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9610-046 (MISC)
LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions.of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. LicenseJ01 Lic. Class Exp. Date Signature of Contractor—' alp OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ' I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property,.am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ). I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I, hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( )-I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by 1�1Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. ' ,,Date: a Applicant - Lr Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. A, "Signature (Owner/Agent) �� = Date a BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# CONTROL# fV=1 M '���'�_.��. 10/1514 �'0M) 4 212 DATE 6 VALUATION � 11.3X LOT TRACT' JOB SITE 44-100 WA-* :,1. iNf .i 0f4 APN ADDRESS OWNER CONTRACTOR /LDESIGrN�E.R / ENGINEER vt F 1 t �r `,iii 1, i'�i 1�' L" L Vi♦:t %NM 1:7 CO��i i,��.r! 1 ori CE'N'I'EE�iYt.JI IDR, S -M 300 MUM s�•ou"I'li AUNLA AVENUE LA VAIMA � ���ryi Z y QA�/N'j�i11q F'}A 9024 17 14) 6'10-5-330 121'0 11&1_1 81, 04,10 USE OF PERMIT PWA10VE ) ?f-'LArE PttiT'POW t131tC311NE, INSTIV L 1-411M W-FiV, POLE %XT1T;0ai.'tN(1 1,LANt"141tC`•h i f fi 4lli-t}i)dh ci_ _31K r`t,il.iTkt£tf'"t'1C>hd FEE toI.i)i'0-411.K-W, �ri33.(?rt S'.6NRYi% tNf IrW!" p 1:`i�Wi:Ni lti�}�UfIEi ?�i!-fil3�i t" .7 SUB-Tfff`r1LL t"'C.)NS"i'R:4!'C."XIC)N AND PLAN CHECK. $255 �3 LESS PRE iEti' ID FRES Vii) ()e) rr a. rM. PERMIT 3%!O S p?UR NOW 5235,33 OCT 1 5 199 n RECEIPT DATE By DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD `-.. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wail Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances. Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole . Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) L A � .,ri •, ! BF 7 Fax Cover Sheet, • TAIT & ASSOCIATES, INC, , •. v Full'Service Ciitil Engineering, Surveying & Environmental r DATE: 10/23/96 ,1 p. fi TO: LA QU NTA Buil-ding Dept. 1 ATTN: FROM: 77ason Lee FAX #: 61.9 777-7011 SUBJ: Revised Footing Calc ' JOB #:' AR 716 0 . pages, including tjiis cover sheet. We are transmitting ,� 2. p � g Comments: ; F Dear Kirk, t r .F,tt'` s Please 11 ind enclosed a letter from ,our. architect. addressing, the -f act that no niodification to the previous calculations was ARCO site. Should you have any r �r necessary dor the k:tCO paypoint;� Y 1 i questions, please cgn.tact~' me at (714) 560-8200. N• . Imo` 7 � � f yYIA. 4:, ti Jason Lee r •[ , S If this transmission appears incomplete or incorrect, please riotify our office immediately. Thank you. r �j ��, [y x CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1100 Town &Country. Road, Suite, 1200 'Orange; California 92668 -.