13-1050 (MECH)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 13-00001050 Property Address: 43750 GENOA DR APN:- 609-521-011-6 -28457 - Application descrip tion: MECHANICAL Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 6050 c&t!t 4 4 Q" � BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: PORTER GARY W 43750 GENOA DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760)772-2966 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 8/21/13 Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ONE HOUR A/C & HTG 3030 MYERS STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92503 (9Sl)276-9744 AUO ol Lic. No.: 878533 1�1 C11y OF LA QUIN- N A N C F r) p pT. �0 - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - — LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 fcommencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C20 LicenseNo.: 878533 Date:,' Contractor: 6WNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 lcommencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the allegeq exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars J$500).: 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. It, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project fSec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractorls) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). I am exempt under Sec. _, B.&P.C. for this reason Dal k./ Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: k r,. ) 01� LQPERMIT WORKER 'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to s6lf-insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation t- insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier INS CO OF WEST Policy Number WVE502266100 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each -person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date . Signature (Applicant or Agent):-,' Application Number . . . . . 13-00001050 Permit . . . . . . MECHANICAL 2013 Additional desc Permit Fee 35.75 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 2/17/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 35.7500 EA MECH CONDENSER/COMP 35.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments HVAC CHANGE OUT (1) 5TON 16SEER/80AFUE CONDENSOR [2008 ENERGY] CARBON -MONOXIDE ALARM(S) TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . PERMIT ISSUANCE M/P/E 90.57 PLAN CHECK, MECHANICAL 23.83 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited. ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Due Permit Fee Total 35.75 .00 .00 3S.7S Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 114.40 .00 .00 114.40 Grand Total IS0.1s .00 .00 ISO.15 LQPERMIT _77 810 City'.'of la QuInta Bulldlpg u Sardy Division PC # KO. Box 1504,78-195 Calle Tampico Vj U La.Qulnta, CA 92253 -.(760) 777-7012 . \1/) Bu�tdlng Pennit-Ab p1leation and Tracking1heet Nect,Address Owner's Name: A. P: Number Can— C'5�k'k —cm Add rw: jA-;�—AC66 Dr Legal Dacription: C!IX, §T' Zip: i,;_& contractor; Telephonc:— Addrcs S ��Maz ey-S �rojet4Descrlption: City, ME SMIC Me. City Lim' th. Engr.,Dcsignc�. Address: c1ty" S7, Zip: -Construction Type:, Occupancy, StatcUcAh �rnjcct.typc (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair DCM*O' Nnnit of Contact Persow Sq. FL: , nd &A oc) Telephone # of C ontact Purson: Estimated Value of Project: #P tQ-oroo t APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS -LINE 0 SubmIttal Rcqld Ttcc'd TRACIONG YERIVILTVILES. rian sets I'lau Chedt subinfi(ed I(ent Autourt� Structural CR,16. Reviewed, ready for corrccl(ons Plan C1;ccU Depo3it. Trust Pales. Caillcd Contact Person Tan chtekBalance. Title 24 Cates. Nam picktd up Construction Flood plain PIQ; P12nsresubmitted, McchaAlcal Ghding plan 2'! 11tvitwi ready ior correctionsfissuc Electrical Subcontac(or Ust Called Confinct Per$on Plu,nAbIng Grunt Deed Nuns Dlr'Atd Up SAI.I. ILOA. Approv.21 Plans rtsubmil(ed Gridloi 01110PSE:- RcAC'lv; ready for correctionsAssue Developer Imp3rt Fee PhriningApprovsI. Called Co.mactPerson Datcorlicrtnit Issue School Fees rZ 1 —.11-1 _r. I t F C C3 Simplifled Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: 2008 Residential REA C Alterations CF-IR-ALT-EIVA I Climate Zones 10 to is Silo A ddre's"43750 Genoa Dr Enforcement Agency. City of LO Date: 8-21-13 Permit #J Conditioned Floor Equipment Type' List Minimum EfficienCY" Duct insulation requirement Area Thermostat Packaged Unit Furnace AFUE REER16 Ocap Over 40 R of ducts added or rcplac d in unconditioned space Served by system Set I back ffnot already Indoor Coil HSPF BResistance R 6 (CZ 10-13) 2400 sf pre -vent, must be Condensing Unit EER B R 8 (CZ 14-15) installed) Other 1. Equipment 7)pe: Choose the equipment being installed; if more than one system, use another CX IR-ALT-HYA Cfor each system. 2. Minimum Equipment Efficlencies., 13 SEER, 78% AFUE, 7.7HSPFfor typical residentialsystems. HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY Listed below are four HVAC alteration Options. The installer decides what work is being done and picks one of the appropriate Options. Each Option lists the HERS measures that must be conducted. A copy of the forms shall be lcft on site for final inspection and a copy given to the homeowner. At final, the inspector verifies that the work listed an this form was in fact the work completed by the installer. The inspector also verifies that each appropriate CF -6R and registered CF -411 forms (no hand filled CF -411s allowed) are filled out and signed. Be�nnlng October 1, 2010, a repjstered copy of the CF -IR and CF -6R shall also be on site for final Inspection. 1. HVAC Changeout Required Forms: All HVAC Equipment replaced CIT-611forms: MECH-04, MECH-2 I -HERS and (for split systems) MECH- 25 -HERS CF -411 forms: MECH- 21 and (for split systems) MECH-25 Condenser Coil and /or indoor Coil and/or CF -6R forms: RECH-21-HERS and (for split systems) MECH. 25 -HERS CF -411 forms: MECH- 21 and (for split systems) MECH-25 9 Furnace For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 15 percent; RC, CCA 2:300 CFM/ton(Minimum Air Flow Requirement), TMAH For Packaged Units: Duct leakage < 15 percent Exempte m duct leakage testing if' 1. Duct system was documented to have been previously sealed and confirmed through HERS verification, or 2. Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space, or 3. Existing duct systems a constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos [3 2. New HVAC System Required Forms: 9 Cut in or Changeout with new ducts: (all now ducting MW all CF -611 forms: MECH-04, MECH-20-HERS,and (for split systems) MECH-22-HERS, and MECH-25-HERS I new CQULpment) CF -4R forms: MECH 20-, and (for split systems)MECH-22, and MECH 25 For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 6 per"nt; RC, CCA ? 350 CFlvVlon, FWD, TMAH, STMS, and either HSPP or PSPP. For Packaged Units: Duct leakage < 6"percent [3 3. New Ducts withlor without Replacement Required Forms: includes replacing or installing all new ducting CF -611 forms: MECH-04, MECH-20-HERS,and (for split systems) MECH-25-HERS andlor outdoor condensing unit and/or indoor coil CF -411 forms: MECH-20 and (for split systems) MECH-25 and/or furnace. or some equipment changed. -NO For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 6 percent, RC, CCA 2:300 CFM/ton, TMAH For Packaged Units: Duct leakage < 6 percent *ff4. New Ducting over 40 feet Required Forms: Includes adding or replacing more than 40 linear feet of duct in unconditioned space. CF-6Rforms- MECH-04,MECH-21-HERS CF4R forms: MECH-21 For split stem or packaged units: Duct leakage < 15 percent . iyEXCEPTION: Existing duct systems constructed, insulated or seated with asbestos. Contractor (Documentation Author's /Responsible Designer's Declaration Stat.ement) I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the design identificd on this Certificate ofComplionce. I certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the design identified on " Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements ofTitle 24, Parts I and 6 of tho California Code of Regulations. no design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information documented on other applicable compliance forms,'worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency flor approval with the pernit sepiicn6on. Name:Jane Recktenwaid - I Signature: Company: Verivest Ballard Inc., I DBA One Hour Date: 8-21-2013 A Iress- d' '3030 Myers St License: 878533 [Ci7Stat1dziP:Rlvers1de, CA 92603 Phone:951-276-9744 1AAJ9 P09;d0"#;A1 PA.