0109-076 (RR)U) (V U) W O =) co r- LU OZr- 0- `- 0 o wWP_ F— a - C/) ' Z M LO N ON U_ °) Z `r�0 X W': mQU rnH 't Z_ co 5 0 J LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 23;5'1 X r9y�<�� Date » r Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor'Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by ­(letion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation' provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. t Date: I IApplicant �-7 ��•� f` ,..:,a�-�., t -....-:.........»_._ s+ _Warn ng: Failure to—secure'"—Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. t":?w1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at'-5- whose hose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to:", any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify' ' & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. !I Signature (Owner/Agent)"' ✓ Date rr-,�•f BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# a DATE VALUATION LOT 1 TRACT Qfi�l �"�C1.t'iF: !k^ E3�i':13i1 '� '09iSITE APN ADbRESS 46 ,21 C_&1JX EMMANZA OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN INEER LAGUNA LIP, 1.A PAZ H0A ►a.14 PA(;11 .iu.;' ,.R00FR\fG PO W73. 799 ' 34621, LA CAW M AY R"{ANCHO MR A.M CA 92271 PK -Ad .SPIRINGS CA, 92262 (760)416,5877 CMIA, 4293 USE OF PERMIT Rr..-9.1 0fo - RTC ;C`60 BMR4630 Q PO MiRA.T nANE *MAM a; ACRYLIC.' C t7A,P0.4G ROOMING SYSTEM r Id,CR00F 710514 Do L3 HISIMMID COST 0F COPSYRUM011 R&ROOF FFM; 101.000-4l 8-000 $31.40 aY SOB-T01'AL C.'OM) I'MC 109 AND P1AN q 1 � p+�;.� /1 Adlsui?' X..^l Dd'Ylof.�S �.6�KV�1 !/l1\.l D �A��'ro.t,n �'A,L1:�'.E.t.` .4�'2EEO Zi�,.@Lr .LtlS.s'Yv x$0,00 SEP 10 2001 CITY OF LA QUINTA = FINANCE DEPT. RECEIPT DATE yt DATE/ BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR 1 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS . MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Roof Deck Combustion Air Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall . Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final 6-( BLOCKWALL A' PROVALS Final POOLS -SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole 'Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voftage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: - JUL-1T-2001 03:32 PM &ant By: WEVERN PACIFIC AOCFINa CcFP.; 760 320 9912; ?A I Stnce I WY �l C�r 'Ma 10, 2001 WESTERN PACIFIC iLaaber Jordi 1hQ1JNA 119 LA PAZ HOA CJO D=81�,5? 11tAl�PAG>eQ►f Y� P.& Bos 7" Rsact a M]rwrc. CA 92270 Route Coiporsdon Lia X235717 RL. L+pM DOLS l -es HOMM., = A,ea=Lxdas . hoot Srrees• M�°'cc ..:.:-�; may -10-01 10:37AM; -23S717 P'�'Lj (, - Page v -j :ear Me. Joidaa: Twk youdd Nr thaapport>md4� eo = a prnpaol �r tae tvof tl n tttatt>beetica cm tba tttbwe d . TINS peogtmn.promotca a" ��� :oof �• In 0& ani td*wIft or "'n=00m awn dam lowers ft ovwW cosi par tea senricatt�b life. 8ebw as our .._ .. _ �_�kY�c for an aw=al iaapN*n and oUt ao OOM C"PM 8Etro1!'IMz�A7iOT18: L Raaove ad Foote deibcs $ bu roof eceaa 7- Irsp= W-M*4ft as pipes sr .: ,.enu as necasaa:p• 3. Imporx base =gin ac wd ' :xa Rep* aM holm. Wn ar spllU ualag a lluroo•ao = rYaM^ 4. 