9801-141 (SFD)--- LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION A1,hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of C,�4`ap4r 6_('�ommencing with Sectipn,7000) of Division 3 of the Business and License is in full force `/uonmm# � -'—' ' '`.. ucu�a ' ' -- Exp. Date ' [IJ od�Signature of Contractor � �� 0. _J �� OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION W'� Unrebya�nn under penalty ofpe�u��o | am exempt hom�eCon�ao��o F- Lic6nooLaw for the following reason. ' �. Z ' () '|, as owner of the pmperty, o,myemployees with wages aotheir sole compensation,~~ ill..do;the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for 044, Business &,Prof essionilg Code). - owner �of the licensed ` contractors mconstruct. the `pmmo (Sec. '7044. Business a-Pmf 6omo alo Code) CY) )/I am exempt under Section B&P.C.46`rthis reason LO` -`'�� JDate I- Signature of Owner Q. `.'. <' ` _ ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION, C) | hereby umnn���dn, penalty o/ perjury ma following declarations: LO� �� ( ) |��m�� certificate of mm��i � workers' X LU "-oompenmmon, as provided for by Section u'vv of the u^ovr-u000. forme .C} 'J podvrman000,m�mthis. permit � c0� -~ \) | have and will maintain workers' oninsurance, uomq6iredby . OS��?m� of the Labor Code, for the performance mt� workforwhichmm oL u» 'mennh is issued. my workers' compensation insurance oamo, & policy no. are: -.I- Z Cartier Policy m (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less) (N) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, 1��anmm employ any person in any manner so aombecome subject to the' workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation, provisions of §ecti6�73700 of1the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with Wb�le p, visions,"" Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties -and civil fines up to $106,000, in addition mthe cost ofcompensation, damages aupmvido.fminSection oms ofthe Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees: . IMPORTANT Application ishereby made mmooiravm,ofBuilding and Safety ' /or a. permit oubjem m the conditions and restrictions metforth on his application. 1.Each person upon whose behalf this application iomade & each person at, ' whose request and for whose benefit work ioperformed under u,pursuant vo any permit issued aooresult ofthis appnoaxonagrees to, 8-uxao. indemnify & xo|U harmless the City of LaQumta. im6#ioors. agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a.neouncvthis application becomes nun ongvoidir �mm is not commenced within -180 uoya from da of ioauonov of such, �onnit, or cessation m ion o,wmfo, 180 clays -will subject permit mcancellation. |nortify that | have read this application and state that the above information ip oo,mm. | agree mcomply with all City, and State laws relating mthe building authorize i Qty toenter upon the above-meritioned property for.-in—sp'ection purposes.. �^ �0gnamm (Owner/Agent) BUILDING PERMIT DATE VALUAT16N '59 LOT TRACT 13.9,123 iF73 - - A -5 51cie JOB SITE ADDRESS "n -83s kvvs.rw�w) 40 Imave, APN OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER ENGINEER RAY SCITTKSGN CA 92204 USE OF PERMIT NIP 1) k7179 y -COST OF CGNISTRUCf.110,41N 339,12150 101 14.1.13CTRACAJ, FEE 101-0004200H) LESS PRE.PAID H, ES' -�` i ` INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS Set Backs Forms & Footings J✓o 6a¢pr(� Slab Grade fir( ,2' l9� _ -� Steel Equipment Location Roof Deck - Underground Plbg. Test O.K. to Wrap Framing - Z -q PLUMBING APPROVALS Insulation Fireplace P.L. i�ku ' Heater Final Fireplace T.O. Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Party Wall Insulation Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Party Wall Firewall Pool Cover Sewer Connection Exterior lath Dtvvrall -Int. lath Gas Piping Gas Test -• a _ Y';V - OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR MECHANICAL APPROVALS Underground Ducts Ducts Return Air Combustion Air Exhaust Fans Fans & Controls POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines S- Heater Final _ Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test -• a _ Y';V - SEPTI G TTFinal t' COMMENTS: Utility Notice (Gas) j -V r ELECTRICAL APP/ ROVALS Temp. Power Pole Low Voltage Wirii Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptac G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Prn Final Utility Desert Sands Unified School District , 82-879 Highway -111 (A 7 Notice: � . , Document Cannot Be Duplicated Indio, CA 92201 1 619-775-3500 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Date 5/19/98 APN # 649-061-006. No. 17047 Jurisdiction..'