06086 (SFD)Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF U4 NOTICE: THIS DOCU-�-�RM FACILITY FEES 1LA VIVIr-14 I UANNO' 4rb. SE DUPLICATED, ON TO: City of La Quinta DATE: allq If7 4 X3 Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 This is to certify that &L4 developer of _!�hich is located at M�,IqQ CAA,,,U-- �7y OAl JJ.L� C Wlnl I th this District, has paid school facility fees imposed pursuant to the au��o4t-y generat90 by Gowernment Cc#de'Se ti 5308 1 t ot c ihn in t e oun 'ing a total of cover square feet of (X) residentk�A or hob ( ) industrial/commercial d�velopment and that building permits for this footage in this development may now be issued by your jurisdiction. �qv U -,b, -F), &M &J tor DESERT SANOS-UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White - Building Department 40 Yellow - Facilities Planning 0 Pink - Accounting 0 Gold - Developer (10)-37