SA 2005-936 (SIGN)A4 Spry TWT P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495.CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 9225.3 November 28, 2005 Mr. Charles Bass Donco & Sons, Inca 1410 N. Daly St: Anaheim, CA 92806 RE: Sign Approval SA: 05-936,' . (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Dear Mr. Bass: In. regards to the above subject, this Department has approved your application to replace existing sign lettering, remove existing signs, and add two additional face - interchangeable, point-of-purchase signs at'46=150 Washington Street, on behalf of.. . Arco Station #5896. Upon consideration .of the Sign Code under Section. 9.160.030 and the approved One Eleven "La Quinta Sign- Program, we have approved your proposed lettering signage exhibit, identified as "Exhibit A." This approval. is subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval is limited to a total. of 73.5 square feet of signage placed on three sides .of the building. 25.5 square feet shall involve the re -facing of three existing. signs, and the addition of two new point-of-purchase wall signs at 24 square feet each. The no''thwest.and southwest elevation. shall each be installed with* one 3'x8' internally -illuminated, face -interchangeable, point-of-purchase signs, totaling 48 square feet. The west .elevation's existing sign shall be refaced with 13" inch AM PM lettering, totaling. 22.5. square feet. The canopy awning logo circles shall be refaced with two, round,' 18" diameter, 1.5. square foot logo .signs totaling 3 square feet. The lettering is to be designed, * located, and constructed in accordance with the approved "Exhibit A" for SA 2005-936. Color scheme shall not deviate from the approved, "Exhibit A." No additional signage, electrical boxes, or other mechanical equipment not identified in, the sign permit application shall be installed. PAAndy's\Signs\SA 05-936\SA 05 936.rtf 2. Approval of this sign permit is contingent upon the removal of six (6) point- of-purchase poster -type. signs totaling 36 square feet, as identified on the existing building sign layout page of "Exhibit A." Signage associated with this sign application, SA -'05-936, may not be installed until -these .existing . signs have been removed. 3. The applicant is responsible for proper sign .maintenance and compliance with . other general sign standards as set "forth in the City'ssign code (Section 9.160.030), as well as procuring any. required. building permit(s). This includes 'maintaining and cleaning the unit to prevent the accumulation of debris. Failure to do so. may result in further action pursuant, to Section 9.160.120. . 4. Approved internal sign lighting shall be adjusted to appear at a level consistent with other lighted "signs in the vicinity. City Staff reserves -the - right to modify this level at any time shall the level of illumination .be deemed to exceed that which is approved under Section 9.160.030 of the Sign. Code or under the approved sign program for the One Eleven La .Quinta Center-. Decisions maybe appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section, provided the application . requirements of said Section are met within 15 days' from the date of this letter. The filing fee for an appeal .'application is: $175.00. Should you needany clarification or otherinformation in regard to this matter, or if you have any questions; please do not hesitate to contact me at.(760) 777-7068. . Sincerely, Andrew J. Mogensen Associate Planner " AM/am encl. c; Building and Safety "Department Code Compliance' Division. File: SA 2005-936 PAAndy's\Signs\SA 05-936\SA 05 9.36:rtf SIGN PROPOSAL` ' 4 - il.Fa Vit` �` SIGN CHEDULE�' illing K9 IN Nor, 0 44 J , _ �ti�xr.^ CODE, v _ 1G� -,A _ ni4%"k'.. 4:. m. n. T�� QTYSQFTTOTAL DESCRIP lO'N ... x£r� _ . _J�.. aFh Y.++ ,. �:J, NS"vm t+ 1x"� 'f __ _REMAyRKS� x 22.5.. 22.5 NEW CHNL-.•LTRS.' OVER.FRONT ENTRANCE t ..A 13" AM PM LETTERS 1 B POINT OF PURCHASE SIGN -2 24- '48. NEW WALL SIGN ON/EITHER;SIDE OF BLDG. C. " 18" CANOPY BUTTON SIGNS 2 1:5 , '3, p TO REPLACE EXISTING SIGNS ON CANOPY -.. .. � � - y. - 4•. ^"; '.tit v .41 TOTAL SIGN AREA = 71.5:"-SQ.FT NOTE: THE FOLLOWINGAPPLIES TO. ALL "ELECTRICAL SIGNS U.L. LABELS fXTERNALDISCONNECT�SWITCHES CO,NNECT TO EXISTING -ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT r3 f « t' T�� ` �j. .f _ w t. E � r 4 ` y +. ' * ,� 1 ,�. i t 3 . `e j•! DONCO & SONS,ARCO.PRODUCTS COMPANY �,.. 14.10 N. DALY ST. 4 CENTERPOINT DRIVE ANAH E I M;. CA 92806 • ,a LA: PALMA, ' CA 90623 d ,ifi 7:14-254-0194. JOHN'.BARBER t� ST. LIC: 43561;6 �; 714-254-0099` ti C`10' C45 C.64,. .. , .. •y a " - a a...�>� pfi�. 'c � `Jar = '.:= r�• r : � PR E T ter_ . :®B!i NEW,SIGN LAYOUT` IMAGE ARCO STATION # 5896 ,k A A UPGRADE 46150 W_ ASHINGTON.+ST ' � • T � r NEW COLORS_&:LAYOUT -A C UfNTA, CA • � c -. w � v � � s t 4a y t- hr t 1 .� ) ; t ,� yr y + •+ �: DATE 10/28/2005 i t, ' `� r k~ a r�. ..