.'' La Quintal Owner NameMr. Ray Johnson Permit # No. 79-835 Street Westward Ho Drive ; Log # City La Quinta zip 92253 Study Area Tract # Lot # Square Footage 2175 Type of Development Single Family Residence No. of Units '1 Comments -At the present time, the Desert'Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on -garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or rep'.acement mobil�homes;,4. , It has been- determined the above-named owner is exempt from paying school, fees at this time due to the following reason: - - - F f.y, EXEMPTIONNOTAPPLICABLE '�r This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to `Government Code 53080 . in the amount of'Lv'1_4i , 1.93 X 2,175 or $ 4,197.75 the property listed above and thal building' permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed' project may naw be issued Fees Paid By cc/Bank of America/Ray Johnson '�TTelephone 760 342-4707 Name on the check By' Dr. Doris Wilson r k Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Olivia Aguirre Payment Received $4,197.75- - Check No.- -2009914233 Signature ` { Pursuant of Assembly Bill 3081 (CHAP 549, STATS: 1996)this will serve to notify you that the 90•day approval period in which you may prot9st the fees or other payment identfied [NOTICE: bove will begin to run from the date on which the buildingor installation permit for this project is sssued or on which they are paid to the Distrid(s) or to another public entity authorized toollect them on the Dislrict('s)(s') behalf, whichever is earlier. Collector: Attach a copy of county or city plan check application form to district copy for all wEivers. Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant. Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting 66/36!1995 66:24 6193986656 RAY VELVEI JLIHI bUfv rant= el ORANGE COAST TM.E Co. -i :299053 RECORDING .REQUESTED BY: - - RECEIVED FOR RECORD ` AT 2.00 O'CLOCK. - Ray E. Johnson PAID ooc. rArOWTaAUG ^ 191997 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: �y,r•�ppl - i ' RecaCsa n OdioW aacaob , Ray E. Johnson - a rArarrQy Ca:fuy:Glilani. • . Ftecoro�r Velvet C. Johnson, P.O. Box 2082 Fust VVV���� Indio, CA I' .92202 I.. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ' -d RANT D E E D The undersigned Grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ 43.45 ASSESSOR!S PARCEL NO.: 649-051-006(X) 'computed on full.value of property-cornveyeJ, or .TITLE-ORDEP NO.: R-159140-1 ( ) computed on the full value less liens or '. ESCROW NO.: 120.33 -JC encumbrances.remaining at.the time of, -Sale FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Gordon Figard, Successor Truetee'of the Jerome E. and La Vern H. Weis Family Trust - ! hereby GRANT(S)"to Ray E. Johnson and Velvet C. Johnson, husband•and wife •. as community property ' The following real property in the City of.La.ouinta, Riversid¢ County,' State of California: described as: Lot 6 -of Tract 21.90, as shown by Map on fi {i.nBook 41, Page(s) 55 thru 57 of Maps, Riverside'County; California. } Date: July 30, 1.997 - , • - on Figard, trustee ��r'+L�IJ� i• STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF r. VQ ) On '2-36-Q7 before me, t personally appeared own to_De -(or proved to me on the basis ' of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s)'whose name (s)(5)are subscribed a within instrument and acadged to t a he she/they executed JOYCE A. C06PR .me the same •iher/their.authorized capacity(iee), and C�T�^+� i1a71that b�OfQyPlrbRc-Cd6fm�the bher/their signature(s) on the instrument �� C�h pe) or.the entity upon behalf of which the �'�YCov►vn.E AA1&20 D I person (s) acted, executed the instrument,. W' d and offi seal: re—= —Sign Nam (typed or pr' ed)' (This area fpr official notaria h:eeal) MAIL..TAX STATEbMNTS T0: lot.6 on Westward Ho, La Quinta, CA 92253 rn 06/08/1998 16:01 0000000 LOUISIANA PACIFIC PAGE 05 Pepe 7 of 8 IMport No. NER- 108 r , TABLE 3 AULOWABLE UNIFORM ROOF LIVE LOADS FOR APA RATED SHEATHING. AND APA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR WITH LONG DIMENSION APA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR Roof floorr, Span Rating Panel Thickness (inch) Maximum Spon (inches) Allowable Live Loads (psj Moximum Span (inches) With Edge Supports Without Edge Support Spacing of Supports Center -to -Center (inches) 12 16 20 24 32 40 1 48-1 54 J 60 16 oC 19/32, 5/8, 21/32 24 24 185 100 65 40 270 150 100 60 30 -- 240 160 100 5630 25 — — 295 i 65 100 60 40 ' 165 205•d 20 oc i 19/32, 5/8, 3/4 32 32 24 cc 11/16,23/32,3/4 48 36 24 32 oc 7/8,1 48 40 32 48 oc 1-3/32,1-1/8 60 48 — — — 290 1601 100 1 65, SO 40 48e I the allowable live loads Were determined using a dead load of 10 psf. If the dead load exceeds 10 psf then the live load shall be reduced accordingly. 