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2014 GoGovApps, Inc. (Accela/GovOutreach) CRW Integration
TO: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager FROM: Chris Escobedo, Assistant to City Manager DATE: December 5, 2014 RE: Accela a.k.a. Government Outreach Amendment #1 for the purpose of completing the integration of GORequest to TrakIT. Please sign amendment and return to the City Clerk for processing and distribution. Requesting department shall check and attach the items below as appropriate: _X__ Contract payments will be charged to account number: 502-0000-60104. _NA_ A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) is attached with _____ no reportable interests in LQ or ____ reportable interests _NA_ A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests is not required because this Consultant does not meet the definition in FPPC regulation 18701(2). Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: _NA_ Approved by the City Council on (date) ___ _NA_ City Manager’s signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2005-095 Public Works projects for $30,000 or less. _X__ City Manager’s signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2005-096 Service agreements for $30,000 or less. _NA_ City Manager’s signature authority provided under Contract Change Order Policy Contracts under $100,000= 10% max, contracts over $100,000= $25,000 max The following required documents are attached to the agreement: _NA_ Insurance certificates as required by the agreement (initialed by Risk Manager on _____________ date) _NA_ Performance bonds as required by the agreement (originals) _X__ City of La Quinta Business License No. 99779, Expiration Date 6/30/2015. GOVERNMENT OUTREACH CONFIDENTIAL Government Outreach - CRW Integration for the City of La Quinta Government Outreach has been asked by the City of La Quinta to integrate Government Outreach's GORequest with the CRW product that La Quinta is implementing. Functionality Topics in GORequest will each have a tag to indicate if that topic should be handled exclusively in GORequest, automatically send to CRW, or allow the employee to send to CRW on a request by request basis (by checking a box on the GORequest form). That tag will contain the CRW issue type that corresponds to that GORequest topic. All topics that can be forwarded to CRW will require the location field being required in the GORequest tools as CRW requires a location and coordinate for all requests sent to them. Requests in GORequest that will be forwarded to CRW will use the Citizen Central API (based on revision 12.13). When a request in GORequest is sent to CRW, the CRW request number will be displayed in the GORequest employee form to indicate it is being handled by CRW. The GORequest system will poll the CRW system to see if a previously sent request has been closed. If the request has been closed in CRW, GORequest will take the resolution from the CRW request and copy that to the GORequest reason closed field and close the request in GORequest. If a customer adds information to a request that was sent over to CRW, the GORequest system will notify the assigned to person in GORequest of the additional information. The CRW API does not support adding additional information to a request once submitted. If an attachment in a request is not a PNG file, instead of sending the image to CRW, the description text of the request will contain an URL for the attachment(s). This is due to the fact that CRW can only handle PNG file attachments. Page 1 of 2 Government Outreach© 2014. All material proprietary and confidential GOVERNMENT OUTREACH CONFIDENTIAL Deliverables from La Quinta La Quinta will need to send the following information to GORequest • List of topics in GORequest that will automatically be sent to CRW • List of topics in GORequest that the employee can manually send to CRW • For each of the topics that can be sent to CRW, the corresponding CRW issue type • List of any additional attributes collected on the GORequest form that need to be forwarded to CRW (additional attributes will be added to the CRW description). We will also need to know the following items: • Should GORequest send a notification to the assigned to person in GORequest for requests that are automatically sent to CRW? If CRW will be notifying somebody about new requests there, you do not want double emails. • Should GORequest send out employee notifications for requests sent to CRW that are at their due date (as specified in GORequest)? Deliverables from CRW • AgencylD to use for API calls • APIKey to use for API calls Cost for Integration The integration will be developed for a fixed cost of $3,000 plus a license fee of $900/year (which includes maintenance). The $3,000 will be due upon commencement of the project and the license fee will be billed annually on the GORequest invoice. Approval Scope of work -and cost accepted by: By: Title: F i Ke--e- Date: amDate: 1 G• Page 2 of 2 Government Outreach© 2014. All material proprietary and confidential ACCELA INC. CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 ________________________________________________________________________ Accela Inc © 2014. All material proprietary and confidential Government Outreach - CRW Integration for the City of La Quinta Accela has been asked by the City of La Quinta to integrate Government Outreach's GORequest with the CRW product that La Quinta is implementing. A signed agreement by La Quinta was received on May 16, 2014 in which the integration was to be developed by Government Outreach for a fixed cost of $3,000 plus a license fee of $900/year. To date, La Quinta has paid $1,500 of the fixed cost. Due to changing of the API by CRW and issues related in their new API, La Quinta has agree d that they will pay the additional fixed cost remaining on the previous agreement of $1,500 once they receive an invoice plus they will pay Accela $210/hour for engineering time required commencing December 1, 2014 to finish the integration. This agreement authorizes a not to exceed of $1,000. If the $1,000 in billing time has been met, Accela will contact La Quinta and figure out the next steps. Although Accela will perform best effort to complete within the amount allocated, it is understood that circumstances out of Accela’s control may not make this possible. Approval Scope of work and cost accepted by: By: ____________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________