0403-157 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 74619$ S CI O7LARATION Date — 't Signature of ContractorOWNER-BUILDER DE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) 1, as owner of the Proeertv, am exclusively contractina with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. N(/) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section'3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier 3Tti:7'F I:llt<Iiy Policy No. 046 -OI t?4I192zx-0t C (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California/ and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation p 9vislons of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith gomply with those provisions. DD�ate:��I1 _1)l pplicant ,--,,-warning: Failure to secure Worker Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in 110 addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemni D & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employe 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and voi work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of s permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellat' n. I certify that I have read this applicaVon and state that the above informati is correct. I agree to comply with al City, and State laws relating to the buil construction, and hereby author,)�e representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property o inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) Date6� t BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# ' 0403-157DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT $104,C52.50 a2 B1 X 20.5 JOB SITE APN ADDRESS !3-M0 A i NUM'VI LA 774-0"-W2 OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER A fit: M BIiII'..I)M- 8 +4 & M CO S RUMION 7EI-M0 E:A"Glg CAMP, 78-'100 U,f'si, XCAM, LA QXM4TA. CA. 9253 LA QUINTA CA 92253 (760)364-41332 CIBIX 626 USE OF PERMIT .'Sih'fit'RZ FilmrUf 17PO S.F. S?D PH. "MIT DOES NOT INCLUDE 13LOCK `WAI L, POOL£SPA Oft DRIV ,A.YAPPROACH TRACT C`-ONSTRUCT110N 1,700,110 5'E+ PORCH/PATIO 12X.00 SP 0AjUWFJC4?tiPORT 517,00 SP NZYM-TA.TF31) COSIT OF COO i"lUU+:'.I'dt'N 1;344:€3 2M PRJUAMFEE SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION ITU I0I.000-418.000 $07.00 PLAN CHECK F 11 101-000t 039-318 $548.17 ['F.L DEPOSIT 101-000-439.318 4150.00 A YCHANWAI, FEE 101 _000-422 -000 $66.30 M C:TRIC.AL FEE I01�000.420.000 S11&34 PLU.MtNNO Fitt? 101-000-419-000 $130.00 STROHO MOTION FEE - REBID 101 R000.7A I.000 210141 GRADING FEL 101-000-423-000 0.423-000 M 5.09 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEE T -4Q0&00 PRZC1SF. PLAN 101-000— 44.'1- 345 $100.010 ffU13-TOT`AT,CC)N:irRUCT109AND PiAWCI CK $4,030.72 M Q I 03 PRE -PAID FEES 42,.0.00 'eQ"IWI,110M _r. FEES DUE NOW MAR 331800,1126 112004 CITY OF LA QUINTq FINANCE DEQ RECEIPT DATE / BY � DATE FINALED INSPECTOR r INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Forms & Footings j� �� S_T— Underground Ducts Ducts Slab Grade _ Return Air Steel _ Combustion Air Roof Deck !�i Q� Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap _ F.A.U. Framing S�Q G Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath 67 Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final I I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test + Electric Final Waste Lines % Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole QLl Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 1,700 S.F. or $3,638.00 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By C/C Palm Desert National Bank, Rick Morris Check No. 088064 Name on the check Telephone 564-4832 Funding Residential By dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exem d by Pa7-aBarbuzza Payment Recd $3,638.00 Over/Under Signature NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 60220(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to Another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. F NOT#CE: 7This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands Unified School District z4�c 47950 Dune Palms Road r Q BERMUDA DUNES Date 3/11/04 La Quinta >' CA 92253 rn RANCHO MIRAGE � INDIAN WELLS �. No. 25633 760 ) 771-8515 PALM DESERT LA QUINTA QINDIQ L� 0 Owner A&M Builders APN # 774-064-002 Address 78070 Calle Cadiz Jurisdiction La Quinta City La Quinta Zip 92253 Permit # 0403-157 Tract # BLK205 Study Area Type Single Family Residence No. of Units 1 Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street S.F. Unit 1 22 53060 Avenida Villa 1700 Unit 6 Unit 2 Unit 7 Unit 3 Unit 8 Unit 4 Unit 9 Unit 5 Unit 10 Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 1,700 S.F. or $3,638.00 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By C/C Palm Desert National Bank, Rick Morris Check No. 088064 Name on the check Telephone 564-4832 Funding Residential By dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exem d by Pa7-aBarbuzza Payment Recd $3,638.00 Over/Under Signature NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 60220(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to Another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. F NOT#CE: 7This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting AUG -16-2004 06:22 AM �e(� ECEIV'D ERTIFICATE OF'FIELD VERIFICA NOSTIC Firm:.T_C. � SOGI Street Address: Copies to: Builder, HERS Provider P.01 F -4R G Plan Number Semple Group Nuilber sample House Number ,.,eider: J-G-d-Y&dclA� cicyistatealp: LW Chu �r G!9gz RS RAT R COMP61ANCE SiATEMjNT The house was: A Tested ❑ Approved as part of Samplp testing, but was not tested As the HERS rotor providing diegnostle testing and field verification. I certify that the houses identified on this form cc Iy with the diagnostic tested compliance requirements as checked on this form. Distribution system is fully'ducted (I.e„ does not use building cavities as plenums or platform returns in ileu of ducts) Where cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape Is installed, mastic and drewbands are used In combination with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CREDIT Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing Results (Maximum 6% Duct Leakage) Meas-ired Duct Pressurization Test Results (CFM ® 25 Pa) values Test Leakage Flow In CFM If fan flow is calculated as 400cfm/ton x number of tons enter calculated value here If fan flow is measured enter measpred value here Leakage Percentage (100 x Test Leakage/Fan Flow) a �"4 13 Check Box for Pass or Fall (Passue% or less) ass Fail THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE TXV or Commission approved equivalent Yes ❑ No Thermostatic Expansion Valve (or Commission approved ❑ equivalent) is Installed and Access Is provided for inspection Yes Is a pass Pass Fail ❑ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT DESIGN COMPLIANCE CREDIT 1. ❑ Yes O No ACCA Manual D Design requirements have been met (rater has verified that actual installation matches values in CF -`IR and design on plan. , 2. M Yes ❑ No TXV is Installed or Fan Row has been verified. If no TXV, verified fan flow matches design from CF -1 R. Measured Fan Flow = Yes for both 1 and 2 Is a Pass pass Fail •rwLi 0 Certificate4 of Occupancy `,C Lrcoroenhn�4� OFT�9�� Building & Safety Department This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 53-060 AVENIDA VILLA Use classification: SFD � Building Permit No.: 0403-157 Occupancy Group: R3 .Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RC Owner of Building: A & M BUILDERS Address: 78-070 CALLE CADIZ City, ST, ZIP: LA QUINTA CA 92253 By: KIRK KIRKLAND Date: 8-12-2004 Building Official - POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TRUSSWOR S A Company You Can T; 75-110 ST. CHARLES PLACE SUITE 11A PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PHONE: 760-341-2232 • FAX: 760-341-2293 MANUFACTURING YARD: 55755 TYLER STREET, THERMAL, CA 92274 FAX: 760-399-9786 CITY OF LA. QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR. CONSTRUCTION DATE 3 O� BY t � JOB NO.: 2) NAME:` 1 PROJECT: \"C9Ak,- 1 Y)U - `-Z' r. NATIONAL INSPECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. Report Number: A ! 0 3 Quality Systems Management, Inc. National Testing, Inc. A.cc:-e/litcd 0tcc,.lity A.gsirralrcc / Cn;1t:-ol Agcncy .IAS .,IA -53.3 Iiletal' Plate Connected food Truss Non Listed Fabricator's Audit Audit Date/Arrive/Depart: /d -�?/ 0 3 /o;�C / - - Origination Date: 07-2003 Revision,,V'o. C Al :113 Fabricator's Name: '7�l�U�SC1 �o�2KS Location: (ni Does the Fabricator have a current Agreement with the Agency for Audit? .....:............................ Yes _�/ No Is the Quality System Manual, "QSM" up to date per AC -10 & AC -98? ...................... _............... Yes _� No Has the QSM been reviewed within a twelve month period? ...................................... _............... Yes No Are materials used in Production per National Standards & Engineers Specifications? .............. Yes ✓ No Is an acceptable In -House Quality Control System according to National Standards in place?.. Yes l✓ No r Are In -House Quality Control Inspections being conducted per National Standards?_ ............... Yes No Is f=inal InsE,ectlon of the Trusses completed prior to Laboling & Shipment? .............................. Yes l No Is there a System in place to deal with Non -Conforming Materials? ............................................ Yes ✓ No Are written Q.C. Inspection Reports and Agency Audits kept for at least two years? .................. Yes ✓ No Have any Corrective Action Requests, "CAR", been issued during this Audit? ............................ Yes No Product C'Iieclk CATEGORY CONFORMING NON -CONFORM. REMARKS Lumber Grade Changes In Supervisory Personnel, Production Process Joint Accuracy is within 1/8" ✓ Per A098 ' Plate Piauerneli - ��jp ANSI I I t'I Z002 Plate Size ICC ES Plate to Wood Tolerance is within 1/32" , Label Legibility - Labels on Site - Stamps,? Labels CATEGORY YES NO REMARKS -- Changes In Supervisory Personnel, Production Process ✓ Per A098 Any Test Performed or Witnessed // Per AC -98 Is There Product Tractability Per AC -98 Any "CAR" Reports From Las'. Audit Per AC -98 Any Shut Downs or Disruptions In Production f Per AC -98 Any Samples Taken ✓ Per AC -98 Any Test / Measuring Equipment That Requires Calibration Per AC -98 Does the Final Product meet UBC / IBC and National Standards? Required Signatures 7­3_�Fa for Q.C. Supervisor �Sm Auditor for National Inspection Association P.O. Box 3426 E -Mail: NIAgillette@vcti.com (307) 685-6331 Office Gillette, Wyoming 82717-3426 Cellular Phone: (307) 689-5977 (307) 685-6331 Fax Page One of Two 1. f Phone (760) 341-2232 MA L I B U Fax # (760) 391-2293 4D a� LENCH T RU S S W O RK S A Company You Can Truss! 75-110 St_ Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 18-11-8 21-4 12 A '0' 011991 { 31l2QS9 EXP OM r�OF CRi FEB 0 3 2004 SALES REP SS WO# B4463 DUE DATE DSGNR/CHKR SB / SB Date 2/3/2004 16:50 TC Live 20.00 psf DurFac-Lbr 1.25 TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFac-Plt 1.25 BC Live 0.00 psf O.C. Spacing 24.0 BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 #Tr/#Cfg : 43 / 9 Total 37.00 psf Job Name: MALIBU 12 Truss ID: Al Qty: 1 Drwg: TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E GBL SLK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT 01607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. I.] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. ••(PM]=PLATE MONITOR USED -See Joint Report— Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals deaigned for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 0� This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.08 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 13.0 psf _ _= Joint Locations ===== =1= 0- 0- 0 18 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 19 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 20 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 21 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 22 5- 4- 0 6 6- 8- 0 23 6- 8- 0 7 8- 0- 0 24 8- 0- 0 8 9- 4- 0 25 9- 4- 0 9 10- 8- 0 26 10- 8- 0 10 12- 0- 0 27 12- 0- 0 11 13- 4- 0 28 13- 4- 0 12 14- 8- 0 29 14- 8- 0 13 16- 0- 0 30 16- 0- 0 14 17- 4- 0 31 17- 4- 0 15 18- 8- 0 32 18- 8- 0 16 20- 0- 0 33 20- 0- 0 ,- 4- 0 -10 19 LV LI LG LJ LY GJ Lv LI Lv La .,v .,, .+L vvv+ JIUIi FEB d 3 2004 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 2/3/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = V all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84463 ®WARMNIGRead This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr• • are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 psf P Re Mbr Brtd 1.15 P noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal so(hvare', 'ANSI1TPI 1','WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33076 Job Name: MALIBU 12 21-4-0 Truss ID: A2 Qty: 10 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F 1.5E Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 769 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 ® See Standard details (TX01087001-001). Support 1 -173 lb 2 21- 2- 4 769 3.50• 1.So• WEB 2x4 HF STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -173 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This trues is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. UBC -97 Code. Chk: ' End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.33 0.33 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -2078 0.04 0.56 0.60 TC Dead 10.00 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -1420 0.05 0.62 0.67 psf Mean roof height = 16.08 ft, mph 80 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment 11 will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 13.0 psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 5-6 1958 0.29 0.13 0.43 6-7 2075 0.31 0.11 0.42 TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33077 7-8 3 0.00 0.11 0.11 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -165 0.06 3-7 -823 0.24 2-5 -2040 0.92 4-7 1530 0.53 2-6 169 0.07 4-8 -758 0.23 3-6 139 0.04 I 4-0.T T2-" 1 66-8-0 66-8-0 6-8-0 13-4-0 2 3 0� 88-M 21-4-0 4 3-8 2-4 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MSM 6-7 (LIVE) L= -0.15" D= -0.12" T= -0 ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 6- 8- 0 6 8- 0- 0 3 13- 4- 0 7 16- 0- 0 4 21- 4- 0 8 21- 4- 0 f,cl:s 21-4-0 u 1818-8-0 5 6 7 8-0n B-0� 5-4-0 B STUB F EB p 3 2 Ed1.t1 1fi-(1-n 2t -a-0 2/3/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WANING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: B4463 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCan Trussl p you is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment 11 will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/'fPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33077 Job Name: MALIBU 12 3RG R -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 1980 3.50• 2.12• 2 39-10- 4 1480 3.50" 2.12" 3RG REQUIREMENTS Shown are based ONLY rn the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.36 0.36 2-3 -4986 0.34 0.41 0.75 3-4 -6796 0.48 0.34 0.82 4-5 -6298 0.41 0.32 0.74 5-6 -3921 0.13 0.39 0.51 6-7 -5 0.00 0.39 0.39 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 8-9 4305 0.42 0.13 0.54 9-10 6566 0.64 0.11 0.74 LO -11 6903 0.67 0.12 0.78 L1-12 5768 0.56 0.09 0.65 .2-13 3364 0.50 0.13 0.64 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -162 0.06 4-11 -693 0.33 2-8 -4485 0.88 5-11 682 0.24 2-9 990 0.34 5-12 -2011 0.68 3-9 -1697 0.56 6-12 1062 0.37 3-10 280 0.10 6-13 -3594 0.94 4-10 135 0.06 7-13 -163 0.06 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A3 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5B 2x4 SPF 2100F -1.8E 3-5 BC 2x4 SPF 210OF-1.8E 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE 12-13 WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 8-2 GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. T 472-M ®web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (Tx01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-8� 66-8-0 6-8=0 6-8-0 13-4-0 20-0-0 2 3 4 0� 1 D UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -236 lb Support 2 -236 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph = 80 DEC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 13.0 psf 66-8-0 66-8-0 6-8-0 26-8-0 33-4-0 40-0-0 5 6 7 ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 6- 8- 0 9 8- 0- 0 3 13- 4- 0 10 16- 0- 0 4 20- 0- 0 11 24- 0- 0 5 26- 8- 0 12 32- 0- 0 6 33- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 7 40- 0- 0 16-" 24-0-0 32-0-0 40-0-0 FEB 032M 2/3/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = 1' all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84463 ®WAPNINGRead This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You CTruss I p y an is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL EIC Dead 7.00 psf P Design Spec UBC -97 9 P Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I I 1 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33078 69" Job Name: MALIBU 12 Truss ID: A4 Qty: 15 Drw : ® RGR-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 1522 3.50^ 2.18- T R U S S W O R KS A Company YCTl p youanruss 2x4 SPF 230OF-1.8E 3-5 ® See standard details (TX01087001-001). Support 1 -239 lb BC Live 0.00 p psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 37.00 psf 2 39-10- 4 1538 3.50- 2.20- BC 2x4 SPP 210OF-1.88 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -242 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 12-13 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed uBing the n the truss material at each bearing WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. UBC -97 Code. 2x4 SPF 1650P-1.51? 8-2 PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CST Permanent bracing is required (by others) to Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Trues Location = End Zone 1-2 5 0.00 0.41 0.41 prevent rotation/toppling. See HIB -91 and End verticals designed for axial loads only. Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -5161 0.36 0.49 0.85 ANSI/TPI 1-1995 or ANSI/TPI 1-2002. Extensions above or below the truss profile Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 3-4 -7117 0.53 0.41 0.94 (if any) require additional consideration Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph 80 4-5 -6654 0.47 0.39 0.86 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 13.0 psf 5-6 -4113 0.14 0.44 0.58 ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS ---------------- 6-7 -5 0.00 0.44 0.44 Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 60.00 0- 0- 0 60.00 40- 0- 0 0.67 BC FORCE AXL END CSI BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 40- 0- 0 0.00 8-9 4445 0.43 0.15 0.58 ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL 9-10 6840 0.66 0.13 0.79 TC Vert 50.0 20- 0- 0 0.54 0-11 7289 0.71 0.14 0.84 TC Vert 50.0 26- 8- 0 0.54 1-12 6106 0.59 0.11 0.70 2-13 3518 0.53 0.16 0.68 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI MAX DEFLECTION (span) 1-8 -163 0.06 4-11 -726 0.34 L/499 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) 2-8 -4632 0.92 5-11 706 0.24 L= -0.96" D= -0.81" T= -1 2-9 1041 0.36 5-12 -2169 0.74 3-9 -1803 0.59 6-12 1135 0.39 Joint Locations 3-10 338 0.12 6-13 -3759 0.98 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 4-10 -200 0.09 7-13 -163 0.06 2 6- 8- 0 9 8- 0- 0 3 13- 4- 0 10 16- 0- 0 4 20- 0- 0 11 24- 0- 0 5 26- 8- 0 12 32- 0- 0 6$� 6-8_ 0 66-8-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 6 33- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 6-8-0 13-4-0 20-0-0 26-8-0 33-4-0 40-0-0 7 40- 0- 0 T 4-72-0-0 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 50# 50# T 4-" I SHIP 3-12 3-12 40-M 8 9 10 11 8-0=0 8-" 8-0-0� 8-0-0 8-" 16-" 24-0-0 32-" 12 13 88-M 40-0-0 NO 011991 y�.�s�azoos J f�xaurt FEB a 3 2004 2/3/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy ojit to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: B4463 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 T R U S S W O R KS A Company YCTl p youanruss utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI F,'WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1 111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 p psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 37.00 psf O.C.S acin 2- 0- 0 p g Design Spec UBC -97 Seqn T6.4.12 - 33079 7" Job Name: MALIBU 12 RG X -IAC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 1480 3.50" 2.12• 2 39-10- 4 1480 3.50• 2.12• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.36 0.36 2-3 -4986 0.34 0.41 0.75 3-4 -6796 0.48 0.34 0.82 4-5 -6298 0.41 0.32 0.74 5-6 -3921 0.13 0.39 0.51 6-7 -5 0.00 0.39 0.39 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-9 4305 0.42 0.13 0.54 9-10 6566 0.64 0.11 0.74 0-11 6903 0.67 0.12 0.78 1-12 5768 0.56 0.09 0.65 2-13 3364 0.50 0.13 0.64 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -162 0.06 4-11 -693 0.33 2-8 -4485 0.88 5-11 682 0.24 2-9 990 0.34 5-12 -2011 0.68 3-9 -1697 0.56 6-12 1062 0.37 3-10 280 0.10 6-13 -3594 0.94 4-10 135 0.06 7-13 -163 0.06 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A5 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 2x4 SPF 210OF-1.88 3-5 BC 2x4 SPP 2100F-1.88 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 12-13 WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 8-2 GBL SLR 2x4 HF STUD End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 6-8=0 __, 6-8-0 1 T 112-M 3-12 6-8_0 13-4-0 2 ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-8=0 6-8_0 20-" 26-8-0 3 4 025 1 D UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -236 lb Support 2 -236 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph80 USC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = =13.0 psf 6-8=0 6-8-0 33-4-0 40-0-0 5 6 7 8 88-0� 8-0-0 9 - - - - - - 3-10 10 11 12 13 8-M 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-0� 16-0-0 24-0-0 32-" 40-" FEB 0 3 200k 5 ===== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 6- 8- 0 9 8- 0- 0 3 13- 4- 0 10 16- 0- 0 4 20- 0- 0 11 24- 0- 0 5 26- 8- 0 12 32- 0- 0 6 33- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 7 40- 0- 0 T 2/3/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = 1' YY Alli T V G Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: B4463 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTl p youanruss is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf P Design Spec UBC -97 9 P Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 11 I 1 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33080 69" Job Name: MALIBU 12 Truss ID: A6 Qty: 6 Drw : RG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQD TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 21- 2- 4 7.01 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650P -1.5E ® See standard details (TR01087001-001). Support 1 -161 lb 2 39-10- 4 701 3.50• 1.50- WEB 2x4 HF STUD Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -161 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This trues is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. UBC -97 Code. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed = Yea, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location End Zone 1-2 -715 0.00 0.34 0.35 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1364 0.02 0.42 0.43 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -5 0.00 0.42 0.42 Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph80 =13.0 USC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - psf BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 -2 0.00 0.11 0.11 6-7 1253 0.11 0.20 0.32 7-8 1311 0.20 0.13 0.33 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -695 0.25 3-7 118 0.05 1-6 896 0.31 3-8 -1400 0.66 2-6 -708 0.22 4-8 -161 0.06 2-7 121 0.05 55-7-8 66-8-0 5-7-8 12-3-8 1 2 3 02_ 66-8-0 18-11-8 4 2-4 4-4 18-11-8 21-0-8 STUB 5 6 7 8 2-11-8 8-0-0 8-0-0 2-11-8 10-11-8 18-11-8 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 7-8 (LIVE) L= -0.08" D= -0.06" T= -0 ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 5- 7- 8 6 2-11- 8 3 12- 3- 8 7 10-11- 8 4 18-11- 8 8 18-11- 8 4-0-0 * 011941 c SHIP ta/$�/j005 F e, 0 3 24 2/3/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: B4463 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chit' and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 T R U S S W O R KS A Company YCan Trussl p you utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSUCPI 1','WTCA F- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf P BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 37.00 psf O.C.S acin 2- 0- 0 P g Design Spec UBC -97 Seqn T6.4.12 - 33091 Job Name: MALIBU 12 3RGR-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 21- 2- 4 701 3.50 . 1.50• 2 39-10- 4 701 3.50• 1.50• 3RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY )n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -715 0.00 0.34 0.35 2-3 -1364 0.02 0.42 0.43 3-4 -5 0.00 0.42 0.42 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 -2 0.00 0.11 0.11 6-7 1253 0.11 0.20 0.32 7-8 1311 0.20 0.13 0.33 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -695 0.25 3-7 118 0.05 1-6 896 0.31 3-8 -1400 0.66 2-6 -708 0.22 4-8 -161 0.06 2-7 121 0.05 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 Truss ID: A7 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPP 1650P -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 30 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [r] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 6311intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 4-0-0 2-5-4 1 ®web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (TR01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 5-75-7 8 6-86-80 5-7-8 12-3-8 2 3 0 1 6-86-8 18-11-8 4 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -161 lb Support 2 -161 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yee, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 16.27 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 13.0 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 7-8 (LIVE) L= -0.08" D= -0.06" T= -0 ---== Joint Locations ===- 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 5- 7- 8 6 2-11- 8 3 12- 3- 8 7 10-11- 8 4 18-11- 8 8 18-11- 8 21-0-8 STUB 5 6 tt-1� 2-11-8 0:2-1 10-11-8 7 8 8-0-0 18.11.8 �A All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: B4463 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: aze to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l P y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 7$-11 O St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf P Design Spec UBC -97 9 P Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I I 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33082 Job Mime: MALIBU 12 FORCE ARL END CSI 5-6 Truss ID: B1 Qty: 10 Drw : RG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E WEB Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 785 3.50" 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.58 1-5 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -173 lb 2 21- 2- 4 790 3.50° 3.50" WEB 2x4 HF STUD is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise be in MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -175 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY BEG BLR 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing End verticals designed for axial loads only. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. UBC -97 Code. Design Spec UBC -97 Extensions above or below the truss profile Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI (if any) require additional consideration Seqn T6.4.12 - 33083 Truss Location End Zone 1-2 -1868 0.07 0.51 0.58 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 2-3 -1813 0.03 0.43 0.46 Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph80 =13.0 3-4 -1823 0.06 0.48 0.54 DHC Special Occupancy, Dead Load psf BC FORCE ARL END CSI 5-6 -3 0.00 0.13 0.13 6-7 1923 0.29 0.08 0.36 7-8 53 0.00 0.14 0.14 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 4-8 43 0.43 2-6 -423 0.08 BE 2 -789 0.23 2-7 -120 0.13 1-5 -741 0.28 3-7 -449 0.09 1-6 1934 0.67 4-7 1860 0.64 I 4 -2 -OT 2-2-0 1 7-0-3 7-0-3 7-0-3 14-0-5 2 3 025 7-3-11_� 21-4-0 4 i•1 7 7-0-3 6 7-0-3 14-0-5 7 8 7-3-11 21-4-U MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 6-7 (LIVE) L. -0.15" D= -0.13" T= -0 =-. Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0- 3 6 7- 0- 3 3 14- 0- 5 7 14- 0- 5 4 21- 0- 8 8 21- 0- 8 2-4 TIE V14W u_ cl'N7f v y 1MIMI05 7` EX�wn s OF A�IfOP 2/3/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84463 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr• ' are [o be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise be in TC Dead 10.00 psf P R0 Mbr Bnd 1.15 P noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not placed any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 33083 Job Name: MALIBU 12 Truss ID: B2 Qty: 1 Drwg: TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BRG ELK 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. I 4-24FF 12 -2-° 1 •[PM]=PLATS MONITOR USED -See Joint Report** Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 01607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 178 025 4-4 2-4 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 336 This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.16 ft, mph SO UHC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 13.0 psf SHIP 2. -5 1-11.0 1 2-4 TIE _=== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 19 0- 0 0 2 1- 4- 0 20 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 21 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 22 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 23 5- 4- 0 6 6- 8- 0 24 6- 8- 0 7 7- 0- 3 25 7- 0- 3 8 8- 0- 0 26 8- 0- 0 9 9- 4- 0 27 9- 4- 0 10 10- 8- 0 28 10- 8- 0 11 12- 0- 0 29 12- 0- 0 12 13- 4- 0 30 13- 4- 0 13 14- 8- 0 31 14- 8- 0 14 16- 0- 0 32 16- 0- 0 15 17- 4- 0 33 17- 4- 0 16 18- 8- 0 34 18- 8- 0 17 20- 0- 0 35 20- 0- 0 18 21- 0- 8 36 21- 0- 8 10131f2WS exa *aE TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 C" E� ®� 2/3/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: B4463 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: T R U S S W O R KS A Company You Can Trussl and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any Dsgnr• TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 s Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/fPI I','WTCA I'- Wood Thus Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I I 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 37.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec UBC -97 Seqn T6.4.12 - 33084 RECOMMENDED CONNECTION DETAILS THESE DETAILS ARE INTENDED TO SHOW MINIMUM REQUIRED CONNECTIONS RECOMMENDED BY TRUSWAL SYSTEMS. THE DETAILS DO NOT REPLACE OR SUPERSEDE ANY DETAILS SPECIFIED BY A PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT ON A PARTICULAR PROJECT, NOR f HAVE THEY BEEN ANALYZED FOR SEISMIC AND WIND FORCES ACTING ON THE CONNEC- - TIONS FROM THE RESPONSE OF THE STRUCTURE TO SUCH LOADS. IT IS RECOK ENDED THAT THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT BE OBTAINED BEFORE USING THESE DETAILS. BEARING REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON SPECIFIC `.TRUSS DESIGNS 11TUST BE SATISFIED, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS FOR UPLIFT REACTIONS. TRUSS CONNECTION TO EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. (TYP.) BLOCK- BLOCY. „�� BLOCK BLOCKTOP C� O�v` BOT 4 .�- TOP PLATES - CHORD SECT. A=A I I TRUSS (TY -P. ) PROCEDURE 1 TOE --NAIL BLOCK TO TRUSS WITH 1-16d COMMON Nh,Ii,. 2 PL..0 J_. IQ%;�-:7' '1' I I US S a' i r�G. INST BLOCK AND TOE -NAIL TRLr--,S TO TOP PLATE WITH 2-16d COMMON NAILS. 3 END N=_IL THROiIGH. TRUSS IDITO BLOCK W 1I 1-i.(id CO?��ON iA21,. A PLACE NE?:T :'LOCK AGF_INST TRUSS AND REPEAT STEPS 1 THROUGH 5 BLOCKS MAY ; ;77 A.T7'ACHED TO TOP PLATE IJIT:T SIi'IPS:AV A35 ' (UR F 'UI'Y. ) FRAMING ANCHORS. SEE. MANUFACTURER'S C.ATAL � SPECIE ICATICi?S . OG FOR DETAILS <sIi) i ' c".l'c;lI.Oi•. BElF _1:G'y7ALLS _PACINGI• •S O " b bND VE -r T RUP 1 WILL MUST BE AT HEIGHT SPECIFIED ON THE DESIGN DRAWING OF. DUST BE SHIMU ED TO THE CORRECT HEIGHT. u USE 2-16d CO_f'MON NAILS TOE -NAILED INTO THE TOP PLATE THROUGH EACH TRUSS. DIAGONAL 'X' BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ENDS OF THE BUILDING (OR WALL) AND AT A I✓k ; . OF 16' INTERVALS ALONG WALL. 'X' BRACING IS 'iTN. 2x3 MATERIAL WITH 2-8d NAILS EACH ENi. BLOCKING SIMILe.R TO EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL IS RECO_�_ENDED. TRUSS CONNECTION TO NON-BEPRING PARTITI WALL PERPENi)ICULAR TO TRUSS -2-BOT CHORD =-- �-'- 2X TOP PLATE I - SECT. B 1-16d COIF??.ION NAIL OR r _ 1CM WALLS SS/- Q �Ja. C.45�82 m m exP. 12/31/06 -0 C/V\\- OF�(Ml WALL PAR.r.L_-EL TO TRUSS 2X4 BLOCKT G BOT C.117 - P 2PLATE X / SECT. C TO {-=---- 1-16d CO!,,240N Np.I i, OR 24" 0 SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV.) �'1== i TRUSS CLIP FILE NO. CD -1 AaMb..� DATE: 9/10/92 T RUSIVAL REF.: DES. BY: L.M. CK. BY: ®0®®®®® 15�5'iAS U IJT6 II STUDS @ -•r- A - O.C. ( TYP . 1 �, BLOCKTOP C� O�v` BOT 4 .�- TOP PLATES - CHORD SECT. A=A I I TRUSS (TY -P. ) PROCEDURE 1 TOE --NAIL BLOCK TO TRUSS WITH 1-16d COMMON Nh,Ii,. 2 PL..0 J_. IQ%;�-:7' '1' I I US S a' i r�G. INST BLOCK AND TOE -NAIL TRLr--,S TO TOP PLATE WITH 2-16d COMMON NAILS. 3 END N=_IL THROiIGH. TRUSS IDITO BLOCK W 1I 1-i.(id CO?��ON iA21,. A PLACE NE?:T :'LOCK AGF_INST TRUSS AND REPEAT STEPS 1 THROUGH 5 BLOCKS MAY ; ;77 A.T7'ACHED TO TOP PLATE IJIT:T SIi'IPS:AV A35 ' (UR F 'UI'Y. ) FRAMING ANCHORS. SEE. MANUFACTURER'S C.ATAL � SPECIE ICATICi?S . OG FOR DETAILS <sIi) i ' c".l'c;lI.Oi•. BElF _1:G'y7ALLS _PACINGI• •S O " b bND VE -r T RUP 1 WILL MUST BE AT HEIGHT SPECIFIED ON THE DESIGN DRAWING OF. DUST BE SHIMU ED TO THE CORRECT HEIGHT. u USE 2-16d CO_f'MON NAILS TOE -NAILED INTO THE TOP PLATE THROUGH EACH TRUSS. DIAGONAL 'X' BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ENDS OF THE BUILDING (OR WALL) AND AT A I✓k ; . OF 16' INTERVALS ALONG WALL. 