2 Applied to panels 24 incites or wide:. I Tongue -and -groove edges, panel edge clips (ono midway berween each support, except two equally spaced between supports 48 inches on center), lumber blociing, t or other. Only lurnber blocking -ill satisfy blocked diaphragm requirements of Table No. 1, except as noted in Section 3-2.3. • Twenty-four inches for 1/2 -inch poncts. s Is permitted to be used over framing of 24 inches on center where 3/4 -inch wood strip flooring is installed of right angles to joist. " Is permitted to be used over framing spored 24 inches on center for Won where 1-1/2 inches of cellular or lighfwiighf concrete is applied over the panels. r live food nof.te exceed 100 psf, dead load not to exceed 10 psf, except as noted. 'Total load not to exceed 65 psf. 9 SI units: 1 in m 25.4 mm. 1 h — 0.3 m, 1 psf = 4B Po 06/08/1998 16:01 0000000 LOUISIANA PACIFIC PAGE 03 Page 3 of 6 Report No. NER- 108 supported by framing and 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center at other supports. A 6 inch (152.4 mm) on center spacing shall be.used when supports are spaced 48 inches 11219.2 mm) on center. 4.3.2 Draftstopping: When panels are used as D(attstopping material, the minimum thickness of the panel shall be 3/8 inch (9-53 mm). 4.3.3 Roof Sheathing: Allowable live loads for panels used for roof sheathing with long panel dimension across supports are given in Table 3. Use panel .edge clips at unsupported edges if required by Table No. 3. Allowable live loads for panels 'for roof sheathing applied with the long panel dimension parallel to supports are given in Table No. 4.. Roof panels shall be fastened with 8d common nails spaced 6 inches (152.4 mm) on center at panel edges supported by framing and 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center at other -supports. Fastener schedule applies when Douglas -Fir or Southern -Pine roof framing spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center is used in one or two story construction, when the basic wind speed'is 70 MPH 012 km/hr) maximum in areas using the Uniform Building Code or 80 MPH (128 km/hr) maximum for. areas using the BOCA National Building Code or Standard Building Code. Nails shall be.spaced 6 inches 1152.4 mm) on center at all supports -within 4 feet (1.2 m) of ridges, eaves and gable ends and at panel supports, when the basic wind speed is greater than 70 MPH (112 km/hr) and no greater than 100 MPH (160 km/hr) in areas using the Uniform Building code, or basic wind speed is greater than 80 MPH 1128 km/hr), but not greater than 110 MPH (176 kmMr), in areas using the BOCA National Building Code- or the Standard Building Code - Staples used for attaching rated sheathing to framing shall be as approved for plywood of the same thickness. 4.3.4 Diaphragm Construction: When used in diaphragm construction, structural -use panels are assigned the values in Table 1. Diaphragm dimension ratios permitted in the code for plywood apply to structural -use panels. The unblocked values shown also apply .to panels having tongue-and-groo ve joints along the longitudinal edges, except as noted below. One and one eighth inch (1-1/8 inch, 28.58 mm) APA structu(al-use panels fastened with 8d ring or screw -shank nails or t Od common nails are assigned the values for 10d common nails and 19/32 inch (15.08 mm) minimum nominal panel thickness in, Table 1. Where blocked values are required for 1-3/32 4r 1-1/8 inch 127.78 or 28:58 mm) tongue -and - grooved panels, 1 inch by 3/8 inch (25.4 by 9.53 mm) crown by No. 16 gauge staples shall be driven through the tongue - and -groove edges 3/8 inch.(9.53 mm) from the joint and driven so as to penetrate the tongue as illustrated in Figure 1. Staples shall be spaced at one-half of the boundary nail spacing for Case 1 and. 3. Table No. 1, and at one-third the boundary nail spacing for .Case 3 through 6, Table 1. 4.3.5 Shear Walls: When used in shear walls, APA Rated Sheathing is assigned the values in Table 2 except that the allowable shear for APA. Rated Wall Bracing panels applied directly to studs in accordance with the above nail schedule shall be 180 pill (2626.2 Nim) regardless of panel thickness. Diaphragm dimension ratios permitted in the code for plywood apply to structural -use panels. For purposes of determining seismic forces for design, the values of K and R„,, given in the applicable code for plywood shall apply to structural -use panels, for buildings not more than three stories in height'with stud wall framing using siding, sheathing or Sturd-1-Floor panels for shear walls and diaphragms for lateral force system. 