PP 1993-505 (2)r on� 45w TAt�t 4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Quinterra & Rancho Ocotillo Appellant's Name Homeowners (See attached list) Date 9/27/93 Mailing Address c/o Douglas S. Phillips of Best, .Best & Krieger Bob Hope Drive, Suite 312 Ranch Mirage, CA 92270 Phone: ('619 ) 568 72611 RE: Case No. Plot Plan 93-505 Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Variance Change of Zone Public Use Permit Surface Mining & Reclamation Permit Outdoor Advertising Consistency with General Plan Environmental Assessment Setback Adjustments Temporary Use Permit xx Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific.condition which is being protested. ***SEE ATTACHED*** Use additional sheets if necessary. / Sign ure FORM-003/CS MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellants Name:-Quinterra & Rancho Ocotillo Homeowners RE: Case No: Plot Plan 93 -505 Date: 9/27/93 Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. Quinterra homeowners were promised by the previous developer, and._ by PriMerit Bank, that the Quinterra subdivision would be built out with homes consistent in size and quality with those that the homeowners were purchasing. However, the homes approved by the Planning Commission (1,660 - 1,868 square feet) are 25 to .30% smaller than the existing homes (2,071 - 2,593 square feet) in the Quinterra subdivision and can be expected to sell for substantially less. Construction of those homes will substantially reduce the quality of the Quinterra subdivision and the value of existing homes. To allow the Quinterra neighborhood to be degraded by construction of lower - quality housing would facilitate a fraud by PriMerit on the Quinterra homeowners. and be a disservice to the .-City of La Quinta that has always prided itself on the quality of its residential development and its commitment to maintain neighborhood values. Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo, homeowners respectfully request -that the City Council require that the Quinterra subdivision'' be built out with the homes originally approved or other homes of similar quality. The concerns of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo homeowners are elaborated in greater detail in letters previously sent to the Planning Commission on August 19 and September 9, 1993 copies of which are attached. 11 T C; Q j +- .' - - - FGr4 LYE ^M;T Id UP- 7 1 Q V 1.11 I'L V. j I -'s ap T A .Lo"'13 Colj-f�Ljj- r vP7 jji,JUf k] J cl;j.l YcYUCIJO nCO,,J TI I-OWkt%A!j !IW'Z' Ur Z: 1 1-1 r , i I j :T uj. L- L E V PC -r i - T Du p f ri vt.; }Tf JJ Li';JC-, ? a 1 -TIr Cf I r �11 J T rfz,,:: C 1 Tf r (;T f. A C,:. .I j 7 7.6 jJd1' r! L 3 r IJ L L. T ;I 0'1'f.7 Z) M -LT T IC:. 7. T .1 111 C 1 0 O'UF1J )".ro 1.111+41!i C' I u -j 1 V. cic q E t on y G c. I zu,j i'c, u q---,.-,Yr'TCC jcc) I 1. -L 1-1 TOD 3; U�3 fLGfi jG J C-T r T 7 G 3 1 r clr. -if-!.J --f 1 nt. IIr r, *7 L T- I-F a i1' 'ItJ 1:, rq 'A. dit, r r 3you 9 1: C. A C) '4 3 P t Lift Op 2 Z4 13 10 V 0, 'T I., Tfcs,!,;p V.1 f) J) C� C w, 4.J T 1. (4.l JT3 .5, I,JYJL }" s C. '-M PIE t.uu C. 1. 'J ;Uj �L'92L:7IJd ITC-06- 'z -,d;%jLE; sm'; , 11 _UW":: V e C" J T- G' 7; ::owe, M: -11 f- p f L C J ;jI 4 'j: C; f'j 11 L ►3 TA P P. I T 1' QP' 4 ij I T, pOtJ*-'ri%UI!�. k* T).7. U k J, A OF "'. C L 9UC4 r ;'L, J it t b 177 T r ArjTjjyC k 0� rp6 r t 011, C yT -'I Z., 17 ',Ihh.Gjj j'rCT FjjCjj,LjC', *L4N LffbYOL C, A. rO4c WD; blc:. ',J'4LI I , ,, 1! ♦ " '4 f-:%Fr (I. I ly -'. :ALT L Z1. J I XV;-; 0 (,-f ")X?- LIST OF QUINTERRA AND RANCHO OCOTILLO HOMEOWNERS James C. Hanson .Neil Ludlam Kim Lee and Karen Job Arthur John Kneuer and Joan M. Berndt Kneuer Bruce and Cindy Mercy Larry Miller Marilyn Williams Russell and Sara - jeannine Robertson Robert L. and Linda C. Tette E.H. Wiensz N. James Allen Daniel and Frances Bresnahan Joseph A. and Barbara J. Irwin Roger T. and Carol M. Isabell. Jeff and Terri Laddusaw Ed and Diane McMahon Jack M. and Anne Mayes Edward G. and Lucille E. Mycek Duane Nishikubo Archie Sharp Mel and Susie Levine Bob and Rachel Woods Virginia Jacobsen James S. and Barbara Rice Jack Pederson Arnold Charles Richard W. and Tamara D. Bradford ' James T. and Imogene Wells Craig and Susan Glass Alvin M. Dettloff Monte Maxey George and Cindy Conroy Robert and Kathy Bradley Cecelia D. McCombs Sybil Salisbury Richard O. and Karen D. Erickson B.A. Beam ' Arnold K. and Chith Dimmitt r Susan Caulfield • • A-1 -111A -1,1, T" - ! at rIs A J-i -ca brib A Hnf)z, b c J T jo.q 4L -1 r A At -v - rq f 7,.(4 j Li T, 9 r i -1 r7,m i 'I r J r L; A i) I c SEP -15 -93 WED 7:20 AkINTA EDLG & SAFETY 619497 P. 01 4 70A95 CALLC TAMPICO -; Lb OUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92253 (610) , 7774000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 . APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellant s Name FOgEC-AST MEM TTON Date grpT nmuFR 21 19]9-1 Mailing Address 10670 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA' 91730 Phone-, 909) 987 -7788 RE: Case No, Plan Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Outdoor.Advertising'. Variance Consistency. with General.Plan Change of Zone Environmental Assessment Public Use Permit Setback Adjustments Surface Mining & Temporary Use Permit Reclamation Permit X plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence.. If applicable, indicate the number of the.specific'condition which is being protested. Use additional sheets if necessary. FORM.003 /CS R =97% icgnature MAILING ADDRESS - 1'.O. BOX 1504 - LA, QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 02253 6195648487 09 -15 -93 08:22AM P001 #33 % Ab SEP 2 1 1993 cliv'oF LA OUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA' 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Please state basis for appeal and include any' supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. The Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 approved our proposal, yet conditioned us to construct homes with a minimum square footage of 1650 s /f. This eliminated our Plans 2, 3, 4- & 5 and leaves us only Plan 6 and 7 (1660 s/f & 1868 s/f respectively) to build, which makes our ability to market this product unrealistic. The minimum house size per the City's General Plan is 750 s/f with our smallest home being 1106 s /f. Our proposal complies with all of the City's rules, laws and ordinances. This proposal was reviewed and found to be compatible by the Design Review Board and approved with minor comments. We object to Conditions # 7, 12, 13 & 16 as imposed by the Planning Commission September 14, 1993. Again, our homes were approved by the Design Review Board and we have satisfied the City's procedures, laws and ordinances and request your consideration in our appeal. (Please see attached) RATION e Strickland, Vice President 10670 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (714) 987 -7788 fax 980 -7305 RECEIPT City of La Ouinta, 78 - 105 Caile Estado, P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta CA 92253 ATE 19 �:J NO. � -7 3 1 8 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS (66LLARS FO `' ACCOUNT HOW PAID ' AMT. OF CASH ACCOUNT AMT. PAID CHE BALANCE BY DUE. ORDER r, I 1c; p RECEIPT City of La Ouinta, 78 - 105 Caile Estado, P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta CA 92253 ATE 19 �:J NO. � -7 3 1 8 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS (66LLARS FO `' ACCOUNT HOW PAID ' AMT. OF CASH ACCOUNT AMT. PAID CHE BALANCE BY DUE. ORDER i r, 1c; p i APPEAL FEE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT. 008373 QUINTERIA 76590 - li CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 88 -127 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 23913 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 A. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Tentative. Tract Map No. 23913 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City -Wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District and to offer for dedication such easements as may be required for maintenance and operation of related facilities. ' Any assessments will be done on.a benefit basis, as required by law. 4. The developer. shall retain a qualified archaeologist immediately upon discovery of any archaeological remains or artifacts and employ appropriate mitigation measures during project development. - 5. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be- granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 6. The Applicant shall construct street improvements to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code, as follows: (a) Miles Avenue shall be constructed to City standards for a 110 -foot right -of -way width (Primary Arterial), with an 18 -foot raised median island, six -foot sidewalk, and two - percent cross slope to centerline plus joins. (1/2 street width plus one lane and /or suitable conforms plus bond for 50% of 18' median). (b) Adams Street shall be constructed to City standards for an 88 -foot right -of -way width (Secondary Arterial), with a curb -to -curb width of 64 feet, with a five -foot sidewalk and two - percent cross -. 1 - BJ /CONAPRVL.010 CONDITIONS OF APP ", 'AL TENTATIVE TRACT ve NO. 23913 slope to centerline plus joins (1/2 street width plus suitable conforms). Adams Street shall be designed for ultimate grade from Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue, and constructed adjacent to Tract 23913, and as necessary for reasonable transitions and surface drainage requirements. (c) Miles Avenue and Adams Street shall be improved from edge of tract boundary to the intersection of said streets per City. Engineer requirements. - Reimbursement may be provided for improvements not fronting on this tract, in accordance with future any future policy which may be established. B. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL 7. Prior to final map approval by the City Council, the - Applicant shall submit a proposal to the Planning Commission, for recommendation to the City Council, for meeting parkland dedication requirements as set.forth in Section 13.24.030, La Quinta Municipal Code. The .proposal for dedication, fee -in -lieu, or combination thereof shall be based upon a dedication requirement of 1.02 acres, as determined in accordance with said Section. 8. A noise study shall be prepared by -a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to final map approval. The.study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the tract design. The study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers (berming and landscaping, etc.), and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. 9. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department and the Planning & Development Department. 10. Subdivider shall consent to the formation of a Maintenance District under Chapter 26 of the . Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets & Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting & Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets & Highway Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of all improved landscape buffer and storm water retention areas. It is understood and agreed that the developer /Applicant shall pay all costs of. maintenance for said improved areas until such time as tax revenues are received from assessment of the real property. 2 BJ /CONAPRVL.010 oONDITIONS OF A VAL ' TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23913 • 11. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation 'fees for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conversion Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. Gradina and Drainage 12. The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that is prepared by a registered civil engineer who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construction and to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to final map approval. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 13. The Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to CVWD's water management program. 14. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. . The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and /or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. 15. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the Public Works Director including any drainage fees required therewith. Drainage facilities shall be capable of retaining 100 -year storm flows on -site. 16. The Applicant shall obtain slope easement agreement from adjoining owners when construction and maintenance of slopes are proposed on adjoining owners land, all subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 17. Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Public Works Department: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required, including all corner cutbacks. b. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans that are prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and 3 - BJ /CONAPRVL.010 CONDITIONS OF APP;' SAL •, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23913 markings and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan), shall conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the La Quinta Municipal Code (three -inch AC- over- four -inch Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets). C. The Applicant shall provide such reasonable cash deposits and /or other security for the payment of costs for the installation of street name signs by the City. d. The Applicant shall provide to the City a bond for 25% of the projected cost of the traffic signal at the intersection of Miles Avenue and Adams Street. 18. Applicant shall dedicate, with recordation of the tract map, access rights to Miles Avenue and Adams Street -for all individual parcels which- front or back -up to those rights -of -way. Tract Design 19. A minimum 20 -foot landscaped setback shall be required along Miles Avenue; a minimum 10 -foot setback along Adams Street. Design of the setbacks shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. Setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right -of -way lines: - a. The minimum setbacks may be modified to an "average" if a meandering or curvilinear wall ,design is used. b. Setback areas shall be established as a separate common lot and be maintained as set forth in Condition No. 11, unless an alternate method is approved by the Planning and Development Department. 20. The tract layout shall comply with all the R -1 zoning requirements, including minimum lot size and minimum average depth of a lot. The- minimum lot size to be recorded in a final map shall be 7,200 square feet. Walls Fencing, Screening and Landscaping 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and.dust control. 22. Prior to final map approval, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: 4 - BJ /CONAPRVL.010 _CONDITIONS OF A 'AL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23913 a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing locations, and irrigation system for all landscape buffer areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. - b. Location and design detail of any proposed and /or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. 23. Prior to final map approval, the subdivider shall submit criteria to be used for landscaping of all individual lot front yards. At a minimum, the criteria shall provide for two trees and an irrigation system. C. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. 24. Prior - to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and /or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works- Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning _ Division o Coachella Valley Water District Q Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above- mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 25. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 26. Eighty percent of dwellings units within 150 feet of the ultimate right -of -ways of Miles Avenue shall be limited to one story, not 'to exceed 20 feet in height. The Applicant shall submit, to the Planning and Development Department for approval, a drawing showing the location of any units higher than one story along the Miles Avenue frontage. 27. The appropriate Planning approval shall be secured prior to establishing any of the following uses: a. Temporary construction facilities 5 - BJ /CONAPRVL.010 CONDITIONS OF 'AL ' TENTATIVE TRACT 0 NO. 23913 b. Sales facilities, including their appurtenant signage C. On -site advertising /construction signs 28. The Applicant shall revise the architectural elevations for all units to provide complete (all building sides) architectural treatments. The revised elevations are subject to Planning Commission review and approval as a Business item. The architectural' standards shall be included as part of the C.C. & Rs. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION 29.. The Applicant shall provide a bond at 25% the proportionate cost of all fees necessary for signalization costs at the corner of Miles Avenue and Adams Street,'as'determined by the City Engineer. 30. The termination point of the future street stubs on Tentative Tract. Map shall be 'barricaded to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 31. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. - 32. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the -Coachella Valley Water District. Any necessary parcels for district facility expansion shall be shown on the final map and conveyed to the Coachella Valley Water District, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to .City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide* the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer, as may be required. ZONE CHANGE APPROVAL 33. Prior to final map approval, the companion Zone Change Case No. 88 -034, shall have been approved by the City Council and the ordinance changing the property to an R -1 zone district shall be in effect. 6 - BJ /CONAPRVL.010 ITEM TITLE: .'ING DATE: MARCH 15, 1994 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION. OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN THE QUINTERRA TRACT (PHASE II) TO 1,650 SQ. FT. OR LARGER AND APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS APPELLANTS: BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. (FORECAST CORPORATION) & BEST, BEST, & KRIEGER SUMMARY: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: On October 19, 1993 and November 2, 1993, the City Council conducted public hearings concerning the appeal by Forecast. Corporation and Best, Best, & Krieger of the Planning Commission determination concerning the request by Forecast Homes to develop a new design of single family dwelling units within Phase II of the Quinterra Tract north of Miles Avenue and east of Adams Street. On November 2, 1993, the case was continued because of the adoption of Ordinance 236 and its extension on December 7, 1993, by adoption of Ordinance 240. The- Compatibility Ordinance ( #242) was adopted in January 1994, and became effective March 3, 1994. FISCAL IMPLICATION /ANALYSIS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council deny the application of Forecast Corporation because the existing plans do not meet the provisions of Ordinance 242. Submitted by: J RY RMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR Approved for submission to City tn,cil: L. tic ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER TO:' HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MARCH 15, 1994 SUBJECT: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING OF APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN QUINTERRA TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS. APPELLANTS: FORECAST CORPORATION (MR. BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. ) AND BEST, BEST, & KRIEGER (MR. DOUG S. PHILLIPS) ISSUES: The issues remain the same as stated in the staff report of the November 2, 1993, (attached). However, on November 2, 1993, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance #236 which established an interim development ordinance for R -1 residential property in the City. This project was suspended by the ordinance. The ordinance required: "No building permit, design. approval or subdivision amendment shall be granted to construct a unit in a residential subdivision where some portion of the subdivision has previously been constructed and the square footage of the unit to be constructed will deviate more than ten percent (10 %) from the square footage of that .portion of the ; ubdivision previously constructed." Simultaneously with the adoption on November 2, 1993, of Ordinance #236, the City Council directed staff to prepare a report within 60 -days regarding house size and compatibility standards. During this process, staff reviewed the current ordinance and found that it lacked the necessary regulations to address these issues. Staff then drafted language establishing -the minimum square footage for a single family house and developed a review process'to be used when a developer wants to change the architectural style of any new housing within an existing tract. Ordinance 236 would have expired on December 16, 1993, but on December 7, 1993, it was extended by the City Council.for another ten months and 15 days by the adoption of Ordinance 240. The Planning Commission considered the draft regulations on December 14th and 28th, 1993. The Commission received public testimony and written correspondence on the'draft regulations. Th' 'e: Commission recommended approval of the Compatibility Ordinance on December 28, 1993. The City Council approved the Compatibility Ordinance on February 1, 1994 (Ordinance 242), and the new ordinance became effective March 3rd. MEMOGT.065 2 • • The developer's request was to develop homes which ranged from 1,106 square feet to 1,659 square feet. With the passage of Ordinance 242, there is a new procedure requirement for review of compatibility issues (maximum house size deviation within a previously approved subdivision is 10 %) . The minimum house size the City Council could approve for Phase 2 is 1,866 square feet or larger. Therefore, the recommendation of the Planning Commission cannot be approved by the City Council both because the new procedure has not been followed and because the minimum house size under the new ordinance for this project is 1,866 square feet and the maximum house size is 2,849 square feet based on existing Phase 1 homes (existing homes range from 2,072 square feet to 2,593 square feet). RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council deny the application of Forecast Corporation because the existing plans do not meet the provisions of Ordinance 242. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Conditions and Findings 2. City Council staff report for meeting of November 2, 1993 MEMOGT.045 3 0 10 ATTACHMENT 1 $XHXDXW A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (FORECAST) . September 14, 1993 + Modified by Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 ++ Added by Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 1. The front yard of all lots, and in addition, the street side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line, edge of curb, sidewalk, or edge of street pavement, whichever is furthest from the residence. 2. The landscaping for each lot shall include trees (minimum two 24" box size trees on interior lots and five 24" box size trees on corner lots), minimum five gallon shrubs, and groundcover and /or hardscape of sufficient size, spacing and variety to create an attractive and unifying appearance. Landscaping shall be in substantial compliance with the standards set forth in the Manual on Architectural Standards and the Manual on Landscaping Standards as adopted by the Planning Commission. 3. A permanent water - efficient irrigation system shall be provided for all areas required to be landscaped. The provisions of Ordinance #220 shall be met. The final landscape plan should be reviewed by the City, the Coachella Valley Water District, and the Riverside County Agricultural Commission. 4. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable condition by the property owner. S. The standards of the R -1 Zoning shall be met (e.g. setbacks, etc.) . 6. If the model homes are converted to sales offices (e.g. converted garages, etc.) as part of the marketing program for the tract, the Applicant shall file with staff a floor plan or letter of intent detailing the work to be done. A cash bond or another type of security should be posted to ensure that the home(s) is reconverted prior to its sale and /or occupancy. +7. A Plot Plan of the tract showing setbacks shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for approval. The units shall be plotted so that 1,868 square foot units are adjacent to the existing homes (e.g. Lots 2, 6, 7, 74. thru 80, 99 thru 104, and 114 thru 116) . Three car garages shall be provided on Lots 2, 99, 100, and 101. 8. If a temporary Real Estate tract office is located within the subdivision the maximum installation period should not exceed the sale of the units and /or two years. A plot plan application is required. +9. The concrete roof tile in Phase II shall be similar in color to Phase I. CONAPRVL.005 ' 4 • • 10. The Applicant's model complex shall be built north of the existing homes (e.g. Ocotillo Drive & Adams Street) to reduce vehicle traffic to and from the sales area. 11. No building permits shall be issued for Phase II until the developer has paid the City's Parkland fee or dedicated land to the City to fulfill this outstanding tract map obligation. +12. The August 24, 1993, material sample colorboard is approved as submitted, except the Applicant will not be allowed to use the Saturn red brick veneer for the project. River Rock veneer will not be permitted. +13. The perimeter tract fencing shall be finished to match Phase I. The individual lot fencing, if built, shall be constructed of either masonry or stucco wood frame to be compatible with Phase I. Wood fencing is not allowed. +14. A minimum four -inch stucco popout shall be used around all exterior sliding glass doors and windows to ensure architectural compatibility to the Phase I units and to provide minimum shading from the exposure to the sun. The minimum roof eave shall be 18- inches. + +15. Sectional metal garage doors shall be installed on all garages. + +16. The minimum dwelling unit size within Phase II shall be 1,650 square feet excluding the two or three c8r garage. ++17. The proposed Medalist unit (i.e. 1,868 square feet) or other units not presented on September 14, 1993, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. PLANNING CONNSSION FINDINGS OF SEPTEMBER 149 1993 I. The Conditions of Approval for. Tract .23913 grant the authority to the Planning Commission for review and approval of the architectural residential units proposed for construction within the development. 2. The Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the architectural residential style and size of the homes to be constructed within the tract on December 11, 1990. 3. The development contains 116 lots of which 18 homes have been constructed per the approved architectural residential style. 4. The proposed smaller residential units are not in harmony, conformance, or compatible in size or architectural style with the existing developed units or the units approved by the Planning Commission. 5. The Planning Commission further finds that the minimum house size shall be 1,650 square feet which is in harmony, conformance, and is compatible with the existing development. 5 : r ATTACHMENT 2 z ' .? W ft F DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL BY FORECAST CORP. AND BEST, BEST, & KRIEGER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN THE QUINTERRA TRACT (PHASE ii) TO 1,650 SQ. FT. OR LARGER AND THE APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS APPELLANTS: BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. (FORECAST CORPORATION) & BEST, BEST, & KRIEGER. SUMMARY: PUBLIC HEARING BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION: On October 19, 1993, the City Council conducted a public hearing concerning the appeal by Forecast Corporation and Best, Best, & Krieger of the Planning Commission determination concerning the request by Forecast Homes to develop a new design of single family dwelling units within Phase. II of the Quinterra Tract north of -Miles Avenue and east of Adams Street. The Council continued the appeal to November 2nd to have additional time to review the information which had been delivered too late to be in the Council packets as well as time for staff to come back with further proposals concerning the appeal and,'specifically, propose mediation procedures. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council provide direction to staff. Several options are available for Council consideration within the,body of the report. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Y KgRMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER. C-1 �s CITY OF LA QUINTA MEMORANDUM Of TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1993 SUBJECT: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL BY FORECAST CORPORATION (FORECAST HOMES, INC.), AND BEST, BEST, & KRIEGER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN QUINTERRA TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND THE APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS. APPELLANTS: MR. BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. - FORECAST CORPORATION AND BEST, BEST, & KRIEGER The issues remain the same as stated in the staff report for the October 19, 1993 meeting (attached). In addition, staff has reviewed possibilities of mediation procedures as will be reported in the following discussion as well as the possibility of a focused moratorium. MEDIATION PROCEDURES: Staff has researched the available mediation procedures otherwise known as "alternative dispute resolution mechanisms ". One type of mediation consists of formal arbitration. Formal arbitration in California falls into two statutory categories. First, California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 114 1. 10 through 1141.32 codifies the California Judicial Arbitration Law providing for "judicial arbitration'. Second, the California Arbitration Act codified in California Code of Civil Procedure Sections 1280 et. M. provides a detailed statutory framework for enforcement of "contractual arbitration ". "Judicial arbitration" usually comes into play after a civil case is already at -issue before the court, at which time the parties to the dispute stipulate to such arbitration. "Contractual arbitration" refers to arbitration of disputes pursuant to an agreement to arbitrate as a substitute for litigation. In the first instance, since the City does not have a civil case which has been filed in court and therefore does not have specific parties to refer to, the mechanism does not work very well in the context in which the Council is considering its use. The second case of contractual arbitration once again is not very useful since the City does not have a contractual agreement between the parties in this dispute. 7 A second form of dispute resolution and /or mediation is the private judging or the "rent -a judge" concept. This form of arbitration or resolution dispute involves its authority from the California Constitution, Article VI, Section 21, which states: "On stipulation of the parties litigant the court may order a cause to be tried by a temporary judge who is a member of the State Bar, sworn and empowered to act until final determination of the cause ". This procedure allows the parties an opportunity to select a judge whose personality and experience fits the need of their particular dispute. Once again, this type of arbitration or mediation is usually preceded by a formal law suit which sets out the parties and the specific issues involved, therefore, it may not be the best procedure for the dispute that the City Council is faced with between the property owners and the bank. A third dispute resolution option would be for the parties involved to create or design their own mediation or arbitration -type board and /or individual. The City could bring in a professional mediation person or board to discuss potential dispute resolution with the interested parties. One method of choosing the individual or board would be for each party involved to either agree on a proposed mediation facilitator, or if no agreement is reached, for each party to select a proposed mediator and then have those mediators agree on a separate individual. Unless all interested parties are willing to agree to have the facilitator or mediator make the ultimate decision in this case, any result in agreements or lack of agreements arising out of the mediation process would not be enforceable. Discussion with attorneys representing both interested parties (both the property owners as well as the bank), while hesitant to say they would not participate in a mediation process, are clearly unsure that such a process would be helpful in this case where the parties are so far apart on the issue. Further, neither side appears to be interested in participating unless there is some assurance that resolution is possible. There is also the possibility of the Council considering adoption of a moratorium addressed specifically towards the problem of a partially built -out subdivision which is requesting a change in previously approved design standards or other conditions. Council has already directed staff to study, review, and return to the Council with a proposed Ordinance that would provide guidance to developers of approved subdivisions and place restrictions on changes once a subdivision has been initiated (staff was also directed to review the issue of a minimum house size). Therefore, an additional possibility would be to adopt a moratorium specifically directed towards halting approvals and building permits where the unit to be constructed will deviate more than ten percent (10 %) from the square footage of that portion of the subdivision previously'constructed, pending the Council's determination upon future zoning amendments that would deal with this issue. The Moratorium Ordinance (attached) can be adopted without a hearing for an initial 45 -day time period by a 4/5 vote of the Council. Should the Council wish to extend the moratorium beyond this 45-day period, a noticed public hearing would have to be conducted on or before December 16, 1993. The Council could extend the moratorium for a maximum ten months, 15 days. The extension can be for a lesser period of time.. This extension would also require a 4/5 vote of the Council. Attached is an Ordinance providing for such a narrowly defined moratorium should the Council wish to consider adoption. MEMOJH.317 8 As directed by Council, staff is preparing a report addressing the home size and compatibility issues for consideration at the November 16th Council meeting. In order to change the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission must conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation for Council consideration. The Council would conduct a subsequent public hearing, close the hearing, make the necessary findings, introduce the Ordinance for first reading. A second reading would take place two weeks later and, if adopted, the Ordinance would be effective 30- days later. Using the process noted above, the-Council would consider the report on November 16th and refer it to the Planning Commission. The Commission could conduct a public hearing on December 28th, Council hearing on January 4th, second reading on January 18th, effective date February 18, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: The following options are presented for Council consideration: Adopt Minute Motion 93- denying the appeals and accept the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit "A ") and findings as recommended by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1993. 2. The City Council can deny the appeal and deny the Developer's request for modification of architectural plans. The approved units (2,072 sq. ft., 2,363 sq. ft., and 2,593 sq. ft.) of the previous developer (Windsor) would then be required. 3. The City Council could modify the Planning Commission Conditions of Approval of September 14, 1993, and approve the Developer's request. 4. The City Council could approve the °Developer's request without conditions. 5. The City Council could refer the matter back to the Design Review Board and Planning Commission for further study. 6. The City Council could direct that all parties interested agree to meet with a mediator, either a retired judge or other dispute resolution facilitator, to come back with a recommendation to Council based on the mediation discussions. 7., The City Council.could adopt the Moratorium Ordinance attached to this. staff report which would halt all approvals and issuances of building permits on any partially built- out subdivision where the proposed new units or new building permits are different from the architectural designs or standards originally approved for the subdivision. Attachments: 1. Draft Ordinance 2., City Council staff report of October 19, 1993 MEMOJH.317. 9 ORDINANCE NO. AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 9.32 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 9.32.020 G, MORATORIUM ON DESIGN DEVIATIONS IN RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City oT•La. Quinta hereby finds that where a portion of the dwelling units in a residential subdivision have been constructed, deviations in design which result in more than a ten percent (10 %) change in the square feet per unit have a detrimental effect on the public's interest in aesthetic consistency and neighborhood harmony; and, WHEREAS, the City has established a One - Family Dwellings Zone in Chapter 9.32 of the La Quinta Municipal Code establishing permitted uses and development standards for one - family dwellings located in the City of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that the existing development standards in the One - Family Dwelling Zone do not include explicit limitations on the developer's ability to alter residential subdivision plans which have been partially built out and deviate from the original dwelling size; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is considering an amendment to the development standards in the One - Family Dwelling Zone which would provide controls which would prohibit any deviation in design in a residential subdivision where a portion of the subdivision has been constructed which results in more than a ten percent (10 %) change in the square feet per unit; and, WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that there is a current and immediate threat that a deviation in the design of a residential subdivision resulting in more than a ten percent (10 %) change in the square feet per unit, which is not specifically prohibited by the development standards in Chapter 9.32, but _which may be prohibited under a proposed amendment to Chapter 9.32, will harm the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of La Quinta, and that the approval of additional requested changes to design, requests for building permits, or requests for amendments to subdivision maps which include size variations of..greater than ten percent (10 %) compared to the originally approved and built units would result in a threat to the public heath, safety, and welfare of the community; and, . WHEREAS, it is necessary for this Ordinance to become immediately effective to enable the City _to adequately protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California does hereby ordain as follows: 10 ORDDRFT.039 • • SECTION 1. That a Section 9.32.020 G be added to Title 9, Chapter 9.32 of the La Quinta Municipal Code and to read as follows: "No building permit, design approval or subdivision amendment shall be granted to construct a unit in a residential subdivision where some portion of the subdivision has previously been constructed and the square footage of the unit to be constructed will deviate more than ten percent (10 %) from the square footage of that portion of the subdivision previously constructed. SECTION 2. This Chapter 9.32.020 shall expire and be of no further force and effect on December 16, 1993, but may be extended pursuant to the procedure set forth in California Government Code Section 65858(a). SECTION 3. This Interim Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety, and welfare, and therefore it is hereby declared that this is an urgency ordinance which shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this interim ordinance and shall .cause the same to be posted in three public places in the City of La Quinta, and the same shall be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, on this day of , 1993, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California II .o � C COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL BY FORECAST CORP. AND BEST, BEST & KRIEGER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN THE QUINTERRA TRACT (PHASE 2) TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND THE APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS. APPELLANTS: BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. (FORECAST CORPORATION) & BEST, BEST AND KRIEGER SUMMARY: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: On August 24th and September 14, 1993, the Planning Commission reviewed the request by Forecast Corp. ( Forecast Homes) to develop single family dwelling units within Phase 2 of the Quinterra Tract north of Miles Avenue and east of Adams Street. Forecast Homes proposed homes which ranged in size from 1,106 to 1,659 square feet. The Planning Commission determined that the homes should be comparable in size to the existing Phase 1 homes (+2,072 square feet) . The Planning Commission voted 4 -0 ( Commissioner Adolph absent) to approve a minimum house size of 1,650 square feet plus other miscellaneous amendments. On September 21, and September 27, 1993, the Applicant and abutting neighbors appealed the Planning Commission's decision. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 93 -_, denying the appeals and accepting the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit "A ") and findings as recommended by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1993. Submitted by: Aonroved for submission to City Council: II p r. ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER 12 4 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL BY FORECAST CORPORATION (FORECAST HOMES, INC.), AND BEST, BEST AND KRIEGER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN QUINTERRA TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND THE APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS. APPELLANTS: MR. BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. - FORECAST CORPORATION & BEST, BEST & KRIEGER ISSUES: Forecast Homes has appealed the Planning Commission's decision of September 14, 1993 to require a minimum house size of 1,650 square feet ( Condition #16), in Phase II of the existing Quinterra Tract. They have also appealed Conditions i7, #12, and #13 (Attachment #5) . In addition to the appeal by the Applicant, attached is an appeal by Best, Best & Krieger on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo residents. The residents have requested that the City Council require the Phase II units to be the same size as the Phase I units or deny the request because the application is not compatible with their existing neighborhood (Attachment #6) . Background On July 21, 1993, staff received new architectural plans from Forecast Homes of Rancho Cucamonga requesting City approval of its three and four bedroom homes within Phase II of the existing Quinterra subdivision on the north side of Miles Avenue and east of Adams Street. The proposed house sizes range from 1,106 to 1,659 square feet with all the homes being one story except for the largest unit which is two stories. The tract contains 116 lots with 18 homes constructed in Phase 1, leaving Phase 2 with 98 Iots. Four of the 98 lots are currently used as the tract's storm water retention basin system. MEMOGT. 021 /CS 13 0 • These four lots could be buildable in the future if a City wide storm water system is constructed. Therefore, of the 94 buildable lots in Phase 2, the developer stated that he planned to offer the smallest home as a marketing tool but he did not believe he would have more than 10% or 9 homes of the smaller homes in Phase 2. The requirement for Planning Commission review is based on Condition No. 28 of Tract Map 23913 which provides that architectural plans shall be reviewed and approved as a Business Item by the Planning Commission. On August 4, 1993, the Design Review Board examined the submittal and recommended approval of the units provided the larger units (Plans 4 thru 6) were used adjacent to the existing 18 homes within Phase I. The Design Review Board also requested staff to send a letter to the existing Phase I homeowners notifying them of the future August 24, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. The letter was sent on August 11, 1993. The Planning Commission reviewed the request on August 24th, September 13th (Study Session), and September 14, 1993. The background material is attached (Attachment 11) . At each meeting, the Planning Commission took testimony from numerous people who reside in both the Quinterra Tract and in the other tracts surrounding Quinterra. The residents felt the units were too small for Quinterra and other existing tracts (partially developed) . On September 14, 1993, the Planning Commission voted to conditionally approve the request provided various Conditions of Approval were modified and the minimum house size within the tract was not less than 1,650 square feet. The Planning Commission also required the homes immediately abutting Phase 1 to be a minimum size of 1, 868 square feet (Condition No. 17) . The Planning Commission minutes are attached (Attachment No. 2 and Attachment No. 3) . Public Hearing Notice The City Council on September 21, 1993, requested that staff advertise the case as a public hearing for its October 19, 1993 meeting. The City Council also requested that the notices be mailed to the original petitioners who spoke or submitted material over the past two months. Staff has completed both requests. ANALYSIS /FISCAL WACT: The Planning Commission report of September 14, 1993 explains the issue that exists within the existing tracts of the City. The original tentative maps in the north part of the City did not require a specific size house for the tract nor did the tract CC &R's address this issue. In 1988 and 1989 house sizes were generally 1,600 square feet or larger in this area of the City. However, with the current economic conditions in the State of California many builders are looking to develop smaller starter homes. RECOMMENDATION: 1. • Adopt Minute Motion 93- denying the appeals and accept the Conditions of Approval ( Exhibit "A ") and findings as recommended by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1993. MEMOGT . 021 /CS 14 0 # Other options which are available: 2. The City Council can deny the appeal and deny the Developer's request for modification of architectural plans. The approved units (2,072 sq. ft., 29363 sq. ft., and 2,593 sq. ft.) of the previous developer (Windsor) would then be required. 3. The City Council could modify the Planning Commission Conditions of Approval of September 14, 1993, and approve the Developer's request. 4. The City Council could approve the Developer's request without conditions. 5. The City Council could refer the matter back to the Design Review Board and Planning Commission for further study. Attachments: I . Planning Commission staff report of September 14, 1993 2. Planning Commission Minutes of August 24, 1993 3. Planning Commission Minutes of September 14, 1993 4. Letter from PriMerit Bank (Property owner /Phase II) , 5. Forecast appeal 6. Best, 'Best & Krieger appeal 7. Large Plans - Windsor & Forecast (City Council only) MEMOGT . 021 /CS 15 9 • PLANNING COMMSSION STAFF REPORT 171 DATE: SEPTEMBER 141 1993 (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 24; 1993) PROJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 23913 (QUINTERRA) - PHASE 2; APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES CASE NO.: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (MODEL HOMES) APPLICANT: FORECAST HOMES REPRESENTATIVE: TODD SCHERMERHORN, PROJECT MANAGER BRUCE STRICKLAND, V. P. OF LAND ACQUISITION LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE, EAST OF ADAMS STREET PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW - AUGUST 24, 1993: On August 24, 1993, the Planning Commission reviewed the Applicant's request to develop 1,106 to 1, 659 square foot homes within Phase 2 of Tract 23913. Four of the Eve commissioners were present to discuss the case. Although the case was not a public hearing item, the Planning Commission allowed public comment on the project because there were about 70+ people in the audience who were present for this matter. Various individuals from both the Quinterra Tract and surrounding tracts stated they were opposed to the Forecast application because the units were not consistent or in "harmony" with the general area. Discussion ensued regarding. the current economic market conditions and the loss of property values in the north La Quinta area and /or southern California. Opponents felt lower priced units would exacerbate their problem. Mr. Strickland spoke regarding his housing project'. He stated that his company has done some minor modifications to their project since the Design Review Board meeting. They have modified the color samples and slightly enlarged their house square footage sizes. He stated that they are proposing their larger homes adjacent to the Phase 1 homes per their agreement with the Design Review Board on August 4, 1993. Mr. Strickland stated that their homes are geared toward first time buyers, families, single parents, or people who wish to "move -down" because they no longer need a larger home (e.g. retired individuals). His housing* prices would vary depending on the wishes and desires of the future buyers. He stated that his firm Is a quality home builder and that the construction quality of the Forecast Homes will be similar to Phase 1. 16 STAFFRPT.015 ! ft A few individuals spoke in favor of the project because they felt that first time home buyers should not be eliminated from the local housing market 9 the developer chooses to develop entry level housing. They felt first time home buyers are not bad neighbors just because their units are smaller. It was stated that home buying is a high risk venture and there are no guarantees in today's economic situation that a buyer will receive a profit on his or her purchase. One speaker stated that load prices have dropped by 50% in this area because of the economic downturn and most of the raw vacant land is now controlled by lend4-ng institutions looking to sell their holdings. In summary, the Planning Commission voted to continue the meeting to September 14, 1993. However, at the study session on September 13, 1993, they would like to meet with the developer and one representative from each of the surrounding tracts to examine solutions and /or alternatives to this housing size issue. BACKGROUND: The tract is a 116 lot subdivision approved by the City in 1988. The subdivision map was recorded in 1990. The original applicant, Waldon Financial, had anticipated building single family homes ranging in size from 1,670 to 2,570 square feet on the property. In 1990, Windsor Construction Company purchased the project. The existing 18 homes within Phase 1 were developed by Windsor Construction Company in 1990 & 1991. The homes built by Windsor Construction Company were one and two story units. Three floor plans were used varying in size from 2,072 to 2,593 square feet excluding garages. A Mediterranean architectural style was used and the exterior materials consist of stucco, wood trim, We accents, and multi - colored rod tile. Colon are earth tones with Southwest accent colors, and a brown/beige roof tile. Three elevations were available for each plan. The homes sold for over $200,000. The Planning Commission approved the house plans on December 11, 1990. NEW PROPOSAL: The Applicant is in the process of purchasing the remaining lots within Phase 2 to develop single or two story homes on the existing 18,000 square foot lots. The Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 23913 require that the Applicant submit to Design Review Board and Planning Commission architectural plans of any type of unit design to be built within the tract. Based on this requirement, the Applicant has submitted their plans which includes five home sizes which range from 1,106 square feet to 1,659 square feet (3 & 4 bedroom units). Each unit has an attached two car garage. Plans 2 thru 6 include three elevation types per size of home. Plan 6 is the only two story plan. The Applicant has stated that they would like to build their model complex on Ocotillo Drive and Adams Street. STAFFRPT.013 17 • • The architectural style is consistent with the mediterreneen theme used in Phase 1, however its unit size is smaller. The front facades vary from stucco, to stucco with brick or stone veneer. The masonite lapsiding (i.e. , Elevation "C ") will not be used In this project because it cannot withstand the harsh desert climate. The units Include covered entry patios, varied roof designs and embellishments, and other architectural characteristics. The homes are 17+ to 24+ feet in overall height. The exterior building colors will be similar to Phase 1 except for one color sample includes a gray combination. The colorboard will be available at the meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: The proposed units are smaller in size than those built in Phase 1. The Applicant has stated that their market research has shown that smaller, more affordable units are selling whereas the larger homes are not as marketable in today's economic climate. The R-1 Zoning Code does not define the size of home which can be built similar to the SR Zoned areas which prescribe minimum 1,200 square foot homes. However, there is a section in the general guidelines which requires all homes in the City to be greater than 750 square feet. Staff has also researched both the tract Conditions and CC &R provisions to make sure the proposed homes can be built, as proposed. The Applicant's proposal meets these minimum standards. The front elevations are attractive and well proportioned. However, the eave overhangs are generally minimal except for the entry door locations. The side and rear elevations are plain and should have some additional architectural treatment similar to the front elevations (e.g. stucco pop -outs around the windows). The recommended architectural features will complement the overall building design and supplement the State's Title 24 Energy Efficiency requirements. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION: On August 4, 1993, the Board met with Mr. Bruce Strickland of Forecast Homes to discuss his model home and unit type submittal. Mr. Strickland explained that his company has developed (or is developing) this type and style of house in the southern California area and they develop entry level housing for their buyers (i.e. $103,000 to $130,000+). Fifty to eighty percent of their homes are sold to first time home buyers. Their company does not build speculative housing. Mr. Strickland stated that they are sensitive to the Phase I home buyers but they do 'not build homes which are larger than 1,700 square feet. He also explained that they would be placing their model homes on Ocotillo Drive at Adams Street to be sensitive to the existing owners. He thought his homes would be compatible with this existing project. The Board initially felt the homes were quite small and not compatible with the Phase I units. They asked if larger homes (1,800 + square foot) could be offered and developed adjacent to the existing homes. The applicant stated his company used to build a 1,800 square foot home but they do not provide this home in their current market schedule. The Plan 2 home (1,106 square foot) was also discussed at length. 18 STAFFRPT.013 • The Board noted that this home was not in keeping with the abutting 2,000 + square foot Phase I homes. They hoped the applicant would delete this model from the project. Mr. Strickland stated that they normally only sell a small percentage (10%) of this size home and that he would like to keep this plan in the Phase 2 program. Mr. Strickland stated that they would only build Plans 4, S, k 6 adjacent to the Phase l homes, and that they would encourage three car garages on the loft adjacent to the retention basins. He said he would put Plans 5 & 6 on Lots 99, 1009 k 101 and a Plan 6 on Lot 2 because this area is near the -entry on Miles Avenue into Phase 1. The Design Review Board members requested that the existing homeowner's receive a public notice from the city notifying them of the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. This would ensure that they understand that smaller units are proposed within their tract. Staff noted that this will be done. Mr. Strickland stated that Kaufman & Broad had initially attempted to purchase the property a few months ago and at that time it was his understanding that Kaufman & Broad informed the residents that the Phase 2 units would be smaller than Phase 1. Kaufman & Broad withdrew their application on June 2, 1993 prior to Design Review Board review. The Kaufman & Broad homes were similar to the Forecast application. The Design Review Board members discussed whether or not the homes should have larger roof eaves to provide additional shade as well as enlarge the appearance of the house so that it will have more "bulk" . The larger eaves would also assist the applicant in-his Title 24 (Energy Conservation) requirements. Mr. Strickland said he could add the larger eaves to the homes but the cost would be borne by the purchaser and it would cost approximately $1,500 for this feature. He also said he could add stucco pop-outs but he would prefer to add the pop -outs on the Plan 6 home because it is his largest home. The Board debated the exterior colors and textures of each unit type. A few members did not think the River Rock veneer alternative was appropriate. They though a desert maierial should be used and that it might be nice to have the veneer used under the window ledge instead of to the top plate line. Mr. Strickland stated their veneer materials are well liked by their customers and they create a customize feature for their product line. He said he could find an alternative product for the units abutting Phase 1 but he would like to use the River Rock veneer on the lots on the northern portion of the tract. In summary, the Design Review Board felt the applicant was very informed about the local market conditions. The Board voted to allow the S new model types within Phase 2 of the Quinterra tract. However, they recommended that the larger units be placed in the immediate area of Phase 1, and these units should have 3 car garages. The applicant should also use similar desert colors and tones for Phase 2 in the vicinity of Phase 1. The Design Review Board required the Applicant to put larger roof eaves on his buildings and add the stucco popouts to the homes. The attached Conditions reflect the actions of the Design Review Board based on their August 4, 1993 meeting with minor amendments by staff. 19 STAFFRPT.015 • • CONDITION Ill (PARKLAND FEE): Staff has added Condition /11 to the recommended conditions in order to inform the developer that the Quinterra Tract has not paid the City's Parkland fee for recreation purposes as outlined in Chapter 13. 24.020 (et a1. ) of the Municipal Code. The existing fee or outstanding amount is $52,500. The fee or other land dedications shall be made prior to any building permits being issued for Phase 2. (Condition 07 of Tract 23913) . HOUSE SIZE DISCUSSION: Staff had originally suggested that the Design Review Board consider a minimum house size of 1, 200 square feet for this tract based on the premise that the approved tracts in the immediate area exceed this standard. The only exception to this size is the. La Quinta Del Rey ( Century Homes) project within the La Quinta Highlands Tract generally south of Fred Waring Drive, west of Adams Street. See the attached housing tract survey. As mentioned above, the Design Review Board deleted the recommended condition establishing a 1,200 square foot standard because they agreed with the Applicant's proposal to buffer the existing Phase 1 homes from his smaller Plan 2 home. Lastly, the Design Review Board did not require the Applicant to build any homes larger than 1,659 square feet based on their August 4th meeting. RECENT NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: . On August 17, 1993, the Desert Sun published an article regarding this case in their newspaper. A copy is attached. Since the article was published, staff has received various phone inquiries and letters of opposition from both Quinterra residents and residents of adjoining tracts (a sample copy is attached) . The general consensus of the existing residents is that the Planning Commission and the City Council should maintain a house size and price comparable with the existing single family homes. A few adjoining tract residents stated they will examine modifying their CUR'S to establish a minimum house size to insure that this issue does not become a problem in their tract. They also requested that the Planning Commission consider larger houses on the perimeter lots of the Quinterra tract to buffer their investment. The attached Design Review Board conditions do not require the Applicant to build a certain size home on any lot abutting the north and east sides of the tract. RECOMMEJDATION: The Planning Commission has.the following options: 1. Continue the matter for further study. 2. By Minute Motion deny the request. This action keeps in place the size and unit type currently approved for the development. 3. Require larger house sizes than proposed. STAFFRPT.015 20 of a. \ i \ 1 Ls Iswi — — —s i•I a , — ® os Y Y � .� •mow Z i CAT � 0 j '' :0 9NI � •t . S inom Q11�11 +. s AV mad �� qa _ :_ _ p 110 0111 •� _ ` • a3a - . is — IsSPW � t t ka • o et � mat t o �•t�, It � � IwoNrc� � ,• e� 3 t' 7 i ! •, �� • • 4. Change the buffering requirements along the existing units and the developments perimeter. 5. Approve the project as recommended by the Design Review Board. 6. Any combination of options 3, 4, & S. Draft Conditions of Approval are provided for your consideration. Attachments.- 1. Vicinity Map 2. Housing Tract Survey 3. Phase 1 Housing Survey 4. Petition Summary 5. Newspaper Article 6. Letter of Protest (Sample) 7. Letters from Best, Best & Krieger STAFFRPT.015 22 CITY OF TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: . PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: AUGUST 2, 1993 SUBJECT: HOUSING SURVEY At the request of one of the Design Review Board members, staff has prepared a housing site and price survey for the tracts surrounding the Quinterra project. The housing price information is based on a 1992 survey. Topaz - TTM 23935 1,407 to 2,864 sq. !L ($ 168,000 to $234,990) Cactus Flower South - TIM 24208 1,633 to 2,134 sq. ft. (S147,900 to $185,900) Cactus Flower North - TT 22982 040 to 1,870 • (N /A) Rancho Ocotillo . TTM 24517 1,700 to 2,550 sq. ft (N /A) Acacia Homes - TTM 23268 1,400 to 2,200 sq. IL (S147,990 to $189,990) La Quinta Del Rey . TT 23269 1,006 to 1,732 sq. R. ' Century Homes/La Quinta Highlands ($l 15,990 to $139,990) Phase 5 A few of the approved tentative maps surrounding the Quintem project have not been placed on the list because the developer has not submitted or decided what type or size of .home to build. ' la Quinta Hi' ghlands • 19220 to 1,840 sq. ft. ($139,900 to $169,900) La Quanta del Oro - 2,700 to 3,400 sq. ft. ($250,000 to $210,000) La Quinta Vistas - 2,000•to 2,400 so. ft. ($175,000 to $210,000) 23 t row MDlI! 0.1t► • • 2 r.Rfj' 444 ! •••I N a• r, so•+ � jr 0::: . vIN 7r;OgAmo POR. SW 114 NW 114 SEC. 20, r5 R. 7E. � ?6 CIA ... BOLA • ,,.� z III • ' •• • A/ /t ES Phase l DRIVE w 06 Clio 'rte S i )A % �./ ' 0 .r' M ► • !.l IA .Z b O • C c • 'v• ?0.01.0 604 -2T om- o s K." -or 4 ter. Nome Sizes A - 2.072 sq. ft. 9 - 2,363 sq. ft. C - 2493 sq. ft. u Parking Lot L A DERA DAVE O Retlntion Basin etention 9*m+n--z rM i A i AVENUE' ... .•'" ' 2� At.* ? ?6i : r6 � ro r • 'vo ?J 9i f • TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF LA, 0 1 Q UINTA MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRWOMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING do DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 9, 1993 PETITION SUMMARY (FORECAST HOMES) - PLOT PLAN 93 -505 PROJECT LOCATION LETTERS RECEIVED Quinterra (Phase Q$ 18 (18) Rancho Ocotillo* 27 (52) Cactus 'Flower North South* 44 (134) 0 (15) Topaz*' 11 (45) Acacia 14 (98) La Quinta Del Oro* 32 (32) Starlight Dunes* •01 (47) La Quinta Vistas' 34 (53) TOTAL 181 *: • (264) () Existing homes within the tract. • = Tract with remaining undeveloped single family lots. •• = Letter from Homeowners Association. ••• = Total number represents a vote from an individual household or home address. 25 4 MAW RABUWM • The Dosed Sun U1 QUINTA — Homeowners are protesting a developer's puns to complete the Qulnterrs nbdividos with much smaller houses than those already bWL Tbey complain that a change is the MOW plans tight lower the value of their homey and effect fist overall loot of their neighborbood "It wan represented as ,a fairly trice dtveloptment." Qbinter» bpmeOWUM Jut Hanson said. "Now we think that they're trying to come in herb with homey that may be less than S 100.000." He paid 1200,000 for his home a December, be said. A vice president with developer Forecast Homey of Rancho Luca• mocga said the company is planning to build Domes in the low f l o0,000s, aimed mainly at young families '°that meets market demand." via president Bowe Strickland said. The bomeowners plan to present petitions to the Planning Commis. Slat at 7 p.m. on Aug. 2/. Only ld Domes have been built in Quintan so far. The subdivision tbt�atas Ili lets. Desert Sun Newspaper August 17, 1993 KU Otani TM 08Mn riot WORRIED: Jim Hanson of La Ouinte opposes a developer's plans to finish Ouinterra subdivision with smaller homes. Hanson and others tear the change will reduce values In the entire neighborhood Those already built have square footages of 2,012, 2,363 or 2,593. Forecast is proposing new units with square foots ges of 1.106, 1.137. 1,115 or 1,659. "'they're attractive Domes." Strickland said. Forecast is not the original de- ve loper. Strickland said 6 partner- s ship that was building Quinterra folded and the lender bank took over the property. Forecast became interested is The property about a month ago. he said. U its plans are approved, the "d- ue of existing homes will drop, hat sot argUIL Ouinterra plans WHAT: la QLo*u PtawaV Corn messm o�ausses Fore w Homes' proposal for Qtinterta Sib&# SM WHEAL 7 pm Aug; 24. WHERE qty Council cnannbem tttie new City Hal, at WasttirVon Street ant Cale Tampico. "?heir property values have al• ready beta diminished," Strickland responded. "?be market has done that" Homeowners in the nearby Ran- cho Ocotillo and Topaz develop - ments also are signing the petitions. Some of those signing said that when they bought their bomes they were told the rest of the develop- ment and nearby subdivisions would consist of Domes of more than 2.000 square feet. Raecbo Ocotillo homeowner Diane McMabon said she would IMe 26 tier neighborhood to consist of bosses that took more or less the sane. "You want It to remain what you i. i' i. i. 1 1 t Dona r"M aftm Down sr The city's Oesips Review Board voted Aug. l to recommend flat the Planning Cmunindot approve Forecast's plant U homeowners or the developer are unhappy with the' Plannios Commission vote, they- ciWaPPw (I aseyd UNItA aaump) LZ too ccasppY sannoQwog 1 •saowoawoq UJ9*UOa �V'MOZ 1jn. 1saA •1 ;Tun ®oo pauutjd llwo ;Tun olow s t;uTno s1 daex pat s ;vow;caACT sno jo•3oid djaq JJJA oc 6cToa •soT ;iodosd 6uT;c%za q ;TA 6uTdao% vT ost isgi suwjd jTmgnc loq; jT;un Z •clod o;oidwoo o3 ;canbei saiaog ;ctoasod MO(I o; ooTccTmoo buTavtjd oq; pvt not 06sn I OC[Mdio Ema TATS Lyn sams mu OL 23114 mm ZZI8 QI 1"IKIS ZS WMBS 6101 Offivi An mu DO MEMO'IZA2a M -wait cTq; UT cawoq 64T;CT :a aq; ;o *nitA so '02711 'noT;aai;cnoo UT ;oaisATnba ;oo 02* cawoq pauoeid sq; ;sq; uT owoq lm ;o anjtA 1 ;29doid aq; aceaioop lj;uaurwa ad put 1j;utoT ;Tu6Tc liTn 400[o1d •q3, •;ao�oid ti2o;uTno ag; ;o Z ortgd a;aidwoo o; cawog ;ceoasod tq ;canbas av; o; pacoddo we I mWag •sK stoa (Z 39YHd) IMI M31RIAO : ZO3MS CSZZ6 Y0 121UTn8 eZ w ;vTnb t7 ;o 1ITO so;ooilq ;uomdojonaa pat 6uTuutid -�°'" usuuag tsar • 1K 9�d C66T OCT ;sn6nq Ir • BEST, BEST i KRIEGER 6949%90rW •WNa. &&save. grooms" LAwYtA• "to" t. tJnttMRflP 0401144,84 a r1Wt/!• CIO a "AINI / 44614 1 619PNIy me too" CANTO 0114 U t O OwaM. A WILL" a 09~9• /010001 a Wq 11SO m at&" w taaa b"I C eat/t• avow a ttAtta &mall • CLAM PWA 1 scan" OA111O L. aa050a off IN C O.araa OAtw P00016• scat 14054" 101R t a4.aa CMftT0#'Ka t CARKattr aa/a I CkAPWAa Karen a 4001& a1C14AJ10 t aawta/oar "Mote" Y Comaw aaCaattl J alRtC Jam O a4as V C140a t spy 20&18/ s Mawolt AVaa WIC04 tt 0 A&Aaaa• w.lt c aL rolta AAMU t we s CtA" ta►t- 04att J ahNJaw Palo" A a r +CAM ro40WA/ a KOVAa• N0w410 a OAa UK . faAtw Anw t /AOsar /1trwla • 09'rum JNOa 0 O&J4A1MA WCMAta I *OWCL* "Aft t art• amt a vros ttt At0lrol & AJAt• Ana a a0/rtCM4rta U&M A IA&tta VIC"AIt 6AMt• a1&Atm A I/LNUIa O AM t I MUT /0104th J SALMS` J MCMYI at/.111(SCLA tltMlttl OLNWIR NOW t hgwY• ttCtOAU a aura& pave r Marna M 0 WAATa1 Mtrwo" A1110tt J Ca4a0ata IIJaaA C a4Ja& "caw r attt/ Kell C &scats CMr"forwa OWN" VILLU ar IN /1010. A JACa 0 CIARM. A Kam t WULArrm" &&&GOAT / M&A001 WAN at LIM CLAM t OWL UNDAtt w MraYat aaa0ltt t attOCLO a[vm ■ AAaNOOLtw CLARK M &1100• &MAIM +alai• j" as 0 OaA cave J tower. rotas 9&AWhC11 a&ASMatt s AuCOWw awCNAtt J AMptlaOW JtAlawtllt A ►tttnt M 141 a /rata/ • a 0aC0017M1 brim Planning Commission City of La Quint& 78 -495 Calle Tampico P. 0. Box 1504 La Quints, CA 92253 comae tt "0116b10 M"t 64.81W Mtw • 1641100 C"MIM t ac"MCO a1 velar t aws"a OWN C Maa M ar CCA UAM / ONaatt• Comoro" I &am sun 0. it am WCUAa AMRa a waAMa 004 0 KNOW Smt%mn& a &An= OCKANO t toots - pa aA A CC At&IN WUNC ► OAatta carat/ wtNRal Some. RAW arraAtY Arm O r1MKMT a&rlrolro 1Y /t #1060- IOOft Jaaata w &011401& 1101> IOtat tuccac 011111005-1010 September 9, 1993 SWR !1= MW *= MM ORIK P=T c►nm wx Ion RANCM NUOL. CAUramma 0270 Tru7m t Clio "&"I1 TWCORCR M91 1604"s a OasWa► J.nta a OOA+/na one:& m own" am ►Alai aralwu 40191MI. Ff" OatAAW fftV tiM alas CJ t;O ++t SEP 1 0 INN ciry C.: is Re: Plot Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes' Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: As you may remember, this lawfirm represents a number of the homeowners in the Quinterra. and surrounding subdivisions with respect to Forecast Homes' request for approval to build smaller homes. in a letter to this Commission dated August 19, 1993, we presented the homeowners' concerns that approval of the smaller homes would significantly reduce the value of existing homes. We requested that the Forecast proposal not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that other similarly- situated neighborhoods be preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes that do not maintain the quality of the subdivisions as initially planned and approved. For your reference, we have attached a copy of the August 19 letter. We are writing this letter to address a few concerns that have arisen since the original letter. First, it has come to our attention that proponents of the Forecast proposal may argue that Government Code Section 65589.5 28 prevents the City from denying the proposal. Section 65589.5 has been characterized as an "anti- NIMBY" law. The Section prohi &Aw O / /IC98 BEST, BEST 6 &OCR Planning Commission City of La Quint& September 9, 1993 Page 2 local governments from denying housing projects that have at least 20% of the units set aside for low- and moderate- income households unless the local government makes certain specific findings. Section 65589.5 is inapplicable to the Forecast proposal because the Forecast proposal does not qualify as,low- to moderate - income housing. Low- and moderate- income housing is defined by statute to be housing that is made available at a certain percentage of the area median income. Currently, such housing would need to sell for approximately $75,000 to $100g000. Forecast has made no commitment to offer its housing for such prices. Secondly, ve are informed that the City of La Quinta is currently revising the housing element of its general plan. According to correspondence to the City from the State Department of Housing and Community Development, the City's current housing plan is not in compliance with current State requirements. We believe that it would be inappropriate for the City to make any decision to radically change the nature of the Quinterra subdivision in absence of a current statement of the City's housing goals that the housing element should provide. Finally, we wish the Planning Commission to be aware of the case of Guinnane v. San Francisco City Planning Commission (1989) 209 Cal.App.3d 732. In that case, the court affirmed the City of San Francisco Planning Commission's denial of a building permit to construct a house that, because of its size, was not in character with the other homes in the neighborhood. The proposed house complied with the City's zoning laws and building standards but was considerably larger than surrounding homes. The court relied on the requirement in City's code that the commission "protect the character and stability of residential areas,• to find that the commission retained sufficient discretion to deny the permit. As explained in our letter of August 19, 1993, La Quinta Municipal Code provides ample discretion for the denial of the Forecast proposal. One of the goals of design review is to •foster attainment of those sections of the City's general plan and specific plans which refer to the preservation and enhancement of the particular character and unique assets of the City and ,U harmonious development . . . ." (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.183.020(x)). Plot plan approval requires that the plot plan "conform to the logical development of the land and to be compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding grope_ rty." (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.180.040(H)). Forecast's proposal to degregate the neighbo+rhpod 29 by construction of lower - quality homes does not preserv%.. and LAW Off Itt"It, 0 BESTI BEST i EGER Planning Commission City of Ls Quints September 9, 1993 Page 3 enhance the neighborhood; is not consistent with the neighborhood's harmonious development; and, is not compatible with present and future logical development of the area. Therefore, the Forecast proposal does not meet the requirements of the Municipal Code. Once again, we respectfully request that the Planning Commission seriously consider the long -range deleterious effect of the Forecast proposal. We are confident that the City will conclude, as we have, that the Forecast proposal is not in the best interest of Quinterra and surrounding neighborhoods or of the City as a Whole. Very truly yours, DOUGLAS S. PHILLIPS of BEST, BEST i KRIEGER DSP:RWH:js Enc. cc: Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney City of La Quinta: Mayor John Pena Mayor Pro Tea Stanley -Sniff Councilwoman Glenda Bangerter Councilman Ron Perkins Councilman Michael McCartney Client 30 0 BEST. BEST i KRIEGER LAWVCRa ART10I10 t UTTLRWMIW 981JDM1 a ►1RLA/p OttA t 11(P►tRM "too" ORA►TM 1N%UAM R 0111INW9, 44111411010111 L RA /p LAJIIaM C SA1/1• 4V"M 1 0,16011M P"A 1 KLAP 141ID L. &ARM DALLAA HOLY(M 1[Ilt TNAAA CHANST0►1411 I.. CARPCAtCP 1AOL I CNA/MM AICMAAO 1 A^Kftft• ftY0f1IT Y COIATOR Am* 0 .A1A! VICiOA L. 110111 Yitnu, 0 MAR11o• OAMML t OLJIKA O CLJAI (ALP OWL J YIMIaA INOYAA 1 KOVAA• NDINAA1 0 OOLA JOIIA( 1+lOw• 11CHtR► 0111tom 1 ROLL' YICKJL(L O( YAAC t CtAtT YCRC01104 A JYO!" JON A 4OnKMA1 /CA YICNA(L GAAAI• OWN A MAUAA IRAJ.CJO J OA~ J 111pwt /YYINR" AITAIC T TI.CRAAL• VICTORIA ■ RN0 0 YAA/N A(iN(RN L/ /CRT J CRAAIORLL OCO/TG( Y 1[1191 Karl C 50"4 WILLIAM IF I►OTO. JA JXA 0 C ANK&. JA GMGORT L NAAORC MAA Y Uwe RCNOALL N UMVCT LRAKCT C 111910"a CLAPS N ALA' T.MRR VOLA111 DAVID J CRWIM` ►t►tR IN 1AAYACX YKNA(L J. A1.0(LJIOW J94W CTTC A. PCICR314 9LIK L ,RARRr wLAAM O OA.NM. A "n M om~ Allow IN CL� 1119vtIS C O.aALatl OC/11T1a Y Oa,A RAOtlll J. I COis ROK A I . I AGSM AVt1 JMiJt L 096 ►AfRICi M to I /CARL( "M W Uta1Y JA101.O OALAWNWO RTLi A fwo. MAN A CAMIN QAK L 1 EdLgV 60CT/ LLI Ou US M DAVID ► PNMT(ft. M 1LJLAA C RALAA C"" top MR 00010" KRTRR L WR.AJAANOT CLAW C /Kl C[VM R RAMOOLPN JAAK1 a 04.►w MARINAS& 1 WJDCLH1 RATA OtR(N Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 0 CTItTIGA Y. amum TAM" c. "&"W SUM IN LAJ 000110110111 AJ"11011 1 L. me "ft 01u0 AAAACI R. I &WU ONA 0 NAAM LAALAAAR VARM RICNAAOI (00th^ PAT111CR 0 OOLAA KLIIIC P WIFE* CULT 01 N(YP1SA 101198 RVD10 11U~ JOTOT O FWMLWT R►V1.p1.0 K at I I &". 19811 JANC1 N RAIM1111911107TN CIJOCIIC K1T 110105- 39831 August 19, 1993 ILM 81! M00 q tTOK OWN Pw wnm sm 1 m ftwa,e:aAAOL efto0fwJ1 06270 TML04 T w files !stil l TQM"M 0310 609801 0 Cajon" . on=a NKRT110C fe" 1L` I498 MAI 3JT1111C1 rLwnss?N am AM Met •ML10A AUG 19 tm s Re: Plot Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes• Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: This lavfirm represents a number of homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding subdivisions with respect to Forecast Homes' request for approval to build smaller homes. These homeowners are very concerned that if Forecast is allowed to build homes that are half the size of existing homes, the quality of their neighborhood will be substantially reduced and a substantial part of their investments in their homes will be lost. On their behalf, we respectfully request that Forecast's plans for smaller homes not be- approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that values in existing neighborhoods are preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes that do not maintain the quality of existing neighborhoods. As you may approved in 1988. required that the models to be built developer of the submitted, and this varied in size from Knov, the Quinterra tentative tract map was Condition 28 of the Conditions of Approval Planning Commission approve the plans for all within the subdivision. In 1990, the previous subdivision (Windsor Construction Company) Commission approved, three floor plans which 2,071 to 2,593 square feet. The current Z!! 31 LAM OfFICii 0 BEST, BEST 6 KRICOER Planning Commission City of La Quint& August 19, 1993 Page 2 existing 18 homes in the Quinterra subdivision were built using those plans. These are all quality homes which originally sold for between $200,000 and $250,000. At the time Quinterra homeowners purchased their homes, they were assured by Windsor that the quality of the neighborhood would be maintained throughout subsequent phases. The subdivision's CCLR's call for the establishment of an Architectural Control Committee that will review and approve all homes to be built in the subdivision (other than those built by the developer) to insure that standards within the neighborhood are maintained. Based on these representations, homeowners felt secure in investing a significant part of their life savings in their new homes. Forecast Homes now proposes to build significantly smaller homes (from 1,106 to 1,659 square feet) that will sell for half the price of the existing homes. We all know that the quality of a neighborhood significantly affects the value of each hose within that neighborhood. Forecast undoubtedly foresees that the value of its smaller homes vill increase due to their close proximity to the larger existing homes. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. The value of existing homes will be reduced if smaller homes are allowed to be built in the same tract. In essence, approval of the smaller homes will allow Forecast to transfer value from existing homes to the new, smaller homes. Forecast vill then sell this transferred value at a profit, while existing homeowners will suffer a loss in the value of their investment. We are mindful that, in today's market, requiring Forecast to proceed with the project as originally planned may not provide Forecast with the fastest method of making a profit. But land -use planning is not about maximizing short -term profits for developers. It is about achieving coherent and consistent development of property that will preserve and enhance property values for all concerned - -the developer, the surrounding property owners and the City. Forecast's request comes before this Commission for design review as a plot plan. One of the goals of design review is to "foster attainment of those sections of the City's general plan and specific plans which refer to the preservation and enhancement of -the particular character and unique assets of the City and it& harmonious development . . . ." (La Quinta Municipal Code f 9.183.020(A).) Plot plan approval requires that the plot plan "conform to the logical development of the land— and to Amk IAW OfFIC9• BEST, BEST 6 K GER Planning Commission City of La Quint& August 19, 1993 Page ) 0 compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property." (La Quint& Municipal Code S 9.180.040(8).) Forecast's proposed plans do not comply with those requirements. Degregation of the neighborhood through the construction of lower - value housing is not compatible with current development nor does it preserve and enhance existing neighborhoods. For that reason alone, Forecast's request should be denied. As the principal planning agency for the City of La Quint &, this Commission is encharged with implementing a long -range perspective for the development of the City. The Quinterra neighborhood will exist for years to come. By investing a substantial part of their life savings in quality Quinterra homes, existing homeowners have made a long -term investment in, and commitment to, the quality of their neighborhood and the City of La Quinta as well. This Commission should not allow that investment and commitment to be undermined by short -term market forces and Forecast's desire for a quick profit. It is our understanding that there are other subdivisions within La Quinta that face a similar dilemma. ' Initial phases of those subdivisions were built with larger, quality homes. Now, due to the depressed housing market, developers desire to build smaller, inferior homes within those developments. In an effort to move product, developers are sacrificing the quality of their projects. We believe that fairness and good planning demand that the City of La Quinta carefully examine the situation and craft a comprehensive, City -wide response. We suggest that a "neighborhood preservation ordinance" be implemented. The ordinance would use Zoning controls to balance the need to maintain existing neighborhood values with the desire of developers to respond to market conditions. Similar ordinances have been enacted in other cities to preserve existing neighborhoods from uncontrolled development that threatened to destroy the character of those neighborhoods. Such an ordinance would give La Quinta city planners, this Commission and the City Council increased ability to respond in a reasonable way to the needs of all segments of the community and to allow for the development in a manner that is fair to all. Until this City has had an opportunity to fully assess and respond to the threats to existing neighborhoods posed by subsequent,- inferior development, we respectfully request that Forecast be required to continue to develop the Quinterra subdivision as previously planned by Windsor and approved bycthe 3 3 %Ar OFFIC91 * • BEST* BEST 6 KRIEGER Planning Commission City of 1A Quint& Auqust 19, 1993 Page 4 City. A hasty decision to allow lesser-quality development in this neighborhood will unfairly detract from the substantial investments made in good faith by Quinterra homeowners and from the reputation of the City of La Quinta as a secure place for quality investment. Very truly yours, /- 1 Cl-t" DOUG S S. PHILLIPS of BEST, BEST i KRIEGER DSP:RWH:j9 cc: Dawn Honeyweil, City Attorney City of La Quint& Client 34 Planning Comission Minutes August 24, 1993 extension of time for Tentative Tract 25953 to the City Council, subject to conditions. R/27840; AYES: Commissi rs Ellson, Marrs, Abels Chairwoman Barrows. ES: None. ABSENT: Co issioner Adolph. ABSTAININ . None. B. n tiv out of TD Dese elopment (Chuck Strother) for approv f a tentative tract map to Great 6 single family residential lots misc eous lots on 55 + acres. Principal Plan/Stan wa stated the applica/hadr ested a continuance of eptember 14, 1993. Ting was opened by Chrows. There being n it was moved and secomissioners Ellson/Abels entative Tract 27840 to , 1993. Unanimously Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved to reorganize the agenda by placing Business Item 13 as ItejMJA�Unanimously approved. Tentative Tract 23913 Quintema) a request of Forecast Homes for approval of architectural plans for single family residences. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Marrs asked staff to clarify where the River Rock would be used. Staff explained the location and stated there had been a minor modification to the plans which added 50 square feet to four of.the plans. I Chairwoman Barrows asked what the size of the eaves was. Staff stated it depended on the plan but to make the house appear larger, an 18 -inch ea've is proposed. Chairwoman Barrows stated there needed to be more shading and an 18-inch overhang was needed. % PCS -24 35 • Planning commission Minutes August 24, 1993 4. Mr. Bruce Strickland, Vice President of Land Acquisition for Forecast Homes, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated 60-80% of their buyers were first time buyers and their company offered a total of five plans ranging in size from 1,000 square feet to 1,660 square feet. S. Commissioner Ellson asked if a patio cover in the rear was offered. Mr. Strickland stated not at present, but it could be. Chairwoman Barrows asked if their homes in Phoenix offered the patio cover. Mr. Strickland stated they did not. 6. Commissioner Ellson stated the La Quina Del Rey project (Century Homes) offered a small home and only sold three and asked if the applicant had considered this in their marketing. Mr. Strickland stated he was aware and further stated that the larger units were not selling either. Discussion followed regarding the homes built in La Quinta Dd Rey. 7. Mr. Doug Phillips, Best, Best & Krieger, spoke on behalf of the Quintena homeowners. He stated the project would adversely affect the existing homes and submitted a petition with 181 individual signatures. He reminded the Commission that the City Code allows the Planning Commission to change or deny the application. TUe existing homes were at least 1,000 square feet more than those planned by the developer and the existing neighborhood did not consist of first time buyers but established homeowners who had put their entire investment into their homes. He went on to quote what the original homeowners had been promised by the Quintero developers when they bought their homes. 8. Mr. Dale Thornburgh, .La Quinta Del Rey property owner, stated he had searched for a location and tract that would suit his family needs and bought a home in the La Quinta Del Rey tract. Mr. Thornburgh stated he was in the real estate business and he felt there was a market for the larger homes if they were built. 9. Ms. loan Berndt, Quintena homeowner, stated the smaller, low price .homes would affect her loan. The larger homes have better construction and architectural design, with higher quality appliances. The lower prices will bring a transient type population into the neighborhood because they will not have the finances to maintain the homes. She felt the present homeowners could expect a 10-20% decrease in value in their homes. PCS -24 36 Planning Commission Minutes August 24, 1993 10. Mr. Russell Robertson, Quintero homeowner for three months, stated the planning should stay consistent with Phase 1. 1"he Design Review Board when, reviewing the project, did not take into account the needs of the existing homeowners. The applicant was not sensitive to the exiting homeowners. Mr. Robertson stated he felt the difference between the loss in property values due to economic problems versus 'cookie cutter' type homes I being built reducing their value further was unfair. Chairwoman Barrows asked if Mr. Robertson had any suggestions to offer to the developer to solve the problem, such as a size of home that would be acceptable. Mr. Robertson stated if he had to compromise the minimum would be 1,800 square feet. He stated the smallest existing plan was 2,100 square feet. 11. Mr. Daniel Bresnahan, Rancho Ocotillo property owner, stated so far the arguments had been over price, size, and quality of the homes. He was concerned about the promise that had been broken to the existing homeowners. He wanted the value and 'neighborhood to be maintained and asked the Commission not to reduce the standards of the neighborhood. He and" his neighbors would rather see the land stay vacant as it is, rather than having anything of less value buflL 12. Mr. Kim Lee Job, Quinterra homeowner, stated he was a banker and had seen what happens to a development when lower value homes are built in conjunction with higher valued homes. He stated his opposition to the project. 13. Ms. Allyson Devenney, La Quinta Vistas homeowner, stated her opposition to seeing Century Homes or Forecast Homes develop in any part of her existing tract or any of the neighboring tracts. 14. Mr. Kirk Dimmitt, Rancho Ocotillo property owner, stated his opposition to the development. He understood the economic downturn in property values, but asked that the Commission not impose an artificial downturn on their area 15. Ms. Jennie Erwin- Plantz, Topaz homeowner, stated her concern that her development had a similar downsizing plan starting and she was in opposition to it happening in her tract. These were not first time buyer in these developments but retirees and homeowners who put life savings into their homes and they can't afford to lose their property value. 37 PC8 -24 Planning Commission Xinutes August 240 1993 16. Ms. Bev Beam, Rancho Ocotillo homeowner, stated she had been a realtor for 21 years and can realistically address the value depreciation based on her experience in the area. She stated that when the smaller homes were built by the Highlands area, the homes were devalued by as much as $100,000. She quoted several instances where property values had decreased to the point people were selling their homes at a loss to maintain their credit ratings. These people were losing everything they had in their homes. The appraisals can't meet the value. Commissioner Marrs asked if Ms. Beam felt this was due to the economy and not because of the smaller homes. Ms. Beam stated she knew the economy was having an affect on the market, but also felt the smaller homes would add to the problem. 17. Ms. Marty Butler, Rancho Ocotillo homeowner, stated the northern section of the City was developed for the upscale homes. She did not feel the City was in support of the citizens of this area. IU out-of-town builders do not rare about the existing homeowners, they just buy the land cheap and take advantage of the City. Property values had already decreased but will decrease even more if the smaller homes are allowed to be built. The City has affordable housing and does not need this. She stated her concern that they had no representation at the City. 18. Mr. Louis Glick, La Quinta Vistas homeowners, stated he had researched the area and settled in La Quinta and was very happy until now. He had heard that Century Homes was about to develop in his tract with a lesser quality home and he felt there was no place for the lesser value next to the higher quality homes. He further stated he had received a letter from Forecast Homes offering him a dinner and $40.00 for participating in a Focus Group survey discussion regarding issues most important to choosing a home. Chairwoman Barrows asked if Mr. Glick had the letter and would he submit it to the Commission. Mr. Glick did so. 19. Mr. Bruce Maize, builder, stated his support of the project. He felt the question before the Commission was whether the Commission wanted affordable housing. He felt the quality could be maintained as the same contractors build the higher quality homes. He asked where the first time buyer would fit in. 20. Ms. Diane Schmidt, Building Industry Association Desert Council president, stated her support of the project in that it helped mat the market demand by meeting needs. She also stated that Forecast Homes had an excellent record and built quality homes and they worked hard to mitigate negative perceived ideas. She further felt that size had nothing to do with pride in a neighborhood. 38 Planning Comission Minutes August 24, 1993 21. Ms. Sa11y Young, a land broker in Palm Desert, stated her sympathy for the homeowners, but the whole State was experiencing property devaluation. The economy dictates what is built and most of the unbuilt lots are now owned by the banks because the builders could not complete their tracts. The land is presently one half the original purchase price. There are no guarantees that prices will not go down. Developers and landowners have the right to build what will sell in todays market. A variety of price range does not have to decrease the value of existing homes. 22. Mr. Tim Bartlett, real estate broker, stated his support of the project. 23. Mr. Joe Dunson, Topaz homeowner, stated he was a lender and the trouble was not affordable housing, but putting them in the same neighborhood as larger homes. The economy was already hurting the homeowners, don't add to the trouble. Make affordable homes available but not next door. 24. Ms. Mary Black, Topaz homeowner, she bought the largest unit available at $240,000 and there is a vacant lot next door. They moved to the desert to have a better lifestyle for their family and her husband commutes to La Mirada to work in order t4 live here. They experienced the market devaluation in Long Beach due to first time buyers and don't want the same here. 25. Mr. Strickland, applicant, rebutted by saying that first time buyers are not bad citizens. He went on to explain the letters that were sent out were to encourage people to attend their survey meetings (focus groups) which were used for market analysis. He further stated that they use the same contractors for both the expensive and low cost houses to maintain the quality in their homes. All buyers have the option to raise the quality of their homes by purchasing added options. He felt the same quality houses would be compatible with the neighborhood even though there was less square footage. 26. Commissioner Ellson stated her empathy for the homeowners and gave a history of how north La Quinta developed and came into La Quinta. She stated her objection to mixdd housing and felt a variety of people was good for any community. 27. Commissioner Abels stated he remembered the original master plan for the area. He felt the solution was a special ordinance similar to what was enacted for the Cove to control the type of construction that would be allowed. He stated his concern for the builders as well. 39 • 0 Planning Comiaaion minutes August 240 1993 .r 28. Commissioner Marrs stated he was sympathetic to the problem but did not agree with the thinking of the opponents as he believed things had been exaggerated. He believed varied sizes can be compatible. He felt the homeowners were misguided as to devaluing property values. He felt the homeowners were blaming the devaluation of their homes on homes that hadn't even been constructed yet. 29. Commissioner Abels asked staff to look into the SR Zoning Ordinance and see if it could help in this instance. 30. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff what the original applicant and approval was for this tract. Staff stated the original application was a statement just to convey that the new developer proposed the existing units. Chairwoman Barrows addressed the audience and stated the Commission was looking to the homeowners for a solution. All of the Commissioners had been to the area and looked for themselves. There is a need for diversity in housing while representing the existing homeowners interest. 31. Commissioner Olson questioned the variety of housing at PGA West and its success was due to their CC & R's that enable the environment to be controlled. Staff stated this was a planned condominium community that allows for these type of controls. Property owners own the home only and the association pays for. the maintenance of the lots. Commissioner Ellson asked if this was possible for this area. Staff stated the Quinterra project had CC & R's and architectural review and at present they were in the control of the bank until the residents take over with some exceptions. Commissioner Epson asked if these CC & R's could control maintenance and parking of cars, etc. Staff stated the CC & R's gave them the ability to bring civil litigation against offenders and force the property owner to comply. Tle City does not have any control. 32. Commissioner Ellson questioned the applicant as to whether they were building any larger units anywhere else. Mr. Strickland stated they had built a larger home in Perris and South San Bernardino County. Commissioner Ellson asked if they would be appropriate for the desert. Mr. Strickland pointed out that the range of sizes for these homes was from 1,180 to 1,860 square feet. Mr. Strickland stated he felt he was trying to make the transition as easy as possible. He would be willing to use the 1,800 square foot plan where he was planning on using the Plans S and 6. 33. Mr. Doug Phillips, Best, Best & Krieger, representing the Quinterra property owners, stated the units were incompatible and did not fit. He reiterated the Commission could deny the request as the City's Plot_va 40 and Design Review Code stated they had the right if the units werco t • • Planning comeission Nantes August 24, 1993 compatible. He went on to quote a court rase where a larger house in San Francisco was out of place with smaller units and even though the City Code allowed it the City-could deny it based on. its incompatibility. 7be Court of Appeals stated if the Planning Commission rinds it not in harmony it can deny the requesF Mr. Phillips stated the project could relocate to another area of the City. 34. Mr. Jim Rice, Rancho Ocotillo, asked the applicant what the size of the lots were. Mr. Strickland stated they were the original minimum lot sizes of 7,200 square feet and larger. 35. Ms. Marty Butler, Quinterra homeowner, asked the Commission to form a group of homeowners to meet with them and help plan the area for what could be built in this area: Commissioner Marrs reminded the people of the number of meetings that were held asking residents to help the City plan for the area in the General Plan process. Ms. Butler stated she had no objection to the zoning and what was planned for the area, but don't put something in where a value exists and decrease that value. She stated her concern that she felt her rights were being taken away from her as she had no ability to chose, the decision was being forced upon her. 36. Commissioner Ellson stated her agreement with the idea of working with the residents to solve the problem. She felt there needed to be constructive discussion so everyone could live with the decision. 37. There being no further. discussion, Commissioner Abels moved to continue Tentative Tract 23913- Quinterra, Phase 17 to September 14, 1993, with the stipulation that each development tract in this area would send two representatives along with the developer, and meet with the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled study session on September 13, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. to work toward a compatible solution. Commissioner Epson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. It was suggested that the representatives and developer come to the study session with solutions. Chairwoman Barrows dismissed the Commission for a ten minute break. B. Plan 4 'R La uin '; a request of Developme ucg'Planner oyal of preliminary land g plans for Washi n Street , 1. Stan Sawa p the information c ' ed in they of which ' n file in the Plannin d Developme 41 Planning commission Minutes (>I September 14, 1993 1. Associate Planner Leslie contained in the Staff rt and Development De dhquand -Cherry presented the rmatimt -a copy of which is on file ' e Planning 2. Commissioner s asked staff to clarify the th of the exit and the purpose of t shuttle system. Staff stated th were requiring the exit to be 1 S -f d the shuttle system was ierans�rt the students to the schoo d keep the parking lot close a street. 3. mmissioner Ellson ask/ifre as any proble m with the waste disposal company getting stated Waste Management of t Desert had no problem. 4. Commissioner Ellso sked if the entire caret/ka ould be constructed in the st phase. Staff referred the pplicant. S. There bein further questions of staff, Chairs opened the publi earing. Mrs Bernardo Gouthier, i issioner Epson estion, stated the fi rst phase uld consist of only the hig ' ted area. Commissioner Ellson t pointed out that the restroom f sties for the caretaker were not in ed in that potion. Mr. Gouthier ended his stated and included t omplete building in the first phase, Mr. Gouthier asked for cl 'cation on Condition f32. Staff sta r. Gouthier's street impro , ents existed and he would have n ff- street requirements except r landscaping. Following disc on, it was recommended th ondition A�32 be deleted. 7. There bein o further public comm/en n Barrows closed the public ng. Commissioners Eved and seconded a moti to adopt Minute Motion 93-0ng approval of Public U Permit 93 -016, subject to t Condition Ar332, the ncreasing of Phase I to inclu sroom, storage, and caretakers facility, and 'Con ' n 135.A.1 being changed to 15 -feet. Unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC CONIR4ENT: None . BU ilk' A. ntinued Tentative Tract 23913 interra)-Phase I ; a request of Forecast Homes for approval of architectural plans for single family residences. 42 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 I. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions of stall Chairwoman Barrows asked that only those who had something new to add to the previous comments address the Commission at this time. . 3. Mr. Ed Kibbey, representing Building Industry Association stated that the building industry, depends upon builders being able to process their projects through the City process according to their established regulations. This was also true for the property owners as well. He felt the City should ba3e their decision on what the Code called for. 4. Mr. Russell Robertson, representing Quinterra, submitted additional petitions to the Commission and stated he felt that any units approved for development should be compatible with the existing homes. He submitted a picture comparison of the existing homes and those built by Forecast Homes in Moreno Valley. S.. Mr. Michael Damson, Cactus Flower, stated his opposition to the project based on incompatibility. 6. Mr. Dwight Robb, La Quinta Vistas, stated his objection and fear that what was happening to Quinterra would happen in his project. He felt there must be an alternative to' the smaller units being mixed with the larger. 7. Mr. David Alpert, Acacia; stated his opposition to the project. He has invested his life savings in his home and he had purchased a cert ain life style by buying in the Acacia development. He further stated he was losing equity due to the economy, why should the developer profit from his misfortune. 8. Mr. Doug Phillips, attorney for Quinterra (Best, Best, & Krieger), reviewed the letter submitted by the property owner (Pri Merit Bank).on behalf of Forecast Homes: He stated that even though the banks can't afford to build a larger unit, the property owners can't afford to lose any more equity in their homes. He went on to reiterate that the City Zoning regulations stated that if a project was not in harmony or compatible with the existing homes, then the Planning Commission was required to deny the project. PC9 -14 43 • Planning Commission Minutes Septemtor 14, 1993 . • 9. Mr. Lance Eldred, Topaz, stated his desire to see the City adopt a protective ordinance on how to deal with this issue which will be repeated in every unfinished tract. He did not feel there was a solution to the problem and Forecast Homes should conform to the Zoning Ordinance. The units did not fit. — 10. Mr. Bruce Strickland, applicant, gave the Commission some comparison figures relative to the surrounding tract house sizes. He stated he was not changing the density of the area, and the units were compatible. He went on to discuss the issues raised regarding the photograph display submitted by Mr. Robertson. He further stated that no where in the Zoning Ordinance does it state that a unit is incompatible due to size. He stated that the City doesn't guarantee an investment to the property owners. There were fundamental rights on both sides of this issue and the Commission needed to address those issues. 11. here being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows asked the Commission for their comments. Commissioner Abels stated the City was in the process of refining its Zoning Ordinance and he felt it necessary to deny the project at this time. He felt the issue needed to be resolved with new City regulations. He stated the City was very much for growth, he would like to see the tracts as they were originally planned. .12. Commissioner Ellson stated her agreement with keeping the tracts as they are. She empathized with the homeowners as they are the City. She went on to share what she felt was an average house size for the area. Following discussion with the Commissioners it was felt that no more than a 30% differential in house sizes should be allowed within an existing tract. 13. Commissioner Marrs expressed his concern that a solution could not be reached. He felt a builder should be able to build on his property. He felt there was no reason why a decision on a minimum house size could not be reached *to bring the project in conformance with the existing homes. Commissioners Ellson and Abels stated their agreement. 14. Chairwoman Barrows stated her agreement with the 30% differential on the size of the homes to be built. She stated her empathy for both sides and felt there needed to be a reasonable compromise on both sides. PC9 -14 44 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 PC9 -14 0 15. Commissioner Ellson stated the Zoning Ordinance did not address the size of a home to be built within an existing tract. She felt the architectural review within the existing tracts needed to address the existing homes (i.e., CC & R's document). 16. Following an agreement between the Commissioners that the project should be approved, Commissioners discussed with staff the Conditions of Approval. Conditions were amended as follows: a. Condition #13: block wall would be required for all fencing of perimeter and interior walls. b. Condition #15: Metal roll -up doors would be required for all garages. C. Condition #7: Plans for the 1,868 square foot unit or larger would be required next to or adjacent to any existing units. d. Condition 14: 18' overhangs would be required. e. Condition 9: Gray roof tile would be deleted from the color board. f. Condition x'16: ' The minimum house size would be 1,650 square feet. g. Condition 17: All additional house plans not already approved by the Planning Commission would be resubmitted for Planning Commission approval. h. Condition #12: the use of River Rock and the new 'red' brick would not be allowed. 17. Following the discussion regarding the conditions, Commissioners Abels/Marrs moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-043 approving Tentative Tract 23913, Phase II subject to the amended conditions as stated above. Unanimously approved. 18. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Commission their findings to base their approval on. They are as follows: 45 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 a. The Conditions of Approval for Tract 23913 grant the authority to the Planning Commission for review and approval of the architectural residential units proposed for construction within the development. b. The Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the architectural residential style and size of the homes to be constructed within the tract on December 11, 1990. C. Ile development contains 116 lots of which 18 homes have been constructed per the approved architectural residential style. e. The proposed smaller residential units are not in harmony, conformance, or compatible in size or architectural style with the existing developed units or the units approved by the Planning Commission. f. The Planning Commission further finds that the minimum house size shall be 1,650 square feet which is in harmony, conformance, and is compatible with the existing development. 19. Commissioners Abels/Ellson moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-044 approving the findings as stated above. Unanimously approved. 20. The Commissioners asked staff to relay to the Council their request to review the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to minimum house sizes to include a stipulation that would protect homeowners within an existing tract. Chairwoman Barrows excused the Commission for a ten minute break. The Commission broke at 9:25 P.M. and reconvened at 9:35 P.M. B. Street Name Chan ; a requSgof La Quinta Golf PropVXfor approval of a Resolu6 ntent to set a tc hearing to consider eet name change from S acker Road to arty Lane. Principal PI er Stan Sawa presen a information contain the Staff re , a copy of which is He in the Planning and elopment Dep. ent. PC9 -14 46 S. PRIMEW MNK September 13,1993 City of L Qultfta Pluning Commission La Quints City Hall Counsel Chambers 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quints, California AW QPW b sW L � Ait� �If1 �flf! MIN S t 4 X93 . l Re: Forecast Homes Application for Continued Development of the 94 Remaining Lots in Quintena Subdivision Dear Chairperson; This lettu is being written in response to the difficulty that Forecast Homes is hiving receiving approval from the City of La Quints to continue with the development of the remaining loft located in the Quintens Subdivision, La Quints, California. Forecast Homes is prm ly in escrow with PriMMt Bank to purchase those lots. PrWerit Hank's acquisition of those lots came as a result of a bugders default on a loon which originated in April of 1990. Pen terit Bank had loaned monies to be used for the acquisition, development and construction of a 116 lot subdivision. After the development of the lots and construction of the sales models, sales of 15 production houses began in August of 1991. From that date until Mamb of 1993, our borrower wu only rocicessful in selling 6 of flu production homes. In Mamb of 1993, when PriMerit Bank took possession of the property tmgh a Trustee's Sale, we obtained numerous muka studies and interviewed am& developers in an attmpt to determine a se ling price for the remaining homes. It was apparent thro our various mufrt studies that due to market deterioradon the originil &slang prices of the homes were much too high to allow for the tamely liquidation of the remaining houses and models. Therefore it was decided, based on the recommendation from various real estate companies throughout the area, that the sales prices on the homes should be lowered to a point that an aoceptable sales absorption or rate could be realuod. From the project's inceptive in April of 1990 until March of 1993, the homes in the subdivision were offered at a price which ranged from $87 to $91 per square foot. Upon PriMerit's acquisition of the property in March of 1993, the prices wen lowered to betu-eern $69 and $72 per square foot in order to generate sales. This price adjustment was due entirely to the economic conditions facing the entire Ca5fornia area The market studies and interviews %ith most of the area builders indicated that the overall sales prices for product selling in the area had fallen up to 25 -30%. 47 eEp -15-93 WED 7120 Lk .dINTA NaLG SAFETY 619t :yet ►.e1 Tmf 4 W n 70 -496 CALLS 7AMPICO — LA CUINTA. CALIFORNIA 9220 Q'» MM-70 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Of FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellant's Name FORMIM CCORA ON Date crvrc� Nailing Address 10670 CIVIC CENmm DRIVE ry RAND CUCAMI CA 91730 Phone: ( 909) 987 -7788 RE: Case No. OA NCH 93-505 Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit ' Variance change of Zone, Public Use Permit Surface Mining i Reclamation Permit utdoor advertising ,____Consistency with General Plan Environmental Assessment Setback Adjustments Temporary Use Permit Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which !a being protested. PRASE SEE An Use additional sheets if necessary. i .1 i 'qnature 48 • CITY OF 1A QUINTA — 78 -495 Calla Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 I K.ANxING DEIAATMUIT Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. The Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 approved our proposal, yet conditioned us to construct homes with a minimum square footage of 1650 s /f. This eliminated our Plans 2, 3, 4 i 5 and leaves us only Plan 6 and 7 (1660 s/f i 1868 s/f respectively) to build, which makes our ability to market this product unrealistic. The minimum house size per the City's General Plan is 750 s/f with our smallest home being 1106 s /f. Our proposal complies with all of the City's rules, laws and ordinances. This proposal was reviewed and found to be compatible by the Design Review Board and approved with minor comments. We object to Conditions # 70 128 13 i 16 as imposed by the Planning Commission September 14, 1993. Again, our homes were approved by the Design Review Board and we have satisfied the City's procedures, laws and ordinances and request your consideration in our appeal. POWA$T COMRATION Strickland, Vice Pres 10610 Gvic Cotu Drive Ruxto Cw3m g% CA 91730 49 D u�+Vdop 78496 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUJNTA. CALIFORNIA 6'1253 (619) M-7000 FAX (619) 777.7101 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellant's Name Mailing Address Owtera d R3%to Ocotillo Iimeowrrs (See attached list) c% Q.i S. ftllips of Best, Best & Krieger Da to 9/271'93 "1W LIM Node Dn, , ante 312 RWCho ftEa )e, CA 92210 Phone: ( 619 ) 568-2611 RE: Case No. Plot Plm 93 -505 Type of Appeal: ' Conditional Use Permit variance ,_Change of Zone _Public Use Permit _Surface Mining i Reclamation Permit Outdoor Advertising Consistency with General Plan Environmental Assessment Setback Adjustments Temporary Use Permit roc Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number*of'the. specific condition which is being protested. ***SEE AITACIED "* SEP 2 7 M Use. additional sheets if necessary. Sign ure 50 0 0 LIST Of QUINTERRA AND RANCHO OCOTILLO iiOMEONNERS James C. Hanson Neil Ludlam Kim Lee and Karen Job Arthur John Kneuer and Joan M. Berndt Kneuer Bruce and Cindy Mercy Larry Miller Marilyn Williams Russell and Sara - jeannine Robertson Robert L. and Linda C. Tette E.H. Wienss N. James Allen Daniel and Prances Bresnahan Joseph A. and Barbara J. Irwin Roger T. and Carol M. Isabell Jeff and Terri Laddusaw Ed and Diane McMahon Jack M. and Anne Mayes Edward Q. and Lucille E. Mycek Duane Nishikubo Archie Sharp Mel and Susie Levine Bob and Rachel Woods Virginia Jacobsen James S. and Barbara Rice Jack Pederson Arnold Charles Richard W, and Tamara D. Bradford James T. and Imogene Wells Craig and Susan Class Alvin M. Dettloff Monte Maxey Ceorge and Cindy Conroy Robert and Kathy Bradley Cecelia D. McCombs Sybil Salisbury Richard 0. and Karen D. Erickson B.A. Beam Arnold K. and Chith Dimmitt Susan Caulfield 51 P; COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL BY FORECAST CORP. AND BEST, BEST & KRIEGER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN THE QUINTERRA TRACT (PHASE 2) TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET PR LARGER AND THE APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS. APPELLANTS: BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. (FORECAST CORPORATION) & BEST, BEST AND KRIEGER SUMMARY: HLE COPY' AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: On August 24th and September 14, 1993, the Planning Commission reviewed the request by Forecast Corp. (Forecast Homes) to develop single family dwelling units within Phase 2 of the Quinterra Tract north of Miles Avenue and east of Adams Street. Forecast Homes proposed homes which ranged in size from 1,106 to 1,659 square feet . The Planning Commission determined that the homes .should be comparable in size to the existing Phase 1 homes ( +2,072 square feet). The Planning Commission voted 4 -0 (Commissioner Adolph absent) to.approve a' minimum house size of 1,650 square feet plus other miscellaneous amendments. On September 21, and September 27, 1993, the Applicant and abutting neighbors appealed the Planning Commission's decision. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: �L Adopt Minute Motion 93 -_, denying the appeals and accepting the 'Conditions of Approval. ( Exhibit "A"). and findings as recommended by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1993. Submitted by: Approved for, submission to City Council: Y HE4MAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR /CS ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER 7' Y S MEMORA4 NDUM �Of1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL BY FORECAST CORPORATION (FORECAST HOMES, INC.), AND BEST, BEST AND KRIEGER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993, TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZE WITHIN QUINTERRA TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND THE APPEAL OF OTHER ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS. APPELLANTS: MR. BRUCE STRICKLAND, V.P. - FORECAST CORPORATION & BEST, BEST & KRIEGER ISSUES: Forecast Homes has appealed the Planning Commission's decision of September 14, 1993 to require a minimum house size of 1,650 square feet ( Condition #16), in Phase . II of the existing. Quinterra Tract. They have-also appealed Conditions #7,• #12, and #13 (Attachment #5) . In addition to the appeal by the Applicant, attached is an appeal by Best, Best & Krieger on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho'Ocotillo residents. The residents have requested that the City Council require the Phase II units to be the same size as the Phase I units or deny the request because the application is not compatible with their existing neighborhood (Attachment #6) . Background On July 21, 1993, staff received new architectural plans from Forecast Homes of Rancho Cucamonga requesting City approval of its three and four bedroom homes within Phase II of the existing Quinterra subdivision on the north side of Miles Avenue and east of Adams Street. The proposed house sizes range from 1,106 to 1,659 square feet with all the homes being one story except for the largest unit which is two stories. The tract contains 116 lots with 18 homes constructed in Phase 1, leaving Phase 2 with 98 lots. Four of the 98 lots are currently'used as the tract's storm water retention basin system. MEMOGT . 