1=9w the =nm and base .,:u2d all AAgbm �, r am baim trams or q*w wing a dum-cause noOtm S. Inspect vma c oveaag * z�x -;uir c�c m�zteacr with a tbroecouae s/aMIL 6. Inipacs and threessozse apc m!-s�p Joia>a � montaay. 7. ThM0,00urm oD Anim arid. '• L Rep* all vbd* exhs, s,• r_. ee Act elect claw "i"S = ttne� syBk f. bmp= and ce-seal as'=MMr' jd1 Urn in U dawft to, C?odc B r X08 VM h._ . ,Tic;a). F9x = saw M.M sl s wa 0f S7100 pa *OIL 1 L Cbodc for ntisdr$ bot a.► . cepa cad a�II' noct,aaef a cast d i9.0>0 es. 3462 La Cwrp=a `. vvw . m Springs, LA 92262 • (760) 416 -SM • Fax (760) :33(1-8.912 OoCcaw - E-mail: wp wectPACToef-eom. P. 05 l JUL-17-2001 00:82 PM Sant By: WESTERN PACIFIC AOOFINci :.1P.; L, It 7a0 310 0912; usy•10.01 10:38iW; LAVM D@ L P'ru BOA AprA 3. 2M pW2 1Z Kapott i+mr beam ab 1i�t►ts .. ...: roc�ry �ataomr. 13, idea dte the tool asap aro lam say bdw M the ma d 53.00 pa d1a 11. Aper al=maa= 0=613 m ,` ..- :13 u pra "thanliras uiriswlois d1011*100. 13r E�vride tAgP4optsQ tA,naR: -A in ;ypodioo pmch so tfit wch bmldtis Tltti mpd v�1 mneeast dtttna� ted a�pQtient dls:,iaaol COetdi>�t ttsc tttt WAs=Arrrn Page 3/u M ,zpdes n+adc by waMea+ -' =S will, be waenemd IN period d m. (1) W >3oaa tb• dtoe cd =npWdhnIt mm be ward Und wtnle A mo. _ „aN is =zmiaky dbcdVR ;t Is DOt a dl Soak 1CikS rtiU d+ �P awry � oar wow a� Wcsoca F--. , :ll ::� to itroee 5aeio tx a aaa aCS6o.00 per Davr. Tae WW peafcr paftmj ., corf Acr AMOUNT, - AMWAL MAUMCNANC-- 1VA deposit aeon AVin8 r=im If vm we in SOME&=w (RiCL WC Will. to Hall Ap Ar7m malftneeft Agri 10 e4 w=q*d LAGU14ADl91 J?AZLAVM. t Mar if 1 cm tins► W=T Tj=x ...ki-:bxfag kbX moubalo aAd sauvislM oa An naatd bye is; ;c .: r uai[ z 3�S amts) e��ea Y1 aaib bid r�+m11e/ !b 2001 I: :nd the baiacd doer upm completion. istroim to be paid within 10 dies of herder. piogc ewe the apmmmt below, ad mm bath =ON to thio 1 ..3n o00 oojd i0 you. Zaaalcyau�ryaa mop's�i00~ � this amcdcx WESTmx PACD><CB00mc*' Ct7ii. Cam ul mtr LJoe M r =717 ]loo's L Wlide - i' - Op�tnlr Masatpsr �s ::.. ,..: �stlslt�oc� piece �d dee to aonloA me dias� � (7611y1t6�Tf. P. 06 JUL-17-2001 03:30 PM Sant By: WESTERN ?ACIFIC AOOFINQ CCnP.; 78C 320 8012; Jun -19-01 9:38AM; Page W4 Lastaas De Lw Pts HOA Jnee 19,2=1 fella 3l00 Kum beet, ytddint a b. The tOp cac smell ba snptied at a ate Of 1.30 plloatt DcT total ,-slam-hi dmes br bate Doom of 30-32 Toad Dry bdk r- Daring the s roll top CM sppllCstta n fte *11 rwoks v►itt be «ieesaeos fate the wet coo Dost rm:=W m a mlc of 30 canis =100 attune &et. Tat# cast caber to be LIGST C"Y. ' d. AU them is to be coated. COMM