'X' BRACING IS 'iTN. 2x3 MATERIAL WITH 2-8d NAILS EACH ENi. BLOCKING SIMILe.R TO EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL IS RECO_�_ENDED. TRUSS CONNECTION TO NON-BEPRING PARTITI WALL PERPENi)ICULAR TO TRUSS -2-BOT CHORD =-- �-'- 2X TOP PLATE I - SECT. B 1-16d COIF??.ION NAIL OR r _ 1CM WALLS SS/- Q �Ja. C.45�82 m m exP. 12/31/06 -0 C/V\\- OF�(Ml WALL PAR.r.L_-EL TO TRUSS 2X4 BLOCKT G BOT C.117 - P 2PLATE X / SECT. C TO {-=---- 1-16d CO!,,240N Np.I i, OR 24" 0 SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV.) �'1== i TRUSS CLIP FILE NO. CD -1 AaMb..� DATE: 9/10/92 T RUSIVAL REF.: DES. BY: L.M. CK. BY: ®0®®®®® 15�5'iAS 0 -1a, DAI E HIP FRAMING DETAIL 1/2-1/98 I. 2x4 POST ATTACHED TO EACH TRUSS PANEL POINT AND OVLRItEAD PURLI N P C-IZ- a,'_0 it , ;-.C. , 2. 2x4 91 IIP OR #2 DF PURLINS 4• - 0 •• O C 2x4 III IIF OR #2 OF 0:INTIN000S STIFFENER ATTACHED TO POST. I 11PTRUSS t! SETBAC `: FROM H<; ',VAL.[, AS NO TD ON TRUSS DESIGN. 5 fi'i'FENDIi[) I'{Nl) J:\C't, l OP CHORD (I")'PIC:AI_) 6-. COMMON TRUSS 7. HIP CORNER RAFTER. jq 2. 1 x4 CONTINUOUS LATEKAI, BKACi VC;. S FXTFNI)I:D BOTTOM CHORD I� i.-ATERAL STA131L1TY Gf' ROOF SYSTEAM IS PER BUILDING MIGNER. �thl- O .,a RWAMWMA S IMISWAL SYSIt N15 CCI6'(:)QAII0N SECTION A SECTION B KA It^ GO <1P i ((JJ Z w N* 4590 r d hCp.1 1106 X s C) V �TFOF CALIF%�' (:D)_ ADFQUA-11-1 CONN'ECMN BY.07-Hf?Its ("IYpfc-..j IlVARN.VIG Aead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to tire Erecting Con'; actor. I'--'c:ea�yr� IS lel all rndiv,dudl budOrny CORIPiNI nl. It Ira$ bene based on spoons JUonS provWmj Uy Ina Lwnppnenl nlant, .-:lwe, and Oona III a'Ctllual—'nun 1110 Cu—Ill va,sl.ns OI 1PI and AFPA d0arun sldlrO.WS No,U: 1--Uiuly G assurnuo tut UunnnsronJl aCCurv:'y. Unnans.)na are It( l u0 vunLuf{ by Intl iW111)onurll lnanulact.lar dlr J,'u, b„rIII U dus,unut pilot Id *011 al un Ilio bu,ldnly dns:yn0, illdl ds_,:::a,n IlIdl Intl IWUI apbtml -idos Jusrun 1-0 111 ..Cued Ino IW dmu unpusuJ by 11" IUWI Um101ni) Cale It IS 41LUIIIUII Incl Inn IUP C11610. 1 IS 1:ally DraCall by Ina nd U, n0: 1 snJnlnrnrl and:h...Il.rrl Crw,d ri W-111; reio,l Uy a r.y-d snnelrrnry tn:Ju 1 Jnu, a11a, d. wan"s Urnu�: _ "...I bta wry slrfrwrr is Idr Ia10rdl supporl of Co,Opon.nls rnan,b0,s Wry 'to, Wcu boclJulu I..0111. Trtu Cornpurranl sail -I Ua placed ... y Onv,t Otu11W Ileal 1n r., ,u Il:u rrlursinra C-1.111 .I Ind w..,! a•CuuU 17\ "tmu, C.— CunrrnClur plalu C.:,irsr.n. F,wn ta. I—old. arslall :,.J It,— Ind Iluas ul WJOnCu 1.11, Ina Wllo—lu blunda,d/. IIIUSCOM h1At1UAl.'.y I,us dl, OUALITY CONIA01. 51AtlUANU FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED W,.100 NIuSSES' I0ST08).'NANOLING INSTALUNG AND BRACING METAL PLAIE CONNECIEU WDDD MUSSES' - ( .•991) w,d'Ilia 91 5ulAh1AM SriEE 1' by TPI The T(uss Plala insln,au tTPi) ,s WwldJ al 583UUnolno Dusu. Idadrson, Wisconsin 53719. Tnu.- n& n Fw"A and Paper AS>Or,ilwn (AFPA) is IUCalod at 12W C.nn.L7reul A:,. t1W. Stu 200. Wasnrl:yton, OC SUPPORT REQUIRED EVERY 4'-0" MAXIMUM. TYPICAL END .LACK WITH VARYING TOP CHORD LENGTHS. �_ HIP GIRDER (ONE OR MORE PLY). 61-ARING SUPPORT FOR -fOP CHORDS OF END JACKS 48" MAX. WHERE THEY CROSS SUPPORTING MEMBERS. HIP TRUSSES 1.. C.R REACTIONS OF 300# OR LESS THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED 0 TIE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS. 2. FO;? REACTIONS GREATER THAN 300#, THE DETAILS BELOW MAY BE USE[. TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. 3. L,"E OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE REQUIRED BEARING AREA (OR LENGTH) AS SHOWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL TR! SS DESIGNS. 4. EOR EACH DETAIL BELOW THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2) 10d NAILS. 6. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL COt,iNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE TOE- NAII- CONNECTION. 6. OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DE SINNER. 7. REFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SY S T EM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE. DETAIL OPTIONS --- � WEDGE OR •�"u''i BEVELED TOP I r•-lz PLATE UNDERI JACK TOP ;:NO O I BEVEL CUT ON TOP CHORD' "� H AI'ERAL I CORD OF TRUSS EXTENSIONS. I I BRACE. OR "SECONDARY" .fir !BRACE MAY TOP CHORD FOR WEDGE. USE i2) CONNECTION OF DVERLAP WITH MEMBER. NOTE 10d TOE -NAILS EA. FOR LATERAL BRACE IS t TRUSS CHORD - THAT HEIGHT OF � T TOP PLATE, NAIL bV!10d BASED ON BRACE ! pI NAIL CHORD TO I TRUSS MUST ALLOW B' O.C. INTO TOP FORCES DETERMINED FACE OF BRACE I FOR THIS. CHORD OF HIP GIRDER. I BY THE BUILDING k WITH (2) IOd) DESIGNER I I Er NOTE: BEVELED LEDGER MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE. LEDGER MAYLiE ATTACHEC TO EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING. CONDITION: AND SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. o. C 45982 �I Lucc THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOI-UTION TO THE APPLICATI131, Ei�p• 12(31 /O6 ®� SHOWN ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMILARI DATE: 8/25/99 ® DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING :DESIGNER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE ADEQUAC`! OF THIS DETAI;_ I s�T C i T. IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICAYiON AND INTE, '9 ^ APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEFd ASSUMES N4 I �r OF CALIFO� RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTION OR WORKMANSHIP QUALITY. i !DES: L. M. END JACK / RAFTER STANDARD DL:T AIJLS ;`ALIFORNIA STYLE TRUSS PLATES AND LUMBER AS SHOWN, OR PER INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS__ (3-4 ALT.) 2-6 CONNECTION DETAIL "A"' (TOP CHORD TO HIP GIRDER) JACK TOP CHORD RUNS OVER GIRDER TOP CHORD. (2) 10d or 16d NA, iLS, THROUGH JACK T.C. INTO GIRDER TOP CHORD, TOE - NAILED, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER MANUR CATALOG. OPTIONAL EXTENSION �t 3-.4 A HIP GIRDER CHORDS IA F3 CONNECTION DETAIL "S" (BOT CHORD -0 HIP GIRDER) (2) 10d or 16d NAILS, THROUGH JACK B.C. INTO GIRDER BOT CHORD, TOE - NAILED, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER MANUF. CATALOG. NOTE: IF 2'-0" SIDE JACK BOTTOM CHORDS ARE USED (INSTEAD OF WEDGES AT THE WALL), THEY MAY BE ATTACHED TO THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THE FIRST END JACK AS PER DETAIL "B". t- `-:FIBER REQL'iftEMENTS: --- - - J -CK TOP CHC:[;D: 2X4; #2 OR BETTER DF -L, #11#2 OR BETTER CAN S -P -F, #1 OR BETTER S -P -F, #2 OR BETTER HEM -FIR, OR 1650F MSR ANY SPECIE CK BOT CHC'-s'D: 2X4; #2 OR BETTER ANY SPECIE, OR 165CF MSR ANY SPECIE C ORNER RAFTE R: 2)(6; SELECT STRUCTURAL ANY SPECIE, OR 165OF MSR ANY - SPECIE, DOUBLE (STACKED) 2X4 PER OTHER, STANDARD DETAILS, OR - _ 2X8 92 ./F BETTER ANY SPECIE. )P CHORD 1.F -46TH MAY VARY FROM 6" MINIMUM TO 8'-0" MAXIMUM, WITH EXTENS!ONS SUPPORTED AT 48" O.C. MAXIMUM BEYOND. CHORD BE SPLICED AS SHOWN, ABOVE THE HIP GIRDER ONLYI ^TTa ON, C i0.:, D LENGTH MAY VAR`! FROM 6" MINIMUM TO E' -C" MAXIMUM. 4,31NOT SPL:--'-': THE BOTTOM CHORD. CHORD PITCH MAY VARY FROM 4112 MINIMUM TO 8112 MAXIMUM. _00TTOM CHORE) PITCH R1UST BE FLAT (0/12). -2`(6 RAFTER MAY BE SEAT CUT AT WALL, AND TRIMMED TO 2X4 WIDTH (3.5") FOR OVERHANG IJP TO 34" (24" @ 45 DEGREES) MAX. DETAIL K.P -'LIES TO 45 DEGREE HIPSEI" JACKS AND CORNER RAFTERS ONLY! "OSdEC.ON DETAI__ °°C" L� (TOP CF:ORD TO RAFT, _R)_ JACK TOPCHORD MUST BE SINGLE E a. BEVELED 0R \\ DOUBLE BEVELED 10d or 16d MAILS, THROL GFI EACH JACI- T.C. INTO R:>`:TER, TOE -NAILS.), PER SCHEDJLE BELOW, OR ADEQUATE MECHANI!;AL HANGER 7�=R MANUF. CATALOG. NAILIjF!3 RE UIRED: 2'-0" R 4'-0" :iA:•: K T.C. (2 NAILS 6'-0" JACK (Ci4E FACE OF RAFTER _)NLY) (4.,?IAILS 1 -PLY OR MORE GIRDER EI 13 g {, A C rl 1 RAFTER 7 C CO 0 No. C 45982UJI _j�rnM n 2 Exp. 31;46 m 9/26!'. 002 C �/ �. �P REF: EJ -1 �Y` �OF CALIFO� L.M. DESIGNED FOR 10 PS NON -CONCURRENT BOTTOM CHOr" LIVE LOAD. TC Live 16.00 psi TC Deed 1400 psf Durfecs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Dnd 1.15 PLATES & NAILS DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER VAI.UES I WIND LOADED FOR 75 MPH, EXPOSURE "C". MAXIMUM. DC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Specing 2- 0- 0 NO POINT LOADS. MECHANICAL UNITS, HVAC, SPRINKLERS. OR OTHER DC Deed 10.00 psfDesign Spec DDC -97 I ITEMS CAUSING ADDITIONAL LOADS ON THE STANDARD .,'.CKS IS TOTAL 40.00 ps;r I DEFT. RATIO: L240 TC: 1./180 ALLOWED, WITHOUT SPECIAL DESIGN. km THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLATION TO THE APPLICATION SHOWONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCE.: ; ANY SIMILAR I —.maim 1N DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY HE BUILDING DE,:iGNER. IT IS I TZI lullOCZ!lTHE ® RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY CF THIS DETAIL. IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATn. N AND INTENT i APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS :SSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTION OR WORKMANSHIP QUALI TY. 1 -PLY OR MORE GIRDER EI 13 g {, A C rl 1 RAFTER 7 C CO 0 No. C 45982UJI _j�rnM n 2 Exp. 31;46 m 9/26!'. 002 C �/ �. �P REF: EJ -1 �Y` �OF CALIFO� L.M. Optional vent 3_4 GEHIERAL GABLE DETAILS FOR tali D LOAD BF,AGING S=3-4 a—j-Y rnnectorplates shown are for example only. See actual truss design for required plate sizes and onenranc Structural gable trusses will generally have diagonal and vertical members other that those snown above. Gable truss is continuous bearing except as may be noted on individual design droit^;;gs. END (FACE) VIEW needna dard {�.�'t�� �G0020651J35 Max. 12" eave unless noted on drawing. Solid block between cusses for Gable End Truss I nailing of diagonal brace, eaUii;,� and / ntlached to sh 6 truss each end, to. Typical 2x_ strongback I Truss spacings per -signs. (whaler) b.ace along back face of gable• braced with + or - 45 degree diagonal 2x_ (typ.) biaced to roof — sheathing as shown. WALU BEARING SUPP. RT • FF Indica .es stud members that require bracincg! ,IDE VIEW Imo. REGULAR GABLE END TRUSS REQUIREMEN I,* 1) ALL GABLE BRACING DESIGN AND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER, PER THE LATEST VERSION OF ANS;/ j PI REFERENCED BY THE MODEL BUILDING CODES. 2) TRUSWAL SYSTEMS APPROVED ENGINEERING DESIGN DRAWINGS WILL INDICATE ANY NEED FOR WIND BRACING, AND THE REQUIRED BRACE INTERVAL LENGTH AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. THE BRACE INTERVAL ON THE DRAWING IS BASED ON THE LOADING AND WIND SPEED INDICATED ON THAT DRAWING ONLY, AND THAT BRACING IS R-EQUIRED TO PREVENT THE GABLE STUDS FROM BUCKLING DUE TO WIND PRESSURE ACTING ON THE FACE OF THE GABLE TRUSS AND AXIAL STRESSES CAUSED BY THE INDICATED APPLIED VERTICAL LOADS. LOADS ACCOUNT FOR 12" EAVE MAX. UNLESS NOTED OTHERW ISE. 3) IF THE GABLE TRUSS IS INTERIOR TO THE STRUCTURE AND THEREFORE IS NOT EXPOSED TO WIND LOAD APPLIED TO THE FACE OF THE TRUSS, THE BRACE SPACING INTERVAL MAY BE INCREASED TO ONLY ACCOUNT FOR THE UD LIMIT OF 50 FOR COMPRESSION :l1EiViBERS (i.e. FOR 2X— LUMBER, THE MAX. BRACE INT)=RVAL IS 6'-3"i- 4) IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE GABLE TRUSS RESTS ON A CONTINUOUS BEARING WALL EXCEPT AS MAY BE NOTED ON THE INDIVIDUAL APPROVED TRUSS DESIGN. 