— Affr#-,,h Min Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -1R -ALT Residential Alterations Page I of 5) Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories Gary Porter 115 1 General Information Site Address: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 Enforcement Agency: La Quinta, City of I Date: 3/19/2013 Building Type El Single Family OMultiFamily Circle the Front Orientation: (E), E, S, W, or degrees Conditioned Floor Area (CFA): 2000 ProjectType: E]Alterations []Envelope ElFenestration E]Roof E]HVAC — Replacement or Change Out 0 Duct Replacement [3WaterHeater LOTE: Thisform is not to be usedfor Newly Constructed Buildings or Additions Insulation Values For Opaque Surfaces (for Furring use the Mass and Furring Strips Construction table below) Assembly Alteration [I Opening of framed cavity alone- Alterations that involve the opening of theframedcavity ofa wall, ceiling, orfloor must install the mandatory minimum insulation value per §150for the altered assembly. Fill in Columns A -C and enter mandatory insulation value in Column H. 0 Replacement of entire assembly - Replacement of an entire wall, ceiling, orfloor assembly requires the installation of Component Package- D insulation values in Table 151 -C. Fill in Columns A - J Opaque Surface Details For the furred portioned of Mass Walls se Furring St i s Construction Table below. rip A B I C D E F G I H I I J Pr posed See Note Standard Values From JA4 Table , Framing Thickness, Tag/ Assembloy'N' ame at6rial 110, ri % rRcingi I d i ft 122C 4" Framed Continuous JA4 Proposed "" le- JA4 Tab , �-*(CaVi !lInsul,tionrl Assembly Assembly - ^7 I [%A) ,Si� ��d- &r'4 M ID1 or Type ize or daul? f6u 6 J.W lNuiTibEr" u _Value fe-v"2e Cell Value' U-factor9 1k4M0*%,L- & AW i,#% 0% 0.4 %0 0 6 r Joint ppendix Table 4.3.13 Note: Forfurred assemblies, ciccountingfor Coruinuous Insulation R -value, see Page 9A 4-3 and Equatian -4- 1. For-calculatingfirredivalls use the Mass and Furring Construction �able bek-w.—'* / U I I I I - t N.� For TaglID indicatiFthe identificatioh name that matc/uis the buildinigplam� ��pe 2. Indicate the Assem b ly Nam e or type: Ro6flCeiling,,Wdlis, Floors, S1dbs­ Ciawl Space, DoorsAn-d 7tc-(Idicfte IhNram and Size: For Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 2x4,,2x6, or e1c.n see JA4for other possibleframe type.assethbl ---, �S� 1 L � --- 0 V— ..o 3. Enterthe thicknessfor mass in inches or S6a-cinIgIbetweenftaming members enter; 16"or�24"OC`; of0therftr all other assembly description I T such as Concrete Sandwich Panel, Spandrel Panel, Logs, Straw Bale Panel and etc.... 4. Based on the Climate Zone; enter the Standard U-Jactorfrom Table 11 51-B, C or D for each different assembly No or ope. 5. Enter the Table number that closely resembles the proposed assembly. 6 Enter the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity or between theframing; otherwise, enter "0 7. Enter the Continuous Insulation R-valuefor the proposed assembly; otherwise, enter "0 ". 8. Enter the row and column ofthe U-Jactor value based on Column F Table Number and enter the Assembly U -factor in Column J 9. The ProposedAssembly U-Jactor, Column J, must be equal to or less than the Standard U-Jactor in Column E to comply. Furring Strips onstruction Table for Mass Walls nly A I B I C I D I E F 1 3 1 K L M Proposed Properties of Masonry and Concrete Added Interior or Exterior Insulation Walls From Reference in Furring Space from Reference Joint A ppendix Table 4.3.5, 4.3.6 4.3.7 Joint ppendix Table 4.3.13 cKs U Assembly 0 N 0 U 8.2 -0 > Final Mass Name or JA4 Table ,zr -�; M 2 275 E 0 cd 0 70- *r* 4 Assembly Thickness' 2 Type Number' :5 > > U -fa Ctor�6,1 Comment Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-000000000-0000 Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:02:45 HERS Provider: CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -IR -ALT Residential Alterations Pa2e 2 of 5) Project Name: Climate Zone # N of Stories Gary Porter 115 1 1 1. Indicate the type ofassembly to include; Hollow Unit Masonry Walls, Solid Unit Masonry, Solid Concrete Walls, Etc. Additional assemblies can befound Reference Joint Appendix JA4. 2. This is the U-Faclor based on the thickness of the assembly in inches. 3. The R -value of the insulation to be added on the interior or exterior of the assembly. 4. 7he Calculated R- Value is the R -value of theJurred out section of the assembly. 5-6 The Final Assembly is calculated using Equation 4-2 or Equation 4-4of the Reference Joint Appendix JA4. The equation is the inverse of Column D added to Column I Column K is the inversefrom column J 7. Insert the calculated U-Jactor value on to the Opaque Surface Details in Column J FENESTRATION PROPOSED AREAS 0 Replacing window alone — Replacement windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value requirements of Component Package D in Table 151-C The Total Fenestration and West -facing Area requirements are not applicable. 0 Adding 50ft2 or less of window area — Newly installed windows shall meet the U-Faclor and SHGC Value requirements of Component Package D in Table 151-C 13 Adding more than 50ft2 of window area — Newly installed windows shall meet the U -Factor and SHGC Value and the Feneitration Area requirements of Component Package D in Table 151-C Complete the Altered Fenestration Allowed Area Table on Page 2 ofthe CF -IR -ALT % O,nc��tation A al fm- jft�Qf'j PropsedAri %* (,ft2) Fenestration T�pe-knd,Framcwia I ji, ,,,.,af '10.1'mum NFRC or Default U_fa 'r.2 I - ' " '2,1,4 (Window, Glass Door or Skylight) -,oSouth,West) Cto SHGC; Value5 N I I �.00"Xr MAWS Abbul MAMIE N ].Fenestration area is the area of total gla�edprodtict (i.e. glass plusframe). Exception.-'Whenadoor is less, than,50% glas's, thefenestration area may be the glass area plus a "2 inchftami', around the glass. 2. Enter valuefrom Component Package D R;qM7,ementi*i;�Table 151!'C-�� 3. Actualfenestration products installed and as indicated in CF -6R -ENV Form shall be equiva enl to a rhave aflowe)ru-fact r andlor a lower SHGC value than that specified on the CF- IR ALT Form. 4. Submit a completed WS -31? Form ifa reduced SHGC is calculated with exterior shading. 5. ffapplicable at this stage enter "NFRC"for NFRC Certified windows or are CEC "Default " valuesfound in Table 116-A or B. ALTERED FENESTRATION ALLOWED AS (Complete if more than 50f12 offenestration is added) A B C D E F G Allowed Existing Fenestration Total Area CFA of Entire % of Fenestration Area Fenestration Allowed Proposed Area 2 Dwelling CFA Area Removed Area Added (A x B) (E -D) + C Total Fenestration Area (ft) .20 West Fenestration Area' (Required In .05 CZ's 2, 4 & 7 -15) 1. West Fenestration Area includes west -sloping skylights and any skylights with a pitch less than 1:12. 2. Westfacing glazing area removed cannot be "counted" twice. " In order to distribute the west glazing area removed to the other orientations, input the west glazing area removed in the Total Fenestration Area row, column D. 3. Include the Proposed Area of the Westfacingfenestration in both Area columns below. 