0203-174 (SFD)N O ti r` O CIDJ W LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION 'I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury.that I am licensed under provisions Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business al W Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. ch License # Lic. Class Exp. Date WU.) 674074 b 101C1J'?f31./S Z Dated° ^ r ' /'g i nature of Contractor 'rte- -r-- U OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION III I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor License Law for the following: reason: Z ( ) 1, as owner of the property„ or my employees with wages as their sc compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered f sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I; as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensc contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professions Code). M O I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason N Date Signature of Owner N Q WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declaration ( ) I have, and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for worker compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for 11 performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ';l( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required I Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which tt permit is issued: My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. at Carver 111TAI'G ;W'UND Policy No. ("wO2000?.)l;s)t (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or les: ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issue I shall not employ any person in any manner so-as-lb"6lacome subject to tt workers' compensation laws of California, -and agree that)f I should becon subject to the workers' comp eng Ion -provisions of Sectiph 3700 of the Lab Code, 1 shall forthwith comply wit�thosa provisions. / Date, / r ir° Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawfu at shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, addition to the cost of compensation, damages as'provided for in Section 37( of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safe for 'a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on h app)ication. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemni & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employee 2: Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of sw permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellatio I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information correct. I agree to comply with atl City, and State laws relating to the bur dir construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upc the above:mentioned pro perty.fo inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) f. Dare r h_ F Of BUILDING PERMIT. PERMIT# td DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT �• w JOB SITE. APN :1 ADDRESS 50-21.5 ;W.4'I IMP-GUm 76i; 766.0.1, 7. OWNER CONTRACTOR] DESIGNER] EN (NEER 1,A Qtfft117A OVCHARD PAW tt E, RIS -91-JA tYtits +ryC 110'1 C•ti:lcJlon PO BOX 1';x15?`�• 95 `���.NCIT��� ���,}'C71c5Tt+y.i-t2. .S L#.QTJ.tATA, CA 92253 l',17.i7.%1'r A 0-A# 92215.3 le fti?(:())7i 1.-1941 t'l�.i.�i 16996 Dr USE OF PERMIT Is Sill PERMIT f.2C)n Aicrr lo-NLCUDE BLOCK 'l?r'iAIA, POOL OR DRIV1SY — AP1'(ZO C H1. UST 1.1, S:; CUSTOM COWS TRUCTION 5,2n.00 3 1e PORCH/P.ATIC' 1,119.00 SF r,W. tA6F..K.1ARf'0RT 1;5?1.40 STS )y is a:. E117.r.►Jf -kTED C -01.1x CIF r`(), FIV.P(:.'1'C0N 449,036.20 >. (1CY1 NJ T11.UC'•T1O11 FEY 301-10x)0-1) E-000 $1,064,1+c1 d, PLAN CklltCK la"if',is 101 _000439-101 18 $1,511.2x! is FEY Y DFP081'f Ile 5r l+flXCHA TICAL PSE 101-000-421-00() i7? 101.OQ0420-000 PLU.MBIMID ITFS 101-000419-000 �26f.T5 Id STW.)NO k1K)TI N FRE - PLESID 141-000-x413 wIXII i in t2{�.1%1 PV0 Fet 101-000-4.23-460 $20.00 16 C)iX'E )1J9_R 94PAC:T FEES $1,907,00 A1n.T 124 PUI31.1C: PLAC-I!:S • 121~. IL 270-000445-000 ty Is at CON'S,TTW'(71TC11t,1' A:JU C11Fx'"K to ty S. if -.._..