13667 (SFD)or 1* -rip, l j�u t* N of Ea. (Qututa This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: BUILDING ADDRESS 77-222 Calle Flora Use Classification Single Family Dwelling Bldg. Permit No. 13667 Group R Type Construction VI: Fire Zone Use Zone R3 Owner of Building Tholdas & Bea Foll.felder Address 20808 N -ari ca ro d City Covina, CA. , 91724 By. Danile P. Crawford Jr. Dote. June 27, 1995 Building Official POST IN A OONeTICaoU! PLACE ..._�_�-_ -^?^ra y:.�_""*^twpr ": :y.i%�'r,• eS.`—.n:^r6-••--n:.—f?,--s•-.;; c.:. ..., . :.. Yk`,^.%.,_—>^:,n...--^.-'-r-.•�•arrr.. _.. . JUN -19-1995' 09:52"''FROM .UTILITY VAULT CO. ".Tb : :.X ..1. ;,,y :,i� ii�l 4',. f:�c,. ^�r:Jt 41, 3�+ y:i?�•/•,•':'C,: , .'•1. ' ':6�::i•: .'.ibc°� �PP� g :-r.'i`.���'7':Li�J! -._L.`if_«'!�•i�r.i-.-.r.`-,F::��-r�..'�--(.�•::i.:llklr, 16197730875 P.02 '6 f':,'V,1 VJI�4 VV V, 'UlIVC1•VI (1;C..�.f{. ,`I 11,1Vk :r IM J: Mo .,;,:: 5'•' c.'t'` _ .,,. (.�' sir. ,�, t z-� ;:. : ' � ,I , d•.I Y'.'•i /. 4. ' '^ VVIIII J' .•Y .r C ap?m$} WIRT;z it13Ti1dtiOn Ice�''Inc:': r<i¢•.: Filingtategary: FABRICATORS -0 PA&ABRICATED BUILDiNGS AND COMPONENTS EABRiCIM-OR-OF? RPCASTMO:PRE8TRESSED POE NOWICTS: tT,iif'iTt(�ULT CO�AMY,'#tfC - POs7.OFPIGE.BOX 18t O:Kt�I[t OCKAMUE:. L. Subject faWation of Plecast.and Prestressed Concrete Products- Ii.'Dea- ,dotlGn: Pr6cast and,prestessed-concrete products are pro- duced under: a quality Inspection by 5mrtq EtrtOOompany, L:os /lttgeles, ;Calfforilla (AA -554). 14WItication: All items are stpiiclled daily with the catalog name; date ofrrtarizifaotura,'customers.:ri itie:6dfW-colhpany name. III. Evlden ce Sutunttte0 At3e1�44t't:git • �S�iirtel::equ(pm;�t�f�LL �} controlprocedures n' IV. f-fnoings: Inst tacluti 46 if.. HemlodAven t, Fttisatarlg ( y1�ranted.:r Istr�tl pas; a dcator for preaast.crtd: p `d'' 8'products under,tha $, . uniform $ulldfnu: o; bl;tri${Ii3Cti8r}8;Et9.�9t- formed by Smlth-time: This report is sgbJpci-Q.[erar+ in txo y8ai.:` Evaluation rv�rortc of 1CBO Esw/uation Service., Inc., are issaed solell• to provide information to Class r1 members of ICBG, utiliri4 the code upon which rhe report Ic ba_ced. F, raluation reports ane not to he construed as representing aesthetics or any other attriltales not speciricallyaddressed nor as an endorsement orrecommen- dauion far use of the aabjeet report This report is bated upon independeru tests orothtr technical data submitted by the applicant. The ICITO $valuation Ser1•ice,'inc., technical staff hat reviewed the test raultcand(or other data, but does notpouess test jactluie.c to make an independent 1•ertficarion. There ii no warrbnty by ICBG F'twfuotion Service.Inc.. e,rpress orl,aptscd, aceto afry "t'i,rdilr�"o-othor Irlalk sin th+rwporrorar to ory prMieef t~,rd by rhp ropare. Th!TXtrLalmrrincludes- but is not limited to. merchan labilifl•. page l Of l i JON TANDY 3580 Condalia Ave. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 (619) 365-5045 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S WEEKLY REPORT TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMED ❑ REINFORCED CONCRETE TRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ❑ c � 0 ❑ POST TENSIONED CONCRETE ❑ ASPHALT OTHER V 71 ❑ REINFORCED MASONRY ❑ FIRE PROOFING Fcle-(i�J J Lj;GAION �� �� e �� �A A LA Qv, � t CA _ Wim./', REPORT SEQUENCE N0. TV PE OF STRUCTURE l `W r®.apQQ' PERMIT NO.� DTE� DAV OF WEEK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION IA -3 s( AR JTECT L,c ,A NA de d INSPECTOR HRS. CHARGED _ ENGINEER A s ASSISTANTS HRS. CHARGED INSPECTION GENERAL�Q SUB DATE CONTRACTOR ��1 ��s� CONTRACTOR OL �c f. TTACH-Eko 9- E-00 of'C t.0I 8 w 9 x (o_SS 66IIP UJ eL t �N o '�S - A uv` l lc t� S �ci l tl X UAL10 c O -C ,i (—s "1 t&e A M- S L to SAA, UeeL-A A &(fav e. GNB e`� �ve'�SiiNG--�cLCo�sl i � 0 Sic��e5�ir�� -193 1+061 COPY SENT TO CLIENT CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ❑ PAGE OF CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE / I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. SIGNATURE OF REGIST INSPECTOR DATE OF REPO T REGISTER NUMBER SS FABRICATION REPORT Begin Date: 7 °"�r 'Job Name: PON FeLOFf2 (�4& Job No.Fab. Shop T SgEE at D te: 3 `� 'Materials and weldments conform to plans and specifications and RISC, anAWS Dl.1 Shipping Mark Special Deputy Insp. 905 SHEL L WEST ENGINEERING �9 Durango Drive, Indio, California, 92201 )342-9695 June 28,1994 Mark Harold Building Department City of La Quinta Ref: Hollfelder Residence, Lot 17 The Enclave Tract 21120 Dear Mark, I have reviewed the truss calculations provided by trus joist for the project and find them to be in substantial conformance with the structural design. I also intend to provide structural observation per UBC 307 for the project.