1 4. To meet compliance, the Proposed Area must be less than or equal to the Total Allowed Area.for BOTH the Total and West Fenestration Areas. Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-000000000-0000 Registration DatelTi,,: 03/19/2013 11:02:45 HERS Provider: CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -M -ALT Residential Alterations Page 3 of 5) Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories Gary Porter 115 1 1 ROOFING PRODUCTS (COOL ROOFS) §1510912 When the area ofexterior roofsurface to be replaced exceeds more than 50% ofthe existing roof area, or more than 1,000ft', whichever is less, the new roofing area must meet the roofing product "Cool Roof" requirements of§152(b)]Hi, 152(b)]Hii, or 152(b)]Hiii. Check applicable alternative or exception below ifthe roofalteration is exemptfrom the roofingproduct "Cool Roof 'requirements. Note: Ifany one of the alternatives or exception below is checked, the Aged Solar Reflectance and 7hermal Emittance requirementsfor roofing products in §1 18(i) are not applicable. Do notfill table below. 13 Cool Roofs Not Required in Climate Zones 1-12, 14, and 16 with a Low Sloped. Less or 2:12 pitch. 13Cool Roofs Not Required in Climate Zones I through 9 and 16 with a Steep -Sloped Roofs (pitch greater than 2:12) and product unit weight less than 5lb/ft2. Alternatives to §152(b)lHi and §152(b)Hii, Steep -slope roof (pitch > 2:12) 0 Insulation with a thermal resistance of at least 0.85 hr-ft2-*F/Btu or at least a 3/4 inch air -space is added to the roof deck over an attic; or 0 Existing ducts in the atfic are insulated and sealed according to § 15 1 (010; or 0 In climate zones 10, 12 and 13, with I & of free ventilation area of attic venfilation for every 150 ft2 of attic floor area, and where at least 30 percent of the firee ventilation area is within 2 feet vertical distance of the roof ridge; or 0 Building has at least R-30 ceiling insulation; or 0 Buildinghas radiant barrier in the attic meeting the- requirements of § I 51(02;,or 0 Building has no ductsih the attic; or Buildinq Performance 0 In climate zones 10, 11,-13 and.14, R-3 orgreater roof deck insulation above vented attic. Exception to §152(b)lHiii, Low -slope roof (pitch:52:12)Antractors Association 0 Building has no"ducts irNe-attic. Other Exceptions Lor - 0 Roofing area covered by building integr!ted; photovoltaic panels and solar thc��al xcmpt fforn the below Cool Roof criteria. panels-aie �� % % - 0 Roof constructions that �ave th�rmal mass over the roof membrane with alleast M lb/ft2 is e,x6mpt. f�om the below Cool Roof criteria. Note: If no CRRC- I label is available, this bompliance m6thod cannot be used, use the Performance Approach to show compliance, otherwise, 0 Check the applicable �-65(beloWifExem'pt fror�ithe Roofing Products "Cool Roof Requirement:-4---f—­� Rqqif Slope L Produc - t Weight, Product Aged SoIW'- .0 Thermal 1 5 CRRC Product ID Number < 12"1 _-2:I2`%>1: < 56W��:_51bift2� 2 �Type 1.11 314- Reflectance Emittance SRI 0 0 0 &.,,. I 0 0 —11 0 o4 0 0 0 0 [V 11 0 11 11 04, 0 0 0 1 11 EV I 1. The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtainedfrom the Cool RoofRating Council's Rated Product Directory at iviviv.coolroofs. QL "Iroducts1search. oh 2. Indicate the type ofproduct is being usedfor the roof top, i.e. single -ply roof asphalt roof metal roof etc. 3. Ifthe Aged Reflectance is not available in the Cool RoofRating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance voluefrom the same directory and use the equation (0. 2+ 0.7(piniti,71- 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. K%ere p is the Initial Solar Reflectance. 4. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above. 5. Calculate the SRI value by using the SRI- Worksheet at hlW:lAvii,iv.ener2y.ca.jz�ovllitle2 and enter the resulting value in the SRI Column above and attach acopy of the SRP Worksheet to the CF- I R. To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in § I 18(i)4. Select the applicable coating: 11 Alum inum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating Cement -Based Roof Coating 11 Other Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 03/19/2013 11:02:45 HERS Provider: CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -IR -ALT Residential Alterations age 4 of 5) Project Name: Climate Zone # # of Stories Gary Porter 115 1 HVAC SYSTEMS - HEATING List water heaters and boilersfor both donfestic hot wate�, (DHW) hea�ers and hydronic space heating. Individual dwellihg DHW heaters must be ­the gas or propanefired, and may. not, exceed YO gallons s. Hot water pipe insulationfrom t4 DHW heater lo kitchen(s) andon all underground Minimum Duct or Piping Configuration Heating Equipment Efficiency Distribution Insulation Thermostat (Central, Split, Type and Capacity 1,2,3 (AFUE or HSPF) Type and Location 4 R -Value Type Space, Package or Hydronic) FurnaGe, 80000 80 AFUE Ducted, SetBack Split System Capacity (gal) I I 1. Indicate Heating Type (Central Furnace, Wall Furnace, Heatpump, Boiler, Electric Resistance, etc) 2. Electric resistance heating is allowed only in Component Package C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e., if total capacity < 2 KWor 7,000 Btulhr electric heating is controlled by a time -limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes). See §151(b)3 exception. 3. Refer to the HERS Verification section on Page 4 of the CF-IR-ALTFormfor additional requirements and check applicable boxes. 4. Indicate Type or Location (Ducts, Hydronic in Floor, Radiators, etc.) HVAC SYSTEMS - COOLING Minimum Indicate Type (Storage Gas, Heat Pump, Instantaneous, etc.) 2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of§150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do not allow the installation ofa recirculating water heating systeinfor single dwelling units. Efficiency Duct or Piping Configuration Cooling Equipment (SEER/EER or Distribution Insulation Thermostat (Central, Split, Type and Capacity 1,2 COP) Type and Location 3 R -Value Type Space, Package or Hydronic) AirConditioner, 60000 e. . 13 SEER =ft Ductedi� gm, 01 SetBack Split %fallituff-Ild 12WOU11,04 rUffU11411d"Gid LIndicate Cooling Type (AICHeat pump, 'Evap.- Cooling etc) A 'k- *-- 4% ft ; *.% 6 ; -r+ -'n )Verification secti3n A Page 6�-,ihe� 2. Refer to the HERS I -7A fq�q�lditiona re u rementsandcheekapplietible boxes. QF�VR LT(Fqrm� q_i, ydra. Ducts H 1 3. Indicate Type or Location nic in Floor, Radiators, etc.) f I I Ile 'V V WATER HEATING \- J---71 List water heaters and boilersfor both donfestic hot wate�, (DHW) hea�ers and hydronic space heating. Individual dwellihg DHW heaters must be ­the gas or propanefired, and may. not, exceed YO gallons s. Hot water pipe insulationfrom t4 DHW heater lo kitchen(s) andon all underground hot water pipes is required in all mponenl�acicagest-n'allCliM,7tezo,�es:--" Type/Fuel L !T3�e Neul be, In ---Tank-'�/ teEnerlg�y �Factor External Tank Water Heater Distril;;�tiori or Insulation Typ.-, (Standard, Recirculating)2 System Capacity (gal) . Thermal-Efficiencyl R -Value 3 Indicate Type (Storage Gas, Heat Pump, Instantaneous, etc.) 2. Recirculating systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of§150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do not allow the installation ofa recirculating water heating systeinfor single dwelling units. 