CC Resolution 2014-043 Personnel PolicyRESOLUTION NO. 2014 - 043
WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta, hereinafter referred to as "City" and the
La Quinta City Employees' Association, the recognized organization representing its
members, hereinafter referred to as "Association," have met and conferred over
wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment pursuant to Government Code
3500, as amended; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Association have agreed upon revisions to the
Personnel Policies, new Classification Specifications, and Authorized-- Positions -
Salary Ratings for Fiscal Year 2014/2015.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
La Quinta, California, as follows:
SECTION 1. The City does hereby approve and adopt the revisions to the
Personnel Policies, Classification Specifications, and Authorized Positions -Salary
Ratings for Fiscal Year 2014/2015, attached hereto as Exhibits A, B, and C,
respectively, and incorporated herein by reference.
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
City Council held on this 5" day of August, 2014, by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph
NOES: None
p ►t/
City of La Quinta, California
Resolution No. 2014-043
Adoption of Personnel Policy Revisions, Classification Specifications
& Authorized Positions -Salary Ratings for FY 2014-15
Adopted: August 5, 2014
Page 2 of 2
City of La Quinta, California
(City Seal)'
WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney
City of La Quinta, California
WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney
City of La Quinta, California
Amended: November 2000
July 2003
January 2007
October 2007
April 2008
July 2009
June 2010
July 2011
July 2012
July 2014
1.95 DRESS CODE 32
Rev. July 24, 2014 -2-
3.35 TRANSFER 52
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11.15 ANSWER
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Rev. July 24, 2014 -6-
(Last Update July, 2014)
1.05 PURPOSE: The purpose of these Policies and Procedures is to establish systematic and
uniform procedures for handling personnel matters.
1.10.1 These Policies shall apply to all offices, positions, and employments in the service of the
City, as defined in Section 1.25 of these Policies, with the exception of the following:
A. Members of the City Council and other elected officials (except for Sections 2.35
and 14.05.)
B. Members of commissions and advisory bodies appointed by the City Council or
City Manager.
C. Direct appointees of the City Council, including the City Manager and City
Attorney. A regular employee who also holds the position of City Treasurer shall not be
excluded from the Policies, unless the employee has entered into an employment
agreement pursuant to sub -section "F" herein.
D. Volunteer personnel who provide
compensation (although such persons may
incurred in the service of the City).
services to the City without receiving
receive reimbursement for actual expenses
E. Outside and independent contractors, engaged to provide expert, professional,
technical or other services.
F. Regular employees who have entered into a written employment agreement with
the City, unless otherwise specified in the employment agreement.
1.10.2 These Policies, with the exception of Sections 8 through 12 inclusive, shall apply to the
following employees, who serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities and are
considered "at will" employees:
A. Emergency employees, such as those hired to meet immediate needs of an
emergency condition (i.e. fire, flood, or earthquake) which threatens life or property.
B. Employees who are considered temporary or seasonal.
C. Other non -career employees who are not specifically mentioned in Section 1.10.1
of these Personnel Policies.
D. Probationary Employees.
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1.15 VALIDITY OF POLICIES (SEVERABILITY): If any section, subsection, sentence,
clause, phrase or portion of these Policies is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional
by the final decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of these Policies. The City Council of La Quinta hereby
declares that it would have adopted these Policies and each section, subsection, sentence, clause,
phrase, or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections,
sentences, clauses, phrases or portions may be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
1.20 VIOLATION OF POLICIES: Violation of these Policies may be grounds of discharge or
other disciplinary action, subject to the applicable appeals procedure provided herein.
1.25 DEFINITION OF TERMS: All words and terms used in these Policies and in any
ordinance or any resolution dealing with Personnel Policies and Regulations shall be defined as
they are normally and generally defined in the field of personnel administration. For the purpose
of convenience, the following words and terms most commonly used are defined.
1.25.1 Appointing Authority: The Employee Relations Officer or designee who, in his or her
official capacity, has the final authority to appoint a person to a position of employment.
1.25.2 Appointment: The designation of a person to fill a position of employment.
1.25.3 At -Will Employee: A temporary, probationary or contract employee who has a written
contract specifying the duties and terms of employment without a definite ending date. At -will
employees are not governed by the terms and conditions of Sections 8-12 of these Policies,
unless specifically provided herein.
1.25.4 Banding: The first step in the job evaluation process involving Banding each decision -
making duty according to the kind of decision required, into one of six (6) broad categories, as
Band A
— Defined Decisions
Band B
— Operational Decisions
Band C
— Process Decisions
Band D
— Interpretive Decisions
Band E
— Programming Decisions
Band F —
Policy Making Decisions
1.25.5 Call - Back: When an employee is off -duty and is called back to work.
1.25.6 City: The City of La Quinta.
1.25.7 City Manager: The City's Chief Executive Officer.
1.25.8 Classification: A group of positions with similar jobs at a similar level of responsibility.
This is described by a Classification Specification, sometimes referred to as a job description.
1.25.9 Classification Plan: A listing of Classification Specifications of City positions, as
recommended by the Employee Relations Officer and adopted by the City Council.
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1.25.10 Classification Specification: A general description of a class of work, typically
including a general summary of the work, distinguishing characteristics of the class, essential
duties of the class, the knowledge and skills required at entry to the class, and any licensing,
educational or special physical requirements, sometimes referred to as a job description.
Classification Specifications are written summaries of work which provide a systematic method
of grouping positions with similar essential functions. They should include:
Description of the type and level of work;
Description of the characteristics which distinguish this class from others which may be
in the same occupation or at the same level of authority and responsibility; and
Information which indicates standards for recruiting and selecting staff, determining
appropriate pay, defining career growth opportunities, identifying performance
expectations and complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
1.25.11 Compensatory Time: Time accrued at time and a half or taken off from work with pay,
in lieu of paid overtime compensation.
1.25.12 Competitive Service: The employment system whereby City Employees are hired and
promoted through a competitive process based upon objective standards of merit to assure fair
consideration all aspects of employment/promotion.
1.25.13 Confidential Employee: An employee performing the duties of a position which is
designated as confidential by the City Council or designee.
1.25.14 Contractual Employee: An employee hired and paid pursuant to the terms and
conditions of a specified written contract between such employee and the City.
1.25.15 Days: Calendar days unless otherwise stated.
1.25.16 Decision Band Method (DBM): The job evaluation method chosen by the City for
classifying positions, based on the premise that the value of a job depends on its decision -making
requirements. Each position is assigned to a Band, Grade and Sub -grade, resulting in an alpha-
numeric rating which determines the appropriate salary range for each position.
1.25.17 Decision Band Method (DBM) Ratings: DBM ratings are ratings assigned to all levels
within each classification, first by Band, then Grade, and finally Sub -grade. This step-by-step
refining process permits the City to assign a job clearly and to justify the differences between
various jobs, taking into account factors such as skill, effort, responsibility and working
conditions. The ratings are the basis upon which the Salary Structure is built.
1.25.18 Demotion: The voluntary or involuntary transfer of an employee from one classification
to another classification with a lower salary grade or to a lower step in a classification grade or
hierarchy of positions.
1.25.19 Department Director: One who functions directly under the authority of the City
Manager, has direct responsibility for a particular department, and manages its staff, policies and
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1.25.20 Dependent Care: The term "dependent" as it relates to dependent care in the City's Sick
Leave Policy (Section 14.20), is limited to the following: an employee's child, parent, spouse or
registered domestic partner.
1.25.21 Disciplinary Action: The discharge, demotion, reduction of pay, suspension, placing on
probation, or the issuance of a written reprimand or formal warning or any other action for
punitive, corrective or disciplinary reasons.
1.25.22 Disciplinary Suspension: A disciplinary action that temporarily relieves an employee
from duty without pay.
1.25.23 Dismissal: The discharge of an employee from City employment.
1.25.24 Eligibility List: A list of all persons eligible for appointment to a particular classification
after final testing/interviews as determined by the Employee Relations Officer.
1.25.25 Emergency Appointment: An appointment made to meet immediate requirements of an
emergency condition, such as fire, flood or earthquake, which threatens life or property, where
such employment is not anticipated to endure beyond the duration of such an emergency period.
1.25.26 Employee: An elected or appointed person occupying a position in the City
employment, including City Council Members, providing personal services to the City or its
residents. This excludes independent and outside contractors, commissioners, members of
advisory boards, and volunteers, and temporary agency employees.
1.25.27 Employee Assistance Program: (EAP) A confidentialassessment and referral service
designed to assist employees in resolving personal problems.
1.25.28 Employee Relations Officer: City Manager or any individual designated by the City
Manager, to administer the City's personnel system which includes the duties of equal
employment opportunity officer.
1.25.29 Exceptional Performance Award: Exceptional performance awards should be based
solely on performance that exceeds defined standards or expectations for incumbents in the job
class. Exceptional performance awards shall be granted as a monetary award.
1.25.30 Executive Management: Department Directors and those who qualify for executive
exemption under FLSA.
1.25.31 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): The Federal Law which guarantees employees
certain minimum wages and time and one-half overtime standards.
1.25.32 Fiscal Year: A twelve (12) month period from July 1 to June 30 in which the City plans,
budgets, appropriates, and expends its funds.
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1.25.33 Full-time Employee: An employee who is regularly scheduled and expected to work
forty (40) hours or more during a work week (or those employees participating in the Alternate
Work Week Schedule).
1.25.34 General Non -Exempt Employee: An employee who is not exempt from the pay and
overtime provisions of FLSA.
1.25.35 Grading: The second step in the evaluation process designed to classify the jobs
according to the difficulty and effort involved in the supervisory responsibilities, if any. Jobs that
require the incumbent to supervise or monitor other jobs assigned to the same Band (except Band
A jobs) are assigned to the higher (coordinating) of the two Grades within the Band to which
his/her job has been assigned. Jobs that do not supervise or monitor other jobs at the same Band,
but may supervise or monitor jobs at the next lower Band are assigned to the lower of the two
grades (except Band A jobs).
1.25.36 Grievance: A job -related complaint by an employee regarding the terms and conditions
of employment which arise out of a specific fact, situation, or transaction, other than discipline,
that results in an alleged violation of existing ordinances, rules, regulations or policies
administered by the employee's Department Director concerning wages, hours, other terms and
conditions of employment.
1.25.37 Hearing Officer: An outside, independent person qualified to conduct an appeal hearing
on personnel -related matters, excluding grievances.
1.25.38 In -House Competitive Examination: A type of examination open only to City
employees meeting the minimum qualifications for a particular classification.
1.25.39 Interim Employee: An employee who is appointed to a regular classification on an
acting or temporary basis pending completion of the recruitment process, issuance of an
eligibility list, and filling the classification.
1.25.40 Job Audit: A systematic analysis of the duties performed by an employee to determine
whether the duties are appropriate for the classification.
1.25.41 Leave of Absence Without Pay: A period of time during which an employee may take
time off without receiving compensation or benefits, unless otherwise stated in Section 7.20 of
these Policies.
1.25.42 Merit Salary Increase: The increase of an employee's salary within the salary range
established for the classification the employee occupies, resulting from successful job
performance, which is based on the overall rating received on the annual performance
1.25.43 Misconduct: Any act or unsatisfactory conduct or job performance which may be
subject to disciplinary action.
1.25.44 Open Competitive Examination: A type of examination open to all persons meeting the
minimum qualifications for a particular position.
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1.25.45 Overtime: The time which an employee is required or permitted to work beyond the
number of hours prescribed for a full-time employee in that classification in excess of forty (40)
in one work week. Overtime compensation, taken as paid time or as compensatory time, shall be
authorized as provided in Section 6.05.
1.25.46 Part-time Employee: The City has two (2) types of part-time employees: regular part-
time and seasonal or temporary.
A. Regular Part -Time Employee: An employee who works less than forty (40)
scheduled hours per week on a permanent basis (excluding those regular full-time
employees participating in the Altemate Work Week Schedule).
B. Temporary or Seasonal Employee: An employee, other than a contract employee
whose position has specified beginning and ending dates of employment.
1.25.47 Permanent Disability: A medical disability which will indefinitely prevent the employee
from performing the employee's job duties without creating unreasonable endangerment to
health and safety or inefficiency of the employee or others.
1.25.48 Personnel Ordinance: Chapter 2.08.060 of the City's Municipal Code, authorizing the
establishment of a personnel system for the City.
1.25.49 Position: A specific job assigned to a job classification.
1.25.50 Probationary Employee: An employee who is serving a probationary period for the
position and/or class in which the employee is currently employed. A probationary employee is
subject to dismissal without recourse to any appeal procedures and without a showing of cause.
A probationary employee has no property interest in continuing employment.
1.25.51 Probationary Period (for initial hire or promotion): A working test period of not less
than six (6) months (unless extended). The six month probation period is calculated as six
months after the same day of the month as the date of hire or promotion, (i.e., if hired or
promoted January 15, probation period expires July 15). To be considered an integral part of the
examination process during which an employee is required to demonstrate fitness for the position
to which the employee is appointed by actual performance of the duties of the position.
1.25.52 Professional/Administmtive/Management Employee: An employee who qualifies for the
executive (Professional/Administrative/Management) exemption under FLSA.
1.25.53 Promotion: The advancement of an employee from one classification to another
classification having a higher salary range.
1.25.54 Reclassification: The reassignment from one classification title to a different
classification title in accordance, with an evaluation of the minimum qualifications, duties, and
responsibilities of the position in question.
1.25.55 Reduction -In -Force (RIF): A layoff in the work force.
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1.25.56 Regular Employee: A full or part-time employee hired for an indefinite term into
allocated position, who has successfully completed the employee's probationary period, and has
been retained as provided in these Policies.
1.25.57 Relative: (or "immediate family member" used for determining eligibility for
bereavement leave under Section 14.25 of these policies): A spouse, child, step -child, legal
guardian, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, aunt, uncle,
niece, nephew, first cousin, parent -in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-
law, or any other person or individual related by blood or marriage.
1.25.58 Resignation: The voluntary separation by an employee from City employment, or
abandonment of the job by employee.
1.25.59 Policies: These Personnel Policies, as they may be amended from time to time.
1.25.60 Salary Plan or Schedule: An annual listing of the minimum through maximum salary
grades of pay for all defined City classifications, as prepared by the Employee Relations Officer
and adopted by the City Council.
1.25.61 Salary Range: The range of pay an employee can earn while employed in a particular
1.25.62 Seniority: The length of an employee's continuous service with the City.
1.25.63 Skelly Rights: The right of due process including: (1) notice of the proposed
disciplinary action, (2) a copy of materials on which the proposed action is based, and (3) an
opportunity to respond orally or in writing to an impartial reviewer prior to discipline being
1.25.64 Staffing Plan: The classification titles, salary ratings and number of allocated positions
in a department or division for a designated fiscal year, as determined by the Employee Relations
Officer and adopted by City Council in the annual budget document.
1.25.65 Stand -By Assignment: Employees occupying a position designated as being scheduled
to be subject to being called back to work.
1.25.66 Standards of Conduct: Those Policies which are intended to govern the actions of City
employees during their course of employment with the City with respect to the employee's
conduct and job performance.
1.25.67 Step: The various increments of a salary range, from minimum to job rate, authorized
for the subject classification.
1.25.68 Sub -grading: The final step in the job evaluation process that involves assessing the
relative difficulty, complexity, and skills required of the job in comparison to the other jobs
within the same Band and Grade. The following criteria are used to assist in determining the
relative difficulty between the decision making requirements of jobs being evaluated:
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• Time pressure
• Need for alertness
• Need for care and precision
• Essential skills and experience
1.25.69 Supervisor: An employee assigned responsibility for evaluation of permanently assigned
employees and for organizing, assigning and reviewing their work.
1.25.70 Termination: The separation of an employee from City service because of retirement,
resignation, permanent disability, death or dismissal.
1.25.71 Transfer: The change of an employee from one department or division to another
department or division without changing the employee's salary grade and usually within the
same classification.
1.25.72 Weapons: Fire arms of any type; knives with folding blades in excess of 3-1/2 inches;
sheath knives; any knives prohibited by State Law; personal defense chemical weapons such as
(a) mace (tear gas) (b) oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray); any martial arts weapons; electric stun
guns (tasers); clubs, bats or other impact weapon.
1.25.73 Work week: A regularly reoccurring period of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24)
hour days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Monday and concluding at 12:00 p.m. (Midnight) the
following Sunday night (or as defined in the Alternate Work Week Schedule Policy for those
employees participating in same). This shall not be construed to constitute a guarantee of hours
of work per day or per work week or of days of work per work week.
1.25.74 Y-rate of Pay: The Y-rate of pay shall exist when an employee's salary is frozen at the
then current salary until such time as the commencing salary at the Y-rate, taken together with
subsequent general salary increases, equals or exceeds the employee's salary at the Y-rate. The
employee will not receive merit or performance -based salary increases. However, benefits and
salary range will be adjusted annually in accordance with City's pay and benefit plan. This may
occur in situations where an employee is reclassified, voluntarily demoted, or as otherwise stated
in these Policies.
1.30 NO CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT CREATED: These Policies do not create any
contract of employment, express or implied, or any rights in the nature of a contract. The goals,
objectives and strategies set forth in this document are subject to budgetary limitations. Nothing
contained herein is to be construed as a binding contract.
Officer shall administer the City personnel system and may delegate any of the powers and
duties related thereto to any other officer or employee of the City or may recommend that such
powers and duties be performed under contract. The Employee Relations Officer shall:
1.35.1 Act as the appointing authority for all City employees except those officers and
employees directly appointed by the City Council.
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1.35.2 Administer all of the provisions of these Personnel Policies except as specifically
reserved to the City Council.
1.35.3 Prepare and recommend to the City Council any appropriate Personnel Policies and
revisions to such Policies.
1.35.4 Prepare or cause to be prepared, and revise as appropriate, a position classification
schedule, including class specifications.
1.35.5 Have the authority to discharge and discipline City employees in accordance with these
Personnel Policies.
1.35.6 Provide for the publishing or posting of notices of examinations for position in the
competitive service; the discretion to waive certain job stated qualifications for good cause when
it is in the best interests of the City; the authority to receive applications therefore; the authority
to conduct and grade examinations; the authority to establish a list of all persons eligible for
appointment to the appropriate position in the competitive service; and the performance of any
other duty which may be desirable or required for the effective implementation of these Policies.
GRATUITIES: Employees shall not take part in, or attempt in any manner to influence the
consideration of any application, proceeding or other matter involving their own personal
property, real estate, investment or other interest, or that of any relative or close personal
acquaintance. In all such situations, the employee must disclose the nature of the relationship to
his or her immediate supervisor and request to be relieved of any responsibility or involvement
in such manner.
Employees shall not directly or indirectly solicit any gift or receive any gift whether in the form
of money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, promise, or any other form under
circumstances which it could reasonably be inferred the gift was intended to influence them or
could be expected to influence them in the performance of their official duties, or was intended
as a reward for any official action on their part.
Gifts that will be shared with office staff, such as boxes of candy, flowers and food, may be
viewed as exceptions provided they are of minimal value and do not exceed limits imposed by
law for gifts to public employees. All financial disclosure laws and regulations must be
complied with.
If an employee receives any gift as specified above, they shall be rejected firmly but as tactfully
as possible so the good intentions of the giver are properly acknowledged.
1.45 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT: An employee shall not engage in any employment,
enterprise, or outside activity which is in conflict with his duties, functions, responsibilities, or
the department by which he or she is employed, nor shall the employee engage in any
compensatory outside activity which will directly, or indirectly, contribute to the lessening of his
or her effectiveness as an employee.
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a. Any employee wishing to engage in an occupation or outside activity for
compensation shall inform the Department Director of such desire, providing information
as to the time required and the nature of such activity, and such other information as may
be required; and the Department Director shall determine whether or not such activity is
compatible with the employee's City employment.
b. If the Department Director determines such activity is compatible, he or she may
authorize the activity in writing using the "Outside Employment Form" and shall send a
copy to the Employee Relations Officer or designee.
C. Said authorization shall be valid only for the work and period prescribed therein.
Determination of Inconsistent Activities
In making a determination as to the consistency or inconsistency of outside activities, the
Department Director shall consider, among other pertinent factors whether the activity:
a. Involves the use for private gain or advantage of City time, facilities, equipment,
and supplies, or the badge, uniform, prestige, or influence of one's City office or
b. Involves receipt or acceptance by an employee of any money or other
consideration from anyone other than the City for the performance of an act which the
employee, if not performing such act, would be required or expected to render in the
regular course of his or her City employment or as part of his or her duties as a City
C. Involves the performance of an act in other than his or her capacity as a City
employee, which act may later be subject directly or indirectly to the control, inspection,
review, audit, or enforcement by such employee or the department by which he or she is
d. Involves conditions or factors which would probably, directly or indirectly lessen
the efficiency of the employee in his or her regular City employment or conditions in
which there is a substantial danger of injury or illness to the employee.
Use of City Equipment Prohibited
a. No City -owned equipment, autos, trucks, instruments, tools, supplies, machines,
or any other item which is the property of the City shall be used by an employee while
said employee is engaged in any outside employment or activity for compensation, or
otherwise, except upon prior written approval of the Employee Relations Officer.
b. No employee shall allow any unauthorized person to rent, borrow, or use any of
the items mentioned in (a) above, except upon prior written approval of the Employee
Relations Officer.
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Violations and Penalties
a. Any violation of the provisions herein contained respecting outside employment
or activity and use of City property shall constitute sufficient grounds for disciplinary
action, up to and including dismissal.
1.50 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES: No employee shall engage in political activity during
working hours (excluding break time) or on City premises where such activity would disrupt the
workplace. No employee shall engage in any type of activity relating to an employee
organization during such time an employee is on duty, except as expressly permitted by the City
Manager, Federal or State law, Memorandum of Understanding, or City Council directive.
1.55 SAFETY AND HEALTH: Each employee shall comply with all applicable safety laws,
Policies, and regulations, as follows: adhere to and follow the guidelines of the Safety Manual (a
copy of which is available on the City's. Human Resources Intranet on the H:Drive), all safety
practices, use personal protective equipment as required and provided by the City, render every
possible aid to safe operations, and report to the supervisor, department director or Safety
Committee all unsafe conditions or practices.
Employees with questions about safety methods or practices should check with their supervisor.
1.60 VEHICLE AND SEATBELT POLICY: All employees who are currently assigned a
City vehicle for their job duties will continue to be provided access to a vehicle. In addition, a
vehicle pool will be available for use by employees to conduct City business. Pool vehicles will
be made available on a first -come, first -served basis. The pool will be administered by the
Finance Department. An employee must check with the Finance Department prior to using
his/her own vehicle on City business. If there is no pool vehicle available, and the employee
cannot wait for one to become available, the employee may use his/her personal vehicle and be
reimbursed at the then current IRS rate. Foremen will no longer take City vehicles home on a
daily basis. Instead, Foremen are authorized to take a City vehicle home when on scheduled
standby. When on scheduled standby, Foremen shall be paid standby pay pursuant to Section
City shall make City pool vehicles available on a priority basis for those employees who are
required to travel off paved roads on City business. If a pool vehicle is not available, and the
employee must use his/her personal vehicle to travel off paved roads, the employee shall not be
required to travel off paved roads if he/she reasonably believes that to do so would cause damage
(other than normal wear and tear) to the vehicle. The employee shall inform his/her supervisor
of such concerns, and the supervisor shall give alternate instructions.
Employees required to use their own vehicle for City business and who receive either a monthly
allowance or mileage reimbursement therefore are required to provide proof of a valid California
drivers' license and of vehicle insurance for both liability and property damage. The City
requires a copy of the drivers' license at the time of hire and at the time of each required renewal.
Human Resources maintains these records and is responsible for notifying employees when their
license needs to be renewed.
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An employee who loses his/her license or has his/her license restricted so as to prevent driving
on City business is responsible for notifying the Employee Relations Officer immediately. The
City has an agreement with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) wherein the DMV notifies
the City when an employee's license is restricted or revoked. If the DMV notifies the City prior
to receiving notification by the employee, disciplinary action may result.
Proof of insurance must be shown at the time of hire and annually by those employees who drive
their own vehicles on City business. Policy limits are determined by the employee, but must
meet minimum state standards. If an employee has an automobile accident while on City
business, the employee's insurance policy shall provide primary coverage for both liability and
property damage. If there is no insurance policy in place, the employee shall be personally
responsible. The car allowance or mileage reimbursement paid by the City is calculated to cover
the cost of insurance purchased by the employee. No employee who has not been required to use
his/her vehicle for City business shall be required to provide proof of insurance.
Employees must wear seatbelts at all times when in a vehicle on City business.
1.65 DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE: It is the intent of the City of La Quinta
to maintain a workplace that is free of drugs and alcohol and to discourage drug and alcohol
abuse by its employees. The City has a vital interest in maintaining safe and efficient working
conditions for its employees. Substance abuse is incompatible with health, safety, efficiency and
service to the public. Employees who are under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job
compromise the City's interests, endanger their own health and safety and the health and safety
of others, and can cause a number of other -work -related problems, including absenteeism and
tardiness, substandard job performance, increased workloads for co-workers, behavior that
disrupts other employees, delays in the completion of jobs, and disruption of service to the
While on paid duty time or on City property, including in City vehicles or while operating City
equipment, employees shall not consume or possess alcoholic beverages or consume or possess
controlled substances. Employees shall not work or be at work while under the influence of any
controlled substance (as defined herein), without written authorization from a qualified physician
and the employee's Supervisor.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or consumption of any
controlled substance is prohibited on the job, in the City's workplace, or while subject to duty
(i.e. standby).
For the purposes of this Section, the following shall be defined as:
A. "Abuse of any legal drug" means the use of any legal drug, including prescription
drugs, (a) for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was prescribed or
manufactured; or (b) in a quantity, frequency or manner that is contrary to the
instructions or recommendations of the prescribing physician or manufacturer.
B. "Controlled substance" denotes any substance which could potentially impair the
employee's ability to effectively and safely perform the functions of his/her duties,
including, but not limited to: alcohol, coca leaves, cocaine, marijuana, opium and opiates,
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amphetamines, methamphetamine, lysergic acid (L.S.D.), etc. As outlined below, certain
prescription drugs and medications shall also be classified as controlled substances.
C. "Conviction" is a finding of guilt (including a plea of no contest), an imposition
of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine
violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes.
D. "Reasonable suspicion" includes a suspicion that is based on specific personal
observations such as an employee's manner, disposition, muscular movement,
appearance, behavior, speech or breath odor; information obtained from a reliable person
with personal knowledge; an accident involving City property, where it appears the
employee's conduct is at fault; physical altercation, verbal altercation, or unusual
Reasonable suspicion may also be based on an employee's possession of drugs, alcohol
or paraphernalia in the work place or on City property.
The use of prescription drugs which would not alter an employee's work performance is
acceptable, if prescribed in writing, by a qualified physician. Employees must notify their
Supervisor before beginning work when taking drugs (prescription or non-prescription) which
may interfere with the safe and effective performance of their duties. In the event there is a
question regarding an employee's ability to perform assigned duties safely and effectively while
using such drugs, a written clearance from a qualified physician shall be required before the
employee is allowed to resume the employee's regular duties.
Having a Medical Marijuana Card and/or a cannabis prescription from a physician does not
allow an employee to use or possess any cannabis products (marijuana, hash, or hash oil) on City
property, while working as an employee, or while `on call' and subject to return to work. The
federal government still classifies cannabis as an illegal drug, even if California has
decriminalized its possession or use. Unlike .08 blood alcohol levels, as yet there is no
'acceptable level of driving impairment' when it comes to cannabis use and driving City
equipment or vehicles. Employees are still subject to testing under the City's reasonable
suspicion, post -accident, or `safety sensitive employee' policies, and receiving discipline,
suspension, or termination for a positive cannabis test.
Toward reaching this goal of a drug and alcohol free workplace, the City may conduct pre-
employment drug or alcohol testing of applicants for City positions that require more than
incidental driving or performance of other safety sensitive functions as part of their regular
duties, as defined in the approved job descriptions. Pre -employment drug or alcohol tests shall
apply only to non -City employees; City employees who apply for another City position shall not
be subject to pre -employment drug or alcohol tests. Any applicant who tests positive, as outlined
in the Drug Free Workplace Administrative Policies, Section 5, shall be disqualified from
consideration for employment for a period of six (6) months.
The City also reserves the right to require that an existing employee undergo testing if the City
determines that reasonable suspicion exists to believe that the employee is under the influence of
any illegal drug or controlled substance, as defined in this Section. Reasonable suspicion shall,
whenever possible, be evaluated based on personal observations by the Department Director or a
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Supervisor who is familiar with the employee's normal behavior. Information which is obtained
from a reliable person with personal knowledge of the employee may also be utilized in
appropriate circumstances.
In the event that an employee suspects that the employee's supervisor is under the influence of
drugs or alcohol, the employee may submit a written or oral complaint which contains detailed
information regarding the allegation of alcohol or substance abuse to the supervisor's superior.
Employees who (1) refuse to submit to a drug or alcohol test immediately when requested by
authorized City or law enforcement personnel; (2) or refuse to submit to a limited search of
personal properties if requested by authorized City personnel, based on reasonable suspicion or
legitimate business need; or (3) are "convicted" of a "criminal drug statue" violation, shall be
subject to the disciplinary procedures which are outlined in Section 10 of these Policies.
All City lockers, desks, cabinets, vehicles, computer files, are the property of the City and are
subject to search without the employee's consent by City management at any time with or
without notice. Refusal to cooperate with a search may result in a disciplinary action, up to and
including termination. Unless the Supervisors are directed otherwise by the Employee Relations
Officer, employees will be given the opportunity to be present when the search is conducted.
If an employee voluntarily wishes to participate in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, and
has not been found to have violated the City's Policies concerning drugs or alcohol, the City
shall make every reasonable effort to assist in placing an employee with an available employee
assistance program or service for purposes of rehabilitation, in -lieu of disciplinary action or
criminal prosecution. If, in such cases, the employee refuses to attend and complete an employee
assistance program or service, the employee will be subject to the disciplinary procedures which
are outlined in these Policies.
In addition to prohibited acts already provided for, the following acts are prohibited and subject
an employee to discipline in accordance with these Policies and procedures:
(a) The use or possession of alcohol or impairing drugs, including illegal drugs and
drugs without a prescription during working hours or while subject to duty, on breaks,
during meal periods or at any time while on City property;
(b) Reporting to work or being subject to duty while his or her ability to perform job
duties is impaired due to on- or off -duty alcohol or drug use; or
(c) Directly or through a third party sell or provide drugs or alcohol to any person,
including any employee, while either or both employees are subject to being called to
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1.75.1 Purpose: This policy establishes guidelines in compliance with the Federal Omnibus
Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 (Omnibus Act), the Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Regulations of 1994 (49 C.F.R. parts 40 and 382 et
al.), and Section 34520(a) of the California Vehicle Code. Each of these measures requires that
regular drug and alcohol testing be performed on employees in safety -sensitive positions who
operate specified commercial vehicles.
The City of La Quinta's objectives in establishing this policy are to:
A. protect the safety of the public at large;
B. ensure the highest quality of public service possible;
C. provide a safe working environment for City employees;
D. promote efficiency and productivity; and
E. encourage employees who are concerned about their drug and/or alcohol use to
voluntarily seek assistance.
1.75.2 Policy:
A. Covered Employees: The Department of Transportation drug and alcohol testing
rules apply to City employees who operate the following:
1. a vehicle with gross combination weight of at least 26,001 pounds,
inclusive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle weight rating (GV WR) of more than
10,000 pounds;
2. a vehicle of over 26,001 GV WR;
3. a vehicle placarded under Department of Transportation hazardous
material regulations; and Department of Transportation hazardous material
regulations; and
4. a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the
B. Safety -Sensitive Functions: "On -duty" time for safety -sensitive functions
commences at the time covered employees begin to work or are required to be in
readiness for work until the time they are relieved of work responsibilities. "On -duty"
time includes the following safety -sensitive functions:
1. driving the vehicle;
2. performing maintenance on the vehicle;
3. inspecting the vehicle;
4. loading or unloading the vehicle;
5. supervising or assisting the loading or unloading of a vehicle; and
6. waiting to load or unload the vehicle or to be dispatched.
C. Prohibited Acts: Covered employees shall not engage in any of the following
behaviors while performing or waiting to perform a safety -sensitive function:
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1. Drugs
a. report to duty or remain on duty in a safety -sensitive capacity
when using any drug;
b. possess while on duty;
C. consume at any time; and
d. test positive.
Note: Prescription drugs may be allowed, as needed, pursuant to advance
notification to the appropriate supervisor, along with the doctor's
recommendation regarding instructions and possible side effects as they relate to
the employee's job duties.
2. Alcohol
a. report for duty or remain on duty in a safety -sensitive capacity
while having a blood alcohol level of 0.02 or greater;
b. use or possess alcohol while performing safety -sensitive functions;
C. perform safety -sensitive functions within four hours after using
alcohol; and
d. use alcohol for 8 hours after an accident or until tested, whichever
is first.
3. Drue and Alcohol
a. refusal to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing as required by the
Omnibus Act; is deemed as'a positive test;
b. report to duty or remain on duty to perform a safety -sensitive
function after refusing to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing required
under the regulations; and
C. fail to advise the immediate supervisor when other employees have
actual knowledge that an employee is in violation of these rules.
D. Drug Testing: Pursuant to FHWA regulations, urine specimens shall be screened
for the following substances:
1. Amphetamines/Methamphetamine (i.e., Speed and Crystal);
2. Cocaine;
3. Opiates (i.e., Codeine, Heroin, and Morphine);
4. Phencyclidine (PCP); and
5. THC (Marijuana)
The testing is a two stage process. If the initial screening is positive for one or more of
the above drugs, then a confirmation test is performed for each identified drug using
state-of-the-art gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. GUMS
ensures that over-the-counter medications are not reported as positive tests.
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E. Alcohol Testing: The regulations require an evidential breath testing device
(EBT) approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for
the testing of alcohol use. An alcohol testing form is completed by the employee and a
certified breath alcohol technician (BAT) to ensure the results are properly recorded.
Two breath tests are required to determine if the employee has a prohibited alcohol
concentration. A screening test is conducted first. Any result less than 0.02 alcohol
concentration is considered a negative test, and no further testing is required.
If the alcohol concentration is 0.02 or greater, a second or confirmation test shall be
conducted. When a confirmation test is required, the EBT equipment shall print the
screening and confirmation test numbers in sequential order. The device shall also print
the result, date, and time of both tests, along with the name and serial number of the EBT
equipment in order to ensure the reliability of the results. Any action taken will be based
on the confirmation test result.
F. Types of Tests Required: The following tests are required for covered employees
who perform safety sensitive functions:
1. Pre -employment Testing
Prior to hire or assignment to a position covered by this policy, the applicant or
employee shall undergo testing for drugs. Failure to pass the test shall be deemed
a basis upon which employment or assignment to a safety -sensitive position shall
be denied.
2. Random Selection
Regulations require regular random testing of all employees covered by this
policy. The ongoing testing will be conducted on an unannounced basis before,
during, or immediately after the performance of safety -sensitive functions.
Employees will have an equal chance of being selected. All eligible employees'
names will be placed in a pool, from which names are drawn on a "reasonably
random" basis. Once an employee's name is pulled for testing, his or her name
will be returned to the pool. Therefore, it is feasible for the same employee to be
tested repeatedly while participating in a true random testing process.
The selection of employees for random drug and alcohol testing will be made by a
scientifically valid method.
The regulations specifically require that random testing be performed as follows:
a. Drugs - Fifty percent (50%) of the total number of covered
employees shall be tested annually.
b. Alcohol - Twenty-five (251/o) percent of the total number of
covered employees shall be tested annually.
3. Reasonable Suspicion
The City shall require a covered employee to be tested upon reasonable suspicion
for the use of drugs or alcohol. Reasonable suspicion or cause means that a
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trained supervisor believes that the actions, appearance, speech, body odors, or
conduct of an on -duty employee is indicative of the use of drugs or alcohol.
Reasonable suspicion may be conducted before, during, or after an employee
performs safety -sensitive functions.
The determination that a reasonable suspicion exists to require an employee to
undergo a drug or alcohol test must be based on specific, objective, and
contemporaneous facts concerning the behavior, appearance, speech, or body
odors of the employee. The determination must also be based on the supervisor's
direct observations of the behaviors and not on hearsay. The supervisor(s)
witnessing the impairment must document the specific observations upon which
the reasonable suspicion is based.
Where there is a reasonable suspicion that the employee is under the influence of
drugs or alcohol, the supervisor shall arrange for the employee to be transported
to the testing facility and then driven home. The employee shall not be permitted
to transport him or herself.
4. Post -Accident
For purposes of this policy, an "accident" is defined as an incident involving a
commercial vehicle in which one or more of the following occurs: loss of human
life; bodily injury to persons; disabling damage to any of the vehicles involved; or
issuance of a traffic citation to the City employee following any type of vehicle
The following criteria apply when conducting drug and alcohol tests due to an
a. A breath alcohol test must be administered as soon as possible. If
not within two hours following the accident, the employer/supervisor must
prepare and maintain records stating why testing was not completed. At
that time, every effort should be made to ensure that a breath alcohol test
is performed within eight hours following the accident. If testing has not
occurred within eight hours, attempts to test should be discontinued, and
the employer/supervisor must record why he was unable to administer the
required test.
b. A drug screening test must be initiated prior to the 32nd hour
following an accident. If the test is not administered as required, the
employer/supervisor must document the reasons testing was not
C. The employee must remain readily available for testing or he or
she will be deemed to have refused the test (see Refusal to Consent). This
rule does not require the delay of necessary medical attention for injured
persons following the accident nor prohibit the employee from leaving the
scene to obtain assistance or necessary emergency medical care.
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d. An employee subject to post -accident testing may not use alcohol
within eight hours following the accident or before an alcohol test,
whichever comes first.
e. Testing will not be conducted on any deceased employee.
5. Retum-to-Duty
Testing shall be conducted on any covered employee who has violated the
prohibited drug and alcohol standards and is accepted into a return -to -duty status.
Prior to resuming his or her safety -sensitive functions, the employee must
undergo a new drug and/or alcohol test.
The test results must be negative for the employee to return to work. If
applicable, the employee shall be referred to a Substance Abuse Professional for
further assessment.
6. Follow-up
Any covered employee identified by the Substance Abuse Professional as needing
assistance will be subject to follow-up testing upon returning to duty. A
minimum of six unannounced tests will be performed over the following twelve
month period. Follow-up testing may be extended for up to 60 months following
retum-to-duty. The same criteria used for the return -to -duty testing will be used
for any follow-up testing. Such testing shall not be subject to the random testing
selection procedures. Moreover, follow-up testing may include tests for other
substances beyond the employee's initial positive test of drug and/or alcohol use
when the Substance Abuse Professional has reason to believe that additional
testing is warranted. If follow-up testing is required, the employee assumes full
responsibility for paying the follow-up testing expenses.
