PP 1994-534RECEIPT City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tam ico, P. 0, Box 150044, La Quinta CA 92253 _. DATE /1 �� 19 / % N071. 51 RECEIVED FR ADDRESS FOR i ACCOUNT HOW PAID AMT. OF CASR� ACCOUNT X AMT. PAID CHECK BALANCE BY DUE 0 RDER l } CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT' 78 -495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Case No.: 9V 537 Date received: /� 9 Fee: %-d� RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PLOT PLAN APPLICATION In order to process your application in a timely manner, please complete and sign this form. The information which is requ ,'red to be shown on the plans and submitted with the application is stated on the attached information sheet. Failure to provide the required information is justification for rejection of the application. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NON - REFUNDABLE FILING FEE OF $ AND v COPIES OF THE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN A D ELEVATIONS. Name of Applicant Phone: Mailing Address: (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Legal Owners A—, A -r—�c711- Address: (Street) (city) (State) (Zip) Proposed Use: The net and gross square footage for each proposed use and building: The square footage allocated for sidewalks /walkways, parking, landscaping, and building:_ Location of Property (Address if known): Assessor's Parcel Number: Legal Description of Property (give exact legal description as recorded in the office of the County Recorder) - (may be attached): * * * * * * * * * * * ** Signature of Signature of Date: I6J Date: PLOT PLAN APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE SUCH INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, IN ADDITION TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, that shows the following: a. Boundary and dimensions of property. b. Topography of the property. C. Location of adjacent streets, drainage structures, utilities, buildings, signs, and other features that may affect the use of the property. d. Proposed development, including planned buildings and structures, access, drainage, yards, drives, parking areas, landscaping, signs and walls or fences, with dimensions. 2. A complete set of elevations of the proposed buildings. 3. A landscape plan showing size, type (botanical and common name), and location of Proposed pl t material. 4. A list of the exterior materials and colors to be used, including identification of where each will be painted or used; also, an 8" X 13" color and materials board which contains color swatches and representative likeness of the materials to be used. 5. The net and gross square footage for each proposed use and building. 6. The square footage allocated for sidewalks /walkways, parking, landscaping, and building. 7. If the application requires a public hearing: a. One complete set of colored renderings for the elevations, plot plan and landscape plan. b. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of real property located within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property to be considered, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and any update issued by the City Assessor. the list must be certified by a title company, architect, engineer, or surveyor. �:._,, K� t TWT .4 4a 9Gf't�Gv a�� 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA GIUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777 -7000 FAX (619) 777 -7101 er 23, 1994 Mr. Dennis Cunningham Century Homes 1535 South "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 94 -534 - OCOTILLO) Dear Mr. Cunningham: TEMPORARY SALES TRAILER (RANCHO Your application for a temporary sales /design trailer is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Building permits are required for the trailer and for temporary power. Please contact the City's Building Department for their requirements. 2. A fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2AIOBC shall be mounted by each exit door of the trailer. 3. Permits for the storage and /or dispersing of any flammable or combustible material shall be obtained from the Fire Department. 4. The trailer shall be accessible to the physically challenged (i.e., Title 24 and A.D.A provisions). 5. The premises shall be kept clean at all times and left in a clean state after completion of the project. 6. All security lights shall be tamper resistant and hooded and adjusted to minimize light glare onto nearby homes. 7. Written approval from the existing Homeowners' Association shall be obtained prior to the installation of the trailer on the site. LTRGT.312 # MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4 8. Parking for the sales trailer can occur on the existing public street(s) provided two -way access into and out of the site can be maintained. An off -street parking lot will be required if the sales program interferes with traffic movement on La Palma Drive. 9. The trailer shall be equipped with both restrooms and potable water. The trailer shall be allowed to remain for six months from the date of this letter. An extension to this request may be permitted subject to review and approval by the Planning Director. Should you have any questions concerning the above information, please feel free to contact this office. Very truly yours, & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FKOUSDELL Associate Planner GT: kaf , Attachment c: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Director Tom Hutchinson, Fire Marshal LTRGT.312 J C. 0 LA PALMA DR. 75.00' 35' + �n N J < 20' v co 0. Q 20' d- ^ 26.5'+ Q -p� O 113.00, o 20' 20' x x N 0 0 C r\ ^ U d 4 V+ 36*+ v �� a ?'+ + �. fV 113.00' 85.00 o c 5 + ry 00 o. o N v, ►'7 N '� V N ao o ; Plon 3LC a u Is+ J 'V) 20' 07.44 d.5' 1 (0 iro w GI N 59.92 n r � fJJ A CENTURY HOMES h� )r>.. Century-Crowell Communities DENNIS CUNNINGHAM ���•�1�.dTZ_ � Project Manger 1535 South "D" Street. Suite 200 • San Bernardino. CA 92408 r"i IAOPZ� H T t 1 T t> 1 7' t> -i tb 9 t3 f i WHEN DOOR SWINGS WHEN 0 DOOR ONTO LANDING - SWING ONTO 42' MIN. PLUS DOOR LANDI WIDTH 6d '�►� AS N •' • RFQU fO• °TE: OF w� °AND RUN VARY. (a) .RAMP WITH VTERMEDIATE SWITCH —BAC PLATFORM 24' MIN. EXTERIOR AND N 18' {SIN. INTERIOR BEYOND � THE STRIKE EDGE OF A CATE OR DOOR ON THE SIDE TOWARD WHICH IT d SWINGS. i0 O O 0" MIN. �II r � �1. b } RAMP LANDING' AT DOORWAY RAMP LANDING DOORWAY FIGURE NO. 03 -11B THIS DIAGRAM tLLUSTRATES THE SP CfFlC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND is OED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING 'DESIGN AND C0.4SifiUCTION r.. li L„ c - - - _0 LA PALMA DR. � �- + 75.00' --� a � 3s•+ N M Q 20• EL 26.5'+ 20 Nt �n 113.00' o co o: 20' m zo vr, t; .,'+ 36•+ ; o ia. 7'+ N t 3.00' 85.00 O : n u) . O N O •� C 00 Plan '3LC FL u 15'+ 20. N .07.44 d.5' N' 10• 10, rn � (0 ib N 59.92 r` J CP A �% CENTURY HOMES 15' Century-Crowell Communities P 1.�5 4V' /�o_l0 DENNIS CUNNINGHAM Project Manager 1 1535 South "D" Street. Suite 200 • San Bernardino, CA 92408 (9091 'AR1.h(Yl'7 *PAY /ono\ aQt_fNAA i J III 15 -74 luE 8:23 LA QUINTA HDLG & SAFETY 6195648487 P.95 *WHEN DOOR SWINGS WHEN 0 DOOR ONTO LANDING - SWING ONTO 42' MIN. PLUS DOOR LANDI WIDTH a GAP, � s t AS R�QUIR�O IlOTlr N RNU� OF EACH AIAAP AD RN V� _ I (a) RAMP WITH PTERM E DIATE SWITCH —BAC PLATFORM 24! MIN. EXTERIOR AND 18" MIN. INTERIOR BEYOND � � THE STRIKE EDGE OF A v, GATE OR DOOR ON THE SIDE TOWARD WHICH IT ; a SWINGS. _ cr ol 0" MIN. � b) RAMP LANDING, AT DOORWAY RAMP LANDING & DOORWAY FIGURE NO. ii'S'3 -11B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE S1' CFnC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS DED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CO JSfRUCTION