5) SHEATHING OF PLYWOOD, OSB, WOOD BOARD SIDING, HARDBOARD SIDING, SHEE I -RUCK, S"I UUUU, WAFERBUAkU OR 0 l HER MATERIAL MAY BE P'LACED ON Otic UTi BOTH FACES OF A REGULAR (NON-STRUCTURAL) GABLE END. 6) LATERAL LOADS IPJ LINE WITH THE CHORDS (SHEAR / DRAG LOADS) 14AVE NOT SEEP! CONSIDERED UNLESS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, AND ARE THE RESPONSIBiLI-tY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER TO TRANSFER THROUGH RESISTING DIAPHItAGNIS. _.Ma TONAL STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSS REQUIREMENTS ?) ALL 1TE;ciS 1-S LISTED ItNDER "REGULAR GABLE END TRUSS REQUIREMEN ":'S APPLY P -O STRUCT'I_iRAL GABLES ALSO, PLUS THOSE LISTED BELOW. s) WEIGHTS OF ANY MATERIALS LISTED IN #5 MUST BE ACCOUNTED FOR, EITHER IN ISTA14DARD DEAD LOAD PSF LOADING, OR BY ADDITIONAL LOADS. ADDITIONAL_ LOAD .ARE INDICATED BY "LOAD CASE .11" CHART ON THE DESIGN DRAWING. j 9) STRUCTUPAL WEBS AND CHORDS MUST BE BRACED IF INDICATED, AND Tl.!;.S I3RACING 15 c EPERATE FROM THEE GABLE BRACING INTERVAL. SEE REFEREI,_;ED STAN DARID DRAWING TX01087001-001. 10) TRUSS LkAY OR MAY NOT BE CONTINUOUS BEARING, AND IS APPROVED FDR THE CONDITION(Sl) INDICATED ON THE INDIVIDUAL DESIGN DRAWING ONLY. 2X NOTCHES CUT INTO TOP CHORDS i �NOTCHINf_i F OR OUTLOOKERS IS ALLOWED ON REGULAR GABLE END TRUSS:=S AND ;ON S•TLRUC-' :'RAL GABLE END TRUSSES IF NOTED ON APPROVED INDIVIDUAL. •DESIG THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO THE APPLICATIOtJ SHOWN ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCFDE ANY SIMILA:i DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THIS DETA;' IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION AND INTF-hr i' APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSLVAL SYSTEM-.' ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTIOi-J OR WORK 9ANSHIP QUALITY. UJ No. C 4599 � m M Exp. )P1106 20 C/v\L OF CALIFOP DATE: 3/2' ''.002 REF: G E, DES: L.M. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(719) 598-8463 C0010013 i 60(x!. 9/15/03 Users of Truswal engineering: TX01087001N The TrusPlusi°" engineering software will correctly design the location requirements for permanent continuous lateral bracing (CLB) on members for which it is required to reduce buckling length. Sealed engineering drawings atom Truswal will show the required number and approximate location -s of braces for each member needing bracing. In general; this bracing is done by using Truswal Systems Brace-It'�`' or a 1 x or 2x member .(attached to 'the top or bottom edge of the member) running perpendicular to the trusses• and adequately designed; connected with a minimum of. (2)10d box, nails, a-ld braced to the building per the building designer (See ANSI/TPI current version). The following are other options (when CLB bracing is not possible or desirable) that will also satisfy bracing needs for individual members (not building system bracing): 1x4 oi 2x41 structurally grad,d 'T" brace may be nailed flu' to fl is edge of the member (up to 2x6 web members only) A/ith 10d cornmon or box nails at 8" o.c. if only one brace is required; of may be nailed to 'both edges. of the rnember if t -\;t bracer arc. require_--�... The " „ brace must extend a minimum of 90% of the mel Fiber's length. For 2x8 and larger web members, bracing must be done per build ng designer, or �) !� C.. /'_a^�rr _r�� r';f �. r'!i"f'e:: S,17C-. n stri rtu.raj gi d ac jhe member A Jr,,,.A C.:lri l.:" i �) i11� _.. .._._ and 5 vim. ..1 r �.\✓ (�iti may be nailed to one face of the men-'iber with 10d con -inion or box nails at 8" o.c. if only one brace is required, or may be nailed to both fasces of the member if two braces are .required. A minimum of 2x6 �Cc?i1;7 -;ice rt.'ll;,irCrllet_.,1bi'r (;:.c;;'=::.?: l'. ! i I.,t'i.�oi!!. Scab(s) must extend a minimum i of 90% of the members length. 3. Any member requiring more than two braces must .ase perpendicular bracing or a combination of scabs and "T" braces, or any other approved method, as specified :and approved by the building designer. EXANiPLE S 2. SCAB 90% L �� _ \� w No. 459&) rn rr ':T° BRACE 90% L y Please contact a Truswal engineer if there are any questions. Exp. c:\msoffice\winword\brace-r.ew.let STANDARD PRESSURE BLOCKING DETAIL. PJD VIEy SIDE: VIEW PRESSURE BLOCK EVERY OTHER SPACING 1-1 BOTTOM C_.`+RD OF HIP G USE (6) 10d BOX NAILS PER BLOCK AS SH0WI1, TWO NAILS PLACED AT 4" FROM EACH END OF BLOCK, AND TWO NAIL. EVENLY SPACED IN THE CENTER OF THE BLOCK. J MAXIMUM SUPPORT REACTIONS", LBS. PER JACK TRUSS BLOCK: 2X4 2 BOX NAILS TO BLOCK BOX NAILS TO 13L0CIO DURATION: 1.00 1.15 1.25 _2)(6,, 1.00 1.115 1.225 S.PIigE 132 152 152 198 228 248 DF -i_ 112 129 140 168 193 2'10 HEiaf FIR 105 121 131 I 158 182 195 S -P -F 90 104 113 135 155 169 'REACTIONS ARE EITHER UPWARD OR D0V!,i7v 1,1RD, THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO TEE APPLICATION -� SHOWN ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMI! AF 3 ® DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING D'_113SIGNER. IT 1 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS 'i O VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THIS DE'i A?L IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION AND INTE:d'i S®� r -44'E M APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTION OR WORKMANSHIP 4:I:_I.4LITY. USE (2) 10d BOX NAILS THROUGH BOTTOM CHORD OF END JACK INTO END OF PRESSURE BLOCK FOR 2X4, USE (3) 10d BOX NAILS FOR 2X6 LUMBER. SEE TABLE AT LEFT. <��OF ESSIO co 2QI \ �r�(', E5 Q No. C 5992 m r^ "T d __I xp.12 16 sT��OF CA\-FOPa\P LOOK H --RD TE: 8/31;;!000 PBLK-1 L. M. Symms gosh®®®® i Asnal "qp,Alov r 90/S$/ZI 'Ox3 Ll Z9690'0 'UN ' r _0 14 605E-:? - :,la 'No 'Z :AG 'S30 �3a 700? _idQ S 7T 11C 1SjT. `:JLI!Q ON 3-113 L_td0?S=a <?a ? l2 =riZ �.2 a:CC 32 Z�C!1 OPiIa i?112 3 Z t:0 S-0-. 1:RS2IS at.Y atiii•1 iO3 SN0I1D31IN00 'aGeNO h. A Gt y '.OZ? c 1 t'i'd 't7 c S ^.t o_ acoc S? ar;� `Qi0 Cu i<�:i?:.:;i _Sc OS Gti� i,y: —S llRiii:Coli „O-;3 tit .:0 a_ScC Si 0�?'?'ti d0 `P:0 7 ]1G?S`:C•;J .09IS3G 003cS icI:IG _3'?'S c?-'Ct; S::7 r 'k=Ca?0 li:Z(lC _3YC2 7^t40�—?(j ?!^. .L? i -%S .r: . S.j:AO'U C." ii �i? S2 .i!.,-0^fi 2-:.-.i?oa V0 '3:"a:`l i'i0`? _'7s: zo 1100 fi (-'' OT ;OC- �) t:0+io=_?a 'Ov_ S-SS^x ZX_; \=3I4?a° h:'_ Q 70W': . "['^,i•:C .?(i 0 c0.',. of%?':�.•?2 3. ; )0'1 a; of?0 c,^„� SS^'dam Oil? G_ .?'. bi a!'i= S'I?''ry ?e 7) '-7TM ..=aOVW,:. 0`.Oe. '0'0 „O- Ot Z- a:.. "i30 C3 0 3'3F S.0''_ i00`r?G Z NOTTe0 )q a-- .1 =o_ ------------- salvl3Q 12SJIH HDIRG � l i ! .-:, it _ ; salvl3Q 12SJIH HDIRG TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS; CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(719) 598-8463 8/3/00 RE: Toe -nailed connections To Whom it May Concern: It .is permissible to use toe -nailed connections between short -span trusses and girder trusses Instead of mechanical hangers. The cennecticn must be done ?r'.-:sGd on flip it?viCaied reaction fierce at that bearing I0C:;.i.IC)€' and using 'he below (based on DFL green lumber. nor/ -,amour load' condi-ions, and '1C)d or 6d Bails): 6-'1. EAC T:0N ggc - 13 6 °? e God or 16d /�55 a 0 d, or A �i or trUst tiiUi tl-?15 InfUrn12tlon is helpful. and clear. if there are any further guestians or comments, please do riot hesitate to contact a T ruswal cysems engineer at your convenience. QROF ESs/�� , 45_� r) 'J No. C- 4982 rn rn f WExp. 1A1/06 � s�ql G' I v�P \O� CAMEO } r W :t F=Fr i Si �'- 6_ t C = = c 4 W 0� N �:J� Y ll.i G Nrr LL-• o-o�dbb � p � GT r C C �q�77II yt�xyxt'��, � lt14!. r^� p •a � w. 75 > oo •- t m x ^ c a m e y i Z r Ln Ln w u r= -e U orf r :t F=Fr i Si �'- 6_ t = = c 4 E ER 0� N �:J� Y ll.i G Nrr LL-• o-o�dbb ( r •- C GT r � U u C �q�77II yt�xyxt'��, � lt14!. p •a � w. I MINIMUM GRAUE_'OF I,IIMIJIill SIIAIA, HF.: ' Construction Crnde Ilem-Fir or Doug -Fir ^x61 or -- :Iqt rlaitc�I �L,p to G'' FYY I1-'2. 1x4.5, 'I' -J4 ii-1.6xJ. T -JI Lip to 1 16'-0" 11-9.2x-1.5• -3'-44 QPOFESsL411 XI- co c. 2 C7 No C 451;82 r7 m w Ex 2/:1;;16 VA1,1=f:Y SL:'ll3:l')ll3,l�_ [3 0" to u " ;r C 13 - 4'-l" to F'_0'I I C - a+_Irl to l2' -u" ,,'�., C3F—rs'l.•,,,/ F 20'-1" :o 21'-0" C; - 2.11-1" :;, •2 B'-0" 11 EEL. NOT REQUIRE!) •1'0, YU OVER I AG RAM Ll,fflldlloof = 37 psf Note: 15W increase .in allowable unit strr--ses used for s, ort dure"ion leading. Fx1 il-I.fixJ.I-JI 11 I•C.[il;'I' ;II --�- - _ I( -2.4x4.5, T-'34 Un 3u'-0 10-5-93 File No. Valle), Uctails Date: IU/3l/'i2 R-:3/20/01 Hit P.eL• $ Dc a. Dy: 1)11C1c.Dy: T- 31 TYPICAL UI:'1'AILS FOR SHOP i'AI3I(1CAT1J) V:11.1.1:1'S TOP CHORD OF TRUSS TO BE SHEETED OR LATERALLY BRACED PER TRUSS DESIGN UNDER VALLEY 11RAMING BY OTTERS. u59S I .c. T C I 13carin{; 1'':Irlitiun, Truss Uable End "!fuss 20 G', 2 It 3 mfr] I Chord or N 1I `I 1 J I\ Mcarn, or Girder Tru ; III .AN (Typical I.ix;, nlplc) Cut to nfat':11 slope of rout JUt. Ilotloal Churd of Vallcy Trus:: tAU]WAL COn11l Ci On] 1161.Y v• d nm• 4•uh •^"'l 0• ' 9.1--C 1M• ab./ er O w+Lm as :K-- C nli] P.WCA It WE d ItAII to It'tC" 1. 11'.�Il tq lu..1•Ib DI n•�•'I'I Olo-'rf ly, f9 'n :1: 'a 1l"Aa, •a Ieam sus ryn. f.nO r•AWI.n:o.VIU'. 71"o<�..r ewalm lVu6CR: Srv16.0n..--1W.l al'K.r..a N,•0 f'�D..y.a lu m.I n.= (�n•r,.l•J DI rv••L• -n 5 to I.- ry aa'n..lo'a 17" •a•j+ I,Wfn •.e I.w<Md M n`+ n I. .I 75 'a 15" [ .-.f a a .. ]ry t. •.AnbWef -, e•a 11wn I. n 4n.•'•••f I N1 PI.I. p..nc n.a of n•+. -nu 1 •I ..«o.' n S('Ct w.f o•�n.a n5�1]a 'G' nx•'ef II q• un. cavo Al om«• r• 10 qa 10]II1011t1.0:�a.:••.n••D.'K.:•O[+ate[7nlK•.aa�.a.N.+.[•Aaou..-[a...a...ea(o,e�Y .a::a p,u [.,...a�✓f, ea. iii....,.. ro'.J flv p. a<Maor�...na. ar+I C BO n!i.rwi, TRUSWAL t,��o���asYsr;4 Ms + s gnooe company LATERAL LOADS IN LINE WITH THE C14ORDS HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. THESE LOADS AND THEIR REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE INE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUIDING DESIGNER. IF THE PU;;LIif SPACING ON THE APPROVED 'i RUSS DESIGN IS !STORE . THAN THIS DETAIL SPECIFIES (;; ;; ), THEN THIS DETAIL SHALL CONTROL. —_ PANEL l )P d i I 00'I -i 0,q.4 i SECTION 3-16d TOE NAILED f)6110F1 CUORU OFCAP'TRUSS (2 FROM DUE FACE) J:a sang[—, �. ..� � 2-161 HAIL . 1.5•• TOP CHORD ()It 60TTO,M TRUSS TR U_$ [lM L ,.%j s 1'S TEMS 4445 Northaark Dr. Colo Spriflgs, CO 80907 TrusPlUs 6.0 Ver: 16. PIGGY -BACK CONNECTION (VERTICAL LOADS ONLY] If1F CHORD OY 1401"I'UM 1"BUSS � --- WIND SPEED �_ :I.00MI'H, USE 4X2 P(IV,uNs (S.C.>=.42) G ATTA(UED W/Td0(2) 15d NAILS ALONG PL4'I 24"O.C.(MAX.) 1'01, (IIORD SEC."LION OF MAIN TRUSS. AIl:ACH CAP BOTIOM C !ORO PIIRI.IN WI III 3-16d '101' NAZI S, IUii !JAILS hRUh1 oQFoFESs/oN c '4� �,,.• Cs� 1'0 EAi:11 SPEEDS ivii, ii,�H PURLINS i? •1GL-F:<:i1 1101101.1 CHOR U OF 'i,llc ^` %, ONE PACE. FOR WIND s .Jd .11 15"O.C.(MAX.) IICCY BACK (CAF' TR(ISS) 10 EACIi �Q� LATc1'',.?L BRACE btITH 3-3.6d A` NOTE: THE P'I'GGY BACK BOVI'OM TRUSS UESICN MUSI BE DESI(NEI7 (2 =`:ON ONE PACE) `fir NOiC 598 Z rri WITH A MAXIMUM PURI IN SPACiNC. AS FP!1_I_(.1kS: LLJ rn WIND SPEEDS I -FSS THAN 100 MPH .= PLiI LhIS � cr• EX /. 1.2 /06 \ � ARE REQUIRED. WIND SPF.FOS NORE'riIAN 1.00 Mi"I = P1RI.INS xis 15"j).f.. +,:�'.=.h.) ARE REQUIRED. •� ------- --- S'T�C ! V \ �- Z>�P T - F CA��F�P - ;°- - '' S`IF O 1 lE APPROJ-`�T<I -rE TPIUS VIAL — LiE9li':1V 1;014 P49 f7SG7U-eRSD WEV CC'IPIO In _80Th? 