G. Employee Consent: Before a drug or alcohol test is administered, the covered
employee will be asked to sign a consent form authorizing the test and permitting release
of the test results to the appropriate City representative. The consent form shall provide a
space to acknowledge that the employee being tested has been advised of the drug and
alcohol testing policy.
H. Refusal to Consent: An employee that refuses to submit to drug or alcohol testing
required by the City shall be prohibited from performing or continuing to perform safety -
sensitive functions. An employee's refusal to submit to drug or alcohol testing required
by the City for any reason may also result in disciplinary action, up to and including
termination. Refusal to consent shall include, but is not limited to:
1. failure to provide adequate breath for alcohol testing, without valid
medical explanation, after being notified of the requirement for breath testing;
2. failure to provide an adequate urine sample for testing, without a genuine
inability to provide a specimen (as determined by medical evaluation), after being
notified of the requirement for urine testing; and
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3. engaging in conduct that clearly obstructs the testing process.
I. Consequences of Positive Test Results: If drug and/or alcohol test results are
positive, the employee may be disciplined, up to and including termination. If the
employee is not terminated, the employee's supervisor or other authorized manager shall:
1. Immediately remove any employee who has engaged in prohibited drug or
alcohol use from his or her safety -sensitive functions.
2. If the alcohol concentration level is greater than 0.02, but less than 0.04,
the employee may not return to his or her safety -sensitive function for a minimum
of 24 hours and until another breath alcohol test is administered, and the result is
less than a 0.02 concentration.
3. If the alcohol concentration level is greater than 0.04 or a drug screening
test is positive for any of the prohibited controlled substances, the employee will
be removed from his or her safety -sensitive position until:
a. he or she undergoes evaluation and, where necessary,
b. a Substance Abuse Professional determines that the employee has
successfully complied with any required rehabilitation; and
C. the employee undergoes a return -to -duty test with a result of a
blood alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 if the employee initially
tested positive for alcohol, and/or with a negative test result for controlled
substances if the employee initially tested positive for controlled
Any treatment or rehabilitation may be provided in accordance with City policy. The
City is not required under these circumstances to provide rehabilitation, pay for
treatment, or to reinstate the employee to safety -sensitive positions.
4. If the employee is permitted to return to work, he or she must have a
negative test result on the return -to -duty test.
5. Perform unannounced follow-up testing on any employee returned to his
or her safety sensitive duties.
6. Make arrangements for alternative transportation when test results are
positive for drugs or an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater.
J. Substance Abuse Professional: The City will only provide an assessment by a
Substance Abuse Professional. Under this policy, the City has no obligation to provide or
pay for further treatment, as this is the responsibility of the employee. Some financial
assistance may be available under the City's health insurance plan.
K. Testing Records: Records shall be maintained on test results, prevention
programs, policies, training, drug use and alcohol misuse, refusals to submit to testing,
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employee evaluations, and annual summary of the City testing program. The retention
period for the records is as follows:
l . Five -Year Retention Period
This pertains to the results of alcohol tests of 0.02 or higher, confirmed positive
drug tests, documentation of any employee who has refused to submit to a
required drug or alcohol test, employee assessments and referrals by the
Substance Abuse Professionals, and each calendar year summary.
2. Two -Year Retention Period
This pertains to records documenting the collection process for the drug and
alcohol tests and training of supervisors.
3. One -Year Retention Period
This pertains to any alcohol test results which are less than 0.02 and the
documentation of any negative or canceled drug test.
All records are confidential; however, the regulations require that they be made available
for inspection at the City of La Quinta within two business days following a request by an
authorized person. The records are kept in a separate file and will not be made a part of
the employee's personnel file. An exception to this is when disciplinary action results
from the incident. When there is disciplinary action, disciplinary notices and related
documents will be placed in the employee's personnel file.
The result of any testing done pursuant to this policy shall be used for employment
purposes only and shall not be released for use in the criminal justice system, unless by
court order.
L. Access to Records: The following agencies shall have access to all test results
without the verbal or written consent of covered employees:
1. the City of La Quinta in proceedings initiated either by the City or the
employee as a result of testing;
2. the Department of Transportation or any state or local official with
regulatory authority over the City or any of its employees; and
3. the National Transportation Safety Board when conducting an
investigation of an accident where drug and/or alcohol testing was performed.
M. Trainine: As part of the emphasis on education and safety, the Omnibus Act
requires providing educational materials and two hours of training of supervisors and one
hour of training for employees before testing can begin. The required topics include the
I. General Requirements
Covers the general requirements of the Omnibus Act and the City's
responsibilities to comply with those requirements.
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2. Key Person
Designates a key person at the City to answer employee questions regularly.
3. Drivers Covered '
Identifies categories of employees who are subject to the regulations.
4. On -duty Time
Describes the period of time employees are to be in compliance.
5. Safety -Sensitive Functions
Identifies what job tasks are considered to be safety -sensitive.
6. Prohibited Conduct
Specifies information about prohibited employee conduct.
7. Occasions for Testing and Types of Testing
Lists circumstances under which employees will be tested for drugs and/or
8. Procedures for Testing
Covers procedures that will be used to test for the presence of alcohol or drugs
and to protect the privacy of employees, the integrity of the testing process, and
the validity of the test results. Testing shall be conducted only by laboratories
that are Department of Health and human Services certified, and comply with all
laboratory analysis procedures and quality control measures set forth in 49 C.F.R.
part 40.
9. Refusal to Be Tested
Explains what constitutes a refusal to test.
10. Blood Alcohol Concentration
Depicts the various readings for alcohol concentration greater than 0.02.
11. Effects of Drugs and/or Alcohol Use
Describes the specific observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech,
or body odors of the employees.
12. Penalties and Referral
Lists the various consequences for employee found to have tested positive for
prohibited drugs or within the prohibited blood alcohol level.
N. Notice to Emolovees: Covered employees will receive a copy of the Personnel
Policies at the time they commence employment with the City.
0. Compliance with Federal Law: At all times, the City will comply with the current
applicable federal law concerning drug and alcohol testing. Issues or inconsistencies that
are not addressed in this policy will be determined by referring to the law and official
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regulations outlining policies and procedures; etc. relative to the law and official
regulations outlining policies and procedures, etc.
P. Employer Contact: The Employee Relations Officer has been designated to
answer employee questions about this policy.
ANTI -BULLYING POLICY: The City is an equal opportunity employer. Personnel actions
will comply with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, based on race,
religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identification, medical condition,
marital status, sex, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation, domestic partnership status, military and
veteran status, or mental or physical handicap. Any technique or procedure used in recruitment
and selection of employees shall be designed to measure only the job related qualifications of
applicants. No recruitment or selection technique shall be used which, in the opinion of the City,
is not justifiably linked to successful job performance.
Policy Against Harassment: The City strictly prohibits harassment of employees in the
workplace based on race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender
identification, medical condition, marital status, sex, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation,
domestic partnership status, military and veteran status, or mental or physical handicap.
Harassment includes all forms of offensive or unwelcome physical or verbal conduct that
interferes with an employee's work or creates an offensive or hostile working environment. In
addition to prohibiting all forms of discrimination and harassment, the City also prohibits any
form of "intimidation or bullying" in the workplace or elsewhere, including offsite events, that
reflects negatively on the employee or on the City.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment of all types is specifically prohibited. Sexual harassment
of employees in the workplace is illegal, unacceptable, and will NOT be tolerated.
Under state and federal law, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Harassment
need not be motivated by a sexual desire, and the use of profane or vulgar language alone, even
between members of the same sex, may be sexual harassment. It is illegal whenever (a)
submission to such conduct is made a condition of employment, either expressly or implied, (b)
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment
decisions affecting that individual, or (c) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably
interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive working environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include unwelcome sexual propositions or marriage proposals;
unwelcome hugging, kissing, or other offensive physical contact of a sexual nature; lewd
gestures, remarks. or innuendos; profane or vulgar language, unwelcome discussions of sexual
practices or anatomy; and sexually offensive posters, photographs, drawings, cartoons, jokes,
stories, nicknames, or comments about appearance.
Anti -Bullying: Every employee, public official and other individuals, such as temporary agency
workers, consultants, independent contractors and visitors, have the right to be treated with
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respect. Bullying is the use of verbal and/or physical aggression with the intention of
intimidating or harming another individual. It can include any intentional written, visual, verbal,
or physical act, when the act harms the individual or damages his or her property; has the effect
of interfering with an employee's ability to work; is severe or pervasive; and/or creates an
intimidating or threatening environment. Bullying occurs in many forms including, but not
limited to, excluding, tormenting, taunting, making abusive comments, or using threatening
gestures; pushing, shoving, punching, unwanted physical contact or any use of violence; graffiti;
name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, teasing, etc. Such conduct can also occur via use of
electronic or telephonic communications such as the internet, email and chat room misuse,
mobile threats by text messaging or calls, or misuse of cameras and video equipment.
This policy applies to all Supervisors of the City, as well as to co -employees, elected and
appointed officials, commissioners, customers, and other persons at the workplace whom the
City knows or has reason to know are violating this policy. All City personnel are expected to
avoid any conduct that could be construed as harassment or other prohibited behavior by any
employee. Appropriate corrective action will be taken against all offenders, including discipline
or discharge of Supervisors or employees who violate this policy.
Any employee who believes he or she has been unlawfully harassed should bring the matter to
the attention of the employees' supervisor immediately, and provide a full and accurate report of
the underlying facts. Where the employee's supervisor is the alleged harasser, the employee
should bring the matter to the attention of the supervisor's superior. Employees are urged to
report to the employee's supervisor, but this is not required if the employee feels uncomfortable
in doing so, or if the employee believes the supervisor is the harasser. In all cases, employees
are free to report such problems directly to the Employee Relations Officer. Upon notification of
a harassment complaint, the Employee Relations Officer, or other person acting in that capacity,
shall promptly conduct an ' investigation of the complaint and supervise and/or investigate the
complaint. The investigation will generally include interviews with (1) the complainant; (2) the
accused harasser; and (3) any other person the Employee Relations Officer, or person acting in
that capacity, has reason to believe has relevant knowledge concerning the complaint. This may
include victims of similar conduct.
All such reports will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible, but some disclosure will
be necessary to conduct a proper investigation. In each case, the employee reporting the problem
will receive a written reply, from the Employee Relations Officer, or other person acting in that
capacity, on the results of the investigation and the action taken, if any. Any employee who is
not satisfied with the reply may appeal to the City Manager and will receive a reply in writing.
No employee shall be subject to any form of retaliation for reporting any violation, or
participating in any investigation under this policy provided that they have done so truthfully and
in good faith. Employees who believe they have been retaliated against in violation of this
policy may utilize the grievance procedure described below.
This policy also applies to unlawful harassment based on any of the other illegal criteria set forth
in the City's Equal Employment Policy, including race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex,
sexual orientation, disability, marital status, or physical or mental condition.
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The California Fair Employment and Housing Act, (FEHA) (California Govt. Code Sections
12940 et seq.) prohibits unlawful sexual harassment, as well as other forms of discrimination
based on race, color, national origin, religious creed, age, disability, marital status, and medical
Employees may file complaints about sexual harassment or other illegal employment
discrimination with the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission (1390 Market
Street, Suite 410, San Francisco, CA 94102; Telephone: 415-557-2325), or with the California
Department of Fair Employment and Housing (San Bernardino Office: 1845 S. Business Center
Drive, #127, San Bernardino, CA 92408-3426; Telephone: 909-383-4711).
The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is authorized to accept and
investigate complaints of employment discrimination, and to mediate settlements. The Fair
Employment and Housing Commission (FEHC) has authority to issue accusations against
employers, conduct formal hearings, and award reinstatement, back pay, damages, and other
affirmative relief. The Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits retaliation against
employees because they have filed a complaint with the DFEH or FEHC, participated in an
investigation, proceeding, or hearing with either agency, or opposed by practice made unlawful
by the FEHA.
The City will NOT tolerate any unlawful harassment or discrimination in employment.
Violation of this policy can result in immediate termination of employment.
A violation of this policy is subject to the formal grievance procedure in accordance with Section
12. If the allegation of sexual harassment implicates any person rendering a decision at any Step
in the Grievance Procedure, the employee may omit that particular Step and proceed to the next
Step of the Grievance Procedure.
Malicious Complaints: While the City of La Quinta vigorously defends its employees' right to
work in an environment free of sexual harassment, it also recognizes that false accusations of
sexual harassment can have serious consequences. Accordingly, any employee who is found,
through the City's investigation, to have knowingly falsely accused another person of sexual
harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
1.85 WORKPLACE VIOLENCE: The City of La Quinta does not tolerate any act or behavior
which can be perceived as threatening, hostile, and/or violent. No employee shall make any
threat, either physical or verbal, against a co-worker, supervisor or member of the public. No
employee shall bring a weapon (exclusive of personal defense chemical spray) other than those
employees required by their position to do so, of any type to a City facility, including parking
lots and public streets outside or immediately adjacent to a City building or place in a City
vehicle or equipment. Violation of this "zero tolerance" policy will lead to discipline, up to and
including termination. An employee may bring a personal defense chemical spray to a City
facility including parking lots and public streets outside or immediately adjacent to a City
building or place in a City vehicle or equipment if approved by their Department Director having
demonstrated a legitimate need and having obtained any necessary certification.
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All employees are required to report immediately to their Supervisor and Department Director
any threats or incidents of violence. Supervisors and Department Directors are required to
investigate incidents of violence or threats of violence to maintain department safety.
The Workplace Violence Safety Act, Section 527.8 to the California Code of Civil Procedure,
allows employers to seek temporary restraining orders (TRO) and an injunction to protect
employees who have been the subject of actual or threatened unlawful violence in the workplace.
1.90 SMOKING POLICY: Smoking is prohibited in all City facilities, all City vehicles and
rolling stock.
1.95 DRESS CODE: All employees shall dress professionally and in a manner appropriate for
the duties performed in their position. Department Directors, with the approval of the Employee
Relations Officer, may allow certain Field positions to wear shorts depending on the duties
performed and any safety considerations. Shorts may be limited to earth -tone colors, be mid -
thigh length, hemmed, with a minimum of two pockets, a fly and worn with a belt. All field
personnel must wear collared shirts that are tucked in and identify them as City personnel. For
additional guidance on appropriate attire, see the City of La Quinta Customer Service Manual,
Page 6, Dress Code Standards.
1.96 USE OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS: The following is a policy
statement regarding the proper use of the City's electronic equipment and systems. This policy
should be read in conjunction with Section 1.98 Cell Phone Use Policy.
1. Purpose. This policy is created to establish policies that help ensure the City's
compliance with applicable law including, without limitation, the California Public Records Act;
protect the public welfare; regulate public officials' and employees' use of electronic
communications; identify the circumstances when electronic communications must be preserved;
and facilitate City business practices. Nothing contained in this policy is intended to hinder City
officials', officers', or employees' use of electronic communications.
2. Definitions. Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the
following definitions will govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this policy:
A. `Archival form " means either:
1. Transcribing or printing electronic communications in a legible hard copy
form; or
2. Transmitting, converting, or recording an electronic communication into
an electronic format by which the informational content of the electronic
communication is permanently or indefinitely preserved and such information
may be retrieved in readable or audible and comprehensible form. Examples of
such storage include, without limitation, optical disk storage; microfiche; and
digital photography that is incapable of deletion or alteration.
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B. "Communications equipment and software" means City -owned office equipment
and software used for communicating including, without limitation, telephone (including
voice mail), fax machine, copy machine, office automation equipment (computer
terminals or personal computers, including laptops) and communications software
applications such as electronic mail and Internet browsers.
C. "Electronic communication" or "communication" means any communication to,
from, between or among any City official(s) or employee(s) by using an electronic
communication system for City business purposes when it is necessary that the
informational content of such communication be preserved in archival form for future
City use or reference.
D. "Information Technologies" or "IT" means any system, device, hardware,
software, or other equipment designed and used for transmitting or receiving
communications by any form of electronic mail (e-mail or text messages) or voice mail
system, or any network of interconnected computers, including, without limitation, the
Internet and Worldwide Web, as used for such purposes.
E. "Users" means City officers, employees (regular, extra -help and temporary)
contractors, volunteers and other individuals provided access to IT.
3. City's Ownership. All City -provided electronic equipment, hardware, software,
temporary or permanent files and related systems or devices are the property of the City of
La Quinta. These include, but are not limited to, computers, cell phones, Smartphones
(collectively referred to as "Cell Phones"), network equipment, software, telephones, voice mail,
text messages, documents, spreadsheets, calendar entries, the Internet, appointments, tasks and
notes which are part of the City's electronic systems or equipment.
4. No Expectation of Privacy. Where there is a business reason to do so, supervisors have
the authority to inspect the contents of any equipment, files, systems, calendars, e-mail, text
messages or voice mail used by their subordinates as part of the regular job duties. "Business
Reason" includes ensuring that employees are complying with this policy, particularly if there
has been prior disciplinary action regarding failure to follow the policy. The City, however, will
not act under this policy on a random basis or when there is no business reason.
A. Information Systems may extract information, files, documents, e-mails, text
messages, voice mail, etc., including deleted items, when requested by management for a
business -related reason. Therefore, employees who use electronic equipment and/or
systems provided by the City of La Quinta cannot be guaranteed absolute privacy.
B. No unauthorized passwords or security system may be added to any City
equipment or other systems.
C. Users should not regard any electronic communication as personal, private or
confidential. The City may conduct reviews of the content of messages and files, and
web sites visited on the Internet, when in the exercise of its business judgment, the City
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determines that it would be prudent to do so. The City may, without notice, inspect,
repair and service all workplace computers; and for business reasons may review and
disclose all information transmitted through Information Systems; and control access to
Information Systems in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations.
D. City may restrict access to any Internet source when it determines, in its sole
discretion, that a source is unnecessary to facilitate City business. Restriction of a
specified source does not imply approval of other non -restricted sources.
E. The City may restrict access to Information Systems without notice and without a
user's consent.
Be advised that under some circumstances, communications sent via e-mail or text message may
be subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, or in cooperation with law enforcement or
as a result of litigation. If disclosure of e-mail or text messages (or any other data files) should
be required (despite the designation of any message as "private" or "confidential"), the City shall
not be liable for this disclosure in any way. In short, the City's information system does not
provide any guarantee of personal privacy protection, and employees should use the system with
this limitation in mind.
5. Use Regulation.
A. Electronic communications, including, without limitation, electronic mail,
voicemail, fax machines, and mobile phones, have become common tools in City
business. While using these technologically advanced communications, it is important to
recognize that the City remains obligated, � under some circumstances, to preserve
communications under California law including, without limitation, the Public Records
Act (Gov't. Code §§ 6250-6276.48).
B. In addition, it is important to remember that these tools are provided by the City
to facilitate public business. Although limited and incidental personal use of electronic
communications may be understandable and acceptable, these communication devices
remain public property and should be used primarily for public purposes. Users may use
Information Systems for incidental personal use that does not interfere or conflict with
City business or job performance during regular duty hours. Incidental means infrequent
usage. Personal use of the City's Information Systems is at the users' own risk and may
be accessed, reviewed, copied, deleted or disclosed by the City.
Acceptable business use is limited to the following:
1. Communication relating directly to achieving City or department goals
and the user's personal work -related goals.
2. Communication relating to a user's individual professional development in
the City.
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3. Applying for or administering grants and contracts for City programs.
4. Use for advisory, standards, research, analysis, and professional society
activities relating to the user's job duties and tasks.
5. Announcing and tracking new laws, procedures, policies, rules, services,
programs, information, or activities affecting the City.
6. Any general or routine governmental administrative communications.
Users are encouraged to use generally accepted practices of etiquette while using
electronic communications and Information Systems. The City's Information Services
Analyst can provide users with such forms of etiquette.
6. Prohibited Uses.
Prohibited uses of communication equipment and software include, but are not necessarily
limited to, the following:
A. Uses that violate any local, state, or federal law;
B. Uses violating any part of an MOU or City Policy.
C. Uses relating to a user's private commercial activities including, without
limitation, advertising and consulting;
D. Accessing and distributing computer games;
E. Fundraising or public relations activities outside the scope of City business;
F. Political activities;
G. Religious activities;
H. Unauthorized access to systems, software or data;
1. Creating or propagating viruses;
J. Disrupting services;
K. Intentionally destroying or damaging equipment, software, or data;
L. Use of non -business software, e.g. games and/or entertainment software;
M. Threats;
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N. Harassment or bullying;
O. Defamation;
P. Slander; and
Q. Access to, or communication of, material or graphic images which are
pornographic, violent, offensive, threatening, disturbing, obscene or profane.
7. Disclaimers.
Chat rooms and electronic discussion groups are specialized resources on the Internet for sharing
information with other professionals. However, employees may not publish official positions or
opinions of the City, or publish statements which could be construed as positions or opinions of
the City, via the Internet, text or e-mail without prior authorization. All authorized participation
in such forums must include the following disclaimer: "Views expressed by the author do not
necessarily represent those of the City of La Quinta." Failure to include the required disclaimer
may result in revocation of access privileges and/or disciplinary action.
8. Confidential Information.
Information Systems may not be used to communicate confidential City information to
unauthorized individuals within or outside of the City. Confidential information includes any
information whose release is restricted under local, state or federal law, any personnel
information or records or any other information prohibited from release to unauthorized persons
by the employee's supervisor, manager or department head. If an employee is unsure if City
information or records are confidential, the employee is required to ask a supervisor before
releasing such information to unauthorized individuals.
9. Compliance with law.
Immediately upon receiving a public records request, subpoena, or court order which identifies
an electronic communication, City officers and employees will use their best efforts, and use all
reasonable means practicable, to preserve such electronic communications.
10. Violations.
Violations of this policy will be reviewed on a case -by -case basis and may result in disciplinary
action in accordance with the City's Personnel Policies (Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11). All
unauthorized uses of the Internet may result in revocation of access privileges and/or disciplinary
action. Misuse of City communications equipment and software is a violation of the City's
Personnel Policies and will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from
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• The City of La Quinta is committed to protecting its assets against the risk of loss or
misuse. Accordingly it is the policy of the City to identify and promptly investigate any
possibility of fraudulent or related dishonest activities against the City and, when appropriate, to
pursue legal remedies available under the law.
• Fraud is defined as an intentional deception, misappropriation of resources or the
manipulation of data to gain financial or other benefits. Fraud and other similar improprieties
include, but are not limited to:
a) Claim for reimbursement of expenses that are not made for the exclusive benefit
of the City.
b) Forgery or alteration of documents (checks, promissory notes, time sheets,
independent contractor agreements, purchase orders, etc.).
c) Misappropriation of City assets (funds, securities, supplies, furniture, equipment,
d) Improprieties in the handling or reporting of money transactions.
e) Authorizing or receiving payment for goods not received or services note
f) Misrepresentation of information on documents.
g) Computer -related activity involving unauthorized alteration, destruction, forgery,
or manipulation of data or misappropriation of City -owned software.
This policy applies to Officers and Employees of the City.
• It is the City's intent to fully investigate any suspected acts of fraud, misappropriation, or
other similar irregularity. An objective and impartial investigation will be conducted regardless
of the position, title, and length of service or relationship with the City.
• Each department of the City is responsible for instituting and maintaining a system of
internal controls to provide reasonable assurance for the prevention and detection of fraud,
misappropriation, and other irregularities. Management should be familiar with the types of
improprieties that might occur within their area of responsibility and be alert for any indications
of such misconduct.
• Human Resources, in conjunction with the City Attorney, has the primary responsibility
for the investigation of all activity as defined in this policy.
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• Throughout the investigation, Human Resources will inform the City Manager of
pertinent investigative findings.
• Employees will be granted whistle -blower protection when acting in accordance with this
policy. When informed of a suspected impropriety, neither the City nor any person acting on
behalf of the City shall:
a) Dismiss or threaten to dismiss the employee.
b) Discipline, suspend, or threaten to discipline or suspend the employee.
c) Impose any penalty upon the employee, or
d) Intimidate or coerce the employee.
Violations of the whistle -blower protection will result in discipline up to and including dismissal.
• Upon conclusion of the investigation, the results will be reported to the City Manager.
• The City Manager, following review of investigative results, will take appropriate action
regarding employee misconduct. Disciplinary action can include termination, and referral of the
case to the District Attorney's Office for possible prosecution.
• The City will pursue every reasonable effort, including court ordered restitution, to obtain
recovery of City losses from the offender, or other appropriate sources.
Mayor and City Council Responsibilities:
• If the Mayor or a City Council member has reason to suspect that a fraud has occurred,
he/she shall immediately contact the City Manager (or contact the City Attorney if the City
Manager is involved).
• The Mayor or a City Council member shall not attempt to investigate the suspected fraud
or discuss the matter with anyone other than the City Manager.
• The alleged fraud or audit investigation shall not be discussed with the media by any
person other than through the City Manager in consultation with the City Attorney and Human
Management Responsibilities:
• Management is responsible for being alert to, and reporting fraudulent or related
dishonest activities in their areas of responsibility.
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• Each manager should be familiar with the types of improprieties that might occur in
his/her area and be alert for any indication that improper activity, misappropriation, or dishonest
activity is or was in existence in his/her area.
• When an improper activity is detected or suspected, management should determine
whether an error or mistake has occurred or if there may be dishonest or fraudulent activity.
• If management determines a suspected activity may involve fraud or related dishonest
activity, they should contact their immediate supervisor (or contact the City Attorney or
Assistant City Manager if the City Manager is involved).
• Department directors should inform the City Manager (or contact the City Attorney or
Assistant City Manager if the City Manager is involved).
• Management should not attempt to conduct individual investigations, interviews, or
interrogations. However, management is responsible for taking appropriate corrective actions to
ensure adequate controls exist to prevent reoccurrence of improper actions.
• Management should support the City's responsibilities and cooperate fully with Human
Resources, other involved departments, and law enforcement agencies in the detection, reporting,
and investigation of criminal acts, including the prosecution of offenders.
• Management must give full and unrestricted access to all necessary records and
personnel. All City furniture and contents, including desks and computers, are open to
inspection at any time. There is no assumption of privacy.
• In dealing with suspected dishonest or fraudulent activities, great care must be taken.
Therefore, management should avoid the following:
a) Incorrect accusations.
b) Alerting suspected individuals that an investigation is underway.
c) Treating employees unfairly.
d) Making statements that could lead to claims of false accusations.
In handling dishonest or fraudulent activities, management has the responsibility to:
a) Make no contact (unless requested) with the suspected individual to determine
facts or demand restitution. Under no circumstances should there be any reference to
"what you did,", "the crime,", "the fraud,", or "the misappropriation.".
b) Avoid discussing the case, facts, suspicions, or allegations with anyone outside
the City, unless specifically told to do so by the City Attorney.
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c) Avoid discussing the case with anyone inside the City other than employees who
have a need to know such as the City Manager, Human Resources, City Attorney or law
enforcement personnel.
d) Direct all inquiries from the suspected individual, or his/her representative, to the
City Manager or City Attorney. All inquiries by an attorney of the suspected individual
should be directed to the City Attorney. All inquiries from the media should be directed
to the City Manager.
e) Take appropriate corrective and disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal,
after consulting with the Assistant City Manager, in conformance with the City's
Personnel Policies and Procedures or the appropriate bargaining document.
Employee Responsibilities:
• A suspected fraudulent incident or practice observed by, or made known to, an employee
must be reported to the employee's supervisor.
• When the employee believes the supervisor may be involved in an inappropriate activity,
the employee shall make the report directly to the next higher level of management and/or the
City Manager (or contact the City Attorney or Assistant City Manager if the next higher level of
management and/or the City Manager is involved).
• The reporting employees shall refrain from further investigations of the incident,
confrontation with the alleged violator, or further discussion of the incident with anyone, unless
requested by the City Manager, Human Resources, City Attorney or law enforcement personnel.
Human Resources Responsibilities:
Upon assignment by the City Manager, Human Resources will promptly investigate the
• Human Resources shall be available and receptive to receiving relevant, confidential
information to the extent allowed by law.
• If evidence is uncovered showing possible dishonest or fraudulent activities, Human
Resources will proceed as follows:
a) Discuss the findings with the appropriate management/supervisor and the
Department Director.
b) Advise management, if the case involves staff members, to meet with the
Assistant City Manager to determine if disciplinary actions should be taken.
c) Report to the external auditor such activities in order to assess the effect of the
illegal activity on the City's financial statements.
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d) Coordinate with the City's Risk Management insurer regarding notification to
insurers and filing of insurance claims.
e) Take immediate action in consultation with the City Attorney to prevent the theft,
alteration, or destruction of evidentiary records. Such action shall include, but is not
limited to:
1) Removing the records and placing them in a secure location, or
limiting access to the location where the records currently exist.
2) Preventing the individual suspected of committing the fraud from having
access to the records.
• In consultation with the City Attorney, Human Resources may disclose particulars of the
investigation with potential witnesses if such disclosure would further the investigation.
• If Human Resources is contacted by the media regarding an alleged fraud or audit
investigation, Human Resources will consult with the City Manager and the City Attorney, as
appropriate, before responding to a media request for information or interview.
• At the conclusion of the investigation, Human Resources will document the results in a
confidential memorandum report to the City Manager and the City Attorney. If the report
concludes that the allegations are founded, the report will be forwarded to the La Quinta Police
• Human Resources will be required to make recommendations to the appropriate
department for assistance in the prevention of future similar occurrences.
• Upon completion of the investigation, including all legal and personnel actions, all
records, documents, and other evidentiary material, obtained from the department under
investigation will be returned by Human Resources to that department.
The City recognizes that the use of personal cell phones has become prevalent in our society and
that employees rely on cell phones as a means of communication with family and friends. As
such, it is important for the City to clearly identify the parameters for use of personal cell phones
in the workplace. In addition, the City's Cell Phone Policy addresses the parameters for using
City -issued cell phones for those employees requiring a cell phone in order to perform the
essential functions of their jobs.
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1.98.1 Personal Cell Phone Use.
Employees are not prohibited from carrying personal cell phones while at work, but must comply
with the following requirements.
I. Generally speaking, employees should neither send nor receive personal calls, text
messages, or a -mails during work hours, excluding break times and lunch periods. However, the
City recognizes that at times it may be necessary for employees to contact or be contacted by
family members. The City also recognizes that extraordinary circumstances may require an
employee to conduct personal business using their personal cell phone during working hours.
Abuse of this privilege shall be considered a violation of this policy.
2. Supervisors have the authority to restrict or prohibit use of personal cell phones at any
time on-the-job when they believe such situations or use may create a distraction or safety hazard
to the employee, co-workers, contractors, and/or the general public.
3. Calls to 911 or other emergency calls on personal cell phones during work hours are
permitted under this policy.
4. The use and/or wearing of `Bluetooth" or "hands -free" personal cell phone devices is
strictly prohibited during working hours, excluding break times and lunch periods.
5. Except as discussed below, employees are not allowed to talk, email or text on a personal
or city -owned cell phone while driving any vehicle, including City vehicles, while engaged in
City business. Use of a cell phone to make a call in other than a hands -free mode and texting or
emailing in other than a hands -free mode while driving (including at a stop sign or stoplight) is
prohibited by State law (Vehicle Code Section 23123.5). Wherever possible, phone use should
occur when the vehicle is pulled over off the road and safely stopped and the driver can devote
full attention to the
6. If an employee needs to use a personal cell phone for City business, the employee can
submit a request for payment for the minutes used, if those minutes take the employee over the
set limit of minutes under the employee's plan.
7. Many personal cell phones have camera features. The camera features may not be used
in the workplace unless for City business. Camera phones can potentially violate the privacy of
co-workers or be used to take pictures of confidential or sensitive documents.
I. Cell Phone Stipend
a. The City of La Quinta recognizes that the performance of certain job
responsibilities may be enhanced by or may require the use of a cellular (cell) phone or a
Smartphone. The IRS considers these devices to be "listed property." As such, IRS
statutes (Title 26 U.S.C. section 274(d)(4)) require detailed record keeping including (a)
the amount of the expense, (b) the time and place of the call, and (c) the business purpose
for the call. The IRS can declare that all undocumented use of a cell phone is personal
and should be taxed as wages, even if the majority of the calls are for business purposes.
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b. In order to comply with IRS rules regarding the taxable nature of cell phone usage
by employees, as of September 1, 2014, the City of La Quinta will issue a cell phone
stipend for those employees who hold positions where the duties of that position require
the use of a cell phone. The benefits of such an approach include:
i. A call log is not required;
ii. Monthly reporting is not required;
iii. A single phone may be used for both personal and business purposes; and
iv. The stipend will not be considered taxable income to the employee.
II. Policy
Employees who hold positions that include the need for a cell phone (see eligibility criteria
below) may receive a cell phone stipend to compensate for business -related costs incurred when
using their individually -owned cell phones. The City will not own or provide cell phones for the
use of individual employees except in limited situations (e.g. field services, code
enforcementlanimal control, on -call employees, select supervision, etc.).
III. Eligibility
a. Employees whose job duties include the frequent need of a cell phone for City
business may receive compensation, in the form of a monthly cell phone stipend, to cover
business -related costs. An employee is eligible for a personal phone stipend if at least one
of the following criteria is met:
i. The job function of the employee requires considerable time outside of
his/her assigned office or work area and it is important to the City that s/he is
accessible during those times;
ii. The job function of the employee requires him/her to be accessible outside
of scheduled or normal working hours where time sensitive
decisions/notifications are required;
iii. The job function of the employee requires him/her to have wireless data
and internet access; and/or
iv. The employee is designated as a "first responder" to emergencies.
b. An employee who only occasionally is contacted for business purposes is not
eligible for a stipend; however, s/he may submit a record of these expenses for
IV. Stipend Plan
a. If an employee meets the eligibility requirements for use of a personal cell phone
for City business, as outlined above, a stipend may be requested in writing through
his/her Department Director.
b. Once approved, the stipend amount will be added to the employee's regular pay.
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In order to meet IRS guidelines, any amount added for cell phone equipment or for cell
phone service will be identified as a non-taxable benefit.
C. The stipend will be paid as a flat rate per month as outlined below. The City will
pay only the agreed upon amount,
d. The stipend allowance is neither permanent nor guaranteed. The City reserves the
right to remove a participant from this plan and/or cancel the stipend for business
e. The City requires employees to have both voice and data service on their phone,
and the stipend is:
i. Voice and data - $40 per month (prorated for a partial month)
f. If an employee's job duties do not include the need fora cell phone, the employee
is not eligible for a cell phone stipend.
i. Such employees may request reimbursement for the actual extra expenses
of business cell phone calls on their personal cell phone.
ii. Reimbursement for per -minute "air time" charges is limited to the total
overage charge shown on the invoice; expenses for minutes included in the plan
will not be reimbursed.
iii. The individual should make personal payment to the provider, and then
should submit a request for reimbursement.
iv. Reimbursement documentation should identify the business purpose.
g. If an employee who is receiving a cell phone stipend is off work on an approved
leave of absence for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days or more and is not required
to use his/her cell phone for business purposes, that employee shall have the stipend
suspended for the period of the absence and restored when the employee returns to work.
Equipment Purchase
a. The City will not pay for the purchase or replacement of personal cell phones,
activation fees or insurance.
b. With the approval of the Department Director, an employee utilizing a City issued
cell phone may purchase the device from the City for conversion to personal use,
including the phone number. In order to maximize the monetary return to the City, the
Information Technology Department will utilize Clover Wireless to determine the market
value of the device.
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VI. Oversight, Approval & Funding
a. Department Directors are responsible for identifying employees in their
department who hold positions that include the need for use of a personal cell phone for
City business. Each department is strongly encouraged to review whether a cellular
device is necessary, and to select alternative means of communication -e.g., land -lines,
pagers, and mobile radios - when such alternatives would provide adequate and less
costly service to the City.
b. The Department Director is responsible for overseeing employee cell phone needs
and assessing each employee's continued need of a personal cell phone for business
purposes. The need for a cell phone stipend should be reviewed annually, to determine if
existing cell phone stipends should be continued as -is, changed, or discontinued.
C. The City Manager will have the final approval authority.
d. Stipends are funded by the department submitting the request.
VII. Employees Rights & Responsibilities
a. The employee is responsible for purchasing a cell phone and establishing a
service contract with the cell phone service provider of his/her choice. The cell phone
contract is in the name of the employee, who is solely responsible for all payments to the
service provider.
b. Because the cell phone is owned personally by the employee the stipend provided
is not considered taxable income and the employee may use the phone for both business
and personal purposes, as needed. The employee may, at his or her own expense, add
extra services or equipment features, as desired. If there are problems with service, the
employee is expected to work directly with the carrier for resolution.
C. Support from the City's Information Technology (IT) Department is limited to
connecting a personally -owned PDA/Smartphone to City -provided services, including
email, calendar, and contacts.
d. An employee receiving a cell phone stipend must be able to show, if requested by
his/her supervisor, a copy of the monthly access plan charges and business related
documents confirming they continue to have a contract for the cell phone.
If the employee terminates the wireless contract at any point, s/he must
notify his/her supervisor within 5 business days to terminate the stipend.
e. The City does not accept any liability for claims, charges or disputes between the
service provider and the employee. Use of the phone in any manner contrary to local,
state, or federal laws will constitute misuse, and will result in immediate termination.
Any cell phone that has data capabilities must be secured based on current
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security standards including password protection and encryption. If a cell phone with data
capabilities is stolen or missing, it must be reported to the employee's supervisor, the
wireless device service provider, and to IT as soon as possible.
g. Employees are expected to delete all City data from the cell phone when their
employment with the City is terminated, except when required to maintain that data in
compliance with a litigation hold notice.
VIIl. Cancellation
a. Any stipend agreement will be immediately cancelled if:
i. An employee receiving a cell phone stipend terminates employment with
the City.
ii. The employee changes position within the City which no longer requires
the use of a cell phone for business reasons.
iii. There is misuse/misconduct with the phone.
iv. A decision by management (unrelated to employee misconduct) results in
the need to end the program or there is a change in the employee's duties
V. The employee does not want to retain the current cell phone contract for
personal purposes. .
1.98.2 City -Owned Cell Phone Use.
1. Certain employees are issued . City -owned cell phones or Smartphones
(collectively referred to as "cell phones") for City business. An employee who believes
he/she should have a City -owned cell phone should fill out a request and submit to the
Department Director, who has the authority to approve or disapprove the request.
However, it is expected that any employee who is required to use a cell phone in the
performance of his or her duties on almost a constant and ongoing basis shall be provided
a cell phone by the City at the City's expense.
2. The City retains the right to: (1) review the bills for City -owned cell phones and
(2) require payment from the employee for all personal calls in accordance with IRS
regulations as they now exist, or as they may be amended in the future.
3. Employees issued a City -owned cell phone are responsible for properly caring for
4. Employees are not allowed to install personal or other non -approved software or
applications on City -owned cell phones, or to disable any software installed by the City,
including virus protection systems.