4.4 Siding 4.4.1 General: When siding is applied directly to studs, the studs shall be spaced no farther apart than the span rating included in the grade mark on the panel. . Ail veneer -faced siding panels with a span rating of 16 or 24 (406.4 or 609.6 mm) on center are permitted to be applied over studs spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center when applied with face grain horizontal or over nailable sheathing. Other siding panels with a span rating of 16 or 24 inches (406.4 or 609.6 mm) on center are permitted to be applied over studs spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center when applied over nailable sheathing. Nailable sheathing shall be nominal 1 inch (25.4 mm) boards or structural -use panels of thickness permitted in the applicable code for plywood sheathing to which the siding is directly attached. Fasteners for attaching siding shall be non -staining box, siding or casing nails. For panels % inch 02.7 mm) thick or less, use 6d nails, and 8d for thicker panels. For 3/8 Inch (9.53 mm) and thinner lap siding, use 6d nails, and 8d for thicker lap siding. 4.4.2 Panel Siding: Panel siding is designed to be applied without building paper either directly to framing or over sheathing, provided all siding joints occur over framing and are protected with a continuous wood batt, .approved caulking, flashing, vertical or horizontal shiplaps, or otherwise made waterproof. Where grooved siding is applied horizontally directly to framing, building paper shall be installed behind the Siding, in accordance with the applicable code. Siding shall be fastened directly to framing in accordance with plywood provisions of the code. When siding % inch (12-7 mm) or less in thickness is installed over foam sheathing up to 1 inch (25.4 mm) in thickness, the siding shall be fastened with 8d galvanized box nails. Siding greater than % inch 112.7 mm) in thickness applied over foam sheathing shall be fastened with 10d galvanized box nails. The foam sheathing shall conform to the code. Panel siding applied directly to studs, spaced in accordance with the span rating and fastened with 6d galvanized box nails or equivalent, spaced 6 inches (152.4 mm) on center at panel edges and 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center at intermediate studs, is an alternative to the plywood sheathing construction specified in the code for wall bracing. Shear values for all -veneer panel siding shall be as given in Table 2 for siding applied directly to studs or over % or 5/8 inch (12.7 mm or 15.88 mrn) gypsum sheathing. Thickness at point of nailing at panel edges determines applicable values. All -veneer panel siding identified as APA 303 applied over maximum 1 inch (25.4 mm) thick foam sheathing, as described above, on studs spaced either 16 or 24 inches (406.4 or 609.6 mm) on center with % inch (12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard installed on the interior is an alternate to the plywood sheathing construction specified in the code for wall bracing. Page 2 of a Report No. NER-108 Combination subfloor-underlayment, or wall sheathing and shall be covered with an approved roof covering or exterior wall covering. Panels identified as Exposure 1 are designed to be used for roof sheathing where exposed on the underside such as on eaves. 3:1.6 Composition Veneer: Veneer .used in structural -use panels meets the applicable requirements of DOC PS 1-95. Veneer not meeting the requirements of DOC PS 1-95 is designed to be used, provided the panels meet the applicable performance requirements. Veneer is used through -out the all -veneer panels and for.face and back plies -or inner layers in composite panels. 3.1.6:2 Reconstituted Wood: Panels composed entirely of reconstituted wood are waferboard, oriented strandboard or other wood -based panels. The panels are manufactured to meet the performance requirements given in APA- PRP -108. 