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PP 1991-473 (2)
SENT BY: 2 -24 -93 ; 4:26PM ;BEST, BEST,& KRIEGER� Y- 7758014;# 2/ 7 Planning & Development Department I APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellant's Name John F. Kennedy )4er_►orial Hospital. Date Mailing Address 47111 Monroe Street 2/25/93 Indio, CA 92201 Phone: (619) 775 -3019 RE: Case No. Plot Plan 91 -743, Extension of Time Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Variance Change of Zone Public Use Permit Surface Mining.& Reclamation Permit Outdoor Advertising Consistency with General Plan Environmq .cd A)ss �6-93 ?5.0014 l Setback ju i Al Temporary Use Permit -Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. See Attachment Use additional sheets if necessary. Signature FORM.003 /CS -1- SENT BY: 2 -24 -93 ; 4 :26PM ;BEST, BEST,& KRIEGER 7758014;# 3/ 7 Attachment for Appeal of Findings or Conditions Desert Hospital's application for an extension of time on Plot plan 91 -473 arises from the Hospital's failure to substantially begin construction of the Washington Square Project within the allotted one year period. in light of such failure, it is therefore within the discretion of the City Counsel to conditionally approve or deny the time extension request. We respectfully request that any time extension be specifically conditioned upon full environmental review of the project consisting of an environmental impact report or at a minimum, a focused study with respect to traffic and noise impacts and mitigation. Plot Plan 91 -473 is part of the approximately 65 -acre Washington Square Project which was originally approved for hotel, retail and office space uses. while it is almost inconceivable that a project of such scope could receive a negative declaration with respect to environmental impacts, certainly the project as it has now substantially changed, requires further environmental review. More specifically, in contrast to the original Plan, the latter phases of this project contemplate uses which were not earlier reviewed or anticipated Including a full service medical office building and hospital facility. in short, these changes represent significant subsequent changes in the project's scope and impacts. Moreover, during the period of time from the approval to present, other projects have been approved and constructed, the cumulative impacts of which have not been reviewed and considered by either the applicant or the City counsel. By way of example, but not limitation, the tremendously adverse traffic impacts at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street have gone wholly without analysis in light of the changed use and cumulative affect of surrounding projects, and the noise impact of the surrounding environment still have yet to be reviewed by a qualified acoustical engineer. Desert Hospital has attempted to slide their project into the parameters of the prior studies by attempting to equate traffic of hotel, retail and office space use to that of a full service medical office complex and hospital facility and by piecing together a noise study which concludes in part that "a significant impact will occur at Pads P1 through P5 at Lots 3b, 3c and 4" and "it is estimated that noise levels generated by activities within the site may be a potential source of annoyance to nearby residents ". The study specifically further recommends that the final engineering design for the buildings at P1 through P5 and at Lots 3b, 3c and 4 of the project be reviewed by a recognized acoustical engineer to ensure compliance with the City's noise standards. While ouch significant impacts may have been acceptable to a city counsel which expected the project to generate substantial transient occupancy tax and sales tax from hotel and retail uses, no such funds will be available as a trade off on this project. John F. Kennedy Memorial. Hospital as a health care provider within the City, respectfully requests that the extension of time be denied, or in the alternative, conditionally approved subject to the preparation of an environmental impact report, or, at a minimum, with reasonable focused studies with respect to noise and traffic impacts in mitigations. R?FE8 24 3 D MEE32795 pl, 4t-li- DEPARTMENT � o CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN 91473, EXTENSION #1 - FINAL FEBRUARY 9, 1993 DESERT HOSPITAL * Modified by the Engineering Department on January 19, 1993 ** Modified on January 19, 1993 by the Planning Department + Modified. by the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993 GENERAL 1. The development of the property shall be generally be in conformance with the exhibits contained in the file for PP 91 -473, unless amended otherwise by the following conditions. * *2. The approved plot plan shall be used by February 11, 1994; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated by this approval, not including grading which is begun within the one year period and is thereafter diligently pursued until completion. A one year time extension may be requested as permitted by Municipal Code. 3. Approval of this plot plan shall be subject to final approval of Vesting Tract Map 27031 (Amendment #1) and all applicable provisions of previously approved Specific Plan 87- 011 (Amendment #1). 4. There shall be no outdoor storage or sales displays without specific approval of the Planning Commission. 5. All exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed so as not to shine directly on surrounding adjoining properties or public rights -of -way. All parking lot lighting plans utilizing light pole standards shall be a maximum 20 feet and shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Light standard type with recessed light source shall also be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. Exterior lighting shall comply with Outdoor Light Control Ordinance and off - street parking requirements. 6. Adequate trash enclosures and recycling enclosures shall be provided. Each trash receptacle shall be equipped with opaque metal doors. Plans for trash enclosures to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant shall contact local waste management company to insure that enclosure size is adequate. CONAPRVL.046 1 10 , I . fb Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 7. Decorative enclosures may be required by the City around any retention basins depending on site grading requirements and the color, location, and placement of said fence shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. 8. Future expansion of the property shall be subject to Planning Commission review. Parking demand shall be reviewed at that time to insure . adequate parking is provided. 9. Handicapped parking spaces and facilities shall be provided per Municipal Code and State requirements. 10. As required by the General Plan, Applicant shall provide noise study by qualified engineer to determine impacts on surrounding residential zones and uses. The noise study shall suggest mitigation measures which the City can require concerning the development of Phase I. 11. Screen wall height adjacent to loading areas shall be determined by required noise study. Should noise problems from use of loading areas arise, Planning Commission shall retain the right to limit the hours of loading and unloading. Surrounding property owners and residents which could be affected by noise shall be notified of Planning Commission consideration of limitations on delivery hours. 12. The project shall comply with all existing off street parking requirements including but not limited to shading of parking lot areas and bicycle parking spaces. 13. Screening (i.e., berms with landscaping, etc.) provided adjacent to street shall be high enough to screen parking lot surfaces and a majority of parked cars from view of the street. Determination of height of walls shall be made after review of landscaping and grading plans by City. 14. Landscaping planters along the north, south and east property lines shall be provided at maximum width possible with all unusable areas adjacent to property lines provided in landscaping. 15. The project shall comply with applicable Arts in Public Places Ordinance. 16. The City shall retain a qualified archaeologist, with the Developer to pay costs, to prepare a mitigation and monitoring plan for artifact location and recovery. Prior to archaeological studies for this site as well as other unrecorded information, shall be analyzed prior to the preparation of the plan. CONAPRVL.046 2 M Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The plan shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley Archaeological Society. (CVAS) for a two -week review and comment period. At a minimum, the plan shall: 1) identify the means for digging test pits; 2) allow sharing the information with the CVAS; and 3) provide for further testing if the preliminary result show significant materials are present. The final plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for final review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Developer shall have retained a qualified cultural resources management firm and completed the testing and data recovery as noted in the plan. The management firm shall monitor the grading activity as required by the plan or testing results. A. list of the qualified archaeological monitor(s), cultural resources management firm employees, and any assistant(s) /representative(s), shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department. The list shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the event of discovery or recognition of any human remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby areas reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. Upon completion of the data recovery, the Developer shall cause three copies of the final report containing the data analysis to be prepared and published and submitted to the Planning and Development Department. *17. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this use, the Applicant shall obtain permits or clearances from the following agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department 0' City of La Quinta Planning & Development Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District o . Palm Desert Disposal CONAPRVL.046 M � Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 o Sunline Transit Agency o U. S. Postal Office o California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Department at the time of application for a building permit for the proposed project. 18. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City adopted infrastructure fee program in affect at the time of issuance of building permits. 19. Final landscaping plans shall include approval stamps and signatures from the Riverside . County Agricultural Commissioners office and Coachella Valley Water District. 20. A bus waiting shelter shall be provided as requested by Sunline Transit on the Washington Street and bus turn out lane when street improvements are installed. Pedestrian crosswalks and traffic safety devices shall be installed as required. 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire site which shall be for the purpose of wind and erosion and dust control.. The land owner shall institute blow sand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: a.) use of irrigation during construction and grading activities; b.) areas not constructed on during first phase shall be planted in temporary ground cover or wildflowers and provided with temporary irrigation system; and c.) provision of wind breaks or wind rolls, fencing, and or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The landowner shall comply with requirements of the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent emission of dust and, blow sand. 22. Construction shall comply with all local and State Building Code requirements in affect . at time of issuance of building permit as determined by the Building Official. 23. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval which must be satisfied prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to a final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report demonstrating compliance with all remaining conditions of approval and mitigation measures. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. CONAPRVL.046 0 of conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 24. A parking lot striping plan including directional arrows, stop signs, no parking areas, and parking spaces shall be approved by Planning and Development and Engineering Departments prior to issuance of a building permit. All roof equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls of building or other architecturally matching materials. 25. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked "compact cars only ". *26. That all conditions of the Design Review Board shall be complied with as follows: A. The landscape program for Washington Street shall include a variation of planting materials, such as Palm trees, accent shade trees, lawn, shrubs, and groundcover. The material listed in the specific plan shall be utilized. Uplighted trees or palms shall be considered along Washington Street. Incandescent light fixtures will be required (less than 160 watts). B. The proposed retention areas on -site shall be landscaped with materials which will support growth even though they are accepting water run -off from paved surfaces. C. A meandering eight foot wide sidewalk shall be installed along Washington Street along the frontage of the site. If the sidewalk is to be located on a portion of private property an on -site easement shall be offered. Uwn should not be used between the street curbs and meandering sidewalk except in those areas where it can be kept five feet from the curb, planting adjacent to curb shall utilize emitter irrigation. D. Public art pieces shall be installed on the property along Washington Street at each of the project entries. The primary art feature should be located at the Washington Street access point. E. Public easements shall be offered to the City for the intersections of Washington Street/47th Avenue and Washington Street/Via El Mirador to permit the City the option of placing public art objects on these corners in the future, in case the property does not opt to install art objects in these locations per the City's Art in Public Places Ordinance. F. All future buildings will be subject to further study by the Design Review Board through Plot Plan applications. G. All trash and loading area facilities shall be located so that they cannot be seen from any public thoroughfare. The areas should be screened by using masonry wall enclosures and landscaping. CONAPRVL.046 5 • a Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 H. All windows on the second and third floor shall be included in a minimum 4 inch stuccoed plant -on "eyebrow" to reduce the sun exposure on the areas which are susceptible to mid - afternoon heating. I. Prior to preparation of final landscaping /irrigation plans, preliminary landscaping plans shall be submitted and approved by the Design Review Board. J. Landscape design, planting, and screening shall comply with the specific plan approval and applicable City codes. K. A master sign program shall be reviewed /approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of any permits for permanent signs at this location. L. Design measures shall be examined to minimize the exposure of the proposed parking lot(s) as they relate to Washington Street, a public thoroughfare as required in the Specific Plan. M. Decorative paved entryways shall be included into the project design to enhance the development. The specific plan standards should be met. 27. The courtyard areas as shown on the approved site plan shall be developed into shaded lounging areas with permanent seating provided. Said plans to be approved by the City at the time of landscaping plan review. CITY FIRE MARSHAL 28. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3500 gpm for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 29. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6" X 4" X 2-1/2" X 2-1/2"), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. 30. Prior to issuance of building permit Applicant/Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." CONAPRVL.046 0 .0 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 90, 1993 The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to start of construction. 31. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check/inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. 32. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, Pamphlet #10, but not less than 2AlOBC in rating. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper . placement of equipment. 33. Install Panic Hardware and Exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 34. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 35. Provide fire apparatus road to within 150 feet of any portion of the exterior wall of the first floor. Such road shall have a minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width and a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. 36. Center divider in entrance way shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from curb line. 37. Provide valve supervision and 24 hour monitoring of the waterflow alarm at the automatic fire sprinkler system. 38. Approved building numbers or address shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. 39. This project may require licensing and /or review by State agencies. Applicant should prepare a letter of intent detailing his proposed usage to facilitate case review. Contact should be made with the Office of the State Fire Marshal (818) 960 -6441 for an opinion and classification of occupancy to the type. This information and a copy of the letter of intent should be submitted to the Fire Department so that property requirements may be specified during the review process. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 40. Applicant shall provide a fully improved landscaped setback area of noted minimum width adjacent to the following street right of way: CONAPRVL.046 7 • o Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 A. Washington Street 20 feet wide; B. 47th Avenue, 10 feet wide. C. Via El Mirador, 10 feet wide 41. Applicant shall provide a 10 -foot wide public utility easement outside, and adjacent to, the Washington Street and Avenue 47 right of ways. 42. Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights to Washington Street and Avenue 47 from Parcel #1 except for the access locations approved on Plot Plan 91 -473. 43. Access to Washington Street from the site shall be limited to right turns in and out only at all locations on Washington Street. *44. Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, adopted Standard Drawings, and as approved by the City Engineer. Street pavement sections shall be based on a. Caltrans design procedure for a 20 -year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading. The minimum pavement section shall be 3" AC /4" Class -2 base for local streets and 41/2 " /6" for arterial and collector streets. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U. S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid - block street lighting is not required. Enhancements to existing improvements may be required. Improvements may be required beyond the tract boundaries. 