'i"HE SLOPING A 41) FLAT SE_' TIOF,.f OF THE flff' .TRUSS, APJI) CAP TRUSS V!/P'l RilPtld U' GRead all o"roeas On ef;l:s sl,::at u,►•'I ;j:c,'e a celpy bi/f( f() Slee E. -T:iinpl 1'bis dosig„k for an indMdud building.a p....I not boas syslanl. If Im:o.unUaseu.0 spucilicatians p,ovidad by 1s: cumpui 1nlanulac_.: a: end don. in ....III nc. wigs Ulu cul inl vursions of TPI and AFP A Jung.. s!a i ds. r1. I u cp. lbi9ry k es sulnud ft. _imunsiond iccuia_-y. D'vuuiv1,,_m 1, bu vuri9.d by di. c.mnoner. rnanufaclwir vnd/.r buic�^� ee:rgna� p'io� :u fabn: <uon Tb. buddin;; .I signer muss eac ud: is !' _: Ui. loads WI nd on Ulic dusign n e.t or eeeuud U1u lond'urg imposed by d:.: is d budding endo and Ute poticu1m q:plc::!:an. 1 i1e dusign U1i1 Une lop chord is Iatomlly blarnd by lbe mof or 9.01 shaiV�ing irnd U1. baVcm ehcld ro Irfci a!h• Used by a rigid sbecUing malulicl duv:Uy e9nch.d, unl.:s iUl. n.a n.1oJ. 9re<ing shown is lur l.l.ral suppml of c mpancm. nun�bais only le ruducu bucking kr>;�d�. i his c.inpnnunl ,ha n.1 b. plec.d br wry unvironmvnt Ihd .sill cvusv Vre m.isbnu cnnlnr:! of U. v maid to .ecoid :S'u and/or ciusu ..:unucic: pl;dv cenucicn. Febtieelu,hmu9u,U1:ta:l and brace Vus Uusa b1�rceoidunce rrilh '101111 Uc,i?.Ila!:1 ini:::nl,:,r'.:Illf•11',NVl'CA 1:;1Joud'1,n C.nu1:A .f Arn.dw Slandwd Ddzign Ru:pen:ibilitiu:. 'FIAMULIlIl: II7S 1'AI I IIJ(i ::IaD Ul:.�l:ll'lli ME7AI. pl.i i'E 1:OIJIIEC i _C•!^.'in)J lf;l l3ti[5' .9110.91) and 1118.91 SUMMARY SHEET' by 11.1. the Truss Pimu billlu:!v (1 PI) rs Lcalud it D'�uuillu Ihiva, t.ladisa;i, Nli:consin 5i7 �S Tho Anl.dcm Fwest ind Pn9m Assdcietiml (APPA) is bcdod el I11I IS:i Sba61, Nl,%r SN 800. VVZOMglun, Dl:'dJ3:: _DATE_ Linc 24” C•.C. 1-17-2003 i0c ! IF11 . .IIO 15539 c CC ID P) Z x CiI UJ I< LJ < 'D < LLI L" cy– cr- > co 'IT A I Ti— c CC ID P) Z x CiI UJ I< LJ < 'D < LLI L" cy– cr- > co STANDARD BOTTOM CHORD FALSE FRAME DETAILS :iUF'1'(1RI IIYP I SHOP APPLIED -- 12 MIN Bloc P: VEii SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGN IS SEPARATE FROM THIS DETAIL USE #2 CR BE i TER (145OF FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME CHORDS USE STAND AFD OR STUD (90OF FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME WEBS LOCATE VERTICALS AT U-0" O.C. MAX., OR SEE NEXT OPTION. IF FALSE rRA\6E CHORD IS THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE STRUCTURAL CHORD, T:H _N VERTICALS MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN + OR - 12" OF THE PANEL POINTS ALOtiG THE BOTTOM CHORD (EVEN IF GREATER THAN o-0" O.C.). USE A TRU SWAL 20 GUAGE 2.5-3 MIN. PLATE AT THE HEEL CONNECTION. USE TRUSVVAL 20 GUAGE 1.5-3 MIN. PLATES AT EAC14 END OF EACH VERTICAL WEB. ALL PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH FACES OF EAG -I JO!t,IT. IF NEEDED, A 2X4 FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH A TRUSWAL 20 GUAGE 3-4 MIN. PLATE AT ANY CONVENIENT LOCATION, OR A TRUSWAL 20 GUAGE 5-5 MIN. PLATE AT ANY VERTICAL (JOINT SPLICE). APPLY RECUiRED BRACING (SEE BELOW). OPTIONAL PLANT SHELF MAY BE USED (SEE PICTURE .ABOVE) UP TO 24" MAK. - FALSE FRAMES MAY BE SIMILARLY APPLIED TO FLAT BOTTOM CHORD TRUSSES AUK rLH I i I ! vrv! `rw, — __ -- *LATERAL BR=ACING IS NORMALLY REQUIRED ON THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD OF THE ORIGINAL TRUSS. SINCE MANY FACTORS AFFECT THE NUMBER 0 REQUIRED BRACES, SUCH AS LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE, WIND L CADS, BEARING LOCATIONS, ETC. 1'T IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DEVELOP A STANDARD FOR BRACING, EXCEPT TO SAY T1 IAT IN NO CASE MAY THE BRACING EXCEED 10'-0" O.C. FOR A SINGLE -PLY TRuSS BOTTOM 011017D. REFER TO SPFGIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD (MAY BE. INDICATED AS BOTTOM CHORD PURLIN SPACING). BRACING SHOULD ALSO BE APPLIED TO THE FALSE FRAME CHORD AT 10'-0" O.C. IF THERE IS NO SHEATHING Pv.ATERIAL APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE FALSE FRANFE CHORD. BRACING MATERiALS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE I DINIG DESIGNER PER THE LATEST VERSION OF ANSirrPI. TI 41S DETAIL APPLIES TO ANY PITCH, ANY SPAN, ANY TOP G.40RD LOADING AND ANY TRUSS WEB CONFIGURATION FOR 24" 0. MAX. SPACING AND 10 PSF MAX. CEILING LOAD., WITH THE EXCE ` IONS NOTED ON THIS SijgET__ DO NOT USE THIS DETAIL FOR: 1. S i RUCTURAL BEARINGS UNDER THE FALSE FRAME (NOT P' lITIONS). 2. INTERIOR BEARINGS AT ANY LOCATION ON THE TRUSS. 3. LOADS IN EXCESS OF 10 PSF CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FF,,ME. 4. DRAG LOADS CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME. 5. TOP CHORD APPLIED FALSE FRAMES. 6. LUMBER GRADES LESS THAN SPECIFIED ON THIS DETAIL. 7. VERTICALS SPACED APART MORE THAN PANEL POINTS (IF 0. FALSE FRAMES ON CANTILEVER SECTICNS OF A TRUSS. FIELD APPLIED -- - SPECIFIC: TRUSS DESIGN IS SEPARATE FROM THIS DERAIL USE #2 OR BETTER (145OF FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME CHORUS USE S -I AI-4DARD OR STUD (90OF FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME V, :BS LOCATE ', ERTICALS AT 6-0" O.C. MAX., OR SEE NEXT OPTION. IF FALSE FRAME CHORD IS THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE STRUCTUI 4L CHORD, NEN VERTICALS MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN + OR - 12" OF THE PAh.cL POINTS = -ONG THE BOTTOM CHORD (EVEN IF GREATER THAN 6-0" O.C.). PLACE .= .LSE FRAME CHORD IN -PLANE WITH THE TRUSS. CUT VEr..:ICALS TO LAP BOTH THE STRUCTURAL CHORD AND THE FALSE FRAME C:-iORD, TO BE PLACED AT EACH END IN ADDIIION TO ABOVE REQ. JOIN VE�`,rICALS TO ALTERNATING FACES OF THE TRUSS WITH (3)10d OR '.6d NAILS ^,'i EACH END OF EACH VERTICAL. (12" MIN. VERTICAL BLOCK) UJ z _ A 12" LONG 7(16" PLYWOOD (OR OSB) GUSSET AND 8d NAILS e O.C. AT THE ALSE FRAME HEEL JOINT IF DESIRED. -IF IJEED:_D, THE FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY 6E SPLICED WITH A 2" LONG ;,?:i;. BLOCK SCAB, CENTERED ON THE SPLICE JOINT, ATTACHED W H (4)i0d 16d NAILS ON EACH SIDE OF THE SPLICE JOINT (ONE FACE ONL ` APPLY.-(- 0 Ul RED BRACING (SEE BELOW LEFT). SS OPTIC"' ._ PLANT SHELF MAY BE USED (SEE PICTURE .ABOVE) UP TO 24" FALSE _'LAMES MAY BE SIMILARLY APPLIED TO FLAT EO TTOM CHORD 7R. SES �OP FFL=_ BOTTOM CHORD SECTIONS OF A TRUSSI. PJOTE: FALSE FRAME MEMBERS MAYBE CUT AlD FIELD MODIFIED AS NEE':ED WITHOUT THE NEED FOR REPAIR DETAILS, PROVIDED -THE MODIFICAI ION JOES NC1T II\I;!'i',I..VE CUTTING OR DAMAGING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, OR CHAN:>ING LOAD CC�`,iDITIONS OR SUP" R, ' ITIONS. BKAL;11vb Rf!oUIREMCt?TC ' ^,Y IONS AFT .'. --R ^SF^ ON TH �AFT.'.--R MODIFICATION_ . BUI _ THIS DETAIL F PROVIDED ASA SUGGESTED SOLUTIUr! TO THE APPLICATION N ISHOWN gN1my. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUFcnGEDE ANY _Ii!'i1LA? -® DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILOI:.' DESIGNER.: iS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFYTHE ADEQL :'_­\' OF THIS D'c': i RUSIVRax IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS 1'O ITS AP P. AND i; "--NT ®_� ' b�®SVnEW APPLIED IB THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL. SYS 'EMS AS IT Y. P.7 d� �+ acSVDNSIBILI'fYEQR FIELD INSPECTION OP. WORI(h9AfdSl ., LILIAI.IT\'. <) E I / rn W J NO/ 4598' �� Tn DATE: !21199 Exp.j 2/4106 � V * REF: :F-1 sq C/ V ``nQ��\P -- DES: - I_ M. TRUSVI/AL SYSTEMS - 44.4 ; NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE, 200 COLORADO SPRINGS: CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FA\X\:(719) 598-8463 8/3/00 To whom it may concern: It is permissible to repair a False Frame_* joint with the procedu,,e outlined below, provided that the following statements are true: a Ceiling loading is 10 PSF or less. s Trusses are spaced 24" o.c. or less. ® False Frame verticals are spaced 6'-0" o.c. or less. No additional point loads or uniform loads are prezent on the false frame that would cause the loads to e>:ceed 10 PSF for any reason. The j i! -t(s) `o repsair does not have a supoert f:�earinlg directly underr"!:':ati"' tl"Ir joint. r; There IS no uarilage to the li.!ri'tbCr 2i the JiJliii, —sic! --1 2-� -C:.S.r, splits, cracks, etc. 1-h joiill fits tightly (within all ! P I tolerances). All lumber in the false frame is 2.,,, or 2);3. as foilo'v s, f n P-:': (:;roup "i. �.!_!t c! %,_ l,�)..'r -� �::oL�y'? 1 plyw`%^r; (Or �.:,i.ilVrle%rit ( ��.::�.�?.) uS,s" ct, 4:; long c �J, ! -le -. i= �piy gusk,�t ro.te *ace mi the r-ul _t I1 ! t with c iS'LI� �^te. ii cI face o ttruss has missing plate, then g! -set. Is required of I only that face. if both faces of the joint are unplated, then tree gusset Is reqLlred on each face. 3. Use (3) 8d nails into each member, from each face (see detail below;. r False frame refers only ' To non-structural members (aero design forces). -- ------- V®BCO-@ aeF+oiBpii. ?FOF ESSipy J UJ ' Pi�:a5?a2 Exp 12/31106 "PA 6O C,Al1��� r, `\ TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 53040 Avenida Villa La Quinta, Ca 92253 Project Designer: Lendel Ventures, Inc. DBA Lench Design Group P.O. BOX 450 LA QUINTA, CA 92253-0450 760/564-1866 Report Prepared By: VERNA LENCH Lendel Ventures, Inc P.O. Box 450 La Quinta, CA 92253-0450 (760) 564-1866 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Date: 2/3/2004 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 39 Oji BY_,S7' The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd/EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: 3.1-1238 User Number: 5454 I , TABLE OF CONTENTS I Cover Page Table of Contents Form CF -1 R Certificate of Compliance Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist Form C -2R Computer Method Summary HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary Room Load Summary Room Heating Peak Loads Room Cooling Peak Loads 1 2 3 6 7 11 12 13 14 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: 3.1-1238 User Number: 5454 'Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -1 R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date 53040 Avenida Villa La Quinta Project Address Building Permit # Lendel Ventures, Inc (760) 564-1866 Plan Check / Date Documentation Author Telephone Computer Performance 15 Field Check / Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1,700 ft2 Average Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 1,700 ft2 Building Type: (check one or more) X❑ Single Family Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: All Four Orientations Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 Floor Construction Type: ® Slab Floor FENESTRATION ❑ Raised Floor Location/Comments attic, garage, typical, etc. Exterior Roof Exposed Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Exterior Wall Shadina Devices Type Orientation Area Const. Component Frame Assembly Type Type U -Value R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) Wood 0.028 Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 R-13 Wall w/1" EPS Wood 0.059 FENESTRATION ❑ Raised Floor Location/Comments attic, garage, typical, etc. Exterior Roof Exposed Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation Exterior Wall Shadina Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Skylight 8.0 0.70 0.83 None ❑ x❑ ❑ ❑X Right 16.0 0.46 0.37 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ ❑X Right 33.3 0.74 0.37 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ ❑x Front 64.0 0.61 0.39 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ ❑x Front 28.0 0.46 0.37 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Left 40.0 0.61 0.39 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ X❑ Left 20.0 0.46 0.37 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ Rear 24.0 0.60 0.37 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ a Rear 24.0 0.46 0.37 Bug Screen ❑ x❑ ❑ x❑ Rear 80.0 0.61 0.39 Bug Screen ❑ X❑ ❑ x❑ Rear 12.5 0.62 0.38 Bug Screen ❑X❑ ❑X❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Run Initiation Time: 02/03104 04:40:31 Run Code: 1075812031 EnergyPro 3.1 By Ener Soft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Pa e:3 of 16 'Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of 2) CF -1 R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Input Hydronic or Combined Hydronic data under Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments [:antral Furnas 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback -IVAC System Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 12.1 SEER Ducts in Attic 49 Setback -4VAr Systam WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated 1 Tank Energy Facts 1 External Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. System Name Type Type Syst. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value A.O. SMITH FGR -50-240 Small Gas Standard 1- 38000 _50 010 n/a n/a 1 For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heat:rs, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and] Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF THIS TITLE 24 REPORT ONLY WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURES. NO DUPLICATION PERMITTED ! GUMPLIANGE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has baen signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Documentation Author Name: Title/Firm: Lendel Ventures Inc. DBA Lench Des Address: P.Q. B& 450 1---- LAALIINTA, CA 92253-;K50 Telephone: 4-1866 Lic. #: z . •v (signa ) (date) Enfo ement Agenc Na e: Ti e/Firm: Address: Telephone: Name: VERNA LENCH Title/Firm: Lendel Ventures, Inc Address: P.Q. Box 450 La Quinta, CA 92253-0450 Telephone: (760) 564-1866 Y4��z4L "7_9 -o (signature) (date) JEnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 PageA of 16 1 . Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies 3asea on the aaequacy of the special fusfification ana aocumentation submitted. Plan I Field The HVAC System "HVAC System" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 1076 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Whole House HIGH MASS Design(see C -21R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 624 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Whole House HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form GF -6R. plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC System" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -613 Form. Run Initiation Time: 02/03/04 04:40:31 Run Code: 1075812031 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:5 of 16 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliancy. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter N/A if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMEN Building Envelope Measures a1150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation in wood frame assembly, or equivalent U -value. § 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. .§150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). '§ 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. El§ 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate — 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate — 2.0 perm/inch. FRI§118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. §116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified SHGC, and infiltration :ertification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. §150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. ® §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have closable doors, outside air intake with damper and control, and flue damper and control; 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures §110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. FXJ §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. §150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. §1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters with less than 0.58 energy factor shall be externally wrapped with R-12. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulat on or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees F. insulated. 6. Piping insulating between heating source and indirect hot water tank. §150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 6)3, 604 and Standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R4.2 or enclosed in conditioned space. Openings shENl be sealed with mastic, tape aerosol sealant or other duct- closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL 181A, or UL181 B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh tape or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combiration with mastic and drawbands. 2. Exhaust fans systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. X] §114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof instructions, no electric resistance heating, no plot. 2. System is installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar, cover for outdoor pools or spes. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. §115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) Lighting Measures X❑ §150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control pane; at an entrance to the kitchen. RI150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lL mens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternative to this requirement allowed in Section 150(k-2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. LEnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:6 of 16 Cornputer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date 53040 Avenida Villa La Quinta Project Address Building Permit # Lendel Ventures, Inc (760) 564-1866 Documentation Author Telephone Plan Check/Date Computer Performance 15 1 Field Check/Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Cimate Zone Source Energy Standard Use (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Facing North Margin Ll Facing East Margin Wall 28 0.059 180 _90 Wall 104 0.059 270 90 Wall 318 0.059 o 9_Q Facing South Margin ❑ ❑ ❑ Facing West Margin Wall 135 0.059 gD qf) Will 396 0.059 180 90 Wall 205 0.059 90 90 2.23 1.15 2.78 0.61 3.09 0.29 2.82 0.56 Space Heating 3.38 ❑ R-13 Wall w/1" PER Whnle Hnuse ❑ Space Cooling 39.83 40.40 -0.56 41.87 -2.03 37.91 1.92 42.28 -2.44 ❑ Domestic Hot Water 14.48 1 12.59 1.89 ❑ 12.59 1.89 12.59 1.89 ❑ 12.59 1.89 .21 2.48 57.23 .46 5 0 1 57.69 0.01 Totals 5T70 F-1 F-1 BUILDING COMPLIES This C -2R summarizes the results of a four cardinal orientation analysis. The pages that follow describe the front facing North occurence. This plan has been analyzed with identical features in all orientations. GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: 1,700 Floor Construction Type: Slab Floor Building Type: Single Fam Detached Building Front Orientation: All Four Orientations El Raised Floor Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Total Conditioned Volume: 17,000 Number of Stories: 1 Slab Floor Area: 1,700 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION # of Thermostat Vent Zone Name Floor Area Volume Units Zone Type Type Hgt. Area HVAC System 1 700 17.000 1 on Conditinneri Sathark n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Solar Act. Gains Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments Rnof 1,692 0.028 270 0 Wall 34 0.059 270 go EX ®❑ Ll R-38 Rnnf (R_382x14.16) Whnle Hnuse R-13 Wall w/1" FPS Whole Hnuse Wall 28 0.059 180 _90 Wall 104 0.059 270 90 Wall 318 0.059 o 9_Q ❑ ❑ ❑ R-13 Wall w/1" FPS Wholes Hnuse R-13 Wall w/1" EPS Whole Hnuse R-13 Wall w/1" FPS Whole House Wall 135 0.059 gD qf) Will 396 0.059 180 90 Wall 205 0.059 90 90 ®® ❑ ❑ ❑ R-13 Wall w/1" FP$ Whole Hnuse R-13 Wall w/1" FPS Whole House R-13 Wall w/1" FPS Whole Hnuse Wall 394 0.059 180 90 N ❑ R-13 Wall w/1" PER Whnle Hnuse ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ F-1 F-1 ❑❑ ❑❑ F-1 F-1 ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 ❑❑ ❑❑ F-1 F-1 El El Run Initiation T*mev 02103/04 04:40631 Run Codev 1075812031 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:? of 16 Computer Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date FENESTRATION SURFACES Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:8 of 16 1 U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Area Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments 1 Skylight Right (West) 4.0 0.700 0.83 270 0 Skylight - Dual Glaze Whole House 2 Skylight Right (West) 4.0 0.700 0.83 270 0 Slight - Dual Glaze Whole House 3 Window Right (West) 6.0 0.460 0.37 270 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 4 Window Right (West) 33.3 0.740 0.37 270 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 5 Window Right (West) 10.0 0.460 0.37 270 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 6 Window Front (North) 25.0 0.610 0.39 0 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House L Window Front (North) 10.0 0.460 0.37 0 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 8 Window Front (North) 9.0 0.610 0.39 0 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Love E Whole House 6 Window Front (North) 6.0 0.460 0.37 0 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House -M Window Front (North) 30.0 0.610 0.39 _0 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 1 Window Front (North) 12.0 0.460 0.37 0 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 12 Window Left (East) 40.0 0.610 0.39 90 90 Summit 5500 AI DP Low Whole House 13. Window Left (East) 12.0 0.460 0.37 90_ 90 Summit 5500 Al DP I ow Whole House 14 Window Rear (South) 12.0 0.600 0.37 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low Whole House 15 Window Rear (South) 4.0 0.460 0.37 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP LowE Whole House 16 Window Rear (South) 40.0 0.610 0.39 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 17 Window Rear (South) 12.0 0.460 0.37 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low Whole House 18 Window Rear (South) 12.0 0.600 0.37 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low Whole House AR Window Rear (,South) 4.0 0.460 0.37 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low Whole House 20 Window Left (East) 8.0 0.460 0.37 90 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 21 Window Rear (South) 4.0 0.460 0.37 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 22 Window Rear (South) 12.5 0.620 0.38 180 _90 Glass Block Whole House 23 Window Rear (South) 20.0 0.610 0.39 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House 24 Window Rear (South) 20.0 0.610 0.39 180 90 Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Whole House INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LExt. RExt. Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt. 1 None 1.00 2 None 1.00 3 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Bug Screen 0.76 5 Bug Screen 0.76 6 Bug Screen 0.76 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8 Buq Screen 0.76 Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen Bug Screen 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:8 of 16 1 Computer Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside ocation Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond. Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments Concrete. Heavyweight 1,076 3 50 98 0 98 n/a Whole House / Slah on Grade Concrete, Heavyweight 624 3.50 28 0_98 n/a 2 "Vhole House / Slab on Grade PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments Slab Perimeter 168 0.76 0.0 0 Whole House HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiency and Location Duct Thermostat _ocation / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPFXducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 80% AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC System Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 12.1 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC System WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Ratedl Tank Energy Factl 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or RecoveryStandby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (qal) Efficiencv Loss (%) Ext. A.O. SMITH FGR -50-240 Small Gas Standard 1 38.000 50 0.60 n/a n/a 1 For small gas storage (rated input — 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy facbr. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby LDss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. Computer Method Summary (Addendum) C -2R MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These tems require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that -otherwise complies )ased on the adequacy of the special justitication and documentation submitted. I Plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC System" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. HIGH MASS Design(see C-213) - Verify Thermal Mass: 1076 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Whole House HIGH MASS Design(see C -2R) - Verify Thermal Mass: 624 sgft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Whole House HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC epproved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures oc a form CF -6R. plan Field The HVAC System "HVAC System" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:10 of 16 1HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions 2/3/2004 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HVAC System 1,700 Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM I Sensible 1,492 28,571 2,570 654 29,351 0 1,429 1,468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,429 1,468 31 428 2 570 32 286 YORK H4DH042S06 27,617 9,564 64,000 Total Adjusted System Output 27,617 9,564 64,000 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am EATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26.0 OF 69.0 OF 69.00 112.2 OF 0 Supply Air Outside Air Ducts 0 cfm Supply Fan Heating Coil 111.2 °t= 1400 cfm ROOMS 69.0 OF 70.0 OF Return Air Ducts I [COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Coolina Peak) I 11.0 / 77.6 OF 0 Outside 0 cfm 79.0 / 65.9 °F 79.01 65.9 OF 79.0 / 65.9 °F 60.0 / 58.9 OF Supply Fan 1400 cfm Cooling Coil a Keiurn Air uuciS ] Supply Air Ducts 61.0/59 . 3 OF 52.3% R.H. ROOMS 78.0/65.6°F I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft -User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:11 of 16 1 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions DATE 2/3/2004 SYSTEM NAME HVAC System FLOOR AREA 1,700 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME Mult. CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE Whole House Whole House 1 1,492 28,571 2,570 1,492 28,571 2,570 654 29,351 PAGE TOTAL 1 1,492 28,571 2,570 654 29,351 TOTAL 1 1,492 28,571 2,570 654 29,351 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page: 12 of 16 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title Date MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions 2/3/2004 Room Information Desian Conditions Room Name Whole House Time of Peak Jan 12 am Floor Area 1,700 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70 OF Conduction IR -13 Wall w/1" EPS I Area U -Value 1692.0 X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0.0280 X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X x X X x x x X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X 8.0 0.7000 perimeter = 167.5 1,613.2 0.0585 88.0 0.4600 33.3 0.7400 184.0 0.6100 24.0 0.6000 12.5 0,6200 Z�T OF Btu/hr 2,0851 246 7,454 4,153 1,781 1,084 4,939 634 341 Items shown with an asterisk (•) denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Page Total: 22 717 Infiltration: �cnedu e0 x Air Sensible x Area Ceiling X Ceiling HeigOhtx ACH.50 / 6] X Fraction TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 29,351 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page:13 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/2004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Whole House 780F 112°F 340E Conduction Area U -Value DETD 1 Btu/hr R-38 Roof R.38.2x14.16 Skylight - Dual Glaze R-13 Wall w/1 " EPS Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Summit 5500 Al DP Low E Glass Block X X X X X X X 51.0 = = = = = = = 2,417 34.0 190 30.6 2,888 34.0 1376 34.0 838 34.0 3 816 34.0 490 X X 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total 12 279 Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr Skylight (Skylight) Skylight (Skylight) Window 3020 FO (West) Window 2668 2 FR DR (West) Window 5020 FO (West) Window 5050 XO (North) Window 5020 FO Window 3030 XO (North) (North) Window 3020 FO (North) Window 6050 XO North ( 0.0 x X x x X X x1 x x x 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4.0 x x X x x x x x x x 152) X x x x x )x x 0.954 = = = = = = = = = 580 ( 0.0 4.0 152) 0.954 580 ( 0.0 6.0 73)x 0.412 180 ( 0.0 33.3 73) 0.412 1,001 ( 0.0 10.0 73) 0.412 301 ( 0.0 25.0 15) 0.434 163 ( 0.0 10.0 15)x 0.412 62 ( 0.0 9.0 15)X 0.434 59 ( 0.0 6.0 15) 0.412= 37 ( 0.0 30.0 0.434 195 Sched. Page Total 3 158 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Licihts 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.500 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 2,901 Occupants 1.00 X 1,700 X 245 Btuh/Occ. / 333 sgft/occ. = 1,251 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: �� x � x t7 x x � / 60� Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH c7T Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 28,571 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 1 700 x 155 Btuh/OCC. / 333 sgft/OCc. = 791 Receptacle 1.00 X 1 700 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 1 700 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.411 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4.77J x 1 70 x 10.00 x 0.50 / 60] 0.00263 = 1 779 chedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH Gyy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,570 Energ Pro 3.1 By Energ Soft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page: 14 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/.004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction Area U -Value X Whole House 780E 112°F 340E 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Shaded Unshaded Btu/hr Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Area SGF SC Btu/hr Window 6020 FO (North) W'nrinw RORR SL DR (East) Window 6020 FO (East) Window 2060 SH (South) Window 2020 FO (South) Window 6068 SL DR (South) Window 6020 FO (South) Window 2060 SH Window 2020 FO (South) (South) Window 1020 4 FO East ( 0.0x1 X x x x x x x + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 12.0x x x X x X X x 5)x ) x x X x ) x 0.412= = = = = = = = = 74 ( 0.0 40.0 73 0.434 1,268 ( 0.0x 12.0x '3)x 0.41 361 ( 0.0 12.0 32) 0.412 158 ( 0.0 4.0 32)x 0.412 53 ( 0.0 40.0 32) 0.434 556 ( 0.0 12.0 :;2) 0.412 158 ( 0.0 12.0 c•2 0.412 158 ( 0.0X 4.0X :2)x 0.412_ 53 ( 0.0 8.0 �3)x 0.412 241 Sched. Page Total 3 079 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btulhr Li hts 1.00 x 1,700 X 0.500 Watts/sgft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 2,901 Occupants 1.00 X 1,700 X 245 Btuh/occ. / 333 Egft/occ. = 1,251 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.000 Watts/sgft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 1,700 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = o Infiltration: �� x � x 1,700 x x � / 60] Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH :IT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 28,571 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 1 700 x 155 Btuh/occ. / 333 S-Ift/occ. = 791 Receptacle 1.00 x 1 700 x 0.000 Watts/sgft X 3.41 BtuhlWatt = 0 Process 1.00 x 1 700 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x I 3.41d Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: I 1.00 x 4 77 x 1 70 X 10.00 X 60] -.00263 = 1 779 chedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH C.yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,570 Energ Pro 3.1 By Energ Soft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page: 15 of 16 RESIDENTIAL ROOM COOLING LOAD SUMMARY MALIBU 12 - (Complies in Four Cardinal Directions) 2/3/004 Project Title Date Room Name Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Design Temperature Difference: Conduction 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Area U -Value x Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room Whole House 780F 112°F 340E Btu/hr Page Total 0 + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded Area Shaded Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF Window 2020 FO Btu/hr (South) ( 0.0 x 1 W'ncinw 2840 GL RLK 32) (South) ( 0.0 x 1 Window 5040 XO 278 (South) ( 0.0 x Ill Window 5040 XO (South) ( 0.0 x 119 ( x ( x ( x ( x ( x (I x Whole House 780F 112°F 340E Btu/hr Page Total 0 + + + + + + + + + + Unshaded Area x x x x X x x x x x SG= x x )x )x )x )x )x= )x SC = = = = = = = Btu/hr 4.0 32)X 0.412 53 12.5 32) 0.423 169 20.0 32) 0.434 278 20.0 :32)x 0.434 278 Sched. Page Total 778 Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.500 Watts/sqft xA3.413 Btuh/Watt = 2,901 Occupants 1.00 x 1,700 x 24 Btuh/occ. / sgft/Occ. = 1,251 Receptacle 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.00 Watts/sgft x Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 1,700 x 0.00 Watts/sgft x3tuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: �� x � x � x x � / 60� Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH OT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 28,571 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 x 1 700 x 155 Btuh/OCC. / 333 sgft/occ. = 791 Receptacle 1.00 x 1 700 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 x 1 700 x 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt = 0 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4 77 x 1 70 x 10.00 x 0.50 / 60] 0.00263 = 1 779 chedule Air Latent Area Ceiling Height ACH .�yy Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 2,570 Ener yPro 3.1 By Energ Soft User Number: 5454 Job Number: 3.1-1238 Page: 16 of 16