2014 11 25 PCTwyl 4 Sep Qu&rj Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.la-quinta. org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. 2014-027 CALL TO ORDER 1 . Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 . Approval of the minutes of October 14, 2014. PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Assistant prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 NOVEMBER 25, 2014 you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2014-1001 submitted by the City of La Quinta proposing amendments to zoning ordinance permitted use tables to address the farming of field crops in the low density residential zone; and of vocational schools in the regional commercial zone. CEQA: exempt from environmental review pursuant to Chapter 2.6, Section 21080 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15061 (B)(3), Review for Exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines. Location: City-wide. BUSINESS SESSION Determination of significance regarding installation of facade for future sign locations. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL COMMISSIONER ITEMS Report on City Council meetings of October 21, November 4 and 18, 2014. 2. Chairperson Wright is scheduled to attend the December 2, 2014, City Council meeting. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on December 9, 2014, commencing at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, Executive Assistant of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting was posted on the inside of the north entry to the La Quinta Civic Center at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on November 20, 2014. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 NOVEMBER 25, 2014 DATED: November 20, 2014 MONIKA RADEVA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development Department's counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 NOVEMBER 25, 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairperson Wright. PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Wilkinson, and Chairperson Wright ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Les Johnson, City Attorney William H. Ihrke, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney, and Executive Assistant Monika Radeva Commissioner Fitzpatrick led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Blum to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of August 26, 2014, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 and Development Agreement 2014-1001 submitted by Silverrock Development Company, LLC, proposing the development of two hotels with combined 340 hotel rooms, 95 hotel branded residential units, a conference center, approximately 300 resort residential units, approximately 40,000 square feet of retail space, recreation areas, and a 5,000 square -foot golf clubhouse. Project: SilverRock Resort. CEQA: Addendum to previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration (EA 2002-453) and subsequent Addendum (EA 2006-568) has been prepared for consideration. Location: generally located southwest of the corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 OCTOBER 14, 2014 Community Development Director Les Johnson presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Chairperson Wright declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:14 p.m. Public Speaker: Mr. John Gamlin, Principal with Premier Land Advisors and Partner with Silverrock Development Company, LLC, La Quinta, CA - introduced himself, gave a detailed presentation of the proposed project, and answered the Commission's questions. Chairperson Wright declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:21 p.m. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Bettencourt/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution 2014-025 recommending City Council approval of Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2002-453 and Addendum No. 2006-568, as submitted with staff's recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution 2014-026 recommending City Council approval of Development Agreement 2014-1001 as submitted with staff's recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION - None CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1 . Report on City Council meetings of September 16 and October 7, 2014. 2. Vice Chairperson Wilkinson is scheduled to attend the October 21, 2014 City Council meeting. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Blum to adjourn this meeting at 8:41 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 OCTOBER 14, 2014 Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 OCTOBER 14, 2014 PH 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 CASE NO.: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2014-1001 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE PERMITTED USE TABLES TO ADDRESS THE FARMING OF FIELD CROPS IN THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE; AND OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONE CEQA: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS EXEMPT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2.6, SECTION 21080 OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE, CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT STATUTES, AND SECTION 15061(B)(3), REVIEW FOR EXEMPTIONS OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES. THIS DETERMINATION, ALONG WITH THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT, WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE HEARING LOCATION: CITY WIDE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2014 - , recommending that the City Council adopt the CEQA Exemption, and recommending adoption of Amendments to the La Quinta Municipal Code: Chapter 9.40.040, Table 9-1 ; and Chapter 9.80.040, Table 9-5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed zoning text amendments stem from two recent requests regarding Conditionally Permitted uses, one in the Low Density Residential zone, and one in the Regional Commercial zone. 1. A request has been made to allow the farming of field crops on land zoned Low Density Residential. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). This amendment would allow the use with approval of a Minor Use Permit (MUP). Page 1 of 4 2. A request has been made to allow a vocational school in an existing building in the Regional Commercial zone. Currently, a CUP is required. This amendment would allow the use with approval of a MUP. Although both amendments have been initiated as a result of specific requests, it is important to note that the proposed amendments, if approved, would apply on all Low Density Residential and Regional Commercial properties in the City. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: City staff has recently received two requests for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Staff presented the requests to the City Council at its meeting of November 4, 2014. The City Council directed staff to undertake the Zoning Ordinance Amendments in this case. Conditional Use Permit vs. Minor Use Permit The Zoning Ordinance allows two types of Use Permits: Conditional and Minor. In both cases, the reason for the permit is to assure land use compatibility between the proposed use and surrounding land uses. Generally, in the residential zones, CUPs are required of uses that, unless appropriately conditioned, could significantly impact their neighbors. Similarly, MUPs are required for uses that could impact their neighbors, but to a lesser degree. As defined in Section 9.120.020, "Uses requiring a conditional use permit have moderate to significant potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses; for example kennels or animal shelters. Uses requiring a minor use permit have low to moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. In most cases, such uses are accessory to a main or principal use on the property. " The approval of a CUP requires a public hearing before the Planning Commission. The approval of a MUP requires approval of the Community Development Director. As a result, a CUP process can be lengthy, extending to 3 months, while an MUP can be processed in a few weeks. As an administrative decision, a MUP does not require public notification or a public hearing, although "the director may notify residents or property owners near the subject property if the director determines on a case -by -case basis that the public interest would be served by such notification" (Section 9.200.020). This allows the Community Development Director latitude in notifying surrounding property owners and residents, based on the circumstances of each case. The findings for either a CUP or a MUP are identical. Therefore, the same potential impacts, along with consistency with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, compliance with CEQA and the protection of adjacent land uses are considered in both cases. Page 2 of 4 Finally, as is the case with all Director or Planning Commission decisions, any interested party may appeal the decision of either a CUP or MUP, to the next highest approval authority. Low Density Residential, Section 