45. Applicant shall construct a full width landscaped raised median in Washington Street from Avenue 47 to the centerline Lot E (VTM 27031). The City will pay for 50% of the design and construction cost. *46. Applicant shall construct, or enter into agreement to construct, the site grading, off -site public improvements and utilities, and on -site common area improvements before the grading permit is issued. The Applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of cash payment for required improvements which are deferred for future construction by others. CONAPRVL.046 8 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 *47. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted. The report of the investigation ( "the soils report") shall be submitted with the grading plan. *48. A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. The plan must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to approval of any final map(s). The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. A statement shall appear on the final map(s) that a soils report has been prepared for the tract pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. Prior to issuance of any building permit the Applicant shall provide a separate document bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, or surveyor that lists actual building pad elevation(s). 49. The site shall be designed and graded in a manner so the building pad elevations are not more than four (4.0) feet higher than Washington Street. 50. The development shall be graded in a manner that permits storm flow in excess of the retention basin capacity to flow out off the site through a designated emergency overflow outlet and into the historic drainage relief route. Similarly, the site shall be graded in a manner that anticipates receiving storm flow from adjoining property at locations that has historically received flow. 51. Storm water run -off produced on -site in 24 hours by a 100 -year storm shall be retained on site in landscaped retention basins or discharged to an approved off -site storm water facility. If the retention basin option is selected, the water depth in the basin shall not exceed six feet and the basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The percolation rate shall be considered to be zero inches per hour unless Applicant provides site - specific data that indicates otherwise. Other requirements include, but are not limited to, a grassed ground surface with permanent irrigation improvements, and appurtenant structural drainage amenities all of which shall be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements deemed necessary by the City Engineer. The .City will .consider and may approve other ground cover /slope stabilization plant life in lieu of grass on a case by case basis. The tributary drainage area for which the Applicant is responsible shall extend to the centerline of Washington Street, Avenue 47 and Lot E (VTM 27031). 52. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect for the landscaped setback area and median island. The landscape and sidewalk improvements shall be coordinated with the electric power facilities to facilitate landscape masking of power vaults and to eliminate clearance conflicts with the sidewalk. CONAPRVL.046 9 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The plans and proposed landscaping improvements shall be in conformance with requirements of the Planning Director, City Engineer, and Coachella Valley Water District. The plans shall be signed by these officials or agencies prior to construction. 53. Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to the Coachella Coachella Valley Water District for review and approval with respect to the District's Water Management Program. 54. Applicant shall landscape and maintain the landscaped setback area and right of way area located between the curbs on Washington Street and Avenue 47 and the property line. 55. Applicant shall construct an eight -foot wide meandering bike path in the easterly parkway and landscaped setback area along Washington Street. A six -foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed adjacent to the curb in Lot E (VTM 27031). 56. Applicant shall provide a blanket easement for sidewalk purposes in the landscape setback areas along Washington Street and Avenue 47. 57. All existing and proposed telecommunication, television cable, and electric power,lines with 12,500 volts or less, that are adjacent to the proposed site or on -site, shall be installed in underground facilities. 58. Underground utilities that lie. directly under street improvements or portions thereof shall be installed, with trenches compacted to city standards, prior to installation of that portion of the street improvement. A soils engineer retained by Applicant shall provide certified reports of soil compaction tests for review by the City Engineer. 59. Applicant shall pay all fees charged by the city as required for processing, plan checking and construction inspection. The fee amount(s) shall be those which are in effect at the time the work is undertaken and accomplished by the City. +60. The City is contemplating adoption of a quality- assurance program for privately- funded construction. If the program is adopted prior to the issuance of permits for construction of the improvements required of this map, the Applicant shall fully comply. with the quality- assurance program. If the quality - assurance program has not been adopted, the Applicant shall employ construction quality - assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. CONAPRVL.046 10 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The Applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have his or her agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign as -built drawings and certify compliance of all work with approved plans, specifications and applicable codes. Upon completion of construction, the Applicant shall furnish the City reproducible as- built drawings of all plans signed by the City Engineer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words "As- Built" or "As- Constructed" clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the as -built condition. Prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for buildings within the tract, Applicant shall install traffic control devices and street name signs along access roads to those buildings. SPECIAL: 61. The Environmental Fees of the State Fish and Game Department and the County of Riverside shall be paid within 24 hours after review of the proposal by the Planning Commission and /or City Council. 62. All required improvements shall be completed prior to site occupancy of the proposed development. 63. Reciprocal access agreements shall be prepared and approved by the City Engineering and Director of Planning and Development which secures common on -site access systems between the property and the abutting properties to the east. 64. Fringe -Toed Lizard fees shall be. paid at the time the grading or building permit is issued. 65. All mitigation measures of previously approved Environmental Assessment 91 -207 shall be complied with. 66. Prior to issuance of first building permit for this project, Applicant's shall construct a decorative masonry sound wall at least six feet higher than the grade of Washington Street prior to realignment within the frontage road median. The wall is to run between Singing Palms Drive and residences south of Highland Palms Drive. Wall construction shall be pursuant to recommendations contained in the Noise Study which shall be provided by the Applicant prior to wall plans being prepared. Design and layout of wall shall be coordinated with City plans for landscaping of the frontage road median. CONAPRVL.046 11 B1 1 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FILE COPY DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1993 CASE NO.: PLOT PLAN 91 -473, EXTENSION OF TIME APPLICANT: DESERT HOSPITAL (MR. PETER BERGMANN) ARCHITECT: HDR (REPRESENTATIVE: MR. JEFFREY SOBCZYK, V. P. DEVELOPMENT MEDIPLEX) OWNER: WASHINGTON SQUARE REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A ONE YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR A PLOT PLAN WHICH ALLOWS CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF AN OUT - PATIENT MEDICAL FACILITY. LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: BACKGROUND: NORTHEAST CORNER OF 47TH AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET WITHIN THE WASHINGTON SQUARE PROJECT. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT WAS APPROVED FOR THE OVERALL WASHINGTON SQUARE PROJECT BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THEM MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1989. THEREFORE, NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS DEEMED NECESSARY. This plot plan request was approved by the Planning Commission on February 11, 1992, and accepted by the City Council on February 18, 1992. The plan provides for a three story medical complex (see attached reduced plans) on a portion of a ± 19 acre site. The ±83,000 square foot facility is designed for out - patient surgery and medical offices. The Applicant has prepared final construction working drawings and landscaping plans for the project, and they plan to begin construction within the next few months. Therefore, the Applicant has asked for an additional one year time extension for this approval. The Applicant and the master developer (Birtcher) have been working diligently on their project for the last six months, and to date, they have finalized and completed their archaeological work, Noise Study, Photometric Light Study, paid their Fringe -Toed Lizard fees, and have begun rough grading the site in anticipation of their future building permit. The six foot high wall along Washington street is currently being built. PCST.103 1 001 • 1 1 1.e 11 W1 i On January 19, 1993, the Engineering Department submitted a request to modify the conditions which were imposed by the Planning Commission on February 11, 1992. The memo from the Engineering Department is attached. Staff would request that these new changes and corrections be added by the Planning Commission pursuant to the request of the City's Engineering Department. A revised set of conditions is attached. 1 • �� Staff would like to recommend approval of a one year extension of time based on the Applicant's desire to begin construction of the facility within the next few months and the revision's requested by the Engineering Department. RECONEWENDATION: By Minute Motion approve a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 91-473 subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Reduced plan exhibits. 2. Applicant's status report 3. Memo from the Engineering Department 4. Revised Conditions of Approval PCST.103 2 00 2 El 1 Wis w C) 0 ►Mo W ,I 0 lae ta• i0. Ili K .' O 0: 0: .v O o° a A, 0 i0 y ,b B l0� l0� .. P Oya i01 f .y /N r�,� r� • t. I' a w LLJ Z 1 L 1 1 r ^ I rZi l qpm .Z - - MWVASHMTON STREET - -- - 0 acavww Im conoopuUmo L rMnds oopo pomn tcow.& radw CFL WOR&DOl° MCEDOC&L [PL&cz% 0 gah(pMM)OU0 D4a6gn Doodwou (2(iD(CN WD muoo 6na col7poPwitoon 1 MDR 0 UNPdoo ®0 poor10Uove • 1 1 1 ! � �WYMYVAMrM 1 . ! 1 � f ► O w. "A~ AMA ft '1 lo PHASE 1 C }- , V V ` i' 1, i' 1 w 1 , PM" 1 •TATIGT" �auava Aai! AwRw �s� aAiN \i C" Z Q2&djp0ojZ q•dooWQ MUaodaog C o(rp®Q'a otlo 0 / NOR . Q20d0000 0DoonneQg PO�r3� a 0 1 1 1 ' D/ PHASE UI I..ff.f..1...N ..wM ' n n i 1 _ I ullwu �Mll If . rf -MI-A -Wo" MAb i A .r..w r...... r� L HOSPITAL t s gig r PHASE U ut O' 1 N V • m �.r I ` a1 1 1• •�___�_`� �.�..`_"� • 1""""� f_`w"��a't rte. . GJ0d5PQ(,&u Wsd5QwB Muaodaw9 C® (r® ®PmQaow / HOW o Q *42flowD [idUnunQ *cre i � Y I mi "I'l'l WOU021 ICAJOCHomenU LIBUOUGMUM (GOirrWOMMUMM i twIn)UV 0 "JUM( mi.in IWI 71 z1 i t c 1 'W UWA1 FM vessof ..4941,». SOUTHEAST ELEVATION , C) =A PAO r EXHIBIT SOUTI#Wa*T ELEVATION A • m s N RI 0 S w t- 0 .Z C) ..� 00 x.71 N x kr� x r m !�1 1(5 0 F 0 0 b U r mil M4 O9 Co O �o 'O O z m O d D D �1 s N Rf 0 Z l w Gu9 39 $ wo ru s �► n, C .` • op ,. a :Z V1 CL1 N fr no 0 C O GT l�Jnt1 0 lJ0 0 �^^ WU aD C� D� a E 11 • R1 _1 m A H 2 � O F.a � Q V l/J z 0 wo A wo P r ze ® i O f— .L cn co N T /1T 0 T� R p f • K � (off ^� WII ti.:/ N I EM k. M E 0 1 P L E X r(Itcal lul11la/ MrIU1111 January 27, 1993 Mr. Jerry Herman Director, Planning & •Development Department City of La Quints P.O. Box 1504 78 -105 Celle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: EI Mirador Medical Plaza Dear Jerry: 14755 M SION ROA11 SUM 100. I.00K 1101 15 DALLAS. TEXAS 75210 JAN 2 8 1993 The following is an update of the status of the city required conditions of approval for our project. Plot Plan 91-47$ Item Number Status 11 Complies 21 Pending Extension application submitted to city 1115/93 31 Approved 41 NIA 51 Approved 61 Pending In plan check 7) N1ANo retention basins on site . 81 Future Requirement 91 Complies 101 Complete 111 f*rxb ' cotto0 - Noise Study Being Amended Oil W. Jerry Herman January 27, 1992 Page Four Item Number 291 Complies 301 1. Complete 11. Complies 311 Approved M Status Fire Marshal has imdicated 'Start of Construction' to mean bringing combustibles on site 321 Complies In drawings 331 Complies In drawings 341 Complies In drawings 351 Complies In drawings 361 Complies In drawings 371 Complies 381 Complies 391 Complies 401 Complies 411 Pending To be done with parccl map 42) Complete Birtcher 431 Complies Birtcher - Desert Hospital 441 Complies Birtcher 451 Pending Birtcher 461 Complete Birtcher 471 Complete Birtcher 481 Approved Birtcher 491 Complies Birtcher - Desert Hospital 50) Complies Birtcher 511 Complies Birtcher 521 Pending Ron Gregory & Associates - in plan check 531 Complete Ron Gregory & Associates - ESCO 54) Complies Birtcher - Desert Hospital 551 Complies Birtcher - Desert Hospital 561 Complies Birtcher 013 M M J Mr. Jerry Herman January 27. 1992 Page Three Item Number status 121 Complies 131 Approved 141 Complies 161 Complies Desert Hospital to commission art for site 161 Completed . Birtcher 171 Pending Desert Hospital - in plan check 181 Pending To be paid at issuance of building permit 191 Pending In plan check 201 Approved To be constructed after completion of street improvements 21) Approved Butcher - Desert Hospital 22) Pending In plan check process 231 Complete Birtcher - Desert Hospital 241 Pending Desert Hospital 261 Approved 26) A. Complies B. N/A C. Complies D. Pending Desert Hospital E. Pending Desert Hospital F. Future Requirement G. Complies H. Complies I. Completed J. Complies K. Pending Desert Hospital L. Approved M. Complies 271 Complies 2aj Complies 012 J Mr. Jerry Herman January 27, 1992 Page Five Item Number Stow 571 Pending Birtcher 581 Pending Birtcher 591 Pending In process 601 Complete 611 Complies 621 Complete Birtcher 631 Complete Birtcher 641 Complies 651 Pending Birtcher If you have any questions regarding to above items, I can be reached at 800/433 -1005. Sincerely, 94k, S:4 Jeffrey P. Sobezyk Vice President Development JPS/bab 014 I I MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Trousdell Associate Planner FROM: Fred R. Bouma U Associate Engin er DATE: January 19, 1993 JAN 19 1993 ate. GUi! -fit PLAMWNG QERADAENT SUBJECT: Time extension for Plot Plan 91 -473 - Desert Hospital Engineering requests the following modifications to the conditions of approval for the referenced Plot Plan. • Are all the uses of "should" in Condition No. 26 intended or are those items really supposed to be mandatory? • Insert the following into Condition No. 17: o California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approvals and signatures on the plans. • Replace Condition No. 44 with the following: Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, adopted Standard Drawings, and as approved by the City Engineer. Street pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design procedure fora 20- year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading. The 91473 Tmx Extension hp 1 of 3 015 w` • minimum pavement section shall be 3" AC /4" Class -2 base for local streets and 4% 76" for arterial and collector streets. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U.S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid -block street lighting is not required. Enhancements to existing improvements may be required. Improvements may be required beyond the tract boundaries. • Replace the last two sentences of Condition No. 46 (beginning with "Applicant shall pay cash ") with the following: The applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of cash payment for required improvements which are deferred for future construction by others. • Replace Condition No. 47 with the following: A thorough preliminary engineering, geologicaland soils engineering investigation shall be conducted. The report of the investigation ( "the soils report ") shall be submitted with the grading plan. • Replace Condition No. 48 with the following: A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. The plan must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to approval of any final map(s). The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. A statement shall appear on the final mapfsJ that a soils report has been prepared for the tract pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. Prior to issuance of any building permit the applicant shall provide a separate document bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, or surveyor that lists actual building pad elevation(sl. • 1 Add the following conditions at the end of the existing condtions: - The City is contemplating adoption of a quality- assurance program for privately- funded construction. If the program is adopted prior to the issuance of permits for construction of the improvements required of this map, the applicant shall fully comply with the quality- assurance program. 91473 Time Extension PW 2 of 3 016 so M If the quality- assurance program has not been adopted, the applicant shall employ construction quality- assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have his orher agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign as -built drawings and certify compliance of all work with approved plans, specifications and applicable codes. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible as -built drawings of all grading and improvements except water and sewer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words "As- Built" or "As- Constructed" clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the as -built condition. Prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for buildings within the tract, Applicant shall install traffic control devices and street name signs along access roads to those buildings. fb 91 -473 Time Exte"oo Page 3 of 3 017 so M CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN 91 -473, EXTENSION #1 - PROPOSED FEBRUARY 9, 1993 DESERT HOSPITAL * Modified by the Engineering Department on January 19, 1993 * Modified by January 19, 1993 by the Planning Department 1. The development of the property shall be generally be in conformance with the exhibits contained in the file for PP 91 -473, unless amended otherwise by the following conditions. * *2. The approved plot plan shall be used by February 11, 1994; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated by this approval, not including grading which is begun within the one year period and is thereafter diligently pursued until completion. A one year time extension may be requested as permitted by Municipal Code. 3. Approval of this plot plan shall be subject to final approval of Vesting Tract Map 27031 (Amendment #1) and all applicable provisions of previously approved Specific Plan 87- 011 (Amendment #1). 