0202-314 (RR)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busineas End. Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 460707 C 3 9 ARS 8/31102 Date ,A ' Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business &`Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations ,( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (�) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are:. Carrier Policy No. s�imZ FU"Ira 1394628-01 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date: Applicant- Warning: pplicant ' w Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton.agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) . i , �r Date ' ` PERMIT # '^ ` BUILDING PERMIT DATE ALUA7.1bN LOT �i 2� a�:y� TRACT ppqq,�.sy� JOB SITE APN ADDRESS 79_&55 FlITS'FA DUM �. OWNER CONTRACTOR /DESIGNER /ENGINEER GiXAayfwl;u_Oi3 dvCTOL!yA RO!G 79-05III 52YA171S IVE 68.314 - byr�, LA QUW:I:A CA 92253 >:."A-.1.'�CmAL cITY' Ck 92Z34 (760)NA-5482 CF.U. $230 USE OF PERMIT MIYOOV, LIGHT TMOMT TILE, PER If;110 6 dM4660 PERMIT WE MMUKRY s FEB2 8 2002. CrrYOFLAQUIRA m68��C�43�;� ;tiii',-1"tL, 4�(3�laif 1�TT+:.`1SCC}I�i �'1e� ►f ��i L`I1j:C" S30.00 33 ; '� $0,00 •�P.R.W-:l�y.QAID g yyp, � s PIE I,u�.)TAL! 1t r::Y.SkV;'.[T.IIS.2�E, 51 $'%Ga POW RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR sr tf T e7 tl d-1 ' INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck 73 Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final z/— z— BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final I I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final vfyater Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure rower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sawer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test ApWliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: ES REPORT TM ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc. • 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 Filing Category: ROOF COVERING AND ROOF DECK CONSTRUCTION—Roof Covering (202) EAGLE AND EAGLELITE INTERLOCKING CONCRETE ROOFING TILES EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS 3546 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE RIALTO, CALIFORNIA 92377 1.0 SUBJECT Eagle and Eaglelite TM Interlocking Concrete Roofing Tiles. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: 2.1.1 Eagle Tiles: Eagle conventional -weight interlocking concrete roofing tiles are produced in high-profile (Capistra- no), low -profile (Malibu), and flat -profile styles with either smooth surfaces (Bel Air Standard, Bel Air Estate or Bel Air Double Eagle) or textured surfaces (Ponderosa Standard, Ponderosa Estate, Ponderosa Double Eagle or Ponderosa Golden Eagle). Ridge and rake trim units are produced to match each product. The tiles are composed of Type II portland cement, washed sand, and proprietary additives. Mineral coloring oxides are added to or are mixed with portland cement and waterforsur- face application following extrusion. Units are cured under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. Tiles are 17 inches (432 mm) long,123/8 inches (315 mm) wide, and nomi- nally 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) thick. They are manufactured in either flat or profile style with 3/4 -inch -wide (19 mm) interlocking sidelaps designed to resist surface water penetration and maintain proper alignment. All tiles have protruding head lugs on the underside, which provide for mechanical attachment over wooden battens, or provide a stable foundation for nail attachment to solid decking. Two nail holes are provided in each tile for use where half tiles are needed at roof edges, chimneys, skylights, etc. Approximate installed dry weights with 3 -inch (76 mm) head laps are 9.5 psf (46 kg/m2) for Ca- pistrano tiles, 9.5 psf (46 kg/m2) for Malibu tiles and 10.0 psf (49 kg/m2) for Ponderosa and Bel Air tiles. 2.1.2 Eaglelite Tiles: Eaglelite tiles are produced in the same size, manner and shapes as the conventional -weight Eagle tiles described in Section 2.1.1, except for substitution of lightweight aggregates and additives for sand. Approxi- mate installed dry weights with 3 -inch (76 mm) head laps are 5.7 psf (28 kg/m) for Capistrano tiles, 5.5 psf (27 kg/m2) for Malibu tiles and 7.0 psf (34 kg/m2) for Ponderosa and Bel Air tiles. 