5. All passwords or security codes must be protected and not given out to others.
The City's IT Department must be provided with all current passwords or security codes.
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1.98.3 Subpoenas and Public Records Requests
All City employees who use either a personal cell phone or a City -owned cell phone for City
business should be aware that the content of emails, texts or phone calls dealing with City
business may be subject to subpoena or a Public Records Act request related to City business.
1.98.4 Violations of This Policy
Violations of the City's Cell Phone Policy may subject the employee to disciplinary action under
the City's Personnel Policies. Any questions regarding this Policy should be directed to Human
All full-time employees who have completed probation are eligible for participation in the City's
Computer Loan Program. This is strictly a volunteer program. Program parameters such as the
maximum loan amount, interest rate and scope of the program, will be evaluated on an annual
basis. The Computer Loan Program policy is attached as Exhibit A.
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2.01 PURPOSE: The purpose of the classification and salary plan is to support the
recruitment, success, and retention of qualified and productive employees and to encourage and
reward activities that promote the City's vision, mission and values as a highly performing
The City desires to recruit and retain individuals who are customer service oriented, demonstrate
initiative, are team players, and accept responsibility, authority and accountability for work
performance. Once employed, the City believes that incentives are critical if the employees are
to be successful in achieving the mission, goals and objectives of the City.
The City will offer appropriate developmental and advancement opportunities and recognize
performance with incentives for employee success, retention and professional development. The
City will administer this in an open, fair, and equitable fashion.
classification system defines the general scope and complexity of the work required and
facilitates internal equity across all jobs within all departments of the City. The goal is to
establish a classification structure with broadly defined classes that reflect meaningful and
measurable differences in the level of work within each classification but maintains the
flexibility necessary for employee growth and efficient management.
The Employee Relations Officer shall determine the duties and responsibilities of all City
positions for inclusion in the Classification Plan. The Classification Plan shall be so developed
and maintained to ensure to the fullest extent possible that all positions which are substantially
similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, authority and character of work, are included
within the same classification, and the same schedules of compensation shall apply to all
positions in the same classification. Classification specifications are explanatory, but not
restrictive. The listing of particular tasks shall not preclude the assignment of other related kinds
of tasks or related jobs requiring lesser skills. The Classification Plan shall be adopted by a
resolution of the City Council. The Classification Plan may be amended or revised, as required,
and adopted by a resolution of the City Council.
2.10 ALLOCATED POSITIONS: The Employee Relations Officer shall approve the
appointment of employees to positions in the Classification Plan.
Only allocated positions which have been approved by City Council may be filled, provided that
the following positions can be approved by the City Manager without prior City Council
approval: 1) temporary; and 2) emergency.
2.15 NEW POSITIONS: When a new position is created, no person shall be appointed or
employed to fill the position prior to the position's assignment to a classification, unless
otherwise provided by these Policies. The Employee Relations Officer shall amend the
Classification Plan to establish and assign an appropriate classification and rating for the new
position as approved by the City Council.
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2.20 CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS: The purpose of Classification Specifications is
to ensure that new hires are qualified and capable of performing the work required.
Classification Specifications shall contain a job description, as well as knowledge, skills,
abilities, education, experience, sample duties and other minimum qualifications for all
Classifications listed in the Classification Plan. The Employee Relations Officer shall maintain a
list of all City Council approved Classification Specifications. All Classification Specifications
shall be open for inspection in Human Resources by an employee or the public under reasonable
conditions during business hours subject to the availability of the Employee Relations Officer.
reflects both internal equity and external parity within the various labor markets in which the
City must compete (both public and private sector). The system also rewards employees who
perform at above -standard levels within their respective job class. The Employee Relations
Officer shall prepare an annual Salary Plan that establishes the minimum through job rates of pay
for all City classifications and shall submit the Salary Plan to the City Council for its approval.
The Salary Plan shall be adopted by a resolution of the City Council. The Salary Plan shall be
amended or revised by adoption of a resolution of the City Council.
2.30 APPROPRIATE SALARY: Employees occupying a City position shall be paid a salary
or wage within the salary range established for that position's classification under the adopted
Classification and Salary Plans.
2.35 BENEFIT PLAN: The City Council may, at its sole discretion, adopt a Benefit Plan that
establishes the benefits for all City Employees. This Benefit Plan is described in the Employee
Benefits Section of the City's Compensation and Leave Policies.
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3.05 TYPES OF APPOINTMENTS: Except for temporary vacancies, all vacancies shall be
filled by recruitment, transfer, promotion, or demotion; temporary appointments may be made in
accordance with these Policies.
3.10 PROBATIONARY APPOINTMENTS: Effective July 1, 2014, all initial appointments
made to a vacant regular position, shall be considered probationary for six (6) months from the
effective date of the appointment. Promotional appointments shall also be considered
probationary for six (6) months from the effective date of the promotional appointment. As
necessary, the probationary period for both initial and promotional appointments can be extended
an additional six (6) months if the Department Director or designee determines that the
probationary period shall be extended. The probationary employee shall be given notice in
writing prior to the expiration of the original probationary period.
Initial probationary employees are eligible for use of paid leave (sick leave, vacation and
bereavement leave) after the first (3) months. A promotional probation does not impact an
employee's eligibility for leave.
The probationary period shall be regarded as part of the testing process and shall be utilized for
closely observing the employee's work to determine the, employee's fitness for the position. A
probationary employee must demonstrate satisfactory performance in order to achieve permanent
Periods of time on paid or unpaid leave exceeding thirty (30) days (consecutive or not) shall
automatically extend the probationary period by that number of days the employee is on leave.
If the probationary period is interrupted by military leave for a period which extends beyond half
of the probationary period, then the employee shall serve a new probationary period upon return.
An employee on initial probationary status may be suspended without pay, demoted or dismissed
by the City at any time, with or without cause, and without right of appeal. An initial
probationary employee has no property interest in continuing employment.
3.15 FULL-TIME APPOINTMENT: Employees who successfully complete their
probationary period and who regularly work a minimum of forty (40) hours per week (for
definitions of the work week for employees on the 9/80 Alternate Work Week Schedule, please
refer to the 9/80 Alternate Work Week Schedule Policy) shall become full-time regular
employees and shall be entitled to all of the benefits provided herein.
3.20 EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS: To meet immediate requirements of an emergency
condition which threatens life or property, the Employee Relations Officer may create positions
and employ such persons as temporary employees as may be needed for the duration of the
If not determined otherwise by an applicable provision or by an Emergency Operations Plan
approved by the City Council, the creation of positions and employment of temporary positions
shall occur as soon as possible, and shall be compensated at an appropriate hourly rate as
approved by the Employee Relations Officer.
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3.25 INTERIM APPOINTMENTS: If deemed to be in the best interests of the City, the
Employee Relations Officer may authorize and approve an interim appointment in order to fill
either a temporary (i.e. a maternity or military leave) or regular (i.e. an employee's resignation or
termination) vacancy. If the position being filled on an interim basis would normally require
City Council approval (i.e. City Manager), the City Council shall authorize the interim
An interim appointment may be authorized for a period not to exceed six (6) months from the
date of that appointment. The Employee Relations Officer may authorize an additional (6)
months extension for an interim appointment. All interim employees must meet the minimum
qualifications of the vacant position.
A regular employee may be assigned to another interim classification which is equal to or higher
than the employee's regular classification. During the interim appointment period, the employee
will be assigned the title of the interim classification, at a salary that is at least five percent (5%)
higher than the current salary of the employee's regular classification, for the duration of the
interim appointment if the interim classification is a higher grade. A regular employee assigned
to an interim classification which is not represented by the La Quinta City Employees'
Association will have their membership suspended during the term of the interim appointment.
While serving in an interim capacity, a regular employee shall receive any benefits of the interim
classification which are over and above the employee's regular benefits. If an employee
receiving overtime benefits is assigned to an interim classification which does not receive
overtime benefits, the employee shall not receive overtime pay for the duration of the interim
period. The employee shall receive the prorated Administrative Leave benefits of the interim
classification. A regular employee, in an interim classification, shall continue to accrue seniority
in their regular classification and shall be eligible to receive merit increases in the regular
An interim employee who is not currently a City employee shall be compensated as outlined in a
written employment contract.
If an interim employee is appointed to the position which the employee has been filling on an
interim basis, any time worked in the interim position may be applied towards fulfilling the
required probationary period.
Interim appointments shall not be construed to create or imply any right in any employee to be
permanently appointed to the job classification position that the employee is filling on an interim
basis. At the expiration of any interim appointment, the employee shall return to the employee's
regular job classification and shall also return to the rate of pay which corresponds to the regular
classification as if the employee never left the classification.
This section shall not be construed to prohibit the employment by contract of a person or entity
to provide services to the City of an interim, indefinite, or other basis.
3.30 "WORKING OUT OF CLASS": When an employee is assigned to significant duties and
responsibilities of an authorized job classification with a higher salary range on a full-time basis
for more than twenty-five (25) consecutive working days (which includes each "Regular Day
Rev. Juy 2014 - 51 -
Off' for employees participating in the Alternate' Work Week Schedule) or more than fifty (50)
working days in a twelve (12) month period, a temporary salary adjustment shall be made to a
higher salary range and appropriate step therein until the employee ceases to perform such out -
of -class work. It is the City's intent to avoid working an employee on an out -of -class assignment
for a prolonged period.
An employee who believes that he/she has worked out -of -class for more than twenty-five (25)
consecutive working days or more than fifty (50) working days in a twelve (12) month period
may submit a written request for an out -of -class pay adjustment to the Department Director
within ten (10) working days after the employee has allegedly qualified for the out -of -class pay
adjustment. The Department Director shall review the request and forward a recommendation
thereon to the Employee Relations Officer within five (5) working days after completing a job
audit. The Employee Relations Officer shall render a decision thereon within five (5) working
days after receipt of the Department Director's recommendation.
If the Employee Relations Officer determines that the employee has been working out -of -class
for more than twenty-five (25) consecutive working days, the employee will be paid out -of -class
pay effective on the 26th day and for each successive day the employee works out -of -class.
If the Employee Relations Officer determines that the employee has been working out -of -class
for more than fifty (50) working days within any twelve (12) month period, the employee will be
paid out -of -class pay effective on the 51st day and for each successive day during the twelve (12)
month period in which the employee works out -of -class.
In determining the appropriate salary for purposes of calculating out -of -class pay, the employee
shall be compensated at the salary in the appropriate salary range which is at least five (5%)
percent higher than the salary the employee held in the previous salary range. If the employee is
subsequently appointed to the higher -level position, the employee may apply time accumulated
while working out -of -class towards fulfilling any required probationary period. If and when the
employee returns to the employee's former position, the employee shall also return to the lower
base pay.
A regular employee working out -of -class shall continue to accrue seniority in his/her regular
classification and shall be eligible to receive salary increases in the regular position.
Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting management's authority to assign City employees
temporarily to different or additional work duties and responsibilities for the purpose of
responding to emergencies. Temporary assignment, while responding to an emergency, will be
for no more than three (3) months duration, but may be extended for an additional three (3)
months with Employee Relations Officer approval.
Nothing herein shall prevent an employee from receiving an interim promotion to fill a position
temporarily as a result of a vacancy, leave of absence, or industrial injury. Such an employee
shall be compensated in accordance with Section 3.15.
3.35 TRANSFER: An employee may transfer from their present position to a vacant position,
in the same classification, within the same department or to another department. For purposes of
this Section, a comparable classification is defined as one with the same salary range which
Rev. July 2014 - 52 -
involves the performance of similar duties that require substantially the same general
qualification. A transferred employee shall retain their rate of pay and their anniversary date for
purposes of leave accruals.
No employee shall be transferred to a position for which the employee does not possess the
minimum qualifications. A transfer shall not be used to effect a promotion, demotion,
advancement or reduction in pay. An employee who transfers to a lower position may be Y-
rated. The employee who desires to transfer must request the transfer, in writing, through the
Employee Relations Officer.
The Employee Relations Officer is under no obligation to notify employees of each potential
transfer opportunity. Once the transfer request is received by the Employee Relations Officer,
the Employee Relations Officer shall inform the Department Director of the request. The
transfer must be approved, in writing, by the Employee Relations Officer.
Unless otherwise provided for in these Policies, an employee must be employed with the City for
at least six (6) months, or until the employee has completed their probationary period, before
applying for a transfer. An employee may be requested to defer their transfer until their current
position has been filled, but typically, two -week notice will be given to the employee's current
A request for transfer to a vacant position may be initiated by an employee or the employee's
Department Director. The Employee Relations Officer may order a transfer for the purposes of
economy, efficiency, or for reasons related to the best interests of the City. Such a determination
by the Employee Relations Officer shall not require the consent of the employee or the
Department Director.
3.40 PROMOTION: When it has been determined by the City that a vacant position will be
filled by promotional appointment, the Employee Relations Officer shall authorize a competitive
promotional examination in order to fill the position, as set forth in these policies.
When an employee is appointed to a promotional position, that employee shall be paid the salary
in the higher salary range which is at least five percent (5%) higher than the salary he/she
received in the lower range, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.15. Any employee
who is promoted within City service shall be required to complete a six-month probationary
period in the new position successfully. If the employee's former position is still vacant, the
department director may recommend that the employee be reinstated to the former position. This
reinstatement must be approved by the Employee Relations Officer. If the employee's former
position is not vacant, the employee may be appointed to a position of the same classification in
a different department with the recommendation of the Department Director and approval by the
Employee Relations Officer. If no vacancy exists, the employee will be laid off from City
In the event a Level I position is eliminated and replaced with a Level II position, the City agrees
to first consider employees in the Level I position, and to make every reasonable effort to
promote an existing employee to the new Level II position. However, if after due consideration
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of existing employees, the City determines that no employee is qualified for promotion, the City
retains the right to conduct outside recruitment.
3.45 DEMOTION: An employee may be demoted because the employee's ability to perform
the required duties of their position falls below standard, for disciplinary purposes, or for any
other reasons as outlined in these Policies. No employee shall be demoted to a position for
which the employee does not possess the minimum qualifications. The position which has been
made vacant by demotion shall then become subject to the provisions of these Policies which
govern appointments.
An employee shall not be required to serve a probationary period in the position to which the
employee is demoted unless the employee has not competed the probationary period in the
higher position. In such cases, the employee shall be required to complete their unfinished
probationary period in the lower position.
3.4511 Involuntary Demotion: An involuntarily demoted employee, who is placed in a position
at a lower salary than the position the employee formerly occupied, shall be placed at the salary
which is closest to, but lower than, the employees' salary rate in the employee's former position.
A demotion which is effected for disciplinary reasons, pursuant to Section 9.35, shall be subject
to the disciplinary appeals process.
3.45.2 Voluntary Demotion: A voluntary demotion to a lower post and lower salary may be
requested by an employee for any reason. Such a voluntary demotion shall require the approval
of the Employee Relations Officer, employee's present Department Director, and the Department
Director under whom the employee will serve, if applicable.
The voluntarily demoted employee shall be placed in the salary which is closest to, but lower
than, the employee's salary rate in the employee's former position.' In lieu of a reduction in
salary, the Employee Relations Officer may approve a Y-rated salary for a voluntarily demoted
3.50 RECLASSIFICATION: The Classification Specifications will be reviewed by the
Department Director and Human Resources periodically to ensure they meet current needs. The
Employee Relations Officer will facilitate the review process. Existing positions, where the
duties have changed materially so as to necessitate reclassification, shall be reclassified by the
Employee Relations Officer to a more appropriate classification, whether new or existing. The
Employee Relations Officer must approve all new classifications. The City Manager is
responsible for reclassifications to all Department Director and executive positions. Regardless
of the circumstances, the Employee Relations Officer may require a competitive examination,
and no incumbent shall have a right to be appointed to a reclassified position. No person shall be
appointed or employed to fill a reclassified post unless the said reclassified position has been
incorporated in the Classification Plan and approved by City Council, as provided by these
The employee or Department Director may submit a request for a job audit to the Employee
Relations Officer who shall determine if the reclassification is justified and provide a
recommendation to the City Manager for approval.
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The Employee Relations Officer will respond to requests for reclassification, and will assist with
the revision of Classification Specifications and development of new Classification
Specifications within the broad class concept, as necessary to meet the ongoing operational
requirements of the City.
Reclassification shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions concerning demotions,
promotions, or unit modifications. The Employee Relations Officer may conduct objective,
noncompetitive examinations to establish qualifications for the position.
The salary of an employee in a position that is reclassified shall be determined as follows:
3.50.1 Classification with Same Salary Range: If the position is reclassified to a Classification
with the same salary range as the previous Classification, and if the incumbent is appointed to
the reclassified post, the salary rate of the employee shall not change. The provision shall also
apply to the change of Classification title, provided there is no change in the basic duties of the
3.50.2 Classification with Higher Salary Range: If the position is reclassified to a Classification
with a higher salary range than the previous Classification, and if the incumbent is appointed to
the reclassified position, the employee shall be compensated at the salary in the new salary range
which comes nearest to, but is not lower than, the salary the employee held in the previous salary
Employees who are reclassified will not receive any adjustment in their base compensation
unless the salary range for the Classification into which they are reclassified has a minimum
salary that exceeds the employee's current salary.
3.50.3 Classification with Lower Salary Range: If the position is reclassified to a Classification
with a lower salary range than the previous Classification, and if the incumbent is appointed to
the reclassified position, the Employee Relations Officer may approve a Y-rate salary for the
employee if the employee is at or above the job rate of the salary range.
Otherwise, the employee's new salary at the lower salary range shall be placed at a salary rate
which yields a salary closest to, but not less than, the current salary. Benefits may be Y-rated, as
specifically approved by the Employee Relations Officer.
The effective date of reclassification shall coincide with the first working day of a pay period
after the reclassification is approved by the Employee Relations Officer and the new
Classification is adopted by City Council, if necessary.
3.50.4 Reclassification to Position with Higher -Level Oualifications: Incumbents who do not
meet the minimum qualifications of the new Classification to which they are assigned, will be
grandfathered in but will be required to acquire the applicable knowledge and/or skills within a
reasonable time period as determined by the Department Director so that they qualify for the job.
Where practical and feasible, the City will work with the employee to identify and obtain the
requisite training and/or skills.
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3.55 LAYOFFS/REDUCTION-IN-FORCE/RECALL: Subject to City Council approval, the
Employee Relations Officer may lay off permanent and probationary workers at any time based
upon: 1) lack of work; 2) budgetary reasons; 3) elimination of programs; or 4) elimination of
services. At least two (2) weeks written notice shall be given to any employee who is to be laid
off. If less than two weeks' notice is provided, the employee will be paid for the difference
between the date of layoff and two weeks.
At the sole discretion of the Employee Relations Officer, a demotion or transfer to another
department or Classification may be made to prevent a layoff, provided the employee is qualified
by education and/or experience and is capable of performing the duties of the Classification. The
Department Directors, in consultation with the Employee Relations Officer, and as approved by
the City Manager, will affect the layoffs.
Reduction in Force (RIF): When it becomes necessary to reduce the work force in the City, the
Employee Relations Officer shall designate the Classification, division, department, or other
organizational unit in order to effect a reduction in the work force. Contract, temporary, part-
time, seasonal, or probationary employees in the same Classification as ones proposed to be
reduced within the City shall be laid off first. Although the Employee Relations Officer may
elect to do so, he/she is not required to allow laid off employees to "bump" employees in other
Classifications unless the employee has previously successfully held a position in another
Classification, in which case the laid off employee would be considered for layoff, if any, from
the previously held Classification, along with others in that Classification, in accordance with the
"Order of Layoff' set forth below.
Probationary promotional employees who are laid off shall, if applicable, be returned to their
former Classification. Employees who accept lower positions or transfers in lieu of layoff shall
be placed at a salary range and step which yields a salary closest to existing salary at the time of
the giving of notice of layoff.
Order of Layoff: The order of layoff of regular employees shall be made in accordance with a
system which favors retention of the more meritorious employees, based upon evaluation of the
following factors in the listed order of importance:
A. The two most recent performance evaluation records as finalized and/or filed in
Human Resources, except when an employee has less than two years of service with the
City. In that case, only one performance evaluation will be used.
B. Documents of disciplinary actions during the preceding twenty-four (24) months.
C. Seniority (length of service in a career position)
a. in the City; and
b. in the Classification; and
C. in the department.
Order of Layoff Protocol:
Comparisons will be based on the Overall Performance Rating for each employee;
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Plus/minus symbols added to any letter rating will be ignored;
Letter rating order (i.e., better in 2012 than 2011) will carry no significance or weight;
• If two employees are rated by different supervisors in different departments (i.e., an
Office Assistant in City Clerk's Office vs. an Office Assistant in Community Services), their
evaluations will be deemed equivalent (unless one of the two has received an overall rating of
Below Expectations, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory) for purposes of determining layoffs,
and any disciplinary action in their file will then become the primary determinant, followed by
seniority, if necessary.
Other exceptional circumstances to deviate from this policy may include the desirability of
maintaining a department or work unit with adequate staffing to perform required service, and
maintaining employees in the Classification, department or section who have demonstrated the
ability to perform work available.
Seniority: Seniority is determined from the day of official appointment to a City department as a
regular employee, provided that any regular employee who, as a result of promotion, transfer or
voluntary demotion, is appointed to a regular position in another department shall, for purposes
of layoff, carry seniority previously acquired over to the new department.
Seniority shall continue to accrue during periods of vacation, sick leave, layoff not exceeding
two (2) years, any authorized leave of absence of less than three (3) months, or any call to
military service for the duration of the call to duty. Seniority shall not accrue during any other
break in continuous service, unless required by law.
Other Policies: Any employee who receives an involuntary transfer (except for disciplinary
transfers) shall have automatic "bumping rights" to the Classification said employee was
involuntarily transferred from for up to six (6) months from the effective date of the involuntary
transfer in the event of layoff.
Recall List: The name of every regular employee who is laid off, transferred or demoted to a
Classification in the same department for longer than one pay period due to a Reduction -in -Force
shall be placed on the Recall List maintained by the Employee Relations Officer. Vacancies to
be filled within a department shall be offered, first in order of performance, to individuals named
on the Recall List who, at the time of the Reduction -in -Force, held a position in the same job
classification within the department as the vacancy to be filled.
Individual names may be removed from the Recall List by the Employee Relations Officer for
any of the following reasons:
A. The expiration of two (2) years from the date of placement on the list.
B. Reemployment with the City in a regular full-time position in a department other
than that from which the employee was laid off.
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C. Failure to respond within fourteen (14) calendar days of mailing of a certified
letter regarding availability for employment.
D. Failure to report to work within fourteen (14) calendar days of mailing of a
certified letter containing a notice of reinstatement to a position, absent mitigating
E. Request in writing to the Employee Relations Officer to be removed from the list.
Status on Reemployment: A regular employee who has been laid off or terminates in lieu of
reassignment and is reemployed in a regular position within two (2) years from the date of
his/her layoff or termination shall be entitled to:
A. Buy-back and therefore restoration of all sick and vacation leave credited to the
employee's account on the date of layoff or termination and at the same rate as it was
sold originally. This restoration must be requested in writing within thirty (30) days of
returning to work, and must be fully paid back within six (6) months of the return to
B. Restoration of seniority accrued prior to and during layoff.
C. Credit for all service prior to payoff for the purpose of determining the rate of
accrual of vacation leave.
D. Placement in the salary range as if the employee had been on a leave of absence
without pay if he/she is reinstated to the same Classification in the same department from
which he/she was laid off or terminated.
Continuation of Benefits: Those who are laid off shall have their medical insurance benefits
continued to the end of the second month following the date of their layoff in the event that they
are not covered by another medical plan at that time.
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4.05 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT GOALS AND POLICIES: In adopting these Policies, it is the
goal of the City to employ the most qualified individuals and to achieve excellence in meeting
the needs of the community.
Employment and promotion in the City shall be based upon merit and qualifications and shall be
free from political influence and discrimination based upon race, religious creed, color, national
origin, ancestry, gender, gender identification, medical condition, marital status, sex, pregnancy,
age, sexual orientation, domestic partnership status, military and veteran status, or mental or
physical handicap, unless physical ability is a bona fide occupational qualification.
Although not expressed in the Classification Specifications or job announcements, all persons
applying for or holding any position in the City shall be required to meet the following general
qualifications including, but not limited to: integrity, thoroughness, accuracy, good judgment,
initiative, resourcefulness, courtesy, ability to work cooperatively with others, willingness and
ability to assume and fulfill the responsibilities of the employment, and physical and mental
ability to perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation.
Where the position requires the driving of a motor vehicle, the applicant or employee must have
a valid California Driver's License, which must remain valid at all times, and is expected to drive
the motor vehicle safely.
The foregoing general qualifications shall be deemed part of the minimum qualifications of each
Classification Specification or job announcement and need not be specifically set forth therein.
4.10 PERSONNEL REQUESTS: To initiate the
responsible Department Director shall submit to
request containing at least the following information:
4.10.1 The Classification (job) title;
filling of an authorized vacant position, the
the Employee Relations Officer a written
4.10.2 The justification for the position, including its budgeted salary, and
4.10.3 The duties, responsibilities and qualifications of the position in accordance with the
Classification Plan.
Each request shall be reviewed by the Employee Relations Officer and approved by the City
4.15 JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS: Job announcements providing information about the
position, its title and pay, its major responsibilities and duties, minimum and other qualifications,
where and when to apply, and the last day on which applications will be accepted shall be
prepared and distributed by Human Resources. All positions to be filled will be publicized by
posting announcements on the City's official website and in such other places deemed advisable
by the Employee Relations Officer.
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4.20 PERSONNEL APPLICATIONS: Applications for employment, transfer, or promotion
with the City shall be made on forms provided by Human Resources. All information required
by the application shall be provided and the applicant shall certify as to the truth thereof.
Resumes and other supplementary information may be submitted and attached to the application
for consideration, but may not be used as a substitute for the application. All applications must
be signed and dated by the applicant. Only original applications will be accepted, no facsimile
copies will be accepted.
4.25 DISQUALIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS: The Employee Relations Officer or
designee shall reject an application, or after examination, shall disqualify or remove the
applicant's name from an eligible list, if the applicant:
A. Has made false statements of any material fact, or practiced any deception or
fraud on the application, declarations or in securing eligibility or appointment;
B. Is found to lack any of the requirements, certifications, or qualifications for the
position involved;
C. Is physically or mentally unable to perform the essential functions of the job, with
or without reasonable accommodation;
D. Is a current user of illegal drugs;
E. Is a relative of an employee, and is subject to the Nepotism Policy;
F. Has been convicted of a crime, either a misdemeanor or felony, that relates to the
position duties that the applicant would perform;
G. Used or attempted to use political pressure or bribery to secure an advantage in
the examination or appointment;
H. Directly or indirectly obtained information regarding examinations;
1. Failed to submit the employment application correctly or within the prescribed
time limits;
J. Has had his or her privilege to operate a motor vehicle in the State of California
suspended or revoked, if driving is job related;
K. For any material cause which in the judgment of the Employee Relations Officer
or designee would render the applicant unfit for the position, including a prior resignation
from the City, termination from the City, or a significant disciplinary action.
Any of the above cited grounds for disqualification, may be cause for termination or other
disciplinary action if the applicant is or subsequently becomes an employee of the City.
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4.30 RECRUITMENT: It shall be the City's policy to recruit and hire the best qualified
persons available regardless of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, gender,
gender identification, medical condition, marital status, sex, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation,
domestic partnership status, military and veteran status, or mental or physical handicap, unless
physical ability is a bona fide occupational qualification.
While recognizing the need for introduction of persons from outside City employment at all
levels, the policy of the City is to transfer or promote persons employed by the City when their
qualifications, training, work performance, and work experience are determined to be
comparable to applicants from other sources.
The Employee Relations Officer shall determine whether the recruitment shall be open or
promotional, on the basis of ensuring an adequate number of candidates with appropriate skills to
constitute a competitive process. The decision of the Employee Relations Officer to conduct an
open or promotional recruitment shall be final.
Except as specifically provided otherwise in these Policies, selection for a position in City
employment shall be by one of the following types of examinations:
A. Open Competitive: Examinations which are open to all persons who possess the
indicated minimum qualifications as set forth in the job announcement. Applicants for
open competitive examinations may, but are not required to be, employees of the City.
B. In -House Competitive: Examinations which are open only to City employees
who possess the indicated minimum qualifications as set forth in the job announcement.
Any variations to these procedures shall be reviewed by the Employee Relations Officer and
approved in writing by the City Manager.
4.35 EVALUATION OF APPLICATIONS: Each application shall be reviewed to determine
if the applicant satisfies minimum educational experience, type and years of job related
experience, certificates or licenses and any other requirements.
Selection techniques shall be impartial and relate to those areas which will adequately and fairly
indicate the relative capacity of the applicants to perform the duties and responsibilities of the
position to which they seek appointment.
The selection procedure may consist of personal interviews, performance tests, evaluation of
work performed, work samples, assessment centers, other written tests, review and investigation
of personal background and references, medical examination, psychiatric examination, or any
combination thereof. The Employee Relations Officer may, at his/her discretion, include as a
part of the examination process, tests which determine whether applications meet minimum
In all examinations, the minimum grade or standing for which eligibility may be earned may be
based upon all factors in the examination, including educational requirements, experience and
other qualifying elements as shown in the application of the candidate of other verified
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information. Failure in one part of the examination may be grounds for declaring the applicant
as failing in the entire examination, or as disqualified for subsequent parts of an examination.
4.40 CANDIDATES' EXAMINATION INSPECTION: By appointment with the Employee
Relations Officer, an applicant shall have the right to review his/her own written test, interview
scores or other test results within ten (10) working days after announcement of the recruitment
results. However, no applicant shall be allowed to examine the test key as part of his/her
examination inspection. The names of all interviewers shall be kept confidential.
Any error in rating or grading shall be corrected if it is called to the attention of the Employee
Relations Officer at the time the applicant reviews his/her examination. Any applicant whose
corrected score meets or exceeds the examination's established passing score will be placed on
the applicable eligibility list for the position, if one exists. Any correction shall not invalidate an
appointment or offer of employment that has been made previously.
4.45 NEPOTISM POLICY: Except as specified below, an applicant for employment by the
City who has a relative employed by the City may not be denied the right to apply for
employment and compete in the examination process. Following the examination, if the
applicant is successfully certified as eligible for employment, the applicant may be denied
employment if the Employee Relations Officer and the City Manager determine that such
employment would create a prohibited relationship. A prohibited relationship may result under
the following circumstances:
1. One employee would have a supervisor -subordinate relationship with another
member of his/her immediate family (as defined in Section 1.25.57).
2. Two members of the same immediate family would be under the jurisdiction of
the same immediate supervisor.
3. One employee would have access to confidential or financial information
concerning another member of his/her immediate family.
4. One employee would have the power or authority to make recommendations or
decisions about another member of his/her immediate family which could or would have
a financial or other impact upon the employee's relative.
5. One employee would have the authority to discipline a member of his/her
immediate family.
The City Manager reserves the right to identify additional circumstances in which a prohibited
relationship may occur.
Any immediate family member of the City Manager, Finance Director or Employee Relations
Officer will not be considered for employment in any capacity by the City. For the purposes of
this paragraph, immediate family member is defined as: grandparent, parent, spouse, child, aunt,
uncle, or first cousin by marriage, adoption or blood.
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When the eligible candidate is refused appointment by virtue of this section, the name of the
candidate shall remain on the eligibility list for openings in the same classification as otherwise
provided in these policies, where no prohibited relationship may occur.
In no case may an employee participate directly or indirectly in the recruitment or selection
process for a position for which the employee's relative has filed an employment application.
Where two relatives are working in the same department, division or office at the time these
policies are adopted, or if an event occurs in which a familial relationship is established between
two employees who work in the same division or office (i.e., if a marriage results in a spousal or
in-law relationship), the relationship shall not be deemed as "prohibited relationship" unless the
employees' mutual employment creates a legal conflict of interest.
As stated above, if a familial relationship exists or is established, the employees may continue in
their positions so long as the conditions of a prohibited relationship are not met. If, in the
determination of the Department Director, such a prohibited relationship does or would exist, the
Department Director shall submit the reasons for his/her determination to the Employee
Relations Officer for review.
The Employee Relations Officer shall have one (1) week to investigate the Department
Director's findings and determine if a prohibited relationship does exist.
If the Employee Relations Officer's review confirms the existence of a prohibited relationship,
he/she shall submit his/her findings to the City Manager who will make the final determination
as to the existence of a prohibited relationship and inform the Employee Relations Officer. At
this time, the Employee Relations Officer and Department Director shall promptly inform the
employees of the City's intention to transfer one of the employees to a vacant position of
comparable pay and duties in another City division or office, provided that the transferee is
qualified therefore and that no offer of employment to fill the vacant position has been made to
any other eligible candidate.
If a position of comparable pay and duties is not open but one in a lower classification is vacant,
either of the employees may elect to voluntarily demote to the lower position, provided that the
vacant position is in another department, division or office; that the employee is qualified to fill
the position; and that the position has not been offered to another candidate. Any voluntary
demotion which occurs as a result of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions set
forth in Section 3.45.2. In the event that a transfer or voluntary demotion is not feasible within
the time limit set herein, the affected employees shall decide which of them will resign from City
If a transfer or voluntary demotion is not feasible and neither employee has submitted a letter of
resignation within three weeks following determination that a prohibited relationship exists, the
Employee Relations Officer and Department Director, with approval of the City Manager, shall
determine which of the employees shall be terminated in good standing.
Regardless of which procedure is utilized (transfer, voluntary demotion, resignation, or
termination in good standing) it shall become effective one month after the City Manager has
concurred with the Employee Relations Officer's determination that a prohibited relationship has
Rev. July 2014 - 63 -
been established. This one -month limit may be extended up to an additional two months with
written approval of the Employee Relations Officer, provided that personal or organizational
considerations mandate such an extension.
Except as hereinafter provided, an employee who has been terminated in good standing because
of the operation of this section may be reinstated to the position which he/she held at the time of
termination, or to a position of equal seniority, status and pay. In order to be eligible for
reinstatement, he/she must be reinstated to a position in a department, division or office where a
prohibited relationship would not be established (or reestablished); the position must be open;
and the employee must meet the qualifications for the position. This right of reinstatement shall
be effective only through the 90-day period immediately following the effective date of
termination, and the terminated employee shall have the same right to reinstatement as
employees who have voluntarily resigned in good standing, up to an additional nine months.
The decision of the City Manager, based upon his/her review and recommendations of the
Department Director and Employee Relations Office to transfer, voluntarily demote, resign, or
terminate an employee in good standing (pursuant to this section), is not subject to any appeal or
grievance procedure.
4.50 DRIVING SAFETY CHECK: A verifiable and acceptable driving record shall be
required of each final candidate for employment whose position requires the employee to drive a
City vehicle, or personal vehicle on City business, as an essential function of the job. The
Employee Relations Officer shall have the right to conduct periodic, random verification of
driving records of employees.
Driving a City vehicle without possessing a valid driver's license is not permitted and may result
in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees shall notify their Supervisors
immediately if their license is expired, suspended, or revoked.
4.55 ELIGIBILITY LISTS: Lists of applicants to be considered for job openings in a
particular classification may be established for open competitive or promotional competitive
positions. An eligibility list shall be a list of persons who have taken an open competitive or
promotional competitive examination for an advertised City position and have qualified for said
classification. Each such list shall bear an expiration date. The hiring department may appoint
any candidate on the eligibility list, regardless of ranking, provided all candidates with higher
rankings have been interviewed.
Eligibility lists shall remain in effect for six (6) months or until exhausted, whichever occurs
first. In addition, a Department Director can request from the Employee Relations Officer that a
supplemental list be prepared at any time that an eligibility list is in effect if all candidates on the
initial eligibility list have been interviewed and the Department Director does not feel that there
is an appropriate match. An eligibility list may be terminated at any time when less than three
(3) eligible candidates remain.
The Employee Relations Officer, upon either the Employee Relations Officer's determination or
the recommendation of the Department Director, may remove a name from an eligibility list for
any of the following reasons:
Rev. Jury 2014 - 64 -
A. If the eligible person accepts an appointment with the City to a regular position of
the same or higher classification. Acceptance of a temporary appointment at any level
will not in itself be cause for removal from an eligibility list. An eligible person may
refuse an appointment to a particular position and request to remain on the eligibility list.
B. If the eligible person requests in writing removal from the list.
C. If the eligible person fails to respond within fourteen (14) calendar days to a
notification or letter which has been mailed to the person's last address on file with the
D. If the eligible person is unable to accept any offered position.
E. If a person on a promotional eligibility list resigns from City employment.
F. If other circumstances, such as conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or
loss of a required license, make the person ineligible.
Placement on an eligibility list does not guarantee employment with the City of La Quinta.
If a vacancy exists in a classification for which there is no appropriate eligibility list, the
Employee Relations Officer may prepare a list from one or more existing related lists by
selecting names of eligible applicants from eligibility lists for classifications which are assigned
to the same or higher pay range and which have minimum qualifications similar to those of the
classifications in which the vacancy exists.
4.60 FINAL DECISIONS OF SELECTION: The Department Director or designee shall
recommend a final candidate for appointment to a vacant position to the Employee Relations
Officer. All appointments shall be subject to Employee Relations Officer's review and City
Manager's final approval before becoming effective. If the selected candidate accepts the
appointment and reports for duty within the agreed upon time, the applicant shall be deemed
appointed to the position.
If the selected candidate does not report to duty within the agreed upon time, the candidate shall
be deemed to have declined the appointment. By mutual agreement of the Department Director,
the Employee Relations Officer and the candidate, the date of the appointment may be changed.
4.65 PRE -EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL: Each person accepting employment with the City
shall be required at the City's option to successfully complete a pre -employment physical at a
City designated medical facility at City cost before an appointment to such employment becomes
This Section shall also apply to changes of employment within the City when the new position
places substantially more physical demands upon the employee. The results of the examination,
shall be kept confidential in a separate file and shall be viewed only to assess whether the
employee has the ability to perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable
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4.70 EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION: At the time of employment, all
persons employed by the City of La Quinta shall be citizens of the United States or legal
residents for purposes of employment.
4.75 PROBATIONARY PERIOD: The first six (6) months, or any duly extended period, of
all initial or promotional appointments in a regular position shall be deemed a probationary
period. The probationary period shall commence upon the effective date of the appointment.
During the probationary period for an initial appointment, an employee may be terminated
without the right of appeal, hearing, or resort to any grievance procedure. The probationary
period (of either an initial or probationary appointment) may be extended up to an additional six
(6) months, at the discretion of the Employee Relations Officer. The decision to extend the
length of an employee's probationary period must be made prior to the expiration of the original
probationary period. Such a decision shall not be appealable or grievabce.