4. There shall be no outdoor storage or sales displays without specific approval of the Planning Commission. 5. All exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed so as not to shine directly on surrounding adjoining properties or public rights -of -way. All parking lot lighting plans utilizing light pole standards shall be a maximum 20 feet and shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Light standard type with recessed light source shall also be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. Exterior. lighting shall comply with Outdoor Light Control Ordinance and off -street parking requirements. 6. Adequate trash enclosures and recycling enclosures shall be provided. Each trash receptacle shall be equipped with opaque metal doors. Plans for trash enclosures to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant shall contact local waste management company to insure that enclosure size is adequate. 7. Decorative enclosures may be required by the City around any retention basins depending on site grading requirements and the color, location, and placement of said fence shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. CONAPRVL.046 ME so M Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 8. Future expansion of the property shall be subject to Planning Commission review. Parking demand shall be reviewed at that time to insure adequate parking is provided. 9. Handicapped parking spaces and facilities shall be provided per Municipal Code and State requirements. 10. As required by the General Plan, Applicant shall provide noise study by qualified engineer to determine impacts on surrounding residential zones and uses. The noise study shall suggest mitigation measures which the City can require concerning the development of Phase I. 11. Screen wall height adjacent to loading areas shall be determined by required noise study. Should noise problems from use of loading areas arise, Planning Commission shall retain the right to limit the hours of loading and unloading. Surrounding property owners and. residents which could be affected by noise shall be notified of Planning Commission consideration of limitations on delivery hours. 12. The project shall comply with all existing off street parking requirements including but not limited to shading of parking lot areas and bicycle parking spaces. 13. Screening (i.e., berms with landscaping, etc.) provided adjacent to street shall be high enough to screen parking lot surfaces and a majority of parked cars from view of the street. Determination of height of walls shall be made after review of landscaping and grading plans by City. 14. Landscaping planters along the north, south and east property lines shall be provided at maximum width possible with all unusable areas adjacent to property lines provided in landscaping. 15. The project shall comply with applicable Arts in Public Places Ordinance. 16. The City shall retain a qualified archaeologist, with the Developer to pay costs, to prepare a mitigation and monitoring plan for artifact location and recovery. Prior to archaeological studies for this site as well as other unrecorded information, shall be analyzed prior to the preparation of the plan. The plan shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley Archaeological Society (CVAS) for a two-week review and comment period. At a minimum, the plan shall: 1) identify the means for digging test pits; 2) allow sharing the information with the CVAS; and 3) provide for further testing if the preliminary result show significant materials are present. coNAPRVL.046 2 019 so M Conditions of approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The final plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for final review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Developer shall have retained a qualified cultural resources management firm and completed the testing and data recovery as noted in the plan. The management firm shall monitor the grading activity as required by the plan or testing results. A list of the qualified archaeological monitor(s), cultural resources management firm employees, and any assistant(s) /representative(s), shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department. The list shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the event of discovery or recognition of any human remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby areas reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. Upon completion of the data recovery, the Developer shall cause three copies of the final report containing the data analysis to be prepared and published and submitted to the Planning and Development Department. *17. Prior to issuance. of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this use, the Applicant shall obtain permits or clearances from the following agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o City of La Quinta Planning & Development Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District o Palm Desert Disposal o Sunline Transit Agency o U. S. Postal Office o California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) CONAPRNI, . 046 3 020 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Department at the time of application for a building permit. for the proposed project. 18. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City adopted infrastructure fee program in affect at the time of issuance of building permits. 19. Final landscaping plans shall include approval stamps and signatures from the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioners office and Coachella Valley Water District. 20. A bus waiting shelter shall be provided as requested by Sunline Transit on the Washington Street and bus turn out lane when street improvements are installed. Pedestrian crosswalks and traffic safety devices shall be installed as required. 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire site which shall be for the purpose of wind and erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blow sand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: a.) use of irrigation during construction and grading activities; b.) areas not constructed on during first phase shall be planted in temporary ground cover or wildflowers and provided with temporary irrigation system; and c.) provision of wind breaks or wind rolls, fencing, and or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The landowner shall comply with requirements of the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent emission of dust and blow sand. 22. Construction shall comply with all local and State Building Code requirements in affect at time of issuance of building permit as determined by the Building Official. 23. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval which must be satisfied prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to a final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report demonstrating compliance with all remaining conditions of approval and mitigation measures. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. 24. A parking lot striping plan including directional arrows, stop signs, no parking areas, and parking spaces shall be approved by Planning and Development and Engineering Departments prior to issuance of a building permit. All roof equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls of building or other architecturally matching materials. CONAPRVL.046 4 021 4b Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 25. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked "compact cars only ". *26. That all conditions of the Design Review Board shall be complied with as follows: A. The landscape program for Washington Street shall include a variation of planting materials, such as Palm trees, accent shade trees, lawn, shrubs, and groundcover. The material listed in the specific plan shall be utilized. Uplighted trees or palms shall be considered along Washington Street. Incandescent light fixtures will be required (less than 160 watts). B. The proposed retention areas on -site shall be landscaped with materials which will support growth even though they are accepting water run -off from paved surfaces. C. A meandering eight foot wide sidewalk shall be installed along Washington Street along the frontage of the site. If the sidewalk is to be located on a portion of private property an on -site easement shall be offered. Lawn should not be used between the street curbs and meandering sidewalk except in those areas where it can be kept five feet from the curb, planting adjacent to curb shall utilize emitter irrigation. D. Public art pieces shall be installed on the property along Washington Street at each of the project entries. The primary art feature should be located at the Washington Street access point. E. Public easements shall be offered to the City for the intersections of Washington Street/47th Avenue and Washington Street/Via El N irador to permit the City the option of placing public art objects on these corners in the future, in case the property does not opt to install art objects in these locations per the City's Art in Public Places Ordinance. F. All future buildings will be subject to further study by the Design Review Board through Plot Plan applications. G. All trash and loading area facilities shall be located so that they cannot be seen from any public thoroughfare. The areas should be screened by using masonry wall enclosures and landscaping. H. All windows on the second and third floor shall be included in a minimum 4 inch stuccoed plant -on "eyebrow" to reduce the sun exposure on the areas which are susceptible to mid - afternoon heating. CONAPRVL.046 5 022 ® ( 1) Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91-473 - February 9, 1993 I. Prior to preparation of final landscaping /irrigation plans, preliminary landscaping plans shall be submitted and approved by the Design Review Board. 7. Landscape design, planting, and screening shall comply with the specific plan approval and applicable City codes. K. A master sign program shall be reviewed /approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of any permits for permanent signs at this location. L. Design measures shall be examined to minimize the exposure of the proposed parking lot(s) as they relate to Washington Street, a public thoroughfare as required in the Specific Plan. M. Decorative paved entryways shall be included into the project design to enhance the development. The specific plan standards should be met. 27. The courtyard areas as shown on the approved site plan shall be developed into shaded lounging areas with permanent seating provided. Said plans to be approved by the City at the time of landscaping plan review. CITY FIRE MARSHAL 28. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3500 gpm for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 29. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2- 1/2 "), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. 30. Prior to issuance of building permit Applicant/Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet -the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to start of construction. coNAPRVL.046 6 023 4 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 31. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check/inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. 32. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, Pamphlet #10, but not less than 2AIOBC in rating. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 33. Install Panic Hardware and Exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 34. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 35. Provide fire apparatus road to within 150 feet of any portion of the exterior wall of the first floor. Such road shall have a minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width and a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. 36. Center divider in entrance way shall be set back a minimum of 20, feet from curb line. 37. Provide valve supervision and 24 hour monitoring of the waterflow alarm at -the automatic fire sprinkler system. 38. Approved building numbers or address shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. 39. This project may require licensing and /or review by State agencies. Applicant should prepare a letter of intent detailing his proposed usage to facilitate case review. Contact should be made with the Office of the State Fire Marshal (818) 960 -6441 for an opinion and classification of occupancy to the type. This information and a copy of the letter of intent should be submitted to the Fire Department so that property requirements may be specified during the review process. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 40. Applicant shall provide a fully improved landscaped setback area of noted minimum width adjacent to the following street right of way: CONAPRVL.046 7 024 � r Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 A. Washington Street 20 feet wide; B. 47th Avenue, 10 feet wide. C. Via El Mirador, 10 feet wide 41. Applicant shall provide a 10 -foot wide public utility easement outside, and adjacent to, the Washington Street and Avenue 47 right of ways. 42. Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights to Washington Street and Avenue 47 from Parcel #1 except for the access locations approved on Plot Plan 91 -473. 43. Access to Washington Street from the site shall be limited to right turns in and out only at all locations on Washington Street. *44. Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, adopted Standard Drawings, I nd as approved by the City Engineer. Street pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design procedure for a 20-year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading. The minimum pavement section shall be 3" AC /4" Class -2 base for local streets and 41/2 " /6" for arterial and collector streets. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U. S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid - block street lighting is not required. Enhancements to existing improvements may be required. Improvements may be required beyond the tract boundaries. 45. Applicant shall construct a full width landscaped raised median in Washington Street from Avenue 47 to the centerline Lot E (VTM 27031). The City will pay for 50% of the design and construction cost. *46. Applicant shall construct, or enter into agreement to construct, the site grading, off -site public improvements and utilities, and on -site common area improvements before the grading permit is issued. The Applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of cash payment for required improvements which are deferred for future construction by others. coNAPRVL.046 e 025 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 *47. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted. The report of the investigation ( "the soils report") shall be submitted with the grading plan. *48. A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. The plan must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to approval of any final map(s). The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. A statement shall appear on the final map(s) that a soils report has been prepared for the tract pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. Prior to issuance of any building permit the Applicant shall provide a separate document bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, or surveyor that lists actual building pad elevation(s). 49. The site shall be designed and graded in a manner so the building pad elevations are not more than four (4.0) feet higher than Washington Street. 50. The development shall be graded in a manner that permits storm flow in excess of the retention basin capacity to flow out off the site through a designated emergency overflow outlet and into the historic drainage relief route. Similarly, the site shall be graded in a manner that anticipates receiving storm flow from adjoining property at locations that has historically received flow. 51. Storm water run -off produced on -site in 24 hours by a 100 -year storm shall be retained on site in landscaped retention basins or discharged to an approved off -site storm water facility. If the retention basin option is selected, the water depth in the basin shall not exceed six feet and the basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The percolation rate shall be considered to be zero inches per hour unless Applicant provides site - specific data that indicates otherwise. Other requirements include, but are not limited to, a grassed ground surface with permanent irrigation improvements, and appurtenant structural drainage amenities all of which shall be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements deemed necessary by the City Engineer. The City will consider and may approve other ground cover /slope stabilization plant life in lieu of grass on a case by case basis. The tributary drainage area for which the Applicant is responsible shall extend to the centerline of Washington Street, Avenue 47 and Lot E (VTM 27031). 52. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect for the landscaped setback area and median island. The landscape and sidewalk improvements shall be coordinated with the electric power facilities to facilitate landscape masking of power vaults and to eliminate clearance conflicts with the sidewalk. CONAPRVL.046 9 0 2 f; 4 r Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The Applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers., geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have his or her agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign as -built drawings and certify compliance of all work with approved plans, specifications and applicable codes. Upon completion of construction, the Applicant shall furnish the City reproducible as- built drawings of all grading and improvements except water and sewer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words "As -Built" or "As- Constructed" clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the as- built condition. Prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for buildings within the tract, Applicant shall install traffic control devices and street name signs along access roads to those buildings. SPECIAL: 61. The Environmental Fees of the State Fish and Game Department and the County of Riverside shall be paid within 24 hours after review of the proposal by the Planning Commission and /or City Council. 62. All required improvements shall be completed prior to site occupancy of the proposed development. 63. Reciprocal access agreements shall be prepared and approved by the City Engineering and Director of Planning and Development which secures common on -site access systems between the property and the abutting properties to the east. 64. Fringe -Toed Lizard fees shall be paid at the time the grading or building permit is issued. 