021 / CS 2 �r Cl These four lots could be buildable in the future if a City wide storm water . system is constructed. Therefore, of the 94 buildable lots in Phase 2, the developer stated that he planned to offer the smallest home as a. marketing tool but he did not believe he would have more than 10% or 9 homes of the smaller homes in Phase 2. The requirement for Planning Commission review is based on Condition No. 28 of Tract Map 23913 which provides that architectural plans shall be reviewed and approved as a Business Item by the Planning Commission. On August 4, 1993, the Design' Review Board examined the submittal and recommended approval of the units provided the larger units (Plans 4 thru 6) were used adjacent to the existing 16 homes within Phase I. The Design Review Board also requested staff to send a letter to the existing Phase I homeowners notifying them of the future August 24, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. The letter was sent on August 11; 1993. The Planning Commission reviewed the request on August 24th., September 13th (Study Session), and September 14, 1993. The background material is attached (Attachment #1) . At each meeting, the Planning Commission took testimony from numerous people who reside in both the Quiriterra Tract and in the other tracts surrounding Quinterra. The' residents felt the units were too small for Quinterra and other existing tracts (partially developed) . On September 14, 1993, the Planning Commission voted to conditionally approve the request provided various Conditions of Approval were modified and the minimum house size within the tract was not less than 1,650 square feet. The Planning Commission also required the homes immediately abutting Phase 1 to be a minimum size of 1,868 square feet (Condition No. 17) . The Planning Commission minutes are attached (Attachment No. 2 and Attachment No. 3) . Public Hearing Notice The City Council on September 21, 1993, requested that staff advertise the case as a public hearing for its October 19, 1993 meeting. The. City Council also requested that the notices be mailed to the original petitioners who spoke or'submitted material over the past two months. Staff has :completed both requests. ANALYSIS /FISCAL IMPACT: The Planning Commission report of September 14, 1993 explains the issue that exists within the existing tracts of the City. The original tentative maps in the north part of the City did not require a specific size house for the tract nor did the tract CC &R's address this issue. In 1988 and 1989 house sizes were generally 1;600 square feet or larger in this area of the City. However, with the current economic conditions in the State of California many builders are looking to develop smaller starter homes. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Minute Motion 93- denying the appeals and accept the Conditions of Approval ( Exhibit "A") and findings as recommended by the Planning Commission on September 14; 1993. MEMOGT . 021 / CS Other options which are available: 2. The City Council can deny the appeal and deny the Developer's request for modification of architectural plans. The approved units (2,072 sq. ft., 2,363 sq. ft., and 2,593 sq. ft. ),of Ahe previous developer (Windsor). would then be required. 3. The City Council could modify the Planning Commission Conditions of Approval of September 14, 1993, and approve the Developer's .request. 4. The City Council could approve the Developer's request without conditions. 5. The City Council could refer the matter back to the Design Review Board and Planning Commission for further study. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission staff report of September 14, 1993 2. Planning Commission Minutes -of August 24, 1993 3. Planning Commission Minutes of September 14, 1993 4. Letter from PriMerit Bank ( Property owner/ Phase II) 5. Forecast appeal 6. Best, Best & Krieger appeal 7. Large Plans - Windsor & Forecast (City Council only) MEMOGT . 021 / CS 3 • EXH =BIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (FORECAST) September 14, 1993 + Modified by Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 ++ Added by Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 1. The front yard of all lots, and in addition, the street side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line, edge of curb, sidewalk, or edge of street pavement; whichever is furthest from the residence.. 2. The landscaping for each lot shall include trees (minimum two 24" box size trees on interior lots and five 24" box size trees on corner lots) , minimum five gallon shrubs, and groundcover and /or hardscape of sufficient size, spacing and variety to create an attractive and unifying appearance. Landscaping shall be in substantial compliance with the standards set forth in the Manual on Architectural Standards and the Manual on Landscaping Standards as adopted by the Planning Commission. 3'. A permanent water - efficient irrigation system shall be provided for all areas required to be landscaped. The provisions of Ordinance #220 shall be met. The final landscape plan should be reviewed by the City, the Coachella Valley Water District, and the Riverside County Agricultural Commission. 4. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable condition by the property owner. 5. The standards of the R -1 Zoning shall be met (e.g. setbacks, etc.). 6. If the model homes are converted to sales offices (e.g. converted garages, etc.) as part of -the marketing program, for the tract, the Applicant shall file with staff a floor plan or letter of intent detailing the work to be done. A cash bond or another type of security should be posted to ensure that the home(s) is reconverted prior to its sale and /or occupancy. +7. A Plot Plan of the tract showing setbacks shall be submitted to the Planning and Development. Department for approval. The units shall be plotted so that 1,868 square foot units are adjacent to the existing homes (e.g. Lots 2, 6, 7, 74 thru 80, 99 thru 104, and 114 . thru 116) . Three car garages shall be provided on Lots 2, 99, 100, and 101. 8. If a temporary Real Estate tract office is located within the subdivision the maximum installation period should not exceed the sale of the units and /or two years. A plot plan application is required. +9. The concrete roof tile in Phase II shall be similar in color to Phase I. CONAPRVL. 005 1 10. The Applicant's model complex shall be built north of the existing homes (e. g. Ocotillo Drive & Adams Street) to reduce vehicle traffic to and from the sales area. 11. No building permits shall be issued for Phase II until the developer has paid the City's Parkland fee or dedicated land to the City to fulfill this outstanding tract map obligation. ,+12. The August 24, 1993, material sample colorboard is approved as submitted, except the Applicant will not be allowed to use the Saturn red brick veneer for the project. River Rock veneer will not be permitted. +13. The perimeter tract fencing shall be finished to match Phase I. The individual lot fencing, if built, shall be constructed of either masonry or stucco wood frame to be compatible with Phase I. Wood fencing is not allowed. +14. A minimum four -inch stucco popout shall be used around all exterior sliding, glass doors and windows to ensure architectural compatibility to the Phase I units and to. provide minimum shading from the exposure to the- sun. The minimum roof eave shall be 18-inches. ++15. Sectional metal garage doors shall be installed on all garages. ++16. The minimum dwelling unit size within Phase II shall be 1,650 square feet excluding the two or three. car garage.. + +17. The proposed Medalist unit (i.e. 1,868 square feet) or other units not presented on September 14, 1993, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. CONAPRVL.005 2 rel PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 1. The Conditions of Approval for Tract 23913 grant the authority to the Planning Commission for review and approval of the architectural residential units proposed for construction within the development. 2. The ,Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the architectural residential style and size of the homes to be constructed within the tract on December 11, 1990. 3. The development contains 116 lots of which 18 homes have been constructed per the approved architectural residential style. 4. The proposed smaller residential units are not in harmony, conformance, or compatible in size or architectural style with the existing developed units or the units approved by the Planning Commission. 5. The Planning Commission further finds that the minimum house site shall be 1, 650 square feet which is in harmony, conformance, and is compatible with the existing development. DOCGT . 005 . 7 • ATTACHMENT 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 24, 1993) PROJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 23913. (QUINTERRA) - PHASE 2; APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES CASE NO.: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (MODEL HOMES) APPLICANT: FORECAST HOMES REPRESENTATIVE: TODD SCHERMERHORN, PROJECT MANAGER BRUCE STRICKLAND, V. P. OF LAND ACQUISITION LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE, EAST OF ADAMS STREET PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW - AUGUST 24, 1993: On August 24, 1993, the Planning Commission reviewed the Applicant's request to develop 1,106 to 1,659 square foot homes within Phase 2 of Tract 23913. Four of. the five commissioners were present to discuss the case. Although the case was not a public hearing item, the Planning Commission allowed public comment on the project because there were about 70± people in the audience who were present for .this matter. Various individuals from both the Quinterra Tract and surrounding tracts stated they were opposed to the Forecast application because the units were not consistent or in "harmony "'with the general area. Discussion ensued regarding the current economic market conditions and the loss of property values in the north La Quinta area and /or southern California. Opponents felt lower priced units would exacerbate their problem. Mr. Strickland spoke regarding his housing project. He stated that his company has done some minor modifications to their project since the Design Review Board meeting. They have modified the color samples and slightly enlarged their house square footage sizes. He stated that they are proposing their.larger homes adjacent to the Phase 1 homes per their agreement with the Design Review Board on August 4, 1993. Mr. Strickland stated that their homes are geared toward first time buyers, families, single parents, or people who wish to "move -down" because they no longer need a larger home (e.g. retired individuals). His housing prices .would vary depending on the wishes and desires of the future buyers. He stated that his firm is a quality home builder and that the construction quality of the Forecast Homes will be similar to Phase 1. STAFFRPT . 015 A few individuals spoke in favor of the project because they felt that first time home buyers should not be eliminated from, the local housing market if the developer chooses to develop entry level housing. They felt first time home buyers are not bad neighbors just because their units are smaller. It was stated that home buying is a high risk venture and there are no guarantees in today's economic situation that a buyer will receive a profit on his or her purchase. One speaker stated that land prices have dropped by 50% in this area because of the economic downturn and most of the raw vacant land is now controlled by lending institutions looking to sell their holdings. In summary, the Planning Commission voted to continue the meeting to September 14, 1993. However, at the study session on September 13, 1993, they would like to meet with the developer and one representative from each of the surrounding tracts to examine solutions and /or alternatives to this housing size issue. BACKGROUND: The tract is a 116 lot subdivision approved by the City in 1988. The subdivision map was recorded in 1990. The original applicant, Waldon Financial, had anticipated building single family homes ranging in size from 1,670 to 2,570 square feet on the property. In 1990, Windsor Construction Company purchased the project. The existing 18 homes within Phase 1 were developed by Windsor Construction Company in 1990 & 1991. The homes built by Windsor Construction Company were one and two story units. Three floor plans were used varying in size from 2,072 to 2,593 square feet excluding garages. A Mediterranean architectural style was used and the exterior materials consist of stucco, wood trim, tile accents, and multi - colored roof tile. Colors are earth tones with Southwest accent colors, and a brown /beige roof tile. Three elevations were available for each plan. The homes sold for over $200,000. The Planning Commission approved the house plans on December 11, 1990. NEW PROPOSAL: The Applicant is in the process of purchasing the remaining lots within Phase 2 to develop single or two story homes on the existing ±8,000 square foot lots. The Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 23913 require that the Applicant submit to Design Review Board and Planning Commission architectural plans of -any type of unit design to be built within the tract. Based on this requirement, the Applicant has submitted their plans which includes five home sizes which range from 1,106 square feet to 1,659 square feet (3 & 4 bedroom units). Each unit has an attached two car garage. Plans 2 thru 6 include three elevation types per size of home. Plan 6 is the only two story plan. The Applicant has stated that they would like to build their model complex on Ocotillo Drive and Adams Street. STAFFRPT.015 - 2 i The architectural style is consistent with the mediterranean theme used in Phase 1, however its unit size is smaller. The front facades vary from stucco, to stucco, with brick or stone veneer. The masonite lapsiding (i.e., Elevation "C ") will not be used In this project because it cannot withstand the harsh desert climate. The units include covered entry patios, varied roof designs and embellishments, and other architectural characteristics. The homes are 17+ to 24+ feet in overall height. The exterior building colors will'be similar to Phase 1 except for one color sample includes a gray combination. The colorboard will be available at the meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: The proposed units are smaller in size than those built in Phase 1. The Applicant has stated that their market research has shown that smaller, more affordable units are selling whereas the larger homes are not as marketable in today's economic climate. The R -1 Zoning Code does not define the size of home which can be built similar to the SR Zoned areas which prescribe minimum 1,200 square foot homes. However, there is a section in the general guidelines which requires all homes in the City to be greater than 750 square feet. Staff has also researched both the tract Conditions and CC &R provisions to make sure the proposed homes can be built, as proposed. The Applicant's proposal meets these minimum standards. The front elevations are attractive and well proportioned. However, the eave overhangs are generally minimal except for the entry door locations. The side and rear elevations are plain and should have some additional architectural treatment similar to the front elevations (e.g. stucco pop -outs around the windows). The recommended architectural features will complement the overall building design and supplement the State's Title 24 Energy Efficiency requirements. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION: On August 4, 1993, the Board met with Mr.- Bruce Strickland of Forecast Homes to discuss his model home and unit type submittal. Mr. Strickland explained that his company has developed (or is developing) this type and style of house in the. southern California area and they develop entry level housing for their buyers (i.e. $103,000 to $130, 000 +) . Fifty to eighty percent of their homes are sold to first time home buyers. Their company does not build speculative housing. Mr. Strickland stated that they are sensitive to the Phase I home buyers but they do not build homes which are larger than 1,700 square feet. He also explained that they would be placing their model homes on Ocotillo Drive at Adams Street to be sensitive to the existing owners. He thought his homes would be compatible with this existing project. The Board initially felt the homes were quite small and not compatible with the Phase I units. They asked if larger homes (1,800 + square foot) could be offered and developed adjacent to the existing homes. The applicant stated his company used to build a 1,800 square foot home but they do not provide this home in their current market schedule. The Plan 2 home (1,106 square foot) was also discussed at length. STAFFRPT . 015 3 10 The Board noted that this home was not in keeping with the abutting 2,000 + square foot Phase I homes. They hoped the applicant would delete this model from the project. Mr. Strickland stated that they normally only sell a small percentage (10 %) of this size home and that he would like to keep this plan in the Phase 2 program. Mr. Strickland stated that they would only build Plans 4, 5, & 6 adjacent to the Phase 1 homes, and that they would encourage three car garages on the lots adjacent to the retention basins. He said he would put Plans 5 & 6 on Lots 99, 100, & 101 and a Plan 6 on Lot 2 because this area is near the entry on Miles Avenue into Phase 1. The Design Review Board members requested that the existing homeowner's receive a public notice from the city notifying them of the upcoming Planning Commission meeting. This would ensure that they understand that smaller units are proposed within their tract. Staff noted that this will be done. Mr. Strickland- stated that Kaufman & Broad had initially attempted to purchase the property a few months ago and at that time it was his understanding that Kaufman & Broad informed the residents that the Phase 2 units would be smaller than Phase 1. Kaufman & Broad withdrew their application on June 2, 1993 prior to Design. Review Board review. The Kaufman & Broad homes were similar to the Forecast application. The Design Review Board members discussed whether or not the homes should have larger roof eaves to provide additional shade as well as enlarge the appearance of the house so that it will have more "bulk". The larger eaves would also assist the applicant in his Title 24 (Energy Conservation) requirements. Mr. Strickland said he could add the larger eaves to the homes but the cost would be borne by the purchaser and it would cost approximately $1,500 for thin feature. He also said he could add stucco pop -outs but he would prefer to add the pop -outs on the Plan 6 home because it is his largest home. The Board debated the exterior colors and textures of each unit type. A few members did not think the River Rock veneer alternative was appropriate. They though a desert maierial should be used and that it might be nice to have the veneer used under the window ledge instead of to the top plate line. Mr. Strickland stated their veneer materials are well liked by their customers and they create a customize feature for their product line. He said he could find an alternative product for the units abutting Phase 1 but he would like to use the River Rock veneer on the lots on the northern portion of the tract. In summary, the Design Review Board felt the applicant was very informed about the local market conditions. The Board voted to allow the 5 new model types within Phase 2 of the Quinterra tract. However; they recommended that the larger units be placed in the immediate area of Phase 1, and these units should have 3 car garages. The applicant should also use similar desert colors and tones for Phase 2 in the vicinity of Phase 1. The Design Review Board required the Applicant to put larger roof eaves on his buildings and. add the stucco popouts to the homes. The attached Conditions reflect the actions of the Design Review Board based on their August 4, 1993 meeting with minor. amendments by staff. STAFFRPT . 015 4 11 CONDITION #I1 (PARKLAND FEE) : Staff has added Condition #11 to the recommended conditions in order to inform the developer that the Quinterra Tract has not paid the City's Parkland fee for recreation purposes as outlined in Chapter 13.24.020 (et al.) of the Municipal Code. The existing fee or outstanding amount is $52,500. The fee or other land dedications shall be .made prior to any building permits being issued for Phase 2. ( Condition #7 of Tract 23913) . HOUSE SIZE DISCUSSION: Staff had originally suggested that the Design Review Board consider a minimum house size of 1, 200 square feet for this tract based on the premise that the approved tracts in the immediate area exceed this standard. The only exception to this size is the La Quinta Del Rey (Century Homes) project• within the: La Quinta Highlands Tract generally south of Fred Waring Drive, west of Adams Street.. See the attached housing tract survey. As mentioned above, the Design .Review Board deleted the recommended condition establishing a 1, 200 square foot standard because they agreed with .the Applicant's proposal to buffer.the existing Phase 1 homes from his smaller Plan 2 home. Lastly, the Design Review Board did not require the Applicant to build any homes larger than 1,659 square feet based on their August 4th meeting. RECENT NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: ' On August 17, 1993, the Desert Sun published an article regarding this case in their newspaper. A copy is attached. Since the article was published, staff has received various phone inquiries and letters of opposition from both Quinterra residents and residents of adjoining tracts (a sample copy is attached) . The general consensus of the existing residents is that the Planning Commission and the City Council should maintain a house size and price comparable with the existing single family homes. A few adjoining tract residents stated they will examine modifying their CC &R's to establish a minimum house .size to insure that this issue does not become a problem in their tract . They also requested that the Planning Commission consider larger houses on the perimeter lots of the Quinterra tract to buffer their investment. The attached Design Review Board conditions do not require the Applicant to build a certain size home on any lot abutting the north and east sides of the tract. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission has.the following options: 1. Continue the matter for further study. 2. By Minute Motion deny the request. This action keeps in place the size and unit type currently approved for the development. 3. Require larger house sizes than proposed. STAFFRPT . 015 5 12 4. Change the buffering requirements along the existing units and the developments perimeter. 5., Approve the project as recommended by the Design Review Board. 6. Any combination of options 3, 4, & 5. Draft Conditions of Approval are provided for your consideration. Attachments.: 1. Vicinity Map .2. Housing Tract Survey J .3. Phase 1 Housing Survey 4. Petition Summary 5. Newspaper Article 6. Letter of Protest (Sample) 7. Letters from Best, Best & Krieger STAFFRPT . 015 6 13 a¢ 0 BERMUDA I `o DUNES , GAMING ROSADA • DARDY RO 0TARLJ wff 2 CAMINO DEL ORO 3 CANTERRA CIR a N SUNSET RIDGE DR �•— •— •�'•�•�.�•�'. 6 S SUNSET RIDGE OR CITY LIMBS GALAXY WY 6 N SUNRISE RIDGE DR g SKYWARD WY DRIDN Ci I S SUNRISE RIDGE DR LA OUINTA R�YCMO LA QUINTA PALM PALM ROYALE HIGHLANDS OC T/LLO HORIZON PAL CIA . . .� FT LO DR of s 1 1 C o MMlll 8 ING AMA IRCUPLN � 3 � t VIA SEVILU f011 A 0 � 2 W XTAIL CIR � HI �` 2 2 fOKTAR CIR �• " ` VIA CAHENTF *CAR IR u I O CIR CACTUS -' 1 U •� i" OUINTA FLOWER • ^ DEL ORO BRADF A fVODR j m c3 R fLOWLH TRL NOl o OUINTF�RA RA OR A •` C ACACIA S_ DESERT CREST DR 1 DESERT T OfSERT RO MDiAlll 1 iPAfNOi �'(•� • Qe DT GOLD OR ESER I am Q OfSEHISiREAM OR TOPAZ JO j / • PAR ' TR a� DR _. _ .... INMiaII(AT E IT 1 � fi11VNB�✓ PLAZA ■ FUTURE LA OUINTA a ' a i LA OUTA/TA `y I f lfIGH SCHOOL ONE JGIN�(,t' IMOSR CA EOOUNESPL /�/ Sk UGAROENPI I l //. I! /It • -� PA //I I- IIRH VIATRANOUIllO CAI lE SERENA :��i• C; GO EN SANDS Pl LAKE WESTWARD HO \t. �\ ►►► —� SO/D 1 VU0RVIE10 ►RAILER 1U a/LC DEL ;K "' 2 VIA RAVENNA VIA KORON PARK 4 �jAOUINT �•�` ` 8 VIA OPERA S VIA ZURICH ' ���� ♦ 6 VIA GRAIIANNA 00000cr, &7.N •r i V S L\ C-1 I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF-LA QUINTA MEMORAND UM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AUGUST 2, .1993 HOUSING SURVEY At the request of one of the Design Review Board members, staff has prepared a housing site and price survey for the tracts surrounding the Quinterra project. The housing price information is based on a 1992 survey. Topaz - TTM 23935 1,407 to 2,864 sq. ft.. ($168,000 to $234,990). Cactus Flower South - TTM 24208 1,633 to 2,134 sq. h. ($147,900 to $185,900) Cactus Flower North - TT 22982 1,340 to 1,870 (N /A) Rancho Ocotillo - TIM. 24517 1,700 to 2,550 sq. ft (N /A) Acacia Homes - TIM 23268, 1,400 to 2,200 sq. ft. ($147,990 to $189,990) La Quinta Del Rey - TT 23269 1,006 to 1,732 sq. ft. Century Homes/La Quinta Highlands ($115,990 to $139,990) Phase 5 A few of the approved tentative maps surrounding the Quinterra project have not been placed on the list because the developer has not submitted. or decided what type or size of home to build. * La Quinta Highlands - 1,220 to 1,840 sq. ft. ($139,900 to $169,900) La Quinta del Oro -.2,700 to 3,400 sq. ft. ($250,000 to $270,000) * La Quinta Vistas - 2,000,to 2,400 sq. ft. ($175,000 to $210,000) 15 r UII is rop '[Mr Ili mwsrs Owr • '.r Q A9 0 ;A0 o tCr S o c�r•.� cc. a •••e H� MAP &K. 604 fG. 77 COUNTY, Cot wN 7r;Pweehm POR. SW //4 NW //4 SEC. 20, r5 R. 7E, \. Z6 I g Q ' •7 �► o � BOLA • DRIVE rPA - •,i MIL ES 06 Phase 1 rRA. (?2P -orr 604 -27 �- Q49 604 -07 .N E vO ro 103 © -` •A •�• 06 � � pi r1 b 1 c O 1 � � �� �e. y v `1, qv.• . I ., 1 0 � o Nt ;^ %f•.1 .rl � Home Sizes A - 2,072 sq..ft. B - 2,363 sq. ft. C - 2,593 sq. ft. LADERA DRIVE Parking Lot W r o RetOntion Basin 0 ..., .. Ir AVENUE' •t'. S. 2261,72-76 -ro c ' No. 23 913 -T) • . 210 - I .l V •. • • 1 • i - II'•.�• IN TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CIff OF LA UINTA MEMO'RAND UM. HONORABLE CHAIRWOMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING &' DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEPTEMBER 9, .1993 PETITION SUMMARY (FORECAST HOMES) - PLOT PLAN 93 -505 PROJECT LOCATION LETTERS RECEIVED Quinterra (Phase 1)* . 18 (18) Rancho Ocotillo* 27 (52) Cactus Flower North South* 44 (134) .0(15) Topaz* 11 (45) Acacia 14 (98) La Quinta Del Oro* 32 (32) Starlight Dunes* * *1 (47) La Quinta Vistas* 34 (53) TOTAL' 181*** (264) O = Existing homes within the tract. * = Tract .with remaining undeveloped single family lots.. ** = Letter from Homeowners Association. Total number represents a vote from an individual household or home address. J 0 By 66LMM 11ABERK4X The Desert Sun LA QUINTA — Homeowners are protesting a developer's plans to complete the Quinterra subdivision with much smaller houses than those already built. They complain that a change in the original plans might lower the value of their homes and affect the overall look of their neighborhood. "It was represented as ;a fairly nice developrhent,,, .. Qbinterra homeowner Jim Hanson said. "Now we think that they're trying to come in here with homes that may be less than S 100,000." He paid $200,000 for his home in December, be said. A vice president with developer Forecast Homes of Rancho Cuca- monga said the company is planning to build homes in the low $Io0,000s, aimed mainly at young families. "That meets market demand," vice president Bruce Strickland said. The homeowners plan to present petitions to the Planning Commis- sion at 7 p.m. on Aug. 24. Only 18 homes have been built in Quinterra so far. The subdivision contains 116 lots. Desert Sun Newspaper August 17, 1993 WORRIED: Jim Hanson of La Quints opposes a developer's plans to finish Quinterra subdivision with smaller homes. Hanson and others fear the change will reduce values in the entire neighborhood. Those already built have square footages of 2,072, k2,363 or 2,593. Forecast is proposing new units with square footages of 1,106, 1,237, 1,415 or 1,659. "They're attractive homes," Strickland said. Forecast is not the original de- veloper. Strickland said 4 partner- ship that was building Quinterra folded and the lender bank took over the property. Forecast became interested in the property about a month ago, he said. If its plans are approved, the val- ue of existing homes will drop, Han- son argued. Ouinterra plans WHAT: La Quinta Planrung Com- mission disalsses Forecast Horses' proposal for Quinterra subdivision. WHEAit 7 p.m. Aug 24. WHERE: City Council chambers, the new City, Han, at Washington Street and Cane Tampico. "Their property values have al- ready been diminished," Strickland responded. "The market has done that." Homeowners in the nearby Ran- cho Ocotillo and Topaz develop- ments also are signing the petitions. Some of those signing said that when they bought their homes they were told the rest of the develop- ment and nearby subdivisions would consist of homes of more than 2,000 square feet. Rancho Ocotillo homeowner Diane McMahon said she would like her neighborhood to consist of houses that look more or less the same. ooRS[7 canes OfTne oesen sun The city's Design Review Board voted Aug. 4 to recommend that the Planning Commission approve Forecast's plans. If homeowners or the developer are unhappy with the Planning "You want it to remain what you Commission vote, they can appeal thought It would remain from the to the City Council, Pla Direc- beginning," she said. tror Jerry Herman saidlT$ August 12, 1993 AUG 16 1993`" Mr. Jerry Herman Planning and Development Director City of La Quinta P.O. BOX 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: QUINTERRA TRACT (PHASE 2) Dear Mr. Herman: I am opposed to the request by Forecast Homes to complete Phase 2 of the Quinterra project. The project will significantly and permanently decrease the property value of my home in that the planned homes are not equivalent in construction, size, or value of the existing homes in this area. ANY DEVELOPMENT ON THE REKAIHING LOTS SHOULD BE SIMILAR Ill SIZE AND PRICE TO THE HOMES THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. I urge you and the Planning Commission to DENY Forecast Homes request to complete phase 2 until they submit plans that are in. keeping with existing properties. Doing so will help protect our investments and keep La Quints a more uniformly planned community. Very truly yours, a concern'-homeowner. e Homeowner oy 9.A6) Address (Owner within Phase 1) September 9, 1993 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P. 0. Box 1504 La _Quints, :CA 92253 WITE 212 39700 809 HOPE ONVE POST ornce 80X 1533 RANCHO AHRAGE. CALIFORNIA 92270 TELEPHONE (619) 3662611 TELECOPIER (619) 3446696 OF COUNSEL JAMES B CORtSON OFFICES M RIVERSIOE (9091686 -140 PALM SPRINGS 1619)5217264 .00ITARIO(9091969 -8984 t SEP 1 0 1993 C(Tti AT Re: Plot. Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes' Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: As you may remember, this lawfirm represents a number of the homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding subdivisions with respect to Forecast. Homes' request 'for approval to build. smaller homes. In a letter to this Commission dated August 19, 1993, we presented the homeowners' concerns that approval of the smaller homes would significantly reduce the value of existing homes. We requested that the Forecast proposal. not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that other similarly- situated neighborhoods be preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes. that do not maintain the quality of the subdivisions as initially planned and approved. For your reference, we have 'attached a copy of the August 19 letter. We are writing this letter to address a few concerns that have arisen since the original letter. .First, it has come to our attention that proponents of the Forecast proposal may argue that Government Code Section 65589.5 prevents the City from denying the proposal. Section 65589.5 has been characterized as an "anti -NIMBY "law. The Section prohibits 1,� .19 BEST, BEST & KRIEGER 1 LAWYERS ART"LJII L. UTTLEWORTH• DOUGLAS S. PMKLIp• CLOSE R. TRATNUY CYNTHIA M. OCKMANO GLEN C. STEPMENS• ANTONIA GRAPlHOS WILLIAM 0. ONHLMQ. M. MARY E. GILSTRA► WIL LIAM R. D.WOIJC• ONEOORT K. WILKINSON MATT M MORRIS GLENN ► SABINE BAR ION C GAUT• WYNNE S. CURT" JETFREY V. OUNN CHRISTINE L' RICHAROTION PAUL T. SELZEM DAVID L. BARON STEVEN C. 088AUN JOAN[ GAMIC A-COLUM DALLAS MOIL ME S• GENE TAMARA CRIC L. GARNER PHILIP J. KOEMLER CMRISIOMER 1. CARFYNTEM BAlII i, CHAPYAM DENNIS Y. COTA DIANE C. WKSC RICHARD I. AMDERSON• TIMOTHY M. CONNOR RACHELLE J. MHCOILE REBECCA MARES OURNEY JOHN 0. WAMLRY• VICTOR L. WOLF ROBERT W. HARGREAVES DOPOT14T 1. ANOE RSO N Y10HAEL O. MARR O• DANIEL C. OLIVIER JANICE L WES 0. HENRY WELLIS W. CURT EAL Y• DANIEL J. MCHUOM PATRICK W W. F. PEARCE JAMES R. HARPER THOMAS S. SLOVAK* HOWARD 8. GOLDS KIRK W SMITH DINA O. HARRIS JOHN E. BROWN- STEPHEN ► OCITSCN JASON O OABARE RHER BARBARA R. BAIION MICHAEL 1. R100ELL• MARC E. EMPCY KYLE A SNOW RICHARD T. EGGER ' MEREDITH A JURY' JOHN R. ROTTSCHACFER MARK A EASTER PATRICK 0. DOLAN MICHAEL GRANT• MARTIN A. MUELLER DIAJIE L. FINLEY DEAN R DCRLITH FRANCIS J. SAUM• J MICHAEL SUMMENOLIR MICHELLE OUIELLETTC HELENE ► DREYER ANNE T. THOMAS. VICTORIA N. KING DAVID P. PHOWN• SR. EMILY P. HEMPHILL D MARTIN H1[THERY• JEFFERY J. CRANDALL SUSAN C PSALMS SOMA RUBIO SHARMA GEORGE M REYES SCOTT C SMITH CHRISTOPHER DODSON JOHN O. PIMKNET WILLIAM W. FLOYD. JR. JACK 8 CLARKE. JR. BERNIE L. WILLIAMSON GREGORY L. MAROKE BRIAN M. LEWIS CLA1N[ E. MILL KENDALL M MA VET BRADLEY E. MEUFELD KEVIN K RANDOLPH CLARK M. ALSOP• SMARYL WALKER JAMES B GILHN RAYMOND SCSI (1868. 1957) COMM) J. ERWIN• PETER M BARMACK MARSHALL S RUDOLPH JAMES M KRIEGER (1915 -1975) 'MICHAEL J ANDELSON• JEANNETTE A. PETERSON KIM A. 9YRCN8 EUGENE BEST (1895.1981) •. .RO/OKO.k CT>IRORA *ION . September 9, 1993 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P. 0. Box 1504 La _Quints, :CA 92253 WITE 212 39700 809 HOPE ONVE POST ornce 80X 1533 RANCHO AHRAGE. CALIFORNIA 92270 TELEPHONE (619) 3662611 TELECOPIER (619) 3446696 OF COUNSEL JAMES B CORtSON OFFICES M RIVERSIOE (9091686 -140 PALM SPRINGS 1619)5217264 .00ITARIO(9091969 -8984 t SEP 1 0 1993 C(Tti AT Re: Plot. Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes' Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: As you may remember, this lawfirm represents a number of the homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding subdivisions with respect to Forecast. Homes' request 'for approval to build. smaller homes. In a letter to this Commission dated August 19, 1993, we presented the homeowners' concerns that approval of the smaller homes would significantly reduce the value of existing homes. We requested that the Forecast proposal. not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that other similarly- situated neighborhoods be preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes. that do not maintain the quality of the subdivisions as initially planned and approved. For your reference, we have 'attached a copy of the August 19 letter. We are writing this letter to address a few concerns that have arisen since the original letter. .First, it has come to our attention that proponents of the Forecast proposal may argue that Government Code Section 65589.5 prevents the City from denying the proposal. Section 65589.5 has been characterized as an "anti -NIMBY "law. The Section prohibits 1,� .19 LAW O /IIC[f Of • • BEST, BEST 6 KRIEGER Planning Commission City of La Quint& September 9, 1993 Page 2 local governments from denying housing projects that have at least 20% of the units set aside for low- and moderate- income households unless the local government makes certain specific findings. Section 65589.5 is inapplicable to the Forecast proposal because the Forecast proposal does not qualify as low- to moderate - income housing. Low- and moderate - income housing is defined by statute to be housing that is made available at a certain percentage of the area median income. Currently, such housing would need to sell for approximately $75,000 to $100,000. Forecast has made no commitment to offer its housing for such prices. Secondly, we are informed that the City of La Quinta is currently revising the housing element of its general plan. According to correspondence to the City from the State Department of Housing and Community Development, the City's current housing plan is not in compliance with-current State requirements. We believe that it would be inappropriate for the City to make any decision to radically change the nature of the Quinterra subdivision in absence of a current statement of the City's housing goals that the housing element should provide.. Finally, we wish the Planning Commission to be aware of the case of Guinnane v. San Francisco City Planning Commission (1989) 209 Cal.App.3d 732. In that case, the court affirmed the City of San Francisco Planning Commission'-s denial of a building permit to construct a house that, because of its size, was not in character with the other homes in the neighborhood. The proposed house complied with the City's zoning laws and building standards but was considerably larger than surrounding homes. The court relied on the requirement in City's code that the commission "protect the character and stability of residential areas," to find that the commission retained sufficient discretion to deny the permit. As explained in our letter of August 19, 1993, La Quinta Municipal Code provides ample discretion for the denial of the Forecast proposal. One of the goals of design review is to "foster attainment of those sections of the City's general plan and specific plans which refer to the preservation and enhancement of the- particular character and unique assets of the City and its harmonious development . . . ." (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.183.020(A)). Plot plan approval requires that the plot plan "conform to the logical development of the land and to be compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding Rroperty." (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.180.040(B)). Forecast's proposal to degregate the neighborhood by construction of lower - quality homes does not preserve and av�wo9t� 20 LAW Olf1C[9 or BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Planning Commission City of La Quinta September 9, 1993 Page 3 • r enhance the neighborhood; is not consistent with the neighborhood's harmonious development; and, is not compatible with present and future logical development of the area. Therefore, the Forecast proposal does not meet the requirements of the Municipal Code. Once again, we respectfully' request that the Planning Commission seriously consider the long -range deleterious. effect of the Forecast proposal.. We are confident that the City will conclude, as we have, that the Forecast proposal is not in the best interest of Quinterra and surrounding neighborhoods or of the City as -a whole. Very truly yours, DOUGLAS S. PHILLIPS of BEST, BEST & KRIEGER. DSP:RWH:js Enc. .cc: Dawn Honeywell, City.Attorney City of La Quinta: Mayor John Pefia. ` Mayor Pro Tem.Stanley Sniff Councilwoman Glenda Bangerter Councilman Ron Perkins Councilman Michael McCartney Client RWH40917 21 BEST, BEST & KRIEGER A.APTW RNr.KKAMM0 �p..I Gr.aMTeI LAWYERS ARTHUR L. LJTTLEWORTH• DOUGLAS S. PMIL A'S• EIRE K. TRAYM M CYNTHIA M. GERMANO GLEN C. STEPHENS• ANTONIA GRAPHOB WILLIAM O OAHLJMO. JR. MARY E. GILSTRAP WILLIAM R. D.WOLFC- GREGORY K. WILXJMSOM MATT H. MORRIS GLENN P. SABRIE BAR ION C GAUT* aYYNME S. FURTM JEFFREY V. r LA CHRISTINE L. RICHMOSON PAUL T. SELLER• DAVID L. SAROM STEVEN C. D.6AUM JOANE OARCIX- COLSON DALLAS HOLMES. O[NC 1ANAKA IRK: L. GARNER PMLLP J. KOEHLER CHRISTOPHER L. CARPENTER• BAMI 1. CHAPMAN DIE M. COTA PANE C. WIESE RICHARD 1. ANDERSON. nMOTHY M. COMMON RACHELLE J. MICOLLE REBECCA MARES OURNC/ JOHN O WAJILNF• VICTOR L. WOLF ROBERT W. HARGREAVES DOROTHY 1. ANDERSON MICHAEL D. HARRIS' OANIEL E. OLMER JANICE L. WEIS 0. HENRY WELLES W CURT EALI• DANIEL J. MAHUGN ►ATRWA M. W. F. PEARCE JAMES R. HARPER THOMAS S SLOVAK' HOWARD B GOLDS KOM W SMITH DENA O. HARRIS JOHH E BROWN• STEPHEN P. OEITSCM JASON O OA6AREIMER BARBARA R. EARON MICHAEL 1 MODELL• MARC E. EMPET KYLE A. SMOW RICHARD T. EGGER MEREDITH A JURY. JOHN R ROTTSCHAE[ER MARK A LASTER PATRICK O. DOLAN MICHAEL GRANT• MARTIN A MUELLER( OULME L FINLEY DEAN R. OERIETH FRANCIS J 6AUM• J. MICHAEL SUMMEROMI MICHELLE OUELLETTE HELENE P. DREYER ANNE T THOMAS• VICTORIA M. KING DAVID P. ►HIH•E N, 511. [MILT P. NEYA6LL O. MARTIN METHERT• JEFFEMy J. CRANDALL. SUSAN C. MAUSS SONIA RUBIO SHAJ(SAA GEORGE M REYES SCOTT C. SMITH CHRtSTOPHER DODSON JOHN O. PINKMEY WILLIAM W FLOYD. JR. JACK B CLARKE. JR. BERNI( L WILLIAMSON GREGORY L. HAROKE BRIAN M' LEWIS ELAIM[ E. MILL K EMOALL H M.AVEY BRAOLEY E. NE UFELD KEVIN K RANDOLPH CLARK H ALSOP• "ARYL WALKER JAMES B GILPIN RAYMOND BEST (1668.19571 DAVID J. ERWII• PETER M BARMACK MARSHALL S. RUDOLPH JAMES M. KRIEGER (19111975) MICHAEL J. ANDELSON• JEANNETTE A. PETERSON KIM A. BYREMS EUGENE BEST (1693.19811 • A H10FCSf,O� ccM`c KAIgM August 19, 1993 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUTE 112 19700 WS HOPE ONVE PMT OMCE 60X 1606 RANCHO MIPLAAL CALIFORMA 92270 TEL[DMON[ (619) 066.2611 TELECOMER (619) 140 -6696 OF COUNSEL JAMES B. COMMON OFFICES M RIVERSIDE (9091666 -1A30 PALM SPRINGS (619)32 }7264 ONTAIbO (909) 969.6564 AUG 19 1993 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast homes' Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: This lawfirm represents a number of homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding subdivisions with respect to Forecast Homes' request for approval to build smaller homes. These homeowners are very concerned that if Forecast is allowed to build homes that are half the size of existing homes, the quality of their neighborhood will be substantially reduced and a substantial part of their investments in their homes will be lost. On their behalf,, we respectfully request that Forecast's plans for smaller homes not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that values in existing. neighborhoods are preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes that do not maintain the quality of existing neighborhoods. As you may' know, the Quinterra tentative tract map was approved in 1988. Condition 28 of the Conditions of Approval. required that the Planning Commission approve the plans for all models to be built within the subdivision. In 1990, the previous developer of the subdivision (Windsor Construction Company) submitted, and this Commission approved, three floor plans which varied in size from 2,071 to 2,593 square feet. The currently- IM401% 22 ' LAM OFFICES or : 0 BEST, BEST 6 KRIEGER Planning Commission City of La Quinta August 19, 1993 Page 2 existing 18 homes in the Quinterra subdivision were built using those plans. These are all quality homes which originally sold for between $200,000 and $250,000. At the time Quinterra homeowners purchased their homes, they were assured by Windsor that the quality of the neighborhood would be maintained throughout subsequent phases. The subdivision's CC &R's call for the establishment of an Architectural Control Committee that will review and approve all homes to be built in the subdivision (other than those built by the developer) to insure that standards within the neighborhood are maintained. Based on these representations, homeowners felt secure in investing a significant part of their life savings in their new homes. Forecast Homes -now proposes to build significantly smaller homes (from 1,106 to 1,659 square feet) that will sell for half the price of the existing homes. We all know that the quality of a neighborhood significantly affects the value of each home within that neighborhood. Forecast undoubtedly foresees that the value of its smaller homes will. increase due to their close proximity to the larger existing homes. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. The value of existing homes will be reduced if smaller homes are allowed to be built in the same tract. In. essence, approval of the smaller homes will allow Forecast to transfer value from existing homes to the new, smaller homes. Forecast will then sell this transferred value at a profit, while existing homeowners will suffer A loss in the value of their investment. We are mindful that, in today's market, requiring Forecast to proceed with the project as originally planned may not provide Forecast with the fastest method of making a profit. But land -use planning is not about maximizing short -term profits for developers. It is about achieving coherent and consistent development of property that will preserve and enhance property values for all concerned - -the developer, the surrounding property owners and the City. Forecast's request comes before this Commission for design review as a plot plan. One of the goals of design review is to "foster attainment of those sections of the City's general plan and specific plans which refer to the preservation and enhancement of the particular character and unique assets of the City and its harmonious development ." (La Quinta Municipal Code S 9.183.020(A).) Plot plan approval requires that the plot plan "conform to the logical development of the land and to be R,H4o,% 23 LAW OI /ICCS Of • BEST,'BEST 6 KRIEGER Planning Commission City of La Quinta August 19, 1993 Page 3 • compatible with -the present and future logical development of the surrounding property." (La Quinta Municipal Code S 9.180.040(8).) Forecast's proposed plans do not comply with those requirements. Degregation of the neighborhood through the construction of lower - value housing is not compatible with current development nor does it preserve and enhance existing neighborhoods. For that reason alone, Forecast's request should be denied. As the principal planning agency for the City of La Quinta, this Commission is encharged with implementing a long -range perspective for the, development of the City. The Quinterra neighborhood will exist for years to come. By investing. a substantial part of their life savings in quality Quinterra homes, existing homeowners have made a long -term investment .in, and commitment to, the quality of their neighborhood and the City of La Quinta as well.. This Commission should not allow that investment and commitment to be,undermined by short -term market forces and Forecast's desire for a quick profit. It As our understanding that there are other subdivisions within La-Quinta that face a similar dilemma. Initial phases of those subdivisions were built with larger, quality homes. Now, due to the depressed housing market, developers desire to build smaller, inferior homes within those developments. In an effort to move product, developers are sacrificing the quality of their projects. We believe that fairness and good planning demand that the City of La Quinta carefully examine the situation and craft a comprehensive, City -wide response. We suggest that a "neighborhood preservation ordinance" be implemented. The ordinance would use zoning controls to balance the need to maintain existing neighborhood values with the desire of developers to respond to market conditions. Similar ordinances have been enacted in other cities to preserve existing neighborhoods from uncontrolled development that threatened to destroy the character of those neighborhoods. - Such an ordinance would give La Quinta, city planners, this Commission and the City Council increased ability to respond in a reasonable way to the needs of all segments of the community and to allow for the development in a manner that is fair to all. Until this City has had an opportunity to ful'ly assess and respond to the threats to existing neighborhoods posed by subsequent, inferior development, we respectfully request that Forecast be required to continue to develop the Quinterra subdivision as previously planned by Windsor and approved by the RWH601% 24 • LAW OrFIC[f Or BEST, BEST 6 KRIEGER Planning Commission City of La Quinta August 19, 1993 Page 4 City. A hasty decision to allow lesser - quality development in this neighborhood will unfairly detract from the substantial investments made in good faith by Quinterra homeowners and from, the reputation of the City of La Quinta as a secure place for quality investment. Very truly yours, 1 �. DOUG S S. PHILLIPS of BEST, BEST & KRIEGER . DSP:RWH:js cc: Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney City of La Quinta Client RWM4o,% 25 Planning Commission Minutes August 24, 1993 extension of time for Tentative Tract 25953 to the City Council, subject to conditions. R/27840V;a AYES: Commissi rs Ellson, Marrs/Deseevelopment Abe & Chairwoman BaES: None. Aioner Adolph. Ae. B. Tentative est of TD (Chuck Strother) approv f a tentative tract map to creily residential lots miscdWaneous lots on 55+ acres. / Principal Plan/Stan wa .stated the applicant had r ested a continuance of September 14, 1993. The publi earing was opened by ' Chrows. There being no dis ssion, it was moved and secomissioners Ellson /Abels to ntinue Tentative Tract 27840 to , 1993. Unanimously proved: IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: )one V. BUSINESS SESSION: Commissioners Ellson /Abels moved to reorganize the agenda by placing Business Item #3 as animously approved. a Tentative Tract 23913 Quinterra) a. request of Forecast Homes for approval of architectural plans for single family residences. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Marrs asked staff to clarify where the River Rock would be used. Staff explained the location and stated there had been a minor modification to the plans which added 50 square feet to four of the plans. 3. Chairwoman Barrows asked what the size of the eaves. was. Staff stated it depended on the plan but to make the house appear larger an 18 -inch eave is proposed. Chairwoman Barrows stated there needed to be, more shading and an 18 -inch overhang was needed. PC8 -24 2 26 Planning Commission Minutes. August 24, 1993 PC8 -24 4. . Mr. Bruce Strickland, Vice President of Land Acquisition for Forecast Homes, spoke .on behalf of the applicant. He stated 60 -803 of their buyers were first time buyers and their company offered a total of five plans ranging in size from 1,000 square feet to 1,660 square feet. 5. Commissioner Ellson asked if a patio cover in the rear was offered. Mr. Strickland stated 'not at present, but it could be. Chairwoman Barrows asked if their homes in Phoenix offered the patio cover. Mr. Strickland stated they did not. 6. Commissioner Ellson stated the La Quina Del Rey. project (Century Homes) offered a small home and only sold three and asked if the applicant had considered this in their marketing. Mr. Strickland stated he was aware and further stated that the larger units were not selling either: Discussion followed regarding the homes built in La Quinta Del Rey. 7. Mr. Doug Phillips, Best, Best ,& Krieger, spoke on behalf of the Quinterra homeowners. He stated the project would adversely affect the existing homes and submitted a petition with 181 individual signatures. He reminded the Commission that the City Code allows the Planning Commission to change, or deny the application. The existing homes were at least 1,000 square feet more than those planned by the developer and the existing neighborhood did not consist of first time buyers but established homeowners who had put their entire investment into their homes. He went on to quote what the original homeowners had been promised by the Quinterra developers when they bought their homes. 8. Mr. Dale Thornburgh, La Quinta Del Rey property owner, stated he had searched for a location and tract that would suit his family needs and bought a home in the La Quinta Del Rey tract. Mr. Thornburgh stated he was in the real estate business and he felt there was a market for the larger homes if they were built. 9. Ms. Joan Berndt, Quinterra homeowner, stated the smaller, low price homes would affect her loan. The larger homes have better construction and architectural design, with higher quality appliances. The lower prices will bring a transient type population into the neighborhood because they will not have the finances to. maintain the homes. She felt the present homeowners could expect a 10 -20% decrease in value in their homes. 3 27 Planning Commission Minutes August 24, 1993 PCS -24 10. Mr. Russell Robertson, Quinterra homeowner for three months, stated the planning should stay consistent with Phase I. The Design Review Board when, reviewing the project, did not take into account the needs of the existing homeowners. The applicant was not sensitive to the exiting homeowners. Mr. Robertson stated he felt the difference between the loss in property values due to economic problems versus "cookie cutter" type homes being built reducing their value further was unfair. Chairwoman Barrows asked if Mr. Robertson had any suggestions to offer. to the developer to solve the problem, such as a size of home that would be acceptable. Mr. Robertson stated if he had to compromise the minimum would be 1,800 square feet. He stated the smallest existing plan was 2,100 square feet. 11. Mr. Daniel Bresnahan, Rancho Ocotillo property owner, stated so far the arguments had been over price, size, and quality of the homes. He was concerned about the promise that had been broken to the existing homeowners. He wanted the value and neighborhood to be maintained and asked the Commission not to reduce the standards of the neighborhood. He and his neighbors would rather see the land stay vacant as it is, rather than having anything of less value built. 12. Mr. Kim Lee Job, Quinterra homeowner, stated he was a banker and had seen what happens to a development when lower value homes are built in conjunction with higher valued homes. He stated his opposition to the project. 13. Ms. Allyson Devenney, La Quinta Vistas homeowner; stated her opposition to seeing Century Homes or Forecast Homes develop in any part of her existing tract or any of the neighboring tracts. 14. Mr. Kirk Dimmitt, Rancho Ocotillo property owner, stated his opposition to the development. He understood the economic downturn in property values, but asked that the Commission not impose an artificial downturn: on their area. 15. Ms. Jennie Erwin- Plantz, Topaz homeowner, stated her concern that her development had a similar downsizing plan starting and she was in opposition to it happening in her tract. These were not first time buyer in these developments but retirees and homeowners who put life savings into their homes and they can't afford to lose their property value. 4 • Planning Commission Minutes August 24, 1993 16. Ms. Bev Beam, Rancho Ocotillo homeowner, stated she had been a realtor for 21 years and can realistically address the value depreciation based on her experience in the area. She stated that when the smaller homes were built by the Highlands area, the homes were devalued by as much as $100,000. She quoted several instances where property values had decreased to the point people were selling their homes at a loss to maintain their credit ratings. These people were losing everything they had in their homes. The appraisals can't meet the value. Commissioner Marrs asked if Ms. Beam felt this was due to. the economy and not because of the smaller homes. Ms. Beam stated she knew the economy was having an affect on the market, but also felt the smaller homes would add to the problem. 17. Ms. Marty Butler, Rancho Ocotillo homeowner, stated the northern section of the City was developed for the upscale homes. She did not feel the City was in support of the citizens of this area. The out -of -town builders do not care about the existing homeowners, they just buy the land cheap and take advantage of the City. . Property values had already decreased but will decrease even more if the smaller homes are allowed to be built. The City has affordable housing and does not need this. She. stated her concern that they had no representation at the City. 18. Mr. Louis Glick, -La Quinta Vistas homeowners, stated he had researched the area and settled in La Quinta and was very happy until now. He had heard that Century Homes was about to develop in his tract with a lesser quality home and he felt there was no place for the lesser value next to the higher quality homes. He further stated he had received a letter from Forecast Homes offering him a dinner and $40.00 for participating in a Focus Group survey discussion regarding issues most important to cboosing a home. Chairwoman Barrows asked if Mr. Glick had the letter and would he submit it to the Commission. Mr. Glick did so. 19. Mr. Bruce Maize, builder, stated his support of the project. He felt the question before the Commission was whether the Commission wanted affordable housing. He felt the quality could be maintained as the same contractors build the higher quality homes. He asked where the first time buyer would fit in. , 20. Ms. Diane Schmidt, Building Industry Association Desert Council president, stated her support of the project in that it helped meet the market demand by meeting needs. She also stated that Forecast Homes had an excellent record and built quality homes and they worked hard to mitigate negative perceived ideas. She further felt that size had nothing to do with pride in a neighborhood. PC8 -24 . 5 29 Planning Commission Minutes August 24, 1993 21. Ms: Sally Young, a land broker in Palm Desert, stated her sympathy for the homeowners, but . the whole State was experiencing property devaluation. The economy dictates what is built and most of the unbuilt lots- are now owned by the banks because the builders could not complete their tracts. The .land .is presently, one half the original purchase price. There are np guarantees that prices will not go down. Developers and landowners have the right to build what will sell in todays market. A variety of price range does not have to decrease the value of existing homes. 22. Mr. Tim Bartlett, real estate broker, stated his support of the project. 23. Mr. Joe Dunson, Topaz homeowner, stated he was a lender and the trouble was not affordable housing, but putting them in the same neighborhood as larger homes. The economy was already hurting the homeowners, don't add to the trouble. Make affordable homes available but not next door. 24. Ms. Mary. Black, Topaz homeowner, she bought the largest unit available at $240,000 and there is a vacant lot next door. They moved to the desert to have a better lifestyle for their family and her husband commutes to La Mirada to work in order td live here. They exPerienced the market devaluation in Long Beach due to first time buyers and don't want the same here. 25. Mr. Strickland, applicant, rebutted by saying that first time buyers are not bad citizens. He went on to explain the letters that were sent out were to encourage people to attend their survey meetings (focus groups) which were used for market analysis. He further stated that they use the same contractors for both the expensive and low cost houses to maintain the quality in their homes. All buyers have the option to raise the quality of their homes by purchasing added options. He felt the same quality houses would be compatible with the neighborhood even though there was less square footage. 26. Commissioner Ellson stated her empathy for the homeowners and gave a history of how north La Quinta developed and came into La Quinta. She stated her objection to mixeU housing and felt a variety of people was good for any community. 27. Commissioner Abels stated he remembered the original master plan for the area. He felt the solution. was a special ordinance similar to what was enacted for the Cove to control the type of construction that would be allowed. He stated his concern for the builders as well. PC8 -24 6 30 Planning Commission Minutes'. August 24, 1993 28. Commissioner. Marrs stated he was sympathetic to the problem but did not agree with the thinking of the opponents as he believed things had been exaggerated. He believed varied sizes can be compatible. He felt the homeowners were misguided as to devaluing property values. He felt the homeowners were blaming the devaluation of their homes on homes that hadn't even been constructed yet. 29. Commissioner Abels asked staff to look into the SR Zoning Ordinance and see if it could help in this instance. 30.. Chairwoman Barrows asked staff what the original applicant and approval was for this tract. Staff stated the original application was a statement just . to convey that the new developer proposed the existing units. Chairwoman Barrows addressed the audience and stated the Commission was looking to the-hpmeowners for a. solution. All of the Commissioners had been to the area and looked for themselves. There is a need for diversity in housing while representing the existing homeowners interest. 31. Commissioner Ellson questioned the variety of housing at PGA West and its success was due to their CC & R's that enable the environment to be controlled. Staff stated this was a planned condominium community that allows for these type'of controls. Property owners own the home only. and the ass ociatiori pays for the maintenance of. the lots. Commissioner Ellson asked if this was possible for this area. Staff stated the Quinterra project had CC & R's and architectural review and at present they were in the control of the bank until the residents take over with some exceptions. Commissioner Ellson asked if these CC & R's could control maintenance and parking of cars, etc. Staff stated. the CC & R's gave them the ability to bring civil litigation against offenders and force the property owner to comply. The City does not have any control. 32. Commissioner Ellson questioned the applicant as to whether they were building any larger units anywhere else. Mr. Strickland stated they had built a larger home in Perris and South San Bernardino County. Commissioner Ellson asked if they would be appropriate for the desert. Mr. Strickland pointed out that the range of sizes for these homes was from 1,180 to 1,860 square feet. Mr. Strickland stated he felt he was trying to make the transition as easy as possible. He would be willing to use the 1,800 square foot plan where he was planning on using the Plans 5 and 6. 33. Mr. Doug Phillips, Best, Best & Krieger, representing the Quinterra property owners, stated the units were incompatible and did not fit. He reiterated the Commission could deny the request-as the City's Plot Plan and Design Review Code stated they had the right if the units were not PC8 -24 7 . 31 Planning Commission Minutes August 24, 1993 . compatible. He went on to quote a court case where a larger house in San Francisco was out of place with smaller units and even though the City Code allowed it the City could deny it based on its incompatibility. The Court of Appeals stated if the Planning Commission finds it not in harmony it can deny the request. Mr. Phillips stated the project could relocate to another area of the City. 34. Mr. Jim Rice, Rancho Ocotillo, asked the applicant what the size of the lots were. Mr. Strickland stated they were the original minimum lot sizes of 7,200 square feet and larger. 35. Ms. Marty Butler, Quinterra homeowner, asked the Commission to form a group of homeowners .to meet with them and help plan the area for what could be built in this area. Commissioner Marrs reminded the people of the number of meetings that were held asking residents to help the City plan for the area in the General Plan process. Ms. Butler stated she had no objection to the zoning and what was planned for the area, but don't put something in where a value exists and decrease that value. She stated her concern that she felt her rights were being taken away from her as she had no ability to chose, the decision was being forced upon her. 36. Commissioner Ellson stated her agreement with the idea of working with the residents to solve the problem. She felt there needed to be constructive discussion .;so everyone could live with the decision. 37. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Abels moved to continue Tentative Tract 23913- Quiriterra, Phase II to September 14, 1993, with the stipulation that each development tract in this area would send two representatives along with the developer, and meet with the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled study session on. September 13, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. to work toward a compatible solution. Commissioner Ellson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. It was suggested that the representatives and developer come to the study session with solutions. Chairwoman Barrows dismissed the Commission for a ten minute break. B. S Plan 84 -004 "R o La uinta"; a request of 15PTesert Developm uck 'Strother) ��-O. val of preliminary landsc g plans for Wash* Street frontage. , 1. Pn al Planner Stan Sawa f report, a copy of which 06d the information file in the PlanninaJ ened in the Developme PC8 -24 8 32 ATTACHMENT .3 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 1. Associate Planner Leslie riquand -Cherry presented the ' ormation, contained in. the Staff rC ,•a copy of which is on file ' e Planning and Development De ment. 2. Commissioner s asked staff to clarify the th of the exit' the purpose of t shuttle system. Staff stated th were requiring the exit to be 15 -f d the shuttle system was t ransport the students to the schoo d keep the parking lot close a street. 3. mmissioner Ellson asked if re was any problem with the waste disposal company getting acc Staff stated Waste Management of t Desert had no problem. 4. Commissioner Ellso ' sked if the entire caretakers facili would be constructed in the st phase. Staff referred the matter a applicant. 5. There being.4 further questions Zslaha airw an Barrows opened the publi earing. � Mrs Bernard swer to Commissioner Ellson estion, stated the firuld consist of only the hig ' ted area. Commissioner ointed out that the restroom f ities for the caretaker were no that portion. Mr. Gouthier ended his stated and included building in. th' first phase Mr. Gouthier asked for cla ' cation on Condition #32. Staff sta r. Gouthier's street .imprr ents existed and he would haven Off-street requirements except ands caping. Following disc on, it was recommended th ondition #32 be deleted. 7. There beinkAo further public comment, Chai an Barrows closed. the public ng. Commissioners Ellson /A moved and seconded a moti to adopt Minute Motion 93 -042 r mmending approval of Public U Permit 93 -016, subject to th eletion of Condition #32, the increasing of Phase I to inclu he entire classroom, storage, and caretakers facility, and Con ' n #35.A.1 being changed to 15 -feet. Unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: None A. rontinued Tentative Tract 23913 uinterra -Phase II; a request of Forecast Homes for approval of architectural plans for single family residences. 5 33 Planning.Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 PC9 -14 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file. in the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows asked that only those who had something new to add to the .previous comments address the Commission at this time. 3. Mr. Ed Kibbey, representing Building Industry Association stated that the building industry depends upon builders being able to process their projects through . the. City process according 'to their established regulations. This was also true for the property owners as well. He felt the City should bate their decision on what the Code called for. 4. Mr. Russell Robertson, representing Quinterra, submitted additional petitions to the Commission and stated he felt that any units approved for development should be compatible with the existing homes. He submitted a picture comparison of the existing homes and those built by Forecast Homes in Moreno Valley. 5. Mr. Michael Damson, Cactus Flower, stated his opposition to the project based on incompatibility. 6. Mr. Dwight Robb, La Quinta Vistas, stated his objection and fear that what was happening to Quinterra would happen in his project. He felt. there must be an alternative to the smaller units being mixed with the larger. 7. Mr. David Alpert, Acacia, stated his opposition to the project. He has invested his life savings in his home and he had purchased a certain life style by buying in the Acacia development. He further stated he was losing equity due to the economy, why should the developer profit from his misfortune. 8. Mr. Doug Phillips, attorney for Quinterra (Best, Best & Krieger), reviewed the letter submitted by the property owner (Pri Merit Bank) on behalf of Forecast Homes. He stated that even though the banks can't afford to build a larger unit, the property owners can't afford to lose any more equity in their homes. He went on to reiterate that the City Zoning regulations stated that if a project was not in harmony or compatible with the existing homes, then the Planning Commission was required to deny the project. -6 34 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 PC9 -14 9.. Mr. Lance Eldred, Topaz, stated his desire to see the City adopt a protective ordinance on how to deal with this issue which will be repeated in every unfinished tract. He did not feel there was a solution to the problem and Forecast Homes should conform to the Zoning Ordinance. The units did not. fit. 10. Mr. Bruce Strickland, applicant, gave the Commission some. comparison figures relative to the surrounding tract house sizes. He stated he was not changing the density of the area, and the units were compatible. He went on to discuss the issues raised regarding the photograph display submitted by Mr. Robertson. He further stated that no where in the Zoning Ordinance does it state that a unit is incompatible due to size. He stated that the City doesn't guarantee an investment to the .property owners. There were fundamental rights on both sides of this issue and the Commission needed to address those issues. 11. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows asked the Commission for their comments. Commissioner Abels stated the City was in the'process of refining its Zoning Ordinance and he felt it necessary to deny the project at this time. He felt the issue needed to be resolved with new City regulations. HE stated the City was very much for growth, he would like to see the tracts as they were originally planned. 12. Commissioner Ellson stated her agreement with keeping the tracts as they are. She empathized with the homeowners as they are the City. She went on to share what she felt was an average house size for the area. Following discussion with the Commissioners it was felt that no more than a 30% differential in house sizes should be allowed within an existing tract. 13. Commissioner Marrs expressed his concern that a solution could not be reached. He felt a builder should be able to build on his property. He felt there was no reason why a decision on a minimum house size could not be reached to bring the project in conformance with the existing homes. Commissioners Ellson and Abels stated their agreement. 14. Chairwoman Barrows stated her agreement with the 30% differential on the size of the homes to be built. She stated her empathy for both sides and felt there needed to be a reasonable compromise on both sides. 7 35. 9 • Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 15. Commissioner Ellson stated the Zoning Ordinance. did not address the size PC9 -14 of a home to be built within an existing tract. She felt the architectural review within the existing tracts needed' to address the existing homes (i.e., CC & R's document). 16. Following an agreement between the Commissioners that the. project should be approved, Commissioners discussed with staff the Conditions of Approval. Conditions were amended as follows: a. Condition #13: block wall would be required for all fencing of perimeter and interior walls. b. Condition #15: Metal roll -up doors would be required for all garages. C. Condition #7: Plans for the 1,868 square foot unit or larger would be required next to or adjacent to any existing units. d. Condition 14: 18" overhangs would be required. e. Condition 9: Gray roof tile would be deleted from the color board. f. Condition #16: The minimum house size would be 1,650 square feet. r g. Condition 17: All additional house plans not already approved by the Planning Commission would be resubmitted for Planning Commission approval. h. . Condition #12: the useW River Rock and the new "red" brick would not be allowed. 17. Following the discussion regarding the conditions, Commissioners Abels /Marrs moved to adopt Minute Motion 93 -043 approving Tentative Tract 23913, Phase II subject to the amended conditions as stated above. Unanimously approved. 18. Planning Director Jerry Herman discussed with the Commission their findings to base their approval. on. They are as follows: 0 8 36 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 1993 a. The Conditions of Approval for Tract 23913 grant the authority to the Planning Commission for review and approval of the architectural residential units proposed for construction within the development. . b. The Planning Commission has reviewed and approved the architectural residential style and size of the homes to be constructed within the tract on December 11, 1990. c. The development contains 116 lots of which 18 homes have been constructed per the approved architectural residential style. e. The proposed smaller residential units are not in harmony, conformance, or compatible in size or architectural style with the existing developed units or the units approved by the Planning Commission. f. The Planning Commission further finds that the minimum house size shall. be 1,650 square feet which is in harmony, conformance, and is compatible with the existing development., 19. Commissioners Abels /Ellson ' moved to adopt Minute Motion 93 -044 approving the findings as stated above. Unanimously approved. 20. The Commissioners asked staff to relay to the Council their request to review the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to minimum house sizes to include a stipulation that would protect homeowners within an existing tract. Chairwoman Barrows excused the Commission for a ten minute break. The Commission broke at 9:25 P.M. and reconvened at 9:35 P.M. B. Street Name Chan 93 -003; a reque La Quinta Golf Prope for approval of a Resoluti ntent to set a is hearing to consider eet name change. from Sc abacker Road to arry Lane. Principal PI er Stan Sawa presen a information contain the Staff rep a copy of which is He in the Planning and elopment PC9 -14 9 a 37 PWMEWT BANK September 13, 1993 City of La Quints Planning Commission L& Quint& City Hall Counsel Chambers 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quint&, California 0 ATTACHMENT 4 PhY QQ'tor emr M" IN VOK Mcarr !1919! • Bf99 rez ?•5535 S E P 14 1993 Re: Forecast Homes Application for Continued Development of the 94 Remaining Lots in Quinterra Subdivision Dear Chairperson: This letter is being written in response to the difficulty that Forecast Homes is having receiving approval from the City of La Quinta to continue with the development of the remaining lots located in the Quinterm Subdivision, La Quinta, California. Forecast Homes is presently in escrow with PriMerit Bank to purchase those lots. PriMerit Bank's acquisition of those lots came as a result of a builders default on a loan which originated in April of 1990. PriMerit Bank had loaned monies to be used for the acquisition, development and construction of a 116 lot subdivision. Alter the development of the lots and construction of the sales models, sales of 15 production houses began in August of 1991. From that date until March of 1993, our borrower was only successful in selling 6 of the production homes. In March of 1993, when PriMerit Bank took possession of the property through a Trustee's Sale, we obtained numerous market studies and interviewed area developers in an attempt to determine a se price for the remaining homes. It was apparent through our various market studies that due to market deterioration the original asking prices of the homes were much too high to allow for the timely liquidation of the remaining houses and models. Therefore it was decided, based on the recommendation from various real estate companies throughout the area, that the sales prices on the homes should be lowered to a point that an acceptable sales absorption or rate could be realized. From the project's inception in April of 1990 until March of 1993, the homes in the subdivision were offered at a price which ranged from $87 to $91 per square foot. Upon PriMerit's acquisition of the property in March of 1993, the prices were lowered to between $69 and $72 per square foot in order to generate sales. This price adjustment was due entirely to the economic conditions facing the entire California area. The market studies and interviews with most of the area builders indicated that the overall sales prices for product selling in the area had fallen up to 25 -30%. D�. 38 • City of La Quint& Page 2 • After I riMerit Bank had employed a real estate broker to continue with the sales of the existing homes in the project we set upon the task of finding a suitable developer to purchase the remaining lots from the Bank. During the past five months we have received numerous offers from Southern California builders/developers, all of which have indicated that to be marketable, the axles prices of finished homes in this area would fall between $100,000 and $140,000. After entertaining several of these offers, PriMerit Bank entered into escrow with Forecast Homes. Forecast has a good reputation and has the ability to complete the project. Following this brief background on the project, we offer the following items for your consideration: 1. It is not by choice that PriMerit Bank owns this property. To. date we have suffered losses in excess of $2.3 million dollars on this project and we expect those losses to increm with the final sales of the remaining homes aid the closing of the sale to Forecast Homes for the remaining lots. The Bank is not in business to own property and is directed by our stockholder to liquidate this property. If the potential developers or builders of this project are restricted from building a product that is within the existing zoning and City requirements and- are further constrained as to the size of the product offered for sale, it may be necessary that the Bank further reduce its price for the property to allow the potential builders to realize an acceptable level of profit. The Bank is prepared, if necessary, to reduce the pace of this land to whatever lever is necessary in order to liquidate this collateral prior to the end of 1993. We are not land developer, we. do not hold land for investment, and we are directed by our stockholder to liquidate property of this type in order to return the funds to the Bank for our normal banking practices. 2: The reduction in sales prices that have been felt by the residents of houses in the La Quinta area of similar sits and similar price range have been solely the result of economic conditions felt throughout the California area. The builders proposal of buffering the existing property owners with his largest plan should be very successful in eliminating further economic impact to the existing property owners through the continued development of the project. 3. It is clear after reviewing all of our market-kAes and discussing sales results with most of the area builders and brokers, that house plans with square footage above 2,000 feet are simply not in demand at this time in La Quinta, California. Prospective purchasers are seeking to downsize due to utility costs, maintenance costs, and the overall capital investment required for home ownership in today's economy. 4. We appreciate the efforts of the Planning Commission to appease both sides of this controversial issue. But it must be understood that government, in any form, cannot guarantee real property owners their future real property values. The external economic influences are too varied and too numerous for any govern ment agency to attempt to. 91 Xf • City of La Quint& Page 3 • control property values in a given city or town. Anyone who has read the newspaper during the past live years or had active home ownership during that period realizes the volatility of real property prices. This volatility has been felt throughout the nation and Is currently being felt particularly in the California market. Certain laws and zoning. restricdons have been enacted by the City of La Quint& to afford protection and to maintain an orderly development of the community as a whole. We as property owners are attempting to conduct our real estate practices within the confines of those existing zoning laws and ordinances. We understand that Forecast Homes has met all of the legal parameters and - restrictions required under the present zoning of -the property. Your decision can have a direct monetary impact on PriMerit Bank. We do not wish to be deprived of the use of the present zoning on the property. The use that Forecast has proposed is compliant with existing ordinances and denial of their proposal may effectively render our property unmarketable. Furthermore, denial may render La Quinta's zoning ordinances ineffective and meaningless. In closing, we appreciate the opportunity to air our views with regards to Quinterra project. The city in which this project is located and the project itself are fine representatives of communities in which home ownership is extremely desirable. We also hope that a prompt resolution or a negotiated settlement can be reached in regards to the future development of this property. I apologize for not being present at the meeting and again send our support for Forecast Homes. Sincerely, Stephen D. Humphrey " Vice President El SEP -15 -9E WED 7:20 Lh JINTA HDLG t SAFETY • 6190- 1407 P. 01 .I -A Tay aahik ATTACHMENT 5 n - 78 -496 CAL.LE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92258 - (519) 777 -7000 FAX (619) Tn -7101 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellant's Name Date cam, 21 �qq� Mailing Address 10670 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA 91730 Phone: ( 9091 987 -7788 RE: Case No. �r11UIF Type of Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Variance Change of Zone Public Use.Permit Surface Mining G. Reclamation Permit Outdoor Advertising Consistency with General Plan Environmental Assessment Setback Adjustments Temporary Use Permit. X Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. Use additional sheets if necessary. 