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10-1229 (RC)
A P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: E10�00.'06I229 - Property Address: 50991—WASHINGTON ST STE 1 APN: 770-020-021- - Application description: REMODEL - COMMERCIAL Property Zoning: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL Application valuation: 197866 T4`91 4.4 Qqz�& BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: THE FOUNDATION GROUP LQV 3857 BIRCH ST. #496 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 1/13/11 Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: DAMATO ASSOCIATE C "gam 15 HAMMOND SUITE. IRVINE, CA 92618; y "w b1 P (949)600-5850 JPS§� iV ! �Ii' Lic. No.. 861151 �_.� g. ra.. t i s • - ------------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that icensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busi and o als Code, and my License is in full force and effect. _ I. have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided License Class: 13 _ Lice n o.: 861151 for by Section 3700 of the of Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Contractor: _ �I have and will maintain workers' compensationinsurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor - Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation OWN -BUIL R DECLARATION insurance carrier and policy number are: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exem the Contractor's .State License Law for the Carrier COMPANION PROP Policy Number SWC00601800 following reason (Sec. 7031 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the person in any manners o ecome ject to the workers' compensation laws of California, permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State and agree that, if, I ould beco jec o the w 'compensation provisions of Section License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or 3700 of the La r Code, I s forthwi compl ith those provisions. _ that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (5500).: Date: t' �� pplicant: ' (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: .The WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMENSA ION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES IVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the DOLLARS ($100,000)- IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. ' one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or , 'improve for the purpose of sale.). _ APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. ' property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.)• . Lender's Name: ' Lender's Address: LQPERMIT of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being _ performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application, becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this ap lication and state that the abov . forma ' n is correct. 1 a ree to comply with all city and county ordinances state laws relating to buil ' cons ion, d hereb t orize representatives of�this county to enter up the above-mentioned .pro y for i action p oses Date: �� ignature (Applicant or Agent) Application Number. 10-0000122.9 - Structure Information Construction Type ... . . . TYPE V, UNPROTECTED Occupancy Type . . . . . BUSINESS <50 Other struct'info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2007/08 ENERGY FIRE SPRINKLERS YES OCCUPANT LOAD 81.00 1ST FLOOR SQUARE -FOOTAGE 4320.00 Permit' ELECT - ADD/ALT/REM Additional desc . Permit Fee 163.05 Plan Check Fee 40.76 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/12/11 Qty' Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 20.00 .7500 PER ELEC DEVICE/FIXTURE 1ST 20 15.00 2.00 37.5000 -EA ELEC SVC <=600V/>200A/<=1000A 75.00 129.00 .4500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EA ELEC DEVICE/FIXTURE >20 58:05'" Permit . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee 982.50 Plan Check Fee 638.63 " Issue Date . . . . 'Valuation 197866 Expiration Date .' 7/12/11 Qty Unit Charge Per" Extension BASE FEE 639.50 98.00 3.5000 THOU BLDG.100-,001-500,000 343.00 Permit. MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 70.50 Plan Check Fee 17.63 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/12/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1.5.00 8.00 4.5000 EA MECH VENT INST/ DUCT ALT 36.00 ' _ 3.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT FAN 19.50 Permit . . . PLUMBING Additional desc LQPERMIT .. .. Application Number 10-00001229 PermitPLUMBING Permit Fee .' . . 79.50 Plan Check Fee 19.88 Issue Date . . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/12/11 Qty. Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15..00 .9.;00 6..0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 54.00 . 1':00 7.5000.EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7.50 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 -----Special Notes and Comments 4,320 SF INTERIOR BANK TI FOR "U.S:'. BANK"-"B""OCCUPANCY, TYPE°V-B CONSTRUCTION. OCCUPANT"LOAD = 81. 2007 ` CODES 2008 ENERGY. Other Fees . . ACCESSIBILITY PLAN REVIEW 63.86 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES-COM 969:33 . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 8.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 63.86 Fee summary Charged Paid 'Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1295.55 ,.00 .00- 1295.55 Plan Check Total 716.90 .00 .00 716.90 Other.Fee Total 1105.05 .00. .00- 1105.05 Grand Total 3117.50 .00 - .00 3"117:50 j Certificate of Occupancy T4&t 4 4 Q" Building &Safety Department This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Appendix Chapter 1 Section 110 of the 2007 California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 50-991 WASHINGTON ST #1 Use classification: COMM: ( "U.S. BANK" ) Occupancy Group: B Sprinklers Installed: YES Building Official Type of Construction: V -N Sprinklers Required: YES Building Permit No.: 10-1229 Land Use Zone: CN Occupant Load: 81 Owner of Building: The Foundation Group LQV Address: 3857 Birch ST #496 City, ST, ZIP: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 By: STEVE TRAXEL Date: MARCH 25, 2011 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE a Riversidet--bunty Fire Repartm,6nt Fire -Prof6doh: Planning Section. Si 'S ,CA` 9250x1 Pfi. (§M)M57,017 Fax (0$1.) 05.$4,68-6- .P q,pffice, ,230pjMarket: t_ ,',Ie. 1 �O;� Palm Desert.Office:, 7 M..beie�..-CA: 92211 4131 Fax �-0YLas:Manta*Aas.FRd.,,# 2010ali 76 Submitt6l':Form: Pekim"iftlNo.:- Name-: Address: Offide Wahly. RR ..F.CE 'IVED NOV: 0`9:2010 INDIO k -C IV -rY UN -:FjREDEPT Plan;Reviewei,1- -7(N'_�ck appropriate items) 'Jndtjstd6I- BUIk Plant.,' 13; Sp.6bW:.:EVehtT R Agdcul'tural Re -Submittal # )3U!18ingibnant: Improvement It .0,AghTireArea _pdr*W:Systep)UhdqL( qrOund Piping Q:jj nt/Wat .er,Sy ❑ F1re Alarm System 13.6An .80 WMonitoring Sys . tom Q,'Residential '::Caee'MEi hUal A16rm, D Spray Booth 0''Spray Booth:! tes. kolit46_ Suppression System em LI: Other Stofaqdtahk Submittals:` L) Installj LIAter L]'.R6emoya.l+(A.bo.yogr.oun'.' 74Dispensers Qn y U'Abov'ebjf6dnd UtUh-de"rg'round' El pdrm a"b"e'nit! El Temporary p'' prary ❑ Gasoline Q, -Eieisel 0; LPG. - L3':dNQ,'N Cryogens yog.ft Q 0 Solvents : 0.6. ch&Hdaisi_ LI Tank Si 0 6 , . - de" Use Ony. -Pla6lRevi"Received by ; ftd:� .2CVk,,_.5 Re-AReviewed By. Dehibd DW Letter Attached q Y6s- 01 No Plans Stamped: Yes: LI No Job Card: Q, -Yes. No °qbllbcl If pick Up, Pqt-ei- B 4, PI,ck.Vp_ Date:: ;By. I -ReWsdd 12M86069 "Af O,0 0 2700233010' �Z:U;uu US�.tAk:. 'Okraf&,. E21152'0' Assigned;_ E213520'. PATEN -TED PRODUCT Zonex-$ystems reserves the rightlo discontinue,, or change at:any:fime, specifications or designs without notice and xvithout incurring oblig4dolis Cogyright 2008:by Zonox Systems DIG13U Three -Zone., Universal Controller :for Gas/Mectric or Heat ftm.p- Applications F C CffY F Lk Q U NTA 4 w B661LDING, &-SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED, FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 6-cli(BY Fn Part #D3MAN ,July 2008 Emergency -Heat. -Operation: To -,put the Heat Pump system into: Emergency, Heat, the node selector .'snitch .ori. the Heat Pump thermostat -(STA 1),:thust he,placed:in the Emergency ll.wt-..O.bsi,dbnand .fi.iust.t.hen .make a.affor -hear in. that mode. This "latches" --the controller in the, Emergency Hw1.mQ&.AerSTAT'I makes a call and then satisfies, any consecutive -heat calls from STAT 2 arid.STAT. 3..*will bring or Emergency Heat independently., The supply dampen NOR actuate Indepeiden.tiv acccirding.to the individual zone -demand. Tb:"unu ch" the controller from Envergericv.Haj the Heat . Pump thermostat at mode, and (SEAT 1) mode Nitch: must be placed in: the normal Il e, :make a heat call on:Y ("0" mode) or-Yund O'( B!' mode). After the. Heat Pumpthermostatmakes a standard heat call,, the Emergency;Heat will :be "unlatched" and all ;consecutive hedt call" from any thermostat NOU bring o*n**the .compressor. Purge Mb&: When all calls, are satisfied or'a changeoveroccurs, a 3 -minute recycle delay -Will he. initiated: Duribigthis time, the controller Hill ;not.pr6cess any calls for beat or cool; :and: the: compressor or gas valve will. shut, down: and blower wflLcond nue. to run. All dampers go open during thi.4nie -ChangeoverHeai Pump: file controller is:oerating in beat or cool: P I if her-thermostat,places axaff for the opposite mode, a changeover sequence will begin..Tife controller 'will -Cob roue 'running in its -current mode for 15 minutes or until current call.is satisfied, Nvhiche,v&.octi!rs:firx After 1:5. minutes, or.: thexll is satisfied, a 3-injinuteipur8e will start. At. the end: of the 3 -minute. time. delay, the opposite call will; be If there, ii:-still:an opposibg.call, changeover sequence will-initiate;abd repeat changeover cycle until opposing calls-amsatisfied. When all judfs are, satisfied„ LIDS %vilf go: oft arid:a 3-niinutetiine delay -will beinitiated. During. this time, con troller•will not allow any calls - The beat or cool. STATUS LEI) LEGEND W -0/B :Re.ver.