MUP 2012-1049M� P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 8, 2012 as Ketcham 5 6433 alley, CA 92553 (760) 7777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 MINOR USE PERMIT 2012-1049: 78-136 FRANCIS HACK LANE IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY Ketcham: ing Department has reviewed and approved your request to remove up to- Kisting panel antennas and replace them with three (3) newer panel. and equipment cabinets at an existing telecommunication facility, located Francis. Hack Lane. The approval of this application is subject to the n file in the Minor Use Permit. and the following Findings and Conditions al: Consistency with the General Plan; The proposed hew. antennas and equipment cabinets at the existing telecommunication facility are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, in that the new antennas will increase . the community's ability for quality access to wireless communication services. Public Welfare: Approval of the new antennas on an existing telecommunication facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety acid general welfare. The proposed new antennas at the existing telecommunication facility will minimize adverse visual impacts through the design and placement. of the antennas in the existing antenna array. 1� ..4: The proposed new antennas are designed to. f0 ction,-,- within the existing antenna array,which is at an, adequate. heiiclht toachieve the '.service provider's objectives for coverage within this ---portion of the community. .5;, The. proposed. new antennas- are necessary W. improve community- access to Wireless services. -CONDITIONS 1.: The applicant/property owner .89te o -6 0 agrees t fend, - indemnify, and* hold. -harmless the City of La Quififa-Athe ".City..I its.. &gehis, offic'&s- and - employees from any claim, or litigation -afis' in ­outof. the City's approval of this project. This indemnification- -shall. 10plude any award. toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to .-select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City of La Quihta shall prom.ptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, .or. procee'dirigand shall cooperate 'fully. irv,: the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply: with all. provisions of La Quinta Municipal'-. .Code Section 9.170 "Wireless Telecomin unicotion Facilities .3. The applicant. shall comply with .all' provisions -contained in Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use. MI r P0 2009-1 Amd.. 1 (CUP 09-127).- .4.. The, applicant, shall repair and replace the existing damaged. faux palm fronds at the top of the tower.. The n . ew faux fronds are :required to help screen the existing -arrays. and existing, and -ney.vantennae,. -A minimum of sixty (60)faux fronds shall be installed at the top of the tower. 5... The,. applicant is. permitted to ins-t'alt...an additional .three. 43-) .panel antennas on::. the existing antenna arrayson the:: -16weti, .'o_ -n6- . O.ainei .. per*at" tray., , Additionally, the applicant is pprtnitted to- place new radio .remote -head... (kRHantennas on the existing. arrays. b6hind: the panel antennas:.: All . new. antennas.. shall be painted to match,.- the d"Olor on the.. array. 6;' The applicant is permitted to install 'add itionai'equipment cabinets Within the f acifities.enclosure, below the height of theenclosure wall., 7. New cables running from theequiprnent shMe t. er'to. the neva '.aOAp ' as shall rul. 'be -c -nta-in 'd within the existing cable troifyi* �lpp-tweqh` the lower and the.. 0 e -equipment enclosure. A1.1 cables shall: be infogar of the tower an&'shall. not - be visible from surrounding properties. I 8. The -applicant. shall obtain a. building permit, for the .City's building and Safety Department (760) 777-701.2. Approval of this Minor Use .Permit application will-. not result in �co.nditions detrimental. .to: public Health, safety and general. welfare, nor injurious to or incompatible with other properties and uses in: the vicinity. The City may elect to .. -.-,add Conditions to. -this application request to mitigate any problems. that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision. may be appealed to the Planning: Com.nnission by. anyone provided. they..submit the necessary .paperwork and filing fee of $115:O.O.to this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. Should you have any questions please contact me. at (760) 777=7125. Sincerely, ERIC CEJ Assistant P er �C: Greg Butler, Building..& Safety Department