,T101 BJE CT.T.O. Llr-APRLIC _ LLAT -10N -.',".AS -PER-.. ABL 00, . ........ ,.C -ON 01,T101 BJE CT.T.O. Llr-APRLIC _ LLAT -10N -.',".AS -PER-.. ABL 00, • -. � ,may .L' .:k,. •5:f. � " ' .= sy;�1'4' `..y, - .., .. :w ., r `t: ��.i•� r Sn,re , ..y,i '_ .- .. .„ }'•._17• -. .'--. _ . r . Venting system should be located per ANSI HWS, are self -venting and require no additional vent Z223.1, (latest edition), National Fuel Gas Code; ' piping. A windproof cabinet and solid steel roof pro- which states that: y, ;. tect them from the wea-her. This unit shall not be .'A A venting system shall terminate at least +3 "; operated outdoors at temperatures below that indi- , feet above any forced air inlet located within 10 ' t cated here (400F). feet. x .. ' .1:_-'-,._1 . When locating a DHO modeI'consider that high ""The venting system of other than a direct vent 4t �' winds can roll over or deflect off adjacent build "K appliance shall terminate at least 4 feet below, is ings, walls, and shrubbery to create a negative =�y 4 feet horizontally'from, or 1 foot above any meddraft causing flari lout and sooting, reduc- - . door, window; or gravity air•inlet into any u t, � _ing combustion efficiency and damaging ' ,` building. The bottom of the vent teiminal shall ' ..controls. Normally,.placingthe heater at least 2 _ r " " _feet from any wall vrill prevent this:condition , t'be located at least 12 Inches above grade. t� , ., ,i 2 r Periodically check the venting systemTh�`e' {Clearances *r_ n ��" f r f° heater's venting arEas must never be ob- �* s s r nAT ; , E ; structed in ariy way and minimum clearances ' r ,.. The following installation and service clearances must be observed t prevent restriction of com- `must be maintained from combustible'materials• =' ` bustion and ventilation air: Remember; shrubs grow and in time mc obstruct.a heater'swent- .:rte f"r_'Indoo�lnstallations _ Outdoor Installations NTop - 36" Top - Open and vFront Unobstructed Unobstr a&ed . '.Vent - 6"; Alcove - 24" Front - Unobstructed -'Back-6" _ Back 6" -Combustible' Non Combustible ...Non Floor: ; .,' ' Right Side (Water ,.Floor Right Side (Water' • Side) -12"�' ° Side) Left Side - 6" , Left Side -.6",,, ing areas. Keep appliance area clear and free of . ,t combustible and fla�-nmableliquids. .�, , 3. 'Do not install this appliance under an ovWr6g less than 3 feet from the top of the appliance. The area under the Overhang must be open on N threesides. Ysa r -" 4. Do not. Install under a deck'' ,o ti Outdoor heater -high wind conditions: In areas where highiwinds area dailyoccur- td Figure 10 " rence, or where severe downdrafts are presen ue The discharge opening of the vent must be at to surrounding structures; if may be necessary to least three feet above the roof surface and at least install the HWS outdoor vent cap assembly. When in doubt always use a high wind stack See Figure 2. a '..two feet higher than any portion of a building within Installation instructions are provided in the carton ten feet horizontally. The vent stack shall be at ;+,, +,,,, sA,c ;,of,r _ ~' M•yt 4. least five feet in height above the drafthooi outlet The vent cap location shall �., _ .. _, - x Baa have a minimum clearance of 4 feet horizontally from electric meters, gas, meters; regulators and relief open- = ings. ;- The weight of the vent or chimney must not rest on the heater draft- hood. Support must be provided in . accordance