SA 2013-1687 (SIGN)P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNI.A 92247-1504 78-495 CALLF TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QuIN-rA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 March 5, 2013 Ms. Bronwyn Ison Evolve Yoga 80-289 Via Tesoro La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 2013-1687 EVOLVE YOGA bear Ms. Ison: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request for two permanent under -canopy business identification signs on the northern and eastern building elevations of Evolve Yoga located at 50-991 Washington Street. The approval is subject to the following Conditions of Approval: 1 . This sign permit grants two permanent non -illuminated identification sign. The total square footage of the sign shall be no greater than 15.00 square feet, each. The materials for the sign are per the approved plans on file with the Community Development Department. 2. If necessary, a building permit shall be obtained prior to any work on the sign being started. 3. The sign shall conform to the approved sign program for the La Quinta Village Shopping Center. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7,125. Si*er(tly, to Planner C: Building Division r4 101 1811 evolve yoga SCALE: 1'a t'-0' SINGLE FACED, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED UNDER CANOPY CABINET SIGN CABINET* FABfL FROM ALUMINUM, PAJKTc'i] k4ATTE BROWN R&rtS}{ TO MATCH BEAMS . F{'4ALEE -BOURBON' FACE. t? T-H&cK. 8s GENSSri' • s1dN FOAM ROUTED Olid FQR COPY & BACaCED'^1T1i G" `'. (PLflGOLAS COLOR: FOAM FACE VATH -MISSIOIsr eNtSH TO M.ATCtt MONUMEN r SW --N • FRAZEE a 5780-W '-VKr E SHADOW IFIfTERNAL RILPWNATION WITH FLUORESCENT LMAPS MOUNTING . FROM ABOVE W/ t' SO. ALUMINUM TUBING DATE 3/1/2013 "AME BRONWYN ISON COMPANY evolve yoga PborE / FAx E MAiI PROOF #3 $1&6-8ff. 1c- 0-7 1 GMAT CWA EY DATE CVC zip e �.g TEL, (740)341.4844 FA:. (760))674990 75-171 5.17 GERALD FORD DR.JW1A ►ALM DEURT, CA 9291 T ' b e,I SLTG-1 C.pdf http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008publ icad ons/CEC-400-2008-017/rev 1 Certificate of Compliance Sign Lighting) (Pagel, of 4) S,LTG4C Project Name: I am eligble under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the lighting design. -, ,, � Ve_ O Date: 3 t f Project Address: this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the So - 9 g l W t,., ti 0A, NarnG �A Location of Sign 8 Outdoor Signs ❑ Indoor Signs , Company: s Phase of Sign Construction W New Signs OSign Alterations Address: r7 fo -Type of Lighting Control a New Lighting Controls O Replaced Lighting Controls 1R Not Installing Lighting Controls This Certificate of Compliance includes the following components (check all that apply) rcity/State/Zip: ca " �2Secf% CC, 922 (\ ❑ Mandatory Measures (Lighting Controls) ❑ Maximum Allowed Lighting Power ❑ Specific Lighting Sources 1. Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement (this may be a C1t1, C45 or other eligible person) I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. I am eligble under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the lighting design. This Certificate of Compliance identifies the lighting features and performance specifications required for compliance with Title 24, Parts 1 and G of the California Code of Regulations. The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. NarnG �A Signature Company: s Phone '7(.0 3y1 992 Address: r7 fo License number (may be contractor's lie —7(o3q0.1 - nig 2ra,lA r that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the rcity/State/Zip: ca " �2Secf% CC, 922 (\ Date 'i' N 13 2. Installation Certificate to be signed by re onsible etson after installation) Permit number Checked try/oate (Enfomement Agency Use ntbmement A en Use Installation Declaration statement I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Califomia, the information provided on this form is trace and correct. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction. I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcemetrt. agency. I certify that the requirements detailed on this Certificate of Compliance have been met. I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building v permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable. inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Company Name: Responsible Person's Name: L Responsible Person's Signature., _ J License number (may be contractor's lie,) Date Signed: Position With Company- '?C93�Ld i� J 3 ow A eP 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms October 2010 2 of 3/11/2013 10:42 AM SLTG- I C.pdf http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008pubi ications/CEC-400-2008-017/rev I... Certificate of Compliance Sign Lighting age 2 of 4 SLTG-IC Project Name: Date: Ego I Ve -T t� r 3. Mandatory Sin Lighting Controls NOTES.- OTES:1. 1.The some responsible person may install both the sign lighting poiver and the sign lighting controls, or a different responsible person may install the sign lighting controls than the responsible person installing the sign lighting power. 