(714) 560-8200 - Fax 17,14) 560-821`1A ''".. BRANCH OFFICE LOCATIONS. ': y r �; 1 + .� a� ' 4'4' " F Diegp�,Sacrament6 -'Phoenix 'Phoenix - Tucson �"� \+e i~�•r "�-wi ^� t *TM,��'��,.�!.y.rJ�-�S'tts. ^' tx.a�"r'�'. ix�. r " D '� S,.Sr' Y i$r r� t A -� ,. t.'-yci�.. ..~ • L �'r"ctti•1 ..` +Ma'''C�,'"=p.�` r+- .«+.y,ti � � ;7 � . _-. l..'`ws•'*.,a!.��. j_,F�""yr, a^ �a�DG' _ P ' TAIT & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers To whom it may concern Re: ARCO PayQuik Support colwnns Depth of bury 7 No modification to the previous calculations are provided. estaofished 1964 Civil • Surveying • Environmental 2M The 8" x,8" x 3/16" steel tube columns is adequate for shear for the wind loads as .determined by previous calculation. At conditions when the depth of burg is less than the thirty six itches of design. but greater than IS" from the bottom of the column to the finished surface the follov; ine modification to the column base shall be performed in order to achieve additional grip t bearing witWn the` footing pour: . r Bore / drill through the bottom of the column, .3" above the bottom of the column 3/4 dia. hole(s) (one for bury benveen 36" to 27", two for bury between 27" and 18" ) and repeat at the perpendicular side 3" above the lower hole(s). Install through the holes 24" 119 x 5/8" dia. rebar dowels. The dowels do not need to be tied to the surrounding cage. The dowels should project equally from each side of the column. Please refer to the detail below., y TF I ' iiia{i{i{ r C r' 1 t4,1 - k t k `27" 2 _ -Ib ` II'D 5 . - , ' 1 100 Town & Country Road / Suite 1200 !Orange, CA 92668 /'(7,14) 560-82001 (714) 560-8211 FAX El. LAR. F. •iSt i1 �� •. •. TOTAL R. 002 ., 'frs�'t r' .` .f.r .ti'�.. r- �• �',...r..e.:�..'��'£i'C-�:.._to.-.,-....w.:..�.. _�,..s.•,.ii'_aL�':: 2 , 342 2M The 8" x,8" x 3/16" steel tube columns is adequate for shear for the wind loads as .determined by previous calculation. At conditions when the depth of burg is less than the thirty six itches of design. but greater than IS" from the bottom of the column to the finished surface the follov; ine modification to the column base shall be performed in order to achieve additional grip t bearing witWn the` footing pour: . r Bore / drill through the bottom of the column, .3" above the bottom of the column 3/4 dia. hole(s) (one for bury benveen 36" to 27", two for bury between 27" and 18" ) and repeat at the perpendicular side 3" above the lower hole(s). Install through the holes 24" 119 x 5/8" dia. rebar dowels. The dowels do not need to be tied to the surrounding cage. The dowels should project equally from each side of the column. Please refer to the detail below., y TF I ' iiia{i{i{ r C r' 1 t4,1 - k t k `27" 2 _ -Ib ` II'D 5 . - , ' 1 100 Town & Country Road / Suite 1200 !Orange, CA 92668 /'(7,14) 560-82001 (714) 560-8211 FAX El. LAR. F. •iSt i1 �� •. •. TOTAL R. 002 ., 'frs�'t r' .