0306-447 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date i 1500041 }31.11jti a ^Date �+ �` °- Signature of "Con tractof�l,�;� OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their 'sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code) . ( ) I, as owner of the property; am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to ,construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business ' & Professionals Code). i /e O I am exempt- under Section ' B&P.0 for this reason Date Signature' of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATIONDECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one "of. the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (-"tf I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier 11 ATE WA ' Policy No. 44-0341053 (This section. need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00, or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions,of Section 3700 of the Labor Code' I hall forthwith comply-withthose provision \. l s.r Dater .,1 = " APPllcant - . _ n. ��S& �'�, X _. Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of•the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify .,&-h ld harmless theyCity of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. -Any permit issued `as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced -•within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify:that I.have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter up"on , the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) "t\ .: :� .� "� Date�I PERMIT # BUILDING PERMITr� o DATE VALUATION lb, 20 445. 0 LOT In TRACT 2'91,,s• 1 8 JOB SITE ADDRESS &S03 . ,�F�iy„!���,A ��t�� APN 'ir'�Y330432.0 OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN (NEER PRIE111 AyC"i� IC-1tz t:5q »'(�� t�;�(i ' t<F`:5` C(DR j. �R*rUV .t.jw�YV C3•L,NJ�•� d: w.:i}J YA+r. .. •P: � �',v 4..L�ii�VTini c�:y���1 N�0.w .'e0� . ki 1A` 1d � 3 CA 0 f f!G l rmyy�"1Z '1XEy+'..0T.,,A`eu�'L`i,1( p rcc37I �y`l;a, fi` tinj [a �>•F.7.le('', 49T.iS USE OF PERMIT I watt ��yv r 7 9 W'S - cul, I.L.' . 6.t Z lKit. N. d Jg.J P001.1, 001.,, SM OP lDf'tTtt'l WAYir AP PROAL:ci, ,W"4o REt '(Yt,;'RON TO MIA CHECK ftto VILIVto MUi::'FPLY Jia'PJAYWE OF SAM11, P1,.A.N 'F"! . tafrTi'::•HfPA.' 10 ' 71 i"',io ;err' 404,00 OF PEW "T FEE SUMAIAXY C:Q40'PUr: '3'1J?S Ifv' PLA11 Chit; 1C h& ��J��:iif►T�;:Cf�i.I,Ff?,�, IGi��Of3..i�S��rOsJ �!.•it5..©+� F a 11'ea_a<'R.lCr'.Al, ?K,ti o i01 .v,1-.w"t o") 11) 1Q.59 P'i f Bf a ?EZ lU'> �UOY!uiI C",00?' MOT101"t YZE,'J`-=PEll-O.'t5-2,4-? 10000-473-000 000.473.000 rMI''-'ii'Ztr if'ER 1Mi44A0,T }rf�tP. $t,$i1s.flti �.f€,5' in PUBLIC PL:ttVEXI„ WM311 !0-0100r445,,000 SIM 1J j' aA�:R^t,;� iat'Iti17.".Y3!3: A, NY,)* $4,0- t), 92 U DPl PAR -'IM) a .ff�+,o p.`t �^��,�{� �,p7, �+�yo gyp � A rC i9YJ �J' dY."".'!! JL:�,S°af°i �N W$9`r now dad +p [Ma !�C'`It I�eT.�;d� RECEIPT DATE" 9� / f f BY 1` + '. DATE F NALED• INSPECT Rte/ INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap La- o . 6�� F.A.U. Framing p Compressor Insulation y Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O.- Fans & Controls Party Wail Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wali Firewall Exterior Lath z/ Drywall - Int. Lath Z Final Final / BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel POOLS - SPAS Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVAL D. Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test LL Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT JON TANDY 78-194 Elenbrook Ct. Palm Desert, CA 92211 Office (760) 772-7192 Fax (760) 772-7193 Pager (760) 776-3338 TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED ❑ REINFORCED CONCRETE O STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ❑ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE O ASPHALT ❑ REINFORCED MASONRY O FIRE PROOFING 'r.c O OTHER JOB LOCATIONSS'Z� V,)�'^1l � REPORT SEQUENCE NO. TYPE OFTRUCTURE ® �N_ w 1 S PERMIT NO. DATE DAV 0 WEEK TERIAL DESCRIPTION �� SQA ZZ Z q ARCHITECT INSP CT R - HRS. CHARGED x - C ZcbczS ENGINEER ENGINEER ASSISTANTS T� HRS.CHARGED INSPECTION DATE GENERAL CONTRACTOR' r SUB CONTRACTOR r-4 VK J F\ a COPY SENT TO CLIENT O CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE O P E 0r CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE. BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNINGBUILDING LAWS. S NATE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR !C - D E OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Part 1) CF -4R THE LAURELS Z Z-- -05 Project Title M Date 55039 Winged Foot, La Ouinta, CA. First Pacifica Dev. Carp. Project Address Builder Name Dave (909) 841-1942 3-s Builder Contact Telephone Plan Number. - Tim Topham (951) 780-7265 1 . r HERS'Rater Telephone Sample_ Group Number , O '2./- /2005 10 Sys. 1 Tract 29121 _Certifying Signature V Date Sample House Number ` Firm: Energy Calc Services, Inc HERS Provider: CHEERS Street Address: 16551 Mockingbird Cyn. Rd. _ City/Staie/Zip: Riverside, CA 92504-9638 Copies to: Builder, HERS Provider HERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: ❑ - Tested . 15 Approved as part of sample, testing, but was not tested * As the HERS rater providing diagnostic testing and field verification, I certify that the houses identified on this form_ comply with the diagnostic tested compliance requirements as checked on this form. - ❑X The installer has provided a copy of CF -6R { Installation Certificate) ❑ Distribution system is fully ducted (i.e., does not use building cavities as plenums orplatform a returns in lieu of ducts) ❑ Where cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape is installed, mastic and draw bands aie used in combination with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connexions. ' ' D MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION COMPLLANCE CREDIT Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing Results (Maximum 6% Duct Leakage) Measures Duct Pressurization Test Results (CFM @ 25 Pa) . values - Test Leakage Flow in CFM If fan flow is calculated as 400cfm/ton x number of tons enter calculated value here 1000 If fan flow is measured enter measured value here - Leakage Percentage (100 x Test Leakage/Fan Flow = Check Box for Pass or Fail (Pass=6%;or less) ❑ ❑ . • Pass Fail ❑X THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (TXV) or Commission approved equivalent ❑ :Yes ❑ No Thermostatic Expansion. Valve (or Commission approved ' e equivalent) is installed and Access'is provided for inspe•aion ❑ ❑ t Yes is a pass Pass Fail January 5, 2001 , " CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Part 1) CF -4R ' THE LAURELS �---05 Project Title Date 55039 Winged Foot, La Ouinta, CA. First Pacifica Dev. Carp. Project Address Builder Name . Dave (909) 841-1942 3-s Builder Contact Telephone Plan Number Tim To ham 951 780-7265 1 - HERS Rater. _ ; Telephone Sample Group Number -, �! Et / ..9--/2005 10 Sys. 2 Track 29121 .Certifying Signature Date Sample House Number Firm:EnerwCalc Services. Inc HERS Provider: CHEERS Street Address: 16551 Mockingbird Cyn. Rd. City/State0p: Riverside, CA 9:504-9638 Copies to: Builder, HERS Provider HERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ' The house was: ❑ Tested Approved as part of sample testing, but was not tested As the HERS rater providing diagnostic testing and field verification, I certify that the houses i3entified on this form >. comply witli the diagnostic tested compliance requirements as checked'on this form. ' F ' The installer has provided a copy of CF -6R ( Installation Certificate) •• ' ❑ Distribution system is fully ducted (i.e., does not use building cavities as plenum_ s or platform returns in lieu of ducts). . ❑ Where cloth backed, rubber.adhesive duct tape is installed, mastic and draw bands are used in combination with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connec-ions. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION COMPLLI,NCEa CREDIT F Duct. Diagnostic Leakage Testing Results (Maximum 6% Duct Leakage) Measured , Duct Pressurization Test Results (CFM @ 25 Pa) values ' • Test Leakage Flow in CFM -; If fanflow is calculated as 400cfin/ton x number of tons enter .. calculated value here ". 160C , If fan flow is measured enter measured value here Leakage Percentage (100 x Test Leakage/Fan Flow = ' Check Box for Pass of Fail (Pass=6%'or less) ❑ ❑ Pass. fail THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (Tor Commission approved equivalent IT ' Yes ❑ No Thermostatic Expansion Valve (or Commission approved ~` equivalent) is installed and Access is provided for inspection 11 r Yes is a pass . Pass Fail January 5, 2001 to 3`j w cmbe_j (�PDaA .Laurels plA INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE (PAGE I OF 8) . CF -6R ��. 1/43, SITE ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER AN INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED TO BE POSTED AT THE BUILDING SITE OR MADE AVAILABLE FOR ALL APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS. (THE. INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS REQUIRED; HOWEVER USE OF THIS FORM TO PROVIDE THE INFORMATION IS OPTIONAL.) AFTER COMPLETION OF FINAL INSPECTION, A COPY MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (UPON "REQUEST) AND THE BUILDING OWNER AT OCCUPANCY, PER SECTION-10=I03(b). HVAC SYSTEMS: HEATING EQUIPMENT CEC CERTIFIED MFG., #OF. EFFICIENCY DUCT DUCT OR SEATING HEATING EQUIP NAME IDENTICAL (AFAU ETC.) LOCATION PIPING LOAD CAPACITY TYPE AND SYSTEMS CF -1R VALUES (ATTIC ETC.) (R -VALUE) (BTU/HR) (BTU/HR) HEAT PUMP ` MODEL # FAU CARRIER 58STX070112 1' 80% ATTIC 4.2 87K 70K FAU CARRIER 58STX090116 1 '80% ATTIC 4.2 1 12K 90K COOLING EQUIPMENT EQUIP CEC CERTIFIED COMPRESSOR # OF EFFICIENCY DUCT DUCT COOLEIG COOLING. TYPE PKG UNIT MFG NAME AND IDENTICAL, . (SEER ETC.) LOCATION R VALUE LOAD CAPACITY HEAT PUMP MODEL NUMBER SYSTEMS (CF -1R VALUE) (ATTIC) (BTU/I-Si) (BTU/HR) A/C CARRIER 38HDC0303: 1 12 SEER ATTIC 4.2 30K 29.2K A/C . CARRIER 38HDC1483" 1 12 SEER ATTIC 4.2 48K 47.7 K I, THE UNDERSIGNED, VERIFY THAT EQUIPMENT LISTED ABOVE IS (1) IS THE ACTUAL EQUIPIAENT INSTALLED (2) EQUIVALENT TO OR MORE EFFICIENT THAN THAT SPECIFIED IN THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FORM (CF -1R) SUBMITTED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, AND (3) EQUIPMENT THAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUFACTURED DEVICES (FROM THE APPLIANCES EFFICIENCY REGULATIONS ON PART 6), WHERE APPLICABLE. lu /u WILLIAMS HEATING CO. SIGNATURE, DATE INSTALLING SUBCONTRACTOR (CO NAMF4 OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR (CO NAME) OR OWNER THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (TXFI) P❑ FS -THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (OR COMMISSION APPROVED EQUIVALENT) IS INSTALLED AND &rCESS IS PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION. 0 NO YES IS A PASS PASS >4-gAIL__. COPY TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT HERS PROVIDER (IF APPLICABLE) BUILDING OWNER AT OCCUPANCY Deo 16 04 11146e Energy Calo Servlbes,Ine. 700•-0558""" p•3 5�a3� COW'o L "fib INSTALLATIOV.CERT�FICEI►TE ..: .. p's>&c 3 uf.1)) . f.'