9.40.040, Table 9-1 Property zoned Low Density Residential can currently be farmed for field crops with approval of a CUP. Row crop farming is a Permitted use in the Very Low Density Residential zone, and is Prohibited in all other residential zones. The CUP process is time consuming and costly ($2,000 to $4,000), requires the submittal of a relatively complex package of materials, and requires approval by the Planning Commission. As described above, the MUP would require a Director's approval. The farming of field crops is a low impact use, which generally will occur only on larger lots prior to their development. Aspects of field crop farming that warrant special consideration include use of pesticides and fertilizers, and harvesting activities in potential close proximity to adjacent residences. With the change to an MUP, the Director will still be required to consider such impacts to surrounding properties, and will have the authority to approve or deny a request, based on the significance of these impacts on a case by case basis. For example, the request that spurred consideration of this change is tied to a property located at Avenue 58 and Monroe Street. Vacant Low Density Residential properties in this area of the City are generally over 4 acres in size, and are in an area where farming occurs. As a result, the use may be appropriate at this location. Conversely, vacant Low Density Residential parcels in north La Quinta are under an acre, and surrounded by existing single family homes. The MUP requirements provide the Director with the opportunity to notify the neighbors and allow them to comment on an application, and to consider the neighborhood in which the use is proposed before approving or denying the project. Finally, the Director's decision can be appealed to the Planning Commission, if any party is aggrieved by the Director's decision. On the basis of this analysis, staff believes that the Table 9-1 can be amended to allow the farming of field crops with approval of a Minor Use Permit. Regional Commercial, Section 9.80.040, Table 9-5 Under the current Zoning Ordinance, vocational schools require approval of a CUP in the Regional Commercial zone. The Regional Commercial zone occurs only along the Highway 111 corridor in the City. Generally, these properties are developed as shopping centers, with multiple large tenants. Currently, vocational schools must secure approval of a CUP in the Regional Commercial, Commercial Park, Community Commercial, Office Commercial and Major Community Facilities zones; and are Prohibited in the Neighborhood Commercial and Tourist Commercial zones. Aspects of vocational schools that warrant special consideration include potential increased demand of parking and depending on the trade, unusual noise and odors. As previously mentioned, a CUP process is time consuming and costly, particularly when being processed for an existing building in an existing shopping center. It should also be noted that if a vocational school were to include construction of a new building, a Site Development Permit would be required in any commercial zone. Page 3 of 4 The proposed change from a CUP to a MUP approval for vocational schools in the Regional Commercial zone is appropriate based on the following analysis. Vocational schools offer a short-term educational program that is directly related to a trade. Most often vocational schools are beauty colleges, but they can include medical -related fields and automotive repair and maintenance. These schools usually include a "hands on" training component, and therefore are open to the public for services that allow the students to train in real world conditions. In the Regional Commercial zone, the location of a vocational school can be compatible, particularly when one considers that these schools have relatively low impacts, and are best located near transit for student access. Further, whether approved through a CUP or MUP process, the specifics of a site, including whether sufficient parking is available, will be addressed through the review of each case. The MUP requirements provide the Director with the opportunity to notify neighboring businesses or residents, and allow them to comment on an application, and to consider the setting in which the use is proposed before approving or denying the project. Finally, the Director's decision can be appealed to the Planning Commission, if any party is aggrieved by the Director's decision. The requirement for a CUP in the Commercial Park, Community Commercial, Office Commercial and Major Community Facilities zones should remain, because these zones are considerably less intense, and the impacts of a vocational school could be moderately to significantly impactful in those zones. Findings to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendments can be made and are contained in the attached Resolution. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW: This request was published in the Desert Sun newspaper on November 14, 2014. To date, no comments have been received. Comments were not requested from any public agencies or other City Departments, given the limited scope of the amendment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Community Development Department has determined that the proposed zoning ordinance amendment is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Chapter 2.6, Section 21080 of the Public Resources Code, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) statues, and Section 15061 (b)(3), Review for exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines, in that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility for these actions to have a significant effect on the environment. Report prepared by: Nicole Sauviat Criste, Consulting Planner Report approved for submission by: Les Johnson, Community Development Director Page 4 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2014-1001; AMENDING TABLES 9-1 AND 9-5 OF TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, MODIFYING THE TABLE OF PERMITTED USES RELATING TO FIELD CROP FARMING IN THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONE CASE NO.: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2014-1001 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 25`" day of November, 2014, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for review of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to modify Tables 9-1 and 9-5 of Title 9 (Zoning) of the La Quinta Municipal Code as identified by Title of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, said Zoning Ordinance Amendment has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (CEQA) as amended (Resolution 83-63) in that the La Quinta Planning Department has reviewed the Amendment under the provisions of CEQA, and has determined that the Amendment is exempt pursuant to Section 15061 (B) (3), Review for Exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a public hearing notice was published in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 14, 2014, as prescribed by the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings recommending approval of said Zoning Ordinance Amendment, to the City Council: The proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. The proposed amendments are supported by Policy LU-3.1, relating to neighborhood character preservation; Policy LU-4.1, relating to compatible development; Goal LU6 and Policies LU- 6.1, LU-6.2 and LA-6.6 relating to providing a broad range of commercial and educational opportunities and developments. Planning Commission Resolution 2014 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2014-1001 City of La Quinta Adopted: November 25, 2014 Page 2 of 3 2. Approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, and will have no impacts on the public health, safety and welfare. The amendment allows for the streamlining of the approval process while maintaining safeguards, including surrounding property owner and resident notifications, to assure land use compatibility. 3. The Zoning Ordinance Amendment has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed changes to the Municipal Code will have no effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2014-1001 , as follows: 1. Amend Table 9-1 to allow field crop farming with approval of a Minor Use Permit in the Low Density Residential zone. 2. Amend Table 9-5 to allow vocational school with approval of a Minor Use Permit in the Regional Commercial zone. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 25" day of November, 2014, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Resolution 2014 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2014-1001 City of La Quinta Adopted: November 25, 2014 Page 3 of 3 ROBERT WRIGHT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: LES JOHNSON, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION B I 1 STAFF REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 2014 CASE NO.: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2014-101 1 APPLICANT: HARSCH INVESTMENT PROPERTIES - STEVEN CHAFFE ARCHITECT: ROBERT H. RICCIARDI REQUEST: DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE REGARDING INSTALLATION OF FACADE FOR FUTURE SIGN LOCATIONS LOCATION: 78401 HIGHWAY 111 - PLAZA LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission provide direction as to whether the proposed modifications constitute a "significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the building." EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed facade installation is for an existing shopping center, to facilitate a future revised signing program (Attachment 1). The proposal is being reviewed by the Planning Commission based on the Community Development Director's referral per Section 9.200.090 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The proposal is for new beam and support column installations, which are intended to act as a facade for future sign improvements. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Plaza La Quinta Shopping Center was approved in the late 1970's and is currently a 124,000 s.f. retail/office center (Attachment 2). Numerous approvals for pad buildings, use revisions and other center modifications have occurred as the center has built out, and tenants and uses have changed over time. The applicant has submitted the proposed facade revision for consideration under the Modification by Applicant process (MBA). La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.090 allows for minor plan modifications to be approved by the Community Development Director (Director), unless the Director determines that the plan modification may result in a significant change in the project. In this case, the Director has made the determination that the plan modification may result in a significant change, and is therefore referring this proposal to the Planning Page 1 of 3 Commission to determine whether the proposed modifications exceed the scope of the MBA process, or otherwise constitute a significant change to the project. No public hearing is required. There are six criteria listed in Section 9.200.090.C, which constitute minor changes eligible for modification by applicant consideration. A request must meet at least one of these criteria: 1. Increases in building square footage not to exceed ten percent from the original approval that have been determined to not result in a significant architectural, aesthetic, or visual impact to the existing project and require additional parking. This criteria is not applicable to the proposal. 2. Changes, additions, or adjustments to windows, window locations, or window treatments; This criteria is not applicable to the proposal. 3. Changes, substitutions, or adjustments to building materials, roofing materials, screening materials, lighting fixtures, or paving, This criteria is not applicable to the proposal. 4. Changes, additions, or substitutions to existing landscaping, including the removal of turf or water features; This criteria is not applicable to the proposal. 5. Minor adjustments, substitutions, or additions to architectural features such as pilasters, canopies, trellises, shade structures, overhangs, eaves, parapets, cornices, or portions of roof structures that do not result in a significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the building, This criteria is applicable to the proposal, which would constitute eligibility for modification by applicant consideration. 6. Changes, substitutions, or adjustments to the approved color palate or material colors. This criteria is not applicable to the proposal. The modification has been submitted based on the criteria specified in Section 9.200.090.C.5. If the Planning Commission determines that the proposed modifications exceed the scope of this criteria, or otherwise constitute a significant change to the project, then the modification would be ineligible for consideration under the MBA process, and the applicant would be required to file an application for a site development permit amendment. Page 2 of 3 If the Planning Commission determines that the modification is a minor change within the scope of this criteria, and will not result in a significant change in the project, then the Director may approve the proposal through the administrative MBA process. The proposal is for new beam and support column installations, which are intended to act as a facade for future sign improvements. There are three beam sections that will be added, along with four new support columns (Attachment 3). The new columns are designed to match the currently existing columns and will support the beams in place. The facade will follow and extend below the roof