` .f.r .ti'�.. r- �• �',...r..e.:�..'��'£i'C-�:.._to.-.,-....w.:..�.. _�,..s.•,.ii'_aL�':: TAIT & ASSOCIATES, INC DATE-: 10/23/96 Fax Cover Sheet F 'Service i' Engineering, Surveying & Environmental ull rvil TO: -City of La Quirlr-a Dldg. Dept-- ATTN: Kirk Kirkwood FROM: Jose H. Gandara- FAX #: 619 777-7011. SUBJ: Revised Footing Drawing JOB #: 1= We are transrilitting 2 pages, including this cover sheet. As requested,- attached is the revised footing d-rawing for the ARCO As previously -discussed (PIC) Project site in La,Quinta. Payquick the inner island location for one of the PIC's needed special foating. Please call me at '714-560-.8200, if -you have any' questions or, concerns Pa 4A Jose H.. Gandard,1,1 If this transmission appears incomplete orincorrect, pl6ase notify our office immediately. Thank you. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1100 Town & Country Road, Suite 1200 - Or*ang'e_,-California�92668 - (71.4) 560-8200 - Fax (714) 560-8211 r. % BRANCH OFFICE LOCATIONS f -sanbie'go"- Sacramento - ConLordzPholenix - Tucson 2 Fl 1 16 311r# DEFORMED STEEL DOWEL 14' LONG - 16 O.C. - EMSEOWENTiNTO EXISTING SLAB T. S* .3/16, POSY -i S31 -OW 0 24' #3 BARS 0 tit O.C. E.W. IW LRS ER SCI. r7. K.LOWABLE ALL FCOT114" ShA—I PrNETRATC KID NATURAL SOIL /APPRCVED CO-PAC',Z:) 11.E AS INCICATE3 PASSNE '11PSMANCE VSTD. AcjjSr SPACING 0' hCAIZONTAL V-10" M.EP RE'.Ow S -R TIES ASOVE AND MOW TYP. EXPANSION JOINT' "17#6 vrFrlc*. "A" Ccwk�tv SPACED i DE-ICRIO!) Ski TIES AS NECESSARY. 3 O iopC.'Ai / _��fj � ' rA 4! Ot x 7 A SEEL TUSE #3 BARS 0 If C. E.W. PAY POINT K10SK FOOTING Q�TAI! - A 4E-' SLAG C E COLOR F TCM EXISTING ADJAC ,.�,�' .� TYP. ISLAN EXPANSIOLI-i 711tr. of pqr 7, z-F F-7 1.5 eVRS 0 19- O.C. E. I& 4 r4'0' C L 7 X 4 X Ile If II' I s1w. BASE PI •LATE CONCRETE COLOR & F MATCH EXISTING ADJAC p BASE P T S ET(RRACTOR QaEQRT DETAIL TYP. ISLAND- EXPANSION. &NF SCALE I* X LLIP. IM, Ya 1 16 311r# DEFORMED STEEL DOWEL 14' LONG - 16 O.C. - EMSEOWENTiNTO EXISTING SLAB T. S* .3/16, POSY -i S31 -OW 0 24' #3 BARS 0 tit O.C. E.W. IW LRS ER SCI. r7. K.LOWABLE ALL FCOT114" ShA—I PrNETRATC KID NATURAL SOIL /APPRCVED CO-PAC',Z:) 11.E AS INCICATE3 PASSNE '11PSMANCE VSTD. AcjjSr SPACING 0' hCAIZONTAL V-10" M.EP RE'.Ow S -R TIES ASOVE AND MOW TYP. EXPANSION JOINT' "17#6 vrFrlc*. "A" Ccwk�tv SPACED i DE-ICRIO!) Ski TIES AS NECESSARY. 3 O iopC.'Ai / _��fj � ' rA 4! Ot x 7 A SEEL TUSE #3 BARS 0 If C. E.W. PAY POINT K10SK FOOTING Q�TAI! - A 4E-' SLAG C E COLOR F TCM EXISTING ADJAC ,.