2.2 Installation: 2.2.1 New Construction: Sheathing: Sheathing must be structurally ade- quate to support the loads involved but not less than solid sheathing boards of nominal 1 -inch -thick or nominal 1/2 -inch - thick (12.7 mm) plywood or nominal 1 -inch spaced sheathing or other decking material recognized in an ICBO ES evalua- ER -4660 Reissued June 1, 2001 • www.icboes.org tion report or by the Uniform Building Code- (UBC) and approved by the local building official. Underlayment: Tiles installed on roof slopes of less than 21/2:12 (21 % slope) are considered decorative only and must be applied over an approved roof covering, subject to lo- cal building official approval. On roof slopes from 21/2:12 (21 % slope) to below 3:12 (25% slope), an approved built-up roof, applied in accordance with Table 15-D-1 of the code, or a single -ply roof membrane as- sembly, is first installed. Where roof slopes fall between 3:12 (25% slope) and 4:12 (33% slope), underlayment may be as described above in this section, or may be a single -layer, No. 90, granular -surfaced, asphalt roll roofing, or two layers of No. 30 felt installed shingle fashion, or an approved single -ply system installed per code or an ICBO ES evaluation report. Where roof slopes are 4:12 (33% slope) or greater, one lay- er of minimum No. 30 felt installed using 6 -inch (152 mm) side and 2 -inch (51 mm) head laps, complying with ASTM D 226 or equal and recognized in an ICBO ES evaluation report, shall completely cover the deck and be lapped over hips and ridges and laced through valleys. Hip and ridge nailer boards must also be covered. When installed overspaced sheathing, an underlayment recognized specifically for this type of use in an ICBO ES evaluation report must be installed with 6 -inch (152 mm) side and head laps. Battens: Nominal 1 -by -2 wood batten strips are re- quired where roof pitches fall below 3:12 (25% slope), in order to minimize membrane penetration, and are required where roof pitches exceed 7:12 (58.3% slope), to provide positive tile anchoring. Battens are nailed to the deck with 8d corro- sion -resistant box nails at 24 inches (610 mm) on center, or No. 16 gage [0.063 -inch (1.6 mm)] by 7/16 -inch -crown (11.1 mm) by 11/2 -inch -long (38 mm) corrosion -resistant staples on 12 -inch (305 mm) centers, allowing a 1/2 -inch (12.7 mm) sep- aration at batten ends to provide drainage. On roof slopes from 21/2:12 (21 % slope) to below 3:12 (25% slope), nominal 3/6 -inch -thick (9.5 mm), decay -resistant wood lath strips, installed vertically, are attached from eave to ridge at 24 inches (610 mm) on center using 8d corrosion - resistant box nails. Horizontal nominal 1 -by -2 wood battens are then nailed through the vertical battens into the deck at proper coursing, not exceeding 14 inches (356 mm) on cen- ter. Where attaching tiles to horizontal battens, nails shall penetrate the full thickness of the battens but not the roof membrane. Battens installed on roof slopes of 4:12 (33% slope) to 21:12 (175% slope) shall be nailed to the deck using 8d corro- sion -resistant box nails at no more than 24 inches (610 mm) on center, and shall have provisions for drainage by providing a 1/2 -inch (12.7 mm) separation at the batten ends every 4 feet (1219 mm), or by shimming with moisture -resistant, nom- inal /6 -inch -thick (9.5 mm), decay -resistant wood lath strips or 2 -inch -square (51 mm square) shims, cut from asphalt REPORTS— are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2001 ANSI Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 shingles, placed between the battens and deck to provide drainage beneath the battens. Batten placement shall not ex- ceed 14 inches (356 mm) on center. Eave: Metal eave closure strips must be installed when using Eagle Capistrano tiles. The use of eave closures with Malibu tiles is an aesthetic option. Eave riser strips of wood or metal must be installed at eaves when using Eagle Bel Air, Malibu or Ponderosa tile. Eave closures and/or eave risers elevate eave tiles to the proper height; block wind, fire, snow, vermin, or birds; and allow drainage of moisture accu- mulated beneath the tiles to escape through weep holes in metal or slots in wood. Where solid fascia material