3. The external water healing lank andpipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements of§1506). SPECIAL FEATURES The enforcement agency shouldpay special attention to the Special Features specified in this checklist below. These items may require writtenjuslification and documentation and special verification. NEW ROOF ASSEMBLY - Radiant Barrier The radiant barrier requirement of §151(f)2 does not apply to roof alterations. Slab Edge (Perimeter) Insulation 13 YES ONO YES: In Climate Zone 16 in Component Packages D, R-7 insulation is required. Heated Slab Insulation 13 YES ONO YES: Slab edge insulation required for all heat�d slabs in all Climate Zones. See details in Table 118-A of the standards. Raised Slab Insulation 0 YES 0 NO YES: In Climate Zones 1, 2, 11, 13, 14 & 16, R-8 insulation is required; in Climate Zones 12 & 15, R-4 is required under component Package D. Thermal Mass To obtain Compliance Credit for the installation of thermal mass, use the Performance Approach. Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-000000000-0000 Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:02:45 HERS Provider: CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential CF -IR -ALT Residential A Iterations Page 5 of 5) Project Name: Climate Zone N # of Stories Gary Porter 115 1 1 HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY The enforcement agency shouldpay special attention to the HERS Measures specified in this checklistbelow. A completed and signed CF -41? Formfor all the measures specified shall be submitted to the building inspector beforefinal inspection. Duct Sealing & Testing HERS verification is requiredfor this measure. 0 YES E3 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if more than 40 linear feet of new or replacement ducts are installed in unconditioned space, the ducts are to be sealed per § I 52(b) IDii and the newly installed ducts are to be insulated per § 15 1 (f) 10. 13 EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos. 13 YES C3 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced, the ducts are to be sealed per §152(b)IDi. 13 YES 0 NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including the replacement of the air handier, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) the ducts are to be sealed per §152(b)IE. C3 EXCEPTION: Duct systems that are documented to have been previously sealed confirmed through HERS verification in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3. 0 EXCEPTION: Duct systems with less than 40 linearfeet in unconditioned space. 13 EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos. Refrigerant Charge -Split System HERS verification is requiredfor this measure. El YES M NO YES: In, -Climate Zones12 and 8-ml,5, when,ffie existing IWA air �4equipment is replaced (including the replacement of the it of a'split syWin A/Gor heat pump, cool ingZheating,coil, or the furnace heat .6ndentmg-,bn � &H., P,.l e -lr,, t. -o -Ft a, SM. 1WW 1W kt W " A -"� W *Wii U -W, W W W i, A W lt=` 19W e xchan ger) a re fri gerant ch arge measure!n ent sh�l 1 -be veri fi ed per § 152(b) I F. att Dr Central Fan Intefrated (CFI)'VpfitilationjSygtem��nd Fan W TW 4 1 � - � �,W 4 .- Association The ventilation requirernen&_of_�150(o) donot ap�ly to existing residential homes. Ducted Split Systems -WrConditiotiers anldlleatf�uiiips:_AWftow --HERS `v�rific�t45h-is requiredfor this' measure. 13 YES 13 NO YESAn Climate -Zone's 10 through.1,51 when the existing space -conditioning system (RVAC equipment and ducting) is r'e—placeed, the aRow and'�fan watt draw shaille'vefified per §1:52(b)lCi-to meet the requirements of §151(07B. Documentation Author's Declaratioii Statenienf 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentWtion is iiccurate,.nd*complete.' Name: Ruth Debrick Signature: Ruth Debrick L—,/ Company: Venvest Ballard/One Hour Air Dite: 3/19/2013 Address: 3030 Myers St,Street if Applicable 3 CEA or 13 CEPE (Certification #): City/State/Zip: Riverside California 92503 Phone: 951-217-2753 Responsible Building Designer's Declaration Statement • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. • I certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirehients of Title 24, Parts I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The building design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this building design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. Name: Signature: Company: Date: 3/19/2013 Address: License: 878533 City/State/Zip: Phone: For assistance or questions regarding the Energy Standards, contact the Energy Hotline at: 1-800-772-3300. Registration Number; 313-AO014687A-000000000-0000 Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:02:45 HERSProvider: CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MIECH-04 Space Conditioning Systems, Ducts and Fans (Page 1 of Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 113-172 Space Conditioning Systems Heating Equipment Equip Type (package- heat pump) CEC Certified Mfr. Name and Model Number ARI Reference Number 2 Efficiency (AFUE, # of etc.) 1, 3 Identical (2�CF- I R Systems value� Duct Locafion (attic, crawl- space, etc.) Duct R -value Heating Load (Btu/hr) Heating Capacity (Btu/hr) Furnace Goodman GMS80805CXBA Amana ASC1306018D 1 80 Home 64000 80000 QOOO 60000 0 . .... M *I -AT. — I 1,04"111%ol Doll" I r—, &O"Iful Aft — - _ A_, 8 IS I Irwo - — _A � , —, ,; _ A � __ — — � -- I �' — -- I I Cooling Equifitnent %0VI ILI CKULVI * P%**V%-aCxL1V1 I Equip Type (package beat pump) CEC Certified Mfr. Name and Model Num�er n eference nber.2 4 0 0d6,tifc,1 Systems. Efficiency (SEER' and EER) .1, 3i % (>-CF-IR- /�alue)4 . uc; t Location ttc, crawt- -,�space,-� etc.)".,O __j-" e -Duct --o' R -value- Cooling Load (Btu�� Cooling Capacity (BW&r) AirConditioner Amana ASC1306018D QOOO 60000 1. Ifproject is neiv construction, see Footnotes to Standards Table 151-B and Table 151-Cfor duct ceiling alternative compliance. 2. ARlReference Number can befound by entering the equipment model number at hitp:lliviviv.aridirectory.orglarilac.php# 3. Listed efficiency on this page must be greater than or equal (2:) to the value shown on the CF-IRform. 4. When CF -IR is reference it is also applicable to the CF -IR, CF -IR -AA or CF -IR -ALT ALL BOXES MUST BE CHECKED TO BE A VALID FORM R] §110-§113: HVAC equipment is certified bythe California Energy Commission. R1 § I 50(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA, or ACCA. §150(i): Setback Thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems meet the requirements of § I 12(c). § 1500)2: Pipe insulation for cooling system refrigerant suction, chilled water and brine lines meets minimum requirements of Table 150-B and includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in conditioned space. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms . August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MIECH-04 Space Conditioning Systems, Ducts and Fans (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 13-172 Ducts and Fans §150(m): Duct and Fans R1 1. All air -distribution system ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply -air and retum-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 18 1, LTL 18 1A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used; and 21 1. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defmed or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. El 2D. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 21 7. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. ID 8. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operate�d ndarnpeNffo aft go& *.0t.VV. rinta, Builustnuftefformance bu equipmentimaintenance, iindWind -t , *-, � water re ardant,li4—pro.vides shieldi '-' I 21 10!Flexige'le ducts cannot have can cause Norr-44"n, moisture, �oating that is DECLARATION STATEMENT 0 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. * I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). 0 1 certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. 