�,�' .� TYP. ISLAN EXPANSIOLI-i 711tr. of pqr 7, z-F F-7 1.5 eVRS 0 19- O.C. E. I& 4 r4'0' C L 7 X 4 X Ile If II' I s1w. BASE PI •LATE CONCRETE COLOR & F MATCH EXISTING ADJAC p BASE P T S ET(RRACTOR QaEQRT DETAIL TYP. ISLAND- EXPANSION. &NF SCALE I* X LLIP. IM, Z;` w"* -•. '.`',35< � "t: �' .J j -, $ '- .. .y" ie'. �i^.% �'t.. .•L�s ^,� s.$^.�.'�:t- titt` .}i 4�"' •`,rl.°? IT vy TAIT & ASSOCIATES° INC. �' ' . '�' �• sti z 13UILDINIG O E 1 , v XNERIt"1 c1 ' L J FOR -CON -54' 1. R — v ..:� 1.5' ....� TTti -I O I� -- -__ +�`vt�ai3 l✓�-j Li 1l .�.� � _ dD- LL ,�f'P�IC, BLF { { — • Y � T rG� o ` t ' —�6rti.�s e•1n eA OF t t -4 pto --- Flo}e, �---=----- �'14�_�'orce,'.slab- w/ .. —= �__—_—..— . ' `L ._..__—_- tom- •_.___—_ - - , _.. - 1 — "_` � � �. '� ..: t*T+lc"`"f:.�"- � f'.."yr. �; i�:''rin� � ^' �^e�.� .r r w - rn }>�s i ,:w ,7�' StS"°'ti :�r+�`t.f' •aili' r.�t a"� C r s, '!' m Ae.O Skt 'E } �- i ✓4 _�:y.� . i'.r#... y,� 3t 1 ..�`rvod'�$ �'� � � r� ..,.. Y ".. "wci • � �, , � PROJ-.`�SECTK ,- TAIT &ASSOCIATES; INC. _' _ _ DATE 9lo .f •—f—'----r�.�.... _—.•—.- --1� _._ ! — at+ _� - f _ —__'_.Tri ;3 Y'� w , ,� A✓ _ C -7-;77 i }t i ,�--. }.f/.�.>,.(i ['.x,1._1..,1' 1 (TAT aI 4 I :S�{ - -T^ -.S i � •��IL it' `�•Irt—m !, i r- f _ � C� sl —' i 1r r ���1,y�~ 1� ! r/ � { , � I {..,. , I---f-�---1;,�;�_.—r—� _;_�. �4*�I--(f�R`-,...l;l,t�—��f';�BT - 't� '_�_.__��'}✓�I� f =" '� •�''r..�.._..r� C��.��;' - —In—i II' I�Y '{ �Y �It b Yi., '.~ �J• G- •� r� '�..,�, { �.:, C s — 2— .� 2 '_'--• -' ----'1. ---- -'__'�-_�——�'-�—� I_ �"_.___ -_1 ' r —K �� ---i -1—;- _ /� } !. .tip -r �' Y Fs . F17 l { 0(.0- - x - I , - iL I K... - L�I rp 2.54 •6) - ri � T e r / 2 ----- 6eo-r 3128 ct.eroA I r�� = Ioo-. psi'= -�'_-- ;. I4A, f _ ••� .w': �;..a i. t#�'i"`'�' -'4 � ix+--4t?_ .M�.�.}�� a� :. � � ^� :yat--1 ; o�,,��_ss �«n � t �,.."..� 7 _ iILt- 0 SHT OF f• 7�-M'St.- 11 t t �, yY ��t �' },5... .+ —' �'$�"�,#`� '".-'.fi1�:'xv� tr :i. • NJ.a�.�: %iw t+i� - ar., r �„1+ �„}� �Y:' � ,�d_PROJECT s h DATE 9`�q� 9i0 S'Y', TAIT &'ASSOCIATES; IW. -- ___ F I •I. t. 1 771— Z.,— t -�, pe:r.,3,2-. _1 �� ��ob __ _.. , - ----- -- -- - _ w�.h--bc- erl �-1....- . ��Q« - �.. �lor�::__ e.r I�_t.3:3_____.---_= �.2.--:25_'P'.►'15 -_-�`- I C5 c, -f u no I < _ ' 125- 3',Xo • �';/ISo 4o -_ --- LAIo•cAnw TO O.Ta — TWANS PAV , FlIOrOITY'LINrJ HANDICAP ItAW- L+Lsaa Wn' KATM OLP76Y AIMAIAT1:111, OI.1'OWN YVATUR MlmDt INltl•ATION 1010Im TIILTMONM 2- HATOt *A -MY ' FIRe Mf'CIll"WT • Tv*,0. Ard;Pbk '. Notes'-, � •1400 424Lu1111011101MM AiN'" U AMU AW DO MIC WAMP AMMIAVZ-MOWWZrMW NEM Aft AL41WJE = - �/Rovaislm r oaa AAL+ A� .