edge, generally in line with the existing individual canopy signs. The applicant has provided simulated photos of the completed work (Attachment 4); this application is for the facade and supports only and consequently, the signing shown is only illustrative, but the applicant intends to develop a sign program based on this design for future submittal. The east wing is in two sections, affecting the spaces between La Brasserie restaurant and Sunshine Stationary, while the west wing covers the space between Mail Boxes Etc. and Tarbell Realtors. Staff has taken the position that the proposal may constitute a significant change affecting the existing shopping center design. This is primarily due to the impression that the facade is not reflective of the original architecture, and may further restrict the appearance of openness along the pedestrian walkways affected. The applicant has modified the plans to show a false rafter extension treatment along the facade, to represent the existing fronting roof edges and rafter tail extensions, and similar to the rafters along the Mongolian Grill tenant space. This treatment is intended to help provide a more cohesive appearance to the design with the other existing balcony areas. The center itself has several outlying buildings that were constructed after the original main building wings affected by the proposal. Counter to staff's initial concern, it can be argued that the center's appearance is dated and does not represent a consistent, cohesive design statement, given the changes that have occurred over the past 30 + years and consequently, the proposed changes could be considered insignificant. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Community Development Department has determined that this proposal is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to provisions of Section 15301 (Class 1(a) — Interior/exterior alterations) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Report prepared by: Wallace Nesbit, Principal Planner Report approved for submission by: Les Johnson, Community Development Director Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Map 3. Proposed Plan Exhibits 4. Photo Simulations Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Proiect Information CASE NUMBER: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2014-101 1 APPLICANT: ROBERT H. RICCIARDI PROPERTY OWNER: HARSCH INVESTMENT PROPERTIES REQUEST: DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE REGARDING INSTALLATION OF FACADE FOR FUTURE SIGN LOCATIONS LOCATION: 78401 HIGHWAY 111 - PLAZA LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER ARCHITECT: ROBERT H. RICCIARDI ENGINEER: N/A RELATED PRIOR APPROVALS: MBA 2014-062; ELEVATION CHANGES TO REMOVE BALCONY STRUCTURES ALONG A PORTION OF THE EASTERLY MAIN BUIDING AREA.. APPROVED BY STAFF ON MAY 20, 2014. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: GENERAL COMMERCIAL POINT HAPPY COMMERCIAL CENTER SOUTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL POINT HAPPY RESIDENTIAL EAST: GENERAL COMMERCIAL LA QUINTA COURT COMMERCIAL CENTER WEST: OPEN SPACE ROCKY TERRAIN (INDIAN WELLS) SUBDIVISION INFORMATION: PARCEL 3 OF PM 19028 ATTACHMENT 2 MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2014-1011 Project Area Map LIMIT OF WORK LF GEND: -- VLY - BESIDNY rxNTN @�: .. aeuWN: - SOUTN „r. -xA .RTr W, - TEST sore - sTora fwA+•I uuNr@[ nPNx [nysrcn •v.E�+ . VP.PFNTY LPrf _ J0E ��'nA NU1wN11 - V WILLE A�NKI r]lta2TF 5<AlN O AM]ur /I `Dc �A9M® W U�YAIaL T PON1 a FNy _ Z. 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CALRDMA smn IYECN PAR 7R. 16►�r6 /ewI sFr TTACHMENT 31 \\131AZA SHEETINDEX WATOT Cr,100 Ia wLLEY WATVR rt C—T Z ApCty CTTJML r Al STE PLAN NOTES AND BCNEDl11ES 9:W£i CdOBI A VALLEY WATR sa1 06riCr PALM CElld(r Iliti) XOfD'1 D NC.i t [ vl♦J 4�n }4 �� PI I�5!/ •.v I • l =/y r/ / P� AI T wN os.ETaoEF� MOM MAN NOTATED FLOQP PLMI ENTEWM ELEVATIONS ADO --- — cease AAr,DVAt --- µy ppIRC11CN wVIL COIIYWM?IE rYILOMG mH 40o ONE HitBAWI RN�E e...em [e'JCO eO I tiN j \ 8 I � �I <I PLASTER RIBBON SKiJAC>E BEAMS FOR LA QUINTA 3 W Wf[N a BBA.OdD TO TK PMy1O LOT. ^PA]VLIE VZ T. [OI[[JT rO P+Jur[fl it NI019.v1re[rTN BPA2 eSAT RE PLf5z<clF iEMa rAle, CN ETMO/ED AND NOTATw 1^�� ^ SHOPPING CENTER D DETA[.e rtN4VR f�E �E ( t xo ---A--- .. ,� 1 � JP+ 784B HGHWAY M LA QUINTA, CA 82253 CITY REQUIREMENTS° TITLEDEPARTMENT OF CODE. COMPLUWCE: f EAM W[D�[Nx. Nr axDw e.�ON�.eaL WAgTf rMQ4Ac�NTK.Am SITE PLAN OR I v rATE mrtwcrw Lk>aas.