__.....,_.. TMALPF-IM.7P MSD(:)ENOW :h n. IIs g MAR 12 2003 Ig In REC INBY DATE FINALED INSPEC ANGE DE —�,� � <_ _ ,HJT - ....•r^ - - - i re : pgd-T' F,� RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings _ J - o Ducts Slab Grade ReturnAir Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck -•/ Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap - l� _ 3 F.A.U. Framing - Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final Ca / BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS a SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings - Main Drain Bond Beam y Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines - 3 Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELGCTRiCAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service. Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final / Utility Notice (Perm) - COMMENTS: 4,P A 61-s At'the presenttime, the Desert Sands Unified.School District does not collect fees on garageskarports, covered patioshvalkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for lWft. sleeping, cooking, eating ovsanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exemptfrom paying school fees at this time due to'the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that'school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.14 X 5,293 S.F. or $11,327.02 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in, this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By CC/California Bank &.Trust,- Judy Halpain check No. 24602207 Name on the check. Telephone By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent. Fee collected /exempted by Sharon Signature Funding Residential $11,327.02 .00 Payment Recd Over/Under NOTICE- Pursuantto Govemment Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that.the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run'irom thedate on which the building_or installation permit for this: project is issued, or from the date, on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the Distriws) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Originals- Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting Certificate of Occupancy Building &Safety Department This Certificate .is.issuedpursuan -,to the. requirements of Section 109' of the California. Building Code,certifying that. at the time, of issuance, this structure. was in compliance with: the provisions -'of the. Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction - and/or use, Use classification..S.F:D Occupancy Group: R=3 BUILDING ADDRESS: 50-215 HEATHERGLEN Type of :Construction:: V -N Owner of Building: LA QUINTA ORCHARD PARTNERS Building Official. /_\ Building Permit- No.: 020.3-174 Land ,Use Zone: R -L Address; . PO BOX 1716. City, ST; :ZIP: LA QUINTA CA, 92253 By: G: SHOWALTER Date: 0611:5/0.4 US'PLACE \I\ September 15, 2003 WALLING & McCALLUM /LIMITED A R C M CT E C T U'R E• PLANNING • E N O I N E E R I N'O 48460 CLUB ORME 1760) 980-0680 INDIAN WEU.B, CA 92210 FAX (780),980.0788. City of La Quinta Department of Building & Safety Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta; Ca. 92253 Re:Estancias Lot 11 Residence Lot 11 The Estancias Gentlemen I have inspected the shear walls, post and beams and their connections to the structure for This residence, and have found them to be in reasonable compliance with the drawings. G. Walling; A.I.A. JGW/mlm . 