• ass O mm r ww NMl Amr AAOiit1< O ,�ia-r_>/liAlr�irao AMM WN UM.Amry • r Aw a wAL mom NELI wwr Lm Aar //r• ADE MOr m rAUS O ri�nlip A� m 2�M iMll RW Rwrl AW ~a~oM Aar 1/11• A@ MW m MAIM mxu Am N Maas -- mm r awes" Wwr urs Aar ve Am mor m ago 0 RAW /' COMP& AP AW AM�AOI Ate' - u MR AU AR SS4Lr A MAIM O AM MWr KKWo'�IClat At®t9 O r as ACM AAO MMCM WMW UIQ _ I4 Melt RM7ti/ am Alfie p MW a.0114cm Alam Index of Drawings SHTF DESCRIPTIONS REV. DATE AS1-1 SITE PIAN C O A-! PLAN & DETAILS Z �• V A-4 DETAILS ! SECiUM ars U A -B GENEFW DETAILS 0 Notes: 276 IliPjEL rc �mimmmyj TW MMITO ,°' 11NKS10r 2 0 ALL Da: mmL r mimr 1N^06PEN�.ALO Rr1 PiAm AID 11RIN-1N[ OHIO" sam-am 1. ONl01•!.LOG/M>fl$'- TO L1AO 1. ONBON I NA2AM Ma LEON REMAXEMEMM 07 ALL 0O1OIN► FRON /Wrd. O13 099 6UNM.A1D THEE MOORAGE TANID OWL K SfDIND OfI11 CaOUSE�tlos.11P!'[YY i111MM AT A PONR *'W 111RONN1 RAOR IN aNLOM © mmm POM -F® EOR IS1A10 CAM 00MOW ln= ORAOE MO 0000 TO NRi Vff OIAW. ROMME Eb11N0 000ICIORS AND IIIOMOE .MEN OOMDU'10A5. AN IROMR®. 0 anumOOMWANalON 410 EOR BU10 CIM - INmmm 0010WE saw DRAW AND 0000 TO No 'MT OUCR'. R[l1011[ DIMMO C AMIMI ANO PROMS NEM NAES AS. MEMxMM © Wm acm comm 6LMD 0M REAM COW, PANEL 'if MD DREIO AS'SHM TO UPS 3V3TEM M MOVAM OFFICE. 7D /m/Amp� 12W/12W uPs StS m AIE1 mA PORQ OpNERI - O/F10Ew D1AC1 IDCAI OPICK OR EQUAL 01 WIR111 MC" D1MlMk THE LI FEID FOR NEII'PAT QUIOC TO BE RgfRL TO OtlM SpE Of THE IAS CITY'OFLAUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT COINDITIf.)NALLY >--4--@@`PINED FOR CONSTRUCTION CONC. CURBR '."./:Sh:.^. :`.^..7 St.'eat ----- ^ LLA" i ION AS PER AND ALL APPLICABLE CODES t{ .. µ SATE BY - AS BUILT SITE PLAN.- — s J�9�¢�0 of ���\F� � � 8 916 .. EV161ON8 1 "law I Existing ,,AZ40 am/pm e.t:ro j Fac: itv c 112 W `t0 0. c 4 E 'c > � `�� W"r ac�V � 3 0 O C LN • d o aet O c J Q N cc 0 m m vI C O C Z �• V H � . co ars U 66'E 0 c� U EsC W �c � d W' � Zz -j� SAWCUr AND REMOVE EbTINO SPANDREL TO REMAIN TAiO REMOVE POiRTION OF ISLAND -_ SWCUT c i _ SAWCUT (TYPICAL) PORTION OF ISLAND ND (TMP.) REPLACE EXIST. COLUMN ! MADDING IN KIND . REPLACE I�w Ell0 0E O AI 0 0 . m m o I " I I I I � t. - I I -• I 1 SEE TYPICAL OTHER SIDE o t DETAIL—A PLAN FRONT:, ISLANDS PLAN SCALE 1/4 - 1•-V SCALE 1 _ / 1 .COLUMN R MADDING .- - TO MADDING3WN TYP. • NEW 4* HPE BUMPER -NEW PAY QUICK MACHINE ' CONC. FIi i m (TIP. WITH LEN CON. FOUNDATION �: • . . BOSIDES OF J LNFAINj NEW COW. FINISH AND SAWCUr DYHCW ' COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING FLJISH (TMP) c - .. ; 9- RADIUS (IYPICAL) FLUSH 36 NIM 14 ,Ni' MAX ,Ni MAX 1'-tY 3-9 3/4'3 1'-11' 3-9 3/43 DETAIL —A D SCALE 1/2• - 1'-U' SCAL NEW PAY WICK MACHINE .. EXISTING SPANDREL TO RETRAIN , ftF]IOVE �SELTION. OF RETRACTOR BAR EXIFL.CNIL k, MADDING M REMAIN (TVP.) _.`HF MAK. _.f-ew MSL `J 3 I EXISTING RETRACTOR BAR TO RFLN I I --- I I I I • 0 0 � 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 � L - (+� i.