^T T. uru coNNTrmcrax a p Alp nq BqN ¢ �,A — cue. cwrECT c uDfin.N INOr Or¢ 1Kr*s�r N L BPBCeef RNA eLL d T— ON [rTe OA rerrtO roe nuNs!oR,AnoN [ rae wBErn PAawea Pr. n^nw+... N. wc,re+I rL r TAanl VTn�e —T-7— ivTNz e — TO WT® BeotBs tONI'TBw:'roN Bun BY RBCYcrwo OIr MLV^t Nw. AByIY A rNM•n ON OPERATION MANUAL mrtVatl rN[ .NTwN.+-e [0 ae IY.YN'wO mWl TNN WOr.� PT a14YAN,ey Baum ®r+� ...�..... ........ r,uy[ Tae NArnYi.MNAAT rVS+ ORPbikO fwNTMY, ., TNN AMaT a NtDIAw1A p.�ant rw.a y waMN+rh NT BvsT OB vnuvs_ M "r rOAN N�rBATKMAI. ANO N.V1nWAxe n^rNAL mN CONTENT rtJf CGeC LOOT uo N A N T ACC[a•rAem TO TN DOo[ON4 AJNCY .... K Y�AOO w TH w11AM4 ^T rNe TNIB OP rw,VL NBncnoN. N1wN YO rm BB[pNTul 1[ io AA 4t[ p. Alow. seN ' ar a 1 1w GArf If it �I 4 A R'-Na 1f�3 "M� ,.......' -'4> '/2• � yr .ttr3' � � -lo; lL' Ir ' s � Ra�IdNe � E I �.= V— �1 _ c-- __ E) LLD BLG. (el CS COLECOLS i I f COILS iN p ABEE•Z II � t f TO INN BE DIMENSION EAST WINO PLASTERED BEAM FLOOR PLAN \' — f � ❑ re) SLOG -.. cOL�. 1 4NG lel fel kD(C'IV' ALIT -REE6 _--- IE) PLANTER L-1 TO MATCH (E) COLS INN pLAB'rER BE ABOVE IS' PARKING Ntl FAAXTER - 1 I _ _ •!','1T•..' IIr 1{I I. ) YYP � TYP. I BLDG 1 I` I fEl I+.ALi,EC.AP RAMP ElCOLB IyJI IfEI CAR P�RIaNw j` S IE) CAR WAAIbNI4 '— I--, PAL( TREES .fEY Al Ir �fl1 Cf "4 I HR ESC.Ti. ISO 1k1k1k f (E11ryjDP L(lik-r-._�+4v.. - fE) RCDI 41N4 y .CAI • �- I.. ) r • ) r4A-om L� �• d y 1 hNe.4eiA.n9C,V=_ ,G A1:PG. 'El BLDG s �. 1>L BLDG (EI BLDG. _ COLE' coL5 rcLB. cola rEi"3r�� ter n — --! ��eali�+°ea+Rre `...J iq IE) MEXICAN PAYERS PIN WALK'IAY IEI BWLOMG LIVE 1 ) MEXICAN FAVRNS wA KGAY III 11MCG14 LINE / MATCH TC MATCH IFJ�OLS. INN PpLAIM !w BEAM ABOVE NOTATED EAST WING PLASTERED BEAM FLOOR PLAN I N:w :-� I,°]•x a-Ir2• +.AIRN•no pIAM --- IN) PLASTER COLUMN. ® INN PLASTER COLUMN. TO MATCH IE) COLS. TO MATCH le) COLS. FRONT EXTERIOR ELEVATION EAST WING IEI MESON TILE ROOF I rrEI NANW AILIL j*+I IEI PLASTERED S }NI '1—COL'S. FRONT EXTERIOR ELEVATION WEST WING RI '111 N T'LE ROOT T)I y !MI rL.wl L 1 45A.(e tlr4�W �OPBN ,L,II M —I51 PLASTERED COLS - - ---- OFBN IR) MET GUARD '- IN) PLASTER COL'9 AIL ® TO MATCH EXISTING (JD IRS IE/ IE) M.19SON TILE ROOF —SON TILE ROOF - -- IE) M!89104 TILE ROOF IGT lBLSOON TILE ROOT — k A(D ROOF -� -—IE) PLASTER ---IE) PLASTER' ;fir I CUT ROOF BACK eti« c .lam .-``-+-IFIL BUILDING LINE dP'GN IE: BUILDING LINE'. (.+Pe71 IEl BWLDIkGLINEul OPENi fE) BWLDING LINe h b OPEN IEI BUILDING LINE ® SECTION ® SECTION e SECTION ® SECTION a SECTION NEE U 7AL IEI WOOD BEAM 17' .4 BY 3-4- WIDE Ib WOW BEANIS TO WTCFI EMETtiG F7---. E_I SAMSGN CC COWECTOR WIIH STNAPS ... _ . - " y RSM CC3-V 4. -S (nAI CT(MI WIE.N OCCURS AT NEW CCLL1lm ._ -,I T14M MJ.4 GCEL -. __ D&. 2X4%. ATE M4 7/6' T. FLAGTEB rwwr 7A1PLATE - SRD(S VENEER TO MATCH E%ISTNG _ __ • iNARY. WATER PiOOF eD. _ — DEL 2X4 PLATE `.NrNr.1N L ,4 AT EA 2'A4..=� �/ - 2X4 GTUCS _ 2X4S AT D' OC ,6 w 'AlSP 4-B'XW AN91 TLC TO IMTCH 1 71' - �.. EXBTM 30 ) FELT 3/0 M_Y'WOLO - - - 2X4 Cur TO SIZE 7/S' %./STOi - V4 PLAIE CUT TO SHAFF. 2XW FLATE AT B CC - -• 9F4 i FEATEO �- PLAT �rnyl /2" C'A % XY AS.0 FEB %.ATE WIZFSCRIED :Lcow- SY£WALX VAEW OCCI-M 4jI SrR :>a4 LCB4B BASE - i 1 CCfiECTOR 0 13v . __ cow GLAB / L CTi C. BASE/FT6 '-_ 3 NO 4 SAFE EACH WAY OC SECTION THROUGH COL. vB' %°A)n EIj 2X4 f.YU1t&R FIW, G BNO(3'rflE91 TO WTCH DUSTING GRQUT PI R ACE —2X4 STUD3 OB COLUMN PLAN ABOVE BRICK VENEER O 0 e 4 01 O — 2X4 "ON" FRA- NG 2X4 TIE.AI M FaL RATE W/I/Y CIA X VAR R 24' CC 2X4 STUC9 EXT. PLASTER 2X4 T(EATED ELL FLATE W/I/2'D(kX D'A&024'OC. OA COLUMN BASE PLAN NOTE: NEW PLASTER COLUMNS TO HATCH EXISTING PLASTERED COLUMNS NEW EXTERIOR PLASTER COLUMN DETAILS r = r-o• ANW'IE luw PLANNING WTFIu011 Of— 1r ROBENT IL RICCIARDI ARC EaEe1T IN. IRomAm µCAUL 71HGG GERA D FOW DN11R, Elm % PALM DEEM. LALFOMA am II.Y 1W 44►pll IY). MR BEVIPNQI PR EOT PLASTER RIBBON SK2JAGE BEAMS FOR PLAZA LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER 78411 HaIWAY W LA DIANTA, CA 92253 T ITIe I—, N'14 �qG M�> NNTw ff A N• RI t fHl.CuIB! Y�'7i AR PAR- . . Az IAEW Ili/]'1 It) PLANTER _le) PALMS _ ''-q• - _ TYP I Ifi 1 PARKING i I I p 1!I GAR PARKING I. GAR CURB, Iry y^OA I I ^�Al Y I I Y, I IT.1` -1' ,s'- -- - I- JT'�, ff'aF.L - I i-9;. .r-r ': P' � IT-r VER �iI 1...� ___� -.. I C fi@i IKCqAMGM-j �•_ f (E) CURB ,r) PLANTER B — _ �y1� pLAaTE1I �N� PLA,yT�� �Es yJII�T�Ij �� -iK 11�1 9LI ICEl OLS� BEAM ALC�Va DG. BEAr1 ABOVE IE) BCOLB pG. ""Ar ILA 1 O BLDG. CCLd IBY STEPS — - COLSLDG �IE1- IS) MEXICAN PAVER! PIN. WALKWAY IEI ROM OVlRHANG %. N IEI EISLO-W[. LL- _ DIMENSION AND NOTATED WEST WING PLASTERED BEAM FLOOR PLAN -- m rz�M TLC SWOON LSTM2 OR STRAP WITH Xd NALS NAI. WWA TO BEAM AND E) AOOF -- WTIENE RAS RPJM RAP ON SEAM AS SHOWN AND 1 W ON TO ROOF aEATI14(l IEJ ROOFNO FELT 0 bSSION TILE ---------------- __-- ., ... 