%i#g valv6. LED, yellow. On :when. the reversing valve is energized. Yl tompressorLED:-yelldw. On.when the first compressor.. stage is energized. G Indoor blower LED, green. On when the.hid6or bloweris energized by the.DTHP4A Controller. W2 Awdliary heat LED,:red. OnAien the au-.3barv'heatAs.energizgd, 'PWR -Power. LED orange. Ohhen I)TRP4A.is powered 6wered. Flashmg during capacity control cuiotit. DPR Damper status i:ED, red; One per damper; On Mien damper I edd. per is c os STATUS LEDS/ HEAT PUMP MODE Jumper Y W -OB W2 G P%R DPR FUNCTION OFF' OFF OFF OFF OFF 'OFF: -:MODE OFF' Power -Off bFF OFF OFF :OFF- :ON FF. OFF ON: Power on, blower off, afl..zones. satisfied' OFF -OFF OFF ON ON 0 Vent Blowerdn, c6mpr6soroff,,all zones satisfied. OFF OFF OFF ON ON I 'Purge Blower. on, compressor A *DPR WLED on are.closed 0 'ON, ON OFF ON ON I Cooling Cool stage, -compressor on. .DPR..NV/LED._onare closed 9i ON OFF Orr. ON ON' Coolie A Cool stage,:com ressor on. DPR w/LED on are closed 0. ON 014 OFF ON ON I Heating Heat, 1st st,,tft, conip.ressor on. DP.R.w/LED on are closed' B. ON ON. OFF ON ON I Heating Heat, 1st stage,gonipressbr on, DPR NAM on are closed" 0 0-14 OFF ON- ON ON I Headiig Heat, 2n&stage, coo pressor.on. DPR WLED'oh Ate closed B QN 'W ON ON ON I jieaft Wat;.2ud stage, compressor on.-DPR WLED odare. closed. 0 OFF W ON ON ON. I Heating* Em Heat ,,lconi pressdr. A M.WLED on are closed B OFF :OFF ON ON ON I Heating* Em Heat,, compressor off. DPR -.wAM on are closed 0 'OFF ON OFF ON' FL I W"* Svstem,in tow Temp, cutout condition: (Cooling) 9 OFF OFF OFF ON . FL I LAT** -System in IbW Temp cutour,cmidifion (coling) 0 OFF :OFF OFF. ON FL I ' LAT** . Systemin High temp. cutoacondifibn.(Hpating): L B OFF ON OFF ON f� I LAT**- Systerni HighTemp cutout condition,(Heatin in g) A. = On when_ reversing valve jumper is in 0 position. B = ON when -reversing valve jumper.is ih:B position (= On: %?hene'mergency.he,it.Lson. '1..= One: or more -damper LEDs on 0: = All damper LEDs off Stage' GA&MeLtric Thermostat is required. **LAT'Capacity Control; The factory optional ihermisior is in place to function in this mode; 9 . -COMPONENTS A. HVAC UiiVW Terminais - Connects to HVAC.unit. W=o/B::First.stap Iiek'%%en;energized.(Wl made io*.R), e ►ergines fikstwsLage h - .:for 12. . c4t or ree evetsin gv al ve G: Blower. When energized (G.niado to 1): energizes the indoor blower. First stage cooLWhen energized, (yl:made to R), energizes ner gi. first stage cqblffi' 9- R: HVAC unit 24V power -Powers -the WGIN board and zone:thermostats. C; HVA( Unit 24V power return. B. 11hermostat TmWnals -Connects' Up to three zone ther- mostZ. W.. 00at..call, V.11cri, energized,, requests the DIC13U to. run - in heat mode. A W2: Used in HP STM I only to efierIzeoridgency heat. g Not Ased in G/E. R HVAC Unit 24V power. .Y.. Compressor input G: Blower Fan - When energized. (G made to'R)jdqucsts the 1)(68.0',to turn on the:ftidoor blower: fan. C- HVAC unit 2.4V common. PVR 0 R P —M: e., El D1G(3U CONTROLCHIP DIP, 1. 0 . 0 op. LED A A LED R . 0' El OJ 2 W2 W -01B 6 Y D,f 0 :0 0 0 q) 2,A G 2) 3 W2 E] EJ El. EJ 0 3 0,TRI C L'bi 0 _Tki STAT I STAT. 2 STAT 3 Joe. 0, Q5.e.e 1 00C-00 K)WEM R YO/BW2G ,C R; Y W G C R Y W G. C SWwTpm W A S S A' C. 'Damper Terminals - Connects dampers for u to-threo6.nesAnd damper power supply. 'TRI/'TfL)- 24v. AC trarfsforuieHerminak Tliis:traifsformer powers ,only -the zbne:dampers and size properly. 1, 1-� Zone: dam -Per 1. Uen energized, powers zone -damper.1 -closed. 22- Zone: damper 2. When. energized, powers lofic damper 2 closed. 3. 3. Zone. damper 3. NV*h.en:6.nqrgfzed, powers zone damper:3 closed. D. Damper Status LEDs - On when torrespohding -zone -damper: is s being powered closed. R. MicrocontrolIer- - Resportsifite:for activation and control. of the urdt.based upon thermostat,* input. Occasionally sbfhva]fc:QpgrAdes jngy'bccome. available. If :so, the DIGIN soffivare can be: field upgraded by-clia6ging-this 1T1J,c.roc6ntr6llcr.. 10 E HVAC Sysiern 'Status LEDs, - indicates what the DIGI , 3.0 is curgizing.on.the HVAC System. Y. Compressor, yellow. G:, Blower*green. On,utenAhe indoor blower is energized; W-O/B: - Hcator reversing valve,, red. on when.firsi,stage heat or reversing,valve is energized. W2: Ila, red. Emergency hais energized for heat pump operation. PWR:, Power, -orange; On when power at:.R and Q ifid-the:POW0 Switch is.:on. Flashing when in Capacity Controlcutoutmode'. See Status Lights section. for further information. .. 