��(1. REMGVE LCR La+rt (TYHLx, E r RADIUS r , r A-6 m m m ED O. O O 06 DESEE TAIL TYPICAL OTHER 'SIDE E 5 p O REAR ISLAND N s �!{ �.Wo a v l..w TO REMAIN,�. ,1. NEW CO PIPE BUMPER NEW PAY OUICK MACHINE O. Q ; CON. FILLED (IVP. - WITH NEW CON. FOUNDATION MACHPIO BOT14 SOB °F NEV COTIC. FINISH AND SAWCUf (TYPICAL) COLOR TO MAT04 EXISTING FLUSHO c 0 O O A-8 _ .... • PAI US (TML) MC • E _ o a E d 3e* MIN -0 MAX -� � TTY O LA Q U - A 3'- 3 1' • LNG & SAFETY DEPA TMENT ETAIL - B CONDITIONALLY ACCr-�_',ED FOR CONSTRU SON SUBjEC T TO INSTALLA; i IG» AWER ^ AND ALL APPLICABLE CODE • W 14 ick MAX. ATC RV O SEAL -OFF c,YPHCPL, ELEVATION FRONT ISLAND . t - , WHEN EXTETIDINC SERVICE TO NEW ISLAND LOCATIONNOi v ccoVsn BY pro ELEVATION SCALE 1/4' 1•-V . • OREIIO EXISTING LCR UNIT. INSTALL W. P. J-BOX, MOUNT WITHIN CLADDING AS POSSIBLE, SCALE 1/4 I' -Cr 1� MIN. - 24 MAX. A.F.F. PAINT TO MATCH ADJACECENT M FINISH. b O INSTALLNEW 2-7/470 PVC COATED RICO CONDUIT FROM J-BQX UNDER SLAB TO NEW PAY QUICK 8 SEAL � KK15K. INSTALL OFFS As REoIARm. AND PAINT TO MATCH ADJACENT FINISH. @ INSTALL NEW 2-3/40 RIGH CONDUIT FROM J -BOX OVERHEAD. ABOVE CANOPY DECK TO OUTER ISLAND UM COLN. ATTACH TO COWMN MID DECAL AS PER NEC. WHERE REQUIRED - PNM M MATCH ADJACENT FINISH. INSTALL ONLY WHEN NO EXISTING I.C.R. EXIST (REFER TO SITE PLAN). . - . (DIF EXISTING LCR. AND NO EXTENSION REWIRED THEN INTERCEPT EXISTING CONDUIT BELOW SLAB. g�^ EXTEND AND RE-ROUTE TO NEW PAY OLRCK LOCATION - PULL, NEW CONDUITS. - 3°3 CONDITION Z sous LE S- ISLAM 11 1 vtiTjmw;VIA IIII is Vi O v' C Iv -1 342 M►a LI�trEolo�o /5/96 FRAIL DESIGN COORDINATION W t v a i IL O W Zia O v v 7/25/96 CL,AVLI•RR anion 41118,11111bA-Z II 5 RR D:\AR6O\PATOUICK\CON-1 • / • - P orw SCALE ]/4' - 1'-Q , - •• CD M 8 : �. (((� Zy♦ rN1_ DDDO� 7 ZZZ Z 3 --_ __ ______________________________ I.• L-- _ ______---_ — __-------_J 9 r r it ` � m � / ' • - E Z� —tib—T- I \. I I • r o _ m h --V Np m rig, MENSiON BOX Or MAX Ch C y W y ` rH \\ \\ \\ \\ JCPj a Z \ \ \ \ (D ©\ \ \ Z 12 ye�apQQ,, u—r• m N Z o C' U 0 TI ; r CD > 0 DOUBLE SIDED UNIT (DSU) - ($1 LE ED IWfAS$MILAR) t N I NEW 'PAY QUICK' REMODEL 0 Z M O Products Company FOR ' SCNL.UMBEROER BQUIPMEN OHL cn c �7 oi.l w ` • � � g � , �' •Rs WN M� eting. DesiOn S Engineering DETAILS S SECTIONS `� C�nt�rpol Drlv�� Sul 800" + - e P 00623-5069. (714) 970-5800 • - - _ _ 3/5„ Ddwrrad steel Ev--i- i� wtth - . du el 1C bd - 1rAll _ Petroleum mietont `® embadrtant lrMo materiel. &eke . - _ U -coal 3204 a ` T NTRACTOR TO PROVIDE - •� SaaalRaatkm j C ' NJJTES • + O 1 o.� e...