65. All mitigation measures of previously approved Environmental Assessment 91 -207 shall be complied with. 66. Prior to issuance of first building permit for this project, Applicant's shall construct a decorative masonry sound wall at least six feet higher than the grade of Washington Street prior to realignment within the frontage road median. The wall is to run between Singing Palms Drive and residences south of Highland Palms Drive. Wall construction shall be pursuant to recommendations contained in the Noise Study which shall. be provided by the Applicant prior to wall plans being prepared. Design and layout of wall shall be coordinated with City plans for landscaping of the frontage road median. CONAPRVL.046 11 O!O • r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN 91 -473 - FINAL FEBRUARY 11, 1992 DESERT HOSPITAL GENERAL 1. The development of the property shall be generally be in conformance with the exhibits contained in the file for PP 91 -473, unless amended otherwise by the following conditions. 2. The approved plot plan shall be used within one year of the final approval date; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated by this approval, not including grading which is begun within the one year period and is thereafter diligently pursued until completion. A one year time extension may be requested as permitted by Municipal Code. 3. Approval of this plot plan shall be subject to final approval of Vesting Tract Map 27031 (Amendment #1) and all applicable provisions of previously approved Specific Plan 87 -011 (Amendment #1) . 4. There shall be no outdoor storage or sales displays without specific approval of the Planning Commission. 5. All exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed so as not to shine directly on surrounding adjoining properties or public rights -of -way. All parking lot lighting plans utilizing light pole standards shall be a maximum 20 feet and shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Light standard type with recessed light source shall also be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. Exterior lighting shall comply with Outdoor Light Control Ordinance and off - street parking requirements. 6. Adequate trash enclosures and recycling enclosures shall be provided. Each trash receptacle shall be equipped with opaque metal doors. Plans for trash enclosures to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant shall contact local waste management company to insure that enclosure size is adequate. 7. Decorative enclosures may be required by the City around any retention basins depending on site grading requirements and the color, location, and placement of said fence shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. 8. Future expansion of the property shall be subject to Planning Commission review. Parking demand shall be reviewed at that time to insure adequate parking is provided. 9. Handicapped parking spaces and facilities shall be provided per Municipal Code and State requirements. CONAPRVL.046 e • Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 10. As required by the General Plan, Applicant shall provide noise study by qualified engineer to determine impacts on surrounding residential zones and uses. The noise study shall suggest mitigation measures which the City can require concerning the development of Phase I. 11. Screen wall height adjacent to loading areas shall be determined by required noise study. Should noise problems from use of loading areas arise, Planning Commission shall retain the right to limit the hours of loading and unloading. Surrounding property owners and residents which could be affected by noise shall be notified of Planning Commission consideration of limitations on delivery hours. 12. The project shall comply with all existing off street parking requirements including but not limited to shading of parking lot areas and bicycle parking spaces. 13. Screening (i.e., berms with landscaping, etc.) provided adjacent to street shall be high enough to screen parking lot surfaces and a majority of parked cars from view of the street. Determination of height of walls shall be made after review of landscaping and grading plans by City. 14. Landscaping planters along the north, south and east property lines shall be provided at maximum width possible with all unusable areas adjacent to property lines provided in landscaping. 15. The project shall comply with applicable Arts in Public Places Ordinance. 16. The City shall retain a qualified archaeologist, with the Developer to pay costs, to prepare a mitigation and monitoring plan for artifact location and recovery. Prior to archaeological studies for this site as well as other unrecorded information, shall be analyzed prior to the preparation of the plan. The plan shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley. Archaeological Society (CVAS) for a two -week review and comment period. At a minimum, the plan shall: 1) identify the means for digging test pits; -2) allow sharing the information with the CVAS; and 3) provide for further testing if the preliminary result show significant materials are present. The final plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for final review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Developer shall have retained a qualified cultural resources management firm and completed the testing and data recovery as noted in the plan. The management firm shall monitor the grading activity as required by the plan or testing results. CONAPRVL.046 2 0 0 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 A list of the qualified archaeological monitor(s) , cultural resources management firm employees, and any assistants) /representative(s) , shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department. The list shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the event of discovery or recognition of any human remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby areas reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. Upon completion of the data recovery, the Developer shall cause three copies of the final report containing the data analysis to be prepared and published and submitted to the Planning and Development Department. 17. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this use, the Applicant shall obtain permits or clearances from the following agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o City of La Quinta Planning & Development Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District o Palm Desert Disposal o Sunline Transit Agency o U. S. Postal Office Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Department at the time of application for a building permit for the proposed project. 18. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City adopted infrastructure fee program in affect at the time of issuance of building permits. 19. Final landscaping plans shall include approval stamps and signatures from the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioners office and Coachella Valley Water District. 20. A bus waiting shelter shall be provided as requested by Sunline Transit on the Washington Street and bus turn out lane when street improvements are installed. Pedestrian crosswalks and traffic safety devices shall be installed as required. CONAPRVL.046 3 r r Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire site which shall be for the purpose of wind and erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blow sand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: a.) use of irrigation during construction and grading activities; b . ) areas not constructed on during first phase shall . be planted in temporary ground cover or wildflowers and provided with temporary irrigation system; and c. ) provision of wind breaks or wind rolls, fencing, and. or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The landowner shall comply with requirements of the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent emission of dust and blow sand. 22. Construction shall comply with all local and State Building Code requirements in affect at time of issuance of building permit as determined by the Building Official. 23. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval which must be satisfied prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to a final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report demonstrating compliance with all remaining conditions of approval and mitigation measures. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. 24.. A parking lot striping plan including directional arrows, stop signs, no parking areas, and parking spaces shall be approved by Planning and Development and Engineering Departments prior to issuance of a building permit. All roof equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls of building or other architecturally matching materials. 25. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked "compact cars only". 26. That all conditions of the Design Review Board shall be complied with as follows: A. The landscape program for Washington Street should include a variation of planting materials, such as Palm trees, accent shade trees, lawn, shrubs, and groundcover. The material listed in the specific plan should be utilized. Uplighted trees or palms should be considered along Washington Street. Incandescent light fixtures will be required (less than 160 watts) . CONAPRVL.046 4 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 B. The proposed retention areas on -site should be landscaped with materials which will support growth even though they are accepting water run -off from paved surfaces . C. A meandering eight foot wide sidewalk should be installed along Washington Street along the frontage of the site. If the sidewalk is to be located on a portion of private property an on -site easement shall be offered. Lawn should not be used between the street curbs and meandering sidewalk except in those areas where it can be kept five feet from the curb, planting adjacent to curb should utilize emitter irrigation. D . Public art pieces should be installed on the property along Washington Street at each of the project entries. The primary art feature should be located at the Washington Street access point. E. Public easements should be offered to the City for the intersections of Washington Street /47th Avenue and Washington Street /Via El Mirador to permit the City the option of placing public art objects on these corners in the future, in case the property does not opt to install art objects in these locations per the City's Art in Public Places Ordinance. F. All future buildings will be subject to further study by the Design Review Board through Plot Plan applications. G. All trash and loading area facilities should be located so that they cannot be seen from any public thoroughfare. The areas should be screened by using masonry wall enclosures and landscaping. H. All windows on the second and third floor should be included in a minimum 4 inch stuccoed plant -on "eyebrow" to reduce the sun exposure on the areas which are susceptible to mid- afternoon heating. I. Prior to preparation of final landscaping/ irrigation plans, preliminary landscaping plans should be submitted and approved by the Design Review Board. J. Landscape design, planting, and screening shall comply with the specific plan approval and applicable City codes. K. A master sign program should be reviewed /approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of any permits for permanent signs at this location. L. Design measures should be examined to minimize the exposure of the proposed parking lot(s) as they relate to Washington Street, a public thoroughfare as required in the Specific Plan. CONAPRVL.046 0 0 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 M. Decorative paved entryways should be included into the project design to enhance the development. The specific plan standards should be met. 27. The courtyard areas as shown on the approved site plan shall be developed into shaded lounging areas with permanent seating provided. Said plans to be approved by the City at the time of landscaping plan review. CITY FIRE MARSHAL 28. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3500 gpm for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 29. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6" X 4" X 2-1/211 X 2-1/2"), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways . The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant (s) in the system. 30. Prior to issuance of building permit Applicant/ Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department. " The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to start of construction. 31. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s) . System plans must be submitted with a plan check/ inspection fee to the Fire Department for review . A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must ,be included on the title page of the building plans. 32. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, Pamphlet #10, but not less than 2AlOBC in rating. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 33. Install Panic Hardware and Exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 34. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. CONAPRVL.046 6 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 35. Provide fire apparatus road to within 150 feet of any portion of the exterior wall of the first floor. Such road shall have a minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width and a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. 36. Center divider in entrance way shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from curb line. 37. Provide valve supervision and 24 hour monitoring of the waterflow alarm at the automatic fire sprinkler system. 38. Approved building numbers or address shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. 39. This project may require licensing and /or review by State agencies.. Applicant should prepare a letter of intent detailing his proposed usage to facilitate case review. Contact should be made with the Office of the State Fire.Marshal (818) 960 -6441 for an opinion and classification of occupancy to the type. This information and a copy of the letter of intent should be submitted to the Fire Department so that property requirements may be specified during the review process. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 40. Applicant shall provide a fully improved landscaped setback area of noted minimum width adjacent to the following street right of way: A. Washington Street 20 feet wide; B. 47th Avenue, 10 feet wide. C. Via El Mirador, 10 feet wide 41. Applicant shall provide a 10 -foot wide public. utility easement outside, and adjacent to, the Washington Street and Avenue 47 right of ways. 42. Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights to Washington Street and Avenue 47 from Parcel #1 except for the access locations approved on Plot Plan 91 -473. 43. Access to Washington Street from the site shall be limited to right turns in and out only at all locations on Washington Street. 44. Applicant shall have street improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements shall be designed and constructed for all streets within the proposed subdivision and for off -site streets as required by these conditions of approval. All street improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC and adopted Standard Drawings,and City Engineer and shall include all appurtenant components required by same, except mid -block street lighting, such as but not limited CONAPRVL.046 s s Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 to traffic signs and channelization markings, street name signs, sidewalks, and raised medians with landscape improvements where required by city General Plan. Street design shall take into account the soil strength, anticipated traffic loading, and design life. Miscellaneous incidental improvements and enhancements to existing improvements where joined by the newly required improvements shall be designed and constructed as required by the City Engineer to assure the new and existing improvements are appropriately integrated to provide a finished product that conforms with city standards and practices. This includes tapered off -site street transitions that extend beyond tract boundaries and join the widened and existing street sections. The following specific street widths shall be constructed to conform with the General Plan street type noted therewith: A. OFF -SITE STREETS 1. Washington Street (limits are north and south site boundaries) Install half width Major Arterial street improvements, refer to General Plan Figure VII -2; 2. Lot E (VTM 27031) (from west site boundary to 570 feet easterly) Install half width street improvement as shown in Specific Plan 87 -011, Amendment #1. 45. Applicant shall construct a full width landscaped raised median in Washington Street from Avenue 47 to the centerline Lot E ( VTM 27031) . The City will pay for 50% of the design and construction cost. 46. Applicant shall construct, or enter into agreement to construct, the site grading, off -site public improvements and utilities, and on -site common area improvements before the grading permit is issued. Applicant shall pay cash, in lieu of and equivalent to the respective fair -share construction cost, for those improvements that the Applicant has partial cost responsibility and construction must be deferred until the full complement of funding is available. Payment of cash may be deferred to a future date mutually agreed by Applicant and City, provided security for said future payment is posted by Applicant. 47. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological, and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted with a report submitted for review along with grading plan. The report recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and /or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. 48. The grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. CONAPRVL.046 8 • Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 49. The site shall be designed and graded in a manner so the building pad elevations are not more than four (4.0) feet higher than Washington Street. 50. The development shall be graded in a manner that permits storm flow in excess of the retention basin capacity to flow out off the site through a designated emergency overflow outlet and into the historic drainage relief route. Similarly, the site shall be graded in a manner that anticipates receiving storm flow from adjoining property at locations that has historically received flow. 51. Storm water run -off produced on -site in 24 hours by a 100 -year storm shall be retained on site in landscaped retention basins or discharged to an approved off -site storm water facility. If the retention basin option is selected, the water depth in the basin shall not exceed six feet and the basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The percolation rate shall be. considered to be zero inches per hour unless Applicant provides site - specific data that indicates otherwise. Other requirements include, but are not limited to, a grassed ground surface with permanent irrigation improvements, and appurtenant structural drainage amenities all of which shall be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements deemed necessary by the City Engineer. The City will consider and may approve other ground cover /slope stabilization plant life in lieu of grass on a case by case basis. The tributary drainage area for which the Applicant is responsible shall extend to the centerline of Washington Street, Avenue 47 and Lot E ( VTM 27031). 52. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect for the landscaped setback area and median island. The landscape and sidewalk improvements shall be coordinated with the electric power facilities to facilitate landscape masking of power vaults and to eliminate clearance conflicts with the sidewalk. The plans and proposed landscaping improvements shall be in, conformance with requirements of the Planning Director, City Engineer, and Coachella Valley Water District. The plans shall be signed by these officials or agencies prior to construction. 53. Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to the Coachella Valley Water District for review and approval with respect to the District's Water Management Program. 54. Applicant shall landscape and maintain the landscaped setback area and right of way area located between the curbs on Washington Street and Avenue 47 and the property line. 55. Applicant shall construct an eight -foot wide meandering bike path in the easterly parkway and landscaped setback area along Washington Street. A six -foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed adjacent to the curb in Lot E (VTM 27031). CONAPRVL.046 9 s 0 conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 11, 1992 56. Applicant shall provide a blanket easement for sidewalk purposes in the landscape setback areas along Washington Street and Avenue 47. 57. All existing and proposed telecommunication, television cable, and electric power lines with 12,500 volts or less, that are adjacent to the proposed site or on -site, shall be installed in underground facilities. 58. Underground utilities that he directly under street improvements or portions thereof shall be installed, with trenches compacted to city standards, prior to installation of that portion of the street improvement. A soils engineer retained by Applicant shall provide certified reports of soil compaction tests for review by the City . Engineer. 59. Applicant shall pay all fees charged by the city as required for processing, plan checking and construction inspection. The fee amount (s) shall be those which are in effect at the time the work is undertaken and accomplished by the City. SPECIAL: 60. The Environmental Fees of the State Fish and Game Department and the County of Riverside shall be paid within 24 hours after review of the proposal by the Planning Commission and /or City Council. 61. All required improvements shall be completed prior to site occupancy of the proposed development. 62. Reciprocal access agreements shall be prepared and approved by the City Engineering and Director of Planning and Development which secures common on -site access systems between the property and the abutting properties to the east. 63. Fringe -Toed Lizard fees shall be paid at the time the grading or building permit is issued. 64. All mitigation measures of previously approved Environmental Assessment 91 -207 shall be complied with. 65. ' Prior to issuance of first building permit for this project, Applicant's shall construct a decorative masonry sound wall at least six feet higher than the grade of Washington Street prior to realignment within the frontage road median. The wall is to run between Singing Palms Drive and residences south of Highland Palms Drive. Wall construction shall be pursuant to recommendations contained in the Noise Study which shall be provided by the Applicant prior to wall plans being prepared. Design and layout of wall shall be coordinated with City plans for landscaping of the frontage road median. CONAPRVL.046 10 MEETING DATE: MARCH 16, ITEM TITLE: Cc z- l8— 5z rae CX�-, .2 — 1— 5 3 A�QaA a � may. �q3 AGENDA CATEGORY' APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION OF FEBRUARY 9, 1993, APPROVING A ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE DESERT HOSPITAL PROJECT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 47TH AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET (PP 91 -473). APPLICANT: JFK MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BACKGROUND: PUBLIC HEARING BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: On February 9, 1993, the Planning Commission approved a one year extension of time for the Desert Hospital project at Washington Street and 47th Avenue on February 24, 1993, an appeal was filed by JFK Memorial Hospital to reconsider the approval action by the Planning Commission. A copy of the appeal is enclosed in the attached report. The appeal request is required to be reviewed by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 93- approve a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 91 -473 subject to the attached conditions which were adopted by the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Signa ure TOM GENOVESE, CITY MANAGER cc #17 COUNCIL ACTION SUMMARY 1. By Minute Motion 93- approve a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 91-473 subject to the attached conditions. S UPPOR TING DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED 02 - JIL T i ( A E( 1982 1992 ._•_. TO: i cu %,aiaL Lj"auu FROM: DATE: ���� a/ cra Q m ton la MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1993 SUBJECT: APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION OF FEBRUARY 9, 1993, APPROVING A ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE DESERT HOSPITAL PROJECT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 47TH AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET (PP 91 -473) APPELLANT: JFK MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (MR. BARRY WOLFMAN) BACKGROUND: On February 24, 1993, Staff received a paid request by JFK Memorial Hospital of Indio. The request was to appeal the actions of the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993 regarding its approval of a one year extension of time for the Desert Hospital project at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 47th Avenue. A copy of their request is enclosed. The appeal was filed within the 15 day period prescribed by the Municipal Zoning code. Once filed, the City Council must review the case and render its decision within 30 days following the close of the hearing. CASE BACKGROUND: This plot plan request was approved by the Planning Commission on February 11, 1992, for a one year period and accepted by the City Council on February 18, 1992. The plan provides for a three story medical complex (see attached reduced plans) on a portion of approximately 19 acre site. The 83,000 square foot facility is designed for out - patient surgery and medical offices, and is located approximately 200 -feet from Washington Street and approximately 400 -feet from 47th Avenue. Desert Hospital has prepared final construction working drawings and landscaping plans for their project. They plan to begin construction within the next few months. Desert Hospital has asked for an additional one year time extension for this approval in order to allow construction to begin. 03 Desert Hospital and the master developer (Birtcher) have been working diligently on their project for the last six months. To date, they have finalized and completed their archaeological work, Biological Assessment, Noise Study, Photometric Light Study, paid their Fringe -Toed Lizard fees, and completed rough grading the site in anticipation of their future building permit. The six foot high sound wall along Washington Street has been built, and the advertising billboards on Highway 111 have been removed. HISTORICAL CASE BACKGROUND (SPECIFIC PLAN 87 -011): The original Specific Plan was approved by the City Council on March 21, 1989, and consists of 348,000 square feet of retail, 19,000 square feet of restaurant area, 90,000 square feet of office, and two hotels having 350 rooms, and 900 seat cineplex. At the same time a Change of Zone for a majority of the site was approved from R -1 and R -1 12,000 to C -P -S (Commercial). In 1991, the City Council approved an amendment to the original Specific Plan which conceptually allowed general retail, health club, office, hotel, restaurants, service station with car wash, service station without car wash and medical and health care facilities including hospitals. No site plan was submitted as part of the Specific Plan amendment. In order to determine how much building area will be provided the Applicant will determine the amount of traffic which will be generated and compare that with the traffic capacity of the on -site and adjacent roads. The overall goal of the Specific Plan is to maintain a minimum traffic level of service "C", for through traffic and at most intersections, improve the traffic level of service at the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street to "D" and provide a minimum level of service "D" at the intersection of Highway 111 and Adams Street. In traffic terminology, level of service "C" means there is light congestion with occasional backup on critical approaches. Level of service "D" means that there is congestion on critical approaches but with the intersection remaining functional. Vehicles would be required to wait through more than one cycle during short peak periods. However, no long standing lines are formed. Desert Hospital updated the original traffic figures which were prepared for the Washington Square project in 1992 during the review of the Desert Hospital proposal, and the addition of a medical center reduced the Washington Square traffic figures by approximately 20 %. Therefore, the Specific Plan as approved is based upon traffic generation. As uses are constructed, the traffic generated by that use will be deducted from the ultimate permitted traffic generation figure to maintain the required level of service. The City Council approved vesting Tentative Tract Map 27031 during the review of the Specific Plan which permitted the creation of 8 lots on 65.4 acres. The map was amended during the review of the Desert Hospital submittal in 1992. 04 STAFFRPT.109 /CS -2- ORIGINAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In 1989, the City Council approved Environmental Assessment 88 -081 which adopted a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the Washington Square Specific Plan and concurrent Change of Zone 87 -028. Mitigation measures were made a condition of approval of the project. In 1991, Birtcher submitted an updated Environmental Information regarding traffic impacts, archaeological impacts, and geotechnical investigation. The original Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact along with the 1991 update provided adequate information for adoption of another Negative Declaration based on the revised project. The Negative Declaration was posted at the County of Riverside on September 6, 1991. No protest on the environmental documentation was filed concerning the City's action on this case. Staff filed a Categorical Exemption and Notice of Determination for the Desert Hospital project in 1992 because the applicant was subdividing 19 acres into 4 lots, requesting a minor revision to the parcel pattern lay -out for the vested tract map and not modifying the original intent of the adopted Specific Plan. The notices were filed with the County of Riverside on February 21, 1992 and March 6, 1992. No protest on the environmental documentation was filed concerning the City's action on this case. APPELLANT'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: A time extension request is not required to undergo further environmental analysis pursuant to the rules and regulations of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Therefore, JFK's request for additional environmental study is not germane to Desert Hospital's request for an additional one 'year extension of time to build their facility per the actions of the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993. PLOT PLAN CONDITION (CONDITION 2): "The approved plot plan shall be used within one year of the final approval date; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated by this approval, not including grading which is begun within the one year period and is thereafter diligently pursued until completion. A one year time extension may be requested as permitted by Municipal Code." 05 STAFFRPT.109 /CS -3- TIME EXTENSION REQUEST: It is normal procedure for a project of this size to request an additional one year period to begin construction of the facility because of the complexities in timing, financing, and other government agency reviews necessary to fulfill all the Conditions of Approval which were imposed in 1992. A detailed listing of Desert Hospital's accomplishments has been included in this report, and as the City Council is aware, it is not unusual for residential projects to request three to five years in which to develop a single subdivision or commercial projects to request additional time. The present Zoning Code does not establish specific criteria which is necessary to show whether or not a case warrants being denied the right to continue their "vested" status. However, based on past City approvals, the city has allowed cases to be extended even without submission of plans for plan check or other measures which would define whether a case was deserving of another one year extension. In this case, both Desert Hospital and Birtcher Development have completed many of the City Conditions which would warrant the right to acquire a building permit to begin their Phase One development program in the next few months. STAFF COMMENTS: In the appeal letter from JFK Hospital, the appellant discusses numerous topics of the Washington Square project (both plans) and the environmental impacts of the ultimate development of the site. The letter further states that with the request of Desert Hospital, the City should have completed additional Environmental Review prior to approving the Phase One development plan. Staff would like to point out that Desert Hospital did update the traffic figures of the project to show staff and the City Council that their purchase of the 19 acres site of the Washington Square Specific Plan would not change the Environmental Review which was completed in 1991. The City Council concurred with Desert Hospital's reassessment. The other topic JFK addresses is Desert Hospital's noise study for their project. The completed study addressed the impacts of road traffic on the immediate residential areas, the mitigated impact the six foot high sound wall would have on the Washington Street residents, and mitigation measures for the long -term development of both the Desert Hospital site and the remaining acreage even though only Phase One is being reviewed at this time. The study provided the City with design standards for the long term development of the Desert Hospital site and the Washington Square development. Ultimately, these recommendations will be future Conditions of Approval for each project as they are submitted for review by the City. All developments are required to meet the provisions of the City's General Plan Noise Standards, and this project is no different than any other in the City. The Noise Study meets city guidelines. 06 STAFFRPT.109 /CS -4- In conclusion, staff would note that the other three phases of development on the Desert Hospital site will require review by the Planning Commission and City Council and, if a heli -pad is proposed for the future, it will require a Conditional Use Permit. Therefore, the City Council will be the final review body for any additional development of the 19 acre site. The City Council will also review any developments in the remaining 46 acres of the Washington Square project site as required by the standards of the adopted Specific Plan. CONDITION MODIFICATIONS: On February 9, 1993, the Planning Commission during the time extension review, revised the original Conditions of Approval for the case based on new information from the city's Engineering Department. The Applicant, Desert Hospital, was not opposed to the new changes, and no one spoke in opposition to the time extension request. The approval vote was unanimous. CONCLUSION: Staff feels that a one year extension of time is warranted based on Desert Hospital's work to date and their desire to begin construction of the facility within the next few months. RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion approve a one year Plan 91 -473 subject to the attached adopted by the Planning Commission Attachments: 1. JFK Appeal letter 2. Reduced plan exhibits 3. Desert Hospital's status report 4. Memo from Engineering 5. Desert Hospital Letter 6. Conditions of Approval extension conditions on February STAFFRPT.109 /CS -5- of time for Plot which were 9, 1993. LL-, 0( 6- 4f -iJJ , 't•LUI:p DL3I, DL.JI,& AKILUClC -' IIJUUi't,+r u Planning & Development Department V I APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellant's Name John F. Kenncd,t Henorial HosEital Date 2/25/93 Mailing Address 47111 Monroe Street Indio, CA 92201 Phone: (619) 775 -3019 RE: case No. Plot Plan 91 -743, Extension of Time Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Variance Change of Zone Public Use Permit Surface Mining & Reclamation Permit Outdoor Advertising Consistency with General Plan Environmwtga Boss l-t-93 45,00 Setback A'juie &nit Temporary Use permit - X plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. See Attachment Use additional sheets if necessary. Signature 08 FORM.003 /Cs -i- 2-24-U3 ; :2 VM ;BLST, BEST,& KRIEGER 7758014 ; 3/ 7 Attachment for Appeal of Findings or Conditions Desert Hospital's application for an extension of time on Plot plan 91 -473 arises from the Hospital 'a failure to substantially begin construction of the Washington Square Project within the allotted one year period. In light of such failure, it is therefore within the discretion of the City Counsel to conditionally approve or deny the time extension request. We respectfully request that any time extension be specifically conditioned upon full environmental review of the project consisting of an environmental impact report or at a minimum, a focused study with respect to traffic and noise impacts and mitigation. Plot Plan 91 -473 is part of the approximately 65 -acre Washington square Project which was originally approved for hotel, retail and office space uses. while it is almost inconceivable that a project of much scope could receive a negative declaration with respect to environmental impacts, certainly the project as it has now substantially changed, requires further environmental review. More specifically, in contrast to the original Plan, the later phases of this project contemplate uses which were not earlier reviewed or anticipated including a full service medical office building and hospital facility. in short, these changes represent significant subsequent changes in the project's scope and impacts. Moreover, during the period of time from the approval to present, other projects have been approved and constructed, the cumulative impacts of which have not been reviewed and considered by either the applicant or the City Counsel. By way of example, but not limitation, the tremendously adverse traffic impacts at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street have gone wholly without analysis in light of the changed use and cumulative affect of surrounding projects, and the noise impact of the surrounding environment still have yet to be reviewed by a qualified acoustical engineer. Desert Hospital has attempted to slide their project into the parameters of the prior studies by attempting to equate traffic of hotel, retail and office space use to that of a full service medical office complex and hospital facility and by piecing together a noise study which concludes in part that "a significant impact will occur at Pads Pl through P5 at Lots 3b, 3c and 4" and "it is estimated that noise levels generated by activities within the site may be a potential source of annoyance to nearby residents ". The study specifically further recommends that the final engineering design for the buildings at P1 through P5 and at Lots 3b, 3c and 4 of the project be reviewed by a recognized acoustical engineer to ensure compliance with the City's noise standards. While such significant impacts may have been acceptable to a city counsel which expected the project to generate substantial transient occupancy tax and sales tax from hotel and retail uses, no such funds will be available as a trade off on this project. John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital as a health care provider within the City, respectfully requests that the extension of time be denied, or in the alternative, conditionally approved subject to the preparation of an environmental impact report, or, at a minimum, with reasonable focused studies with respect to noise and traffic impacts in mitigations. i %�..:. FEB 2 4 1993 3 a s'. NEE32795 7 09 �. r _ pq1 . .. 