2. The Mandatory Measures (sign lighting controls) are required for compliance with the sign lighting Standards. If the person responsible for installing the sign lighting power is not also responsible for the sign lighting controls, then the owner of the sign, general contractor, or architect shall be responsible to have the sign lighting controls installed. 3. If more than one person has responsibility for compliance, each responsible person shall prepare and sign a Certificate of Compliance and an Installation Certificate applicable to the portion of construction for which they are responsible; alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for construction .shall prepare and sign the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement or the entire construction. 3a. Statements of Responsibility: Any person signing the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement on page 1 of 4 on this SLTG-1C shall complete Part 3a. Check Yes or No for all ofthe following statements: 1 Ihh a responsibility for installing the sign lighting controls 0® N Yes. complete parts 3a and 3b of this form 2 There are no existing sign lighting controls and I will be installing compliant sign lighting controls R ❑ Yes N No 3 There are no existing sign lighting controls and someone else will be responsible to install compliant sign lighting controls v Exception to §133(a)2. Outdoor signs in tunnels or large covered areas that require illumination during ❑ Yes ® No NA There are existing sign lighting controls that do not comply with the applicable provision of §119 and §133 and I will be 4 installing compliant sign lighting controls 1 ce ❑ Yes ® No §133(a)3. All outdoor signs are controlled with a dimmer that provides the ability to automatically reduce There are existing sign lighting controls that do not comply with the applicable provision of §119 and §133 and someone else 5 will be responsible to install compliant sign lighting controls ❑ Yes Q 'No 3b. Mandatory Sign Lighting Controls Ifthe person signing the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement on page 1 of 4 ofthis SLTG-'1C is responsible for complying with the sign lighting control requirements, that person shall answer all of the foHowing questions: If there are construction documents indicate where on the building plans the mandatory measures sign lighting control note block can be located: I §133(a)l. All indoor sign lightiug is controlled with an automatic time switch control that complies with the 'Y N NA aoPlicable re uirements of §119. ❑ ❑ 5r §133(a)1 and 2. All outdoor sign lighting is controlled with an automatic time switch control plus a photo Y N NA control, or an outdoor astronomical time switch, that comply with the applicableTeguirements of 119. R ❑ ❑ 2 Exception to §133(a)2. Outdoor signs in tunnels or large covered areas that require illumination during Y NA daylight hours. ❑ 1 ce §133(a)3. All outdoor signs are controlled with a dimmer that provides the ability to automatically reduce Y N 'NA sign power by a minimum of 65 percent during nighttime hours. ❑ ❑ -Gr Exception Ito §:133(a)3. Signs illuminated for less than one hour per day during daylight hours. v Y ❑ NA Cir 3 Exception 2 to §133(a)3. Outdoor signs in tunnels or large covered areas that require illumination during Y NA da light hours. ❑ Q - Exception 3 to §,133(a)3. Only metal halide, high pressure sodium, cold cathode, or neon lamps used for Y NA illuminating signs or parts of signs. ❑ Er §133(a)4. An Electronic Message Center (EMC) having a new connected lighting power load greater than y N N/A 15 kW has a control installed capable ofreducing the lighting power by a minimum of 30 percent when ❑ ❑ 5F 4 receiving a demand res onse si at that is sent out by the local utility, Exception to §133(x)4. EMC required by a health or life safety statue, ordinance, orregulation, including Y 'NA but not limited to exitss and traffic signs. ❑ li' Field Inspector Notes: 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms October 2010 3 of 5 3/11/2013 10:42 AM SLTG-1 C.pdf http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008pubIications/CEC-400-2008-017/rev 1... Certificate of Compliance Sign Lighting Page 3 of 4 SLTG-1C Project Name: Daze: 4. YIaximuni Allowed Lighting Power Method of Compliance Certificate of Compliance and Field ?Inspection :Energy Checklist Complete this part if there are signs using the maximum allowed lighting power method of compliance. (Complete part 5 of this Certificate of Compliance if there are signs using the S ecific lighting sources method of compliance) A B C D E I F G H I J Allowed Watts Design Complies? ' Watts Y / N O j o �O o .s CdT > 3 ' n Field C4.