'G. Power zSwitch,- When OFF, power from the..HV.AC unit.t& ins4ori-h 6ris 1.1istbritiected from the DIG13U and: thermostats. When:ONI, power from ,the HVAC; unit transformer is supplied to the;DI613U'and the zone thermostats6 SS "'Terminals for:c4pacity control. I. JP1. O/Bjumper -for heat pump ap.plicafi6n.6nlyAt6e in O:of B, g6gidort for proper reversing. -valve action. .J. JP2HP/GE,JumpiT-Place.onor'o'p.erpilis(otdesite,d';app4cafio,ii. Zonex Systems* zone l dampers are. used in coofincontrolled. `by :a zone "dtertttostat. g/heAting systems: to zone: actuator. Each zone:damper is provideroom .by :room zone control. The damper is provided wit .with Nioreitbin one (hunger can be; controlled by one zonethermostat. ROUND. LOW PRESSURE: ZONE *:DAMPERS ,(TR- diwfi) Ionex Systohis'round low piesSurii zone dampers:can be used for :s%,stem*s*up to. 5 tons with max- imum differential static pressure of 0.5". These are two position, spring :open., power dwi& dampers for very simple operation, 1. ies are designed with rulled-in stiffening. beads kr AIIA' siiperior rigidity . ty. The'damper pipe, is. - furnishedwithdne crimped end and one straight end for. easy ,insta I . latfort. A hat section supports a:synchronous 24V AC 12VA motor. and termi- nal board. The motor1sdesigned for continuous full stall operatitin. Specjak%ind . ihg:and heavy duty gearing provide :for 'long motor. life and easy spring open. operation. A *cross gin on.the motor shaft'providespositive direct drive to the damper blade :shaft iMthput a coupling or set screws, allowing fora quick and easy motor change if'required. ALred LED will be illuminated on the damper terminal: board to indicate when .the damper is. being powered closed. The. LED will remaineonwhen the -damper is hilly closed and 6,cle off when the damper is opening or-in-the,full I Q . pened .'position. Since this is a-bTring opewdampee in thk Lj'ent:of power failure, the damper US to the U.6 -pen position. RECTANGULAR LOW PRESSURE'ZOWDAMPEM* (IREC W x H) Zoner.Systetris rectangular low pressure dampers can be:.usedJor systems up to 5.tons. with a. ma)dmum differential static: pressure two position, springopen, power close: dampers. They are constructed fromheavvAd Wgalvaniz6d:steel. The damper is a -single bladez type,,tW-sh'- into ,a1-1/1" wide cutout the existing duct and attacheswith-screws via a duct: ps . mounting plate. Vie duct tnounting-.plate is 5'1 -wide., Thedrive,a,,s,eiiiblvstipp6rts, a synchronous 24V AC 60Hz 12NA. motor* and tern-dital: board. The motor' is. designed for .confinuous:full stall' operation. Special winding and heavy.dilty goaring proWe:for long motor life id easy spring. Open 0 am pepoqn,..A cross pin on.the motor shaft provides:Oositive,airw drive to the d per shaft without -a coupling.or set screws. A -red LED: will be illuminated on the damper terminal' board,to.indicate wheri.the damper is'heing powered.closed. The LED will remain on when the damper is:Mly closed and cycle off when the damper is s. cipef . ungor,in the: hit opened position. Siftce.dii& :is,a spring open damper, in the event of power failure lie damper Us to the full: open position. COWIRESSURE:(TRUN x U) RECrANGLEIM DAMPER SIZING ZONE: DAMPERS. I(be4tittwork ah-eady.exists, simply size the damper toit-fl.ie ductwork.. b) Select damper:size by using:a duct sizing table oncalculator. For new systems or retrofit jobs- -c) Select-a'Zonex-Systemstdamper to fit the duct size selected for that Determine CFM from heat.gain:or loss calculations. zone. DAMPER INSTALLATION NOTES L Do. riot exceed 700 FPNI hi a register4fiser branch duct. and butted against the hat.section. (do not insulate themotoror relay unregister/diff,s, t.d)..6oih mottirAnd the relay board.generate enough beat so that 2. .1fadamperisinstailed-wifli VeOciferjns ' tau sound board) attenuating fliex duct between damper and outlet. no. condensiftion:w.fli dovelbwon. the hat section. 3. Zone dampers should be preceded. by T4- of straight -pipit where 5.- leinembertti allow a46 gap -in the ductior Aeavy-.Duty rectangular .Possible. -dampers. 4. In: Attic installations and high humidity areas.. the ZOne:x Sysitenls 6. Low,and medium pressure rectangular dampers slide into a 3" wide. insulated along with -the duct work. The,h it section cutout in the ductwork. on the damper is. delivered withinsulation, between the hat section 7. InsWl TR round dampers to the motor in:the 9to 3 o'clock position.. .and:pIpe'. Therefore,, insulation. should he applied to the r6und.'j Do not install diimpd:so'the:r6dIor: is in theA to 8 o'clock position. pipe if The barometric bypass dimperis for systems 5 tons or -under. Irutflizas a. weighted dAffipef.blade: 110 Ina. . intain constant duct. pressure: This allows for easy installation without the need for electrical .. .... power or wiring.1he round,barometrit dampier cm b6iist-Alle&-in any position; It is an efficient solution: for small system fait capacity control.: SIZING: When only .the smalleit zone is calling, the maximum amount of excess supply air will.flow through the 'p4y ass damper. To de4e' the size. bypass :dainperfo use, do ilie4following steps: ,rmine e . proper Step, 1: Calculate bypass air volume as, follows. A). Uculatelotilair-volume a40.0;'CFM: BAROMETRIC;BYPASS penton. SELECTIORTA.01LE B) Ulculite, air volume of smalle'st zone -in. UK C) Uculate bypass air:volume by:subtract-, ing_es.m - :the Ilest' zone air volume from 4 the total. (A -:9 0 Diameter CFM 91, 650 10" 800 12" 1200 14" 1600 16" 2000 Step 2: Select damper:from:sizihg tattle. Once you have: calculated. the. bypass air volume. (roffi Step. 1, use the MOMIETRIt -BYPASS SELECTION TABLE..Fromthe table, select the. hypass damper with the CFM radng.:equal'to or greater than the value INSTALLATION The round barometric bypass damper can'be instWIed.in:anv position. This.damper is factory. set tbr*h,b.rizonLil',ib,sv,*d'ta6bn and Un.b.p field mbdifiedfior yqocd installation.. Do norrun speed.screws into damper housing. Screws may interfere, with diiMper'traveLM ake sure counter weight is nottobstru in. any way y. a) 'Install the bypass damper'bmeen-the supply. and return plenums of the unit. It'raust be I the first up off the supply plenum. b) Besure the air flows through the damper in the proper direction as_ifidicated firthe arrowonthe damper. Airflowlis:al%vays: from supply I o -return. plenum; Be certain the damper. shaft is c) 'Loosen. counterweight with Men wrench, d) Loosefi.lever.aniifr6mdamper .shaft.