is attached to rafter ends and extends above the plane of the deck to act as a first course tile riser, an anti -ponding device must be used to support the underlayment. Fastening: Tiles are attached in accordance with Table 15-D-1 of the UBC for roof slopes less than 4:12 and Table 15-D-2,of the UBC for roof slopes 4:12 and over. All tile nails are minimum No. 11 gage, corrosion -resistant steel hav- ing a minimum 5/16 -inch -diameter (7.9 mm) head and suffi- cient length to penetrate 3/4 inch (19 mm) into framing, bat- tens or through the thickness of the sheathing, whichever is less. When attaching tiles to overhang areas where the nail points may bevisible from underneath the sheathing, nominal 1 -by -2 wood batten strips are nailed through the sheathing into rafters with one 8d nail in each rafter. Tiles are nailed into batten strips with minimum No. 11 gage nails of sufficient length to penetrate through the full thickness of the batten strip. Trim Tile: Each hip or ridge tile is secured to nailer boards with one nail at the head end and a dab of roofer's mastic or other permanent adhesive placed over the nailing area to secure succeeding tile. When installing Capistrano tiles, all hip, ridge and head wall intersections must be pro- tected, to prevent moisture penetration, with mortar, metal, metal- backed tape, rubber or other ultraviolet -resistant mate- rials. All rake tiles are attached with two nails into the barge board. Nailer boards of sufficient height to adequately support hip or ridge tiles are nailed into framing every 24 inches (610 mm) with 10d steel nails or are secured using galvanized steel strapping or special galvanized steel attachment devices at 48 inches (1219 mm) on center. Flashings: Valley flashing must be in accordance with Section 1508 of the UBC. All other flashing must comply with Section 1509 of the UBC. Openings through the tile for penetrations such as vents must be flashed and supported by additional blocking or roof framing as required. Flashing for profile tiles must be made of lead or other approved flexible materials, and must be formed to the contours of the tile. Broken Tile Replacement: The broken tile is first re- moved. If battens were used originally, existing nails, if any, are cut and new tile inserted. If no battens were used, a 6 -inch -by -6 -inch -by -1/2 -inch (152 mm by 152 mm by 12.7 mm) plywood piece is nailed to the deck to act as a batten. The new tile is then inserted. As an alternate, new tiles may be inserted using roofer's mastic to form a bond at the head lap area. Severe Climate Considerations: In areas desig- nated by local building departments as subject to rooftop ac- cumulations of sand, snow or rain driven by high winds, open- ings at hips, ridges and walls must be closed with metal or mortar, or approved sealant material. In areas subject to se- vere ice build-up at the eaves, tiles must not be installed on roof slopes below 4:12 (33% slope). Roof ventilation de- scribed in Section 1505.3 of the UBC must be provided. ER -4660 Horizontal battens must be installed on top of nominal 1 -by -4 vertical battens, to allow airflow between the roof deck and the installed tile. Vertical battens must be installed at 12 or 16 inches (305 or 406 mm) on center, or at up to 24 inches (610 mm) on center if fastened into rafters. Horizontal battens must be minimum 1 -by -4, fastened through the vertical bat- tens. All tiles are nailed through horizontal battens. In areas where basicwind speeds exceeding 80 mph (129 km/h) exist, directions in Table 15-D-1 or Table 15-D-2 of the UBC must be followed. Underlayment application must comply with Table 15-D-1 of the UBC for slopes less than 4:12 or Table 15-D-2 of the UBC for slopes 4:12 and greater. '2.2.2 Reroofing: Eagle tiles, as described in Section 2.1.1, provide a Class A roof when installed over existing asphalt shingle roofs. Care should be taken to ensure both horizontal and vertical alignment on the roof. Foreign matter must be cleaned from all interlocking areas. Cracked or broken tiles must be removed from the roof. Damaged or rusted flashing should be replaced. Existing framing must be adequate for the additional load. Structural data verifying adequacy should be submitted to the building official. The existing