An employee who fails to complete the employee's promotional probationary period
satisfactorily may be reinstated to the position in the same Classification from which the
employee was promoted, depending upon availability of the position, unless discharged from the
City service as provided in these Personnel Policies.
hereinafter provided, no person convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a
felony shall be eligible for employment in the service of the City; however, the Employee
Relations Officer may disregard such conviction if he/she finds and determines that mitigating
circumstances exist, such as, but limited to, evidence of rehabilitation, length of time elapsed
since such conviction, the age of such person at the time of conviction, or the fact that the
classification applied for is unrelated to such conviction.
Only the City Manager, City Attorney, and the Employee Relations Officer are authorized to
have access to the "State Summary Criminal History Information" as provided for in Section
11105 of the Penal code of the State of California.
4.85 RESIGNATION: Employees who desire to terminate their service with the City should
submit a written resignation to the Department Director at least two (2) weeks prior to the
effective date of the resignation. The resignation becomes effective when received or confirmed
in writing by the City. The resignation may be revoked upon mutual consent of the employee,
Department Director and the Employee Relations Officer up to the effective date of the
resignation. Failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for denying future
employment with the City.
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5.05 SALARY AT APPOINTMENT: Except as otherwise stated in this Section, all new
employees shall be appointed at the minimum salary of the salary range to which their class is
When the proposed employee's education, training and experience are deemed superior and
justify a salary in excess of the minimum, the Department Director may recommend to the City
Manager offering employment in excess of the minimum salary. City Manager approval must be
obtained prior to making an offer of employment. All final appointments are subject to the City
Manager's approval, regardless of the salary at which the employee is appointed.
The hiring range will be from the range minimum to the job rate, based on qualifications and
dependent on market conditions. Appointment above the job rate, but not to exceed the merit
maximum, will be allowed subject to the approval of the City Manager. The Department
Director shall submit an exception request to the City Manager. The exception request shall
include a pay rate recommendation from the Employee Relations Officer.
5.06 MARKET PREMIUM PAY: When a market comparison rate for a specific job or class
exceeds the defined job rate by at least 15%, a market premium may be applied to the specific
job/class and paid to all employees in the job/class who meet the specific requirements for the
premium (e.g. one engineering specialty within the broader class of engineer). The market
premium, if applicable, shall be subject to review by the Employee Relations Officer, no less
frequently than every two years, and shall be adjusted as appropriate based on the market review.
At such time as the market differential becomes 10% or less, the market premium will be
appropriate, the City may use recruitment and/or retention incentives in order to compete for
skills that may be in limited supply and are necessary to recruit or retain an individual for a
position defined as a critical need by the City Manager. The amount of the recruitment and/or
retention incentive shall be based on data obtained from survey results.
5.10 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Salary advancements will be based on
successful performance in the job class as determined through a job related performance
appraisal system that can be used to guide compensation decisions, either in part or in whole.
The Employee Relations Officer shall select a job evaluation methodology that is appropriate for
use with broad classifications. Regular reports on forms prescribed by the Employee Relations
Officer shall be made as to the efficiency, competency, and conduct of all employees appointed
by the City Manager. Performance evaluations are required to be given after six (6) months at
the completion of an initial probationary appointment or promotional probationary appointment,
and annually thereafter in accordance with the City's annual evaluation schedule for all
employees in place at the time.
Rev. July 2014 - 67 -
Month Hired or
Month of 6-month
Month of 6-month
Performance Pay
Award Eligibility
Months After
Evaluation Before
Eligible for
Performance Pay
3 months
2 months
1 month
October (same year)
0 months
October (following
11 months
10 months
9 months
8 months
7 months
6 months
5 months
4 months
*Probationary period calculations done in accordance with Section 1.25.51.
As outlined in Section 4.75, any decision to extend an employee's probationary period must be
made prior to the expiration of the original probationary period.
Any evaluation which warrants a salary increase but is not completed by the designated review
date shall be retroactively paid back to that review date. In addition to those occasions
referenced by this Section, a Supervisor may render a performance evaluation at any time when
performance issues arise, whether positive or negative, when there is a change in assignment
and/or when there is a change in supervisor or management.
During the performance evaluation meeting, the employee and Supervisor shall review and
discuss the employee's significant accomplishments, training, problem or improvement areas,
and future development and objectives. After reviewing the Classification Specification, duties,
and any established performance standards for that position, an evaluation shall be made by the
Supervisor as to whether the employee's performance meets City standards.
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An explanation must accompany any unacceptable or conditional judgment. The employee shall
have an opportunity to review the employee's performance evaluation and agree or disagree with
Based upon the Performance Evaluation, the Supervisor may make appropriate recommendations
to the Employee Relations Officer regarding a possible salary increase, promotion, or other
action. City Manager approval is required for all such actions.
The Employee Relations Officer reserves the right to review any performance evaluation prior to
review with the employee.
The employee shall have the right to attach a written response to the corresponding performance
evaluation in his/her personnel file. This response must be made within ten (10) working days of
receiving the evaluation.
No other administrative reply or appeal shall be allowed.
The employee and Supervisor must sign and date the evaluation. If the employee refuses to sign
the evaluation, the Supervisor shall note this fact and any circumstances surrounding the
employee's refusal on the Performance Evaluation. Copies of the evaluation shall be distributed
to the employee, the Department Director and Employee Relations Officer.
Performance evaluations shall not be subject to the grievance process. (See Section 12.10.2).
receive salary increases for successful performance until they reach the job rate. Employees who
perform at less than standard or successful should not receive any in -range adjustment.
Employees who have reached the job rate and whose performance exceeds the standard for the
job class shall be eligible for exceptional performance awards. Exceptional performance awards
may or may not be added to base pay, at the discretion of management and based on budgetary
5.15.1 Regular Full-time and Regular Part-time Emplovees shall earn increases based on
meeting satisfactory performance of duties in the overall rating, as follows:
A. Normal Progression: Employees who are hired below the job rate and who
receive an overall successful performance rating following completion of an initial
employment period of not less than six (6) months, become eligible for enrollment in the
performance pay system. From the date of employment until the successful conclusion of
the probationary period, no salary increase shall be granted. At the end of a successful
probationary period, the employee becomes eligible for enrollment in the performance
pay system, which shall occur annually during the City's evaluation period for all
employees. Employees must achieve at least an overall "successful" rating to be deemed
to be eligible for consideration of a salary increase. An employee who receives an
overall "successful" rating is not, thereby, guaranteed a salary increase once they reach
the job rate. An employee who receives an overall performance rating of "needs
improvement" shall not be eligible for consideration of a salary increase. Nothing in this
Section shall preclude the City from adopting new evaluation procedures and forms.
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B. Promotional Proeression: From the date of promotion until the successful
conclusion of the probationary period, no salary increase may be granted. When an
employee is promoted to a classification with greater salary range, his/her salary
increases to an appropriate salary within the range of the new job classification. An
employee who is promoted shall be compensated at the salary in the new salary range
which is at leastfive (5%) per cent higher than the salary the employee held in the
previous salary range.
All promoted employees who successfully pass their probationary periods are eligible for
enrollment in the performance pay system which shall occur annually during the City's
evaluation period for all employees annually, again provided they satisfy the eligibility
criteria set forth herein, .
C. Exceptional Performance Awards: Exceptional performance awards should be
based solely on performance that exceeds defined standards or expectations for
incumbents in the job class. Exceptional performance awards shall be granted to those
employees whose above standard performance is on -going and their long-term
performance indicates that such above standard performance is the norm.
5.20.1 Bilingual Pay: Each full-time employee who has qualified for bilingual compensation
under Section 5.20.2 shall receive additional compensation of $.25 per hour. If a Department
Director determines that an employee spends more than 50% of his/her work time performing
bilingual duties the amount of additional compensation shall be $.50 per hour. Upon verification
of the employee's qualification by the Employee Relations Officer, the employee shall receive
bilingual compensation to commence as of the next pay period.
5.20.2 Eligibility: The Employee Relations Officer will designate at least one full-time
employee to perform bilingual services for the public to all City departments. Selection of the
designated employee(s) will be based upon: 1) bilingual ability as determined by scores on a
recognized standardized test selected by the Employee Relations Officer and administrated
through a testing process determined by the Employee Relations Officer; and 2) accessibility to
the public. The designated employee(s) shall provide verbal translation services to the public in
addition to their normal work duties.
Additional employee(s) will receive bilingual compensation if, as part of their job function and
duties, they provide verbal bilingual translation for the public within their department on a
regular basis. A Department Director who determines that an employee is providing bilingual
translation services on a regular basis will certify the same to the Employee Relations Officer
who shall then schedule the employee to take a standardized test.
5.20.3 Testing: Each employee who is authorized to receive bilingual compensation shall be
tested at the time of authorization and must successfully pass the test to receive the additional
5.20.4 Discontinuing Compensation: If the bilingual skill is no longer needed or the employee
is no longer required to use it, the Department Director shall terminate the bilingual
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compensation by written notice to the Employee Relations Officer. The Employee Relations
Officer may also terminate the bilingual compensation if he/she makes a like determination, and
shall notify the Department Director. In either case, the Department Director shall notify the
An employee not receiving bilingual compensation shall not be required to perform bilingual
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6.05 WORK WEEK AND OVERTIME: The work week for City employees not on the 9/80
Alternate Work Week Schedule shall begin at 12:01 A.M. on Monday, and end at 12:00 P.M.
(midnight) on Sunday. The basic work week for full-time employees shall be forty (40) hours,
rendered in units of eight (8) hours per day (or as defined in the 9/80 Alternate Work Week
Schedule Policy). The City may assign a different work week when it is deemed to be beneficial
to the City. Except in cases of emergencies, the City will provide a two -week advance notice of
schedule changes.
For any illness or emergency absence from work, the employee must notify his/her supervisor
within the first half-hour of normal reporting time unless extraordinary circumstances prevent
such notification. Each Department Director is responsible for establishing a specific department
call -in policy and procedure, and for insuring that each employee is advised of the policy and
General non-exempt positions: For general non-exempt positions which do not meet one of the
FLSA exemption categories, overtime shall consist of time actually worked in excess of forty
(4b) hours in a work week. Floating holidays, sick leave, vacation or compensatory time will not
be included as time worked for purposes of calculating FLSA overtime. Legal holidays, for
which City offices are closed, will be recognized as time worked for purposes of calculating
overtime. If state law should change to mandate that public employees be paid overtime after
eight hours work in one day, the City agrees to amend Section 6.05 to reflect such change.
Overtime for general non-exempt employees shall be compensated in one of the following two
A. As paid time at one and one-half the regular rate of pay; or
B. As compensatory time accrued at one and one-half the regular rate of pay.
Prior to authorization of overtime, the employee and his/her supervisor shall agree as to how the
employee shall be compensated (paid time or compensatory time). If the employee and
supervisor cannot agree on the method of compensation, the supervisor may ask another
employee to perform the overtime work. If the supervisor requires that a particular employee
perform the overtime, but they are unable to agree on the method of compensation, the employee
shall be given his/her choice of compensation (paid time or compensatory time).
Compensatory time is vested time, and must be used or paid upon termination of employment.
6.10 NO GUARANTEE OF HOURS: Nothing contained in these Policies shall be construed
to constitute a guarantee of minimum hours of work per day or per work week or of days of work
per work week, provided that when reasonably possible at least fourteen (14) calendar days
advance notice shall be given to each employee whose work hours are to be reduced. When
economic conditions dictate, management may direct a reduction of hours, a furlough, or a
reduction -in -force.
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6.15 STAND-BY AND CALL-BACK POLICY: Policies relating to stand-by and call-back
duty shall be established by the Employee Relations Officer. (For more information on stand-by
and callback requirements and compensation; reference Section 14.35).
6.20 TIME SHEETS: All City employees must complete electronic time sheets showing
hours worked and leave taken. Time sheets must be approved by the individual employee, the
employee's Supervisor and Department Director. Time sheets will be reviewed and audited by
the Finance Department.
Notice of any correction(s) to the time sheet will be sent to the employee and the Department
Director. Such corrections will be deemed final unless questioned by the employee within thirty
(30) days after notice of correction has been given to the employee. Unresolved matters may be
taken to the Employee Relations Officer for review and recommendation. Final determination
shall be made by the Employee Relations Officer.
6.25 ABANDONMENT OF EMPLOYMENT: An employee who is absent, without
authorized leave, for three (3) or more consecutive work days is deemed to have resigned his/her
employment with the City. If the Department Director, with the concurrence of the Employee
Relations Officer, determines that extenuating circumstances exist, the resignation may be
rescinded, in which case, the absence may be covered by leave, with or without pay, if so
approved by the Employee Relations Officer.
6.30 LUNCH AND BREAK POLICY: Employees may take one break in the morning (before
11:00 a.m.) and one in the afternoon (after 2:00 p.m.). Break periods shall not exceed fifteen (15)
Non -compensated lunch periods shall be at least thirty (30) minutes, but no more than sixty (60)
minutes per day. Employees are expected to conform their lunch hours in accordance with
department schedules. As department schedules may not permit all employees to take lunch
between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m., the Department Director may authorize staggered lunch
periods throughout the late morning and early afternoon.
Break and lunch periods may be taken only in the time period for which they are designated and
may not be accrued. Extenuating circumstances, as determined by the immediate Supervisor,
may establish cause for variation from the scheduling of break and lunch periods.
Management employees are expected to conform generally to the established standard for
General Employees. Although flexibility is provided for salaried employees to exercise
judgment in maintaining their work schedule, this schedule should not be to the detriment of
work production.
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7.05 JURY DUTY AND WITNESS LEAVE: No employee shall be dismissed or in any
manner discriminated against for taking time off from work to serve as a juror or witness when
required by law provided such an employee complies with the provisions of this Section. An
employee called to serve as a juror or witness shall notify the employee's Supervisor at least one
(1) week prior to the commencement of such service, unless extenuating circumstances exist.
Any employee of the City called as a juror or witness shall be entitled to be absent from the
employee's duties with the City as long as required by the court system or other tribunal. The
employee may be required by their Department Director to obtain a jury calendar or assignment
sheet weekly during such service. The jury calendar or assignment sheet shall be signed by the
jury clerk or commissioner and delivered to the employee's Supervisor at the end of each week
to verify jury duty or witness service.
An employee required to serve on jury duty shall be entitled to the employee's regular rate of
pay, provided the employee deposits any fees for service, excluding mileage, with the City. A
temporary, seasonal, or emergency employee called for jury duty will not be compensated for
time lost while on jury duty, but shall be entitled to retain the employee's jury fees.
Any employee required to be absent from work on behalf of the City by proper subpoena issued
by a court or other legally empowered agency, shall be entitled to be absent from work at the
employee's regular rate of pay, provided that any fees, except mileage, are deposited with the
City. An employee required to be present as a witness in any other matter shall not be entitled to
be paid during such absence.
An employee who is released by the court from jury duty on any regularly scheduled work day
shall contact his or her Supervisor to find out whether he or she is required to return to work. An
employee who is scheduled for stand-by duty while serving on jury duty shall be rescheduled for
stand-by duty after the conclusion of jury duty, unless the employee agrees to serve both.
7.10 PREGNANCY DISABILITY LEAVE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 12945, a
pregnant employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence without pay for up to four (4) months
so long as the employee's attending physicians certifies that she is physically unable to work due
to pregnancy or pregnancy -related conditions. At the commencement of a pregnancy leave of
absence, employees have the option of using accrued sick leave, vacation, compensatory time -
off, or administrative leave allowances, as well as disability pay, and thus, continuing to receive
pay. City pay will cease when all accrued allowances have been used, and the employee shall
receive leave without pay and be subject to all policies except as modified herein. The use of
accrued time -off shall not extend the length of the leave.
When an employee is on pregnancy disability leave, the City shall continue its share of payment
for insurance benefit premiums (i.e., health, life, AD&D, vision, disability, dental) for the
employee and her dependents. The City's continuation of payment of PERS retirement
contributions is dependent upon the disability plan in effect at the time the disability leave is
requested. Vacation time, sick leave, administrative leave, and holidays shall not accrue during a
pregnancy leave of absence unless the employee is continuing to receive their full customary pay
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by utilizing accrued sick leave, vacation, compensatory time -off or administrative leave
allowances. If an employee elects to receive pay for less than their full customary pay, all
employee benefits (other than the insurance benefits listed above) will be pro -rated. Employees
on pregnancy disability leave may also be eligible for benefits under the State Disability
Insurance Plan (SDI) or the City's Long -Term Disability Program. Employees must file a claim
in order to receive these benefits. Forms are available from Human Resources.
If an employee takes a pregnancy disability leave of absence while on probation, her
probationary period shall be extended the same length of time as the pregnancy leave. Any
extensions of the probationary period which arise as a result of this policy shall not be perceived
as casting aspersions on any employee, but rather as a way to more accurately monitor employee
A request for pregnancy disability leave of absence should be submitted by the employee as soon
as feasible after the employee learns of her disability. The employee must provide a written
statement from her physician indicating the date the physician believes the leave of absence
should begin and the estimated date of birth and the estimated date the employee will return to
The City may require a pregnant employee who wishes to continue working to provide a
physician's statement approving the continuance of her current work duties.
Before returning to work following a pregnancy disability leave of absence, the employee shall
submit a physician's verification stating the employee's ability to return to work. Unless the
leave is otherwise extended, the employee shall be required to return to work full-time.
Upon expiration of the approved leave, the employee shall be reinstated to her former position or
to a comparable one if the former position is abolished during the period of leave and the
employee would otherwise not have been laid -off. The comparable position is one having
similar terms of pay, location, job content and promotional opportunities. Failure to return to
work after the authorized four month leave period causes the employee to have no reinstatement
rights. Additionally, an employee who fails to return to work may be required to reimburse the
City for the City's contribution for health benefits during the pregnancy disability leave.
7.15 MILITARY LEAVE: Military Reserve Leave shall be granted under the provisions of
State and Federal law, which in pertinent part at the present time, defines "military duty" ordered
for purposes of active military training, encampment, naval cruises, special exercises, or like
activity as such member, provided that the period of ordered duty does not exceed one hundred
eighty (180) calendar days in a fiscal year, including time involved in going to and returning
from the duty, but not for inactive duty (for training) such as scheduled reserve drill periods.
For the purposes of this Section, "active military training" shall be defined as a period of training
(i.e. encampment, naval cruises, special exercises, or like activities) which normally occurs once
a year over a two -week interval. "Inactive duty for training" and "scheduled reserve drill
periods" shall be defined as the weekend period of training which are scheduled once a month.
Such weekend drills do not conflict with normal working hours within the City.
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Employees must submit a copy of military orders to their Department Director and the Employee
Relations Officer prior to the beginning of the military leave period and as soon as the employee
knows of the need to request such leave, except where military necessity dictates.
Regular and probationary employees shall receive their full regular pay during the first thirty
(30) calendar days of "military leave" in any one fiscal year. After the first thirty (30) days of
military leave in a fiscal year, employees may take a leave of absence without pay or they may
utilize their vacation, administrative leave, or compensatory time -off in order to fulfill their
military duties.
Regular and probationary employees on a military leave of absence shall receive the same
vacation, sick leave and holiday privileges and the same rights and privileges to promotions,
continuance in office, employment, reappointment to office, or re-employment that they would
have enjoyed had they not been absent therefrom.
Contributions to retirement, life insurance and medical and dental plans shall be suspended after
the first thirty (30) consecutive calendar days of military leave until the employee is reinstated.
However, upon approval of a leave of absence without pay, the employee may elect to continue
benefits coverage at his/her own expense, with the exception of retirement.
If an employee is required to perform military reserve duties while on probation, his/her
probationary period shall be extended the same length of time as the military leave. Such
extensions of probationary periods which arise as a result of this policy shall not be perceived as
casting aspersions on any employee, but rather as a way to more accurately monitor employee
The City shall reinstate those employees returning from a military leave of one hundred eighty
(180) days or less to the position they occupied prior to taking a military leave of absence or to a
position of comparable seniority, status and pay, if such position exists, upon presentation of a
certificate of satisfactory completion of service and if such employees are qualified to return to
their former positions.
If no such comparable position exists, the employee shall have the same rights and privileges that
he/she would have had if he/she had occupied the position when it ceased to exist and had not
taken a temporary military leave of absence.
Any employee who, in time of war or national emergency as proclaimed by the President or
Congress, is ordered by the military to active duty, shall have a right, if released, separated, or
discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, to return to his/her former classification
within six (6) months after termination of his/her active service with the armed forces, but not
later than six (6) months after the end of the war or national emergency. (Reference Government
Codes § 395, 146 and 395.05.)
Exceptions to this policy will occur whenever necessary to comply with applicable laws.
7.20 LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY: Any regular or probationary employee who is
absent from work and not on leave of absence with pay shall be considered on leave of absence
without pay.
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Leave of absence without pay shall be approved in advance and in writing. Any employee
requesting a leave of absence without pay shall utilize all of his/her accrued compensatory time
off, administrative leave, vacation time, and sick leave, if appropriate, prior to the start of the
leave without pay. Determination of the granting of leave of absence without pay is not
grievable. An employee who does not receive prior written approval for leave of absence
without pay may be disciplined for such period of absence.
Department Directors may grant an employee leave of absence without pay for not to exceed
forty (40) consecutive hours. Such leaves shall be reported in writing to the Employee Relations
A leave of absence without pay in excess of forty (40) hours must be recommended by the
Department Director and approved by the Employee Relations Officer. No single leave of
absence without pay may exceed three months without approval of the Department Director,
Employee Relations Officer and City Manager.
Any leave of absence without pay of eight (8) hours or more shall result in a pro rata accrual of
vacation, sick leave or holiday credits. A leave of absence without pay of forty (40) hours or
more shall also result in a pro rata reduction of employer -paid health benefit payments, and shall
extend the employee's probationary period (if applicable) for the same length of time as the
leave. After thirty (30) consecutive working days (which includes each "Regular Day Off' for
employees participating in the Alternate Work Week Schedule) on a leave of absence without
pay, contributions to retirement, life insurance, medical, dental, or other designated benefit plans
shall be suspended until the employee is reinstated.
Upon expiration of an approved leave of absence without pay, the employee shall be reinstated in
the classification held at the time the leave was granted. Failure on the part of the employee to
report to work promptly at the expiration of the leave shall result in the employee being deemed
to have resigned from employment.
7.25.1 Statement of Policy
To the extent not already provided for under current leave policies and provisions, the City will
provide family and medical care leave for eligible employees as required by State and Federal
law. The following provisions set forth certain of the rights and obligations with respect to such
leave. Rights and obligations which are not specifically set forth below are set forth in the
Department of Labor regulations implementing the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of
1993 (as revised in January, 2009) ("FMLA"), and the regulations of the California Family
Rights Act ("CFRA"). Unless otherwise provided by this article, "Leave" under this article shall
mean leave pursuant to the FMLA and CFRA. Employees may use any accrued leave for the
purposes of FMLA leaves, or the time off may be taken as leave without pay.
7.25.2 Definitions
A. "12-Month Period" means a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the
date leave is taken and continuous with each additional leave day taken.
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B. "Child" means a child under the age of 18 years of age, or 18 years of age or older
who is incapable of self -care because of a mental or physical disability. An employee's
child is one for whom the employee has actual day-to-day responsibility for care and
includes a biological, adopted, foster or step -child.
A child is "incapable of self -care" if he/she requires active assistance or supervision to
provide daily self -care in three or more of the activities of daily living or instrumental
activities of daily living - such as, caring for grooming and hygiene, bathing, dressing and
eating, cooking, cleaning shopping, taking public transportation, paying bills, maintaining
a residence, using telephones and directories, etc.
C. "Parent" means the biological parent of an employee or an individual who stands
or stood in loco parentis (in place of a parent) to an employee when the employee was a
child. This term does not include parents -in-law.
D. "Covered Servicemember" is a current member of the Armed Forces, including a
member of the National Guard or Reserves, who has a serious injury or illness incurred in
the line of duty on active duty that may render the servicemember medically unfit to
perform his or her duties for which the servicemember is undergoing medical treatment,
recuperation, or therapy; or in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired
E. "Spouse" means a husband, wife, or registered domestic partner as defined or
recognized under California State law for purposes of marriage.
F. "Serious health condition" means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or
mental condition that involves:
1. Inpatient Care (i.e., an overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice, or residential
medical care facility, including any period of incapacity (i.e., inability to work, or
perform other regular daily activities due to the serious+ealth condition, treatment
involved, or recovery therefrom), or
2. Continuing treatment by a health care provider: A serious health condition
involving continuing treatment by a health care provider includes any one or more
of the following:
a. A period of incapacity (i.e., inability to work, or perform other
regular daily activities due to serious health condition of more than three
(3) consecutive calendar days, and any subsequent treatment or period of
incapacity relating to the same condition) that also involves:
i) Treatment of two or more times by a health care provider,
by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct supervision by a
health care provider, or by a provider of health care services (e.g.,
a physical therapist) under orders of, or on referral by, a health care
provider within thirty (30) days from the first day of incapacity,
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absent extenuating circumstances, and the first medical visit must
take place within seven (7) days of the first day of incapacity; or
ii) Treatment by a health care provider within seven (7) days
of the first day of incapacity on at least one occasion which results
in a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the
health care provider. This includes, for example, a course of
prescription medication or therapy requiring special equipment to
resolve or alleviate the health condition. If the medication is over
the counter, and can be initiated without a visit to a health care
provider, it does not constitute a regimen of continuing treatment.
b. Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy or for prenatal care.
(This entitles the employee to FMLA leave, but not CFRA leave. Under
California law, an employee disabled by pregnancy is entitled to
pregnancy disability leave.)
C. Any period of incapacity or treatment for such incapacity due to a
chronic serious health condition. A chronic serious health condition is one
i) Requires periodic visits (visiting a health care provider at
least twice a year for the same condition) for treatment by a health
care provider, or by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct
supervision of a health care provider;
ii) Continues over an extended period of time (including
recurring episodes of a single underlying condition); and
iii) May cause episodic rather than a continuing period of
incapacity (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.). Absences for
such incapacity qualify for leave even if the absence lasts only one
d. A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a
condition for which treatment may not be effective. The employee or
family member must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not
be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider.
e. Any period of absence to receive multiple treatments (including
any period of recovery therefrom) by a health care provider or by a
provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health
care provider, either for restorative surgery after an accident or other
injury, or for a condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity
of more than three consecutive calendar days in the absence of medical
intervention or treatment.
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G. "Health Care Provider" means:
1. A doctor of medicine or osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine
or surgery by the State of California;
2. Individuals duly licensed as a physician, surgeon, or osteopathic physician
or surgeon in another state or jurisdiction, including another country, which
directly treats or supervises treatment of a serious health condition.
3. Podiatrists, dentists, clinical psychologists, optometrists, and chiropractors
(limited to treatment consisting of manual manipulation of the spine to correct a
subluxation as demonstrated by X-ray to exist) authorized to practice in California
and performing within the scope of their practice as defined under California State
4. Nurse practitioners and nurse -midwives, clinical social workers, and
physician assistants who are authorized to practice under California State law and
who are performing within the scope of their practice as defined under California
State law;
5. Christian Science practitioners listed with the First Church of Christ,
Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts; and
6. Any health care provider from whom an employer or group health plan's
benefits manager will accept certification of the existence of a serious health
condition to substantiate a claim for benefits.
H. "Oualifying Exigencies" may include attending certain military events, arranging
for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, attending
certain counseling sessions, and attending post -deployment reintegration briefings.
7.25.3 Reasons for Leave
Leave is only permitted for the following reasons:
A. Incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or birth of a child by an
B. To care for the employee's child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster
C. To care for the employee's spouse, registered domestic partner, son or daughter,
or parent, who has a serious health condition; or
D. For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the
employee's job; or
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E. To care for a covered service member during a single 12-month period.
7.25.4 Employees Eligible for Leave
An employee is eligible for leave if the employee:
A. Has been employed for at least 12 months; all prior service counts, regardless of
any breaks in service; and
B. Has been employed for at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period
immediately preceding the commencement of the leave.
7.25.5 Military Family Leave Entitlements
Eligible employees with a spouse, son, daughter, or parent on active duty or call to active duty
status in the National Guard or Reserves in support of contingency operations may use their 12-
week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies.
7.25.6 Amount of Leave
Eligible employees are entitled to a total of 12 work weeks of leave during any 12-month period
(with the exception of special leave entitlement that permits eligible employees to take up to 26
weeks of leave to care for a covered servicemember during a single 12-month period).
A. Minimum Duration of Leave: If leave is requested for the birth, adoption or
foster care placement of a child of the employee, leave must be concluded within one
year of the birth or placement of the child. In addition, the basic minimum duration of
such leave is two weeks. However, an employee is entitled to leave for one of these
purposes (e.g., bonding with a newborn) for at least one day, but less than two weeks
duration on any two occasions.
If leave is requested to care for a child, parent, spouse, registered domestic partner or the
employee him/herself with a serious health condition, there is no minimum amount of
leave that must be taken. However, the notice and medical certification provisions of this
policy must be complied with.
B. Spouses Both Employed By The City: In any case in which a husband and wife,
or registered domestic partners, both employed by the City are entitled to leave, the
aggregate number of workweeks of leave to which both may be entitled may be limited to
12 work weeks during any 12-month period if leave is taken for the birth or placement for
adoption or foster care of the employees' child (i.e., bonding leave). This limitation does
not apply to any other type of leave under this policy.
7.25.7 Use of Leave
An employee does not need to use this leave entitlement in one block. Leave can be taken
intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. Employees must make
reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the
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employer's operations. Leave due to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent
7.25.8 Employee Benefits While on Leave
For the duration of the Family and Medical Leave, the City of La Quinta will maintain its current
payment for the employee's health coverage (medical, dental, prescription, and vision) under its
group health plan. The City may recover its costs for these benefits if the employee fails to
return to work after the conclusion of the leave.
7.25.9. Employee Notice of Leave
Although the City recognizes that emergencies arise which may require employees to request
immediate leave, employees are required to give as much notice as possible of their need for
leave. If leave is foreseeable, at least 30 days' notice is required. In addition, if an employee
knows that he/she will need leave in the future, but does not know the exact date(s) (e.g., for the
birth of a child or to take care of a newborn), the employee shall inform his/her supervisor as
soon as practicable that such leave will be needed. Such notice may be orally given. If the City
determines that an employee's notice is inadequate or the employee knew about the requested
leave in advance of the request, the City may delay the granting of the leave until it can, in its
discretion, adequately cover the position with a substitute.
Employees must provide sufficient information for the City to determine if the leave may qualify
for FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient
information may include that the employee is unable to perform job functions; the family
member is unable to perform daily activities, the need for hospitalization or continuing treatment
by a health care provider, or circumstances supporting the need for military family leave.
Employees must also inform the employer if the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA
leave was previously taken or certified. Employees may also be required to provide a
certification and periodic recertification supporting the need for leave.
7.25.10 Reinstatement Upon Return from Leave
A. Right To Reinstatement: Upon expiration of leave, an employee is entitled to be
reinstated to the position of employment held when the leave commenced, or to an
equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits, pay, and other terms and
conditions of employment. Employees have no greater rights to reinstatement, benefits
and other conditions of employment than if the employee had been continuously
employed during the FMLA/CFRA period.
If a definite date of reinstatement has been agreed upon at the beginning of the leave, the
employee will be reinstated on the date agreed upon. If the reinstatement date differs
from the original agreement of the employee and City, the employee will be reinstated
within two business days, where feasible, after the employee notifies the employer of
his/her readiness to return.
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B. Employee's Obligation To Periodically Report On His/Her Condition: Employees
may be required to periodically report on their status and intent to return to work. This
will avoid any delays to reinstatement when the employee is ready to return.
C. Fitness For Duty Certification: As a condition of reinstatement of an employee
whose leave was due to the employee's own serious health condition, which made the
employee unable to perform his/her job, the employee must obtain and present a fitness -
for -duty certification from the health care provider that the employee is able to resume
work. Failure to provide such certification will result in denial of reinstatement.
D. Reinstatement Of "Key Emvlovees": The City may deny reinstatement to a "key"
employee (i.e., an employee who is among the highest paid 10 percent of all employed by
the City within 75 miles of the work site) if such denial is necessary to prevent substantial
and grievous economic injury to the operations of the City and the employee is notified
of the City's intent to deny reinstatement on such basis at the time the employer
determines that such injury would occur.
7.25.11 Required Forms
Employees must fill out the following applicable forms in connection with leave under this
A. "Request For Family or Medical Leave Form" prepared by the City to be eligible
for leave.
B. Certification of health care provider for employee's serious health condition;
certification of health care provider for family member's serious health condition;
certification of qualifying exigency for military family leave; or certification for serious
injury or illness of covered servicemember for military family leave.
C. Authorization for payroll deductions for benefit plan coverage continuation; and
D. Fitness for duty to return from leave form.
7.25.12 Leave for School -Related Activities for a Child: An employee may be eligible for
leave to attend school -related activities of a child in accordance with Labor Code Section 230.8.
injuries and illnesses arising out of and in the course of employment with the City, including first
aid injuries, shall be reported immediately to the appropriate Supervisor. The Supervisor shall
immediately notify Human Resources of the accident. Human Resources shall be responsible for
completing an "Employer's Report of Occupational Injury or Illness" within five (5) days of
knowledge of occupational injury or illness which results in lost time beyond the day of the
incident. Human Resources shall give the injured employee a Workers' Compensation Claim
Form ("DWC-1") within one working day of employer knowledge. The only exception to
providing a Claim Form is with respect to "first aid claims."
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Under California state law, any employee sustaining an injury or illness arising out of and in the
course of employment may be entitled to:
7.30.1 All reasonable and necessary medical care for a work -related injury or illness;
7.30.2 "Temporary disability" payments in lieu of lost wages, commencing three (3) days after
the first full day of lost time.
If an occupational injury or illness is severe and requires immediate medical attention, first aid
should be rendered and medical treatment should be obtained at the closest City -designated
medical treatment facility. For severe accidents occurring outside the City limits, medical
treatment should be obtained at the closest medical facility. Use of paramedic services is
automatically authorized if the injury is life threatening.
In the case of an occupational injury which requires medical attention within the first twenty-four
(24) hours or develops symptoms after the first twenty-four (24) hours following the injury, the
employee shall immediately notify the employee's Supervisor and the employee's Supervisor
shall notify the Employee Relations Officer. If the employee has not submitted a properly
completed "Employee Notification of Personal Physician" form to the Employee Relations
Officer for treatment of job -related injuries prior to the date of injury, all medical treatment shall
be provided through the City's designated medical service providers for the first thirty (30) days
after the date of the injury.
If the employee has submitted a properly completed "Employee Notification of Personal
Physician" form to the Employee Relations Officer for treatment of job -related injuries, an
appointment may be scheduled with the employee -designated medical service provider. The
employee may also elect to treat with the City's designated medical service provider.
If the employee's claim is delayed by the City's Workers' Compensation Program claims
administrator to determine whether it is work -related according to the laws of the State of
California, the employee is entitled to medical treatment during the pendency of the
investigation, up to a maximum of $10,000.
A regular employee who is unable to perform regular or modified duties because of an injury or
illness arising out of and in the course and scope of the employee's duties shall suffer no loss in
City pay or accrued sick leave for absence from work because of such disability. City pay is in
lieu of "temporary disability benefits."
Such workers' compensation salary continuation shall commence with the first full day of lost
time after the employee has been placed on temporary disability for a work -related injury or
illness, and the employee is not able to return to work, either on regular or modified duty, and
shall conclude with:
(a) the employee's return to work in a regular or modified capacity for the City or
any other employer; or
(b) termination of such temporary disability by the medical provider; or
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(c) upon reaching a maximum medical improvement, as determined by competent
medical evidence; or
(d) upon the completion of twenty-six (26) weeks on-the-job injury leave, whichever
comes first.
Employees with injuries or illnesses that persist beyond twenty-six (26) weeks may be eligible
for Workers' Compensation temporary or permanent disability payments as defined by State law.
The portion of workers' compensation salary continuation that represents payment for lost time
at the statutory "Temporary Disability" rate is non-taxable.
While the City is not required by law to provide the following benefit, a regular employee shall
not be required to use accrued sick leave for medical treatment, including doctor's appointments
and/or physical therapy appointments, related to an active, accepted Workers' Compensation
claim for injury or illness arising out of and in the course and scope of the employee's duties.
Such leave shall be denoted as "Workers' Compensation Leave" on the employee's time sheet
and shall be paid from the City's Workers' Compensation salary continuation fund.
Appointments should be scheduled for the lunch hour or before or after work whenever possible
to minimize the impact on the City's operations.
City policy allows for regular employees unable to perform their regular or modified duties by
reason of an injury or illness arising out of and in the course of their employment to integrate
their accrued benefits once worker's compensation salary continuation has ceased in order to
receive a sum which, when added to the amount of temporary disability payment, will result in a
payment equal to such an employee's regular "take-home" compensation. City paid medical
benefits will continue until the workers' compensation salary continuation has ceased (26
Except for probationary employees, an employee's anniversary date shall be extended if the
employee's Workers' Compensation -related injury or illness is in excess of thirty (30) days per
fiscal year. If an employee's Workers' Compensation -related injury or illness exceeds thirty (30)
days per fiscal year, the employee's anniversary date shall be extended the same length of time
as the injury or illness, minus the first thirty (30) days (i.e. if the employee's injury or illness is
forty-five (45) days, the employee's anniversary date shall be extended fifteen (15) days). If an
employee experiences a Workers' Compensation -related injury or illness while on probation, the
employee's probationary period shall be extended the same length of time as the injury or illness.
Such extensions of anniversary dates and probationary periods which arise as a result of this
policy shall not be a negative reflection on any employee, but rather as a way to more accurately
monitor employee performance.
Workers' Compensation Leave and benefits, as appropriate under State law, shall be granted to
an employee upon acceptance of the claim by the claims administrator, and with physician's
certification of "temporary disability" status, and the employee's inability to perform regular or
modified duties. A claim denied by the claims administrator, a written statement from the
treating physician indicating that the employee's condition is permanent and stationary or has
reached maximum medical improvement, or separation from City service shall terminate an
employee's eligibility for Workers' Compensation Leave and any applicable benefits from the
Rev. July 2014 - 85 -
City for that particular injury or illness. The employee may be eligible for other benefits under
workers' compensation law.
The City maintains its right to require that an employee provide regular physician's certification
of work status, and see a City -designated physician on a periodic basis to determine the
employee's disability status. If an employee is given work restrictions by the physician, the City
will initiate an accommodation review to determine if the employee is able to return to work with
or without reasonable accommodation.
The City also maintains its right to require an employee to return to work on a "limited duty"
status, provided that the employee has received authorization from the City -designated physician
as well as from the Employee Relations Officer and the Department Director. Such "limited
duty" status must be of a temporary nature, does not have to be in the same position or
department, and is subject to Employee Relations Officer approval.
Additional information concerning Workers' Compensation Leave or benefits may be obtained
by contacting the Employee Relations Officer.