0- .2/5" \I\ Mar. 11, 2002 WALLING & McCALLUM / LIMITED A R.0 M I T E C T'u P E • 'P L A N N I WO • E N G I N E`E A 1'N O 49-990 CLUB DPNE 17601 390.0290 INDIAN YYELL9, CA 92290 FAX 17601 360-0799 City of La Quinta Department of. Building & Safety Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: The Estancias Lot 11 , Heartherglen La Quinta, Ca. Gentlemen I have reviewed the truss calculations and find them to be in compliance with the drawings. Y JoJrd G. Walling, A.I.A. 7GW/mlm M V-1-LIM UIPPAI' 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA nUINTA, CA 92258 (760) 777-7075 LIST OF BUILDING PAD ELEVATION ENTITLEMENTS Building pad elevations are an approval aspect of the. development entitlement when each tentative map is approved by the City Council. The building pad elevations appearing on the tentative map, or otherwise conditioned in the Conditions of Approval, are the approved (entitled) elevations pursuant to .documents presented at the public hearing and considered :in the Environmental Assessment. Building pad elevations can, not be changed without seeking. specific review and -approval of the proposed revision. Each- proposed revision is reviewed on a case by case basis.. The first level of review is performed in the Engineering Department via the Fording of Subsawfihf Conformance process. The second level of review is employed only if a Substantia/ Conformance Finding'is denied and the applicant desires to seek approval of the proposed revision from the Planning Commission and City Council. PE = Pad Elevation RPEI#). = Revised Pad Elevation, where # is the revision number for the,whole tract TRACT 26524 ( 44 Lots) Lot 1 PE = 48.7 Lot 2 PE = 49.0 Lot 3 - PE = 49.0 Lot 4 - PE _ 49.5 Lot 5 - PE = 49.7 Lot 6 - PE 49.5 Lot 7 - PE = 4.8.8 Lot 8. - PE = 48.5 Lot 9 -- PE = 48.4 Lot 10 - PE 47.4 Lot 11 PE 47.0 Lot 12 =46V.- Lot .Lot 13 - PE = 44.25 Lot 14 - PE = 43.0 Lot 15 - PE = 42.4 Lot 16 - PE = 43.2 Lot 17 - PE = 43.3 Lot 18 - PE = 43.7 Lot 19 - PE = 43.7 Lot 40 - PE '= 44.3 Lot 41 - PE = 44.5 T.~EPTDevdW%Pe& En#dements1TM26624.wpd Lot 20 - PE = 43.5 Lot. 2.1 - PE = 44.5 Lot 22 - PE = 47.5 Lot 23 PE = 48.0 Lot 24 - PE 48.9 Lot 25 - PE = 48.9 Lot 26 PE = 49.1 Lot 27 - PE = 48.5 Lot 28 - PE = 48.4 Lot 29 PE = 47.5 .Lot 30 PE = 47.3 Lot 31 - PE = 48.2 Lot 32 - PE = 48.4 Lot. 33 - PE = 48.5 Lot. 34 - PE = 45.5 .Lot 35 - PE = 45.5 Lot 36 - PE = 45.5 Lot 37 PE 45.5 Lot 38 - PE 45.0 Lot 39 - PE = 44.1 Lot 42 - PE = 44.1 Lot 43 PE = 44.6 Lot 44 - PE. = 44:5 Page U of 1 651 E, Northridge Ave: lm w PAT"LL ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. Glendora; CA 91741 ., PH; (626) 335-4362 • FAX: (626) 963-4812 ENGINEERING DETAIL FOR, SURCHARGED POOL WALL AND BOULDER DETAILS ESTANCIA 11 50,215 HEATHER GLEN LA QU INTA, CA. R J O w No. G322'994 T- 1 CFV11. P OFC. DATE: APRIL 9, 2003 ENGINEER: DOUGLAS R. FERRELL RCE #32994, CALIFORNIA 651 E. NORTHRIDGE AVE. GLENDORA, CA 91741 (626) 335-4362 -Pk- C, 9,00f & I I Sheet of: L,e,Lt,4 s '. Uj PKI - T6 '� 'DC Ney:;) 7--- 4F FES AIFTIUL COQ CD 'co wa: NIO. -32994 Ex 'p. c_; 3 CMA.! F CA Poor., Project:. PATRELL ENGINEERING Client: GROTJPv INC. Engineer: 651 'E. Northridge Ave. PH! (626) 335-4362 Glendora, CA 91741 FAX: (626) -4812 Dateg:j.. -Pk- C, 9,00f & I I Sheet of: L,e,Lt,4 s '. Uj PKI - T6 '� 'DC Ney:;) 7--- 4F FES AIFTIUL COQ CD 'co wa: NIO. -32994 Ex 'p. c_; 3 CMA.! F CA Poor., Project OEM- --PATRELLL --ENGXNEERING = GROIJPI INC. Engineer: 651 E. Northridge Ave PH: (626) 335-4362 Glendora, CA 91,741 FAX.Date: Sheet (626)-963-4812 1 .�-_ of: *w t )Ir=Fn"4- Fe"FOF4Ar 64M 17WRAS lbft OW) NCtFfs: (r^Oz CCO. 2. tmwk- jIV 41UOL- cels &W7040 90"6, I. Dec bk%A. %rCAAM4-kA- -POOL Verm -T 01, 2v u d let. ?7e iktl X LJ No. Exp. �Ipgx CAIS J Project; =-= PATRELL ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. Engineer: 651 E. Northridge Ave PH: (626) 335-4362 Glendora, CA 91.741 FAX: (626) 963-4812 ' Date: -VsVM4 VE:�—qs'0 CSA w C- L- 0�>J t w -r& P�V? o FC -F = 5005 1 6 o T3 Sheet '� of YLIF Z o, 000 X 9 x 41` ca _—e .�. ze .aeCo ONO. 032994 r u r Exp+./o6 CMV! P A1� QFC ---- PATRELL ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. 651 E: Northridge Ave PH: (626),335-4362 Glendora, CA 91.741 FAX: (626) 963-4812 P00C, UJ4LL- WFT14 SV tZ(A4 AT -11- o" Vsm lot 000 X X Ga AT 2)'i- n" Project:S Engineer:, V Date: �1 :� To 3501 ` l6 R�-,`5123'ib xl2 _ buPE�� P4T 125-499 It T— M e> O �Cr- 1- Lp to 0 (p 3 Ar y= tow 27'th 1.4I2 _ ,sn°urvF- 0101 000 X • 9 `x 6 Sheet of "�:- dam= Co`' t 2 - #4 WFCT Ul,e Ivz to" cas= -11 4 3c° ke o -t- t Z-w4pmflr: R. F t<` 2 No. 32994 rt 'Exp. 610F OFCA1.