roof must be inspected in accordance with Appendix Chapter 15, Section 1515, of the UBC. When reroofing wood shake roofs, existing shakes must be removed and solid decking and tile must be installed, as with new construction. When installed over exist- ing spaced sheathing boards, underlayment complying with the UBC or an underlayment recognized specifically for this type of use in an ICBO ES evaluation report, installed with or without battens, may be used. One layer of No. 30 felt or ap- proved equal underlayment must be installed on the roof prior to application of tile. In lieu of this underlayment's being pro- vided, the building official may determine that the existing roof covering provides the required underlayment protection. Details not covered under this section are identical to those described in Section 2.2.1. 2.3 Roof Classification: When installed over solid sheathing in accordance with this report, Eagle and Eaglelite roofing tiles are Class A roof cov- erings in accordance with Section 1504.1 of the UBC. When installed over spaced or solid sheathing in accordance with this report, the tiles are noncombustible roof coverings in ac- cordance with Section 1504.2 of the UBC. The tiles are Class A roof coverings when installed overexisting asphalt shingles in accordance with Section 2.2.2 of this report. 2.4 Identification: The name EAGLE and the evaluation report number (ER -4660) are imprinted on each tile. A tag on each shipping pallet indicates the producing plant location, product identifi- cation and the installed weight. Each Eaglelite tile is identified by the product name "Eaglelite" on a tag and a light-colored strip across the headlap area. 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Results of tests in accordance with the ICBO ES Acceptance Criteria for Special Roofing Systems (AC07), dated April 1999; installation instructions; and quality control manual. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Eagle Concrete Roofing Tiles described in this report comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code-, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Tiles are manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufactur- er's instructions. 4.2 Tiles are manufactured at Eagle Roofing Products facilities located in Rialto, California, and Phoenix, Arizona. This report is subject to re-examination in two years. Page 3 of 5 3/4`" ANCHOR NEATHER 3ARS CONTINUOUS 115/g" MAUSU Tile pmtue) ij 3/4" 21/8"WEATHER BARS 17" \ 123/8" Interlocking channel PONDEROSA Tile 17" ReMe Trim Tile Cmnimous .—%— 1— FIELD AND TRIM TILE SPECIFICATIONS ER-4660 Page 4 of 5 Note: Hip nailer boards are to be of sufficient height to maintain even plane of trim tiles. Height of nailer boards will vary due to roof pitch and type of tile. Cover ridge nailer with undedayment Alternate wind -rain block mortar, metal or other roofer's mastic. and above 7:12 TYPICAL RIDGE DETAILS Battens required below 3:12 ands. above 7:12 f Eave riser I Eave closure Apply continuous bead of Cover hip nailer with approved roofer's mastic at underlayment overlap area. Mortar or stack trim Hold bade nailer ends or Install.hip board 6" starter TYPICAL HIP DETAILS Soft aluminum or other flexible type flashing with profile tile. Affix to tile with roofer's mast' aal with ofer's mastic Double flashing \ recommended f1 - Pipe jack FLASHINGS - PIPE VENT OTHER THRIJ-ROOF PROJECTIONS ER -4660 OpAllow for valley \ Solid dralnage when sheathing applying eave closure TYPICAL VALLEY FLASHINGS DETAILS Underlayment 1/2" return lip FLASHING ABUTTING WALL Counter flashing Angle flashin` FLASHING DETAILS APPLICATION DETAILS Counter flashing recommended in severe weather Z bar —�4" Min. Standard G.I. pan flashing. Carry to eave line or transfer to top of tile with flexible metal. Min. 6" on all profiles Undedayment Saddle - Use with projections over 4' wide. jWSeal�with mortar, mastic or equivalent Continuous pan flashing carried over top of tile Additional ply of felt Do not nail under valley through flashing recommended Battens required below 3:12 and Standard above 7:12 . valley flashing Underlaymei Eave drip strip OpAllow for valley \ Solid dralnage when sheathing applying eave closure TYPICAL VALLEY FLASHINGS DETAILS Underlayment 