7.31.1 PURPOSE
The City of La Quinta is committed to providing a work environment that is free from
discrimination. In keeping with this commitment, the City maintains a strict policy prohibiting
discrimination and harassment of injured employees.
The purpose of the Transitional Return to Work (TRTW) Program is to return all injured
employees, who are temporarily precluded from performing their normal duties, to work in a
TRTW assignment, if available.
The Human Resources/Risk Manager will act as the TRTW coordinator. This individual will
function as the liaison with the workers' compensation claims administrator if the claim is
A. Identifying TRTW Assignments:
1. Periodically, the TRTW coordinator will request that all departments
complete the "TRTW Assignment" form (Exhibit B). This form assists the TRTW
coordinator in identifying beforehand possible TRTW assignments.
B. Employee Placed On TRTW By A Treating Physician:
1. If the employee has work restrictions, the work restrictions will be listed
on the "Notice of Physician's Recommendations" (Exhibit C) by the treating
Rev. Juty 2014 - 86
2. If the employee's department is able to accommodate the restrictions, the
employee's supervisor will notify the TRTW coordinator, and the coordinator will
send a TRTW agreement letter to the employee.
3. The employee's supervisor will ensure that the employee is complying
with and working within the work restrictions imposed by the treating physician.
The City of La Quinta will interact with the employee to discuss their ability to
continue performing modified duty at or near 90 days following commencement
of modified duty.
C. Employee's Department Unable To Accommodate The Restrictions:
1. If the employee's department is unable to accommodate the restrictions,
the department will notify the TRTW coordinator immediately.
2. The TRTW coordinator will:
i. Check file for previously submitted TRTW assignment forms.
ii. Contact other departments for possible TRTW assignments based
upon the employee's restrictions.
iii. Instruct the employee where to report if an assignment in another
department is located. (May be delegated to the employee's supervisor.)
D. Unavailable Transitional Assignments:
1. If no TRTW assignment is available, the employee will be put off work.
2. Employees off work are to contact the TRTW coordinator on a weekly
basis for the availability of TRTW assignments.
3. Failure to contact the TRTW coordinator may result in disciplinary action.
E. Intermittent Assignment:
1. If an employee completes a TRTW assignment and there is no additional
TRTW assignment available, the employee will be put off work.
2. If the injury is industrial, the TRTW coordinator must immediately notify
the workers' compensation claims administrator that the employee is not working.
F. Time sheet Procedures:
I. TRTW duty shall be denoted as "Regular" time on the employee's time
sheet with an additional explanation that the employee is on a TRTW assignment.
7.35 DISABILITY LEAVE: Full time and part time (in excess of 30 hours per week)
employees may be eligible for disability leave from the City for non -industrial illness or injury of
a significant nature which would not be covered by the terms of Section 14.20, Sick Leave or
Section 7.25, Family and Medical Leave; although these leaves may run concurrently with
disability. Disability leave requires that the employee's attending physician certify that the
employee is physically unable to work and indicate the estimated length of leave necessary.
During said disability leave, the employee has the option of using accrued sick leave, vacation,
compensatory time -off or administrative leave allowances, as well as disability pay, and thus,
continuing to receive full pay. City pay will cease when all accrued allowances have been used
and the employee will receive only disability pay.
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When an employee is on disability leave, the City shall continue its share of payment for
insurance benefit premiums (i.e., health,, life, AD&D, disability, vision and dental) for the
employee and dependents. The City's continuation of payment of PERS retirement contributions
is dependent upon the disability plan in effect at the time the disability leave is requested.
Vacation time, sick leave, administrative leave, and holidays shall not accrue during a disability
leave unless the employee is continuing to receive their full customary pay by utilizing accrued
sick leave, vacation, compensatory time -off or administrative leave allowances. If an employee
elects to receive pay for less than their full customary pay, employee benefits (other than the
insurance benefits listed above) shall be pro -rated.
If an employee's disability leave exceeds twelve (12) work weeks and the employee is not on
paid status by virtue of continuing to utilize at least half (50%) of the hours needed per pay
period to receive a full paycheck through the use of their accrued sick leave, vacation,
compensatory time -off or administrative leave allowances, or leave donated under the Vacation
Leave Transfer Policy referred to in Section 14.15.5 of these Personnel Policies, participation in
the group health insurance plan shall terminate unless the employee elects to retain said coverage
at the employee's expense. If the employee uses less than 50% of the hours needed per pay
period to receive a full paycheck, their participation in the group health insurance plan shall
terminate unless the employee elects to retain said coverage at the employee's expense. This
coverage shall be available under the same requirements and restrictions of the COBRA
Continuation as provided by the City's health insurance carrier.
If an employee takes a disability leave while on probation, the probationary period shall be
extended the same length of time as the disability leave. Any extension of the probationary
period shall not be perceived as casting aspersions on any employee, but rather as a way to more
accurately monitor employee performance.
Before returning to work following a disability leave of absence, the employee shall submit a
verification from their attending physician stating that the employee is able to return to work.
Unless the leave is otherwise extended, the employee shall be required to return to work full-
Upon expiration of the approved leave, the employee shall be reinstated to their former position
or to a comparable one if the former position is abolished during the period of leave and the
employee would otherwise not have been laid -off. The comparable position is one having
similar terms of pay, location, job content and promotional opportunities. Failure to return to
work after the authorized leave causes the employee to have no reinstatement rights.
The City will hold a position available for an employee on disability leave for up to twelve (12)
work weeks. Beyond that length of time, the City may, at its sole discretion, elect to
permanently replace the employee.
The actual terms and benefits of the City's disability leave are governed by the disability
insurance program in effect at the time the disability leave is requested. Benefits are subject to
change at any time by the City. Employees should inquire about disability leave through the
office of the Employee Relations Officer.
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8.05 GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION: Employee misconduct shall be cause for
disciplinary action. In addition to any actionable or other cause allowed by statute, ordinance or
law, the following nonexclusive listings shall constitute cause for disciplinary action (any one of
which may be sufficient basis to take disciplinary action up to and including termination):
8.05.1 Falsifying any information supplied to the City including, but not limited to, information
supplied on application forms, employment records, or any other City records, reports, or
document prepared by the employee.
8.05.2 Incompetency.
8.05.3 Inefficiency.
8.05.4 Neglect of duty.
8.05.5 Insubordination; failure to follow instructions.
8.05.6 Dishonesty.
8.05.7 Selling, providing, consumption of, being under the influence, possession of alcoholic
beverages or illegal controlled substances or abuse of prescription medication while on duty or in
such close time proximity thereof as to cause any detrimental effect upon the employee or upon
other employees (See Section 1.65 regarding medical marijuana).
8.05.8 The conviction of either a misdemeanor or a felony involving moral turpitude shall
constitute grounds for dismissal of any employee. The record of conviction shall be conclusive
evidence only of the fact that the conviction occurred. The Department Director or designee may
inquire into the circumstances surrounding the commission of the crime in order to fix the degree
of discipline, or the determination if such conviction is an offense involving moral turpitude. A
plea or verdict of guilty, or a conviction showing a plea of nolo contenders made to charge a
felony or any offense involving moral turpitude, is deemed to be a conviction within the meaning
of this Section. The Department Director or designee may suspend or dismiss said employee
when the time for appeal has elapsed or the judgment of the conviction has been affirmed on
appeal, or when an order granting probation is made suspending the imposition of sentence,
irrespective of a subsequent order under the provisions of Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code of
the State of California allowing such person to withdraw his plea of guilty and enter a plea of not
guilty, or setting aside a verdict of guilty, or dismissing the accusation or indictment.
8.05.9 Absence without leave.
8.05.10 Immoral conduct.
8.05.11 Discourteous treatment of the public or other employees.
8.05.12 Political activity precluded by state or federal law.
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8.05.13 Misuse or unauthorized use of City property.
8.05.14 Violation of a City or departmental rule, policy, procedure, or these Policies.
8.05.15 Failure to possess or keep in effect any license, certificate, or other similar requirement
necessary for the employee to perform the duties of the job position or required by such job
8.05.16 Unlawful discrimination, including harassment or bullying, on the basis of race, religious
creed, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identification, medical condition, marital
status, sex, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation, domestic partnership status, military and veteran
status, or mental or physical handicap against the public or other employee while acting in the
capacity of a City employee.
8.05.17 Willful failure of good conduct tending to injure the public service.
8.05.18 Excessive absences, unexcused absence(s), or tardiness.
8.05.19 Misuse of sick leave.
8.05.20 Failure to report for health examination after due notice.
8.05.21 Two or more consecutive unsatisfactory performance evaluations.
8.05.22 Refusal to subscribe to any oath or affirmation which is required by law in connection
with City employment.
8.05.23 Any willful act of conduct undertaken in bad faith, either during or outside of duty hours
which is of such a nature that it causes discredit to the City, the employee's department or
8.05.24 Inattention to duty, tardiness, indolence, carelessness or negligence in the care and
handling of City property.
8.05.25 Mental or physical impairment which render the employee unable to perform the
essential functions of the job without reasonable accommodation, or without presenting a direct
threat to the health and safety of self or others.
8.05.26 Outside employment not specifically authorized by the appointing authority.
8.05.27 Acceptance from any source of a reward, gift, or other form of remuneration in addition
to regular compensation to an employee for the performance of his or her official duties.
8.05.28 The refusal of any officer or employee of the City to testify under oath before any Grand
Jury having jurisdiction over any then pending cause of inquiry in which the investigation of
government bribery or misconduct in agency office is involved shall constitute of itself sufficient
ground for the immediate discharge of such officer or employee.
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8.05.29 Willful violation of any of the provisions of the ordinances, resolutions or any Policies,
regulations or policies which may be prescribed by the City.
8.05.30 Working overtime without authorization.
8.05.31 Any other failure of good behavior which is of such nature that it causes discredit to the
City or his or her employment.
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by the Department Director or designee for disciplinary reasons,
Nothing in these Policies requires imposition of disciplinary actin
severity or pursuant to the number of prior disciplinary actions.
informal discussion;
a formal warning;
a written reprimand;
disciplinary suspension;
reduction in pay;
demotion; or
Action" means action taken
pursuant to these Policies.
n in any particular order of
Such disciplinary actions
9.10 INFORMAL DISCUSSION: An informal discussion is designed to clarify standards,
policies, procedures and/or regulations so that problems are resolved early and thus, the need to
utilize more severe disciplinary action may be avoided. (Not appealable)
9.15 FORMAL WARNING: A formal warning shall be given in response to minor
misconduct. The warning should be prompt, constructive, and every effort shall be made for the
formal warning to be given in private. The Supervisor should include in the formal warning a
review of appropriate department standards and policies, employee performance expected in the
future and consequences for failure to correct performance or behavior. The formal warning
shall be written (not appealable) and will be placed in the employee's central personnel file
located in Human Resources.
9.20 WRITTEN REPRIMAND: A written communication to the employee that the same or
related offense has been committed. The written reprimand shall be given by the Department
Director or designated authority when a formal warning has not succeeded in stopping the
misconduct, or when the misconduct is considered so serious as to warrant more than a formal
warning. Misconduct includes failure to meet City performance standards.
The Department Director should first counsel the employee about the misconduct, as if giving a
formal warning. At the end of the discussion, if no extenuating circumstances are discovered,
the Department Director will inform the employee that a letter of reprimand will follow and will
be placed in the employee's central personnel file located in Human Resources.
The written reprimand should include a full, accurate and factual statement of the reason for the
reprimand including the date and time of the event which is the cause of the reprimand, if
applicable, appropriate department standards and policies, employee performance expected in the
future and consequences for failure to correct performance or behavior. (Not appealable)
9.25 DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION: Temporary removal of an employee from his or her
duties without pay for misconduct. Disciplinary suspensions without pay deprive an employee
of pay for any period up to sixty (60) working days and are given when serious misconduct or
repetition of past problems for which the employee has been reprimanded require a strong
Rev. Jury 2014 - 92
management response. The nature of the offense, its severity and the circumstances dictate the
length of suspension. Recurrence of the same or similar offenses can result in a second or third
disciplinary suspension of progressively increased duration or in a dismissal. A disciplinary
suspension is given an employee when formal warnings or written reprimands have not been
effective, or when the misconduct wan -ants more than a reprimand. Employees may be
suspended on the spot when there is a clear threat to the safety of other employees or the public.
9.30 REDUCTION IN PAY: Reduction in pay shall be a decrease in salary to a lower step
within the salary grade for disciplinary purposes. The decrease may be permanent or for a fixed
period of time. Denial of a merit increase or a reclassification downward is not discipline and
does not entitle an employee to notice or right of appeal.
9.35 DEMOTION: The Department Director may demote an employee for disciplinary
reasons or because the employee's ability to perform the required duties falls below standards for
that position, provided that the employee has been given a reasonable time to improve. Upon
request of the employee, and with the consent of the Department Director, demotion may be
made to a vacant position. No employee shall be demoted to a position unless he/she possesses
the minimum qualifications for such a position. The Employee Relations Officer must approve
all demotions.
9.40 DISCHARGE: Discharge, dismissal or involuntary separation of an employee from City
employment may be imposed when other disciplinary measures have failed, or when an act of
misconduct is deemed appropriate. A regular employee may be discharged for violation of these
9.45 DOCUMENTATION OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION: All documented disciplinary
actions will be placed in the employee's personnel file.
A formal warning or written reprimand should be documented in the format prescribed by the
Employee Relations Officer. The employee shall receive a copy of the documented formal
warning or written reprimand, and a copy shall be placed in the employee's personnel file in
Human Resources. If the employee chooses to respond, that reply will also be placed in the
employee's personnel file and be attached to the Supervisor's record of formal warning or
written reprimand. The employee has ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the disciplinary
action to respond in writing.
If the action taken is a disciplinary probation, a disciplinary suspension, a reduction in pay, a
demotion, or a dismissal documentation shall be in accordance with Section 10. A copy of all
such disciplinary documents shall be placed in the employee's central personnel file located in
Human Resources. The employee shall acknowledge receipt, in writing, of a copy of such
disciplinary documents. If the employee refuses to acknowledge receipt, in writing, that fact
should be noted in writing.
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1005 ADMINISTRATIVE REASSIGNMENT WITH PAY: Pending investigation of an
accusation against an employee, the Employee Relations Officer may approve the temporary
administrative reassignment of an employee with or without pay, pending the undertaking or
completion of an investigation or opportunity to respond as may be required to determine if any
disciplinary action shall be taken.
disciplinary suspension, a reduction in pay, a demotion, or a disciplinary discharge, the
procedure set forth in this Section shall be complied with.
10.10.1 Written Notice: The employee's Supervisor shall give the employee a written notice of
the proposed disciplinary action at least five (5) working days prior to the effective date. The
written notice shall be personally delivered to the employee or sent by certified mail to the
employee's last known address.
The notice generally will include the following information:
A. A description of the proposed action to be taken and its proposed effective date or
B. The specific grounds and particular facts upon which the action is proposed to be
C. The employee's right to receive a copy of the written materials alleged to support
the proposed actions; and
D. A statement advising the employee of the right to respond, orally or in writing
within five (5) working days after receipt of the written notice.
E. That failure to respond by the time specified shall constitute a waiver of the right
to respond prior to final discipline being, imposed.
10.10.2 Employee Review and'Resnonse: The employee shall be given an opportunity to review
the documents or materials upon which the proposed disciplinary action is based. Within five (5)
working days after receipt of the written notice, the employee shall have the right to respond to
the Department Director, orally or in writing, concerning the proposed action.
Failure to respond within the time specified shall result in the employee's waiver of the
employee's pre -disciplinary right to respond. By mutual agreement, the specified time period
may be extended.
10.10.3 Employee Rights and Restrictions:
A. Right to Representation. The employee has the right to a representative
throughout the pre -disciplinary process, at the employee's own cost. That representative
is chosen by the employee and may be an attorney, an outside representative, or another
Rev. July 2014 - 94 `-
City employee. If a City employee is selected as the representative, that employee's
Department Director must be notified in order to obtain permission to be absent from
assigned duties necessary to make representation. Such permission shall not be
unreasonably withheld.
B. Right to Investigate. The employee and the employee's representative wishing to
enter a work area for the purpose of investigating the notice of proposed discipline must
first obtain permission to do so from the work area Supervisor. Any investigation shall
be conducted on non -working time unless the Department Director has granted prior
approval to use City time. Permission in either case shall not be unreasonably withheld,
giving consideration to the work of the department and occupational safety.
10.10.4 Department Director Decision: The Department Director or designated authority shall,
within five (5) working days, unless the Department Director or designee decides a longer period
is needed, provide a written decision to the employee after reviewing the employee's response, if
The decision shall be personally delivered to the employee or sent by certified mail to the
employee's response and shall be dated and signed by the Department Director. If disciplinary
action is to be taken, the written response shall include a statement informing the employee of
the right to appeal and the time period within which the appeal must be made.
Director's decision shall be made within five (5) working days of receiving the decision. An
appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the written notice of disciplinary action served on the
employee, the Department Director's written decision, a brief statement of the facts and reasons
for the appeal and a brief statement of the relief requested.
If, within the five (5) day appeal period, the employee involved does not file an appeal, unless
good cause for the failure is shown, the action of the Department Director or designated authority
shall be final, and not subject to any further appeal or right to appeal. If an employee withdraws
the appeal, the employee waives the right to further review. Upon approval of the City Manager,
the Employee Relations Officer may act on his behalf on such matters.
10_20 AMENDED NOTICE OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION: At any time before a disciplinary
action becomes final, the Department Director or designated authority may amend the proposed
disciplinary action and provide a supplemental notice of proposed disciplinary action.
A decision not to impose any disciplinary action may be accompanied by a directive from the
Department Director to delete all references to the pending action from the employee's personnel
file(s). Failure by the Department to make further investigations or to provide an additional
written answer shall not affect the ability of the City to impose disciplinary action.
If the amended or supplemental notice of proposed disciplinary action presents new causes or
allegations, the employee shall be provided further written notices proved in Section 10.10.1 and
shall be afforded the opportunity to prepare a response in accordance with Section 10.10.2.
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11.05 HEARING OFFICER: The Hearing Officer is designated to hear appeals on Personnel
related matters, with the exception of grievances. The Hearing Officer shall be an outside
independent person (not employed by the City). who is qualified to hear such appeals. The
selection of the Hearing Officer shall be a joint decision between the employee and the City.
The costs of the Hearing Officer shall be borne by the City.
11_10 REQUEST FOR APPEAL: Every appeal to the Hearing Officer must be filed within five
(5) working days in writing with the Employee Relations Officer. Failure to file a timely appeal
shall be deemed a waiver of the right of appeal. The appeal shall state the facts upon which it is
based, the action requested by the Hearing Officer and it shall be signed and dated by the
appellant. The statement of facts in the appeal shall provide in sufficient detail the necessary
facts and identify all persons or departments concerned in order that the Hearing Officer may
understand the nature of the proceeding and appeal. The appellant's Department Director shall
be considered the only respondent unless the written appeal identifies other respondents. The
Employee Relations Officer shall serve a copy of the appeal on the respondent.
The appellant or respondent may, at any time prior to the hearing, file a written statement setting
forth in detail all facts essential and necessary to support its position. The parties are encouraged
to include with and set forth in the statement all exhibits essential and necessary to support its
position and which it intends to offer into evidence.
11.15 ANSWER: The respondent is not required to file an answer to the appeal. If an answer
is filed prior to the hearing, a copy thereof shall be sent to the appellant by the Employee
Relations Officer. If no answer is filed, every relevant and material allegation of the appeal is in
issue; but in any case, irrelevant and immaterial issues may be excluded by the Hearing Officer.
1120 TIME FOR HEARING: Within five (5) days after receipt of an appeal in writing, the
Employee Relations Officer shall notify in writing the appellant and respondent of the date, time
and place of said appeal hearing. Every hearing on an appeal shall commence within thirty (30)
days after notice by the Employee Relations Officer to the appellant and respondent of the date,
time and place of said appeal hearing unless:
11.20.1 The time is extended by mutual consent of the appellant and respondent;
11.20.2 A Hearing Officer cannot be selected within that time, in which case such hearing shall
be scheduled by the Hearing Officer as soon as practicable;
11.20.3 The Employee Relations Officer or the Hearing Officer has granted an extension of time
within which to commence the hearing.
1125 NOTICE OF HEARING: Written notice of the time and place of hearing of appeal shall
be served by the Employee Relations Officer on the appellant and the respondent within five (5)
working days of receipt of the notice of appeal. This notice may be delivered personally or by
certified mail to the employee's last known address. A respondent or appellant may seek a
continuance of the hearing date by making a written request to the Employee Relations Officer
stating the grounds for such a request and the requested date for the hearing. The Employee
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Relations Officer shall have the authority to determine whether to grant a continuance and to set
the hearing date.
1130 PRE -HEARING MEETING: The Hearing Officer has the authority to require an
appellant and respondent to meet prior to the commencement of a hearing for the purpose of
using a good faith effort to prepare a joint written statement of the claims and defenses and
disputed and undisputed facts and to submit separate written statements where concurrence on
such items could not be achieved. Parties are encouraged to voluntarily meet for this purpose
and submit such statements.
1135 WITNESS LIST AND SUBPOENAS: The respondent and appellant shall submit in
writing to the Employee Relations Officer, at least three (3) working days prior to the start of the
hearing, the name(s) of any witnesses expected to be called during the hearing. The Employee
Relations Officer shall provide each party the names of witnesses so submitted in advance of the
hearing. A respondent or appellant may request approval from the Hearing Officer for the
issuance of subpoenas to compel the person(s) to testify at a hearing or the production of
documents to be brought to a hearing by submitting a written request to the Employee Relations
Such a request must state with particularity the person(s) or documents sought to be compelled,
and the relevancy of that person(s) or that document(s) or both to the matters to be tried in the
hearing. The Hearing Officer or the Employee Relations Officer, is so delegated, shall cause
subpoenas to be issued when the Hearing Officer or the Employee Relations Officer, whichever
applies, deems appropriate.
1140 NATURE OF HEARING: Each hearing shall be closed unless the appellant requests an
open hearing. Any party may be self -represented, have legal counsel or another representative of
choice. The hearing shall be conducted by the Hearing Officer pursuant to these Policies. The
Hearing Officer shall have the authority to: open and adjourn the hearing, rule on evidentiary
questions, call, question, and cross-examine witnesses, call for and introduce documentary
evidence for the purpose of adequately understanding the facts and issues of the hearing,
otherwise control the conduct of the hearing, and meet in closed session with legal counsel to
deliberate and prepare findings.
The hearing shall be informal and technical Policies of evidence shall not apply to the
proceedings. Any relevant evidence will be admitted if it is the sort of evidence on which
responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the
existence of any common law or statutory rule which may make improper admission of such
evidence over the objection in civil actions. Hearsay evidence may be used for the purpose of
supplementing or explaining any direct evidence, but will not be sufficient in itself to support a
finding unless it would be admissible over objection to the same extent that it is now or hereafter
may be recognized in civil actions. Irrelevant, immaterial, unduly repetitious evidence or
evidence protected by the Policies of privilege recognized by law may be excluded. All
testimony at the hearing shall be recorded manually or by mechanical device or by use of a
Certified Short Hand Reporter (CSR). In the event a CSR is used, appellant and respondent shall
split costs. All testimony shall be given under oath. Stipulations of fact may be introduced into
evidence with respect to any issue. Each respondent and appellant shall have the right to appear,
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to speak, to call, to examine, and to cross-examine witnesses including those called by the
Hearing Officer and to introduce documentary and other evidence. If the appellant does not
testify in the appellant's own behalf, the appellant may be called and examined as if under cross
1145 EXCLUSION OF WITNESSES: Upon the motion of any appellant, respondent or upon
its own motion the Hearing Officer may exclude from the hearing room any witnesses not at the
time under examination; but an appellant or respondent to the proceedings or their
representatives in the case shall not be excluded.
1150 PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT: Both appellant and respondent shall have the right
to file proposed findings of facts or a brief or both with the Hearing Officer on or before the date
the hearing is closed. Any party who submits proposed findings of facts, a brief, or both, must
serve such document immediately upon all other parties to the hearing.
1155 OFFICIAL/JUDICIAL NOTICE: In reaching a decision, the Hearing Officer may take
official notice of any matter which may be judicially noticed by the courts of this State. Parties
present at the hearing will be informed of the matters to be noticed and those matters will be
noted in or appended to the record. Any party will be given a reasonable opportunity on request
to refute the officially noticed matters by evidence or by written or oral presentation of authority,
with the specific manner to be determined by the Hearing Officer.
1160 ORDER OF PROOF AT HEARING: The order of proof in the hearing will be as
A. The respondent will present evidence in support of the disciplinary action.
B. The appellant or the appellant's representative will produce such evidence as the
appellant may wish to offer in the appellant's defense.
C. Any party may then offer rebuttal evidence, with the respondent having the right
of last rebuttal.
Hearing Officer shall make and certify written findings of fact and recommendations to the City
Manager no later than thirty (30) working, days after completing the Hearing.
11_70 DISPOSITION OF APPEAL; Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Hearing
Officer's findings of fact and recommendation, the City Manager shall adopt, reject or modify in
whole or in part the recommendation of the Hearing Officer, and shall so notify the employee,
respondent and the Hearing Officer. The City Manager's decision will be final and binding. The
City Manager shall not be involved in the disciplinary process at any point (other than simply
being made aware that disciplinary action is proposed, or in the event that the discipline involves
a department director) until receiving the Hearing Officer's findings of fact and
recommendation, and shall make his/her decision based upon an independent review of the
record from the appeal hearing and the Hearing Officer's findings of fact and recommendations.
The City Manager shall modify or reject the Hearing Officer's recommended decision only for
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just cause, supported by substantial evidence in the record, as set forth in the City Manager's
written final decision.
1175 BURDEN OF PROOF: The Respondent carries the ultimate burden of proof of which is
a preponderance of the evidence.
11.80 WITHDRAWAL OF AN APPEAL: The appellant may submit a written request to
withdraw the appeal at any time before a final and binding decision is made.
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related complaint by an employee regarding the terms and conditions of employment which arise
out of a specific fact, situation, or transaction, other than discipline, that results in an alleged
violation of existing ordinances, rules, regulations, or policies administered by the employee's
Department Director or designated authority concerning wages, hours, other terms and
conditions of employment. The solution of any such grievance must be wholly or partially
within the province of the City to rectify.
are not subject to the grievance procedure:
12.10.1 Employee discipline (as defined in Section IO.10).
12.10.2 Employee performance evaluations, including denial of a salary increase, performance
pay increase, and other merit or performance pay issues.
12.10.3 Management of the City generally and issues of City or Department policy.
12.10.4 Necessity and organization of any service or activity conducted by the City including the
expansion or reduction of services or work force.
12.10.5 Determination of the nature, manner, means, technology and extent of services to be
provided to the public.
12.10.6 Types of equipment or technology to be used.
12.10.7 Determination of and/or change in facilities, methods, technology, means and size of the
work force by which City operations are to be conducted.
12.10.8 Determination of and change in the location, number of locations, relocations and types
of operations, processes and materials to be used in carrying out City functions.
12.10.9 Work assignments and schedules in accordance with requirements as determined by the
12.10.10 Establishment, implementation and modification of productivity and performance
programs and standards.
12.10.11 Reductions in force or layoffs for lack of work or other non -disciplinary reasons.
12.10.12 Establishment and approved modifications of Classification Specifications.
12.10.13 Determination of standards, policies and procedures for selection, training and
promotion of employees.
12.10.14 Establishment, implementation and modification of Departmental organization,
supervisory assignments, chains of command and reporting responsibilities.
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12.10.15 Levels of compensation, pay and benefits based upon budgetary and fiscal
12_15 FREEDOM FROM REPRISAL: No employee shall be subject to coercion or
disciplinary action for discussing a request or complaint with his/her immediate Supervisor, or
for filing a grievance petition.
1220 RESOLUTION: Any grievance petitions resolved at any step of the grievance procedure
shall be considered conclusive. Any grievance shall be considered resolved if it is not brought
forward by the grievant through the grievance steps in the time frame prescribed.
1225 WITHDRAWAL: Any grievance petition may be withdrawn by the grievant at any time,
without prejudice.
12_30 RESUBMISSION: Upon consent of the person hearing the grievance petition and the
grievant, a petition may he resubmitted to a lower step in the grievance procedure for
1235 EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATION: If requested, an employee may have representation
in the preparation and presentation of the grievance at any step in the formal grievance
procedure, except that no Supervisor or Department Director shall be represented by an
employee whom the employee may supervise, and no employee shall be represented by a
Supervisor or Department Director.
The employee(s) and one employee representative are entitled to be released from work for a
reasonable period of time in order to present the grievance.
1240 OBEY NOW/GRIEVE LATER: If an employee is given a legitimate order that he/she
wishes to grieve, the employee must first complete the assignment and file a grievance later
unless the assignment endangers the health or safety of the employee or others, or if the
requested assignment violates the employee's constitutional rights.
1245 INITIATION OF GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: An employee must initiate the
grievance procedure (formal or informal) within fifteen (15) working days of the occurrence of
the event giving rise to the grievance or within fifteen (15) working days after the grievant
should, with reasonable diligence, have had knowledge of such occurrence, whichever is later.
1250 INFORMAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: Every effort should be made to resolve a
grievance through discussion between the employee and the employee's immediate Supervisor,
unless extenuating circumstances exist.
If the employee is not satisfied with the decision reached through the informal discussion, or if
extenuating circumstances exist, the employee shall have the right to file a formal grievance in
accordance with Section 12.55.
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Step 1: If the employee is not in agreement with the decision rendered in the informal grievance
procedure, he/she shall have the right to present a formal grievance to the Department Director
within fifteen (15) working days after the occurrence of the incident causing the grievance, if
applicable. Otherwise, the right to file a grievance petition shall be waived.
All grievances shall be submitted in the format prescribed by the Employee Relations Officer,
and no grievance petition shall be accepted until the form is complete. The written grievance
shall contain a clear, concise statement of the grievance and the facts upon which it is based;
rule, regulation or policy allegedly violated; and the specific remedies sought.
The Department Director will render a written decision within five (5) working days after receipt
of the written grievance.
Step II: If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved in Step 1, the employee shall have the right
to submit the written grievance to the Employee Relations Officer within five (5) working days
after the Department Director's decision is received by the employee.
The Employee Relations Officer will render a written decision within five (5) working days after
receipt of the written grievance.
Step III: If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 11, the employee may appeal
within five (5) working days, and the City and Association shall mutually select a mediator from
the State Mediation and Conciliation Service to consider the grievance. The mediator may
consider written documents and/or oral statements, and shall render a written advisory decision
to the City Manager within ten (10) days.
The City Manager may accept or reject the advisory decision of the mediator, and will render a
written final decision within five (5) days of receiving the mediator's advisory decision. The
decision of the City Manager shall be final and conclusive.
If mutually agreeable, a meeting may be conducted involving all affected parties at any step in
the grievance procedure prior to the rendering of a decision.
Step 1 Formal
Department Director
IS working days from
5 working days from
Informal Decision
Step II Formal
Employee Relations
5 working days from
5 working days from
Step I Decision
Step III Formal
State Mediator/City
5 working days from
5 working days from
Step II Decision
receipt of Mediator's
advisory decision
Rev. July 2014 - 102 -
13.05.1 Central Personnel Files: The Employee Relations Officer shall maintain a central
personnel file for each City employee indicating the employee's name, title of position, the
department assigned, salary, changes in employment status, performance evaluations,
disciplinary documents, and such other information as may be considered pertinent by the
Employee Relations Officer. Copies of documents concerning disciplinary actions taken by the
Supervisor or Department Director must be placed in the employee's central personnel file.
There will be no disclosures of this information to third parties except as authorized by State or
Federal law or as duly authorized in writing by the employee.
Personnel files shall be kept in locked, fire -proof files located in or near the Human
Resources/General Services Manager's office.
13.05.2 Payroll Files: The Human Resources/Risk Manager shall maintain a file for each City
employee showing the name, title of position, the department assigned, salary, changes in
employment status, W-4 forms, payroll deductions and such other information as may be
considered pertinent by the Finance Director.
There will be no disclosures of this information to third parties except as authorized by State or
Federal law, or as duly authorized in writing by the employee to third parties.
Nothing herein shall prohibit the City from keeping or placing documents in an observation
folder for the purpose of investigating alleged criminal conduct. For the purpose of this Section,
an observation folder shall not be considered a personnel file, and an employee or the
employee's designated representative shall not have access to observation folders nor receive
copies of documents placed in such folder.
Unless required for a criminal investigation, an observation folder on an employee shall remain
open for a maximum of six (6) months. If disciplinary action by the City is warranted or if the
employee is found guilty of criminal activity, documents in the observation folder shall be placed
in the employee's personnel file.
13.10 DOCUMENTS IN PERSONNEL FILES: Upon request of the employee, an employee
may place documents in the employee's respective personnel files that commend his/her job
performance with the City or demonstrates educational attainment.
Disciplinary documents shall be placed in personnel files in accordance with Section 9.55. An
employee shall be provided a copy of any documents placed in the employee's personnel file(s)
and may review their file on request, within the time constraints and work schedule of the
Employee Relations Officer. A witness shall be present at all times when an employee is
reviewing their personnel file.
Rev. July 2014 - 103 -
13.15 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION: To the maximum extent possible, no direct
information contained in the personnel files shall be disclosed concerning any current or former
City employee, without the employee's consent, other than the employee's job title, inclusive
dates of employment, work location, salary, work phone number, departmental assignment and
the nature of separation, resignation, or termination to any person other than the Employee
Relations Officer, City Attorney, Special Legal Counsel, the employee's Department Director, or
their designated representatives. An employee or former employee may authorize access to or
the disclosure of information from their file only when written permission is provided to the
Employee Relations Officer.
Nothing herein shall preclude nor specifically deny the use of any information in personnel files
in any phase of disciplinary or probationary action.
13_20 CHANGE IN STATUS: It is the employee's responsibility to notify the Employee
Relations Officer of any changes in the employee's address, phone number, marital status,
dependent status, name change, training certificates, emergency contact, driving status/record,
criminal convictions, or other pertinent information.
1325 APPLICATION RETENTION: Applications submitted by candidates for City
employment become the property of the City and will be retained for the life of the eligibility list
for the position.
1330 DESTRUCTION OF PERSONNEL RECORDS: Personnel records, shall be destroyed
five years after the date of resignation or termination, in accordance with any provision of the
City's system for destruction of public records and then in accordance with other applicable
Rev. July 2014 - 104 -
In order to establish an equitable system of working hours, compensation, and benefits, the City
Council will, from time to time, establish a Benefits Plan, which will define separate benefit
categories for compensation, benefits, and accrual rates, depending upon the nature of the
position. An Employee, other than a City Council Member, must work a minimum of thirty (30)
hours per week to be eligible for the health benefit plan offered by the City. An Employee who
works between thirty (30) and forty (40) hours per week (other than employees participating in
the Alternate Work Week Schedule) will receive 75% of the contribution the City pays for a full-
time Employee and/or dependent(s).
A. Benefits for City Employees shall be provided as outlined in the City's Health
Benefit Plan. Further information on these benefits may be obtained by contacting
Human Resources. Regular Employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week and
temporary Employees are not eligible for any health benefits. The City retains the right
to alter the benefit plan, if it finds such changes to be in the best interest of the City.
B. At -will Employees shall be provided benefits as outlined in the contract
negotiated for each position.
14.10 HOLIDAYS: Days which are designated as paid holidays by the City Council shall be
legal holidays for City employees unless otherwise specified. Each holiday shall be considered
eight (8) hours. A holiday falling on Sunday will be observed the following Monday. A holiday
falling on Saturday will be observed the previous Friday.
14.10.1 Regular full-time employees are entitled to the following ten (10) paid holidays each
New Year's Day
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Presidents' Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
*Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
*New Year's Eve Day
January 1
3rd Monday in January
3rd Monday in February
Last Monday in May
July 4
1st Monday in September
November 11
4th Thursday in November
Friday after Thanksgiving
December 24
December 25
December 31
*Christmas Eve (December 24) and New Year's Eve (December 31) in the event those
days fall on a weekday are considered paid holidays, and all employees shall receive
eight (8) hours of holiday pay for each.
Rev. July 2014 - 105 -
In the event an employee is required to work on a holiday, he/she shall be entitled to: (1) a
minimum of four (4) hours straight time (either paid or in compensatory time); (2) eight (8)
hours Holiday Pay; and (3) if the minimum four hours takes the employee over forty (40) hours
for the work week, he/she shall be paid at time and one-half for all hours worked over 40.
In the event of a conflict between any provision of this section and Section 14.35.5 (Call-back),
the affected employee shall be given the greatest benefit provided under the two sections.
Floating holidays:
Regular full-time employees are also entitled 1
calendar year, to be selected by the employee
selected day(s) compatible with work schedules.
the calendar year in which they are earned.
> sixteen (16) hours of floating holidays each
>rovided the employee's supervisor deems the
All floating holiday hours must be taken within
In the event of the employee's failure for any reason to take such floating holiday hours during
any calendar year or prior to his/her termination of employment with the City, he/she shall be
entitled to compensation for the floating holiday hours not used.
Probationary employees may use their floating holiday hours if necessary.
14.10.2 Regular Part-time Employees who work at least thirty (30) hours per week, shall receive
holiday compensation on a pro rata basis for the twelve (12) holidays listed above. Holiday
compensation for these employees shall be calculated by the number of hours worked as a
percentage of a forty (40) hour work week.
14.10.3 Temporary and Seasonal Employees will not be given paid holidays, but will be given
leave without pay on holidays which preclude their working.
14.10.4 In -Lieu Holiday: Any non-exempt employee whose regular work schedule requires the
employee to work on an approved holiday will be awarded another floating holiday. Such
employees who work less than eight (8) hours on a holiday will receive a floating holiday
equaling the actual time worked. Said floating holiday must be taken during the same pay period
as the holiday observed by the rest of the work force.
14.15.1 Vacation Earned: Full-time employees shall be provided with vacation earnings based
on the following schedule:
Years of full time Annual number of
service hours eligible to earn
Beginning year
80 hours
Beginning year
88 hours
Beginning year
96 hours
Beginning year
104 hours
Beginning year
112 hours
Rev. July 2014 - 106 -
Beginning year
120 hours
Beginning year
128 hours
Beginning year
136 hours
Beginning year
144 hours
Beginning year
152 hours
Beginning year
11 and after
160 hours
No vacation days may be accrued or used during an employee's first three (3) months of service.
At the end of three (3) months, vacation in an amount which would have been earned during the
first three (3) months period will be credited to the employee's leave account in a lump sum and
is available for use.
14.15.2 Limitations:
A. Vacation is earned annually and is computed on the basis of number of months, or
major portion of a month, actually worked within a calendar year.
B. Additional hours of vacation are earned on the anniversary date of the regular
C. No vacation shall be credited for time during which a regular employee is absent
from duty without pay in excess of thirty (30) days.