- Q UPS O COBlE� F EACH SSP TD'JUNCTION ON COMMUNICATION O 4 . g3 Do' a 3''dab - 7 k - - O2 LOCATE APPROXIMATELY S FT. ( EYE LEVEL) FROM FLOOR LEOEL. : - ` 0 " r y gdatwmed bar Uan equally paced I _ ' • - 3O. LOCATE J -80x. INIIItFACE AND 9 1000 WITHIN 2 Fr. CL O O 3 • tap _ - - OF EACH OTHER O Q . MASTER 7 • i o.a - RIMER Mount 11ANIJF RECOMMENDATION is. . - VERNPHONE VEIt�HNONE 201 O fELFO BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION ►, •� ... !..r.•.'„,♦ O ALL BOXES PER AC1UifR'S RECO MENDA MOUNT UPS TO WALL ungm0 SUBSTANTIAL BRACIETS CMABLE OF SPAINTI G T SMAT SHEAF SiNEXISTING. C .. `I PH PAD RN PAD AND PAINTING 711 MATCH IIG- � . O CITY ARM) 9 Oak ARCO MASTER STAVE 091 591 ----! 8 - PAYPOINT P6 18 AWG 2 -WORE ' c O - 4 . NODE)I. TWISTED PAIR 7HHN p TYP. EXPANSION JOINT 'DEI AIL W/SEALANT .- C =o �� GAS AND OIL �T O SCALE 1' _ 1'-0' - - a !: E/O�� T dear . N7z- t. MRS: • .'' •�.,, TOKHEIM JB J (SUN P/N 08-10070-00) PZ P3 NM- 87A BOX W I 3/CP CONDUIT TYP. �•, e C / (r l k - r + .. PUMPS 2 ( = 1 100 R. RUN MAX. EACH S} 9,000 SIJ.1 1 F O DfiFAF i - JuncrloN Box � (eY ARCO) y EdeDng column 1/2 caul - - O_ E1 .. at.W tree /18 .y CONTRACTOR .. E PAY POINT KIOSK FOOTING DETAIL - A . CONTRACTOR scuE N.T.S. g3 ban O 18' a.a ew. LO(AL QUilqT-e PANEL BN 200 3 FT. CITY � ��, ,Q �� p` DU NA)L �,iW] OF (A . 20 AMP • ADO NEW BRKR 10 FT. TYPICAL �w p pp), ��•- __E `7, ' . - - - - FOR END ! - Fig • 6 i I E T i D E M ^' . � 03 aoreb. tyPin� WIRE SCHEMATI S M .& RTIVI �1l� tum dwn O end SCALE N.T.S. j 1 g4 bar O ad" - I C�l �I �, �, 4 ACCT -P , ED FOR STIR( ��r � . - • Concrete color Q fimmh I. to Burka ' U-eear S L.J ♦� rEV ( f O I I `� STA L L A I I O IN match W tbV ad)ac.id �aurfaoe 32114 or egad F TYP, ISLAND EXPANSION & RETRACTOR BAR SUPPORT —D AND ALL APPLICABLE CO S . SLUE 1• - V' Cr I/2' CONDUIT ` • . i.5 2-/ 12 BY r i -y CONTRACTOR 5 LLIy. LOCAL So. Z PANEL 9NGLE 20 AMP ounE'r BY _ 7/15. _ ADD tMV BRKR ATE.. - -ran of - - 10 Fr. TYPK'AL I 08-IOOB1-00 IOKHEW To, FOR Bm 69 BOX PHONE 201 I PHONE 201 RN PAD 11/15 C or T ' - S 58-10079-M -0078-00,� _ 3/Ce CONDUIT PAYPOINT MISTER 8 SLAVE 100 Fr. RUN MAX. EACH - v • - MODEM 960 980 2 ExleUnq column . - 18 AWG 2 -WIRE Y . MKHEIM (� TWISTED PAIR THF91 Y/ eted tube /16 .. etnl. tube Sawrul 67A BOX PRINTER REId CANT OIL _ g3 ban O 15 0.0 a w. CONTRACTOR Ie9n, lebnd (N) UPS `r 1/i (. f .PUMPS BK 280 • - S 5 - - 11 15 e '`•C yi"� .' ., � g3 doreLe 4 lypbol 'IL tlorn O and 04 ba O edge (M ) SDSU SU = DOUBLE GLE SIDED UNI 3 W ■t Bae. Pkft rF S WIRE SCHEMATIC (TOKHEIM) Z 'd Cl Conant. color h finch H to Burke ' U --r SCALE N.T.S. - .. . b 3.5 - • motel• .eldblg odi—d o.ffaon 3204 or egad NgEO ARC DATE 9/3/99 T!P!T^ b BASE PLATE (RETRACTOR SUPPORT) DETAIL -B TYP. ISLAND' -EXPANSION & RETRACTOR" "BAR SUPPORT -E �' .`, e' 1 9/5/98 FINAL DESIGN COORDPWIDN SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE ,1� 1'-V. - /ftdft pi/�. � t , i 7 J! 411111,1141111/ft • t t - 342 :." {