SA 2003-748 (SIGN)P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TANINCO LA •QU'INTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 December 22, 2003 (760) 777-7000 FAX (:7.60) 777-7101 ps n P Mr. Dennis Dinko Cover Graphics 68895 Perez Road, Suite 28 Cathedral City,. CA 92234 SUBJECT: SIGN APPLICATION 2003-748'- WINDERMERE REAL ESTATE The Community. Development Department .has reviewed your subject application, pursuant to Chapter 9.160• (Signs) of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code: This is to inform• you that the approval for the - requested signs is limited to the south and west elevations. The north.• elevation sign cannot be approved; as it is. not. identified in the approved sign program for the building. In' addition, the sign would not be permitted under the City Sign Regulations (Chapter 9'. 160), as the north elevation has no common or street frontage. . This approval is to . install, two building -mounted, business advertising signs at 31.25 and 42.7square feet, as shown on Exhibits A and B, approved copies of - which. are enclosed.. It is subject to the following conditions: .1. The applicant is responsible "for proper sign maintenance and compliance with other general sign standards as set forth in Section 9.160.030. of .the City's sign code, as well as procuring any required building permit. 2. The sign shall be established within one' year, commencing 12/22/03,. which shall constitute the date of approval for this sign. '3. Construction. ,of all building -mounted sign. copy shall ..consist of injection molded plastic letters, with no Illumination. All letters will be in a dark bronze finish, and will be affixed to the building with stud. mounting, as set forth in the approved sign program under SA, 2003-727. 4.. As stated in. this letter, no signs may be installed on. the building's north elevation, unless an amendment .to Sign Approval 2003-727 is presented for Planning Commission approval. This 'decision may. be appealed to the .Planning Commissio"n pursuant to Section. 9.200.120, provided the application requirements of said Section are met . within 15; days from the date of this letter. Should you need any clarification or further information in regard to this matter, or. if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 760-777-7069. 0 D 0 m T T' N L* I �m y 2 ; W ' - - W s r� -.' rn �- oo rn -P, N I: rp 0 ;0 x:A O tl 1 • � � D .r X CO r+ (� D + crn a rn �r(A_T1Z� 00 TvI A mc_np mo m M-1C zm�D ��d4 zZmOz-Dizpv' nA. ' D pm�Acm_n x �zoms�mmz -� Z m- 1 = z "m A Approved b� Date Reso # no AmonoD om 0 A b- °- °, z 13 Planning Commission n OZnc�<m 702' 0 - m M ❑ City Council D O yzmTr��m �TM iviz o�o Community Dev. Dept. 12-12 am0U'O��pD Initials N �Xz0m�=azo Pg- ;U O Z Case No. N O��OmDDD Mbit COZZ02pZ gz�nmzom�m. With Conditions � Of c 0 00 0w ® M S � � 7 m � i N c� E I C -ncnp,a0l20p-a fxT1�jr '-mmn _moo "aZoa+o Mic= c�?m<oa Z;OMRzlZp�n m,m>cmiaoxo >� pO<-mm �D�mZpv-G� �zowsS M -Oz - p'<-=<xM.(n a��zio<Z n 10o1 D MO M A-poz pnj<C<m 70xD4�-m^� M �i�ippil�mmOAxz UT XM -1z p zmooT=DD o Z n;,z ��MOA-go M -..i C 2 COZZOzz> -1MCOMz0mcn Approved by: Data 0 Planning Commission 13 City Council ,,Community Dev. Dept. lz o: Initials - Case No. -54 03---91403 Exhibit A, With Conditions Reso # AA� ^1 r, m m Z r, I 00 �00 67 W ON W -U Nm 00 M M 4N O;0 (D0 (DD DN X OD J () O� WI NSTT N Or n rDn V/ N W r