D. All vacations shall be requested in writing in advance, and taken at such time as
approved by the Department Director. The Department Director shall either approve or
deny a vacation request within three (3) work days after receiving the request. Failure to
obtain prior written approval may result in loss of pay for unapproved time off.
E. Each accrued vacation day shall be considered eight (8) hours.
F. Vacation leave may be taken in any increment of minutes, approved by
G. Illness during a vacation period shall not be considered as sick leave.
H. Employees absent due to sick leave or other approved leave of absence shall
continue to accrue vacation leave unless such absence exceeds thirty (30) consecutive
days, in which case there shall be no accrual of vacation leave during the period of
14.15.3 Regular Part-time Employ who work at least thirty (30) hours per week shall receive
vacation benefits on a pro rata basis, calculated by the number of hours worked as a percentage
of a forty (40) hour work week. Employees in this category may accrue up to 160 hours of
vacation leave.
Rev. July 2014 - 107 -
14.15.4 Vacation Buy -Back:
A. Mandatory Buy -Back
Vacation hours may be accumulated and carried over to succeeding calendar years up to a
maximum accrual of 320 hours. Accrued vacation hours which exceed 320 hours as of
the last pay period of November of each year shall be paid at the employee's regular rate
of pay as time worked and shall be issued as a separate check in December.
B. Optional
In addition to the above, employees with a minimum of 80 hours of accrued vacation
time as of the last pay period in November in any calendar year, may receive pay at the
employee's regular rate of pay, for a portion or the entire amount over 80 hours, provided
that the employee's vacation bank has been reduced by at least 40 hours of vacation in
the prior year between December I and November 30. Any employee desiring to
exercise this option must make a written request to the Finance Director no later than
November 15 in the calendar year for which vacation buy back is sought. The buy-back
pay will be issued as a separate check in December.
C. Regular Part -Time Employees
Regular Part -Time employees with a minimum of 60 hours of accrued vacation time as of
the last pay period in November in any calendar year, may receive pay at the employee's
regular rate of pay, for a portion or the entire amount over 60 hours, provided that the
employee's vacation bank has been reduced by at least 30 hours of vacation time in the
prior year between December I and November 30. Regular, part-time employees
wishing to exercise this option must make a written request to the Finance Director no
later than November 15 in the calendar year for which vacation buy-back is sought. The
buy-back pay will be issued as a separate check in December.
14.15.5 Vacation Leave Transfer Policy (VLTP):
The conditions for participation in the Vacation Leave Transfer Policy (VLTP) are as follows:
A. If a full-time permanent City employee has been granted leave under the Family
and Medical Leave Act of 1993, which is for a period of up to twelve (12) weeks, and the
employee has exhausted all earned leave credits — sick, vacation, administrative,
compensatory (comp) time, and holiday credits, due to injury or illness of himself/herself
or an immediate family member, the employee can request approval to take part in the
VLTP, wherein fellow employees can donate vacation leave or comp time to enable
employees in these situations to continue to receive their regular pay. An employee is
eligible to participate in the VLTP when he/she has been employed at least 12 months,
completed their probationary period, and worked for at least 1,250 hours during the 12-
month period immediately preceding the request for VLTP.
B. To participate in the VLTP, a request must be submitted specifically on the VLTP
Request Form to the department head and then to the Employee Relations Officer (ERO)
Rev. July 2014 - 108 -
for approval of donated vacation leave or comp time from fellow employees. Any appeal
or a denial of a request to participate in the VLTP will be resolved by the City Manager.
The decision of the City Manager shall be final, not grievable and not subject to further
C. The ERO shall manage all aspects of the VLTP.
D. If a request for donated vacation leave or comp time is approved by the ERO, a
notice will be posted informing City employees of the particular employee in need of
donation assistance through the VLTP.
E. Any employee wishing to contribute vacation leave or comp time must sign an
authorization form specifying the employee to which the donation will be made and
acknowledging that the donation is irrevocable.
F. The application rate of an employee's vacation leave or comp time donation will
be on an hour -for -hour basis with no adjustment for dollar value.
G. All donations will be voluntary and confidential.
H. Except for the notice and memorandum notifying employees of a specific
employee's sick leave need, no City employee may solicit donations from any other
employee. (General discussion of voluntary donation versus solicitation at La Quinta
City Employees' Association meetings is exempted.)
1. No supervisor shall make work -place decisions based on any employee's
participation or non -participation in the VLTP.
J. The City Finance Department (Finance) will set up a trust account for all
approved employee vacation leave or compensatory time donation request in the
requesting employee's name, into which each donating employee's vacation leave or
comp time will be noted, and used as needed.
K. Employees on VLTP shall be paid at regularly scheduled City pay periods from
the trust account Finance establishes. The amount of payment shall be the total monetary
amount of vacation leave or compensatory time donated up to a maximum of 100% of
employee's regular pay, less: (1) any disability benefit offered through the City, Worker's
Compensation Benefit, or Medicare amounts the employee is receiving during the pay
period, and (2) regular taxes.
L. Per the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), group health insurance
coverage and other negotiated benefits must be provided to all employees while on the
VLTP, as long as the employee's total FMLA and VLTP time does not exceed twelve
(12) working weeks. Thereafter, if the employee is not on paid status by virtue of
continuing to utilize at least half (50%) of the hours needed per pay period to receive a
full paycheck through the use of their accrued sick leave, vacation, compensatory time -
off, administrative leave allowances, or leave donated under this Section 14.15.5, the
employee will be'required to personally fund this benefit if the employee wishes to retain
Rev. Juy 2014 1 - 109 -
it. If the employee uses less than 50% of the hours needed per pay period to receive a full
paycheck through the use of their accruals, the employee will be required to personally
fund their medical premium payments if the employee wishes to retain group health
insurance coverage.
M. Attendance and Payroll records of employees on VLTP shall denote a "DL,"
standing for Donated Leave, for time paid to employee while on this program.
N. No sick leave, vacation leave, holiday credits, administrative leave, compensatory
time, deferred compensation, PERS or any other applicable benefits shall accrue to
receiving employee for any hours provided by donee through the VLTP.
O. Vacation leave donations or compensatory time shall in no way affect or modify
the receiving employee's employment status with the City, nor shall it affect or modify
the application of applicable City policies, rules and ordinances.
P. Employees on VLTP who remain on an authorized unpaid leave of absence after
FMLA is exhausted may continue to receive assigned donated vacation leave and
compensatory time from other regular City employees until the employee returns to
work, is terminated, or meets the maximum hours under Section U, below.
Q. Availability of donated vacation leave or compensatory time shall in no way delay
or prevent the City from taking action to medically separate or disability -retire an
R. Donated but unused vacation and compensatory time shall "expire" once the
requesting employee returns to work on a full-time basis.
S. The recipient employees must be unable to work in any capacity as a result of a
serious injury or illness to the employee or a member of their immediate family in order
to be eligible to receive donations under the VLTP.
T. The total amount of hours donated to any individual shall not exceed two hundred
forty (240) hours in any calendar year.
U. Only the recipient employees for whom the VLTP has been established may
receive donated hours from said plan. Such donated hours will be added to the
employee's sick leave balance, as needed.
V. The plan will be administered so that hours will be used only as needed and in the
order donated.
14.20 SICK LEAVE: Sick Leave shall be allowed only in case of necessity and actual sickness
or disability of the employee and employee's dependents (as "dependent" is defined in Section
1.25.20 of these Personnel Policies). Sick Leave is not an earned right to time off from work. If
an employee is to be absent from work due to illness or other allowable reason, the employee
must notify the Supervisor by telephone within the first half hour of normal reporting time, or
earlier if possible.
Rev. July 2014 - 1 10 -
An employee's preventative medical and dental appointments (within reason) and dependent
care ("dependent" is defined in Section 1.25.20 of these Personnel Policies) are acceptable uses
of sick leave. The City's policy for Sick Leave accrual and "buy-back" is as follows:
14.20.1 Use of Sick Leave: Sick Leave shall be used for illness, off -duty, non -work connected
injury, physical examination, including eye examinations, dentist appointments, or other
commonly accepted health related matters.
14.20.2 Eli ibili : All full-time regular employees are eligible for Sick Leave after completing
three (3) months of service. At which time sick leave, in an amount which would have been
earned during the first three (3) months period, will be credited to the employee's Leave Account
in a lump sum and is available for use.
14.20.3 Number of Hours Sick Leave Allowed: The employees shall be credited with eight (8)
hours per month of work, or major fraction thereof.
14.20.4 Excessive Absenteeism or Tardiness: An employee may be disciplined for excessive
absenteeism or tardiness (excused or not) which affects the employee's ability to perform
assigned duties; interferes with the efficient or effective operation of City programs, or
establishes a pattern of abuse or neglect. Each situation of excessive absenteeism or tardiness
shall be evaluated on a case -by -case basis (exceptions may include FMLA leave or other
approved leaves of absence).
Discipline under this Section shall be subject to the progressive discipline guidelines outlined in
Personnel Policy Section 9.05.
14.20.5 Definitions:
a. Sick Leave: absence for health related matters of the employee or dependents of
the employee (as defined in Section 1.25.20 of these Personnel Policies).
b. Improper Use of Sick Leave: Evidence substantiating any improper use of sick
leave, use of such leave for anything other than a bona fide reason, or any violation of the
rules herein shall be considered grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including
C. Misuse of Sick Leave: Use of sick leave for that which it was not intended or
d. Pattern Abuse: Consistent periods of sick leave usage, for example:
Before and/or after weekends.
ii. Any one specific day.
iii. Half days.
iv. Continued pattern of maintaining zero or near zero sick leave balances.
Rev. July 2014 - I I I -
Excessive absenteeism — use of more sick leave than accrued or granted.
14.20.6 Sick Leave Pay Back:
A. City agrees to provide Sick Leave pay back upon employee's termination, as
2 through 4 years service
5 through 9 years service
10 years service and up
B. A maximum Sick Leave accrual of four hundred eighty (480) hours shall be
established. If the maximum accrual of Sick Leave has been reached as of the last pay
period in November in any calendar year employee shall be reimbursed for the number of
Sick Leave days that would have been accrued and unused above the maximum,
according to the formula used for Sick Leave pay back upon employee termination, as
above. Employees have the option to be reimbursed for accrued and unused sick leave
above 240 hours up to 480 hours once every year. The sick time pay back will be issued
as a separate check in December.
C. City agrees to provide short-term disability insurance coverage. The actual terms
and benefits of the City's Disability Leave are governed by the disability insurance
program in effect at the time the disability leave is requested.
14.20.7 Filine Statement of Cause: An employee who is absent because of illness may be
required to file a written statement describing the illness or reason for absence, which then must
be approved by the Employee Relations Officer. If an absence because of illness or disability
extends beyond three (3) consecutive work days, the employee may be required to file a
statement from the employee's physician.
14.20.8 Effect of Absence on Sick Leave: Absence due to Sick Leave or other approved Leave
of Absence will not affect computations for sick leave unless such absences exceed one (1)
month, in which case that month, or more, shall be excluded from computation.
14.20.9 Temoorary and Seasonal Employees shall not accrue paid sick leave, but may take leave
without pay as approved by their Supervisors.
14.20.10 Reeular Part -Time Employees who work at least thirty (30) hours per week shall accrue
paid sick leave, pro -rated calculated by the number of hours worked as a percentage of a forty
(40) hour work week. Employees in this category may accrue up to three hundred sixty (360)
hours of sick leave. Sick leave pay back shall be calculated pursuant to Section 14.20.6.
(a) An employee may use in any calendar year the employee's accrued and available sick
leave entitlement, in an amount not less than the sick leave that would be accrued during
six months at the employee's then current rate of entitlement, to attend to an illness of a
child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner of the employee. All conditions and
Rev. July 2014 - 1 12 -
restrictions placed by the City upon the use by an employee of sick leave also shall apply
to the use by an employee of sick leave to attend to an illness of his or her child, parent,
spouse, or domestic partner. This section does not extend the maximum period of leave
to which an employee is entitled under Section 12945.2 of the Government Code or
under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 2606 et seq.),
regardless of whether the employee receives sick leave compensation during that leave.
(b) As used in this section:
(1) "Child" means a biological, foster, or adopted child, a stepchild, a legal ward,
a child of a domestic partner, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis.
(2) "Parent" means a biological, foster, or adoptive parent, a stepparent, or a legal
(3) "Sick leave" means accrued increments of compensated leave provided by the
City to an employee for use by the employee during an absence from the
employment for any of the following reasons:
(A) The employee is physically or mentally unable to perform his or her
duties due to illness, injury, or a medical condition of the employee.
(B) The absence is for the purpose of obtaining professional diagnosis or
treatment for a medical condition of the employee.
(C) The absence is for other medical reasons of the employee, such as
pregnancy or obtaining a physical examination. "Sick leave" does not
include any benefit provided under an employee welfare benefit plan
subject to the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(Public Law 93-406, as amended) and does not include any insurance
benefit, workers' compensation benefit, unemployment compensation
disability benefit, or benefit not payable from the employer's general
14_25 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE: Employees shall be allowed twenty-four (24) hours
Bereavement Leave in the event of death of an immediate family member as defined in Section
1.25.57. Regular, part time employees who work at least thirty (30) hours per week shall be
allowed eighteen (18) hours of Bereavement Leave. There is no annual restriction on the number
of bereavement leaves required by an employee. Initial probationary employees are not eligible
for bereavement leave until after the first three (3) months.
1430 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE: The following designated employees will receive
Administrative Leave days. The probationary status of such employees will not preclude the
accrual and/or utilization of administrative leave.
14.30.1 Executive Management: The following positions shall receive eighty (80) hours of
Administrative Leave per calendar year:
Rev. July 2014 - 1 13 -
City Clerk
City Manager
Community Development Director
Finance Director/Treasurer
Deputy City Manager
Public Works Director/City Engineer
If any of the above positions have a written employment contract with the City, administrative
leave will be negotiated on a case by case basis, and the eighty (80) hours shall not apply.
14.30.2 Professional/Administrative/Management Employees: The following FLSA exempt
positions shall receive forty (40) hours of Administrative Leave per calendar year:
Accounting Manager
Assistant Civil Engineer
Associate Engineer
Associate Planner
Business Analyst
Golf, Parks & Facilities Manager
Maintenance Manager
Management Analyst
Management Assistant
Human Resources/Risk Manager
Planning Manager
Principal Planner Principal Engineer
Construction Manager/ Inspection Supervisor
14.30.3 Accrual and Use: Upon hire, employees are credited a prorated amount of
Administrative Leave upon appointment. The prorated amount of Administrative Leave to be
accrued for the calendar year may be used at any time during the year subject to the Supervisor's
approval. Administrative Leave is available for use by probationary employees, at the discretion
of the Department Director.
If an employee terminates, the employee will only be paid for the prorated Administrative Leave
earned to the date of termination. If the employee who terminates has not earned enough
prorated Administrative Leave to cover Administrative Leave used prior to termination, the
remaining balance due shall be subtracted from any Vacation or Sick Leave buy out, or earned
salary that the employee may be due upon termination.
Administrative Leave should not be accrued beyond calendar year end and is encouraged to be
taken. It should be utilized within the calendar year it is earned. The Employee Relations
Officer may allow carry-over accrual when circumstances warrant.
Rev. July 2014 - 1 14' -
14.35 OVERTIME COMPENSATION: Overtime compensation shall be provided to City
employees as follows:
14.35.1 Executive Management, Middle Management and Professional/Administrative.
Management Employees are salaried employees and shall not receive overtime compensation.
14.35.2 General Non-exempt and Part-time Employees may receive overtime compensation in
the form of paid time or compensatory time off, at a pay rate of time and one-half, for all hours
worked in excess of forty (40) in one work week. For purposes of calculating overtime, floating
holidays, sick leave, compensatory time used, and vacation will not be counted toward the 40-
hour work week. All overtime must be approved by the Department Director prior to any
accumulation of hours.
Cash payment of overtime shall be limited to fiscal budgetary restrictions, and employees are
encouraged to receive overtime compensation as compensatory time off in lieu of cash payment.
Employees in these categories may accrue compensatory time up to a maximum of forty (40)
hours. The Employee Relations Officer may allow accrual beyond the maximum if
circumstances warrant. All compensatory time shall be requested three (3) days in advance, and
shall be granted by the Department Director unless the time off will adversely impact the
organization and/or work load.
14.35.3 Maximum Accrual: An employee who has accumulated the maximum amount of
compensatory time shall not work overtime on a compensatory time basis until the accumulation
has been reduced to less than the maximum accumulation allowed under these Rules. This in no
way limits or caps paid overtime.
14.35.4 All overtime worked in less than one (1) hour increments in a work shift shall be
compensated for in the following manner:
Time Worked Overtime Compensation
0- 15 minutes 1/4 hour x 1.5
16-30 minutes 1/2 hour x 1.5
31-44 minutes 3/4 hour x 1.5
45-60 minutes 1 hour x 1.5
14.35.5 Call Back: When an off duty employee is called back to work, the employee shall
receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay or two (2) hours compensatory time, at the Department
Director's discretion. If the call back assignment exceeds the two (2) hour minimum, the
employee shall be compensated at time and one-half, either with pay or compensatory time.
Time worked does not include travel time to the work site.
14.35.6 Standby: Employees occupying a position designated by the Department Director and
approved by the Employee Relations Officer as appropriate for standby pay are required to be
subject to call by telephone or other approved methods. Standby assignments shall be scheduled
in advance by the appropriate Department Director, and shall be automatically forfeited if the
employee is unavailable or unfit when called for duty. Employees working standby assignments
shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per work day, and sixty dollars ($60.00) per holiday.
Rev. July 2014 - 1 15 -
Employees out on an excused leave of absence (i.e., sick leave, vacation leave, use of comp time
off, administrative leave, etc.) are not eligible for standby pay on days for which they are not
available to report to duty.
In addition to the standby pay, an employee called for standby work shall be compensated at
time and one-half, either with pay or compensatory time at the employee's discretion, from the
time the employee enters the City limits until he/she leaves the City limits. All employees
placed on standby must be able to reach the City limits within thirty (30) minutes under normal
driving conditions.
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1505 TRAINING: The City recognizes the importance of employee development and training
in an effort to improve the capabilities and effectiveness of City personnel. Training shall be
geared to both organizational improvement and individual employee development. This
development shall not only be the responsibility of the Department Directors or Supervisors, but
shall be shared with employees in a total organizational effort.
15.10 IN-HOUSE TRAINING: Employees who have training, knowledge or expertise in a
subject area, or have recently attended a seminar or conference in a given subject matter, may be
asked to share this information with other employees. Such in-house training may be informal or
formal, depending upon the nature of the training, and can include any variety of topics.
1515 DEPARTMENT TRAINING: City departments and divisions are encouraged to offer
specialized training to their employees. Such training shall be the responsibility of the
Department Director and may include topics such as safety, equipment operation and other
training in their specific fields of responsibility.
15_20 SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES: Employees may attend seminars or conferences
covering current issues and areas relevant to their positions under the following conditions:
15.20.1 Employees must submit their request on forms prescribed by the Finance
Department and follow all applicable procedures.
15.20.2 Budgeted funds must exist for all such training and any travel. All travel that
requires travel authorization must have City Manager and/or City Council approval.
15.20.3 Employees must comply with the City's Administrative Travel and Expense
Policy and provide necessary receipt documentation.
15.20.4 Employees who have recently achieved such training must be willing to provide
"in-house" training to other employees, if requested.
1525 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT: Subject to Department Director and Employee
Relations Officer (or designee) approval, employees may attend and be reimbursed for part or all
of the costs of educational and other training courses which provide a benefit to the City. During
the budget process, money will be included annually for educational reimbursement.
Any educational or training course that is a requirement for continuation of employment or is an
identified part of a job evaluation shall be paid for by the City. All employees with prior
approval by the Employee Relations Officer may be reimbursed for costs of books, tuition and
lab fees for classes or instruction, provided such classes or instruction are related to the
employee's assigned duties with the City.
Reimbursement will be made only after an employee has satisfactorily completed the class or
workshop with the grade of "C" or better or equivalent completion and that evidence of same has
been submitted and approved by the Employee Relations Officer. The general rule is that an
employee must be employed at the time he/she starts and completes the class or workshop in
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order to be reimbursed. I£ an employee has followed the foregoing requirements for
reimbursement and, through no fault of his/her own, is laid off before completion of the
approved class or workshop, the employee will continue to be eligible for reimbursement even
though he/she is no longer employed by the City. No employee will be eligible for
reimbursement for any class or workshop started after the employee has been given a written
notice of layoff, notice of termination for failing to pass the probationary period, or notice of
intent to terminate employment for cause.
In general, training time during working hours shall be considered part of the job. Unless the
City directs an employee to attend a specific training course and the course is not available
during work hours, training after hours shall be considered voluntary and no additional pay,
overtime, or compensatory time shall be given by the City unless advance special written
approval is granted. Study time shall be considered completely voluntary.
There is no mileage reimbursement for travel to and from educational classes. Required forms
must be completed and necessary documentation (receipts and grades) must be provided in order
to receive reimbursement. Final and conclusive determinations of the reimbursement amount
shall be made by the Employee Relations Officer after review of the request and
recommendations by the Department Director and the Employee Relations Officer.
No one employee may receive more than 10% of the total annual budgeted money available for
tuition reimbursement.
15.30 TRAINING AND TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT: In accordance with the Fair Labor
Standards Act (F.L.S.A.), employees who are not exempt shall receive training and travel
reimbursement as provided in this Section.
Time spent in attending lectures, meetings, training programs and similar activities during work
time shall be counted as time worked only if authorized in advance and in writing by the
employee's Department Director. No such authorization shall be given unless the lecture,
meeting, program, or other activity is directly related to improving the employee's ability to
perform his/herjob.
Time spent in attending lectures, meetings, training programs and similar activities shall not be
counted as time worked where such attendance is outside of the employee's regular working
hours, except in situations where the employee is directed by the employee's Department
Director to attend such lecture, meeting, training program or similar activity. Leisure and meal
times are not considered time worked unless they are part of the seminar.
Time spent by an employee traveling between the employee's residence and the regular work
place is not work time and shall not be treated as hours worked. When an employee is assigned
by the employee's Department Director to travel outside of the City, times spent traveling
between the employee's home and assigned destination shall be treated as time worked only to
the extent that it exceeds the amount of time normally taken by the employee to travel between
the employee's residence and regular work place.
When an employee is assigned to travel outside the City, return the same day, and the employees
has utilized public transportation, the time spent traveling between the employee's home and the
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location of the public carrier (i.e. air -port, bus station, train station) shall not be treated as time
worked. However, time spent traveling to a final destination via public carrier is considered time
Employees shall receive mileage and travel reimbursement in accordance with provisions
outlined in the City's Administrative Travel and Expense Policy.
To establish uniform guidelines for City Council members, members of City legislative bodies,
and City employees to follow with regard to travel and expense reporting that arises in the course
of conducting City business.
The City recognizes that attendance at meetings and conferences serves a vital forum for the
exchange of ideas in all areas of municipal administration, presenting and receiving information,
and advocating legislation of benefit to the City. The governing factor in authorizing attendance
at these functions is the tangible benefit accruing to the City because of such attendance in
relation to the overall expense to the City.
In the course of serving the City, City Council members routinely incur substantial job related
expenses, including increased cellular phone use charges; and City Council members, members
of City legislative bodies, and City employees incur other incidental costs relating to meals,
parking, entertainment, phone and related miscellaneous charges.
To that end, City Council members, members of City legislative bodies, and City employees are
occasionally required to expend City funds. This is accomplished either by requesting City
funds in advance, using City issued credit cards, or by spending one's own funds and requesting
reimbursement from the City.
Government Code Sections 36514.5, 53232.2 and 53232.3 authorizes reimbursement for actual
and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties. The following policies are
intended to cover what should be reasonable expenses of business meetings and travel and the
reporting thereof and may not be all-inclusive. The reasonableness of any unforeseen situations
will be decided upon by the City Manager for employee expenditures and by the City Council for
elected and appointed officials' expenditures.
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City funds, equipment, supplies (including letterhead) and employee time must only be used for
authorized City business. The following types of expenses generally constitute authorized
expenses, provided that other requirements of the policy are met:
A. Communicating with representatives of regional, state and national government
on City -adopted policy positions;
B. Attending educational seminars designed to improve officials' skill and
information levels;
C. Participating in regional, state, and national organizations whose activities affect
the City's interest;
D. Recognizing service to the City (for example, thanking a longtime official or
employee with a retirement gift or celebration of nominal value or cost);
E. Attending City events;
F. Implementing a City -approved strategy for attracting or retaining business to the
City of La Quinta, this will typically involve at least one staff member;
G. City Council stipends for cellular use, as provided by City Municipal Code
Section 2.04.050, based on increased cellular phone use charges.
All persons subject to this policy have the responsibility to determine the reasonableness of
travel costs, as justified by the nature of travel. The intent is to account for actual and necessary
reimbursable expenses while each City Council member, member of a City legislative body or
employee accomplishes City goals as reasonably as possible. This policy is not intended to
address every issue, exception or contingency that may arise in the course of City travel or
attendance at meetings. Accordingly, the basic standard that should prevail is to use good
judgment in the use and stewardship of City funds. Any deviations from this policy should be
approved by the City Council.
The City Manager shall administer and be the approving authority for the expenditure of travel
and expense funds in accordance with appropriations made by the City Council in the annual
adopted budget for all City employees and City legislative bodies, with the exception of the
appropriations made for City Council members travel.
Personal and City travel must not be commingled in such a manner as to increase allowable
expense or otherwise affect adversely the interest of the City.
Official travel by persons covered by this policy requires prior written authorization by the
appropriate approving authority. The City form, "Travel Request and/or Advance," shall be used
to document authorization, and may be obtained in the Finance Department.
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Travel trips of one -day or less shall not require a pre -approved "Travel Request and/or Advance"
if no advance is requested, but the second part of the form covering conference update reporting
must be completed, if applicable, upon return.
Out-of-state travel, round trips over 300 miles, or trips involving overnight stay must be
approved by the City Council. If time does not permit City Council approval, the City Manager
may authorize the travel request. The City Manager shall notify the City Council of the
authorized travel and the circumstances which prevented City Council review/approval. Upon
return, the "Conference Update Report' section of the "Travel Request' form must be
Persons covered by this policy may provide their own funding and file claims for reimbursement,
or may apply for an advance of public funds by utilizing the "Travel Request and/or Advance"
form. All requests for advance of travel funds are to be submitted through the approving
authority to the Finance Department at least five (5) working days before the intended date of
departure. All advances must be properly accounted for based on actual and necessary expense
incurred, upon termination of travel for which the advance was made. Advance payments do not
constitute approval to spend the entire amount advanced. Only actual and necessary expenses, as
further limited by the specific provisions of this policy, will be paid from City funds.
Persons covered by this policy are encouraged to make reservations for any meeting, convention,
or dinner for which the City would bear the cost, which he or she is planning to attend, in
sufficient time to allow for lower airfare or reservations costs to be obtained.
Cancellations that result in expenditure of City funds will be reviewed on a case -by -case basis by
the City Manager to determine whether the employee may be held responsible for the cost. The
full City Council will make that determination for any canceled public official travel.
Individuals requesting official travel should attempt to travel by the means most economical to
the City consistent with scheduling needs and cargo space. In selecting a particular method of
transportation, consideration shall be given for the total cost to the City which will result;
including overtime, lost work, and actual transportation costs. In the event that a more expensive
transportation form is used, the cost borne by the City will be limited to the cost of the most
economical, direct, efficient and reasonable transportation form unless otherwise approved by
the City Council. Government and group rates must be used when available.
A. Automobile Travel
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Transportation by car may be done either with a personal vehicle or City vehicle. For persons
other than those receiving a monthly auto allowance, if a personal vehicle is used, net mileage
will be reimbursed at the current Internal Revenue Service Rates (see www.irs.eov). Net
mileage equals roundtrip mileage minus any commute miles. Before initiating overnight travel,
those employees not receiving a monthly mileage allowance should contact the Finance
Department for the availability of a pooled vehicle.
Those persons using their own vehicle and receiving a monthly auto allowance will be
reimbursed only for the net mileage in excess of 60 miles. In any case, mileage will not be
reimbursed for portions of the trip made for non -business related matters.
When the use of public air carrier transportation is approved, private automobile use to and from
the airport shall be reimbursed for all allowable miles at the current Internal Revenue Service
Rates (see or commercial auto rental will be allowed if necessary and alternative
personal or public transportation is unavailable or unreasonable.
B. Air Travel and Automobile Rental
(1) Coach Class Air Travel. Reimbursement shall be made for coach air travel if
the cost of such air travel is competitive with other passenger airlines' coach
(2) Rail Travel. Reimbursement shall be made for coach rail travel if the cost of
such rail travel is competitive with other coach rail travel fares.
(3) Taxi Service. Charges for taxi service are reimbursable if such transportation
is the most economical, practicable and efficient mode of transportation available
under the circumstances. Portions of taxi charges that are related to excessive tips
(i.e., in excess of 15%) will not be reimbursed.
(4) Shuttle Service. Charges for shuttle service are reimbursable if such
transportation is the most economical, practicable and efficient mode of
transportation available under the circumstances.
(5) Bus Fare. Charges for bus service are reimbursable if such transportation is the
most economical, practicable and efficient mode of transportation available under
the circumstances.
(6) Vehicle Rental. Charges for vehicle rental are reimbursable if such
transportation is the most economical, practicable and efficient mode of
transportation available under the circumstances. When determining the type of
rental car to be used, consideration should be given to the economic standards set
forth in this policy and the appropriate use and stewardship of City funds.
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(7) Out of Pocket Expenses Related to Use of City Owned Vehicles.
Reimbursement for fuel and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of
the use of a City owned vehicle is permissible provided that use of the City owned
vehicle is the most economical, practicable and efficient mode of transportation
available under the circumstances.
(8) Chartered Travel. Use of chartered travel shall be reimbursable if such
transportation is the most economical, practicable and efficient mode of
transportation available under the circumstances.
(9) Airport parking may be used during travel on official City business and is
reimbursable with receipts.
Lodging expenses will be reimbursed or paid when travel on official City business reasonably
requires an overnight stay. Lodging shall be obtained at the most economical rate available for
safe, clean, convenient, and quality accommodations. Factors such as proximity to destination
and prevailing rates should be considered for reasonableness. If such lodging is in connection
with a conference, lodging expenses must not exceed the group rate published by the conference
sponsor for the meeting in question if such rates are available at the time of booking. Travelers
must request government rates, when available. If the group rate or government rate is not
available, lodging rates that do not exceed the median retail price for lodging for that area listed
on websites similar to or or an equivalent service shall
be considered reasonable and hence reimbursable.
A. Advance Booking and Time Period
An employee is expected to make reservations well in advance whenever possible and to
take other actions to ensure that lodging is secured at moderate rates. Lodging shall be
limited to the maximum number of nights required to conduct the assigned City business.
If a person subject to this policy chooses to arrive earlier or stay later than the length of
City business, the additional lodging and other expenses related to this decision are the
individual's personal expenses and will not be reimbursed or paid by the City.
B. Family Member Accompaniment
There is no objection to a spouse and/or other family member(s) accompanying a person
subject to this policy on a City business trip, if their presence does not detract from the
performance of City duties. The attendance at the meetings and conferences by such
family members of City employees and officials is to be considered the sole expense of
the individual employee and/or official, and all differences in costs brought about by the
attendance and/or accompanying travel of a family member shall not be borne, paid or
reimbursed by the City.
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Meals, except for those included in the cost of the registration, are allowable at actual costs
including reasonable tips and room service charges not to exceed $75 per day. Expense claims
for meals including people other than the claimant shall include the following information:
1. Date expense incurred
2. Parties participating
3. Purpose of the meeting
Itemized meal receipts are required.
The following expenses shall be permissible, subject to other provisions of this policy to
the extent that they are actual and necessary:
A. Incidental transportation expenses, such as ferry fares; bridge, toll road and
vehicle parking fees;
B. Telephone and facsimile charges for official business;
C. Personal telephone calls are allowable, not to exceed $25 per day;
D. Reasonable fees and tips paid to waiters, porters, baggage handlers, bellhops,
hotel maids, and other service personnel; and
E. Business related entertainment functions that are attended to promote City related
business objectives are allowable, as long as detail is provided stating who attended and
what subjects were discussed.
Personal expenses are not allowable. These may include, but are not limited to:
A. Barber and/or beauty shop charges
B. Fines for traffic violations
C. Private automobile repairs
D. Expenses of any persons accompanying the person subject to this policy on the
trip (except as noted in Section 8(E))
E. Personal telephone calls (except as allowed in Section 8(c))
F. Purchase of personal items
G. Fitness/Health Facilities or Massages
H. Political contributions
I. Alcohol
Expenses that are not otherwise listed or identified in this policy shall require prior
approval at a public hearing of the City Council pursuant to Government Code
section 53232.2(f).
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All covered persons are responsible for the accurate preparation of their claims, and the
responsibility of omission or commission cannot be shifted to another individual. A "Travel
Expense Report" (obtainable in the Finance Department) substantiated by receipts which verifies
the claimed expenditures as being an actual expense, must be submitted to the City Manager
within ten (10) days of the expense being incurred or the end of the trip, whichever is later.
Inability to provide such documentation in a timely fashion may result in the expense being
home by the individual. All expenses are subject to verification that they comply with this
Pursuant to state law, Travel Expense Reports are public records.
If a person subject to this policy has drawn expense money in advance, a settlement must be
made based on actual expenses that are substantiated by receipts. If actual expenses exceed the
advance, upon approval by the City Manager, said expenses will be reimbursed to the traveler by
the Finance Department. If actual expenses do not exceed the expense advance received, said
traveler shall return all unused portions of the expense advance to the Finance Department.
To be reimbursed for expenditures, an employee or official must sign and submit a "Travel
Expense Report" form or, if applicable, the "Conference Update Report" section of the "Travel
Request" form. No reimbursement shall be made until the "Travel Expense Report" form or, if
applicable, the "Update Report" section of the "Travel Request" form has been properly
executed and approved by the City Manager, with the exception of City Council members.
Elected and appointed officials' travel expenditures will be reimbursed if they are within
budgetary constraints, all proper forms have been completed and signed, and receipts are
The decision of the City Manager shall be final in all cases where conflicts of opinions on
reimbursement or allowable expenses exist. For City Council members and appointed officials,
the decision of the Council shall be final.
In accordance with state law, Council members and members of Boards and Commissions shall
provide a brief report in either verbal or written form, on meetings attended at City expense at
the next meeting of the City Council.
There are two forms to be utilized for travel and expense reporting. The first form is the
"Request for Travel and/or Advance" form. This form is comprised of two basic parts: Part 1
covers the authorization for travel and/or an advance, and Part 2 provides follow-up information
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on the event attended. The second form is the "Travel Expense Report" which is needed in order
to create the proper audit trail necessary for recording the expenditure of City funds.
1. "Rearrest for Travel and/or Advance" form:
Out of state travel, trips in excess of 300 miles, or trips that involve overnight stay must
be approved by the City Council.
Trips or conferences that do not fall into the above category may be approved by the
appropriate department head, or by the City Manager in the case of department head or
non -elected officials' requests. The City Manager authorizes his own travel or
conferences when they do not fall into the City Council approval category mentioned -in
the first paragraph.
Part I of this form, "Authorization," must be completed prior to the trip or conference.
Requests for cash advances are included in this part of the form. If no advances are
requested and City Council approval is not needed, this part of the form may be filled out
upon completion of the trip or conference if the appropriate verbal authorization has been
All approved advance requests are to be submitted to Finance at least five (5) working
days before being needed. A second copy of this form will remain with Finance as
payment backup documentation. The traveler will retain the original until Part 2 is
completed and submitted with the Expense Report. Advances and all other expenses
must be reconciled and approved on the "Travel Expense Report" and submitted to
Finance within five (5) working days after completion of the trip or conference.
Part 2 of this form, "Conference Update Report", is to be completed with a short
narrative highlighting the subject of the conference and its relevance to City operations.
This section must be completed when any conference expenses are incurred in the time
period required by this policy.
The original "Request for Travel and/or Advance" form must be attached to the "Travel
Expense Report" when that form is submitted.
2. "Travel Exrrense Reuort" form:
The "Travel / Expense Report" (referred to as the "expense report") is required to track
all travel and expenditures of the City. A proper audit trail, which includes supporting
receipts, is necessary to comply with travel and expenses reporting requirements.
The expense report which must be filled out is designed to be a logically grouped over-
view of the total expenditures incurred while traveling. Detail and supporting
documentation, including receipts and the "Request for Travel and/or Advance" form,
must be attached as backup to this expense report. There is some space provided on the
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form itself for detailed explanation of any circumstances or situations that may need to be
Meal and business entertainment receipts must identify names of who attended and what
business matters were discussed. Itemized hotel bills are needed rather than, or in
addition to, lump sum receipts. Monthly credit card bills are not to be used in lieu of the
actual charge receipts. Receipts must be submitted for all expenses. In the event that
receipts are not available, a written explanation of the circumstances as to why this is the
case must be provided, as well as the reason for the incurred expense.
The expense report is divided into three columns to cover whatever spending situations
may occur.
Column I is to contain allowable business expenses that the claimant has paid for
personally, whether by personal credit card, check or cash. Cash advances become
personal cash as soon as they are received from the City. Therefore, column 1 should be
used when spending cash even if it was received from a City advance. The advance in
such cases will also be listed in column 3 as a non -business expense of the City. When
columns 1 and 3 are netted together, the refund amount will be determined.
The Expense Report should also be used for all mileage reimbursement claims whether
conference related or not. Column 1 of the form shall be completed with appropriate
Column 2 is to contain all City paid expenses. These will primarily be City credit card
expenses but may also include any checks or cash that were paid directly to the provider
and were not received by the as an advance. Such checks or cash paid directly may not
always be readily determined, but the claimant needs to include these amounts to reflect
the total cost to the City.
Totals from columns 1 and 2 should be added and the result placed in the "Total Trip
Expense" box.
Column 3 is to contain the amounts which were paid by the City on either check, cash, or
credit card for items which are not reimbursable expenses. All efforts should be made
not to use City funds for unallowable expenditures.
Any advances that the claimant receives, whether check or cash, must be picked up in
this column. Advances are considered non -business expenditures by the City and are the
property of the recipient. Allowable expenditures that occur in such cases are listed
separately in column 1.
The total from column 1 is subtracted from the total of column 3 and the balance is due
the City. If that result is a negative balance, it is a balance due the claimant.
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The claimant must sign the expense report certifying its correctness. Council member
reports need only Council member signature. All other reports require City Manager and
the appropriate department head signature approval.
All expense reports will be kept in a segregated payable file whether money is due the
claimant or not. Finance will verify credit card receipts with the expense report and then
attach the receipts to the credit card billing as backup documentation. Any credit card
billing received without receipts is not a reimbursable expense. Any personal charges
incurred, or advances not reconciled, are considered a receivable to the City and may be
deducted from any checks issued by the City to that individual after the five (5) day
report filing deadline has expired.
