PP 1993-499DATE: PROJECT: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT JUNE 2, 1993 BI nB FR E gap. V TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 23913 (QUINTERRA) - PHASE 2; APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES PLOT PLAN 93 -499 (MODEL HOMES) KAUFMAN & BROAD HOME CORPORATION REPRESENTATIVE: MIKE SMITH; HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE, EAST OF ADAMS STREET BACKGROUND: The tract is a 116 lot subdivision approved by the City in 1988. The subdivision was recorded in 1990. The original Applicant, Waldon Financial, had anticipated building single family homes ranging in size for 1,670 to 2,570 square feet. In 1990, Windsor Construction Company purchased the project. The existing 18 homes within Phase 1 were developed by Windsor Construction Company in 1990 & 1991. The homes built by Windsor Construction Company were one and two story units. Three floor plans were used varying in size from 2,071 to 2,593 square feet excluding garages. The homes sold for +$200,000. The Planning Commission approved the house plans on December 11, 1990. Architectural styles varied from Mediterranean to Southwest with exterior materials consisting of stucco, wood, trim, tile, accents and multi- colored tile roof. Colors are earth tones with Southwest accent colors, and a brown /beige roof tile. Three elevations were available for each plan. NEW PROPOSAL: The Applicant is in the process of purchasing the remaining +93 lots within Phase 2 to develop single story homes on the existing +8,000 square foot lots. The Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 23913 require that the Applicant submit to Design Review Board and Planning Commission architectural plans of any type of unit design to be built within the tract. Based on this requirement, the Applicant has submitted their model plans which includes three sizes of homes from 1,166 square feet to 1,567 square feet (3 & 4 bedroom units). Each unit has an attached two car garage or three car garage if the lot is large enough and the client would like this amenity with the purchase of the home. Plans 1, 2 & 3 include three elevation types per size of home, but the optional three car garage elevation was not submitted for review. DRBST.005 f, The model complex will be built on the north side of Ladera Drive between Fronterra Drive & Los Manos Drive, north of the existing landscaped retention basin. The architectural style is consistent with the mediterranean theme used in Phase 1. The units include covered entry patios, varied roof designs & embellishments, and other architectural characteristics. The homes are 16 to 18 feet in overall height. The exterior building colors will be similar to Phase 1. The colorboard will be available at the meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: The proposed units are smaller in size than those built in Phase 1. The Applicant has stated that their market research has shown that smaller, more affordable units are selling whereas the larger homes are not as marketable in today's economic climate. The R -1 Zoning Code does not define the size of home which can be built similar to the SR Zoned areas which prescribe minimum 1,200 square foot homes. However, there is a section in the general guidelines which requires all homes in the City to be greater than 750 square feet. Staff has also researched both the tract Conditions and CC &R provisions to make sure the proposed homes can be built, as proposed. The Applicant's proposal meets these minimum standards, but to ensure that the original owners retain their property values, staff would like to require the applicant to .meet a minimum house size requirement of 1,200 square feet. The front elevations are attractive and well proportioned. However, the eave overhangs are generally minimal except for the entry door locations. The side and rear elevations are plain and should have some additional architectural treatment similar to the front elevations (e.g. stucco pop -outs around the windows) . The proposed architectural features-will complement the overall building design and supplement the State's Title 24 Energy Efficiency requirements. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: 1. The front yard of all lots, and in addition the street side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line, edge of curb, sidewalk, or edge of street pavement, which ever is furthest from the residence. 2. The landscaping shall include trees (minimum two 15- gallon trees on interior lots and five 15- gallon trees on corner lots) , shrubs, and groundcover and /or hardscape of sufficient size, spacing and variety to create an attractive and unifying appearance. Landscaping shall be in substantial compliance with the standards set forth in the Manual on Architectural Standards and the Manual on Landscaping Standards as adopted by the Planning Commission. 3. A permanent water - efficient irrigation system shall be provided for all areas required to be landscaped. The provisions of Ordinance #220 shall be met. 4. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable condition by the property owner. 5. The standards of the R -1 Zoning shall be met (e.g. setbacks, etc.) . DRB ST . 005 2 6. A minimum four -inch stucco pop -out shall be used around all exterior sliding glass doors and windows to ensure architectural compatibility to the Phase 1 units and to provide minimum shading from the exposure to the sun. 7. If the model homes are converted to sales offices (e. g. coverted garages, etc. ) as part of the marketing program for the tract, the Applicant shall file with staff a floor plan or letter of intent detailing the work to be done. A cash bond or another type of security should be posted to ensure that the home(s) is reconverted prior to its sale and /or occupancy. 8. Plot Plan of tract showing setbacks shall be submitted to the Planning & Development Department for approval. Units shall be plotted so that the largest units are adjacent to the existing Quinterra homes. The minimum home size for the tract should be 1,200 square feet. RECOMMENDATION: Review plans in Design Review Commission. Attachments: conjunction with Staff comments and determine acceptability. The Board recommendation will then be forwarded to the Planning 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan of Tract 3. Architectural plans DRBST.005 3 LA OUINTA KAUFMAN AND BROAD, INLAND EMPIRE DIVISION TAA�_T N6_2�4517_;_ 1 TRACT Mlk 22�",p -" NO. 199C 149/03-0-, ME. 40 1 N "L4- W 4, 41 W c V) <X: 6. .......... PHASE I (Existing Homes) I &_ - _; ' 0 Rr 43 MILES AVENUE 1: Ili a CP ti r""OAL"l Loan FvTtm 610M Hamm courm mom F""a Low Proposed Model Complex EXHIBIT —CASE NO... PROJECT SITE PLAN Kaufman and Broad of Southern California, Inc. Inland Empire Division 180 North Riverview Drive, Suite 300 Anaheim, California 92808 Tel: (714) 282 -4000 Fax: (714) 637 -5070 June 2, 1993 Jerry Herman Planning Director City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 78 -105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 93499 RE: PLOT PLAN 93499 TRACT 23923, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Herman: Kaufman A Broad n'�...