-aild,aUowtohang straight. down. ei) _Fully close damper by grabbing damper shaft on'side:attached Wl&& arin.affd1urning clockwiseuiftfl it -stops. 0 While holding -the damper-ftill. 1. rotate .1 �.. 1 .1 b . vclos(d rotate the lever arm a little to th'e. right (facing the damper) and:then screw -.into tighten to.die:.dampershah: Then- Ughteft lock nut. g) Qe.suie: the -damper us' being.lield closed by the.*counter weight. Proceed to setup. -calculated in :Step r�`1. Fon barometric dampersw use a ,ductulator to conver(from.round to rectangular. if bypassing More: than 2000.CF M, use electronic bypass damper. Example- You :have a 4 ton system:. Your smallest zone will use 500 (:FM.. The total C.N. is 1600 CFM J(400.4 4). Your bvassUMJs 1400 (1 000 - 500) : From th.e,table, you deterMine that all" bypass damper is.,needed. - Do not use"the barometricbypassinan system,over 5 tons. `For systemsover 5:toris, or to. by pass,more than: 2000 CA,!,. use the electronic bypass. :BAROMETRIC' BYPASS DAMPER '41 �-� 1. Dsirfipei, Shaft. I Lock Nut 3.. UsVer Arm 4X.dunterW4H§ht VERTICAL APPLICATION. AIRFLOW 'SUPPLY 1 "PLENUM eivaoMEfRlc A/C.UNIT OFi BYPASSRETURN FURNACE AIR PLATFORI RETURN AIR GRILLE k6l'tizONTAL APPLIcAnok A/C: UNIT .AIRFLOW OR RETURN ...BUPPIY FURNACE PLENUM BAROMETRIC',BYPASS-'AIRFL'OW' SHEET METAL BYPASS PIPE 12 BAROMETRIC BYPASS SETUP a) '.Turn off all -thermostasi K Tu on Swjtching:Gdnter/C.ontrol1er and set fan switch to "ON" position..AHow fkn.to run -for -:5 minult., to, equalize pressure. Then make sure all -darapers:are-opm by checIdAg:f6t air flow out of ead damper. By moving counter w-eigh..;.up:or down *the 1ever.arm, adjust it so that the damper just wants to,%lartiopening. d) if the.damper cannot be held: closed with the couh(erweigb-vAl the: w.,q:to . tji.e.bottorn of -the :lever arm, then hold the. damper shaft; loosen the lever aft from; the damper shaft; -and route the lever arm'farther (o.the right and retightm Repeat Step C Tlie barometric bypass damper is now c-alibrat& BAROMETRIC. BYPASS STARTUP TEST a)! Have At -feast halfof die zones alllfor eitherbeating ,or cooling. b) .Cbeck tote sure the calling zone dampers are open (air is Dowing). e) Verifi, the bypass-.damper'is open. Notei, theAamper may. not My open; d) :If the open zones:ar& not noisy, the. bypass pass damper is set 13 Cause —Malfunction All thermostats %Anot-call Loss' of 23v ac on Rand C RepWr power source Will n6cinitlaw:coolhig cyde: Controller in Ma ihode Dday. prior to duan vet' Check to yeor 0 -mid B jumpers in: Beat. Pu hip mikle Correct as needed Gnitnollerio char geoverfrom heat -made 4 -minute purge cvde?must complete. Cooling calls short CIN.rje :If . LAT is installed ,,going.off on,lowtemp ink2fing flushing power LED Hof Cheek ll�pass operation/adjust Air flow. toojow over mapbrator Che & filter and/or correct air. flow nut inifiate.2 beat call Controller in Cooling mode Ch&k bpass operation 'Check.to verifi-0 andl juniper% in Heat Pum mode Correct as. needed -Controller in.changeoverfrom cooling.rnode 4-minute:pt cvcic rnust.66mplele Heating qdIs shoTt cvUe, If US is instzdled,.fijshin, power LIR-indidies hJqh limi't cutout: Check byjxiss operafion/adjusi Air How too. low.over heat exchanger Check'Mmir Wid/or:ccirrecl air flow' Lone damper will'nordose -of 24 volts to the dampers, TRI and TR2 Repair poWdr source –Loss No outou( to. dMillei tuminal(s) Verih,, thermosiz,are making a call Damper incorrectly wired. Correct dampawinng: k -Xrner'ency Heal does not Work St&.J must make heat:adl in Emergelwy,Hcat Verifv, 116t CA STAT 2 and STAT 3 cawmakEmergerimheat c:W:aficr STATJ gra Blower guns Continually Fan ollmition selected:on any thermostat Verift, fan switch. on -all thermostats Fail Au. contacts inxontroll0stized Repiau.contruller,-clheck 24*V,.AC 13 LE 0i?t!fyjumperJP2 is in the GlEmode op.the :Oqtm4r) 1. If no heating systeni, go to step 11. 11. Turn off.all thermostats except zone,1. 2. At,System Controller.. 12. At zone, I thermostat: a. Turn power switch on. a:. Set pow.ir switch on,. b, Verify 0 this time the PWR'fight.is on:04Y,. b. Set to Cool mode 3. 'Turn off all tfiqrrnoyas except. zone i. t. set Fan switch- to -Auto 'mode., d. Sot c6ql setpoint.sevqrat degrees belPiv room temperature; 4 . At' zone therftiostAt 13. At System ,,Controller a. Set: power switch,on. 1z Verify Y, G ind MR lights are on' if not, cycle: the System . b. Set to Heat:mode. Controller power switch OFF and then ON. then recheck. c. Set Fan switch Auto mode. b. Vefity-DPR I light is off and DPR. 2 through:DPR, 3 lights are on. d' Set Heat set poinvseveral,degrees above room temperature. 