Because these items are public records, staff is instructed to redact private financial
information (i.e., credit card numbers or account numbers) to protect the privacy of those
submitting receipts.
City officials should keep in mind that some expenditures may be subject to reporting under the
Political Reform Act and other laws. All agency expenditures are public records subject to
disclosure under the Public Records Act and other applicable laws. Use of public resources or
falsifying expense reports in violation of this policy may result in any of the following:
1. Loss of reimbursement privileges;
2. A demand for restitution to the City;
3. The City's reporting the expenses as income to the person to state and federal
taxing authorities;
4. Civil penalties of up to $1,000 per day and three times the value of the resources
5. Prosecution for the misuse of public resources.
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Computer Loan Program
The following criteria apply to the Computer Loan Program for the City of La Quinta,
All full-time employees who have completed probation are eligible. This is strictly a volunteer
program and the employee will use their own time and expense in order to participate. Also,
program parameters such as the maximum loan amount, interest rate and scope of the program,
will be evaluated on an annual basis.
The City has adopted a Windows operating system. The following items are eligible for
inclusion in the loan amount:
Desktop computers, laptops, tablets, printers, monitor, scanner, backup devices, hard drive,
CD/DVD ROM drives, surge protector, wireless routers, speakers, battery backup, upgrading
current equipment, including memory, and warranty costs. Software that is commonly used at
the City is eligible. Normal installation costs, protection plans and sales tax are also included.
The following items are not included:
Internet software and service charges.
The City Manager may approve items not included within the scope of this section.
An employee may apply for participation in the program at any time by contacting Human
Resources and submitting an application form. After an employee has participated in the
program, the employee will not be eligible again until all loans are repaid in full.
A maximum of $1,750 will be reimbursed to the City within 2 years. In the event that an
employee is eligible to receive the entire $1,750 and spends less, the remaining
amount cannot be carried over to the next year. For example, if an employee receives approval
to spend up to $1,750 and only requires $1,000, the remaining amount of $750 cannot be loaned
in future years. Loans are awarded based on the availability of funds.
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The interest rate is five percent (5e/u) per year simple interest payable in 26 or 52 equal
installments from the nearest payroll date of the loan. A $1,750 loan would be repaid in
accordance with Attachment No. 1. Early payoff of loans will be for the outstanding principal at
the next payroll date after notification.
Eligible employees must submit an Intent to Participate form in order to be considered for the
loan. Each loan request will be processed upon submission, subject to approval and available
Employees will be classified into two groups - New Participants and Repeat Participants. New
participants have priority over repeat participants. Repeat participants are not eligible for a new
loan until all new participant requests have been approved and their previous loans are repaid.
Any participant who has defaulted on a previous loan is ineligible for future loans.
The Human Resources/RiskManager will track the receipt of loan requests to determine the
selection order of eligible employees. Funding of the approved loan requests will continue until
available funded slots are filled. A list of each employee participating in the program and the
order selected will be compiled and will be available on request. Employees have sixty days to
complete their purchase from the date of being notified of their eligibility.
Each year the City will determine the amount that may be loaned for the Computer Program. No
carryover of unused funds to the next fiscal year is allowed.
The employee is responsible for application to the Computer Loan Program.
The employee is responsible for purchasing the equipment within sixty days of award, handling
vendor complaints, and maintaining service of the equipment. The computer equipment will be
purchased by the employee in the employee's name. The City's only role is to provide loans for
the purchase and the collection of the loan.
The City loan is for the purchase of computer equipment and eligible software with payment by
the City for its portion made payable to the computer vendor and not to the employee. The City
will give the check payable to the vendor to the employee. If the employee purchase is for more
than the City loan amount, the employee is responsible for the difference. The City will not be
responsible for any difference nor will it cosign for any loans. In addition, no City purchase
order may be used for any purchase nor may any employee verbally or in writing represent that
the City is purchasing equipment for its use. If the purchase price is greater than $1,750, the
employee must make arrangements with a vendor to accommodate this method of payment.
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Prior to any payments being made, the employee must submit a sales quote for the items being
selected to Human Resources. After being reviewed for eligibility, the employee will be notified
of any items not qualifying under the Program. After the sales quote has been reviewed and
modifications made, a check to the computer vendor will be produced. The vendor check will be
given directly to the employee. The employee will then produce a final invoice to the Finance
Director evidencing the transaction. The City will not make a loan if the previously described
steps have not been complied with. For instance, the City will not reimburse an employee after a
purchase has been made by the employee.
The employee will sign a slip authorizing withholding of the principal and interest amount from
future paychecks and authorizing the City to withhold any remaining principal and interest still
due and owing from their final paycheck, in the event the employee leaves City service before
the loan is repaid. If the loan amount exceeds the final paycheck after all other withholdings
are made, the employee will pay the remaining principal amount due with personal funds within
one week of leaving City service. It is the employee's responsibility to make payment. If such
payment is not made within seven days, the employee is deemed to have defaulted on the loan.
The City will commence actions it deems necessary to collect on the remaining loan. Interest
will continue to accrue after default until repaid in full. Interest may accrue past the two-year
term of the loan if still in default at the end of the second year.
The City may turn the defaulted loan over to a collection agency, Small Claims Court, City legal
resources or other measures necessary for collection. The City will attempt to recover any costs
expended on collecting the loan from the employee.
The City has not specified one particular vendor nor does it recommend a particular vendor. The
employee is responsible for selecting a vendor and negotiating the price, warranty and other
terms of the purchase. Those items are listed in the Scope Section of this Policy.
The employee is responsible for any mailing and service charges not covered by any warranties.
The City does not restrict the use of this equipment to its employees. The City encourages
employees to use the computers. Employees may not claim hours worked at home.
If the equipment is sold before the end of the loan, the outstanding principal and any accrued
interest will continue to be due and owing to the City, and payroll deductions will continue until
such time as the loan is repaid in full. Returning merchandise purchased under this program for
a cash refund or exchange for other than items permitted under this computer loan policy is
strictly prohibited.
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The loan is for a one- or two-year period unless the employee leaves City employment, in which
case the principal and interest is due from the final paycheck.
The attached form will be used to document the transaction.
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(Please print)
(Please attach all documentation)
I have received and read the Computer Loan Program policy of the City of La Quinta and hereby
authorize the City to withhold the following amount from my paycheck for the number of pay
periods indicated in the following table:
Number of Pay Periods: (Please circle one) 26 ($ );
52 ($
In the event I leave City service before the loan is repaid, I hereby authorize the City to withhold
any remaining principal and interest still due and owing from my final paycheck, and to pursue
other collection remedies in accordance with the provisions of the Computer Loan Program.
Finance Director
Rev. July 2014 - 133 -
Goal: To reduce costs associated with lost -time injuries.
Method: Return injured employees who are temporarily precluded from performing the
essential functions of their normal and customary duties back to work in a
transitional assignment.
(Generic Description)
Time Period: (from
to )
Phone No.
A) Duties:
Scheduled Hours:
Physical Requirements of tasks:
F) Skills Required:
Please return to the Human Resources/Risk Manager
Rev. July 2014 - 134 -
Notice of Physician's Recommendation
Employee Name:
Date of Injury:
❑ Released to return to full duty: (Employee may report for normal work assignment).
❑ Released to return to modified duty (Employee may report for conditional work assignment)
on with the following
1. ❑ Keep wound or dressing dry and/or clean
2. ❑ No pushing, pulling, lifting (circle applicable) in excess of pounds
3. ❑ Limited ❑ standing ❑ walking ❑ sitting ❑ stooping ❑ bending ❑ squatting
Duration Other limitation
4. ❑ Limited use of ❑ right ❑ left
❑ hand ❑ wrist ❑ shoulder ❑ arm
Duration Other limitation
5. ❑ Limited overhead work
6. ❑ Limited ❑ climbing ❑ stairs ❑ uneven surfaces ❑ other
Duration Other limitation
7. ❑ Other restrictions or limitations
8. Anticipated duration of modified work described above is day(s) or
9. All releases to modified duty include the restriction of no sports activity.
❑ Total temporary disability until _
return to normal & regular duties.)
Other restrictions:
Rev. July 2014 - 135 -
(Employee unable to
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Assistant
This class is the first level in a two -level series. Incumbents perform basic, recurring routine
functions such as reception, mail handling, filing, data entry, facility/room/event scheduling,
typing and general customer service.
Employees in this classification follow well-defined policies and procedures that can be learned
readily through on-the-job training. After employees become familiar with procedures, they may
work with some independence. This job class requires the use of tact, courtesy and discretion in
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; speck position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Provides administrative support to assigned management staff.
Prepares, proofreads, duplicates and files a wide variety of documents and correspondence, including
confidential information.
Performs reception activities such as answering and transferring incoming phone calls, taking
messages, greeting visitors and giving directions to the public; may operate a central PABX telephone
Assists with sorting and distributing incoming mail.
Assists in office supply ordering, inventory and reconciling deliveries to receipts.
Assists in a variety of functions such as mailing and publication of newsletters, maintaining mailing lists
and establishing/maintaining a filing and retrieval system.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Assistant
Positions assigned to Administrative Assistant (City Clerk's Office) may also be responsible for:
• Providing main receptionist function for City, including answering and directing all incoming calls,
and greeting all incoming/outgoing visitors;
• Reviewing all area media for city -related news, clipping and scanning articles, and maintaining
historic scrap books;
• Programming the council meeting audio recordings on the website;
• Performing quality control for scanned documents; and
• Providing assistance to Spanish-speaking customers, and translation services to City staff.
Positions assigned to Executive Office Assistant (City Manager's Office) may also be responsible
• Processing contracts and invoices for multiple departments;
• Processing Information Technology support requests;
• Preparing and routing contracts through the City processes;
• Developing administrative systems and processes to support internal operations of department;
• Maintaining inventory of assets and develop replacement schedules; and
High School Diploma or GED and some office or customer service experience.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License.
• Modern office procedures and administrative support methods;
• Modern office equipment;
• Proper English usage, grammar and punctuation; and
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Assistant
• Customer service principles;
• Accurately proofreading, filing and word-processing;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications;
• Operating modern office equipment; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work directio
Positions in this class typically require: walking, standing, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and
repetitive motions.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)Date:
(1 /2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014 3
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Technician
B21 — B22
This class is the second level in a twalevel Administrative series. Incumbents are devoted to
advanced, specialized administrative support for internal and/or external customers.
Incumbents require a broad knowledge of the organization and/or provide specific support for
functions that require administration or coordination with all employees of the City, not just those
in a specific department.
This Gass specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Provides administrative support, such as maintaining department and employee schedules,
coordinating meetings and agendas, making travel arrangements, editing and preparing newsletters,
brochures and basic reports, researching basic information and providing related support.
Assists with coordinating department and/or management activities, such as tracking work and change
orders and project schedules, relaying communications, researching information and providing related
Compiles, formats and proofs complex documents, reports and other written materials such as meeting
agendas, meeting minutes, meeting summaries and legal or other specific correspondence.
Performs financial related activities such as advanced bookkeeping or cashiering functions, contract
administration and budget and expenditure tracking.
May serve as lead to staff to include assigning and monitoring work and providing direction.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Technician
Positions assigned to Administrative Technician (City Clerk's Office) may also be responsible for:
• Serving as Secretary to the Oversight Board, including preparing agendas and taking minutes;
• Performing webmaster duties for department and assisting other departments as needed;
• Performing Laserfiche document archive administrator duties;
• Compiling election manual, processing candidates' filings, and assisting the Elections Officer to
fulfill election duties;
• Notarizing city documents; and
• Preparing Council resolutions and ordinances for signature; and
• Providing customer service to internal employees, members of the public, and outside agencies.
Positions assigned to Administrative Technician (Finance) may also be responsible for:
• Preparing agendas and taking minutes for the Investment Advisory Board;
• Providing responsible, complex secretarial and administrative support to the Finance Director and
• Preparing and maintaining various service contracts, coordinating annual sale of surplus items,
and assisting with purchasing related duties;
• Providing back up as needed to various areas of Finance Department operations including
processing of dog and business licenses and daily deposits; and
• Providing customer service to internal employees, members of the public, and outside agencies
(such as financial institutions and other governmental agencies).
Positions assigned to Executive Assistant (City Manager/Council) may also be responsible for:
• Providing responsible, complex and confidential secretarial and administrative support to the
Mayor, City Council and City Manager, and other assigned management staff;
• Assisting in the coordination of appointments and activities with other governmental agencies
elected officials, City Manager and other management staff;
• Screens inquiries from the public, provides related information, forwards complaints and requests
for information to the appropriate City official; and
• Employing discretion and independent judgment, as actions can have significant effect upon City
Positions assigned to Executive Assistant (Comm Svcs/HR) may also be responsible for:
• Preparing agendas and taking minutes for the Community Services Commission;
• Providing administrative support to the Community Services Department such as City Council staff
reports, assisting with contract development and tracking and community outreach efforts;
• Providng administrative support to Human Resources, preparing a wide variety of complex and
confidential documents (many related directly to the meet and confer process with represented
employees); maintaining City-wide personnel record -keeping system, preparing a variety of
materials and documents related to personnel, employee benefits, and risk management;
• Assisting with all aspects of human resources operations, including recruiting, new employee
orientations, terminations, benefit enrollments and changes, employee recognition, claims
management, etc.; and
• Employing discretion and independent judgment, as actions can have significant effect upon City
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Technician
Positions assigned to Executive Assistant (Community Development) may also be responsible for:
• Providing administrative support to the Planning Commission, Architecture & Landscape Review
Committee, and Historic Preservation Commission, including the preparation of agendas and
taking of meeting minutes;
• Providing administrative support to the Community Development Department, such as City Council
staff reports, assisting with contract management and management of department budget;
• Employing discretion and independent judgment, as actions can have significant effect upon
Department and City operations; and
• Performing supervisory duties for Office Assistant including assigning, reviewing and planning work
and writing performance evaluations.
Positions assigned to Content Editor/Writer may also be responsible for:
• Creating and editing a wide variety of complex and confidential reports, including staff reports,
legislative letters, grants, and award applications;
• Working closely with management to develop content and execute the organization's overall
communications strategy;
• Preparing and disseminating press releases/media advisories/event notices;
• Responsible for maintaining the City's "voice" throughout all external communications;
• Delivering editorial copy with an audience -appropriate tone across a broad spectrum of
communications channels; and
• Demonstrating excellent attention to detail, organizational skills, problem -solving skills and political
and/or issue sensitivity.
High School Diploma or GED and three (3) years office or customer service experience. As assigned, a
minimum of three to five years' experience with increasingly advanced writing projects, including report
writing, speeches, newsletters and other publications, with heavy emphasis on editing.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
As assigned, must be able to attend occasional evening meetings.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Administrative Technician
• Modem office procedures and administrative support methods;
• Modem office equipment;
• Proper English usage, grammar and punctuation;
• Customer service principles;
• Basic budgetary principles;
• Meeting coordination, agenda development, minute taking and preparation;
• Lead work principles, as assigned; and
• Tact, diplomacy and customer service;
• Use of independent judgment in a variety of situations;
• Reading and interpreting reference books, manuals, policies and procedures;
• Accurately proofreading, filing and word-processing;
• Mathematical computations used in business;
• Taking minutes and summarizing meetings;
• Tracking budgets and project timelines/deadlines;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction; and
• Some positions may require skill working with legal or industry specific terminology and/or providing
supervision, direction, coaching and evaluation of subordinates.
Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and
repetitive motions.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Rev. July 2014 4
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Technician
Code Administration
Non -Exempt
This class is the first level in a four -level Code Administration series. Incumbents perform
customer service, conflict resolution, problem solving and code administration services in support
of Citywide pertnilting operations.
Positions assigned to this class are responsible for providing basic information to the public
regarding City ordinances, municipal codes, building codes/regulations and assist in processing
tans, permits and applications.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Provides professional customer service in the provision of information about rules, regulations and
Provides instructions related to forms completion; processes forms and applications; routes plans for
review and correction between city departments and customers.
Verifies information such as legal descriptions, parcel numbers and addresses; performs data entry.
Researches complaints and history of property and/or dwellings.
Maintains and updates logs, files, maps and other records.
Calculates fees.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Technician
Positions assigned to Permit Technician (Community Development) may also be responsible for:
• Logging, accepting & processing plan check submittals and routes to appropriate Community
Development staff and various departments/consultants in Trakit as required;
• Processing Community Development (Building, Public Works and Planning) related permits;
issuing various over the counter permits;
• Processing payments for Community Development permit and plan check items; balancing cash
register and run related reports on a daily basis;
• Assisting customers at the public counter, on the phone and via email; answering questions
regarding city wide permit and plan check processing (i.e., plan check status, obtaining permits,
plan approvals, Municipal Code, Building Code and Code Compliance questions); and
• Acting as liaison between departments, customers, residents, consultants and City staff.
Positions assigned to Permit Technician (Public Works) may also be responsible for:
• Logging, accepting & processing plan check submittals and routing to appropriate Public
WorksrRaffic Division staff, various departments in Trakit as required;
• Filing and retrieving documents into and from case files, adhering to City's records retention
policy, labeling and preparing newly active and inactive files for storage, maintaining various
files associates with department;
• Processing permits such as encroachment permits, driveway permits, haul permits;
• Assisting customers on the phone, via email and at the public counter regarding City and Public
Works processes (i.e., obtaining permits, plan approvals, etc.);
• Processing invoices and check requests, calculating, collecting, tracking and filing invoices and
payments; and
• Providing administrative support to the Department, preparing correspondence, scheduling
meetings, ordering supplies, back up on staff reports, website, bid openings, and RFP's.
High School Diploma or GED and up to four (4) years of experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
Valid Class C California Driver's License.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Technician
• Codes, ordinances, laws and regulations of assigned area;
• City maps, location of streets and all areas around the City;
• Record -keeping techniques;
• Modem office procedures;
• Modern office equipment;
• Principles of customer service; and
• Materials, methods and safety standards of building and public works.
• Tact and diplomacy;
• Remaining calm and professional when dealing with difficult customers or situations;
• Ability to use judgment in non -routine situations;
• Reading maps and/or plans;
• Basic math such as adding, subtracting and multiplying;
• Operating modem office equipment;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction.
Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping,
feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive motions.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.__
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Specialist
Code Administration
Non -Exempt
This class is the second level in a four -level Code Administration series. As assigned,
incumbents perform field and records inspections of construction, building, code administration
systems including code violations, animal control issues, electrical, plumbing and mechanical
Positions in this classification work primarily in the field, enforcing City codes, ordinances,
regulations; performing inspections; ensuring that work occurs according to plans or
specifications; and investigating complaints.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Identifies and inspects reported problems and investigates complaints; responds to citizen inquiries.
Assists violators in understanding and making acceptable corrections to problems, seeking voluntary
Reviews plans and documents.
Issues permits and/or citations depending upon assignment.
Coordinates with other City departments related to specific assignment.
Ensures safety procedures are followed.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Specialist
Positions assigned to Building Inspection functions may also be responsible for:
• Investigating complaints and potential violations of building codes and/or hazards;
• Approving and certifying final inspections; and
• Issuing notices of non-compliance.
Positions assigned to Animal Control/Code Compliance functions may also be responsible for:
• Operating a city vehicle to controUtransport animals at large and enforce animal ordinances;
• Responding to citizen complaints and dispatch requests;
• Investigating animal bites and arranging for quarantine of aggressor animal;
• Investigating code enforcement complaints; and
• Issuing citations for violation of laws, ordinances and codes.
Positions assigned to Public Works Inspection functions may also be responsible for:
• Inspecting on -site and off -site public works improvements including streets, storm drains, grading,
signing and striping, and landscaping including storm water quality and air quality (PM 10)
• Ensuring project compliance with Statewide general Construction Permit;
• Assisting the Traffic Engineer with sign surveys and preparing work orders for citizen requests;
• Providing drafting and Geographic Information System (GIS) support to the Public Works
• Monitoring work of consultants and contractors and ensuring conformance with engineering
• Performing routine field tests; and
• Conferring with Engineering staff on design problems and recommending possible solutions.
High School Diploma or GED and, as assigned, two (2) years of code enforcement and/or building
construction/planning related experience.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License.
• ICC Certification as Building Inspector is required for some assignments.
• PC 832 is required within six (6) months of hire for some assignments.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Specialist
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Safety standards;
• City maps, location of streets and all areas around the City;
• Record -keeping techniques;
• Technical report writing techniques;
• Modern office procedures;
• Modern office equipment; and
• Principles of customer service.
Positions assigned to Building Inspection functions may also require knowledge of:
• All types of building construction materials and methods; and
• Plan review process.
Positions assigned to Animal Control/Code Compliance functions may also require knowledge of:
• Equipment and tools related to animal control.
Positions assigned to Public Works Inspection functions may also require knowledge of:
• Methods and techniques of public works inspection;
• Principles of Public works construction;
• Basic civil engineering principles; and
• Field-testing techniques for soil and concrete, asphalt mix and paving, and storm drain system
• Tact and diplomacy;
• Remaining calm and professional when dealing with difficult customers or situations;
• Ability to use judgment in non -routine situations;
• Reading maps and/or plans;
• Basic mathematical computations;
• Operating testing, measuring and other inspection equipment;
• Impartially investigating and evaluating complaints;
• Preparing citations, logs, records, and reports;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Operating modem office equipment;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
aeneral public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work directio
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Specialist
Positions in this class typically require: stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling, reaching, standing,
walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive
Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently,
and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls
requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time,
the job is rated for Light Work. Some assignments may require HeavyWork: Exerting up to 100
pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 50 pounds of force frequently, and/or up to 10 pounds of
force constantly to move objects.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Supervisor
Code Administration
This class is the third level in a four -level Code Administration series. Incumbents may oversee
code enforcement, animal control and/or building inspection staff.
Positions at this level perform advanced joumey-level and first -line supervisory responsibllities
that may include conducting quality assurance studies; resolving problems and complaints;
attending hearings; performing plan check activities; and enforcing municipal codes related to
property maintenance, building, zoning, health, animal control and safety. Incumbents may
supervise other code administration staff including conducting performance evaluations,
coordinating training; and implementing hiring, discipline and termination procedures.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Supervises staff to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations;
ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures; maintaining a
healthy and safe work environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary recommendations.
Reviews building and construction permits and plans and/or investigates complaints for conformance
to federal, state and local codes, laws and ordinances.
Monitors inspection, plan review and/or code enforcement activities of staff and contractors.
Issues notices of non-compliance, citations, abatements and/or violations.
Confers with developers, consultants, superintendents and property owners regarding inspection
findings and/or code violations and required changes; negotiates resolutions.
Coordinates with other City departments to obtain final approvals, clarifications, status of the job or
requirements relating to construction in progress.
Performs code research.
Maintains logs to track project status; prepares/reviews technical reports.
Ensures safety procedures are followed.
Responds to citizen inquiries; provides information.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quints
Code Administration Supervisor
Positions assigned to Plan Review/Building Inspection Supervisor functions may also be
responsible for:
• Investigating complaints and potential violations of building codes and/or hazards;
• Calculating construction valuation and building permit fees; and
• Serving as backup for inspections, public counter support and issuing building permits.
Positions assigned to Animal Control/Code Enforcement Supervisor functions may also be
responsible for:
• Conducting follow up investigations to ensure compliance;,
• Preparing legal notices of code enforcement procedures; and
• Representing the City in municipal court actions related to code compliance.
Positions assigned to Permit Operations Supervisor functions may also be responsible for:
• Organizing, supervising and participating with City staff engaged in the processing and
coordinating of applications and drawings for construction permits;
• Planning, supervising and coordinating assigned general administrative activities including
permitting systems implementation and administration, records management, contract
administration, and personnel administration;
• Identifying, tracking and forecasting development and land use trends;
• Designing and conducting a variety of complex and responsible administrative studies,
statistical analyses and projects; and
• Researching, analyzing and interpreting social, economic, and population data and trends and
establishing and maintaining comprehensive databases preparing reports of findings.
High School Diploma or GED and four (4) years of experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License.
• Plan Examiner Certification or attainment of PC 832 is required for some assignments.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Supervisor
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Procedures involved in the enforcement of codes and local ordinances;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to inspection, plan review and
code compliance;
• Negotiation and conflict resolution;
• Safety standards;
• Supervisory principles;
• City maps, location of streets and all areas around the City;
• Record -keeping techniques;
• Technical report writing techniques;
• Modern office procedures;
• Modem office equipment; and
• Principles of customer service.
• Positions assigned to Building Inspection/Plan Review functions may also require knowledge of:
• All types of building construction materials and methods;
• Accepted building construction safety standards; and
• Principles of building inspection.
• Positions assigned to Animal Control/Code Enforcement functions may also require knowledge
• Principles of code enforcement; and
• Equipment and tools related to animal control such as a tranquilizer gun, humane control devices,
traps and mobile radios.
• Positions assigned to Permit Operations Supervisor functions may also require knowledge of:
• Analyzing administrative problems, evaluating alternatives, and making creative
• Participating in development, implementation and administration of goals, objectives, and
procedures for providing effective and efficient services; and
• Personal computer operation, software applications including in-depth knowledge of current permit
application software.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Supervisor
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Tact and diplomacy;
• Remaining calm and professional when dealing with difficult customers or situations;
• Exercising independent judgment in non -routine situations;
• Reading maps and/or plans;
• Basic mathematical computations;
• Operating testing, measuring and other inspection equipment;
• Impartially investigating and evaluating complaints;
• Preparing citations, logs, records, and reports;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work directic
Positions in this class typically require: stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling, reaching, standing,
walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive
Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently,
and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls
requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time,
the job is rated for Light Work.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Coordinator
Code Administration
This class is the fourth level in a four -level Code Administration series. Incumbents perform
coordination of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and private development projects; including
constructability review of CIP plans and specifications and first -line supervisory oversight of staff
Positions at this level are distinguished from other Gasses within the Code Administration
Classification Series by the level of responsibility assumed, the complexity of duties assigned and
the supervision/oversight of staff and projects. Employees at this level are required to be fully
trained in all procedures and have a thorough knowledge of current federal, state, county and city
laws, codes and ordinances. As assigned, incumbents may supervise other Code Administration
staff including conducting performance evaluations, coordinating training; and implementing
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
May supervise staff to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations;
ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures; maintaining a
healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination, and disciplinary
Prepares, researches, reviews and processes change orders; performs bid item accounting and
approves payments; recommends acceptance of projects to the City Council.
Coordinates safe work zone regulations and inspect work sites for compliance with safety
Inspects work sites, work quality and materials used on public and private projects during various
stages of construction to ensure compliance with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations.
Coordinates contracts for materials testing, survey work, project design and other construction
management services.
Monitors contractor progress, traffic control, PM10 compliance and NPDES Permit requirements
related to construction activities.
Prepares technical reports and correspondence; maintains logs and records.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Coordinator
Positions assigned to Construction Manager/Inspection Supervisor functions may also be
responsible for:
• Overseeing and administering contracts for construction inspection, materials testing, survey work,
project design and other engineering/construction services;
• Conferring with and coordinating information transfer to developers, engineers, architects, property
owners, contractors and others regarding construction requirements;
• Conducting pre -construction meetings and conferences; and
• Reviewing plans and specifications to ensure compliance with applicable codes; reviewing
requests for construction permits.
Bachelor's Degree in Construction Management or related field and up to five (5) years of municipal
construction and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) management -related experience.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License.
• Possession of, or ability to obtain PM10 and NPDES Certifications within one (1) year of hire.
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Principles of public workstconstruction management;
• Standard specifications, special provisions and plans in administration of construction contracts;
• Field inspection and materials testing methods;
• Standard construction surveying techniques;
• Street and stone drain design and grading techniques;
• Standard landscape and irrigation work;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to inspection, plan review and
code compliance;
• Supervisory principles;
• Negotiation and conflict resolution;
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Code Administration Coordinator
• Safety standards;
• City maps, location of streets and all areas around the City;
• Record -keeping techniques;
• Technical report writing techniques;
• Modern office procedures;
• Modem office equipment; and
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing an assigning work;
• Managing multiple construction projects and associated staff simultaneously;
• Contract administration and evaluation of contractor performance;
• Public bid processes and project management;
• Using tact and diplomacy;
• Using independent judgment in non -routine situations;
• Reading maps and/or plans;
• Basic mathematical computations;
• Operating testing, measuring and other inspection equipment;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
Positions in this class typically require: stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling, reaching, standing,
walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing and repetitive
Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently,
and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls
requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time,
the job is rated for Light Work.
NOTE: The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities;
specific position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance & Operations Worker
Maintenance and Operations
All — Al2
Non -Exempt
This class is the first level in a three -level Maintenance and Operations series. Incumbents
perform routine and non -routine facilities, grounds maintenance and/or operational activities in an
assigned area of maintenance responsibility.
This Gass performs physical labor at the journey level in support of landscaping, repair,
construction and maintenance of city facilities, right-of-way, property, grounds and/or streets. As
assigned, incumbents may serve as lead workers coordinating the work of lower level staff and
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Inspects facilities, property and equipment for needed maintenance and repairs; responds to
requests/complaints from the public; provides customer service.
Maintains, repairs and operates equipment, vehicles and tools; keeps tools and equipment in clean
and safe working condition.
As assigned, performs street, sidewalk, curb, gutter and right-of-way maintenance: mixes, pours, lays
and finishes concrete; paves and repairs potholes using hot asphalt and cold mix.
As assigned, performs a wide variety of semi -skilled general maintenance work such as carpentry,
painting, tiling, masonry, plumbing, mechanical and electrical.
As assigned, performs irrigation maintenance: waters assigned areas; schedules irrigation to avoid
interfering with public use of facilities.
As assigned, performs general landscape care and maintenance: mows grass areas; cleans and
edges sidewalks; blows and rakes leaves; removes trash; cleans and maintains parking lots and
drainage systems.
As assigned, orders parts and equipment; researches vendors and prices; makes purchasing
Inputs/scans data into computerized systems; records information on logs and records.
Reads and follows blueprints, maps, technical and operational manuals and instructions.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance & Operations Worker
Maintains and places banners and traffic control barricades for road work, weather closures, special
events and holidays.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Positions assigned to Streets Maintenance may also be responsible for:
• Removing hazardous materials;
• Removing mud on streets from mud slides, water leaks or drainage;
• Filling and placing sandbags during heavy rains and responding to emergency ruptures in water
• Operating street sweeping equipment;
• Painting street signs, buildings, walls, curbs and pavement;
• Completing tasks related to the Graffiti Abatement Program; and
• Installing, repairing, removing and replacing of street signs and legends.
Positions assigned to Grounds/Landscape Maintenance may also be responsible for:
• Locating and repairing broken electrical lines and installing controllers for irrigation systems;
• Locating and repairing irrigation system leaks;
• Spraying pesticides; and
• Coordinating, reviewing work, inspecting and evaluating landscape and electrical lighting services
Positions assigned to Facilities Maintenance may also be responsible for:
• Performing a wide variety of semi -skilled and skilled facility maintenance work such as carpentry,
painting, tiling, masonry, plumbing, mechanical and electrical;
• Assisting with facility emergency readiness;
• General maintenance of HVAC systems;
• Assitising City staff and City Council needs; and
High School Diploma or GED and, as assigned, up to two (2) years of related work experience.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License
• Valid Class B California Driver's License (as assigned)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance & Operations Worker
• Assigned maintenance equipment;
• Assigned tools;
• Standard practices, methods and materials of assigned maintenance and repair work;
• Uses and properties of a variety of maintenance and repair supplies;
• Occupational hazards and applicable safety principles and practices;
• Basic math including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;
• Modern maintenance procedures; and
• Modem office equipment.
• Operating maintenance, power and hand tools, equipment and machinery;
• Exerting physical effort in moderate to heavy work;
• Applying common sense understanding to perform manual labor and semi -skilled tasks;
• Using independent judgment in highly routine situations;
• Comprehending and correctly using informational documents including customer complaint forms,
receipts, invoices, City maps and blueprints;
• Comprehending a variety of reference books and manuals; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction.
Positions in this class typically require: climbing, balancing, stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling,
reaching, standing, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing
and repetitive motions.
Very Heavy Work: Exerting in excess of 100 pounds of force occasionally, and/or in excess of 50
pounds of force frequently, and/or in excess of 20 pounds of force constantly to move objects.
Incumbents may be subjected to moving mechanical parts, electrical currents, vibrations, fumes, odors,
dusts, gases, poor ventilation, chemicals, oils, blood and other bodily fluids, extreme temperatures,
inadequate lighting, work space restrictions, intense noises, travel and environmental conditions such
as disruptive people, imminent danger, and a threatening environment.
NOTE: The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities;
specific position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014 3
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Technician
Maintenance and Operations
Non -Exempt
This class is the second level in a three -level Maintenance and Operations series. Incumbents
perform semi -skilled and skilled activities in assigned area of responsibility such as maintaining
facilities, traffic support systems, traffic signals or providing specialized technical services.
This class performs semi -skilled and skilled maintenance and repair work which may include
providing guidance and technical knowledge to Maintenance and Operations Workers ensuring
proper procedures and quality service. As assigned, may supervise other Maintenance and
Operations staff, which includes conducting performance evaluations, coordinating training and
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Inspects, maintains, troubleshoots and repairs assigned facilities, structures, equipment or traffic
support systems; performs emergency maintenance.
Develops schedules for routine maintenance; maintains records and prepares reports for maintenance
Responds to citizen/customer inquires, requests and complaints.
Creates and maintains safe work zones.
As assigned, supervises staff to include: Prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance
evaluations; ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures;
maintaining a healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary
Orders parts and equipment; researches vendors and prices; purchases parts and supplies/makes
purchasing recommendations.
Inputs/scans data into computerized systems; records information on logs and records; generates
Reads and follows blueprints, maps, technical and operational manuals and instructions.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Technician
Positions assigned to Traffic Signal Technician may also be responsible for:
Inspecting, troubleshooting, modifying, installing and repairing traffic signals, traffic signal timing,
battery backup, lighting systems, conduits, poles, signal heads, controllers, switches, video
cameras, vehicle detectors and wired and wireless communication facilities;
Maintaining In -Pavement flashing light systems for crosswalks, flashing beacons and driver speed
feedback signs; and
Consistently responding to calls for traffic signal emergency repairs including knockdowns within
one hour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except when backup services are in operation.
Positions assigned to Facilities Maintenance Coordinator may also be responsible for:
• Performing a wide variety of semi -skilled and skilled facility maintenance work such as carpentry,
painting, tiling, masonry, plumbing, mechanical and electrical;
• Recommending source for repairs (in-house or contracted out);
• Overseeing vendor contracts for facilities -related services (i.e. janitorial);
• Maintaining select facilities in a state of "readiness" for emergency operations;
• Implementing and overseeing preventive maintenance program; and
• Maintaining facility safety and efficiency.
High School Diploma or GED and four (4) years experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License
Valid Class B California Driver's License (with air brake enhancement) for Traffic Signal Technician
As assigned, IMSA Traffic signal maintenance Level I certification and Work Zone safety or
equivilant may be preferred.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Technician
• Principles of mathematics as applied to engineering and/or building construction;
• Basic principles and practices of engineering and/or construction design;
• Supervisory principles;
• Recent developments, current literature and sources of information regarding assigned
maintenance area;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
• Occupational hazards and applicable safety principles and practices;
• Basic math including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;
• Modem office procedures; and
• Modern office equipment.
Positions assigned to Traffic Signal Maintenance may also require knowledge of:
• Principles of electrical circuitry and electronics;
• Traffic signal and lighting inspection and testing methods; and
• Maintenance of NEMA Econolite, Econolite and Iteris video detection systems.
Positions assigned to Facilities Maintenance may also require knowledge of:
• Best practices and procedures of electrical and plumbing work; and
• Operation and maintenance of a variety of construction tools and eauiomei
• Operating applicable tools, equipment and testing devices;
• As assigned, supervising and evaluating employees;
• As assigned, prioritizing and assigning work;
• Exerting physical effort in moderate to heavy work;
• Applying technical knowledge to perform and/or troubleshoot skilled and semi -skilled tasks;
• Using independent judgment in routine and emergency situations;
• Maintaining accurate records and logs and producing technical reports;
• Comprehending and correctly using informational documents including customer complaint forms,
receipts, invoices, City maps and blueprints;
• Operating computer equipment and applicable software;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quints
Maintenance and Operations Technician
Positions in this class typically require: climbing, balancing, stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling,
reaching, standing, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing
and repetitive motions.
Very Heavy Work: Exerting in excess of 100 pounds of force occasionally, and/or in excess of 50
pounds of force frequently, and/or in excess of 20 pounds of force constantly to move objects.
Incumbents may be subjected to moving mechanical parts, electrical currents, vibrations, fumes, odors,
dusts, gases, poor ventilation, chemicals, oils, blood and other bodily fluids, extreme temperatures,
inadequate lighting, work space restrictions, intense noises, travel and environmental conditions such
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Coordinator
Maintenance and Operations
Non -Exempt
This class is the third in a three -level Maintenance and Operations series. Incumbents provide
supervision for maintenance and trades staff in an assigned area related to traffic control,
landscaping, construction, streets, sidewalks, gutters and/or parks.
This class performs first -line supervision and planning/oversight of day-to-day work activities and
operations of a semi -skilled or skilled crew, including participating in the development of unit
goals, objectives andprocedures; and troubleshooting and repair of more complex issues.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Supervises staff to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations;
ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures; maintaining a
healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary
Operates, inspects, maintains, troubleshoots and repairs complex equipment, testing equipment,
vehicles, facilities and instrumentation.
Oversees the maintenance of tools and equipment and their safe/correct usage.
Responds to and investigates more difficult citizen/customer complaints.
Maintains records on time, materials and work performed; compiles data and prepares reports.
Creates and maintains safe work zones; schedules and performs safety meetings.
Oversees or carries out emergency repairs.
Reads and follows blueprints, maps, technical and operational manuals and instructions.
Assists in the preparation of specifications for supplies and equipment.
Monitors performance of contracted maintenance activities.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Coordinator
Positions assigned to Maintenance Foreman functions may also be responsible for:
• Keeping necessary records of time, materials, parts and work performed;
• Assisting supervisor in preparing specifications for supplies and equipment;
• Operating light and heavy equipment; training personnel in the operation of equipment;
• Scheduling and performing bi-weekly safety meetings with maintenance crew; and
• Providing instruction and guidance to staff; and promote staff development and motivation; and
analyze problems that arise in the areas under supervision and recommend solutions
• Assisting with vehicle maintenance and repairs; and
• Installing, repairing, removing, and replacing street signs and legends.