with the applicable codes. The HeatMaster®top and drafthood •^ must be easily removable for mainte- nance and inspection. The vent pipe 11 must be supported to maintain proper clearances from combustibles. NOTE: For more detailed methods of providing air for combustion and ventilation, refer to latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z- 223.1. - Venting, extending above the roof by more than five feet, should be guyed or braced above or below the roof to protect the vent from wind and/or snow damage. Outdoor models with a DHO or n Outdoor Installation r, Figure 11 4' MIN. ' of 4' MIN. I 3 MIN. FORCED AIR INTAKE 10, Mill. c 4a 7i I tC m '1k N M111 -mg - communicating With'the,,5�,,"t',t- When ducts are used, they shall be of the ® Ni•� `1. '-.:When directlye outdoors, each opening hll haV6 same cross-sectional area as the free area a minimum "o the openings to Which they connect. The 7 u free area 1 square inch. 06r f '4 000 BTU per hour of totalinput rating of 'minimum urn dimension of rectangular air ducts all equipment in the enclo��ure:;00g.. ,l shall b4'rofless than 3 inches. 2 When communicating Mth the'butdo6rgForalcove installations, the'drafthoo'd (DHI) -through vertical ducts, each oNhihg shall'. shall be installed 'k7is to be in the same atmo- have a minimum free area of 1squaird'inch spheric pressure zone as the,.e6mbustion air inlet to per 4,000 BTU p6� hour-bf,,total'inout"r"�a't-i'ng the pool heater..',V54�t Locate the r;�Wspa heater as close as of all equipment in the'enctdsure: e 3. ;Wh ncommu'nicatingWith'�ffiieoUtdobrs'�Fir.." :�;� . practical to a chimney or gas vent. See Figures 6, 8, f, ic ­ -..,and aterback through h-6hz6htal _d'_u6fs--,,,each_"6 'enihM,, nd 9. Do *1 draft div'erte'r (DI -11) in any ti p - -`�'shal I ha6e i ffiinii ree:area ,.df' 1 square waylriitall draft dirert6r (DHI) 66 top of heater., _iho e i�l should be of blued steel or per ZOOO BTU per hoor oflotal1hpOt' -rating v, -'!A, of all equipment iffthei�njclosute:g-vt� galvariiied steel with double wall construction when 4 4"i nz M passing thru walls &W TO k', Ell Vent Top Installation .r. _nx Installation On Blocks Figure 6 I WN FE , W Figure 7 'INDOOR MODELS TYPICAL INSTALLATION -12" MIN BACKDRAFTDIVERrm s, MUST BE INSTALLED 07J DIRECTLY ON HEATER NO OR AORCUT NECK 12" MIN. iFLANGE CONNECTIONS nQ DO NOT RESTRICT OR REDUCE PIPE SIZE VVV GAS COCK PLASTIC PIPE y. -P, (PVC, ETC.) GAS SUPPLY SEE CHART FOR SIZE-' _� CHECK VALVE Y Below Ground -Installation NONCOMBUSTIBLE SED'MENT TRAP (OPTIONAL) OR Figure NATURAL GAS ONLY BELOW GROUND INSTALLATION Indoor Installation Figure GRILL SIZE FOURSQUARE INCHES 8 PER 1000 BTUH FOR EACH GRILLE -4— VENT CAP VENT CAP DOUBLE WALL,. VENT PIPE - VENTILATO N AIR COMBUSTION THRU APPROVED Z- I GROUND LEVEL AIR ROOFJACK GRADUAL RISE 6T • OF ONE INCH PER RISE OF ONE ICH PER FOOT N VENTILATONM,ng OUTLET AIRrY DRIPTEE DRIP L �zt DIVERTER co '4TEE ADO NOT ALTER BACKDRAFT k! r 7y --.