0 1 reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -IR) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifie's the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -IR that apply to the installation have been met. 0 1 will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Venvest Ballard/One Hour Air Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Ruth Debdck Ruth Debrick CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): 878533 3/19/2013 owner 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MIECH-21 Duct Leakage Test - Existing Duct System (Page 1 of 2) ermit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 3-172 Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: — 71p; Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Home Note: Submit one Installation Certificatefor each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. This installation certificate is requiredfor compliancefor alterations and additions in existing dwellings to space conditioning systems and duct systems. Note: For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handier, coil, plenums, etc.) ifthose parts are accessible and they can be sealed For a completely new or replacement duct system installed in an existing dwelling, use the Installation Certficate titled "Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System. " Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - existing duct system Select one compliance method from the following four choices. El Option 1. Measured leakage less than 15% of Fan AirfloW. 13 Op t i o n 21CMe— ' "M"--k47geft -to !6—uts id"16 A t ham iL b f F, aw Aif fl o W; rforl"ance Nw 0 Option 3. Reduce leakage'by 609/o or ff hdrc-on'dUotTsffi6k'd,tZ�st",td7�eal�a'lI accessible J- k ia''dii ;at 10 *__,to�o 40,60 13 Option 44Fix all accessibli'leLs usmg-smokejest-�-and HERS,rater mustverify. Note: (Option 1 must be attempted befo e Option 4)-,, -utilizing Determine nom, ee inal Fan Airfl 06� using bne of, the fol lowi�g thr " calculation methods. El Cooling system method: Size of condenser in Tons 5-00, --,x 400 = 2ob.g.00 /--CFM I 0 Heating system method: 21.7ix---- N- �,-H-6ting Output CA pacity (kBtuh),,7 CFM 0 Measured system airflow using RA3.3 airflow test procedures: CFM Option 1 used then: ......... 11-1 Allowed leakage = Fan AirfloW 2000.00 xO.15= 300.00 CFM I Actual leakage= 189.00 CFM Pass if Actual leakage is less than Allowed leakage El Pass 0 Fail Option 2 used then: Allowed leakage = Fan Airflow X 0.10 CFM 2 Actual leakage to outside CFM Pass if Actual leakage to outside is less than Allowed leakage 0 Pass 0 Fail Option 3 used then: Initial leakage prior to start of work= CFM Final leakage after sealing all accessible leaks using smoke test CFM 3 Initial leakage - Final leakage Leakage reduction CFM (Leakage reduction Initial leakage x 100% = % Reduction Pass if % Reduction > 60% 0 Pass 0 Fail Option 4 used then: All accessible leaks repaired using smoke test. HERS rater must verify (No sampling). 4 Pass if all accessible leaks have been sealed using Smoke Test 0 Pass 0 Fail Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-M2114824A-M21A 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:58:05 HERS Provider- CBPCA August,IUUY CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF4R-MIECH-21 Duct Leakage Test — Existing Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 iLaQuinta,Cityof 113-172 Ul Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize -controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to ffl, -_ -.0k ii 00.rw.� ' W% *- meet ASHRAE Stan 'z�d,§2 "V 4 --too7t1he closed position during duct leakage testin&, 'boots must,, e sealedJo the dr- 'w if smokd tds applies to 0 All supply and return register, _y,, kW duct leakagecompli9c'e"option,3 (leakage reduction by 60%) and option 4 (fix all accessible leaks) described above. I I I - i;� INr— -1-01- , - - El New duct installations cannot utilize building cavities as plenu� s A�®rplatf s in lieu of ducts. k'k, -1--ii - '0_ El Mastic and draw bands must be use4 �combination with cloth backed�rubber ldh�- _____Sive -du6t't9p­6 t6 sea] leaks at all new duct connections.,----" U DECLARATION STATEMENT 0 1 certify under penalty of perjury, -underr*the, laws of 'the State-ofCal i fort-u'a"the i nformation rovided on- this form is true and correct. 0 1 am the certified HERS rater who performed the venfication services identified and reportk on this certificate (r"sponsible rater). 0 1 ik I * The installed feature, material, component, or manufactured device requiring HERS verification, that is-idCritifiedon this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF- I R) approved by the local enforcement agency. 0 The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -6R), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -IR) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Venvest Ballard/One Hour Air Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Ruth Debrick 1878533 HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): IZI tested/verified dwelling 0 not-tested/verified dwelling in a HERS sample group HERS Rater Information HERS Rater Company Name: Athens Air Inc. Responsible Rater's Name Responsible Rater's Signature Jimmy J Johnson Jimmy Johnson Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 1095727 3/19/2013 Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-M2114824A-M21A Registration DalelTi,,: 03/19/2013 11:58:05 HERS pro,id,, CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF4R-MIECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of ' 1 13-172 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to reftigerant charge verificationfor compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not requiredfor compliance, when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documentedfor compliance using thisform. Attach an additionalfonn(s)for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Proceduresfor installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is requiredfor compliance, TMAH are also requiredfor compliance. STMS are only requiredfor completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handier System Name or Identification/Tag 11ana Amana I System Location or Area Served Home 6 -Of ) I 1 E]Yes ONo 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole upstream of evaporative coil in the return plenum and 2 E]Yes,.-- 11 —ONo r -Ar5/16'inch (8 nun) accessihole downstream of evaporative coil in the supply plenum 7d ffa'_k'�Ied a * in Ao (Figy -A I A3 CFO gejri,�Section jn�f ON n Yes to I and2 is a va-s-s-x hn'ter�p�s`s c�r F�ii' �[j Pass 0 Fail I 1 1 160- _j STMS - Sensor on the Evaporator Coil System Name< Identificationjlra'g 11ana F I The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's 6 -Of ) I - Director. The'sens6r is facto- 'd, or field,install&i-k ' rdindto minufacturer's ry in'stalle co 3 OYes ONo 1 specifications, or is installed by method�s/specifi cations a=pp -roved by the Executive ONo digital thermometer. The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and 'Dir'e'ctbn—� I 1­-� f, r ­j I the HERS rater without changing the aiTflOW through the condenser coil 8 The sensor wire is ter' 'nated with a standard mini'plug sZiitable for co i nnection to a 4 OYes ONo digital therniometen-The sensor mini plug is accessible to, the�m�'stalling' technician and V 13 Pass T v" 0 Fail �771 N/A if STMS are not applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil , "Yes ONo The sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 F Yes to 3,4 and 5 is a pass. Enter EA�4S V E) N/A I V 0 Pass I -degrees v" 13 Fail I N I ifS are not applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name or Identification/Tag Amana F The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's 6 DYes ONo specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a 7 OYes ONo digital thermometer. The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the aiTflOW through the condenser coil 8 OYes ONo, The sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F Yes to 6, 7, and 8 is a pass. Enter El N/A V 13 Pass T v" 0 Fail �771 N/A if STMS are not applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-M2514825A-M25A Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 12:01:46 HERS provider.. CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms A ugusi 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: ern-dt Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 713-172 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb is above 55 'F) Proceduresfor determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documentedfor compliance using thisform. Attach an additionalform(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisilefor a valid refrigerant charge test. • Ifoutdoor air dry-bulb is 55 *F or below, the installer must use the Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure. qnsirp. Condifinnina qvqtP.m.