3.1.7 Panels Size: Panels are generally produced in nominal sizes if 4 feet by 8 feet 0.2 m by 2.4 m): Length and width ;o)eranees are +0, -1/8 inch (+0, -3.18 mm). Tongr4wand-groove Joints: When panels have tongue- ind=groove joints, the joints are on the 8 foot (2.4 m) sides, 4 cot (1.2 m).ends, or.boih. Shiplap edges: When siding panels, have shiplap :dggs, the edges occur on the 8, 9, or 10 foot (2.4, 2.7 or 3 n) aides. The Joint Is typically cut approximately one-half way hrough the thicknessand when installed (after expansion lccurs); provides•a 3/8 Inch (9.53 mmi lap. 0• INSTALLATION 1 General he Structural -Use -Panels shall be installed in accordance with lis report and the .applicable code. .11 panels used for floors and roofs shall be installed over two r more spans,. with the long dimension perpendicular to Jpports spaced in accordance with the span rating.. Where le strong panel direction is not parallel to the long dimension, Where the span rating applies to either direction, ,panels shall 9 so identified and shall.be installed accordingly. A % inch 2.1 mm) gap shall be provided between the panel• and mcrene or masonry walls..Cutouts for plumbing and electrical iall.be oversized. Firestopping is required in accordance with m applicable code. aming members shall properly align with the -panel surface. Juare-edged panels used for floors shall be covered with one the following: minimum 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) or thicker underlayment; or minimum 1-1/2 inches (38.10 mm) of cellular or lightweight concrete; or 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) wood strip finish flooring; or: the edges shall be supported with blocking. i Fasteners shall be located 3/8 inch 19.53 mm) from panel edges. Supported panel joints shall occur approximately along the centerline of framing with a minimum bearing of % inch (12.7 mm). 4.2 Sturd-1-Floor Panel end joints shall be staggered. Ring- or screw -shank nails are used to attach Sturd-I-Floor panels to supports - 6d for thicknesses through 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) and 8d for greater thicknesses. Nails are spaced a maximum of 6 inches (152.4 mm) on center along panel edges and 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center along intermediate supports except that for 4a inch (1219.2 mml spans the maximum spacing shall be 6 inches (152.4 mm) along intermediate supports. Sturd-I-Floor panels having nonveneer faces and intended for use under nontextile resilient flooring shall be covered with 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) minimum thickness underlayment. If panels are field glued with an adhesive meeting APA Specification AFG-01 applied to joists and tongue-and-groo ve edges, nails may be spaced a maximum of 12 inches (304.8 mm) along all bearings for panels 3/4 inches (19.05 mm) or less, and 6 inches (152.4 mm) for thicker panels. Framing shall be free of surface moisture, dirt, cement, and other foreign materials prior to application of the adhesive. Adhesives shall be applied in accordance with the adhesive . manufacturer's instructions. The application rate shall be 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) diameter beads applied to each joist or blocking member, except two 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) diameter beads shall be applied where panels abut on a joist. ' Installation of the panels shall be within the time limit designated by the adhesive manufacturer. Where diaphragm action is required, the nail size and spacing shall be as set forth in Table 1. If panels are square edged and resilient floor covering is to be applied directly, panel edges shall be supported by 2 inch (50.8 mm) lumber blocking. Where panels are covered with a 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) minimum thickness underlayment or have tongue -and -groove edges, blocking is not required except if required by Table 1. 4.3 Sheathing 4.3.1 Wall Sheathing and Floor Panels: Panels used for wall sheathing are permitted to be installed with the long panel dimension either perpendicular or parallel to studs' Panels rated for wall spans shall be installed over studs spaced no farther apart than the span rating. When panels rated for roof spans are used for wall sheathing, the maximum stud spacing is 16 Inches (406.4 mm) for panels with ratings of 16 and 20 inches (406A and 508 mm), and 24 inches (609.6 mm) for 24 inch 1609.6 mm) and greater span rating- Panels used for wall sheathing are an alternate to the plywood sheathing specified in the code for wall bracing. The panels are considered water- repellent panel sheathing as defined in the Standard Building code and the Unifote i Building Code. The panels shall be covered by an exterior wall covering complying with the appropriate code, as noted in Section Wall and floor panels % inch 02.7 mm) and less in thickness are fastened with 6d common nails; Bd nails are used for thicker panels. Nails are spaced 6 inches 1152.4 mm) on center at panel edges \1J National Evaluation Service, Inc. Participating Members: SBCCI Public Safety BOCA Evaluation Services, Inc- (C80 Evaluation Service, Inc. Testing and Evaluation Services, Inc. E 4051 Wed Floasmokr Road WW Workman ?All Road 900 Montcialr Road, Suite A I Country Club Hills, lUinols 60478.85 7Minter. California 90601,2298 Birmingham. X635213-1206 +j (708)'799-2305 (310 43 m699-05 NATIONAL ;EVALUATION REPORT Report No. NER-108 copyrlghri 1997 NalloM EVatuatfon SaMces, Inc Reissued Aaii/ 1, 1997 STANDARDS FOR STRUCTURAL -USE PANELS APA - The Engineered Wood A=soclet(on POST OFFICE BOX 11700 TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98411-0700 1.0 SUBJECT Standards for Structural -Use Panels 2.0 PROPERTIES FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS SOUGHT Product Performance and Installation Requirements for: 2.1 Wall Sheathing 2.1 floor Sheathing 2.3 Root' Sheathing �i 2:4 Siding 3.o DESCRIPTION 3.1 . Product Performance Standards 3:1.1 General: APA -.The Engineered -Wood Association is an agency that promulgates the following standards as published in the "Performance Standards and' Policies for Structural -Use Panels', PRP-1081February, 1994}: Sturd-1-Floor Standard Sheathing Standard Siding Standard The U:S. Department of Commerce promulgates Voluntary Product Stiridard PS 2-92 'Performance Standard for Wood - Based Structural -Use Panels'. Panels evaluated under this report Comply with either APA PRP408 or DOC -PS 2-92 requirements, or both. Although the structural .performance requirements of DOC PS- 2=92 and APA PRP -108 are the same, the panel identification: stamp shall include the standards) to which the panel was tested: 3.1.2 ':AP Rated Sturd-f-floor standard covers thicknesses from 19132 -through 1 -1 /8 inch 115.081hrough-28,58 mm). Face ply (if veneer) and the ply. adjacent to the face (if veneer) shall meet the applicable requirements of DOC PS .1-95 for undedayment grade. Veneer faces are touch -sanded. and the backs are unsanded,touCh-sanded, or textured. 3.1.3 APA Rated Sheathln9 standard identifies subfloor span ratings of 16, 20, 24, 32 and 48 Inches (406.4, 508, 609,6, 812.8 and 1219.2 mm) and roof span ratings of 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 54 and 60 inches (406.4, 608, 609.6, 812.8, 1016, 1219.2, 1371.6, and 1524 mm); or wall span ratings of 16 or 24 inches (406.4 or 609.6 mrn). The span rating is determined on the basis of the results of performance tests as noted in Section 3.1.5. APA Rated Sheathing/Ceiling Deck has one face textured. APA Rated Wa)I Bracing has a wall span rating of 16 or 24 inches (406.4 or 609.6 mm). 3.1.4 APA Rated Siding standard identifies span ratings (maximum stud spacings) of 16 and 24 inches (406.4 and 609.6 mm). Panels are composed entirely of veneer, of combinations of veneer and reconstituted wood or entirety of reconstituted wood, except that hardboard siding is not included: The span rating is determined on the basis of results of performance tests as noted in Section 3.1.5. . 3.1.5 Performance Requirements Structural Performance: Structural -use panels meet Performance requirements established by APA for concentrated, impact, and uniform loads for the end use span on the grade mark. Panels are tested dry, wetted and redried and, for certain loading conditions, tested wet. Load test requirements are given in APA PRP -108. Roof spans'and live loads shall not exceed those given in Table No. 3 and dead loads not to exceed 10 psf (480 Pe). The live load for floor panels shall not exceed 100 psf 44800 Pal with a dead load not to exceed 10 psf (480 Pa), except the Sturd-(floor panel, with a span rating of 48 inches (1219.2 mm) on center, is limited to a total floor load of 65 psf (3120 Pal. Panel Durability: The performance standard requires evaluation of the resin bonding system. Exterior -type plYwood in U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-95 is designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications. Siding panels are identified as Exterior. Other panels are identified as Exposure 1 or 2 -and are not intended for permanent exposure to weather. Exposure 1 or 2 panels are designed to be used for roof sheathing, subflooring, 7AIs rrparr is limited to rhe ,peck£ 4prQ&0 gtKl 4V4 mrd Asst reports tabmlrted by the applicant In Its gpplicadon ►egresting this report. No lirdependenr tens were performed by the National Evalahtion Serv[ce, ink. (NES), mut NES spectAcally does not mate any YWIM ry, either expressed ar Implied, at to any finding or other manor in this rrpdrr or as to any product covered by this report. This discialmer includes, but is not limned to, tnerch-rdbility. Vds report is diro subject to rhe ilmlration listed herein. Page 1 of 8 06/08/1998 16:01• 0000000 LOUISIANA PACIFIC PAGE 04 �.