14. At MC. uriii, verifyair conditioner is on and blower.fin is running. 5. At System - I a. Verify W,.G.and PWR.lig'h'Lsare on, 15. VO4, air is being delivered to zone 4 and not to any of the other b. Verify DPR I'liglit- is, Offind'PP.R2. and 3. -LEDs: are on.. Zones. 6., At HVAC unit; verify furnace is bn�and blower fan is'runniing.ff theta 16; At zone ,l,:verify air is comfiig-out of the, re ser.-. light on System Untroller is not on, the blower fan is.controlled. by 17.P.next zone:: the furnace; and there uill beta delay before it turns on. a. Ven air is novconiing,oufothe iegi dikuser. 7. At zone 1, veti4, air Is conput.of'redster/diffuser b. At thermostat: b-1,:Set power switch on. 8. At next zone: b4:.Set to. C06l.mbde,' a. Verify atria hoftonfling:Qut of re ster/diffuckr .91 b-3 Sit Fan switch to Auto mode b.- mthermostg 11 .1 - . : - b-4 Set Cool set In point soeral.degtpes.beldw room. te perature... b Set powerswitchon': p., Verify air is now coming,ouCof the register/difiser.. b -Z Set to Heat mode. b4 Set Fan switch to.Autoi mode, 18. At' Pre one, turn tke' os a -off and. verify that. previous z rm. t t air stops. Set heat-"oint several degrees above room -tempen . tture: coming out of the diffuser. c. Verify air is now coming out the register/diffimer. 19 Repeat steps .17 and 18 fortheremaining 2 -zone&. 9. At the previous zone, turn, thermostat -off and verilfi-,,ai r stops coining Test coinplete. out:of the rev'ster/diffuser. 10. Repeat steps 8. -and 9 for the last zone N; (VefifyjumperJP2 is in The HP position on the controller and.the LATsensaris connected to .the, SS, terminals:) 1. Temporatily remove the HI)LASifroin.the supply air stream.. 8;. Make call on.S-rATI. 2. Make a Heat -call from 'STAT 1 only. 9. Verify I)PRI.L-ED:is: off 'and,DPR.2.&DM M are flluihihated: 3: Verify -I)PRI.LED is off and DPR2 &,'DPR3- LE)s are. iflunihiaied. 40.. Chetk dampers for pr6oeropeh'and closep.0sition. 4. Checkdanipjars - for.propertopen and dose: position. I'l. -Verify controller energizes: the, compressor, rey. valve ('`0'' mod6) 5. Vert}controllerenergizes the compressor, and: indoor fan: and indoor:fan, Y, q.and.O/B LEDs are illuminated for "0" mode.. Y,iffd:G LEDs are; illuminated 0"mode. Y and P, HD are illuminatedior"B", mode. minaf�d for"t'ibcd Y,'G and_O/B LEI)s,.�re:010. e. 1:2. Repeat thi.q.;process for zones:2 and 3. 6. Verify after 4.minutes qfrVn:fin!e, y, G, and W2 LEDs are illuinkialed and the. auxiliary heat is energized ow the controller. 15. Re4iistall-the HDIAS: into the supply -air stream. 7. Repeat this process for zones.2,and 3: M CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 4) LTG -1C PROJECT NAME DATE U.S. BANK 9-22-10 PROJECT ADDRESS Climate Zone: Building CFA: 4337 50.ET. 50-9g1 Washington Street Unconditioned Floor Area: La Gulnta, GQllfornla 92253 GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type: Er Nonresidential ❑ High -Rise Residential ❑ Hotel/Motel ❑ Schools ❑ Relocatable Public Er Conditioned Spaces [] Unconditioned Spaces Schools Phase of Construction: New Construction ❑ Addition E] 'Alteration Method of Compliance: [] Complete Building Sr Area Category [] Documentation Author's Declaration Statement ,� P• F * I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Name LINO PALMIERI Si re E 65 r Company PALMIERI 4 ASSOCIATES, INC.at 9-22-10 Address 232 N. LAKE AVENUE SUITE #210 q* City/State/Zip PASADENA, CA. 91101 Phone: (626) 440-1313 Principal Lighting Designer's Declaration Statement • 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the fighting design. • This Certificate of Compliance identifies the lighting features and performance specifications required for compliance with Title 24, Pages 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. ES • The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the in t r cument this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and Ica" i the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. Name LINO PALMIERI Sifte/F Company PALMIERI 4 ASSOCIATES, INC. Phone' (5) 440-1313 Address 232 N. LAKE AVENUE SUITE #210 `rte 1Ce q65 City/State/Zip PA5ADENA, CA. 81101 01-22-10 Lighting Mandatory Measures Indicate location on building plans of Mandatory Measures Note Block: LIGHTING COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. [V LTG -1 -C Pages 1 through 4 Certificate of Compliance. All pages required on'plans for all submittals. ❑ LTG -2-C Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet C EV LTG -3-C Indoor Lighting Power Allowance BUILDING & SAfETY DEPT ❑ LTG -4-C Pages 1 through 4 Tailored Method Worksheet ❑ LTG -5-C Pages 1 and 2 Line Voltage Track Lighting Worksheet FOR CONSTRue:fieN 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms DATE DSP 2-V A BY AUGUST2009 0 00 "', z ❑❑COO y m Z� z 0 x (i rn C� W D CO O D 0 rn c m a d D O to 'Dm rn n Dc,o D X o ° °ro m N p, °p o r Q Z ci CL 4N r D ^ to NCT o r fiS e Rq > M M y 3 N F D m mCD 0 a CO 0 � e m •n Q to o r D D a r =• m° s �c 0 C D D m N a 3 r� N r 3a 3- 3 W a° m f o Z �+ fn n °, = rnww-uD�tN Nrr_n t�► rn rn�c wEo 3 d a °o v_M Z 0 m = O TI M a Q -i rn -n w 1 d N; -; _ ;�, = o �° m r 111 > wNN� (w� �i0 `� m _ n = U) �a -� -i N rn v .