� Project: PATRELL ENGINE]ING Client: c_ G GROUP, INC. Engineer: 65.1. -L,. Northrida Ave. PH- (818) 335-4362 3 '� Glendora. CA 91740 FAX* (818) 963-4812 date. Sheet of COOR�'11�1A.-rES �1= CRITICAL '�lrlTS • y ti - -- MOMENT DUE -To 5011 PREs ueE SUMMEp AeouT C21"C1«iL 'F�riJT • STRAIGHT WALL 4- &)NO f5EAnn :41 -SCS m TAY -FE n.6ou-r TH r--5 Ppl NT i N wb uaE C i - Goo.R,Q1�lA.-rEs y - R ( Cos 33' . r w " NeC32994 r 11 Cr O'CAL� ' R X" 1' -O' . 455. 83g Z. e)4 .59 .4 3._p.. V-0" .455 g39 3.34 .54 V20 I'155 '4.7(-0 : 3z 1.13 2.oq� 5.(00 1:3 Co T- 0 " 5'-V 3`6o" I. 5,4 4 2 ,4 35 (D • 4 4 \.C1 S' -O„ 3'-0" 4'-(o" 204g 3.714 -7-2.-7 2.,a5' 5`6d' Co" .00 & -Cd' 2,,q(90 .5.45L. 8:95 3.54`. w " NeC32994 r 11 Cr O'CAL� ' Earth Systems Consultants MIS/ Southern California. 79-811B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)'345-1588 (800) 924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 October L 1997 Tri-State:Engineers 78-035 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Attention:. Mr. Dale. Grinager Project: Tract 26524,. Lot 11. La Quinta, California Subject: Percolation Testing for On-site Storm Water Disposal Dear Mr. Grinager. File No. SS -6620-P1 97-10-703 As requested, we have performed infiltration testing forthe proposed on-site storm water retention on the above referenced project. Two tests were performed in the area of the proposed retention basins. The infiltrometer ring_ s were set in place on September 22, 1997, presaturated on September 23, 1997, with final testing performed on. September 24,.1997. Testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM D.2285 utilizing a double -ring infiltrometer. Test results are as follows: Test Inches Per Hour 1 1.7 2 5.8 The infiltration rate provided is an ultimate value and has not.had a,safety factor applied. Since the water to be introduced into the system will beprimarily stormwater runoff; the potential accumulation of silt and other debris being washed into the retention basin should be addressed. The site soils consist primarily of very fine to fine, grained silty.sands with a small clay fraction. The percolation test was performed at approximate elevation of the proposed basin bottom. The approximate test location is indicated on the attached Site Map, Figure 2. The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are .based in part upon. thedata obtained. from the two test holes. The nature and extent of variations between the borings may not become evident until construction. If variations then, appear evident, it will be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of this:report. Findings of this report are valid as of this date. However, changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time whether they be due to natural processes or works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from, legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one (1) year. j• October 2, 1997 -2- File No. SS -6620-P1 97-10-703 In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the development are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to insure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project and are incorporated .into the plans and specifications for the. project. It is also the owners responsibility, or his representative, to insure that the necessary:steps are taken to see that the general contractor' and all subcontractors cavy out such recommendations in the field. It i& further understood that the owner or his representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies. Earth Systems Consultants Southern California has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the client and authorized agents. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranties, either expressed or implied, are made as the professional advice provided under the terms of this agreement, and included in the repom We thank you for the opportunity, to be of service. If any questions arise, or if additional information is desired, please do nothesitate to give us a:call. Sincerely, EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS Southern California Craig S. Hill, C. SER/pc 'r�OFCA ' Distribution: 2/Tri-State Engineers l/BD File 1/VTA File EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOU HMCALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 AVENUE 50 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 �•r STONEGATE NOT TO SCALE LEGEND LOCATION OF PERCOLATION TESTS #2 SITE MAP TRACT 26524, LOT 30. HEATHER GLEN & STONEGATE IA QUINTA; CALIFORNIA EARTH SYSTEMS" CONSULTkWM IoAm- 10/1/97 mE N0.. SS -6620-P1 FIGURE 2 File Name: Td - State IM File No. SS -6620431 %#Odnov MMp ....... . ....... ii 8 La Quintai • Base: La Quinta, California quadrangle map photorevised 1980 0- 2000 ft • Earth Systems Consultants Southern California Figure 1 Memo To: Tom Hartung From: Donald L. Schulze CC:, Dais: 1/2/2002 Re: Tract 26524 Lot 11 Hydrology A hydrology analysis was performed for the above referenced., lot, utilizing Riverside County Flood Control District synthetic unit hydrograph method forrthe 100 -year storm event. Retention basins were sized to ,provide storage for the 3 -hour storm with a minimum factor of safety equal to two (2), The required storage for the '3 -hour storm is approximately 1,357 cubic feet. Actual storage provided is equal to 3,188 cubic feet. Please:refer to attached calculation sheet. Should you have any questions regarding the analysis, please,feel free to call me at (760) 323-5344. y� R• S�y�lc �\ 0 46 8 Exp. 12'/31/02 RCFCO SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD PROJECT: BASIC DATA CALCULATION FORM. NAI JOB+# SHORTCUT METHOD BY THE ESTANCIAS - LOT 11 200149 DLS DATE 12/21%2001 DURATION 3 -HOUR ' PHYSICAL DATA 24-HOUR EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 0:74 [111 -CONCENTRATION POINT 0:47 FLOOD VOLUME (cu -ft)" (acre -ft) RETENTION BASIN 1,548 0.04 2 .AREA DESIGNATION REQUIR D STORAGE (cu=ft) (acre -ft) FACTOR OF SAFETY STORAGE PROVIDED (cu -ft) (acre -ft)' 1,357 0.03 Z35 LOT 97 0.00 32.87 [31 AREA- ACRES PEAK Fl- (cfs) 0:95 0.76 0:10 0.640 45.771 45.581 45:08 4 L -FEET 254 5 L -MILES 0.048 [61 La -FEET' 125.00 La -MILES 0.024 [81 ELEVATION OF HEADWATER 46.5 [91 ELEVATION OF: CONCENTRATION POINT 44 10 H -FEET 2.5 11 S-FEET/MILE 52.0 [121 SA0.5 7.21 13 L'LCA/SA0:5 0:000 [141 AVERAGE MANNINGS'N' 0.02 [151 LAG TIME -HOURS 0.02 18 LAG TIME -MINUTES 1.0 [171100% OF'LAG-MINUTES 1.0 [181200% OF LAG=MINUTES 2.1 H91 UNIT TIME-MINUTES100%-200%.OFLAG) 5 [241 TOTAL PERCOLATION_ RATE (ds) 0.04 RAINFALL DATA [1] SOURCE' (2] FREQUENCY -YEARS 100 3 DURATION:- 3=HOURS 6 -HOURS 24 -HOURS 141 [5] POINT AREA RAIN INCHES Plate E5.2 [6] [7] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [e] POINT RAIN INCHES Pl2te,E-5.4 [9] [10] AREA [11] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [12] POINT RAIN INCHES Plate E-5:6 [13] [14] AREA [15] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES 2:00 0:640 1.00 2:00 2.50 0.640 1:00 Z50 4:25 0.640 1.00 4.25 0.00 0;00 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0:00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 SUM [5] 1 0:84 SUM [7J [16].AREA ADJ FACTOR 1 ADJ AVG POINT'RAIN 2:00 SUM [9] 1 0:84 SUM [11] 2.50 1.000 2.50 SUM.1131 1 0.64 SUM [15] 4.25 1.000 r4.2l 1:000 2.00 STORM EVENT SUMMARY DURATION 3 -HOUR ' 6 -HOUR 24-HOUR EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 0:74 0.67 0:47 FLOOD VOLUME (cu -ft)" (acre -ft) 1,727' 0:04 1,548 0.04 1,085 0.02 REQUIR D STORAGE (cu=ft) (acre -ft) FACTOR OF SAFETY STORAGE PROVIDED (cu -ft) (acre -ft)' 1,357 0.03 Z35 1,027 0.02 3.10 97 0.00 32.87 3188 0.07 PEAK Fl- (cfs) 0:95 0.76 0:10 MAXIMUM WSE ft 45.771 45.581 45:08 Plate E-2.1 Page 1 of 1