2014 11 25 PC MinutesCALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Wright. PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Wilkinson, and Chairperson Wright ABSENT: Commissioner Fitzpatrick STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager David Sawyer, Consultant Principal Planner Nicole Criste, and Executive Assistant Monika Radeva Commissioner Blum led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Bettencourt to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of October 14, 2014, as submitted with the addition of the following: Commissioner Bettencourt asked for the following discussion to be added to Public Hearing Item 1 , page 2, after paragraph 5: "Commissioner Bettencourt stated for clarification purposes, the Commission's role on this item is to make a recommendation on the development agreement as it is before them tonight and not on the competence of the developer or any financial assumptions. He further noted the materials before the Commission do not include information about any cash flows, guarantees, security documents, nor mandates to perform infrastructure by a certain time. Staff clarified that the development agreement does include a financial component with regards to DIF and other associated permit fees and that the rest of the PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 NOVEMBER 25, 2014 financial terms are being addressed by City Council via a purchase sale & development agreement. " AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Wilkinson, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Fitzpatrick. ABSTAIN: None. ail 4[0l:I:re1 ]I1[CV 1. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2014-1001 submitted by the City of La Quinta proposing amendments to zoning ordinance permitted use tables to address the farming of field crops in the low density residential zone; and of vocational schools in the regional commercial zone. CEQA: exempt from environmental review pursuant to Chapter 2.6, Section 21080 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15061 (13)(3), Review for Exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines. Location: city- wide. Consultant Principal Planner Nicole Criste presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Discussion ensued between the Commission and staff and included: • Explanation of the City's current noticing procedures for both Conditional Use Permit and Minor Use Permit applications. • Commissioner's desire to ensure appropriate noticing of applications with potential to effect nearby properties and uses. • Explanation of typical types of trade schools and the definition of field crop farming. Chairperson Wright declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:38 p.m. Public Speaker: Mr. Joe Hammer, Indian Wells, CA — introduced himself and said he owned the property located at the southwest corner of Avenue 58 and Monroe Street. He said his request to rezone the property approximately a year ago was not approved and he would like to be able to go back to farming field crops on that property as he had been doing since 1984-85. He said the proposed streamlining of the process would make this a lot faster and financially feasible. Chairperson Wright declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:54 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 NOVEMBER 25, 2014 Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Bettencourt to adopt Resolution 2014-027 recommending City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2014-1001, as submitted with staff's recommendations and the addition of the following: The director shall notify residents and property owners within 500 feet of the subject property and notice the property itself. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Wilkinson, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Fitzpatrick. ABSTAIN: None. The Commission recommended that staff look into ordinance refinements to streamline approval of additional land uses. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Determination of significance regarding installation of facade for future sign locations. Speaker: Mr. Robert Ricciardi, Applicant and President of Robert H. Ricciardi Architect, Bermuda Dunes, CA - introduced himself, described the proposed sign changes to the one-story buildings at the Plaza La Quinta Shopping Center located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street, and answered the Commission's questions. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Wilkinson to determine the proposed architectural changes to constitute a "not significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the building" and to recommend approval by the Community Development Director. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Wilkinson, and Wright. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Fitzpatrick. ABSTAIN: None. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1 . Report on City Council meetings of October 21, November 4 and 18, 2014. 2. Chairperson Wright is scheduled to attend the December 2, 2014, City Council meeting. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS - None PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 NOVEMBER 25, 2014 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Bettencourt to adjourn this meeting at 8:32 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submi ted, MONIKA RADEVA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 NOVEMBER 25, 2014