41 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. 80X 1504 -AA LA QUINTA` CALIFORNIA 92253 1, Q J • • '1. J FSEP 1 1 1993 CITY OF LA..OUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA 78- 495'Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. The. Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 approved our proposal, yet conditioned us to construct homes with a minimum square footage of 1650 s /f. This eliminated our Plans 2, 3, 4 & - 5 and leaves us only Plan 6 and 7 (1660 s/f & 1868 s/f respectively) to build, which makes our. ability to market this, product unrealistic. The minimum house size per the City's General Plan is 750 s/f with our smallest home being 1106 s /f. Our proposal complies with all of the City's rules, laws and ordinances. This proposal was reviewed and found to be compatible by the Design Review Board and approved with minor comments. We object to'Conditions # 7, 12, 13 & 16 as imposed by the Planning Commission September 14, 1993. Again, our homes were approved by the Design Review Board and we have satisfied the City's procedures, laws and ordinances and request your consideration in our appeal. RATION ce Strickland, Vice President 10670 Civic Center Drive Ruxho Cwcarrronga. CA 91730 (714) 987.7788 fax 980 -7305 42 • . 1 ATTACHMENT 6 78.49S' CALLE TAMPICO -- LA' OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 922S3 (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Quinterra & Rancho Ocotillo HQrwers (See attadied list) 9/27/93 . Appellant's Name Date Mailing Address c/o Dmglw S. Phillips of Best, Best & Krieger J91W Bob Hope Drive, Suite 312 Ravin Mirage, CA 92270 Phone: ( 619) 568 -2611 RE: Case No. ' Plot Plan 93-505 Type of.Appeal: Conditional Use Permit Variance Change of Zone Public Use Permit Surface Mining & Reclamation Permit Outdoor Advertising Consistency with General Plan Environmental Assessment Setback Adjustments Temporary Use Permit roc Plot Plan Please state basis for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number'of't_he specific condition which is being protested. **.*SEE ATTACHED*** Use additional sheets if necessary. Sign ure . FORM- 003 /CS di S EP 2 7 1993 MAIUNG ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 43 APPLICATION FOR APPEAL OF FINDINGS OR CONDITIONS Appellants Name: Quinterra & Rancho Ocotillo Homeowners RE: Case No: Plot Plan 93 -505 Date: 9/27/93 Please state basis.for appeal and include any supportive evidence. If applicable, indicate the number of the specific condition which is being protested. Quinterra homeowners were promised by the previous developer, and by PriMerit Bank, that the Quinterra subdivision would be built out with homes consistent in size and quality with those that the homeowners were purchasing. However, the homes approved by the Planning Commission (1,660 - 1,868 square feet) are 25 to 308 smaller than the existing homes (2,071 - 2,593 square feet) in the Quinterra subdivision and can be expected to sell for substantially less. Construction of those homes will substantially reduce the quality of the Quinterra subdivision and the value of existing homes. To allow. the Quinterra neighborhood to be degraded by construction of lower- quality housing would facilitate a fraud by PriMerit on the Quinterra homeowners and be a disservice to the City of La Quinta that has always prided itself on the quality of its residential development and its commitment to maintain neighborhood values. Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo homeowners respectfully request that the .City Council require that the Quinterra subdivision be built out with the homes originally approved or other homes of similar quality. The concerns of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo homeowners are elaborated in greater detail in letters previously sent to the Planning Commission on August 19 and September 9, 1993 copies of which are attached.. EVA LIST OF QUINTERRA AND RANCHO OCOTILLO HOMEOWNERS James C. Hanson Neil Ludlam Rim Lee and Karen Job Arthur John Kneuer and Joan M. Berndt Kneuer Bruce and Cindy Mercy Larry Miller Marilyn Williams Russell and Sara - jeannine Robertson Robert L. and Linda C. Tette E.H. Wiensz N. James Allen Daniel and Frances Bresnahan Joseph A. and Barbara J. Irwin Roger T. and Carol M. Isabell Jeff and Terri Laddusaw Ed and Diane McMahon Jack M. and Anne Mayes Edward G. and Lucille E. Mycek Duane Nishikubo Archie Sharp Mel and Susie Levine Bob and Rachel Woods Virginia Jacobsen James S: and Barbara Rice Jack Pederson Arnold Charles Richard. W. and Tamara D. Bradford James T. and Imogene Wells Craig and Susan Glass Alvin M. Dettloff Monte Maxey George and Cindy Conroy Robert and Kathy Bradley Cecelia D. McCombs Sybil Salisbury Richard 0. and Karen D. Erickson B.A. Beam Arnold K. and Chith Dimmitt Susan Caulfield 0 45 0 CITY OF LA Q*,NTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 19, 1993, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78 -495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: 16 ITEM: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 - FORECAST CORP. (FORECAST HOMES) APPELLANTS: LOCATION: REQUEST: I LEGAL: MR. BRUCE STRICKLAND (FORECAST) & BEST, BEST & KRIEGER QUINTERRA TRACT; NORTH OF MILES AVENUE AND EAST OF ADAMS STREET PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISIC OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZES IN THE EXISTING TRACT (PHASE 2) TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND TO APPEAL THE ARCHITEC- TURAL CHARACTERISTICS. TRACT 23913 (PHASE 2) NORTH HALF OF SECTION 20, T5S R7E S, e ti Case: Plot Plan 9a -505 'J The proposed single family homes are exempt from any further Environmental Review because the original tract map evaluated the impact of "the entire tract on the immediate area in 1988. Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and /or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed file (s)- may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a. m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta Civic Center, 78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the City Clerk's Office requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodations) in order to communicate, at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk's Office a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON OCTOBER 9, 1993 HNCC.030 DATE: CASE. NO. APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: BACKGROUND: B'_3 STAFF REPORT PLANNING CONBUSSION DECEMBER 11, 1990 TRACT 23913 WINDSOR PROJECTS APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL .PLANS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE, EAST OF ADAMS STREET The Tract is a 116 lot subdivision approved in 1988. The Applicant has purchased the subdivision from the original subdivider. A Condition of Approval requires Planning Commission approval of the architectural plans. 1311TOWORKIiN Three floor plans varying from 2071 to 2593. square feet in area (excluding the garage) are proposed. Two plans are one story with the third, two stories in height. Three elevations are proposed for each plan. Architectural style is Southwest with exterior materials consisting of stucco, wood, trim, tile, accents, and a multi - colored tile roof. Colors are earth tones with Southwest accent colors, and a brown /beige roof tile. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION: The Design Review Board reviewed these plans at their meeting of December 5, 1990, and recommended approval, subject to additional architectural treatment through the use of stucco popouts around side and rear windows and doors. RECOMMENDATION: Review the architectural plans in light of the Design, Review Board recommendation and if deemed acceptable, approve by Minute Motion 90- Attachments: 1. Location Map, 2. Architectural plans STAFFRPT.034 1 !e 7C ff ...• a i� .t• CC MINUTES .PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78 -105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California . 'December 11, 1990. 7: 00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Steding. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Barrows. II. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS OF RECOGNITIONS A. It was moved by Commissioner Barrows and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to present Planning Commission Resolution 90 -045 to Lucia Moran in recognition of her service to the community; also to Peter Zelles, Planning Commission Resolution 90 -046 in recognition of his service to the community. Both Resolutions were unanimously approved III. SWEARING IN OF NEW COMMISSIONER A . City Clerk Saundra Juhola swore in Kay Ladner and Elly Dowd as new Planning Commissioners. IV. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Steding requested the roll call. . Present:. Commissioners Barrows, Mosher, Ladner, Dowd, and Chairman Steding. B . Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Assistant Planner Glenda Lainis, and Department Secretary Betty. Anthony. V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. Chairman Steding opened the nominations for Chairman. Commissioner Mosher nominated Sue Steding, seconded by Commissioner Dowd. Commissioner Mosher moved to, close the nomination, Commissioner Barrows seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of Sue Steding as Chairman. B. Chairman Steding opened the nominations for Vice Chairman. Commissioner Mosher moved to nominate Kattie Barrows, seconded by Commissioner Ladner. Commissioner Mosher moved to close the nomination, Commissioner Dowd seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of Kattie Barrows as Vice Chairman. PCMIN12 =11 IN • VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS if A. Tentative Tract 25237; a request of Ohio Citizens Investment Corporation for approval of modification of Condition #29, regarding the construction of Avenida Obregon and Avenida Fernando gates. 1. Commissioner Dowd asked to be excused due to a conflict of interest. Commissioner Dowd left the room. 2: Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report. A copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 3. Planning Director Jerry Herman explained he had received communication from the City Attorney requesting that this item be continued until after December, due to the litigation process. 4 . Chairman Steding inquired if Staff was aware of what - had been scheduled for the December 20th court date. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated he did not. Chairman Steding stated that the Planning Commission had received 12 letters from property owners in the Santa Rosa Cove development requesting that the gates be built now. 5. Chairman Steding opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Tom Hill, Applicant, stated that he was in compliance with the Conditions of Approval for his project, but due to the litigation caused by Mr. Fredericks, his project had stopped. He requested that the Planning Commission amend Condition #29 to enable them to continue work on their project while waiting for the outcome of the Obregon gate litigation. Chairman Steding asked Mr. Hill to clarify what he was asking of the Commission. Mr. Hill explained that at present he was under a temporary restraining order to not continue with the gate. Discussion followed as to the legal process. 7. Mr. Emmanual Paradecesus, 77 -230 Fernando, owner /partner in Ohio Citizens Investment Corporation, addressed the.Commission regarding how the court process had started. His firm had no preference as to the location of the gates; they would comply, with whatever the City requested. 8. Mr. Greg Abadie, Landmark Land Company, stated he was in full support of this project and even as a property owner he felt the project should be entitled to continue work. He stated that Landmark Land has been in opposition to the Obregon gate as it is proposed and should be moved to the west side. The Mazatlan and Fernando gates should be manned and a security patrol hired to solve the problem. This would take the support. of all the homeowner associations. PCMINI2 -11 2 9. Judy Blum, 76 -941 Mazatlan, asked the Commission to verify that a bond had been posted to build the gate. She regretted Mr. Fredericks situation but his arrangements were with Landmark. She further stated that Mr. Fredericks is not a resident of the Santa Rosa Cove Association, and the residents of Santa Rosa Cove, need the. gates to be installed for their safety. 10. Mr. James W. (Bubba) Lloyd, 77 -313 Calle Mazatlan, stated that there was no lawsuit at present., there was only an injunction to stop the construction. He stated that the.homeowners of Santa Rosa Cove do not want .Condition #29 modified; there should be no changes to the original conditions. He further stated that negotiations were in the process with Santa Rosa Cove,. Landmark Land, and Ohio Citizens Investment Corp. 11. Commission discussion regarding the request of the City Attorney, Commissioners not having time to study the matter, and whether the Avenida Fernando gate was in the process of being built., 12. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Barrows to continue the Public Hearing to January 8, 1991. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Ladner, Mosher, Chairman Steding. NOES: None. ABSTAINING: Commissioner Dowd. -ABSENT: None. V. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VI. BUSINESS SESSION A. Tentative Tract 23519, Minor Change #1:' a request of Santa Rosa Developers for approval of a one year extension of time. • 1.. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff. report, a copy of which is on file in. the Planning and Development Department. 2. There being no questions, it was moved by Commissioner Barrows and seconded by Commissioner Mosher to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 90 -045 recommending approval of the time extension to the City Council. Unanimously approved B . Rotary Club Park; a request of the La Quinta Rotary Club for approval of site plan for City park. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report. A copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. . PCMINI2 -11 2 . Commissioner. Barrows inquired how this would affect the area to the south in regard to parking. Mr. Herman stated that it would have no affect, as the parking would be enlarged as needed. 3. Commissioner Dowd stated that she had contacted Design Review Board Members Platt and Anderson and had visited the site. 'The Board members stated that they felt the driveway would be safe at the present location. Commissioner Dowd further stated that consideration should be given. to the layout of the park in regard to view and expansion: 4. Chairman Steding inquired if flipping the ' parking and park would discourage people from going to . the Wash. Discussion followed regarding a fence to block the Wash, the view to the north and south, and the terrain elevation. 5. Mr. John Curtis,. Applicant for the Rotary Club, addressed the Commission regarding these concerns. 6. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Ladner to adopt Minute Motion 90- 050 approving the plans as submitted. Unanimously approved. C. Tract 23913; a request of Windsor Development for approval of architectural plans for a single family residence. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Mosher stated he highly approved of the plans and the traffic pattern. 3. There being no further questions, it was moved by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 90 -051 approving the project as submitted subject. to Staff recommendations. Unanimously approved. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Commissioner Barrows moved and Commissioner. Mosher seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of November 27, 1990, as submitted. Unanimously approved. VIII. OTHER A . Planning Director Jerry Herman explained the 1990 Schedule of Attendance to the new Commissioners. Discussion regarding the Design Review Board representative being placed on the agenda for January; explanation of Study Sessions and items for discussion.. It was suggested that January 7, 1991, be set aside for a Study Session. PCMINI2 -11 4 IX. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by'Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Barrows to adjourn to a regular meeting on January 8, 1991, at 7: 00 P . M . in the La Quinta City Hall, 78 -105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:08 P.M. PCMIN12 -11 5 � CITY OF LA 016NTA FILE COPY CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 19, 1993, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78 -495 Calle Tampico, on the following item: %, ITEM: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 - FORECAST CORP. (FORECAST HOMES) APPELLANTS: MR. BRUCE STRICKLAND (FORECAST) & BEST, BEST & KRIEGER LOCATION: QUINTERRA TRACT; NORTH OF MILES AVENUE AND EAST OF ADAMS STREET REQUEST: PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE APPEAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISIC OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 TO LIMIT THE HOUSE SIZES IN THE EXISTING TRACT (PHASE 2) TO 1,650 SQUARE FEET OR LARGER AND TO APPEAL THE ARCHITEC- TURAL CHARACTERISTICS. ' LEGAL: TRACT 23913 (PHASE 2) NORTH HALF OF SECTION 20, T5S R7E P. Case: Plot Plan 93 -505 The proposed single family homes are exempt from any further Environmental Review because the original tract map evaluated the impact of the entire tract on the immediate area in 1988. . Any person may submit written comments on this case to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and /or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this case in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, 'or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed files) may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday 8:00 a. m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta Civic Center, 78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, the City Clerk's Office requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance or accommodation (s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City Clerk's Office a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON OCTOBER 9, 1993 HNCC.030 j Acacia Homes 360 -1810 SFR 147,990 1,400 96 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO Acacia Construction 189.990 2,200 I u Bajada 773 -9888 Custom 80,000 7,500 18 N/A NO NO NO NO NO t/- Chateau Estates Lots 120,000 12.000 Rz Brock Desert Fairways 564.1981 SFR 264.000 2.206 254 3/2.5.4/3.5 YES YES NO NO NO f� M.J. Brock 8 Sons 305.000 3,025 n Cactus Flower South 345 -7221 SFR 147.900 1.633 67 3/2.4/2.5 NO NO NO NO NO r1 Williams Development Co. 185,900 2.134 La Ouinta del Oro 360 -8996 SFR 250.000 2,700 228 4/3 -5/3 NO NO NO NO NO Rv Deane Homes 270,000 3,400 La Ouinta Del Rey 345.9381 SFR 115.990 1.006 77 2/1 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO �) Century Homes 139.990 1.732 La Ouinta Estates 568.1400 Custom 60,000 8.000 98 N/A NO NO NO NO NO Valley Land Development Co. Lots 75.000 8.000 La Ouinta Vistas 360 -1619 SFR 175,000 2.000 86 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO i La Ouinta Vistas Partnership 210.000 2.400 Marquessa I_,�. 564.5407 SFR 430,000 2,924 281 3/3 -4/4 YES NO NO NO NO Wilma Pacific Inc. t l" • 535,000 3,296 1 Painted Cove at La Ouinta 773 -9888 Custom 155,000 12.000 83 N/A YES NO NO NO NO ` Chateau Estates Lots 225,000 18,000 Palm Royale 345 -0554 PUD 88,900 763 354 1/1 -2/2 YES YES YES YES NO' Boulevard Development 132,900 929 RI Part La Ouinta 564 -0923 SFR 174,900 1,804 150 3/2 -4/3 YES NO NO NO NO Part La Ouinta Joint Venture 204,000 2,222 PGA West Trophies 564 -0400 PUD 216,000 1,706 60 2/2 -3/3.5 YES YES YES YES NO �Z Sunrise Company 339,000 2,368 Ouinterra 360 -1048 SFR 194,900 2,072 112 3/2.5 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO Windsor Projects 235,900 2,593 Rancho Ocotillo 345.0150 SFR N/A 1,700 91 3/2.4/2.5 NO NO NO NO NO Williams Development Co. N/A 2,550 I The Citrus Course 564-1465 Custom 180,000 1/3 ac.. 564 0 YES NO NO YES NO I �2- J.M. Peters Lots 460,000 1/2 ac. The Citrus Course 564 -1465 SFR 340,000 2,439 564 3/3 -4/4.5 YES NO NO YES NO 7-- J.M. Peters 570,000 3,710 Si+igle Family Residence (SFR): Plague(/ Cult Uevelopmeut (PUD) 18RE 1992 Coachella Valley Housing S Survey ....�..�.... ._. -�. ...... �.- ..- ..- t tea._ +r.. _ _ _ _.�_._.,. -�. ..._�LaS .- ._.._�...._. w w.�-.. _ _ ..�: .. -.. ._ . ... ._. ...y.. . .. ..- .._._. • •�.�;_....n +�.r-- ..��..... Price S Square T Total B Bedrooms • Community L Leased Development P Phone T Type R Range F Feet U Units B Baths G Gated G Golf T Tennis P Pools L Land Discovery Homes 5 581 -1100 S SFR 1 108,990 1 1,109 5 51 3 3/2 -4/2 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Millennium Community 1 119,990 1 1,400 El Cid Estates 3 342 -5909 S SFR 9 97,950 1 1,258 6 66 3 3/2 -4/3 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Blazer Enterprise 1 117.950 1 1,555 Encanto 3 342.5998 S SFR 1 139,900 1 1,565 7 73 3 3/2=4/3 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Encanto Homes CA Ltd. 1 170,900 2 2,125 Summer Place 3 324 -6828 S SFR N N/A 1 1,219 1 156 3 3/2 -5/3 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Inco Homes N N/A 1 1,779 Indian Gardens 7 775 -7933 S SFR 1 116,900 1 1.366 7 76 3 3/2 -4/3 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Richard Meyer 1 136,900 1 1,787 Palm Meadows 7 775 -9033 S SFR 1 116,400 1 1,290 2 219 3 3/2 -4/2 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Germain Development Co. 1 129,900 1 1,640 Park Madison 3 347 -5490 S SFR 1 137,700 1 1,740 3 37 3 3/2.5 -4/2 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Gary Stark Construction 1 155,700 2 2.000 Santa Fe Homes 3 342 -6044 S SFR 1 119,900 1 1,385 1 167 3 3/2 -5/3 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Santa Fe Developers 1 154,900 2 2,200 Santa Rosa Homes 7 775 -9043 S SFR 1 119,900 1 1,475 1 171 3 3/2 -4/2 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO FW. Development Inc. 1 155,990 2 2,178 Summerbreeze 3 360 -6211 P PUD 7 74,000 9 930 1 190 2 2/2 -2/2 Y YES N NO Y YES Y YES N NO Progressive Savings Bank 9 98,000 1 1,350 The Villas at Sunnyside Estate 7 775 -7171 S SFR 6 69,900 9 900 2 231 2 2/1 -3/2 Y YES N NO Y YES Y YES N NO Century Homes 8 87,990 1 1,278 Zalay Ranch 3 345 -2527 S SFR 1 157,700 1 1.840 3 36 4 4/3 -4/3 N NO N NO N NO N NO N NO Rancho Miraoe Builders 1 169.900 9 9 nn Acacia Homes 360 -1810 SFR 147,990 1,400 96 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO Acacia Construction 189.990 2,200 I u Bajada 773 -9888 Custom 80,000 7,500 18 N/A NO NO NO NO NO t/- Chateau Estates Lots 120,000 12.000 Rz Brock Desert Fairways 564.1981 SFR 264.000 2.206 254 3/2.5.4/3.5 YES YES NO NO NO f� M.J. Brock 8 Sons 305.000 3,025 n Cactus Flower South 345 -7221 SFR 147.900 1.633 67 3/2.4/2.5 NO NO NO NO NO r1 Williams Development Co. 185,900 2.134 La Ouinta del Oro 360 -8996 SFR 250.000 2,700 228 4/3 -5/3 NO NO NO NO NO Rv Deane Homes 270,000 3,400 La Ouinta Del Rey 345.9381 SFR 115.990 1.006 77 2/1 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO �) Century Homes 139.990 1.732 La Ouinta Estates 568.1400 Custom 60,000 8.000 98 N/A NO NO NO NO NO Valley Land Development Co. Lots 75.000 8.000 La Ouinta Vistas 360 -1619 SFR 175,000 2.000 86 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO i La Ouinta Vistas Partnership 210.000 2.400 Marquessa I_,�. 564.5407 SFR 430,000 2,924 281 3/3 -4/4 YES NO NO NO NO Wilma Pacific Inc. t l" • 535,000 3,296 1 Painted Cove at La Ouinta 773 -9888 Custom 155,000 12.000 83 N/A YES NO NO NO NO ` Chateau Estates Lots 225,000 18,000 Palm Royale 345 -0554 PUD 88,900 763 354 1/1 -2/2 YES YES YES YES NO' Boulevard Development 132,900 929 RI Part La Ouinta 564 -0923 SFR 174,900 1,804 150 3/2 -4/3 YES NO NO NO NO Part La Ouinta Joint Venture 204,000 2,222 PGA West Trophies 564 -0400 PUD 216,000 1,706 60 2/2 -3/3.5 YES YES YES YES NO �Z Sunrise Company 339,000 2,368 Ouinterra 360 -1048 SFR 194,900 2,072 112 3/2.5 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO Windsor Projects 235,900 2,593 Rancho Ocotillo 345.0150 SFR N/A 1,700 91 3/2.4/2.5 NO NO NO NO NO Williams Development Co. N/A 2,550 I The Citrus Course 564-1465 Custom 180,000 1/3 ac.. 564 0 YES NO NO YES NO I �2- J.M. Peters Lots 460,000 1/2 ac. The Citrus Course 564 -1465 SFR 340,000 2,439 564 3/3 -4/4.5 YES NO NO YES NO 7-- J.M. Peters 570,000 3,710 Si+igle Family Residence (SFR): Plague(/ Cult Uevelopmeut (PUD) 18RE 0 V,V"" ..., ". I Vt.. . . i— — —y- 10 — — 4, !. 'lP ," -- s 5 ILI i DesertFalls/The Estates 322 -0664 Lots 190,000 14,000 23 N/A YES YES YES NO NO J.F. Temple Co. Inc. 9992 Coachella Valley Housing 22.000 Survey 2 'Fp-.." LcZ 7? 7 -�1 � 5 Desert Falls/The Villas f5$ c 3-.6s PUD 133.990 `r y ye YES if YES YES NO J.F. Temple Co. Inc. Price Square Total Bedrooms Security Community Leased Development Phone Type Range Feet Units Baths Gated Golf Tennis Pools Land NO The Enclave Mountain Estates , 564 -1525 Custom 215.000 1/3 ac. 54 N/A YES NO NO NO NO Falcon Homes Citizens Investment Corp. Custom Lots 655,000 112 ac. N/A NO NO NO NO NO M 8 J Management Dev. Company The Estates at La Ouinta 564 -1200 Custom 199.500 1.25 ac. 14 N/A YES NO NO NO NO �y Landmark Land Co. 1,706 Lots 240,500 1.25 ac. YES YES YES NO Sunrise Company PUD 523.000 The Orchard 564 -5121 Custom 260,000 22,700 44 N/A YES NO NO NO NO 2.500 Strother construction 3/4 -4/4 Lots 420.000 42,500 NO NO Chazan Construction 400.000 3.000 j Tierra Del Sol 568 -1400 Custom 55.000 8,000 95 N/A NO NO NO NO NO N/A Valley Land Development Co. NO Lots 65.000 8,000 Gemini Development Partnership II Lots 123.000 16.000 Topaz 360 -0552 SFR 159,000 1.407 191 2/2 -6/4 NO NO NO NO NO NO Santa Rosa Developers Inc. NO NO 234.990 2.864 99.500 14.400 'PA L-V1 Primrose II 340 -5311 SFR 229.900 2.247 37 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO Beimonte Estates 341 -5073 SRR 254,900 2.132 88 3/3 -3/3 YES NO NO NO NO ( Williams Development Co. 360 -2303 SFR 279.900 2,600 92 2/2 -5/4.5 YES NO YES NO NO Regency Homes Bighorn 773 -5300 Custom 895,000 3,100 311 2/3 -4/5 YES YES YES YES NO 360.0188 Westinghouse Desert Communities 149.900 SFR 1.800.000 4,800 NO NO NO NO NO Kit Kenyon Bighorn 773 -5300 Custom 325.000 1/3 ac. 311 N/A YES YES YES YES NO 199.000 Westinghouse Desert Communities 16 Lots 1.575,000 1 ac. NO NO NO Sandpiper Homes 225.000 3.089 Deep Canyon 346 -5593 SFR 275.000 2,500 37 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO 96 Kurt Duham YES NO 299,000 3.300 NO Affiliated Construction Co. 495,000 3.800 Desert Falls /Courtyard 322 -0664 PUD 174.990 1,627 96 2/2 -3/2.5 YES YES YES YES NO NO J.F. Temple Co. Inc. NO NO 279.990 2,020 240,000 2,348 DesertFalls/The Estates 322 -0664 Lots 190,000 14,000 23 N/A YES YES YES NO NO J.F. Temple Co. Inc. 285.000 22.000 Desert Falls/The Villas 322 -0664 PUD 133.990 1.360 807 2/2 -3/3 YES YES YES YES NO J.F. Temple Co. Inc. 259.990 2.236 Desert Mirage 773 -4062 Custom 79.900 9.000 30 N/A NO NO NO NO NO Ram Development Lots 93.500 10.000 Falcon Homes 340 -4641 Custom 89.000 8.000 20 N/A NO NO NO NO NO M 8 J Management Dev. Company Lots 115.000 8.000 Indian Ridge CC 772 -7000 SFR 206.000 1,706 1.450 2/2 -4/4.5 YES YES YES YES NO Sunrise Company PUD 523.000 3.540 Linda Vista Estates 340 -5369 SFR 350.000 2.500 8 3/4 -4/4 NO NO NO NO NO Chazan Construction 400.000 3.000 Mariposa Springs 320 -5550 Custom 93.000 10.000 102 N/A YES NO YES NO NO Gemini Development Partnership II Lots 123.000 16.000 Montecito 779 -9100 Lots 79.500 10.000 275 N/A YES NO NO NO NO Montecito 99.500 14.400 Primrose II 340 -5311 SFR 229.900 2.247 37 3/2 -4/3 NO NO NO NO NO Starkey 8 Co. 299.900 3.100 Regency Estates 360 -2303 SFR 206.900 2.108 92 2/2 -5/4.5 YES NO YES NO NO Regency Homes 352.900 3.915 Renaissance of Palm Desert 360.0188 SFR 149.900 1.525 62 3/2 -4/2 NO NO NO NO NO Kit Kenyon 174.900 1,193 Sandpiper at Montecito 772 -3313 SFR 199.000 2,750 16 3/4 -5/3. YES NO NO NO NO Sandpiper Homes 225.000 3.089 Sierranova 341 -9116 SFR 435,000 3,200 96 3/3 -413 YES NO NO NO NO Affiliated Construction Co. 495,000 3.800 Sonata II 779 -1654 SFR 180.000 1.740 94 3/2 -4/3.5 NO NO NO NO NO BarCon Development 240,000 2,348 Sunterrace 341 -5200 SFR 265,000 2.500 116 3/2.5 -4/3.5 N/A NO NO NO NO Robert Varner 305,000 2.900 The Estates at Desert Springs 568 -6158 Custom 350,000 1/2 ac. 16 N/A YES YES YES YES NO Desert Springs R.E. Corp. Lots 550.000 2 ac. The Grove 340 -9800 SFR 219,900 2,072 105 3/2 -4/3.5 NO NO NO NO NO Sunlite Development 279,900 2,716 The Heights at Vista Paseo 773 -4400 SFR 395,000 2,907 37 3/3 -3/3.5 YES NO NO NO NO Manookian Developers Lots 485,000. 3,015 Silhle Family Resirleute ISFKI: Pln nie(I ( )iii Develupmellf (PI 7)1 20RE If . _:, .' S' ' � !Itttt�111t��.� �«� t1,l�l -l1�_ • •`�t 1 / �, LF PIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - -_ >�. ice' _ . � - :�: lu . V—K uono lift', " I. ItI11111WIN: F -1 I-A .............. Ou i fi OW ............... v 01A PMP t P:10- -all ■R■ I. some; U•. I RE Ra- AMOPG" I's fill;! Ap if; fit ,if il 1'1 . 11 -TEN Ole Not Fm 1. -1 t4l for PPIP set 1A ease FJI io As i is iv LU LU M R U C= z 16 VJ W C==r -1 lot � 4 11:Ll 1% zr I GO& mass mass Mr IfCMa k man AMD 'qIk - - 'N !:I A! I IM I ki. a taj, ; I I I j Ir I : it is oil Ull m flail 11; 111, 111!21 bit., -Lid AV will 10 A&tl- A, RIF, 11i 91!1! . f'i r fair � - I - FM )it Ilt 1:1 I.All ill WC., 141. !`':1: "? if �411 a,l,- gm I e mq � i sons ■ Now A% !IJ Tlc::ii�4tit 4 4a ��!'rGiGv FILE COPY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 October 26, 1993 Mr. Bruce Strickland Forecast Homes 10670 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mr. Douglas S. Phillips Best, Best & Krieger PO Box 1555 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPEAL Dear Sirs: The City Council held a public hearing on October 19, 1993, and took additional public testimony of the request by Forecast Homes to develop Phase Two of Tract 23913. However, after much debate and discussion, the City Council chose to continue the matter to November 2, 1993. The continued public hearing will begain at 7: 00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Q,Ijk7G TROUSDELL ASSOCIATE PLANNER GT:ccs Attachment cc: Mr. Jim Ahmad Mr. Stephen D. Humphrey, PriMerit Bank Ms. Tanya S. McVeigh, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher MAILING ADDRESS -. P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I,TRGT .122 , GIBSON, .DUNN & CRUTCHER Jamboree Center TELEPHONE: (714) 451.3500 4 park Plaxa FAMMM: (714) 451.4220 Irvine, California 92714 -SSS7 FACSEMME TRANSMMION INFORMATION . October 18, 1993 TO: Mr. /Ms.: City Council Company: City of La Qulnta City, State: La Quinta, CA Facsimile No.: 8191777 -7101 Main Telephone: _ 1819) 777 -7000 FROM: Robert W. Loswen Room 1573 Extension 3894 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER LETTER: /9 If you do not receive all of the pages bwmdtted, please coact our facsirnile operator Lamnediatel7 at telephone amber (714) 451 -1219. •.a:!. The written message is for this exclusive use of the addremm and contains confidential, privileged and non-disclomble information. If the recipient of this memSe is not the addreaam, or a perean respo:lsible for delivering the meaeago to the addressee, such recipient is prohibited from reading or using this message in any way. If you have reoeived this musup by mistake, please all us tm�mediatelz and destroy tbs teleumy measatt•. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS /MESSAGE: RED F- P K 1993 OU11ST4 AmTMENT SmD ALL TIDE Co» To FACW*9Lz DEFA3trWzW J • LOO ANOCLE, 798 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE LCS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071.9107 CENTURY CITY 0000 CENTURY PARK EAST LOB ANOaLtS, CALIFORNIA 90067 -3020 SACRAMENTO 460 CAPITOL MALI PACRAMCNTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 -4407 SAN DIEGO 760 a STREtT SAM DIE00. CALIFORNIA 03 %OI -ASO16 BAN FRANCISCO ONE MONTGOMERY STREET, TE6E2IS TOWCR SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 84104.4200 MENLO PARR 3000 BAN: WILL ROAO, BUILDING I Mambo PARK, CALIFORNIA 04026 DALLAS 1717 MAIN STRaaT OALLA 6—TEXAS 76201.7790 DENVER IBOI CALIFORNIA BTRCeT DENVER, COLORADO SO?O2-tB84 SCATTL9 909 THIRD A%ItMVE SEATTLC „WASMINGTOM 96104.1089 WRITCR'8 OIRZCT DIAL NUMBER (714) 451 -3894, 0 GIBSON, DUNN 6 CRUTCHER LAWYERS JAMBOREE CENTER 4 PARK PLAZA IRVINK, CALIFORNIA 927148887 (714) A5I -3400 9AC0IMILEI (714) 491-49e0 .. City Council City of La Quints 78 -495 Calla Tampico La`Quinta, CA 93353 October 18, 1993 JAS. A. GIGSOM, IB6a -1l2R W. i. DUNN, 1001.1085 A66ILRT CRUTCNE71. 1"0"031 New YORK 300 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK. New YORK I0166-010a WASHINGTON 1060 CONNECTICUT AVENW6. N,W. WARRINGTON. O.C. 200 a e -6 300 eR�sscls AVENUE LOUISE 8EE 8.1090 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM PARIS 104 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCARi ?Silo PARIS. FRANCE LONDON 30138 PALL WALL LONDON SWIM UP MONO KONG a CONNAUOM? PLACE MONO KON9 TOKYO 1 -I -9 MARUNOUCMI. CMITODA -RU TORVO 100, JAPAN L ' AFFILIATED SAUDI ARAG14 D►FIC9 ;HAMPER OF COMMERCE NVOWNO P.O. Box 16070 . RIVAOM HASA. SAUDI ARA81A T `�H” 00004 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505 (Quinterra /Phase II) Appeal Dear Council Members: At the last City Council meeting that I attended, I heard speculation by many-who addressed the Council that the homes proposed by Forecast would adversely affect the value of surrounding homes. I was curious what an expert appraiser would say about that issue, and'I asked John Shumway of'Market Profiles for his view. Attached is a letter from Mr. shumway that you may find enlightening. Very truly yours, Robert W. Loewen RWL /dk Enclosure cc: Dawn C. Honeywell, Esq. (w /encloaslure) (via taiecopy) OAOA2 UU A October 15, 1993 Mr. Robert W. Loewen, Esq. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER Jamboree Center 4 Park PIwA Irvine, Callfomia 92714 -8557. RE: QUINTERRA, 94-LOTS9 - NEO MILES /ADAMS, LA OUINTA Dear Mr. Loe'wen: This letter is in response to your request of Market Profiles to "uate the impact on existing home values in the Qulnterm new -home development if ttre remaining 94 lots were built at a lower square footage than the 18 existing homes that have been built and are occupied. The Oulnterra project is located at the northeast quadrant of Miles and Adams in the City of La Quints. It is our understanding that Ouinterra was originally a 118 unit new -home development on 8,000 square foot lots by Windsor Homes. The homes were designed with three floorplans sized at 2,072, 2,363 and 2,595 square feet. Our. ReWdendal New Home Trends' audit reveals that Windsor Horses began sales in September of 1991, with a total of three model homes and 15 units offered for sate. Red Estate ,Hanby `•nn=ftar `° In December of 1991, our audit registered prices at $188,900 (Plan 1), $223,900 (Plan 2), and $235,900 (Plan 3). During 1992, these units were initially sold ranging In price from $195,500 to $248,000. The balance of the 18 completed units less the three models were JIM-" sold In 1993 by the lender at prices ranging from $149,900 to $210,000. Thwe are 94 .sines }Aerrrw . caurr . ►rem finished Iota remaining for development. Cctfi}6enia 9d6?6 714154-3814 FV 714154649U " t •.� ''� .--_ =n ;;� -,; .'S'q ki Y k A I� ' .. 'i :f � t -ti I f a� .. '. -'3 i. { ,. I '. '� � .i �:_.;;i;,::iW. -o = ?.; _ u _ - — ux- ..i..A:.,_ .'� �r. c�•..;�- �as'�,. Yuc. ��i� ',,.::v..a' . _ � .iA� ] � � • ,,..ss_ . _�.�...'. .9 . Q 0 * Mr. Robert W. Lw*en, Esq. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER October 15, 1993 Pegs 2 We further understand that Forecast Homes has become interested in the remaining kits and have proposed the following unit sizes and pricing. Market Profiles determined after a review of our In -house data and a physical survey of the site, #W the boundary of the market area should approximate Fred Warinq on the North, Jefferson on the east, Topaz Development on the south and Washington Boulevard on the west. Within the established market area there are nine (9) .subdivisions that have been active and have lots remaining for development. Only Acacia Homes - La QuInta, La Quinta Del Rey and Topaz can be considered active today. The -square footages within these subdivisions range from 1,008 square feet at La Quinta Del Rey to 3,400 square feet at La Qulnta Del Oro by Deena Homes. A breakout of these projects' characteristics,. square footage, and pddng can be found In Exhib!! 1 -1. The projects' locations are on Exhibit 1.2. To matate, the Issue in quegon is Vhat will be the Impack d any, on value of the existing Quinterra homes K Fort Homes are built as proposed above?' Plan 1 Pt n 9 ftn 3 Plan 4 plan 6 • �'; !:.::��. : 5107,990 5114,890 5119.990 $ 126 $139.990 -��w ,990 1,237 1,432 1,683 1.706 1.80 . 20% 3096 2096 2096 10% Market Profiles determined after a review of our In -house data and a physical survey of the site, #W the boundary of the market area should approximate Fred Warinq on the North, Jefferson on the east, Topaz Development on the south and Washington Boulevard on the west. Within the established market area there are nine (9) .subdivisions that have been active and have lots remaining for development. Only Acacia Homes - La QuInta, La Quinta Del Rey and Topaz can be considered active today. The -square footages within these subdivisions range from 1,008 square feet at La Quinta Del Rey to 3,400 square feet at La Qulnta Del Oro by Deena Homes. A breakout of these projects' characteristics,. square footage, and pddng can be found In Exhib!! 1 -1. The projects' locations are on Exhibit 1.2. To matate, the Issue in quegon is Vhat will be the Impack d any, on value of the existing Quinterra homes K Fort Homes are built as proposed above?' • • Mr. Robert W. Loswen, Es% GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER October 15, 1993 Paps 3 As a first step In the determination of a possible Impact on value, Market Profiles examined the pricing structure and square footage proposed for the new product and compared that to the last sales prices in Quinterre. The following table depicts the pricing and footages of the Forecast Homes and Quinterra's most recent sales and square footagn. FORECAST HOMES QUIWERRA $114AW $,1!,990 $12LM $,39.600 $148,900 $,6p.,N 6178,990 z�s 1,439 1AU 1.706 !A=n Lam � � iq:!f �49 VWM VIV � S`A $74.34 •"M tei.�7 Market Proffies then examined the sizes and pricing of homes within the relevant market area. The sizes and price for both the proposed homes by Forecast and existing homes in Ouinterra were found to be well distributed within the market Since pricing Impacts occur over market area, not particular subdivisions and since pricing between the existing homes and the proposed Forecast homes is in line with the market place and not,out of the ordinary, it Is, In our opinion, that the Introduction of the Forecast homes would r cause reduction in pricing or resale value of the existing homes. Market Profiles surveyed the market area to determine what the percentage of distribution by square footage was of homes that were higher in square feet than the size of homes being proposed by Forecast. There are 573 homes in the nine subdivisions: 306 homes or 53 percent have a square footage greater than 1,868 square feet (the largest home elm proposed by Forecast Homes). The remainder, 297 homes or 47 percent, are units that contain square footage less than 1,868 square feet. Mr. Robert W. Lomm, Esq. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER October 15, 1983 Pugs 4 Market Profiles also examined the percentage of homes in the market less than 1,600 square feet to determine any emeraina trends. This analysis rmmalart that of tKA 471 RIMea, 16U Pau (W YL) WV1 UAH �J 1441 tin `1,see aquaj a lawL 3vm uyoul percent or 423 homes were larger than 1,600 square feet. Again, these percentage relationships suggest nothing out of the ordinary. The results of this analysis are that the square footage and the sales price ranges In North La Qulnta are distributed such as to make these nine subdivisions very homogenous. Specifically, the smaller square footage homes were found not to be in dominant numbers to the extent that would cause a weighting In square footage toward the smaller range and subsequently, In. the price of homes. it has been Market Profiles' experience that under the theory of conformity which most communities adhere to in their General Plans, a neighborhood or submarket area would have to become extremely out of balance to have any effect on the pricing and value of homes. For instance, the addition of 94 new homes by Forecast in the size ranges of 1,237 to 1,568 would increase the overall percentage of smaller homes in the market from 47 percent to 54 percent This relatively small change in the mix of smaller and large homes should have no impact on overall pricing. More over, In November Acacia Homes will open a second tract of 75 homes next to their existing development with units ranging from 1,280 to 2,400. This size range Is larger than their earlier tract. Therefore, the square footage percentage of smaller units In the market area will most likely retreat to the. earlier percentages. Market areas and neighborttoods fluctuate in square footage, In price, in style of home, but rarely is there so dramatic a ohang® as to overturn the existing or established balance in a community. OCT 18 '93 .02 :3CPM • P.1 Mr. Robert W. Loewe, Esq. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER Odober 15, IM Pegs s Therebre, R Is Market Profiles' op/n/on that the larger square footage homes will I& be acmrsely elfboted In . terms of price H the new homes are consbucted of comparable aderlor mat0dals, the elevation deslgn/bedroom count Is similar and there is sensitivity in plotting the new product with a transidon or buffer of new homes so that the larger new homes are plotted closest to the wdsdng neighborhood. sincerely, MAR OFlLES R. Shumway dent 1 OCT. 18 '93 02:31PIO .0. P.2 4w "Its galA J, a 0 In 1-31 a kill 0 4 N w VIP in 9- m rd N q. q. q- W. MM;: OCT 18 '93 02 :32PM • • P.3 9 r � 4 if �s: �1. i • � tf fiii �y r • WiI�, a 1 � w � w w HIll. � w w I as ���� a as ���� iC `fix"•.". .•?;� >:• �www w�www de�id .%+�:4'� :'cif.: w�`Jr `ivt•1.1•Fc;a• h y A ;? ..�; c � .8c;: . . .: x:•: w 9 OCT 18 '93 02 :32PM 0 • PA Indian i Project Location--Map AV 4RIM � � HILLS J THOUSAND la �r PALMS _ e 1,»• o = H �1 a # �q � 10 r IBM_a,• PALM... .� !!&R T F wd w ►i �a c�H M O�LEGE OF F THE D! AT �Y 1. �`•. ... 4 orww 00 s•INDIAN w Qv to 'a wJuS .s,*• >~� Rd• • Avemmm Csi T ladle Mtn. i yy� I14, �love}oRml� i '� owntwm LA 2 Rancho Oc�to lINTA , 3 Topaz 4 APIs 6 cute ti Flower 8 La Qua HV&rxis 7 La 0Wr4a Del Oro 8 La Ot Del Rey 8 La aura vistas MARM PROFILES A RESIDENTIAL TRENDS % a . y'l NDI( i► fl1 Err* Blvd.. EXHIBIT I -2 OCT 18 '93 02 :33PM �. P.5 OCT 19 '93 02 :34PM 0 . • P.6 MARKET PROFILES.. - bfaM�IAp, hfl/tiQe/M�nt end Rsisercn GbrtipAttnOt 318&A AMgry Avanu4 Cold Mw, CA a= (714) $40.»14 MARKET PROFILES Is the company real estate professionals have turned to for facts and solutions for 25 years. Our products and services Include: 0- MARKET FEASIBILITY STUDIES Research studies for residential, commercial and Industrial developments ranging from small subdivisions to large, mbwd- use, master - planned communities to maximize penetration for Identifiable market opportunities, enhancing success and reducing risk of project Wure. ■ SWENT /AL NEW HOME TRENDS A quarterly data base providing current, precise data on new residential subdivision absorption and pricing trends for real estate professionals and financial Institutlons. Audit now covers most of Callromia. ■ RESIDENTIAL TRENDS. COMPANION SOFTWARE A powerful LOTUS- driven software program capable of analyzing competitive new 'for sale' residential product rekitive to other comparables in seconds. Quarterly updated disks prelooded with all vital marketing statistical date necessary for executive decision making — a companion software tool included In the price of RESIDENTIAL NEW HOME TRENDS. ■ EXPERT WITNESS TESTIMONY /LITIGATION SUPPORT Market Profiles' principals offer an effective combination of market understanding and level of detail for use in real estate - related court cases. ■ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES A separate division headed by experts drawn from the development side of the Industry performs due diligence, financial analysis, entitlement work, and other "out source' project development services. ■ LANDTRACKER SOFTWARE A revolutionary new software tool enabling real estate professionals to track available land in various stages of planning for future development. Easy, menu driven oommands provide access to summary or detailed information updated quarterly from community planning departments and our In-house research. ■ RENTAL TRENDS A semi- annual data base publication featuring a detailed analysis of apartment projects in San Diego County (25 units and above). The largest database of its kind, providing project profiles, rental rate trends, vacancy trends and future development details. ■ ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Analysis of primary soclo-eoonomic and demographic factors which quantity demand for various product types within macro or micro market regions. ■ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORTS Powerful, yet condensed market date providing a statistical overview of residential markets ,in Southern California, Perfect for the busy real estate executive who needs a quick reference or valuable trend Information to gain or keep familiarity with broad market regions. ■ CONSUMER RESEARCH Site - specific or broad -based consumer research defining opinions, attitudes and trends which Influence buying patterns for various real estate products, or to better understand other. Issues Impacted by real estate development. OCT 18 '93 02:34PM • • P•7 SUMMARY OF MARKET" PROFILES' QUALIFICATIONS Established In 1968, Market Profiles has conducted more than 2,000 major market feasibility stUdles on real estate developments throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, and Texas. The company is headquartered in Costa Mesa, Cal fomla with offices in San Diego and Dallas, Texas. Market Profiles' approach toward market analysis brings together an Inter- disciplinary project team comprised of analysts with expertise in real estate economics, land planning, development, advertising /marketing, and business administration. This team approach is particularly effective in ensuring the synergy between land uses and the accommodation of real world market dynamics that Is so crucial for developing successful master - planned communities. Key properties for which Market Profiles has provided market studies in the past 20 years include the following: REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT LIST. MASTER-PLANNED COMMUNITY /SPECIFICPLAN MARKET STUDIES PREPARED BY MARKET PROFILES ...... :.:. ... .. ...... '::!. .: Y .: .:......:'.:... T: :Prolecr.Name Location' : ::�.,..:......:: ..... �.gt�ac •. *Footh ®I Ranch *TWOP Rancho San Clemente' Crown Hill *Rancho Santa Margarita Sycamore Canyon The Fame Sunnymead Ranch *Lftchfleld Park Moreno Valley Ranch Rancho Soiano Sierra del Oro Chase Ranch *Corona Ranch *- 0gXXW) *La Cuesta Specific Plan *Pcrtcla Hills Wood Ranch Lenwood Ranch Shandln Hills *-- (proposed) �Horsethlef Canyon North Peak Hovechild Ranch Greer Ranch *Shell Ranch Siegal Ranch Audio Murphy Ranch Forster Ranch 2,743 3,500 1,943 412 6,000 325 714 1,700 14,400 3,859 642 1,150 228 703 283 640 1,000 4,026 1,300 205 957 1,064 $70 660 810 3,428 991 1,914 O Toro San Clemente San Clemente Temecula Rancho St. Margarita Anaheim Hills Lake Elsinore Moreno Valley Phoenbc, Arizona Moreno Valley Vlctorvllle Corona Corona Corona Bakersfield Fontana El Toro Slml Valley Barstow San Bernardino Hemet - Corona Lake Elsinore Beaumont Murrieta Yorba Linda Lake Mathews Sun City /Menlfee San Clemente .Hon Anrida Nu -West Taylor Woodrow Homes Santa Margulta Company Woodcrest Lane Kuhn Pacific Markborough Goodyear/Westinghouse Wormington Paragon WSLA Bennett Consolidated Buie Centennial Centennial Baldwin Nu -West Paragon, Marlborough Garrett Properties Prooley TMC Development L owls Homes Inland Group Shell 01 S.I.C. Corp, Pacific Coast Homes Westinghouse Communities OCT 18 '93 02:35PM P.8 MARKET PROFILES REPRESENTATIVE CLIENT LIST American Savings & Loan Home Swings of America Bank of America Industrial Bank of Japan Bank of Calffornis Imperial Savings & Loan Bankers Mutual Imperial Savings & Loan Candidlan Bank Mitsubishi Bank Carlsberg Mortgage National Bank of Canada Central Savings & Loan Pacific Federal Savings & Loan Citicorp Pacific National Bank Downey Savings & Loan Prudential Sachs First Federal Bank of California Security Pacific National Bank First Interstate Beek Soloman Brothers Glenfed Union Bank Home Federal Savings & Loan Wells Fargo R#0RATt-'-'. Continental Uu-d Title /lawyers Title National Gypsum Company Digital Equipment Corporation South Coast MedkW Center Hughes s Market Southern California Gas company Lucky Stores Western Waste Mission V1910 Volvo VMM Micro Electronics, OICEMOEMAKIE LANNINWENGINEERING ETINIM'!; '/ACd0UNTING/BR Robert Bain. Wm. Frost Associates Kenneth Leventhal & Company 09 Commercial The Marketing Department Daniallan Associates Florian Martinez Assoftes J.F. Davidson PBR Forma Pannell Keerr Forster Grubb f E111 Stanley R. Hoffman Associates Tlerm Planning Huneaker & Associates Turdnl'& Brink The Kelth-Compenles PUB=A P AMIGA City of Claremont City of Downey City of Moreno Valley CRY Of Perris City of Redondo Beach City of San Bernardino Moreno Valley Unified School District Orange Unified School District Baker & Hostetler Corbett & Steelman C. D. Daly Law Co. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Grant & Laubscher Hamilton & Samuels Lobel, Winthrop & Baker Parala & Mlltzok Rutan & Tucker Sheppard, Mullln, Richter & OCT 18 '93 02:36PM MARKET PROFILES REPRESENTATIVE CLIENT LIST $DIED .. ERS D1EVE E:OP >; <, A M /Greystone Homes Ferguson Partners Ahmanson Development The Fieldstone Company Akins Development Forest City Development American Retirement Villas Full SsrAce,.Inc. Arvida G. E. Capital The Baldwin Company Garrett Properties Barrett Corporation The Grupe Company Bay Development Bayshore Devco Harwood Homes The Beds Company Homes by Polygon Bedford Properties Homestead Land Development Corp. Bennett Properties Mon Development Co. The Bergheer Company IDM Birtcher Development Corp. The Inland Group Basco Land Development Ltd. The Irvine Company Bbcby Ranch Company Kaufman & Broad Horne Corp. Block Homes - The Koll Company The Booth Group LDM Development Co. Braemar Homes, Inc. John Laing Homes Bramalsa California Lewis Homes Brighton Homes Lightner Developoment Brock Homes Los Athos Development M. J. Brock & Sons John D. Lusk & Son Brookfield Development Co. The William Lyon Company The Bule Corporation Marlborough Development Burnett- Ehiine Development co, Mission Viejo Company California Communities, Inc. Mobil Land Development Co. Caltbmia Pacific Homes Nelson/Von der Ahe Calprop Corporation Osbome Development Cambridge Development Group Pacific Coast Homes Campeau Corporation Pacific Landmark Canaday & Company PacMic Gateway Homes Carlsberg Constru tion Co. Palm Desert Development Carlton- Santee Corporation Paragon Homes Carson Company The Piles Company Caryn /Rockfield Presley of Southern Calffomfa Catellus Regis Horres Century American Homes Robertson Homes Chevron Development Company Rose Hills bevelopment Colman Homes S & S Constwion Concordia Development Santa Anita Realty Enterprises Coombs, Inc. Santa Margarft8 Company Cordial Housing, Inc. shell 00 Western E & P Costain Homes Signal Landmark Coultrup , Spanish Hills Development Covington Homes Taylor Woodrow Homes Crown Valley Development Tozai Curry•Rkich Unocal Land & Development Davidson Homes Valencia Company Dam Developments The Warmington Company EPAC Watt Homes Eadington Development Westinghouse Communities Elsinore Homes, Inc. Weyerhauser Venture Company P.9 OCT 18 '93 02 :36PM • P.10 a. ECONOiMIC, DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH & MARKETING CONSULTANTS MARKET PROFILES Is a leader in providing economic, market research and marketing services covering the complete spectrum of real estate development: . All residential uses including attached and detached housing, urban and suburban densities both rental and for -sale, from custom, to senior and health care (sale, rental, congregate, assisted living), single room occupancy (SRO), affordable and subsidized housing; Mixed -use and master - planned communities (including heavy recreation uses with golf and tennis facilities); Commercial (office, hotels, restaurants, retail, car care, promotional centers); Industrial (business parks, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, research and development facilities, and mufti- tenant industrial uses); Public sector support (redevelopment, fiscal impact, infill, land use opportunities, and implementation marketing plans). MARKET PROFILES, economic, market research, and marketing consulting is one of the most detailed, sophisticated, and innovative in the real estate industry: Poskloning Studies Residual Land Analyses Land Use Opportunity Analysis - Residential Database (22 yrs.) Land Use and Site Plan Analysis - Quarterly New -Home Audit Product Critiques - Economic & Demographic Forecasts Product Development and Architectural Review Directives - Econometric Forecasts Product Positioning and Pricing - Balanced Methodology /Supplyvs. Strategies Demand • Merchandising . Critiques & - Consumer Research Evaluations Expert Witness, and /or Utigation Marketing & Business Plan Support . Development & Strategies Portfolio Assessments Marketing & Merchandising Coordination & Implementation OCT 18 '93 02:37PM � ` . P.11 DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SERVICES Market Profiles has extended Its list of client services and can now support development needs from pre - acquisition through bulld -out and warranty. A full list of consulting services will complement developer requirements and does not compete with the development community. Our staff is well versed in the technical aspects of real estate development and offers the expertise to support development of: master planned communities; for -sale and rental housing including affordable and senior housing; commercial; Industrial and office complexes up to five stories In height. The services provided under each phase of the development process can be custom tailored to satisfy particular development needs and include the following. PRE-ACQUISITION & DUE DILIGENCE: The process of making the decision to control a piece of property by performing a complete and thorough analysis of the factors affecting the development of the project, develop a design concept and perform a financial analysis of that concept which will result in a decision whether to acquire the property. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS & PROJECT MANAGEMENT: To design a product, process it through discretionary approvals, develop construction documents and receive the approvals, permits and clearances to construct the project. FINANCIAL: The coordination, preparation, processing, monitoring, and /or reviewing of the documentation, presentation and /or negotiations to the financial community including Investors, joint venture. partners, equity and non- equity lenders to fund the necessary fund the necessary dollars to develop, construct and /or market a project. CONSTRUCTION: To manage, monitor, review and /or perform the bidding, contracting, construction, customer service and /or warranty of a project. MARKET RESEARCH, MERCHANDISING, MARKETING & SALE$: TA riminlap, ienplemeno, mea4ar avail; s.I ll s „a,kal varwoA%A merchandising, marketing, sales and closing of a new or developed projector projects. OCT 1S '93 02:37PM . P.12 RESIDENTIAL NEW HOME TRENDS Realderdlal New Home Trends Is a quarterly audit providing precise and timely residentlal housing pricing and absorption trends for the major market areas of Northern. Central, and Soutft rn Cailbrnla. This Information source tracks housing altematives that are finding customer acceptance or rejection and Identifies existing market voids. Residential New Horne Trends lets you plan a more competitive, consumer - oriented product and enhances the ability to plan product for a rapidly evolving marketplace. The comprehensive Residential Now Home Trend$ housing report provides objective and unbiased reporting of major market trends. Trained research analysts comple data on a continual basis through on- site detalled Interviews with sales repreaentatives at each development. Data on future proposed supply Is generated through Interviews with city and ,county governmental agencies Involved In each step of the planning process. Subscribers to Residential New Home Trends are developers, lenders, appraisers, corporations and othere who want to maximize their chances for success by having on -time, accurate data at their fingertips. We recently developed the Industys first and easiest -to -case Lotus-based CompoWm Plan ConWarftw (CPC) software, which accompanies each audit. This software program coupled with our books provides an invaluable tool designed to save you time and money and most Importantly, give you the edge you need in todays fast -paced real estate market. Residential Now Home Trends Is released quarterly for the following market areas: Orange County Riverside County San Bernardino County San Diego County Contra Costa County South San Joaquin Valley Sacramento Metropolltan Area Shasta County Santa Claft /Antelope Valley San Fernando Valley San Gabriel Valley Ventura County Salano County The Central Valley Kem County Tehama County A current sample of a Residential New Home Trends 'Development'Critique' Is Included for your review. 31 M -A Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92M 714/548.3814 714/548.0983 FAX OCT 18 '93 02 :38PM • • P.13 JOHN R. SHUMWAY — PRESIDENT Mr. Shumway, Market Profiles' president, comes to market research by way of the development and brokerage aide of the real estate business. Prior to joining Market Profiles in 19W, he served as Director of Acquistions for Ponderosa Homes and Vice President for construction at San Roque Development. He is a Principal in the firm, and oversees both the residential and commercial divisions. A particular area of specialization involves developing land use recommendations for major master - planned /specific plan communities and large -scale mined -use developments, creating a synergy between residential product lines and commercial / industrial elements. Representative projects include the following: Mr. Shumway is on the board of the Commercial Industrial Development Association of Orange County (CIDA), and an acute member of the Building Industry Association (BIA), the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP), and the Urban Land institute (UU). He is a frequent speaker before 4hese and other professional: organizations as well as UCI, UCLA classes and other academic groups. Mr. Shumway has been -called as an expert witness on iitigetion cases involving: commercial and residential development- He has a Bachelor of Arts degree In Business AdminisV on /Economics from the' University of Oregon. F: MAIREI M.Ri6 W" Rancho CWO VIM Shed 01 Master - fanned cwr+r+amky w8h gg Course Foothfil Ranch Hon De""marrt Master- planned community with 30"m Sumrnalin, Las Vow Surnkomo 559;wn masterOanned commurdy MalnPtaco /Samba Ana SWIM 37-acre urban . mbced -use Con"fake (ontarlo ) Siekeis t 10-wre mbced- m project onbft Centre Chevron 5"4wre mbced -use prof m m through bind -out. Saul Ranch St its Park (Anaheim • Haman _ 10-we complex with R&D, Halt) offte and rsW Rancho Cucamonga 9wftm Bairton /Ranoon 300-mg business park Park (d 1Ice /ret 1/gndusftW/hotel) hoW) Uchkid Park (Phowft Arizona) Goodyear/W@WVWmx= 14.000 -w" spwft plan Mr. Shumway is on the board of the Commercial Industrial Development Association of Orange County (CIDA), and an acute member of the Building Industry Association (BIA), the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP), and the Urban Land institute (UU). He is a frequent speaker before 4hese and other professional: organizations as well as UCI, UCLA classes and other academic groups. Mr. Shumway has been -called as an expert witness on iitigetion cases involving: commercial and residential development- He has a Bachelor of Arts degree In Business AdminisV on /Economics from the' University of Oregon. F: MAIREI M.Ri6 W" AGENDA AUTHORIZATION REQUEST TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: i.1 . n1� COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM TITLE: to -kq -ot 3 C�o -t•..� ass � ,,.._ r 55 �� Co, 4— �OR o -rc(qo,% AGENDA PLACEMENT: Public Hearing Business Session _ Consent Item Dept. Report Study Session Closed Session REQUIRED ACTION: Ordinance - Resolution Minute Order No Action Required City Manager Approval NOTE: Please list the agenda item exactly as you wish for it to appear on the published agenda. 7 EA I 0 LOS ANGELES 333, SOUTH DRANO AVENUE LCIS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA.90071 -3197 CENTURY CITY 2029 CENTURY PARK,EAST LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90067-3026 SACRAMENTO - 400 CAPITOL MALL SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA 95814-4407 SAN.DIEGO 750 B STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-4605 SAN FRANCISCO ONE MONTGOMERY STREET. TELESIS TOWER SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94104-4505 MENLO PARK 3000 SAND HILL ROAD. BUILDING I MENLO PARK. CALIFORNIA 94025 DALLAS 1717 MAIN STREET DALLAS. TEXAS 75201-7390 DENVER 1801 CALIFORNIA STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80202 -2694 SEATTLE 999 THIRD AVENUE SEATTLE. WA5HINGTON 96104 -7089 WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (714) 451 -3894 ICM� GIBSON, DUNN 61 CRUTCHER LAWYERS JAMBOREE CENTER 4 PARK -PLAZA IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 -8557 City Council City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (714) 491 -3800 FACSIMILE: (714) 491-4220 October 15, 1993 7. 0 Ci 18 1993 ,sarJCa st CiIY QF LA QUIZ' ' A PLAid?'!iiiG DEPARNEI':T JAS. A. GIBSON. 1652-1922 W. E. DUN". 1861-1925 ALBERT CRUTCHER. 1860-1931 NEW YORK 200 PARK AVENUE NEW "ORK. NEW YORK 1016 6-019 3 WASHINGTON 1050 CONNECTICUT AVENUE. N.W- WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036-5306 BRUSSELS AVENUE LOUISE 222 8-1050 BRUSSELS. BELGIUM PARIS 104 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCARE 75116 PARIS. FRANCE LONDON 30133 PALL MALL LONDON SWIM 5LP ' HONG KONG B CONNAUGHT PLACE MONO KONG TOKYO 1-1 -3 MARUNOUCMI. CHIYOOA -KU TOKYO 100, JAPAN AFFILIATED SAUDI ARABIA OFFICE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDVIG P.O. BOX 15870 RIYADH 11454. SAUDI ARABIA OUR FILE NUMBER T 72589 -00004 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505 (Quinterra /Phase II) Appeal Dear Council Members: We represent PriMerit Bank, the owner of tract 23013, which ''is the subject of the above - referenced appeal. PriMerit urges the City Council to reverse the Planning Commission's decision to restrict housing size within the tract to'a minimum of 1,650 square feet, and in some.cases 1,868 square feet. PriMerit specifically objects to conditions 7- and 16 of 'the Planning Commission's approval of the project.1 As discussed in detail below, the ity lacks jurisdiction to regulate housing size in tract 23`13, but in, the spirit of compromise, we propose a minimum square footage of 1,200, as is consistent with adjoining developments, and we propose to add'a plan that is 1,868 square feet in size. 1_ 1PriMerit also objects to conditions 12 and 13'. These are design issues that will be addressed at the City Council meeting. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council City of Ira Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 2 FACTUAL BACKGROUND Tentative map 2313 was approved by Resolution No.'88 -127 of-the City Council on November 15, 1988. The final map for tract 23013 was recorded on October 23, 1990. The initial owner was Waldon Financial Corporation. Waldon sold the property to Windsor Construction Company, which funded the acquisition, development and construction of the project through a loan from PriMerit. Eighteen homes were built in the 116 -lot subdivision when the developer defaulted and PriMerit became the owner of the property through foreclosure. Only six of the eighteen homes were sold by the original developer. PriMerit sold the remaining homes at discounts of approximately 20 %. PriMerit has entered escrow to sell the remaining lots to Forecast Development. The sale is conditioned, . however, upon the issuance.of building permits for.Forecast's product, which consists of single- family residences ranging in size from 1,106 square feet to 1,659 square feet. If the City does not approve these smaller homes, Forecast will not purchase the property, and PriMerit might be left with an unmarketable property, all of which would cause PriMerit to suffer significant damages. On August 4, 1993, Forecast's request for plot plan approval was reviewed by the Design Review Board. The matter came before the Board for a review of model homes. The Board approved Forecast's plans without.restriction as to house size. On August 14, 1993, the Planning Commission met to consider "a request of Forecast Homes for approval of architectural plans for single family residences." After considerable public comment, the matter was continued to September 14, 1993. A staff report dated September 14, 1993 identifies the procedure before the Planning Commission as "Plot Plan 93 -505 (Model Homes)," but the public comment before the Planning Commission focused_ exclusively upon the size of the homes proposed for the entire subdivision. The Planning. Commission "approved" Forecast's plot plan, but it imposed several conditions upon Forecast's right to obtain building permits, two of which are at issue in this appeal: GIBSON,' DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council City of La Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 3 • 7. A Plot Plan of the tract showing setbacks shall be submitted to the. Planning, and Development Department for approval. The units shall be plotted so that 1,868.square foot units are adjacent to the existing homes (e.g. Lots 2, 6, 7, 74 through 80, 99 through 104, and 114 through 116). Three car garages shall be provided on Lots 2, 99, 100, and 101. 16. The minimum dwelling unit size within Phase 2 shall. be 1,650 square feet excluding the two or three.car garage. In a letter to Forecast dated September 17, 1993, a member of the City's staff accurately summarized the effect of these restrictions: "This requirement eliminates your Plan 2 through 5 homes." In effect, the Planning Commission has rejected Forecast's proposal. REASONS FOR APPEAL Forecast has appealed, on behalf of PriMerit, from . the decision of the Planning Commission for the reasons stated below, each of which constitutes a separate and independent basis for reversal. 1. The Planning Commission Lacked Jurisdiction to Impose Conditions 7 and 16. The City has established by ordinance certain procedures for the review of development, including proposals for construction of single - family residences. After careful review of the City's Municipal Code, we were only able to locate one provision requiring any plot plan or design review of the project being proposed by Forecast -- section 9.32.O1OB(2), which requires plot plan review of "[t]emporary real estate tract offices ". Condition 28 of the tentative.map.approval for this subdivision also requires: The Applicant shall revise-the architectural elevations for all units to provide complete (all building sides) architectural treatments. The revised elevations are subject to Planning Commission review and approval.as a Business item. The architectural standards shall be included as part of the C.C. & Rs. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council . City of La Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 4 Neither of these provisions offers the Planning Commission or the City Council discretion to disapprove a residential real ' estate* project on the ground that the houses are too small. Indeed, it is clear that the above - quoted provisions were not designed to have the Planning Commission consider house size at all. Typically, "elevations" shpw design and architectural style, but they do not show dimensions. Therefore, condition 28 of the tentative map did not contemplate an examination of house size.- Nor is there any merit in the contention of Best, Best & Krieger (see letters dated August 19, 1993 and September 9, 1993) that the general purpose,of plot plan review to consider "compatibil[ity] with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property" requires a review of house size. If such sweeping review had been intended, certainly the Code would have required review of the entire subdivision and not just the model homes. The language quoted by Best, Best & Krieger was borrowed by the City of La Quinta from the County of Riverside's zoning ordinance. In practice the County has, not used plot plan review'to review house size, and we doubt that, until now, the City of La Quinta has done so either. We were also unable to find any general requirement that Forecast submit its entire development to design review. Even if design review were required here, it would not require Forecast to submit to a review of house size. Best, Best & Krieger quotes out of context words such as "harmonious development" from the design review provisions of the Municipal Code, but it omits the specific requirement that design review be carried out when "[p] lans are compared to adopted standards and criteria." We are not aware of any "adopted standards and criteria" that permit review of house size after final map approval. Even if the City had purported to reserve for itself the discretion to consider house size here, which it plainly did not, that reservation of discretion would be void under California Government Code Section 65961, which provides in' relevant part, "...during the five year period following recordation of the final map ... a city ... shall not require as a • GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council City of La Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 5 LE condition to the issuance of any building permit or equivalent permit for such single - ...family residential units, conformance with or the performance of any conditions that the city ... could have lawfully imposed as a condition to the previously approved tentative... map." The City could have . imposed a house size limitation when it approved the tentative map had it thought such a restriction important. Since it did not, section 65961 prohibits the City from doing so now. Best, Best & Krieger cites Guinnane v. San Francisco City Planning Commission, 209 Cal. App. 3d 732 (1989), in support of the City's purported discretion to consider housing size. Guinnane has nothing to do with the proposal before the City Council. In that case a city planning commission reviewed an application to build a-single 6,000 square foot home on four lots in an area that had only recently been removed from the "open space" element of the master plan. The Planning Commission reviewed the project at the same time as it was reviewed under CEQA, and it acted pursuant to a resolution permitting the "power of discretionary review" over proposed development in the area and an ordinance granting the Planning Commission much broader authority than'the review provisions adopted by the City of La Quinta. The permit application did not arise, as here, years after the final discretionary review permitted by ordinance had been completed and after the final map had been recorded. Guinnane also does not address Government Code Section 65961 or any of the other interpretation issues presented above. In short, Guinnane sheds no light on the scope of the City's purported discretion here. Finally, the City is without authority to impose conditions 7 and 17 for constitutional reasons. First, it is an invalid exercise of the police power for the City to impose austere size limitations on the proposed development in contravention of the public policy, announced by the State Legislature in several statutes, in favor of affordable housing. Second, insofar as the City interprets the vague language of the Municipal Code and condition 28 of the tentative map quoted above to permit the broad discretion exercised by the Planning Commission, PriMerit has been deprived of its right to procedural due process of law because it could not reasonably have anticipated that result. • GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council City of La Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 6 2. The Planning Commission's House Size Restrictions Are inconsistent with Both State Law and the City's General Plan Because They Limit the Availability of Affordable Housing. The California legislature has acknowledged the lack of affordable housing in this state as a "critical problem which threatens the economic, environmental, and social quality of life in California." Cal. Gov't Code § 65589.5(a)(1) (West 1990). California's lack of affordable housing is due in large part to the "activities and policies of many local governments which limit the approval ,of affordable housing." Id. at § 65589.5(a)(2). Accordingly, the State legislature has undertaken significant efforts to assure "that local governments make a diligent effort through the administration of land use ... to significantly reduce housing development costs of affordable housing, including housing for elderly persons and families," Cal. Gov't Code § 65913 (a)(3) (West 1985), and "to provide greater encouragement for local.and state governments to approve needed and sound housing developments." Id. at § 65913(b). Specifically, California law prohibits a city and /or county from discriminating against a residential development because it is intended for occupancy by persons and families of lower, moderate or middle income. Cal. Gov't Code. § 65008(c)(1)(West 1984). Moreover, in exercising its. authority to regulate subdivisions, a city and /or county shall "[r]efrain from imposing criteria for design, as defined by Section 66418, or improvements, as defined by Section 66419, for the purpose of rendering infeasible the development of housing for any and all economic segments of the community." Cal..Gov't Code § 65913.2(a) (West 1983). PriMerit believes that the Planning Commission imposed size restrictions on Forecast's proposal for reasons that are improper under the aforementioned statutes. Much of the public comment at the Planning Commission meetings focused upon concern by current residents about the quality of people that will be attracted as first -time home buyers. PriMerit strongly disagrees with the assertion that first -time buyers do not make good neighbors, but more importantly, the State GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council City of La Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 7 Legislature has prohibited the City from listening to it! The reasons given for opposing downsizing in this instance runs afoul of the Government Code, and the size restrictions imposed by the Planning Commission must be.reversed for that reason. . Moreover, Government Code § 65589.5 provides that "(a] local agency shall not disapprove a housing development project affordable to low- and moderate - income households or condition approval in a manner which renders the project infeasible for development for the use of low- and moderate - income households unless" it makes certain findings. (Emphasis added.) The burden is on the City to make the necessary findings. La Quintals Housing Element explicitly acknowledges a shortage of homes for first -time purchasers and low- and moderate - income families. For example, La Quinta acknowledges in its Housing Element an "existing need" resulting from the number of lower income households which were spending more than 30% of their income on housing costs as of January 1, 1987. Id. at 14. La Quinta concluded that 63% of its lower income households were paying 30% or more for housing costs. This figure represented 50.5% of all La Quinta households in 1989. Housing Element at'18. La Quinta also acknowledged in its Housing Element that most purchase opportunities were beyond the capability of lower income families. Housing Element at 29. Moreover, while concluding that first -time buyers accounted for 37.8 %.of housing sales, La Quinta noted that such consumers were being eliminated from the "starter" house market, and as such., "an increasing segment of.the population was not being provided housing in the market place." Id. at'55 -56. The Planning Commission's decision to reject all of Forecast's smaller homes is inconsistent with the objective of the Housing Element to increase'the availability of affordable housing. Forecast's homes are oriented to first -time owners, single parents and the elderly -- exactly the segments La Quinta's Housing.Element says are in need of housing. The City Council should make home ownership available to low and moderate income residents by reversing the Planning Commission's imposition of conditions 7 and 16., J GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER City Council City of La Quinta October 15, 1993 Page 8 3. The.Forecast Proposal is "Compatible" With House sizes in surrounding Neighborhoods. Recently, the City approved an extension of Tentative.Tract 25953, which is immediately adjacent to PriMerit's property, but required as a condition of that �. extension that house sizes be at least 1200 square feet. ta. Thus, the houses immediately adjacent`to the subject property, may well be the same size as those proposed by Forecast. ' Although a transition may be required with the existing homey S, in the Quintera development, that same transition would also' ; :.J be required.if the Quintera development had been built out with larger houses as originally planned; it just would have occurred in a different location. In addition, neither the , planning staff nor the Design Review Board found that `� >1 Forecast's proposal was incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Accordingly, there was.no reasonable basis for the Planning Commission to conclude that the Forecast, plans i were incompatible with the surrounding house sizes. 4. Conclusion. . 'For all of the foregoing reasons, PriMerit respectfully requests that conditions 7, 12, 13 and 16 of the Planning Commission's approval-be deleted and that the Planning Commission's approval of Forecast's proposal be confirmed in all other respects. Very truly yours, Robert W. Loewen RWL /dk cc: Dawn C. Honeywell, Esq. (via overnight mail) LC9028B0.020 !N CITY OF LA QUINTA, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P:0. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (,619) 564 -2246 ____________ ___ ' _= I N V 0 I C E !< 13 Sr, y WE (ARE SENDING /HAVE SENT) YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, PURSUANT TO YOUR REQUEST: -� TOTAL DUE: .... $ THANK YOU FOR YOUR'INTEREST IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA YOUR PROMPT REMITTANCE IS APPRECIATED' T-ity 4 COPY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA GIUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619). 