-; System Name or Identificationfrag Amana (must be re -calibrated monthly) System Location or Area Served Home 3/1/2013 must be re -calibrated monthly) Outdoor Unit Serial # 0706740981 48.00 Outdoor Unit Make Amana Outdoor Unit Model ASC130601BD 70.00 Nominal Cooling Capacity Btu/hr, -ft A.I'm --#. MONO*% S -I& in 6000000 . . i. &1& M-IAWCAN� OW611.1k Aft WAU AN04 06, tiO11911%vo 0 6#" boo rDate of Ve n 16A 3/1312013 0 4.111%001. A t 11"I %%0%V J yl�­� N I - 1 %0%01 Ito IM1100164001 *7 1 Calibratio4of Diagnostic4nstruments Date of Refrigerant Gauge 3/1/2013 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Date of Thermo�zuple Calibration 3/1/2013 must be re -calibrated monthly) temperature (Tsul)ply, db) 48.00 N-0 N—Or ",_� I Measured Temneratures OF) f1% .4 — AAL System Name or Identification/Tag Amanall I Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb temperature (Tsul)ply, db) 48.00 Return (evaporator entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tetum, db) 70.00 Return (evaporator entering) air wet -bulb 'temperature (Tretum, wb) 58.00 Evaporator saturation temperature (Tevaporator, saO 32.00 Condensor saturation temperature (Tcondensor, saO 85.00 Suction line temperature (Tsuctio,) 47.00 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 77.00 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb 1 temperature (Teondenser, db) 67.00 Registration Number: 313-A001"87A-M2514825A-M25A 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 12:01:46 HERS Provider: CBPCA August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF4R-MIECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 1 13-172 Minimum Airflow Requirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag Aniana Calculate: Actual Temperature Split Tretwm, db - Tsupply, db 22.00 Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 using Tretum, b and Treturn, db 18.70 Calculate difference: Actual Temperature 3.30 Split — Target Temperature Split = Passes if difference is between -4'F and +4*F or upon remeasurement, if between -4*F and -1 iEJ1ter-'Pa-s's`ofr-Fa s,o;Fa1i,.%,,iE,Q 1:90dina Pass Performance Note: Temperature Split ftethod�CalruiatOn is,not,n6cessary,ifchctual�CoolinR,Coil-Aid,7ow isve f 7lusingoneofthe -- - i � ri Ae 'k I n '.01 MEET O -n'' or F -s' ;awh 4 k4-- 'ver''! * - airflow measurement procedures'specified-in R�ference-Wesidi?iitiallAfipo�ndii-PA3�3:1wIfhettiaI cooling coil airflow is a a % measured, de value" must1be -equal to or greater than , the Calculated Minimum -A id�eiv Requirement in the table belo w. Calculated Minimum AiAl6w-Require6e—nt (CFM) N5—minal Cooling Cg-P4�14y,(ton) X.300(cfm/ton) System Name or Identification/TaIg Am,-, Irk Calculated Minimum Airflow Ll Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identificationfrag Amana Calculate: Actual Superheat Tsuction — Tevapomtor, sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using Tretum, wb and Tcondenser, db Calculate difference: Actual Superheat — Target Superheat System passes if difference is between -6'F and +67 Enter Pass or Fail Registration Number: 313-AOOI 4687A-M2514825A-M25A 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 12:01:46 HERSproVider.. CBPCA August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MIECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 1 13-172 Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve JXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag Amana PP-rfnnnqnr-P- Calculate: Actual Subcooling C WAW 5'oontracto&& As—ociatiem Tcondenser. sat — Tliquid 8.00 PAV Target Subcooling specified by 7.00 Enter allowable sulierheat rangefi7om manufacturer manufacture&r's sp�cifications (or -use range�, 0 3.00-26.00 Calculate difference: 1.00 1 between 3t and 246'F if nianufacturer s Actual Subcooling — Target Subcooling = specification is not av—aifable) System passes if difference is between Pass System passes if actual supeiheat'is within -4'F and +4'F Enter Pass or Fail the allowable superheat range I Pass Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Narde—orJd6fitification/Tak I t i-Ull k *C411f W IF mA 04160orfinn Amahi PP-rfnnnqnr-P- Calculate: Actual, Superheat F C WAW 5'oontracto&& As—ociatiem —T Tsuction eval2omtor, sat PAV Enter allowable sulierheat rangefi7om manufacture&r's sp�cifications (or -use range�, 0 3.00-26.00 1 between 3t and 246'F if nianufacturer s specification is not av—aifable) System passes if actual supeiheat'is within the allowable superheat range I Pass t: Enter Pass or Fiii � A M 10%, . Registration Xumber: 313-AO014687A-M2514825A-M25A 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DatelTime: 03/1912013 12:01:46 HERS Provider: - CSPCA August,ZUUY CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF4R-MIECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 113-172 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both reffigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag Amana 878533 HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): System meets all refrigerant charge and Pass in a HERS sample group airflow requirements. Enter Pass or Fail HERS Rater Company Name: Athens Air Inc. Responsible Rater's Name Responsible Rater's Signature California Building Performance Contractors Association 010, DECLARATION STATEMENT C 0 1 certify under penalty of perjury,ande the laws of the State of California, the information.provided on this form is true and correct. . � ---- j I fr I 0 1 am the certified HERS rater who performed the verification services identified and reported on this��rfificate (responsible rater). 0 The installed feature, material, component, or manuf6ctured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the applicable requiriments in Reference Residential AppendiceZRA2-a7nd R'A-3and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF- I R) approved by the local enforcement agency. # The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Cerfificate(s) (CF -6R), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -IR) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6R) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Venvest Ballard/One Hour Air Responsible Person's Name: CSLB License: Ruth Debrick 878533 HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): 0 tested/verified dwelling 0 not-tested/verified dwelling in a HERS sample group HERS Rater Information HERS Rater Company Name: Athens Air Inc. Responsible Rater's Name Responsible Rater's Signature Jimmy J Johnson Jimmy Johnson Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 1095727 3/19/2013 Registration Number: 313-AO01 4687A-M2514825A-M25A Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 12:01:46 HERS Provider- CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIEFICATE CF-6R-MECH-21-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Existing Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City ol 13-172 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Home Note: Submit one Installation Certfitcatefor each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the dwelling. 