1/2" return lip FLASHING ABUTTING WALL Counter flashing Angle flashin` FLASHING DETAILS APPLICATION DETAILS Counter flashing recommended in severe weather Z bar —�4" Min. Standard G.I. pan flashing. Carry to eave line or transfer to top of tile with flexible metal. Min. 6" on all profiles Undedayment Saddle - Use with projections over 4' wide. jWSeal�with mortar, mastic or equivalent Continuous pan flashing carried over top of tile Page 5 of 5 Battens required on roof pitches below 3:12 and above 7:12 Metal drip strip �` 1 Metal eave riser Shingle -lap with weep holes vertical course INSTALLATION AT EAVES AND FIELD ER -4660 Cover ridge nailer with One nail per underlayment ridge tile Cut file to fit opening Ridge nailer to be of sufficient height to maintain even plane of ridge tiles t Apply continuous 1 ' bead of approved Provide minimum 3' headiap roofer's mastic at Butt rake tiles to field course above • overlap area. Factory finished butt end Metal eave ser Cut off head end of first rake file and drip strip Two nails per rake trim TYPICAL RIDGE AND GABLE Underlayment Crimped 0, — Standard flashing. Secure to edge Standard base flashing attached to file with mastic or sealant. deck. VENT FLASHING An9W ftshhq ---tzzo- STEP FLASHING Weuri Rp b UM SIN appawA 100(M' flltftiC. APPLICATION DETAILS Corporate Office: 2626 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-548-1645/Fax 949-548-2617 License #460707 Desert Office: 68314 Kieley Road Cathedral City, CA 92234 760-324-5482/Fax 760-328-4612 PETRONELLA ROOFING hereinafter called "Contractor" and/or "Seller", agrees to provide the following listed labor, materials and construction: NAME: 4 laT-pt CITY: Yea € 9aiiita, CA 9225"i DESCRIPTION OF LABOR, MATERIALS AND MISC.: ADDRESS: i M-5 y D -x"? vt PHONE: 1.ib)(}'." ?':ECf 31, 20021.,, Tot a 92-unut C-ag.t,edJ-Lu :i --•0i-` 'Syn t 171 4N1 i, 8,00 00 f Di.scou!lt if 'iY;?'Y.E`1 _?SILO f.ctisc,'{vlh'"td JV 5-010 i, -n Lf �fSJ�i��� �:,`'I• 5G0) 001 Roof.' '.iy3t(-,°IIS A7tfC`m-rut v}= 2/-'26/02 Schedule Of ?:xtr,,.: 1. Any ele-L_t?:"3cnl. 0Y: Pl,t.!:wtbl Mg :nJGY.'N. 2_( }. 1')e i+h" 0.d d at � :` , °_ r`.'; t "FJ, JJJ•.e �:)ir IJ:' ti+�� (2 T2 -➢ii:_ iVA dtF.2Laiwia l Y3 h _f:(.' 101/ a 20 To iiistall n Ce'C3OAL-i' s�`,•'i � US :t':_.7.i ed:.1fS 1iv 'ri lt(.� 3. fsC:Iltt)Vfi iii:% 1. ai3(<';ct? gI?5jr :£$i::. Cr?" �t f4 iicti":'sl:0. -i�._'�'r`.0d' a_i" w a.b1:aaity w•agIal i mac: ati3Y.1:u a :t11e,%'rS ;i.e.%_nm+ . J. 1! d, :4 Fe i:6?i: _:^ i War3^ ,e':`_r.y i`m- (10) Year SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: y Terms, 1112 Upon t3d'= .. ' l TIME FOR STARTING AND COMPLETING PROJECT: Wuik shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of sale unless specified otherwise and be substantially completed in approximately ten (10) working days with additional time to be allowed as detailed in Paragraph 9. of the Terms, Conditions and "Notice to Owner" on the back hereof. Substantial Commencement of work shall be defined as the installation of any materials and/or labor. Contractors failure to substantially commence work, without lawful excuse, within twenty (20) days from the date specified, above is a violation of the Contractors License Law. NOTICE TO BUYER: (1) Do not sign this agreement before you read it. (2),You are entitled to a completely filled in copy of this agreement. (3) Owner acknowledges that he has read and received a legible copy of this agreement signed by Contractor, including all Terms, Conditions and "Notice to Owner" on the reverse side, before any work was done, and that he has read and received a legible copy of every document that Owner has signed during the negotiations. (4) YOU, THE BUYER, MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION BY NOTIFYING THE SELLER, IN WRITING, AT THE ADDRESS ABOVE. IN THE EVENT YOU THE BUYER FAILS TO EXERCISE THIS RIGHT AND SUBSEQUENTLY ATTEMPTS TO CANCEL THIS CONTRACT AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF RECISION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE ENTITLED TO RECOVER ALL COSTS AND LOST PROFITS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CONTRACT. (5) YOU, AS OWNER OR TENANT, HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR TO HAVE A PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND