0011 (ELEC)P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTAr CAUFORMA 92253
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1 G NS[D CDNI AACIORl DEQ ►RATCN. I baby "new eters 1 ll+ltirsad tardw wws.ors.at CM0401Icanwo.neatt
w,n iDow+ 7= w D+s•Dn 1 N Its S.Wonv t and hotmrds Coot. aro my brew ft w AI faa ane arta"
I.~ Car" llc Yrralr
Daft C"A'actow
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•wrote &-cobsA w wp.. my obrrclVt. P•rd to 4 eW..M. also reouwn The WO—M for alacY Perm' W "a a
s.p.ire sl8lrw.,a Irul H s Yawner W &WfI1 Write prDroors sal Ile Contr.elw's L ase law rCnsplw f Icwwnenrn+O
.nh seam 70oo1 d D,nsen 1 N De dtraeina and Proinscrs CO") w Inst M e arrmpl tnertliom and the was Id
the atwpre ..rmiro+n Any, erwllrdl of Swoon TN13 by any applecaM to a prrm11 m6loom s the appbcw11 to a dA
prnana 0 na rra•e Iran 1•.e Ii.I&rd 0014ts I7.=J:
'{ 1 at v_lin of Ile p opaty. w my employees with -apes as then sok comps naal•On..dl Oo IM .d\. sro s
j'„tire n ro+ riir•dee P onriee Id salefSK 7DN. Buf••wfs and holnfaes Coot 7M Lonit a[td't litrrot lai.
sun ro+ app+T I4 an ow•e' Dl VVPC My -Is builds w rmplwn er+e o x one .Ati Mott sutil .al T.msil w IAioupEl
tin Dwn rmpiOyrn. p'D,dre ItW such -pla,emrrns are not mlrro.0 a onum for later D t'o.00vv. the buft,q T
•mvursnwnl s sole -ohm ort yew Dt complelron. the Dwre"Duildel will M.a the Wd.. d W O, V ll✓' K ere b
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�'rwss a'it helrssro•s Code 11ee Conuaetw i License, Law 00cf o�, Ipf 11) K�ba an n
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0 Ce,1br0 copy Is Irl[by Iwn:ared
Lrn,l.ro soDy n 1•kc .nti the County 6u110inp Imtra,v. DrpanmrM P CoJmy
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arwi ateprread w abarooriad • Pa'
CEItTI4Jtt OF IXIMFION {RDW WDOOMa' COUMNSA10" M It. sair. itwe rel be aenplal� I s
Arib all is w am 1 ewn11r uta+ n Ino Dat rta N s won b . IIIs P. s ewr.I. l
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Dant_,/ l y Apocom
wM CE TD APPLXJ�: h. Mthem beem 4 autifood to Wit W~'
w nMl.q as Cwl ' n ; � �h wick pewn.ds 6, Ds P.1.0 shot he
E'mprinabtn pa•s'0rs w b Labs Colla. y.a
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("'j 1 baby a/tM Inst no taueal•ori Iwa R) w mora Mt M 6otb M10 `•Y'dm& and that M rt�yiyt p.rs°n b Q. ae Io ecuwdat . wft to
M 0 co� " an"'Ih Ineaot Oft .In be oner{ than this INny1s M Met IaPhF1+• 316r I An Let 111 111181
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As ow„ti.buiiew, I will not anyve to do .m t do rrtl' -on bom tool b oma Peen d IndufbiY
seely n robe stere. unMf sirUi person has a P-
of In4n1�181S.Tilr�rmn No. �—
r AppJiunl
Co.S1RUC11DN Ij NDING AGENCT: I h.ttby "nem tno Itwr b a CeMbuClion 4r6np Agency lot theptndma•iu Of
fro wwk Iv �ItreJi Innyeltn11 s rssued (Sec. X87. Crt. CJ.
lan0e { serM
[nes'. welts{
. [T,wIT Trot t Mrs real tAa apple" bon and alae incl 1M abo,e ie1lPrriali0ri a csrirtl 1 pest b cDn+ph wren s.
Uly ! Dunly .t It cit -3
f I b -s rf 1np iD tod0mp confbun•on. and Wetly SMOWe repinMlat•,n 01
Inn my ID colo u M alw nor ny IP inslxn en Du'pose{. r,•�
.1. (3
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Sl�nalule DI ADp1�c)n1 v Agem
elf ICAI! DI CA4 plIANCE AND AU1H08AALIDN or I1l1RY. I L�Uty I h),[ ru0 'hit ADpl"cabDn I:a1 IM
w r..)bA, p„rn n ca rtn 1 aptm ID comph� �t a❑ s: alt I an[J�Dum1f adinancts uUlnp IC W'le•'ip ton
U UEbon ]nE aGIn DSV[ a trp.,srnlati" 01 In'LA afY °rot of 6ud0�np aK Sa+tly ID rmn uDtT
Int p•Dwny Iv which I M,r a�Dlitd IDI Ihts p[Im for IM Dur Dpar of ma: mp naut[bom
Srpcmme Ot ApDhO nl Or Apert .