•..2��' it � -: WY, �C F JUN 0 7 is�; s 7 11-, 7 n- a; � Kaufman and Broad respectfully requests withdrawal of the above - referenced submittal from the June 2, 1993 Design Review Board Hearing. During the course of our due diligence we were unable to come to agreement with Primerit Bank regarding the terms for purchasing the lots remaining in Tract 23923. Kaufman and Broad continues to pursue other projects within the City of La Quinta, and we look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you for all of your assistance in working with us on Tract 23923. Sincerely, KAUFMAN AND BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. INLAND EMPIRE DIVISION Alan F. Toffo Manager, Land an Planning cc: Greg Trousdell c:\d\wp \toffoli\hennan.1tr LA OUINTA KAUFMAN AND BROAD, INLAND EMPIRE DIVISION 7 -51AC—T NO 7 TRAC�e-1 25290 TRACT NO. 199( -M.. 2121� 5-- M.a 226/4p-52 M.S. 149/83-E)-, 14 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 2- G- (LA 31-44 40 CACLE --%P�F3 - 25 4q A PARCEL 3 41 c 20 1 22 23 24 I—TYPICAL FFIDNT VAM LANDSCAPE TREA►4ENT PA L 0 53 ki L PAR" 4 14 fun It 47 E5G 42 50 5 Iq 18 15 PARCEL 52 57 43 j 46 (W �!S'. $3. • .. -.r7 % unto y�c 7 55 rr.= 44 45 2 I 61 60 1()q 14 j xx 108 0 q rq 107 63 64 1441 67 GB • PARCEL 9 DMI 112 10, loG flan .] -7/ I ) Z' 01. z . . 11 .. .1 70 . 72 71 X. 10 ('113 CsL 9 r"WAL Wr LMM" 74 .1 104 11 1 ors 6 A, 7) q ; �-L — FUTLAW WOCEL MA0 75 C) 0 76 77 0 103 115 putt 8 E)WTNG MODE FRNU�03 LOt o r I-X L 2 87 11 AL P EL "16c- 7 qB ?4D 431,11, q4 L (L me, AA� D MAY 1 7 '1993...' U gl "';F LA �4 i WTA R-AW'AN3 fXRt T "If Ir- A�- EXHIBIT - .1 ,CASE NO.- 2 1 EKETM LANDOCAF94 PROJECT SITE PLAN OPT i MAY 1 7 1993 6 PPP N 4A EXHIBIT CASE NO. _® 1166 SF E lau.livau A l:lLaL I 0 LA OUINTA .1 I • DMMD WA \[ a 1 1 I-A I • 0 1 ICET , • • t 1 1 ] • D.TE 1 1 I-A I • 0 1 ICET , • • t oo. 0 ���r«���hll����.� �, i OPT . AJ GARAOf I I � RIM M AY 1 7 1993 CFg� C,!l77� I BFDRM #2 JA o BenRM NJ 2-CAR GARAGE - Faum EXHIBIT _CASE NO. ---- 11' h' Kad III -I1 LIuaL, • ..•N�IIIIII'II Wt • •, Y LA QUINTA • 1 ,1 • .1 1 . L 2 ll i . wa p 1 ., ...... ^^ . ^^ ^ ^ ^ RaumaxALu*euV . .."~nCTM. . � ^ LAQ]YNIA .^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ...... ^^ ^^^^ .~= ^"~~~ ^ ^ ~ , . ^ ^ ^. ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' IMU.������ ^I OPT 7 -CAR GA Q� �§ rFMAY 1 7 1993 CiTY 3F 'rA Q111NTA G NTAPT 9E14T 2T -4. EXHIBIT TABULATIONS CASE N 156 I SF Kauf ttatt 9 Llt!ati . . ARMTECTME . • LA QUINTA • IMEAMD EMIIIIE gvMYV. 1 I . DATE • REM MS • , • VLwM • • • • Iii sl u:u , '- - 1�1 . ^^^^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ ^� R-1 uuuaAuuzu . .°".ECTM. . ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ 'LA QUINTA ^ ' ^ ^ ^U ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ...... . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^� . ^ . ' OPT 3 PW 94 1166 SF ExH113IT E Kautlllall Al' Llu al ! • • ARCHITECTURE 0 LA QUINTA .1 IrluRO ewn,e gvlygV a 1 t • DATE • REW"S 1 • i • ILL. • . t a E CeU9iiau A Utvaa± • ARCHITECTURE . • J 1 LA QUINTA . , ELEVATION C .- i rnin M AY 1 7' 9993 .J I .i IHUHO EwnRE av� . iwHS . j 1 .J 1 SLEET . EX191613 CP.SB NO �---�" Aw -u• 7 11' _ MY-61 11' -R• _ i I O o O MAST FR BEDRM #2 - Iue La:e IIVIN 1 UININ .Q I n I ( BEDRM #3 � 3 BEDRM #4 )O — •^ OPT. DEN w4. — 7 OPT -(Al GARAGE He ° tl I 2 -CAR GARAGE C So.. ®r€ �.. E F,y-r7 z1' -u zi. 11 TABULATIONS- nN2 6 1349 SF 71 �:.•�:� " ": -sue = - J 5c E ICaefuiatI L1ua0 • nx/w lLU Uxc . 2 LA QUINTA INUNO ewNlle , PvIYYI ♦t 1 • IMIL 1 /I)I.l . E Kaullllal a L•lvae • 0 :LAQUINTA: 1 • •1 i • IMIAMO E•.M1EE • • Dlv.ygM1 ♦ ■ r • r • DATE 11.311) • , • pEV111lM15 I • ♦ 7 i� • y • VEAM 2 .� • • �IILET ♦ OPT } -CAR GA R P. ,Ell M AY 9 7 9993 MrA City OF A i.Z- PLANNING DEPARTMENT 27• -4• TABULATIONS 1567 SF EXHIBIT oof CASE NO. Kautivau A tttvaL .• • ARCHITECTURE -LA QUINTA Iwur.o EwnRe PVISIOR . MTE f/Uil • REVISR vEAn 3 • • SIIEEi • I J Kau eta« i*: cLLat • • ARCHITECTURE • i LA QUINTA ' .1 • INLAND EMIIRE • • DIVRIOH " 1 �r 1 • DME fi Ul•) • RM., a • • 1 I J1 • •2 ,6 ' •• mot/ - � � , I _ • =mum > ii home elegant enough, for entertaining,: ,.. ' c .. " ° comfortable enough for. complete relaxation.