AMU extoifd UP ofd Ow til Monod vtmt pitta sad tact uaWd .: mia=m of 2 lnChet above the them, aesdat z nett sMc owme, odf- WrminadcA .129d= ;.f aatadted "WO z7oa gxcj+cation maou vmumx&=uwroqAnuwnm Uades+Ktmr L*anlatp womficumm NW 1:B0 ComCtikmw- T s syaam wbaa aC011ed over sat Dothan fLm- misd CLim A of B Tutt -up rvaf sym m has a UL 7K A daaWIosiiM WhCm APPiiOd over an eft C n.,cd mat "m the comm teting mmaim RX ICDO d at 4630 The last cosi fbr aU labor.-reriaL m,rfvlmrm. ittart mm@l taloa,, sic-. lir CONTRACT AMOUNT �48-61Z Calk S.aper=zn Medd 7 S7437.00 WARRANTY ATOM 1161 rear MX=Lfk : cel M gyateat wwfarAy wln be faolodby React Teel OWV C.rpora3 = and Wetlare . AVIr RL .-,Ai Carport d= npoa commiedW of tic Mf aW full OOY.Yn = 1, tscd+�ed. PAYMENT 'TR1t1M3t 10% dapasit neon approval : rbc cow: -m=s. P ogss psyamm to be Mek twioe a month tocol ooarpi d"L BRIE= nue IV= mrd poW w4hia 10 do" of aeoerpt Of the iavowe. TLe pnm quoted has bora ::. cmu W n:dm standardr vm 2W= muhW* **red: quality iusudWon, sorvace retiab• . 04 ia. =sot Derfatnanoe 'I>w iftiCs may bC >,9om to cbaz>13 days film Me 48at of fhb ptapc:-.. If you are is accae+damoc .rig.. me Camd cm batitL tje mmane the agrommod bdow and return both oopies to t6b aoce. We w:.:. in wco.. jZA these and temm jos copy m ym Thooityva Sbr Yowl aWwimt in expediting -, cocim -.,yaw I ' llom siW& Cotstracsmc qua reyulmd L. .M to be .: .=gW sad ra dated by ttie Contrac$Ws Stats lAC= a Rased. Any q eortoer ing _ =Us= mom' t* znftsted m the OAOL% , C 0trsmW c State Lioante Botox P.O.3= 2600n. Saamema CalUbmia 95M. P. 03 Sant 8y: WESTERN PACIFIC AOCFING CCAP.; 780 320 8912; LAW" De L Psa HOA Ja U, =I P006, Jun -19.01 9:39AM; Page 4!4 . Owner admowt dem hart be bas Deed and waived a bwbk mm of Uw spacrncu J udadzm ail u=m and sttmdard ¢s+balm cW w at is pw Osmed a"d tut be ho and end icoMa hWbk =My of ovary other doaa mo met areae la• deed dm t% dtis assm sdaa Lae hasty admow boo met Ow p=altT at Dom' thK Lew mositer the *9 ownas mad onvooc sutbmi ad to s4m this oocaact as as septa of tae heel 4 . ACCs?"i'A?fM- 'ria about pricaw 4Xciic does aed oeedkism ars seddacsory atd are bon *y accastai. You an aotiwr+ito do tAa ww* as meclAealwM be as waibted shone. Yae, the bmyw =iq c mood tbb traaaactioa at my tbm priw ft aaiddig" d the !hind >yrralsess day dt M dw. dame:o(d Ab u% mmc docw. hoc res :riacboi ibotsa at CmmgoAoo form emiamsddro d'tds rbtk Owocr hes the r4Fbt to M9 ---mc O mu. bond at amm's aspeste. LAGIIM VIC LA PAZ El..;A A7 I 6*od Am=— r- W13TW PACHW MOOt M9 CD". Casttrone tors Yore a �T17 weraat%tMZMJWDVC:::SAAT. ;�ZWTo mar' I rXMat MACrWiT MMT2MDAyfOr A XZrrAlfM TMA ACUL MAXUM= A,r 3as2 LA CAAQAIVA WAY. PALM .:I1 �l:s _ . F228. rte Qitl1�� a�.�w!i! r7l07�S !h ?!aJ A lR!!t�1f�L• 1!L R>�f:17Vit O:MTlt. 4/�tLY� ::: 1► w: tMI7tti!". MANAGMADCMAMM A01k Vmm lbm. P. 04 `1