7his installation certificate is requiredfor compliancefor alterations and additions in existing dwellings to space conditioning systems and duct systems. Note: For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existingparts of the original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc) if those parts are accessible and they can be sealed. For a completely new or replacement duct system installed in an existing dwelling, use the Installation Certificate titled "Duct Leakage Test — Completely New or Replacement Duct System. " nurt Lpnkncyp niaunnefle Tpet — Rvict-ine MoetRvetpm Select one compliance method from the following four choices. 0 Option 1. Measured leakage less than 15% of Fan Airflow. " - � .0, 1 -A � 01--1 I tside:1KsflKL00/oH6fLF El Option 2rM '" *A "' 2 A17fl,Th f formance ,=�easuredlldiikaketo' 4 0 Option 3. Miuce leakage by 60-/o or, m ,q;4hdldbndiidt�'sriibKd,t&st,t6'geal,lhll;ii5cdgsible!ldak 4ix 0 Option all accessible leaks using smoke.test;,and HERS rater mustiverify... .1 1 tor \/0' Note: (Option I must be attempted before Option 4)-,,, -utilizing \--� e X -) I t A Determine ndminal Fan AirflbVusing bne of the followihg thr6e calculation methods. I/ El Cooling syst i Y in Tons 5 \,� � em method: Size of condenser x 400 = 2000 /—�CFM El Heating system method: 21AX, r\. �He'ating Outp!jt Ca CFM pacity.(kBtuh) Measured RA3.3 test CFM Ll-� system airflow using airflow procedures: Option 1 used then: Allowed leakage = Fan AirfloW 2000 xO.15= 300 CFM Actual leakage= 175 CFM Pass if Actual leakage is less than Allowed leakage [DPass[]Fail Option 2 used then: Allowed leakage = Fan Airflow X 0.10 CFM 2 Actual leakage to outside CFM Pass if Actual leakage to outside is less than Allowed leakage OPass[]Fail Option 3 used then: Initial leakage prior to start of work-- CFM Final leakage after sealing all accessible leaks using smoke test CFM 3 Initial leakage - Final leakage Leakage reduction CFM (Leakage reduction Initial leakage x 100% = % Reduction Pass if % Reduction > 60% E]Pass E]Fail Option 4 used then: All accessible leaks repaired using smoke test. HERS rater must verify (No sampling). 4 Pass if all accessible leaks have been sealed using Smoke Test OPass DFail Registration Number. 313-AO014687A-M2114824A-0000 Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:54:09 HERSProvider': CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-21-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Existing Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 113-172 0 Outside air (OA) ducts for Central Fan Integrated (CR) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off during duct leakage testing. CFI OA ducts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA ventilation is required to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may be configured to the closed position during duct leakage testing. INW 14 10 A* 4 Pop am 0 1 0 All supply Rdd,,feftft,ft&tbqbo,6ts must bdigblilddltb�herdr d1l if-.-§rff6Zelt'e�t;:i��utilii�:d�'forf—coi-ppliance — applies to ywn -, 4-004:1 sk 0 " "i W Ve K4-4, �, t�o JK K V"V I 1� 10 duct leakage �bmpliance option 3 fletikage-recluction by 600/6) -.And option 4 (fix all d6cessibl'6 leaks) described above. oft �^ . . 4 . 'I Aft ft (2) New duct4allations ca%nZk 0, A 70 * 4 1*11 $ no F itiqs-0pterT pr,p � it Vt fut7flize X14 jAtf&ffi,retGffis�mAjeujqf.d 9�. 9 El Mastic and draw bands ust be used iif'Co—mbinatiowwithr6l5i];fbacked,rubb-er,adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at all new duct conne( 0 tions. DECLARA�N STATEMENT t nh 0 1 certify under penalty of pe 'u der -laws of the Stateamia, the form ti in provided-contDs form is true and correct. & I am eligible under Division 3 ofi e Buiiness and Professions Code to ac�ept responsibilit 1 0 _11— --' 1. yTor construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsigftefb��nst_r'uction (responsible person—)---- ---- t * 1 certify that the installed features, materials, compon! tits, dmanufactured devices identified,on this Ucei icate (th I installation) e e conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, adthe-installation is consistent with the plans'and-sp&i�c"ations-approved by the enforcement agency.' * I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. * I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF- I R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -IR that apply to the installation have been met. 0 1 will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Venvest Ballard/One Hour Air Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Ruth Debrick Ruth Debrick CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): 878533 13/19/2013 Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Control Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Program (TPQCP)? 13yes ONo Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-M2114824A-0000 Registratin DatelTi,,: 03/19/2013 11:54:09 HERSpro,ider.. CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MIECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: er: 13-172 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of Note: ff installation ofa Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verficationfor compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not requiredfor compliance, when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documentedfor compliance using thisform. Attach an additionalfonn(s)for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Proceduresfor installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is requiredfor compliance, TMAH are also requiredfor compliance. STMS are only requiredfor completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handier System Name or Identification/Tag I Amana Amana I I System Narneor IdentificationAa'g System Location or Area Served Home 6 []Yes DNo 1 Wes 1 ONo a *1 -FA r kjjlabeIed,accor 5/16 inch (8 mm) access hole upstream of evaporative coil in the return plenum and dr.--* " 6' *t * _*"" 4 ing-. qtf!gureiq,,Section�kA,3-�2.-2.,2�,2- n^jm 2 OYeso"' 'ONo V 4 �T-' � �ftw . . 1-C.W * 7-,5/ f,617n 'ch (8 lrr7m�) *acce§-s,h o I e down stre am o f 'e v-a'p �7ra�i N7e 'co iTi n th e s uppl y p I enum A1__W - A; - - �' �'" '� — � - " ) , I 4cqqi��&t;qfigu n rei fS�ction,RA3,21�2.-2. Yes to I and 2 is a 6ass._V----4 Enter Pas'� or Fail Q Pass 0 Fail I I I - V V STMS - Sensor on the Evaporator Coil %I NI—Ir I Amana I I I System Narneor IdentificationAa'g Amana The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's 6 []Yes DNo specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. Thelsenstor is factory mistall�d, or fieldlinstalf�d ie—c6rdiffg-to minufadurer's 3 DYes []No spe�cifications, or is installed by,niethods/specifir-atlions ap5roved by th'e Executive C3No digital thermometer. The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and Direcio`,. the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil 8 The sensor wire is tem"u*nated with a standard minipjug suita"8le for connection to a 4 OYes ONo k digital thermometer:"he sensor mini plug is accessible to the"in"stallinIg technician and 0 Fail N/A if STNIS are not applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail the HERS rater without changing the aifflow through the condenser coil 5 DYes ONo The sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F Yes to 3, 4, and 5 is a pass. Enter Ell N/A 0 Pass D Fail N/A if STMS are not applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail STMS - Sensor on the Condenser