&OR CUT NECK DIVERTER < 0 % GASCOCK COMBUSTION AIR DO NOT ALTER OR CUT NECK GAS COCK IL LEVEL NkOMB69f[Mj` j;. SEDIMENT TRAP' ki SEDIMENT TRAP LEVEL NON-COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING OR SLAB .:.3 , • Seqioft ILII �Iristalla�q from the inside wall of a spa unless separatedfrom hllmrtant notice. •�y P;ahe spa by a solid fence, wall or other permanent ,The instructions herein are intended for the usek solid *barrier. �'• of a qualified technician, specifically trained ands Do not store chlorine or other corrosives in the experienced in the installation of this type of j vicinity of your pool /spaheater . heating equipment. Some states require that s installation and servicemen performing the installa �� ar Air Supply: r , , • " 4 .M tion be licensed. If this is"the case in your state, be Your heater is wind ar�d weatherproofed aril sure that your contractor is proper) licensed Onl f �- . ualified persons shall attempt to fix or repair..this A';tmay be installed outdoors with a DHO or HWS vent �..rq �Y ak To install indoors•or, inside a shelter, use a DHI r s equipment according to these instructions „ gr ? Pent pak°Shelters must �e provided with adequate �. .c� .,trs+. s ,f'•y3 +r„ f( -� ,, r t,� K♦`r combustion and ventilat on air vents to assure Location of heater: '�� " a, Pk+' ro .proper heater operation: These vents must be sized :� Y :.Locate the pool /spa heater in an area where k,",according to the following chart,'located n accor leakage of heat exchanger or connections will; note dance with the illustrations and must never be r result in damage to the area adjacent to the heater ..obstructed when heater is in operation. - When air blowers are used in spa/hot tub or to the structure. When such locations cannot be �; - avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drairiA';x installations, caution must be observed to insure r 'pan, with drain outlet, be installed under the heater,:' ,•: sufficient combustion air is available to the gas , The pan must not restrict air flow. -lez'' heater for proper combustion. A separate blower air ,i, ,� duct is recommended-, .� �tx r 4. • ryY X M6 � .c Venting�Fglupnient locate1 in confined spaces: Your heater must be installed in accordance i, with all local and state codes. Authorities having e � 4° Do not install in a closEt. �. l A All Air Supply From Inside The Building: The jurisdiction should be consulted before installation r,... confined space shall be provided with two per - Vent sizing, installation and terminationahall be in ;y ';' �� manent openings ca�nmunicating directly with accordance with the latest edition of the National � -I _: �; . a s � , : - an additional room(s) of sufficient volume so Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z-223.1. that the combined volume of all spaces meets NOTE: Do not use the unit below 40°F temperature : ;:' the criteria for an urconflned space (a space without adequate temperature protection.ti': whose volume is no =less than 50 cubic feet per The heater rated BTUH inputs are suitable forz; , .a 1000 MO. The total input of all gas utilization up to 2000 feet of elevation above sea level.,ln they equipment installed, in the combined space. shall "- U.S.A. only, for elevations above 2000 feet, consult{' "A►�; _ be considered in making this determination. factory. w r '"' ; ���' Each opening shall rave a minimum free area of The installation shall conform with the National w �s 1 square inch per 1,400 BTU per hour of the to- n Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z-223.1 (latest edition) •and with tal input rating of al gas utilization equipment the requirements of the authority having jurisdiP:-.:' - in the confined space, but not less than 100 tion. Design certified in the United States is in <-e..' . square inches. See Figure 5. One opening shall compliance with American National