3X0 CONT. )M1 _____-_____--.-.- _-. - - CONT. 200A Ol OW FDUE EXTliipl PLASTdI a) MB90N TILE— i UL WOW BEARS TO WTCll DE-W i .. 2XQ C(Wr. BOTH WES -- -____- ._��.. 4'tSXSCONr. V r X If X Or STEEL PLATE EACH SIDE - - - WTRi 4-V7 DIA Ne EACH SIDE I -- e___..__R- _ E) WOW BEAM I7'FRBH BY 3-4'WOE 2xD Cow BOTH BIDES .___...,___.---______--_..._-_-.-... ._._-_ MI PLASTERED BEMs ALL 19DES tE1 WOW eEAM Ir Fm eY s-r wm }i ff.WOOD W40 rO MAYCM nsny0 ---____i - - I— mFLASTl3®COLLW '--L•J (N) PLASTERED BEAM DETAIL INTERSECTIONE r. 20 GA OL plP EDGE CONT. WOW BEAM IT -HIM SY 3-4' WOE WOOD BEAM W H01 BY "'WIDE CONT. BOTH SOES IN) PLASTERED BEAM DETAIL 45' HIGH 2'X3' 37,1RL TUBE - VERT. RAIL 7X2' BTEEI. TUBE - MOT RAIL (E) CONC_ WALKWAY - iPMLJTHFM FLA%M 3Xe CCKT. f A35 Skl-ON L 'h _-CEPS AT 24.00 - ---ff� R_ASTEA 7/0' EXT. PLASTER _. E) WOOD BEAM i�-IFJ' i13i BY 3-V7 WOE ' BW WOW B' TO MATCM ILEI -- - — . f_ - v2' PLwwrxla Sim I HTOEs 1 ` --Zll N7Hk:NEIAL BLOCI@!3 AT 2A- IXL IIIII ..- V7 PLYWOOD AM]BTfOWK PLAMMM .)TTWXI Ocw, Orr ROBMT IL RiCCUMI low"M IECCIN��� NGMi 1"00 WRq.4 fDM Dms ENl! W PAW BEer7. OALFOIEEA an TYIBIE /w «FIDE NX 1M/M A- TBJ NM_S Nr0 BB BEAM BW 20 BLOLW G -- m 2Xe FRAANG NI IfJ END CQ Lt" 3S46ON A35 CLIP AN1E IIW R-Vz' X 3-V7 BEAIA SK4%M A35 CLIP ANGLE- --1 MI AXe BEAM mm9tux — M) 2XS KM POST .. I (N) BEAM CONNECTION IN (E) END COLUMNS 1 4 1 6 2'X2STEEL TUBE TOP RAIL I. 37. STEEL IMT£NM..kAIL I. A• O.c. I I 7x2' aTw,. TUSVBL -V iM' EO:T 33- LIIOFF NG K �MPSQN EPDXY MOTE, WELD 2• PRAMINO TUBES TO EACH OTHER WELD I. INTERN RAILS TO 7 STEEL TUBES TYPICAL irrDlA. t+m -� V�2•BN�. /I h IRI PLAETERWO CDLUMK aw. %-. S TISBE TOP RAIL A7 HIGH C 7X2' STEEL TIRBE VERT RAIL k r !d. ETPPL w1" RATE-� I I 1 '. ziyT yTLL TWYI 1 1-i/1' BOLT 3-1 WMPSON EPDXY - pWA .� n) CtiAG AyeyY GUARDRAILL DETAIL r = r-T I (CA NS" TLE ROOF CUT BACK AS SHOWN PI T - We TLG SCFEATHNG CUT SACK AS SHOWN .:.ei7. W i m GT EDW - WA PFLY Wr W4*UV4E111AI M { 5i)A1IfK?F PLA.iRFi > x BLGcnaiG '"DJB'^T F, axe coNr. PLASTER RBBON SMAGE BE" FOR t- PLAZA LA QUINTA - J aarr RAPYERE AT 2r do SHOPPING CENTER 1w - / ar eAAc As SHOWN — - 7/B- EXT. PLAS BFI TB&n HIGHWAY m ----- m WOOD BEAM R-V2' Fr. H CY 3-V2• WOE LA OUNTA. CA 9=53 0Y WOOD SEMS TO FMTCH EWTNG TITLE WEST WING V7 PLYWOOD BOTH SOEB - --7X HoraGNTAL BLOCKNG AT 24' Occ DIMENSIONED FLOOR PLAN =CONT. BOTH eces NOTATED FLOOR PLAN SECTIONS .._ 'IT ENT. PLASTER V2 PLYWOOD . ,..�---'-- I_;•,.I —I�LI _ —. __ I I _._1 �), I 1 — �>. ..RT IW NOM ROVI NDVI A3 PROWS 2-DE OF METAL ACCESS PANELS PROVIDE &AC 2--W' EOF NETA L ACCESS PANELS ! 7 +r E.TT. rrP El BACK SAE OF PLASTER LL" ON VDI E OF P.ASTER BEARS aw a ; d FET YfTi-N EAP_f1 fLW.A. COLIm r0f Ful]I EA['i cI IcAR+aDnwEA y. YKL cY,�O! fOB TI W.A. LALE OP Pull � TLx'OIIBCAi BGYACF W �' NEW OPEN EXTERIOR PLASTER BEAM 2 NEW EXTERIOR PLASTER SIGNAGE BEAM BETWEENEXISTING EXTERIOR COLUMNS. r = T-D ASS v.P•}CRI CLFIS AT A' Olt v 7/Ir I IT. PLASTER I � EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEV4,`C\ E A�dul�s 4un Pi...ho I.MW., O.00. it ROBERT H. RICCIARDI ARCHITECT ROHERT H RICCI=] N.C.AR.®. 75-400 GERALD FORD DR. SUITE 115 PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA 92211 TELEPHONE 760f 610-5036 FAX 760/ 610-5037 ATTACHMENT 4 RECEIVED 1. 1 8 :.I: _ arr of La QuxnxA GPNNUn'RV nEYk4QPNlM� REVISIONS P80JECT. A SfGNACE ENHANCEMENT FOR PLAZA LA QUINTA 78-101-'Y.' 1' I I I LA OI11NTA CA. D2254 TIT; E PANORAMIC ELEVATIONS SHEET NO m NOY 2014 RG pI ...iSCALE N . C�ObFS t AS NOTED 0 C=0SED ELEVATION a EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION A.ehl4elun Rl...i.g IM.riw 9...p it ROBERTH. RICCIARDI ARCHITECT ROBER'T 11. RICC1AIiD1 N.C.A.R.B. 75-400 GERALD FORD DR. SUITE 115 PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA 92211 TES PHONE 780/ 810-5037 RENISION9 RROJE:* A. SIGNAGE ENHANCEMENT FOR PLAZA LA QUINTA ve-lol"wr III LAGUINTA.CA 95251 TITLE PANORAMIC ELEVATIONS A S-EE' NO UREAPNOY 7611 (01 �RG SCALE ASN©FED AFFffffVff OF: w r, ' . m... A T . f¢ i M011aclurr P4nniry In l4rior Orrpn Vr ROBERT H. RICCIARDI ARCHITECT RDRERT H. RICClARDI N.C.A.R.H. 75-400 GERALD FORD DP, SUITE 115 PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA 92211. TELEPHONE 760/ 610-5036 FAX 760/ 610-5037 Nor PROJECTA SIGNAGE ENHANCEMENT FOR PLAZA LA QUINTA I9-401 HWY III LA OUCNT A. CA. 92254 TITLE. PHOTOS OF /� SORRQUNDING BUSINESSES A SHIV NO NOV 2014 e� P.G. { PV SCALE s Nm C,B4R n AS NOTEDTppfRYVEV OF