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Y[ S W 6�6OOP�( SS HgODCAL DD�DL�[70DJC�3 C� ®f�P ©F°3�48[ 1 Q KI[�� GA[�DD DCI�I� f�l�lclb`�G`96G�1�. 1'7 EXHIBIT _____CASE N0.? ISO) affl ' r ORAL AMA A, AL AMA JAN 15 1992 F. Y[ S W 6�6OOP�( SS HgODCAL DD�DL�[70DJC�3 C� ®f�P ©F°3�48[ 1 Q KI[�� GA[�DD DCI�I� f�l�lclb`�G`96G�1�. 1'7 EXHIBIT _____CASE N0.? M E D I P L E X •181CAL SUIICIII CORr011A1111 January 27, 1993 Mr. Jerry Herman Director, Planning & Development Department City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 78 -105 Celle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: El Mirador Medical Plaza Dear Jerry: 14755 M STON AOAI) SUITE 800. I.0):K I10X 15 DALLAS, 1FXAS 75240 JAN 2 8 i993 :. R The following is an update of the status of the city required conditions of approval for our project. Plot Plan 91-473 Item Number Status 11 Complies 21 Pending Extension application submitted to city 1115/93 31 Approved 41 N/A 51 Approved 61 Pending In plan check 71 N /ANo retention basins on site 81 Future Requirement 91 Complies 101 Complete 111 -Pending' Cci,. Noise Study Being Amended Mr. Jerry Herman January 27, 1992 Page Three Item Number Status 121 Complies 131 Approved 141 Complies Rey eNad b 151 Complies Desert Hospital to commission art for site 181 Completed Birtcher 171 Pending Desert Hospital - in plan check 181 Pending To be paid at issuance of building permit 191 Pending In plan check 201 Approved To be constructed after completion of street improvements 211 Approved Birtcher - Desert Hospital 221 Pending In plan check process 231 Complete Birtcher - Desert Hospital 241 Pending Desert Hospital 251 Approved 261 A. Complies B. N/A C. Complies D. Pending Desert Hospital E. Pending Desert Hospital F. Future Requirement G. Complies H. Complies I. Completed J. Complies K- Pending Desert Hospital L. Approved M. Complies 271 Complies 281 Complies M Mr. Jerry Herman ►� January 27, 1992 page Four Item Number 291 Complies 301 I. Complete li. Complies 311 Approved 321 Complies 331 Complies 341 Complies 351 Complies 361 Complies 371 Complies 381 Complies 391 Complies 401 Complies 411 Pending 421 Complete 431 Complies 441 Complies 451 Pending 4.61 Complete 471 Complete 481 Approved 491 Complies 501 Complies 511 Complies 521 pending 531 Complete 541 Complies 551 Complies 581 Complies status Fire Marshal has imdicated "Start of Construction" to mean bringing combustibles on site In drawings In drawings In drawings In drawings In drawings To be done with parcel rasp Birtcher Birtcher - Desert Hospital Birtcher Birtcher Birtcher Birtcher Birtcher Birtcher • Desert Hospital Birtcher Birtcher Ron Gregory & Associates - in plan check Ron Gregory & Associates • ESC4 E3irtcher - Desert Hospital Birtcher - Desert Hospital Birtcher 20 J ►� Mr. Jerry Herman January 27, 1992 Page Five Item Number Status 571 Pending Birtcher 581 Pending Birtcher 591 Pending In process 601 Complete 611 Complies 621 Complete Birtcher 631 Complete Birtcher 641 Complies 651 Pending Birtcher If you have any questions regarding to above items, I can be reached at 800/433 -1005. Sincerely, 9W-1 S:�4 Jeffrey P. Sobczyk Vice President Development JPS /bab 21 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: N MEMORANDUM Greg Trousdell Associate Planner ^� Fred R. Bouma U Associate Engin er January 19, 1993 JAN 19 1993 U CiTY r� !A rlJNTA PLANNING OEPIA PAENT , •.�.�..nroa< -,mac - r....I..cae+�� Time extension for Plot Plan 91 -473 - Desert Hospital Engineering requests the following modifications to the conditions of approval for the referenced Plot Plan. • Are all the uses of "should" in Condition No. 26 intended or are those items really supposed to be mandatory? • Insert the following into Condition No. 17: O California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approvals and signatures on the plans. • Replace Condition No. 44 with the following: Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, adopted Standard Drawings, and as approved by the City Engineer. Street pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design procedure for a 20- year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading. The 91473 Time Extension Page 1 of 3 22 minimum pavement section shall be 3" AC /4" Class -2 base for local streets and 4 % 76" for arterial and collector streets. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U.S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid -block street lighting is not required. Enhancements to existing improvements may be required. Improvements may be required beyond the tract boundaries. • Replace the last two sentences of Condition No. 46 (beginning with "Applicant shall pay cash ") with the following: The applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of cash payment for required improvements which are deferred for future construction by others. • Replace Condition No. 47 with the following: A thorough preliminary engineering, geologicalandsoils engineering investigation shall be conducted. The report of the investigation ( "the soils report ") shall be submitted with the grading plan. • Replace Condition No. 48 with the following: A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. The plan must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to approval of any final map(s). The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. A statement shall appear on the final maps) that a soils report has been prepared for the tract pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. Prior to issuance of any building permit the applicant shall provide a separate document bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, or surveyor that lists actual building pad elevation(s). • Add the following conditions at the end of the existing condtions: - The City is contemplating adoption of a quality- assurance program for privately- funded construction. If the program is adopted prior to the issuance of permits for construction of the improvements required of this map, the applicant shall fully comply with the quality- assurance program. 91473 Time Extension Page 2 of 3 23 If the quality- assurance program has not been adopted, the applicant shall employ construction quality- assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have his or her agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign as -built drawings and certify compliance of all work with approved plans, specifications and applicable codes. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible as -built drawings of all grading and improvements except water and sewer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words 'As- Built" or 'As- Constructed" clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the as -built condition. Prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for buildings within the tract, Applicant shall install traffic control devices and street name signs along access roads to those buildings. fb 91-473 rime Extension Page 3 of 3 RT SENT BY 3 -11 -93 ;10' 46.:'H ; The Desert Hr,sn + to l� t.. DESERT HOSPITAL March 10, 1993 Mayor John Pena Mayor Pro Tern Stanley Sniff Councilwoman Glenda Bangerter Councilman Michael McCartney Councilman Ron Perkins City Council City of La Quinta 78105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Application for Appeal of Extension of Plot Plan 91 -473 Dear Council Members: 5645617;* 2! 3 1993 7a ' I am sending this letter in response to the application for appeal of findings or conditions submitted by John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital on February 25, 1993. As you are aware, this application for appeal was submitted due to the request of Desert Hospital Corporation to extend the time for the approval of Plot Plan 91 -473. As you may be aware, and as your Planning Department can confirm, the only request that you have received from Desert Hospital regarding this Plot Plan at this time is a request to extend the approval date of the Plot Plan. That action was approved by the Planning Commission and is now being submitted to the City Council. With regard to the appeal submitted by John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital, it is first of all defective on its face, as the Plot Plan cited on the application is incorrect. With regard to the attachment to the application for appeal, I would point out that the application is submitted by Jahn F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital, a direct competitor of Desert Hospital. John F. Kennedy Hospital leases space within the City of La Quinta for physicians on their staff, and their only motivation for submitting an appeal appears to be for an anti- competitive purpose. In fact, John F. Kennedy Hospital is developing a medical building in Bermuda Dunes. With regard to the issues raised in the attachment, they allege various irrelevant, insignificant and moot issues. They attempt to paint the Plot Plan extension as a change to the original 25 Eleven Fifty North Indian Canyon Drivc, P.O. Box 2739, Palm Springs, Californ:.: 92263 (619) 323 -6511 ,SENT BY: 3 -11 -93 :10:46k'i : The Desert Hocnital 5645617;# 3/ 3 La Quinta City Council Members March 10, 1993 Page 2 project. As can be confirmed by the Planning Department of La Quinta, the request for extension of the Plot Plan approval results in no change to the original approval of the Plot Plan and requires no environmental impact review of any type. The City Council has already reviewed, evaluated and approved a negative declaration with regard to the environmental impacts on the Washington Square project, and any action at this time to place a burden on a simple request for time extension would be unreasonable and unwarranted. Finally, the discretion of the City Council in this particular matter is limited to the review and approval of the request for extension. It is not a discretionary approval of the impacts or mitigation of a previously - approved plot plan. Desert Hospital Corporation, a non -profit public benefit corporation, operated by representatives of the community, requests that this Plot Plan extension be granted and that the City Council not be swayed by unsupported allegations from a for -profit health care competitor. The citizens of La Quinta deserve and expect a quality health care delivery system to be developed that will provide them with reasonable access to those health care services. That is the intent of Desert Hospital Corporation in initiating and implementing the La Quinta development. Lastly, I would like to remind you that the community support for this project has been overwhelming. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Peter Berg a n Chief Financial Officer Desert Hospital Corporation PB:vml 26 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN 91 -473, EXTENSION #1 -. APPROVED FEBRUARY 9, 1993 DESERT HOSPITAL * Modified by the Engineering Department on January 19, 1993 ** Modified by January 19, 1993 by the Planning Department GENERAL 1. The development of the property shall be generally be in conformance with the exhibits contained in the file for PP 91 -473, unless amended otherwise by the following conditions. * *2. The approved plot plan shall be used by February 11, 1994; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated by this approval, not including grading which is begun within the one year period and is thereafter diligently pursued until completion. A one year time extension may be requested as permitted by Municipal Code. 3. Approval of this plot plan shall be subject to final approval of Vesting Tract Map 27031 (Amendment #1) and all applicable provisions of previously approved Specific Plan 87- 011 (Amendment #1). 4. There shall be no outdoor storage or sales displays without specific approval of .the Planning Commission. 5. All exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed so as not to shine directly on surrounding adjoining properties or public rights -of -way. All parking lot lighting plans utilizing light pole standards shall be a maximum 20 feet and shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Light standard type with recessed light source shall also be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. Exterior lighting shall comply with Outdoor Light Control Ordinance and off - street. parking requirements. 6. Adequate trash enclosures and recycling enclosures shall be provided. Each trash receptacle shall be equipped with opaque metal doors. Plans for trash enclosures to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant shall contact local waste management company to insure that enclosure size is adequate. 7. Decorative enclosures may be required by the City around any retention basins depending on site grading requirements and the color, location, and placement of said fence shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. CONAPRVL.046 1 27 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473. February 9, 1993 8. Future expansion of the property shall be subject to Planning Commission review. Parking demand shall be reviewed at that time to insure adequate parking is provided. 9. Handicapped parking spaces and facilities shall be provided per Municipal Code and State requirements. 10. As required by the General Plan, Applicant shall provide noise study by qualified engineer to determine impacts on surrounding residential zones and uses. The noise study shall suggest mitigation measures which the City can require concerning the development of Phase I. 11. Screen wall height adjacent to loading areas shall be determined by required noise study. Should noise problems from use of loading areas arise, Planning Commission shall retain the right to limit the hours of loading and unloading. Surrounding property owners and residents which could be affected by noise shall be notified of Planning Commission consideration of limitations on delivery hours. 12. The project shall comply with all existing off street parking requirements including but not limited to shading of parking lot areas and bicycle parking spaces. 13. Screening (i.e., berms with landscaping,. etc.) provided adjacent to street shall be high enough to screen parking lot surfaces and a majority of parked cars from view of the street. Determination of height of walls shall be made after review of landscaping and grading plans by City. 14. Landscaping planters along the north, south and east property lines shall be provided at maximum width possible with all unusable areas adjacent to property lines provided in landscaping. 15. The project shall comply with applicable Arts in Public Places Ordinance. 16. The City shall retain a qualified archaeologist, with the Developer to pay costs, to prepare a mitigation and monitoring plan for artifact location and recovery. Prior to archaeological studies for this site as well as other unrecorded information, shall be analyzed prior to the preparation of the plan. The plan shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley Archaeological Society (CVAS) for a two -week review and comment period. At a minimum, the plan shall: 1) identify the means for digging test pits; 2) allow sharing the information with the CVAS; and 3) provide for further testing if the preliminary result show significant materials are present. CONAPRVL.046 2 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The final plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for final review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Developer shall have retained a qualified cultural resources management firm and completed the testing and data recovery as noted in the plan. The management firm shall monitor the grading activity as required by the plan or testing results. A list of the qualified archaeological monitor(s), cultural resources management firm employees, and any assistant(s) /representative(s), shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department. The list shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the event of discovery or recognition of any human remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby areas reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. Upon completion of the data recovery, the Developer shall cause three copies of the final report containing the data analysis to be prepared and published and submitted to the Planning and Development Department. *17. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this use, the Applicant shall obtain permits or clearances from the following agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o City of La Quinta Planning & Development Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District o Palm Desert Disposal o Sunline Transit Agency o U. S. Postal Office o California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) CONAPRVL.046 3 29 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Department at the time of application for a building permit_for the proposed project. 18. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City adopted infrastructure fee program in affect at the time of issuance of building permits. 19. Final landscaping plans shall include approval stamps and signatures from the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioners office and Coachella Valley Water District. 20. A bus waiting shelter shall be provided as requested by Sunline Transit on the Washington Street and bus turn out lane when street improvements are installed. Pedestrian crosswalks and traffic safety devices shall be installed as required. 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire site which shall be for the purpose of wind and erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blow sand and dust control measures during grading and site development. These shall include but not be limited to: a.) use of irrigation during construction and grading activities; b.) areas not constructed on during first phase shall be planted in temporary ground cover or wildflowers and provided with temporary irrigation system; and c.) provision of wind breaks or wind rolls, fencing, and or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The landowner shall comply with requirements of the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent emission of dust and blow sand. 22. Construction shall comply with all local and State Building Code requirements in affect at time of issuance of building permit as determined by the Building Official. 23. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report to the Planning and Development Director demonstrating compliance with those conditions of approval which must be satisfied prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to a final building inspection approval, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a written report demonstrating compliance with all remaining conditions of approval and mitigation measures. The Planning and Development Director may require inspection or other monitoring to assure such compliance. 24. A parking lot striping plan including directional arrows, stop signs, no parking areas, and parking spaces shall be approved by Planning and Development and Engineering Departments prior to issuance of a building permit. All roof equipment shall be screened from view by parapet walls of building or other architecturally matching materials. CONAPRVL.046 4 30 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 25. All compact spaces shall be clearly marked "compact cars only". *26. That all conditions of the Design Review Board shall be complied with as follows: A. The landscape program for Washington Street shall include a variation of planting materials, such as Palm trees, accent shade trees, lawn, shrubs, and groundcover. The material listed in the specific plan shall be utilized. Uplighted trees or palms shall be considered along Washington Street. Incandescent light fixtures will be required (less than 160 watts). B. The proposed retention areas on -site shall be landscaped with materials which will support growth even though they are accepting water run -off from paved surfaces. C. A meandering eight foot wide sidewalk shall be installed along Washington Street along the frontage of the site. If the sidewalk is to be located on a portion of private property an on -site easement shall be offered. Lawn should not be used between the street curbs and meandering sidewalk except in those areas where it can be kept five feet from the curb, planting adjacent to curb shall utilize emitter irrigation. D. Public art pieces shall be installed on the property along Washington Street at each of the project entries. The primary art feature should be located at the Washington Street access point. E. Public easements shall be offered to the City for the intersections of Washington Street/47th Avenue and Washington Street/Via El N irador to permit the City the option of placing public art objects on these corners in the future, in case the property does not opt to install art objects in these locations per the City's Art in Public Places Ordinance. F. All future buildings will be subject to further study by the Design Review Board through Plot Plan applications. G. All trash and loading area facilities shall be located so that they cannot be seen from any public thoroughfare. The areas should be screened by using masonry wall enclosures and landscaping. H. All windows on the second and third floor shall be included in a minimum 4 inch stuccoed plant -on "eyebrow" to reduce the sun exposure on the areas which are susceptible to mid- afternoon heating. CONAPRVL.046 31 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 1. Prior to preparation of final landscaping /irrigation plans, preliminary landscaping plans shall be submitted and approved by the Design Review Board. J. Landscape design, planting, and screening shall comply with the specific plan approval and applicable City codes. K. A master sign program shall be reviewed /approved by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of any permits for permanent signs at this location. L. Design measures shall be examined to minimize the exposure of the proposed parking lot(s) as they relate to Washington Street, a public thoroughfare as required in the Specific Plan. M. Decorative paved entryways shall be included into the project design to enhance the development. The specific plan standards should be met. 27. The courtyard areas as shown on the approved site plan shall be developed into shaded lounging areas with permanent seating provided. Said plans to be approved by the City at the time of landscaping plan review. CITY FIRE MARSHAL 28. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 3500 gpm for a 3 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 29. A combination of on -site and off -site Super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6" X 4" X 2 -1/2" X 2- 1/2 "), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. 30. Prior to issuance of building permit Applicant/Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review /approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet ,the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed /approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department. " The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to start of construction. CONAPRVL.046 32 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 31. Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). System plans must be submitted with a plan check/inspection fee to the Fire Department for review. A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. 32. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, Pamphlet #10, but not less than 2AlOBC in rating. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 33. Install Panic Hardware and Exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 34. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 35. Provide fire apparatus road to within 150 feet of any portion of the exterior wall of the first floor. Such road shall have a minimum of 20 feet of unobstructed width and a minimum of 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. 36. Center divider in entrance way shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from curb line. 37. Provide valve supervision. and 24 hour monitoring of the waterflow alarm at -the automatic fire sprinkler system. 38. Approved building numbers or address shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. 39. This project may require licensing and /or review by State agencies. Applicant should prepare a letter of intent detailing his proposed usage to facilitate case review. Contact should be made with the Office of the State Fire Marshal (818) 960 -6441 for an opinion and classification of occupancy to the type. This information and a copy of the letter of intent should be submitted to the Fire Department so that property requirements may be specified during the review process. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 40. Applicant shall provide a fully improved landscaped setback area of noted minimum width adjacent to the following street right of way: CONAPRVL.046 7 33 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 A. Washington Street 20 feet wide; B. 47th Avenue, 10 feet wide. C. Via El Mirador, 10 feet wide 41. Applicant shall provide a 10 -foot wide public - utility easement outside, and adjacent to, the Washington Street and Avenue 47 right of ways. 42. Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights to Washington Street and Avenue 47 from Parcel #1 except for the access locations approved on Plot Plan 91 -473. 43. Access to Washington Street from the site shall be limited to right turns in and out only at all locations on Washington Street. *44. Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, adopted Standard Drawings, and as approved by the City Engineer. Street pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design procedure for a 20 -year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading. The minimum pavement section shall be 3" AC /4" Class -2 base for local streets and 41/2 " /6" for arterial and collector streets. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U. S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid - block street lighting is not required. Enhancements to existing improvements may be required. Improvements may be required beyond the tract boundaries. 45. Applicant shall construct a full width landscaped raised median in Washington Street from Avenue 47 to the centerline Lot E (VTM 27031). The City will pay for 50% of the design and construction cost. *46. Applicant shall construct, or enter into agreement to construct, the site grading, off -site public improvements and utilities, and on -site common area improvements before the grading permit is issued. The Applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of cash payment for required improvements which are deferred for future construction by others. CONAPRVL.046 8 34 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 *47. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted. The report of the investigation ( "the soils report") shall be submitted with the grading plan. *48. A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. The plan must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to approval of any final map(s). The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. A statement shall appear on the final map(s) that a soils report has been prepared for the tract pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. Prior to issuance of any building permit the Applicant shall provide a separate document bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, or surveyor that lists actual building pad elevation(s). 49. The site shall be designed and graded in a manner so the building pad elevations are not more than four (4.0) feet higher than Washington Street. 50. The development shall be graded in a manner that permits storm flow in excess of the retention basin capacity to flow out off the site through a designated emergency overflow outlet and into the historic drainage relief route. Similarly, the site shall be graded in a manner that anticipates receiving storm flow from adjoining property at locations that has historically received flow. 51. Storm water run -off produced on -site in 24 hours by a 100 -year storm shall be retained on site in landscaped retention basins or discharged to an approved off -site storm water facility. If the retention basin option is selected, the water depth in the basin shall not exceed six feet and the basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The percolation rate shall be considered to be zero inches per hour unless Applicant provides site - specific data that indicates otherwise. Other requirements include, but are not limited to, a grassed ground surface with permanent irrigation improvements, and appurtenant structural drainage amenities all of which shall be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements deemed necessary by the City Engineer. The City will consider and may approve other ground cover /slope stabilization plant life in lieu of grass on a case by case basis. The tributary drainage area for which the Applicant is responsible shall extend to the centerline of Washington Street, Avenue 47 and Lot E (VTM 27031). 52. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect for the landscaped setback area and median island. The landscape and sidewalk improvements shall be coordinated with the electric power facilities to facilitate landscape masking of power vaults and to eliminate clearance conflicts with the sidewalk. CONAPRVL.046 9 .35 Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The plans and proposed landscaping improvements shall be in conformance with requirements of the Planning Director, City Engineer, and Coachella Valley Water District. The plans shall be signed by these officials or agencies prior to construction. 53. Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to the Coachella Valley Water District for review and approval with respect to the District's Water Management Program. 54. Applicant shall landscape and maintain the landscaped setback area and right of way area located between the curbs on Washington Street and Avenue 47 and the property line. 55. Applicant shall construct an eight -foot wide meandering bike path in the easterly parkway and landscaped setback area along Washington Street. A six-foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed adjacent to the curb in Lot E (VTM 27031). 56. Applicant shall provide a blanket easement for sidewalk purposes in the landscape setback areas along Washington Street and Avenue 47. 57. All existing and proposed telecommunication, television cable, and electric power lines with 12,500 volts or less, that are adjacent to the proposed site or on -site, shall be installed in underground facilities. 58. Underground utilities that lie directly under street improvements or portions thereof shall be installed, with trenches compacted to city standards, prior to installation of that portion of the street improvement. A soils engineer retained by Applicant shall provide certified reports of soil compaction tests for review by the City Engineer. 59. Applicant shall pay all fees charged by the city as required for processing, plan checking and construction inspection. The fee amount(s) shall be those which are in effect at the time the work is undertaken and accomplished by the City. 60. The City is contemplating adoption of a quality - assurance program for privately- funded construction. If the program is adopted prior to the issuance of permits for construction of the improvements required of this map, the Applicant shall fully comply with the quality- assurance program. If the quality- assurance program has not been adopted, the Applicant shall employ construction quality- assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. CONAPRVL.046 10 3e Conditions of Approval Plot Plan 91 -473 February 9, 1993 The Applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have his or her agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign as -built drawings and certify compliance of all work with approved plans, specifications and applicable codes. Upon completion of construction, the Applicant shall furnish the City reproducible as- built drawings of all grading and improvements except water and sewer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words "As- Built" or "As- Constructed" clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the as- built condition. Prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for buildings within the tract, Applicant shall install traffic control devices and street name signs along access roads to those buildings. SPECIAL: 61. The Environmental Fees of the State Fish and Game Department and the County of Riverside shall be paid within 24 hours after review of the proposal by the Planning Commission and /or City Council. 62. All required improvements shall be completed prior to site occupancy of the proposed development. 63. Reciprocal access agreements shall be prepared and approved by the City Engineering and Director of Planning and Development which secures common on -site access systems between the property and the abutting properties to the east. 64. Fringe -Toed Lizard fees shall be paid at the time the grading or building permit is issued. 65. All mitigation measures of previously approved Environmental Assessment 91 -207 shall be complied with. 66. Prior to issuance of first building permit for this project, Applicant's shall construct a decorative masonry sound wall at least six feet higher than the grade of Washington Street prior to realignment within the frontage road median. The wall is to run between Singing Palms Drive and residences south of Highland Palms Drive. Wall construction shall be pursuant to recommendations contained in the Noise Study which shall. be provided by the Applicant prior to wall plans being prepared. Design and layout of wall shall be coordinated with City plans for landscaping of the frontage road median. CONAPRVL.046 11 37 T H E C I T Y C f • • � UV 00 La,q int a 1982 - 1Carat Decade D. March 17, 1993 Mr. Barry Wolfman Mr- JFK Memorial Hospital SM • 47 -11,1 Monroe Street Indio, CA 92201 rc SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91 -473, FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME (APPEAL) Dear Mr. Wolfman: On March 16, 1993, the City Council reviewed your request to appeal the action of the Planning Commission of February 9, 1993, approving a one year extension of time for the Desert Hospital project on 47th Avenue and Washington Street. The City Council voted 4 -0 -1 to deny your appeal request thus upholding the Planning Commission approval of Desert Hospital's request for another one year period in which to begin construction of their project. ri Should you need any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, J Y H RMAN GRE OUSDELL ' Associate Planner GT:bja City of La Quinta LTRGT. 102 Post Office Box 1504 • 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design 8 Produclion: Mark Palmer Design, 619 - 3460772 �� �',, j�� \� .� .> w, r Mr. Peter Bergmann Chief Financial Officer Desert Hospital 1150 North Indian Avenue P. O. Box 2739 Palm Springs, CA 92263 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91 -473, FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME (APPEAL) Dear Mr. Bergmann: On March 16, 1993, the City Council reviewed the request by JFK Hospital to appeal your time extension approval by the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993. The City Council denied the appeal, and approved your request for another one year extension in which to begin construction of your project at 47th Avenue and Washington Street. The final vote on your case was 4 -0 -1. Should you need any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly ur , JE H R AN 2 USDELL >soc'ate Planner GT:bja cc: Mr. Jeff Sobczyk, Vice President Mediplex Mr. Lee Redmond, Birtcher Company Mr. George Marzicola City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78 -105 Calle Estado LTRGT.103 La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design & Production:, Mark Palmer Design. 619 -346 -0772 ARA H E C I T Y I _= La 51 qqtnta I982 - 199 Carai Decade March 17, 1993 w, r Mr. Peter Bergmann Chief Financial Officer Desert Hospital 1150 North Indian Avenue P. O. Box 2739 Palm Springs, CA 92263 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91 -473, FIRST EXTENSION OF TIME (APPEAL) Dear Mr. Bergmann: On March 16, 1993, the City Council reviewed the request by JFK Hospital to appeal your time extension approval by the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993. The City Council denied the appeal, and approved your request for another one year extension in which to begin construction of your project at 47th Avenue and Washington Street. The final vote on your case was 4 -0 -1. Should you need any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly ur , JE H R AN 2 USDELL >soc'ate Planner GT:bja cc: Mr. Jeff Sobczyk, Vice President Mediplex Mr. Lee Redmond, Birtcher Company Mr. George Marzicola City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78 -105 Calle Estado LTRGT.103 La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Design & Production:, Mark Palmer Design. 