SA 2007-1167Cv TaT August 2, 2007 Ms.. Fine M. Score, Riofine Sign Company 68-895 Perez Rd., Bldg. I, Ste. 18 Cathedral City, CA 92234 SUBJECT: SIGN APPLICATION. 2007-1167 DIVAS OF THE DESERT Dear Ms. Score: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for a permanent illuminated signs for Divas of the Desert, located at 46-660 Washington Street, Suite 6, within Washington Park. 'The approval is subject to the following. Conditions: 1. This sign permit -is for one building -mounted illuminated channel letter sign. The sign size, materials, and location are per approved'plans.on file.with the Planning Department:. 2. The Divas of the Desert sign shall not exceed twenty-two. (22) square feet in -area. 3.. The sign letters, sign size and location shall conform to the approved Sign Program for Washington Park. (SA 20037682). 4. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to installation of the signs. I have enclosed two stamped approved copies of the plans for your records. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ERIC CEJA Assistant Plan er c: Building & Safety Department Code Compliance Department ( ; P.O: Box 1504- • LA QUI NTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-.495 CALLR TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777=7000 -.FAX (760) 7'77-7101 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 2) OLTG-1-C DATE PROJECT NAME OSI Som� PROJECT ADDRE T HONE Building Permit PRINCIPAL DESIGNER-LGHTI ING ^ O TELEPHONE ea e nnr.►iMFNTATION AUTHOR ! n �-. _ r rr-,/1 ` �-,. <. cin EnforoementAgency Use GENERAL INFORMATION DA -1 t Ur I LAN•• - - - FUNCTION TYPE ❑ OUTDOOR LIGHTING UTOOOR SIGNS INDOOR SIGNS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITIONS ❑ ALTERATIONS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists outdoor lighting system specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed outdoor lighting and signs design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 110, 119,130 through 132, 146, and 149 of Title 24, Part 6. Please ✓ one: ❑ 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer or electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. ❑ 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537,5538 and 6737.1. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 2 of 2) OLTG-1-C CER _ _ Schedules on ❑ Lighting power allowances for general site illumination on OLTG-2-C Part 1 of4 0 ❑ Not Applicable ❑ local ordinances or for security multipliers on OLTG-2-C Part 2 of 4 Lighting power allowances for ❑ Not Applicable ❑ c applications, other than vehicle service stations with canopies on OLTG-2-C Part 3 of 4 Lighting power allowances for specifi ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Lighting power allowances for vehicle service station canopies on OLTG-2-C Part 4 of 4 r \ ❑ Not Applicable lighting compliance on OLTGA-C Not Applicable ndatory Measures on Plans Show that outdoor Lighting Meets Outdoor Lighting Controls and Equipment -1-n. nf Nnte Block for Mandato Measure ❑ Installed lighting power has been determined in accordance with § 130(c)1 ❑ tint Applicablewatt or are ❑ All permanently installed luminaires with lamps rated over 100 watts either have a lamp efficacy of at least 60 lumens per controlled by a motion sensor § 132(a) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Ail Luminaires with lamps rated greater than 175 watts. in hardscape areas, including parking lots, building entrances, canopies, and all outdoor sales areas meet the Cutoff Requirements of § 132(b) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ All permanently installed.outdoor lighting meets the Control Requirements of § �32(c) I ❑ Not Applicable d outdoor sales areas meet the Multi -Level Lighting Requirements of § 132(c) ❑ Building facades, parking lots, garages. canopies, -'an '. ❑ Not Applicable MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS AREA CONTROLLED NOTE To CONTRO CONTROL CONTROL TYPE FIELD L LOCATION IDENTIFICATION Auto Time SwibchlPhotosensor, etc V I 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms I G & SAFETY 0 ED FOR CONSTRUCTION pril 2005 ATE---_ BY SIGN LIGHTING COMPLIANCE OLTG-4-C PROJECT NAME \ DATE J r O Alternative 2 — For Signs that ONLY use one or more of the Alternative 1 — Lighting Power Allowances technologies listed in M through S (Ch ck all that apply) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Allotted Watts Lam l Ballast Desl n Watts 90 M . z C N m .