!r-VR. SIte Addeem Permit Number DUCT LEAKAGE AND DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS !! 'S I; DUCT LCAKA :1; Itl•;DiI(-VION c� u Fan Flow IL Colculatod os doo cWton x numbor of tons, or or,, 21. 7r Hooting CopoCdy, 0 Thousands of Btufif, anter "Calcu11tod valuo horo If fan flow ls; measured, eater measured Value.bare Leakage Fracti0r1 - Test LeAage/(Measured or Calculated Fan Flow) b Pass If loaxage fraction -/- 0-06 ❑ Pas ti i,wI pII("I' lXAKAC1: MC) IC110N f nrrw tt�on Tust Rosulis (CFM !N 7.5 VA) I�un I�Itxv iI Fan Flow in Caiculatod ac 400 cfm/tcn x number of tons. or as 21.7 x Heat;nq Capncky IA' ThMi-A04 Of $tWltr, rntur calculatod walur! hertz If fan flow is measured, enter measured value here, Leakage Fraction Q Test Leaka9e/(Measured or Calculoted Fan Flow), Pass If Ioak4g0 fraction • /• 0.00 — ❑ PasA 11 t For AEROSOL 1'YVE SKAI ANTS <)NIX-• Tho following OIagn09Gc t"ting was comp10t_3d: \ Duct Fan Pressufizatlon of rough -in meacurod leakiogo (GFM) CHECK AFTER FINISHING WALL: Yos ❑ No ❑ Prossura pan lost or Houso preccunzatron ter4 Yes ❑ No ❑ Visual In spection_of Duct Connoctiuns ❑ Pass F'an EXPANSION VALVE Yqs ❑ No. Thormostatic Expansion Valva is Instalind ane A=A!; Is provlalod for Innot'von ya, Is r, 0�tm Pars . F iil Y06. ❑ No RCCA hlenuml D "Design calculations have been Wnplutou Duct OOalgn Iron tno pian;; ;Ind duct Inat;lilabon match" plans. Yot; ❑ NO TXV Is Inrtctllod or Fan flow has bctm NOnfiad, if no TXV; verrfmd fan flow motchob deslgr. front CF -1R Measured Fan Flow Yos for both i and 2 15 a Pass. ra::;: a, I, tno unaemigned, varrfy that this above diagnostic toot rtrauiw and the work I pertormed associated'w'iih the tests) is in C0- rnanc0 with tho roqutrornonts for cpmpllonoj,, crodd (Trlo bulldh( nhaii provldn Ino MLRS prOvldor it copy of lho CF -6R ,-gndo by Ino burner employ000 or oub-cmitfactoiu o Pitying that dlagno�hc tosting and In10:)Ilati0r. mtx)f the_ requirerriontr. for compliance tdodlt.J I'roto Signature. Dale InntaillAg' Subcontractor (co. Name) OR Porformod General Contractor (Co. Name) COPY TO: Bwldlnq 00partMvAt HERS ftvtdur id app!Icablul Building Owner at Occup2ncy ComohoAco Forms StiDtumbc r ?QQ? .................. _ ... ---- : A , _. Western tion i6,p., RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTING 4211 Latham Street • Riverside, California 92501 • Phone: (909) 646-8760• t=ax: (909) 886-8786 License 4 794484 ME INSULATION CERTIFICATE THIS -19 TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH -THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ►N THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: TRACT/PHASE: THE LAURELS/ PHASE 1 LOT 10 SITE ADDRESS: 55-039 W114GED FOOT — LA QUINTA, CA , CEILINGS, BATTS MANUFACTURER: JOHNS MANVILLE THICKNESS: 13° R- VALUE: R-39 CEILINGS: BLOWN INSULATION MANUFACTURER: GREENFISI:R THICKNESS; 8,1" R- VALUE: R-30 R BATTS fy MANUFACTURER. - KNAUF THICKNESS: 10" R- VALUE: R-30 CEILINGS, BATTS MANUFACTURER: KNAUF THICKNESS: 61 R- VALUE: R-19 EXTERIOR WALLS: BATTS MANUFACTURER KNAUF THICKNESS: r 3 W R- VALUE: R-13 INTERIOR WALL.$: BATTS MANUFAGTURER KNAUF THICKNESS: 3 ' R - VALUE: R-11 GENEML CONTRACTOR: THE BREHM COMPANIES TITLE:• DATE: 7. r , " LN&LATION CONTRACTOR: WESTERN INSULATION, L.P. ' LICENSE BER:79A484 BY: TITLE: P D CTIO MANAGER DATE: JA UARY 11, 2005 , 171/90 ,39Vd. NOIlt7if1SNI N831MM 98L8989Z96 L5 :80 :5002/L1/10 '� ' � c ` ' ,r - .. i f*� {' � _ . � y C ���� ry ' � c ` ' ,r 4 ,. ' .... _- . _ .. f*� {' � _ r� '+`� '"+ . 'I �! t� C� l .. '- R. . 4rJ C � f�+ �\TI .'r .. _- . _ .. .__.-. _. '+`� '"+ . 'I �! t� C� l .. '- R. . 4rJ C � f�+