�. m m a Cr -_" co r 'i i C C O o M M rn (� rn N r o: ori m to a t7 _ r- cf0i 0-� n Cfl .fJ r rn rn n rn cyi =. c �. 3 y ° o O iv Z LP ill M m rn rn C� r V A"� � Cr M a fA �� O N i > .�► rn D Ca L+. N O '� n rn 0 z Z z z 7 N 0o N d n d p m y M D Z rn C% (� r ro = v M o, m ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ Special CoQ m° a z go o,go 1< M C rn CL Features f� -Zi 117 M ® eo v o < D C7 N Watts per N r = M= � � _ a `� �' D d O v d w .A. CP tj CP w O M CP 4 CP Luminaire v o o o Z v D r .'°. m 0 v d o ' Q M m CO N N dm Qo CO) , 117 Z CEC m 0. ❑❑ ❑ El 1:1 11 1:1 1:1� Defaultfu -i," nd d o U) m 0 � a 3Cin Gni 0 3 W v According 3 w io .n °' c. m n N o °,5.� ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ to(SS)130 'm° a ° � a °• _ M (d or e) a 0 rL m N m Oh C m O 5F_ o m =r 3 % -Ph =o m o a cP -� N N N Number of -n = m H m a �, r •.� .'. v r Luminaires _ •a ° f� Cr _ if d ° D to w Installed Watts T .��. CL Un ' M c '�,° m 0, ° rn Ji -1 — N O rn a` (D x F) x a - r -� D m C H a Gi m •► N 0 m aS o v v ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Pass 0N 0 yT N� _� > > ^� � N � � CL El El � ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ Fail o o .4t 0) n CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 4) LTG -'I C PROJECT NAME U.5. BANK - LA OUINTA, CA. DATE q-22-10 INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE & FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Fill in controls for all spaces: a) area controls, b) multi-level controls, c) manual daylighting controls for daylit areas > 250ft , automatic daylighting controls for daylit areas > 2,580ft , d) shut-off controls, e) display lighting controls, f) tailored lighting controls - general lighting controlled separately from display, ornamental and display case lighting and g) demand responsive automatic controls for retail stores > 50,0004 , in accordance with Section 131. MANDATORY LIGHTING CONTROLS - FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Field Inspector Number_ Special Type/Description of Units Location in Building Features Pass Fail CONTACTOR 6 POLE I ELEC. RM / DATA ❑ Q ❑ CONTACTOR 2 POLE I ELEC. RM / DATA Q ❑ Q PHOTOCELL I ROOF TOP ❑ Q ❑ TIMECLOCK 2 ELEC. RM / DATA ❑ ❑ ❑ BY-PA55 TIMER 2 ELEC. RM / DATA ❑ Q Q OCCUPANCY 5EN50R 10 OFFICE5 ❑ ❑ ❑ 51NGLE SNITCH I PLATFORM Q Cl Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑. ❑ O Q ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q O ❑ ❑ ❑ SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST (see Page 2 of 4 of LTG -1C) The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Filed Inspector Notes or Discrepancies: 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms AUGUST 2009 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 4 of 4) LTG -1C PROJECT NAME U.S. BANK - LA OUINTA, CA. DATE q -22-I0 Conditioned and Unconditioned space Lighting must not be combined for compliance Indoor Lighting Power for Conditioned Spaces Indoor Lighting Power for Unconditioned Spaces Installed Lighting Watts Installed Lighting Watts (from Conditioned LTG -1C Page 2) 44bq (from Unconditioned LTG -1C Page 2) Lighting Control Credit - Lighting Control Credit - Conditioned Spaces (from LTG -2C) Unconditioned Spaces (from LTG -2C) Adjusted Installed = 4461 Adjusted Installed = Lighting Power Lighting Power Complies if Installed < Allowed= Complies if Installed < Allowed Allowed Lighting Power Allowed Lighting Power Conditioned Spaces (from LTG -3C) 5022 Unconditioned Spaces (from LTG -3C) Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below Is the acceptance test for the Lighting system, LTG -2A. The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. If all the lighting system or control of a certain type requires a test, list the different lighting and the number of systems. The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work,appropriately. Forms can be grouped by type of Luminaire controlled. Enforcement Agency:. Systems Acceptance. Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or when ever new lighting system with controls is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements. The LTG -2A form is riot considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed. In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of (SS)10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6. The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. A copy of the LTG -2A for each different lighting luminaire control(s) must be provided to the owner of the building for their records. Luminaires Controlled LTG -2A ` y Y. E -J o Controls & Sensors & Automatic Daylighting Equipment Requiring Testing Description z o U Location Controls Acceptance 00- CONTACTOR b POLE I E.RJOATA . E] 0o- CONTACTOR 2 POLE I E.RJOATA ❑ ® PHOTOCELL I ROOF TOP ❑ © TIME CLOCK 2 E.RJDATA ❑ Sk BY-PASS TIMER 2 E.RJDATA ❑ 05 OCCUPANCY SEN50R 10 OFFICES ❑ 5 SINGLE i PLATFORM ❑ El El 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms AUGUST 2009 INDOOR LIGHTING POWER ALLOWANCE LTG -3C PROJECT NAME U.S. BANK - LA OUINTA, CA. --[-DATE q_22-10 ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER (Choose One Method) A Separate LTG -3C Worksheet Must Be Filled Out for Conditioned & Unconditioned Spaces. Indoor Lighting Power Allowances listed on this page are only for: g CONDITIONED SPACES UNCONDITIONED SPACES COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD BUILDING CATEGORY (From (SS) 146 Table 146-E) WATTS (ftZ) COMPLETE BLDG. AREA ALLOWEDPER WATTS BUILDING CATEGORY (From (SS) 146 Table 146-F) WATTS PER (ftZ) AREA (ft') ALLOWED WATTS SUPPLIES .6 260 15b CASH/OFF/MGR 1.1 316 414 AREA CATEGORY METHOD - Part A A B C D BUILDING CATEGORY (From (SS) 146 Table 146-F) WATTS PER (ftZ) AREA (ft') ALLOWED WATTS SUPPLIES .6 260 15b CASH/OFF/MGR 1.1 316 414 CONFERENCE 1.4 216 303 BREAK ROOM 1.1 282 310 JANITOR .6 40 24 TOILETS .6 105 63 DATA 1.1 70 77 MECH. 7 116 82 ATM I.I -To, 71 HALLWAY .6 136 82 PLATFORM 1.2 1886 2264 LOBBY 15 780 1170 Sum of Additional Allowed Watts from Area Category Method - Part B (from table below) TOTALS 4331 5022 AREA WATTS AREA CATEGORY METHOD - Part B Additional Wattage Allowance (from Table 146-F Footnotes) A B C D E F Total Design Watts G Primary Function Sq Ft Additional Watts Per ft Allowed Wattage Allowance (B X C) Description(s) and Quantity of Special Luminaire Types in each Primary Function Area ALLOWED WATTS Smaller of D or F TOTALS - Enter into Area Category Method - Part A (table above) Additional watts available only when allowed according to the footnotes on bottom of Table 146-F for chandelier or sconce; M craft, assembly or manufacturing specialized task work; precision commercial/industrial work; or lab specialized task work. Special luminaires are light fixtures described in the Table 146-F Footnotes that are subject to an additional wattage allowance. TAILORED METHOD Total Allowed Watts using the Tailored Method taken from LTG -4C (Page 1 of 4) Row 3 The indoor lighting power allowance using the Tailored Method of compliance shall be determined using the LTG -4C set of forms. A separate set of LTG -4C forms shall be filled out for CONDITIONED and UNCONDITIONED spaces. 2008 Nonresidential Compliance "Forms Auaust 2009 GAL FOKN I A LNL�&T GOMM 1551 ON ' MANDATORY NOTL5: BUILDING LIGHTING 5V -OFF: THE BUILDING LIGHTING SHUT-OFF SYSTEM CON515T5 OF AN AUTOMATIC TIME SWITCH, WITH A ZONE FOR EACH FLOOR; OR THE BUILDING 15 SEPARATELY METERED AND LE55 THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET; EXEMPT FROM THE SHUT-OFF REQUIREMENT OVERRIDE FOR BUILDING LIGHTING SHUT-OFF: THE AUTOMATIC BUILDING SHUT-OFF SYSTEM 15 PROVIDED WITH A MANUAL ACCESSIBLE OVERRIDE 5WITGH IN SIGHT OF THE LI6HT5. THE AREA OF OVERRIDE 15 NOT TO EXCEED 5,000 SQUARE FEET. AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES CERTIFIED: ALL AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICES SPECIFIED ARE CERTIFIED. ALL ALTERNATE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CERTIFIED 4 INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE MANUFACTURER. FLUORE56ENT BALLAST AND LUMINAIRES CERTIFIED: ALL FLUORESCENT FIXTURES SPECIFIED FOR THE PROJECT ARE CERTIFIED 4 L15TEP IN THE DIRECTORY. ALL INSTALLED FIXTURES SHALL BE CERTIFIED. TANDEM WIRING FOR ONE AND THREE LAMP FLUORESCENT FIXTURES: ALL ONE AND THREE LAMP FLUORE56ENT FIXTURES ARE TANDEM WIRED WITH TWO LAMP BALLASTS WHERE REQUIRED BY STANDARDS SECTION 132; OR ALL THREE LAMP FLUORE56ENT FIXTURES ARE SPECIFIED WITH ELECTRONIC, HIGH -FREQUENCY BALLA5T5 1AND ARE EXEMPT FROM TANDEM WIRING REQUIREMENTS. INDIVIDUAL ROOM/AREA CONTROLS: EACH ROOM AND AREA IN THI5 BUILDING 15 EQUIPPED WITH A SEPARATE 5WITGH OR OCCUPANCY 5EN50R DEVICE, FOR EACH AREA WITH FLOOR TO CEILING WALL5. UNIFORM REDUCTION FOR INDIVIDUAL ROOMS: ALL ROOMS AND AREAS GREATER THAN 100 SQUARE FEET AND MORE THAN 1.2 WATT5 PER SQUARE FOOT OF LIGHTING LOAD SHALL BE CONTROLLED WITH BI -LEVEL 5WITCHIN6 FOR UNIFORM REDUCTION OF LIGHTING WITHIN THE ROOM. DAYLIT AREA CONTROL: ALL ROOMS WITH WINDOWS AND 5KYLIGHT5 THAT ARE GREATER THAN 250 SQUARE FEET AND THAT ALLOW FOR THE EFFECTIVE USE OF DAYLIGHT IN THE AREA SHALL HAVE 50% OF THE LAMPS IN EACH DAYLIT AREA CONTROLLED BY A SEPARATE 5WITGH; OR THE EFFECTIVE USE OF DAYLIGHT CANNOT BE ACGOMPLI50ED BECAUSE THE WINDOYG ARE, CONTINUOUSLY SHADED BY. A BUILDING ON THE ADJACENT LOT. DIAGRAM OF 5HADING DURING DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE YEAR 15 INCLUDED ON PLANS. CONTROL OF EXTERIOR LI6HT5: EXTERIOR MOUNTED FIXTURES SERVED FROM THE ELECTRICAL PANEL INSIDE THE BUILDING ARE CONTROLLED WITH A DIRECTIONAL. PHOTO CELL CONTROL ON THE ROOF AND A CORRE5PONDING RELAY IN THE ELECTRICAL PANEL. 015PLAY LIGHTING: 015PLAY LIGHTING SHALL BE SEPARATELY 51NITCHED ON CIRCUITS THAT ARE 20 AMPS OR LESS.