Standard 221- be within 12 inches Df the top and one within 12 56 (latest edition). "x f° :` c' inches of the bottom of the enclosure. Warning:", Your HeatMaster® pool/spa heater must be installed on a non-combustible floor or slab. Installa- ' tion on other floors may be accomplished provided the floor under the appliance is protected with K1, hollow masonry not less than 4 inches thick covered with sheet metal of not less than 24'gauge: Such masonry must be laid with ends unsealed and joints matched in such a way as to provide. a free circula- tion of air from side to side through masonry: The masonry must extend a minimum of 12 inches`; _ beyond the heater to all sides. See Figure 7.16 all cases, floor protection is the responsibility of the installer and the installer must check to be certain ,that the floor is not exposed to excessive heat' w;" during extended periods of operation." <� This heater must be installed at least five feet 6 Input Combustion Air Ventilation Air 150,000 150 square in. 150 square in. 200,000 X200 square in.: x';200 square in � 250,000 250 square in. 250 square in. 300,000 - 300 square in. -300 square in. 350,000 350 square in. 350. square in. 400,000 400 square in. 400 square in. Figure 5 B. All Air Supply From Outdoors: The confined space shall be provided with two permanent openings, one commencing within 12 inches of the top and one commencing within 12 inches of the bottom of the enclosure. The openings shall communicate direc :ly, or by ducts, with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) that freely communicate with the outdoors. ' 9-7 . CARLOS ELIAS , Civil Engineer 38825 Charlesworth Dr. .` Cathedral City, CA 92234 + , (619).328-7271 ST/Z�Gr(iRL Ga��� uL—t oN 5 WiN6'eo, Poor - 8XS.�X 6'.' 015151,2 U60 -LT SSCGc,gr�ory ;USTz. TRat,�S �e� l�o2TL✓���1�-G6�'�l�tJt �1 hlJ�3L�C�i?tON, OR6CVtN6U1.►�2 dwcAF'm fi�qwKS �r2 �?v`�lt MSS S! 6►2S u&PU44L STEEL NJ= CoPF•;x w a3 = .c�2o(35����''- lf% f 0.= IJt;PTH=60 • • .' U = CoEFF.xw q 2 = ,•342- �'3,�(,�z= X31 . 'k . #� UST. S7L :Ca./G `�o'c, 600 x'02 �'I = 91�' `� V= D2�ZoErt�t�. STS . 42(,3 5;() �- 4 31 j 0(vL- STS . � (� "o , C . 6000 Fog M d 914,14 ✓= 5 5 ' U s 6- `04- Hoa tz, ' #4C � G"o.c, . 8" T1!!cK �on�C. �s cr< . �•Au. CE��S.�RourEa - • � .. VERT, s•rr.. • I2" 3 CCNr(N. 2, o„ y Z500 PSI - CONC. ' QRpfESS1pN �O F�9 r +-pt 41Vcm PP�oS Lu m #168 , civic Fbf CAUF�� , boa V Au t --r + Lo A� CP/-- LIr< 11 — iv ate.. . cl-0,� l � d w � ars �' r,J r i` ,,, . . r ' � r f .'. t• : � .� � _. _ 71NG POOL AREA SCALE 1/8" 1' PLOT PLAN -NO -SCALE ® ,9si? / kyr t/�7� r 7� 5 0 .. POOL SIZE % 'DEPTH . TO PER SO. FT. ❑INCLUDED TEMPL. NO. FILTER NO. NOTE: SHALLOW END .... ❑ LADDER ..... ❑ SHAPE NO. RETURN LINES DEEP EVD DIG .... ❑ SLIDE ....... ❑ P -TRAP .....: ❑ LIGHT IN SPA .:. ❑ ACCESS. FT. FENCE BACKWASHLINE ....,❑ SPA ........ ❑ MOTOR . Puivp HP ❑ r ' ��i LIGHT . ANTISYPHON YES ELECTRICAL FT. BONDING YES GAS FT. TILE COPING NO. FILL LIM ......... _.._ORINATOR GRADING ......... ❑ ROPE RINGS ... ❑ HEATER........ ❑ MAINT. KR ..... ❑ GUNITE INSP.. . I . . .-.. ❑ TREES ....... Cl BOARC .......... ❑ OTHER ....... ❑ LOT I l OWNER t PALM" ENTERPRISES : JOB 4DDRE,nSS �' ..7 ��/✓`rG -� �� O POOL/SPA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY _ TRACT �''`� �� `� CITY i(.y(X , MAP NO: 619-325-2187. JOB ?HONE BUS. PHONE SALESMAN PLAN NO. CITY LIC. NO. CONTRACTOR NO. C53-591925 ,JOB N0. '' - 7 7 J