- ke�ultimate expression of th'e, desert lifestyle: •That's- Quinterra, l i J- luxury living'in -La Quinta wthout`the luxury "pricetag. Because Quinterra,also means value.., '. a� value. that comes, with many price-included-features . \ others charge'extra for. Quinterra means'convenience .' :And • thexonvenience of a La Quinta location that's - �'in the- center of.everything:.Enjoy- championship, t' golf at nearb-v PGA West or Indian Wells Golf Resort. J. Cpscale=shopping.al Palm:. Desert' Town Genter'and . ' El Paseo: Also.conveniently- close -by.is the College'of. ., y ,. the Desert and,"the Eisenhower\�Medical Center. ; ' Enjoy the many qualities of Quinterra . Your-desert; home for -all seasons. : ' , IA...,• • i. 1C S: " -ITI " - - -, -J- �N�ryAil `., a DISTINCTIVELYELEGAIVTEXTERIOR 0, SParklingswimmrngpool r , (Pldns Z ,� 3) nd spa i - a Spacious three- cargarage t _ �, -� ^Roll up metal gara e � •_ - g doors Automatic garage door opener on double door Masonry lo_ tlline,walls / r .Oversized lots RICHL'YENYANCED'INTERIORS J { / Dramatic, volu " me and coffered ceilings (per plan) < ; 7mpressi'e eight fdothig-h dou - r ble entry doors c Eight foot high sliders t - o patio1dec k area `' Pre. wired for high resolution sound in the famil livin room , • y room,' den, rr Mirr g' and master bedroom ; ored wardrobe doors in master bedroom c Ceilin > f $ fans in family room and master, bedrooms Two zone HVAC (Plan 3) 5 Whitewashed Oak cabinets.throughout Recessed lightin g~ • , , it r Skylights Elegant ceramic 'tile in the entry, laundry room and selected areas in the secondary baths ' rInterior laundry room with whiteOak p washed.. rainets and sink ., �. ' Gera mic file on�; counterto 4 > ps in baths , T KITCHENS r Island kite hens with;- butlerspanlry in all� � - 1 ` (optional Corian countertops) plans, �• G eneral Eleciric white -on -white built -in a - DPPliances l ! ecorator selected` ceramic filet counter tops and flooring' X In an effort !o cont/nuously /ntprove t!s p�oducr, Tlie W, indsor C r change'iraps, f /oar p /ans erlerrors, specijicatrons and prices without ns rice. , and window treahnents, u otitpanres reserves !!ie rig patio treatments and inmty o�heritenrs featured in and arou 8h/ to i Ildor.coverings, landscaping, custom deli pecta/ yal/ suggested and not inc4rded rn -the nd the'node/ho fined- walksrmd f Please see our sales represenrmive sho "uld purchase price.. - mes fire decorator -' you h rt ave any questions. ` All renderoI s, depiction ojrhe bu!ldtn ,f and maps are artist s conceptions and are nor rr tended to bean a All uare g fencing; tta /ds drrvewaysorlanasca in elual- 9 jootages are approxim ate . •Window locations ma uded, willvar p gaud are not n'e'cessarily to y vary per plan. rencmg and scale. y, according to s /Ze and location ojlots� i DELTA PAPIUS LEMM TANGENt 1 1'45'26' 530,00 16.25 8.13 2 20'05*36' 330.00 115.73 58.,_47 @ - 9.06'52' 530. 00 84.31 42.24 ol 23*39'55' .100.00 41.30 20.95 14.31'19' iob.-n • 25.35 12.74 06 -15-23-22' 1001.00 28, 60 14.140-, j 3EVOVIZ . .1-3251 26,28 13.15 4138'01* 275.00 22.24 11.13" (9) 10' 23' 19' 100.00 18.13 9,09 110' 46 * 38' 69.00,., 116.01 86,94 4�5- co 4el.8e ell 19 14'50'36* 380.00 98.44 49,50 4W 52'31' MAO 124.85 65.21 (j) 5.38'29' 325.00. 32.00, 16.01 (a 50,14'33* 70.00 61,38 32,82 10'14'14' 00.100 17.87 a. 96 57'17'45' 45.00 45.00 ]2 4. �58 V24' 18' 325.00 7,97 --3.99 (3*31'44' 275.00 16.94 1*06*17* 275.00 5.30 2.6'3) co -9-16 -.VS.Oa co /2. B.9 400 low, IL it L I I 9 REAR Elf.,EVATION VIA AL 'v ��':j AL CL? CL) A A A A- A Cj W '0 L b xr LEF Tl0JL A' 'SID', E EL'i V�-. A A ARCHITE TURE A c PLAN "I':. A A 'A A A L REVISIONS A A A A 'A, A A 4 A. =L H E E. I At rr,A LA: QU- IN Ill son! t A t CD it A A CP a ci INLAND'EMPIRE'',"'- DIVIS ION A A A A ON A A A A A A A A A A A A A CD A A A VIA AL 'v ��':j AL CL? A A A A- A Cj W b xr LEF Tl0JL A' 'SID', E EL'i V�-. PLAN "I':. REVISIONS H E E. I At t A t CD it A A VIA ��':j A A A A- A Cj W LEF Tl0JL A' 'SID', E EL'i V�-. PLAN "I':. H E E. I At t A t CD it A A