Coil System Name or Identification/Tag I Amana I I I The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's 6 []Yes DNo specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. The sensor wire is tem-driated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a 7 DYes C3No digital thermometer. The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil 8 DYes E]No The sensor measures the saturation temperature of the coil within 1.3 degrees F Yes to 6, 7, and 8 is a pass. Enter v' 0 N/A 0 Fail N/A if STNIS are not applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail Registration Number: 313-AOO 1 4687A -M2514 825A-0000 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DateMme: 03/19/2013 11:56:37 HERSProvider: CBPCA August 2UUY INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-W-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 13-172 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb is above 55 'F) Proceduresfor determining Refterant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documentedfor compliance using thisform. Attach an addit.ionalform(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisitefor a valid refidgerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb is 55 *F or below, the installer must use the Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure. qnnop Cnnditinninu qvctPmc System Name or Identificationfrag Amana (must be re -calibrated monthly) System Location Or Area Served Home 2/1/2013 /(must bere-calibrated monthly) Outdoor Unit Serial # 0706740981 Outdoor Unit Make Amana Outdoor Unit Model ASC130601BD Nominal Cooling Capacity. Btu/hr te 't a AIWIV ?& W 60000.00 a a 'k a 0" 1 10,ft Wf^ 0 -IFI^ -A ^ ^Aft I — f7v a ip w 9wr a Date of Ven'ficati*,n­-,,' .'W E-71 I 0 202V� * ^ wn . r, A *A#, a V 16' I Afta-ei A aft �Rff 0 0 10 V wpm Wr VA �W 9 '%ff W a -%W IRW �%W �W V WAM q% 0 '%W 0 0 Calibration of DhL�ostic-fnstruments r --is Date of Reffigerant Gauge Calibration 2/1/2013 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb Date of Thermocou ple Calibration 2/1/2013 /(must bere-calibrated monthly) Measured Temneratures (OF) System Name or Identificationfrag t A,mana, Supply (evaporator leaving) air dry-bulb k temperature (Tsul3ply, db) 50.00 Return (evaporator entering) -air dry-bulb temperature (T,,tm, db) 72.00 Return (evaporator entering) air wet -bulb temperature (Tr, .t.., wb) 55.00 Evaporator saturation temperature (Teval)orator, sat) 35.00 Condensor saturation temperature (Tcondensor, sat) 80.00 Suction line temperature ffuctin) 47.00 Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) 71.00 Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tcondenser, db) 70.00 Registration Number: 313-AOO 1 4687A-M2514825A-0000 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DatelTime: 03/1912013 11:56:37 HERSProvider: CBPCA August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-M[ECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Numhpr: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 13-172 Minimum Airflow Requirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag Amana Calculate: Actual Temperature Split 22.00 Treturn, db - Tsupply, db Target Temperature Split from Table 20.90 RA3.2-3 using Tetm, b and Tretm, db Calculate difference: Actual Temperature Split — Target Temperature Split = 1.10 Passes if difference is between -37 and Pass +37 or, upon remeasurement'�i�betweenj uilding PerfortInance -3'F and -100"F Enter Pass or -Fail Note: Temperature Split Meti�od:Calcuiat'io,�i�.*noi'n" 'ssa?y rac`tli j-ooli' ece- "i ng C&IiAiffl6w is �Zr-ifliid using,one of the airflow measurementproce�duri�'specifi�d,in Reference Residential Appendix-RA3.3. Ifactual cooling coil airflow is measured, the val4e must be equal to orwgreater tjNn the �,alculatedMinlimunz Airfl'6ii�Requirement in the table below. � \--/ 71 /,-- A Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) = Nominal Cooling Capacity (ton)�j =300(cfm/ton) System Name or Identification/T Amana Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement (CFM) Measured Airflow using RA3.3 procedures (CFM) Passes if measured airflow is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum airflow requirement. Enter Pass or Fail Superheat Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering device systems System Name or Identification/Tag Amana Calculate: Actual Superheat Tsuction — Tevanoiator, sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using T,tm, b and Tcondenser, db Calculate difference: Actual Superheat — Target Superheat System passes if difference is between -50F and +50F Enter Pass or Fail Registration Number: 313-AO01 4687A-M2514825A-0000 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration Dateffime: 03/19/2013 11:56:37 HERSPro,ider: CBPCA August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MIECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 13-172 Subcooting Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag Amana Calculate: Actual Su bcooling W* *6 0"Pik. . 9.00 We"'U" '4,a"(;e Tcondenser, sat - Tliquid A Target Subcooling specified by 7.00 A04 01 **_*,i0 9, manufacturer 1 Calculate difference: 2.00 Actual Subcooling - Target Subcooling I 01� Pass ) k e� System passes if difference is between Pass -30F and +30F Enter Pass or Fail Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identificationfrag Amana 14W A *,* W MW W* *6 0"Pik. Calculate: rCea #a CU11" — 1-2.00"" 9 We"'U" '4,a"(;e Tsuction - Tevavd-ratoo-r. 77t � I' AKV,� A Enter allowable superheat ranie from kV*,MtW f -AU 4.00'-:25.00 A04 01 **_*,i0 9, i� manufactur6r's specifications- of serange. 1 between 4T, and 2,5'F if in u a t er's4� specification is not,availablii)--�j System pass6s I if actu�_Ysuperhiaf is witfiin the allowable superheatxang�e_ I 01� Pass ) k e� Enter Pa or Fail- Registration Number: 313-AO014687A-M2514825A-0000 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:56:37 HERS Provider: CBPCA August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 43750 Genoa Dr La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta, City of 13-172 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identificationfrag Amana System meets all refrigerant charge and Pass airflow requirements. Enter Pass or Fail California Building Performance Contractors Association DECLARATION ST�AT �MENT t in ormait Norm i * I certify under penalty of perjury, under n�,laws of the State nfclifomia, he , 'in—p-moKided 4 �thifb. is true and correct. 0 1 am eligible under Division 3 of4the Bus'iness and Professions Code to ac& I ept responsibilit .41 . I ri y�fbr construction, or an autho, zed representative of the person resp�_nslbfe—for —con-st�ulction (rejonsible persoii)`--�-� I I r I 0 1 certify that the installed features, materials, components, orpanufactured devices identified on this(efh2cate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and'the-installation is consistent with the plaA and specifiations 'approved by the enforcement agency. 0 1 understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. 0 1 reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF- I R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CFAR that apply to the installation have been met. 0 1 will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) Venvest Ballard/One Hour Air Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Ruth Debrick Ruth Debrick CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): 878533 13/19/2013 owner Is this installation monitored by a Third Pa Quality Control rlfiys Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Program (TPQCP)? E]No Registration Number: 313-AOO 1 4687A- M2514825A-0000 Registration DatelTime: 03/19/2013 11:56:37 HERS Provider: CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August2009