619 -346 -0772 �. ,- i T H E C I T Y 0 r �=M., February 26, 1993 ♦ ®� A Mr. Peter Bergmann La inta u g 99? Ten Carat Decade CUP Chief Financial Officer jjl °1J/ Desert Hospital 1150 N. Indian Avenue PO Box 2739 Palm Springs, CA 92263 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91 -473, 1ST EXTENSION OF TIME Dear Mr. Bergmann: Our staff has received a request to appeal the Planning Commission action of February 9, 1993 concerning your project on 47th Avenue and Washington Street. The appeal was filed by JFK Memorial Hospital on February 24, 1993. A copy of the appeal has been faxed to your office for your review. The appeal was filed within the fifteen day period prescribed by the Municipal Zoning Code. Therefore, we are required to have your time extension request reviewed by the City Council. We have determined that the appeal will be heard by the City Council on March 16, 1993 at 3: 00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. A copy of the report for the March 16th meeting will be mailed to your attention on March 12, 1993, ,or you may come by our office for a copy. If you would like our department to put any new material in report, please send the material to my attention by March 8, 1993. In conclusion, a building permit cannot be issued for the project until we have finalized the review of your time extension request with the City Council. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly urs, JE H R N PL NI G DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ROUSDELL SOCIATE PLANNER GT : ccs cc: Mr. Jeff Sobczyk; Mediplex Mr. Lee Redmond; Birtcher Mr. George Marzicola; Washington Square Mr. Barry Wolfman LTRGT . 049 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦' 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564 -2246, Fax (619) 564 -5617 Desgr, & Pr c+.,on Mark Palmer Desig, 619 346 0772 pp` - A COUNCIL ACTION SUMMARY 1. Move to adopt Minute Motion 93- denying the appeal and confirming the Planning Commission action of approving a one year extension of time for Plot Plan 91 -473 subject to the attached conditions which were adopted by the Planning Commission on February 9, 1993. S UPPOR TING DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED MD nEV�SED r .-= ;, ;� , <,.� � �� Y.�. T H E February 26, 1993 Mr. Peter Bergmann Chief Financial Officer Desert Hospital 1150 N. Indian Avenue PO Box 2739 Palm Springs, CA 92263 C f T Y AL Laquinta ,981 .,Ten Carat Decade 0� T SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91 -473, 1ST EXTENSION OF TIME Dear Mr. Bergmann: Our staff has received a request to appeal the Planning Commission action of February 9, 1993 concerning your project on 47th Avenue and Washington Street. The appeal was filed by JFK Memorial Hospital on February 24, 1993. A copy of the appeal has been faxed to your office for your review. The appeal was filed within the fifteen day period prescribed by the Municipal Zoning Code. Therefore, we are required to have your time extension request reviewed by the City Council. We have determined that the appeal will be heard by the City Council on March 16, 1993 at 3: 00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. A copy of the report for the March 16th meeting will be mailed to your attention on March 12, 1993, or you may come by our office for a copy. If you would like our department to put any new material in report, please send the material to my attention by March 8, 1993. In conclusion, a building, permit cannot be issued for the project until we have finalized the review of your time extension request with the City Council. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly urs, JE44 H R N PLAANI G DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR rROUSDELL IATE PLANNER GT : ccs cc: Mr. Jeff Sobczyk; Mediplex Mr. Lee Redmond; Birtcher Mr. George Marzicola; Washington Square Mr. Barry Wolfman LTRGT.049 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564- 2246. Fax (619)564 -5617 i b T H E C I T Y 0 F �Y t:� ■ + {!4\ ' ° , ` lo- 0,.oa La 99�mta o ,m I Carat Decade O N POE wo O Mr. Jeff Sobczyk, Vice President Mediplex 12225 Greenville Avenue, Suite 830 Lock Box 115 Dallas, Texas 75243 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT L, ` PROPERTY OWNERS CERTIFICATION Y� c I, LYSA DELEON FIRST f MWO "AN TITIZE certify that on CINwAN FEBRUARY 28, 1994 , the attached property owners list was prepared by. First American Title Insurance Company pursuant to appli- cation requirements furnished by the Riverside County Planning Depart- ment. Said.list is a complete and true compilation of owner of the subject property and all other property owners within 300' feet of the property involved in the application and is based upon the latest equalized assessment rolls. I further certify that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incorrect or erroneous information may be grounds for rejection or denial of the application. NAME: LYSA DELEON TITLE REGISTRATION: Customer Service Representative ADDRESS: 3625 Fourteenth Street Riverside, California 92502 PHONE (8 -5): (714)- 787 -1730 SIGNIATURE: DATE: FEBRUARY 28 1 94 CASE: See Attached �M6.R 0 2 1994 Of. L8 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROPERTY OWNERS CERTIFICATION F[RST AM i fr,tE i 'Al SURA"N'"F I, LYSA DELEON certify that on CIrJW AINlY FEBRUARY 28, 1994 the attached property owners list was prepared by First American Title Insurance Company pursuant to appli- cation requirements furnished by the Riverside County Planning Depart- ment. Said list is a complete and true compilation of owner of the subject property and all other property owners within 300' feet of the property involved in the application and is based upon the latest equalized assessment rolls. I further certify that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incorrect or erroneous information may be grounds for rejection or denial of the application. NAME: LYSA DELEON TITLE REGISTRATION: Customer Service Representative ADDRESS: 3625 Fourteenth Street Riverside, California 92502 PHONE (8 -5): (714)- 787 -1730 SIGNIATURE: DATE: FEBRUARY 28 199 CAS ee Attached F1AR'0 2 1994 L01 r raw LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTUP r 643 - 020 -001 Simon Family Partnershi 78611 Hwy 111 La Quinta CA 92253 643- 020 -007 3s Co 600 E Tahquitzmccallum Palm Springs CA 92262 643 - 080 -001 Washington Adam Partner 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 080 -009 Taco Bell Corp 17901 Von Karman Ave Irvine CA 92714 643 - 080 -012 Washington Adams Partne 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 080 -023 William M & Lois Morrow 2835 Towngate Rd 104 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 090 -008 Routhford J Burkett Po Box 251 Thermal CA 92274 643 - 020 -002 3s Co 600 E Tahquitzmccallum Palm Springs CA 92262 643 - 020 -008 James J Caron Po Box 47 Palm Desert CA 92261 643- 020 -012 James J Caron Po Box 47 Palm Desert CA 92261 643 - 080 -002 Washington Adam Partner 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 080 -010 Washington Adams Partne 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 080 -013 Washington Adams Partne 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 090 -006 Roman Catholic Bishop O 1450 N D St San Bernardino CA 92405 643 -160 -010 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 020 -003 3s Co 600 E Tahquitzmccallum Palm Springs CA 92262 643- 020 -009 James J Caron Po Box 47 Palm Desert CA 92261 643 - 020 -014 Cvcwd Po Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 643 - 080 -003 Washington Adams Partne 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 080 -011 Washington Adams Partne 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 080 -014 Washington Adams Partne 2377 Crenshaw Blvd 300 Torrance CA 90501 643 - 160 -011 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -016 643 - 160 -017 643 - 160 -018 La Q Wilma La Q Wilma La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 Westlake Village 91361 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -019 643 - 160 -020 643 - 160 -021 La Q Wilma La Q Wilma La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 Westlake Village 91361 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -022 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -031 Landrex Calif 225 Mill Creek P1 Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -034 Landrex Calif 225 Mill Creek Pl Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -043 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -046 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -049 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643- 170 -002 Earl R Kiernan 13420 Newport Ave H Tustin CA 92680 643 -181 -010 Topa Thrift &'Loan Assn 1800 Ave Of Stars F1 12 Los Angeles CA 90067 643 -160 -029 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -032 Landrex Calif 225 Mill Creek Pl Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -035 Landrex Calif 225 Mill Creek P1 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -044 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -047 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -050 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 181 -006 Richard L Gullion Po Box 1000 " La Quinta CA 92253 643- 181 -013 David E Orme 78510 Singing Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 160 -030 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 160 -033 Landrex Calif 225 Mill Creek P1 Westlake Village 91361 643- 160 -036 Landrex Calif 225 Mill Creek P1 Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -045 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 -160 -048 La Q Wilma 2801 Townsgate Rd 211 Westlake Village 91361 643 - 181 -007 Ernest O & Mary Vossler Po Box 570 La Quinta CA 92253 643- 181 -014 James Carpenter 78550 Singing Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 181 -015 643 -181 -018 643 - 181 -020 Wilfred & Doreen Huerta Robert P Maloney Joe R Hernandez 29580 Poppy Meadow St 46405 Cameo Palms Dr 46325 Cameo Palms Dr Canyon Country CA 91351 La Quinta.CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 181 -021 643 - 182 -001 643 -182 -002 Pauline Finch James E Vandorn F B & Marlene Tosti 83948 Hopi Ave 46290 Cameo Palms Dr 46370 Cameo Palms Dr Indio CA 92203 La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 643 -182 -003 F B & Marlene Tosti 46370 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 -182 -007 F B & Marlene Tosti 46370 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -011 Lee Sleight 46600 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -015 Thomas Casillas 46615 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -019 Veronica M Soptich 46495 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 -182 -022 F B & Marlene Tosti 46370 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -026 F B & Marlene Tosti 46370 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 -192 -005 Kathryn L Aberle 78450 Crestview Ter La Quinta CA 92253 643- 182 -004 James F & Mollie Siri 14390 Se 172nd Ave Clackamas Or 97015 643 -182 -008 Gary R Henderson 46530 Cameo Palms La Quinta CA 643 -182 -006 Gemina Tucker 46500 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -010 David & Ann Lee Dr 46590 Cameo Palms Dr 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -012 Kurt D & Debra Hoffman 46680 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -016 Madeline Maselter 31 Montecillo Dr Rolling Hills Est 90274 643 -182 -020 Roger & Maria Grace 46445 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 -182 -023 F B & Marlene Tosti 46370 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 191 -001 Aldo A Corsini 3370 E Miraloma Ave Anaheim CA 92806 643 -193 -007 Gideon & Francine Cohen 46865 Golden Sands Pl La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -013 Lynn R Arrastia 29827 Via Puesta Del So Temecula CA 92591 643 -182 -018 Anthony F & Janet Allen 46525 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -021 Kenneth F & Becky Price 46405 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -025 F B & Marlene Tosti 46370 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 -191 -002 Matthew Miller 16962 Ruby Cir Huntington Beach 92649 643 - 193 -013 Gregory Savelli 46775 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 -193 -014 643- 194 -001 643 -194 -002 Warren E & Adele Bliss Richard L Levi Jim G & Karen Cotton 78451 Crestview Ter 46700 Cameo Palms Dr 46730 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 i 643 -194 -003 Michael & Karen Piper 46770 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 -194 -006 Harold W Heitz Po Box 1336 La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 194 -010 Emma L Sharpnack 46835 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 194 -014 Jeffrey Richardson 46705 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 * ** 100 Printed * ** 643 -194 -004 Hans E & Lana Deroock 46800 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643- 194 -007 John E Brittain 3107 Eddes West Covina CA 91791 643 - 194 -011 David & Maria Herrera 5008 W 140th St Hawthorne CA 90250 643- 194 -005 Kenneth R & Tina Siess 46840 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 -194 -008 Joseph E Zingg 2471 E Camino Pelicano Palm Springs CA 92262 643 -194 -013 Karen A Waite 46735 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 -181 -001 643 - 181 -019 643 - 182 -005 Betty L Heard Thomas F & Mary Siersma Donald R Rector 78451 Palm Garden Pl 46365 Cameo Palms Dr 46450 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 643 -182 -009 Gerald E Forrest 46560 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 182 -024 Wayne W & Audry Weber 46285 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 193 -012 Vicente F Alderete 46805 Cameo Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643080021 WASHINGTON ADAMS PARTNE 2377 CRENSHAW BLVD 300 TORRANCE CA 90501 643 - 182 -014 John R Harvey 46645 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 -191 -003 Dennis L Elam 46945 Highland Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 194 -009 Alfred J Chavira 46865 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643080024 MORROW WILLIAM & LOIS 2835 TOWNGATE RD 104 WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91361 643 -182 -017 Steven D Gaylord 46555 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 193 -006 David F Johnson 46910 Highland Palms Dr La Quinta CA 92253 643 - 194 -012 Emerson Pollard 46775 Washington St La Quinta CA 92253 , 77 5 WWI gy a F. y � � �. 3 ��'�_ Y,-�„ .. 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A. 020 -011 643`09 020-042 617-89 020-032 020-072 , 100 == mommm v 6 q o Po(•O � •s �.i 13 PF e 13' qc. w PO(O \ 132 i. SEP. , -Q2 \ �' 57 -zi' ►ti' vb / C4 '47' b8.r5' ray 44;43 ie�.84' 9 ( Po - 9 O 0 ( Po O Q P° (O 6 g P° 6 Po` a i O pG e pc c 0 pG• 21 2' , za.os' Q 1 �2 ►. _N L- 224.45• a Ls ;8.43• �^ c.3l�.45 - SEP. , -Q2 \ THIS MAP IS FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY �I 48 OS � i l 13. /O Ac. I /5 4 TRa 016 -OOJ Y'. �TRA 016 -002.• 11 EX. / G /41.61) 1.654c.y . ( P EX 1� P � b (w 623 3/ O 2/.07AC.t uit--:.'�- 646 08 �J 26.86 Acf m Q � 50 40.B9Aat S //2 /9 /29/ 09 PA R. / O 14. BO AC. Ni. PAR. 2 O 42. BO AC. N1 ASSESSORS' MAP BK643 PG 09 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF R6 60' Rds. per ins! - 32692 4/59 r N aY ' Ar',,I- F/4f S ' N Lof FF T R. A. 0/6- 002 016-043 020 -002 020 -003 020-024 020 -042 020-043 ...yty,, TR.24230 joy Lott 6 o l 1 �4 '^ m• t,- t__ O R /.78At. / ry 1.44• i�f I I TRA 020 -042 63:.ry' Q� * 3s�y� Irr Q h nA 6Ci 1R 24230 soto m' r [� Lot P81 Lo/ PBS a o 1` y , I „ 3.43Ac Lot CC 10.17At Q h 9 �� ✓AA /ES ' a2' 4 M �i� e' I Q h ' + 1f '• J.TIAC Z rtal Lof I t 61, ° Q O tee" uo1S' Lot EE 4= a S u b� �L A! /LAKE! ' a r ' 'OD13, v yr. t we 3c7s e " ZL /BA-C III FL 1 _+ Q u o o d wnt'' 1� S. L / i7 �' \ o- N Y t. o I )o w l •n_ p ti d i 3.93 h i � � .. J ,� n t p _ ( J• •y, ,else' 's RM. 79150 Ld Pss � a I / 2 . W . /4 ` . o © Q. m / � u : $ Q ' a a 2 /P.P6At. Y Q Q 6U. o6' Lof Cr +4�L a°. Ld BB n r. 7f 2642 TR ?4230 T— — LOT — B — -- 7R MM •30 / t ^ 649 03 _ w�,rr- N ,t ' :, 'r x 7-q X2//43 573 � M 3/ 32 .t e . s 646 64 02 /0 M. 82/4/69- 82 Tract No24230 MB. 227/77 -78 Tract No. 26/52 PM. 79/ 58 - 59 Parce / Mop No. 15772 SEP. f92 f 400' OAiE CYO A/O. HI AK: /2/92 11 /l,9T Tied /S BAP IS FOR ASSESSR II PURPOSES 0&1 DATA . A/O. Z 1410 • et ASSESSORS MAP BK 643 PG. 16 RIVERS /DE COUNTY, CALIF. i R ANN^r oz Al 84 °29'55 T R. A. 020 -Oz4 643-16 617-84 NQ!•20'32 "0 PRIVATE STREET) Q LOT S Q ( B� 0.07 Ac Ioc Q� M.B.227177 -78 rracf No.26152 SEP. , 92 /= I /00' a s -4t.pg / l72 ® P % Z2 y vbt iip,� 1 ® �a1 = /69 177 Ire / ^ —, � its 16e / no.4s Z "0. 39 AN ^°178 179 y iiS. /s t DATA . A/O. Z 1410 • et ASSESSORS MAP BK 643 PG. 16 RIVERS /DE COUNTY, CALIF. i R ANN^r oz Al 84 °29'55 T R. A. 020 -Oz4 643-16 617-84 NQ!•20'32 "0 PRIVATE STREET) Q LOT S Q ( B� 0.07 Ac Ioc Q� M.B.227177 -78 rracf No.26152 SEP. , 92 /= I /00' J Oh fV TM /S UAP IS MR ASSEssmENT PURPOSES cwi-Y POR E 112 IVW114 SEC 30. %5S, R 7E o, T. R A 020 - 00.E (643-17 020 -045 617 -04 0 DATA : MR. 4116 -7 M. 8.40/8/ -83 SLO. P /of 601 Rd. per inst. ASSESSOR 1. AMP BK.643 PG. 17 32692 4/59 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF. RG SEP., 92 / M � I �a �b �b tt� 4 % vJ O � n h 1 V� °c a y� v a� W v vJ ♦ e /7 Y • b ant's' ✓Y ti 2 i k �b �b ,Q 4 % O h 1 V� � W W v A� •V /7 © b 27 DRIVE v Bf.Q ie e e U S le. � O 1 ,. 1 D• b 0 A a q I 1 �A 14 y I s I b v I a y �b% t a� O V �j �o y ��pp0 O � V 1 1 O� 'Q v 0 o to 0 rN /S &AP IS FOR ASSESS&ENr PURPOSES ONLY rR. 2117 v I IA I+ v I L 4 ' 0 � I Iw r 2 Q •2 I �w I s /4 /3 /3 / 2 /2 ASSE•SSCA"S MAP PC / 9 RIVERS 19R' Cot/KrY, CALIF /O /9 0 9 9 POR. E 112 NW/14 SEC 30, 75S, R 7E 7. sJ' �..�' r �'1•'� O' fo l.�rJ'J f/'I.�• /'� O 3 35 36 37 33 34 TRA 0 7 6fiES TRA020 -074 /4 26 i 32 3/ 4 30 29 r ,,.... O /3 Z7 O /s O 24 25 f.. /2 26 O MA 020 -074 l6 �` 9 23 G L Q OIL, N y /�7 Mt B 0 DATA : A65136 /4S 7/9Z AW9 /4 Rlop 6Z/ F 7 O Ot r 3 �► ' D i / 6 9 '77s. •a 0 s5 5) 5 2/ O (6 T. R. A, 020 - 003 6 v ® ®Y 020 -067 617 -06 /8 020-074 so 5 /p 65 s/ DtD 64 � 62 O 063 _ "A7../. tt f• ss' O TRA 020 -074 • 4 3 .. i O 3 O /4 69 O MA oao-o v a 57 O M'4 O'W -067 /3 68 H 4. ✓v O /2 67 O t/ 59 66 so 5 /p 65 s/ DtD 64 � 62 O 063 _ "A7../. tt f• ss' Af B.40181-83 Tract No. 2117 SEP.'92 1 N V h y M Z ti y w / '- 1 /oo' TRA 020 -074 • 4 3 2 / O 3 O O O Af B.40181-83 Tract No. 2117 SEP.'92 1 N V h y M Z ti y w / '- 1 /oo' l�•� C THIS MAP IS FOR ASSESSMENTPY/RPOSES ONLY 60 6 03 04 N112 SEC .30, T ,� S, R. 7'E 6O4 5 r-A,6,,. O.R. 1360168 T R. A 020- oo9 (5-"'dy%5 ° 02 020 -042 617 -02 0.46Ae MB 4 /'/6- 7 CVCWD R/W XI- R /V -187 -0 MAP62/- F R391181 ASSESSORS MAP BK 643 PGO2 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF. RG 60'Rds. per ins /. 32692 4/59 SEP. X92 1 I 1 400, C.. C..