� pig* 6ofa Report NO. Not- 106 TABLE 1 �. RECOMMENDED SHEAR (POUNDS PER FOOT) FOR HORIZONTAL APA STRUCTURAL -USE PANEL DIAPHRAGMS •emu ne celmucene mKiv Dna WINn nR SEISMIC LOADING 1111n I Blocked Diaphragms Unblocked Diaphragms Nail Spacing (in.) at _ diaphragm boundaries (all cases) at continvous Nails Spaced 6" max. panel edges parallel to at supported edges' load (Cases 3 8 4) and A of all panel edges (Cases 5 8 6) Case 1 no unblocked 6 4 2-1/23 1 23 Minimum Minimum Minimum edges or " Nail Nominal Nominal ., continuous All ether Nail Spacing (in.) ' Common Penetration in Framing Panel Thickness Width of Framing at other panel edges joints parallel eonfigutotions (Cases 2; 3, 6 6 4 1 3 Panel Grade Nail Size (inches) (inch) Member to load) 4,5 8 6) APA 6d' 1-1/4 5/16 2 185 250 375 •420 165 125` STRUCTURAL 3, 210 280 420 475 185 140 RATED SHEATHING, 2 270 360 530 600 240 180 EV 1orEXT 6d 1.1/2 3/8 3 300 400 600 675 265 200• ' 10d 1-5/8 15/32 2 320 425 640 7303 285 215 3 360 480 720' 820. 320 240 APA 5/16 2. 170 225 335 380 150 110 RATED SHEATHING,' 1 3 190 250 " 380 A30 170 125 STURD-I-FLOOR 6d 1-1/4 2 165 250 375 420 165 125 EXP 1, EXP 2 or IXT s 3/8 3 210 280 420 475. 185 140 318 2 240 320 480 545 215 160.' r 3 270 360 540 610 240. 180' 7/16 2 i 255 340 505 575 230 170 .. � Bd 1-1/2 3 1285 380 570 645, 255. 190 15/32 2 270 360 530 600 240 180 3 300 400 600 675., 265 200. 15/32 2 290 385 575 6553' 255 190 3 325 430 650 735 290 215 c lOd 1-5/8 19/32 2 320 425 640 7303 285 215 - 3 360 480 720• 820 320• 240 ' For framing of other species: (o) Find specific gravity for species of lumber in AF&PA Notional Design Specification, (b1 find shear value from table for nail size, and.for Structural I panels (regardless of actual grade), (c) multiply value found in (b) by 0.82 for species with specific gravity o44 greater than or equal to 0.42 but less than 0.49, or multiply by 0.65 for species with o cpocific gravity less than 0.42. ' Space no 12 inches om, .c along inteediote framing members (6 inches o.c. when supports ore spaced 48 inches a.c.). ' s Framing at panel edges shall be 3 -inch nominal or wider, and nails shall be staggered where nails me spaced 2 inches o.c. or 2-1/2 inches o,c., and where 10d nails having penetration into homing of more than 1-5/8 inches are spaced 3 inches o.c. Exception: Unless otherwise rogvired, 2 -inch nominal framing is permitted to be used where full nailing surface width is oro3a6le and nails ore staggered. . • Use minimum 8d common nails for roof sheathing, s Sheer ponels shall be not less than 4 feet by 8 feet, except at boundaries and changes in framing. Wood structural panels less than 12 inches wide shall be blacked. 51 units: I in = 25.4 mm, 1 Fill = 14.59 N/m, 1 h - 0.3 m. tms Coso 1 -•Fne_kew Case 2 mw" " tm Case 3 toxo Cue 4 Case S , ewe Case 5 ' I xwea 1� tlunC letl rrwlny aonllnveue yWte..O 0YG>•ne"tnnWe7 Cantnuaer eeN .. Conwg ap pen* Note: Framing is permitted to be located in either direction for blocked diaphragms, - Page 4 of a For use as roof sheathing with the underside exposed, the allowable spans for ail -veneer siding identified as '303` shall conform to Table 5. 4.4.3 Lap Siding: Lap siding i;; applied either directly to framing or over nailable sheathing as defined above. When installed either directly to framing or over boards, building Paper (weather -resistive barrier) is required to be installed over the framing -in accordance with the applicable code. Vertical end joints shall be either caulked or otherwise installed in accordance. with recommerhdations of the manufacturer. Siding joints, if staggered,• are allowed to occur away from studs when nailable sheathing is used. When lap siding is installed over nailable sheathing, nails shall be spaced 8 Inches 12012 mm) on center along the bottom edge, if siding is ender than 12 inches (304.8 mm), also nail siding to ntermediate studs with nails spaced 8 inches (2p3.2 mm) on :enter. i.0 IDENTIFICATION rhe $tructural-Us.e Panels shall be identified in accordance vith the National Evaluation Service report or.individual model :ode agency evaluation reportthat specifically evaluates the -anels. ;.0 EVIDENCE SUBMRTED .1 APA Research Report 135-C titled "Test Methods and Report No. NER-100 7,0 CONDITIONS OF USE The National Evaluation Service Committee finds that the APA. EWA Standards for Structural -Use Panels described in this the OCA i 1996 CA Nato arl ftterials tspecified Building Code, the 199 reportStandard Building Code with 1995/1906. Revisions and the 1994 Uniform Building Code with 1996 Accumulative Supplement, and the 1995 CABG One and Two Family Dwelling Code, subject to the following conditions: 7.1 Structural -Use Panels developed in.accordance with the procedure described in this report shall be evaluated in a current National Evaluation Service Report or individual report of a participating member. 