� v en N 6 Q .2 Inspector f Ll �"-- Cbeck that rnw < v Sign � Complies Description L f o I I C ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ A Symbol or code used on the plans Ly±en plans are uired and other documents. B A narrative description of the sign- or location of sign on the building; and the location of sign on construction documents. OPTIONAL - Check this box only if this sign has a permanent, pre-printed, factory -installed, ENERGY VERIFIED label, confirming that the sign complies with the Section 148 of the California 2008 Title 24, Part 6 Standards, using the Maximum Allowed Lighting Power method of compliance. The only labels that will be recognized for this purpose are ENERGY VERIFIED Certification Marks authorized by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or other Product Certification Body accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65 by the American National C Standards Institute in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011. Surveillance by the Accredited Certification Body shall be an ongoing annual inspection program carried out by a Type A Inspection body in accordance with .ISO/IEC 17020. For signs with such an ENERGY VERIFIED label, columns `D' through `P are not required to be filled out. Note: Using an ENERGY VERIFIED label is an optional method to validate compliance. An ENERGY VERIFIED label is not needed for compliance. D The sign area in square feet. E List "I" if the sign is internally illuminated. List "E" if the sign is externally illuminated. F Allowed watts per square foot. Enter 12 if the sign is listed as ".I" in column E. Enter 2.3 if sign is listed as "E" in column E. G Multiply the square footage in column D times the allowed Lighting Power Density PD = watts in column F. H Show the total installed watts in the si n, as determined accordi.na to the licable provisions of 130 d ore . I Enter Y if the number in column H is less than or equal to the number in column G. Otherwise, the sign does not comply. J 1 This page doubles as a field inspection checklist. Field Inspector Notes: 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms October 2010 4 of 5 3/11/2013 10:42 AM SLTG-1 C.pdf Imo` n http://www.energy.ca.gov/2008publications/CEC-400-2008-017/revI Certificate of Compliance (SignLigliting Page 4 of 4 SLTG-1C Project Narne: e , . ✓� Date: I -' u� b 0�_ i �3 5. Specific Lighting Source Method of Compliance Cei-tificate of Compliance and Field ;Inspection Enel-gy Checklist Complete this part if there are signs using the Specific lighting source method of compliance. (Complete part 4 of this Certificate of Compliance if there are signs using the maximum allowed lighting power method of compliance) A B C D E OPTIONAL ENERGY Specific light source used for Field Symbol VERIFIED compliance Inspector or Description label Shall include only lighting Check that Code (see instructions technologies listed below Sign Complies °> List all that apply 62 Gr � ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ A Svmbol or code used on the plans when plans are required) and other documents. B A narrative description of the sign, or location of sign on the building; and the location of sign on construction documents C OPTIONAL - Check this box only if this sign has a permanent pre-printed, factory -installed ENERGY VERIFIED label, confirniina that this sign complies with the Section 148 of the California 2008 Title 24, Part 6 Standards, using the Specific Lighting Source Method of Compliance. The only labels that will be recognized for this purpose are ENERGY VERIFIED Certification Marks authorized by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or other.Product Certification Body accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute in accordance with TSO/IEC 17011. Surveillance by the Accredited Certification Body shall be an ongoing annual inspection program carried out by a Type A Inspection body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020. For signs with such an ENERGY VERIFIED label, column `D' is not required to be filled out. Note: Using an ENERGY VERIFIED label is an optional method to validate compliance. An ENERGY VERIFIED label is not needed for compliance, Specific Light Source Compliance Method. The sign(s) identified above use only the following lighting technologies: List all applicablenunibers 1 through 10 that applyin column'D above for each row. 1 High pressure sodium lamps 2 Pulse start or ceramic metal halide lamps served by a ballast with 88% efficiency 3 Pulse start metal halide lamps that are . 320 watts, are not 250 watt or 175 watt lamps, and are served by a ballast with . 80% efficiency 4 Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer or power supply efficient 75% with rated output current < 50 mA 5 1 Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer or power supply efficient 68% with rated out ut current . 50 WA D Fluorescent lamps with aminitnum colorrendering index (CRI) of 80 6 (Note: when using electronic ballasts for compliance, lamps with a CRI < 80 may be used 7 Light emitting diodes(LEDs) with a power supply with . 80% efficiency Single voltage LED external power supplies designed to convert 120 volt AC input into lower voltage DC or AC 8 output, having a nameplate output power less than or equal to 250 watts, and certified to the Energy Commission as complying with the applicable recluirements of the Appliance Efficiency Regulations Title 20 9 Com act fluorescent tarn s that do not contain a medium screw base sockets E24/E26 10 Electronic ballasts with a fundamental out ut fire uenc 20 kHz E This page doubles as a field inspection checklist. Field: Inspector Notes: 2008 Nonresidential Compliance. Forms October 2010 5 of 5 3/11/2013 10:42 AM