Positions assigned to Traffic Signal Maintenance Supervisor functions may also be responsible for:
• Troubleshooting and emergency maintenance of traffic signal and lighting systems associated with
traffic signal systems, including wiring, conduits, poles, signal heads, controllers, switches, video
cameras, and vehicle detectors;
• Overseeing and participating in inspecting, locating, and repairing malfunctions and failures in
traffic signal electrical and electronic equipment, circuits, and systems;
• Installing, adjusting, testing, and repairing electric and electronic traffic signal controls and devices
and adjusting electronic controllers, pedestrian times, and electronic diagrams;
• Overseeing and participating in performing solid state testing and calibration of traffic signal
controllers, program clocks, and computers; performing continuity and circuit checks using
specialized testing and calibration equipment;repairing switches, time clocks, battery back-up
systems and related equipment; and
• Providing supervision and training to other traffic signal staff or consultants in traffic signal
maintenance principles and practices, answering questions and assisting in problem solving.
High School Diploma and four (4) years of experience in assigned area of responsibility. Based on
assignment, additional training and/or licensure/certificetions may be required.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Valid Class C California Driver's License.
• As assigned, valid Class B California Driver's License, with air brake endorsement.
• As assigned, trade licenses and certifications may be required.
• As assigned, IMSA Level III Field Technician or equivalent, IMSA Street Lighting Level I or
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Coordinator
• Knowledge of a variety of applicable tools;
• Knowledge of the use and/or application of applicable materials and supplies;
• Basic principles of engineering, traffic control and/or construction design;
• Supervisory principles;
• Recent developments, current literature and sources of information regarding assigned
maintenance area;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws rules and regulations;
• Occupational hazards and applicable safety principles and practices;
• Basic math including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;
• Principles of customer service;
• Modern office procedures; and
• Modem office equipment.
• Operating applicable tools, equipment and testing devices;
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Exerting physical effort in moderate to heavy work;
• Applying technical knowledge to perform and/or troubleshoot skilled and semi -skilled tasks;
• Using independent judgment in routine and emergency situations;
• Maintaining accurate records and logs and producing technical reports;
• Tact and diplomacy;
• Comprehending and correctly using informational documents including customer complaint forms,
receipts, invoices, City maps and blueprints;
• Operating a computer and applicable software applications;
• Operating modem office equipment;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction.
Positions in this class typically require: climbing, balancing, stooping, kneeling, crouching, crawling,
reaching, standing, walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, fingering, grasping, feeling, talking, hearing, seeing
and repetitive motions.
Very Heavy Work: Exerting in excess of 100 pounds of force occasionally, and/or in excess of 50
pounds of force frequently, and/or in excess of 20 pounds of force constantly to move objects.
Incumbents may be subjected to moving mechanical parts, electrical currents, vibrations, fumes, odors,
dusts, gases, poor ventilation, chemicals, oils, blood and other bodily fluids, extreme temperatures,
inadequate lighting, work space restrictions, intense noises, travel and environmental conditions such
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Maintenance and Operations Coordinator
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Assistant
Management Administration
B21 - B22
Non -Exempt
This class is the first level in a four -level Management Administration Series. As assigned,
incumbents are responsible for providing specialized services and customer service in support of
City programs and finance. Incumbents, as assigned, may be responsible for processing receipts
and cashiering; assisting in budget preparation; collection and disbursement of payments,
developing and supporting program operations; performing research; maintaining databases;
Positions assigned to this classification perform tasks that are generally routine and repetith
monitoring and processing information or coordinating and implementing programs. Work
requires considerable attention to detail and is reviewed by a supervisor for conformance to
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Assists with coordinating department activities such as tracking work and change orders, relaying
communications, researching information and providing related support.
Assembles, matches, sorts tabulates, checks numerical data, creates and checks records and logs.
Prepares reports and forms.
Maintains records, references, reports, statistics; reviews forms and documents for compliance with
operational policies and procedures.
Assists in the acquisition of supplies and equipment.
Provides customer service to other employees and citizens,
Responds to citizen/customer questions and calls.
Performs filing and retrieval of information.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Assistant
As assigned, serves as a lead to staff to include assigning and monitoring work and providing direction.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Positions assigned to Senior Account Clerk functions may also be responsible for:
• Processing and reconciling Cash receipts, preparing requests for refunds, handling collection of
NSF checks;
• Processing TOT payments, Short -Term Vacation Rental applications and various associated
• Serving as cashier;
• Processing and reviewing applications for dog and business licenses;
• Assisting with preparation of payroll and related documents (such as timesheets, retirement
information, etc.); and
• Assisting with preparation of accounts payable and related functions.
Positions assigned to Account Technician_ functions may also be responsible for:
• Reviewing requests for payments for accuracy and processing accounts payable, preparing
checks for payments and reporting on A/P and wire disbursements;
• Reconciling bank statements;
• Preparing warrants for payment and recording all disbursements;
• Preparing various schedules and reports as requested to support accounting manager; and
• Reconciling daily deposits for all departments.
Positions assigned to Community Services Coordinator (Senior Center) functions may also be
responsible for:
• Recruiting instructors;
• Developing programs and classes;
• Developing partnerships with a variety of community service providers
• Recruiting and training volunteers; and
• Coordinating daily operations in assigned area.
Positions assigned to Community Services Coordinator (Facility Rentals, Sports, Programs,
Events, Marketing) functions may also be responsible for:
• Developing sports and community -related programs;
• Overseeing facility rentals;
• Coordinating and development city-wide events;
• Assisting with marketing and Promotion of events and programs; and
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Assistant
High School Diploma or GED and two (2) years experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Some positions may require valid California Class C Driver's License.
• Modern office procedures;
• Modem office equipment;
• Program coordination;
• Proper English usage, grammar and punctuation;
• Principles of customer service;
• Basic budgetary principles;
• City policies, rules and regulations, operations, procedures and precedents of assignment; and
• Supervisory principles, as assigned.
Finance/Accounting positions also require knowledge of:
• Principles of basic accounting/bookkeeping;
• Computer accounting applications;
• Basic governmental accounting and budgeting; and
• Methods of receiving and accounting for funds.
Community Services positions also require knowledge of:
• Principles of marketing, community service, recreational programming and cultural activities;
• Needs, interests and requirements of the community; and
• Available local agencies, organizations and providers of public service resources.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Assistant
• Tact, diplomacy and customer service;
• Comprehending and correctly using a variety of informational documents including logs, ledgers
and financial records;
• Preparing documents and records with a high degree of accuracy;
• Data entry;
• Basic business math (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, percentages);
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Some assignments may require prioritizing and assigning work; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work direction.
Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and
repetitive motions. Some assignments may require occasional pushing, pulling, lifting,
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (3/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Specialist
Management Administration
Non -Exempt
i nrs class is me secwna ievei in a Tour-ievei management Hammisrrauon senes Tocusea on
responsibilities associated with coordinating City processes and/or programs as a subject matter
expert, or supervising non-exempt staff engaged in similar work. Incumbents, as assigned, are
responsible for research, analysis, report writing and presentation; contract development and
management; records reconciliation; program coordination; grant and contract management; and
Positions assigned to this classification perform programmatic and/or administrative coordination
of a city service or program as a subject matter expert. As assigned, incumbents may supervise
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Works with internal and external customers and stakeholders to resolve questions, service requests
and/or problems and complaints; coordinates with contractors and outside service providers when
required to resolve problems.
Conducts research and keeps abreast of changes in assigned field in order to assist in, or develop,
plans, programs, goals and objectives.
Prepares written reports, plans, public information collateral and/or program documents such as grant
funding applications, agreements, etc.
As assigned, supervises staff to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance
evaluations; ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures;
maintaining a healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary
Maintains cooperative working relationships with peers, other jurisdictions and state or federal
agencies as assigned.
Creates, updates, distributes and maintains records, reports, logs and other documentation.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Specialist
Positions assigned to Community Services Supervisor (Senior Center & Programs) functions may
also be responsible for:
• Developing and executing recreation/senior programs with the community and at the Center;
• Initiating and executing contracts for instructors and services;
• Managing full and part-time staff at the Center;
• Managing the daily operations of the facility; and
• Working with nonprofit providers on health and social services for seniors.
Positions assigned to Community Services Supervisor (Facility Rentals & Sports) functions may
also be responsible for
• Managing and assigning sports fields usage with local sports associations and nonprofit groups;
• Developing and managing sports programs and events;
• Managing, scheduling and evaluating part-time staff;
• Executing facility and park rentals; and
• Overseeing contracts including the lease for the Boys and Girls Club and the Fritz Burns Pool.
Positions assigned to Marketing & Events Supervisor functions may also be responsible for:
• Providing contract management and oversight with marketing and event vendors;
• Managing marketing and promotion efforts for the city;
• Event development and execution;
• Coordinating with local nonprofits and community groups to provide activities; and
• Strategic Planning for marketing and event planning — (City and CS Marketing Strategies).
Positions assigned to Housing Coordinator functions may also be responsible for:
• Developing and evaluating housing program applications and creating eligibility lists;
• Responding to/coordinating tenant requests;
• Addressing the interests of a variety of customers and stakeholders; and
• Making presentations before City Council, commissions or stakeholder groups.
Positions assigned to Deputy City Clerk functions may also be responsible for:
• Preparing and distributing council agenda materials;Transcribing meeting minutes;
• Maintaining indices and Codes;
• Records management including overseeing/coordinating citywide scanning project and record
destruction„ legal recording and processing all record requests, claims, subpoenas and summons;
• Serving as Deputy Elections Official, Deputy Records Manager; and performing duties of City
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Specialist
Associate's Degree and, as assigned, two (2) years experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Some positions may require a valid Class C California Driver's License.
• Documentation and record -keeping principles;
• Supervisory principles;
• Contract administration and performance monitoring;
• Program development, administration and evaluation;
• Research methods, program analysis and report preparation;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to area of assignment;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Modern office equipment; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers,
supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate
performance and provide and/or receive work direction.
Positions assigned to Community Services also require knowledge of:
• Safety precautions and procedures for public recreation and senior activities;
• Principles and techniques of recreational, cultural and social programs and senior activities; and
• Public information and marketing strategies.
Positions assigned to Housing also require knowledge of:
• Housing needs and socio-economic issues related to low and moderate income families; and
• Basic principles of marketing and promotions; and
• Effective public speaking and presentation techniques.
Positions assigned to City Clerk also require knowledge of:
• Municipal Records Management; and
• Must obtain Notary Public certification within six (6) months of employment.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Specialist
• Analyzing problems and identifying solutions;
• Mathematical computations common to basic statistics;
• Understanding and acting upon written and verbal descriptions of problems;
• Negotiation and conflict resolution;
• Preparing written reports of moderate to high complexity and keeping accurate records;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Customer Service; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work directio
Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and
repetitive motions. Some positions may require occasional pushing, pulling, lifting and grasping.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently,
and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls
requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time,
the job is rated for Light Work.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (3/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014 4
The City of La Quinta
Management Coordinator
Management Administration
This class is the third level in a four -level Management Administration Series focused on journey -
level responsibilities associated with the coordination of City processes and/or programs.
Incumbents, as assigned, are responsible for research, analysis, solutions development, report
writing and presentation; contract development and management; development of models;
configuration and maintenance of information systems; processing payroll, records reconciliation,
budget preparation support, journal entries, purchasing, and data management; program
coordination; grant and contract management; coordination across departments; conducting
studies including statistical analyses and projections.
Positions assigned to this classification perform journey -level programmatic, technical and/or
administrative coordination of a city service or program.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Works with internal and external customers and stakeholders to resolve questions, service requests
and/or problems and complaints; coordinates with contractors and outside service providers when
required to resolve problems.
Conducts research and keeps abreast of changes in assigned field in order to assist in, or develop,
plans, programs, goals and objectives; and evaluate new technology and/or business processes.
Prepares comprehensive written reports, plans, public information collateral and/or technical
Prepares and monitors budgets and related documents (such as grant funding applications,
agreements, etc.); prepares project schedules and contracts; monitors contractor performance and
overall day-to-day program operations or system performance.
Maintains cooperative working relationships with peers, other jurisdictions and state or federal
agencies as assigned.
Creates, updates, distributes and maintains records, reports, logs and other documentation.
Exercises discretion in accessing confidential information such as information related to personnel
matters and City Council confidential information.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Coordinator
Positions assigned to Information Services Analyst functions may also be responsible for:
• Coordinating installation or installing computer, peripheral and network equipment and software;
• Maintainingftroubleshooting computer, peripheral and network equipment and software;
• Maintaining the City's website; and
• Providing technical support to users.
Positions assigned to Financial Services Analyst functions may also be responsible for:
• Posting, balancing and reconciling the general ledger including preparing/verifying journal entries;
• Auditing and reconciling daily cash receipts to bank transactions, investment portfolios and
accounts receivables and payables;
• Preparing cash flow analyses, revenue, expense and fund balance forecasts; and
• Tracking/preparing/updating financial information (such as payroll, investments, warrants).
Positions assigned to Assistant Planner functions may also be responsible for:
• Preparing materials and reports for City Council and Commissions;
• Reviewing planning documents, petitions, permits, packets and records;
• Providing assistance at the public counter;
• Providing technical support for the City's Geographical Information System; and
• Performing fieldwork on project sites.
Bachelor's Degree and, as assigned, two (2) years experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Some positions may require a valid Class C California Driver's License.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Coordinator
• Budgetary principles;
• Documentation and record -keeping principles;
• Contract administration and performance monitoring;
• Program development, administration and evaluation;
• Research methods, program analysis and report preparation;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to area of assignment;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Modern office equipment; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers,
supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate
performance and provide and/or receive work direction.
Positions assigned to Information Services also require knowledge of:
• Principles and operations of networking and relevant technology, software and equipment;
• Methods and techniques of file directory restoration; and
• Website operations.
Positions assigned to Finance/Accounting also require knowledge of:
• Principles of accounting, general fund and cash management, investment management, payroll,
financial reporting and account classification;
• Basic governmental accounting methods; and
• Computerized accounting applications.
Positions assigned to Planning also require knowledge of:
• Principles of urban planning and development; and
• Demographic, environmental, social, economic and land use concepts.
• Analyzing problems and identifying and implementing solutions independently;
• Mathematical computations common to basic statistics, public budgeting and accounting;
• Understanding and acting upon written and verbal descriptions of problems;
• Negotiation and conflict resolution;
• Preparing written reports of moderate to high complexity and keeping accurate records;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Customer Service; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work directio
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Coordinator
Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and
repetitive motions. Some positions may require occasional pushing, pulling, lifting and grasping.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently,
and/or negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls
requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most of the time,
the job is rated for Light Work.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; speck
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (3/2014) '
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Analyst
Management Administration
C42 — C44
This class is the fourth level in a four -level Management Administration Series focused on
advanced journey level responsibilities. Incumbents are involved with the highest -level analysis
work associated, as assigned, with designated City management functions or programs.
Positions assigned to this classification are responsible for more complex work products and
more complex project management and/or program administration/oversight. As assigned,
incumbents may supervise staff including conducting performance evaluations, coordinating
training; and implementing hiring, discipline and termination procedures.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; speck position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Leads meetings with internal and external customers and stakeholders regarding projects or to
address complaints and concerns escalated to a higher staff level.
Prepares and administers contracts and consultant or franchise agreements, approves billing, ensures
service levels and contractual/franchise expectations are met.
Conducts comprehensive research, keeps abreast of changes in assigned field, performs complex,
detailed analyses.
Prepares and presents complex plans, programs, and technical reports including staff reports for the
City Council or Commissions; coordinates/reviews/approves staff input into plans, programs and
Prepares and monitors budgets and related documents, prepares and manages project schedules,
oversees day-to-day program or staff activities.
As assigned, supervises staff to includes: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance
evaluations; ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures;
maintaining a healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary
Assists in the development of standards, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures; interprets
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Analyst
Positions assigned to Assistant Civil Engineer functions may also be responsible for:
• Reviewing applications, maps, designs, drawings, improvement plans, specifications, cost
estimates, and supporting documents;
• Coordinating engineering activities with other City departments;
• Processing encroachment permits and other permits for developments;
• Processing agreements including Subdivision Improvement Agreements with related bonds/
securities and Reimbursement Agreements; and
• Assisting at the front counter.
Positions assigned to Associate Planner functions may also be responsible for:
• Assisting with preparation of the General Plan and other specific plan documents;
• Researching, reviewing and analyzing environmental, social and economic data related to planning,
land use and community development; and
• Meeting with the development community to review proposed projects.
Positions assigned to Business Analyst (City Manager's Office) functions may also be responsible
• Negotiating and preparing contracts;
• Analyzing contractor or franchisee performance, financial performance, market data and trends,
real estate pro formas and project cash flows;
• Liaison for the City's business community, assisting in economic development efforts and business
• Preparing financial models, operational studies, revenue and expenditure projections;
• Leading city-wide initiatives such as technology project teams, strategic planning and performance
metrics; and
• Providing assistance/serving as a technical resource for City departments.
Positions assigned to Business Analyst (Finance) functions may also be responsible for:
• Preparing various analyses and schedules related to budget preparation, audit activities, and grant
• Assisting in the development, implementation, and coordination of various management
information systems; assisting in the identification and recommendation of computer hardware and
software needs for the department;
• Assisting in the development of revenue and expenditure estimates and monitoring of expenditure
and revenue budgets;
• Conducting operational studies, analyzing policies, work procedures, and operational methods and
making recommendations for improvement; and
• Assisting Director of Finance with the research, analyses and preparation of reports related to:
budget, investments, contracts, and other financial matters.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Analyst
Positions assigned to Management Analyst (Public Works) functions may also be responsible for:
• Coordinating department annual budget analysis, development and reporting via financial
• Coordinating Public Works Internship Program and National Public Works Week celebration;
• Creating department communication, promotion, and outreach: preparing presentations/
articles/press releases, assisting homeowners and businesses, developing and updating
department Webpages, and providing GORequest system administration;
• Updating Developer Engineer's Handbook, Public Works Strategic Plan, Self -Assessment Update;
etc., as assigned; and
• Assisting with overall department support on agreements, requests for proposals, public process
for Capital Improvement Projects, staff report processing, department meetings/special events,
staff reward program, and counter support.
Positions assigned to Principal Planner functions may also be responsible for:
• Analyzing complex planning, zoning, and development issues and developing recommendations;
• Preparing and presenting a variety of oral reports and recommendations for projects at public and
commission hearings;
• Meeting with developers, customer and other department representatives regarding proposed or
contemplated projects; and
• Researching, reviewing, and analyzing complex environmental, social, and economic data related
to planning, community development and land use activities.
Bachelor's Degree and, as assigned, four (4) years experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• Some positions may require a valid Class C California Driver's License.
• Engineer In Training (EIT) certificate required within one year of hire for engineering assignments.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Analyst
• Supervisory principles;
• Budgetary principles;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Project management methods including leading cross -functional teams;
• Contract administration and performance monitoring;
• Program development, administration and evaluation principles;
• Research methods, statistical analysis, program analysis and report preparation;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to area of assignment;
• Operating modem office equipment; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers,
supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate
performance and provide and/or receive work direction.
Positions assigned to Engineering also require knowledge of:
• Principles of civil engineering;
• Topographic and construction surveying;
• Methods and materials used in engineering construction; and
• Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs.
Positions assigned to Management/Business Analysts also require knowledge of:
• Principles of change management;
• Principles of business process analysis and financial analysis; and
• Advanced financial modeling and forecasting techniques.
Positions assigned to Planning also require knowledge of:
• Principles of land use planning and development; and
• Demographic, environmental, social, economic and land use concepts.
• Advanced research and critical thinking;
• Analysis and problem -solving;
• Influencing the organization across multiple levels;
• Mathematical computations;
• Negotiation and conflict resolution;
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Preparing written reports of high complexity and keeping accurate records;
• Operating a computer and applicable software applications;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Customer service; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with coworkers, supervisor, the
general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information and to receive work directic
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Management Analyst
Positions in this class typically require: standing, walking, fingering, talking, hearing, seeing and
repetitive motions.
Some assignments may be characterized as Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force
occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or
otherwise move objects, including the human body. Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time.
Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are required only occasionally and all other sedentary
criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; speck
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (3/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
D61 — D62
This is the first level in a three4evel Management Classification Series. Managers oversee
divisions and make interpretive decisions on behalf of the organization regarding the means for
executing the goals established by the relevant leader, regulatory body or governing body, subject
to constraints imposed by available technology and resources. Such interpretive decisions
provide context for the work to be accomplished by subordinates supervised within the unit and/or
designated programs managed. Incumbents are responsible for the management of functions and
budget associated with an assigned unit/designated program and may be responsible for the
supervision of professional, technical and administrative support staff assigned to the unit. Based
upon assignment, managers may administer units/designated programs with administrative
functions requiring differing levels of risk to the organization while providing for the across-the-
board first level manaaement necessary to execute the process and projects of the organization.
Positions assigned to this classification are responsible for assisting in the management and
direction of a department by supervising/overseeing the work of a City division. As assigned,
incumbents supervise staff including conducting performance evaluations; coordinating training;
and implementing hiring, discipline and termination procedures.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Oversees the development and implementation of programs, policies and procedures for the division.
Supervises staff, as assigned, to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance
evaluations; ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures;
maintaining a healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary
Administers and monitors the division's budget, including allocating resources and approving
Assists the Director in developing and implementing department policies and procedures.
Attends required meetings with the department director, city manager, other city departments; other
regulatory entities; public boards and commissions; reviews and prepares reports, agenda items and
other official correspondence for city council and/or assigned boards/commissions; creates and makes
presentations to community organizations and city boards and commissions.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Positions assigned to Accounting Manager functions may also be responsible for:
• Purchasing, payroll, and associated report preparation and records, or oversight of same;
• Coordinating and taking the lead in the annual audit and preparation of the annual CAFR;
• Maintaining the general ledger; preparating financial statements and financial reports, or oversight
of same; managing and reconciling various subsidiary accounts;
• Administering and overseeing all revenue programs such as the Transient Occupancy Tax,
business licenses, animal licenses, and franchise fee programs;
• Overseeing and managing computerized accounting systems;
• Assisting with the formulation and development of the annual budget; and
• Assisting the Finance Director as needed with complex financial analysis.
Positions assigned to the Assistant to City Manager functions may also be responsible for:
• Fostering intergovernmental, council, and community relations; Overseeing significant (large/city-
wide) special projects;
• Coordinating and managing the City's Business Unit, including police, fire, emergency services,
waste, franchise agreements and information technology functions;
• Coordinating communications activities to foster understanding of City-wide vision, strategic
priorites, program goals, and services among the public and City Employees; and
• Working closely with the Community Development Department, facilitating opportunities and
partnerships with the community and businesses.
Positions assigned to Building Official functions may also be responsible for:
• Review of building and construction plans for proper design and conformance with codes and
• Approval and certification of final inspections;
• Investigating complaints and potential violations of building codes/hazards and issuing non-
compliance notices; and
• Non-structural plan checking and coordination of same.
Positions assigned to City Clerk may also be responsible for:
• Performing all statutory duties of the City Clerk as set forth in the California Government Code and
La Quinta Municipal Code;
• Attending all meetings of the City Council/Successor Agency to the Redevelopment
Agency/Financing Authority and recording minutes thereof;
• Directing the preparation of/preparing agendas, resolutions, ordinances and written materials for
the City Council/Successor Agency/Financing Authority;
• Maintaining all official records of the city and the city's records management system;
• Conducting recruitment for boards/commissions;
• Conducting municipal elections and serving as Deputy Registrar of Voters;
• Maintaining the municipal code; and
• Acting as Notary Public.
Rev. July 2014 2
The City of La Quinta
Positions assigned to Golf/Parks/Facilities Manager functions may also be responsible for:
• Managing the operations and maintenance of the Citys' golf development, parks, and facilities;
• Serving as liaison between city and its golf course management firm including; coordinating and
reviewing work, inspecting facilities, and evaluating service provided;
Investigating, responding to, and resolving complaints from the public;
Coordinating park, recreational, and facility activities with fellow staff as well as community groups,
sports associations, other municipalities and untilities;
• Participation in plan review of new development, capital improvement programming and value
engineering studies; for the golf development, parks and recreation sites, and facilities and
buildings, and
• Crew safety training and safe work practices as well as public safety at City parks and facilities.
Positions assigned to Human Resources/Risk Manager functions may also be responsible for:
• Developing, maintaining and/or implementing affirmative action plan, classification/compensation
and employee benefit programs, employee training and development programs, performance
management, recruitment and selection processes, and risk management/safety programs and
associated insurance;
• Assisting with the conduct of internal investigations or employee grievances and recommending
course of action; and
• Representing the city in collective bargaining, including development and costing of proposals.
Positions assigned to Maintenance Manager functions may also be responsible for:
• Interpretation and implementation of plans, manuals and specifications;
• Periodic inspections of facilities (i.e. streets and rights -of -way);
• Participation in plan review of new development, capital improvement programming and value
engineering studies;
• Crew safety training and safe work practices
• Oversees and manages the operations and maintenance of the City's public streets, sidewalks,
landscape, lighting, storm drain facilities, graffiti abatement, and fleet equipment and vehicles; and
• Responsible for all facilities within the Landscape and Lighting District.
Positions assigned to Planning Manager functions may also be responsible for:
• Overseeing the historic preservation, archaeological and paleontological provisions of the
municipal code;
• Assisting with the preparation of development standards;
• Overseeing and assisting with the Planning Division's participation in the development review
process including reviewing subdivision plans for compliance with the General Plan and zoning
ordinances; and
• Investigating and/or assisting with the resolution of planning problems, zoning changes, text
amendments, and language for specific plans and the General Plan.
Rev. July 2014 3
The City of La Quinta
Positions assigned to Principal Engineer (Development Services) functions may also be
responsible for:
• Serving as the City's NPDES Coordinator, ensuring compliance and reporting with NPDES
• Serving as the City's Floodplain Manager to ensure compliance with state and federal flood plain
• Providing engineering support for all development entitlements from preliminary project review to
writing conditions of approval; and
• Plan check all improvement plans, hydrology studies, WQMPs and land actions.
Positions assigned to Principal Engineer (Engineering Services) functions may also be responsible
• Preparation of the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
• Oversight of Capital Project design, bidding, and budget
• Serve as the Legally Responsible Person for projects covered under the Statewide General
Construction Storm Water Permit
• Oversight of private development inspection;
• Oversight of the City Traffic Engineer including disposition of resident requests, citywide speed
surveys, and
• Oversight of the maintenance and operations of the City's traffic signal system.
Bachelor's degree and five (5) years' experience related to area of assignment.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
• As assigned, valid California Driver's License may be required.
• As assigned, California Professional Engineer (PE) License or ability to acquire it within one year of
• As assigned, certification as a Building Inspector from the International Conference of Building
Officials (ICBO) or equivalent.
• Other professional certifications related to assignment deemed desirable at time of recruitment.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
• Managerial principles;
• Supervisory principles;
• Business administration principles;
• Budgetary principles;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Modern office equipment;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to area of assignment;
• Safe working practices, procedures and regulations;
• Customer service principles; and
• Contract preparation, administration and service evaluation.
Positions assigned to Accounting/Finance functions also require knowledge of:
• Generally accepted accounting principles and sound financial record -keeping methods;
• Computer accounting applications and systems; and
• Governmental accounting principles.
Positions assigned to Assistant to the City Manager also require knowledge of:
• Principles, methods, practices and techniques of modern public administration, municipal
management, intergovernmental relations and board relations; and
• Project management and research methodology.
Positions assigned to City Clerk also require knowledge of:
• The Brown Act, Political Reform Act and California Elections Codes; and
• Principles and practices related to municipal records management.
Positions assigned to Golf, Parks & Facilities Management also require knowledge of:
• Principles, methods, practices and techniques of golf course management, maintenance and
• Golf course tournament procedures; and
• Golf course marketing techniques and promotional activities.
Positions assigned to Human Resources/Risk Management also require knowledge of:
• Modern human resources principles, methods, practices and techniques including labor relations,
employee, relations, risk management, injury prevention, workers' compensation, absence
management, recruitment, selection, staff development and training, classification, compensation,
benefits administration, health and safety; and
• Project management and research methodology.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Positions assigned to Maintenance functions also require knowledge of:
• Maintenance operations, project management and cost control methods;
• Pavement management systems and applicability to pavement maintenance; and
• Landscaping practices, including scheduling, parks maintenance, turf management and pest
Positions assigned to Planning also require knowledge of:
• Principles, methods, practices and techniques of urban planning and development including
demographic, environmental, social and economic land use concepts; and
• Statistical and research methodology.
Positions assigned to Engineering also require knowledge of:
• Advanced principles and practices of civil and structural engineering;
• Administration as applied to the design and construction of public works facilities and technical
inspection services;
• All types of building construction materials and methods, and of stages of construction when
possible violations and defects may be most easily observed and corrected;
• City building and zoning codes and related laws and ordinances; and
• The California Subdivision Map Act.
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Assisting in the direction and management of operations;
• Negotiating and conflict resolution;
• Exercising independent judgment within organizational and legal frameworks;
• Problem -solving, analysis and decision -making;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Public speaking;
• Mathematical computations required for public budgeting, accounting and forecasting;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers,
supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate
performance and provide and/or receive work direction.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Positions in this class typically require: sitting, standing, walking, fingering, grasping, talking, hearing,
seeing and repetitive motions. Positions involved in leadership of a field assignment may also require
occasional pushing, pulling, lifting, crouching, stooping or crawling.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sifting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas.of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
E81 — E82
This is the second level in a three -level Management Series. Directors apply advanced management
principles with critical impact on citizens and the organization. Incumbents exercise strategic and
visionary thinking; have long-term organization -wide application and impact; develop and implement
programs critical to the city; and exercise control and supervision of multiple assigned functions and/or
divisions and significant resources. Responsibility crosses multiple functional units within the
organization comprising a designated department. Positions will usually have responsibility for program
Department Directors exercise overall responsibility for policy development, program planning,
fiscal management, administration and operation of a department; are responsible for providing
professional and technical assistance to senior management staff, the City Manager, various
committees, commissions and the City Council; and coordinate activities with other departments.
Incumbents supervise staff including conducting performance evaluations, coordinating training;
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Directs the activities of the department to include overseeing the development and administration of
policies, procedures, programs, goals and objectives and presents them to the City Manager and City
Council as necessary.
Supervises staff to include: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations;
ensuring staff are trained; ensuring that employees follow policies and procedures; maintaining a
healthy and safe working environment; and making hiring, termination and disciplinary decisions.
Administers and monitors the department budget including allocating resources and approving
Attends City Council meetings; develops comprehensive reports and recommendations for the City
Manager and executive staff; prepares and/or reviews agenda items; attends other required meetings
with city manager, city staff, other regulatory entities, etc.
Represents the city to citizens, public and private agencies; responds to/resolves difficult or complex
inquiries and complaints.
Develops, reviews and/or recommends approval of policies, procedures, plans, ordinances, reports,
budget estimates, etc.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
Positions assigned to Community Development may also be responsible for:
• Preparing, revising and administering the Zoning Ordinance, Official Zoning Map, General Plan
and other Speck Plans;
• Recommending development standards and approval of proposed development projects and
subdivision plans; and
• Creating, revising and monitoring development -related processes, applications, forms and fees.
Positions assigned to Deputy City Manager/Community Services may also be responsible for:
• Preparing and recommending strategic plans for department services and facilities;
• Contract management for the operation and maintenance of city facilities, programs,
library/museum services, golf resort operations and parks maintenance;
• Overseeing Human Resources functions including class and compensation, risk management and
employee relations; and
• Directing City-wide marketing strategies (print and electronic) and contracts.
Positions assigned to Financerrreasurer may also be responsible for:
• Developing/monitoring the budget, collecting and disbursing revenues, accounting, financial
reporting and auditing;
• Ensuring proper financial procedures and controls are implemented and used;
• Coordinating the purchase, storage, and issuance of supplies, materials and equipment;
• Administering property and inventory records, investment programs and cash flow; and
• Serving as Chief Fiscal Officer of the City and as Treasurer pursuant to the Government Code of
the State of California and the La Quinta Municipal Code.
Positions assigned to Public Works/City Engineering may also be responsible for:
• Overseeing contracted and in-house plan review, design, surveying and inspection;
• Overseeing Capital Improvement Plan, construction, operations and maintenance activities;
• Recommending approval of plans and engineering reports;
• Preparing the Annual Engineer's Report for the Landscape and Lighting District;
• Planning and operations for Transportation Division;
• Overseeing flood plain administration and stormwater quality compliance; and
• Overseeing the Pavement Management Program.
Bachelor's degree and five (5) years' experience related to area of assignment including three (3)
years of leadership experience.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
Rev. July 2014 2
The City of La Quints
As assigned, valid California Driver's License may be required.
As assigned, CaliforniaProfessional Engineer (PE) License or ability to acquire it within one year of
Other professional certifications related to assignment deemed desirable at time of recruitment.
• Principles and practices of public administration, executive and strategic leadership;
• Managerial principles;
• Business administration principles;
• Supervisory principles;
• Budgetary principles;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Recent developments, current literature/trends and sources of information in assigned field;
• Modem office equipment;
• Organizational structure of the city and city services as they relate to area of assignment;
• Safe working practices, procedures and regulations;
• Customer service principles; and
• Contract preparation, administration and service evaluation.
Positions assigned to Community Development Director also require knowledge of:
• Principles of urban planning and land use regulation; and
• Demographic, environmental, social, economic and land use concepts related to urban planning.
Positions assigned to Deputy City Manager/Community Services also require knowledge of:
• Principles of municipal recreation and park program management;
• Principles of library/museum operations and community services management;
• Grant and other alternative funding resources;
• Principles of park/landscape construction/maintenance, golf course operations/maintenance; and
• Methods, materials and techniques related to marketing and public information dissemination,
compilation, preparation and publication.
Positions assigned to Finance Director/Treasurer also require knowledge of:
• Principles of governmental accounting including financial statement preparation and methods of
financial reporting, debt financing, and procurement; and
• Principles of financial systems and municipal computer applications.
Positions assigned to Public Works Director/City Engineer also require knowledge of:
• Principles of engineering, design and construction of public works facilities;
• Principles of technical inspection services; and
• Methods, materials and techniques employed in public works construction.
• Principles of transportation engineering, stormwater pollution prevention and flood plain
• Californina Subdivision Map Act and California Environmental Quality Act.
Rev. July 2014 3
The City of La Quinta
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Negotiating and conflict resolution;
• Exercising independent judgment within organizational and legal frameworks;
• Problem -solving, analysis and decision -making;
• Preparing complex reference materials, manuals, reports, rules, laws, regulations and other items;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Public speaking;
• Mathematical computations required for public budgeting, accounting and forecasting;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers,
supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate
performance and provide and/or receive work direction.
Positions in this class typically require: sitting, standing, walking, fingering, grasping, talking, hearing,
seeing and repetitive motions.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
City Manager
This class is the third and top level in a three -level Management Series. Incumbent serves as the top
executive officer of the City reporting to the Mayor and Council. Responsibilities include
comprehensive management and leadership for the municipality including policy development and
Plans, organizes, coordinates and controls the day -today administration of the City; supervises
department heads, acts as a liaison between the City, the citizenry and other public agencies.
This class specification represents only the core areas of responsibilities; specific position assignments will vary
depending on the needs of the department.
Directs and participates in the development and implementation of the City's goals, objectives, policies
and procedures; leads and executes organization/community-wide strategic planning and related
Enforces laws and ordinances of the City; ensures that all franchises, contracts, permits and privileges
granted by the City Council are observed.
Supervises, selects, trains, motivates and evaluates department directors; indirectly supervises City
staff; assigns, plans and reviews work; promotes opportunities for career training; instructs staff in
policies and procedures; conducts staff meetings and conferences.
Researches and analyzes data; assesses strengths and weaknesses in services levels, performance
and financial status; confers with, and informs City staff about staff objectives, areas needing
improvement and problem -solving; develops and implements policies and procedures.
Prepares and monitors the City budget; submits the proposed salary plan to the council for approval;
keeps the City Council fully advised about the financial condition and needs of the City.
Attends and participates in City Council meetings unless excused by the Mayor individually or the City
Council as a whole; except when the Council is considering removal of the manager; advises and
responds to City Council and citizen inquiries and complaints; recommends City Council adoption of
ordinances, policies and procedures.
Directs and oversees all purchasing activities of the City.
Acts as a representative of the City in numerous commissions, committees and boards; attends
professional society meetings and otherwise networks with administrators from other cities.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
City Manager
Serves as the Emergency Operations Center Director during a declared emergency; may direct all
agencies of the City government to utilize and employ City personnel, equipment and facilities for the
performance of any and all activities designed to prevent or alleviate actual or threatened damage due
to the emergency.
Monitors compliance with state and federal employee laws and regulations; keeps informed about
changes and developments affecting city management.
Exercises general supervision over all public buildings, parks and other public property under the
control and jurisdiction of the City Council.
Performs other duties of a similar nature and level as assigned.
Bachelor's degree and five (5) years related experience including progressively responsible
management experience.
Or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the
essential duties of the job such as those listed above.
California Driver's License may be required.
• Public agency administration with particular reference to municipal administration;
• Basic laws, ordinances and regulations underlying the municipal corporation;
• Supervisory principles;
• Managerial principles;
• Business administration principles;
• Budgetary principles;
• Performance management/measurement principles;
• Applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Research techniques and sources for available information;
• Recent developments, current literature/trends and sources of information in municipal
• Modern office equipment;
• Customer service principles and practices; and
• Contract preparation, administration and service evaluation.
Rev. July 2014
The City of La Quinta
City Manager
• Supervising and evaluating employees;
• Prioritizing and assigning work;
• Directing and managing a municipal corporation;
• Promoting staff development and motivation;
• Negotiating and conflict resolution;
• Council-manager relations;
• Exercising independent judgment within organizational and legal frameworks;
• Problem -solving, analysis and decision -making;
• Preparing complex reference materials, manuals, reports, rules, laws, regulations and other items;
• Applying local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations;
• Public speaking;
• Mathematical computations required for public budgeting, accounting and forecasting;
• Operating modern office equipment;
• Operating a computer and relevant software applications; and
• Communication, interpersonal skills as applied to interaction with subordinates, coworkers,
supervisor, the general public, etc. sufficient to exchange or convey information, evaluate
Positions in this class typically require: sitting, standing, walking, fingering, grasping, talking, hearing,
seeing and repetitive motions.
Sedentary Work: Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force
frequently or constantly to lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects, including the human body.
Sedentary work involves sitting most of the time. Jobs are sedentary if walking and standing are
required only occasionally and all other sedentary criteria are met.
The above job description is intended to represent only the key areas of responsibilities; specific
position assignments will vary depending on the business needs of the department.
Draft prepared by Fox Lawson & Associates, a Division of Gallagher Benefit Services (DT)
Date: (1/2014)
Revised by City of La Quinta (7/2014)
Rev. July 2014
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