777 -7101 October 5, 1993 Mr. Douglas Shinn 44 -400 Willow Circle La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: FORECAST HOMES .Dear Mr. Shinn: We received your letter dated September 24, 1993 concerning your opposition to the Forecast Homes development application at the Quinterra Tract.. The Planning Commission recommended approval of their request on September 14, 1993; however, they required the developer to have single family homes which are greater than 1,650 square feet, plus other architectural upgrades. Since the. approval, the case has been appealed to the City Council for their consideration by both the developer and by Best, Best and Krieger, on behalf of the Quinterra and Ranch Ocotillo residents. The appeal hearing will be held October 19, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Council Chambers. If you have any additional questions, please contact the undersigned Very truly yojirs, J RY HERMAN P NNIN EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR gIR4 ROUSDELL ASSOCIATE PLANNER GT : ccs MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRGT.017 i • the De44rt Sun.. SUNDAY, ,_October 3, 1993 OPINION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ■ WRITE US: P.O. Box 2734, Palm Springs, CA 92263. Or fax letters to the Sun at 778 -. 4654. UPSET: Developer's . plans anger homeowners When a developer] not from this val- leA announced plans to build small, starter homes in the second phase of Quinterra homes, a north La Quinta development with homes as large as 2,600 square feet, the area homeowners became a lot more than upset. North La Quinta residents of Quin - terra, Rancho Ocotillo, Starlight, the . Highlands, Acacia, Vistas, Cactus Flow- er and Topaz (more than 500 homes) are. not whining residents. We are in a fight to protect our homes, investments and developments. . With the current downturn in the real estate market, some of the developments .are not completed with homes, although the, streei and lot 'improvements have been done. We purchased homes in devel- opments offering a second and third phase. Unfortunately, those developers are gone and now a builder shows up and demands his right to build smaller homes of lesser quality in and next to our exist- ing developments. We are looking to the city of .La Quinta to develop a specific policy for build -out of uncompleted developments. We are awaiting and watching for the results of the Oct. 19 public hearing on this issue. Regardless of the outcome, this issue has awakened a sleeping giant in the residents of North La Quinta and we will remain active citizens with con - tinued involvement in issues that affect our homes and community. KATHY SADRI La Quinta `A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION October 1, 1993 HAND DELIVERED Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner Jerry Herman, Planning & Development Director City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505 (Quinterra /Phase II) - Appeal City of La Quinta Letter Dated September 29, 1993 Gentlemen: I have received your letter dated September 29, 1993, and note that you have requested that any additional material for the October 19 City Council packet be submitted to your office not later than today, October 1, 1993. I would first request that our letters to the Planning Commission dated August 19 and September 19, 1993, copies of which are attached, are included in the City Council packet. Second, I request that any petitions, letters, or other materials that were submitted by either myself or other individuals on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo Homeowners be included in the City Council's agenda packet for the meeting of October 19, 1993. I am particularly interested that the petitions which were filed on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo Homeowners be included in the agenda packet for the City Council's review. Finally, I would request that I receive copies of any documents, letters, memoranda, or other written materials submitted DSP41800 6M, jr t+ BEST, BEST & KRIEGER"?j¢ APARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS LAWYERS j/�� OCT 1 V 1 1993 ARTHUR L. LITTLEWORTH' DOUGLAS S. PHILLIPS` ELISE K. TRAYNUM CYNTHIA M. GERMANO SUITE 3112 GLEN E. STEPHENS' ANT NIA GRAPHOS WILLIAM D. DAHLING, JR. MARY E. GILSTRAP .,,,, --- HOPE DRIVE WILLIAM R. DSWOLFE• BARTON C. GAUT' GREGORY K. WILKINSON WY S. FURTH MATT H. MORRIS JEFFREY V. DUNN GLENN P. SABINE CHRISTINE RICHARDSO +'9 r`--`t-- ) `Y'0u- d1 c,39„700, ;BOB lid POST�OFFICE QX 1555 PAUL T. SELZER` DAVID L. BARON STEVEN C. DaBAUN L. JAANE GARCIA- COLSON p g1 ` �)�'� �� �LANI'I' 46 MIRAGE, CAUFORNIA 92270 DALLAS HOLMES' GENE TANAKA ERIC L. GARNER PHILIP J. KOEHLER ��RANQHO. d:.�, -n; p CHRISTOPHER L. CARPENTER' BASIL T. CHAPMAN DENNIS M. COTA DIANE C. WIESE- , - - -V 'rte <' -- ;r- a._- C61 568 -2611 RICHARD T. ANDERSON` TIMOTHY M. CONNOR RACHELLE J. NICOLLE REBECCA MARES DURNEY ,-T_EL'E_PFIONE TECECOPIER`'(61'9) 340 -6698 JOHN O. WAHLIN• VICTOR L. WOLF ROBERT W. HARGREAVES DOROTHY I. ANDERSON MICHAEL D. HARRIS' DANIEL E. OLIVIER JANICE L. WEIS G. HENRY WELLES W. CURT EALY• DANIEL J. McHUGH PATRICK H. W. F. PEARCE JAMES R. HARPER THOMAS S. SLOVAK* HOWARD B. GOLDS KIRK W. SMITH DINA O. HARRIS JOHN E. BROWN` STEPHEN P. DEITSCH JASON D. DABAREINER BARBARA R. BARON MICHAEL T. RIDDELL' MARC E. EMPEY KYLE A. SNOW RICHARD T. EGGER MEREDITH A. JURY` JOHN R. ROTTSCHAEFER MARK A. EASTER PATRICK D. DOLAN OF COUNSEL MICHAEL GRANT' MARTIN A. MUELLER DIANE L. FINLEY DEAN R. DERLETH JAMES B. CORISON FRANCIS J. BAUM• J. MICHAEL SUMMEROUR MICHELLE OUELLETTE HELENE P. DREYER ANNE T. THOMAS* VICTORIA N. KING DAVID P. PHIPPEN, SR. EMILY P. HEMPHILL O. MARTIN NETHERY• JEFFERY J. CRANDALL SUSAN C. NAUSS SONIA RUBIO SHARMA GEORGE M. REYES SCOTT C. SMITH CHRISTOPHER DODSON JOHN O. PINKNEY WILLIAM W. FLOYD, JR. JACK B. CLARKE, JR. BERNIE L. WILLIAMSON ' GREGORY L. HARDKE BRIAN M. LEWIS ELAINE E. HILL OFFICES IN KENDALL H. MacVEY CLARK H. ALSOP• BRADLEY E. NEUFELD SHARYL WALKER KEVIN K. RANDOLPH JAMES B. GILPIN RAYMOND BEST (1868 -1957) RIVERSIDE (909) 686 -1450 DAVID J. ERWIN' PETER M. BARMACK MARSHALL S. RUDOLPH JAMES H. KRIEGER (1913 -1975) PALM SPRINGS (619)325 -7264 MICHAEL J. ANOELSON` JEANNETTE A. PETERSON KIM A. BYRENS EUGENE BEST (1893 -1981) ONTARIO (909) 989 -8584 `A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION October 1, 1993 HAND DELIVERED Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner Jerry Herman, Planning & Development Director City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505 (Quinterra /Phase II) - Appeal City of La Quinta Letter Dated September 29, 1993 Gentlemen: I have received your letter dated September 29, 1993, and note that you have requested that any additional material for the October 19 City Council packet be submitted to your office not later than today, October 1, 1993. I would first request that our letters to the Planning Commission dated August 19 and September 19, 1993, copies of which are attached, are included in the City Council packet. Second, I request that any petitions, letters, or other materials that were submitted by either myself or other individuals on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo Homeowners be included in the City Council's agenda packet for the meeting of October 19, 1993. I am particularly interested that the petitions which were filed on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo Homeowners be included in the agenda packet for the City Council's review. Finally, I would request that I receive copies of any documents, letters, memoranda, or other written materials submitted DSP41800 LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIEGER Greg Trousdell Associate Planner October 1, 1993 Page 2 • by Forecast Homes or PriMerit Bank, or their representatives, or submitted by any other interested persons, will be sent to me on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo homeowners. If you would prefer - not to send the written materials from other persons to me, I would be happy to make arrangements to come by your office and pick those documents up. Please let me know your preference on this. DSP:pam cc: clients DSP41800 Very truly yours, oug s S. Phillips of Best, Best & Krieger September 30, 1993 Mr. Jerry Herman, Planning Director City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Herman: As a resident of the City of La Quinta, I am opposed to the proposal by Forecast Homes to complete Phase 2 of the Quinterra Subdivision and, to the City Planning Commission "s . "compromise plan ", set forth at the hearing of this matter on 9/14/93. To approve either plan will permit developers to unfairly profit at the expense of homeowners who rely, in good faith, on representations by property owners, developers, sales representatives and city officials, and purchase homes in new and partially developed subdivisions. Forecasts' proposal, as well as the Planning Commission's "compromise" plan, is not compatible with surrounding homes; will significantly and permanently decrease existing homeowners' property values and is, simply, poor planning. Development of remaining lots in existing ;. approved subdivisions must be compatible in size. desivn and quality to existing homes in the same subdivision. According to La Quintals 1992 General Plan, the State recommends that portions of a city's general plan be reviewed on an annual basis. Due to the significant increase in housing development in North La Quinta, I hereby, request that the City immediately review and revise the existing zoning, planning and density requirements for North La Quinta. I urge you to deny Forecast Homes' request to complete Phase 2 until they submit plans that are consistent with existing properties. Doing so will not only preserve homeowners' pride and investment in this City, but will also ensure that La Quinta continues on a course of responsible planning. Very truly yours, �7' Concerned Homeowner � -4--(� ocaf,110 1R. LOu�,..& Address 1 L OCT 0 5 1993 Lei ugu; 1-,,q Iii R. • , L 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA GIUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 September 29, 1993 Mr. Bruce Strickland, Vice President Forecast Homes 10670 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mr. Douglas S. Phillips Best, Best & Krieger 39 -700 Bob Hope, Drive, Suite 213 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Mr. Jim A. Ahmad O'Donnell /Adkins Company, 2915 Red Hill Avenue, Suite A -203 Costa Mesa, CA .92626 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (QUINTERRA /PHASE II) - APPEAL Dear Sirs: i To date our office has _received Notices of. Appeal from the following parties regarding the September 14, 1993, Planning Commission approval of Plot Plan 93 -505; Forecast Homes and Best, Best, and Krieger on behalf of the Quinterra and Rancho Ocotillo homeowners. The City Council has requested that the appeal be noticed and held as a public hearing to permit input by all interested parties. At the appeal hearing the City Council, as the final authority of the City, will consider the appeal and make a decision. As part. of the public hearing process, the appeal will be advertised in the Desert Sun Newspaper ten days prior to the meeting. In addition, staff will, by mail, notify the existing Quinterra residents, and any other petitioners who have submitted written correspondence to our office. The hearing will be conducted ,,in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M., on October 19, 1993. If you should desire to submit any additional written material to our office for the October 19th Council packet, please have the material in our office no later than October 1, 1993. Although you may submit material. at the hearing, the presubmittal will permit the City Council to have your information included in the agenda packet prior to the hearing. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRGT.123 I If you have any questions concerning the above information, please contact the undersigned or Jerry Herman, Planning & Development Director. Very truly yours, j Z JE Y 2USDELL N P EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Associate Planner GT:bjs Enclosure . :cc: Mr. Stephen D. Humphrey, "PtiMerit -Bank Ms. Tanya S. McVeigh, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher ` City Council City Manager City Attorney LTRGT.123 SEP 27 '93 13:00 O'DONN iATKINS CO 714 966 -0606 O'DONNELL/ATKINS CO. 27 September .1993 via Facsimile Mr. Greg Trousdell Planning Ddpartment La Quinta, California Dear Mr: Trousdell: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of today, please find.. the list of items requested by the owner, 1Primerit Bank. Please known that the costs of all copying, documents, and handling shall be reimbursed to the City of La Quinta immediately at the time an invoice is tendered. .These items are the following: General Plan.- Housing Element section; Land Use Element; Zoning Ordinance; Special'Zone for the "Cove -Asea Copy of the Planning staff and Planning Commission resolution and recommendation on the Tract immediately` to the east of "Ouinterra" , : conditioning the...tract * to a 1,200 square foot minimum unit sizing, Minutes of the.Planning Commission on the approval of the DRB•, �7! 88 -127 Resolutions on TTM 23913.by the Panning Commission and City Council.; Copy of the C.C.R. (Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions); and City's standards on DRB. You may forward all the.above via EXPRESS MAIL to the attention of (Federal Express Account Number 090011405): X5. Tanya S. McVeigh Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher Jamboree Center 4 Park Plaza Irvine, California 92714 -8557 Tel, (714) 451 -3894 2915 Red 1riill .Avenue ® Suite A -203 e Ccsta'Mesa, California 92626 • Telephone (714) 966- 13.94.Pax (714) 966 -0606 SEP 27 '93 i3:01 O'DON� %F�TKINS CO 714 966 -060E P.3 Mr. Greg Trousdeli 27 September 1993 Page Two 2 appreciate your attention on,this matter, and loos forward to receiving these documents from you as soon as possible.. Sincerely, Jim A. Ahmad, MSCE „ SEP 27 '93 13:00 O'DONf­ L /ATKINS CO 714 966 -0606 O'DONNELL/ATKINS CO. 27 September 1993 Via Facsimile Mr. Greg Trousdell Planning Department La Quintal California Dear Mr. Trousdells P. 2 _ Pursuant to our telephone conversation of today, please find the list of items requested by the owner, Primerit Bank. Please know that the costs of all copying; documents, and handling shall be reimbursed to the City of La Quinta immediately at the time an invoice is tendered. These items are'the following: X-V General Plan - Housing Element section; Land Use Element; Zoning Ordinance; Special Zone for the "Cove Area "; Copy of the Planning staff and Planning Commission / resolution and recommendation on the Tract immediately to the east of "Quinterra ", conditioning the tract to a 1,200 square foot minimum unit sizing; Minutes of the Planning Commission on the approval of the DRB; 88 -127 Resolutions on TTM 23913 by the Planning Commission and City Council; Copy of the C.C.R. (Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions); and ?0, City's standards on DRB. You may forward all the above via EXPRESS MAIL to the attention of (FederaLExpress Account Number 090011405): Ms. Tanya S. McVeigh Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher Jamboree Center 4 Park Plaza Irvine, California 92714 -8557 Tel. (714) 451 -3894 2915 Red Hill Avenue • Suite A -203 • Costa Mesa, California 92626 • Telephone (714) 966 -1394 0 lax (714) 966 -0606 SEP .27 193 13:01 O' DON '- /ATK INS CO 714 966 -0606 P.3 Mr. Greg Trousdell 27 September 1993 Page Two I appreciate your attention on this matter, and look forward to receiving these documents from you as.soon as.possible. Sincerely, , Jim A. Ahmad, 14SCE N 0 4 FILE 78 -495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 September 22, 1993 Mr. Bruce Strickland Forecast Homes 10670 Civic Center Drive . Rancho Cucamonga; CA 91730 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPEAL Dear Mr. Strickland: We are in receipt of your request to appeal the Planning Commission decision of September 14, 1993: Your appeal will be heard by the City Council on October 19, 1993 at 3: 00 P. M in the City Council Chambers. The staff report and agenda for the meeting will be mailed to your attention on October 15, 1993. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, 5NNIY R N G & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 7 VUSDELL ASS E PLANNER GT : ccs Attachment cc: Mr. Jim Ahmad Mr. Stephen D. Humphrey Mr. Douglas S. Phillips MAILING ADDRESS . - . P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 a LTRGT . 004 SEP -20 -93 MON 14:00 L,. IN HDLG & SAFETY 619. 487 P.81 4 79496 CALLfE TAMPIC* 0 LA OUINVA, CALIFORNIA 0�253 - (610) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 September 171 1993 `%b4." r aga Mr. Bruce Stricltlan4 . Forecast Iiom6a 10670 Civic Center Drive 'Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (QUINTERRAIPHASE 11) Dear Mr. Strickland: The Planning Commission voted (4-0) to approve your model home design request on September 14y 1993, but with a few modifications. The primary ebanaa. was the Planning Commission choose to permit only 1, 650 square toot (or larger). single faudly homes within Phase 2. This requirament eliminates your Plan I through 5 homer.. The final Conditions of Approval for your project are attached. If you desire to appeal the Planning Commission decision, please file an appeal with our office by October $, 1993. The appeal fee ie $25.00. It you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, J RRV or DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR _ GREG TROUSDELL ASSOCIATE PLANNER GT:ces Attachment cc: Mr- Jim Ahmad Mr. Stephen D. Humphrey. Mr. Douglas S. Phillips 4 F MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - Lk WINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 � R -975 r mDf%rP AAA 6195648487 09 -20 -93 03:01PM P001 #10 0 y SEP -20 -93 MON 14:00 INTA EDLG & SAFETY 61987 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RSCO1VNENDFD PLOT PLAN 93 -505 (FORECAST) September 14, 1993 + Modified by Planning Commission on September 14, 1993 ++ Added by Planning Commission on September 14; 1993 P.02 1. The front yard of all lots; and in addition, 'che street side yard of corner tots, shall be landscaped to property line, edge of curb, sidewalk, or edge of street. pavement, whiehever is furthest from the residence: 2. The landscaping for each lot shall include. trees (minimum two 24" box size trees on interior lots and five 24'' box size trees on corner lots), minimum five gallon shrubs, and groundcover end /or hardscape of sufficient size, spacing and variety to create an attractive and unifying appearance, Landscaping shall be in substantial compliance with the standards set forth in the Manual on Architectural Standards and the Manual on Landscaping Standards as; adopted by the planning Commission. 3. A permanent Water- efficient irrigation system shall be provided for all areas required to be landscaped. The provisions of Ordinance 1220 shall be met. The final landscape plan should be reviewed by the City, the Coachella 'Walley Water District, and the itivorside County Agri eul tuk-al 'Commission. 4. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in a healthy. and viable condition by the property owner. S. The standards of the 11. -1 ZorAng shall be met (e. g. setbacks, etc. } . G. If the model homes are converted to sales offices (e. g. eoiiverted garages, etc.) as part of che marketing program for the tract, the Applicant shall file with staff a floor plan or letter of intent detailing the work to be done. A cash bond or another type of security should be posted to ensure that the.home(s) Is reconverted prior to its sale an' d /or occupancy. +7. A Plot Plan of the tract showing setbacks shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for approval. The units shall be plotted. so that 1,868 square foot uniis are adjacent to the existing homes (e. g. Lots 2, 6, 7, 74 thru 80, 99 thru 104, and 114 thru 116). Three car garages shall be provided on Tots 2; 99; 100, and 101. 9. If a temporary Real Estate tract office is located within the subdivisioin the .maximum installation period should not exceed the sale of the units and /or two years. A plot plan application is required: +s. The concrete roof tile in Phase 2. shall be similar in color to Phase 1. CONAPRVL . 005 1 R -97% 6195648487 09 -20 -93 03:01PM P002 #10 a 4 SEP -20 -93 MON 14:01 INTA BDLG & SAFETY 61987 P.03 r 10. The ApplicanVa model complex shall be built north of the existing homes Ocotillo Drive & Adams. Street) to reduce vehicle traffic to and froW the sales area. 11. No building permits shall be issued for Phase 2 until the developer has paid the City's Parkland fee or dedicated land to the City to fulfill this outstanding tract map obligation. +12. The August 24, 1993. material sample colorboard is approved as submitted, except the. Applicant will not ba allowed to use the Saturn red brick veneer for the project. River Rock veneer will not be permitted. +13. The perimeter tract fencing shall be finished to match phase 1.. The individual lot fencing, if 'built, shall be constructed of either masonry or stucco wood frame to be compatible with Phase I , 'Wood fencing is not allowed. +14. A minimum four -inch stucco popout shall be used around all exterior sliding glass doors and windows to ensura architectural compatibility to the Phase 1 units -and to provide uiinin-ium shading from the ekposure to the sun. The minimum roof eave shall be 19- inches . + +15. Sectional metal garage doors shall be installed on all garages. + +16. The minimum dwelling unit size within .phase 2 shall be 1.650 square: feet excluding the two or three car Lai-age. + +17. The proposed Medalist unit (I.e. 1,868 squara feet) or, other wntts not presented. on September 14, 1993, shall require review aud� approval by the planning Commission prior to tha issuanca of a building permit, CONAPR'V'L . 005 2 R =97% 6195648487 09 =20 -93 03:O1PM P003 #lO ' A PACWCSSO'IAL CORPORAY70M September 9, 1993 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P.' O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes' . . Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: As you may remember, this lawfirm represents a number of the homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding ..subdivisions with respect to Forecast Homes' request for approval to build smaller homes. In a letter to this Commission dated August 19, 1993, we presented the homeowners' concerns that approval of the smaller homes would significantly reduce the value of existing homes. We requested that the Forecast proposal not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that other similarly- situated neighborhoods be preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes that do not maintain the quality of the subdivisions as initially planned and approved. For your reference, we have attached a copy of the August 19 letter. We are writing this letter to address a few concerns that have arisen since the original letter. First, it has come'to our attention that proponents of the Forecast proposal may argue that Government Code Section 65589.5 Prevents the City from denying the proposal. Section 65589.5 has been characterized as. an "anti- NIMBY" law. The Section prohibits RWH40917 BEST, BEST & KRIEGER A PARYNEFSN INCLUDING PPOFES9Cft L COPPORATKIN. LAWYERS ARTHUR L. LITTLEWORTH' DOUGLAS S. PHILLIPS' ELISE K. TRAYNUM CYNTHIA M. GERMANO SUITE 312 GLEN E. STEPHENS• ANTONIA GRAPHOS WILLIAM O. OAHLING, JR. MARY E. GILSTRAP WILLIAM R. D.WOLFE' GREGORY K. WILKINSON MATT H. MORRIS GLENN P. SABINE 39700 BOB HOPE DRIVE BARTON C. GAUT' WYNNE S. FURTH JEFFREY V. DUNN CHRISTINE L. RICHARDSON POST OFFICE BOX 1555 PAUL T. SELZER' DAVID L. BARON STEVEN C. D.BAUN JOANE GARCIA- COLSON RANCHO MIRAGE. DALLAS HOLMES• GENE TANAKA ERIC L. GARNER PHILIP J. KOEHLER CALIFORNIA 92270 CHRISTOPHER L. CARPENTER' BASIL T. CHAPMAN DENNIS M. COTA DIANE C. WIESE TELEPHONE (619) 568 -2611 RICHARD T. ANDERSON- TIMOTHY M. CONNOR RACHELLE J. NICOLLE REBECCA MARES GURNEY TELECOPIER (619) JOHN O. WAMLIN• VICTOR L. WOLF ROBERT W. HARGREAVES OOROTHY I. ANDERSON 340.6698 MICHAEL O. HARRIS' DANIEL E. OLIVIER JANICE L. WEIS G. HENRY WELLES - W. CURT EALY• DANIEL J. McHUGH PATRICK H. W. F. PEARCE JAMES R. HARPER THOMAS S. SLOVAK' HOWARD S. GOLDS KIRK W. SMITH DINA 0. HARRIS JOHN E. BROWN' STEPHEN P. DEITSCH JASON O. DABAREINER BARBARA R. BARON MICHAEL T. RIDDELL' MARC E. EMPEY KYLE A. SNOW RICHARD T. EGGER MEREDITH A. JURY' JOHN R. ROTTSCHAEFER MARK A. EASTER PATRICK D. DOLAN OF COUNSEL MICHAEL GRANT' MARTIN A. MUELLER DIANE L. FINLEY DEAN R. DERLETH JAMES B. CORISON FRANCIS J. BAUM• J. MICHAEL SUMMEROUR MICHELLE OUELLETTE HELENE P. DRYER ANNE T. THOMAS' VICTORIA N. KING DAVID P. PHIPPEN, SR. EMILY P. HEMPHILL ' D. MARTIN NETHERY= JEFFERY J. CRANDALL SUSAN C. NAUSS SONIA RUBIO SHARMA ' GEORGE M. REYES SCOTT C. SMITH CHRISTOPHER DODSON JOHN O. PINKNEY WILLIAM W. FLOYD. JR. JACK B. CLARKE. JR. BERNIE L. WILLIAMSON GREGORY L. HAROKE BRIAN M. LEWIS ELAINE E. HILL OFFICES IN KENDALL H. M.cVEY CLARK H. ALSOP' BRADLEY E. NEUFELD SH ARYL WALKER KEVIN K. RANDOLPH JAMES B. GILPIN RAYMOND BEST (1868. 1957) RIVERSIDE (9091 686 -1 450 DAVID J. ERWIN' - PETER M. BARMACK MARSHALL S. RUDOLPH JAMES H. KRIEGER (1913 -1975) PALM SPRINGS (619)325.7264 MICHAEL J. ANDELSON' JEANNETTE A. PETERSON KIM A. 8YRENS EUGENE BEST (1893 -1981) ONTARIO (909) 989 -8584 ' A PACWCSSO'IAL CORPORAY70M September 9, 1993 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P.' O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes' . . Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: As you may remember, this lawfirm represents a number of the homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding ..subdivisions with respect to Forecast Homes' request for approval to build smaller homes. In a letter to this Commission dated August 19, 1993, we presented the homeowners' concerns that approval of the smaller homes would significantly reduce the value of existing homes. We requested that the Forecast proposal not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that other similarly- situated neighborhoods be preserved against efforts by developers to make quick profits by building homes that do not maintain the quality of the subdivisions as initially planned and approved. For your reference, we have attached a copy of the August 19 letter. We are writing this letter to address a few concerns that have arisen since the original letter. First, it has come'to our attention that proponents of the Forecast proposal may argue that Government Code Section 65589.5 Prevents the City from denying the proposal. Section 65589.5 has been characterized as. an "anti- NIMBY" law. The Section prohibits RWH40917 LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIWR • Planning Commission City of La Quinta September 9, 1993 Page 2 local governments from denying housing projects that have at least 20% of the units set aside for low- and moderate - income households unless the local government makes certain specific findings. Section 65589.5 is inapplicable to the Forecast proposal because the Forecast proposal does not qualify as low- to moderate - income housing. Low- and moderate- income housing is defined by statute to be housing that is made available at a certain percentage of the area median - income. Currently, such housing would need to sell for approximately $75,000 to $100,000. Forecast has made no commitment to offer its housing for such prices. Secondly, we are informed that the City of La Quinta is currently revising the housing element of its general plan. According to correspondence to the City from the,State Department of Housing and Community Development, the City's current housing plan is not in compliance with current State requirements. We believe that it would' be inappropriate for the City to make any decision to radically change the nature of the Quinterra subdivision in absence of a current statement of the City's housing goals that the housing element should provide. Finally, we wish the Planning Commission to . be aware of the case of Guinnane v. San Francisco City Planning Commission (1989) 209 Cal.App.3d 732. In that case, the court affirmed the City of San Francisco Planning Commission's denial of a building permit to construct a house that, because of its size, was not in character with the other homes in the neighborhood. The .proposed house complied with the City's zoning laws and building standards but was considerably larger than surrounding homes. The court relied on the requirement in City's code that the commission "protect the character and stability of residential areas," to find that the commission retained sufficient discretion to deny the permit. As .explained in our letter of August 19, 1993, La Quinta Municipal Code provides ample discretion for the denial of the Forecast proposal. One of the goals of design review is to "foster attainment of those sections of the City's. general plan and specific plans which refer to the preservation and enhancement of the particular character and unique assets of the City and its harmonious development . . . ." (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.183.020(A)). Plot plan approval requires that the plot plan "conform to the logical development of the land and to be compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property." (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.180.040(B)). Forecast's proposal to degregate the neighborhood by construction of lower - quality homes does not preserve and RWH40917 LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRI -R • Planning Commission City of La Quinta September 9, 1993 Page 3. enhance the neighborhood; is not consistent with the neighborhood's harmonious development; and, is not compatible with present and future logical development of the area. Therefore, the Forecast proposal does not meet the requirements of the Municipal Code. Once again, we respectfully request that the Planning commission seriously consider the long -range deleterious effect of the Forecast proposal. We are confident that the City will conclude, as'we have, that the.Forecast proposal is not in the best interest 'of Quinterra and.surrounding.neighborhoods or.of the City _ as a whole. very truly yours, DOUGLAS S. PHILLIPS of BEST, BEST & KRIEGER DSP:RWH:js Enc. cc: Dawn.Honeywell, City Attorney City of La Quinta: Mayor John Pena Mayor Pro Tem Stanley Sniff . Councilwoman Glenda Bangerter Councilman Ron Perkins Councilman Michael McCartney Client BEST, BEST & KRIEGER A PARTNEMIWIP INCLUOING PROFESSIONAL CORFORATION9 LAWYERS ARTHUR L. LITTLEWORTH' DOUGLAS S. PHILLIPS' ELISE K. TRAYNUM CYNTHIA M. GERMANO GLEN E. STEPHENS' ANTONIA GRAPHOS I WILLIAM D. DAHLING. JR. MARY E. GILSTRAP WILLIAM R. OeWOLFE' GREGORY K. WILKINSON MATT H. MORRIS GLENN P. SABINE BARTON C. GAUT- WYNNE S. FURTH JEFFREY V. DUNN CHRISTINE L. RICHARDSON PAUL T. SELZER' DAVID L. BARON STEVEN C. DeBAUN JOANE GARCIA•COLSON DALLAS HOLMES. GENE TANAKA ERIC L. GARNER PHILIP J. KOEHLER CHRISTOPHER L. CARPENTER. BASIL T. CHAPMAN DENNIS M. COTA DIANE C. WIESE RICHARD T. ANDERSON' TIMOTHY M. CONNOR RACH E LLE J. NICOLLE REBECCA MARES GURNEY JOHN D. WAHLIN' VICTOR L. WOLF ROBERT W. HARGREAVES OOROTHY L ANOERSON MICHAEL D. HARRIS' DANIEL E. OLIVIER JANICE L. WEIS . G. HENRY WELLES W. CURT EALY' DANIEL J. McHUGH PATRICK H.-W. F. PEARCE JAMES R. HARPER THOMAS S. SLOVAK' HOWARD B. GOLDS KIRK W. SMITH DINA O. HARRIS ' JOHN E' BROWN' STEPHEN P. OEITSCH JASON D. DABAREINER BARBARA R. BARON MICHAEL T. RIDDELL' MARC E. EMPEY KYLE A. SNOW RICHARD T. EGGER MEREDITH A. JURY' JOHN R. ROTTSCHAEFER MARK A. EASTER PATRICK D. DOLAN MICHAEL GRANT' MARTIN A. MUELLER DIANE L. FINLEY DEAN R. OERLETH FRANCIS J. EIAUM' - J. MICHAEL SUMMEROUR MICHELLE OUELLETTE HELENE P. DREYER ANNE T. THOMAS' - VICTORIA N. KING DAVID P. PHIPPEN, SR. EMILY P. HEMPHILL D. MARTIN NETHERY' JEFFERY J. CRANDALL SUSAN C. NAUSS SONIA RUBIO SHARMA GEORGE M. REYES SCOTT C. SMITH CHRISTOPHER GODSON JOHN O. PINKNEY WILLIAM W. FLOYD. JR. JACK B. CLARKE, JR. BERNIE L. WILLIAMSON GREGORY L. HAROKE BRIAN M. LEWIS ELAINE E. HILL ' KENDALL H. MsCVEY BRADLEY E. NEUFELD KEVIN K. RANDOLPH CLARK H. ALSOP• SHARYL WALKER JAMES B. GILPIN RAYMOND BEST ( 1868.1957) DAVID J. ERWIN' PETER M. BARMACK MARSHALL S. RUDOLPH JAMES H. KRIEGER (19131975) MICHAEL J. ANOELSON' JEANNETTE A. PETERSON KIM A. BYRENS EUGENE BEST (1893 -1981) • A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION August 19, 1993 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78 -495 Calle Tampico P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUITE 312 39700 BOB HOPE DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 1555 RANCHO MIRAGE, CALIFORNIA 92270 TELEPHONE (619) 568.2611 TELECOPIER (619) 340-6698 OF COUNSEL JAMES B. CORISON OFFICES IN RIVERSIDE (909) 686.1450 PALM SPRINGS(619)325 -7264 ONTARIO (909) 989.8584 Re: Plot Plan 93 -505: Approval of Forecast Homes' Proposed Models for the Quinterra Subdivision Dear Commission Members: This lawfirm represents a number of homeowners in the Quinterra and surrounding subdivisions with respect to Forecast Homes' request for approval to build smaller homes. These homeowners are very concerned that if Forecast is allowed to build homes that are 'half the size of existing homes, the quality of their neighborhood will be substantially reduced and a substantial part of their investments in their homes will be lost. On their behalf, we respectfully request that Forecast's plans for smaller homes not be approved and that the City of La Quinta take appropriate legislative steps to insure that values in .existing neighborhoods are preserved against efforts.by developers to make quick profits by building homes that do not maintain the quality of existing neighborhoods. As you may know, the Quinterra tentative tract map was approved in 1988. Condition 28 of the Conditions of Approval required that the Planning Commission approve the plans for all models to be built within the subdivision. In 1990, the previous developer of the subdivision (Windsor Construction Company) submitted, and this Commission approved, three floor plans which varied in size. from 2,071 to 2,593 square feet. The currently- RWH40196 LAW OFFICES OF BEST, BEST & KRIO Planning Commission City of La Quinta August 19, 1993 Page 2 • existing '18 homes in the Quinterra subdivision were built using those plans. These are all quality homes which originally sold for between $200,000 and $250,000. At the time Quinterra homeowners purchased their homes, they were assured by Windsor that the quality of the neighborhood would be maintained throughout subsequent phases. The subdivision's CC &R's call for the establishment of an Architectural Control Committee that will review and approve all homes to be built in the subdivision (other than those built by the developer) to insure that standards within the neighborhood are maintained. .Based on these representations, homeowners felt secure, in investing a significant part of their life savings in their new homes. Forecast Homes now proposes to build significantly smaller homes ( from 1, 106 .to 1,659 square feet) that will sell for half the price of the existing homes. We all know that the quality of a neighborhood significantly affects the value of each home within that neighborhood. Forecast. undoubtedly foresees that the value of its smaller homes will increase due to their close proximity to the larger existing homes. . Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. The value of existing homes will be reduced if'smaller homes are allowed to be built in the same tract. In essence, approval of the smaller homes will allow Forecast.to transfer value from existing homes to the new, smaller homes. Forecast will then sell this transferred value at a profit, while existing homeowners_ will suffer a loss in the value of their investment. We are mindful that, in today's market, requiring Forecast to proceed with the project as originally planned may not provide Forecast with the fastest method of making a profit. But land -use planning is not about maximizing short -term profits for developers. It is about achieving coherent and consistent development of property that will preserve and enhance property values for all concerned- -the developer, the surrounding property owners and the City. Forecast's request comes before this Commission for design review as a plot plan. One of the goals of design review is to "foster .attainment of those sections of the City's general plan and specific plans which refer to the preservation and enhancement of the particular character and unique assets of the City and its harmonious development . ." (La Quinta Municipal Code § 9.183.020(A).) Plot plan. •approval requires that the plot plan "conform to the logical development of the land and to be RWH40196 LAW OFFICES OF BEST,,BEST & KRI� Planning Commission City of La Quinta August 19, 1993 Page 3 0 compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property." (La Quinta Municipal Code § 9.180.040(B).) Forecast's proposed plans do not comply with' those requirements. Degregation of the neighborhood through the construction of lower - value housing is not compatible with current development nor does it preserve and enhance existing neighborhoods. For that reason alone, Forecast's request should be denied. As the principal planning agency for the City of La Quinta, this Commission it encharged with implementing a long -range perspective for the development of the City. The Quinterra neighborhood will exist for years to come. By investing a substantial part of their life savings in quality Quinterra homes, existing homeowners have made a long -term investment in, and commitment to, the quality of their neighborhood and the City of La Quinta as well. This Commission should not allow that investment and commitment to be undermined by short -term market forces and Forecast's desire for a quick profit. It is our understanding that there are other subdivisions within La Quints that face a similar dilemma. Initial phases of those subdivisions were. built with larger, quality homes. Now, due to the depressed housing market, developers desire to build smaller, inferior homes within those developments. In an effort to move product, developers are sacrificing the quality of their projects. We believe that fairness and good planning demand that the City of La Quinta carefully examine the situation and craft a comprehensive, City -wide response. We suggest that a "neighborhood preservation ordinance" be implemented. The ordinance would use zoning controls to balance the need to maintain existing neighborhood values with the desire of developers to respond to market conditions. Similar ordinances have been enacted in other cities to preserve existing neighborhoods from uncontrolled development that threatened to destroy the character of those neighborhoods. Such an ordinance would give La Quinta city planners, this Commission and the City Council increased ability to respond in. a reasonable way to the needs of all segments of the community and to allow for the development in a manner that is fair to all. Until this City has had an opportunity to fully assess and respond to the threats to existing neighborhoods posed by subsequent, inferior development, we respectfully request that Forecast be required to continue to develop the Quinterra subdivision as previously planned by Windsor and approved by the RWH40196 ` LAW OFFICES OF FBEST, BEST KRIS• • Planning Commission City of La Quinta August 19, 1993 Page 4 City. A hasty decision to allow lesser - quality development in this neighborhood will unfairly detract from the substantial investments made in good faith by Quinterra homeowners and from the reputation of the City of La Quinta as a secure place for quality investment. Very truly yours, DOUG S S. PHILLIPS of BEST, BEST & KRIEGER DSP:RWH:js cc: Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney City of La Quinta Client RWH40196 s s'> I, F' f C 1; I > , ,, 1 i . r f e C; e (� ,_ ,.. �_ ; �. e �. �� -� Q �. 6� "' �'° '�' �` r �, ��., �.. _ I �. r, x`� '�� [:�� , �. �., �� '' f` L�__ ".. l �: s . �; _: �,. �;._ -- ��: ���- �: �e - � `;; �,- 4,.x,1 �,�` . - .,.. �.`.. � �. .. y;' ?1, '{� _ IL .. 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