SA 2010-1484vq� P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 .October 28, 2010 Mr. Sergio Rodriguez LQ Wine 46-520 Washington Street, Ste. #1 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SIGN APPLICATION 2010-1484: LA QUINTA WINE Dear Mr. Rodriguez: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for two building -mounted sign for "La Quinta Wine", located at 46-520 Washington Street, Suite #1, within Washington Park. The approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. This sign permit is for two building -mounted sign for "LQ WINE"; one sign per elevation. The sign materials, location, and illumination are per approved plans on file with the Planning Department (SA 10-1484). 2. Each sign shall not exceed an area greater than thirteen (13) square feet. The signs shall be centered above the tenant's entrance and at the back of the building. The maximum letter height for the sign shall be eighteen (18) inches. 3. The applicant shall obtain a building permit for all electrical work prior to placement of the sign on the building facade. 4. The sign letters, sign size and location shall conform to the approved Sign Program for Washington Park. (SA 2003-682). 1 have enclosed two stamped approved copy of the plan for your records. Should you have any .questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ERIC CEJ Assistant Planner c: Building & Safety Department Bin # City of La Quints Building &TSafety DMdon Perrltf< # P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Cage Tampko La Qmbta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 1 Buildidg Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Projee t Address: tJ Owner's Name: 1,4- ✓ /11� (,J i V! A. P. Number: Address: � Description: oma, tie�C� CRY. ST, zip: Contrs�ctor Telephone: •7� ©— 71 1— 42%/_ Address: City. ST, Zip:i�Jyld Telephone: Z('�2Q -6 Staff Lie. #: %2 ZSrJ—z Arch., EW., Designer: Ad*=: City, Sr, zip: Telepbone: State Lk. #: Neste of Conma Pin: Tdephon© # of Contact person: B Submittal Plan Set Structural Clea. Truss Calcs. 71de 24 Cale:. Flood pWn plan Grading plan Subcontactor 1,6t Grant Deed H.O.A. Approval IN HOUSE:- Planuing Approval Pub. Wks. Appr School Fees x'220 / Lie. #, Prat/get Description: S O/c �i✓%�102 Construction Type: SCEs ^r eY: Project type (circle one): Add'n Alga Repair Demo # stories: / # Units: 3 9 '6 :57�r Estimated Value of Pmjeat: ;2-0 O 0. rk7 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BMOW THIS LINE Rev'd Plan Refli Calle Plam Plans 2__R Calle Plum Plam ,'d Rs Calix Date a T RACIMG Check tatbasitted PERMIT FEES Iter Aaaouat W4 ready for corrections Paas Crede Deposit I Contact Person Paan Cre:dc Balance. adeked up Coastmctioa resubmitted Meebaakd flew, ready for correctlonvInue Electrical J Cbntiet Person Plumblag picked up SAU resabmitted ------------ Gr*Olag New, ready for eorrectionsAme Developer Impact Fee d Contact Person A.LP.P. of permlt issue Total Permit Fees