7.2 Span ratings and load Capacities are based on untreated panels or plyvvood panels treated only with preparvatives in accordance with AWPA Standards C9, C22, or C29. Structural performance characteristics of FRTW panels are outside the scope of this report and require evaluation in accordance with the applicable code. 7.3 This report is subject to re-examination on a periodic basis. For information on the current status of this report, contact one of the participating members of the NES. Performance Requirements for .Floor and Ftoof Sheathing•. .2 Calculations of plywood section properties arld allowable loads. -3 APA Specification and Policy for Structural -Use Panel Sheathing. .4 Performance. Standards and fblicies for Structural -Use Panels, APA PRP -108; February 1994. .5 Tests and Calculations for Racking Shear Values. .6" Calculations for Rated Siding Used as Roof Sheathing. .7 Calculations for Wind Resistance. .8 APA Research Report 148 - Structural Performance of Wood -Based Siding. 9 APA Research Report 149 - Dimensional Performance of Wood -Based Siding. 10 APA Lap Siding Installation Guide, dated July 1987. 11 Celdulations on the recommended roof snow loads for APA rated sheathing 54132 and 60148 and $turd -I - Floor 48 o.c. and 24 o.c.; sealed by John R. Tissell, P, E. 12 .APA technical note number N375A titled 'Design Capacities of APA Performance-Rated.Structural-Use Panels", dated September 1991. 13, APA Report No. TSB -16 titled 'Design Values for Structural Panel Products', prepared by Michael R. O'Halloran and Edward G. Elias, dated May 1988. 14 U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary product Standard PS 2-95, dated March 1996. 15 Calculations for fastener spacing on roof sheathing, dated December 29, 1993, prepared and sealed by William Baker, P.E. P.02 DIMENSIONS - INCHES - a s _ ,o3la F „ W4 : r DRAIN * j y K \ 7-tht CONNECTIONS FOR t HORIZONTAL APPLICATIONS TOP VIEW (ALL MOO-- A OO-A 4.' VAPOR = Olaln Pan PooDrini OPENING r' r , , MAX. PILTER LENGYn d (21 inches) LIQUID I MAX. F4,TER WIDT" r OPENING (B minus 1- 1/2 inchsaf F, REAR DRAIN CONNECTIONS nFOR UPFLOW - FILTER E , ' APPLICATIONS ACCESS BOTTOM VIEW tControl 1"99. T -E. Actual conduit We own In bra to. } 1 C R ES' f Front of unit .............. , . 24 Inch } Hear of Unit _ - _ . _ . 1' Inch Silos Of U61t: . :............. 1 inch, ............. ....... All dimensions are in Inches. They are subject • 0 Clearance allowed when' Electric to change without notice. Certified dimensions Heater Is not Inr-alled. will be provided upon request NOTES: IJ34F J : TSI S i4/g gggw&,E� W /L F1 RP / Dimensions Nuri K.O.'s' Refrigerant Fl RC / A Ft FP - MODE D • 12-1/8 E F 14-7!8 16-1/2 K Connections, Line Sae . - 1-318 (1). _ � 7/8 (t/2) 3/8' '�•� . �r 5/8 018 40 1B 22 •' .024' 40> 18 14.7/8 16-1/2 03o ao 1e ta-7/9 te•1/2 4 036(RC) 40 18 147/8 16-1/2 3/4 - 036(RP) 40 21-12 18-3/8 20 3/4 ..042. . 40 21-1 /,Z � . 1 t}3/8 20 • 7/6 oae so 2a r7-3/8 za7�� 22-t/2 7�s (1/2), 1-318 (1). _ 7/8 ` 060 50 24 20.7/8 22-1/2 : 7/8 r Refer to form 635.02-t(i2Y (heat pump) or 535.02-TG3Y (00ang a*) for detailed specifications on the unh and Its acoesaadea: • f LISA. -WY0 � . - , Heating and Air ConditioningZ. ° 0u0 �01a0 w U.9. pt+rroa Ter., , Unitaryy Peoduas Group L't.+, aa. - JNSGr✓W , P.O. 90x 1592, Yo*. Pavuylgniu USA 1740.3592 r Suo)ecl f0 MWW witMuGnv%ice. Printed in U:S.A. T ", . OOpyrlQt,t V. by York Intetngilkmm Corporepon 1997• All rights, reserved. SMU 4M 497 .11 Codes: EaY•EpY - 6J5.02-SD2Y n x ITY' QUINTA":O.- CITY' LA" SUB -LIST CONTRACTOR ADDRESS OWNER .,JOB ADDRESS rd No Drl4 -79 - KA -5 LA GU;ntcL) CA This form shall be nosted'on the job with the Building Inspection Card at all .times in a conspicuous place. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor or the Owner/Builder to monitor the sub -contractors that r on this list a the same are re me persons performing the work. Any changes to this list must be approved the City of La',Quinta Department of Building •& Safetipliar,to work being performed ty a changed sub- contractor. Failure to comply will result in a stoppage of work and/or the voidance of building permit.