�. 7 0 C Yj D 7 3 rn ro o m -nz c v coo co a o 3 °' H c of �� n 0 m 3 ' �00' nm -n 3 0 fns coo 2;TQ m 0 0 03i 3 =. o ro� _a Oi 3 C Q c� �, W .per p his 6 R EL c� m �j�' �n y E 3 cn� N. C m o N_ 10 �ic v>°_' 07 0 _c� mc�m 3oH x o 303 N Description or ^ ^� m Q Nv � �x7 .W„j M N� 7 N N N * 2 N z J 3 fD C) fD N N (A .��. ql (D f0 f� R 5 fD Location '� v .J N Plat -n - r— F For Ilo"tte se 12 watts/square foot for Internally Illuminated Signs, and use 2.3 watts/ for Externally Illuminated Signs. Note: I Illuminated or Externally Illuminated sign contains light sources and ballasts other than those included in columns (M) through (S), such as incest aea s, medium base sockets, magnetic ballasts, etc, then the sign must comply under Alternative 1. However, unfiltered signs, and unfiltered o Internal) and External) illuminated signs, are not required to meet these Standards. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms Apr# 2005 F --97E 9-- '14 g V j5 Qf �� o,aQ•y u m'ov,ro-.��: oo�'oa-•, inmCDm- 7a� : CCD 1 ON09 C) CAp)p�'. CD om ca O^'�tl' �T s=l m a -o?czCD m•0 = Q ur o •'- ro o � Do 0-o > 1zOriz=��-:a sn � iXR. co ioz Sp DO tz i X p co G-) 0��m� � N -�mc `D O —1 z c') m m -0 '14 g V j5 Qf �� o,aQ•y u m'ov,ro-.��: oo�'oa-•, inmCDm- 7a� : CCD 1 ON09 C) CAp)p�'. CD om ca O^'�tl' �T s=l m a -o?czCD m•0 = Q ur o •'- ro o � Do 0-o d 1 C-1) U) cv , 1zOriz=��-:a sn � iXR. co ioz on i X p co G-) ►rrl � N CD O —1 vzi c') =?a m m -0 d 1 G sn � iXR. co ® � ilt Co ._. N VQ � N Oq• N. �+C p CO 10!Oe .co co rn �n cl z..j Cn- �-+- — v CM:) m a G D m W 1 "� �n z..j �-+- — v CM:) m a t� 68895 Pere 2cotti3 g 'W'du i t e on thftwftG95111 idU366 Fax LIC a88131M C0MPANY I N C. C", 4.? V> C> ra n '1' -P: . I-? 4" ( Typical) �--- Trim Cap - 3/16" Thick Acrylic Fac Short Sleeve Wide Glass Tube Support Neon Tubing Passthru GTO with GTO Sleeving #3730 End Cap Wide UL Listed 24g Channel Letter o Weep Hole Fasteners To Suit Wall 1/4 anc or Construction Self Tapping Screws #10-12 x 3 #6856y Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day resident's Day Memorial Day ndepehd nce Day -abor Dal i IcAeran's Day "kDay silicone';si Di �- washe;r UL listed approved components 'Phis sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the national Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. this includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. . Job r\:, i `c� - (!W— /-n. r1�cr�r1-1 DA 3 Cathedral City Ca 92234 (760)321-2682 �L LISTED A RE -INSPECTION FEE OF $30 WILL BE CHARGED IF THE APPROVED PLANS AND JOB CARD ARE NOT ON THE SITE FOR A SCHEDULED INSPECTION. NO EXCEPTIONS! Wall ,1/2" watrerproof Conduit - Straight Connector Female Conduit ( UL Listed) with GTO Sleeving #3730 Enclosed Non -Weatherproof Transformer ( Self Contained UL 2161) Disconnect Switch (UL Listed) 2x4 Beam Ground Wire Ground Wire g3v,LD1 (3 & LA QU/N A Fo PPR®� SEPT, R CONS,-., ._ED � S ^ E-�W �^ N ...,�..,� �1D1�(���\ti■1\�ti�l�h�l�l ,.��...�� �;t"11"��� .� All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indica ed or lepresented by this drawing are owned by and property of ofine Neon.And were created evolved and developed for use on and in connection with the specified project. None of such Ideas desiggns, arrangements or plans shall be used by or disclosed fo any person,firm or corporation for any purpose whatsoever without the written Permission of Riofine Neon.